HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-7-16, Page 44 THUSsDAT, July 11. 19,08 •, • , .1.6n"44 L t"' ' s / • • THE SIGNAL: GODERICII. ONTARIO $. • • • $ • • $ • • 64. '0.1(414't 4 %1 Quebec's Great Fete. Story of How city Was Founded by _Champlain. s Heroes of Canada's Early Years Doughty Deeds of Wolfe and Montcalm --How Battle Was Won on t" e Plains of Abraham- Union of rwoCreat Nations CoMmemorated. t . • Ia ' . • , I. • • taltvit Hr hien Upult a spot 111.10 Chriniplaia.TV011e And Mentadm-- th'it river mow identified by the 'u, - to Frenchmen and one Englishman -tier of Notre lime stnot and Sous tit - are the three names around whose Fort in Lower Tow»). ALM At triter. set mole/ries will centre, Most Closv.4 -tbri,the tura to work: ens.' cutL114 down interest in the Tereantengeg. 'colebra- ' trees,. and sawing ;ileitis. ,uthers dig- -deo at- Quebec) from July Illth 10_,the ' j.4441. 1 i . ,..1.11.uks and malitie ,ditchee. the 41st. The three hundred years since the city WM founded is divided into twu almost equal periods From 1601t tu 1759, 1151 years, extended the Irruedi regime in North America, Inaugurated by the Sienr de Champlain - Front 1759 to 1908. I. years, the English. regime. of which the. ,menurrable-betc tle on the 'Plains of Abraham marked •the beginning. . , - Intrepid Pioneses.._ ..4 Among the heroic names thut tliongt •the annals of French °carnation1d 'Cituada. perhaps the ireatett is that of Champlain. the first Frenchman ' Who dreamed of a greater France in '----- the. New WOild.-IG•foie -fie-ToW• --. Quebec there was not a single Euro. 4rean settlement on the Adriatic coast .north -of Florida- "Cain's porgott'of - ' • - . • . Au IILLPULD LA t SLIM. Ithe earth, Fretioh stadesgton had de- '•. Iasi ...indult put up s.,.., the magic - signated the northern land. at wilder- 44thitehcinise, In AA; 144,4, wah.- 3 large cellar. Thr !Wing ntuarters iaere th three wings il two stories., ....eh le x 15 fek, with it pillory under it,.. 4-k...A -lari•---niebssii, .assid "en \shut.' habitation was surrounded 'by .4 di.tch_ur\ molt fifteen feu wide and fret deejp. At several points were vii which ...noun -were- iteauited Not' much" Is known .or how the ,.lfill ,-,1 French es• -•-1 the gine INA 1,1.4 winter at Q.10.-., 'file •lo.w' , 1.0 .1.. p almost - 4-10- -teatertaluni -frora-__ J arlititielr-lte- Apnl. Of 11... tNeisty-eeven .._, .4 twenti-eight men 111.1 lie place. 11! - ti 4 t....more died V seurcy end tlysen. •• e„. VW/ 1.-ry. It was with the tjkriatest relief A, A'Igl •;"; - tlitrflosurplaiii:und fli ii-rs- remain-- - .; tug' learned that Pont \ t ;rave had 'again arrived from 'France with men idled anti anti vli. t and pruvirione. ' nese fit only for the aboriginal red. Three Hundeed Warelors. • . man. 1 About tyle middle (.1 June ,there ap- To the Intrepid Chruuplidir's muat upon the scene twu Or three . be' added another great 'name. From iundred -warrior, of the Mo taguais._, -teasel. liehc" Po8bed on snt:1 elltibilittl-Tii1-Arijouquiu ' tel .I. who ed e fort and tradiug poet et the rite ' were not elow to. remind Ch plain - of the,city-of Kingston. 1 of the promise Made -six rears before • So fur 150- years. went un the thrill- , to 'ussiat them in their st.i: . I &Mat „..,.... itrh.,. IT 0f , e,,,war,'",..." with '''' ' the frugueis Chaznolain. evia . Ring - fJi...r CODJ• lam -.Vt.,. . reSM 111AW t Irjli• . , 18 101 runt Gray, ocmciude‘i hat ,,,,,,, vindictive Indiana.. and all thee -while .yt as the time tu win the frien shi -of it monarchy at liume that made the I , tir.-ie 'allied .. tribes,- -.sjid their ass at- life of tortilla Aftfr tfoTerliur I, heart,- tome In -the- diseuverWs--be breaking irtruggle egiiinst unfaithful= • Make in their own um, the. e e ... nese. And all this *tory 'will be re.4 .country, or i.4., .h.44,t,,,,,,L,,,,,,,,, _____ ' ackd in the Fillf"E" 4t• Mue'6"e. - which uould greatly increase the A Night Escalade. •, At length can't the challellge Of the --r: F.nglisti for the posseseiun of •the New • - World; the delicate Wolfe,' sent out` • ' --hy the great Pitt; the rinfft-encalane7- ot the heights $ibove the battlemented • ' , city and the vietury of September. 13. _. :-.,. 1759, when the tau gallant !Madera, -.r. Wolfe and Muntealtri, fell. The fol. . lowing spring id St. Toye, two 'Miles --:`; •• west of Quebec. the French toweled • 7/ - the English garrisuri and forced them .to retire. Tbegreetyrie.arirliltekely1,10,-. theive-Orthe • ':8,I $$ , 58 ' bloody a tight ia's that ul 1759, w the English lost tifsi. and the French -.'.. • Hence comes the seisunsi part a the Quebec celebration -,-- tile Wolfe and lifuntealtn mernisrlittr-the "Qttebee" ttattlefielsla Fund" -Ito purchase as is mational park the land -open which 'the sirmiaa-cd: the ;el. -race- tele* fought. Unworthy luillilings; (Inc id „matt id int further them u jail. now disfigure it. l'or tosideS belag a blow to the fur e this purpose $500.000 is being raised, so necessar to defray expenses. .. and most of it has been sec With nine- ther Frenchmen. Chain- flut the nationalizing of the ground plain embark with the Indians Up of combat is nut to commemorate vic- the Richelieu ey made their way tory. but u • . the union cemented cautiously to e lake Which now ftY fbe loyal stand id tile': French at _bears the eiplori s natne. Near the the tune of the revolt Of the Ameriean place now called 'town Point, Chain- cobries and thereafter. It k a union plain hall his first 'ght with the !re- tina is typified in the joint monement uoi. . I ergel • til the surprise erected to Wolfe trod Montealtil' 10 and the execution canned by the white 111111 and their firearms, the allies wore touipletely victorious. ' Early in September, Putt (HOY'. and ipliiiti, leaviiig Cap in Pierre chavin of Dieppe in ch e of the liabtlidiun,_witli_litteen . sailed. ter France, where they at unci report . the events yrid.iliscirreries of tb' past ...1 to He Mutits mid His Majo\ity un ..iti. To the Kang Champlain pre- sented a ceinture of porcupine quips,- .. itieee of liadien worktiiiinship iv' uhich IIis Majesty was moth plea . Profits of Fur Trade. Ile brought wttli htuti ht young wife. Hel-rwRaille. amblee sleot the next live yeare it Quebee. Ile was vexed to Arid &h hlatibilitation in a ve ery n ioctudCattle In the Ale. 'The winter ul NZ; ilia ir tk hithitatrett aft)" nen. wantsn wet children. Punt Grave, was tio ill that be could France next gayer with provisions.- with his faintly for Frence. after Rini fu let Cludiplain resolved to leaire had "winWroil five..yeats, in the comp try, with more huldshrit than *As Ilitt onisery, owing to tlia.hiek--ul earti_un the part of the Asaut lute*" • - Returning to Qutl...e July 5, Inst. Ultudein.did iiiid the habitation is sr tilavikuort1 41. hd teen promis- ed, nhi, the fort Naas just as it had herrn 1,f t. It saw- ttial- ruler+ - time wa- lost in the kill: ,11141111..r thlylt by going front tlist-ltabitatiouW, the-nals 1tel*1 titi.10.1..m. at r'ip Tonettiente„ be• tok trresaus. t. make hay. So he had a hainfie and stable built there, uud sent the (:Uttii. 111hd.I .1X 110 It -titrittl 1111.1 lltd. 141,1.14.1te Qui vision of a cid- ini% traLie.: 1.'4 • . coke.; u int 't lin e. ss -r- .4iI6 ei x ,..' •••N.'11 certain height, weight and proportions Fe? 41L12 la_Is _and ph_ysiquit,types, $41 tad the Cuau tjoi iitintlajesj_ no, more han JINN, of 1!ie properly balance' lof filen sod. d familia.... tune settler. Abra- ._ hm„. ,;,.. • aMartin. after% aril: le t'11t1lt ri q .i, m , 4/Sem-ready Tailoring is an evolution of instent. The habits and customs iiirsiter years hit'e been conquered, smFthe best tressed merrare today buying " Semi-ieady " Clothts l'he finest imported woollen fabric) ale tailored into Suits of varying si/e an can ' trY on " and judge Es hinisetf tiii*----flie suit becomi'l-fiti style and individuality, how it Inset his view Or fancy. Should any littt )1, glratio be tiegessahA iv, tainiplicit oi) 1\ fatr1- 41... -In leak.* ',maga thc Pla t 11A' r d t The readier companies had. mitt., no effort, to-entairti•41 volon,.. ttio 1411,1 haft tin, fens poop!, 2lit without the meal* ..l aiat L. the land, 1.4 an at vent. .ae. • e Lel vt I,:, dea,, I ier 11$11 I 414 $ l'$$ !we - possible in two Semi -ready two-tiece Suits, r_ 315 and and hold tfieIr thane ' of the Sm 1 -ready sySiesif tnkes cif xSIII...4.111 MON REN T. II 4144 Ir 11..14-i4s any ineenttie to worts: 11D. U•Dlibl•be VDtthq4 -Chi. Ogee mitered AMR'. huntd_ and Li -!....I. mi.! I:111..1,1 one u,a‘. ,,ttered tticsioadves. • • ffetIlils Vessel Arrives. . thied.c; 1.1.:.11 *. rvant. (nail- ing - %%1th-iv-air -• ff.:4f -r.-ots. reported 11.1. 1+' had ....sit all f:fivli-ti .•••,e1 a 1.1.11'411. Iran the habitation Leve.. t•Initinif.ani • as- aenibled all the Jespoienible., 111..11 4411..11 •Itot.• -4444e ..444frioeoty -44 wan-trli +4110- with. 004 pro% iLli sr '.11111111.111111ull it 41 °Uhl •11e 1.1.de-vs_1.4 1.1..y.4.1.; bola to .% boat t-1.Teskil4t1v1..i1..C-_11 tr ate landed anti f.114i-leiliAt to1111111311 Vitr 11 ie 114. 1.oiti- , 11... aet mfor apt Kirke. 't hoj tsi Chain lot coal t etc t ter all letatein. end u lair Aga eu ,,-114444. the Ceti. ' of l Itilt noir 1.. lo eed tip - 11 - tittriii4TITTT: i a. i.letrTtit,l' r. to yield. The I:ter...anent • 1 154 1114usl 11144 kWh null iewssivrAur 1' Semi -ready-' • (14 -*LEAN BROS., The PalaciCiothingStore •GODERICti, ONT. EAST- HURON RESULTS.•. -- A -useful Candidatee in Entrance amilation. give Is low -"the mores of the ibe neve clot:nue, Aot ij iondidites '',.(;\.ite 1,11 jn thir, As W11.1, 111.. 10111.;111.111.11V111. 01 lho4i4 4 h,11-, di -Ilk -10i . ,Soine inni• plaint.: weir M.. al as to the ifitlfr: Ili. aritidne e111 get %ear v tattier. lett145 t • • examiners sPfl -.thin ill it is Me diaei lion exa tttt ing the 1.4 pore no 1.111 11141 t• Knife' ed aeciiiiiit iittlessepapt .111. ...)1 number!• f itsks i,, es".."„ nt 111,, .1 tiIfltll.lttI lllll . train :el. Mark, .inti to obrain tumors ..1 lam t lutiy 0 MIDSUMMER SALE Closes at 10 p. in. on Saturday the I8th. Aissesseata We will close ,our great Midsummer Sale with two Monster Bargain Days, Friday and Saturday, the i7th and i8th. We will make these two great selling days, when what is left of summer goods will be put at prices that- !:bould see the last of everything seasonable. No need to nam-.! reduced goods, for there are sale figures on everything. Come in one of these days and get a great -big bargain in something. Friday and Saturday of this Week. remirmillnlimum Th.!. Square J. H. Colborne 0 0 = It l• 41 soh ilk NI dot Oke Jedide Itovenhick - • - 1. tea. ` • N• Wog stt It '.1 rianite-t• Wiry Mot,' ia . Thos. Thalia' . J.... Nlarrisou M .1v Plainasal 'eed '.lin seat lireia--; • ney Ilemittell IV. It eh subon M. (.: rionol.117T' 'AL 1). Riley Ilettliact t', I.. Huss,. . .Itieeseli 114%1 K..1111 1i1114 • E hill It. Sr, [rem: lie.T.is .1.,i, scoi t M. E Li...Licit 1 , T. KO; t . F.41. Ntliettli li ,ti stiaw ' .1..s-.-Metitaill .1 ts sills ' - W. Afeletosh .t. 1tiO Oat - - --- Jean )l t' silkly: Ti l p14011 he, hy E. I'. Wtitteley It ariti,‘ , mii1.4,it Ernaweis %Vitale - ireseennt. It iVi'lltlet.ttl• 011 Nit Lavis • - Etlirer Torrance- 0111 in. and wote_rentAti_116.1.114.44!lt that voted seneette Reitt ' . ' Ilt•wsr. tall% ‘... ., . . Ph ASiititeli•-thi-rtel-Wtti,tir I - 4.1144,11 sortie-ntintttrtrfrefareetttriturvi ' e-wrixt- 1 lien decided 1.i 44... timing!' the . 11,11 irl ital.-. l'fit• it issag-, w.ut il.d. i'ed owing 1,,' the f,wt. thill Iliti•e'ra •1.• welai_Jar tit ilig .1., 4.,_. - 1,11illitilie i illettithl 1 Iiiaii igILI Mt, .'atimlia 1 I.wk• ritsir w is, at the K,•w 14.3a 1 • 1oek la•Itet. the 1, ..i .iil...iit, tti •iill..,4 illitril O14rt-Titt61- it, the 'fhwerti unit 11,814, This slioa., tha1 the i :We , hilt'''. COW PPI$Pile nit h1111..$1 t 1!$.4 $ 'Min 1111 I lit „ini11.1i$1 et, . 'kir! t 'IVY 31 ‘1 ri4.41 211 'I !iv 1....4, tivIn.111t.i_•10 Iiii11111., - liefOre 11..• 11ill'iotie, v..iiiiig io ITh A•kitillt..i[i_iliii .1.1144. 44441i1tlii.,,ljav I lioVectotient *bd. too it 1:2.4. ' l'ass-ot zee. on 41+ • II orotiie satt, th.• A...dilate...4_, teeti the II otwitic he at til - tb-C-0;iiiittli-,... that waillistwtert die vegaele w nen they polled out of ‘, 1'..,-t Arthur Tuesday afternoon. • - "Nlother„ tiler.mother4.4.turn .11,0 Guderich 0=0=r -I ..=w...e---nnmaw-samormmi s parent, "Von.% 4, put in 51(1inga en the wtamir side mil !" was the • reply. FRUITS Imeedni ine 1- er-led a little I4i R. .in Atalli 1411 Shinning deesie 1:. AY..lker ltHorbvt' wio. 4lit''.inliC 1 l i ll tit t Klgin m.,,„,,„ • - " . - - [Mg. "'It Itat do you mean 1M nun to must be taken./ The marks I that failed were tri 00 s 111i1.14S1.:1.4. Erma A nil' e win Vtotet Barge Fern Ileae LilhIc liedwrtl tehl.ade tirdWIT I I otter P ev n mii laze ` Caiter I1,ulsh Nwhitt 'Wellinirtim..Cook-,/ Clamart _O'Neil.- t tt i cook • 44 ,1,11-! Pais'ey • h tell Pnekett Peisrl Visieli Mai y Reynolds . try I. Fly 1411 Nellie Itohimeci Mary J. filauzier Fred It , Russell thertind .1.4. Smith.. Cyril Hoare lh 'Tyndall ary.A. Jicklaus, Annie %Welker vis Johnson Huth %Valkinsh E let Kerr Wilmer W'allis Lew Lawson • Frank %William Vera dolt - • NI' in. Met lilac a* Geo. MeKenzie Willie Stillei Irene iller Helena Mallfeloo ist V 1,iAi.uI t!'i t1i I. -,-Lie flat nht Arntetrotte %%IMP I.ong J/11•11..1 Arnett ping Ernes' Edith, Heldman %V yinati Spin -ling Mt it irt 1115 M ton. Tle.inievon le.steit. Gerry It 1V-rwiek :114 1.1' .• Kathleen W'ilton l'a1.1 rke, It1v4n,tt the ...-.AP...,."lialat,a'- Alit Iltut W4innie 1.0114 f" s"41' r • Kobrtt Hell Mgglid‘ "L4"Hri111Ttl1'r'1tl:;1:tiati.4 twamett taraov;; 1411,1 11 rt. • 11VAf11iii1 1.41111;:1:11 (1.:11/"Ilii.k11)'1141111* 1.;:er111;%1V11)..k"711:11 U• .111 •1`11 anakt,6±Fi 11,141,.,, AN1.111.11,1•1•1'1;a11•14..., pirmAnt lteyme ?.lc i uircey i -.-ie Ue a 1ti:uirptrm -terra mwear nuPt - upon anifins,,tobir and C41011 tliat they shied.' nerd Is uith intat, 1 - for bb.- resters roil t-4-ritliti4dr. 'Restored to 'France. • The trtiity,n1 C. 'ormaiii-eieloye war -zigneet• arch - 144-12 flt• it Queloe was restored t Franee. Riehldien, who 1 • constituted hirrkelf Superintendent Navigation and !re. fornicil new eon', flair... Eck a Frank Show N't v t 1 Eekinier Artie Shaw 111o..1 11.11111i18111411d011 I nio• Ent ler • Hugh Smith ites Maser Alma Speiristi • It lir y Cassie J. Stewart - Chau ell ntisiolil Leslie Switzer tlatyry thranerr Wiltree Exuma Hunter - ikeito'arship forlienseels P. S., Edith Deaden / - Situ %h.), f,.i' lurid school', Vete F.-riot:T., tittle', 41tei-- part (trotthe theta de Monte took in the beginning/ of the Cann- dian aptito be overlook- ed. or imileresttnated. , It was, as al - natty. sant,_.nmter:IttrittleInceli th4l, lie• poet wart established at Quebec Vi 44441.. and nowalthough he was not Ade to procure a renewal et the mono - 1.. poly of the fm• trade, he would not 1427 fo their "oommuti" valor death etre up the eub.rnrioe, so anxious was and the putation that has since en• h. that it ehould,succasd to the glory dured. As he ineriptiun rends: end honor 01.144s country. Amorist - ...nig hints'.fl with souse userchanta of Rouen. 144• resolved, to continue Ni n at Quebec and finish the de wilder ion of the St. Lawrence, trust- ing tl it the proflte of the fur trade Landed at uebee. %soul defray the expense. It way tat July I that Charm R toning to Canada in April, 1810, phiiii landed •at Quebec. tin his first Cli 'fantail' found the winterers -- as voyage, in 1603. when 11. ad sailed th4y eame to be called -in good Mete nit the St. Lawrence he ail leon 44 the habitation. Alter another fight .'truck with the strategic poe. 'bilities with the Iroquois up the Richelieu. of the pint. Kebee, as 411, lNdil1I,. in whieh he had hie ear cleft by an called it. where the great river. ar- arrow tipped 'witit sharp stone, ('ham. rowed to three-quarters of a tit e. plain occupied 'hintself in erecting• a When the Sieur de Mntenot di1 palisade ;,round this habitationand rouraged by the failure of the Port putting thinp generally in order. The. Royal venture, had Atieeeeiled in ob. ewly.made gardens were ti pleasant training .the eteltlidve privilege of the t*t, vegetables, 'terry fine In, fur trade. though only for*.at, Rhtt ttta corn,. rye, barley and grapevinee. determined to makevenother effort to Later hamplain had some rose trees estnblish a eettlement in the new set Ott1' world, Champlain- advised • That it ' F#P,ndshlp With ',Wow. should be this time un the St. Law- ! For sev years the !settlement at P01145. where the traffics with the. no- Quebec w little progress. Giarn- twee inland could be ClIrried OR by plain hail not i,,eh time to devote way nf the great river and where the personally to the ?fairs of the hahi• "habitatirm" might be situated in a tntinti. !fig Auntie s were ejont for place capable of being defender! tnore . the met! 'loot in e iding his ex - effectively than in Aeadie, with its ploratione, iti visit. to he Algonquin rnany ports and landing planets. De and Iltifon rountriee, c enting the Monte recognized the wisdnri of this frie-nJ.),ip nf 414.0 trib for the adviee. In the Prring cif WO he fitted French end enereiraging the to tiring twn vowels Pont Grire derided their pelleterie to the tradth to trade with the Review. Inc fun., set ireler. .1 he ttsult Ste. I.nnis ohrl Ott pail in the fir tor Tarlonsae, and Three ftitrti Alt/lla eerry winter Champlain. Is the lientenant of De (mind him In rtiossr,-ko.ringthf. I. 'Monts in the siseend with the sap- fairs of the onuntry before threas i plied" nweassaary for the beginning of authorit, sad endlitavoring te stir up the eettlement, an interest in eolenizing the place Carting Down Trees When rhamplatn arrived tn salt can vim to nisei obi la l. bad- 1111. thg nri!-TIP'*^Y. ill July' "k Arrived at Q1101454, ramplein's find PoRstwitteql Inc the Doe do \font -mot- . 'Mort,' Pam M011111111•11 virtus commune's 11 Historia, m 11111tPlIt/1/1 It s' y tiring VI 1.• til 11 l'AS74.Trenton .1, Mt itch I ...la E.1144ig14y, -.Frank MeCoughey tel Coel.efirleArvdrie Methwran. W t, .vu. • . W. Hoy N tegele NI I tlikon. Plunkett W.. i.• I Kenta E. PL•fier EI,Itt Ku k.• too.] I( ;ward lionertlms 1, // , 1,1 1..,I1'. Lipner TierthrtY • 41 u NI. NI. I I. Pearl Taman (4,5.' NI4t111 lharrithy Tiernny 1.1,1.3 S idle J. Watton WIttrIETElt. mewing. or Madmen i Eldon Wallace . 14814. lnenlo si ha II (lot -don Mort item Meggie :Orison James Pertin John 1)4 Itt #4,I)- Ito lei Della tinting ford 115541 14AtillilerO1W1 Janet Doll kiln.. Inglis Se e4sn s.e1 Ill mi tim Nbiggleliansiderson Vet lit I la; ri Kell* Smith NIA; j trle 1..A- 1 11 wendolens !Snell I gain, MeNang tonWalter Stalft•rd Jobe Millie Wortley Strong • 1111.' *try vantetrin- Kennedy 14114 I tevidson IrII Ketr Annie E. Geddes tnk MecItitchie Ihidley Holmes* Ye le Nicholls M. III) lllll th Mamie Adams 1."(140.111 ohnee Rose Anderson Alb% 1 g ritM is t1 -..'I Jith nnivIle !fleck G. ItilicOntm It 11-11 Allen Kne tel Kt el lireliwRit (Mester Mci Web eapwilirehl Hell* Murchl ur 1 Alice f•', ( 1 ‘.11:: re• 11Mn thi Nic toutts Chun Mitchell Norton.' holls Vittlit Cook fliitliprayrilIi,sliceiry 14, l5 r Ohs er Peraler Morel Drumm 11'4111 Piegh lit,. A. Fergestto Arent.. •Itnirtione 4,, 1414 litionsi 1 tilioilon flannel( , Willie Wats .n Aire. Henry Nortney Wheeler Earle 111411. I ealtell* W ig h Imo n Willie Haines M. Williamson Frank Boynton SEAbly'04,115,TH• ,m F. Canby Err! Y Krum Hammett .1. chtlool Bell Helen M. Johnston Nora Cook Vera KellW44 Ifillyerd Fleet , Ilarold Johnstini ward littuftlia.1 Vern Meleenl Maggie Spence Eunice &maths= 114m wil Strong ise.tr %V.ide n 1. 11', II. u:e ie tt" 1131)11 ON;EYROt1 le DS -01,- Rival Steamers Have Ne -k- -Neck Race Arrows Labs - Sit Ste. Il14tie,q1Itit:,. Jittx 11 I, ,. most th ' ling on.11itie 'race\ in the me y of ner lake 11,9-,, Watt esinehided t at esterday tin 'fling n lib 1 lir at 11811 1I1 le id ...nom A 84,1114411.4 (0 W. P. 11.1%11111 t,11111: 1St, 'I le etb Navigat.ion_to,J.. the It, sena net. Ily a Ira • a only'. Leaving Fort, %Vahan' et I 11 Tuesday ultra tenni, the 4sisinlia with 1 • - militate,: stairthe big %Lemuel a Par thrtiugh the- .watets tit [sake Stone' Mr fur sixteen how s. Ii• a d 8 once of 270 miles between ports. With euu.4.444- •14,4hi4t41 ltruet diet r Is in heavy atreisilla end engiites poilualing like tine feet of hundreds lit fillining- thirtiPt.with l.Prx:r rdiurtault f - their tiOWn i1111 crowds of exciteti I\ pinirestisers tenni g over* he bides atul cheering 1418(41), .,r iiiitls kept mt. it all through 1 he l laid, risainnigers r,. inatirting non dra•k i teronshont -in tlw exeiiMilW111, of the Contest. • 'Ilre thirunic wan 'milt nt the 'aerie -riftrlye Ciilltriga mak Shildinilditrg -ttnt Id 11.-Jliepitaltict. l`tf Utiltilditill indite- • The Assinibuin is a Clyde.linilt lideiniier and mussed t e ocean Lust fall Er tree -own -stye" being • cut in wo to Ptti-trp-tlre - .-- mnt!was,- rejoined at Ilitifiall.f: I h rue new venerir and .the moat in ern speci- mens on the great. la es. Each steamer is about iiotl feet in ength and is deeigned for height mid passonger traffic. Their capacity in l4II4fl14 1,511u tone. • ' The face has ednaething ft , ounce eignifirance. Canadian building interests were dimaapi . , 'any 4*, tt 1)14414 11 coloyatiil• sem nit .'xja-.l atls,, to retake possession. Chanfplai with renewed hope and conniver,tnpssd to his post as plop r. 11.• -r saw Frame stain. hi the autumn f leaf, 1., ars striek- c,i by parl•i:, 151 i1e1 Chrisi-v- Inas 11, Ile au4 buried at Qubec. THE BATTLE 'OF QUEBEC. Gallantry of British and French Troops -Death 'of aders.--- • There is mi, inOre mina tie lodtle seene in the history dthe iv rid than that of the victory by allielr ngland won from Prato., itit.) a lane. insion for t11'0 centuries, the, viist linni ion of Counties • Great am that \ befit. was in it* sequenct. its Interst_ is intend by the. efountun fete 1 the oppoing, enral. who in it yielded hp their live.. for the rause of their respSetive countrie. yet won ittmeziahable fame. whirl) forever itnited their rinmee- - Wolfe .nnil Montedm. Th. eseeittnin of Motitealnt's sbawiting Canadians with liretr obey. tete musket -14 WAS 14 itinose11 to not wily by the death 1,1 Wlf, but also by the sever, sonnnling ul his senior brfgadn,r, Mo ne k t on The marksmanship of the Itritish eldt•rs must heve been equally high. vor not only watt MOTI1O4141 struek rlown. but also erieh of his throe torieadiere. Sw- 'crmes frt. Oars and Penthone.. The ft-411.11mnd of the tempo within the eitv devolved on De Ibuesay. Vateitenti. the governo, was with the section of the army guarding against a landing the Reaupert flats Rougainville h a fine bodY of troorla under him fwe ours', feriteti Pient 4e.'1P.W 111111?! .ofteloatel on pot. Lift"' .'"4:14:Wr4:1(4t4.- :k44).•)• ), d Ire To -n Hick Thos. Misled Mit * 1!' 114. ship. t ed when the C. I'. It. decided to havi-4.1ir Aiininilsois and her Flirter ell Eer- ie/din 1(11114. in Hritish In feet the Vollingwood ShiplmildMg Co. guaranteed to build the vessels up to specifications and deliver them on titne at a small profit Deer lhe cost of,production. The C. P. It. people. however. ile• cidiel to send the ordern axioms tbe Atlantic ea the moat economical poliey. There can lie no question of the superior quality both the fl ut (Tie and Atisinthola. Their speed 14 al- most the same. to within !the entail fraction of is knot, and they coat near ly half a million dollaes each. Mg for" her lag rivet, end it wee Gum a l lll 'Kleine* that the sleittiet left lout 111Ie right un the 01 lief 4 itd,. At 1 6,1.•k Tuesday Iftermon both vssl4 steamed mit of Port At thin.. the A co ni hoot four lll i l lutes in this lead, a! num& V Cape there ir48 Intt chaitae. the Assinitioia still leading.' A steamer which Arrived et l'ort Arthur W'edneteley oing reported that the llinonie was neck and neck wit h her t teal, smoke and flme* were pouring out of the funnel of the Assiniboie and both boats were b ing forced ahead at record speed. Yesterday morning the Soo wall RH excitem nt and ninny tits ns role eat her than usual to eee the 11,11.' A wonsan's reproductive organs are in the most in- tense and continuous sym- pathy with haw kidneys. Theslightest disorder indult kidneys brings about a corresponding disease in the reproductive organs. Dodd's Kidney Pills. by re- storing the kidneys to their perfect condition 'prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders peculiar to torpmen. Pate young girls Wdlii-out motherai -sufFeritre-iiiveir and women entering upon the Change of Life, your best friend is Dodd's Kidney Pills Freni 11•11i, -4 ..11 io ew 'Potatoes :URI titbit e I testi t,--,- 4,).. Me ts and FIGur •et I 'Oil)" in 110' gr. cet y line of y al THE ON E'S GROCERY 11 t pays to deal Isere. We it., i 1.11•1111no. 1111(1 CAA ;rive extra g el 5 allue,• tip OM' ctuttoniets. paroltiie groveler 11 m. L. Lindsay La Ann 'Phone Rai 0 -- Wonderland . .104 the groundtloor., Every Night Th\Week 2,10 Feet of --bat-Pict tit; ( hatter of Program Fvery Night Latest illustratedSongs - • REGULAR 5c. SHOW GOOD MUSIC. ALL. COME J. J.-THOMPSON. Manager 1111111111111M0 01101101•1111111 FOR THE VERANDAH 111 (let "tie .1 (111 VERANDAH CHAIRS and enjoy the tinnier Season in comfort. In addition to the Ye . ir wittrreed seat we- have a 'pedal tine in D HICKORY tan not ft 4as to oe in lyric.... Tliis (glair is made for comf 11111 11111411114. THE WIRE HAMMOOK ie the best ha lllll es.k tett he market. Keep your re on our show window end ere the dleplay of IRON BEDS • Slontet ng new i iries.• gosls. WP shall he)Hiel In have you call and inquire al itt price.. me. .. ins Phone*: Shnl, 4(1 MOO promptly stteauled :0. FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING E RGE JOHNSTON 1111111111111101.01111111111•111111011111111111111111111D 1 1 1 • Cold Medal Twinaell WE ARE SOLE AGENTS Forks, Handles, Rakes, Scythes, Snaths, Harvest Mitts and Glves, Oil Cans, Oil and Gasoline Stoves, Re- frigerators, Screen\ Doors and Windows, and Lawn Mowers at cost prices. Machine 011, 40c. per gallon Paints, Oils, Varnish, White Lead, Tin and firanite Ware, Eavestroughing, Plumbing and ElectricWiring. SEE OUR GOODS GET OUR PRICES. WORSELLS' HARDWARE Our store is open every night till 9 o'clock. .1111.11111.1.6.11/MarallaINIIMIND ,t4 •