HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-7-16, Page 22 T•OYDaT, July tJ, 190S Oh THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO UU11KIf1•It UN'1'./KiU,I PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY sr ,vANATTKIt t RUURNTtl4N Talaphms Call Na Si _.._ Terme et Subscription j 11.'11 per annum to W vanar. Ix iu nLLs,.Nle ; three wont Ins c. • To United Stale, .ubacriberv, VA) a -year lelriclly in advance'. Nubenriberr who foil to lvicebi TIUp-KlkeA1- regularly by mail will nailer a toot by aa•- vpoolnle.gesof,the fact at as early a date as When a change 0 address itt desired, both t he s(4 and the new address should be riven. Adrertlsing Retest Legal and other sil*ilar Id vett) ...meat.. Iter per line tut' rind insertion and 1.• per 1111w for 'sten subsequent insertion. Met.urool by • nonpareil rale, 'welt, lines to an Inch. null*. Dards of sea 1111.. aid under. N per 1 Advertisements of last. rotted. Strayed, 14i1 - nation, Vaiwnt, Situations %lbule.t, Houses for Sale or 10 Kent, 1'. ani for Sale or 10 heat, ♦rtklg for Sok,. r1.•.. out 4.110141m( right lines. Yin •seh insertion : $I for lrsI 1,11*.1 h, 54 tor each oubseyueut mouth. Lather tatveNise• mento in proportion. , AunouOwulelits in ordinary rradinntype len ne cents per now. No notice less than x Any -polol notice theobir.•1 of whid►is the M pymiar u le.ar of any individual os •010.1 'lion, to ht. rv*widerol an itdvertfsement Md to be charged a1'0,OM lldty. Rataa for dl,ylay •01 contract adverts -r. stouts will be gfl'eu on appdketiou. • • Address all e04;;;;; katlal. lo- v•\YA rti:K t Kusa ItT..UN_ ' TAN Sl00ar. tr.,et1Ch, out. ao Rant It.-Ttlt'fl 4D.tY: Jt t Y' M Tiit. - "REFORMERS" WHO CANNOT WAIT. A stall writer on Thr 1:rladia111 1 ie has some nsihle thin to ( Irl*' h n things -say in reference tu,lhr civil service hill, or. to speak duo t'g1i'Ufll elyr.ygi reference to the criticisms with which the hill has leen received ii, some quarters. The writer says : "It is :all ver)- well fur idealists and men wit hoot responsibility to sit buck and say that the hill door* not itti far enough. I1 doesn't : h111 it gleeas !nighty long way for any (lover, •ut to lurumidish which ha, Arra ill power for twelve years and gat heves! aloo it the inevitable inerust4tion of 'taru- arles.' The 'helm' lei - 1 the Jlin - ,istelial bitches ha 11' not been able. to conceal. even in open Parliament, how little they like the.. wrestler.; and we may be eery sure that the Min- isters have frit all this press ire before bill. tory brought down the 111. 1V hat is heart !!u Parliament in ally all 10 - (*0iumal explosion of the feeling whirh moot have lieu pourol opu11. the Mi11istrt•s iu f1111 "110,11111. The vhtl)(r 1114411r in 1' -iter, h)which the uew civil NCI vier c -. 0imueI0 weie given the standing of the Auditta•'Urneral. was itself au act sof courage ' whirl' ought to 1e reeognizwl. 11'4 will never make •h headway Willi t olitine! re. form of any sort if we runtta fitly be- little the Hest slept. taken with so le di'''shv Ly reformers, In this way we -Drab Ihr irupressiou tial they are (rally r blameworl.he that' if they had 11 .t'ti'el at :dl.", Leaving the rollrrele ease. the waiter _falls to wondering Low wavy battle. are w•1111 for evil ant! 11.1 IOl- ge**1 by the inability of the ft•iends of ,good to recognize the value of small victories on Mordant) which is in market contrast to the telertieaa of the protagonists 11f evil to MP.. and 111 appreciate the valor of small gains. "Let a 011,1i0 maul d.rlat•e 1 ' self to) be a 4.00'.011.1 believer i11 0)1111*' proposwl reform : *ML the ft•iends 1 f that ,reform Iiate) y` ler It • most severe rritii•s. 'Thr • ra11 1, 1 him, on the low of the annmMice- went of his a elhryi(n to the ra11w•, 111 know why he his not already brought 't into fora: Thee art f al, 11'r • 111 ) thought he had only to turn his hand °vet to foul their •11110,•' in the eat of rnmplrtr•--and- full)) ;►r= -e - (um *lis rd 1,114c0*s•0. If he fights hardd and makes put wrest. iu the only possible way ler nor I e lit' --that is, inch by in,h they. the very people who omghl 10 stand by him, lo• gin to wlest ion his sinrrri[). Why, they go farther in the little resolutions they 1ulupt mu enthusiastically ;at throe evening me•rtings than This prufessd eharmpiun has been xlle to .go in Pailiiunrnt. Surely he must Ie traitor : or he would do more, '"Then when an tte-t' limes on. they are entistlel with nothing shunt of their 'whole hog' in 'hie eat form. They will take- no half.lon1. To tell thein that to declare for the 1 whole pulley is to etreire certain Ire- feat leaves thein cold.' They do not believe it, to begin with. Their glib allirresponsible N tall►PrM Irv*' WI - g oaded there that they can win it given a chance at the polls. They brush aside the) opinion of this expert whu has taken op their cause. and hank 1,11 the loud Ioastfulnenu of some• unctuous individual who ruled nal (4 elected for pound -keeper -to les ret an old saying. They will no Isar of a small gain. They ur rap-- tared public man to a his stand for the right, and, least, go dohn in honot•ahle defy , If he cannot win. Now the force if evil art never so (milk!). TheY loots the goo 1 over and take what the) llalr'get. If they cannot get the 'whops hog' just 114,w, they will pot tip witb a mems of pig**. feet. And they never' (tesptt their lriendo. More than that, they are 116 way. ready to open n way of retreat into their canto for the public man who has Ptp*lllswl the other side and been hotwl*ooly ,limeoui*ges1 by the impractilnbilily of Ihr 'reformers.' As for the 'refot•nlel•R.' they always sharpen their kris*',, for the harks of their awn leaders who promos) to win the war, battle by battle." DeliVet' cullvenliun, whu can Nay that lA pan'* pronpeete are Mit 1`114:10tful 1rlitola think* Ontario is getting tie' •1t in the boundary arrange- ment. Ontaxii. thinks .lallil(la iN getting too much, And thele you sae, Thr Mail unit Empire says th in - collect iially n•Lelle•lually and in several o4hr ass Mr. Borden is far roperiur to Sir 11'il- frid Laurier. Well, perhaps ; but hr isn't kneehigh to the wilt old Premier in the matter of getting vote.. A '1'oro11t.. editor ham the nerve to grumble 1141111151. the stmt fl*•rries this yr*r, M. he says, were wour. 'Think of that ! l'hr country new laaPcr Luno, if --lie dared utter a grievant e, would complain ona, that he didn't get enough of thew. - At the I Ir*ng*.celebration a Peter. boo('un . Iundxy one of the speakers a Baptist minister, by the way -said he hoped the 11110• would r •when a 1110• wiuil11 IN' gamed prohibiting, a ('11tholic from beecoming p1.•nlier -of ('a113413. So111r st•ang.• 11tteram•emare Made in the. name of 14)11' 01kt. ! S. '1'.. Iljp (ctlu Imam beet' appointed 110 the II. - Government xs at 00.111 - her of aha internatioI)ptl liohrry, none miss' which i* ell:uged with the mak Mg ora mutual arrulgriu.•nt for the tytwrleriitirnt,- tN avN at l A113413 :and the United, State*. Mr. Pastelis pe*alliatly Titled _far' g,0*1 'servh•*' in such as position; :111i1 the ap- pointment w' l e generally ;regarded au, an excellent ot1r. \1'110 say -1 that the da) s of .bisalt y are•go.ne-1' Tata. pep a -he etlier-4ay told the starry of a mine sen ':neer at Belleville. Illinois, who let his ur111 i',ok in scalding strain rather than het go the lever which held 1n'let. ' •rs in este'v Ik they eleseenlel into the The heroic set urr,inglli*heli .*011 ti.r 104611 Ilavitlg 1wttl,i'l 111e 16,d - loin, 1w fell •m.0ciu%l, 'That woo., as deed µ11''1h lteorliug. I',,•sident Koowrvelt after complet- ing his term ml♦uMce is goi11g lu Ati frit, where he wills hunt lions and tigers and elephaut0 and other big in Ihr jungle. r'to 1• I e K f KI 11 n tell t l story of lois -adventures in ".11)11(91, Magazine• a1 the rate of afoot 111 a r11 t it w, rot,- mud fr Jlu; royxhy 4,11 11i.• Idol 10 Ile after Wards �nab- 1isheal it is expected he will secure an asteitti.mat dnf.ar a. word.- 'ratio- treat. the 1.4411 Ly a hong margin - '1'1111 i, a gleer bill whieh i+ g g 111ron);l, the fNi(islu "iiirL:uurnf, to put 11)0, clock an hour ahead so that w4,1 16 1,111.11 Matt 1111. 11Ay s work A0 11,1111. 'r:n parr, gel through au hour earlier, and h*w• au exta hour of semhght :at.1heir-owvn 1(04441441 after the tittle of quilling. . \VIII 1 know- ing 1111111' :116,1111 the C11,11111.4 Alters whieh impelled the iut•e4li.et' 111 snt•h a measure -in Parliament, :1 is difficult 11, understand why the work- ingmen (sold out arrange with their saujoloyers. to start 'Walk. sty, ,11 ; •,' l,6,.1t, instead of N. and o'.oid.11.• ,lima Ar ball.• of to• whale timr.keeping sy.11911 of the 14111111 r whirh will it 10111 111111 Ihr .nIN•1•11ions of !he bill, The whet,. Thing-vrrnnr more Hkr. A (real bit of legislation sock as the Oklahoma IA•gislatII 'night perpet- rate than like what • would P1(*•rt from the staid old body 111. %Vesta 11- ster. It is no party ,.r1 want* in this cast. 16,. 1•t)I1141 k that tier* Mr chang- ing. EDITORIAL NOTES. Br yen 11111 0111' 111010 chance. 1ViIl it he "tiler times and nut" 1' Hats off to the fernier ! \Viten his labor ptlxapers the whole coemtry re. joices. Goderich is having s strenuous sum - trier. What is the next thing on the progn►m % ___ _ Perhaps it wilt he Cooler when Parliament adjourns and the supply of hot air is shut off. Take a day off, Mr. Townsman, and go out in the country and look at the crops. It will make your heart glint. Those demontetativc llem(s'r*lie delegates have pretty nearly beaten the re,,ord of the Godericb people for cheering. - After that demonstration of an I hour and tw. ty-eix adoutee at alta The Man Who Rose trom Nothing. .)nen ea 1 hr 4 X11 1 t h.• (alas i• blow, 1if fighting hroe- dead oil gime Ilut wr tea hen, of our awn The man whu 151• from nothing. 111 y, ui lgici:1,. glint and grand 11s forr.1s tlet at Id- Twmalld .Let here he end. "lira -(ties strati • The limn elm nose from nothing. ' .and in mu 1,1(1,141i,, hall ((1 towet ins .1*to .. alone. like 1‘411:-- ".4 Iw4*1 and shoo Wet. ever AH; '- The inn,' who taste hone nothing. Bis efforts iv111 lir ser- relax. Ilio fait' , tlRur ' o0,1 in fact And sael aY sa1 . rax u en a 4xR -- r 1111111 mho 10-e 0,4, nothlog. The. gentleman in soul and deed : And -hon sol simple in his creed • Feer 1.101 A1d lien, the stout in nerd • The num who ane from nothing. 1n_other lands. he:. loudly ammo. -- I'',rie-aproden(ofo,lrown; -4=onhtsr*rr a Aare, 01' it fbrOiie..-... The man who s•r.fron* nothing. Here. to the lam' of Cates and Dane., 1)11 which the .00 of 11 o' dnnl shines. Ileum.* we meet on all aur lines The 11100 w'110 rose f - "tinder, efnrhlol. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Church Funds Are Safi' helm? Far A one Arabi' 1111111 take' up Lite toi- le stioh in 'aa church at Topeka, Kam.. Which seertnl at (east, am good a scheme as that of the ('hirago pastor who mugge•ats rash regimtero. A Dangerous Practice, T.m s's 111011•, The rttstritmthm of d*ngerins s*mplee of pills or patent medicine should le prohibited. Mxnv rhitdren have mmff.red through hints -rattly *w*tlo*dng emit satmptes and the public should )w protected. One 'Thing at a Titre. mesterei Herald A -hundred million "(bollen is what the Georgian Bay canal will coat itt the least. 1'filen' somebody has the money handy and wants to lend it, we plight pin off this little spending party until we see where the trans- continental railway proposition comes out. Let Us easy Our Own Bins. Montreal 11, t -,M. The hotel hills of Canadian Minim. ten at the London 'Conference met e p*id by the British (aovernment The same was the care with other colonial Ministers, no doubt. hqt that ie the affair of other colonies. U*sadiae* would like to see the autonomy of Caned* auticiesty extended to enable us to they 0%r own share of the sex• tense iueurral at these ysreulh4ages, 111111 1101 h11vr our Shudders :11141 - delves fed and kedged out of money that i+ badly needed to supply p*•n• stuns W Ike aged team•, Our Ertcitsblre Neighbors. • - H,uulllun SpecbMur. The hullabaloo emitted at the recent UipuiUiu►u euuvawliutt, and .:LL 'the Democratic meeting now be!t11g hekl iu I)rnver. over their respective candi- dates. 'stakably emphasizes the fact that pus American cousins get a little hit crazier Mier 'elites than any other natio) in this wide world. A Fine on Progressiveness. 1011401 Alt ret i.a•1. The assessment commissioner is on the fight Iid• in riot ssiug land at its fiat vuM*,'rather than building*, The principle of 11 g improvements is a defect in the nuluieipal asae•s$- mett law, :Ltd public opinion is tri t vet spat,' to .euiedy it: but et ghoodel out be pushed to an extreme. Not Even a Disguised Blessing. Montreal Uarctte. Last fall mach was maid about the heel to the farwrc through the slturt- nese of hie crop being 11111414. good by the high pricesthat titled, whis , it Wits 41101, 11110 111;0104, would 110111in other indue(riete and linter of trade. Eyelets brave shown the shortsighted- ness of such philosophy. Now every - likely it. boning fur .a lig harvest and moderate priers as a means of trade relief. F - 110)111 incentive to lmrinetoo will nut seriously -figure in the disottasiops 1'111 st • time to come. Toronto star. 'The pit 'attic t'anadiau luir0 to stand in front of map of his country and devise a new scheme for moving the) future wheat crop o1 the *est to the Atlantis- -Wit his-eticil he. .:wily makes the rough 'daces *ulloth and the eruukeil straight, deepens river*, _111'. bridges then'.. a J4, r:ll' ate stances Keay require. COLA thr ugh 110,1-14, of land that look slender on the Map, and bui1110 railways through the L 8:tyage and Mat 4 essible regi Sulu*' 1,f these 411•.1011* 11110,1' c(111ar Urile, SO 11131 the wise men will not jeer at the areanier,. We may 111ayr the Georgian Bay ('anal borne day, and the western g'ai't may be carried 111• rail 11, Ilu11s1u's lisp. ('101:014 will 10111* day have- t',unry for these and other great enterprisers, but for a tine• it m:av he u4rrtsary tat 'r auwIo. • Our Natioaal Hohdag. la'INrt-t.o•l, net iew. ..` In (vau:ulit the r plaint is 11.:1'11 that too 1it11.• attention is pais' 111 the celebration of the national holiday. In many pule of the courtly it is allowed to pass as if it haul 1111 1ignili• (11111'4 Wiwi* than as N day of Erste- lie tweet' the ins:11lity, and 113 the Atie I an met ha tel +et geoe'ritl inditlerrnce shown there i- Hemy.f room f.* cefebraliol. A matt e:r t•* forget its great a rhe 1611,111,1 srt•er 1111 4,11e ' t11.IUd 710 Y l Milestones It. _Unlitale the 4 se :11141 the progress of natio development. and as a .t 1 1411 1411) anti nuptial' to the people to maintain the Iwot traditions. There is furt1111aely 1)u desire in -this country for au Aiurri- c:ua eel,hraliou : bat **northing alight led • togivs• 1).,ulinilm Illy s.'111t,- thing like Ila Ira' import r, An Outside View • t 1';11 tout If 111 Ihr eo in t' nada oilseed - 1 of afford 1 i t'PI'sal'll•1. Nrw YoiL inn. In its atti cele towanl ''smuts the I'nitad States is %nexeitably indilTrr- rut 11, its own succoat. In the con• lemplatieon of theeromosnie• greatness of their own land the pe tple of lily rOlitit •y' loaf. sight- 11rlthAt 1s g elsewhere. With short-siglttel e01i1- 1,14.ency they I1o*k at the array of ilg- urem rept emoting 11(4 prYelitets m( AmeriCall fields and farms tieurgtve" little ut Lv beed-to_ihe fad. that the grain crops id the Canaulii1r North- west have increase' trove about :11,• MMI IN MI 0 bushels S'1 11 IItI in 1 . I o NMI INNI t �s hnshels at the present time, with a certainty of gn:tdimplingg that output within -s few--y-ears. Naw tai Ia, o pints sur being run through the grain Cl/luau, ,1)ening new area.o of re. settlement. New outlets are Icing Invade by which 1'anauli:►n crops ,and Canadian (serf and c:lttle eon be sent 11) market --1lin nigh Canadian tet•ri- t,1 y. Thr 111141 1111 Bay 10)11te a1111 the Georgian Hay Canal are now snllle- th0ng more than d'ir'e dreams. It is pit liable that drei,iunx will sport le• made whether the Welland ('.anal shall lw deepened to a draught of twenty-Hve fret ora new canal 11ni11 around Niagara Falls. I ;1111ula is awake and iM growing right lustily, Uncle Remus, - New York. 1'o -r.- -- --- i oer Fox, perhaps, alight be able to explain why the great classics of the wurid's light literature should have 'wen pr•oll%cel by men of serious' interests, an the whole. •Ih'foe's ar- dent pamphleteering soul could saucily lutve leeu.awnt•e of -what "ftohius11n Crowe." would bee • to 411111 pie fatale of English-sterak1ng Is hood. That IA•wir Carroll, Illalhe- m tici:ul and author (if "Syn11olic l aogir" A11+1 "Pl'itwiples sof Ftar•IdretlteM- ary RetM-eentatimn," should n1ot, have written the hist.'ry of Alice : that men of sew'. see ' g incumparahly Ierillll5 eeellpati.n as Gerl,Allle phiht- logy ohould have tern the 11'ithnre of those delightful lirinnu'm "Fairy 1'alem" which hold their own will Ufa ._ Hans 1'hriotian Andersen ; that, a secretary of the Frenell Aeadrmy should fiat•,• given to the witt•Id "!'lather Etas•," ••1'lode1..11:,," And rhe Slr.•pi,Ig liemit.t.," is argument in fav111. 01 (tl.• amateur am against the professional when it c o 11, 1110 Iambi uning of elemental belt lasting literature. Such perpetual delights for the wurld'o simpler appetite in hauling, like m1un• of the greatest :whitvenrnts in 'the art of rookery, have been stumbled upon almost by *eeirhmt, and trot often not hy' the professional chef. It wag a M oiling English lord at the gaoling table that devised• the sandwich. It wait lint A Professional student of folklore, but a Southern journalist, that that gave too the world thr adventure' of firer Kithira and the Tar Hahy, Bonus System Bad. bat Better than Tariff. Montreal Witness. "Vous father and plot h••r gave you e gond education," *Aid the judge (o the prisoner. An he was about to sentence him. Mr. Fielding was born and brought up AA a good flee -trawler, instead 1,1 which in these latter days he has heroine the erch-hlnuier of his C Ile has bonniest iron, *reel, lead, twine, petroleum and what -not. The latest form in which he propose. to play providence in in a bounty on crude petiole produced from shale. \Thal nett, anti how long? What have tin plate* dose that they should he turned doer t Have they no friends at (Mutt y it 11 to he admitted that the bonus is a Imo objectionable way than an import, fifty of taking the people's money And giving it to adventuters-halals 9bjectlon*ble lot the very reason t not It [Y • u more likely to he ubjsctad to. The people see their 0 y being taken from them awl store) away and era out. When the 1* is ctnsfered by the uu•Ihedl of an iugort dnty 1.h.• people do out law it taken (rout them and given Away, and du not cry out. If people ' moist be subsielizel by all means ' Irl it 1e in the brave and stlwightfm•Wawl Fielding f.wltims. by bona's., The people know the exact amount and can c t for 1 h'1*1*elvrN how great *1 loss to the isometry the -enterprise loomed ie. There play he e01141it i While attuwe important p10)• din:live possibility Iw to the expert - mental stage. as in this expel of pIYod11eing petro) boom .hair. in W 1111.11 a Whip iI* maytoe iu 0(1111*' *111.1 defended. If it is ventured o11 it should 1141. gu beyond the purely ex- Ix•riulrntal *Gage and the Uuvrrument s!•oulel hold a lima 011 th4. enterprise (n to eullrctefl :f it prove 01111.0*fol. But to Cil'i'a*' ant( tauntain flagging iudu*tri,•s by bonus it simply to waste the people's money In employing at it loss workero who would otherwise be giving the country value for their pay. • "SCANDALS" EXPLODED. 1/I l.I WN ('1e0 Pre-. The true purpose of Parliament tit to disease the affaffoi iif-fhr hilt^ . not the chat (icier of the members of the Government. The nation. When it rsturated them -ter -uflkw,',4onwad that it 11:111 confidence iu 1heir rhara .- ort• ; and no Opposition hull a right 11, gu out of its way, as the pi, sent 1)p- (ositi011 has 411/11*', to tear 11n lessee tau• repotme11u of the (iover111140,11 either ti1lfel'tlye' y use in 11 ie ttat ly. I .ides, _as (natters have turned : out the. ft, it teas been a sheer w41,le of ti e, Fur in no single respect hesanythi discredit -tilde I*.n brought home an Minister u a lthert • Y n t). Hun. George E. Furter t•iod w make u acaudal out 0f the Minister tot Marine's expensesao the t'(1kni,d can. Terence. This money Waw not't•ptet Gine (Or tie conference ; :and, ars the Minister was also going to Europe ser about an iet•-hre:aker, hr took whole mf his expenses from the ice- breaker Ip *rl.opri:aliutt, Mr. ,ester aceilseel , Mr. Ifroleul• of having "stolen" the money. In it Was *11091* that if Mr. r.*lr11r had "stolen" this money 114. F'uster, when, he was in, th Cabinet of the Lest 1'11ns•rvatit•t ad1*linistral:un, had dour wet . Ifs not only wrongly took l ' travelling expenses out of a vote r eommer ial ag1•nciex, but 'he. nee returned the 11uaney : Whereas r. Brodeur dill, when he got Itis propriat m1) for t he ('ulunial 1.'unfe nee, return the money to the :cc -1) 411 • ku• vote. In this way the icer br Aker ruin may fro• regarded as hat• - g given the lliuister "temporary ace, 'dation" to the extent of his Colonial Conference expense. ; and. under the ,Are lances, the greatest stickler for re*L'ltl)tle would not • •harge awaiting improper Against the Miuister of Jlarin1 and Fisheries, M4. Foster-, whets a Minister of the Iw s11 Crown. u also did w, nor voyaging. and it w.oi shown that, if ),I 1. 1111010,111-0 raptness, Were excessive. Mr. rooter **soot h•ss extravagant. Thr result f two, Mont agitation. codmin:aliny( of at brew days' and nights' vont intents session, was that 11r. Foster withdrew the wort "stolen" and, in 1•ITeet, moon,. glzwl. Tar, next asteria tine UT ,tt:ti'it--(vale the Iovernnrot'0 [olio, and practice of disposing of limbs• limits. As to policy, the (iov.•rn1*trnt was shown to have()ouUntied 1h:t u(.thwir tuwlevxw so1s only with a little 11nure regard fur Ihr public interest. Thr l'o,,ser- ealit•.• Government ment noel literally given ,awav thoessa1Nlo of net•.•, of tiuelwr bunts seafront ,xeiraing a dollar femme : whereas the• present (hive • •111 had :always received -, lours 1,n whatever limier land it haul dispose) mf. The -Npp .eiitiniesvess-•beater ml the point of polio": and it then concentrated its lire ou the peteoi1145 :as.l)wtoll of T. A. !furrows with the late Minister of Intel a Mr. NI 1. li1 a rues 'before he was relu,n•tt in 19M11, .lir..'* felly tendered for mouse nineteen tinder 'writhe in Wr1FertalFC math : and -minett n part interest in the Imperial Pulp, ('onll- pany. Hal his total 'tartest in tiu)11)r limits did not exert' 11141 square miles, and •h of this was very poorly. Liu,IN•rel. 'rhe l'o,servativett 'pule {hes (m'an'y believe that Mr. Hurrowi wry. monarch of nr,L•ly half A (0111ih- put of 1iml1r; Whereas there air Con- servatives in Ottawa anti Montreal that own seven time. ,1n ,h as he dtws, and there is iv ^ pony in the Rocky 'M.alrrtains drat has obtained over mixt)- tilyit. since the loellrier Govetnnlrnt rose teo office. Mr. Bur- rows, moreover.paid 'much re in bonus than his competitors; and it he had obtained such information as the Opp esiteem alhare he corruptly obtained through ,1. O. Turritf 'the late Commissioner of Dominion 1 a d. oois y . n J he f 1 hl• Threw away many thousands of doll/um. The inveetjgation before the Public Aceuunts (' 'Lae, proved that Mr. Turriff opened the tenders in the premener of him secretary, who kept a tally of thea m of the tender(' as they were received, and who swore that, as far am could be seen, there war- nothing unusual or underhand iu coonwclion with the receipt or award- ing Of the tenders,, Mr. Burrows' statement in the Hose of Common, iu the closing deb& on the subject., Was A (mnlplete explanation of his dealings with the Department of Interior, and left no tom for any bet wee', his bids and those of his rivals being so ,uleitanl.ial that no • would contemplate that he would be so erner(um am to give the (iovern- meut much large margin* if he had had inside information of the nnruuuts of his rivals' tenders. The third alleged scandal, which was developed from time to time 'lur- ing the session, was the Hume rifle. Here there was absolutely nothing to go upon ; and the .GovernmenL'e na- tional policy in encouraging the .stab Ii*hnent of a riH, factory in Canada had the hearty endonsation of the military critic of the Opposition itself, (lid. ti*m Hughes. Yet the Omsk and tile of the Opposition inelnukted that the Minister of Militia haat A graft nn the Krim Kifte Company t and, because Cul. Hughes part his a onsciep. *hove his party, he was alleged to ile "in the swim," oro. The llnal result of the twit*. ' was to deml»Istr*te the superior princlple of the hose rine, and to aeceleret. • its dietibutton among the national firma... The price of the weapon is, if Anything. lees then the r*te at which the Lee -En - Held, from the (loves nment fame y in Great Itrit*in• coati Ie bald down in (lanae'*. There was not a tittle nl evidence of any graft .either 011 the part of the Minister of Militia or of the military critic of the Opposition, who was unfortunate enough to side with the Minister. The fourth alleged "mended," which was fehricated rather late in the session WY that the Minister of Militia had first induced the Govern. meet to 'give *dd to eokl storage cow p*nies and then fornp.d a cotnp*ny to take adv*olage of such aid. The NEWS FROM OTTAWA PARLIAMENT IS WORKING HARD TO CLOSE SESSION. Extension of the !Boundaries of Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba --'What the New Transcontinental Line Will Cost the Country House Endorses the All -British Transportationy Line. Ottawa, July 1:1. The desire of the ulemllers to get away front the close ahnosphere of the House in these hue .July days has its result in an :accelera- tion of business' which is in marked contrast to the Ieisurrly procedure of the pievioo0 neekN. Several measures ml importance have leen put through this week, and the close of the session i* now in ,ivht. Extension of Provincial Boundaries. Today Sir N1'ilfrid'i.aut•ier's resole time regarding the extras' of the boundaries of Manitoba. Ontario and Quetwc Was carried will t division. The *''solution asks Parliament to endorse the- proposed W add- tar,yhe ares.of• Manitoba territory -sem thvi'ka•d as for as the sixtieth jrarallel, Or the northern boundary of the other twee prairise Provinces, while to the east 5ha111e'added territut•v between the iutereecI ion of the sixtieth parallel and 11udsnt's Haas, and a line running Ilul•thea.t from the preee111 northeast- ern corner of the ('1Ylviucr l0 the in- ter eet' of , the eil(Ity-,.ioth met i- diau and the i11141w111 s H•ty .hare tine, ata point righty toilet...An., at the month of Severn River. The loonholes of Omtal•iu are to be extended northward, as 81011 As thy 1 ,rgishiteire so desiebs, to include all e tet•Iitea•y 10 the north of the Ploy - in IWIWealt t heexteneled boundaries snit'''s and the waters of Janus y . rod-' ffithiwrit,o.--}Hay.: -Delimits 1111 usest of the fa•giolature of Quebec, hat Province will get the dis- trict of 1 Ig.IVlL 11'ilh re alta 111 the reorient of Mani. tuba for an illi'' •al Federal subsidy iu lieu of t e mwnerthip of public lands in the Ie ao, y to be molded, a..- iu Lhe rases Saskatchewan and AlIertn, the r'eW/ 11 provides that 11)18 queer obeli dealt with i ter. 1111 101'111S 10 114. mal 11)' agree u n by the !'roviuci,11 1.4 •0111un• :and t e Feler1 Parliament. ' 10 ,I1 ars tun e provision for. separate tool. in the new- territory is also le over, and ,uraemia io 1let4il, i0 Ibis rOi "t will be one of the big pnlblrm$ o .he next se ,s tl 1 n of Parliament. ' The actual extension of th 1 da ies is 11111s postponed till 111.0 year, but the resolution paves the wear in 111M far •a It determines the actual ter- ritory to be added 1.0 eau•h Province. Manitoba (hue gets airports of Mot- Churchill or('hurchill and York Factory and a roast tine- extending atsmt -tan) mites from a point about righty miles w.u(h- ewt mf VOA Faelory to a point about ninety miles north of Fort Chortled!. -Postage Stamp Province' No Loner. In runnwet ion with (his proposd`e•x- tensiun of -Provincial boundaries it is of interest to hole that the present x44:► u( Manitula in Only 711; i:L equal* miles. compared with Ontario's aahl,- !Ntt, ttuebee'1 a lit{ :j,-Alerta's 43,510, and kiadiriterewan', �AI,:akI well*ser milt -s. Th*' rtes to be added 10 Mani - tithe 111111rr the trireme of the 1'W oleic of which Sir Wilfrid Laurier has given notice is 1 711,1711 square miles, so OW "the portage stain!' -P140'0114." will have a Leila' arrive( '.i"o'l,'2I I parr mes. TkeilAU-Red '' ••'e The "all -rel route" received the en•' dorsation eif the House by the largest majority of the oeeeion. Sir Wilfrid 1,*Iirierla resolution' Alt. ' g that Cannot^ is prepared to* , .is her fair -share of the necessary HQnrt1•ial oblige- liotn, aid d.elaritig that the Govern. menta of Australia. (':an: and New Zealand should with as litt - delay RR pxresihle agree open x definite .alar for the sarryiaig-of the peojrrt int egret, h' ' r1110 waw carried t a Vote t . f o vt Mr. Borden depre'alel any art' until 0 definite proposal hood tern Sub elated to the House, and other ,uitn- 1,ern of the Opposition ass 11%'pd ate attitude of eriticlont toward,' the reso- lution, alth gh they declared they were not Ilpp*i.o I to the project. Hun. Clifford Hilton made one of his rare Rtwechrs in supportof the resolu- tion, and Mr. Fielding also contrib- uted to the dis:nasi,n in a strong argument. Sir Frederick in His Fighting Clothes. An incident of the week wawa Audi- ing attack by Mir Frederick Horden upon_thecivil service commission for u fact.) were that, before the policy 05* adoptee' on the reser) u11nendatton of the • House of CCo11unonm, the Minister Of Militia incorpon•atsd it a pane, in which he had a predominating inter- est, but, on the Government adopting the policy of aiding cold storage, he dishanded the company ; and one of him associates became intereetel in the New Brunswick Cold Storage Company. which subsequently oda tailed a Government suhddy. Everyone in New Brunswick admits that the company, is well worthy of such aid, for it is well equipped and will give the farmers a full oppor- tunity of getting their produce to the 'utayplsGt_kers in a condition to matt'. BIRO' En eecmr the highest prices. The Minister of Militia took a patriotic interest in giving this service to the producers in the Maritime Provinces : and, it the Government had not adopted the policy it' did, he would have gone on with his eompany. Yet the Opposi• tion deftly made it appear that the Minister of Militia hale a "cold stor- age graft." The fifth and moat recently ex. pl led "scandal" is the Hodgins charges. Here the country wan being robbed of S1,(U),(I00 through over- clasniHcation ; and yet, before the committee of investigation, Major. Ilodgins failed to prove that there hall been a dollar of over -classification. He now Heys that it in a queotion for arbitration : and the inquiry has been closed. The result of the investiga- tion has only been to plane doubt as to the standing of Major Il dgin aa* an engineer : and it in to he regretted that he should have ever been no foolish an to let his feelings over b . enforced resignation overcome his 1Nleetter jlldg= ment. When he made the Statements he did to The Victoria Ooolonist he WAS, undoubtedly, the victim of very bitter feelings, and, if he had allowed Ute balm of time to heal the soreness which he naturally telt, he would, no doubt" have never pet himself hecome the subject of such quentlon*hle no- toriety. The' incident be preetieglly closed, however, and the public will be Bled to know that the commission which has been entrusted with the oversight of the Motioned Transcon- tinental is neither lacking in its sense of duty nor incompetent as guardian of the public interest. JULY BARGAINS 1N 'EVERY DEPARTMENT Ole' Shirt Waists, White Wei, Voile Skirts, Panama Skirts, Lace Net, Silk Waists, Summer Underwear, Corsets, Gloves, Hose, Laces, Ribbons, • UK ST01t1 Wash Skirts, Wash Belts, Parasols, Neck Wear, Lace Curtains, All summer goods- now marked at quick clearing prices. Visit o'ur china basement for Souvenirs and Wedding Presents. John Stead GODERICH LADIES' WEAR WEST ST. SUMMER SALE tiR of three lines of Summer Oo'ods Straw Hats Outing -Shirts White Vests. on't swelter this hot weather when you can t wearabies to keep cool in for very little oney. Straw Hats Outing our straw hats must be cleaned White negligee shirts Wit} colors out . w. We of them to you at _ attached. Sts I t the fol tale reduced prices. - , is !. to. f 4, - $1.50:craw 6ats:for $1.00 Regular it•oo• Sale ptice6sc. '�•' U0 .y $ 1 .25•Anderson's Scotch (lanae'' outing shuts with collars attached. Sizes $•x.5'0 a ►(l $:r.00 •. $1.75 ' r4, to 16.'. Regular ;t.so. Sale 75e li,.1 t hats for 50c;price ;1.00. White Vests. •Alt ou white vests go on sal( now at prices to- move the in a hurry. - $2.50 vests for $1.90 $2.00 ,. •. $1.50 $1,•_'5 85c Shirts AL ER G. PRI DHA M The right lace for Men's Clothing and Furnishings. its l Wings lYM •* NYr p ling.tti• \lilil'x Ur - part, At. Ne contl,verted the tate- :tunas f the conmli.edemere upon sev- eral uta ere and dreLi 1 that tit re- port of t ('011)11)18104111, was foot el upon a *, ierfdrial .x,uilina►t- a ail was Mild • g 111111 unfair '11 many f its statement if fa 'to. The National T nscontanental Their has bel as dispute 1 wren the Ofyios• le: her and the Min- ister of Railways 11}11 lanais as (' he ultimate cost of the National Ten i•unt.inentxi Kaikvay. '.�Ir, Mande figures milt that it will i $2.',I,INNI,INNI. After revising ' the Opposi.'on leader's Hgsire•m, and dediteting port 110 of the cost for whirl? theernxntry I not be liable, Hon, Mr. Graham 10.11• es the (smelly ' that the liability the people. of 4'LIM S\ will be $3v,11• 11711 for the whole pine Crean Mone New Brunswick, to the Neil11 COAs Why -It Costs More. - Hon. Mr. Fielding, iliseustting t0• I11Pstion of the or u e l cost f the neve which will vita , the continent, said , _ • "Thr road has cost more than we anticipated, and there is not n man in the lh1(11inion who voted for that 1'ransernitinental *theme in 10111 who would not hays voted for it .just na readily if he had known it urns going to cost -the :Lethal figure,. it haw. The reasons for the increased rest are not far(o,eeek. Every railway • tans known why it is porting re, because. it hate had the same experience in the same line. Ever)• engineer knows why the(•osd is costing more, lera%se he has \J,:ul Lhe same" experience. Every niattutacturer of Canada whose wares enter\ into the construction of the Tt•anmcontirientel knows why it is coshing unite,ii he is getting higher prima t 'n he 1 in Every workman in the tures know why, because he is getu4tg higher wages for 'the work on (lie Transcontinental than he did in Hart. Every- railway rail maker known. be- e -emote he is selling his rails at x higher price than he did in 1txl;t. Every coal miner knows, because he in getting more from the coal be produces and which Is lewd in making the rails. hveey lumberman who "implies,, the lies. rv4ry' sheety11iao who goes into the 01 m K W u `1 t OIL t I 0l the lu hr 1 m r hie the _ I ties, knows why this road is (/wring more, Iecalise he Is getting Loor•s. 1 wages today than he did in IINEL . Every Lslor.r,on the toad knows that • the higher wages he is getting in• rreaw• 111,• cost of the road : Int we 101114 044 this road is well uoastructeel, we heel. the w i'•tlit ng. of knowing that wee are ales - K gt ng the Zest trxn(wntin*'ntal railway r built on the coutineut of Amei•- so Tong as that railway is well 1rlartel and eqUi111111641. s* long as e moving forward rapidly to the rent of our expectations, the c u \ will out quarrel with the in - ere, 510 `expense, but will Hay, 'We wan . 1 he, road in It'll, we want it now, a 11 if it pec em necessary to send th uvrrnmrnt hack to power lm give neatcoked that will he one of the 111a s reasons why they most e return(' . \ O • um Prohi Dt'•n. imports 'n, man acture and opium L'aruula, ether n licinal 11 . lees, is be put under th I,an by a bill whic is in Charge of on. Mr. i deux. \ f his way� r ie just as es it, sale then The titan w nidrr to Walk u Mutermtltious-am e ) gowe{Telt der a last sew 0t "111, ypll WA -"t.Rdv,' answered "you means well, but work Noland any mo %sin' words of three Washington Star. PI Iplo) lent 1." ding Pete. o can't Make nvitin'` by tables Summer Scho June, Jul and August leads into our Fall Term without any break. Enter any time. New Catalogue free. 'Write for it to -da . Cen- trad_ Business College, Toronto. The -qt, moat reliable of its kind. Rt'. H. MAW PRINCIPAL �pine:.: Ain nlf*N.tml, If T(In0MTrl. � el 11Martin's Clothes ARE THE HIGHEST TYPE DF TAILORING, AND ARE WITHOUT SUPERIOR ANYWHERE. PLACE AN ORDER AND BE CONVINCED. 1 FRANK It MARTIN THE TAILOR AND FURNISHER. r 1 DYERKISS PERFUME *ale control far O(AlPrirh of three world famed Perfumes. 1 We have We have the full line of DYERKISS PERFUME, in bulk and bottles. DYERKISS SACKET. DYERKISS TOILET WATER. DYERKISS LOTION. DYERKISS PACE POWDER. , DYERKISS SOAP. This line is making a great hit ip Ooderdch and many Natterirg remarks we hear about it. TRY IT YOURSELF. . F. J. BUTLAND'S DRUG STORE OODERiCH 1f it's good we have it. �—— •