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The Signal
sIXTY YZA11-4140.11901
• Financial
I qoderich Officy, Corner North Street and Square.
W. L. HORTON, lksA
MAAS4 8119111181/ ACCollUt. Little by little mina!' tom(44 are de.
itauk, and is* ail iterodittly-ithrms--tinte after-
owner of the account finds that his money ham increased in
Almost magical fashion, repaying I t i ttt many tittles over for
the small 'privations" be may have undergone newsier to
provide tor the proverbial "rainy day."
FOUR per cent. interest paid on &puska and tuaney can be
withdrawn at any time.
Copy of change of running advertise-
ments must be left at this office by
• Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
Most Popular
Picnic Portia*, Ihmeing
Mesh antriterreshritent.m.
_ .STAR -1"01.F. LIN II
i•ottouvr M*141 le Xtle..11 ,
iA North channel. Georgian nay.
?limier. at 9 p. 1I.1
TOLEDO and 41.14:5' ELAND.
tketoretarzely. ov; .
WILLA AM Loral an:
THI.'14ADAY. July ligh.
Fall wheat, ..er tuutti, new gin 7.5 10 g 0 75
Spring a tem.!. per Intsh.sr1) 7.1 to
lire, per hn.h ,----------0 Li to 0 45
iilickwimil, iker I, .l ' 11 9)4 10 . 0 no
4)4.,, per 4441.. nevi 0 is to -‘0 Si.
l'e.m. per 90.44 ,.. 11 7.4 •14
Harlotry.. b....71 r u :9. q 94
sereeniim.. per t.u. . ' In tat to • 18 404
leloor, family, tier cwt ...... 2 113 to 2 at
Fkinr, patent, per ewt .... , .. '39.5 to '44.5
Itrao, per ton 9.5494 to 2.".. un
tli.Orbt- /ler l.n. -- - ....... e*- littne-te Wen
stay. new, pe. 111.1 14 UO to 14414
tVuoti. two. cord 3 tin to II Oli
limiter, per ih • -- ----11111 to 0 17
4 'hem.% per II. ' It 1.5 to 4) 1.5
F.g.p., frmh. per ilux 11 1.5 to 0 in
l'otutue., uld .. ,..___....-0 .44 to to 444
150tato.,. nets ... 1 .44 10 I :io
tattle, ordis•s. La ionst, port:wt4 4111 to S 144
1 'al /le, export, ger cwt 14 26 to 3 30
ilog., live weiglit, per ewt..,,, li 444 to 41444
AWN:. . ' --4344-'.u-6414
'Steep, per ewt ' it....1 i0 4 441
Ifam, per lb u 17 oh u 47
flacon, iwr Ib _.-----..-...., 'It Li to tt so
font. pm lb . ' '`-:77-.;77".. 13 to 15
Tallow, per It. .......,....... Ili to 09.5
Hiaot.,per cwt. ...-.7.7.---..-rv. 'Ina to 444441
Sheep Skive. ' SS to 1119
4 'hIcken. . .. . * ...... . .. 10 to (0
Turkey.. ... .. .. ... 12 to It
diuteide maritathi on -page al
-"f - thiatt;" said -the mere• -hani,
here to are our friend Polk. 1 neve
saw anyone quite Ito liver'," "Slow in
everythiing, is he P' "No. not. eltary •
Thing. le gets tired quick enough."
Sitnations 'Vacant
.1111CACI4E44 WANT-Efe. F'oft S.
No. I 'olisorne Hetonillet '3 )n(, to
etnistrenee at dote Or midAvihntier
tdating tala'ry. expected, win be
reeelve.1 tip to July 2211.1. aahlre...91 to JA 4:8
JENKIN. Seerelary•treaworer, Saltfonl 1'. ret,
A-21LA,N --004J14
addre.. 31111 10 N.PreV111 tin Kt_
f .;0111erieh. .1 vertnanent punition for the right
rie.n, with a chance ..f working into a general
agency. & V.I.I.IN(IT41N. Nursery
own. To11.410. • ---
Itr.INTE1).- A (itX11) GIRL FOR
loner .1 hoowww114. Apply to
Alai( A -(ENTRAL WiliA1440JP 1101':. Colborne- -
Nb EI)IVA RI) - -
Seent'sie - 1 IATELY for painting Belford nchool t No.
SACLT . MAIM< DIN -11410S 13. A.latkeldt. woodwork imide. Apply to
WILSON IRWIN. flelfm.t, I tot. . tatt
tavern Sandini v, Toledo, Detroit
Sault tate. Mat and intermediate
Wynn leave
*4 font
South nd. SOP
Northboned, 11:31) p.m.. Fri
weather permitting..
We. 1.1rx. • - Local
T. J. Kesler," e Traffic Mel
Sault ate. Mane. Oat.
Sprinklers for lawns t be used
- between the hours of 1. and 1)
p.m. l'erwont, found feting sprinklers.
during prohibited 1 will have the
water turned 041 and Will ire required
te pay a line before the water is
turned on /14471111. 444. 411411101
Water and Light Commission.
(let your training in the school that
g11111Ifled to Elie you the beet that
be had.
The lirlt1.15 American Illidneas
renege. V. M. 4'. A. Building, Toronto.
Write for catalogue.
executors of 4.A4V Oatalo 414 troe
--drehreent-trwee-deridert to offer The
u hole et -tate for mle. The property con.i.t.of
real debenture.. bond. and ...lock..
Pattie. witthing to 'toed in any of the above
properthe ran gel applica
tion e exe
Mx. t it% aenssoN.
J. P. Intowe
55'1.3.419 A. 1110441.4 Kleentnr''.
lloderleh. Doc. 311. per; ,
To Kent
11'Ra:1)411 El) 11(441 'MEN To R ENT. -
Two inut-en to mot for •mittner moon.. or
h 1011ger OtIriOLI. 1 am eniently kratted.
n• ren.ontible. Apply to 'WA 1.11:14
SII tM A N, Keay, reef. llwlerieh. •
'18111114. HOUSE Tu RENT.
ern effil Wiwi..., thoroughly
.nly 40 Ittlha. 41971144,R11.
f lItTAN
Ilertannin neut.
cellent relent.: to
41.11111.141111 other eon
ing r for
to 4 'ollegiate nt,
town. reasonable,'
to J..1%. SA IdiE1.10, Io-
te bee.. Ito Kea), *11'141. 1181.
1inrtICrilr. 41....,11,41.-,
1.1110•111.e, 4,4',, 101 14411111
arrterlen. Convenient
al hiidne.e, wwliCori of
For part icithir. apply
roa41, ttephone 11.24
1, --Or Bale
pOit MAI.E. 1 ['AVE It :N
✓ INV let.C. wilrOphime. 1.11 eire le hear.
,ithitirtywhie r
tre In Itanhiamtereatimt anostel .ditiner able.
11,1 Ilter, 4114, 44 odd ilionol near ..... r11 eft
441, 100-Iw-distent
.Itegular twine I irtgli ve
lam. J. W. Vintri'N F. al Simone?
Can get The Signal on
trial for the remainder of
4908 (or
Send along your name and
address with mash to
The Signal
YANA rnot & luniKRT$ON. Pvatianam
Arbitrators Say 4129,600.
tlechdou ill the arbitration be -
tweet& the C. 1'. R. and the Hawley
estate its to the value of the land ex-
prOtailtteiLiat-tba- railwati-oompaity-
for terminal purpoars at Gotlerich.
pieces the value at ga).5110. It is
iiiii lerato0.1 hat, the t%• le appeal-
ing from the decisiciii. •
The Electric Hallway:
The istirveys for the Ontario %%Nest
Shore Electric Railway are now coon -
!Mini from Underfelt to Kincardine.
The- Waite is along the- "Wind line
through thdburue, and follows the
Lake 'Shore road and the Saugeen
rued through the 4owneihips of AIM.
bald inul Huron into the t,owti of
Kineardier. It is expected that the
work of construction will commence
either in Use latter part of the present
month ur in the beginnio of Au ust
New Postoffice Boxes. ,
The poetoffice is being.' fitted with
new letter boxes,, and hereafter box -
holders will tide st combination instead
of a key Lo open their boxes: Each
box will, of course, have a ditferen
eonthinatirm, and It is etpected that,
the new mystem will be an improve-
ment over the old one. Inspector
Henthigieersf the- Piddle Worts De-
partment, was here last week .to com-
mence the work of inetalling the new
boxes, 'which will be completed in a
dity or two. '
- ..
Knee Church Garden Party.
The ladies of Knox church picked
out a tine evening for their garden
party, which was held on Friday
evening last at the residence of R. 11.
Cent, Montreal street. There was a
good attendance, and the handsome
grounds presented 11. Very pretty and
animated appearanee. • Supper wan
served at tattles on the lawn, the ladies
looking after their guests in a most
hospitable manner. Tables for the
sale of fancy work. home-made can-
dies and Rowers seemed to be doing
A thriving businens. The Med Regi-
ment bend Wall in attendance and
etdei, ed an errettent prograni.
Off for Quebec. • .
Adjutant Gundry of the com
terttarfti-FeWmetiL--- aptain
Dunlop ot the composite Huron com-
pany, and F. Sturdy. 11. Washington,
.1. Prondfoot, H. %Viggins; John Dean,
J. McAuley, Rob. (raigie, I). Bell, W.
Hell, W. Delving tied A. Tufford from
the (ioderich com pen y lean. tomorrow
moruing for London, where the com-
posite regiment mobilizes to go ti4
41141We. Thert• were to he only live
men fr each company, but as some
ofilie !Alm' cinaipasitee in -the -Med are
not sending their quota the war Ins of
their places. We wihli the 1 ys a
(1011erieh 1103rN will be- able to take
pleasant outing at the ancient city.
Business College Notes.
Mins Nellie Ryan left Tuesday for
London, *here she expects to. secure
a position as stenographer Miss
Lillie McCool, secretary of the Spot -
ton Business Colleges, made a pleas-
ant call at the bitxlerich Business Col-
lege Monday H. L Walsh a5 -
tended the wedding of hie cousin en
Tuesday. H. L. is' taking observa-
tions Miss Katherine Hell. of
Ripley, bee-rsetweed bar weeklet the:
enrilMIRShiti"nee College, the --
commercial course Geo. Heaton
in trying to break the record in taking
the commercial course . with respect.
to time Albert Reid, of Wing --
ham, Wad one of the vimitors at the
C. Mo04141Y.
Death of Capt. Marlton. ,
Capt. Edweirel Marlton. -brothel of
9.Irm. F. Sineeth, of town, passed away
at thileth last week At the good age
of about eighty yt•ars. For 14*' past
year. he had been living with his
daughter, Mrft. AlcK ay, 14 1)11111th,
and been failing in health for 140111er
months. He was a, native of Hollatitl
but e • to thiM 4•01111 ry at itil early
age. liming most hielife Ite made
tioderich his home. tor years being
captaintif the William Seymour 21141
411[111•V vessels running between (toi)e-
Detroit. fettleseieletitly
res▪ ided at Winnipeg and New West-
minster anti for a time stayed with
his daughter, the late Mrs. 0. F.
4'arey, in Goderich. Mrs. Smeeth is
his only mitre -rein* blister and elle wits
with et thetivise of hie *teeth
A\ the' Harbor. ,
The steamer \Hosetlialt• arrived on
Tileaday ..... and cleared shout
tunm fur Montreal with „pert id. her,
cargo, 7%Tti;i:- infiliVuting 2a, 'Stn. Vie -Leis
at. the elevator here.,
The ideamer Amex was. iti o1 Mon-
day with 1451 tons of cetnent for (lon-
g,* Birmingham.
Nlo day with a cargo of posts and
be schooner Kolf tge lirrivet on
shi el 111,111 the iwoinstilit
The titer that is being pumped
ft•otit the hole where the sedimenta-
tion Inutin 41 toeing constructed makes
it, Memel/441 III for Imr440140 wanting to
get to and' inlet the bathing house.
If trench mitt° the lake would let
the water off .,it teems a. pity It
should not be dug,.,
41.ienalninen. to work of t sedimentation
Progrees in beielnede on the
good many eitizen. Walla fie. the more will 111• aa it Pi fount)
',tsunami of e .illor 1111.1 114(41 neceamary. The advantag...4 441 $1111dil
etrity wait the -town lousiness, acquired
(hiring hie ter111 I.1 Otilet• IIS Clerk, 1.4•13.iVii• 1 114. benefit which c ft.
many eitizens felt that he could serve recital inswing and will IN• entitled. to
the town tell ail vainage. 114' II Kitt, al I. pri v of i4 ems leetuireekidid Uul
It Wad the o- tliTi a piapds_mixtug one with atmthey
dtemtive that contlitenc0 Whieh 1'1 I IteN
Vire: and as In. hail given only inie year's (isms Oaf Mg in public. Mr. JI 41114(11
service gratuitously to the town. some has a habit ef making a stieceam of any -
ago. 1)14 W1114 willing to thing he -undertakes ; we mety look
act as e ...... either „the remainder of for it streeesmful caters. for the Goderit.b
the'vear. College of
students entering the college 111,11
York Loan Dividend. , Skeelye Doyle. - .
44. 18 officially atmoutteed by. C. D. A 'quiet but . very' pretty wedding
Meett. couttliel file thelMniih.t.-T. - that was satemniaett At ----/4-•=14,tifierlit ehtiretr
the York Loan Co. Nhareholders will on Tuesday morning, When Nurse
get a dividend •of ill pin. eent. Mr. Hum. Doyle became the wife of J. 11.
Scott eaye the Matti*. V • •4e4 Skerly. of W' 'vi•gviesiteast
be); ond lax neetaleals, 44,4l4 ience they aget• for the T. J. Pare Company, -Litei.
will be mble to 1,14.y d '111Vitlellik. of 49 Red, 111'411011Y" " 011ialtio. The bride
per c
clerical work will have to - be Ione a handsome hitt of 1 *line and Thiene..
.i.kfrent.. instead of 2.' i tier cent:- as Was . prettily ut 'ed in a beau
merly indicated. A great den.) of tailored 4'l ist ..... e o cimmti. iiatiatua and
ITiThilifritlibi, tett)
he expects; 1.0 make another atatement the gifts .4 former p tient*, and one
.. . the gift of the groom. mai „carried et
-. bouquet 141 lilies of tl valley aind
Supplementary Estimates. maidenhair fent. She was given.
111 . dim , suptilenientaryestimate° away by her uncle, Frani. • Doyle. of
submitted ter -14w....,1 louse of Com 4)))448 Wingliam, Ontario. 31 i• s Ethel
Wet- week 41* "e 11P-PartIrWing itenuri- Coyle, (4Torotito, mister of t . itride,
Gotherich politic building, addit• titled as Iwiliceinai.1. -She was Mired
in a pretty ('04.1 • of milk II with a
tioderelli gerte tott-Antirriltrficinclxon I tso(• oT
etc.; $3,31102 .
Outlerich harbor. in 4
kwat.. midi' wee 44'))))' euPpoited by Richard 1..
American Beauty, roser, The grootit
tjodritl, It234,_012).
1141.1.4.. , to_piwyL dokno of Walsh, travelling representative of
Sitwell, at AlcGillictiiltle,,$1,' I. the Spotton. Correspondemee Schools,
or re
Hayfield gett, $1,Sdili.112 LO
a . r.tr.ierial hilekny coolly prPeettid. among
and a cousin of the bride. ,The bride
. whichwas a handsome eheque from
the• firm that Mr. SkeelY repivsentn.
Mr. and Mrs. Skeely left MI t1)e,.1
&Hoek 'train for Quebec, and front
wro go Lo the PitgitIn Coasttaking
tht4111 ti1411 40144 -Whilit•W 44 - their
1 Fiends in their:act'. •
Tercentenary Postags/btamps.
l'ostoffiee 1 1„eliartutent.,is
1144 a specirtl series of stall) in cunt-
nteniorat • of t hod.oreent en* „' cele•
lsration at. Quebee. The 'stamps it of
most artistic detagn,'41.1U1 Are kr
quad e repro utat I4411 lithlorec seeities,
than be .4trary-size. allow of !dee
perteaite, etc. The .'desieript lint of
each denomination is its follows .
'Half -cent, grey. picture of l'rim•e
and Princess' of %Vern.: itne-e,•11t,
green. portrait.. of Champlaiti and
I:atelier • tgratvent,..-issil, -King,- E., I.
,witrd and tanette Alexandra; five -cent,
blue, representation of L'ilebitation
de -Quebec ; seveq-cent, tic-
-tures of Monteelneanu i% olte enh
cent, mauve, picture. of Quebec in
1700 : fifteen -cent, picture of• the Par-
liament of the west of the old 194441114. ;
t went y -cent, greet', phsttsre 14 a
*ntiring Ott boig with
Newspaper Bible Study Clisb.
A new feature of The Sign4 whieh. lAmilott l'onset-vetery Minh.
is intr.-allayed I kis week will be 1 Mr the results of the 'levee
.111 page It tetn.i.ts tif 'beige tive Texkiitot.i.l.itifitalt)i,tuintais-mocut antthyatirhuiniwsteitretit.ucion.-
questions 141 t he international Stu
4e1-1.9.1 1.4440n.4 11V 1t. .V. 1),. 1.inveott, (If cens(111 are : l'ienoforte intermedi•
!Irmo fortl, a itible claim teacher a ate, first -claim honors : 1). Rice, Ibm-
long standing. It tell week, there will tniton ; E. l'ht ensued, Clinton : E.
be indicated one question Whirl' is to 'dime, Clinton : E. ‘Vhite, Hennall :
i„. ni,„"ma ;toy ti.,,derF, l'unghlut, Iferntall. Junior, first•
of The Signal WIli. Wit.11 tAl 1•01111pete ei/OW honors : It 1;14T11, 113)-tiel.1 : E.
for the prizes- offered by the Interne- 114111, NVitighani ervie, (limos] :
tional Newspaper Bible Study (1,1),, 11. Jarrott,. Ilensati: (4, lebetbd, lock -
These answers are to 11/ Sent in thin I)I4W I. Rennie, Hemet „honors : 1.
office and at the end of flfty-tten Geiser. Crediton.-l'iti ry, first-
weekn they will elt be Kent te the Hass honors : .1. Hamilton: seitforth
headquartent Of 41),. Chili at Monte E. ',olClinton ; N. Miller. Hensel! :
c petition with answers 440,0 oth
fortl, where they will be examine& in ,ailh.an3!euNlaiii.litirohne:tni4Se‘it%fse;trikthet:...31t,
centi es and the prizes aw,irdet Ininors : It. 11)11, %' al-
as the examiiiere direct. Iteaders of junior, first-class honors: E. ri
TheeSianal will be et no "beetle. *magi. Exeter. Uloosithsw -
in eomtnenetng at this trit•tictilar first -clash honors K. lelliott, Ceti -
week, inweed of at the begiiming ea l'ritalary l'ractical ..... ti%
sterieRtzmin„eti,h4.e.t.a.i.,ttere:viatee earnpetie ja first -chasm honors : E. Itennie.
Vunfori • * •
queattons •fe#. retch eompetitrir to itrY ftort-etasn-hmuns : K
411SWer. Ifeesall : pass : Cliowen.
The Late Mrs. Quirk. Clinton ; E. 1.1,VI, Wingham.
the '
the no
from Lu n
Madeline ML arh
mediate gratle; 3 iss
' ton. honors in the
*Mons Miss Velma AY'
111,1811 Ill pianoforte in t
:animations. '
st of ettie.esktil candidates
inetions recentty held at
ronto Conservatory of Music
of following students
linty appeal. : it's
n, Goderielt,
in The niter-
ila G. Hoover.
*me examin-
;mule ; Miss Helen Wi Sea -
forth, tumors in senior gnu!, siano•
forte tertists' courier) t Miss live
51 e. Exeter, honors in vocal
none grade.
Leaden Conservatory.
, Ptipihg of . -.Joseph's reinvent,
The death "venereal nu -.trrly '±ott- of Gott -erten - =lit r l'bitio -drat-class
Mee. T. F. tteiele -erf-eltrarferie- -enter iintrors : N. Hurt .. E. AVehlh. Pt 1 eit.
of elm. .1. 11. Kelly, of libaltsrich. ary Piano first -e ;um honors : C. tirif.
The Stream.' Helicon gars ef i ht• de- lin, I:. aleGaw, J. S;iiinelers. Prituary
crewel t hal she was a most e.1 Moine Itudiments honor.. : E. Weld,. N.
lady who deservedly held the ...Gym litlf ey.
of a wide rima of' acquaint:on-es.
. -
Her ham,. wa. her ',oda! efrelp tint' grip. Special Meeting of Town Council,
dwelt in eWeet 41 ..... enticity. mem- A special meeting of the town er1t129
tier of St. .1.thepli's church, she ook cil wits held Oil Frittay eVertirtg, with all
dreg interest. i its attain' and was the membern preaent. It wax decitled
particularly known for lief charitable to inirchaire :VIII feet of lire hose from
work a g less fort oliate of he; the (lotto. Perches !tubby) r patty.
(ellitwin"ittga, Iller Omelet) IMMO Was twit. aattiplas were before theasometh
Ellen Collistrat, mlut wits rt (laugh. a1 -ply home at $1 per fool and a 2.ply
ter of Sts• anti 51 nal v.' ,,,I 1 I lige at ftie. Councillors 31 tiunings
Myth, wins Air., 11/1.711e 'TP/11.71- 1Vg/t. She mitt taTthwafti. movrst In pins:hare the
wan Married finieteen yedrs tr,go to more etpettai ve Ir:lit•ving that it
1•'. Quirk, of Stratford, who with II would be cheaper in the end and it,
family of five children survives 'The was the same hose /1,1 the nee of what
children tire. : Marie. Frank, Anne, the town had, femme -liar Itntilher
and the IteeVe moved in eirehnent
-4#u andeetneerser. TIRe-rafeating
Yost Xatate tor bale. •
TII1V5'41\ HOITSgS I"014 MALE Olt
t ren on Newgate mew both have
once, bathroom, steetti• tight, 1.0111 and hot
water. Apply to N. W. NUTT, Newgate St.
Agan 0/P1011 ' TO41014to
• U111101112213 CAPITAL, • 41.002000
To accommodate the Farmers
we have opened Branches in the
village* of
We solicit the Patronage of 1,110
opened by depoeit of 1111.4.0
Interest at 3% compound-
ed querterly.
10)../t10 If BRANCH
A. 0. 0AMALK. sAft•
1,1049. • RALE 011' Ttraftfi:NT. A
11 meet tot...tory frame 1.011.e. 1.01)01111'M(
tool- le.inemet, front end leetrworlor. dining
1 141111, hall, kitchen, pantry, 11140111. er11/1 1,
1.4/ether with one-quartel n an serf ,4 land.
Lion. or rhere i• good hard apd ..tft
water on 1 he premi,e. awl teveral rood fruit
tree., 4410 14 good frame .lable, the whole t*ins
in a ILOOd gale of repair. Apply to
FOOT, HAYS & BLAIR or 11. 3T01/DART,
East St.
141()R SALE OR ItENT. - T 11 E
L. property known a. "The St. lavornee. 'on
Montreal *Irmo, Gorlet tell. Thr honer ht
large and eommorlion• one mot IA e.pecIally
well locetettelt her for a .1vate rettidenee or
for a In -warding boom% .kil eonveri
fence. : th9t clam ormrtnnity. Poneettelen
eon be given ttetober 4. Apply to 311111.
111.:11‘. tholefich. /11.11
Li A 11 M FOR PIA 1,11%. -PART OF
✓ bloek 11. lake Mad ,sod. Colborne town
t wo mile. from (helot. h. bid Serf., good
clay 101110. brick house, barn x R7, with
cement attprian well, eater in ImIld
ing. arui noting creek, 2 ,' re. Aanttlleitc limber
awl yoong orehard. Apply 404, 31. 744)11,
11.41.1011 C. 11 .114 tf
V OUNli It011 EltriON, REAL
• extate Agents.11oderb h. Wt. Farmland
tows preeerties honaht. end and exehanffed.
✓ first -clots Macre tirni West Wawa -
flesh. cone -Amino 5, lot Z7, 4411h 17.5 acme In a
good ,tete of rult ration. well Oss.sst, well
watered itO0f1 orchard, large hank befit, good
11011w. 1'4,4011'1re. Idnek.ntith .1.op and MOM
at corner 01 farm. Convenient to ',hoe4 and
chirrh. 39 mile.. from C._ P. R. station at
A 'Morn. Terme army. W. A. IltaRRIrioN.
Lucknow. Mt.
1. roomed frame (leonine. lumina a nine
eitnatIon. on Keay', Oreet. Stone foundation
and oirrinirr kitchen, gond Mehl... W•111 .4,44
ably. For flirt ft_rsrltrulat.. *poly to
44449. 'Wbf, Ma'ALOHAN. 41 1/110104 are..
M. 0. Johnston the Mas,
Marshall Orla Johnston, the late
town elerk, is the new towte.council-
lot 01 place of H. W. Thommee who
latteremoYed iftratlaroy. The eons-
inatien meeting to ell the vac c
W:144 held on Titesday evening. w
Town Clerk McKim presiding. Mr.
Johnston WAS nominated four times,
and two other newer, *tut seconders
were on hand to place his name in
nonainetion, hut did not Ille papers
when they found 4414. 41122 of their
choice wax already in the field. It. H.
Sallown and Hobert Elliott also were
nominated leit. did not, wish to peel the
town to the expense of holding a poll.
Mr. Johnst m wee nominated by
George Porter end F. .1..Pridhane by
J. A. Robertson and John King, hy
John P. Elliott and John A. Morrie'
and hy George E. Hates and (1,
Mack. Mr, Sallow". Wan nomin-
ated hy A. Nairn and J. E.
Tom, and Mr. Elliott by John
Scrimgeour, and W. MeVittle.
At the codelusion 'of the hour for
receiving nominations there were
about ton gentlemen present. Mr.
McKim was appointed cheirman and
Mr. intimate:in and 31r. Elliott Marie
short and informal addreartea. Mr.
Johnston said he bad been asked by a
brother. and %intern also survive. :
Mrs. MOMW, Stratford Men. 3V.
J. Carroll. A t•thtir f MVO. J. 11, Kelly,
Iluderieli • AliseM-1 Cu
ford ; Robert .1 , Walkerville : W..1. with the ..... enilment, which wee ear•
and Richard. II'innipeg. rietl. The Mitts* reported having 40'.
tobuy the (gleaner wattle, bus it wee
the. grade used in malty places and
found sal ihfact...t.y. 1)04),,? y:
ittalt.nt " Noted
Successful Godench Students at the H411
School Entrance for :eon. •
The following candidates front the
4 lorierich ptibtie t I twhmilit
Init..' been stmer..nrid t he reveut
lig 8( 11(11)1 entritiu.i. examinations.
The full list , nnetli•saf students
front West Hitt -roil will be itiablisheti
next, work.
unpinned 109,14. austiot.'
.111ene k . . '8)7
Alar.to ..-..-... 451
• 181
hauler 11;41011 it• 1111.,111 late, 14.cal Agent •1
littek 41111 Tan-, 41111 1,1tartssali* .• T
The Seutult Show l'.44.) P. lituitr ca .-....-3
'rag-a...hitt:464.1 I594 urn ..r,, le Lata4444142.:--.. IS --
Iteador U. T. It
' Jul) 'tura:alio, Johit Steed 2 "
Ilottsee Kir Male N W. Nutt ... .. . .. ,t
Alb 1.441 ..... or Sale J. II. 4 'utimirise ..... .. '4
t'leo • of Uoderich -l'orter. liook_eteirer • • • • d
Itoiuler, t , 1'. R . ••. ,! .. I-II
It -ugliest Tye.. or Taitoraig Frank H. %Kerlin 2
'Town Lets (m.tiale-i'hos. Tilt
A nastet.24-..aleetember21 - ("median Modesto*. ---'-'-'4
t 'harlotte Cuff ... '• ' 446 ‘3 "1.'1"m het Me - Modems+ Rio- 4
Hera ihnstsittre... 4 • . 4,, Gobi Med d Twine -J. II. ' II . ., .. 4
3itirtriV12-11:::t1. 7„...iNEWS OF DISTRICT.
Heir i Pritlheau ... . ..... '..... . .18 ..,
Slat he de Peiidry 424
Lillie Hairy..., ' ' • --
reerl %alien. • . 42A IJUNUANNeles,_ __
Mar' 'rom:• nn• -•e -n • • • • t •" .. ... '49'.1111'1 11r.:1"111rirtftettuitotor pattern. now In -1 •
Eva S ..... erville....,6......x_.-;-,:e--... '117 WALLPAPER. -SEE THE 'NEW
Iris %Varnock :.., 484 '.100.. t au midget prime.
Heat rice Wells.. . .. . ... ... ...,....... 43i_s! i .,,
••• .... • • el,* le. Note, At tionwevery itew except Teta.. ‘
Sa ie Wilson . ' . • • . f"e.4 rto, *C.w remedyfor extinction teeth 180111.19.
C.I i.a. young.... .. ...... ... . lel. eerie. teeter than gax.4 'town and bridge went
Ci rent* Armitage. • , .. . ....
, I% Iter Buchanan. •• -.1172--- better° "'•-••der:," "lun-g•u'llittli'llwe'. 04.:Tai%o'bentr"ilk4mbwio°'rertiginrit.
*1.1 try Colborne 1111 better 4... 4............' -----
for doing the work. Wore cone
les ward ........ tortato., this oattent.
a,T4)Tielte,--i THE LU('AL AGENCY
I T. lean non for The Siglial at the Poet •
(nave Ikm and SlatTonery 'Store, when
onl.,r. .13.. rooetvtat for gotmeript ad•
5 erti.ilig and Job work, and mom
vi,011 or awutuas maid for the same.
Wetter:mt.% v, ly 15th. -
Alisn Cora Itebet•ts 11 returned
leant a visit to Meeforth Getlerich.
0. I,- Augustine and tly visited
1'14e -tale itt tin) esitenty town this- week.
Mt*. Lowden and • son. of $t.
l'lentues,her Visiting at the . home of
David sprout.
St. J'..ties eitterelt -will be dosed for
two Sundays, Jelly leth end We
Ed 1 i
t e Dietrich.. . 172
Elie Hawkins .--. . .. . .. 421
Ilimetown Mitchell. 45o
Fred Itobtertson . 13,
itorSharnian . . 4:71
Edgar :4 warts . .. . , 151
lien Shaw.. .•
Harry Tufford . .. .. . -4:47
114111E1111'11 liltie.t1tATIC 444 )11,4)4,
Ellis. 1)otlge ...... . . - . . A II
NatOoles)11...tiinvelle .. ....... 4115
Metre litirtey : • ... -. ,,- -.. 451
Marjorie, Kelly . .. .... iv
Veronica Hotel.470
club, asked fur j periniasion for the
club to get some Ora Vel (row the town
444) 4.4.) . Thy_Akib had scene -al hats
on Pliaim 'Street and intended to make
twit cinder court)), and three glass
courts and, rettoired. s ..... e' gravel for
the found...that of
The request 9)814 try toted. Councillor'
(..ntiitie -Knee fl'ith'e Ad" t Potion to
amend t 110 bylaw legislat Mg the lieurs
of eating houses. other than hotels,
hy strikioa. out the -theme reqttiring
such plates to be clOssed between 2 and
5 o'clock on Sunday afternoons. .
, • . • •
„ .
There he at steictrgatherlitg at tioeitec
reef the 'retire of M ale.. hut His HAW
111i1(111111,44 IN 1101 ,•011. pug bet terlooking mop
than tho.e 0 have their elollsor made
Pri.11.atot•he "Icor 1.,
Them. vre greiki ay. for woe-
Catl.tin it: Sal w4- met get an outfit. f
amateur wofk. lle u .tipply the Mat ante
at. the rigid priee. A id that photo of y
...If -DI r iT NOW.
Hummer visitors to Goitgrieb 14111 1111.1 OtiO
the mato int/Tv:Mut placeAto town at Willem
temith'. art .itore 11.w.t +trot*, A large ,tl*
of unique good, ai wit), on hoer visitors
invited to call.
Ignorance in bliss- to ever) y
cept the man who doesn't kno
enottgli to advertise.
The reguler 'fleeting of the lhau.
ter* of the -Empire will be held
Monday af eriesurnext at I o'clock in
the court house.
Brown was taxedal5 itml, cost
se action ..11rouglit-amtilint him 11
111.1 nth wit for' damage to his gable
by Mr, lhown'is cow.
Thennitteil of the !lofted of Trail
haul a isteetitig-iirThe town 11:111 las
evening for the consider:it • • of tau.
eral unittetx. of business,
The 1 etelk ret turn s of births..
marriages /11141 death. 14 11. 1.111. 11‘
1111011LIIN ending J tine i4 Aft (01kOSVW
Myths, 4:1 : inarriages, 21 deaths', 42
, M. Elliot t's tame was pepulat
place for 1 1 1 l• Chi hi 41•11 1.41 31.411124.
while he was giving ,sWity 'Melee elle'
flags. 1 le.distributed neveral hundret
of thew without any trouble.
. 'Mere Ansoltile 'with tin, m's -Hay
Steil bridge, and a teteetin et the read
idge conitintla o county
eonitieler %%leo stem
Mherr*-ami-d hi1,4 int (Tomtit te!ayntoo
pidlinctlow it of the Mout ^hutment
was theeinsed but a deal de loon was
not orroter4
allow. reetor.to take sk. varatifm.
A iiitaprity of new cement walk is
tit.ing Uhl in the village.....-Dungauseisa-
iiiteepirrg up with 41)9 -snatch of progh
J. Itrtiemt Itqlsertson. of Anburn.
the Alrthetlist church tan
Monday. 1.). t'. Tavlot, svf Leicknow,
will occupy the pulpit ne t Sabbath.
The Ebenezer Method st congre_ga. '
(ion will hold a.gititlen "tarty at Mr. , -
(Ilium's' residence on Thursday, July
23rd. A good program is being pre- •
pared. .
'The Oraegt.men of this neighbor- -.
'hoed attended divine setalce at St.
Peetl's chervil ,,it Sunday morning.
Itert-they were addressed hy the rec-
tor, Ilev. T. Hicks, who. gave a very •
suitable discerner. On Monday our
Orangemen j.eined in the celebration
at thelerich. •
_ .
To the kaftan of The IttrIN11.
DKAR - -One -01 your citizens
had occasion to have some water put
on bi•' winter supply of coal which
wits being unloaded une morning
recently, and was using him lawn hose
(0 1)1154*' mine dampened, when an em-
ployee Ill the town notified him that
the hydi'*nt would havt• try he shut off
at mice, an it could be tined only 1*-
een On. houts of 4 and it o'clock p.m.
T citizen .tould_ have...carried the -
Writee fronthlie house tap ..0---dastits.
coed Ore coittwithot t a question being
rained. fit Chose o take the more
eonveniett way of oing it by using
the hose. 'ill NM tofte who should
know kindly'itifortil us whether com•
sense. or nal tape should control
our action in ea. nucti ssctihveirufoure. -
going ?
Good Words for .33ed band,
• '1%e committee of manegement who.
toy} cluerge eiernit gesetleri party
held 1111 the parsonage lawn. Auburn.
on Wednesday, .'4th inst., desire to ex -
1 prime the apnrecir t.' of the entire •
(anent of the esteem id le rendered
by the ;Gra •liegitue t baud 44 Gudevisit. The ..... nie M of the higheet
order, the select ions varied and
-nrunerons. The peopie of Aliburn
wi•re dliglitt•d anti are ready at any
time to welc • thin splendid bend to
their village. commtrtic.
The.elignsti, was favored the eller
day by David Sproul, id town, wi a
4194114t NI spray of fragrant riimen. 411
A.1111/.1 a 111111111er Or 141/1.4, the
sy. c no fee Than tifty•freit. rilAW.1
the spray Thev are the Criinton
1441)1 11111.', 11,4.4: Spriest
ham it Ile Ville 'It hin hill 1 1 1. 1 11 1 Raglan
sti1'lte1• 11tieti Old Boys' ASsociati .... of
Winnipeg; following the ...tamp* of
heir-Torontiotirethren are having a
tent on tha• to. eituimof The 1Vitnitteg
fair, 4411,11) 11. befttg held thin Week.
Aaaiatistit.peiireeentise•tThe mimai
111Ve 'Well played in the
tent, to assist in the entertainment of
former rnairtents of the (-minty who
may be the geestro of Winnipeg old
[toys during the etdbition.
.At a 11191e4iiik birthioviliter and light
(• ' shut last night it. was 11,-:ide1
to tenV "duet ie generator fnissi the
Canadian (Mitered Klectrii. Company
at $ 0_ a month. The • onwhine ih
billed to Oar eommiseion at Sires'
itransitittittid in rental te Ite a died on
with ft vear'N 114)41,9) 14. puriltibie: an,
the porches.. pre* in Ow event tif 41111 -
'hese. Thin imtchine-in seconothand
one. The 'event] for renting the
meehine preferenee to ptirchitailut
outright is I lie posnibility of getting
Amer from the alaillend River Peewee
The wept,. ed V ictorie street. Met
dist church had the great pleasure (in
Sunday eve • g of hearing their
former pastor. Rev. IV. 11. tinthn,
now of I iititatu. Ali.. inthaiti
prewhed en able nernmn large.
l'"Intgrillev.AIV"."11Melean. nun 111
Bev. D. McLean, of totem hes been
inducted into the pastoral charge id
Guthrie chureh and ite assoilateel ism•
rimetinos in the Mande Preeletery.
rtik in Mr. alclean's first perm/meet
rherge, although he had heee the ve-
pltng•his tierrereity eounet
num r of calls since cone
friend', In Godetich wish him abu-
dant monies in hts
ceived a letter from the engineering
Point Farm Notes.
demi ta 'tient of tlii• Military district
The followitileheire registered dming :
illg if. .11 441lf4 event. 414 41).' Military
the'WeekNt Minn: A. Ho' Adams, /211111 being held bere next year, the
A. J. Kithl : 11. EL (1lark, St. Cid hew- 1119)1) W01114j feel inclined to Nonni,
bust : 0. M. Alusinisto, Ayr Mr. and the 44401e1.4 and vs mei 410 fight /ID.
AIrs. Rimiest), C. J. Stuart. Toronto : a • as this year. The letter *vta ad.
Mrs. F. W. Illolliorake, Harold I dressed to the Mayor privtrely, 111144
Allen Hollinetke, 8. 'teat Mrs. W. he 1 hought it well lo test the feeling
Fairhairn, Mims M. Vairbairn, Mrs. 11. or 111P eittIlleil 'before evplvitig. 11.,
H. Anthony. Margaret and Marion ale, betel he hail intie viewed niany of
Anthony, W. II. Moore, wife and the business men itnirotherm its the
family, J. J. Murphy, Miss Elliott, town and (mind they were altnost.
Miss Lenmtnl, all of Detroit It. Hen- unat . i ... misty in favor 1.1 the tovvn
nett, of Chicago W. .1. Lee, Miss making the same provision for the
Mary Lee, ittwieh • Edith Emden,- camp whither year. fin 'notion of
Mearc'rth M 1.•sndAf re. George Councillors thillow rind ..... bet it
Porter, Ernein and Gertrude Porter, WWI declared that it sena the win!" of
Miss E. McDonald, Mint Mona Kidd, the council that every effort should lie
Mime I. Protulfoot. Minn Helen Sht.p- made to secure the holding of the
heed, W,Penuilfoot, ()Wench ('*440)))here next yeer. The* Reeve and
MIs.Acheson wave it party to twelve cietneillora MunnInge end Critigie
of her/rimy& Poirt Met Pliant' were ittTleilor-iiT air. xtrungly
dn'Tyhe old Point Farm hee apparently Doty Engine Works stated I hut hey
worded I esolutio. A letter friont the
retaken itself free from the wave of had a lire engine at Nieneinethat wee
epreseinn aml is once more enjoying being discrirded there, owing to the
It oldtime propperity. Ita patron. introtiuction of ii high•preetnerre tem
are enjoying themeelven evlory day tem. The engine wits in good 'melt,
end re apparently getting All there ing order and the Campany uttered
is in II . to poly the expenses of a r Atter to
• go 1,11 Misneot• *11 Mel. 4444' engine and
Goderich liege Of Music,
have it tent. 111/111P. • The ermined de.
We are plea/wit to be able to railed tri mend a ne 'Dee, eonsinting
itonnfinee lin (Telling. 4)4) KePtelnber olUouneillors 31 ingm weed Humber,
ith, of a new i Motion which tato lie to nee theengine.- This letter of the
4411911-RO-11W ode/1A College of 1)14 4' Engine Co. wes billowing top a
*Pik. The 94 'ea of 1241'.I tom. .one whirl' that the
edncation is lying increaned piny expected. to pert-* nee en -
attention 1 the eel ured people of gine which they einthl miepply the
thelerich and vicinity ar After yi•ar, roy attult, 44,11191 *nil the old en•
and the time has come en it /teems gine. In responiee to letter from.
thief A college vif music, ere its oma- Ray 13,'n*, of Listowel, *eking foe an
int adventages for inborn ion end extensirm of thek leas* of the ware.
training in this art. should 1 found house ne Viet-Oria k - ing to
autongst the institutions the difficulty in seeming a sitisfaciot•y
Unite The fioderieh ("Alpo of i.lc location tor it, it was derided. 1,4 Al•
WM Ile under the dirertion of E. low the 1)'1011111g lo remain where' It is
.1. K. Jordan, and in addition ming the pleasure of the council at 4,
Mr. Jordan linnet there will be ntal ot Sa per month for the ground,
three teachers on the staff, and G. Gamble, on behalf of the tennis
7 • Hot* God.ricls, - -
The Simmer theta invites you to
dinner every evening, 0 to 7 p.m.
Special fish dinners .'very : F:ridy
ererttng end eblekeir dinners on thititi-
lays,- I t 0 2 p.m. 410zens of f14r41e-
.11 and vicinity will Ilnd this a
pleamant method of entertaining
vietithig friends. Few outings are
more Appreciated them an evening on
the bree v.veriindahm or in the cheer-
ful parte (of the
where the in generally 'something
doing. Pludi nevem. with bathroom,
at free .1 i8144111111 of ladies who come to
Priinte thins also free Its
fluke who' wish t, entertain ten to
thirty 1r1e11t14.,, or for meetings of
OW*, c...mintittees or boards of direc-
torm who wish lucheo', or dinner..
:Secial afternoon teen arranged on
short notice atel mimic- furnished If
A story itt Iting told of a tramp
who knoeked at the door ()fa building
in it smell eountry town and melted for
food. "Certninly." replied the kind-
hearted hely whi, bed answered hie
knork. "Nit down there hi the hail
Anil we will prepare you it meal."
The tranip did rut he wan told, sighing
t111144111Y• "This," mid he, "isl'era-
dine." -''No.'replied the 'tidy, "it ix
the School 'if Cookery." The tramp
rose to l.i feet. "Ifaicuse unit --
inured hesi, "1 think 1 will he moving
l'in tent that hungry."
954 A RI'S 44,tioderichp,, M ay. July
IMIt, to 31r. 111111 Sir,, E IL award.,
Goderich ne, NIonday July
Ms. to Mr. and Mrs. Ttormy. Jolinaten, a
AR A. rlit
'h.ley. td
1r. nd NIrs. 0 IJ*',, bitter forrerly iOilnoe. o41,0(144401.
Tit tAereA. A
v i I le, oti Mal or
day, July )401. .1 Mr. and Mr.. Nelson
Trewartsit *daughter.
leo At the re.itlenee of tic •
brirife. Parent. la tioderich. on July 14, 99
Mee. It W, Mitlyard, Grace 141rmbeth.
de.(htet 01.409118ptoule, to /tr, Potts. 4)1
440144,R -.Al Renmillaf, 011 VOlidaY, 1,114,122.
Anna Mary Mo,,',', 111*? of thO Itte .
Moer. mot St years MA a leasottso