HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-7-9, Page 8g' Tach iv, July 9, 1908
glrr, the bunter mei the lyouut•in I
climber will tical unlimited 'copra sur
NIS exemia0 of their. several hold:deo;
the ethuuloriat wilt discover is rich � �GUM
field of research amore- !odious.
whose qusiut villages of the sharers;
the botanist and matnralist yral fall
ti upuu • world of tutrresting !object.
while th...ieologist writ flhd Iliutecif
face to lice-vt-ihrcvnditrvns that limy
shatter many of ilii accepted Hutto
flab mai give him lucid f Or ample coil'
*guts and a re -arrangement of his
coatnie ides.
1VrwNgauAv, .hili' filth.
Miss McKellar, of Michigan, 44 yisil-
iug frientb In this neigbtlurhuutl.
New Buchaaao, of DPrruit, it t•isit•
g her cousin. Robert Buchanan.
Fir.. wntT-FCt'ii. R'-il.iTirr:
IAn Organization Which Is Doing
Good Work..
In the yeti of Ibe l)Jluond hit::
Iet hCo,tier Iste 11 .-' ..n- Male•
Queen Victoria, t1.- .i .- itl„11 to .14,
inrmorste in V11.03'151'
t V11151 sol
tun. called on friends byre last week.
laving born caller! -to Blyth by the
death of Mrs. A. B. Carr.
I3oMINIoN DAY t'IrNtc,-Thr pirnir
held on July 1st. int.lohn K'ightwan'a
grove. under the auipices of the
'V,'atlleld S lay, srliiol, was+ well
attended and was a great. uuers+s+ tm
rutty respect. An excellent prograot
of sports was c:utied out and the
W'ingliam Salvation Army -hand woo -
sailed 4411I hence of g,MMI 11411N44, The
prM•eM1. ;n1.l x111(.•41 t 11 $IIM1,
- -4M0313 Y. .1 uta- til II.
11i44', liuchalian. - of lice/Penh i.
%laitil*K lair sister•, Mrs. Alex. " rig.
h'ariners in thitroert'on are rill Llry
with the hay. The strap. will he rep
to slit avrnq(r.
Quite,a nuurb�'r iu phi. ucighlMn-
ho1Ml are pl tuff L.. Spend next Aloft -
tiny in the rImntrfirtm•
t Mien, 'Tena Johnston. who ha..la•el)
teaching near S:1111t Ste. Marto, i.
spending the vacation under the par•
ental roof at
Mrs, elms. Mrlianly Irfl' i..t 'tree•.
day for 44 three the' 41,11 in 111.•
grrvat %'...t. Miss Annie Green, of
leu J,rLL-i++-left-to
$, The amateur pNw`rapher. the au -
iule llifli'v cane tr,-in pert of
'the bnuell'1wpore, t1.u.. afflict the
general tejoIr},tis al 1he. ututhetland
tielf, eo rig ralulel.wa3 f4um-out,r..itu•-
taltl poured in. nod with thew r„o..•
the earne.4krequ.•-t-_troth leer ,e.ittr-
orf people that I1••, Maje-ty would
trracwu5ly'permit thew to marl; this
''rust cline yeiir . 1 L. • i' 144 leas 1e,4'l,
smite umprri-habl,• l.t•'n of three utl•
Meant -tuyatt -:Roes .4 '.- --'u: to Orb
u ream'.( l+: tie- it ,.d• net I,l.••Iy
that the voice�t.t th„ , I.Ie-t ,I:Inpbt.-r
f the-'int.tlhrlu11,I. IA, Int paouur.{, n
'.1 4':+uxdr: woutit-t,�' _eines Thies it
I .414P• -,t•• ' tntl nde r
an'I pr, +ideut. L:t.h' Lt eldreu. the
wife of our Govt. our -General. the'pe'-
t,t,un of the Nati .ieal 1'tameil of W.
mlrn of Cals•la '44'A- pi4c•••1 in til
hands At our .t..-.1 (111.''•11 :an,t rli
r.ay'Y,t:J'Wl:ral441111 rr,"'
tih.4lw--wends •4.4--wpprerlatiup, tha
('11II I4:a'4 w.,000. :1•.111;1 hay.• nese.
Lu.L '1101." uddrd Her M:1
j.• -stye. "I 41.•.11.• tl, ,• ever). .urh m.•u1
;,tial ,1n4'ttld tale t �• forum of minister
,nr im oda.• w ....1 :o..dhar.4.n 1
and •,Ii.riog..,
and Itlu,. 44:1- •'. • keynnt• -truck
ehil'14 vibrated :, :1 churl of tie
tent -hen luu.ir .,:.•t Meting it- eel..
thruurhout the Icn.•t'e and breadth u
mar -
tie hearts of ('au., l:i' loyal women
tient.- 4ernrorspate4 the
ears 'of ling .f lathers, Nona -x44(1
brotheee,. until, alter mlur.li patient
wurk. some tel-utelerstandintr.+ and
41 leappointmeut±..�ltt fir Mere encon r-
KrmeIt., there '.printer into being a
hying. breathittr mormineut t.. the
noon' of Vieturill the Good: known
recoRnlxef a= sur• t>t throughout
our oentry. from the Atlantic to the
Pacill�, as the• l',.•toriatt 'Oiler of
.Aa loi�g as she lived. Queen Vic -
oris was the Patroness of the order.
and now her present Majesty. Queen
Alexandra. honors it by continuing in
lit. Acme relationship towards a work
teftlt, which she, also. is in the fullest
aetard. -
TheO Governor.. General of Canada
ami their wive -s. raeh in .unweeiun
from • the 'condom of the V. 0. N..
Lord and tidy Aberdeen, -have be-
euew its pateme: whilst -upon its
r;e utiv.' board of hlattagement stand
Ux• neater of some'..Of our eountry',
leading men and women, pant and
present, the ('ental Traiui,g 'Tome
01 the Order, in Ottawa, bring 1he
gift. in perpetuity, of lady Aber=
d.•en hert•elf. The work is carried on
mpml wholly undenomittetional Tineas
the only claim upon its benea(a being'
the neett•uf the applicant for the sante.
ft-iw-riot the purpose to O(lri_.ccurate
statietics of the actltalgrowth and pro-
gress. of This most beneficent work. It
nay he useful to meut,on the names+
of some of the places where either a•
cottage hospitals or in district work
1,.' large staffs of V1ek,riara Order
Nurses are ea suece
heir errands of mere
real. Toronto, Kings
Y.3 Almoute; Haullin000 9t. John.
ti" B_ is►iia:, A,$,----lfmhouvrr.
li 17.; Sydney, C B.; Gravemhuret :
Winnipett; Haddock. C.B.• Cane*, and
tutu. N.14.; York ton, Sastc ; Dauphin.
Mail.; Harrington. Labrador; Arrow -
wad : Hoek nay and Ferner, B.1 C. ;
heal bike. Mata.; Copper Cliff, ant.;
'ictou. N.5 : Ind,:U1 11ead. Qask.
trantford, Stratford and I.ondon.
AA -an instance.. of what . ia._,heutp
One the, nurse connected with the
atter, established .two years age, has
holm( that time paid no leer than
.7N visits, includrtor 1, 110 in the•
first two year... and 110 Ica than !17.4
n the first three months of ti... its
third -year; total. 1,714.
Awl .1.'a..Iultn %Veitemeows to Sort I
__:.-Dakota haa+uat ere- ----
Among i1it' whO[4a`tbe up
on the 1lunin Old Boys eseinteion
from Toronto were Alias Annie Ilopp,s.
Miss Leah Boggs and Mrs.. Hendrick.
of Toronto. wtlb air visiting old
friends and au•quuintances. Chas.
Varcor alea came tp to make A brief
---v3witat tete uhf
Telt: KiNtal'ItHlirote G.*.uo?v
-1f the/sum-am of last Tuesday esam-
ing is'repeated in the surcerl
yeapot he pollen tiarty of 54. liaseplt
Churell, KIngfJ•ridge.. will steely IM•
one /of the big a 1 events of this
part 01 the country. {gut w.'.-L'M id-
fatir was the first attempt of the
Kingsloidge ladies along this line,
-and- the- wieemsi viiieli al.teudet N404t-
effol•ta_ is a tribute to their rtlicicm )
and goal mantegeu.ent. A large
number of !Wilde .•3111.' 314041 far and
near 111 participate 'r p o
tU 1 L 11 the ;diesel/rte., f
i Pea
the twenkig and their expectations
were realized in the excellent attrar
tions and 1 he splendid -. programs
that were prc.•nit'd. Ihmcau Mc-
Kay, the were,
piper of K
was on haniland contributed largely
ta-Lheoen,luyrhent of the evening Itj
his stirring mune. Mise I Ilei ;Imo_
Lerman, cit the Chic.4Kn Conservatory
et Music, a former Ashfield girl who
has reached an enviable pheitiori in
musical circlre.. . favors d'oLhe -.ante
audience with a piano *•lett'
and kindly Ieetondet t
thnsi,aatic encore. Pian.. ...'11x•'1
were given also by Mis.nna
Gregor. Miss McKenzie (daughter of
John N. MrKettiie. Laurieri,''' and alio.
Glandyn Mosxa 1111 Wert• toch
ed. Jags, 1•'.-Tths,*otn, (i.alrrieliewell-
known vocal gobletgave aea petal
Hong, being *cc pained by Miss
1Vimnie Griffin, of Gielerieh. Thr
Epiano and violin duet by the Misses+
liza and Mattel Young wax • much en-
joyed, AS were 3180 4110 rhuruwr. by the
school children and the Heng by the
Mieaer+ Moms. .101111 11x11011 141041404.l
off a chute.' in gond style. and Masten
'Valter Dalton showed cleverly what
x yulu.g 1441 '•au 414 in the same line
A glee club hang w' • .If 111.• sprightly
popular 111114ie, and the al..slot Mc -
4 Innis favurel -with a 11111,1,141 4ele••
/. 1'hr Nadhs for the sale of re
---.lrexluuents, (ahoy a11.4k'ks, rte-., wet -s-
well patronized, 'toil iu finishing lye
_the disposal of the r1•ticl.•.. 1,y aray ..1
auction John Griffin • sowed he had
not furgotten h1. old •True talent.
The p roceeol.r of Ili.• Ovrnl 110014•`
the handsome slim of 162111.
114 11-
Mt' -
ully carrying oil
Ottawa, Mout-
on. .Yarmouth,
To The toelor of The 4iguaI.
1111. H 5111,- There is a ilium' deal of
Agi ti� nit! o n regarding 41,110 hiles.
especial their i ' g., on the
country 1•411441s, 1 1*.%r ,,iy,e•I3 14.•.•,,
H•t•ionsly 1130011V1•110010.041 by the auto.
bile, 1.111 it would hardly,Iiilo fur
-diel these nntrhines the nee of the
triotus. Like tither things which: al
first appeared 141 Ie a nuisance, but 1..
*Weil we have
*Weil 34.4.1rstn11.41,
t hey are here to id . The suggest 1
has been made that the uwn,'r of
tuoto!. tar be compelled to take out
two 14.011w•4 one tr. ton in,. ln,u-hill.•
in town and another to line it on 1110
'country i -nubs, the horde from the bit
ter to go to the maintenance and re-
pair of the country rr.*.h.. The motors
do a glssl deal of damage in the
country, by injuring the lire of the
roada end by stirring up floods of des,
which settle on the Kr1tin lields, oil II
Ti only fair that, the owners, who now
pay nothing for the mtintrtten.0 01
these r rues whi!'Ii they us.•, should lie
required to 4144 mo by 111.- )Nilpotent of a
special 1e1.11.x. fee. TRA
Quebec Tercentenary.
The Grand Trunk Railway System
has homed a neat aril attractive book-
let in vivito-m.1km with the !terente•m-
ary cel.'bralion to he held at q.rlm',
this month. Thr booklet trivet. row
rine information regarding the nh,p t
of the r,'leht•nliun 411111 04 03 1hi. euu,-
plete oflli•i.il progioni that will I,•
carrier) out, order of the himtoric:.l
prx•Psiion, {N11•ak•nhal•s 01 1 10 003400,
of the historic pageants, inform:0km
regarding 34C11111 u,41alinn and- Pal
ticulars of how to reach Iluebee. Th.,
pnhliratio11 is padlock. ilhlstotte3
with scenes of the modern city, to
gether with historic hindmarkx. A
copy esti lie had free: train principal
agent• of the Grand Trite*.
A Iawyer once staked a tuner who
had at various tildes gat 084 several
juries, "Who influenced you'hiost
the lawyers, the witnesses, or the
judger". He expected to get sono'
useful and interesting information
from so experienced a juryman. This
was the man's reply : "I'll tell yet •
air. 'ow 1 fes rep 111', ' 4. I'm :(
plain man, and a remount' man, and 1
aih't influenced by anything the
lawyer^e say, nor by what the^ wit-
heseea may, no, nor by what the judge
e*ye. i Piet looks at the man in the
dock and 1 *aye, 'If he ain't done
nothing. why's he there .%1111 1
brings a'm all in' guilty."
uIv ;'. -111 nnderlch. 011 Mnndm tidy rety 411,
Margaret %Vnhatet. been,'l wittier of Robert
Given. aged .0751.41.7' month. and In day..
CARR. -In HIV h. nn Monday. June Sah..laue,
wile of A. 41 1 air aged at year.. 4 months
tads day-.
Sem* Interesting Facts Respecting
Its Geography.
• The eftreme ljupwh of Vancuuv, r
Islaud..is =a witem. .trues (imutale-
1'uant to, Cap.. Scott. and its .gr. -at. --t
b1eadth i►- O0 wiles. Ito area is 16.-
4411 `square `oodles, about letruo.ras,
acres.which sbuut orae -third i4 um'
explureA 'euuntry. The coast Ira. h•
unusually extrnryge, loch -toed 'With
di -p bay, and f1ffs, all of stitch af-
ford shelter for small :(•raft, oink
mugs art' 43440 41.4144- of 1014-1,341 110( 41e
taryrmt einem afloat. 'Ftle w.•.t c0u4t
i- rewarkir-' tar the nuns -leo of lone
gros,, 4r canals nn they ole heal],
termed. atuch atilt.- their- nuftzerou-
bn,uche:.'•xteud inland fur miles, al-
for,hntr importunities to the I,rospee
tan and the lumberman by yiv(Ig easy
uer,'51' to 11110154 and timber that male.
.nrdhlary eireum'tamces wool.l he not
cit retell. The waters of (lice.• renal.
-art' invur.ably very sleep, ;wrnaittine
i&viyation by largo yeamels their en
l,re length, and are in many rnM-
i.,rderrd by mountains Airh rise ab-
ruptly. from the water's _ .'4ge to
height* of front 2.600 to 4Ai41 feet
1044 the cunt roast the shores are les--
ts.abrupt; the bays re numerous, but
•iess intrusive. and there are man,
• atm( ex.nvenwut harbors. A claim..
,lr.rund Vancouver inland in n
taurttteh, we•hIdouud boat, maks•% a d'•
1'ght(14I mutineer outing, the .toner,
Tmg ipconlparable and dtversdied,
and the weather 114 a cul.• perfcrti'.n
Locating the Incubator.
Al to locatluu of the Iucubator, do
out place It lu ■ room w here 1t will
be between too wludows whore a
draft Is likely W blow across It. The
wacblue should out be located where
the sum cam hall at rose It or etrlke
the flour too close to it. The effect
of the sum upon the mmcbhie Is pe
culler. and while th,> temperature In
the room may nut seem to rise the
eau will cause the egg chamber to
heat wore rapidly than might be sup -
owed, thereby luterferlug wlth the ad-
justweut of the regulator. Lu nut lo-
cate the machine in a uurtb or west
room unless 1t ,s Impossible to flud
another piece. A south or east ruow
le tar more Pail.tactory, pays a writer
In Orange Judd Farmer.
The lucubatur should be whore thew
is a fire all the tlwe, or 1t should be In
a ruuw where there 1s no are at all.
It the machine is placed Iu u room
where there Is no are, it should be
-sweet Ia mind that -Nee eggs cannot tie
cooled In a temperature lower than 60
degrees for any length of time with-
out chllllug the eggs. The eggs should
be wrapped between the folds -'of a
blanket and carried into an adJolciug
Nous where there Is a an,
The o orator should use every pot- '
B ible cure lu keeplug the lamp bowl
,asci lamp burner strnpntonsty -(•flan
and tree from oil or any other for-
eign settllugs. If this is not done the
beat of the burner will naturally gen-
erate some gas, mud, If this be throe n
off in the room, Is sure to be gather. I
back Into the Incubator, and as It flu„
through the egg chamber to cause a
great deal of damage.
The air ld the room must be ais ■
lutely sweet and fresh. Be very care-
ful to see't1tpt the Incubator alts per-
fe tly level. but do not attempt to leve,
ft by a teeter bottle, pan of water or by
anything except a carpenter's spirit
level. Be sure to set the Machine true
hl the frof.t and back and across each j-
end, m this will insure a perfect cls•
eulatluu of air through the tanks as
well as through the egg chamber,
which will play a good part la produc-
Ing strong, healthy chickens..
Something Wrong.'
"'ell•• proof of six: pudding w the -eats
No longer seems thee proper phew,
For tote' of •.•aide eat their words;
Yet .rt durren'i• smug. UMam taws.
Potyglot Surely.
Hewitt -Lues your %fie know more
than une language} Jewett-,i3be cer-
tainly dope. She reads French novels
In the original, talks In her slee 1n
F.nglteh. discharges the servant in Ger-
man and converaes with our youngest
In baby talk.-bxebange.
1t Sounded Rigto.
Teacher -Who can complete this men -
term, "Ile went from tail to"- W11 -
fret! (who has been abroad witty hes
pe sentsl - Beden-Baden, - Nevi Yort
▪ I' xl 1, V, J.,l\'II,4,. Auction-xl of Inner
hold • 0' f'. at .•urnrr 444 11unollt.x' a ul SYS,
gate 'wr1, eiu rear of \1i-.. 4 ...P••r •,, awl
1,,11,,104”-Y.1013.1.y.1013.1. Max. 1•..
004, l:, cuxr, ole)Iunen..
II hammocks
S1u'(•I;Il ('I(I,t' \,'ovi'll
I I;ullulot•ks.
rood colors, ranging ,n price
from $zoo to $3.5o, with and
without valance. Cheaper
glality,'special. $i.o).. -
Croquet. fiats;. -
seasoned wood. 4. 6 and 8 Balls.
from $t.00 to $a.5o pe, set.
Special Practice Set, 4 Balls,
75c per set.
Tennis Balls for feta Base
Balls, Gloves &c., at Popular s
Phone too. ( ourt Hou':.- Square,
(,oderu h
Canvas Oxfords
and Gibson Ties
Are without exception the coolest summer footwea, Our assortment of
these Sumpter Shoes awaits your inspection. It ,nch,dcs many new styles for
ladies and rhhldren In white. grey and blue canvas, tha' will giye you pleas-
ure to see and greater pleasure to avear.
Our Oxfords for men hold the lead in quality
and beauty of design. We have the tidiest, nat-
tiest and most wearable line of Shoes to be found.
Any man can please himself in footwear here.
Ease, Elegance and Perfection of Fit
are strong points in
our favor.
Downing & MacVicar
Nortel Sidi. (,f'8(luaar 1;otlrlirh
The Opening Day
Saturday, Julyllth '08
' E announce dodgy the inauguration of our Annual .1 .'_3' ^ -�
July Clearance Sale. It is a sale that will be of un-
usual interest and, profit to the purchasing public in reach
of this store. - •
"`CLEARANCE," as we use. it for this July Sale, means
a clean-out of all summer merchandise, and a store that is _
absolutely .-bare--of-sunnier stocks when -fall selling-b,egigs. do
We have the goods and the will to make this sale the greatest kind success, and you can
count en your dollars doing extra duty if spent here in July.
We start the clearance Saturday, July lith. Watch the papers ea h week for th, store
news, and look for the "Clearance" price tickets all over the store.
The Biggest Skirt Bargain We Ever Gave Yo
1181'.• i, tic biggest kind ot'skirt bargain for this Jule' sale, A special -ht. anew skit I►(►njllt at- a-
price that b-ts us.turn thCIILOV(er to you fur leis than regular wholesale prides. 'bon't miss c {awnla'.
They are splendid garments for
fl � summer weal'.
l-"'I-ty-fit'eholies tweed skirls, made f • g.s.d,uality fancy tweed iti_ehteeks and stn -w.. 1.grin c.•loring.., :t
••I, 10., with plaits and .4i•apping+. Brand new. 1. eight for this July 5,3,•. Regular' ttl.:.i.-. ••l leal'aoe,• Treitz each
Some great bargains
in Laces and
and Embroideries at
pi ices that nleall g-l'Rat saving.
Broken lines and odd iots to be
t•k('anetl out re'1ardless of value.
Laces and. Embroideries 5c..
1'ou will lend 101.1,1,' full 4'r ,M1.1
lh.•,-, MO Swiss embroidery at ie. a
aril. They ale worth in the regular __-
way from Se, I0 1e4•. 11',' 101141 1•e -
duce the stock and throw these ,,1t
ilYIr bargain table for then Julc
'keh'arau ('1" male ail per_ C.
Net Laces ioc.
One yards net laces and trimming
iewrt ions. 'These coolie in cream
and white, wartime wt t a, The real
41.4144.•.. are 1:M . tee at,:, 11"e 10I
•.,i else h:u KOiti coult.•1• fur 1111:
.telt 5:11• ❑t wren rh tee per yd.
Laces 3oc. a dozen -' --
0041 4.0.1. fumcy� r'" tints ten chine
10 soul iuw•rUm
wide, e
t **
pf utrrl m'. h
1 1 t Ieo•
1 t
underwear 11 h - at 1 culton
will 1 • lenr-
r41 4111 xt y4ue' t 1ioier , t the t
per dozen y.4r1M..- . '3UC.
It will ,pay you to lay in a
supply f4Whex season:
Decided Bargains in Spring and Summer Coats
- - Itere.:u•o sante, remnant ot1eri ►s in spring and summer ;..to/x114. All are new
saving is Vests apparent, It has conte to'c;lean-out tinle now in the coat departwcut. -
oue'fl,rtv.u'.I. They ate ,just the thing r cool slueDWI' evening s and early, tall wear.
Coats at -W-90
I,• (:.dies' Spring and Summer
4a'L,-r., nettle front fawn broad-
, lot b.. covert cloth. al8t black
field. bah, tight fltrinz and L44.4.
.44,•s• all this'.'+1smil'M g.x4l4. 1(e•
4 - 67.: ro ru $,,t.ito. July $4.90
.•4 1,•, r :t1, .• 'raeh
Coats $8.25
i,a,lh.•: 85.111111' ', broadcloth
reeI ,,,yeti 1'u0ts, fawns and black,
I.„'.,• rend tight luting. :111 this
non', ttareletit., 7 4r .1 of then,.
tt.•y,llar 4l2.'" 1113,. 1. ea 25
.I ply ••(70:1:00,• ".vu'h
Ladies' Net Coats $11.50
-ui\- I.1-1,.• - N -t l ,,at.. ,,i, -ole
t named with applique and
chi on ruching. '.itrgular $17.''
• I.tlt' ••l'l.arrinee," eau•h $i 1.50
Ladies' Silk Coats $I7.5o
Two of these left 10 4rll. Teeth.•.'
feign'-.Hnarler Irngtlr_Talfeta Silk
('oats. ort vita full just the thing
Tut ehlerly Indices imported by
ourselves. 1.01041 t10•.eight tot,
oierly t •' 31 w•il11 Mad, .ilk
applique. Regular t6 eu.7ei. $l 750
.duly "I learn nee," .•,u:h.
Raincoats -Going (lt Too
'1'1e••'• I;,iO,„at+Lr7•a11.kgiwitthe r,•
1„ i, ,., i t11.4111. real worth. ' 1V,•
have ,,,, 113in6oats (hoilgh, anal
► aruu'llts and the
We will lu)t. - carry
take this way t.' •''•t the .took down 4„
where it nimbi 1,, lie.
Raincoats at $1.50
Burt4nf them. Lade- •4., ,J
:teed ('I,tt•enetto Ib • 9. .,1 'Id.
.tyles are .4 Jittl.;.418, 4.ut Ilm,
sv.mht tn:.LO rish'flittil 1'4:14, 4..4
rough wear or driving in .1.. t •
went her. 1'Ieatni, eta $1.50
each J
Raincoats at'$5.00
A clawvi4.K-h(.oeflitres- 4kat soli,
in the regular 4% 'fir 767.:"1 to-"
$111.1111. 'ihree-quarter ,aid fu1l
lenfttl4, eta *ax►. fawne soul f:unry
iuu•k.. 1'kilt int at each $5.00
"Clearance" Carpet Prices.
Some tul(loubte(l Carpet bargains in July.
I '„nu' anti see them. ']'hey- will appeal to you if'
you have any thought- at all of ('arpet !my -
int?. A good many ' lollan' worth of Carpets
11(3 tttrnt34T into` II101ir`y 1►eforl► the month' i•
it We are going to 11(1 it with prices lilt•
Wool Carpets 371,,c.
1•'u,rr paltersic all ivied ,
carpet, full yard wide. in
rzt•.•rrrn, I1r+wn And 1441
.shades. It.gular 110c.. for
Jolly ••('Iea1•anc. i
,,.•1. yet......... 3/ 2C.
Heavy Tapestry 58c.,
:: patterns extent heavy
Inpn•eiry 0nmet 04, - very
clo.e, even pile, gond cid-
inK un,l designs. Regul-
ar 'WIC. And 14.i.•,, f,,,'
.1111y •'4'Iraninre" 5Vc
per yard ....
. .... (J
Brussels Samples
Maniple length* of
1hvseels rn1040, cant, 101.1
rouging from 11 144 1'.
)44141'4. .Irish 1 11,' tbin41''
mate. Clearing it. 69c
per rel
Velvet Ends 85c.
4o ends velvet renal 1ViI-
ton,•arpet, each end con-
tains fr 11 to 1t pants
Will nuke capital 111014.
Cleat -01g at per Qmc.
e•nd. V
I:emnants..f f Japan-
ese Matting half-
12 or 1:. slew( Ien,ttllx
.lap..n.'se matting, .'nils
c.ntatin fr 2 to It yards.
Regular I:stto , L 0
:.1 .'x34114 half-price.
Straw Mattings
114, yards Japanese
matting, colors 441 111100,
red end green. Brendal.
Srm..Inly "4'Lfa.-,u, ' 17c
at. per 40t•,i
Squares, '., off
1:. or 20 T,p..try and
firmed,. mel,lar.'m. Hives
from fl x iI Lo I I ft. a in. x
12 feet, Icing cleared mit
at J lest. thin regular
price,. -
$1o.00 Squares
for July Clearance $7.5o
$12 00 Squares
for July Clearance $9 o0
$15 00 Squares
for July Clearance $11.25
$20.00 Souares
for July Clearance $15.00
"Clearance" Prices on
Dress Goods
There will lie big selling at the I tress\Goo(I',
counter while we have this •I tilt' "(.'leatiance,"
There are more !tress Gootl8 f)11 t he sheives-than
there ought tube, and we are ruthlessly cutting
prices in order to get stocks dowel to the proper
Irt'eI before August 1st. • Them, are some of the
50c and hoc Dress
• Goods -25c
Fancy 'I'.4-----3 I it,-
(i.Mnds, no•di,nn aril light
weights+, new stripes, also
some elle. k s, Blander :eh
Hn lith•. $'hewing
them (milt, per yd. 25c
Colored Dress
Goods 5oc
There nit. aloud. 2:141 t ds.
in thin lel, high -clues col-
t etd Dress (4.104414. $oro,•
are ends thin have soht
dole•❑ to practically skirt.
l 'ry{11e, cit lirt-M ere emit for
lull emit 44111.',.. :11.401 4,1
Ulew4tai. light c.duringe
;old will matte serviceable
.rttn11.er skirts. Regalia
::x- to fine. her .11113.
••Cleat•ance ' we mark
!hem tit purr choice �0
Iles pard JV
Monotone Stripes
1(1 to la incl all w.».I
M lune Stripe Taffeta.
An ideal slimmer Pale i' .
and very fashionable. Ne-
gotiate 7a', in fawn,., reseda,
navy and brown.55
1'Irnring at, per cd. C
Cotton Dress Materials 121zc
:4)1 cards ,,,tt,,,, .I,,,'. materia mchambreys,zephyrs. gtK
1,1111414, 8)105111,'., rte. ('leaning rep the li0, that sold as high
UM and 'Geer, rlrminK out rine' at y.•
yard . choice per 12tc
Extra Fine Cotton Dress Stuffs 19c
v;1111, „f them. some of the l.e•et we foul this seua.rrl,.I11ah-
Iie. that sold rill the• way to 4118 and tae. (bothered together 19c
14114)4.-.! .0 per yard. s7
50c Gloves
Ledo,' rote milk glove**. two dove faaelenet•5, iNeck nr
uk,,,,, t P, roll sizes up to 74. filic. le the regular price of 1a_
them. ('fearing outthe stock at your choice per pair