HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-7-9, Page 441 THurtauar, July 9, 1908
Mr. UUeatuul to $:150 per day fur him-
self and leant, he to keep his room at
t he tire hail and the stable., end•yyaid
i11 g.aai older after hours without
exile t•her•ge.
Medical Health Officer's Duties,
The special committee recom-
mended that the duties of the n wly-
41I doted medical health offl r be
threepreecriilyd in the Alediest k erltb
Art ache Piocloee aril alv,i 'I t he
he ap11nintel public va.rinat'r iii Ile.
n)rdisier With the I'iuviucial Vitrein-
atiun A. 1 : heist hr :art as chw-tt/
;dosir1411 ter the tout[. treating.a11
Indigent patient,. tree of charge • that
MAIN alr a Writ tenp•u-'
P1111011 to.uu:u:U 111
41141 ,mer a Ilihl1111 ou .111 subjects
concerning the health and 1410L4uy
conditiuu of the townl or any other
subject he deems -worthy of report :
that be inspect all dairies, slaughter
houses, Me., serving the town at least.
twice a year. His salary tar the
above shall be R11111 a year paid
quarterly. Adopted.
Settlement with Mr. Griffin.
1'o u11„illorliallew ie..d the fullon-
illg retort : •11011 r«111mittee alp)
poi ted to arrange Cllr matte,.• of
trespass by the militia on a field
rented frau the Altiiil estate by '1 i.
lirifliii Is•g Irave to ,.lair that they
preteeedwi tee the said held and investi-
gated the' damage, finding that Iw-
yi ld the opening of some friers the
damage Was practically nil : yet. the
fart of the trespass WAN evident.
Ala wintprvieww4akr.4 ridln jin.)._
after a Fonsidrrable time, finding him
,tilIUleduraLe,And detkrwiurtl in. the
miller,' and feeling that it was de -
miriade to restrict the militia AN little
sseperaable its "1.
were to stecure t camp smith -Cr year,
settled his ciao as follows : For
trespass, $2(4 : to • lawvrr's •fir, $2.
Two colts peeturiu in the field were
p, be fastened in th lower rail of the
field and waned by .his town ottei*ls
until able to run over\thr mit it's field
Vail), Frucrs iruiri,'rd G. iw 1i-
plae•wl Joy the town after the Camp is
uyrr. Tile militia to hate flee aec.•Ne
dcroes the field Thiele The Farm" s.
This. gentlemen, was the t ry lest We
could du. AN Mr. Griffin tv,ii ti listen-to
nothing else-"_
The report wets file)'.
Thr question of the pr intim., of this
Tuber's' listm wile referred iso 111 s;wt•ial
A Warm Spell.
, councillor 11 Iwr 11/41.. .1.) CA11- the
AIteak-Illtlf the Ntl'(•rt it ter„or el
th,' ...much to a pile of tis it k a I
414.114' ern fat. David'. sheet tte•*I' 11
Opera iioisr ringlet. 11r: _.tl bet
said Ihr-3terve hal hiallfe pile there
for about a year. 'If he wee •44.'going
to -build ha- should term,% a the ,111'4( rue.
The Reeve Haid he was guit{f( t.. it
its a foundation right alw,di fuel a en
[alibiing was entitled too; third of t
street. The airy''. 11 gel this ex
ph►uati„u was salisf:uYury, bait l'ome-
••illor 11 ler raid, "Not ter me." Ile
lead made ubj*etion to the Iterve
441111e time two and the ftw•t a had maid
he was g ' g to start- INlild.hc right
away. hilt hr had tut started ort. •
1'ounrillor (callow morel. tipper -
entry !a all writs • -• , r
matter to et e
cu mitter to ev,n,.ist of
1he Reeve and 1' .illus Huntley
with ;ower to net, and Councillor
1'raigie seconded the medium %Vern
the laugh embsidwl 4'uu seillor H -
Iwr said this was Making altogether
In„ light of a serious wailer. the
Reeve morel that , o
l dal it was not a seri-
ous matter at all and that l'ouncillot•
[lumber WAN getting a little- tea, fresh
He world start building iminediately
Alter thr (Range celrbrat' , and with
this the matter dropped.
Couicillore Miming,. and Litith-
wnite ed to notify Hay 'Btos., of
I.istewrl,tto' remove the grni11 warr-
housr onVictorie Park 'white f he ex-
piry of their lease,
The Fire Depertmelt.
Bylaw Regulating Hours of Eating
Houses Passed =Councillor Hum-
ber and the Reeve. Have a Heated
Passage- Thanks to the Military
for Tattoo. and Band Concert --No
Booths on Town Property for
*Orange Celebration.
Theregularmeeting of the town
emelt was held Isat Friday night.
If4Ith all the Members present but
Uounciller• T li u in e u n. Councillor
Humber came in late. - '
'rhe street inspector' reported two
cases of .rbetruction on the streets.
une by the Uageu Cotuplsny in piling
lumber on -Maitland street and imp by
W. E. Kelly in placing a foot Leal.
outside the sidewalk on Church street.
In the former CAMP Mr. Saudi reported
Haat Mr. 'Saunders said he was not
. aware that the lumber had been piled
.m this street and would have it tis
moved, and in the bitter case be eskcal
the council fur instructions whether U
regard the Flock as an obstruction.
'Phe clerk was instructed to notify
the Oman l:mmpady 14a ressaim -1ba •
$(ruction and the other matter was
referred Lu the public works couumit•
A letter flow the Toronto General
Trusts frurporatiun teas with.tefere1wi
to 11ome 4w1411 Janwgr Glens,' at the
Attrill property during the holding of
the military ramp. 'fhr $•pairs 1)41(1
already peen insult by 'the council and
the letter was file!. in response W a
gdrsl.ion the Mayor Maid the wafer
l and light cumtuiNsiun had decided t..
' -take up the pipes laid for the water
supply right away.
Thanks to lltditsa. ...
On a suggestion fi Ilse Mayor, a
resolution of thanks to Col. Priers, 1..
be conveyed, to the offics-_of _the
various units of the Uu dei-ich wilital•y
camp, was pealed, un motion of Cuun-
cillots Munninge and Craigie, for -the
entertainment /provided the town 111
the military tt4)o given at the ex-
penwt of the o cera.
On motion Councillor Uallow and
the Reeve. vote of thanks was
passed to the band- of the :rend Regi-
ment for thecuncertgivenontheSgeare
during the holding of the ramp. The
clerk is to convey the cuunCil'1 thatils
to LL -Cal. Clark. -•
A letter of cotupl uiil from Alex.
Inglis claimed that the building alt.
J. Me()ew's garage un Lighthouse
street detracted frau the value of his
propestp. Mr. Inglis tie.ughl .41Au.•.
ehotild be some regulation 14) prevent
• outbuildings being erected at the front
of lots. Councillor Muunings acid he
thought there was a 1(o0sd Beat in the
letter. but the general o; ' et of the
council war that they -comet -do noth-
ing unless in the removal of the ap-
proach which was satd to lK pertly ! 1
the street.
David Wells wrote asking for the
use of the bandstand;on the Square
- for the speaking on the Ckh 41 .July
in connection with the Orange dem-
onstration and for the use of the
benches., and also for the use of the
Agricultural grounds. for forming the
procession. The
eeriest was granted.
P 1
Lawsuit Threatened. \, -
Another letter 1'• I(.ot,
Hays & Blair on Iwhal of Mid,. Sump. -
ter threatened the issue fa writ if no
attempt was male by a town to
effect a settleuteut of hl • claim for
damages for injuries reeei 1 through
tripping in n bole in the sti•I'et. The
Reeve Chara'terizwl ter c11\hn as
case,,uf�lhold1-'up end Councith r Mutt-
_ . Asnga- onolst-tht-ttawu ws
liable, as the hole was neither n the
street nor its the sidewalk. _On m„-
Lieu of the Reeve and Count lar
-0 ie
the. Ch it
t). an_ ul_1he �d
c+rY )Y Ala
committer was instructed to ark tilt-
voltetr6r i upiniQn
A letter from Sesperintendeut
()borne of the C. P. H. with reference
to delay in the putting in of tracks to
the 1propi)srel freight' idled wan to the
11.une effect As the ural report at the
previous meeting of the council of
the interview some wu'tnbers of the
council nil heel heal with 1 MrUlorne
h rr.r
TI1 letter r
tracks world not he built until next
year, but the intention was to have
them ready for the opening of navi-
Councillor(Iallow'mule the s'ggrs•
tion that a standing 'emnnittee of the
council should 11r epreented to th•al
with harlor matters. The Mayn't
said he undendoo l there used to le
aucb a committee, and the matter was
referred to the piddle works romnlit-
Mr. T
A lett' from �- n rn 11. R'. 1'huutsoli rise
signed fi�►positio, is a mentM•r of the
council ,owing d. his ienio4al lu
Strathroy. The resignation was au•
cepted and the Mll3 hr was authorize)
to name a prieclamat.ion for a new ele,•-
A letter from the HeALuI
1,vPr l'
offered the usual pulgieity given in
Mr. Ileatou's publications for $:dl.
The letter was referred t4/ the epe.'ial
A letter from the 1 )
nhu its
clpal Association, asking the pay uu•nl
of mernlwrehip fee of $In and ap-
pointment of delegates to the al 1
meeting to be held in 'F tn Sep-
tis >r :t
m r 2nd and d
a r was t •occasion
Of a division in the r(tinei ('oun-
cillot• NI kennings and till' Reeve unwed
to file the letter, and (loon .'Hors
Hntnher and l'raigie moved its amend•
went to send it to the 4per•ial Coimnit-
t•e. Councillor (tallow and the
Deputy Reeve' voted for the arnend-
ment, which was declared carried.
Fee for Refreshment Booths,
A report of the parks committee
recommended that no Moths 11e per-
mitted On the parks or streets of the
town on the lath of July end that
booths erected on private prnpereelle"
charged a fel of from $:3 to $5 accord-
ing ial eii.e and location. This was thr
occasion of a long dinruaiion on the
question of booth privileges for the
()range celebration, but ( e rt th •
K e teepee
was finally adopted as presented.
Councillor lumber thought that tell-
, dere should be asked for the privilege
of erecting a Moth at the harbor park
and thought the_fse for other Moths
should be cut deWn. Deputy Reeve
lthiott thought that the Merchants
should have the privilege of erecting
booths, an they were already laying
business tax, end was rather in favor
of abolishing the license. Tbi report
was adopted, on motion of the thieve
and Councillor Miming,' : Councillor
Humber and the Deputy Reeve voting
it was decided to charge the booth
operating on Etat street next to P.
T. mean s store a fee of $ti, the booth
to be allowed to remain until lifter the
Orange celebration.
The public works committee rec-
unintended an Increase in wages to
.Another mattim-cieunchlor Mut).
n' N 1
In thought ht rhe , 1
Arid 1r attended' o
K K t'd t )
a -n11 the purchase ot gore fire Mise.
111. Belcher informed bins that there
was only I,:Irt fret int harm, *Tit'i,as
thet1'Stu,,,Id IN j„t4in . Mr_ Munising,,,
reported on the intim written to+ that
dial been 'nadir to' thy town hall and
lire hull and thought that when the
theirs of the. the hall - were hung 1..
open outwards they should be painted
and, perhaps it would 1w well to paint
the brickwork also. The purchase ,1f
fire liiae wa• referred to the tire 1uul-
1111t(er 1111) the
1 ).,intim of the front
of the ' 'pal buildings Wls referred
to the public works committee to
gel priers.
the p'Irhl1.w• of additional hose for
gardener %Vett to eine in watering the
Square was referred to the parks emu -
Regulating Restaurants.
The reading of the bylaw which had
Im'rn prepared 441 r'gI(11(4. the hours of,
reetaurunls was the next matter.
There was considerable (Ii4C111Nion aN
to what hours of the night r•ettaer-
at1tN. should lie obliged 1) be
The bylaw had Iden drafted to read
front Ito 11 n. tn., bring a ropy of the
Straitens] bylaw, lent ('ounuillur
Owlet. look exception W cumpulsury.
closing e. early,' am people often
wanted Itsp1ch after social entertain-
ment,' -and 1 ,;,'lock came round
soon. Something tetng was made
ales of the question whether these
bourn wool., always suit conditions of
traffic try host amt[ rail. Finally It
was decided tolakr the hours 1
5.a. m. Councillor 'lumber and the
Deputy Reeve voting for the hours
W4 Al 110 type
And all the types
Ira tinwippo
q No two wen are just alike. No two types ase de Ain
tins. .'Sena. -ready:: -Tailoring House.
Pol.:t yIse& sal per(,ldy-in.wr 4 'us Ml are ,.biome) ola sin ihrmips
Typ. System :.poi week type .1 overawe to ea(L h.. aJLwr ales of
perorno. Sails *lid w 335
q Study the Physique Type Chart in the Sera, ready Stove and
learn just how we have built up an enormous hugeness aad sedrsaj
tailoring to a ,cosies.
Semi -ready Tailoring
MCLEAN BROS The Palace Clothing Store
The Little Boy Whey Didn't Pass, SHOWER OF BALLOONS.
A..:ut fared- little (alio* ,ih hose in deep di. -
grime. Several Which Started ,n Chicago Race
Theses wheelie waxier in hie the ey and tear. Land in Ontario.
.dream .101111 kir f4i.4
lis 11N. 11+ludrlr.1 hold Id. ul..>u.ah•-.far, be Niue balloons started 1rime 1'hielg4)
doesntw$m to Mar lair oil Saturday afternoon onwrstoHe
Their .hoot. of n.a•rry. t:ulKhter s,,, ih,• from that city to the ...eat'. mod of
world ha•
Ion! it..be•r
the noir toys came into (':u1nJa. The
le, 1,i sip{Nrl the cup of .,rmw, he 161,..,
' W111u1•' WAS the Fielding-S:u) suit unu,
drained , he bd iris KI:Iss. l wen h lauded at `%Vest Shepard.
d his brwrt i. faire' breaking : ha- Ibis ),u Quel119', ,/1 :...0 l.a'k un Soudny' come''•
whnduhll 11•e"- Ih,K. Vim, luih•N 11•„1,1 the
.f lrt in, point.
I1. won both the di,lanee ,411(1 fhr
b. Ib ap tar• the w1,;11 .i,at• a .-Leery Valle 1 lona• 1!riex• Aupm;; )h.•'runn•iLwt$
.K. ` -' a ,.wean al LalTii„I (i111rd King hwlwarl,
H1u-be , .s• -u t .evil to, heir it, .hon iog plainly i entered by the Arlo 'kill -elf I'All/UN.
su,. Ihia)g+.r rung •• W.hielt. lion ever, .11,1 not stalk 11'
t�'onw• hN .rid hfal little spaniel for roiijf and native •4t. but lambed three miles
bol of lay, north of 1'h fi.11u1•on after n thrilling
tertrou lel 111 of 44 6.srnlyhld- Wal rx)a•ril•uc,'-&44rr lake 'Villin, (1nr
Ko awayIm1It,N,II, ter Illinois, dr„plw4 iiia (hr
N.4 hr s is in row, with hi. hair a Hay. „f ljniut.. a free mires fr11,11 1'ie•-
4..e, alai iln• n.el•Innt4. Wpl4' 11•rsr'illNi
by twee I'iclem 01401,
The Columbia detapped un 11)e Bay-
field road, ,totetary mile tlonl Clinton,
at S:15 a.'. • S dayA In landing
the basket *truck u wiry fence, end
the ex'rupantee were severely rut about
Ille hinds, but not nllirrw•i44' injured.
The balloon
Chicago. 1 alter lit r 1 •
K'. being
sighl.yl :u Seaford). 1 (11.,441 in safely
Al Atwood. Perth county.
The Vatted NtatrlLJanded ill Rsuce
er .iity noar Pinkerton village. At •
Bee vie throe cards fr the airship'
-leis _pir•ke4l 1111 Mg11•illg messages for'
l • u ago. The, Signal'. correspon-
dent at I.x•Mll.h reports that this
ball( at palmed di,.' t 1, 4irer the (arm
or .Ia ir4 M.Nmin. Laurier; which is
one am .:agwuter miles ft aim Inky
The Columbia's Voyage.
Clinton, Ont , .Iuly..i. The Anieri-,
'an balloon t'oIiii Lia- ron.pl.it."H._fork
t FTP- ,ntrrnntlrmdf hnllnnn ehamp
urulNr_Ihr_nuNpise•N.lf Lh.. Pester -
ion •r Atur11141(1 Aero 1'h11w.
1pfwd „n the ILtyllrl.l neat, about.
mile Panel t him town. at l4:1:, this
lout lug. It .10NNe1 Lake limon,
react 'sin the Canadian tilde at Bay -
Ca e. Peters4 a) wa4 in COM -
1 111 rxerllt fur a few cote in
1 . r ham , sustained when the basket
io•, I:ndin struck tk :a wire fence, f the
rat in no his N ,as.'r '
1 ! L
l irn l'. 1
,�, �� i. 14•ich-
1rilr of '1'I • l'hi..tgu ftecurd-11('rald,
are iLe we The highest altitude
reach e was . teem feet. Hundred,, of
tnwn,.p(tople w re .01t t(. re• the bal-
lon toil' V. It t 'II Ile expressed back
to ('hicn� ou Be nday.
icago” t Atwood.
Atwood, JI y3. The balloon "Chi-
cago." with 1 tits. A-\Coey andG I.
Bitnlbn'gt1 ,,'I Iassenf�' rl, bused on
the Flom of ,dant w Moffatt in Logan
township t .
t I t.'morning.
P to
The balloon I n Irft thicngo at t(.al on
Satiirdnp night, tint the Winds were
light it we,' dr�idrd 1 L to tty for the
di.l,ulre prize but In L for a time
isean.l----Fn•- t.. pfi) t r mfr,
Like Michigan 'was rr)eteel in `three
hours and at an early hour this Morn-
ing r
lak Huron Hlrn 1
was approached.
rnnc wl.
Ter' balloon
poised 4lirectly over the
city of Saginaw, hying then,at an
utile of about O.IJUtt fast.
the demeily-of fhr atmosphere once
44' balloon 1
1 n [ mit got ut otn the lake raufied
n smitten rheumy 'rhe big hag of gee
Megan 1,1 shrink, and the shrinkage
mused the balloon to drop with alarm-
rf hNtgfltnf tFreerff
lel• NN registered t I Istrrw b the a ci
1 nl
Y tw
near v ,• IM
1 r •nt. carried, it tell t• .,, 41
feet within Ir.s tha11 bier' minute,.,
The neelgmints or the car hastily got.
on their life pr'Iwr•vere in 1/11.1011111 11111
for nap entergency, but fnrtemittely
the drip r-i'as/•,l as emblenly 11s it lied
begun, and the prngrisse wrote the
MODEL SCHOOL POLICY. take continued. The Canadian shore
flint hi. eye. are
WI who ditto
How he ho es hitter -
hi.: pia 'matewl'
For the rte left hint
assail a If ,. .yea
And het tried so ant toe
do his 10.
Hut now he know. se+'yea
t hen t he reef.
He'd ashamed to tell 14 uaoihe
"he'll hale Min. lllo
The little boy wl'o didn't pow.
getting through.
Oh, yon two lit - t a intik
of him a. bright,
And you who lose N little g
• you tonight
told entitling eye. tad danettte
_ 01.. from her school.
Turn to that lonely little 1.0) who
a fool.
And take mut kindly .by the tweet.
ole the (.ta+., :
Un1 the one who most inr17 eve:[
who didn't Paco,. --_ ___- .-
Supplies Consumed at Camp Godericb at
Government Expense.
1.1. I. 1 1 bite senior r At•nY Ser-
1 rI
vire l'nrp, officer, its charge of ,'u11•
Jlti.rt at the I1.Nlerich 1141111/, gives Ihr
following statement of this an11'Hlt
A11(1 runt of supplies isi.u/al,' Theis.
figures do not. of course, include a
Iargt• amount, spent by, the offlcere And
'ten themselves for auditions to the
;',,7 1 1 111.14 Ile.. ler•akfAet baron at
13 1.2c, $771.(7,
'JI Ib,. lard at 12 1•te, 112.45.
:sI. -11111h1. beef at Ile $(,:tutl(t,
=ell lia. areal rata 1-2c, $7011.41. -
I5.2.37 ..f7Ila baked ! mi
grounds by
A. M. C.
111,7141 Ib.. 11,1,11' at 83 .'wt,, *32).)41.
ppet,Itf 1,n,'hel4 Mite at 5.-e., 1.117,:N.
1:1 4 War.t.:'.*.:.
Inn env at I i. . .t...'
7tffitte, 71,4.41:3
11 1o0111 soft moa I AI Via, $'si.
72 carie hated W.). KI a1 7, *.1111,
:as gall, renal of rat
1 I
:i;i lw. s
I yeast 1 1
(est 1)4-1(1 lbs. coffee t 17es, it1t1N 22
• 1.11(((.1:. Ilia. chewer At la I. r. $257,
57 lbw. pepper at 1.ir, $4.145, '
11(51 ihs. wall at 1-•'
a,>R 4.17.
:1,rr17.1 I lbs. sugar at 141•, 822S. 17.
originally mention., in the bylaw- •177.1,1 lbs. at lar•. $1)4.4.13.
The bylaw also, aro%Ww thea.oassrws.s-wey na aL f .t 1384:4antemnst eters Tn'n 2 to 5 p- m: mr , •1111s. jam at lk., ilIn1:i4.
Sundays and dose S
un all Inr at 7 on Sunday
evellll1 s, The bylaw was passel and
is now 111 foyer,
'Flee question eif sewerage its the
south of the town was brought up
again by a complaint in ;session from
Mr. (tuff, and lifter cmtsiderable dis.
suasion on Ihr .Iter was referred to
the public works curnmittee again.
(alined toll •mrd about 11 o'cln(k.
A Nlow soot VImiaow.—Thrifty.
in.Iustriuna a tl progressive are mesa -
lean of the O no nationality. They
snake excellent s tiers and htlye won
a foremon place_ •ttla )y enterprises,
partleMdly.,' manufacturing
line. An a ulgly ' atrur.tive cou-
tribu i lin :nada"
tion n �ThP (osis n in Canada"
wilIKPY 1 in the .tole number of
The Ituep Man's Magazine. 1t is frtitn
the pen of H. H. Biller, M..P., South
(trey, and is generously 11111iit�aeed.
There are several original' -anti we
well am the errant -of thole aerie,"
in the world'* pe'ri,slieal prefix. 1n the
.Iuh 14411r. Among the most interest-
ing and edifying are : "Training Boys
for Colonial Life," "l'he Biggest News
Scop in (lambda," "The Girl that is
I./own," "Courtesy as an Klement in
Business," "Same Settler/lambda Can
Ik) 1Vithout," "flee Advantages of
Branch !tanks," "Aa the Working (lir)
Sees It," "IrrigaUnn in the World's
Pantry," "Wh • Some Men Become
Hoases," "rhe Message of the Flour
Barrel," and '•%L'het. Profit Seating
Has Done.", A liberal ,ollentlnn of Some women ale so fond of antiques
bright ',icy stories also appears in the that they Would make brie whose of
July Busy Man's. the Ten Commandments.
weeping : he'. 11.r
for failiix : hP-ran hew'.
1th. the Milian!. -gone
titer, 11.9�rled to
r. yes, and ,
Tor he [Tire i
Ilk, ho failed of
Ifo 4011 alt '41)0414
who etre... to
Ink he it,
)..list Ile. split p.'ar,tt 3c, 11128.5 0.
:11,'1.14 b4
I Beans at 1 a Ic, $1ttU.Att,.
,417,11 Ih.. butter at 22e. llr(t7.7::1.
Tout!, Its.w..1.411. Strength of the
canal. meet 2.7775 ofllcers antt,tewn,
and 1:.11 horse,..
Education Department Issues a State-
ment Regarding Autumn Schools.
Ilse Department of Education nay..
-it an derided upon its model school
policy for the conning nutnnnl. It has
[sen decided to propose to the brands
of trn,.ti'rs of the following model
schools to have Ihetn retained for thin
year : -.Kingston, Cornwall, Lindsey,
Ilf•nfrew, Durham, Minden, Sault Ste.
Merit., Port. Arthur, K('110111, Itrnce-
hridge and Parry Sound. These
schools are intended for the prepara-
tion of candidates ins the new third -
clams cettiltl'Ates (the former die r•let
(•ertifleatrs). They will be conducted
tender practical) the s • regulations
MI Wert` fhr 4)'11!1.1 S hla& last year.
In order that there may ie no fees
charged to pupils in these eehools the
department will par the based n sum
n; money in lien of the legislative and
entirety grants. The diminution In
the nulute!r of modal schools required
far this year fa due to the fact that
I love.nl the nominal .,chisels, making
six in all, will he opened for work in
September meat
was in plain view when day broke
this morning, and myon the voyagers
in the air weee passing over Ontario.
A landing was finally determined
upon near hen•, and after h diffi-
culty was effected.
Tile drag anchor tore up fences and
ripped a big hole in the side of a barn
before it was finally located. The bal-
loon was then emptied of (ts gas, and
later got rea,ly for shipment hark to
Steamer Britannic Sold.
Collingswood, .July 2. -Negotiations
which have been under way for ROMP
time involving the ante of the North-
ern Navigation Co.'s steamer Hritan-
nie were roncl'ded nn Saturday after-
noon. Hy the deal the steamer
plumes. or will pawl in September next,
to the poseetanon of the Montreal et
Cornwall Navigation Co. The trans-
fer of the .,twiner wan completed by
Mr. itobert Smith, barrister. of Corn-
wall, and Mr. H. Gildersleeve, man-
ager of the Northern Navigation Co.
The steamer will continue on her
present route until September 15th
when she will he taken to Cornwall
and placed on the route between there
and Montreal in ()onjunction with two
tithe steamers wh(eh the M. k C, Oo.
are now operating. The price pay for
SATURDAY morning we commence the second week of our Mid-
summer Sale. So far our very low prices have made the sale a
great success. On Saturday morning every white lawn waist left in
stock will be put at a price that should clear the last one that is left in
stock. About 45 in all, this season's makes. Come and get one at some
price before they are all gone, A few of them at just about half-price.
1tress B,lslins are going fast, las they ought to I F:verythillK un alis Dress (jmxls ,'hetes., will Is
do when we offer everything up to _11 cents for wuleriully revluewl and it 1111•11101 w vernl thousand
NI cent,. Better qualities reduced pea as he yarin to ehtltl$e from. A 11114' 1.11111111,W get dura
goods cheap. Nearlyall the fretting new bakes to Is' found 111 aur rnllr•e•t'
' Th1s lot of goals has been a gust Suedes., at 1:,
eclat*, There are about Win ',Artie left. Cheam,
navy and black ginned., ' Nearly all spot, check,
and stripe patterns, last coital,. You may 11
take yotir choice at
Our 11••siety moil is very large in (1111ine," in' •
Child's..41imses' and Indieri'. ih loth cashmere end
1.01.1111 in hlal'k, tan, Amt white in all sizes.
Every pdir• of hose in the store will 1N• at sale
priers and 'that- means ` bargain. in hose.
Ask for our 2 for 25 cents line.
379 11+141.4 of 1'. & A. Cornets represents
another great item in this sale._ livery pair
D. A A., and every pair guaranteed. A11 coram
wearer,' sl 1.1 have al D. at A. They are the best
co rt n1a11 I, .1. t IIP )ri• e-elake.l. Tull. -tub yet _rla}r
Corset %Waists, I,nwn5 end Skirts will 114141$4431444J
apl•cillly low; as wr wept every une clrarevl nut
.luring this sale.
Don't forget tip. (Olivet
ba rg;.il,. thee,-.
I,• I.
The Square
J. H. Colborne Goderich
030 0 0 0
the ste,u11rr has nal leen wade pub-
lic, net it is i.Iortetf to lie *loot
)j1:1,1 eel. •1 h.' I3rltall we by this sale,
arld.ujunfl.aaail UMW .11t441 1444..41444 -ties
great wrtern«44 ul .(ho 1.0111 Went,
will letuu•n to her native waLrte-,
whence she WAW brought n (.'w years
ago when purchased tby'thr Northern
Navigation Co. Mho is a;middle-wheel
steamer, constructwl of steel. and elan
formerly the Rocket.. She was built
in Sorel, lj'e., in 1M11t1, but rebuilt in
44412.Her [I iaeniiTt)RT are length Ibfr
ft., twain 2.1 ft., depth le ft., groes ton=
nage 1:313, iegietsered tonnngr'_'.4i. Thr
rteatuer is now making hi -weekly
trips Between herr and rant and north
One of the most danger -
pus and repulsive forms of
Kidney Disease is _.
for which Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the only certain
cure. lo Dropsy the Kid-
neys are actually dammed
up, and the water, which
should be expelled in the
form of urine, flows back
and lodges in the cells of
the flesh and puffs out the
skin- Remove the filth
which plugs up the drain.
Restore the Kidneys to
health. There is only one
• Kidney Medicine
If all things wets equal the
Waters would nr,t move. 11 it
the difference, of level that made
Niagara a cataract, Napoleon
,ul CITI fwrlr 111111
the beet in Oodcrich.
wo co)ks with the mime
xiik' can not make b o
toad t
equal quality, said only one in
It dozen has the knack or skill to
slake it good.
The force of
Distinctive treat-
ment, notable differ-
ences in trimming
and personal atten-
have brought our Snits- above
the nrdinarp"tNep1.
Three 13 Specials
,.thing Suits
elbriggen Underwear
B. V.'& U Underwear
the moot romfortable and
durable ouderwear ever worn.
THEE tel -rapt
—ALWAYS 044 TMR ngl'Abi
shute poria, going as far AN ksillarnev
wheel she uunreets with 111.' strainers,
of the Soo rine. This t:tnntr[ti'u
wilt-het.mtintr It dnrfn
A ►nsn is net ultally more sett lel atter
he is married. His wife generally
settles hitt.
Not Mpg h e,►sirr than fault-finding :
no talent, noteelf-dru1al, loo brain*, 114
ells 1
M ter 81 a )'•'Vulrtd_le) set. up its the
yrTiinliling limine,.,. : hut those who
art, '.ed by a K ' irsire to do
good 11*V0 little 441(1.' for murmuring
or complaint. I(olwrt West.
Fresh fruits of lull kinds in
li season.
New Potatoes
and other flesh Vegetable..
Meats and Flour -
and everything its the groeel}
liar ..1 hest quality at
will find'
it w 1
pays s to deet hire.
11'r du 11 .ash ausinewn ami can
give extra_ gmed. A.-manes--te out
rmrtnntrr4. -
W m. L. Lindsay
Nemilton St
'Phone 165
Fitting;' Oil) -'ilr1)4( a •." said :1
%noting tot of trete, who... hostess .
failed to Prompt• hrr._in_bnc P114"i
IA—fit 1 -can't reniendl5•r my prny-
ri'M, nm! I'Iu starving with a lady who
don't know any.`
On the ground floor
Every Night This Week
2,000 o0
Moving Pictures
Change of Program Every Night
Latest fifustrated Songs
J. J. THOMPSON. Manager
(ort ane for (nr
and enjoy the Bummer Bement in comfort. In addition Lithe -
painted Verandah ('hair with reed Meat we have a special line in
ranging front K K $2.25 10
$3.00 in prier. 'Phi. chair is made for
comfort and durability.
is the best hammock un the market.
Keep Youteye on our show r
w .
till I
NTT till'
display of •
Something new in these goods, %V, uhnll hr glad ;o halve you
*114)1,14. p rice,..
4'hou,•. ,
.ight salt
prompt') ane, l.•d i,. FURNiTUJR1. and UNDERTAKING
•01111/10-• 4111
Guaranteed aso r«: to . pound.
Guaranteed 65o feet a pound.
rhe. per pound.
Forks, Rakes. Handles, Hoe s. Scythes
Hammocks. Wringers. Washing Machines,
Paints, Varnish, Best Whitelead and 0,1s,
Tin and Granite ware.
Screen Windows to clear at 77150.
Screen Door complete with hinges..
Refrigerator was $l,.o0, reduced to
Oil Stoves at....
Gasoline Stoves at ,
Charcoal Ironsjt.s
tt o and!Nal
Our store as open Peery night till q o'clock.