HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-7-9, Page 3am of the i3trict. `m wh reports !Welk Mg opera. Heine thisyear. The telephone line is lesion ektendet1 ryes Blake to Drysdale. - The cottages at (frond Bend are Oleg up with summer -Visitors. `Chris. Eckmier. of Ethel, had his ppajCet picked for $36 at Listowel the r day. js Sass Dr.) Snider, formerly of Reuse ,a diel recently at her home at tv tiayuga' (Int, 1t The erection of a new skating tend curling risk for the coming winter is projected at Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. (kart, of Chi -1- a a b public school hoard of Clinton W mac* coed L E. Doherty, who has removed to Uoderich. The Exeter voters' list this year renaming the names of tEsS •voters, an increase of twenty over Inst year. Mr. Little has secured the contract of carrying the malls betwee i Kea - forth. Hrueefleld and Bayfield et *11(1 a year. Although the local o tiun bylaw of the township of Howick war quaabed on technicalities, nq limners will he is- sued this year, Harry Livens, of Me•forth. returned home last week trout Germany, where for nearly two years he had been udying music. snniverrary on the doth of June. Rev. W, H. (trooper has cnnuurneett his pastorate at Blyth. in charge of d the Metbodist congregation there, b J. E. Hovey has been elected to the Watchmaking. oto. al HAL,SEY PARK . dl WAT II.M AK aa. JKWKI.I.aa. OPTICIAN. . b Routh side 91 Square. t:nderirh, that. sl F. ___ _-_Civil Enriuneering It {7AUGHAN M. HOBKH'1:M, CIVIL n e end Hydraulic Maglasser, uulu,w Lad. ft Surveyo,., , r lease Gotten. h, corner P elver MQnireal attest."- T -.13t• , . - - - h Itenesetnna Yiaeral Water A THE OODERiCH MINFKAI. \VA- 1i TER OJ.. ?manufacturer. of ••Nene., k tong," are prep.0 l 1u deliver to any pert -.d the town in l..t (Dupe Ale in pint., .u..1 peerte. &leo Mineral Water tai . three .Iso. . split, pinna and quartet l'el rr Winerand 1 1Mut.te . a. These good` t NJ ...tarsi lesseeal *Mar. std M'o theretwes :we C from MI Imph.ritled. P. L. WA',TON Man- e yet 'Phone AIL RUIIIC k - . Il MUSIC CI.AS$E8.--1 AM PRE- a PARKI) to receive pupil. for lessons In. c photo and theory. oleo the Hurruwes musket kindergarten method for ruling ehildren. Tertns and other information. ..e.g 1. Mata t AY�KU into. • store. Uoden:h. '. If -- -- ti -- " ROY ADAMt3 d A Tgacxaa or Pismo, 1 Stolle In Bank of Montreal Sleek. n Medical t DREL EMMERSON & TURNBULL. y a A. T. Hoossw.om.M_ O. t W N. TCavSUU. d. imam n..Pnone lig. Hamilton Street. 15. k.nu.,er.on ■ madden, North street. /l Dr. Opposite SL lleorg•'s church, 'phone -1118.,h Re. Turnbull'. residence. Montreal street d brv. Phare let. A Southwest of Public rirs I., Cetkorse street. [rest &sae to Sorer Mak -nen* tit : naive. mire Meek Telleliteels s putP. J. R. FOR8TKR-EYES'EAR j �1 Non end Threat only. Stratford. Ont o Esc.. surges. New tort.tkalmte and aha and Throattet4411. 47 HospiW., n en quare. anouse d I London Ophthalmic 'Kannada Nye. pital, London. Knei. Odes Albert street, opposite K Indoor hotel. Howe: a am. 2-1 p.m. 14 Casa 'rtlifvtios►lIC-.. _.. , I tt L KILLORAN. BARRISTER, •1 J. nolldller. notary. sir. Morley to 11514 as ■ odeoh low«.t rates.. Ince.-North Street.,Url o --ten Seatorth aturday* 1 'neer 'Streit 4)aet n .nd Monday.. _ 1t G, CAMRIKON. K. C.. BARRlS- �' 1. TKR, .chat notary Collie. IN/de-- Homntes ritreet. O(tderick. tiled deer from I' square. '., i a a Y8 & BL AIR t bareir un, w�octUlcaore. a_etarlet nubilerPr . 4 rtOUD' n dieHarltT-sha.ire.. Mgt to q C,. a popery. Pet . w. P OIJI)P(T�7 C t AN.4 1. P dial n. ICKLNMON & • ARROWR b• RTBTRRie sterner. e- Ooderiot.. Money to lend__CRt lowed rate.. K LDICKINSON. CHAItI. • ARRtiW 1.1..111 0. JOHNSTON, BARRiS.I'RR, l rf pa s solietterH nliton Oodertnh li)trt. i blare mesa Loans. ate. YOUNG & ROBERTSON, REAL i Estate and Inruranne Agent... Real e. - any part of the totate for sale or to wn mlcounty ies Fins. to tnoiranes, money to loan etc. IOHN W. (7RAiUIE, LiFE, FARE and .ocident Insensate. Agent for leading mutual and stock oompanleit lnsuranee in all 1 lino; effected on beet plans a el at lowest rhes. Cell at. omce, corner West Street and Square or addrew J. W. CRAiUIK. Oodorlch, Ont rote .hone 24 UcK11,LOP MUTUAL FIRE IN. SUIIrAN('K ('O. -Faun and isolated town property insured. (M 45 l.enr -J. It Meiwar: Prem. t. 0.. T. iraser PtoPrsa„ Re.f.sae I' Ksn Thomas K. Hay.. .- ay.. �^'Tr�t•• Seeforth P. U. Director' -Win. Chesney, $e•forth: John O. Urieve, Winthrop • Menge Dale, Seafortht John Hennewele, Dublin; Jens. Kean., !leech - wood : John K att. tlarlork : Tho.. Fraser, Ilru.xtl ld . John H. McLean. Klppen ; Joe. 1'onnolly, Clinton. J. W. Yeo, Holmeevlile, agent for West Huron. Policyholders can pea annaonente and get then cards reoel 5t Tomer It !frown'.• Clinton, or at It. 1, Catt'e grocery. )(lepton street. Ooderlek. • SHAY1X0 FA>lLOM THE NEW TONSORIAL PARLOR lin Ikea Whitey a: Gale). ii Mil Wesel. N.trth street) will he noel every Monster lifter noon and evening for belie. only. We guar antee and -alas. work In all Welk of foie and hair massaging anti , hompooing. S. FA'11I,1N. t4RAV1NO AND HAIK-OKESSiNG kmrARiA)RS, - The best place in Inc?'. opt service; everything ,-I M . aO ruilli Ito and Dolt baths. liA IS, noosor to sh&cabanasHotel .nock Nmr Jos Clothes Gleaned and Pressed ' EN'S C f.OTH ES C LK A N S D. Mewled and repaired on short notice. moderate.' (11ve roe a call. Next door w bather ap.ey, Montreal street 'ATISON, Preptleal Tailor. *anlage L1osn_ses WALTER E. KELLY, consul 'H, (INT. Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician. _ lamer M Marriage Merman. WLANE, ISSUER OF MAIt1t1•' . AOi IlaMr.r.. Ooderinh, (hit. Auctioneering THOMAS GUMMY, IVEST(X;K and Irgwwneral .nrtloneer. IAres on South Serest, where he will be found at all time. when not arying Wee.Terme rearnnehle and every swore, seetre you satisfaction al u Phermil l _. _ _ .. 0EORCIE BECKETT General Auctioneer. New System of Tickets and Catalogue. OPPICE, RAMiLTON ST. r.0. Ser tit Itobt. Dinney last week took len- 1011 of the Mansion Hou.e at Er- r. Thoth Cook, the late proprietor. M gone to London. Mr. and Mee. Andrew Turnbull, of ie 15th cortcessiuu of Grey, have rived home from a trip to the West. wing leen away for over a¢ year. The Walkerton U. '1'. It. station, tilt only tt•o years ago. Sena stntck i lightning during one of the teceut oruts and was completely destroyed. THE SIGNAL : GODERICII. ONTARIO seventy-nine years ago and came to Canada when fourteen yowls of role. Fifty-five years alto she war married et London to Mr. Coombe* and shortly after they took pueeawiou of their farm in Urey. In addition to bee husband the deceased letters two ,,ons- W. G., of Molesworth. and J. B.. of Southern Qu'Appelle, Bask. -and two daughters -Mr's. Js.. ' that, "ot Blyth, sad. Mrs. A. McDuuald, of C%ranbrook. She was visiting at the home of her son at Molesworth seven weeks ag.1 when it third stroke of paralysis laid her low, and she did nut ,icover. BREATHE HELP POR CATARRH. Druggist lea. Wilma Is Having Ryles - did Repents from Hyttmei Users. It's the poison plermg in the air you breathe tier create" and feeds ca- tarrh. Hyourei simply catches thus germs on their way to work and d stroys them. The flirt breath II Yonne air kill* all catarrhal Tidedoag e makes p the air you are It ing inward helpful, it goer no its w iy through the 'air peerages, brunchlal tubes and lungs charged with gerw- destroying power that cannot is re- sl*ted, it soother and (teals the wounded and inflamed membraue. That is why Hyomei is rot instantly helpful for any distress of the breath- ing organs, colds, croup, bronchitis. &Milaaa- err -.dreaded pneotnttlsia.-spry are the germ life that Hyomei kill.. Cue IoW guaranteed tnittat $1.00. Sold h Jas. Wilson. Talk to him about it. - f The flue 14 -acre faro of P. J. Ryan. rest eit a ii as been sold to W. 1. Anderson, of Gowanstown. for the in of $8,4110. Mr. Auderion Kohl his anu it Wallace township during the art year. The \\'inghaiu high school hoard as engaged Miw Helena Dadeon, B ,,of Union, as teacher of English and rodent languages, the vacancy baying eon l'reatad by the resignation of liar McOaenelt. - John Coventry. who for man)' years as a resident of Iteafurth. died un riday, June :lith. at the home of bis ster, Mrs.Chi'holm. at _Petaluma,. aliforrjiii. The deceased was (rev-, pry -eight years Of age. On Dominion Day Mier Auoie ane, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Jas. ants of McKillop, was united in the coda of matriwun to Fred. Auder- in, Rev. J. L. Stt,�aII performing the rrtnony at the b de's home. Morris and Grey townships are intly having a .ix -toot cement arch lilt u11 the gravel el _toad one and a. tarter miler north of Walton, as the d'one was done: John Stewart, of lyth, low the contract at $135. John Wright, Brussels, has one of ature'r curiosities in his garden in he shape of a pear tree bloomiug for. he becond time this season with the rat crop of fruit apparent. Laic ear there were three different appear. aces of blossom followed hy three re - urns of fruit. David Sleluttrh, who has been poe- taster at Brut•etield for ;leveret yea's, as r'esigne'd the position, and An- rewT. Scott has been recommended e his successor. The postofilce will removed from its present Location Mr. Merit's store. Samuel Crawford, of Bruise's, has oId his house and lot to Robert Dark, 1 the same town, for 1700. Mr. and lir. Crawford, who are old and re. pected feiidenta of Brussels. will re- wire to Uulatb, where their son rVam Is residing. - - Miss Susie Wilson, of Blyth, Awed ray onJuLteews s illness. ebeaased ma.ly eng*.dCafr a yas a stnog- Critical Eye for Babies. The five-year-old daughter of a pruoklyn man has had such a large experience of dolls the she feels her- self to he so tithing of connoisseur it) children. -- Recently the scenic it intd the house. n r When it was u to her antis the rive -)'ear -o burr it with a cnt►- cal eye. , •isn't it a ni^.e he nurse. - "Yea. it's nice." youngster hesitatingly. but its head'. loose." -Ju • ve baby ?" asked the were(' the "Its nice. Lippin- cott's. 1 DO YOU EAT RIGHT Pew People is Gpderteh Reap. Kabw Slow eating and regular meals is of great benefit to a wrong -acting stom- ach. Thom who suffer with indiges- tion and Weak.totnach can with care and the use of Mi-o-na stomach tablets restore the digestion to a healthy coD- dition, so that they can eat what they want at any owe without fear of din - tress or suffering. After a few days' use of Mi-o-na stomach tablets, the headaches, dizzy feeling, drowsiness, matt taste 'in the mouth, coated tongue, flatulence, sleeplessness, distress after eating -all these symptome of a weak etomr.'b will disappear, ana perfect digestion and goo Ml health will be restored. __ Jas. Wilson has so much 'confidence in the power of Mi -o -ns to cure indi° motion that he guarantees satisfaction or money back. Price :ill cent.. Old Hickory's ,Way. General Andrew Jackson's colored hdy-.ervent was asked after Old Hickory's death whether he thought his master had gone to heaven and Promptly replied, "I ain't jist so she' bout dat, dr." Why, wasn't the general a good "Yes, - sal, be was a very good man." Well. then, if he was such a good man why aren't you sure he hail gone to heaven S" "It all depends. (rah," the old darky answered, "on • wheddar de general wanted to go to heaven or wheddar he 't want to go dam. Ef he did, he's Har, -but Cr be didn't, aN the powers o' d.dhe.ss couldn't makehina CURED MIS DIABETES. apher in Toronto until last May, rhea' a came home timing to k bad old which had"setUed upon bee , the Iaree tomour•n her death her mother,ro brother and the sisters. A pretty June wedding w$i cele - on Tueeda June 30th, at the eisue of Mr. and Mrs. J. Colwill, Iiz y ter, their youngest Jana;later, f let. being united in matrimony to cKenzie Gunn. barrister, of Win- Mee. in= ipee. Rev. A. H. Going was the dictating clergyman. Mr. and Mrs. afar iegnwill reside at -Winnipeg. At a barn -raising at Jahn DeifAd* m the d ehlnosasion oiCuTroes, on my god, one` of the timbers slipped, hrowing threeyoung mea :to the Around, injuring . all three. John sighs fell across a timber, breaking n arm and leg, alio Injuring him st- ernally. He will probably die. The ober two men, named Kelly and McDonald, were not seriously hurt. There was an earl/ marning wed- ding at \Vingham oo Tuesday of last work, when Miss Minnie Carr, young- 'st daughter of Mrs. hones Carr, be- ams the bride of Robert Shields, of Patmeseton. The ceremony was per- ormed by Rev. D. 1'errie at the home f the bride's mother. The happy uple left ossa trip to Groat Britain tiff their . ilooeyrnao. On their elinr•n they 'will reside at Palrner- tto11. - An Aged Brussels Resident Gone. About midnight Wednesday of last week the Mortal life of Francis Fish- letgh, an' old( resident lit Brussels, was eziio wished:• The old gentleman w:as in his oincti*tt year. He nae a native of Englad(i and coming to Can- ada when a you mac he spent a good part of his life in Mitchell, although for twenty airs he Iked in Chicago. For the poet„ flue years he had made his benne .With bis eldest daughter, Mrs. B. Oerry,`et Brussels. Hill -Gibson Wedding. At high noon Tuenilay, Jime 311t1, the merriage took place ofares Adell, youngest daughter of ost- maater and Mee. Gibson, of Ford h, to Alexander Hill. of Mitchell. A. Ili.' Dotson oonduct'il the.cereulou in the presence of the inirneRliatr friends. The wedding match was played by - Miss Pearl Snaith, of Lisluwel. Valeria Willis and }Wits Harris, nieces of the bride. steed as ring bearer and flower girl reepec• tively. Following the ceremony a dainty lunch was served and Mr. and Mrs. Hill left on the evening tonin for eastern points to spend their honey- moon. 'l'hev will reside at lfitchell. Death of Mrs. Jas. Sharpe, Brulads. Mrs..famen Sharpe one of Bruseehe most esteemed residents, slice Ii on Monday of last week to an illnessi of two numtlie duration. The de reared was horn in i.eeds ronney sixty-six years ago, afterwards rnm• Ing west with her ivarents, the late Joseph and Mrs. }rayne, of Grey. After their marriage in 18.5 Mr. an.t Mrs. Sharpe lived in tiny township *nil later in Mortis, until three years ago, when they retired to Brownie. They were arranging to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary in ()motor next.. 'Twelve children Mir vive, three of them, Mrs. A. J. Lowry and Misses Bertha and Pearl. being resident- of Itr ueele. Mrs. Sharpe was a willing worker in the Met.ho- dlst church and her Beeth is a loss to many circles. Gray Loses an Old Resident. After a prolonged illness Mn. Joseph Ooomtles, an old and townsre. - !verte•d resident of Grey p. wee summoned to her last tot nn Wednesday. J is I y 1st. Deceased. whom maiden name was Eliza gluier, was born in Devonshire, England, DEVELOPMENT IN THE WEST. Major Swintord Tells of the Rapid Improvement 1n Transportation. The newspapers of Edmonton report a lecture given before the Canadian Clati of' that city recently. by Motet Swififord, and cuuizmeut upon it as be- ing one of rxceptiuual interest. Major swinford is general agent of the North- ern Pacific Railway at Winnipeg. and a pioneer of wrote -it Canada of over a quarter of a century. Though yet only a nun of middle age Major Elwin - ford irk a orowwent part in both Riel rebellions. and in that of 1885 was chief transport uSSeer of Gen. Middleton. His ezcelleut work in charge of the commissariat depart- ment was n/erresi to by several of the speakers, F. 1'. Fisher remarking that during the 100 days' campaign in whish he took part not a meal was mlased--an almost unparalleled record in a osmyaipl covering such a large territo (Major Swinford first outlined the early development of the country, and then went into the question of trana- porhstion from the earliest methods up to those of the present day. Prom Fort William to the pocky Mountains all trenaportation for ninny years was by means of canoes along the water• ways. The portages along the journey were many and the diflleutttea At trip were greet. For many years nothing bot the York-boste, first used at Fort York.. were adraptable to these waterways and"the "men who took charge became great experts and commanded .big wages. The Red River luta marked further development and were the means of transport for a long time. The long. est trip by thee.• was front Fort Garry tr }Simonton a journey taking about three months. A humorous descrip- tion was given of this vehicle and of the discordant sounds that proeeided from the primitive conveyance. The prairie schooner followed. coveredwagon known by this n was the only means that the haft for many years of Teaching his hor0eetead in the interior. In the winter the dog train was the favorite mode of travel and it is r,tifl used in going to the poste on the Hudson Bay. 1s the traffic grear, river navige- ti(1n by steamers weal adopted and contimsed till the r P.R. was -built. The Selkirk settlers, the first of which reached Fort Garry in 1812. Pune in for a passing reference. Their hardships were many and trying. but they opened up the eountry for those who seam after. The transformation from the York boats and Red River carts to, the present eyotems of rail- way he. -bee n a marrellewb one and indicates a wonderful ehanees that have taken ace in the Capt few years. St. Mary's Ferry, York Co., N. B., July 0.--15.1-That Dodd's Kid- ney Pills will c re diabetes bas been ,proved cote more by Mr. Thomas Har- rison, of this place, who writes: -"I suffered with severe pains about the region of the kidney.. When 1 lay down it was torture to get up again. 1 grew weak and nay appetite failed. se L doctored 'with .vers physicians% but it was no use. 1 grew worse e11 the time, till I hegan to despair of my life. Shortly atter this 1 began to urinate blood, and 1 knew 1 was in the grip of that terrible digests, diabetes. A friend persuaded me to try Dodds Kidney Pills. After the use of one box 1 Was much better. 'Three Imam of 1)odd's Kidney Phis cured me com- pletely," _ A New Phrase. Travellers are familiar with the humors of English sporting phraiieot- ogy as used by the Parisians, htit as used M- the tailoring fraternity in 1'A. in •'h tglish as she is spoke" iK .till funnier sumstiwes, Oue of the smart- est of the French tailors who makes ,i special feature of arraying his ens• touters a l'Anglaie had recently sur- passed himself ---land all the ethers -by the invention of s new encomium which he evidently netlike has a thur- uughly English inlaek aiseut it. Ogen extremely quirt and inoffen- sive -looking luown overcis1, in him window the other day be had pharenl a gilt-edged lahrl beating the strange and hybrid legend :.t•Tuet snub." WE SELL VINOL phi the positive guarantee that if it dors tout give satisfaction we will re- turn the entire 5111(111111 (1f moni'', paid its for it. We mean this and ask all those who ate sick and nerd strength, to try it with this underwtta(ding. 11. U. Dunlop, Dieggist, Uoderich, Ont. RICHES OF A Mineral C NAGANI REGION. Pessowed of Vast Peesibi Net Lake. for some \tim-e has been n knowas a mispickle and copper re- gion Last summer, cobalt and silver was found on the neck of land between Net and Cedar Lake's. whish are join- ed by a nine -foot rapid. and two proeprcturs, Matters.- Boyle and Turn- er, were fortunate enough to strike native gold, which has *Moe been traced to adjoining properties. The Temagami Gold Rmfs Co. has a good oh"wing of molybdenite. - and at a depth of only a few feet has had very rieh assays in gold and copper, run- ning as high as tib to the ton. The Canadian (Nipper Co. owns a great part of the shore linin' around Net Lake, on which there are some large deposits of pyrrliotite, and chalorye rite. These are not being worked- er large deposits have beeh found on Cedar Lake, and to the smith of Net bLake. The Fairview Mine ereeled drill liter ye$r tend et. fli �- drill down about 900 feet. the way.-- The- Big Hien- - vtpticing Matt of 30 alt last summer. and shipped a great teal of arueDo• pyrite. carrying good gold value[. The Sterling Mine, near, Arsenic Lake, un- oo,e ed floe different ore bodkin. A thousand -pound sample. seat to De- lero for treatment, was found to carry $9.50 in gold. 113.43 silver and 132.12 araente. The pyrrbotite depoubl' are like those of the Phoenix Mine in British Columbia, and are self -fluxing. which makes them easily smelted. They contain a superabuodaaee of iron, and for this reason may be valu- able for smelting with the more- f rectory ores They eontain values of copper and gold, from 2 to 3 per omit.; but the deposits are ter the most part large. The Granby of }tntish Columbia. the moat up-to-date mine in North America, anti a big dividetd payer, is working on ore carrying 1.07 per cent. copper and about '11 gold for the ton. Mining throughout the whole of the forest re- serve has up to date been of the most empirical nature. scsi there is yet a to 1t' prospected. Cobalt ce has already forward - department for license h'e s ring. Most of this Innocence. A certain Sunday school clap con- sists for the most poet of youngsters who rove in the poorer districts of the city. One Monday the teacher told the clams about ( lain ands Abel, and the following week she turned to Jimmie, a diminutive lel, who, how - event, had not been prevent the pre - 01,115 seelntl. '•.limntie,'she Raid, "1 want you t'o' tell use who killed Abel." ••Ain't no use oilskin' me. leacher," replied Jimmie : "I didn't even know he was dead." Exchange An Alluring Prospect. The students of an Kaatern college grew e0 reckless in their behaHur that the profenstr thought to reprove their conduct by alecture on morality. They listened with duh suMnli ion end humility. in the course of his lecture he wild : "My young friends, the floors of hell err paved with rhamp.gue, auto- mobile& and chorus girl..' He was horrified to hear one of the student* my in a sepuirhral Looe "Ob, Death, where Is thy sting 1" great Gel recorder's d ed 17.000 to 1 fees collected t p would be renewal licenses, which shows that the Peospectvre are not lolling relit -nr 11}a:iaf mO tIf dire try. And why should they? In James Township alone there tare 1522 claims passed Government ' 'inspection. of which 84 have native silver showings running from 500 to 3,000 end 0,000 ouneea. The Moose Horn Mina is get ting ready ter make its first shipment with the opening of the Montreal river, and it is confidently expected that the first car win yield 180,000. Personal. My hands are such peculiar things, - I'm really glad I own 'em. They feed my fate, they eon. my hair: But, what is sad, they're fastened where i cannot even loan 'em. Myears are great, large floppy things hat stick out sideways from my head, And when it's cold they getuite frit. 1 like 'e, though the trouble ie They interfere when I'm in bed. 'wMONS , GO Tuos3DAT, -July ", 1908 D. M/LLAR CO. ''seg" LADIES' REAQY-TO-WEAR (iARMENTS . JULY if- ALWAYS, -A a-USY MONTH IN; OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT. LADIES' DRESS 131*IRT$ iu all the newest uwteriala and made iu the most op -to -slate styles atft 'all at popular pricer. SPECIAL VALUE IWLAD/ES`'LLISTRE & PANAMA SKIRTS in the sleet ideated effects in black and cream, runt 04.50 each. Our I'nderskirt seotiun iK ono of the most popular ee emir of our store. Popular . bemuse. we ltavestlte hest made, ewer sitting and hest finished Skut. iu the trade. Our popular DOLLAR SATEEN UNDERSKIRT it well enough known to need no further comment. letter thio season than ever. Our Special SATEEN 'UNDERSKIRTS at $t.yo each, worth:a.00. Uui $ *.pal truality MOIIE}:X UNDERSKIRTS. which give nluw.t everltesting wear. ;They c in black and all popular colors. with very deep French ripple flounce, exceptional valpe at $3.25 each \Ve have the famous American HEATHKE BLOOM DNDEli• SKIRTS. tbir,j)eiuest approach to milk, lu black and all paopuler colors at popular prices. LADIES' WAISTS LADIES' WAISTS Our sto.-k of Ladies' Wa7btr L being alwa'saadded to, which meanie wtj have always something new to show. and' our prier:: are always the lowest when style and quality are considered. Sere. our Special 41.144 Lawu Waist., the hest value fu the trade. CIIILL/REN'S-_WEAR nRoue mutest new style* in Children's White La n added toatock this week.` Also soma Chi Id run** Sweet 'Silk Dresses. - Reductions In. Child ry. All oar Infants' ('(Y1'TON BONwirrs attd HATS `a11 greatly Ire Millar's Scot&Store preens, jus( reduced. - 'Phone 1d • ASSISTANCE IN DRAINAGE. The Department of Physics at the Ontario Agricultural College desires to announce the, continuance of Ws pre - ions otter of assistance to farmers in r•attires pertaining to drainages. For ti - past three years we have been au in by the Minister of Agri - cul to go gut and assist any fact 'r iu taking the levels of his land for riraineagptee purposes, in plan- ning the court advantageous systems of drains, . and in calculating the grades and size* of tile for the differ- ent drain. A tlniebed map hearing all the information is sent to the owner. is serves two purposes : first, it is oiled as a guide in construct - "Mg the drains: second it may be preserved te. a record of the exact location of every drain, so that it for any reason it should be necessary it years to -conte ,to find any drain it could 1* done Accurately a mom- ent's.notice. The.' n u ober_ nt._appliratinnaat1Qt' sasietance has increased very rapidlj, r"i that last -• yearsn many ore thanwe could at to. To enable us to meet this increased demand the Minister of Agriculture has this year given us a special 'apfiropriation whbrehy we have Leen enabled to double our staff for this work. .�g� A new feature is being Added. \Ve have found in the past that frequent- ly the neighbors in the viciuity of the farm being surveyed were- interested and wished to observe the operations. is suggested the desirability of nhking these demonstrations Oolitic, and, this will be done wherever,pos- sibles Anyone interested will be wel- come nn all occasions. By this means we- shell or "able to instruct a tau larger number in matters pertainin Sea Craft. It mast be easy, atter 0.11, When it finds the waves asleep, ler a speaking breeze to bring espial From the cradle of the dep." - How's Thi, 7 _ We refer One 11 omitted IMll..r' meant 1'.: VOW tuts,: M eglnrrh that etamunt be doted h, Hall's Catarrh ('ere • r. J. 1 •IffrNItYlk C0., Toledo O. tt'n Itnt undersigned hare known i' .1 Camey for the led 1:t yt'arw. end 1,eslior r r him portal', honorable In all hnslnese trams*, ,Lar nod dna.a'Mlly ell' to ratty nit any ehllgn Ilona mnde ly h1. flnn. W41.01?4r). KIN sm, 1. Miesits Wholesale Ihnigists, toledo, n. lfalre t'atarrh rum is taken Internally. act 1n 41.1511. epn., the Wood end goons. war fuss . ( th.• sy.tetti. Te-tlmeetels sent fees. Ries 1,. sett. per bottle..tnM by all druggists Telt. 11a11's Family Mle he ennst.parten. To meteor( its for complete living in the function of education. - Herbert Spencer. Anyone eking drainage survey- ing done slum apply ter Win. H. Day, Depertiuent . i11 Physics, 0. A. AS.. Guelph. The u, y outlay connected with- t . e--trave1thtg era of tage of instrutne tare at one cent a anile • to and railway ach way. The Department has; just r new pamphlet on "travru Operatione,; which may be had application, - Wkri1. DAY, Lecturer in Physics., - New Freighter. Detroit, July 3. -The steamer Wy- andotte, launched. at the Great Lakes engineering plant yeeter ey after- uoon, is probably the etrOngest boat ever constructed on the Great Lakes. She was built fur the Michigan Alkali Company, and will he tired exclusively in carrying crushed stone front Alpena to Wyandotte. Her inner bottom is carried' to the spar deck. making her more nearly "unsinksble" than any other freighter'on the lakes, With her cargo hold entirely filled with water, she would float, as long as her double skin and bulkhead re- mained intact. She will carry a cargo of 3,004 grow tots. - A -loft AMNION% Senator Tillman at a /magnet in Washington said, in a humorous de- fence of outspoken and frank meth ode : "'Chem, people who always keep calm 811 rue with !Metrust. Those that never lose their temper 1 mus- pect. He who wears under 'thus an angelic smile is apt to be try hypocrite. ''An old South Carolina deacon once said to inc with a chuckle : ' " 'Keep yo' tempah, son. Dont you quarrel with no angry pusem. A soft answah stn allus hest. Hite commanded, an', furthermo', hit makes 'ern waddah'n anything else yo' could say.'" Fair playis better than winning the Tobtains of .good games. ndeed, is to teach fairness and self - Control to both winner and loser. The boy who goes into grana With thin spirit wiii enjoy them most thor- oarghsy, -andl-•t,-the -same- time raise In -fishing for compliments you must nee live bait. -M Ow DoubieCyllyder Horizontal Eniines, are entirely no:lowed under the from won seat. .e shown in the tilkrsranon. This in creases seating ceps• sty. prevents clothing being wooed by grease. ore:.. as when engines are exposed Our L.u,ches are famous for re- liability. speed and strength S,zes from 22 to 46 fees' Special bargains in boats of other Ontario builders. sizes 18 to 30 feet. -I•s,,,e'*tsw,. Espen. pad ie.wheeuweds MARINE AND STATIONARY ifNGINIS from 2 to 100 HP. Wore for Catalogue which describes and illustrates our LAUNCHES .nd ENGINES. CANADIAN OAS, POWER AND LAUNCHys LIMITIID. TORONTO 4 3 THE ORIGINAL AND .e ONLY f` GENUINE sawAtE sr IMITATIONS SOLD ON TIE MERITS OP MINARD'S LINIMENT elli SEE THE New Buggies1 at Knox's Made by the celebrated ° McLaughlin "Company. "Ors Grade. - ,and That The Best." mum. i have just received a ship- ment of these. fine Boggles and invite anyone interested to call ors see them. PRICES RIGHT KNOX Cor. Newgate nd Handitoo streets GO ' ERICH G. JOHNSTON rr EMBALMER ANO FUNERAL DIREOTOR Vomiters and Undertaking w.rerooms, ' _ . Wed side Square, 'MONK: Store/lt. Godericb Ite.idenre lye Npfkt call.. At re.iden.e, ti William 1 w JBROPBEY&SON j LeADINO- Fun ral Directors and Embalmers Orders awfully ,tt.nsA to .t GM boon. night or 'ley 'PHONE 15 oR 24 Warehouse l cr. West When on want (and Yard. street and THKf�F:`I'I' at Dock Square) COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND arAll ('oal weighed on the market settee Waite gannet 2.1,01 Ins. for a ton. toe �.. WM. LEE. elder•. left at t'. 1'. 1.1:1:0 Han, wares 01.,r• .1.1., +weir,, prumeIlv attend..t rm. Where Shaking is Respectable A AVI •rf freer alone, one so Aber anbeaa t. p.wweae to seers -.e lee rstr..r..sse le ..seal, erne. Oaf* .vasa Ise Awe tray [Woo eke fre uveas bra /..eo.o les •ee-alt, eat ter Wei- ser!. wake Se thereto peelEM, awe will see go trey, W -lea• erre o./ tats samentn>• pee In "Sauskine" Furnace the legitimate dust outlet is m- olded. Its a groat big dust - pipe rums* straight from ally -pit to dome, theism to a6intrrey. When big pipe damper Mwpenetlo l dlzst In t sA-pelt amen& to dome; thsn, when rot down t are Opened, ell dist passes up -chimney. Mcapetheekan and quiet Hast Mae In f• 1oeshtne " FQJ_ - ifs grate, to pan, to else -tripe, to dear*, to eilmayklavapaa di Men TORGIRSII 114111113111131. HOWELL HARDWAR` CO.. Write totestimonials usfor Ste: ine" i waivle:I from your own townsPeoPie- 5 VAMce1VI'R iT.JOMN, N.e HAMIL TON 1 CALGARY Local Agents, Ooderieh SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. Any even nemberret *action nI ()menden foul. hi Manitoba, S.wk*Irhewat. and Alberta, * .see ding $ and senreserved. . not reseed. may be limns- tra.lod by any person who Is the stile head of a family, or any mate over IS went of are, 11. the extent of one quarter se'Uon of 11n acres, mom or toss. A 1+ptieat inn for entry mint be mode In ta•rwon by the appteant M o Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -ego ;my for the dint -let in which the kausd is .n aa„•. Kntry by proxy maty, hose,. r, her male .t an Agency on certain condition. by the Nihau.. mother, sun, daughter, brother or .1 -ter 4,1 an Intending homesteader. Thr Menne. .a 1. required to perform the Mune-tewl dao ander one of the following plans: ID At least 411 months' residence upon and cultivation of the land la each year for three years, en A hmnestesatter may. If he no dr.lr.w per form the rermi rd returnee duties hy living nn terming land owned .nlefy by Mm, not less then eighty Cott acre. in cosset, In the Main it. l of hies htr,a.-Iea4, than, ire em.T,ty to 'Tadd w lip net meet this requitement CAI 111 he rat her Icor mel her,Jf 1 he fat bee 1.4 reuRrit .d a honu•.treder has permanent rent dcnee on farminland owned .olely by him o' not lethan eighty de seise 1n extent, In the vicinity of the ho trail. or upon a homestead envied for by him in the, vicinity. .tleh hmne,- eteAder nifty lettere, hie own redelenoe duties by living with the lather (or mntJl.r1. 111 The tern "vicinity- In the two peeeadhu paragraphs Is 4101lne1 es mewling net mor than nine mike In a direct line, etch's, . of the width of rood allowances sowed to the measurement. ISI A homesteader intending In perform hist while living with patents in or m m. with farm!nga land owned hy himself mn.t notify the sweet for the Patric( of such Intention. Nat month.' mein, In writing .1.1.1 he gi.e,, to the 1 nrnniheinner of Dominion Londe as Ottawa of Intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY Ospn'y of the Minister M the dneeriee. N, tiles Srt.Anrirsi pnhll'atlon of thl. ed„ • wit( sot be toted isr. 5'