HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-6-18, Page 741 '? 9** 44 444+ 1 tr **** ****** 4 4 4444449i+ .** TheNews of the .Ditrict..: , 454+ ° 44 r_ Mi.i, . eland daugtter are 'IIHEPPAR Twomey, Jute IAth. %Ii K:MAY,M. nes 17th- P.A. McCarron visited relativesl(er. vieitiutin IDetroit. The farmers arae busily eegsgud int • doing statute lie ior: THE SIGNAL : GOOERICH, • ONTARIO__ 4 - -tAX.14.44.1114.-• TUYJ,uAY, June llkb• We are glad to see Mts. Neil Camp. belt out ageitrafter her eerioua illness. There is a silence deep at )heath down here concerning the 1Veet Shore Electric Railway. What ie the mat- ter i - Jaw. McKendrick intends to take in the King Edward ezcut•sion this week and visit the parental tunic in De- troit. . T. Richardson. of l'of't Albert. with a gang of mem and equipment ie at persona cutting ehinglee for the Mc- lntyre brothers. A . football match hetween Pare- moent and Antlwrley took peace here last Wednesday, with a sore of 2 to 0 in favor of the latter. A baseball y Math between Ripley and _baseball was played on 1'hureday, with a .homey wore in favor of the former. Those Leap-yhtu• bargains which tt$rg. Ytirtitt!¢d inlhr lea al mese a hare not been taken up. They have. in consequence. hee•ome .lead 'stock, and 'w41 Is• laid by upon the shelf. Gent- lemen, you Must put up far better bargains in orders to Catch the .fair ones of Lochalsh. - • e Communion services were held in Use Praa4yteriae elrerrlt bort Mvr. J . The pastor wee ably aasiatad.by 1 v. A. C. \Viahart: of Brussels: \Viahareis an excellent speaker ut tete Aahlleta congregation will battled to have-st oppor•tvuitylet tigam'lieer. Mg his earnest, and _impresses e ad- dresses. ST. AUGUSTINE. ?rancrt- , Jin e'thitt, Mrs. John Kelly, of Shaketipeere, is visiting sera. McAllister this week. Mr. and Mrs, Feed Robinson. of I)iu1 s non, spent Sunday in this viointty.- The St. Augustine f went back t• Calvin T f Ma "it, NV John Gritlln, of events to heti game itf fuotbell wit a team the'Phe score w w frM nt{s io the subuttbs :( to in favor of St. PIIAr.x - i.itnOY. - Catholic church here was t. a very pretty wedding this 11 when alias Mary L ddy 'art Phalen were %nitre, in marriage. 1iii ''tde wore a pretty dark blue bro,id- clbthisltirt and white satin waist with hat to match. Her cousin. Mian nuntl ` Mary Ada Brophy, acted as brides- maid, while J. f'baJen, of tiudtricb. rataing filled the ()Mee of groorpsman. After }very net the ceremony the part drove to the was well'repre Fine Care leat'week. Philip Austin is having some repairs WESTFIELD. Wm. Graham hal the tuistoituue done un hie barn. tectlntly W ince a valuable. turas. John !tarry. of Duh,th, is on his 11'EItVItruAY, June lath. Mrs. Ro Ioeesul+ returned to her IbpY St$house, of the Winghatu high who; ,spent Saturday and Sun- day in the gighborhutal and returned to school i. ltlouday morning after carting his Ate• way to visit has old home. here. Mies Casale O'Cunnur entertaiQtd a few nor•thef•n lrieudi one evenerl(tlaet week. Mins Julia 1)'Kuilly is leaving ter Wuodsleoe, where her eieter, Mho Itose, is teaching. home ern Toronto on \Vetineslay after spending week with relatives here. • Ml's. (., '1'hurlow' returned to (bade - rich on Friday after staying a few 191•i,ii' iIIA•ru.- A verysudden days with her brothers iu thie locality, deatha u:urre here on Monay. June . J. H. Situpson has iulprt et1- the• hats when Mt Hobert runney, jr., appearance of hie property by having Mrs. M. Bowler arid' (dirges Mary awecuutbed to naralysir. She leaven verandyhs erected in ftottt of his store and Margaret O'Connor paid a flying to mourn theiross her huehand, ' one and house. visit W Uoderich last week. son and one daileter. bier two site Mr. and NICK. Win: 1 ou arrived tees, the Misses ;lark, of Ayr, were here for the tunes', One sister will home from their Wedding trip on Ayer's Hair Visor, as now made from our rsnuin with the 'reeved easily for Tueslay. Their many friends wish new improved formula, is the latest,most s tiros. &hem every happiness: . , scientiAc. and in every way the very best hair preparation ever placed upon the. __ A AN(I.SH. market. -file falling hair and dandruff if is the ort- great )pedictn(t - • Tt' Esn.t ve June hitt: uses by as J. C. lser os,. atssa••,' The eereices at Donnybrook un' -,..... 4•- Stu ay -were wrfbdrawit..em aetee st ,• -the sea,veresiry services at Nest- tletd: __ -- ---.- FlarritAl,t The ieskin cti ase•s ALIA'Al'I:It. --SEE 1'I(F NEN' I 1 -.er11 later. at the p,.:twatee More- A of St. Augwltint•' journeyed over twat Iotri.sy of t., t Rd µmums. now \tw, to Calvin oil Mtn 1 , • ,.e •gun.. tuck.. 1'1411 and get Y!o•t., - • I Last n rrapiiiilie- o t ;t elle.. issued IT'D. A;71.Cr \VTO♦ l►r:N`1'tST, Ll'('K- liy the latter Lenin; awl: -although `-XO\a': . . ►,u,uccrry day ca•rV: Thr, a-iro,Nee tensely fur extract nutti•el luins w- tutt+i,latto•thiut•tw- 1_reenatatbridge,uutk - AMmtiln-ui)ruTa b,on ,nt .k..bi.•.. ceedeet _tt1_trouncinv lbs t'r e . S-Jl._1uu • t e e time of i t W I. 1 lis IS.I he thiel' wuaer e -i ll ke ort drat .I males wrote tins- 4 I Itrtiur V;;;;,Tri lea fur dubs tow /.wins -.www ewe-. defeat that the tit Aui,tstine team rurrahlrTur ilio oat Leu:. has handed out to than, having d.. jOTICE. THE. • l.1X'AL AGENCY legated, tlhepm twice lav earn. The It in ltnug1t,inn u for Tut signal i.,tt t he Po., line•tip of the St. Au•,iustitte eleven entre linw4 nod ill...wry Muer, ah.•re 0e WIN"' 44....l. N. r fv'ti .:0 a d }01, ,t l_r .4...-r.,.,. w Iitvrpftty • vrrn. toy( and yds Turk. cute .w•riW• will be backs, • Beadle. A. 1it•uph)••; half- Oven for autuewt• a,d-tur the -slue. backs: McAllister, .1. Brophy; Craig : - % i.:I Ksu.tV.•Jtine 17111. forwards, trio mn1iliKso _jitlt h 14un. Several .4- .w l+ers-left oWelenJae- Kinnahan, Tisdale, Grassick. • to ielte nd canals ire iicelerich. Ttte NEW ScHiwt. • - The cen+etot biles. T-.- W. • Little arid' Willi are• foundation and beeentent floor of the vi.iiting (klende here this week. new No. 7 school was completed on. ehthiti e ui au, 31rlhodist elinin., -. Saturday last and the new -minting lead it aureeesfutl ,banes 'I'Inu•aduy w(11 he pushed fors►atd to, ecretpletion evening of East week. The receipts as rapidly as poseibT: The u 1 build- amounted to over SM.' ing haa been torn down and all the lice, Mr. N'xllrr, a missionary fruui geed tp'atlell'al 'Kt of Winkel' nkel' tu_tbe Japain, gave au tutereotting lecture_ in new site to be used in theaonatructtnt the fingli,)i •beech on Mondr Monday r n- of the new schoot, which is to be a ing on hi, work tlietr. 'Her spoke at fine brick etructiur. •int delle• atter. Pot, Albeit on Tue,d,ay evening. the Beigrave school which was e lei la .t stm,ufer. Me *ooh, is now Rev. It. \\'. 3titlyard, of - Victoria. tree"neddin a-eawvas tent /"4"4"44"1-yloi a bawled). (:udrrich.: rcc iarc he. the old'aite. Uxvideue, ut \\'inghauo, 1?ntl'i' in the \1P ht•tiist rhn)rh ,n has been drilling, for ter for tame. l9uu. ,y In -1. Iter'. . A. Smith took Lime but has not yet nuc edeJ in get- ting Mr: Millynret's( work in (loderlcti. ting it, although a dept of 1211 feet Lawes So.tI tt_.. Lawn . socials alt - baa been reached. mow the order of the day. A autceas- fie one was iihiee the congregation of the Presto terian church 011 Jtich. • Everybody is going to Detroit this war, w► we Moi t hoar fruit Kings- bridge for a ,}shite. Hurrah ! , John O'Neil's berteraising was a *weals. Mrs. 1). C:. ruey aaseat*d Mie. O'Neil with the trot iewurk. Ed. Wall, of_the boo. torutetly_nt Aahflekl, war Juan ried in the Sop on Monday. lie and his beide-are Ing W visit relattvee b e. Hes, Father ')onneI5 returne to itis home in Denver, CoL, 1111 Fi•iday. His visit•wtas short Owing to hi. 111 - health --while here ; the climate did slut. *ma. hili. Morgan Auetiu had a,few married tedious ata house-cleaning bee one afternoon Last week, Althea A etrilY ii ward -perhaps it is the single ietP t urn nertee" redrew Martin and John Buckley hail tarn raisings haat week. Mr. Buck y moveel jtls barn back farther. Ifs, wevidently leaving room for tate* l 'c tend. The fishery in Port Albert is gleng to be a MICA .: ,f they get a new (lshi peddler for . ' . gsl i-idge anal KiutaU. There are hu ns up here, but per haps thew was , ore sale for fish" in etc -ere a tirerich, visited t Kingsbridge ins. • on Sunday and return's W Goderich e Human. early Monday morning. rry Wal- aItuiii et lace was out frutuiioderick,wi h him. We expected to bine a numbs+ 1 other Ing• Goderich people out, but perb a ow - D. jng to the rain they ,lid not ke In come. Never mind, the rain vipn it elt von. tes•Casrvt. BARN-Ia.1l8l tt. - fronnhete attended the barn- -11.' Sullivan's last meek. nd village in the vicinity party and all who were bride's hq,e, where dinner wins preterit enjoye. theenewdves. The serve,dd the guests bei g$ only the im- barn is a large one. - 'sty feet ove l„ mediate friends of tt,e contracting and the boys worked re to gnash it, +tarhea, r y,,.:werh 1st, anal 1t,>. but they were repaid t ocgood sup- I'r which was served on he lawn. Phalan mac joy onat eir voyage u rr W. Brophy. the Beast/mateiuumv. P photographer, (icole- rich, took some eledoa ) ate Inc building. The pictures \ ST. HE.LE S. - • good: -but why not ? ' • .June.pith% :. GOLUK . t'EnuINO,-On Tuesday. itiP V, -The 1ttli best., Mr. and Mn. Jae Donnley auepiees of celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of Int wi11'a their wedding g day, Mel the daywas a on Iriday. J most ,Ynotable nue. At to o'clock hPBayed grand high tunas was held in' St. lieu.,H,, Joseph,'a. _ cinutvihe their son, flee. . Lnneh Father IMnnley. ufl%iating, maimed program 1•y itev6 Father Ford as deacon. Rev. nd and PathPl' IAC endeau w icon -deacon, Chsetney, corneae*. win lac and by Rev. Father M,(cCornack. acts tett by local talent, Ad • iaaiun. Miss by_ pla3 ed the Wedding l:pc. oil tic. Corm one. eon, • 11. March as the honored couple matched Itev\ S. M. Whaley., of keine,, up the aisle of the church. -After- visited' need. here last week. wards dinner was served on the lawn ( at the bonne of Mr. and Mrs. Donnley, Rev. Mr. McKinnon, or Pink on, the grounds being prettily deeorated will occupy the pulpit iu C 'n .with cedars,- bunting . and flpwers. church onktunday next.. -___ ,_- -t Abort cmc hundred guests were prey, Miss 'Margaret ('lark, ,of Kin el, ent to pay their respects tap the aged !pent Sundayat hose. - couple, and congratulations upon hay - Mrs. D. T,N I. jr.. with her t r+ttht remelted the golden wedding, day children. Stant and Vera, left fo and good wishes for the future were Michigan no Mo day last W visit her showered upon the venerable pair. parents, Mr. and r.. Nealy. At the tune Mr. and Mrs. I)onnley D. MCUonabl, ti Ripley. is visiting ere' wedded' there were six couples his'lrieods on the 9t Ripley, vi a rried'In the church here, and thee ^__ _ _ _ e the only couple now living. Mr. MAFEKIN(:. e1 nnhey is`seventy-three -e years of age • an• Mrs. Dontley seventy-one. They Wiceertsntv.June loth. ha - afatuity:of four stns and four Miss Bertha Twauttey spent Sunday dans tern. The sons are Richard and. at the home of Geo. 1'wamtey. J. J., both of Greenock : Rev. John Hiss Mary liven, of !rungs -mom, the .y -and Denis, of Gdorado : and wee x guest at the hoose of Anion the d lghtera are : Miro. Kenny, of Finlay on Sunday. Dense • Mrs. Garvey, of Kingsbridge: Nra, (7 cry and Mrs. Mather, both Mies Aggie Kilpatrick; of Brown of Cheps owe. All were home for the City, Mich., is 'hick at her old .home celrbrati. t except Denis.' Mr, and fora couple of weeks visit. Mrs, Don y received a number_ of A little *traiigg eir•herrenme ors grace 'valuable p •.tit.. including SeteIn the home of Bert Reid and that is gold, and nt uerous gifts of silver and why Vert is .wearing that broad gold plating.', In aadditen, to these* tan - smile. - gihle tokens t y have the goodwill of Mrs. E. J. Kilpatrick and bane J. the Week cot • . unity, whose wishes Kilpatrick were -down at Exeter on ale that thev y be reared together MMndav for the meeting of Loddon for many day to look --hack with conference ,herr. pleainire upon t, Air golden Wedding Rev. L W. Kilpatrick has been ab anniversary. - • i 1 1 1 'Pt es r.t (iron Time :ti..KT garden party ander t Helens i •1 ..-'.tt]e ;bait. PI Ila t,a.0 M{t held at the manse g • d June 19th. A nt•ttch wil between 'Westfield mid commencing at :. p, n1. shin. ill he served and a good dei. iw,cknow tete tending conference during the past O'NRIr i.-M,'Ke. TY. - The fbttow- __weeek. He wad ordn:ned as a minister ing wedding ecoun •. from a 'Winnipeg at Exeter last Sunday and will take Paper, will re of 'ntereat to the chargge of a circuit in leenbton county Roemer) Ashfield fr i nds : On %We en t We Mab Miff iti isii iii phis seedily morning at int. area atria, life work. - Winnipeg, was eoeen) bred a Wet a i lune wedding. when Mi Mary Claire LUCKNOW. • McKenty was united in holy matte-- mony W Themes J. O'Neil both of St. Tt:tuwax, June lath. Mary's-porieh. Rev. Fat-er M. D. yucknow I.. O. L, No. 42`►• will ren O'Neill, of London, Ont., r_ther of 'an excursion to Niagara Falls on the groom. officiated. '1 brides - Thursday, J unit '2$, maid was Mies Eileen SIavin, • t Des• iseuRtltla PM4,vEI F"tTAI„ - Alex. Amnio, Ont., and Dan Dalton, .t this Hedley, who .vas injured recentbiess city, was groomsman. The ce tony - the result of it runaway accident, elm- -took place at 010 `n clock wt a cumbed to his injuries after a week's nuptial utas». The bride, who as euRering. 1leceaees1 was In his forty geven away by her brother, Don Id fifth year and leaves a wife and faro- M-Kenty, was very pretty in a sma t ily, W whom the ;sympathy of the tailorm,uleruit of navy blue chino eotn►nunity is extended itt their iuwl Ipnsndclotb and white hat trimroe loss - ' with plumes and rihhon. The brides- maid (ht.tt:uFat i1ANna Al/A1S, maid was charming in a gown of grey -The Lucknow Sentinel. which has and white striped Venetian cloth :her been published fns about eighteen thele hat was a lovely creation P t trimmed with lilies of the valley. A ,months by\V. 1. McGregor, has again wtdding breakfast was served at the changed hands, having been per• home of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Mc• chased by J. L. Naylor, of Essex. Mr. Kenty, Colony street, at which only McGregor's retiretnent is due W i11- 'immediate friends and relatives were health. Ile will continue to reside in pp r e e e n 1,- - including the groom's Lucknow. brothers James and William O'Neill, AMBERLEY. proeperole farmers near the city...et _ --- Winnipeg. Th`e" ikay frTeudp o t e ssei•Ho.tt•,,lune):t, popular couple sent very handsome Albert Nesbitt raised his barn bast and valuable souvenirs of the occa- vrkek. sion, among the gifts being a sutfstan• SerXJCe in the Methodist etiurch tial cbee ue from the brother of the next !Sunday evening at 7 r'eh,rk. bride. Mr. And Mrs. O'Neill have \Vm. Pot er has got th!• ceutenteete taken up teosOft lweete f 1517 Sherbrooke platform finished in front of his Ionise. Ancient Older of Hib.rnisns called a Jackson Drothers Are at. ,repent special meeting which wee addressed working at Hugh bull's barn ffoanda- oil the melee! of Irish patriotism by tion. the. q noon's brother, Rev. M. 1) Archie Steele, nt Rainy }fiver, is at t) Neill, pt i.ondon, Ont., atter which Fresent visiting his p»rentrt At Ane State Prraident. O'Neill was brought MI'IPv- to the rrntre of the platform ennae- Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Blair, of Tiv- what unwillingly and after the rem!. Prem, visited friends in the village Pg It Ailenrytine lrlw,as pe thnteel iby the n fee butt week. name of the division with a gold - Mr. and Mrs. Thomts Bradley. of headed cane, suitably inscribed : "The 1'nderw,.o,l, are at pr.aent. visiting great pat.Ndt John Mit-hell has said 'Papa, what it a safety match?" Mr. friends in Amleriey. that for over a t.honaand years Ireland Henpeck (booking carefully about to The Amber -ley itnlers played f,ottltall rang with the name of O'Neill; may VIP see it his wife is withtn hearings at. Peramotmt, le,.t. WPdnenday even- also hope ,hat Hlhernianl»m in Wed.. "A safety match, *on, is when a ing and the score was 2,0 in Invor of ern llaneea continue to ring with the held -headed man Marries an armless We Rulers, , nawe of O'Neill," wAman." lite f 1411___: It's Awe care that makes fine hair! Use Ayer's Hair Vigor,. wile' tenpre'ved-fol'tnuis, sys- tematically, conscientiously, and you sill get results. We tilos kappa fallintbeir, cures dandruff, and is a most finial dressing. Entirely new. Kew bottle. New cbatents. Doss we chow ill color of rileA Noir AyersrerelUL wlam ) IS lotto. ' anew n . >roue a' Ask ata Nraa at 14.14 woe, be soya r CRE r Metysy, J 'i'h=- T tkeTrotaley, of theCircular Town, tit liandite with fies+ds it Crewe. Miw Whet Templets nfeGoderieb spent Sulday under tt;.paeeotal tarot. here. - Robed touglass, of itandase is the guest of daughter; Me. Tho*.:Cun- grant. F "' Quite auember of the +d -coats lett here today b join the vllunteers at Ooderieh. • Mr. and 11w. --$3f -Shore/4W, of the lac *pent a, iia with i oda-.ac n ire pp els Ike Y Matekin _ g,. Miss Lott,tie Pierce, of t:oderich. •epeek, Hende\ with bee atotter, MSs. W. Piecge. . PORT ALBERT. TCRairev, June lath. - Miss Bertha Briwn is coding o friends in (3ederieh this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Sch,oenb.Ie re- st trip to N iagara Falls hast Monday. - D. Lane, of Kinba„ h, occnpiett the pulpit in St. Andrew's .Presbyterian church last Sunday. - Miss Roselle Ntshitely. lit I.orules- boro, was the guest ether Mend, Mise Mabel Quaid, last Suaday. Mies Winnie Cunningham • and Percy Hayden. of the 0. ('. 1.. spent Saturday and Sunday ut our midst. Miss Jessie ,McMillan is home from Saltford. She head been visiting with Feeler. 'Mea. it -Morehe tolesi'tt(ue. LOTHIAN. . • Tentrn w. June 10th.eeRU FIELD. Mrs.thn Spindler was here last #teed:, lawn on '1'uesla . Avenin of - • week call, g on friends.-___._ -Tt a this Week. Anethere few of . e children of this section TH6 New PREON 01.tN CDC 'u. 'Hugh leinnig,ut s lawn ut ('.ewe on have theme. es at present. - - --This village eat the •-. er- ne of •conal • Tbursea • rrenirr • this hits gone tto -. _ - - er.bte exclteRlent Off . ay • er- is noon, the occasion being't ; ' hying of rya eantP• the foundation atone of the • els Pres. Miss Liazie He son, of Lucknow; hyterian church, now in c, rite of visited Iter cousitt, asie Barnby, last erection. The -new church wt be a Sunday. substantial building of brick. ten feet Larger than the old edifice. which been found to he too small to accot e increasing congregation Modiste th R or p(rrtation n thole who worship here. There will be a basernent the full size of the building for Sunday school classes and other purposes. The contractor is Sam, ('uogter, of Clinton, and as he has had conrideratle experience in build. oo to g churches the building cotnwittee K aye evidently placed the work in hearty. • . hands.. The present pastor.. -of ., th church i, Rev. J.. 11. Sewers, who PORTER'S HILL hes .n herr, for the -last years: TeenfraYeJune.idth:.._. n t owe lxtro ni erectt of i.nCthnand Will Mcbonwld is }pens from Do- Ker. F. . lerktn. of' Seafoitb, -»d mite !nuked none too h •got for r. dressed t audience, The betiding Laurier, then leader oft r0p anti. Rev. T. A. Steiulman will Preach his cohmtittee. •1 which W. Scott in x l farewell sermon in Bethel church lei' member, pro ced the financial stn Mr. Fitzpatrick took a n e•handed Sunday evening, June 21st. t trip of things fn the Quo ; enteict meetcitthe ch b, showing that fhb which atu114tdlttheleader,Aat&enteon. The Sunday school and E atari utuler the text we knew, he was in Parliament, League of Bethel cfiurch will hold ices. It is emelt. l.,a become Attorney-Geiseral\anti their annual strawberry festival on will be about wa carrying' nn, practicarlly aerie, the fawn -of Alex. Vortm the -evening- g rtion nt thRt some roost delicate negotiations whiny of-.)une :.-end. lett upeeo the settlement of the tMani- Tur LAT,: Ae.s'1►. Me•DoI•l.A I.t.. -- toter schrtul question. Presently he The remains of the late Archibald Mr y S was awarded by unanimous consent,. Dougall were laid.to rest in Maitland the house of Common. prize ter hay. cemetery, on Sunday afternoon last, y ing made thee ',peach ' of the seesion. amidst the mourning of the liereas•ed Then he was Minister el' Justice, the ' ones glad the regrets of the whole head of his profkeion. Next people community. Mr. McDougall's death around Ottawa *Woke to the fact occurred on Thursday morning, June that, with 'one poste/Ile rival, he hat! 11th, Rater an iJln. s of several weeks. he beat brain n Parliketent, and was An attack of E'ulnev trouble 1n April f The t I f th ing it .to the best advantage: last- wand-tullowed hy--Ple+reisy. \\ en, there was talk of his being a notwithstanding the bqreqs»t of care he judge, it wee a choice between a -chief gradually failed. The deceased was a f h 1 -Monte ip at t ttehec ,ked flee -cileT native of tiodcrich township and Was on:dices ' r of the Supreme (obey, Me held in high respect and esteem by a was elect 1 for the Supreme Chun. very wide circle of friends. lie' was the htghes in Canada. , No' doubt. an official meruber of Bethany .Pres- I l h 1 in titer-: 1tio wit, •attus-K , w " neem.. •terian church and an active worker k bet. of the Priv Council.- tete highest in the Sunday school : a man whose . in the-l:tupire. -- 'hi-tt-h.s was names, -life-wasieyamd reproach ami en sit= , by Commie and Nr fonndland As their ample of upright, honorable living• reprearr,bit ive, on 1 it sit rat• at In politics he was an ardent Liberal. CURRENT LITERATURE"•The Hague, every)) ly wok' it an He lee a wife, one son, Norman, quite the nntnia! thin , to do. Now anile ma ' i_ed daughter, Mr*._.Th i• , tle'irur . ' amst vy en .1 iTi n eon, in lir West. Mr. McDougall one of the four British rep .entatives was aizty.oe years of age. -nn the pet niattent ermrne:e a iir The Hague, the high court of the tions of the world. Ile ettrely ie a eta pure former, Mir(Itarle• :.__ - Taott t► ar: 'kite, 1t;, tee 6 For,. Summer Weanng New Hats, New ,hoses, New -Ties, New Handkerchiefs, New Vests. flet we have everything that -i1 new in men's wearables. Von will enjoy the warin weather iliUOh -better by d()aenin;; efZ nr DUNGAN/401e. - they were nut iu the best ,• , ma&Itt ro ,owing -to leek of }frae*i.•f ,hey -eater that is new and fresh, .such as can I.t- found in choice variety at -_ The Palace Clothing Store We have everything for Men and_lioys and all at moderate prices. McEAN.BR a , iothiers and Mena Outfit! L., PAL ) r i (Y ; TOr H. McDonal to attend the mi \liar MaryeleL ean, her brother, u andcosi B -I e xis - Redhn, cousin, 1 +on, ,t, iced in Kinloss one evenin his week- ..,_._ Join MacLeod, of Broalksdale Ge - ford county, is visiting frien a iters. He ie eccauapaeiea by his tw*chit- dren. Mrs. McLaughlin. of Burka 1' called on friends here lest week. All were pleased to seeherlooking hale andh t WEST ST. HARDWARE Honest smut Dealings NICHOLSON 6' NAF >G• Profits P your May Fork Ropenay 'seed 'ph; ng. Bfin 'Perhaps yit in We caw do - RIGHT - or you may need. a new ROPE or some PULLEYS. e have them. Compare the goods and compare prices. .Weak Paris Green -won't kill strong begs. Our gr the highest quality sold in C gardless of name or pricer 350 PER LE. of 16 ounces. 1 e ere a 0 WWI wt tea eel on Thos. swilteet lawn. on July -Sir Quarles Fitzpatrick. Montreal Hrudd .so r i at artiv+• about Thera m th e1g tr , x t the watt' Intim of therxreer of Mir Charles 1• - zpatrick,. who has new i)een appoin • d a permanent utetnilrr otter world's i ternstional congress at The league. Sir .' tries. it would seem. cannotsee anythf • • ,hof:, of a super• lative. He - hits' only the "high places," :n borrow n illuminating metaphor front the inderheurh' of English. Sir Charles seed hie hard apprenticeship both in law anti in. politics, but from th time' he Rot his brad up ,when it add:lte even ere has been albriii i ram the t est A few pieces of Blue Enamelware at IC'while they ---Our 22c Window Screen is great value. A Long Handled Socket Shovel Other. charge;t.15 our price 75e \1-r can save you molter' oti many things that tie ental tcl[ yOttfLtir' her( We want yon to como in Anti sett tilt• yourself. Quick Returns NICHOLSON 6'. `NAFTEL Full Measure eilVby do people' call a t'fty 'she' ?' , I don't knew.. Why, ea it *qtr. "muse err thingtr. Prior to Peer. when Ings• nem► - nn mg molt favorable au ated that .the r eliettlieend the -far e sum is now subscribed. 'Tie olterings on the ground amounted •tit consider- ab1 over a10o, James Ge +melt read a very interesting etate'ne of the histot of the church from t e n- lerig of settlement in this eect,on. This statement was .enclosed' in the corner atone with- ether documents. The stone teas declared well end truly laid by John Ketihen, sceretary' tine t.asnrer. row's or a occc- sion wawa Otte-seri#-- ably inscribed. and was tee gift of the contractor. After t_. e. ceremony _ L e iathes of the rongte ation entertained the visitors with,relgreelenente and the long retries Med with _good thing:. testified to the nope was in w it ► theliidieshaded••ne their part in mak- ing the .s•eseion a day that- wilt long be rrrnrmtxred in thta vitla)are. - ry • OMAN'S ONE COMPANION Fon Jerre.- Five_ hundred photograph, of. President R•ineevelt, all assembled in one big double -page picture, 13 by 11,41 inches in Size, is an extraordinary fea- ture ofthe Jane Woman's ifowe Coni- psoton. 'Do' five bemired photo- graphs were taken In almost every :State in the t'nion, at all periods of Roosevelt', public career, and show tis wonderful versatility and energy. In the June Companion appear the 'flat chapters of Harvey J. O Higgins' great story, "A brand Array Man," Need nn Belasc.i s famous play of thr same name, in whish David Warfleld starred all last winter. Other Action In this delightful summer u,egaAine is by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, "Zona Dale, Charlotte l'erkins Gilman, Temple Bailey and Clinton Danger- flekl. Kellogg Dnrland, who of late has spent touch time In Kassia, tells the dramatic and thrilling dory of one of the bravest girls of the hessian iteverlut on. Margaret R. Songster writes on the American woman as a :incise engineer. Dr. Edward 'kverett Hale._id',sotss- his- monthly p.Re- hr some working rules of lite. Greer Margaret Gould, the fashion expert,, gives tunny practical suggestions for summer dressing. Sam I.oyd's Own Puzzle Page is a mine of interest for the puzzle lover, • BAYFIELU. • Thu, air. June ldtb. MissStwuet.enifreepon, isthe -guest of her sister, Mre. tib.) Stanbury. efts. Heathesed family, of London, have arrived at' their sutlmer home. Mise S. Chesney, of$eato'r h, is vi.- itintther friend, Mie Carter, ter a few wee e. Quite a number of young men from our town _left Monday morning to train with the volunteers in camp et oderich. tev. J. McNeil occupied the pulpit he Methodist church Saobath int. Rev. T. A. $teaulmen being t in Clinton. Th . weather for the past few days has 1 n very cool, and owners of gardenhave been fearing frost, but solar n i arm has teen done. Mt•, \V •'ley, colporteur of the Eppel'_ Lan • ..Tractelociety.-b-stay-- iog in the vi a fora few weeks and addressed th Guild in the Presby- terian chuteh . Sunday evening, i A (halm Me leu. -. The regular monthly meetin of the Women's institute watt he Thu.•,ttay evening haat. wt- the home :-Mte,atDr. I Smith and was . very mice ni and pleasant gathering. Over twtv member. were present and two e client paters were .given, one on "G ening and Preservingof Strawberries, , eir Food. by Miss Nora leer • son : the other on "Srrciabilitv," by M Stead- man. flnth essays were pert ularly goal, and gi W show what Tent. there is in l+e Hayfield Branch' Wo- men', Inatite , Superior liarness IN .lime. and July, we sell ore mingle !laxness t hen any ter months of the year. I have 4111141 end N ck el early inspec- tion is Tie - ti l'htsh Hugs, it iliober Biota IT• WOULeD BE VERY FUNNY if our Aloes failed to impress yott favroratily. Tho•y are so stylish. en orate In rant that we cannot conceive -- your not liking thetu. PEOlPicE 1--W end treen n -few- mitts -of, the differ: - :eel ler easy- they are yoni'll not ent\styles. 'When y011 /1•11};Xe 11/W trim -looking they - melte sour foot Get busy and attend to business - tea be sure it gone -oven litisinesii. Mistress i who is engaging new' maid and is gcssWitlg rather t114.11 of the numerniis objectionsl- "Of course. if you objeet to the . children, we could drown theon."- -The Tattler. (Cede (behove statue itt• tinteetitni- "This Mete ef woot•k lett you are now leeking at goes hack to Pritaiteles.,- it satisfactory ?' Banton Transcript. 'Doctor. the nimat -r with me. 8. times my mind is a latently fees me. I wish you would trent me." "I will. Ilia in view of the tweedier nature of the ease, I rhall want tny 1f41 in advanee." Whet) J., A. Froude wow a student texterrette)erroteeeers, about Nth and works ran high. ' An examiner aekell a emelidate what was the valise of worita. Not knowing the theologi- cal views of the questioner. he care. fully and cautiously replied : "A few of them would (I() e man no harm" A New Orleans woman was thin. Because she did not extract sufficient nourishment from her food. She took Scotex EmuLtion: She gained a pound a day in weight. ALL DUN:GISTS, fitk AND no Wm. Sharman THE SMART ET on of every City Use Thelma the new Perfume, so vic re told. We don't wonder at it. fie is peculiarly a. ceptahle to people of refinement on account of its sweetness and delica; y. Wt. don t know of anyone who doesn't like it, but we could tell you of a great many who think it it the most delighti4 odor they hav ”ver used. rOR SALE BY DRUGGIST GODEIHCH.) Wenn VINOL The Cod I;ver Oil toren 'iris, 114111 1 d eta ;Nimbi,* taete of the cold.fitshioned Clel Liver Oil pteparations. ft is filmed Purifier. Flesh Creator ;uurricreniati ifeedueei, the beta Tonic for this time of the year. We return your inioneV if not satisfied. Sold by t9t BEDFORD 440.000.4000.140.00000; II BLOCK