HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-6-18, Page 6•
3 T'BrssMas, JMpe 18, 1901
Sant Imeerelt , Y tots ' 1Y t •.'i sRa f
Yr► it lyR,
stir s o•tee at • ,'U trtf'ht•p'ed, vsJ.
1;v • "Ii 11 14' in Ile• •tnlce,i dna.,
patient's "e'•at.'. Invalids cw11'lil't
take It, an 1 .41.14 ,'1W n ani 1111, l:'.•1
the d•,..'ors prose '1, •,1 it, and it is
to ivt 114krn by !ogre.- Yet it cute 1
pie tide where re en otgh 'Fool 1 1 r (:Ike,'
int* lite system, torr it baa Peet h...0
the greatest of all tissue builders and.
get pw•.s .Iecon,tt•Urtunw known 14
- -
..We are -now 4ntioua to have ever..
one know that Vinnl• p.a'new form of
this very 'ma and valuable stunt
cOWta' ;f in -a concentrated) form all
the uisJivinal elements of rod liver
oil, actually taken from '(lesb cols'
livers, lent by an extractive and eon•
contenting primness it is male without
oil or grease, and is as delicious to the
taste ns a fresh orange.
Viii) doe% not upset t he stoluaels like
old-fashioned cod liver oil enmlgions
its strengthening and healing prop•
ertjea are remarkable.. and both thhs-
tore anti patients are, delightwt with,
Its action.
Many wonderful cures right herr in
Ooderich, Out., have been effected lay
its use. and we oak all of our ratio
Comers to try Vino) on our guarantee
to return money, everyy' time it fail. t
make ricb, redblood, � ,
increalw the
appetite, cure Stltlltaeb tralltlleS, give
strength and renewed vitality to the,
aced, rttn•Itown, tired ilpcYtleTnit�nit 7.
_ nr Atte chriTateei,ide,?tacking i'nugb{s
or bronchitis. H. C. Dunlop, Drug-
Rtst-Qoderlctl: OriT. -
The Pantry
The •Kitchen
The Diningroom
well-or(ertd hon -444461-:
'neTert heless
They would be
usetess r.
adjuncts to the hole
without being supplied
with •
Good Things
that are `fresh and pure,
Gray Bogies
‘Ve have theip with Rubber
Tire and we ba •e (them with
eA Nei' T. t}nerr there
wit Automobile . ata and in
all he Inters 8ryL If yon
want a Buggy. or ever extent
to want tate, call at our ware -
room and see what we IJ, ve.
The Gray Buggy crones 1(
the largest Carriage Fact
in Canada.
You can't make a mistake in
huffing a GRAY-
Agent for
We also have a InegeHer fie
quarry And are prepared to'
supply building stone or luting
in large or email quantities;
delivered or at the quarry.
Ware -Room Hamilton sSt ,
Suits \ and Overcoats
New 11Mei pntte
comfort and durabi
__With lea
Leave your order early.
%Vest Steen.
e in clothes; beet of.
are feature,
r .WANTED••,
t n:u nlu'Imnl •
I M t, and desrrl,a ren nod
for .elllr,g !State whew
y ,r hal. Will Aral w111 n
e -s 1e��lea-e give , km. n ,�
ron iows
en can 1 , tw,,,nl , ware.
htrhjlhlrn, Dna f oche.: cr. N. \
1 Jtvard A. %Vilson's Preparation of
H7pophesphites and BiBd`etti from the
original ?Minnie is the "Sovereign Rem-
edy for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, La Grippe, Coughs, Colds, and
all Throat and Lung Maladies.
Thousanda of people say they have
been relieved by it. •
le Those who have tired it will have tut
other, and reemn Wend It to their fellow
it has curvet men, niter they were
givensip as incurable l,y their physician,,
The und.Migneti n- a eonspmptive
can testify from his own experience es
to Ka valve.
Write at once --delays are danger5,u n
and may pent•.' fatal.
Icor full partirul*rs, teetimoniab,
etc., addre%-.
C. A. ABBOTT, Ste Agent.
�f 1 oS "Tat
V - loin • Wand and power macork. O on the
Waite tuft this work. Q.ph•nlly
6o Ann Street,New Y k City, N. Y
1 Wornn'sWor 1
A Woman's Plan to Help American
Studet,t•,at. the Con oarvatoriei.
Zllaie Tekda Plane) of Marls and ber
)Sorban touts Vliioel, both iiote.t
musical artists lu (lhls country, hive
arrived to New York city. Mme,
Planel is about to put In operation a
plan to asslat,.Amerlcan girls who are
musical students at the Freuch cou-
Much has been written about the
fetal! and trlbulatloilr of Awerican
girls who have spent time and money
to Obtain a musical education abroad
and thee bean uuauccesaful In obtain-
ing :i hearing when they have become
proficient, according to the standanls
of the foreign schools.
It is to pave the way 111 this country
tor such as have received this tralulug,
t5511. 7 LILA PLA\LL.
and yearn for a chalice to be Leant
that Mme. Planel Is pled,: -1 on thls
ber first trip to America.
She comes specially cnmforteloued sand
by the French government on Um mis- ..coarse
lion, and she. and her -husband• are grains
"Thi., Glorious
Of, Dully
Goderich, Ontario.
3/ Aclur� SIZC
ler. The waterlal Is Brat sir
tightly clor the table and thou
ea to leav about an inch beyon
a necessary to tags In to preveu
big. The brocade, felt or tvhate
material chances to be 1e then na
the wooden rim with- large
tacks or brass beaded nails, or
shred the material may. be drawn vett tela
underneath the edge of tfieTable"anJ g
fastened there with *mall tacks.
For the F rm Dairy.
Vere 1n breedin fol milk pralue-,
tion rat the Canada :pet -intent farms
seeuha to show that ( (superior dairy
cows may be found ett-_breeds: (b)
pure bred females are of essential to
success in- dairy farming. but a pure
tiled bull should always be used.
,:ratp'a� f. wtt,ttatfjir
Ir Jl
, wan. A genuine
Canadian product
titche,l speaklug, roots should nut be ted alone,
colt se as they carry too much water. A teed
0 what may vary from tweuty-tive to fifty
t tray- pounds a day for a thousand pounds of
Per the animal, according to the amount of
fled to dry concentrates and roughage fed. It
la usual to put the• cat roots into the
If de- feed fax and distribute the ground
do -neer them: For poultry;
ever, the whole roots way be given. si
lowing the fowls to pick theta. it fe
said by come that tnrailis and ruts
rages Impart a flavor to wllk. •How
lever, 1f no routs are In the milking
room at the time of milking -arid they
areavowfeded, mu;tinklestt aftar;tinklesMUs way be
9Does she know bow to cook?"
o. $be has that beat a block."
'•nhc knits her 10.-t8aka iL4 k
osok."-\asbville American.
• tnateueti•n In Mixing It For Making
Pipe or Draintile.
A subject that interests Karmen Is
the making of concrete pipe, either•f:ts
ilea In lirigating systems or as a sub-
stitute for clay tile In drainage. From
the trizoua experiment atdtiou come
the following practical details of tae
manufacture of such pipes hr -'molds it
Iwo feet In length. The .titeehod of
wlxlpg the cement mortar will be use-
ful for other kinds of cement work
' also:
The sand should be selected with the
restest care. It ebould be free from
t'or dirt and preferably composed
of rains of varying sizes. Roughly
speak ig, the strongest and densest
mortar contains twodhlyds
`us and one-third much Suer
u a gravelly sand can be
further Intrusted with the plan to fa- passed .u,.-, , n half inch meat •
A 1
11E Is'; Lull,. Se.;t. t.• sto.'ker. 11)1,4
hrd.r,'. $t.0 to 81. .took betters. 11::$ to
flesh rows :.o4 cI Ii.gea'r, la I" to
1lr.rs )tractate 17 Ole. heart, twirls- •u
tter nod ale:.dv: heavy and mlarvl. * 0.0 1r
!, fy tui ken., f6•;.. 1, V.'*, I'tio' f l t
Tu J0 roughs', 81 r• to N.tar x14,0.. ILII. 10
1:: daitles. -i. 6e-tn'-L m -
$h►et. and lanit.a-I1.r.l l■. 'Onl head'
'fetwe and vteadyi .prin$ uiiitb., S.:s, to
>uw. ewer:, 14.51:tp p.m; ete•ep, intsed
•j fit to 11.75.. ,
New York Uva.
lajury From Winter_ Wields.
In some of the prairie states, where
the winter winds are both--c-old-
rothco1d-dry, It le very desirable that, the soli
be well filled with moisture when win-
ter sets In, since during the whole of
the winter evaporation from the young
Tt IfLege• is constantly golug on, and
1f the moisture Is not in the soil to
meet a demand the result la the 0.w.
mous Ty or even death of the'trttea.
Liverpool Wheat Futures Close High -
at. Chie
0.p Low•r-Liw Steck
-the Latest Quotations.
Monday Evening. June it
to -day
d core
IJwrrpool wheat future. doe.
4:I to J#d higher than Saturday
futures., 5.d higher
At ('hk'aao July...wheat closed %c
than' Naturday: Jody corn 5se lower
July oak unchanged.
- _ Winnipeg OptiobM.
1'ollowing -.r.- Ud• closing quotations
w'1lduipeg gran fututre
Wheat- June MOM, bid, July 11106,4 boa
Oct. WI* rid.
bats Juno Ivy fid. 7.uly 43'rc
- Toronto Grein Market
Whey!. atirleg, bush 10 ID to 1....
Wheat, fall, bush
M :d gosInev, bush
\.Coat, red, bush
Dye,. bush.
BBuckwheat.bush. 112
Barley. bush. bre
'that+. per bush. u 51 ...:
Taneate Dairy Market.
Nutter, separator, dairy 0 13 u.1a
Butter, afore lots a 1'. o 11
Iruttsr, ereamt[ary, 11, roll, n !a o
1•:,tg, sew -IoW. dozen 0 1; u Is
t Meese•, large.. Ib 0 14
Chewer, twin, lh .. 014% ..'.
Hooey. tsta'ar'ted. Ib 011 11Z%
Naw York Dairy Market.
-mete TORK, lune 1;. -Butter -Cay
rw.4p1s 0.R; creamery, specials. 3444e u.
541y.•. extrwa, 23%. I , 24e; third to neat. _'as
to roe. -Mate. d try, common to finest
1W4,. W 1T,4r•: ergo --r.. contemn to special.
1+0. to A. w•.tart, la..tury, first, lfitc 10
Cb.- Finn; receipt., 17!x1; state. full
cream, /pedals, 158, to 12%c: fancy. Msec;-
good to prim-, 11. L. Ilea; emanon, 1014c;
akhni IOP
Erste- trr.'wal.,r. receipts. 11862; state..
loan o ylvaala amt. r orby"tasery >trtemed,_
%Mt.. 2t.: t.. 1 :nod to ehMee. 1$%c to
!les tiles _ !brown and rutted fancy. 1%r• fn lar;
first, tiro t.. s', t..t,,mulul. v�naetar
o 80
g11i:a11Ze..--tner nen. yttr, th ekee•a .w . then - -mitred with
0n -Dalt . gam, .b'
The French composers, those outside its volume of dab sand.
of Massenet and Saint-Saens' being A cement should be selected which 1.
comparatively unknown. Is very finely ground, rather slow set -
Mme. !'lapel, who originated the i tlug end of uuquesUoeed soundness.
idea of giving recitations to a musical , .Assu{uI
i2ipe to Ile llfteen Inch -
accompaniment, became Interested es 1st diameter and the proportions of
some years ago 111 the score of music the mortar to be one part cement to
students In Paris who, after obtaining three and one-half ).arts sand, a batch
a tnuelcal education, were thrown upon can be made up as follows: One barrel
their • own resources without having (four sacks) of 'cement and three and
had an opportunity of showing1---ffilif hell barrels(seven wheelbarrows) of
they could do. l'onsequeutly In 19113 shod. The sand and Dement should be
she organized these girls into L'Unlon mixed dry and turned three times with
Artlillque de Femme France's. Tills. shovels. Water Is then added to an
included an orchestra of ninety piece!, "amount sufficient to bring the mortar
In which all the Instruments were play to a "dry" consistency -that is, such
ed by women., -. . couditlou ns wIII
require .touch .tawp-
According to Mme. Planel, It bas ing to cause water to stand on lb* ear -
proved tretnenelougly successful. - face. •
"In this way every girl who has tat- The batch sbo, d then 1* turned
ent, or thinks she has, can have the twice or three times and cooed. Tt is
opportunity of showing what she -eau profitable to work the mortar )thee
do In practice." Bald Mme. Planel. oughly
"This not only helps the girls to become Labor and Cking.-
kno but they can make a Ilving lit_ Three men -two to tamp and one tie
the tit ie time, as they are all paid. ; shovel the morter-aro a satisfactory
"AU of,tbegreat-French artists-bm- team and can mix. mold and sprinkle
conduct tbetr
concerts, a
benefit of
conducted and
compositions are
'Seen%, Paul Rwal,
Opera orchestra; Au
brIel tares, leader of t__
license. and ethers. 01'
posers, like _ Bach. .W
own scores at these at ,the rate of forty pipets per day of
ao the students have the ' eine howl. The tamping roust be done
• training. Arnoug the In small layers, nut over dbree Incbee
composers who have at a time.
resented their own Au important feature In the manu-
'mll Onward. Saint- facture ore -cement pipe Is the curing.
der of the Orand About twenty-four hours after the
et Chapels, 0.- - pipes are made they should be sarin
`- Garde Repub• kled with water no long as they seem
rbe old com- ' to absorb it freely. For a week there.
the- after they should be wetted every t ay
Ike, the orchestra hoe been lid by my ' They should tlw-n curein' the' air for a
(husband, wbo fs a violinist -
'There le no speculation *be
plan, for If there Is any money %
from the concerts It goes Into a to
t° help guts In distress. Many sufe.,
Peet_ prlv4Uon■ both, am! efter
thiel_ -.-_
d. come f w.ek.:oe two -before being laid"
iroand. ' _
the On the third day sft:el' 'molding a
ft cement pipe a wash of pure cement
should be applied on the inside of each
length with a plastete1"d bnish,
u are completed. Now,-iSugar Beata on Alkali Reil
what t hope to do here hate Spread the ' et fields subject to alkali :tie (le-
gospel of my plan, which le to do for J location! as bring characterized by n
American Ir uneven stand, ronehlerable lrreg-
- very
clarity lu the size of the plants nod
the preval�1ce of chlorosis of the older
leaves end of eprangling tslraroots. Th
girls In Perls what has been
Ione TOY, Ibe girls of my own natlou•'
ants•" t
Row to Cover • Bridge Table. cause given foe these effects is that the
it Is said that the etiquette of bridge alkali retards or prevent,' filar germlua-
must be as strictly adhered to as must tion of the seed
ry rules themselves, and one of
the most Important etiquette laws ie
that tbo table at whfeh the game 11
played sbnll be of correct height and
size and In perfect keeping with the
furnishings of the rootn. No longer
iltthe cheap wooden table with Its dull
felt cover permissible• but fortunately
an attractive bridge table la an easy
matter to make at home, and to have
the card table In keeping with the style lion In Colorado analyses w•: is found le
of room there need be no added ex- be 2.97 per cent of nikall where the
Dense to, be eonsldered
plants after genii
were found to prese
Mem fu this respect t
Attention 1s railed to
when the density of t
becomes too great the
geed 1s destroyed, (,r, I
ready growing plants,
water from the eon 1
ebecketl. The streugtli of flee soil 10111
that 11 destroys the
atlon. Clay soils
t greater dififcul-
n handy soils.
fact thal
011 aolatlon
titsslty of the
tbe•case of :li-
the passstgc or
to t be plant Js
Tho newest bridge tables are lees than5011 and ttoo5 86 wWW1e I equal mistyU i 10 per
n yard *genre and made of the light- rent. On the fleld In question the
bit pine wood, so ne to be enslly porta• heavy adobe soil two days tt: ter irri
dation contained from 3x to 2t► per eon*
of water on the 'tide of the p I.JIt next
the water furrow, but several days
atter irrigatIOK the moisturlo content.
.the, color scheme of the
room, Yoe a Ilabn planta, while still growlnc, freer (htuf-
Sty house a bright !.elan ..�-. •_-•- -
F each chinos is etrraetlre, while •
good piece of tapestry 1 smart for
library or den. Brocade for a hand
Nome French period room fa most fre-
made use of, while panne vel-
vet In soft shades of greet, pink and
blue 1. often used end makes a de
llghtfully soft Muer and one that fs
excellent to play on. The felt is still
preferred by numbers of card eathu-
sinets, but the light rotors are now
generally preferred. although with s
dark harkground it is unquestionably
culler to dlatingntah the cards one
from *anther.
e. A square yard Of mnterinl will
therefore cover the treble completely,
nod this coyer luny Ire.eltber brocade,
heavy corded silk panne velvet, tap-
".trv, ehluts or .felt of a *Linde Parra hnd fallen to 8 to 12 per cents andlthe
ponding to
She w, Os 1 gentle.
Roots Flor Farm Anjonale.,,,
Root, as isirt of the.nitifen Imre I
decided vri Ilse for all kind. sof domestic
aoclates in n eecent bulletin of Um New
York Cornell ezme-Iment station in dis-
cussing Ills subject call atention to
the fact that' their e'ffe. t Untie as
well as nutrIteve and that beeedere and
--Mere of fa rm animals for ezielbition
For most r orpresea the roods !reacher -
pod nr slice!, before feeding. verinn,
Cables Unchataged.-American Markets
Arse About Steady.'
1 tr%t•0N-T. uric tw�naon rr bl'•s 1••
real.• err tI'Oily at 1'5. Iu 141•. per punut
drvwt-d ari61.1, r,:: IarraIur beef i. quid
rd' :At 1') ,. to M", r•e.:. J-.asd.' _
Toronto Junction Live Steck.
'1'URUNI'tt JI \h"1'Ii�N Julie 0.-
Kraripfs 'u- -Pira•-',tswk at he rmon
Stuck Yar,i err.' til carload., r•eni-
1x.:.,1 of 1309 o: Ill••: 12 hogs, Gl hcrp,
73 entre. atter'Pi-her+c•s.
iexport- teeth tea. at U to N.A.fag.wt
1 „� Blackens. •
picked t„t0. pf butchery' yeti at
_lint_ -1_0 16. i4sot _50..d, Seel -to
tn.,rlwa, 8.1.10 to 1120 octoroon. $4 L 51
110-15: OUW N •• t , 14.88 for gond. cane
sera and ci,mnnon -rows, 81.5o to to . of pee
- --IIlikaiw-efte St)riftgers.' '
A few mllkei • .uul eprtnger-. about 10,
geld at 1L to $}s
-Veal Calves. -
'lseveaty-tWre v.rl ei.lren sold at 1:51
to .5.Ur-per--ewt-fist•-the bulk.-asd i Mr -
cheek calve,. wort to N per vitt.
Sheep and Lambe. •
Season Mee 11.l. to 14.00 per Sat+-;-•esmm
13 0 to 11 per ewt ,prlog samba, 111 to
www 1'URt .Jun,- I+. Be••ver-lire 4140
'feet. -Vim.. sad-rhuke - TrsYr try=fiiuj
at.%rr, atrnAy, til1:erv, 16 to 11. lower;
tion- : ad r„w. Mt J4LL 4u11,J11a'11.tu t''.'It•r
stye.-., roll Si 1 1.. T.:S u0. ,, end at:ug•',
1 1:55.41 to is: WWm. 4.14; -t+ 11$46. A-44 . 1_ 01
to 16.411.
' Ihtaaed beef. slue, at lex• 40- use per
t•r.•.ud for prunety to prime, away.. asides.
Calvin- Igoe/pia. 66111.--a6aelt."t-artri7 iiii
Don: butter, iIt,. :e, higher, ecumn„e to
t holce _Yeah,- 1--to-16-
at fats: g'4 rat ai.b. ,l;.Z., to 1: -'Jo-. cull).
$4 to 15. uttermilks, tv ad;. ells dressed
veal., nem at Ivy to 125„e; cnunery dress -
ca. a to 1U+45 -
Sheep .11101 I.arnba-- NptaI5
1tr'. ,571:
eherp. 614 ad) . lau:,b., apsMd greed •, Hos-
iIo.p. 1' to i., yearlings.Waw
14)111x. Sea to e50; one cr. 17.0; -cum,.
Ohicagts t -heir' Steell. -- .
1 itIC.tllt0. June s--(`attle-ltreelptr.
,it L.+,sU,: market sttaily t,r rtrona:
_et as, Pt b. P....,. ewe, lo s: heifers,
fi i lam; bul1.. -.:5 1., t.3p:...N... 1::50
to. ,.-t. 1o, kern and feed -4.:;,1Y to tel.
11., t el tord• •Maher:
tbaoht- to tsar -..• 'vies.�ra, in M.so:
bbi.. t rs F.:n 5 b:. Ilyht iii ' ed. V.50
to Lid. 1.4 c 1. l., C.A. to Id r • patio.
► 1`
•• i
114.1. Al
•hrrp-Artylpt.;,:n.nn, generally ,. to
10. lower: sheep, )447. to 151I. lamb..,16
to 10:1. yarllna+'. 16.10.
"The' Healthiest and Prettiest Town to Canada.'
MONDAY. JULY 131h. 190$
'!Tbe trangetnen- of -South Huron -have derided to
celebrate the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne,
at Goderich, the fatuous 'ani) pretty county town of
The Orangtnueii of Goderich have the matter
well iu iiatttl. They propose -10 - make' Ctie rent a
monster; up-to•date, olsI-bale Orange celebration in the
-prettiest town in Canada and will lave the assistance
of the citizens generallye
--__l e-t•ni1% y facilities --with the G: T: It. Ki„t
its cottveuitrnt'interseetions, alki the new-(', 1'. J. line
from t i 11.' i l I l 1, ._..._ _ _ r. 5.... _ ,
W. hl, L. O. L. 582. Chairman Co timittee. vasinammimmuer
;Work Cot . -'&; en.- ;
now h ILnn i.hiuK aisekietion; , jfax
are -noised for .1 -manlier st •ars of air- , '
airs MO1114,11,q whrri huj.arvisjg
addrrawsTa-wilt Ts• 1' 'n t., t ti•rn
1 55 ir11ent of luxus io se htn•'Iu,,n,, 4ku1
crud."a 5cereal ' . The- farnierla
wife has .r -,dull bit, indeed, in 10
manyvvt� section-, of i'amula, but at 'allot
41111 111•ighter,
w u1c
Jt.. �h�er,.�
v ltlTtle the tweet
v;rha•d roil of all ,o, I 'the IV6nten's In-
sou n[r a drat t v• the credit of gsherinhf
111 the, new tattler of things. Thr'
.gteakrrs 'engnl;.al for .the Pit linuer +
'...•tinge airy 1hov' will a:gnrintett
with the 11100 a Ii•aneed ltueth,,de
\ill/tiesin cotwerttott with all 414, -It --
relates to tarot lite -and farm Me rel
interpreted in' a bts:tuler'.'a,••
the petty rmnd of manual t til.
for Muskoka and r.
Sound leaves Tor
so oo' a. rat daily ex
:doming local .,^..oe a. air --
Evening local 5.os p• ire
Summer tourist and week end -rates in
Eight short round traps vu rail and boat.
Ticket offices Cor, King 'and Toronto
Sts , Toronto. Stations on line.
Write for igen C. •
. N. O. folder. •
Froui Toronto 9.30 P. M.
----1 a Wlmrlta•s In
•.hour .avid bet et en .'1,",nNp I0,t',t.a
tt ,.t.
1.:.117 Polars bleu per. L/ Wi,.ulp•g. 17,
'Iburi.t Steepen Io t', mina% et. Moo.,
.v an 1'1r•srhr.i
Time Tahtr., YAld't- nr d - - -.
no1Utf,rwi ;Ion rtsn. •
t We Agent, Pourer
e•,wrltel•• k!'Ver[-. L 3. 1-.1�. roseate
a The Popular Way
to the West
15.50 emelt. -
Hoge. jI
Tom, Oua�, tknit ,1, reported erdeets on
0.i sad Watered ba.la, at 1616 per cwt.•
.801,160 f.o b.. , ora, at country points.
Montreal Live Stock.
MUNTHEIlk .. Joao lb.�-(9ptdal.)-At
the Monln+U Stook Yerda. Wept Eppd
Market. the receip, for the week enatthg
June 12. were :AZ cattle• r.3 sheep.. amt
I*ndR anal 2168 hugs, :text let enlver,wldC•
the. supply (or tonal consumption to -day
colorise ell of 800 cattle. I°' .heep :Ind
)amt», and 1) Mgt and IX red vee Owing
to Ibe rn,ntlposd small receipt. and Im-
proved dera♦ed from exporter, for good to
etghe gr'mdem on are eat of the en-
couraging fir tale.. from Ideropean ...urea.
r'nd 1ht• fart that the paces 1.hnwed a fur-
ther advvnre 01 ' 'gees Ihlx week for
(lanadln,w. .Jur '
werr•,fully '4c per 11,. higher than a w*1k
ago, tM lvwue•r "taw were unchnn god.
A weak feeltnr 1ma prrvnJle, In 51,0
rr�•rk.t for yearling lambs duHng the
peat work and pricy. tutor deciloed In per
Ib. In rua•ount „f the fact )hal euppliee
have. been 'ermine forward much more
freer 'awl the proap•'rite ore that they
will moletIll low..,. In the near future un-
LeeYbergport errand hier•eawn for them
faun to eft amt Aun•rlenn Co> -ere Thls
n5orwlaira �gtrs w err marl, at ', le V
par -pound. d'Isriw wan no ehong. t* 4T
fee• Which the dsnaarl was fair el iiii•
to Qe par nosed. The demand for epilog
WOW was ao1a1 an4 price. ruled .toady
as )Peen M to 11 each. A fair trade was
drne in catkin The offerings were mit
cin ('hies)?' nod *t. foul 4111 the
trate% to 1't in, it. .tl Points iii
Manitoba. Alberta and
are now the Arman viol this, route
as fotnsgrly aitplird vin,Nnrth flay:
The Signal's
ClubbLn---g - List
for 1908.
The Signal and TorontoWeekly Globe $1 6o
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe . - . . 4 5o
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and
_ Weekly Star . . 1 so
The Signal and Weekly Sun (T)n� I. r -_a 170
The Signal
and Toronto Daily Star 2 3o
The Signal and Toronto Daily World 2 75
The Signal aft.4 Toronto Daily News .. . . 2 35
The Signal :and Toronto Weeky Mair and -
Empire -- ., --
1.,.,tumiitctan _.t%ulau 4..0.. ,..wN !..)Fuer. r•tibt•r�laire -r ]Tall si 0.\r . ro•
The Signal -and Farmer's Advocate . . 1 • • 2 35'
The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 16o
The Signal and London Daily Advertiser .. • 2 35
The Signal -and London Wkly Advertiser . 1 60
The Signal and London D'a'y Free Press
Morning Edition _
. , . 3;50
I't'enixu,.r -I slit -Ion -r . 2 90
The Signal and London Weekly Free Press_ 1 85
. _;ate Sioatand Montreal Daily Wittzess . . 3 ,So
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witneee 11-$5
`lite Slgnai and World Wide 2 25
The Signal anti. Western. rhotic.-11Monthly
(Winnipeg) ..._
The Signaled Presbyterian 72 25
The -Signal 0.+4 Westmin-ster . . . - .. 2 25
The Signal,. Presbyterian and Westminster . 3 25
The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto) . 2 35
The Signal and McClure's Magazine2 40
tlnclud ng. eo.tar on Mei 'I.tee', to mart
t'ntdten drolei, •- - •
The `Signal and Lippincott's Magazine - - . 3 5o
(including portage no Lippincott', to,t'aadlan addrewr, -
The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto) . , 1 30
These prises are for addresses in Canada or Great
Britain. -
The abov'e.pubticatitl;fs-may he obtained by Sig-
• nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any
publication being the figure given above less $I.00 rep-
resenting the price of The Signal. For instance :
Bete ern nit Snit 'r,mlt'in (Jahwda; 31e„
4o_- steer- -and--fort,--l4ttrnr Mich.
Hurrah), Black R.k•k end. Nuspeneiou
Bridge, N. Y._ ,
timet Rni res-Jorrel-►, tieturn%ltsit
Thursday, Jdly 2rp1.
rail inforfnetion front any (trend
Trunk Ti. keg Agent.
Town Agent
Mee heart -1 ►ls. to Lk p.m.
Depot Ticket Agent.
J. D. McDonald, District Perm Agent.
Cniw1 station. Torento.
JUNE t5th, Igoe
Lake Superior Division -Leave Sarnia
aitis p.m Monday, Wednetelay and
Friday, fin. tistilt, Rte. Marie, Pnit
Attlee, Willink And finftrtlf•
Friday fitenmer 'Kuhn! TSTIIiiitE
Georgian Bay and Mackinac Division -
steamers knee Collingivood 1:1111 p.m.,,
Owen Sonnd p.m.. Tuesdays and
Maturdays for Sault fete. Marie and
were -port&
North Share Division -Fie Parry'Steend,
ng' Inlet and French !liver, leaves
Parry Sound and Pen
2:0 p.m. for Part y Mon and Way
!torte. Thermgli inside cliatitutneinis.
H. H. Gildersleeve. C. if. NicheMon,
Manager Traffic 1
The Signal and The Weekly Glebe . . . . Et
The Farmer's Advocate 42.35 less $ Loci) . . t eg
-Making' the price for the 'three papers.
---Trellgitikl and The 'Weekly Sun
The Terpnto Daily Star 1$2.3o less ji.00) .
'The Weekly Globe 4(40 -less *Lot)) . . .
4ht-fPur PiPers- for $3 -;Tx
II the publication you want is not
let us know. We can Supply almost al
Canadian publication.
Send subscriptions thr ugh local
postoffice or express order to
The Signal, Goticrich, Out
if.? above bsl,
agent or