HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-6-18, Page 4***4-
TIIIHIPSie: Jane is tios- «
s.4111M07,14,117rtrltr****7, 700,4100*.rw• . - W.
Opening of Camp Goderich., T,„.
.:triton Hlark
- --, - -- .- - lAgites Knox). wife 01 Professor
• . . . witai appointed to the Snow
How the Camp is Laid Out About 3,500 Men Under in
- - probe/S.0MM of elocution mid oratory
Huston l'iliversitt-,. the nisi eu•
Canvas -Staff antl Brigado-Afficess-.-Officers ,,„f Aimed eltair of ptddie speaking anti
the 33rd Regiment -Mow the Soldiers Arrived. ,
,. ‘.! ,.(veni phy.,1,40gi in the rnited_States.
losing t144., incumbentt4 it this chair
wits Or.' Aleitalilley 4 i 1'41111111 Hell. The
• ---.› .„,-;
itewil of this honor will give tatislite.
int fline..14...,z‘lei..nigehniiiii,.dittit.z..i::iiiiii[: ii ii,ii4,..tit :4:4.41,.1.., ,::: :4.4m...ills 11‘.h,,.......1.......i.d.ii:1111.,,M..1:111,.. Itit.k.t ''‘''*% Iti.litilY ht4,,ilol, 1:Ifer 11101;40,
II ilaiivii, ,Im.n.,...Aftt;114170..T. _,,,,„„. ,,,,,,,_,„.„! ,, „_:?,...,,..,,uftg:".V.,- ,.4,714... nt 1114. 1..-.4-livirflRii" 11111•11/tett:re of
.',',„-' . ,'.. ' :" ' '" '.„ ...!'".' . '...'• '''''197, Moretti -re in, Anterica„- - . - -
early north id -the ricer. 'Air tte.„.ti '""'" - .7 tmk4ftglit) -rata,. Lt. %Y:
'A. piekard. ft, 41'1Mb:obi Captain , ..._
of th vamp i. it. tot I, shajw, estethl. 1 'oil' s• an& 1.1Milms.ints I. Nlanniog In its colmn
uof ext.' art'. Iron' its
jail: iii,t ..0.1 „0,..theil 44,144,71 from the and 74.81(771144. , 1.: 1 7744,,,,...b,4 Capt. 01.1 Illeit, The Stratford Iteactin quotes
e l , _sWmi. -ihNleitjti.AV104i1Mil 14eUttel441 1)0(4. the following parrisphfe its !sonelake an01thines f thetdew-th
111Ains and elect -rte. Egli? wires, or Vatil. Ititio.e and .t. 114,Initan. ti. "The estratudinary rola Jime
coarse. follow the lay-iiiit "(the l411111. ,II'lltit'l-'' Hill 1 -4'410. Meillaill MO "Ittiler 141111111111td eits ,1 111.!nvy414
. (1
the 1404.4 tieing at the 71,,,ot et. The 1,6414,."34,4,, Whidd,j4, .44.1 4. 1...,. mak. iiii Sunday night. Ire formed to it
twat.io.. 1I.I 1. Doug:union) Capt. V.u4,w end OMknees-of three-r4ghtha f an ineli.ettup ae.mW. S. Turnbul.
' Early potatoes, vont, encumbers and
venient to the ealtitt L.41'11141., 1Tio. :tfr41 itottiotool Lord 1„ limb*. (0111440 plant ti left unproteeteil were q N1 others, WiVeS and Daughters ate
The !Cita' Field 7448(7 e4 have their command *If Kr I id nil si pt !***tiltAtit* and ltt lin 11 ti 8 11 IN tell... • .. . •
Wad. al 164Otteriettlitil GM. _ ---- --- - z - Ind, rectir _illteV4 eStert in Senti-teatly
grounds overlooking Hie' hir...-' The "A' 11. D. ""'" is 11 • • .--in eerte,-twatvemimeee. The Hama.. Tailoring. Aside froon the saving
battery is aloud. -1"11-toiss
ittstrtietorr , • tient, Dv. ton T 44 gives the following deliver^ 'Which thelWeit Orate FiZuse gin
full vs. 1.11 1.44 lieutenant with the. CorPol *nee on the eld problem, is the tot
equipment of artitlery. To -the of Pi:Motes.
north of the artillery are tlw 011111. It fruit or a vegetable
telett targets arrangeol .00 that the f. nowthe Soldiers. Arrived.
tiring will lie .1.0 w
11. toiols the' lake. The Aim) SlerViet• 4.01.1,4 from
Theme target. itrt• itti.re targets, tittelpit were the flisit to al/ ire, coming
at 1.4101.1 1 21111.10, kV I14711t.1,iit 1111 and u SaturdaY
ll ato ,
inake in the Semi -ready store, there
is -a better style and Suitability in the
Senn-reatly Sint. • .
q l'erfet-t physiquetyPeitare estgned;
the-soie-,ja -firristrezfTditurroAge
...tatarlatheltghl'autit is expressive ail
stsItahle: whinitr.
q 1.-018)k closely ! To the power of
protioring general Mims there is also
;found the more -ttbsettabtcleLol
minute:Lod important details. Even the LAWNS le ti • .1 • 7.7 • .-L; •
'Serni-ready„button hole is more evenly t 11 8811. 11 1 1114 plk ev.
than the `cuStotn-Inade
0 HOSIERY -mat-Ir.-1 Writrir;ttri,iles from to 1(1 inches, -misses' god
It, 21 certain tense the produri• I .r
any plant is its fruit. 111111 ill 111141
U140 WOUti, is 111$4) applied to animals.
litit spoken of ill( illtteeentiittilik fruit
from vegetaloles, the 11111.1(0 741 18 "Yee-
etalle." and -it-ts-IM •
authorities on gardening andh-ot in
lure. • It-J4..u.4-decided IX_
11-11-1 ed Slates courts that itis
declare it to Ito a ••tegetlible,-
'for a 44.4.417 iiiii It v years appeared in
the tariff' m41011.4)0.4 siteh. ' "'roma-
iota and other vegetables. including
The Big Mamie, at ,
drugs. plenty. ofa
rest nd tifilyole
--Tharts the prescription Which'
S74 Wilfrid Lato.ier says eminent pliv
..ieiittis gave Writ five years ago. to
this wholesome advice he :Writ,.
1 -17i -et that he is still
wvalloahle of hard
o==== ===10====0====i0 ===1 0 91
The Square
Goderich 0
J. H. Colborne
7 -This VViek7s Specieds--
Lawn VIles
Lawn Waists
_.13 Waists to be sold at
57 cents. -
'11444lid is '20 lo -i• col h.s,
than makers puce. Ail
Lawn NVajsts., einbrei:
11,.red frontg, lace trim-
med, ;4...sleeves. A special
lot made tin. ng: .'1'ney •
come direct to. its ut man
tifacturerS' prices, which
means a biugain.
"1"l". 57cents
Lawn Waists
I Nvaist., it--..mian lot
.1.4.44_44.1144p tilling orders.
We got them at about
frotto, very nichly
med and all new designs.
They are more than cheap..
ow. Iii„. is going Ctst. 1411t, and dark grounds, hist
pat7(.1„.; lust a.; L.,0041 as more expensiyy cloths,
1117(1 fully 10 cents.
Ye -are nrt up. a 1., "cent lot 0 lt
taking a, big is, ,all at IS cents.
wHiTE !rig it :vas frtim,_11,1_
lath( . 11(
01.,(hr our 2 pairs for 25c line.
„,., Semi -ready 01301==:10
.''J'714. Post master-Oeneral of Canada
has annottni•ed that the series of 7)047.
18148114)414 - tt/-. 4:414141104
tatamplain terreptenitty will be islued
181 444 taw* on the $1.1 Id July whir*
ntatt.ks the 08,4427 annivet•sary sth
▪ hounding of l/tiebec by Champlain.
the large target at long range„ To advanee parties from the various'
the east 01 171.. Field, Battery eome the. regiments arrived. together with a
:Nth. 2Sth. :r2/1/1 am •
et, ie . Loodliii. On 31 lay were. eight
- jog thus nt the north end of thP I., 'special tiains ia lirand Trunk
- their tents heing 111.. that ono eomes. mut ttttt via. the 1. T14•• t t, of
• \7? on entering the gt.ouruls. The ove-sita.ockti. aivivra between 12 a 1
- ts of the Army Service corps from 44,4./.N•k and -the 2Stli Regiment we
tit h are some distailPe In the the hod sh•train atiti nutreh across
nor 014t ...07 the 1111lin vamp, heing th.• river to the 1'411111 grounds. The
back of the big red barn on the north hi
tong Pa
The 44. the
east of th nurin ratilp, close to Otto
road, ati,t th4liIllljI for the (amp 411.
livered twice. ,slaily at the tent. For
errant. soft drinks, -souvenir post-
. etc., ate tor este Tien% Loa
the L is a COI -rnient spot for do.
ing con ndene Soe'v Al 'V. M.
11ttlerting--to the proposal wittrh
to he discussed lo), the lormato loess
of .slite.tr . for thto entirr abojiti
of high itelimil ft -es, '1'he. Bratitto
Expetaititto *Rya : "'This 4-. .1 step in t
right dills:tint', as not the slight
impediment sluould be pm in the st•
of any boy ot girl who tlesires to gt2i.
The Paiace Clothink Store post °thee. which opens Montla% , Mr. held at London. thitiolik ,elepteitibe
DE R icti, .1. te-a/s-pos+rrivisti. ... -Hritt7- Thisa. 141144 have lieen in the
_ will two 111411S strrivi g at habit of ettetalitug title elhilatititi
I lab" daily. one trots! thalerieli the 1,44i.t will • .1 •
e tint tO together ns. to
position, policy and teatforin.
.the next year sloth gatheribit
might W1.11 he held." .
rd ••1Vill there be many otests
.44 I h we cannot prove. If there has
wals hritlier
o rstetognizt. tite . .
one emu tits lids poitthi. 1 gromols 41141 -1/11110.111110 this year.
W stern Fair.
Over seven loos...and dolbst• have
We have' eel wed.* eawr Vfiliti1.46•1. 1 oft.
lore evis•ri.loctl ail new 41111
prize list of the 't 'estern loe
.•I haven't much use 1,1 post -mor- -
wita'the prOmpt -'t (41414.'. "110e
.1.4 I believe. iti making alli.gations
far in his educat' I career as the
high school (sours*. will carry hien.
Better still, do asedy -with the present
distinction between 'high' and •pulilie'
ac altogether. oriel [mike the
trend' g which they jointly give our
and inseparable." 'I'his is a matter
nut unworthy of coniiileration.
-- - --
4.4mitssiiies 01 *7... :tint hicd Ottawa. June 12. -It is pointed .4it
laarelosl up to the 6. T. H. startjue to ja the Met' 1.41.10PKI -1111.41/01411rn -11117
-fire-trvninea ..4.11.4,4- ani] the that the i im made it, ('4.1-114 1) Con-
11111ron 16-gi tttttttt -was the next tit servo:tire poi ter. that the opposition
Emstr the t.ii.t. to llo, ,o
.,op Almonds. iiii the ,Le
91114ste gislatuts• time total -
The last of th redeoats iirrit-ei1 on the led seventeen .., id iv. add probable
...letrilar evetimg .train. The (4. Ti-Hreach twerrty waa n entifto iniiiiiiiii;
uittsrary prockdes for parties from hentatimi of the acts I position. As a
.78011-4,7141, 011 Springs. Watford. Strath. matter id (nit, the 1,pi Oppointitm.
roy.. B ithwell. °tenets.; Yfunsey, including both t'ofnie ittives and
- Nationalists. bets 011 • fotillit•ttfl
out of a total of Neve:ay-hi th
1 Dunnville, June lit. - The 0 ial
.hy the returniug officer
Monet: gives Roos ironso 18 majority
over Mat.thall Lib.) of -35 'instead of
PM as presionsly. reported. This was
lton. Richard Harcourt's. oh7
alittleticy and this 48 771.. hist term it
• h:ts returhed it Conservative win
144744. 1 he LON•rals attribute 4741.71 -114
'eat to twines' mid over elindltien..e.
l'he official Jeolaration itr Mt
tuijjo,-iiy oT
• Thet'onmervatives :144. applying for
ecount. Last vveek the Conservatite
ate was reported . elected
n In. rim' o 44164 VlktI•
TIII4 (11111.4148 41/1.1111 Pooh in
'''14••"1.0 : ru Ply • Valeut
11V441* N011 Monteith.
Itliiii...tey_orAgrienItme. :01.. There
42 Stordetalk of the opening :mot het.
seat for the defeated Nlinister,
• M000teith 44444111441 to lir%
4014,414. reitiNitting 74141iti"11 4110 it i
likely 41101 her Member of:the Must
will he entled- to the t'abinet .411 his
been any general corrupt hie, mitt
there are some serious alleg.irtons 84,
that effect, then, of eotirsp,
be investigated. fiat it. (lists rummy
to light protest,s, and Opposition cof-
fent are . 1)U&; autuallii- ..verfbeivina.
Frarikly, I haven't intirli faith it, th.•
protest talk unless the evidence is in,
disputable. and we are financially. in a
position to prove what we allege.'
1.ittle Current, ' .Itine 1:4. The
-Aaiun jean fishing tugs* are_portehihtt
ft "traes inside the Camulian 77
ke -Ilona'. Fishing '(ugs from)
dem, 11;‘, Manitoulin Island,
ootts. n4.4A mei lean tug liftlng rieta'•
tuNlive mile. 1 • Manitoulin Island,
and the Atom -j14114 netare three.inch
mesh, and t stainfoisl tug Lin-
coln. It is .11plioStst thev were !stak-
ing heavy hauls • with their smell -
meshed nets. '
A' New Steamer. '
ro 11. -The new
teil fret of the Western Steamship
now under eonstruction 411 1•:ng-
latA, 49111 418' named .1. A. McKee. in
honor Of the president of the- collo
p..10 . T te ve...el is designed to ('411 1')'
• :t. Li ins delta 881.14118 on feet
int:art draw t 121 salt water. The
chi/of dime! 114.1.! Length 141,
• ienft. breadtb.
extreme, 7:414': de h. 1410d. 2.tt. :
fort;east le. 178It. l'l, boat is (.) 1111Ve
seven' cargo hatchway each 8 byt.
grain -hi
• 7 . het high.
• \i•
mita lo s
at Dotki's Kidney Pitts. are
legion. The box is imitated,
the outside .coating and shape of the
pills are imitated and the name-Dodd's
Kidney Pills is imitated
Jan roes. The ri
. Imitations ars
7,) Hsi
44 11..pitioteil while, waking a very whet vi
Ivo. to dot- appearani to, being a -Mo. ritfuling pa
lek.„,.."White . More aceta ttttttt 61"k 101
pi..viths1 for hawses ;41 hem others.
,gatI431.7•1 f'outilltilliAlgsl."evx"tenbetleelt; boulmiLd -4-P • SIIIIYetilk. for '1
litrgeil. 1.0 that although it is
this coming exhibition Will
4.4-lipse all other. in cot riev, there will
,be ample -roont for all exhibit.. All
information regarding the exhibitam
-4.4.-villwrilie''Ve0riTiti v.
. atildom. Ontm-10..
Letter- ling ..'Ex tri.aordinkry.
'1110 following tor is reported to
. Waive- than this herr
tint tel
JI' y 'fart
twi.1% jno I. '
whil Iktytti wet. ill.tylit too
eiirti p..4g
tttttttt leIll 11611111Ttne.1 jela
oposl theiu'iii Lite . he
wr tat 1 Item
Mint netal to wend: Ille•
ey Fat hare a reputation. Imita.
'tors have none or they wauldet imitate.'
So they trade on the reputation oT Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Do MX be deceived. Them
is only one DODD'S.. Dodd's Is the
original. Dedd's is the oame to he care-
ful about.-
• Lana :
Are? Nil...
when brother drily out tkoni
towle 11441 ,,atita% Night he .14-4.1
(7),',)) 414)14(8 he 144441114! 1411' 60111 1111'
44440 Ott& L7484 .4 the waggen.
I wisht you wood sena no. a nother
lie. they itte planers vt'' them on 1
nig? S 44111- Fatabig rit.• down in
eormir .if the i want them
long as this Item. I .ird i pat in -,ii,, -
Id.' Ail pave got. they have sum
lack . tubers .111 t 7.e side sue to on
liiy• it WIllogilen harm it thay
- - -I4o ProspeeT1.- o
A proattirtiolit marl itifonna Thio
Telt./ rola- t hat .0, far t his seasiai has
been favorable weattlet.
Tiaore .111/. Iss•n stIsintlittice oof
losCoera,--istiottehr -weather anti
• et. Hot Iltere %yin lot• nothing for
the tiifessesne now for n Istsipte
of wt•ek tie. l'101 el' 1111104/4(iInsille
(ill!, 1111,1 lie 1 trai41 Ilia( the 4414118.4•V
Will form twit 1. The loasawritni
(i. T. R. Station. where most of.the Militia detramed,
. A. G. MacKay on the Result.
___slIstas___. e
' • . -- Miff. Ao.1.3.-11-achay. tho• Iookt oof
C. A. 'men from outside 4/01111,1 an• London, Mina Ell witv41,, Sart' For_ pointts1 hut not dismayed by Hie i 4,
.1, ate Liberal party rot I Mt al i.4. i, 41i,ao.
- here and religious meetings are eon- esti. 111`0311411._ „I'sr1/41.411, Ailiet • --anitlerit-the teatte-itt the poll.. com-
. _ductal 04 -the evening.: - Jug beside $t. Marys, Mileti,,,,, fleettn N inenting mi the result of the eleo.1 ions,
i •VV
the Blasi') tent eg the V. AI. C. /4. 1111' Hamburg, Seaford,. t'llutott, Eitel.. he .titted that tlre tome • load heelt n
' sleeping 4 t ems and one which forms a somthamption. Poo. 'Elgin, Paisley rompfete. surprise to him. So.s.erti
telephone odlire toi• ttit.-i•Aioli
. W. ' li• • "MIL l• Ots.t.1 v filtrri•Sr. tint, NIC.+4.11 nUni tel .1 hiitt tett', 'tined cat nest
('4_ Pot'*-'.. 11 t r I'. military., tbs-
. trict-Nn. -I; it 4 amp . iminiantlaut, with
the folb[Wing staff : Chief staff offi-
cer. Col. McDougall ; deputy assistant
adjutant -general. Major Shannon ;
aeniotAntly.), •;:too !,411844+014err, 73. -
Col. Whit,' ; I 444114;41.1ACIT. COL Ih•l-
- tont paymast , corpt. Ig_ryborti :
matithetry ' oof:`,( apC-51-ceri toe M1.11 IMP MO t, he it hit 11411141-104.... ill
mon ; its4IStilla ith11 l'ilillie, Lt. 'W. I'. alsont lbanit•I in the. Ii011.11 (len, 1111111 • 1111:11gar:"1.1d:"4::' :1:1"4:1"-"1"."'":::1181"PriYe:
Ifibilon 1 sant-tat ollyer; L'ant„,_41 T "Atiirfierelie sat all night. Tookftift Itt-
Thif glow r..,i, nothing, and it didn't 4P•einttL11;ilutigon744.• thi4.tig44:"."thIliit Ifiltraveirrn.
Mirky .1- tn"Ilig"" \"rovo• mitt"' enst. him a Vigil.
Lamb: signalling oollieo7 Lt. Tat Nit
Hennessy, all of LoTholooto lot of faith in the .1, soraloon of the
earnest. aggressi, o. kin that krtftws
JI'e rout:ae enough 41/ el•ViW llitt. it IllishifIn Anil i.. rent No, perboto
Two 9rigades of Infantry. Your own emuloel, to e I it it. A 4'41r ago when I 't 1 1•1111.41•11
he infantry it 4liviite1 info Iwo .where you detect p our own fault, to the lemh.rship I t147114444441 \the view
brigades, No. 1 4•44osishog (4 flu.2lith. amend it to the best oof voti ICI' -. th it a el 44)velition shoidd t'entually
„ 27th and _:4111. the ooniposite, battalion anitto make good re,4,114s fill y1Wer he hehi - is- free gat herinit of Liberals,
4_ p 4 oi p.4 not commit, initi NO .1. future.guidanee, mitt to keep them, not to pa.,, clitand•oloo. rsolittiom.
01 consisting of the Lin 11, :111 h. :OM and
3.3rd Itegiiiwnts-Nra 7 'ingrate is eon'.
mended loy IA4..1..1. Mimi... with Lt. -
Col. MeEwan as brigade major, and
No. 2 lot•igoide hy .I.t..Col. Acheson
with 14.-C-14: Weir 4/5 bHgade majr.
The Mitttile officers belong to the
reser" 0. 114 addition to the two
tPriptatdt41 4.1 intioitty and the artillery
thure,is a section of engineers, a 4),.
1.1* eta of the Corps iif tinkles "K"
enni iy Royal cariailian ltegi tttt 4ot,
No. I tie ion Signalling Corp, No, Li
Field Am 1111thre and Nth I detach -
silent Ulrdn ollorpe,
Heron's Own.•
The officers of t itird Huron Regi-
ment are a. follo : Li..0,1,wja„
Young. of Goderich • Mayor A, Wil-
son, of Seatorth ; adnit t., eiliPt• Wo
H. Otindry, of Ooderie • quarter
roaster, Ilapt. McTaggart., linton i
iurgeon, Major .1. W, shaw, t nton :
parametr, Major It. M. Hayti,
forth; ithaplain, (7a4)1. Hodgina, C
The /signalling Imo ion is tinder com
mend of 1.t. Rundle and Sergeant
Washingtein of tinderteh, and the
tretcher-beaes under Sergeant 3.
ghipiey, 44 rlIntcol.
The warierta companies of the
regiment are erMcered as follows : -A
(ioderich)--thipt., IS. H. C. Dunlop i
Staff Officers. '1%tra, lirlizeiels rk in 1o•gis attn... dolling flit-
` 1:1111, .trolotoe, 1 iritytm..1..pil. few sealliuus 144.1 1.4141 oleb-at.si
-6,411trrrr-KtiguS, tbtit. 1 11411 11 4,trinrtn I.itiei•alisiti was 1)y no
Milverton, strati/ed, 'Aljt14 till/Ill 11444 ile noltled,
ell mad 'the (loelipli *•1)-i 1;11 1.01111MV1 111 1.141V e011.1.•
anti I.:44111110M lltit.414.11tillItt Cswe Ili tin ‘f' 1111,111 MnrliaY watt, *;;14e(1.
et:throat,- Is that itissiv.
the bes.t. IiiitzLort=aeo
and Thai- • -the
1111kertoi 'I'eleseirpe.
New Ptarneitor D. P. IR. aton. "
thielpii NIP:4111y %'hat is 1161*
1‘i eirsetilnott .tat ion 78 4,1141 t•
n pmfortiliwittiliot,t liPPR011eil ion i t
it. ia quo dectstoir wrenched( amt
011 )1'01014 Ili,' ns' 14111).*1 111•1441..1 y
44414114Viel. be inigigurateaL 1Veistoen-
lurg one xn..1 theve-qualoa mites
from t.he station and SO tiv niail Nero,'
vice tog,. seo good ail it ht be Inc
Ininey has
the V. It.41 514
441 .1.1, hp proyan: Tune. 1,7,, not
. know that it wolild lie the wisest
A Yankee priacher. diseinibiing
Satuiay, 201h
830 A.r.1
Alorsisi Monday. hum 221d
. Steamer GREYHOUND •
the people living aiesitid t e
1111drea, Mall Fare. Ordinary Baggage, rree.
110 pia dint* the station
an. i, -mall glitherinp of people
iiItg around it. sholt10 be called NVeta-
silthorg, heing till. Millt0W11 fa at,*
dioname. - They t "fore al*
titting for 48 1401* 114 • fill. the statin.
ey tro'. ;the Ili • “Ariss,h', Rev -
VI Al • 144.1pt14011.lell Weir on the city Le'.
111,y 11)11(44 to make at iangements fin
the eliange in ta. t At the new
Utowe%01, kIrat is to he lover
ioltim :it boat. The people rounkthe
V. II, A 1 E.. 111.* kill ii•ttt
F. R. Bridge Below the Lamp.
' fare Opt Way, pith trunk. Slyp•
You am /Pot Huron 12 nitund
-MO:1; in thiamin.' IWO p.m.
8 p.m. Friday, Jane 1th
I. .„ We- have a very c(aliplete stock
of-ererythinT4 the !mine implies in all the
Newest Upholsterings,
Rich Designs,
I. Artistic Effects
e Steve
to Pleas
OM' HIM I. at Purity. Hon t
1.441i will find evorything net
and up-to-date. . •
soloiti.fact ion guaranteed or
ot refunded. ' • -
I httri.e\ or leave your miler at
Me People's Grocery.
osiniihm St. 'Paige 143
Wm. L. Lindsay
0 all/INN/Mi
I Some fine Leatiler (-',.imelte.i. ail at tnoderate prices.........
_L_____Linoleurns=and-bikloths Still going
at greatly reduced prices to clear.
Il'ionol. •
i•st"".ofi"Ti,Y.• GEORGE JOHNSTON
•...,'„,' ,„.„11,
' •
33, Per pound.
thrturday, June 2001, KM -amt.; Can-
ada (line, arrive In Port Huron 1I3*
noon, Deroit•IJar p.m., iCentral Bie.
A .0.-441 weekNond 1•Xe11114011 train
%%ill h..% strat flint and Guelph to
4744/14 17071, SKI twils,y ,innrning, JUMP
11/11. 4. .1•: with Steamer for
De. it.
Prom leieknow. NVinothent anti Way
Atittiun trier 11)0 1141,144 train June
21101. ronnertine at Clinton (7.35 a.m.)
with special train for tioderich.
• Iierive Detroit Monday, Jim.' 22nd,
1.410 p.m., Port Huron 500 p.m.,
Central time.
• •
Itrs• • ticalerleh 1w Illetrnit 71.31
Tov:lay, June Sird, Venaita time,
SpeCial trains will leave Gittlerteli
June ?Sill, on arrival of Steamer front
tinelph 07. P. RA, Wino -
/stall ns.
hern,cno174ttatf o.R. T. 113, and way
\ I
Lawn Hose
8C,9, iic and 13c a
Lawn Mowers
S3.5o and $.00
Oil Stoves
6C Up
Screen Doors
9oc and up
Screen Windows 131. 20c, 25c 31x elld 4(7.
- Elephant White Lead .$7..
Linseed Oil 6t,c a gallo,
IWe sell ropes, scythes, forks, shovels, at
cost prices. We are giving up business, so you
get big bargains at
• 61//•••Bas