HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-6-4, Page 8S"� T illi lnat, Julie 4, '1908 TRIP. People 01 the Royal City''lute• • -, arty a.. ,. •-•litj _ . The weether conditions on 'Tuesday wore as sheerly perfect as (hey could well be, bet owing to A number of other events coming out in the neat -- future, Such as the Greyhound ex - cession and the euros, and the dine being a little early itt the neuron for country t•t+<tidentti. the' Meltesetung Canoe Club's excursion to liuelph teas not 'warty set largely taken- wlvautag.• ▪ of As was at first hoped, •Their were over eighty passengers from Goxlerich, and. parties fruw, the stations along the fine which swelled the number of visitors to the Hny+tl City to sortie - thing over two hundred. The largest contingents, Apart from the (iodel•tch. Reese•ngen. comet from Myth, Walton, Munkton end Milverton, and uta•. Mabe got tet at Mt9augkt. having gone out in the morning. It io 1111. den:ttod that Ticket Avert Kidhl how promised to have the uutte Of the station changed in the near future to &Mabee." • The trip over the beautiful auu-mth rtad.beil of the G. A G. was much en- joyed. .with tttr Iteltutiful wirer,udt towards the lake or up the river as the wain crossed the Maitland and roundtirt the (''ol}NN'ne bank. ainl the view of the country all along tete route. which is • at its fterbest and prettiest itt this season. Arriving- in Guelph the nrwttieipal patty-. _of the Goderch council and Bums! of Pratte were taken in charge_ stead of Guelph- anal the reception committ.e 'of the city council and eseorted t,) n .smuttier of eatsiwhich were- in waiting. The gilet4tn were driven all around the city and shown the various points of interest And then out to the Ontario Agricultural ("Id - lege. where the Massey hall and lid,.. rary, the museum and other tntildings were inspected. On the return the • rigs drew up In hunt of the Welling- ton hotel and the party were epter-, tni nom¢ in the dialing -room of the.hlltet The party registering at the, Welling- ton consisted of Mayor Newsiest/3 and Messrs. Kennedy. tiumphrey,,Thut•pe. Hamilton, McMillan. Watt, Mrhetfield and Cray. 0 Guelph ; Mayor )lack - lin and Messrs. laliott• Mutmings. Htinther. t:raigie• •thwaite, Saun- ders, McGaw. Mogi •Rut4huall.-, Lee. liCCodd and Nolte! end (• K. Saunders, F.'tY• Brophey. G. L. 'arsons, Dr. Mabee, T: McDermott, P. Walton. 1)r. Turnbull, F. Sturdy, J. e and ' +s C. W. Frick, Of the ()sour well as Bothe of the lady excursion a. The afternoon was spent in variou ways. A rink of Goderich howlers, conasttng of A. Saunders. J. Kidd. Mayor Macklin .And .1. Ronthall, played against a Guelph rink skipped by our &ruler townstuan H. Lock- wood. The other members of the Guelph rink were H.. Si . W. H. Junes and R. Mahe The Guelph rink won by two tyone points to thirteen. C. H- iter skipped a -mail. -the other ptaye of which were lluelphites, and won fro RQurlph rhtk. Xl ti -r17.; flume nil rinks also played itgainst tiuelph bowlers, but were defeated. 7(1 to :St. A number of the visitor! witnessed the hall game between Guelph and Niagara Falls, N.. V.. which was won by the home teaatn, and 'Riverside Park, the municipal buildings, the Agricultural. College, etc.. ws•"e, vis- ited by a good many. Oreat improvements are tai made in the civic buildings, the \pet of which will be in the neighbor total of 1118,0011, and the offices- of the Mayor. clerk, auditor and treasurer Art very neat and' commodious. The city is ,_ 1 r making x1expenditureof 1..,)IIUt for ma an ! the in provetent of water supply. New pumps area tieing -installed and -it is intended to bring the supply from springs into the city by pip•s to a vnlr. Mayor Newttead_ls a Hen belief r in the commission plan of hand3li such utilities eta the wateer service. 'oder the commission the revenge in h}• several thou- da -Liveries,f,u:twciee can �JH1L� and other large users were obliged- to have teeters- -arid- the--- einnmiwsirnr • charged the city 8411 per hydrant for flr�ptrpttsetrattd s t ligbt-toTr the street., • ' At t> o%ittek the _ the City was eget )(tent ed. at after it stroll about t city the •isitora walked towards John, (lett': ppriory, which still does t�1�y as the Atation, haute• farwelf`to, their hosts and started on- the Mimi -Wenn journey. thoroughly well pleased with their day's outing and the warmth dr their t•etcept:un in the, ltatyal l'tty, ELECTRIC RAILWAY BONDS 1 • titan Uotlenicb north, from Kitcar• dine south. knd trout Port Albert in twill diteutiesis. The beat'iert work trtrthesline trum-(luderidl w Kiueitt•• was at Port Albert, telt eyeyt het ley haul rucceytlett iti g -a grade or only 2.5 per cent„ wile eaa the •ws►gou toad iutu fort' Albert at one point showed it glade of 12 per cent. Al. fort Albert thew it cote ridtralrte cutting and tilting to tie tib) ire... The road twill cit a* ills river at an elevation of le feeit, which Would be tautly un trestle.wuak at tine, but it was !toped to do more tilling later. At- Eighteen Mile Riser there was also • tilling to be done, but, apart from two or threat suck huin'Eli this road was almoit altytllutely level. Thr. road would ie. hid with seveuty- pound rails. Jt was unposed o enter the town teed T il• C. 7'. 4. right of way. It watt the inLi1ttion, of the c pony WOW tracks to mtitl. of the fee - town. iu town. Thi, would give the l'.:P. R. i•unesection with the tactoriea. as -no electric locomotive could haul heavy loads up and down the harbor hill, whereas a Stearn loct.utiuive (*multi not. Hut there wats nt.thing it) the story that the C. IT. 11. was soing to ofwrote • tate electric . road. he• dt•• veloputrut of the Maitland power was to he gout on with right away nntt the puwis-Would in• available its anon as it war. required. \V hat the is t t _ called work on the railr••,y, 31r. :Moyes said. was pick and shovel Work:inn there was a tut. of limbo'. inat)' tgorlt which It'd to be done ;and ialready cunsideriii 1y .,Y,'t two tigutes in the thousands hail iw'en Laid out and it WAS ell for bona tide work. The .tee's engraving Of the bonds, for instiowt' had costa-$;t,u+uu, lett there Tate'layer and iweets:it otthe council- lors ogre.! with Mn Hoye. that front their underst*ndyi>r ot• the bylaw it was legal Lfor tine .layer and clerk to Sign the bonds. on the mortgage being approved, by the town *tIiiithr, witL- ,int further igatrueiions from tit• council, hitt His *Winship said be• w•+yllatlt taiga then, without a resolu- tion from the council, and no doubt the ',atter will cotue up at the repfn• lit nleeting_of thecouncil on Friday night. _-. - Mt. Jloyet.-said he • was in town settling the Itajlwit y.latutpany'e monthly pay roll PERDbONAL- .MENTION. John L Aitken was in Remail hast weak. ' ,lin, Ina W. t'anatter it. le "comate t11. week.• _...: ,lona .ott'1CX:'ot Howutaniille• UAW ill 14.14 O1-er Soilday. - Mrs. trmeeih left thi. week •u a tisk 10 iter H. H. cattle. at Fug %t iIIt.uu: ` • ' J Jordan, of Toronto, waa in tern on Mot • it..itinghi. son. J. F Jut dam ° • Mt Ivor and .ears hilt nti' Monday on to their Route at wiutapeg. air.. L tinge relit, John itwt atria. of Antonio. wa. in Mali the, *�•u k tn. A, er ,1.11.10 .laic snakier. ale. .1 )liei.e.• May and Fi tat iso{r art• h • from Tot emu. where they t• intro taking 1h,. Notnw0 4ollege tuur.t. Rev. Jit., Hamilton hen le lin tt•innlpee to attend the I'te-byterian Oen.. .I-- . .illy ar a 1 - I:A- - Na -seen. Trutt Aitken, of ('olenian. .11t- Ie.• hero ct Need to the saritarinta atlran on aro•' of a ...sere attack of rte tnu*th n.. ew (fre.t p hoot,- lav returned tit helve a t-.udn, J. Arnie after a hlieeoutt ri..h with. .wrI 1n.ld. Newgate .tn'et. Robert 11. nr• of the tank of lnumn'ree: he.- retooled t . rterfeetl and t- 'accord -ell in the branch hen ' 11. R. Timm•, of Termite. Air.. l'. 11:.lotee. i.ite.l her home In role dome fro the week daunt her. mother, Mr-. John l uwh•, has 1 .fur . airh her for a 17;it in Wtwterleh. • The !lobe night, Wo • .hiitt•c•t •i rat of mac•hitw•ry to t othingw.wrt is week. to lar Mantel in it plrwure yacht for uta- l'layfair• et that place. .. - 3fi•. nen.' 11 Itiatw, otttldfellow `*tell. 1.•ft reaerday Inc to • alt yte. Mane. Mich.. where for two week. •he\whll be the trued of her brother, Mr. Ward. are beanie.. .&t r hardware bn lue.t al Aubu .end recent bitted etlgnglit to th8 411nr'1ftitlut heat!. le now with the !!..well Awed w.ee4.'a. . Att1ytttt�,t* }'utter, 41 nal, Arizona.. who pet been %tatting her ol4 home ire Col- borne. left tit.• ntoruinir on her -return. She byr Ater M1- Cattle -wan It, wh., roe. hs al Putter, who goes as far as Chtaalm and will rndt there frit w few week•;. - :Arden Aitken, abo baa.betmn•lila toll for for ..nue time (ass, left on "nadir for Port Arthur. wh err he ha. ar^e t . te 'TTOtfwlrtf ihe'L• i.. . ninon lir.. orf t a p art w'hlle Arde-, oniony friend. aro worry to Iwo kine lYl -'tweet-arena-esse-#..J i st the larger sphere which will likely open up for louo will ale to its advpam�t b 1. A: trittllerlarnt, w Ii baa. b,eett to tT1,w� a of the .I.Onrrn brun•h- of the Molitor! flank. lease. rota) to take Aµi.o'4eion ht the roronto office or the snore moll.. tSAIAllela rod,in been very pitp in, 1 tis ir. ,and hr lea i.•- a h..•t of friend. behind shim e•tto wlah Iiia him the .ttinrt•...•tJ fat err wt.leh hi. gond qu,tlet lea aener'e. 111. Althorn friend, gave a :uhjer.ln its honor,,,. M.nnlay MAI( and prorentt t hum with a aneoket • ont- ,t. a tttt.utertto and -token of p•tird. Mr. Sot land wa. in t fro it >r.terday bidding hit faun t re` irotklti... He 1. ut ado w. monomer a .Jana by 1k Yi. Ferguson. Lite of Writ ford. r• "DR. O`f.etE�PR1IOTEGE- ' -- -'- ---••`•-•rte_____, Compeer THE SIGNAL ::GODERICH' • ONT,.R10 NEWS OF DISTRICT. ASHFILU. Winix Konay. Juliedld.. DK.tTN rue IiIKATTY WbilsTKtt. --- Heatty Webster,* respected resident of AshHrld, dill rtthitrhouw, lot tis, cotter • situ l:t. on Saturday everting. May du. ra(lt4'au itInets of about three years. About rix weeks kite he. hie:ante bedfast, and though be had, during the past year, undergone four itifgieal operations, he Irene - hie affliction patiently-. and without complaint. Deceawtxl, whtwe age was forty-eight years, was. in religion A Meth- ttditt and it Conservative in poli- tics. He was a native of Athtletd and was much respected in the, com- munity. Moor years ago he was mar- ried to Miss Cantelou, who survives. The funeral takes- pdu'e this after•. noon- to ftreenhiit cemetery: LEEh1URN, -•Mos; o.tv,June lid. DKATII or Mug. ARCH. Maine sv. ,-U' Saturday the funeral of the late :lire Archibald Horton took place front the family residence to Colborne come. tery. There was a very large attend- ance of sympathizing ft•iends, the de- cease(' having been, held in 11101 esteem by her neighbors and ieettualn• taneea. Rev. Jas. !#Auditors cop- -dertetl 41lt-- services -and--the >tail - bearers were foto brothers of deceased - George and Janes !hidden. of t Sit h, and Will. of t'oh erne --sold two brother. in-law. Sauiuel Heroin, of Stony Creek, k, opal !)avid Morton.. Mit. Hors. ton passed away on \Vwlnewlity duet l after a long illnesses. She was roily in her twenty-sixth coir and -leaves her; hush:411,1 and three small children to j •1 tit It groat bets. That deceased itt t.iiii tit tdaxt by her parents. %Ir.I toll -qtr. 11i he'd Whitton. ural by her 1 four brothers. already mentioned. And .ale sister, MI.. ltedfitt, of Sties), Creek. The sorrowing busbatid de• ,mer ttrexpteaa his gra tefultirA?>rttt• L e cotrtu'unity fot'._iiiatty knelt' sou•. dors ing la is write's illness and at her death. DUNLOP. %V it ,LsttAY, Junk rd. Robt. MacDonald, of Detroit, war here for a taw• days the Oast week visiting at the old lwttte, - Mr. and Mts. Juhu Lawson . Ratti: -rived oat f 'Ito a at Mr. arrived i sunt et a .tit Laws.tn'r old house her`-. • �) v, - t) A Hever .�'. Y..'T. Tho'rrtWtnCe t Mr, and Jlrs,, Hulett Quaid was the scene of much itreery-making on Teter flay night. when about seventy guests -' -- asserublt•d to witness the, nuptials of 31t-. and Vinci Maid's third roe. Bolsi art llottun, to Miss 1.izzie McCorutick, of Detrttlit. The tyre ntuny look pito.. sit 11 o'clock on the lawn, the bride and I groom- standing beneath .au Arch oT evergreens and before a bank of ferns 1 and moils. • The wedding march was played by 31 r. Sage,. of Port Albert, and the bride was given Away by bet' uncle A1`iw St.a&tssoe Ad B•'•ia le44. She wore a white silk dries.. ti 1 .1 white. weir of an toe cloth 1 with lace and old lice and avers with pink riser, .Ta es Quaid, brother of the gree /t. 1n tn, The inose wine t itt'urit- Hit vtt1.•titvferns and tt11'tnlrlett With • cern ions. myrtle tied f,�> s. Arta' uta•!aii iea of the wedding iia- ! $ 2 00 ROUND --TRIP past hal !.errs r 'overt to tate fall the • evening was spent dancing, music and garner, until the ear bouts nt' :morn -I GODERICH ing. -A feature of t event worth 1 noticingthat r , n'. rand- is tilt til r r R mother. a venerable.lady..A.4.=uuwty-I nix, was present and also tit• or her grandchildieu. - All the g 1111'1, eon wet'e home for the ha • L. including Andrew Iters Quer e. Pa. The gram- hes a good . 1n -ion anloni,iln•I# 7.0 lit •y ie 000D or or STRAW HATS - They will be worn inore this Season than ever before. During June we will offer a Complete Line of Summer Goods at prices within the reach of ALL. STRAW HATS Tlus is the oe* for Straws• ' Summer Suits made' to Your Order ;in- the very Latest Styles. We carry a Large Assort= rent of swell Suitings. Everything new in Summer Shirts, 'dies, Duck Trousers, tsodtboice Belts .: Special -WA5H TUtB TIES. REG. BLACK :ue. 11111 1-.1( -At.W (1-a ux 'elle alt' Ver' bargalna In Launehef. Gasoline launch manufacturers tar the first Huse in two or tbree yesrr find theatselvea up to their order* 'awl able to look for new Itualnew. 'there are even • bet -gain' bring offered iu these pleaattre bottle. The edvet•tisr !tent of the Cltaitdiau (lar Newer R l.aunvhts, Litulted, of Toronto. in tltis inane will he intetesting to pourer boat riltbtlatawts• FARMERS' EXCURSION 1.. Oatario Agricultural College GUEI„PH Tho• uhuuat Excurii to the. Ontario Agricultural College at, Uuelph, under the auspices of the West Huron harmrrr' Institute, will le. held on SATURDAY, JUNE 27 'file ex -nylon this year will be over the new O ut>Iph k tiexl- trich branch of the C. P. 1t.. the lest roadbed in Canada. Stomal -tomo for the + gtu• totTation of excites -It -mists Hoists as follow*: I:ATI4s1 AND TRAIN 8t'tltin i.et I .. re tit k:Rlt'H, at 11,10 w.tu., adult, $t.„1: child. Me Mee w', 111.1 alit 'It\, eza ., Il.VT , Iklb I1'ALTe % 1 a 1.111 .1c 31r\AGt IT, Item Si ld1U •' Mac - MON KTu.', 1•(12 ' - 'AII1.V Eft \Inst ,,. ry3 •y> " Irk �LINWUOD.w a . . •t"tel " Yitt..•, Arriving In 0 ion at 11.3' i. u.. 1t�turnlna • tae a i.uelplt at :.Ye Dewe• i0- 131111( in Gorlerk i t •:1n 1' i t. • - fI I'icketa Feud •tour a/thi- lt. 31. Yoe. N(t, 14reaident. r (urn itondajr. wen. B•hue, \We St, 'i to Please urs an Clea Yost will and up-tudat • . S t,tisfaction • u l money refunded. `t 'Plantae or leave y TIN Pe.Plds Naralltos Si I ' Clearing Sale .:.of.. - Empress Shoes and Oxfords �%E have decided to.clear our atue.k..of-.� - _ raw Empress Shoes and Oxfords an(l will oiler for ,sale any of our $3.00 and , $3.25 Styles for $2.50 52.50 and $2.73 Styles for $2.00 '!'hoe goods- are perfect,- in every respect and are this season's gouts. t'onto 'eat'ty and secure a bargain in footwear. tt Downing 6' MacVicar North Side of Square - - - Goderich is at Purity,o Honesty Y Inrna. rid everything new ntetd iir order at def PROMPT DELIVER with _Belgian lace and rami reser. 3lisi Friatxse. Quaid, Owegiot ti, w'.M InIdt*.totatd, a n dies of pale blue Panetta riiunt fit It Al war ted ey nf;e. pea Detroit d theyofrg couple left by the 2:3tt p. ., G. T. R. train on H'- rieaday - for itis home in Ile ndt, herr riends will atte -travelled- with t-v'Iled-with brown silk Moll The weddinng presents 0'.114 staid beautiful. ;he to the bride was a goal with pearl., to the htidewmai ring set with pearls and rubies the groomsman a gold locket. '-s Perhaps there is it least as much enjoyment to be had in air-cn<tlesi ea in any other kind.. DETRO 1t Saturday, June 20th 830 A.M. Ketsruiag Monday, iva: 22nd 'St mer _ R yrigt itD__ 1st:. V;t.nr•lon Aret\t II. Nall Fa-Osllasry Meat SO Bata, The -bride and white hitt. very gurW roan's aft' )ch set a gold. d to'. Kiss Cameron's DETROIT FOR KIM a.m.: Tatra lluro FRIDAY, JUNE 1 arrive in fiixlerich aal0 �t 8 May Be •1. W. Moyes,L president of the, On - tat irt ln-tatin \Veit „Shote . kiect-ire Itai Cotupaax. sea; in town. -un alt and amt tht•'tnwn e,1uneil at meeting in the evening. - suggested that the 3 or amu turddfgn� tv TOW} tit sign the' hoot p1 'the-R*ilwa ' otupany which the tewn'is get. adheeing in the vault of the To • tullenerel Tsarsts-tietnpanyi in . r hewing the bombe sent to ,1oe signet!, as the bonds ere worth $Odes, each. d them lie placed in the alto .General rusts over to the ror- ty VV NA received to Alread v mold,`,. 447' special Maim rk .5 ! t • e when sr The ii,1111t w'o vaults of t ti T.l Company and, hart ehahert' when the to for them. The.1ri)tids both -those gg.IAI'aittrtel r the Muni- who wits Able Co get a Cabinet cfpalitiep antl thele -00L -era i►tteod•lTrlrttrt7tttarin tis o y fol' hitt.- A mnrtgLn nge I:ev'it� of t Taranto record is official ,and all the con teenet'al Yawata Corot) lyt °rt. Or' the tinny antedate.! lir. t'yne's effort . Company's priewity. -resent\ nr get t>.•rltliawinn for Courtney to '-ken ._-fututr, and ren all itstus.•nee wet hotel": aWet�' of all kinds haul been prepared Robert R Courtney. and placed in the hands of the Gown solicitor for approval. 79tr mind gagr. is the ..rein ity, of the hood -holder* nod itis ttlir eTen t o1 t he It e i twayt' iitJpa ny's defaulting . in icor rani the -laopdc holder♦ wound In) baek on the rr.ort• gage. or cuuldinsist on, the ici• polities' paying the It)ndi, and in the latter' cass,•under the tnortgege, the lnunicipalitie' would he'vt ite the owners of the road. The reason for asking fort :signing of the lands n (' aw wee that to Itailwny'mnppany had their sttrreys. pnrfitr•r and aft the pirtlinlinery wirrk prprtirally Mont. pined. the contract for the whole retrad wax let and the contractor wee ready to .tara•thc trick and .hrm•t-work: while the piirr•ha'ers .t"the hood t4 wanted to t them and have their money earn - ,tel.. .: tie. will An •s- that he 'lomat . his .nlie•44 :,1.. •v t•nft' t) to the de -ill - it e N -Sal s►raki•-t nt es. htai elm some Mende -wily •' In to(itt'aVnrM for. One orf fixe is 13. Cout-t res` of Toronto. ltt' twill he reestineIwt,d tlatt- the Matas alt isducati.th went to ,31r. J. W. Phew h: rhe,ahairntan of t 'Renata licca. c ' Rion, and at Mr. ('nt tnev be given a urges ilei• l-ei. - . TTitvt'U to d lir, Pyn his action w . . of a wi. one. And the Wits s teff. , ortly after- would pay the expenses of the . ayor and clerk to Tot•onto for- the iiiirpose • of having the tannin nigtital. The pro- ceedia of the bonds would Ire held by the Tenets' l't,litpari), pro -able fit t contractor on --the progress eidimates of the Railway Company's engineer, and the Itstilwayt:.inipany would trt as vIta/ly interval eal in seeing 11/113. 1111. °entractes. was not Paid ant money that he wag net cntitled to as the teern. If the ((IWO' wished to appoint no eug'inette Of its Men for the imrpoie of eheeking the progrerti estimates, would wade tha addltiOnal acne my t he payments would here. to the weestsai. lion of therehd Me; Mops said work would- be Idnl, (hit. 1:i. tiled. h of liquor art -- Fined $.-,11 and ,costs or thiee months. 10)2, July 211 +Inert 1150 and costs or three months. \h•et 1,11r3, Jidy 31: coas or ;ten, pl;t 14 -Fined 1173 and costa or Mareh 1 Fined 1150 and costs thre5 month Dirt. April or three months. 1044, May 0-11ned fr and costs or three t 1407, Nov. 5 Fined 1rd trid costs or thirty dayn. Oct. I 1--.FitHirt$Hlt end rootage three months. DM, Nov. 2- Fined WO and en4401,* ed 111101) end costs DM. IVoy 2 Fined pi and cogs r t hirer moot bpi. 111ti, Sept„ ;L1 Fined 1120 and roets or thirty days.' -Mr. Ciortney, it may he added, Is a ilitirt it tie, try. • And yet people nye iv411011 helle've that the Whitney Government sought to take the rulnHollitrettiern of the Liquor License Act, out of politica. Little Haruki -"Pap", ilid t4010MOTI have 7110 wives i" Papa believe '•Wini be the man who seid, %HIM me liborty or give Me death • MILLINERY PARLORS On Hamilton st. will be conducted for tfie re- mainder of the-- season by Miss Myrtle Cbu- sinsl who will be pleased to have all who require anything in this season's styles call upon her. , s trimmed and ma' - over to order. A CALL SO ITEM RTLE COUSINS. GODERICH BAND QGNLIGHT Friday,June 1lth } GODERIC HIi S.tturday. June • FOR , t<.:RDETi w,rri..LTAn JC - ado time. nrlive in art Huron -11.31 n2my..Oett'nit Lit! p.w.t Central thee. A special week -end are . ion train will Move Stratford and uelph to -t7iiitert li; NattnhiTitj_.. jtlartmtn Jtiiie 3itt, ilnt tering with Steam for 1 !mania, ' Front l.ttckrtow, \Vingham end way xtatint>sr,- t gr_ morning train June 1.1 eh. cminectiitit at Clinton 17.35 aa.in.) with emend train for (irrdetivh. RETURN TO GODERiCH 1-ea-ve Detroit. Monday. June,. Clod. 1.(11 p.m., !'ort Huron 5.111 p.m., Central line•. RETURN TO DETROIT • teat (iodericb for Detroit 14.3) a,m•, 'Tuesday, .lune Entail, Canaan limo. M-i',•iat 'trains wilt h'svr Godetich June 22nd, ori Arrival Of Steamer from Detroit, for (WOO- W. P. it 1. Wine - ham and Stratford !(1. T. IL), and way atatiotu. E Lute ST ST. HARDWARE1 Why do some paints cost more, than Robertson's- are, they really bette7-7- -or eben as good ;tly jorwittiets you the best valor. for , toner it you buy Robertson's l'a lots. THEY OosT $1.60 PER GALLON Every ran goarnoteral. BADEN LINSEED OIL. 70c GAL, IL, GOVT. STANOARD WHITE LEAD, 7 LB. f" VA' lik141.1, Ittushea, etc, HIGHEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES Don't forget. our itock of Fii.hing Tactile *Ira you aro going fishing. BUILDERS' HAlt13WA RE. ell TLItitY,, FARM TOOLS. ,OIL STOVES AND VESSEL 'SUPPLIES. ime• Wm, L. Lindsay that have n put on the market for this __season's Selling have ' n stocked at THE COLO iAL BOOK/ STO E. The demand (o the better papers has been verj' mark- ed. While artistic designing his never been more in evld- ce 'the rices haven ad to O N vane an an sense in ro ed Y portion to teal valises:' ^v. For instance : We e offering Choice a - tan papers for from 5c. to 15c • and handsome imported Recti at from `tee. to 75c. Better come in and see w • t we have. 0..r.c;asivc patt ns, rich in coloring, and quiet errs also. We take Leasure itt showing 'them. - in auburn. 1 stn srlliogt sub- aenti,el, well -made' ,,Hain(*.. . ,that w i t Mil 1. all competition. A look wail satisfy the• 1 nowt pointed 1 t tnrpec t i o', l I Ikea give nitrie t lis Ira!• \ 1 .•1b n rhea(*,. to ears 1 7 Hru because they a have oot R or money`. Jost call and let inc'ntroduee to pip. toy. *pee - .34y P . �. IIM'HUi/ll rs easily drrcrihe•d ••Abut of the High Prire Dis- trict. Wonderland NEW PICTURES - EVERY NIGHT NEW ' ILLUSTRATED SONGS . 1 est Value +�for _ the �alllsL Voxi►-_=- ONLY 5c J. J. THOMPSON WONDERLAN D Colonial Booksto " 'Phone too AUBURN - $2.00 LAI' newest ��pp Hlul•her IPJ vm $1.50TAN •411.4-1 . _ 't diaYiPlt: to in 'rags Huttgn r I.ao a g>t. Oxfords; All;et, lap, dllitt hiRb $3.00 Dainty f 'tart-'"Aea - - 7.3.1IV (ittli.ioiKN' a Oxeuntxi We are alt wing a large $ '� variety in ('hadren'a Sli 'etre. L:ee. And !sat $lti:0 tittwp Slppen. with Idht}i1t• And jy, Itlttrl 51:30'ifan and Patent Leather, •30 I.:ar It t)X FUItl , e n be hong . t. All st II (I 1001011 - n - . a1111ttesn, the $2.00' r`• t., II$3.36- - nttd-- (hcret.trMre ltforilik In Tan* 54.00 • G. M. ELLIO end 54.00 re Si , ., .5 0 0 BELTS FORuSRADLE _ A speCial purchase of Ladiee Leather Belts 'goes urday morning. A dozen or more kinds, all sizes. lot bottght this' week tat less than half the makers' poor style among them./ Tans, Reds, Navys, Greens, biggest kititif bet bargain. Regular Soc, 60c, Saturday, all one, price, Twenty-five cents See them in the window Friday. . - on sale Sat-1 A big clearing prices. Not a Browni. The 75c and \\$I.Oo. each. Sample Lengths Tapestrupef. 50c Sample Lengths Brtosels Cif t, $1.00 Sample Lengths Wilton Car 1 1,2 50 or 00 short lvsgths of Carpet to sell tiaturday an t week. Ifatch end 111. to 11 yarde /Ong. wilt, or Many ns. Minty colors. - Every one for less than they wont wholes/I; Early choosing ia , heat, , ' 41. Just a few left of .. . The White Waists at $1.to The White Skirts at $1.38 The White Skirts at $1.65 The White Skirts at $r.eh . , The Ladies' Sample Hose. „-..7s week should see the last sold. ' for we never had such values. Cocoa Matting Verandas and Steps Three quarters, pne yar ,'-utte and One quarter 4 yards wide, 40c, 45c, 50c, 10e -the yard. '' MidS1IMM luarterly Stile Book no* on ur counters. New pure silk TAFFETA RIBBONS, 4, 5 and 6 inth'esAii in the popular Tan and Brown shades. ' Big stocks of Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear and all wanted summer goods ready for you here. Right good qualities and values. ani