The Signal, 1908-6-4, Page 5NATURE AND A WOMAN'S WORK' VD A E. 'I.NIKH Nature and a woman's work COM - lilted have poo liturd the grandest retpedy for woman's ills that_- the world has ever known. • la the gored old=fashioned days of our grandn1.414Wf+1 they rehrd the routes alum her rs o1to __ cure disease and iii e sufMring, The Indians on ohr ' \Vcsterti 1'134s to -11:1,y cart produce roots and herr* for every a1lnlent.lttul ultra diseaaw4 that -baffle the inoat•Skilled physicians who have spent years in the eta aloof drugs. -' From the roots and herbs of the tield 1 .fli.a:. 1'.. 11hkb:sin more than thirty tr,IrM • go irav -t., the ,e0omen of the world • ri•medy, for their Pe- , ill., Olt potent and cm(a. 1,.1i.s tllaeitinye Imbinati,n ofdnits. l.' did 1::..I ant's Vego.tab1 I'onitoound is flow fetsogiiixestise the' stao Id rd _remedy ,r wom1Q11:+. ills. ' '1 rs..1..\f. Twee l 12 Napanee TI reel. Toronto, (. writes to Mrs. 1'inkham: 1 was a great rotifers. _from !gimlet t Miss. -Toad- thu,+e dee ful bearing dew pain.. and during y'monthl ppeens s 1 suffered so 1 had t go to tied I•duet: red fora tenet , r R a b the doe- tees- .K-tatr'a. trratrlarnt failed t. help ,•, My hnahand saw Lydia E.,pin tie 'e Vege- table compound advertioas fan got a bottle fora* 1 commenced u and soon felt better. t kept on ki g it until 1 war well and an entirell di rr- ent woman. I also found 'that Ly rad.:. ltinkham's Vegetable Compound .14e ehitdbirth much easier for no. Iwo recommend your Vegetable ('ompoue t0 every wornao who is afflicted -with female trouble," , What Lydia Ii:. irinkhatn'M Vegeta bl'e1'omlw,nud did for Mrs.Twe•dale, it will,do for uthez: suticriulr women. Farmers of North Huron kFellow-farmer Asks Your Support for the Farmer Candidate: The Signal it in receipt of -the foe lowing letter (roof Thernas• Woodcock, of Cep Runge. Quebec, a furiiier resi- dent of hart \Vawanosh who still walltalifr' a livel)' interest in the affair's of the old county. As a hum. er Mr. 31 seminal,. appeals strongly to his felluw•farmeus, and his arse - merit in IIvh1 11 of the better repreaen. Cation td the agricultural intereotp ill Parliament -is one which ie well worth consideration. 3lr, Woodcock writer: To the Editor uf'llie Signal. Plitt -1 was Iuu ltdieappoiatetl at the" tumult of lbw Liberal convention for Centre Huron, as 1 feel that in the present stats of farming in -Ontario it 1440s( 11itfu,rtpttt that such a coin- mood y its Huron should send only fat 11144' candidates W Parliament, and atrfeat ot- melt i4 Capital wan as IleMdl,w-wae-+-great tnhstetke, 1 are aware that the ate ulueut Wan used - toe that Mat•Ks%: needed ettsmg sol'. isms lu etlCOIti it ern n spent are ohtur i1.4) six seslsl Liar lu '!'tirofW 31141that .N R sgriculturr W six Pnaidfo 41 would tan valuable a4 reach tg Veii s in w it n,a sendterb and has but Louis stili•utJ.he Klcwi sway 4ver one 'hundred ( thou - hut ttfa tetat;ye or urle of bent.of•1 i le still in Ilullete. i uae51ab. r•, and yet has made nu move bula•.14.. 41x%1111:11 will 11444 •1 111(11 to smut those model lanae that, its pal ern/�, t c hauler t.allusl ealiewt when ul •,(q,..,.(101. • . Mr. Al use, owe avenues rests, in.iibiloy for the hruleu *sour .,f Ude "1s/Id and h.,uhd;' leader th t lis would take the Iiyuor gueatiau ut of politico. Did he do so•when he trade '11. Mat- thew Lockhart res.1I,4. coulwiseiunee and Mx. Atemilh inspector? Those temperance men who refum•d to support Mr. Russ, as he would not go tau enough In Lemperanfe Trginfa- than, must he well satisfied now that Mr. l:u..derhnw, a'I'oronto di.tiller,•is to Ire one of the uiewbers of the Con- eervarti5te nide: • Mr. Musgpore, was :continually' glorying in t.helsaandals and tvieked• nese of the Rode Government.N th- ing was h:ad enough --nothing honest,' Did anyone hear of any great discov- pries tieing made toy the Conservatives when they took p.wsession of the books acid papers ip the various offices after the last election % Is it to Ile supposed they did not hook for sans - dale among those books? --hut not a dollar was found ; all was clean and su•aight. After thirty-three `years, was there ever so good a ret•oole I sincerely (lope that this short note. Mr. Editor, tray encourage -our friends to use every legitimist* 'newts to elect Mr. Currie, in order that he may add one more vote to the all too ua n few who ,e in wait inn elone Iftor the farming interest* of the Province; The labor men join. together fife this purpose. The temperance people do the same. Surely the fanming`inter- ests are sufficiently important to have rept esentativs of their own. Itott be sati.fk•d. Mr. Elector, to go And vote yourself, but make it your lnariness to tale at least one of what hoed Goshen called the *abalsn,ing charge hint with the responsibility of the cutupulwn•yy salary elapse in the Government educat 1 bill --a clause by which the salai t that the farmers hal to pay the teacher's was fixed by statute, while the villages and towns could pay its they pleased. , The Con- servative Government hots no use fur farmers Or they would out dare to parr such insulting legislation. Mr. Muagruve da certainly rerpuuribla for this. The education policy of the late (overnrnetmLwas the pride and boast of Canadians of whatever politica. 11'heu they were away from house Conservatives were_ falling ever one wlii,�hei in prise/ o i'!. Many Stater of the Union copied it. British educa- tional authorities rent officials over to study it. Mr. Musgrove's lawbastic s t leader Boardhat hr. has turned it 'tips !aide down. lie surely needs trr•give it our !flute t*jff e_L1(c West Man 111 till its present bead. nTli iret'nttlllft has pouring , as with his great ability he 1s Inn,o In c 1.. the trust, though 1 know �that ',hope deferred utaketh 111e hear grow weary." a'uu toned pluse.l to hear i4,tt in spite oft a 1110411, cowardly, unllr•ibish trick of el owing the ridings of Huron theme is ill a sighting • hance in North Hui n and that the electors in that riding ave :u1 14leol farmer can- didate to v le .flay The farmers in Haat riding not be aide to Mitt- en,. ddllcult) tit .laooring, for in AIr. l i411ie they I rc a wan after their ow hearts, a gaged in 14' 'lair (oust. urs.;, lu,aught up 111 the same coin.'', the 51 of tuts- ern the piorieerruf %Va- wanod(1 whrlwas himself ltet•vr-and mcmis.r ut.11ae county, couw•il. 51r• John" 1'. 1,urri, w,ao blougtlt up in an .unis.ph'I '.t municipal politics and hie e std ;e cat t sousing *treed hiJx well, as hr base haus" 1 ser. eft in *vert. office it1 the gi1I,.of the is•..y,le faithfully and well. Irons sch.),.I•trustee to" Warden of the (sono y. clean pawn and a to -flips ranee Milt toeate, At r. Currie appeals to the tampers to rotation hint . she As.flIl 1'.. not to seek splenial alvantai(ees--the tanners want no special advantages, they seek nu Jules but to ere thst a hely get no module advantage*, ter t ive doles. at the flumen' expense. he .rumness of farm;ug is such that verylittlelegis- lation can directly as,4kd, it, hitt the teittraii.1f th, Tar •nen,l,eril ..lathe tsii'►iibh is to tires that oohs a • It's two to one that you'll bre plc eons, hertz Mt Ind yy In Tarsus/ ,you'H fftl If d 7 [wren foo ppleaitio�' �o per. gf-AL1'f'Y tbd-1 tt�n - is pleased that Vo`u'ft refuse to part with either. and carry off Your tfurchw.e of candy all smile.. 'tike oilr friend berr. - \Ve ve been building up a reputation for (Candies 'with thee* winning twins for yens. Thal n why the nam.. of Illyrnpia'ie so popular. Let us. serve your wants ltxbnv. r Specials for this week. when you feetiontr . urse ,e- ition"s, ` n d nut. receive unduly or unworthily at the evFsnse of the fennels. Mr. Currie's opponent, Mr. . too - grove, is a school Leacher who spent his whole life at that occupa- tion. Nay. 1 ' alit wrung a acho'ot teacher in the daytime, is politician in the ter ' g.. 'Idris 111411 seems W' 111 1•is think h ,des' . b1 telt , 114• Kr ren M. P. The ekrtors of Fast Nurser have altrady rejected stint, end to his .ly and Cunning hand can moi traced the (sews t riding, of North Huron, specially carved for his benefit. Mr. A (1sgrove t est have a cunsidrrabfe influence with the present Govern-. went for them to go to anal- lengths. His claim as bring the defeated can- didate dies not hold, are Alr. I3owan. of Norris, stood in his paiu rty's interest A vote ••f,R urrie 1110311s 'dont when others dared not to is• defeated away with the tltree-tifthn vote ;r� -buthr 1 n Mr. Il.,wm:ul is -a fanner NeufW tion: and the Conservative tiovern'nrnt hoe As vote for Curru•lirans solid, sen• cap } no use for fanners. Ar., Museyrovy'Lsifale dgetant of school law. 1 -florae(/ must come trrnn'lli...great . and. x'ttov all, 5vote ft Currie means knawlydgeoCe4boclttion i►►xttrre, and fwirplx fu��s., .. frilly, its the influence' Pan• not tie of - any _ enri,�tnlTy,,. --_ mita mann --'grn�'th,--tut. Mum have-"��f'(io ,a,V.arinkos , telt for some ttute. it is .fair to CapRoue. . M 25th. R ttlletaet P' I bora" w' . •. ,v with-thxl 1. the naso whet \ch antes his vote Hind has no - partjk •, Remember he is the man who mskeennd-tweatk', governments. A vote for l'nrrie means freedom 1 radon%' l.ol,lsset. Avote fur (:urrie nmans hottest Of the great tui s Women's Rain Coats cin the. Outmove Several dozen ladies: stylish ct'av'euette cloth coats in s,•rcn• eighth and fullsisugtb, ,aetui-flttingand tightfitting au.l'box back. Very stylish, new and h, good, tinglat (strew ?.R/1 $7.00 trot IjZU1 to >f1:C.s1 each, drayi•i •1, eych; 3 S to• Curtain Showings - Some late arrivals in higleclasai curtmtjns in ivory and whit~. We are *hewing tom- v xJ►. lt•;>Iels.�SdtWy tuit4l4wlssi l'w•tuw,i our .own iw(ortaliou, very_, erfeets and good et, per pair. , ; + u S4, $6,$7 an.l $9.50 Shirt Waists Exquisite white lawn. amt. linen waists. mune very hawdaouso clfcetr and styles opened this week, at 'Very $1.50 1 • j 0 $3.5� moderate pikes, sizes tat to lit, at VV to Linoleums 2,:►tx) yards linoleum for floor coveting. -We mention..thew again. as- our /Mowing is so large as to he al t bewildei ing t„ purchases, rel many pattcrnr a0d 14tyles and color ' It,, i:, which email gond, widths:,', :1 and ?5 1 yards wide, at per you,/ equate.. J c, 45c, 50c 60c Japan Mattings Heavy eat ton warp -wettings -in -reds, gree? w. b.Fuwns, natnrit;.- in tile and Carpet patterns and )erfr,tly rr•vrratble, itl,trgl• choice, ut diel' yard 5c -20c, 25c nn ♦ vva. :4 rttiv t 'neper I ter ar ittttltlt•e Gond (haus, _ - We man, a:id ley all Carpets Ltnoleuals promptly- and guugraute satisfaction W. AOHES: A SO r+tn:-`Mft-5 in., A, Mclennan ti -ft. Sin„ E,,:ene tae to. Gordon Wight roan and It, Loug 11,• -tor 11,1,4.• ` •Ode -fourth mils junior 4.-r. Mc• Naught, R. Pridhan., M. Anderson, •''�rl yards (senior, --A. Mclennan, 2II sec., 11. Swann. Obstaele race -Orville Mind!). -V. Curran, 11. Swann. liriving • spikes ogle I.-- Misr' `I.: ,-Qlar1J;.Miss It Stirling.. Three-legged- rater -(i, Yighttnan an 1 a1. .l Lenxr 4 u A. t, !'loco told Me\rvI,s. f G, mwnageme wealth of Mile racer -\R. Walter, A. AlcEen• nen. Half•nwl4 rg, milder. 15 paarrl- Ernest . '11 1 u ut ii. AlcXevl .- .l. SUtrdy. *Puffin(' ten -pout' hot quoins. -F. McNaa{Ight, 29 ft. , 11. Wail .t, Til ft,11 i }} n. M. An,Ira.• 11i. i• Srl sardr (girls \lion 'i.. Mcl:rrxt Miro Alix Saurielers, Mi G. Wart nock. C.fludation race --Graham �jtobiu- son, D. Finlayson. C. •Fingland. Legal rights -and moral eights frequently not the sande., " MARKET REPORTS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Low• es-- Chicago Higher -t ive Stack . -Latest Quotations. Itifnadyy r•:.•Peeing. Jun•! 1. Liverpool wheat fut,l ria, closed to -day VA lower than Saturday. ;and' corn ru- Iu0-s •dA hlgherf At Chicago July wheat .loved %c higher 44 iaS�; s than Friday. July •'.1'n ".r, higher and t.'"' 6`' `toric Ibiferss July oats unchanged sand ,'r.rin'.1 ,. f. fo Winnipeg Opt hoose - Vrau--ftew-tot.. Following ore the rinstn 'luotatiOns oar T' higher, C. 10 06 7 � Moen( , and r.snha--rt Winnipeg grain (Mutes, s The Howell Hardware Co. OW' tronas, ore W11.lt you tt.IJit, itl prices atilt Wiii hear inspesliOfl 44'ln ill Our rr rUi.lr,hhi:dti `1"c ..Irry .t splendid range"`of SCREEN DOORS 'and other seasonable requiremeii Screen Doors, 95c, $1.35,$1.51), $1.75, $2.00, $2 25, S2.50, complete wit h, hinges, Marl,.+,1511,utr11 Window Screens, 18c, ' 2ac,- 25t:. SOC, 3;c, 4oc. i)oc eat it. efr;ger:-.:f r-�. _ `0 00, • $11.00, 15.00 si :425.00 CAITL7: MAi4Ktlai \,• C -lea Steady -Hog's and Cattle Are Higher In American Markets. •IaltelsON, Juni 1. l.,ud',, at 1.,. for, -Cattle are steady at 1.c t.. Ile { r- t..dnd. deemed weight;-fd.1„•. - «M r :ht.( le. quoted atMc10_nC-pl'r_pen nd _ _ ---.- Terewte Junction Live Stock. • TORONTO JUNCTION, June- 1.-- Reeeipta o! live *Seek as Use 11 Stock Yards, were 73 carloads,. com- posed Of 1e8t1 cattle. 41 sheep and 115 salves.. Exporters. Pokes 'Jar export steers rangn,l iron: $1.2 to Ste; eapurt bulls at $410 to LS per �. (7tok+ plrJad.lof �at t6.T.i to 0, per tet: loads of pw.d, a1 $:..110 to I15:a0. me- 'dkw,, $A15 to MJ0: common. at s-4:+ to 10.70.' ones, slut a.. >k. .tar _n/ Milkers and Springers. A !united numtnr of milkers. and eprtng- ers ,red at fel to •D each. Veal Calves. `) TrA.le in :ver) �,glw•n w:a:• Int*lned yr a little atmnger aryl priors ranged fL50,,to 05-80 per ere for the bulk Shaw and Latrobe. ' F.�.v. aelrl at 1;, to L. i-' •wt rem., at 41.50 to we per ewt vearli.. 14. 11 is. )o r per t'w�: •prong limns. at 8:; to asci Hogs. a, Limited, report prier. enchang ed at'I for aelecta, fed :aril watered and 41 nese•• `a!• ems. Eaa�.Buffalo Cattle Market. CI !r_ and Cent Oil (: ?a•'e", ::aVS`(?t 1} 60,' ?oar` 100 �C s 10.00 LErttf ttoge-, 4c, I -c and tl4., ft. t awnMowers,s3.73 �-t,.oer i`:S.Zo :tQoot $f) 50, t`i.o0 We ha fresh! d'art d .. la Cement For Roofing ou certainly should use Paroid. Coiled Wire, st Cleveland, at $2.Q per cwt. Howell Hardware Co., ItAr4T B1tI "At.O, Jnn.• l.--Cattier-foe eelpta. =all *RaJ, •1405,.. 10r 1.. 1R high= er; grime steres, X475 to 0..Ib ahlapinn. L.S to 111C'' C - hutciwrn , is too to 1.4 . en. $4.3 to $11: cow& sa so tq. 45.40: bulb, • Ars and 1ra;M re• 14. to Tr to *4. fresh caws. 'blew , 11.• to 125 V.ad, active - t.nd t14o0 besot: : ..hM•l.. aS to *4 ( it 1: mole/ �'.nd 1, le:Jsr; r, e4 .... mtxrd, f:•. o In TS 71.: y.trk.•ra. • 7v to ss.>b� o to •.: Mia, f4 1., la n1; r.w,cru. Nen t.• 84.:4; l4rs, basica( -Mall"3:3s to is:-dairbw. 111" int. Auckwheat, bushel 0 7') Prae, bushel 0 M d r ern and I.esa 1 ',r• - Y ill -1t-Joss L'1 Wit. July. Jia fou - K �' mba, a. tore; rrrra and Orr. 'Or hitt wer, damns., f+ to 041:1: /sada-•.lune i:,c tri f. :[n;y shot- Md. ` •1,, 4511: wrlbera, 4.476 tr. 7:.: t Toronto Grein Market. _- shrrp, witted. ti s, N.'.o Wheat. eq+rinx, bush 5n SO 10 10.02 ', Ilogsitawlpts, 12.* Lead Wheal, full, hush 0'Jr 0.00 lair In 55' higher; homy,. I. iv beet. genes, bush minis. Wheat. red hush o whereby all can benefit aril mi4.oitly the reunions of the Ministers. All the nut taffies at loc. per lb. sr� Chocolateand Creams mixed-1Sr. Ito., o l y . for per Yrs: lee Ctbim- del /lie 4 at any (illi.. *Lina gallon foe oedgw.4,f one gal Ion or ever. - LUNCHES SERVED at ail HOURS. ' Girl Wanted for ice cream parlor. \= 1mpia : Cafe \CAMPBELL & ATHAS, Proprietors i SHOE POLISH 1 1,11 inn, ern.., mord. are .n par tienlar ah.n,t. the `Mor /lnll•h the, •r that teay ask me each night to he erre and nae •• i in 1." it•a easier for me. ono and yot /Londa .re the, Mil.' 1 ret In the morning At all Deadest I0c. and 25,. tine Didn't Agree with Me Mr. Arthur Tennison, 89 London Atreet, Toronto, writes enthusiastically of the merits • of rsyeklne for all stomaeh trouhie.. " For maven years f have bad iadige• Got) and dy.p.peia. 1• tried senrss of eeme.liee. My room resembled a drag more with ■nalrntns *Isiah I had bought. F,ventnally 1 used Paychiae, and every dose brenght permanent relief.'• A11 throat, lung and stemaeh trouble* quiekly cored by Pityebine. it is t • prescription of a groat af1 t s ialist. ' Al 11 dreiniate, See 11.4n, es- Dr. Z r+ ilatl355, Lisateds 70:t111o. • New York Live Stock. ���1ey ,rt10 ts, bY+'bH n 5'a ••e1M•! :"t:'r. ltrrr'a. r.teads. 1.. )a• av • . w--- Dairy- `_`_ Market. street, lu to 0; burr., titre a ;5: ores. Via to p.m; dressiest beeves, •sl. w. , n _ d 1.. 11 r ll - 'h•• per a, 124 v.1114, f/k, to 7, nutter, separator. dairy - 0 24 0 IS Hotter, store Iota 031 0 55 higher buttnynrlks, 2f • higher; veob, Hatter. ereamery, lb. rolls0 is .0 M. to t; �, a lea 1: 7*'. to 17_ rutile, St b, new -tale dance �� labb 14.f.4 tutt.v mOk. Y'fo l:A_ us-,• net Surat• twin lb ._... QL3k ralvr. ( 101,.,. •'sots' .lr.r45-5 vial., rr i they. extracted. lbs 011 • - _aheee and ��-Lass*:-.-Ae..Ipl., 1:;.1�: Liverpool Grain and Produce. 1 --- sharp and yearlings. slow :ail lair' to 1:.s- 'RRPO'L, June 1 --tylia at, spot I lower:-lamhs, In fair deentn•I :Alba shads Scan, Na : rad western winter, 7s rid: pio.. t,ibt .1 , lam"la'. to 1,. 12:-yearhnita. t Cal orrua. 7s 541: futures.: '04,11.; July,, "a Ala IJ.pL, 7s :t..r: Dec -.7s land. tense. 1• Hen,•--lterwJ{.t� '0.547: t0.1' IJgis r: V.T. spot, ; New American:. kiln dried. Li t 'tate Metp, 1.1' to 0510, tlayd d, Amerlo,n m5xest, es', fmturra. _ ; (`atjcJ.ffp Live stack., •. cominat llama, short tent. firm, 474: $a- l t'HH'AtN 1. .0irte 'l_-l"atu�.y--.{{Gyred t.; porn. ah *.D 'tearly, 414. Tallow, prime , esl1r5j4.'d at about I!.tr0. mnrhM„10,. 1 sty'•. 7'. :*tons TurpentL4n apirfls,. 5fa 7i b l'Jc oil, :ts al. ; (p' Id5*. *l ateeraa, f5 to f 11 .uO,.!, >d. to f4..r0. 1,at[es•e, ti511 to 06.5: t.uea, f/ Yn New Vwk Dairy. Market- ' 5;..76, eats+... r.: -.se In sitar. atnr kir. and NXW 4.1)0* June 1.= -halter, arm:•re- fead,T*, 41.11, to 56.10. cl4Pts. 7:2: • rc.,mery, tipped a '37'4r': On.. 1--l+a+oarpra, waam.atM et w1/.wrt 7:._.. M m, Itis hf hr r , rteX• F rhr,te•r h r. �i s .ea t it< e a i a 1 to extra!, 9e Ani 1+ 1 t t cal die shtppfn0. Mir to 0,.70 'Autrofrrye, 225?<•.•!talc dal�7•. e.>n4mon lo flne.t, ).ti•' - 550, rn 10 "'lir::` proms.- tiovenon tw npaelae;-1010/ '4'7'1'..JatMo•na...* ff 4n t.. 1:..G' shod.•• to %c. western factory, firsts lets: '„1'ht, M to tb-7n; part ti*�. 54.1* t 55 :n Ch.... 'steady: rvrrlpta, tor,; 1)101 "IRs, 85..' In A, bO)6 of auk'., 0 70 1" Iro reyont, nkl, apre•laula. L7(. dn., taste, 1011 K.M. cram. old. noted emelt, cO fan y, 14Yrc: do.. Ota, eat( trodr ntaS at •nano[ 1. Md, lance and arrratia eolared tans)', 141 e: 1;i.3 to 0farritlnarungs. j d.0 to C ,amh.•, fair o pro'b'e. 11ykr• h, ea•. dn-, rnm- m, as- In vy.': dn., ?lull nasal, nominal. . r. 10 '1411Vi. akln,a l•• to l4e ` - A,t14Nkv- dge. r,rm.r.- },•...l Mill; stride. ' effetniva4ha anti near fanry sale ed -a1J'reepnrt. i.d.' June - One p11111 la whir , 1 itx t., e•, to choker 17%.,.....,• typ,L, another dying .4141-es,/hied. is Ilserl. - r es- a.---- the ttersest 0 -r,'*tttt oft Apd1t 1rv- nrlattylto14xtn "i, to lfc;I� I, twe,rt rival c tips ..1 li•Ji:ln iniw -'.he r fir' l►n. roan wax coli, ----1 aloe,• 1•f)►a'rT i , • G. C. I. SPORTS - Alex. McLennan and Ferre McNaagln Are the Champions. • the. wet weather on 'Saturday pre. vrot d the' holding of the +411011 1 games in connreth1ln with the G. whieh tool been si,, ,ms.wd Nor tient (ley. but it wutdd have leen hand to spec 'a better day than Monday for shell A"7i-a1f411 and-•7he ((4(1105 w4FA putted. off successful) in the morn- It11f and afternoon..'Te events were keg Iy contested acid the {arinms rat.. and other tests were put LHmugh very expeditiously, thanks, to s cotn- 'si.lerable extent, to - the setivity of pi r»inn Strang, who told the onele- libone act to iwdeciion, ahnounciste t site- 44 4.01ce 114444 . +:ling�t nut"LTi scruff»_ns 144051 as -tIo'y were known -and keeping things • fug in general. 'There were thirty e444ht,coutests on th.pryograin and it WWI concludes- by 5_o clock. -Alex. .Ahlwennnn wort the senior ,•immpionshirOand Fragrls Me\nught the junior chaulpionship. The c u-i*ts mat ked with en asterisk in the list below are. throe 'whirls omitted, for the ehaanplunship., thleee points toeing allowed for a flint. two for a second Athlone for third.. it was a matter of general regret that Frank Foster wad not able to take part in the games owing 11 Incl/e. While,' of course, the greater num- ber of the contests were for the boys, the girls were not forgotten in mak- ing up the program. A book race was a new event on the program, the rules of the race h.'ing that the con- teetant heal to carry a hook on her head without holding it with her hand.- It It, fell ahaba4awpie-k-it meld replace it before proceeding. Then there were .pike -driving con - testa, egg races and so forth. The [tole vaults are alwayospretty events. Eugene than. won the lintior vault in the Morning. going over the pole ver gracefully\ t 7 feet I inch• In of content wi this record sickled the senior vat t in the , moon and ,ride) an even foo o him niornlnR s record. Ile an omen Wightrnan, along with. U. Long, were ties for third /once. Victor .:Curran and Alex. McLennan, the winners of fir>t and spcon:l in the senior vault, cleared the pole with grace and ease et M ft. 5 in. and M ft. :t in., reepectiyely. The distribution of prime took glare yesterday afternoon in the ns.entirly r oar of the Collegiate. Institute after 1 o'clock. Owing to te rule that no person should hold mitre than two prizes fr the championship list, there wet p some Irises 'matelot tothose with third place, and in mood. *1 the events i41 the Ifat.le•I.,w we give the first three 'Cesatestaaet • *Running, brad jump (se?i101 (-Er- vine 0jtrnrn, 17 fl. 7 tn: ; Alex. Me. j n. Rift. 11 in.: Orton LlPrnin, t. in. f *Running broad hemp irininnl. Met v ill,' Anderson. It' ft. 11 1,, ; Fergma Mcna*ght. td H. (b in. ; tiny Walter, ll ft.1u la. •e v t• ��}�.. • �',♦ �,/,'rat,•. Running hcp, step, j p under fif- teen yea*; -Ernest 1oung, :11 ft. s in. : 1'hos. Elliott, a' ft. 1 in. ; H. Walters, 31 ft. 10 in. •Itunnmg loop, step, Alex. Mclennan, :iii ft. D,nnin,:4 ft. 4 in. ; 0. • • sup (aoniur•- )4 in. 1 Orville an. 33, ft. 1 - •Running hop, step; jun; junior) It ',Vatter, :113 ft. :r in.: M. -A deredn, 35 ft. ri u,, : 1'. McNaught. li in, •M tandlnKbroad' jump - 1mb7 -A. McLeaos.o. t+ eft. 11 in Ii17p_ M ft. M in. ; 0. Dean, 8 ft. din. \ ' Standing broad jump i junior I -Roy \Vniter, 11 u. t in. ; F. .McNaught, el ft. 5 in. ; M. Andersons. M ft. 2-fh. •Running high hunts tneniorl - A. M,•la•nuan.:a tt. 1 in. ; V. C rrab,:4 ft. I i m. ; leanest Colborne, T ft. 111 s-. *stunning high jump ajmnior' Reg. I'1 idhani, t ft. 7 in.: i''. McNaught, 1 ft. t) in.: AI. lnder,,s,n. 4 ft. 5 in. - Iiulaw►ug 444,h intim 4w,der fifteen yt•a1.4-lien 1•.IIIoi*. 4 ft. I; 111. ; Gor- don alcNet iu. I ft. I to. ; s1'. Do) 1., 3 Tt. fU •Vattlti• 01111 pole • junior • -Eugene Dean, 7,1t. 1 in. ; F. .41c.\;wght, '1 It. ; 14. Wetter. M tt. 14 in. AFTICItNt14)N. • 1111 yards d.u.h (under 15 ''ran).- Ernest Voting, titndun AlcNeviu,'loin Klliott, Hook race Igirls). -Mists 1.. l'ent- laud, Miss 1. McCreath, Ail„11 S, timing'. • - - •l'utting sixteen -pound shot. --G. Wightrnsn, 2(4 ft. Ill In., A. Mci:eflnan, ft.:, in., Urville Durnin, :at ft. 1 in. Putting eight -pound., sent twbrlsI.-- Mien M. Foster, 16 ft. 4 hl Alien 11. Mte•ling�Uifl, 1 in., M-psx'A.,Itarkey 1 -5 -rt -:1; in, Mack race. -Archie Tom, Res. Platt, Tom I.:HMO.- ` 'ILMI 1 a dash 1•eniorl.-Alex. Mc• 0. lean, tt. ‘falters and H. 51(11* tie. for ,third. On.' frnmt1* mile lex•.lud.nts).- Morry 1111114,, PI Plaint Mtlang. "Z.31 yards tj'uunirnh-•-4''ergus Mc-. Naught, :art sec,, It. Welter, M. Ander- .nn. - N'ht•e1Mt•mw . r,40 ---Archie Tom and Tom Milson). Eugene Dean and d. Swart.. JJlmh,cle rare sg(sled Alis. Josie Maunder., folios W. ('uuningharh, Mos M. Mf'eiran. 14tigue race. Rod McLennan -'Cd (Jordon %VightaMn, A. McLennan and 0. Dean. Ire Egg rare •tt�rl.t: --Mfits Lotti.,14e- Crenth, Mis. Jddaale Saunders, Mia W. Cunningham. • 11u. voted. dash ajuniori, Feign. hieN:rng-t, 11 sec., It. Walter. it. Prid h,un, •Heteefrmrth mile ,`denim I. H. Swann, 1 min. 5 s c., A. M47t enoan. ,hoofing hun,u.l jump Irs•.uadent.l. --A. Anderton, 17 ft.:1 in!, H. Hillier, 15 ft. 0ie.,1'.SisnR tlft. '2in. Relay race. --0.' lhunin, 0. (Man, &Syranp and II, \Nadas; B. Long, R. I'ritfllgpt, N., AnJaaun and It. Me. L'V uit wiWAds (sslIoa►-V. Cru• Limited Suar�enrc to F P Pauhu lar.musausmortammossmsmasisessassammat, r 11,1.1 al corns( of 1,::r.1111ct.:tt bay for hour. from a hit ,n wtuci, 1.s- Lail barricaded himself slue at.•nine to kill the tirst roan. that liinprnaeb.sl *1*, stroir11n4.1. Sheriff Foster.crept up to the,dos., n( the is t f t. lin tt r (idling th t h F �Y ems • 1inert/1. .the ...:Nepro!( 'noeetvietf til q.•1t1ng the mon t,, unfit '.11 ''i. dour. 'rli.en Ire Overpowered .him. Fire. In Theatre; Panic Averted. Clerelnnd. '4- lune J. Fire hrok, s4snti1* K-'�eit(1a. r,t'e1rn yr lerday of _ .rit.s• ai li,ranif :1 MS itme is•rfornr as ( panic endued, host . nvery..ns *- .t itllhnlii-nib"try. frnmwliatcl. .upon hBeet ve re 7.f the filmes Man toter I e•. x 1 1 t theatre e r 1 tlfprU fled t• t5,, ,.?4,.seer•rrr( nor-andilent'r that there M. 1 •: danger. , „The Cht f End of Woman. I[ t ma. ,' netball s n •j r NI F t ob i n 111.tIe .1111 Ilj.it'441, •1w.ifl - up in -most Of bete -t1 dire, 1,,,t she' as nn inveterate dislike of .'ot.rlaphy. td it seauw stn. p.anl1140---1., r.a,•Ti rh. l�t�i to Iiia. The other her tench , unlit im- patient• volt to. hied/'. us-, '114 • a note requeroinc 'ns- _to :mm.1111 ail studied b,i 1. s.irn. Tl..- i •vo Heading off a Risk NMI 112=i Gas is Whitt totp1ff out. of the front door of any formica unprovided for gas pe. "Sunshine" Fm stare boa Automatic Gas I'tamper directly connected with smoke-pope.(las peernsare iwaje damper sufficiently forst to escape up chimney (see illustration), bbLheat top •doesse't escape. What does " : (lisle" ZIN Dam mean_ Po "Sb anet •rna'.e7 Mlans-tjroticti•n to the ti • Aimee- ;selectee( lanree a agtYnet ev,t rfecteofR \ What dam ,Smelt//" i%Gide Damper,livean t.+ t 4'6.snsbiete" householder ? `Meant furnace- ran he t:op orated without fear as to'«p gas ; furnace cin be lillt without doubt p tri wbotealwut' of ga.. . What dem ~!skies" Gae'T)pwpar at tanto"•'Sabshine" coal account 1t weans, instead of ember with 'flier try Herbs//"feat7Uvieg to ki4p check -draft indelTaitely closed to " s-54-. ess-wtwn there'* two-tliirde porta of heat -energy tn•one pert of gas/ ,as, up chhrm�r -&alt can erhh all safety be opened, tied Beal saved for soother dy 4 LentenMcC1ary's s.. TM Toronto MontrealFiamllus �kseipe[ C.lgare HOWELL HARDWARL CO., Local Agents. Godetich -- bit w• ee: ala IIIIp1Y,t t(111/`O t,'however: nd diti- your mother (4+441 fp.* biline: Rosa•.'" said Ude teacher. . >" "1'.41, timyttu." Was the reply-, "11' hat ubd «he say %'• •'AI y nmol141'a;d that the didn't mut.g.ogratl,hv. tit' she got married.. on niyacm di*tti know geography. ✓ I 1 she •.,C 1, 1 ' Cri/ ! 11 .-. a. a 1 1 ti know g,elgraphy, ,' you tjkdt'tget war - tied.' ' Mrs. Blank. wi r ul prominent minister near 1iost n, lar In her tun- - ploy`-w-Jerent 4.- • - rod souk as black as .the pro /chin ace of • 3p iidtr. our day Mr's. lank id to -` doer : "Matilda, 1 wish t ha •`you old,! have oatmeal quite ofte ,r.b ak faint. Afy husband ip ver'' tut DLit. - fie is Scotch, mod you know at the . r R4F scotch ' eat N t x great, G dra! r f oat r+al.' ••1)h, he'. Seoul, is he;" said Ma.h tildes. "11'.11, now, duyou know,1 -wastl,hy ,•:l-ttl�„t Mn des like ua.'`'-ZVirnans Rowe Uoiait pinion. Mierelsaiu.---"Veat wetreitt need of a porter. Wheresweee you, employed f* Merehant "Dill you (dean it out 3". Applicant - "No, sir. The cashier did 111 nemmeismessli Summer Gpods REFRIGERATORS, - from iikr.00 to 435.0o. SCREEN DOORS, ;chiding hinges, pull and hook, - from 41 00 tO $2.50 PAU HAMMOCKS, - - curio 42 so to $10 ots each CONNOR'S BALL BEARING Thin thP .,litte as the lialnwhich WASHING MACHINE Tortento .ss-,thhing too up. Try ore.. If liatinfoctoey '"." b"''' " IDEAL and AMERICAN FENCE. rew rods of lef wind' ..11.•tolg olimip in order to clear it out.: expectation.. Out ,•.til,iall should Ile We• Mts.'. to wait tint_ 111 11, IVA 14.14. fil.111111y tAXed to 114 IltilitIbt 11, fli1 ifs trOlet.. This ''spi.aks for itself for the popularity of Ili,. only fence wade t hat • In Shelf and. -I Iravy 1 lard 1‘'are, our stock NS ,-1`, never tmore complete. National Portland Cement always on hand. Paints, and have enough Tif 1 v ',dor in toTie•k to paint - your hole* withiont delaying pet to ha vet to send for it. ii.tunihittg, !kali rig, Elvestroughing, Roofing. Electric ‘Viring prOmptly attended to and all workixily guaranteed. .***-"Ise -r .asitoesse wail/