HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-6-4, Page 44 THUBSDAT, June 4, Mb
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Candidates in the Field
Nomination Meetings ,in Three Huron Ridings
on Monday.
. ;
ivisiiitstn. Jun..It.-- rhe
for the riding of North
---so'Huron were reeeived in tht, town hall
here today by Methidlin. re-
thrning. officer. 'riteno ttt i t tat ions
were am' follows :
A. 1 1. Alimgrove. teacher. of 11.ing-
hem - by J. Downing', of Mortis. and
Geo. npotton. of %%Ingham.
J. 'l'. Currie, tamer, of East Wawa -
nosh, hy John N. McKenzie, of Asia-
tic/141, and Or, P. Mii{,4104146141, 44 Wing
Arthur ..1. Irwin, of Witighant, was
named as election agent fpr Mr. Mus-
grove and J. A. Morton, of Witighain.
as agent fur Mr. Currie.
At the elow of the time set *pert
for receiving nomination.' Mayor
Wm. Holmes was chosen to preside
over the meeting, and the big crowd
which completely t1111. the hell
settlek et. to the smashes
ariSe candidates and their supporters.
The artangemetit of time was as fol-
lows : Arch. Hislop, ex•M. P.,1'. (for
Mr. Currie), Alt minutest 'Spat -
ton 'for Mr. Musgrove... 15 minutes :
1)r. Macdonald ifor Mr. t'neriel,
minutes ; :Musgrove. 1 hour and
15 minutes : Mi.. l'earie, 15 minute*.
alate4-4hat tees Pew eet o_olectim
of the riding owing to the changes re-
cently.amule by the Consert etiVes 311
the expectation that. they would get
• two enpporteis from (hie cminty.
' Whether their . expretetion weld&
Ite reitlized or not could ,be de-
ter ed only by the counting, of
--- the ballots. When -the Conservative,*
were in oppesiiiimi thew declared that •
areexpendiliire . ,
of proportion to the resit -twee*. of the
1!rovinee. tett sine*. coming itito powet•
' titer had -int ...seed the expenditure -re-
pot skims, for the preeett year. Could
the r ti y rtandjsueli an expendi-
•0 turf.? It the laberals Miring. their
term of , .e had increased the ex-
penditure f the Province as rapidly
as the Co rvistives had done it
would have whedV,talittlll: and
Liherel vernment tvith
Atte had done )14 roach for the *vitae
&tithe prnment overnment wit $K-
0014.tast It had been declared that
the !Abend party was* corrupt t•ty,
• but afterthree yearn' in whi tiw
(jonacrvsUvea he'd shad the Govern-
ment pigI44.nboIca in their poeseseion
- • they hdf*13edto sh w any *tete Of
__corruption. \Thei'Co natives had
- • promised'hytake the ti adnitnis-
[ration out. of *Rica was it ever
more. deep'v in politics han at the
present time' Thratighou the Prov-
ince there had been More li tine scan-
dals in three years t hats und Liberal
administration in thirt -thr 'years._
T. & N. O. It Weald ntit. have
3.449,1 dist•overed yet. In t.etterd ,
itgriculttual Matteis, the epeaker re -
celled, the time,,when IJ had to defend
the establishing ot t e AgrienitileAt
4.'ellege from l'onst•rvetive attackr.
l'hecolleehoul now Iteetene a popular
inittilul1011 end the Cottaervittives
were trying to take credit or it. He
quotes!' from the Cemiervative caul-
paign book to show that tlr. mentions.
Nearer itt regard to agricultural tot-
wieliture were wrong. 1II 1111404 .the
ittet tear of tIteltoss tiot•et•ninenti the
espendittire of the !Wpm tutent of
AgriCulture was $1116.4S1 ;lil 105 it
was illu331.5211 : in Itlutt w.ts 111:tlaiitt ;
113 Itatiat wee 111480.21;- 1411 iverage tor
the three yeare of Conrervative rule
or about' $41itti4i. or *7.1491431*.' (Mau
the Littered expetitlitut'e. for ttiot.
While the total expenditurt. under the
AVhttney tiovernnuotc had increawel,-,
to pei• cent., the agrietitt mai experidi-
tiii.• 1144 Inereitilbd tinly it per cent.
\Vert. the farmers eati4bitl-wittr` t
l'he speaker said that Me: Swaim
had nut told the whole story regard-
ing the La Itlisitleal and proceetiva
apply the 1mits14ioni, It u as the
first time in the hietany, tit. Cattail*.
• N iltelitt hart
err -tie 'own
tiovt (nutria nu (loyal Mateo) wit 11
.1)1171Piltles it I and f dr
u1144 wind.) eome-t the tight to it_
properi 1" 10/144' by the • coin ts.
and 'the 1443 1,10 of the athitney t
r-rnintint 01 1111-4441 ('1131.33 the 1 isthr ,4
the ()Grim" lt. 111114 litilte 4)441
reflects dishonor upon the Province
ot itatitria wetit
e sitattvr of the 4..N. R, atter-
rm.,. jot ALVA. tool semi 111 comlusiiitt
iis be labeed cendidittes
"At-ettifiTurGinftsliin-ildiriiiTTelf. • Cati y
couricilhor 41141 4.1 41,1t. Mt. Currie
worked ...Madder shotililvr With the
fittniets of this eetinty. 411111 if. they
wanted a termer hereprest.nt them at
toninto they now 'Iliad the appor•
tunity. . • •
• ,"
M r . 'reweave ma :meat lip,' •_ •___
yore• Ad been made but h no
fulfilled. S. H. !flake. the coir
lawyer. who bird written a tte
Mr. Whitney congratulating hini
, what he had done. was 3.4414 1,00049441
• Mackenzie k Mann. who had got.
guarantee of $2,51.10,ion froni the Gov-
ernment for the Cenadian Northern'
Railwey. Mr. Blake with earning Isis
• Mr. !tiptop devoted softie attention
to the gerrymeetter. showing that Mr.
Whitries's protestatioth. of a desire to
equalize the population 'and realty
wrongs done by the Liberals were
utterly insincere, No independent.
fairmindiel inset would say that the
county" Of "Harm had been pi operiy
divided _many prominent Conserve -
tires' had denounced it. Mr. Hislop
concluded expressingthehime that
the elector, of North Huron . would
return John' T. tfurrie, a gentleman.
of ability and character who would
be able to represent the riding with
reedit 'to himself and advantage ,t,n
the Progineee
• Mr. Spotton wee the -nest- speedier. liable try gb hear; sar
He *aid that for a great number of Scott Act:- A heat
years Ontario was well governed should be carried 1)
under Monet, lett »Mee. Ifilr2 the Lite meirwity, mei 41 the
eral leaders were tliore intent WI ieople continued to- inc
holding office than 11,1 ruling -Well.
Mr. Musanive had teen addressing
meeting.; all over the riding, Int •Mr.
Currie had nevee gone on pithlie
platform to show' himself 01*-- to 'iletf
What -Wtotiti do if he were elected.
an.. .n navy blue at 122. lid
Suits in black ;
Suits sod lor Travelling Men. Stand up in colder wed
dinot ail sem pilsvesthe_r.
pot oast of oat foot lititno• IIII001014
41!•ft rlrual elk* 13r,:.•S
orsoarap L. le4issuy Is Om ortoomal
*.ktiLAILSA.66.•• •r0 wsy tiro Uri.. Mao, '110
op op to ear *sato& •ti voll lofty o
•Il the 131...e. Sep mode I,y ••• tie Lerma =Meals
C...4.. I. compare,. 16,11 aloe loot Booft.6 r000looLo!
tim ••••• room. It .. •• 1..4 .. -. •11,411161
Woolly. Min
Yee ••• ••13, iody tits Swow.wallp ellopow
11. ware ,e see. esereselese. imr
ita.a.waaniarawwwwa. 000lloolome.
O s
The Patace Clothing .Store
Wee1'10de4tl4ng With 1111141 1.11e Prle 4-11ein3( Merl(' 11) Mr. Johnston
metal Wales. Ile laid that, iti lem-
ma to what had happenedunder the
mei Government. there had lint been
siogle instance of eleetorareorritp-
on under the Whitney GoverMtient,
he only member of the Res Govern-
ient left was A. U. MacKay. and he
ad not live men in hill s
pillar of taking ai Caliiiast petition
respeetafile inen bad deserted
int. The Whitne, Government had
turned much larger minis to the
ople than the Ross Government 1
he count y of Muria' hie! received a
rge amount of this iniele7.. The
Liberals lied not iineet limed a .singhr
. of
it hid lewn cdrroptly .expentled:, It -re-
ferring to the Government s school
legislation, the speaker said that I
not ohjeeting to it the -Reform parivt\y
were We mulch responsible ita any other
party. • Ile pointed out that the Mini-
mum- legislation had heen re.
*led. Ile denim' the report that lie
staled that aural memo! triudee*
.nut-eipahle of engaging teach-
er:. He also pitid mime attention to
cert in other rumors which he 'mid
tvere twilig used egniust hini. The
s- Port had been lutying things
agains hint that should not tw in :my
paper. %Ir., Kerr ,the editor. went
maitind_p bet if he gut into
the pulpit hen Was. present he
would leavt the chervil. He del...114*d
Its Clioltot of the local
nil claimed that •the
being better .eutiiived
was not a temper-
teetotwler, but 94011149
10? medicinal pur-
country went timi
the re-
turntog officer. Andrew Pi -was.
nominated by M. Ilroderick. Of Sea -
Forth, *seconded by J. B. Hoover, of
town. having K. L. thekinenn, 01
tiederichi as his financial agent. Mr.
Proutlfout's nominators wei 4. 'rhos.
t'ottie. of Clinton. and 'Nett. of
Ilarlock. 44 '. IL Robertson. Of Gude-
rich, is his tl Nodal agent.
Mr. Proud eit keying engaged the
hall. the met inn that followed !NS
reallyhis, but Rev. .1. Elliott, who
was present to .
Porter, derlinei
was allowed to
which is entit
I not and out opposed to It. end would
irate -for its reprAL Wish Mr. Porter
1111ped fia an honest end dean
election, but it did not become the
Comet-v.111re.; .to say the "blush of
-ham.. should numitte the brow of
every Liberel." for while things heve
been dune the part that. **mid not
have hewn done. the Couservatiees
had beett the greatest' °deflate -v, the
evidence showing that more Coeser-
vatives bad been unseated then Lib-
Pra114. N1/1„WitIllitAtIllillg the boast of
Mr. IVIti wy. he had been 'unable to
expose an_ corruption in cennec1.
with tilt. former aduslitistration, No
creal *int iltle Mr. 4.Vhan.'
teak ou lwhelf of Mr.•
try stssek imless lie
elore the meeting,
iitrary toltical
t • .•
tkppnibt, the alelien
reinserted to, this a
witS,, agreed tfiitt Ark
one hour, Mr. Elliot
minutes. wit tif the ho
In Sahli* to exidy. R.
pied the elixir. `s
Mr. Porter saidhe este
ntitivithstamiirig the -state
opporii.nts td, the mint
thought he ciaild lotak. att.,
0 =0=0 0==.
This Week's , Specials .4- h
DRESS We are shiltring• this week a-tokui the best -DRESS NI -USIA- NS
we-everoffered for the same montli.-----White xvith
colored spot and floral patterns. Navy and Blast,* _with White
' spot•and small sprig patterns. Fast colOrs; all new this spring and the .price'
0 t, are now 10, 121r,-, 15. 20, 25. 30, 35 and 40 cents. Thi# lot is axtra
value at,the above prices.
H,VESTINGSAbout 250- yards-ofivf* rner&rised vestings. . Regular from
35 to 4s cents a yard. Come 'and take your choice for
15 cents. ,-.
Our stock is exzeptkuially large and some of them. are, lesslhati
manufacturers' prices. -Being sam6ies and overmakes, the
prices are from 50 cents $2.25. Some three quarter rand
sante 10.1g sleeVeS-ititil -see this lot before you bite.
Lawn muslin embroidered waist fronts, a very choice assortment,
50 cents, 75 cents, $1.00, $1.25. Worth a whole _lot more
money than we arc asking for them.
11 Come and get sonic of ow, 2 pairs for 25c'. Fast black,
HOSIERY _i_ • Slit's 71 34* t), c)'•, it.. Stile- of them -am good value for loc.
0 The
Square J. H. Coiborne
EMBROIDERIES A table_ of etutroideries. 1.11_11 -yard cud>, 54
pieces in itit. Voiir choi..k. .8 cents. -
*The Person, -"1 intend to pray' that
you inay forgive Casey tor throwing
'het brick you,'.. The_ Patient=
"Mebbe y-er riatrunice 'lid be -saving
tonne if ye'd just wait till thi'ket well
end then pray for Carey."
cion to feel p
An old gentleman imiti the :Wit of
punishing his al*: very verely.
Not long snow he .elseeeteri-d tor. -
.4 his sons inssI it new Trail' ef ts seta
He scolded the tiny for t_141iti out
his trousers ro fast. "Pa., no trot •re
can last any ' the way yott
wife may have oecas replieg-tir.eviri.m,thi,,kfully_
s tricker)..
ititegiity,is moral viittie,
evideMse the second. and prudence
i • lloicol • wit loom" the tiuot. the two. _
tette 'linnet exiet end witIsteit tlie -
llaini fotatterveti141 31.
restart iiseittiet.
l'i•thapt 'stoney talks, tint-
ttiost of at 4aea without saying.
Aa usual prepered bur
and give the
er will-xeletnge for illy want; *attired
trticles. ,
Yon will rind a flee. eseurtment
Tweeds of vexing. lip -to -date patterns.
•06,0,4 of 13891 illankets,
Horee Blankets and Yarns cif- var'
..olnrs. ' •
This rieesen 1 h,sve had Me& 11
MITI/et, 14....by.,..;0.„':*.$!...kift....!%!V!,
mantifitetured . at the mill and itoate-
ntending piirehariers immect them.
I giottantetithat they Atte ..f pure wool
tisTrislitiOviatiat Waft . •
soorria t an 111111. .11.111pi mg the so-called clean ballot. for
e,• Mr. Iliseetfisit it had been intreductat by the Present
rangement. It Dominitiu.NtilinCerninent. The livens*.
ale shoitild have .tdittittistration had been wofully lad.
to have ten Mr. Elliott was willing Lo quite from
. at, the close, The l'iesbyterme in ,ritipport -of , bit
olutret ocen- arguments, 4)341. -'*1414 not willing to
_quute the statementa• 44 e-aniniatt•r of
ea to iVill, hi.; oati church, Rey. Mr. llosseck.
it•ta iIf his mi., i.rnihiiiint, wars in' i.i,v4i- in *blot -
lei', He litetv. tree teat, ho ika. .tral be con-
• the in- elitiled tif`ltilkitig bar the stippert of
tereet of the farmers as ,we I As Mc. 934.' electors on thefitle
Proudfoot. and elthowdi -• _latter _Mr...E'lliott, i.. a raw minutes! reply.
claimed siiiitsort 4.n the Kearns' 1 le.- relert•ed to the rhsfratiellisitig of Net 1 h
Ing born in 111.' voilat,v he 344,111 lose Jtentrew by. the Roes (meet. lllll rut;
him in Huron yet. /I,,,assertml het the Gamey cow. and *Urged that Slr.-
the license- taw had'heeikwell
istered : we now. had meld elect
laws and a elean lutliet, and
jocularly said if •sortietine 11,01 no
eaten a ballot' at the SoiAtintli 441/11 -
vent ion . • Mr.' McMillan "ia•otild leave
been ttte cand.iditte. The Optswition.
he ' saii1; ;el, ' 1 the Governmeut
would ite, tlefee.ted.on the . three -Write
clauSe. The redistribution 44971.4 Iwtter
1eTI" before. -AIM tire
440Veritallf.ttt- . - had -i triond---.fferittle
policy. I.iberitls should, blush with
oilialme over the astswalities that hail
tires -ailed milerthe Rims -Aduiinietra-
the threedi
optical law
license NM w
than helot e.
1111e49 crank 114)1'
(bonen only. 31-1
(Twat -Pm .-tr-wsx
thee -atm the
optlnn bylaw
Otte of the
su.ei in tem-.
perinea. ea they heti been titling there
would soon le- no tweessit for liwal
Option legisleC . In cone him Mr.
Musgrove stated that he was an
tintngeman and watt proud n 31. A
tuan eould not be an Orange 1 and
The Whitney Government had ha- abuse anybody claw, as the Orange
filled its pledges in doing away with Order staid for: tolerance. Ile had
thetnurnhered ballot, cleening -mit the always been a straight Conservative.
dew; ot vire at Toronto Junction. Fort and had voted fee the late l'etrick
Eriaand .00er places, changing the Kelly.- - When 1*, ,Was it candidate
• eniza councils act, smashing the ._ W. lt. Meredith in 35(13 33 was
took ring. plectra/ the Univer- riot respiineibli - for the eempaign
sit), of Toronto on a sound financial literature which was handed IA) 111111
basis, and petting a Filminess Matt. in end which he used in the catittetign.
the person of Hon. Frank Cochrane, ‘ John 'F, Currie was the last speaker.
. . to charge of-Sorthern-Oriterio. 40 He -explained that he had hien em-
its:mice or Aloo, redisteihntiewel-littrmt *weft& hie -time-- tri organizing the
he mentioned the sphtaing_ of tiode- terr3'tnitnde1.e.1 riding, which they
rick and Mullett Jotit1e1s_.1./X..t.34e4atuatseaunitut44ex-waitrAfty mitre Jong
-ff't1Tieills and he clainied that -under the If,1.tII east to west: and he hall nit hail
Liberal disqlteition 111 949141.41. the CM, inticlt iittiti---fee-pletforem opt -eking.
fle had a lot of good Coneervittive
friends and his 'opponents wonl.1 find
it nut on election day. Ile bed odd
nothing (404.49(43 14411114111)' About his
opponents and had heard nothing of
that kind about himself from Mr.
Musgrove, hut lo• mold not say the
wane of tome of Mr. Musgrove's smite
tante. Regerding the school grants
of which KO Ifilleh.W11.11 said by Conser-
vative speakers, he had not heard
wassany_ less_;
e 11111 siwernment and the in feet, many Cohriervatives told him
epeaker asked if it was not too eon to they were higher than before, The
bring hack the .tharnaelett." The t•e- Government Was eentralizing tie)
retires heti been increiteed by pay nil much, biking too much power to, it -
heater attAmtion to the. reseurees 0 iaelf, and fol. :one thing the farmers
the rourstrY, enabling the GoYernment ,rtere quite capable of looking *the-
e -id 7-0141114. for the •Cnifersity .4 Tor- Arils not bilk. let ,t"11071, Ile wonted
to give larger grouts. for asylums, fol. ;heir own school matters. His motto
014(0, for iogrimiltere, etc., • 1 tu make 311,1,14.31 (1433. in action : he had
The, close ..f Mr. Spotton's speech , horn for some yeers in public life otnil
hehelitived he hail _dealt _ fairly with
see_vetIves thrptighout the Province
bed been placed at a disadvantage.
Dealiftg-with the-L-e-Rore payment,
he said that by the nettlement
obtained in , this matter the Gov.
ernment had secured a royalty of
45 per cent. of the output of the mine.
The La Rose people had heed granted
6111,000 for their law costs and sloo,No
for evidence placed in the hands of the
Government in contestin the clAirn
of t
wits marked hyan attaskain_Thefitg...
---7fitil:"Whii.h has evidently been bother-
ing Mr. Musgrove and his burly
hettehman 31 thratigh the campaign.
Th. epee ker di not beep the feirness
10 1*11. his *tulip ce whet The Signal
had Reid. but pounced it in a
renzied fashion as it twrilmis sheet.
r. Masaleneld countered neatly nn
the Vimia speaker by reminding
l.h the old distailetitin of .*'11k1
lle4W1 earrl 1/111, under *met, who
' herinding wig, The Ihn-trir 'stated
that the itilierwedewre of the lkst
few year w100-0 olt of the rare-
ful nnancial connwj , the LiberalGovernment.
Government. Actit'bet1 NT wowed
by the Liberal tiovernineht, ieh had
forought in large 'mins 10 theaeganntry,
and these acts' were opposed bat the
tionitervatives then in opposittitta.„
There were the succession duties met,
the supplementary revenue,' set, the
brewers.' and lieeneee, the
entre f the I) • ' tiov
entment where would the Vt'lliitney
Gevernnaent 1.- if il hal not the
revenue p49)4 3.1.-13 from these ennreelli
And atilt they hot the presumption
tel 'My, "See how we 'mortised the
revenue." Flirther. the minor's' M aid Jos), I/Slott.
wealth of Northern Ontario wee not
1 fter the Liberal this.
ernment hest left office. and if the
. ;Agog tioverateent bad Dot httilt the
,r 401: , 11
'3,%• e \have t' very omplete stock
everything the tinte-itii lies in alFttut
Newest U holsterin
pelitician than a iiiloister.
'lite\ tem tmg closed with , three
cheers the King.
. um. - The llll int
F-rocineldsleetion for
took Pince here tqa,11,:t;
It lb
.lates earl
• r... • o
enn. Liberier.-are-t het tees.
e01111•111:1 la.1/11441T1104 A public
\was -Warden 11110
presiding. 1- Both
tad Mr. K.ellerinann gave
\twat of hie 1311143 t 40 U. F.
Thos. MeMillan, Reeve of Mullett, in the g*-"*lr
It trtetchant speech attacked the
lirense administratien of Mr. Whit-
ney, showing how license boards and
inspertrare had been dismissed to make
vri” for supporter. of the party in
poner. retwithatanding the -Pre •re
declare, t hat Int vontitl- t ake he
herniae administration out id politics.
He 'showed that the administration in
this depertrirent had iletWI tardiscteditr-
aisle taiat the T14e1.4141+ hoard emu-
rutssioners heal resigned hr body:Tie
pl'Oteat : 'that scandalm had arisen in
various parts of the Pnwinee. Touch-
ing on the spoils system. he pointed
out the& over Mil appointments had
'been treadle -at the -ttrree and a -Indf
years, all limi eh only thirty-tiVe vacan-
ekes hot ociurled in the unlinetry.
way. As to the gerrymander. he aid
not see how MAW hilliest loan- tiould
defend it, and he claimed, that
ney's boast of his willingness to trust
ttw ;Jennie wan 'contradlett.d hy him
every trioa7e. 'rhe Government' wan
afraid 10 11,ppeal to the people, hence
its- unfair allottgent of the constit-
tienries. tie el•itkined Cniversity
matters and Odd the expenditure on
rural ,iellpole WWI 'anklet 4543 l'Ottlpitred
thi.t)es.witt.hthiott vehemently claimed
thet grilse corruption had prevailed
tinder the previtnis administratiOn,
11 telte il lett). thing to alliate-to the
dismissal of a few minor officiate,
while hose bolding bigger Ornee11 held
been retained. license laws were
better enforeed now, and the amend-
ment. to the lieense Inw required that
hotel men who vittleted the -law were
trim) for a _first, second or third
offence. *s (hi (it..' might , bel where-
ae it tots Always AN a first_effenc,e
tinder the former regime. He admit-
ted thin Mr. l'rouilfrot was favorable
to it boll eh i rig thethree-fiftlis elm tee. He
said it would be a misfortune to Admit
nplinh in Gmlerich, • knewing as
he did the eleistente in the tAttini. Mr,.
MseKay biul pletfurrti. lie had
the people who had given hint their
confidence. Alluding to the locel
option iptestion, he pointed out that
all Ilritish institutions were governed
by e maim ity. In the township of
Willett. the heal option bylaw had
time Imam i•erried only 317 33 mejority-
not_ A three.flitho vote and after a
three years!' trial it wart nustained by a
lame majotity. The farmers hail a
right' to eleet one of theinseivee
Parliiusient. _l'hey were as gond an
lint -body else. irthev would enft be-
lieve it. themitelvett They were the
heeds of the "'malt 44 the country and
there should be * larger repreeenta-
Hots of farmers in the Ilouse. His
record writ. known to them, and all hp
would premium wan that if elected he
would do his beet in the intereato of
e Province and of North Huron in
elar, and helmeted that helivon141
to come 'seek after his term of
• without having bronicht
upon hinewlf 111' the 1411-
Speech,* %atm Cndidates, Thos Mc-
Clinton, labr'The officiel niibtos,
'nation at theelown hall bete today
wits entir5lrfortnal. 8. J. Andreem ate e
the htot eittLI
WAS itretty evt
4.;speakers tvere
"`onsiertat ve 44(4
itilvantage iri the
ing, lett if taint
lw clase;\
Toper ••Whet *hal
-move the rediwari trot
Itoetor -1Take nothing.
tween 11)14191).
3') 11411, 411 1 31.. Eillwr hid
'a,repty.' The audience
y divided, and all the
well receiveil. The
didete has a large
lake -up el the rid -
eel that the mink
agreed to things In the House that he
now opireital ott the eltfartu. Tbt.
tinvet guerente.. of the I'. N.
It hotels Walt a greet .1molines(4 (3111111.
netion. The grant of $130,11111) L. the
La Itose Mining -4'o.-- wee perfertly
justifiable end the dippoiutl rff other
mining properties brought mote
money itto the treneury. In 'to far as
!school legislation was enneertiell, he
pointed mit that the immicipalit ice re-
ceived a larger government grant now
than they did in hot and thia eat;
true also in reference ty thl.dispoSal
of the lieense 11 I. The school book
ring, he alleged, had been !lento n. And
the large mime imie (platy titken
fro itii I he twirl MK ta OW !Willie P011343
to itsvist hy the reditetlitn.
Mr. Peotnifont totpremed hie pi-et-
frelle for joint Itteetinge at whieh the
cenitirietee elone wotild addrean the
eipeoirst While hoth Mr. Putter and
Elltret hrul referred vaguely to
the three -fifth* dense, neither of them
hail mined their own sews they.
had 9144 heitation. 114.st er, it) let.
ectots know that ba wan
I take to re -
billy he-
is a s) minom of Kidney
Disease. A well-known
doctor has said, " I never
yet made* pont-mortern ex-
aminall ion in a cave of death
from Heart Disease with-
out finding the kidneys
wereat fa ult. " The Kidney
medicine which w al first on
the market, most success-
ful for Heart Dimase and
all Kidne), Troubles, and
most widely imitated ls
• Rich Designs,
Art tic Effects
Linolcurns and Oilcloths st
IC at greatly reduced prices t
71n7{;;I te,.ded
tip ;elf 4., GEORGE JOHNSTON
lerato prices
atimaa saismasOoamma assamma a
Bargains B
real Clearing am
, J ,
_ ,000.00 STOCK
AS my sons are going West I have deeided to dispose of my Ilar4-
ware busineso, and offer for sale my immense new stock of
Hardware, , , Wire, Lawn Mowers, Snths, ,
, Axes.
Stove, ,. Poultry :,,. .,,o Oil Stoves,
Netting, - Gasoline Stoves, Express Wagons
Scissors, Harvest Tools, Churns, Binder Twine,
Paints, Builders' Tools, \ Washing Paris Oreen,
Oils, \, Locs, _ , Machinest Kalsomine,
Cotton (116%!tic
Olass Hinges, .4-/iTsa,t Wringers.
Hammocks, Tinware,
White Lead, Nails
Building Paper, Wash 1 tihs, opperware,
Screen Door, Fishing Tackle, GraniteWare,
reenWindows,' Rope, Iron Ripe
rigeratorsi-- Scythes, - - - - and Fittinga,---
at pi! .4irister-before licani of in Goderieb. _ riViatXM41401
Wago , Harnes. Shop Tooi, and Fixtunts,
sold, or en bloc, as, soon as posible, as this is a gm -
Bring All
Wholesale, Huthest Prices
If in need of BERRY BOXES
or BASKETS we can supply
yoor wants.
West ...Weft,
Goderit h.
Everything will
nine clearing sale.
We have alarge stOt.k of ratnaterials on hand and to use it up quick we will
do Plumbing, Electric Wirin, ltoong,-Eayestroughing, Metal Ceiling atid Siding
and repair work at prices will ttstonish you. ,
Don't Delay, but Come at once and get Bargains at
NVorsells' Great Clearing Sale
r;,,,,v 447