HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-6-4, Page 22 THOlwPAT, 1tne 4, 1908
RI, 11 !!‘. r AMO.
PUHL1111EI) F:1'h:RY THURS }
, $V ANATTkH k RoithattatIN•
:Telephone tall No. 3.
. Terata arlatbecrOption :
• per an. ;thee moo.
Ail menthe, ilk : these month., ttt4.
To United state.. utworlbers, II. ' a year
letru tly in ads ane.o:
Subocribere who fail to reowive Tale $ras►l.
regularly by inail will Darter a fsvor'hy se.
puainting u. of the fact at as earl a date ao
When a change of addrwln ie desired. both the
old and the new uddren..hould be given,
Advertising Ratty:
lo•I:al and Other .inner ad, esu .omenta. liar
per lune tot 11nt 1,1.ertiun and It per line for
mel. . A..rynanl rn.rn . Mra.ured br a
oomareil .rale. 1 wely e lineto an inch.
Hu,ine.- cant. of sic linen and under. tli pet
Adverti,.eIuent.. of Lost, Found. Strayed. Sit.
oat ion. Vacant, Sit notion. Wanted. Hous+for
Sale or to Kent. Flom. for Sale or to Rent.
Article. for Teale, etc.. not exceeding eight
line+. Lair each i.eertion : {I fur 'trot month, low
for each ouh.eyueut month. Lerger adt'ertiw-
meuW In proportion.
Announcement. m onllnnry reading type ten
Cent. per line. No notice Ie.+ than 'ti .
of which i. the
peruniarerial not ry benefitofny indioecvid.tal or&semi
►tion, to be eonnidered an advertwtsuent lad
to be cheered wanerdinely-
- -- - -
Rates for display 'andcontract advertise-
mentswill beygiven on.application.
Address ►11 communtfattleus to'`
VAN AITKR t auttl:itTNo,
^rig 810/4411,,..
Itr..erich. aha.
Otd4RIt'H: T6N4ttitf tit..tr -E. t. tt11ei
Monday next_ will he pulling (lay in
the Provincial elections, and every
effort sbuufjd be put lurch to enr,u.•
•that - the -full strength of the Liberal
and jnelepre spent vote ..h 11 be regis-
tered at the ballot-iox. Tile contest
has been a quirt one, but the issues
— involt•td-i►re of sell 1 iii liiportanee
to demand the attention of every pub-
lic-spirited citizen :and to neyuire hi'.
_attendance at the polls. There will.
however, be inditf.•reut times, awl
these should he token after and'
aenasell to a sense of their duty in con-
tributing to the verdictof the ballots.
In Huron the Literals have three
splendid candidates, leen who - if
elected will serve their constitaaeets
with etedit to themselves And benefit
to their count) and their Province,
In the. Centre riding Mr'. i'roudfot
atter- long serene in the rank an
file of the party, asks tor support of
his own candidature. His name is
familiar throughout the county,
throughout the Province indeed. as
r that of a man eminent. in his proles.
*jot yA'Tir`-The same ithilities which
• • ' - I• eke 1n
'professional life will be at the service
. of his constituents and of Iaie Province
—as a faeq,ber of . the Legislature.
• Centre Huron is supposed to have a
' large Liberal majority, Int the clanger
of overcunlidenc should be avoided
td .every vols s oltd
be polled
An South Huron Mr.'Keller:un is
• t e\Liheral candidate. Owning into the
Held *t 'al comparatively late day, he
has n • ` been able to cover the riding.
as th . hlv as he should ha e 1 ,
to do : t the .Liberal and independ-
ent rote_ • the constituency should
rally to the pport of a man who has
cotatrage • -:14n- tat add and ex-
perienced ram igner like Mr..Eiter
-in it fight in w ich the odds are -so
largely Against hit. , Mr. Kellet'mapn'
none- of -, •a. l•• yrdItirtati
cE11t downright ho ty and candor
an -the sound cometsense which
has biro- toe in hie
Fusin. In tjte commit y in whichr
he liv:. he is respected' ahoored
-ase--.fln' man and a patriot citizen,
and the c nHdence .of his fel w -citi-
zens ha*, 1 . n entrusted to h t on
TS3'AI__occaa* ns in electing hit to
.,the township n , county .councils.
ie.cand;diiey .1 John T. 'Currie in
North' Huron *R 1 the fanners t
that riding an' • , .. nity 'of electing
one of themselves to e Legislature.
Mt io t.s. nen limpet /way
school ' trustee to W en of •the
county of Huron and his lection to
- the Legislature�w`ill be; • a fitting
reward for --the , titaie
be' Jtas- Riytan-ao-„
North Huron is the seat. whic
, Conservatives calculate Up. rte
by virtue of the gerrymander : tut
the independent farmer's of the ridin
stand by Mr. Currie they will aldnnin-
•ister a deserved rebltke to those who
are-responstblt'•••fm•--thtt gerrymander
and at the sante time they, will send to
-- Parliament a man who will stand for
the interests. of agriculture at All
It is worthy of not that each o f the
'three Liberal eandirt'gjgs its_
has had experience in .municipal life
which will he of great value in the
Legislature. Mr. Proudfoot, M r.
Kellertnann and Mr. Currie have al
been members of the councils of their
respective municipalities and of the
county council and . thee..-haye_ eerved
their apprenticeship. Neither Mr.
Porter, nor Mr, Musgrove has, we he-
`" lteve, ever 'leered in this way. They
alb. Inexperienced men who have
neverhsee tested in as representative
capacity. 'The Lilheral eandidittes
---agave-1ugen trial`:Ayd tasted : they
all teen worth votilat,for, and their
malt services give prom s(Y+••Q useifld•
nein fur the future.
Get the Liherdl and iiitlrp endo
vote out And shew what Heron can do
in the face of the gerrytnatlde•r.
1t was not to Ih• expected that in
three short years th.• Whitney Gov•
ernment would 1,0 able to commit all
the sine in the political calendar, but
it has made a fairly strong recon) In
than" direction.
Coming into power with the aid +,1
independent' and Liberal ante., the
Isanshipwhich the, Conservative lead
eta had attempted to &MOW* before
the electiwr, And within a twelve-
month had given the newt vicious ex-
hibition of the spoils systrm.ever sewn
;•irrrAttaada 1•'or this alone it deserves
the cojydemnation of all tsken who
hope to shot the civil service of the
Province relsed to *higher plane; and
tneeftsettlstitnted for politicell Pitt es
8 n•ecoriuue"ndation to piiUlic u1HTe: '
The administration of lite License
system, instead of being "taken out of
politics," as war so glibly prnitaisttd,
has leen bedevilled by, the introdue-
don of party intrigue into its affairs
id on estent never known before.
The expenditure has been increased
out of all proportion to any visible
benefit to the pt•uple• The whttk-
loane economy in bijl':uul little things
which was characteristic el the whole
history et the „Liberal Governwent of
Ontario' has been thrown to the
+kind+ : offices Imre been multiplied
for the benefit of party hangere.o n,
and all professions of ie•onouny have
been abandoned.
The Education Department -- per-
haps—the: most important-. and the
most diMlcutt•to.H11 of all the depart.
-lents -111(8 beim pIiu ifiri charge's,( a
man who does not even cnrnangnd the
respect ofwthe teaching• profession of
LiI a twirueater for Soul', i>weze not-
withstanding th -Tact, IhaL__NQrt
Mseeli had a population' of ."n 1de more
than South 'Karex, the township of
North Tilbury, with -'a population of
wild taken from GA. south riding
and Added to the eluent, making the
dispaµity of population greater *till.
The only season for the ehxgge is that
North Tilbury at the Lust .election
gave* Liberal nsajority of 1 4l and it
ho b '
pled that ) taking it away Mr.
Auld will he defeated,
West Lewiston Inas a population of
:31,Stee ; Isa►t Lewiston, :'.1,1 71t1, a differ -
ewe bt 12,31S. No attempt was made
to remove this inequality ; the ridings
were left as they were.
lietwet•n 1Vest Kent and Mast Kent
there iaadifference of over'U,Lb*I. No
;change wail -made. and Instances mf
this sort -ran he-tntiltiplied, showing trw
that the . 11'hitnev Government ill par
making changes had no regard for the w
principle of equalizing population.
Neither did the bill carry -out the
prim -Mitt of observing county bound.
Aries. The wunieipaliti's of Glouces-
ter and Osguude are left in the ridjljj(,
although for naunicipyal par-
pttises they belong to Carleton count -v,
11'hy--?,.. Simply because it quits the
('onserraative inters+tt, 1j a case of
Peel and .Cardwell x-ihaange was
In contrast with the 1Vhitney Gov-
ernment's intniduction (11 tb$'7phib
system, the Liberal leader has given a
cwt else tlrclaration in favor of civil
service reform._ ..Me. MacKay says:
"Appointments to the civil service
should be -nide • absolutely regardless
01 party service. Nothing but th
fitness of the applicants for the,
tion should be considered, and all pr
motions and appointments should
pend entirety on merit. This w
have beneficial results. In the
place it would sedate a tatter ale
4ee thee+ ths,vitlle, and once a
servant received an sppuintw
would hope for promotion u
other ground but that of me
t 11e
n no
t, and
this n1 itwlf would to an ilii cement
fur 1 ' to cep absolutely clear of
polttieA-atgive bis whole attention
optio this s
to his d . Ther
a d t r-
• Y
sW also tenet to elevate the
f politics, inats ',mil its the
er who had politica work to do
uld not enter upon t at work. with
y ulterior motive. have advanced
his *rguane it, and i11, continue to
advance it until th idea is carried,
HON. A. G. MacKAV,
The Liberal Leader.
(let out the vo
ltyndisy ne
w llithuw Whether Mr.
Gene to get into Partin.
y of the get niander will
u__teyr»tblutw .uut_ t vi'
LI::ducati,nista are almost unanimous
in c,ndc.-muini; the abolition of Lite
!Model schools[ 'hit I)r. Pyne'o emu
ljcath-bas said the model school. [oust
go. ata nose ..they enlist. -whether the
In'nirle-it-++r tf(►t; -: •
aton6e, SpottOn if real funny when
he gets noel, rift was ai'p;7iohl as 1...cir-
fluto see am Jumping. tiguraativel.
'j Rn � 'Tim SI at At the gitmitialt mn`
�meeting at Vit)ghaut - on .r�Ioiltiny.
(Irrrg., 'was 1 aityse'aiNt' The Signal
� has lee•- show ng up \Insgrove's pest
',cord for the 1 .neHt of 'the people
.t 11th• ef'and W wietimrtt. }vhi'did indt
know tench Aho t hint until 1►e.got
' N,ntlt;Rerun 11X _ 'PM- itt nice-eli
.ss • he tt ght, G• ,'fret, him to_ t
; ieegirl titre, (4x1,1 ut;:ht not to go
i tnenratel y( rtes mans f whim lolitind
IOust iM-rs, nn Imticli a. annul. • -
I} i auaaa\Mr. Currie e, not held' tie
'natty meetings. its \I Musgrove in
itb•TTi,ron. the olio. Dir areV told
Tion every tvwlaervati e• "Platform
l I diet they should not v1 for a min
Iwhom they have not seen. Ihst per-
' haps the sensible men of N leas Hur-
on after seeing and besting Mr. Mua-
+grOVe. are lint WI well rati r pvl-srit6
- The Liberal Candidate.
tl a Province. No wonder thpt the
Department has run amuck with:*
aeries of arbitrary measures which
have angered the people anti Which
three ten to . disorganize the school,
system of-thv9'rdrince to- Its serious
injury. - - r
Afraid to trust the -people.` the ef:W
e • ment has carried through a lie-
u} _gerrymander In -_order _.
the tome of the condemnation
't tetanal. Its descent reached
depth in the events of the
ofittelast seaelOn, eller
its low
ing bo
made in accordance with the principle
of following eotintylonndaHew, as in
This cased it helpit_ the Conservative
candidate in Peel. f n the latter case
it should-I.-puintel mut that the
municipalities i f 4Ihion amt . Holton,
which have been taken from Cardwell
and added to 1'eel, Ker *aced in
Cardwell by the !''ethers of •ton-
texIeratiol -metre fElay_ 1(-f beeal -
The represenl.ation of the city of
Toronto was.doubled, giving the city
c Leight members, A larger number than
#t #� enttlWa'IS• -t-etiBiparirten aitfi
"that Inst an uI week." -- the cities of London and Ottawa,
Under euelreirrumstances the Vernier, the .reprreseolet,on of ter-
ernutent. ran hardly hope 'fi, [ecu a dnto, wits so errangeed as to Stifle ind_e-
renewal of the auppen t extended to 1t p't4dent Opinion and to ensure, -dli fpr
many independent voters at the piile.phlr, the• election of .eight
election, whose influence will DOW straight ('onservatieee.
he ,erected to the .stre th . g of
These are leets which cannot he
the p hien _ w, .al/17_10d 1ty (be gni/plaid and which•sgere urged on the
Hon. G. \Ltel�;ec' floor of the Horst• by Mr. MacKay and
In A redietril tion of the 'constitu-
encies, for the re oval of inequalities
of population and 1 anything which
might 1e• considetWal unfair to his
party, Mr. Whitney Would have eom-
rnanded the approval Of. all just and
'inpartial__men. These, deeell,.were
the objects which Mr. 11 itne y de-
-gored he bad in view in tiles( redistri-
bution of the -limn nea.man : Inst the
tuatsure as it wap,, inlrthlnrerl and
forret' through t k th,usc ignore! be
violated these. principle,. in instance'
r inmt.anre._ - - .
Tittle the (lawny -in Mldsltdwewat. -'The
ridings as they Were arrang1Ml by the
ioathers of (Tonftylha•ation had "never
been altered by snit• attreeding Gel,
Ailment. According to the eenrug of
11111 t�Middleoeg had a *imitation
of d1,•'2 : ,West Middlesex, 'keit)
North Midilett"�q,,1H,111). Ind Mr,'
Whitney attempt tm'1Rytpnlize\the' pop-
ulation by taking from 'has • :Middle-
sex and adding to the two rr
ridings? Not nt alp. 'East M ?Awes
which elects a Conservativr, was left
an t waft Inst the' other two ridings
were altered to make Wont Middlesex
a Liberal hive and North Middlesex a
safe Conservative seat.
The population of North Essex was
(invrrnnre•nt al .t •dialely lo, a>i, that of `in li I•:.sek Lrf,V7 . IP
threw aside the attitude of ton•parti- An attempt to defeat John Auld, Nie
hit followers so dearly and' forcefully
that The Toronto -World, e• Conserva-
tive paper,'stated that the Arguments
made by the Liberal members had not
been at all' nuet by Conservative
speakers. - .
There is one other excuse put for-
ward (nr the gerrymander. namely,
that under the former ar•angemcnt
A P -the tidings the "Attends it some
prhrwtix erections Attained a greater
number of 'seats than they were en-
titler1lo according to the total vote of
the Province. Hut nt the election of
ItsaS the Unnservativee , (Oehler! --a
Majority of forty Nate whereas RC-
colhlinpC to Ila prop ortimnal Ot
s oneffr t erPetwiQce they Humid Rave
hstl tnajority of only ten state. it
is ,impossible to er•rahee the. sklinga ear
than there will be an ahsoh ts•l' fair
rhiw .as with .e earl wWt, I Mr.
Currie can produce the t.et' ienda-
tion :of .years of Service in mu 'Wipe'
!Affairs. '.31r. Musgrove is the un rigid.
the untested man. not Mr. (f' Tie.
Mr. Currie has gone thittunit that\\\ . i11
fp,nn school Wester to W,aeden of \. • e
county, lend r'xperienee i11munici
alTirfrt-ie one of the moat valued sleet
ofi tiienitser cif the I.egialatsre, Mr
Musgrove Inas ne such,expeiieoee. ;
Alernler wsUm; to The Signal sug-
gesting Goo,' in order to place some
t estrietjon upon the aseof the country
r,„►datet unotori.te, toll -gates he re.
este nu the beat Louie, "which
are vele ei t ones these gent' y else," reads
end the- fall aro situated in the i,u-
wediate neigbfhirht,od be allowed a Publi
-asausi tchteettiata.. - Ile.rapereses the—the coil
opiniem. that ••itzartstnti'on 1iiwiatds the
- heffl
some testrietinn'i in the automobile
triflic .Wilt_ttetech€panted witltnuta
strnng7leniand. from farmer members.
and it is in emir. districts a great
abuie of privilege." Ile thinks also
that ,.nflkient attention ban not been
paid to Mr. Whitney's failure in the
natter of his -empty boast when in
opposition that he would establish
model farms all rarer the Province
when be got into power.' Our cor-
reiliondent hopes that Mr. Currie will
eseitnetNerth -Horton.
that ucatimu should be ciEt•
roil u the narrow limits of what
nigh 1* the ,110 '' future trade, we
hien y snMuit that
at be hi unnktng n
gra 0 mistake. Titres is annlher side
10 ueation, other than Use tbolliir-
a -cent nue._ We r1 Id, slut at the
I y's wentatl--developweut, and at
road an outlook as possible. Life
is uarrow enough ; let Ass hot narrate
it still acether,_--
The olfet kart Pyres
_- Win r Itavel.
Gr. Pyne it tting solve nhturiety
out of his fistehh• buua , ' us deliver-
ance nude i %i e
h responses ru tet hirM
Mimi in Masi.Top•onto, when he said :
••1Ve must_ stick together and stand
by •our friend*. t do not 1lrlieve in
pba,eatiug toy enemies. 1 know'lvfw
my enemies are. and they can go to
the devil sill shake themselves." lvtir
n loan at the head of e•ducat' iu-
thls PrmHUow; and thus eery 'h in
the eye of budding manhood and
woutanhood, 1)r. ' Pynq • certainly
seem* to he unfortunate, in his public
st4dk and conversation. Gntl of hie
first assaults on deceucy w.ts when -he
used his position as* Minister of the
Government to obtain x liquor 'item*
for a Toronto friend of his who had
been convicted of law -breaking four-
teen times in eleven years. Now he.
tells all remota* who would like, to gee
the spoils system modified or abol-
ished bo go. to the devil. As The
Globe said the other day, he is a nice
wan; this Minister of, Education.
\There vrillasserontreotte ne,t-M
in O of the 1116 constituencies of the
"JHProvince. In Addington,-ttoalth Lan-
ark. East 1'ictoria, (feet llurhntn.
Muskoka and Smith Sit rcue, all of
which are strong Conservative swath,
the Conservative candidata* were
elected by act•lauantia .--I
('Tinton -New Era : One of the argu-
ments used against Mr. l'na tot, in
thie campaign, 1s that he is a wyer.
11'ell, he is.•it is true, and such a (nil
hole these wauy t .etwaev s441oe rut
their legal lutrineem to INn1. Hut
.there is any force in the 'nt it
should apply later ono •rgai t • Mr. E.
N. Leevis, who also is lawyer.
eel, and
The Pi',cvincial ete'etfnntst,
with three Methodist conteren
a large nurltlh•r of \'ethodiet in
and luyule will either Ie;
chitwd nr wl ie• put to serious ' 11(9)n-
venience iti tecunling their • tare.
Tile delege from Ontario b, the
`aesbyterian general Marmots at
Wi peg, Marring pwrhape 9* mr
oast[', also will he tteraitp,• to cast th it'
IuiHota. Yrob iI,Ir \(u :Witney is jt
tie glaad\they will be tat of the [vitt'.
Probably deer one hundred 111e41 in
tioderich w t-shouhl have the right
to vote are di mane iw•d by l0&o11 o1
the Abolition . 1111• registration by
the Whitney : tv,'Inment. 1'nder
the law enacted the Liberal Gov-
ernment these turn, 4tt1•ludhttrla
1tfhee ohs. have, \ committed no
greater offence than f•uueving trona
one riding to another. * s aid bre able
It/ CI' their ballots, ixet t e t-actiof?
crylegislation 'of the Wh nee- Gov-
ernment deprives thein oft 1 right.,
Oat orf the, _grif45t'mt cess. which -oriel
school sections have against the e.
bet Government is that they ai'e•,
suited by the new school re uletio___
to provide an unnecessary and .expel
sive w•hnol equipment. This they re.
an a waadte of their honey and ea
n arbitrary and unjust demand' on
• ptelrt of tlr, Dep a r tewat.,f . Kriuea
n. .Mr.' John l.inklater pirt this
ve y fnieribl • at it meeting held ty--
Re . Jot. Elliott at , Lorhurn during
the present cauapaign, and the
pn ftkine .had no ansder.
br hitt` -
• IND -• ONO CIO •` _•
1 cRomp-roms ,:.,.:...1
The Corset' for slender,
of di
4, or full figures.
mew grave and oily le to gown -. The
up.tu.tl8te.tvotuxu know' that the lit•
' nu,u•tin•.r and Ltile of teeawt ar-
isen," largely upon l ta'ettreet. Invert*
fitte'tl over as
will give eatirfactiun in every pigr.
ticolar. 11'r sell rromptaleo't10111►Ilt
ualy. They ate pwieed at
50c. 75c, $ 1.00 and up
Goderich Ladies Store West Street
*as amm■s0SIM UMoaInirdim O•
$1.50 Negligee Shirts for 75c
Our story .s short one of our largest and best factorieli was
_overloaded on account et 0,,- " slow times " theft traveller came
*long a'w' offered bust bargains to these shirts. we took them and -
now pass these bargain; on to you.
A111'•• •1 pittelter in-Ne;•li • ,I,ilt.,•void:tatatt4M•hed..u.s 11 to
jet}, •ts'gttlar Sleet t, t)l.:s,,
.. Sia ear -y..7
Also $2.56. LIGHT VESTS $1.25
Some of them plain obit••, others nice neat pattern., sinews 1(.1 Iti
.its, regular $2.1111 tai trill( : • Saturday, $1.25
We offer you genuine.bargainsf•-it's "up t you
-to accept or rejet'`t them.
he righ
are for Men's Clothing & furnishings ''1�
Poor -Voter on Election Day.
The hi -nig mono high ;
Tottiy. 1st eid7 year
A king of
The.nanieleom and Melina
My prelate 1s -the neopie's
,%Vlio eery*. today noes tne. obit_
Beside 'ser'red obeli otand
..11fIce the brown and wrinkled hot,
-The gloved and dainty hand :
The rich to level with the Pent.
Tho weak is strew" valor
Aentsleekest twirls:loth eosin!. no more
Tortoy let porno and vain pretence
My stubborn right Abide
Agniten the pedant'. pride.
Today -iota sti?a,1.-4,,,ijeasa' try
TM- -tretigtli of gold and land :
l'he wide World lin- not Wealth to buy
The power lit toi'y tight:bond
Sehti t, Inspector Scutt, of
y of telt rep. ire his repast
ng connn
of Educe
f rad • sit upon I)r. Pyne
as Ministe on :
-If.an en ic_dlinillter of Educa. .
lion, nim of whoiks rdnld have
'teen obtai were placetd in rhatgt•
of the depart ent, it wonderful un-
pprovernent in ht have been mule.
The change in administration look
%V bile there...11bl to ocek redress.
'or balance to Minot.
, X% lieM Weigle! Wu living manbesdleerr
Than MatinnaiLliiesadseo
a wrong to aweepkwar.
Up !Chatted howl awl ragged mat !•.
The Lofty Pyne.
limed ford EN 00.11.0.,
One ran easily imagine` the Ontario
Mininter of Ediscation at. the chew of
11111.11fIrt 11111 Iletienefl the aggregote his visit tu one of the .edoc one! in-
-tete Anll the number of seal* obtain.a.„,atitutionn of the Province missing
—raw scholars After this fashion : "Now.
Icy emit party. 1V here any tinfairnese children, pm 'nay apt to the de tand
Maikiithe Outlook Broad.
"le it rept it crime," welted a speaker
nt, recent meeting of the Ontario
wast nut tit deal juitly hut to,46ve the Edneational Apesociai , "when eight
Calisiereatire party An auffair advant- mit, of ten boys on this continent ate
to make their living with their harnle,
to tarot, or bend theve boy,' all
thronkh their educational lite away
from the vocational end of thek
,schnoling If the speaker meant
Chet education should have a very
p.m to exist. Mr. Whitney
we Maw given enough- instance. to
convince my fair-minded Man that
the porpose Alive rt•disti 'bill
• The atietatatto stifle the voice of thei
people 'hosed and thee.* whiglifee
fair milord(' register their vntea
protest • the Wlitistnej
Summer School '
June, July and Augu t leads into
our Fall Term' withou any break.
Eater any time, _New Catalogue
free. Write rgr it t y. Cen-
tnd Business College, Toronto.
.The largest, most reliab of its
kind if►dicatc.l (wing placed 1 the pos.; has ,'ren changed 411.1 til it ho• ha•
iti0n probably :t " r•eincnmp a nt per- hren enable(f to roll up his lseast4.1
,n could not have hewn ,a• ted. majority. 13ut things have Again
Ins wh., knew practically no int; "changed land iteliratin point nut
a lout. whm•ational rnattet•s- or • t• that the g,ae1 tiW Lit :ti principle, -
I h14e seined systrte ..f the 1'rovinc that are nativ.• to the (' .r non chars,•-
w chse1011 fordhe position." er will show`tlu•atscle •e • this Orr.
c n_ dear the. eirr• 1r7 -n - 111e 1111e
ten, St obey and
return 0 their
hey have 1 aide
of their yw t era theta t a iia - `
o,f'.luc a Kellerman-
nl townehtps of Ste
1) Is wood. .11u 2. The eutupitign''Hac will limo?, tau
in nth Huron . Krieg vigorously tine I e now that.
'carni tit' by the candidates --Menses. -candido
Kdller tan- and kalber. At the noels- the versa)
illation t Hensalt sen Monday the 1.11..
e idatr':.ulr a :woo 1 t o r. Gavin able
1 fa a ( 1.
intprcess ,n to those present and pg.- -Genet
'ape his opponent, MIs. Eillh•r, mat Investigate An
Ilnd nut t t the Ii.linK that hats bxe•n� art, covering'• in
w, mkiltully - I(rrr)•naandeend for him Prof. 1►orruwond
may nut be what' easy task to eaptner - are HOW worn on over
ter all. ' t is true teat et the last ell denies in ail statin
t'Qvituial e.
qtr. .ilberfa u '
islet wise 1
d to is being
his leant r) tn,.n
Gere •elft,
Monday tit t th
fight of his life
ing returned
in bygone elee
ii.t err wrist
r•tttfld ev'!! .l
n Who .Are bard. f
set for yourselves tit
Ilse acid 6111111,1 .\
patent- tern
i,1eN1 heads by
of lite. le
Lion. cunt yearn ago, this' p rti talar trtetnre he usable. -
jorily was a Targe 11118, 11o11 to i rfr t t : las light As feather
It Weill, measure uw.' 1' a i•tsre 1 µ1j11.
a.phlptler man among ; ler conned\jus:. 11r pour mw
who are nnslly of (-they make env man i, )k ten
rot he -will find next' Younger. hreiJes the' It otertion
is a 1,1an just _as lgs't it atarrh, colds, tjeuislgia.
he person of Jl4 t►IL i teals Anil seat- thou :at mewl
ill give 'Lin the!II't'urwlaav,Joni. ilth.. •
p,1r14ti. This lid•'
ruta•r of i'r,1•, I _ 1 Mr -en arrow into the str; •
ilaert) iurnllh.r I) �ttell to earth 1 know not adore: •
yj{I darwlltblrtr ratite and faked a reale .
\. , va(a .a• t alae 111. Jer t'y row.
ata`lwe�n—+4rte8HtMa.ronyttasuthealr.• --
ity�xtmot► 11 tell to earth 1 know nut when.
K Till ti lir,u mote and gave met a langu-
r of things; tic hast it in hi. pftonognepll'
only fly. his tong,
his countrymen that t
$2.00 a d $2.50
people than /ter o
There nom, be it ren+on.
Special colirle for Te
Summer Session For
other. during July and Augnot.
The Clorious
f JOy
Remain+ open throughout the mummer. and
many ot orient. enter at thin time. We have ri
ter at tendanee thin year than vet before.
rad nate.. readily mecum lo
t for handsome cant It pays 10
t•se. onge end Alexander rho
IA,„ihe lending humane mean* school le
erect trnining on f!ortimenlal
writi*, and Commercial and Itivilmad
1.04 .t intent in writ lam.. Our 'nut nate*
al wayo otuered. for nut entiroco are the two!.
Oct mir free fletAlOgile and learn wore about
(1... Von may elltePeOW.
Pt incite&
odeffh, brit
"The Healthiest and Prettiest Town in Canada."
MO AY, JULY 13th, 1908
The Orang
cerebrate the arm of South Huron have decided to
(turn). teary of the Rattle of the Boyne
oils and pretty county town of
at Goderich. the f
The Om en o Goderich have the matter
well in handl. They pr tose to make the event a
monster, 4p -to -date, old -ti e Orange celebration in thes
' pretties:I town in Canada no will have the assistance
\*-litthe,eitizens generally.
ixcellent railway facilities with the G. 'I'. R. and
,iticonvenient intersections, and iite new C. P: R. line
rom Guelph.