HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-5-28, Page 8JO -
t3 - TnPttenAy, May 244, 1908
Knox Church Congregation Record Their
Esteem of Rev. Jas. A. Anderson.
1)11 ring the
week !ley. .1. A.
Anderson passe&
t he twentieth An-
uivet++itly of 1ht•..
slice 111, 111
1 pastorate
t f his pbwl late
1111(1 the oa•1a.i)1u
41•401 11111114 •041 011
the part of the
mist 0) Ile .4 I)-
' view of the .past
tWt•Ilty years ill
the chtllch's,hietory, and 1)11; the parr
01 the congregation by the prrse•uUt-
ti011 to their Iadovr41 pastor of au1 ad-
dress of appreciation ar•colup4Iuit'd by
a dinner het of N4106(11I chjua and
articles of silverware. •
On Sunday Mr. Anderson took r'4) the
text 01 his morning sermon the words `t )1n tiabtwth school :old 1IIbit' ) 14$$0I(
(live au imeount of thy sitwwardship," I anti Y
oung People's Society, our Mis-
sionary Ili:", Thar :((r w1414y paiwst;o•s sionary Auxiliart, 1.:ulirs' Aid and
in' Scripture. he slid, "wluch afford
us an opportunity of balking h:o k.and
in upon ' elves, ancloonsiderir,g how
it is with us ; 4)l' 1101ing the changes
that have (xcuntd in our history,
mud whether these 11.141•441,1 ended 11r im•
prove' or impair our'nridition 141111 I'M'
4. cun)stithees. "horn Lire ,also suitable
wasting in which such an examination
may profitably be nuubr. The errs.
rut p:lss.yte and the tuatara n•ainal
are -both a daptea fo-lhs end. Some
of you a'4' aware thte.today-oJuses ate•
other year td our relationship ars pals -
tor and people. Twenty years h:/vw
now'pasNesl meaty, and we new enter
upon the twenty-first. 11. bee as us
tit) remember allthe wet is which
Lordthe Lord our 4444'/ link' lied Its these
twenty yearn. to sea' the Ibtin,-t'rs we
have escaped.. the .sorrows 11v Tutoe.
suffered. and the trials staid watnder-
1!g. of our earthly, pilgeiesnae: to.
ether with the jugs which have leen
ours to exp oiirutxe. 1 would seek this
morning 411 s1 11 lip your ulemirry of,
the past, so t11at411tilt' revlrw Nab
tOU and I may be 'encouraged and
humbled and 'urged to' live nearer
God. -
Mr. Andernru first endeavored to
impress upon the ds of his people
that thet each. slrstlaitled the charac-
ter of n, steward, and as sung) an 1111=
- portant foist wait committed Lothian :
that whatever .putt, ordinary or ex-
traordinary, whatever power• ability
or capacity for doing good Wia2 giver.
to them. the) were i4) I to minister
the same One to another. accounting
n t masters but stewards.
This truth was enlarged upon, and
particularly sti•w,aldship in iib rela-
tion to wealth and fiches.
grown to he during thew• twenty
yea►w, we believe that you have ever
'driven te keep before you the loftiest
'fives 111111 highest aspirntiuu4 of the
true shepherd of the sheep, having in
View the fact that the dot• will eOM4
when you will hear the Master say, t Fye (1!.U01rp 4) hili tom Toronto .b
• (jive au account a 111y M1Nwal'dahlp ti1M w;"'f''
('liorlges many have taken Oster araridiii r MrILouleu V"‘"
w r vi -iter 111 Uwta3u
thin all you have had to takea large ty.t wee..k,
share. Amid nut' join and • ruil-
1n 's 11 a
I r e • sickness and 1
LII 111 1 • ..
r Ieuart
to naw we. have found in you u con-
stant . and symist heti, friend: • In.
ever% depau'tun•w of the i'Llirch'i
WOO: you have lent it wady lined:
Ihr board of 'luanagelw would will -
acknowledge that 111415 have
Ilt'ru relieved in no .1mii11 measure of
the menden of dolt 411X1) for a num-
ber of 74.11) , rfated Ilpinrthe• conj(rngo-
tiou. and that relict has come through
the e{forta pal forth' lt you in
their behalf. full plea/1w1. you
canvassed, you en.0111aged, until now
e /set is comparatively light.
XJ11'•+ It. 1•iwtbr. wit. In liuelph la.) week.
„.4141U4(1 1splti waw upfront Ton 4W f
.10.1.4411 Neale vis. SI the old tonne nee
et the'
The maiden's of Auburn and l' lin ton
1:the but )vdek hear/ with deep regret of
the horrible and untimely death of a
former etwideent of the Hese n entlunrtt
`lace, Miss :Sarah /lowed: dal)g htrr of
31(x. Margal4't Rowed, ./f 1Naidou, and
NIr1 )1
Militer r lieu. Edgar Rowed. K t tel, of
don, fat•w 1
11:1.4) nl
l t 1 Trunk 'lei
+Igrtt at Clinton. The unhirtuliiate
yo1111g woman, who was a nurse in
Viet tri.► I+tldpitnl; London, MC01111-
pa1lieft II two He'i'r r, Mies M. M.
lutherlawl and 1 Mules Cowan. wits
th'f4ing to Uor•hester to visit Rev.
,las. Gilmore, who w•a4 ill 4411(1 who
dies/ during the night, and had just
reached the Edgerton s'e'at crossing
41.11411 4)114' Ilutreivr.l n train shunting
towards 11heu1. Ii her terror she
jumped directly in front of the train
and her body wits horribly mangled.
The occupant* of 111rr carriage crossed
the track in safely.
Whiting. '
-ic lieu'' 4
lit Siad r i1) Mil n
Y t nu
the 1).•t week.,
11144" .4)111.•1.4411 war touted Iron Exeter for
Mr..ua1114' w,�ai iNlltIrsrnt qp (ruin
'shun Mwalay._.�__
11411.''. A. t'i1.14 nit elrned to her -Fled Nt
but11(11.4 011 Jlorahg•. �,I
4' 114. Sli t4,Nt rick' lilt 411& T1111, lay 1111 N 11NI1 to
hi. .011 nt Prot -wit, A)t14.
11iN 1'henwo l-unnn1311putl c i.itcd in pru..ot'
or few tiny. timing the week.
.1. 1I. Itoilert.on, of IIarrlsW11 high .clN,ul•.
bran i'1 town for Ute h0ly1uy.
Mi.. tatilt,Upp. th►. Iver united ft n liwlt Of
1'tlMI N'tleilt At.
t' w
"e tilltutt tart. ,
Mor Mi'iie aleVo4lr.pa•III a fen dry. with
friers!. at ('belay the nowt week.
h. IJ..1)eer. the atonal agent of the White
MINT ((1111•: no. 113,1ON1, this .. eek.
114., .141.4. Ihtrrick, o`er.itur at the l', l'. It.
t)1 ',1, Society Have always fou 1111, 1 °Me`. intoning in ttuMwle thi. week.
pun an ally W hone advice It 1114M Leel)1:. H. 1'1111 and faintly And St•Ewen broth-
el•veut the '11111 bud '51'111)' 111Nr•I..
safe to follow, and whose co -opera- T. '1., ('1 4.4 of the liulk of it Oltlttlere..14.111
lion hitt t•ontri111tea1 ill (111 1411)1111 dr- l'ic'e/i14 IL.) At hi. home 111 I',lrkki k
gee l4) their success, 1111(1 1l,1W W(' Thr )li.,..'. Alice and Id. -Hales N'crr 4101114
'(141+11'e to show in :4 14tngilde form 0111• (rout Toronto for Murnlny.ua1 M.nda),
npp11r4[110n of you and )•1n1r ftuuily: Mel. M. Turnbull i.,utendhtK the nit.•li114. of
Thr Irad4er 'All on behalf of the cDIT' the -)11.41 u! Hurnr, in L1 44.. thi+Nark.
tion of Knox oluirch ask 7011 to lite• 1:4404- fiend. M . e4'• h, late ore
k home or her friend. �i:. Smith, in l.uekuua.
kindly 41twenty
setin'rho. G.114,:lf Walken-111', 44. lit town for
cuuu)101nOrat) of [h, 'went • •ri1r$ Ihrhulid.. turd waw he.t•til
, 2 k L ) Ylrvtf:j.�e. the
afe'1•ct('O"you /rave ,;'ten this emigre. 4'3,1
gation, an(1 alaxl�hi. a,ih'011v 10, ,411 uli crepe r:• lute of 4an14 rt h, hr. 1,•en
r1111444111 Of 1110 strong tie Whirls 0x• 11.11' w Ila• -trill of the Ha14k of C0111111. -let
las letween 114 4)w panto/' anll People. w. 1446', alio ' 1- laking .i;„1111'.)•.11'4'111),
Standing'sus we nowdo at the portal V. \„ .bra- with liwierieh frie-nd.., 1'ioWnn
of tiler year of united, service, we' I o.
take (11e word: of Prances 1{idles 11i+. 4a.hinatoM 4'4) 1')ay•.r.M.4c. lli- t eros,
1L•1torgat, and make thrid express uur #'•e :y few day. al Hrnlilt xt du,1111: Ihr
day. Mr. 31141 ales. Ueor h Melieitsie, of wilIy1�[
•'I h,t*ant then and tear_not... ehiklrrn of the lane, were Ike elk..', of Mr, It. W. 16'Komde
hr waM•k.
Fur Hi.,wvrslash. wort. 1/044+ pa*. patinny. .•duNllg t
Rein irir un His pnno.e %lint 4)14)1• we to fear?'
4,011 i. all-saalrleut for the ,•yrublryatt•-
MAlni.ltux•T]\'-tnwa x, \.eek_
Pr•sidrul. Mrerrtar).
Mr. Anderson, who was il. Irletd %
taken by sur•pptrlrtt:. not .•havibg had•
the faintest iok'ling of the event, w1)+
fartwilhstanding 2'rn happy 1,4 his re-
ply and profuse i11 his thanks. Mrs.
Alldrrw111 N'rw th,• recipient ipient of a box
of e4at(uilieenl roses- and entsnatlons,
theo u t ,
K f •I1. and 111 s. George Stew-
art. Her response hater in the et41f=
411g Was a 4)oca1- 1ad., •'('once 1411tty
31e,' accou)paaial to her daughter
t htustola•1. Brief addresses were
trite!) l) Rev. Jas. ,Haulilton, 11. A.,
of Lrrhurn and I'ni.ua(hlirrl4 Rev. (a.
N. Hazen, 11. A., of North street 3ltih.
"diet church, Rev. H. '%'. 11i11vlud. 11.
A., or Victoria street Metlwdist
church, 1teK•: C. diff. Joints,' 44? the Its p.
Then reviewing the passt. score of fist church, Uc. Macklin, or of
years, Mr. Anderson e
r4)on said : "On the
..ted of 11ay, 144+T4, 1 was inducted in-
. to this charge by the Pr'sh71ery-Of gratulattrl y terms of loth, pastor and
Hu101) a4) assistant and colleaggr to;poop e. After lite doxology was ming
the late Rev. ,
114'. L'rn.
' t '
At the
and the benediction onouncesp, a
Lreburn and Union church, G.rdrrich
township, were aMwa•iittetI with the
.charge: For three Teals all but two
,pionths • this collegiate charge •con-
tinued. When b . L're through (ailing
-and uncertain 'health found it neva'.
s*ry to retire .from the active duties
of the ministry." NOTES OF SPORT
• Here, the speaker, who lard alleay$
n 1"
the, 'beauty a'd catholicity of hi
spirit. Iwsti,w•ed ft -glowing eulogy o
his 'rneluory and frankly atduutt_-,
that much of the success which had
attended his Own 1i1'nibta'4y was
owing, under the lle•asing 441\ (fol,
to thggood, solid foundation bud bat
h, 1i.. Strang. tutu B. A. 1.1 )
and Alex. Saunders.. All spoke i11 cline
rl'1444011 of social iativreMLrsr ions en-
jl•yed, and individual I•.+ngl arida' 4:'1111
were extended to Mr. and Mrs. An.icr.
don. and the people had 11,1 ,'.gicirtnn-
ity of vir4ving the beautiful .,.,d scr-
viceall• gifts
a'0nrinueel flmil page 1.1
reed the - runners. - -Trophies and
prizes of the value of two hundred
donare were offered. The next semi-
annual event will ie 11e1o1 on Labor
Day from St. Ala' y. to Stratford, and
ha1T (parted wont, . in the pr'sedt+l= it will 14' u 4'n. u, the Province. Those
ion of (iosjwl truth. I who flnir+hrdl ,were : -
%Viten i.reburn and Union church I N. McougaH, Porterti .11411,
t4 disjwne(1 froin Knox church. 1 b.:4){,
. Anderson assumed hill control of 2. 1), Frawley, Straatfonh I. 111,
Present charge. on the lint 5*11- t. J. those. Mtratfort, 1.0i.3il.
in Apri4, 14441. Thr results are t. P. Barrett. Mt. Marys, 1.4 1.00.
:r. H. Reynolds. Mtr;ttfoL47.Li
' -Item. Atter/cal. 1.:11.:11).
7. 1V. Net herc4,tt, St. Mary.,• 1.51:111
5. 1). Rows, St. Marys, I.51.110..
!►�T..1larks, Stratfonl, •2.4,1:4)).
lte els -
11. f1. (•anlplwll, rat ord, 20b.3t,
he partlahl presented in tabulated
`fdrtb-:--Huring thews tvrenTT y
wits t , e privilege of the session 1,l re-
ceive 'nto full-eoinmunhrn With the
church 1.141 persons, iki,j nn /Mulls•
oion of
the same
the coin
by death.
burial list
their fool* and.. 4311,b% -
nn Other churches. - T)urhng
were removed from
'union rill, of these 1441
Other• augmented the
tv-. er4. At ('creep,1} he
at (*.df, •/pink a
'hitgRnis *were. udniinist,'14.d, $i
tiring of adults. There wars paidout 1.)y
the congrrgatlprl 411 themetwodr-
cedes t e set
scheme/4 of the
117 adding the c
benevolent and. 1i
'-toGtl eunti•ibutiun
tion lllll note'/ to a
111•. Ahd.1'wln referrer/ to awn
things whirl/ partir4alarl) . #anpt'ea+errl
him : First, the large 1111 y•il)rr of ag(MI
profile who ata' - now\ Atone. 1 tt her
venernhir forms- -hat.r\ taketr-'tfi
dares, Int the proportion ter'.`
M than tWenl.4_yeart 1111(44, •114)-14044,
•r were right rekhg4. in the seasi 1 ;
nn tvof there trots refill) hr'.paiiies
tau, A lex;tnder Straiten and
ileheN: - 44n the Scented. ref.
there Wrrr then nine• : only
of SF41,ars4: for
church $1)),1111: and
ntribution, to other
igiou) objects the
of the oniere•git.
J antes
four -of
Poe are now 1141(1
Strang, C. Rl' ww1rn, It. R.
and A. Sant 14.7•, ml. sft
c•leased ecir •v 'f tll7 diff
orgarti'xtions (if the shine11`:, SPM/cal
reference waw n111414' to the Sabbath
wihool and 1i111,' t•Iass(M. In clbsi1)5.
•the preacher .•aupha 'zed the \troth.
L'nt t stewat'dship. will (avr an end.
an -'urged upon all the i a)rtanceof
indii' dotal • faithfulness, a •n in that
which s least.
that rums 'Inthe eon
in comm uoration of the a• ; .ion,
had heauli 114) decorated the p pit
and platform ith as rich prof+rsin11 if
The tion.
On Tue•slay. even ,g n pleasant stn'•
prier awaits.' Het'. 11, Anderson
when. on going to nit • id the rr,gnhtr
'ousting of the Christ n Endeavor
Soviet c, he found t lie spat '1111M heelers
('111/111111 I"' -"Mien of 111.• .•./114(11.14:1.
0041. 1l, waw reli114 :it ell to 1 nen the
sleeting, and t hen to allow lir tivolg
to relieve b4-14#-t4--4Ire- 4erficr- atter
chair. The chairman suited that 1 •v
hail listens/ on the previon, Hittite's/
to a111 ace -mitt oftheir410t./t'.
steword.hip fur the,
pas/ twenty
years, 414.1 Ihr congregation fell that
it was light that they dhurfld make
Menne response.. 114. t hrll'invi('Il 114'4.
11'111iam. 1Carn,a'a, president of (be
1.11die'. Aid 14.'. -re . ,' tr.t re ittitfnt7ri,
and she retelllrr fittion Ing address
To TN, 1h•r...1..4t Andrrwu, li .1,•'
1►r:1i4 I'* 4Tr111, \1'e• ate1.•19'41 !Pule' 4 )
Mere Oris eyrni 45 fol 111e cw44 Ivor., h1431erith n 11 -
...pose of taking note ,.....1"--t he onward M1111111111I'7'
mar(4) of 4' enty read ago '1•wu-11144•hit• 11'r,,trron. sit, Ike
IAA 5,11111'1) 4)4' 344'1, 144144, the hit, IMyiol'. Stolen Iw1Mc', 51i'M41•
Pir.l'•Tetr• 4'f Hn1m Mrands+/ 'Oil tan. Elliott ,21. 141'.'Il.,I' •+iii. Nichol-
lnl,1 -charge a'. assistant a'114 col. on .21, Ihouh1. play. T+'1• l,, Wig'
16,,,m,,. 1' the- 1.1.. /ter. A►r. C('4,. 111 Kite. to Nicholson. Time 441)1 game,
Jur c)1ur.+r .1 t' r soot paean/.• Mile I hour In /nines. t'Jnpire;\FImer
pastel': 1134!1 Have continued in this I M.n)ie. Attendance, 210.
responsible position until the ptetent. - \\
and now it is the wish of your vemgre. Endeavor 144 1e courteous to 441d
gation, thrtosgh the medium of 111e lifopre. for colrtexy is the oil. that
ladies Aid, 10 4 .;Mess to you their 114ak1•s the machinery of life work
*p )reciathnl .41,11 esteem. - smoothly
Inpthe prepxtrotil)n of your pulpit Caller -••I am sow -wry pour mistress
'•`-snilltstratinn, in particular, as well as is nut.' no you think she will 1111 at
4n l'rwr latorIous ditties es Duane or hrahle this ereninq;,?" Maid "She'll
tie larpg .14 congregation as 114092 bee have to 114' ; It's ,1)y night oda"
The Iroquois Away Up:
A one•,ided game of Is4i4e4b111 was
played at the; Agricultural grounds on
Ira nf-Vtctorla Day; s mg
at L: it -a. t1)_ Tae match Wrue
the lr•ekpl.lis and the Shrilurnrka and
th, sror.• Was .N to 1 in favor of the
Iroquois.- 'The player* MOTO-"an (01-
10514 :
• Irti,gl u+. }4111•41
catcher "1'1111 h \w'eIl• .
r. FAIw pitcher H.• M., M1e1 •
K. IM3,, • lmt 1,- - 1'. paucity
-Dore 1•l.+t1 '__.. 2114 b, "11'.wI% 111.81,11
Harney Tholi, own 3:41 b, , .1. Inn le
'••41 Bow.Ikobb) Itrait
n. T wno•n4 L 1141 Lew Lai ellA
Hifi Beret g r. ne )il • Hu F•h boy
J. N t.i.• 1, hold F. % ens -
L1111.• tJ 4e Umpire.
Blyth 6 --Goderich 4
t'•�s1,-5lunrTay aAftertioosi at- the -Agri.
•4tU(`Tfiinri p(rinmds the I•aki•Side l,eay(ur
wits fo )" 4''ri openi'l for the v. awn of
113.04., Hlyth 411141 1141r1erich laving the
emtle4.ting teams, and 1,114.• it • re-
Mulii'g 411 4 h alo'1'r'eeore. The (*44)1,'.
14e1r4settivrrisitiler was III'4)Ibtlly ('4•-
tJ)e.141c*1 44)144414 41444.x1.
°or tik)ticricl4 long., I]art. Ni.•b4slsr►t )1n
nest' with ('r 1 ('r.nsplcgnitsa' w1 lib• 4'1,•
"of • 1i''blr and- 11:1 -gums 1'..
x1411 a teatime; 54's,tter\, I teen s I.
144lboed behind thie hat but nstar filled
in the breach't4l;,a nicety. For nlyth.
Within) played ,+p►rlt, while Baxter
11,•Ar'er, who rel4rvexlTanuan, pitched
well: • The (:eWMrieh tram is made up
o? 4)0r•1. young- players, the average
age (wing nineteen-. Elmer Jloore. of
Wingham, umpired very fairly. The
CP Mag art follows :
\fa lrrich a. b. t•. h. p. n. a. mac,
1, art 1. f. :i 1 •1 1 11 'it
('. 51., 3111 b. I 2 1 1
C. I leyttl), M. M, 1 0 1) _ ,1 t) 1
), T)wun i•. 1 4 1 1 n 1 11
5414 Il(5\114, '-'nal h: 1 H 2 1-.1 n 1.
11, a ho11N1. 141 1.4 1 2 7 11 11
1. 1' ter. e. 1 34 44 1 1) l
141014, r. f. 1 11 41 41 1. 11
.1. 'fait. )t. ; :1 11 u - a. 1
37 1 Pi 17 1 1
Mrs. Beck,' Mi-. Lyda. 14tk' 1414(1 .Lune.
41ited' ii, 14 uw1-WOk And; tega•1-u:1
doting -the nes*. - ••
iib-IMti A Ilall, of Iknruit, spent :i f,•14..144.
111 tuwJ,,, gating at 111. (.hula• 'of Henry RubelA.ditili.
,ono, 11 at+ rl.ar
1104- J' S. 1 Atria•, It :1,. of 1►nt)tolaand
rt hue- l„4{irr4e,; of Toronto ii -pita the old
home donna the we 'k.l
Thom. 1:444. of lit.'s' firth:' I•rorthMtdl fogad
in-pe,•tur, wWy,1 it• 1ptril during the we3.k eI.iI
i1)¢hi-telrtltc.J1r,1 '
Mr.. 1'tail turned tod'oel oh 'hie p1 6fIN
an ectrmfill vtdr7UTL Tarr r�atiyl+ t1 rn� "Mt.
l'.in w.w h. -re for 1'ietori. 110y.
law 1'.1141, 01 411:404 !rapids' Mich ..4,.,•
town the. week o44 bn.inv.• acid .hw1k'4. ,
w'1111 a 11 uulld•r of old (Hem!. white herr.
.1, l'4i t JoIs1*41 h 1*'t•u -4,siding the 4,
in 7•ta•ass-•-"4'}n q4' i e , .d
•Latae of IreLeinr -