HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-5-28, Page 44 Tsomoat\may 14; 1008 THE SIGNAL : GObERICHt ONTARIO trileitett by Misses Howard Mull d'art - WEST HURON ing, art Exeter, and Dyke, antidote b. TEACHERS. and an rxceljeot solo by Aline hark. t., of Galerich. Dr. `Itlwng answered the questions — _ in. the ques(i m drawer in his stat. • lucid Wanner. ,.tis ren. irk, were ANNUAL CONVENTION HELD IN listened to with pleasure and profit Irys• OODL$ICH LAST WEEK. { Midi » Goggin gave a rpt«naitI nadress dn.". a Ideals in 414:•1ucatiun." Ile held that- he pti)il .4 hetet is -horn ••ito en eltogeth f 4tD xe'nt w le troththat Tutt .which the chit! 01 ' sixty Yenta it Was 'hewn. In the present day a pupil's teaching showed le el towards sett-riiiptinivas well IS • Nell-developwent and the ut•huul' our. -- rouudings should be adapted to bring 1'he tliirty Irst•anuuyl meeting ot this Mout. He gave many itiustrie the Nest Huron Teachers' Awso'ia• thins t1) show how this 1e bring tion was. held in the Collegiate testi• done in welly of the cities of a Lute. Uoderich, on Thursday and Nei- ('ana(te 711141 the 1'nit ed Stat(el. day, May 2Ist and''''nd. lhir *clients, h'r said, had twee giving Tkt PR 91)AY tlun�l�i.. •vocational education, lull now our s4i•11(4.I34 should give industrial training President H. H. Long occupied, the because the condition.. in this country chair• - Minutes of last- seeaion of so. vatted. for it. Technical e•ducetiotf stitute in Exeter on May. Ytnl, , lter7, teed; Since Britain attopted technical were rod and approved. sdt c ,tion,. ,her exports had increased The' following COlnmittew wrote Si pee crdlt. in a certain time : Once Anne/Jae.' : Resolution - 31 rots r s . Eranee' adopted it her exports in - Lowery, McKey and Howard. Mild creased 2d per 'cent.: in Belgium the Misses Anderson and (ilrftery. Avid- increase Was 52 net cent.. and, in lung -- Meese.. Ross and Muscatel, Uttrulany 71 per cent. Germany. bee - It was tooted by Mr. Tont and see- ing given the hest system of technical sympatliyvtf this Asaociation he ex• stilted in I)r. noggin i , i• I �1 'wield I hs t reports RI'k' 1 gnu wo.e(el have ./nr . tended' to Mis. Hnravnlee hecaust• of I(IA k' the .trent .death ob. her hatsteutd. } I p(ivA scientific 1itetst*I aur the I.n er's yc k . 1-' ..T. 13. Browulea•, ex.prsident +if the eons inlet-.iftteiTetr ahem tftr hn�e of '' ' Slt1t!`�,'J1WEA! Ass.xtaGun, end that a committer. agriculture and tl mesa. sittetleil: '.tµ __ __._- • consisting of Mesar,. McKay, Howard the eel •opts. ,he would t, trefr'ulIthe • 9 Ter all e�rcial affairs and fist aaylytht fes..tions the Frock,Cuat and the and I)rlgaty,.he appointer to write a pupils in the same class for ono Yet". Morning Coat are proper. ----letter of rnndolence to Mr'. nrow•nlet'• Liu, nut for rix Month" its m wy (Metra. teacher should be the master -0f ' J. If''1igrtt, '14rulri .al i7f the 5 T'1 his. b%Ment and out inter his steles y Arc s ott1J ilkr to give yon or Mali yot' c copy of on; hook '• Huw J s a School, introduced the subj "Ail ..aster hint Ile closed this rogairks Men Shoo Dress It is prepared and w erten Iry the highest authority Ideal lesson,"'claiming that it should by payin •-a_. warn, but w1111-dt Oft men's dr s in Canada. -and we .cn 1 u tree of Arlie. -+ ne be bawl on the following points: It served triteate.lo the devoted life - should he assigned previoueiy, the work of the ex -principal of tfu' ti. C. ---- surroundings, a fowfvrfahle rorn1n. 1.. r. Strapg. • Foca C."dr4 t•t;.. y:'tl set x5 - •t•.. should be ideal, it should be pre -Alli went' -home feeling they had .t r.t ,rsi„q'S..;r m r';t--_ . tea taacher anti [tonna. it i.1 Id eptlnt )t pixy ttatlde evening. - ve unity, and be interesting. The ration of the pupils should be e and the questioning of the .'r vigorous. lb.. teacher should usiastir dud sympathetic, WTtile 'ng the end- in • view, the uer•t of elian:u•ter, 'ager. with Miss Ilouagh ,.s taker and t$2 was voted tow public wt..gave .u1 excl'Hent violin g touch t-.. the interest uC iEddresses by Dr. Goggle; of Tor. onto, a Princ.pal 1'eat..re of the Sessions Resolution ot Sympathy with Widow ot Late T. H. Brown. lee. I• "How Men Shorld Drees" --..r..� Iro=o0o==o9 ° 2 BARGAIN DAYS j 2 1 Saturday, May 30th and Monday, June Ist will be two great Bargain 1►,; t at this Store. Our Stock is altogether too large 111.8.1;11e Iinea_aud we intend to .lake pri •r: su low that r tit'. ' t wo I►.trgitttt-r61 '4' sales Hill retlece-it u shute lot. We niit only wain to reduce the lines i'efeirl':l to 1111,. idle %l'l►olo- stock .and nearly r•vl't:ything in the store will he at bargain prices --rm-thesettvb elm's, 1Y(' intend to make• three two tial', Record Bargain Days. (act here in the forenoons it' yin' ran, Sil ae to avoid the :thorn, oils' rush: 1:"meet Ler the days, 4 >t. ii at arty teac be en 1101 Miss . aeconipat L ilo; with the session A. H. 11. et, _ It. %.. of the ('oI- legiete ln.ti ite statT, read an excel- lent paper on 'Lower School Science." He held that tl ainut of te.tchiu4 this subject should •Iw, to interest the pupils in their of runyldings, hi train n sheet t'htlun at I sante ing avid h. greet definite kno edge err facts. In ati ilewiug these the . udy should lime animals and plants hat are of mite - tical importance to t e county, sod should le. -'conducted romperfume' •Isonation. This wt willlhe see - erode! -only Is the -stud is nettle de- -finite and of practical wo , h. Ihlpils ria}• iW induced to Iwgin . iginel ex- periments alai obeeryat oug the line i/ letrnce as related to 1k . if in- ducements an• held luta :old . wooer taught to eta r Collections of i in the first year and of plants i1 secimdear. - 1f these be care'. macre they 'will hate :1 good inguen in making the pupil's after life order'. Inspector 1'om it WI' others- ex prelate , their pleasure with the praper given and further. discussed the--sulrject.• Inspector Tom gave explanet' in reference, h of Ilek I ttnr ih •, e , Hags. model sobools, pn)feealinuxl first-class certificates. etc. He arrnpuuceilth,tt all school hoards wil'1 receive a picture of the 0. A. C. building at Guelph if they w III 'ntitie- and .hang it in the ■ _hoot. There -,were sixty -Ane • teadwrs present. THURNUAY AMTER'alt)\. Mr. Long delivered the president's address, on "The Teaching ofl'itiz n- sbip in the Public School." In elo- quent terns he held that though the home is doing is great deal towards snaking good citizens yet the school has a very important partite take in this regard. Th -e jstptl 1.hould there be taught to have a purpose In life, to be obedient, patriotic. honest, and manly, and to exercise self-control d ,wl1-denial. If these principles Alt taught, the child becomes in later yeathe highest type of citizen. Mr. 'eld, in an admirable addree. 011 "Ho to Teach a I'oenl," gave Rorie exce nt id.e.•i,1, showing thatahe study of lit at'yre a necessary to A proper apprecl ren of the language of classical writeras. To" illnetrate his views' he discalss Tennyson's $t. Agnea' Eve, saying t Kale' treat- tnent Was sensual Wh • l'entlyt'on's was spiritual, showing 1 appropri• triteness or 'erne to the lion of the religiutie devotee. its counter rt ' 1s seen in Si,- (:alah;ul. The to re,_ Iarigutege and fatiltleas wont painti of Tennyeen should Iw• taught. in the treatment of .The Epistle by Ili•1•wniug he spoke of the seeming ntewurity-of the port's write got and then in a lucid stantwr showthe Keret twenty -.4 this lt., Miss Hi- t,i'il Misst'e elAym delighted every/ tine with a nliuther of edited songs. Alf listened with great pleasure also' to a solo by Mia, McVI tie. I)r. 'oggin, of 'fermi ), spoke in a s right Banner of "N ore Study," lir held that:'N„1tur.,, Stu •' WAR but the "Ohje Lesson.," 'i_ t 'rty ernes and th "lhwednptnrnt i e sons" of . •r ,..inn. which were k'llel h3' their o • ter- tPC 14,1,144' it*,He thought ria only Was in the saute danger, and t showed that the - pur901) of 11441111•a s Y (* 4* pot-.- upil's mind deb si h train*. th e can enjoy life. He won like th c ild to name, not attire the chi I. Ile w•oiild ti t. Bake chill seP rwatnie in- himself. 1((. Would make nature' study prtttieal, and to Iltnetrett'; this he showed that not ,tnly'db the robins. orioles and d other birds .'.troy ninny injnrums insects, but of • 2.22, stweiulens el hawks and owls examined in }e United Stater. 1P4', per rent. were found to live wholly or in part. en injnrim a rnitectll `lice. etc. 1..ven t11) per cent. id the\ despised t•n)ws Were fm4{Iwl to feed upem three injoti• nus ct•Rttt)nes, '111AatPR-noon'( ('mel then ear* Aft ' - cele11l warn with remarkable power Yl)t a .dill. insrwelotTete mentioned a number of the changes in the school law, dwell- ing p*ttieularly upon the grant* and relnirrttoente nrrres,ui• to ohlain thew.11e .ahl„ that last year this county reweiy.s1 in the way of grants from tiovernhw•nt-onrcee:t. fnlfow•s: 4'Ntl).aY NMI ]IMi. - Semi _ --- ready TheAlwOdalioumet Friday. alineat the hour of n o clock, the president 111 the chair. Opening a xeceiscs Fere enndncted by I)r. Strain:. The Palace CtOthln 'The of $I was voted the care' McLEAN BR S• tt Store 61 .. GOUERICH,, ONT. scheme dewutweet-of the (LE.A:- - • The auditor.: report, -„.hotting it bal. � 7ince of $ i1+.Y•i, wits r)•criyet and Traeliiers stieudd Mavis e • *.o -u - fes•- nelitnt•es aadopted, ing n[ colors. Pupih should 'learn t 1 in t li there. years followiug ll Hjtr The election of-oflic,•rs w•u,e then ser their misiefs, use tl ir.colors, ,tori 11.4 year of -Lilies-el rule. 41. iild ha e pn..•iv,le•d with, with the, iolluwipg 51isa Mcl'allum', wet s of work rq ay b)IMw.a lutES, $It.S,t4lm, er an 4,•salt : Prradent...1. , W. Hogarth, don.' by pupils were goiw it coat' of $411.1 xk): ISasl, 441 })�II,t$41, nr Exeter : viee'ppresitletit. Mise Lt. 1. \Ii,s ilatrritt intrude', the Ktrlyt•ct an cream; 4,1 $71.113, 1107 *d11if,attl, l'nnuiughar 1, Brlhaa : serrrtuy-tvrAs- 14A usie in the Public Sc oils.” ors increnw• mf $ltkl,tsat o -i•r . what .stir, V. 11. Juhustun, lirucs firla : A vote of thanks was tel level the was as natty expended •13, these o- c •illors, T. Mustard, Port Alhert : (''rllcgiete Institute te,anl f r the•nse tier tea s,' So thiit when the !holm... .. Ileatty. 'Varna t G. %W. Shorn I .4f the ('ollegiate and to t- ose who ae hall icon inthe tiol .t Prnment's • �. y `tTai5it+iwMt : ,.fist -1Y, Howael. Ex. 1 rontributral.tu illurtwl:►y Iltttht�tl trete,.- t•tlmphMt *re analyzed. Owl, whwry eter ; \Ills V. A. %Cation. (.ehleri,-tt. ,.,.amore,.. - - •! - • clearly that, as c pared with of her rhie examiners for the petthe se'heul I The singing of the Natiorn/II A theist dep1et.ealta and expenditim.s, that tug exxwivaaiuua ate- Mia 1144 are 1 brought. a Must euccessfttl taint 1U_pf 91-1(481*,hoe hods it, ::.1.-Ily-nig- ti. Mien' :old .Vies Consist, a dose. levied. The •r.•fw)rt of the 1ewdntioit leant.: - - mittrr ens personated 1414 follows : ,. THE PRESENT DUTY. - --- •� ��• �'•" Krad4.et I -\- Again L•t u- make tee , omparison, is(rell AP held 1tattla raid itteialof the ex:lllh Rraok~What Independent Electors Can Do f, he ens -I: re-tatty!.The-total lexpendtune of the Province. 4''r : , • stnda'nls who page this rxarnination)11 What is' the present duly ' It n 1, It was $7.711,Isal: the expendi- shall lie entitled to attend ,tn • high t re...i. agriculturei44 Ilan . $ ' other rT } K weans onge. end the portent tion in i.. it $I1trt,'ili. lit IgbeP arhonl, leinl hatch In4Itihltr et eontinu= f n stronl rr .(11(1 the surportere of ,►1 ,1•, the total ex endiuire of the atiuu sch.wl in the Ymyiocr. tl • lioveruuwnt in the .. mete rnus•e s. 2 That popes toe set owthe follow- int a y • of ( 4nlo•1°v.Ttive mile 111, per re: t. - while lie expenditure on agriculture in the aun three Years iticreesernllly 7: per'- rent., Haul .the t ex- pended . It : agrirultute increase.. in pooportio to the general expend' of the Pro ince, the amount allowed for agtie'dt i7• butt year would hays• been, not , rs'.:417, hot f4c►t,IM41, mI R1 -t, 77i IIs 1 1. o {h .. an w, 1 act 0411 Yex• needed, and .1111 !hi, w•aulealur Cede • •CURTAINS WAISTINGS HOSIERY The uart SATURDAY and MONDAY, NEXT' MAY 30th, and JUNE 1st. lehis4veek noel 1"!u a our -lee (ii,-tniii ,-t.. L. %V,• emit 1„ •iwu "11 our whole Isar„ co. ;slip st1,11 .afore hl4twt•leta,irlg is "'tipteted .411.1 :111• ui+*l, l 4.1 i'•e. .4 figures (lett w11r.1 it, t ollfeziiYil rev ,w•ha1 w e .r 11• long. I hen l 1..1'g••t to t 1114111. Mwe (1(11' t•'at•glaln %% al"I 1111,.. I.1g 114.111.•;..•11, Trp, Til.lil�• r.-1 %V.• IaAvi, the Ranee 4 'gawk of ('soon 11 -.r we e14rt• o4Tete1 iii Bbu'k, Tan and White. Ash•.. •r eau tier 4,(+liett'-hreee.'2•ywyt•s 44. , .ruts. 1HCo1bcrne H. Lio=====:=0 �e 'eeaw+r 4 --- pATgtl`'llucutn:•nt argues that the prta- Rrnt timer 'tit is doing " t• for AKI'ie)IIlnre than its pn•dte•essuIe. , .,&g4w, a4t144w4gh 1ha 44444'4•4M'-lttie4.4T xpsuxlilure on agric•illtn a fleets Ifttnl to 10117 is lint 7; -cent. i while•(n t r I intervening two yews, the ,arnetmf Was ne- ualiy letee. it will be found that the cost of civil goner •n ncr,ased In per cent„ charges on Crown lands increased tiff per .rent.. miscellaneous Services increa.e.t 12 per. erne. cwloni- zetion and ' 'grr�atiun mrtea.wl 1111 ter cent., while the athnunt paid to eg tl hangetawaa . - . ta0verninent inereaset 21$' per nt. - l'he (iovrrnment,ur� appP:al,)o lhr •'lee -tot- ,ltd Mak, fn - . apoor,' deal." }lave the (ioyernme t t11r hlarelihowl to sly, in 'the fact•-o� the foregoing figures, that they, dura g their tenur:' Godctich 0 O 0 of uf111•r. Lay.• .' 11 all 1 ,a-•,•• , t ;ir'• uul .yu.0 a viii•' ' wooL She i IdJlgn.ull l\ ' 1 inn hod 4111 linen- • 4neq to kiss ,u.'. He fiat it W.I.-WI 'Wiriness : it w14. LOOK Bring All _FRUITS o E.S LLOYD'S Branch le. Highest Pnces Paid. H. to of HERRy BOXES BAS ' TS we can supply. r wants. RIES Z LtOYD'S' rlonster Excursion, TO pendent t6 (to4ernmr.i, would 1111 ince iniaraarid in the three year* i .ubects of the course: reading. e ' J g• not are been -amu •nttecl•ttie, and writing. spelling. arithmetic. gram- sonle,things'Would not 11141,• ecclirntl t•, composition, literature end grog'- which have brought discredit npw•n IIIA•. .r the P4'yiric,-. ' That tea t .rf this examine.' It 1 ana • M t r duty i t !t f al f'1 j S all. a t•Ial. And i. tio 144• considered connection drt•ed in even term withl,n 4• neer a iter. . • , t elect and,• rr e r n Irnt the chrr's esti c u e tat f the inrepresent• , i4r.a ( •r K, and [.turn areally of the • upil in each ',object. strun,t.'nnd capable Opposition. It 1. at the mark regiiit'ea rhes -will he it calamity should the Opposi- ing he 1 per rent. on_eaeh sub ect and I tion not be able to n, ft tha• G 014 w.Prn• 4411 per cc, , on the total.' Ment mere with c.intion and give the - J. Thgt one half of the ►necks in fullest information upon every matter liter tore assigned on prescribed which it lir rage to the attention of the work and at east one-fourth of the House. Thwcleee of the, seselon .wit marks in arit uwtic be no meehani- n.ss4d a rapid degener,ttirin in thea eat work on th oursiulple rides. Government. Their dirt44 have'sheen 6. Thitt it d ailed curriculum u' suspicious, Andthe Province should he the work in the subjects be drawn en the watch. - up fa.' the Priivin'e, and ,.tat lural fir. %Vhitrity'.appealed daring 4 he authorities 14r ela'.w the prit'ilege of IAsl--t'Anlpaign . for Lettere) aid and extending this emu. . by including received it. There is as •gl)rid reaso. certain optional saihj els in accord -I now to appeal to inde. dent Con- note with stmt lit stun 'chiahatt t)e ItsTS wtivee D-rtipn"dt en wappplied.• ,). 1'o do so Will be-in-in:t clauses 1, , 1, :, and 41 w v ado(i adopted intkrest of the Conservative i and Nn. 2 with the. AtneoLt -111 theta., of 41(1 the people: %h•, \Whit modified course in history t -•,led. �'thrt'ecliri itilirpendenee. It Fe it H. 'W. Nall. secretary of the Per 40 t, l) ate tin, on this subject._ public school' lissom!, Historic •, all- - Mail mid Empire, tepwttitag-haw--lis, reseed the Associa(icin in as ight sell uia•etiug of .IAnusry S. Ilse.. eat, and pleasant Way en creoPerati,c `ire•. "In an eloquent plea fir the. s1*aki.- tween teacher and trustees. It t As 1141' of party shaarltlr,Rnd the *.sectio_ notable that lie Wats the one who a - of the people's right to vete indepwn•J• yocated incniaeted-._salaries for Ile entry of pelt tiers-wheir-I he err,asinn teachers nathet• than a teacher. He j1 thought nn heir teacher should '[e. Ilreat Britain fnrtydive tie fifty peri vete! less than aldol,. and that -if she c ,t. of theentill. .•keT,.1at•'Mimed to showed her tr'stee+ that they_ ate- r e - be ragged a,t tit 1. Iris.,. Wheejs_trf a rieiving :i4 cinitpabushel for their oaat,, part leader who had tel fe itret their .instead of 'Li rent. as he did a few• eon fl nee. Theta the ,.!rifer t1I of -a years Ago the sdery w It1 ,take rare Ester tient encs a nwirt.r•I of wrnng- ef itself. • --- doing •.t ualadtnini, rat i.9 Wit swit't Dr., Goggin then took up he subject And nth% hanks to It, independent of -Heading." He gave hie own attitude i 4 atn•i.t mass .'f the m' had which h claimed ser ole etx,rs. ' us 'it' .'was. that --talar nt'- exce nt one and wen t-jte to toiled musphere of '44 444 polities was kepi ti1to het% pro tit felt he h, trot •lla;aays pure a Warori undefiled. retell if 104) high. Anel it was this (Weiler 'sanehipj, �(Th - . ggllt�sald tfi,at wirer the )y tat maT,l • at Anted o the fart of ftvg,. ytiers -. 144aes tri'-Aehool--4 c Lind tie. ferlitir* :itniompII re. -here teacher should lied oil what the 1e, was not kept. Fere a d cleat• tel en- knnwl its the fleet • place. and then defiled." what excites . Ki• eurioeity. The %When 51r. \White • dens ace. --- te4clier should then ;.Lath, his method p.a;tie,tnehi44 everyone k its -41 ihi 1 he to hetet, reading t.. the`Jnfill. ?)r. ie riMhl. T':irti'..u,1411' n I,t 1101 •h (noggin diel nM en r'• w, 111111C1.1\41114' the sa•.rt• Ih.• true Ili:.•n•4Im , the nwthlwl ,ulopli'J, 11. long its th,-.K e41 ince,'The..poi tt 1-)stc4. a 4u4 teseher was behind the method, 'iwt red enlist( a yiger'inre O4 • sit inn. he would Arius, the buy's ,oleic+T-Intro Itim and or; other °cc/Isfiii' ninny the words taught As soon ate it f:4it• .Itleel'a'aljl•es W4.1 1 (toe to nay. nnmlwr of word -here - taught he T will it,4. fail • Melt.: livery it:: would introduce phonics. nics. Atter wnrde end - tel t here are lis ort ao ft ul M. would intrude •.- bright stone, to :a Metes -4.4.4y aapfw+i -.4 to mouse nrnnse the ehild's inteeest in reading. ea1114414911 he party 4l0w 141 pow - Dr. O. ggirl', s.t1ii•e,ltt this A,socia- when 1:- eta ere the present iatai-t= tion meeting rani' ihilted very fillet tine will p eret•1 • that the same sewe- r the pli•*Kure and profit . of All who of duty will e.,rnpel hien to -labor for •nded• wtr,orr;7ot.l able 4)j4ltlaeition. Thar in lu Pn4y v .,.:exs its. - is l'rnvtnee, which e• all love—V:_, well, there innyy be the t ulminis- �� s 0 Th'e thin, it ththeforenoon session 1tath in of ,i, lie-'11aire 'tel, the w mut (I!,,4 esystemof government by 'patty can I��^ o One n vntdanca treolliaion session of pr„vide.--It.eY. D. l', Hctenack, passed during the ops In• Ale 'WO • the tnetihrte the follow letter of that yen' hen Pleased When you condolence was sent to re. H• HOW MUCH FOR AGRICULTURE ?'\reme Ii.'r.• .1.113' 4'onfectienery. irownbt•, Bnyth•h1 . Tette'. von Mid youro'll Int• ,1 eK MRA. MOORS1.. we the Ira'her. p11, . __tw awn pl omit pr'pneitione, fsiallowa.jK i. II, n. .\. I.. Mat:. • t',e�Cl'% and PRICEM 44......n.nr.e arn'f,m '411414. ha} 1�T ng ,i'na..l wrth'b•i•r ny '•1 of ,r bad lo.. du hat re ti ti, the 1 lectin•. dealing ' so 44!' I 1 that you'll.re•f,114. to taco t,flrirslln ,t,..,1„„,,, 1144 our bellied hue with. r •t A•haflt/lel of the I/e•fr••ttt. , perketl he..—anti lennt:ife- lt•1' 1s5trr.1 1 ' poi one yinlrww4rT1) Tri Bonn of At n n' )eau s44 of lictk114. 14 1'.le Mr. Ilrownhx hoalr p1(4' )) f randy kll emit i Ile• an 4r 1 • twrhriw•r.d one Aw.waarinn 41,11 - t'nit.'r the h, - T"".Neel• rim Ague* t.k— em. friend r. WP�YO 'WWII 11th•,) with�a 4Wl,t. r 'f' ottler of iscas.na eultore." at poise I the .tan�)nigra bedding u r ti i ruttsIh4)i fire .Inry 1144 she •"S, inn of tar,. d1'r.MarPtlly d'qd” aulpllrt i. -lied Icy Ihr•. '' .conium g 1 n n Inn.. 1a P`•orn of inn d• ?balm14 ,i,. inn' _ �..- 1 ;tttdlew with these w nOtsf'twins .4 Rion who rntrth:.444 pen well andsryn wll is weight te' -.bow 1114* t ,I rt.r•nit Ante. t 7.f at/lymph( why ,.,.slue *My .uetaln yon hi thi- y.ntehod/ of le•},4oF Adminkefr•aton have Ia,'n Inor0 mit at/lympi(le- u p opetlar. pan .newt . •tnagricultorat int,n•sIs than Wet e 1 1 "wave ytstf want. Itehty. :eurinar -li# 1,•helf er the ty Ps1 lin"' i dtt,eew,r•,, LPtitaexamineihe•fit(- 1Pee err' ll '.,-int rut. - -- .if R. ' - the p •'•"' 4, Int-7-$1!tl',' i. The tol:ai revenue. of 141.10 a Cream. allon for scleral eutylt•t•pas planet( nn the plmgrnm, ns K+ it • pesieltwed goat educative. actor, 1''the1'h)vincrforlhealitne,.wriest'*µ,,ae It.,, oar 1)4.411'. . SIIe funnel that pupil,r who were taught i l+we : I1f111 i7sd104,3:0411: In 4r, PLUM. LUNCIHES SEF;'V,ED at an HOURS,: its the first form.. asevell a, h, bight., l II:• "In 111,17,S' 11147, $)4,3.41.11!•. fortes wort more 41.ervent. I'npite Agriculture Neglected. Girl 1Wented should never • drew from eyelet, for 11••• I'll -11111 I'ru•lor. always fr•nni models. Floweret were Surely it is lair argument to say ince ae the .ed revenue .d the Prov- Olympia Cafe Ince in'rr,r..rd the cxpw•ndihne• upeni Prev- Wit great 1.a -i.• induetry, egriruhutr, should have tacreasetl prage)rtiunatrly. (CAMPBELL & Al HAS, \Proprietors demanded, r. SWhitne•y stnted .that ;4-8 Symptom of Kidney Disease. A well-known doctor'hys said, " 1 never yet madea post-mortem. x - amination inacaseof death from Heart' Disease with- out finding the kidneys wereatfault."' The Kidney medicine which was first on the 'market, most success- ful for Helen Disease and all Kidney Troubles. and most widely imitated is Dodd'a Kidney 7 Tuesday, June 2nd, Ih08 A spices or UENESETUNG CANOE- LU _ - GODERI,CH. The(' `114-n, rii"IreIIOltheltoyal ('ity will 'welt. • the peed.• from the weeter•n points along the ti twilit' A Godench line in return for the ,.•fe• britt.i..q of the opening of the new line" he (lex r ' hlin i rich last tirptrnals•r. The staff of the Ontario Agiietl-- turnl (;Mtge will receive exeursioni•te and Kic.• special demnttstt•ations of the work in the various departments. An let ernat• 1 len:lie hasehall -match will 11e played at •2::el 4.rhyet'n Guelph and Xiagaral'alls, N.Y. -A .Ltw•n how -ling tnllrnallm•ll1 x1)41 other :special enemaions have leen at.- Taen •1411 e4. • . •11i1vt11 Ii, .ul!itl. t- ..chwll:i:_ ' - ' \elinrn, 1 f •' ria• 144.Inu.. 141}'1 h. •• . ti .r '• 44' e.nt, " Walton. -- 1 . .. •• 1 ' .' ,.Inti inn.. - ' . W. Monxron. 1, •• .4a 4 e#,*.m.: " MBnntto,,. - ve t,. Al mina in I.orlph at (l:'i_ Itet,"tune ill _Rewe -f nrtplr at ;es, p.tn., 4*4(1;u,t in Co.(,', i' 6 at 11111 i4. n.,... 1tnkyl. arra■( to mint.. 14 •,4no. .1(414..1 Linc are*. Dori t fail 1-11 take part in this first .l'Eynrpion (a.t '' j (11e neW C. 1'. It. lin.', ''flle,.leest e..i41f in ('at.tdn, ,tA a 4;l1, 174 MK. 4+4.11 ,e. 1 .4\n, l t-1. 41 W S. TURNBULL. L. M. MABEE. nt. 'Prcsrde secretary, F. W, BROPHEY, 1 reaiarei: • - - BENMILLER WOOLLEN MILLS S• a -nal I ,hall 1..• I....pared 9" 1..1%- ‘41,1 ,. n. IBJ Kit.'lh.4' HIGHEST CASH PRICE for WOOL. BOTH WASHED AND UNWASHED or will each Inge for my n.uutta' tared articles. - You willllna a Jane ass4rrtwell' "t Twi•ed4r.of various 044414, doh• pat ,.• n . alio a gu11d.-supplpt of.Iir,l, Blanket:. Norse Blankets and Yarns of yari•n. c r1oM, 'dilly TMaatut I .hale• had ,.,.sloe ttft t . number,pf Tweed S.Iit•1 front cloth wanuTactunxh at the mil -anal invite intending purchawds Wt impact then) I guarantee tint' they ale .'f.piraw woe! and will give alobaaetinrr. JESSE GLEDH=ILL cTs1 11.1 'have a ` 'y complete stock •-_ of 0%t'r%thin the Baa b iutplies in all tido Newest Uphols'�e Ings, - Rich Des ; ►-= Arti is effects Somd,fine Leather Couches, all at I °del ate price, Linoteum-s and Oilcloths s going at greatly reduced prices to clear. Ls/I mile Ptunlytly atIeralori 411 FURNITURE and UNDERTAK NG of rib 11111111111111111111 4111111111=111 GM • 1111111M11111111 11101111111 11111111111111111111111 1 Bargains= Bargains = Bargains II .11(Penlil I i'. 1 Cream teed Lie. • read... wind).- iliosieli gitril 1111' ties All the t faille, in, Ile. twr II% re 71 Onto' to isinnettirsi i Li...en 1,111i 1.1 'Mere were 1117.te oi any pxeettent model.. Wall paper pouts At the evening Newton a, very inter • la. need for pet.t of the infrit end this 64t -i".. and ini""I'l" Prt'Ittlim Wag sieved expense. be Al earrieu out. I tod.1 'MOTS* vIvre c' ' lowed to piece . thet, twin models,. • • (ireat Clearirsg Sale of $7,000 worth of HARDWARE, STOVES, ETC. n'Y sons arc going West I have decided to dispose ware busitteks, and oiler for sale my immense new stock Hardware, - Stoves, Scissors, Paints, White Lead, Poultry Netting, Harvest Tools, Builders' Tools, Locks, Building Paper, Screen Doors, Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers, Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, Washing Machin es, Wash rubs, Fishing Tackle, my !lard- of Snaths, Express Wagons Binder Twine, Paris Green, Cotfort Gloves, Tinware, • Copperware, Iron Pipe and Fittings, t pikes never before heard of in (iptierictr.4. Horses, ns, HarneSs, Shop, Tools, and Fixtures. Everything will be sold, 1A4,41, or ett bloc, as soon as possible, as this is a gen- uine clearing sale. . We have a largo stock pf raw matetials oil hand and to use it up 'quick we will ilP Plumbing, Electric Wiring, Rooling',1atrougliing, Nletal Ceiling and Siding 114141 repair work at -prices that will astonish von. . Dojet Delay, but Comcat once and Bargains at Worselis' Great Clearing Sale L......11111111111111111111111111111111111110 INS 1111111111•1111111