HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-5-28, Page 22 TatleabaY, May :h. 1901 Otintattcn. oNTaitio. * EVERY THURSDAY STANATTICK & ItOBSIKTSSN TelophOhe Coll No.33. • Terms of Ihawcootton 111.0t ger Annum in &AY&Ilei!. sas month., suct.ittate month., oye, To l'inted Stott* outo.criber., $1.:st a year gonna/ in Sulsortbero who tad to merits Tee Stuse&. regularly by moil will pottier tatio-dr by Se. anointing us of the fact at II, early a date as possible. When a change of iutdre. I de.lred. both the old and the new ...ides.. 4404414 10.1 Achertietag Isegol and other sintiltir adVerti Ammon., lig per line for first insertion and 4v Per line for each subsequent insertion. htemoinml by nonpareil scale. twelve lines to an inch. thisineas cards of six lines and under. SS Per year. advert nseniento ot Lost, Found. Strafed, Sit- uations Vacant. Situations Wonted. Moises for gale or to Rent. Farms tor Sale or to Item. Ankle. for gale, etc.. not exceeding eight each iteiertlop 11 for first month, .00 for each subsequent month. lAnfcr advertise. ments In proportion. - Ann° iiiii YI1101II4 in Ortlill&er reading 1) fin 'tett cents per line. No 140111,e 1..4 limit 11e. Any qss.ial not ice, the olefe,t of V1 Melt t. the poconfory tones( of any indir :dual or friefx.i ellen. to be ron.ittered an advertisement al d to be changed occonlingl • Itatew for display nmt.cg1 ravt nelvertie!- Illents-Witi-ber.ar Adams.. all coU4ruflt4iC14ttD144 10 • VAN ‘. trtat & itattitatTso.N.. 1‘1111 44l44r4111.. tkaatriek. 0(11. OODElth V. MAN In•iberf; hallotaiwItching. gerrynutil- der or any other means. It the people of this county on the Sth of June show by their votes that the unfair nalistribia• of this county is re. wanted, it will he a lesson that will not root) he forgotten. • The supreme issue in Huron is the Kerry mender. THE SIGNAL.: GODERICH. HE SPOILS SYSTEM. The a Lenient has been made this Lw W 'they Government hes fur - i lathed th wont example of the spoila stottem in the history of Canada. 14 ma this statetueta hove out by the' facts? Imuiedietely after taking offiee in February , 1005, the Whitney Govern. THE SCHOOL BOOK FAKE. anent lleljell the work of dismissing ----- • • the old officials mid replacing them in wc*LJ.:Auies with Cotgaticeative parti, IAD*. J11111,4;ge. (4. the peace. licetwe 'inspectorti, license conittliettiltnest, etturt clerks. DiaiNion Conn NORYe and other officers were dia. Misset1 in liondretle to !peke way for party favorites. By the end of Inn:I-- ill Irmo than eleven months- the Gov. eminent had mad0. dit2 appointtnentai to office, exclusive of 1...trotters, jus- tices of the newt), notaries+ public, and commiesioners for taking affidavits. In this time there were only thirty. five vacancies from death or other normal causes the great part of the dismissals was owing tA) the appetite "swabbing" of the "echool hook .is .one of the alleged . achieve - mental fore/bleb the %Vhitney ()tavern- ment le taking a great. deal .of credit to itself. ilere is the Conatervative campaign pronouncement on the sub- ject : The following comparison shows what was paid for school books 'under the Hass Government toad the prii-er whiertiow prevail; First Header. l'art I., former phee loc., reduced pt•ice 5c. }Niel Header. l'art 11., former price -Ile., reduced price 7c. -Second Header, former price 2.1e. reduced price A:. Third lteader, former price 35c., re - ( former • price for 04)0(4..04)0(4..hi addition to the offices' Fourth lhaanter. price, Le' . reduced in•tee 15c. III which the (lovertiment. created Total for the set, former price $1.31), vaettneiesi. a great many new ott1iI4111 errlueed price Hie. have been created. and in the short A conaidentbie rettoction in the ce fit • spaa little tuore than titter years prices Ur the literature texts for the _ been iiii.i.eased by high schools has alio\ been seepreol.tlre " " """ "1". These rednetione are 44-1 otlieials. English Literature earl. former I. it in the public interest that the preseut price .M, reduction woo,. a) !dell) iihoilirt be carried out in ale eel. "tut.• loather ? We hesO• a --bait:easy witfirm mat 1.1. et, • THE ISSUE IN HURON. .. 3r1.6 earh.- greatflenT:111:A/I#Ife. !WIWI UiVIF - _ Freh L nciteraturt• Tem xts:\ 'forer vice reforihr ittideniably it Is a re- price Phi., present' price 15c., t untion The• wipeout() issue in the 4(10144411 1)1114' that is urgently wilted for in: thha contest, tar as tile ..34.4444t4,y !Innen th.emoii Lit,.„1.1re orinek country . only wayto ater•iiee it i )1 )a'reduced prita.2.se., etelitetion to bring Preto:mai, to „bear upon Got:or concerned. re the -gerrymander. --- ea heard a gt• eal About elettoral caw. at t . the lar;;414..9g..1 t ion the f'rovinee, 4".Prr eent. - Au edition with liutiti.d oitiotat aus the NVigitney tioverninent for its; re- iti authority. mid a 'stern rebuke, juklito- actionary policy in [hitt resort% sentilti ruptiosr.---Methods hall --been adopted • If fur no other reason than t -a leasoas--to .the politicians f • all ---/P1-4111'..te-"tt91..444'4;"°*'vf.h".- "illia ▪ u• ttigail-liowt.rutuent "tl'utiorkrirt•e' th time. • pot be the lito.ernment woo sugport 11 the peopW of 4 lilt.iIi, • blamed let _allowing such thing. to. _Lea tt* antdyte Otis statement mull occur, end very largely its downfall find the -facto. WAS due to the feeling against corrupt Tti regarti to the, find t practices 11* in eh -taloa s. l'ert. I. anti Part readers thti (.41(0ts IlY its nuPP"rtero age that these realm_ ni wee not re- emote,. of witching and Morang readers, which ate wild at the fake is the biggest en place, but old prices, inc. and 1.1c. No reduction Gore -nit t. . _ , 'and. in' there, The taxpayer CAD hardly be Huron cirinity is 11 I* II0 oblig*. witb the expected to wax enthusiastic over a tion to this Government of TorontoItt a elec- reduction in the price of books which by Toronto/0e, °roast°. are me in tote.• ' Olen The. Second. Third and Equal 0 aftnitl-- Canditlat Porter, en- !leaders were redueed-th-017i-ce under uegrove and - r its hivor. of the the Ross Government to '2:11c.„ :ON.,..gald abolition 01 (1(0 1 Mc. insteed of 25c.. 3:ic. and Vs.. as W11,011 ea stated by the ConserVatin. preee. It• for the iteuare deal s true that the prices have -;•iee been fusing to eleaft-the a.te her reduced, tugt- th_ia• is only a didateti. -- te tarY Irrengewent until- the iss g *new series of readers in a It was pointed tau that the Rosa Gove_rn sponsible for the ballot other frauds that had tat this plea was not accep deed, no fault can foun -strictest demand, for -steal -4tone. If we depend upon th hoe for the expressien of the desires, we must do kll we can • sure that. the ballote are honestly and &antis -11y CO-unted. • „ • is credited to the NVhitney tiot eminent tiv its eupporters that there have been no electoral scandals under its administration. As the present contest is the first general election sine.. (ha 13nveroorent took , therei t to has so far beet no or>toir for the corruptionY in his work, and it is a littl;er‘on to con-, char chide that ballot-si .,and. such practice's are thiog‘of the past. In another, .tespect. 'however, the present Genserement iue. shown that it iapot willing to accept astraight. honest verdict from the electors. It , 'Inas attempted to arrange the constit- uencies to its own, adventage. so that it may 'wetter a lamer nutither of seats than a Mir arrangement would give it. If to switch a ballot is a, crime. what shall be said of the stealing of a seat? This, we say. is ,the While. in Iltitrarel _ Shall the .Government of this Province be allowed without re- buke to 'steal a seat to whicbR is not fairly entitled ? Taking the easeof this ceunty, uL may 4e, pointed out by t'onitervatives that according to the vote at the election they are entitled -he _tyro the three •seitte in that county. "filt ouch a contention is not hipcere. The vote at the last electiontas ab- normal ; Raja. newt' thing gives it Liberal majority. The Conserva- tives theineelves know thlivery that is why they gerrymandered this. coisnty before entather election could take place. .Taking the tIgureit of the , last election, a very slight change in ',the boundariea of the_riding w have accompliard .their poise, but they knew they cotild not rely on the 11 trees of lime,. As \The Signal hip/ ith•eatly Mated. the Liberate of this cotorty vaittill not _which wt_ Id nave _done away with have olik:im.cteti to ,ro.o-arra.zigeou-ent the division of town -ski -pm- The lab - writs of this geifffirktion are not rea- eponsible for the old distribution etul they expected it to,be changed. Hut not 1.ilreale only, httt many Consetivit. Lives, object to the.' present arrange - West. _ whit.h Is ineitkveniesk in the extrethe and which takes 140 account of the mitural divimions of the atounty along !Riad and commercial 'The Mute intent of the Ogivernuient . was ohoWn 10 the piecing 4d- lite township of, Titekersmith_141-Centre Httron iti thA first draft of the re. distribution hilt; 1111 thin was alto- gether too glaring and the therein. anent laad to yield tit One force of tott• raged:Public opinion Mid moderate ito assault upon the rights Of the elector- ate. By virtue of the gerrymander It • hoped'io., make South Hilton and North Hunsn....,sate for the tinvern- tuent, the Libriatis in HmCV41.. uron: en N l iair u HrM on em7' ,tage n. being Oaken nf t tnent to 'Met mein the people conetitneney a Iniln Win') Woof 11010 'by an I WerVIIIVIILIIillg 1 iulji !wit y -hi the 4•141 Not 11110e11 'MO 11.1111 44110 afraid to Otters hitnerlf again IleloCe t hi. clee. form until he lanai ;weal led fair bito What wee looked upon as' i'a sure eith d544. 41 itu 14, uteri. thing.- Mr. NItiagnive bi . the -Minted. clutittniees."'• \ fy candidate of 0 mat:sadly (invert,- The stetement 01 'the Veers Is twii• meta, and' the electors 14 North 1 tlentlt intertded to let the thw Huron owe it to themeelves and to the ment down easily. There is. We good name of thie 1.rinnty that hat lieve, earianigetaipectation that tit ehall he lett at 11 e. prices.cif school books will he reduced, The politiciens of both parties anti the present cry of cheep hooks it; ehould be‘ bought that the public in• for use only in the eleetion campaign. 'EDITORIAL NOTES. tp the wing s rengthenin -- • of tite•Tort) to clique the 0 Gem. - e oct a cmfa)Ite8 large ta and the optaortitni whit ity disposing It is like the hant sale,- end -of feeling "tonitels pleased to be- ems their old banks in t the. ri-e-iFiewlers iirpT cost as much as, if not old 'Ones at the filmier pri in regarlito the high se tIln. text. The Conservative s -ts it comphar tgOsreprese Simply an a result of Conmetitio not at &lion eccoont of -any folio the tioveintnent, the prices of th 'Oinks have been Naked by the put lisistivi thennelve• --itt -the reduced priCifee These hooka_ ere not author. lied by the (lovetannent, they are _verey little used. ada..1.1m Governetwitt had nothing whatever to do with the luctiohitt price. The _French c - binteittrat iiiii ar and reader, and the it) titan Atrlibined gt•arnmar • and reader the text - hook. which high }whim! ettelents are required to time - are still *1 1,141' old price. It is difficult to see what the alleged- ••emaithing.' of the .....chool book ring" IMTiiiflv aereinardished. The Pii ttIi rapist tile-Prairtie rammer, the Public School Aritfune- • the School History and ether public school text books have not been reduced in price. Neither hate there been tatty errityction in the an ices of oeptu•ate tolosti. :text hooks. And yet the "school_ .hook ring' - been "smashed"! The whole thimi ne preeented on the Conservatiie plats form and in the conservative Teeter it. a barefaced fake. The_ Government ham secured 01 reduction whatever, except the temporary arrangement regardi ter the Sreirmd. Thi rd and Fourth Headers. Regarding 'these, we have the atate- intent of John A.. Cooper, of Toronto,. a putilieher Iiihiself, a t'onservative, aml 71 meniber of the text -book 0011), mismion appointed lee the Whitney iiivi.rtinit.tit. :11r. Cooper mays : 'This temporat.t reduction in price Ittoto only•for cute and a half years. NVIiiit wili lia/qten then is a mattet /if 1.1)/1,il'ellln•• The 1/11111/1.1(1lity is that if 74 new set of reader0 is pt•epered and , 'plop, the the paper and binding brought op to Javenty regents are residents in Tor. M. 1'. 1'. for'the former East riding of datte tfir price will Is, hack to the old ick of the -old reiulerst on hand, Govenunent gave -them an - of getting rid of this old would soot' le. useless, 141. -at reduced figures. Irygoods titan's "rout- e ptiblishers,,inatead ."-i-vere very well to dispose..uf Se t in its w litics hy lender oan- Will the Government ONTA R10 viable poeiti of all the Proviuees of the Ito .13ut how lung will thie last with the unprecedented rete of increase in expenditure under the preeent Government ? Election predictions are geuerally at it discount after the votes see ; bait we elemild like to indulge a little. After a carefulatirrerof the situntion we are_led to believe that in all prob. hint Ya taking every eircu instance tn. to .accoitut, the succesaftil eanditlate M Centre Huwatt.-velit be a gentlemen *hoer name begins with P. In Sleuth hlitrou the reteult is more uncertain ; but f • our knowledge of the con. ot,itttency we have little hesitatiota in 'attain/ our firm conviction that the inajoriq of votes will be 'east.tor a gentleman of Gernten deseent who hap from, Stephen township. in North Huron the situation is still mote difficult to define, but ae it is ati agricultural constituency, and as there Is .tuuly one fairgoer in the field, it is not unreasonable to suppose, that the fatiniersi will select the man of their own calling repirsent them at 'Tormati. If they don't, the other fellow he' elected. New, just petite this in your hat and see how near, it e to being right on elec- tion Milo.. . - A Welcome. 44.1,oisir, welcOUND! dri I siog, Frr more_ wSleottiettutn tbe -ea bh: I le that. pitti et h Irmo Yoll shall 1nUOY spring for ever. rO flay voice Is iloar ' Woe your it ry pale. "Nof.1 alre....ahrtiad to hear !hal tartar...1111 on your eye, Though fife e Mier -has e 1041111 tv 14,1.11111/ OUr ...0.11161LIIII. want theenentner •it 0. Vbett• *II ribrerle..4 41111 11e tilny were your chree-, il ,''r lie seek. (filler lit her new.: I • 0'14 holm your loft lit, 31.11 I ifeiveir s. yolv • titiulit-+ of the field. never .hall Ile t t .piestion -would alien 11'hA waho 01 ,1,1 risfilly .tudy you. And a rief of that behold. - • -William. lima II!. POLI 111.:A4. NOTES. , The tioderich tar quotes known tioderich 'bend" to the* that "tf he were t het on the rent 11. this his first vielt in a piddle cepacit y 10 liruesels. TOCOntn Mahe J01111 T. Currie, 1.iheral iu North Huron, watts horu in the townahip of East IVawantieli nearly -fifty year* ape tais father, Hobe' t Currie, now of %Wings-, Mon, being one of the tieSt Settler* 1111 the townsliiii., Mr. Ctirrie's parents wore &match, hia fattier • nattier of Kirkcudbright, mad his 'mother of the Orkney Islet'. .1ohu drat public position was ai Sehoottlasittew in his eectiou, which he held for Whiten yettra, .ainti for fourteen yeera was seeretary•treasurer. He was a meth - her of Eitst NViswatioalt iiiiii ei IFot• INK1 and 11100, heading the poll in hie that election. He Wits Reeve ' 11101 anal MM. For leo.") end IWO lie was county e •illor for Witighant die- trict under the old county council act. For IOW he war Heave tif East Witwa- nosh Slid Was /11110 NN'artlett of the county for 11107. Ile is a Prettbytet•tan and a practical farmer. Thos. Hays, Miteor of Seaforth, 4. credited with the" tataterneut that be intends to rein in South Iltirou for the Dominion House at the_ next election. Mr. Hays has alrently fought several hattlas in the Conservative interest. The deputy returning officers ill titaterich fur L110 election tut June *tit will he : No. 1..ELtia Betcher ; No. 2, -C. Hates ; No:3. W: A,. 5IcKint : No. 4,J. Bates No. 5,41. Mack No. 0, Joe. !trophy ; No: 7. M. ti. Nichol- son. - • sea At the meeting -following the Mouth Huron ninuinatitate lit thirteen next Monday. F. Blair, of Gotteri9le, will speak on behelf of the Liberal candidate, Jacob Kellertuttim. ses The date of the Liberal meeting at Carlo* has been changed front te.tt- ortiav. .14ine nth, \t,o...,,Titetebty, .17)0*' 21141. ea. ----- Jacob Kellerman'', of thishwaitel, the Liberal eentlidate in South 110001), was ittlottat on Tuesday and Wednes- day. Mr. Kenn -maul is up against a hard .peoposition.. his opothieut. H. Either,. having a start of seventl hitti- deed vote's ahead of. him, but he has beenit 'wird worker all hi; lifeaind !nut Net out to reduct. the Couseryetive !majority to the rinallest 'towable dimensions. Whether he wins or lose* on the Stli of June, Mr. Keller - mann will be heard from again ln South Huron, as he potneeses splendid ithility and indomitable energy and is in every respect worthy of the con. Wiener 1,1 his fellow-cal/ens. Auctioneers and Pied The fitilowing fist of atuc °neer)) .inti pedlar!' in this -county was Marled (Mtn the county uwaetweeri ander date .1 May Nth : Liceneed on the Sin of Jurie'.it would be theit auctioneers.: -Geo. Lleeket t. Th lllll its tion. et,,,e4ay wood Gundry. Jas, Stanley:. S. Scott, ' tweatCfollowers in Ow new Legisia.t.Thos. Cameron, W. 1 . Newton. G. tire." Independertt electora should t,1% . tValker. Mem y nberry. John inder chic Will it be to, the inter- Mill. It. McCbertes, W A. tniriee. 111 Holman 1 iti I) i I one the .8 take in the four additionXtu from Tonna° ? Dr. Pyne Minister of Ed ie a 'disgrace to- Ontario, at) Whitney' is responsible, for p and keeping him in office.`, Why should 1.\lie independ tors of Ashtielti and Wawatios of tido Province to give • 1 nattier LCI tt ? Wisdom would dictate fibers that t Voteisition ' be ettengthenni, mo that !Tiptoed legislation mita be wopertv iscusaed and criticized 1*' - u. tire being mule ant° law. *•That lest ClltiQawful week ought to be a stelleient Wanting asat at giving Mr. Whitney such a free ha as he hs,., haul in the ast three years. t ole allOw le wn Y• Whell_rany nail to- fob t hiniselt-opon2fIgeni ued tileY' will 1 by means of ei.'grerytnantler ? ore than. the • . - - in s. If every gerrymandered cantata. • Lil latent- tiency in the ProVince will turn down tete 'he Bill;tlete PO4 Mittel ists Wic-us tine' 1 campaign m .1,10 g itrt, ehl rogue • • of last week said ; heil'iro- M riding of finnan was held Monaley even. town hall, lin le, in the Of Geer -Titer l'ro ifoot. . the mlard-berwer, wing to football match Ike stub - was slow iti. mtusonblin hut II arri thet•r 'wile a g ice. ceve' Lecki; pees ed. a few reautrke befitting t e Chard rizing the action o silent i unjust [maker IsNt. 0 14 the iftrOwniukr_candiabitet. GoV. eimment will ever *gain trsort attend: :such an artifice. • and mai _ _ °erasion., • How many 14 the Tory tfthperAnee i,1 fl,it'on twin who shouted against, Itott;.• at. the Th.. inti-twar eleetiona -Wifithsvrte -1Ignivt-1-tinn.-Tfetrur t‘ey this tittle, in *mite of the-Lihernh' 4)1 Nttlis clause F spokr!d local .iption law ah.e.1,0reral party that built ‘,..""nw,,II:ling7."8 101 rt keening are Northeg n Ontario l'it;,,-,..ftia.";Fiele:ILtlitio opened. up the way hir- NV. 11. Kerr. of Th 1)1'- get ry "'Dueler nil grotedy unfair. was 0.%Varden 1.. -rrir veteran am.1" , who aling eh ny with the and .Mr. Whithey'r renew,. e .00 'per Made '1. vigurOus of the Poet, w called 451,0e - nal I • It the Te itailwa the devel of thereat' ant of the mineral t•iches on next and divelt on -,the ups* district. • tory clutrateter of -thts'ediica policy of the trovernment, the ec book psi& reduction. !fora Ada The Itlaekto watt itpttotted membero of the any reason why th tors should endorse a r. AVhi etornsich ? The 1.iberals :eff-rCen ' should guard againar the overninfitlenee. The - man whir Mann gintrantee. Heck's hormets, and the gerrymander. , All enthiedeetie reception wan _,` 11... I there corded the candidate, who after re!' usipt,,,,dent ferritig toibis octal untinf tahtre - *elites am prop e to t to. ore ay at &et which wn"e the comity council and elsewliet e, °WON; coitlit !piaci. at length OW (441111 y council _ set. the gerryinatider. the threAllfths . clause. Provitacied empire and the thiem, way expendittwe luta grown by the , increase of selaritoto the Premier and king "' Pabinet Afinistere. expenses end .thlriks commiesione. the handling of -Toronto mtn•Ying nt-__h_fttnc-1112,-electirart day rtriveratt eolcifittation; -inecessitnii tri€114-11.,,,,r,t1111.1g.'Cfleua.,,,,,,yon4Febateise7holiki41:44flair .aliseriminetion in favor 01 To*-. -1)eptirtment, onto with their eight reprementatives, the growth of the etvil service list end toneronife`01 her 11.410 of internat. . Peoutifeot t•oncluded by asking a general and heart y support at llot-box•on .4000 ,41 h. Prontifirot tarik hie seat Mr. te, -of---Seaferth, who bad. e attention to the epeekere 'onel denim., rose and 011' 'se to the Whitney stir or asked to the platform qtrektioth. which IFIte P thee, whip be au Sertforth on be glad to slimmers M Southgate The• Seaforth- he en right • there. • roomed the • . . A. II 1. It% ( Britawh. Alex. alnerisen. fenry *tor - ranee. John l'urvie, .Edward Missed - berry, H. S. Phillip!....boaPit•White. Licedeed pedlars J. E. llarnwell. NVilli 31c1)0nald. Vitattler- berg, . JUDeli, Thos. !Amgen, W.. K. Wh ley, Sweet A. Beatty. In- !laterite. R. A. Don. aid, A., gotT. .1 *HIPS H. Cutt, % ". O. cornhes. beet Shaw, John Y mg. 1 J. E. Frey. Vm. liushtield. I Misery Ilk company even' bett when it doeen like the compeny. Maybe it 114 ca led a train alf thmight because it is ito bible to get oft the track. %vim). it. a witlf in elleep's chdh• . theatame thing, Wt. have nothing to say egeliist Mr. Porter, hut surely he has no t Claim upon Lite electors of thiii riding hL which Weuldjustify 1.11C111 in clusuoing .4611,1; ;um as thete repremantetive in prefer- given 11 ence to Mr. Proudfoot, who hail been With is -en for y ears one of the leauling men of 'Inirrd ple-i. in be the county. _ . • • _ be,,,repe,„4,1_ h iteV. 4). W411 .141111y "M"'""t bY stated li vomit] tematiderett an "enblity" of the CM- .1,,n,..-,11, ,tha w,,,, vendor of Tilellilt.t. yet ‘Ite eay. ; Liw 1,,,iii, iiiised *1 •.:.:the.tieitiey for the University NI t 141 at *4,,' inkling (bete 111)ard of regents eltaield he rep" eeenta- The incident!' 11•1.11.1•11 11.1 be VIIterf I penly anal ilieeet ly, and t tie ,iiiiti..1 til;itti‘g,hitidt lit:. t ,,,,,7,..014, t i ve of the Province. Six teen ',raw 11 igh land fire in A mine farming community should have rep- 'VI:47;n inft7F lel Iri!iiveir i ca'all°ruttelowe ) nL onto. The teaching profeesion and ;weak' he tilled in *hum twenty min. resentation oti the board." tees in a of )'le that evoked hearty applittlac. tie celled to mind the. 11) spite eif the Met that the Coto .1;.-rI,ii.Ril y in' rr Hlexpendittire, the re eervati Yee owed t heir vietnry at the fiistfoftlia:onv:1117rtt;ri.: 1 hod election Ihe rotee of Liberh, mte r ItliLibel-I A1111;oteninl11). Ilettttyelo le dretelfitilv bed when in .-.,‘,..A.,-_..,;...,;'. ,.._,,',,•ipstositiMI air yet to intraillice nierie• wili;;;;y1;;Iily::.kiii;,;,ice:1 they have given ne the worst exhitti. Valt.rei'vartni11111.1.111111.11 y p.rit.l iniimeil to he brought lion iispoils speriiI ikW ow n 1 1p. 9,.3. Te *O ilen) 1.te k of the totter:stitiri'e e0111.t as dilt. a ramon, 40-41 lint' rig)" " 1.'1'1° a he la.4:.ittilat.rtyle""Ite-atriLjs.11,.batitti,“1..;:isu04' ('011' '4 'Or"tin' s inalepenthalt....eleetore shout' ad ' - goling Is. notch hoth iti nom and hater ii triiiike to the Got eminent for money, the 1 niveitsity students re- th.- tlagetcfiT disregard III it. ataigit- ceiving :tot average ot *21111 white the public school pupils averiered only 12. (-4.30 1I1 011.111? . . Mr. Mare) rttlitrett, il into Mr. Mouth- ontiirli, 1,,,,,, ),,,d il., vipmii,) filimiciid 1/Kte Awl coficlualed with a dentincia- tiOn of 4)14' injuetice of the gerry• reeonl. From Confederation unt i I manlier in view of till Mr. Whitney's 0404 the Province never erne In th41. pledgee. hatightiet a Coneertattive tiovernment, The meeting closed at 41 o'cltwk with cheers for the King. Sir Wilfrid end the .."Age-ezifit:ie volition and 1.44.. with Hon. A. O. Mat•Kay and this end' Adtnini Oggfr sio - "41.1."11Y anndidate. Mr. Proudfoot wile intro - Garret is supreme, and thet tlie will of 1 The. electors ',hold(' not allow them.gum-that the tasooVagese of the hornier &iced to e large number sof elector. the people Is not to he theret•ted hy selvee to 1* bluffed. that Ontario leached the,. meet eu- and made a favorable Impression on \ \ figure, 4(not higher." The Toronto New*, A Conservative ot•gan..:041 in a 'tavern home : -The Newt, le•lientat.tIlat there are • (11111C1Iltrit". in this -wily of any great reduction in the prier .of text hooka'. The steads rise in the prioe of White 111140.1' atteittolo. leeward tendetrey Mlle- cost 0rTa ir tend altostethet. in t hrtat her direction. "More peer, it lllll ot , te lll i l t hist `text bookeehould tiltinee *of gated gun tv both as to mtents meta% a the menet.. ial 'employ in ilea, inamitiol 1, n amid f oll, iimarinalile - '•A book agent, ion Ily." -Success • g great ndency tit I (".44111 an throw as 'veil Deer the &pd.( men. --Grintot nes._ _ Dulywill have to culti ate a voice helm* i uWi-versaTatte Fe uteri have their f on tavnk notes, 't most ad' lei nre 'site.* if pernatt to get. ww-hattds on ofeouree, are !Mightier then yet's; people mating to talk their-svay- through- anti et along pretty well at that. Summer Session For Teachers, AM 1 tiers doling J uI #and ELLIOTT NONTO, ONT. •• Item/tin. pelt 11.rollifIl.i,11 111e wtrillruer, othd\I many etude is enter el I hi. time. We hate,' greater nitro once this Year than ever before. tiradisates ,n.441>' •fetforf• employment. Writ, to dsy for hit some catalogue. It pop% to , eftenr1 thehmt. W. El.1,turr- . 1..,6 Yong.. 01111 Alt•xareir•r SUPERIORITY, r Now ie tiltts, ,,s,....ctpertrivaa, 04.1I/Stdrool.n1... a:saa.40. , plrgrap1., MAti Courw. t. 5., nellectch Boolean elites CENTRAL Ziff INEMP • al •11111111111111111111 • MD MOD • ea • 98c I " L1 9.8c. ..:j White Waists 1111Y.1.1/ III! W.11,1 1. 11 III 0 •1 0.1 I 41 11,11 4[1:4.1 to gi:a.lio, Rantoul Priee, 98c. each BARGAIN CORSET COVE,RS. 25c. 15 r4,1r.ot (.11% heatidifully %%nit Eiti)artaidety. Sargent only iiii . ... • . • aec„. earl. • • BARGAIN NIGHT GOWNS 98c. 44) dit.Y.4•11 .1.1.4011.141 lit-leatism' ai mita y C i ic Gowns, all -beautifully .snail.e: told trim ........................ double Bargain Price 't he oleo,. ate he beet 'value.: ever 1,144114c The materials Maine lid el IA ytiii more. 14 will pity you to 14141114fir”14git otir White Wear Department ver.y_oftett, yin' can't ittateii"iltO good , Yoke., elsewhere. JOHN STEAD - 1 Goderich Ladies* Store West Street 2 • • Oa 11111111•111111111111 • IMO GNI, • •11111111111111 OD • lirsetwelsoms. ABOUT GOOD CLOTHES . 1.11,-,' it's tAx; clothing. A little extra uthemtinent ..1°.tv?::r...itlittl"ti- I •4°.47i 4.111e1:Ady Jr alittli,e.4. etithert 1,t1comey appearance. We 44,448 17,"rallt.iir:its4.44,11 Cle,:stualefe coatawore made • eipagledireasaed, tiit'orrtill"tailnewhititing410.o4It'hiretottailne Aga' with all' make a snit full of TCIRONTCI snap mid - Come in and see these (iood Clothes. PRICES, $12. $15, $io and $18 .prinkg your !tiff her7. for his siiit. .• 1'. 1;•.) • t'1"thing- BOYS' CLOTHES PRICES. $3.ect up to $s WALTER PRIDHAM HOIneteek09. Elf-CUCCOOS. The (irate' Ti link Railway System are selling seeaitel-cla... ret urn ticket+, to principal ;ono, Illsnitolst. Solskerettewohu....w.a..t Alberta,_21. -Zullow• NVinnitteg and let urn. . t..). and ret ut it. • 2.:0 I : propoitheette rates to othel point,. Next excitr. anon via North Bay J tine Inn, .% jer SlatRiN s.nd Northern Navigation patty. Steamer leiiVsta Atha -nix A Daring performaMce. Ni 'natter' whist engagement). you .may liaae_iiitule for teeturdari- fall. --(hi' Lilly and date that Cole •rs',Slitaws Will exhibit in Gude. rich, liteals them now Even if 'yin% eat) mit attend the aftertaste] or e'Y1'n- - 41114 you cam ill *dont to (0)450 the gorgeoits stiits.t pare -tit. at PI 411. the Omitting free -out -of. - doors- exhibition to be itruntieil jately Afterward on he show to manila for sixty .•daye, infurtuation-lniss the frirmer atit not the latter:. front eny Grand Trunk ticket agent. whieh. will waive the biggest...on-prise treat of the VesAl . NI lle 1 1 /Jell, One • 01. he fairest ti. lighters of France. hes The judge ItistitlimaFralteintently to the deneigi't'hg...:saarChlti • utpa''''')11'). Ctilicuintlt;c:41614::n11:1'hrarl)*.;111:icirl;rtg0iia161 117:rint.w.t il'f:114°I1WW44(intleli 141,17:!1:foe•7:411keieeirill:hl pi Led:38'111 tWa't ni 1711*;"' a -small hian. and• hi* wife - it grintinn, even the ..... at fearkeso of was at least evident` Otto, the 14/13 gm+ with horror every time-, rested on a hou.is of seaseatility. they, witness it. What. too tither - - After the-plaintitf hail • finivheal Ilia ) wtaidil ever titian' _of try• • wark-eht,v ..... :Mug imai•evettinar 117azi eccampliehee every apietation. testi tttt my, the judge detailed to ask a in. Mlle' Milale," said Ite-,-•••when-.Ittellfoi neuirch itneotteern so the overage per. ;:).611,tniiirebitwas'lynt.r wife, win4 bit trent."' emiavotelal Xhilat Wil••11 ..4 .1w4„:',",1",11,:;.;:„ 'Ill7,1h111;;' ki tff overtook toe.- tln.n min/4Q a 55.foot death gap ond w y. 1 never did meat her. she juall toward the earth at tetyjitc e things_that diatt ter Ii"."111iielifKrilg'ilHa4flulblee114;.th4e);retm4daet-414)14eN4flebti)s. g sue deaf at tile tit O.... -ontrupiLL,1-majwity:-- „trw-gia„,ay- , IIM 4111.1044 1.:1111111/le ..,•1 V 1' 1 no amrge mode it is ittlmetites1 in the Sh,CY,CtOrPtitT_ ot het 1,14:11:re all people, nil MO 110 the Oilier peed. UNDERWEAR ELLIS' SPRING NEEDLE (CANADIAN) NAUCHAUOFEES' BALBRIGGAN (FRENCH ROBIN HOOD (FINE ENGLISH NATURAL WOOL,' 1 SEPU NEW STRAW HATS F.H. MARTIN Tailor and Furnisher. BEDFORD BLOCK THE SQUARE STRATFORD. ONT. tha loading im.iffe...rjr1ifii.ikipeei.-Inall in We.O fsrn ntario. .. thorough, merles] training on l'atimiarelal Subject.. Imae Pitmen'. Shorthand, Toneh Tyne- wiltingend in Commet a a operating. Koch department t. In the , hands of experienced Inatrnotont. We ...1st student/I to positions. Our gradootos always suctmed • for our courses are the hest . Cietour free rAtAlegur and learn more fttiont taa l'ou may enter now. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, wwwWwwaseminswenWIMSInesset Start in May OR JUNE and finish a good course of training for stenographer • or bookkeeper by November, when good postttont are best obtained Enter any day. No vacations. Free Catalogue. Central Businese College 50011 W. H. Shaw, Ilinellnl The CtOrious 12th of\July MONSTER, UP-TO.DATE, OLD -TIMI * CELEBRATION at Goderi h Ontario, "The Healthiest and Prettiest Town In Canada MON-DAY, JULY 13th, 1908 The Orangemen of South Huron have decidedto celebrate the anniversary of the Battle otthe Boyne at tioderieh, the famous and pretty` county town- of Huron. . The OI•atigenteli tiOderich have the Matter well in hand. They ioropose to make flick events, a monster, Up-to-date, old-tiMe9itiiige eplebrattem inth,e prettiest town in i'atiada and Will have thi3 athstance of the citizens'generally. .\: Excellent railway facilities *with the 11 T. It. awl its convenient intersection, and the new R. line from Guelph. T. BURROWS, .1. M. PROUDFOOT. D. M. WELLS, W. M., I.. 0, L. 182. Chairnian of Committee. Sec', of tom. .411M11111111111