HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-5-7, Page 9Q TBvaiDAT, May 7, ieoe LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF Not yet. but worn .unw•r wW b•' hire, l.11a.r your oder lot your summer nut now. New gaud. in Linea .tyle and b•.t wal.JJnai at rndturu thed Ta ur'., Never aril 6 ,d otos thew ow. t a ter 1 n• / "Photographer ran tale yburrl,b.,te ,aarty deg in the wank ttiuoday excepted). au4 you will Itok / pleasant when you .ee how td agent iron look. t-pnoletertna work done in Ent claw atylr Yui with correct tuateriah at Wilmot. S etch'.. Yea( attest. fast and se• the elegant hire of a•�e for covering.. Have your old sofa" and chain re -upholstered. The Canasta Gazette announces the appointment of I)unald McKay to he harbor mastorat Oodej'tch. Judge Holt. will bold 1/it'- ' (' t at Zurich May 1L; at, Exeter May 12. 'at Crediton May 13;rat tilyth Msy 14. S. Echlin Isar opened air.,rbi.r soup uu YulKh street. in the stand forinet.- -dyenpiral ¢y Gas. \Vhit.ely R lisl- ,sew. The titet completed wheel war tinned out at the Wheel Riga factory on Friday last Ben Saults ohtainet it Ar A souvenir. 3 - - A supplement to the tetalogue of the pubtic library. containing tihe raroneof books lately added, has been Irotaddle ad for the use.of martins of the ib ('apt. T. J. Stockwell, of 'Amherst - burg. has purchased the avower Ossi• rage from the Algoma Steantship Cu. for the Pelee Island trade. The rer- un is at the Soo. The • Doty Engine Works shipped this week•to Colhngwood a carload of engines and a 'carload of boilers to be placed in two tugs to lio•.usarXsthis Wa- tson in the thing husinese. KFasaiggewr+ieegiiileiew-ef Preafrer€Tr; iiilldtet t Wonderland three nights rash week, relieving Mr. Jordan. Those who ' have already heard Mr. Sugars are delighted with hie singing. The purls of the junite fourth and senior fourth classes at the Central 1 school h,ul a gabs• ut baseball yeater- _ day afternoon. the younger girls scar- ' ,Lug the greater number of rune. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" was one of'(he subjects «ts of the moving R acture. at \\'onderGDd this, week, 31auager ThuwFrtm is showing good pictures right along and N'onderinnll ood t having K hooses. The Elmira Musical Societpismer. ing arrangements to run an excureiou to Goderich on Thursday, `June lath. starting at Uuelph and ',tiltingIn All R P . -._.. - -- - xtaitunr west tis. e F.iwira ln.-Zia 77t bund will accompany the excursion. The board Of ' health held its monthly tueeting on Monday after- noor(i. Several mattere were dis- cussed and the uedical• health officer. Dr. Holmen. signified his tu'teution, al- ready expressed. of resigning the position. D. Mclaart•n is i1 a fiaued befrom the old of the .. Buchanan planing mi I down to AI - Bert Mitchell's property • .near Zie Agricultural gio-finds. This morning he hitched the building to a trac- tion engine. Caretaker Watt is getting the. -Square into shipshape again for the summer. The towneperrpir can 'help !noire hie work by refraining from n ,ng paths across the Krass. ut-, I t r corncao•or storiking ala 1 t r e ,ere the Maple Loaf i ., , Abell lots hove staked off their giounds,st Agricultural Park trod ex- pect t r000tri,make it gotxl field' of it. .I''he W. F. A. has received the (lUb'r application for entrance to the Aseoci ation.and it jai eaten:' the schedule of grimes,•will he lest shortly.' ' • .Annouecemente h e been i•ei:eiewe intoe* of for goideb wedding edema - _Lion cif Mr. and Mn. -1•'. 11. -Hann, .of St: Paul. Minn..:furtneriy well•known resident. of Goderich. which is to take place at their home' on Timed/iv, May 1:1h. Their old friends in l;oxleriob, of whom there are still not a few. will °- wi,,h :ter. and Mre.,Manna very pleas- ant occasion and "mashy happy re. , turns." ' • • !- phntogr hie view• by 1.4. E. Mit hy. S g on the Farm." is one til 1 snafut�� of last Sat: Tt odaye' Awe. Mr: 1 ii illy IN A young' man whoNe work is mantling aitentirnl. sod- he'prorn- to make iie ipienditl suceetes as a phis art' �� is emerges wi ' It. X. Sialft e. ant so is mile bands of a poral cipacIt _. The o@icere of 'the 'C;nl Regiment are at work on the al?rangenlenta for the trip to Quebec in July.. 11 ie not an easy tank to Arrange all the details in connection with such *project, but progress in being mmade, hnd no doubt the Huron contingent tineluding the regimental officers. twenty bandsmen and half the strength of the .vim- .', pottiest will. be in good shape when tist,ime conies. - is #be DAtlghtt•t s of the Empire our. - pose holding a bazaar in the month of ,,.:y.___.4ugpaL lea siker of this a epeciwt thtettng will be held in the court -,i- nroe- e•in thfirst room to -the- right surety the south entrance on Monday, Mal• 1 Ith, at 4 p. ni., at which,tint ...only the members of the D. O.I .'list all ladyasiltwbp are dasi nutint*in; Mat' hospital are etaitratly. repaested'tu'Yre pretent. A preen despatch elates, that iso Alice Chapman. who has I'een gi Ing }Bible reading's al, curious ` t rs \' throughout the Province. was pre.• \ , !Rented on M(mrndav night with n,nnlr worth -of Mining 'dock 'fry a 1 etmit .admirer. who crosrtrd to Windsor to. hear Ler reriutds. • 3lits-41hafr.win4e Ms yyolioggwwli*aitt wht3 naive the Bible reading in North sextet - Methodist ebutrh, linderich, littt1_iveck. MiA-N-A MEANS STOMACH COMFORT. It's of SpsCial Value to Many Here in Goderich. A mrtttble discovery and rine that .appeals especially to many people in lioderich• is the combination of stom- ach help in the MI•o-n,t treatnient. This preparation works wonders in cases of indigestion or weak stolttach. It acts directly upon the walls of the stomach and bowels, strengthening pend atimllloting them s'. that they readily take, care of the best that i. eaten without distress or snfTering. Su positive are the good effect« fol• lowing the use of'lflio-na that the remedy is.tdd las. Willson finder An attsmhitr gu4rarantee to refund the - Money If It row to cnn•. i! .-an-Cent of Mi-o-toi will do the wOod the y^' stomach needs. which is eimlNy to idnke it•do its own ark. Crop Conditions. A repent faun Auhurn says : Farm. 1' Lel this distair( hove more than half land seeded ; a great many will early' this week. The grass is fit for grazing, but ori at•ronnt areity of feed some stork has ep out. Generally *peaking, the re better than at the hr,- Bn has of the been to eo/aditions ginnitlg of v 1 , •t year, and there to am no reason wi, a good crop •hand far a OBITUARY. Mc 1 ntosh. , The -funeral of the to Mrs.. Alex' antler .11t 11 1 tttrh. whose h'Ixd:utreiT h lin {;ytestiay of liylt week at 'L'llrun• burg. time pirate wt Thursday after. noon host to Maitland cemetery from the ►esidence of 1'. A. dteid, the tie. -raised being ( sinter-tn•law of Alts, Held. Ltee. Jana A. Auderynn eon. ducted t&.. services and the pall - hearers were two mons of the deceased. Alexander. of Wylker•ville, and Cheek* of Peterborough. twat -C. A. Heid and \1'Ait.er Sharman, of town. 31iir. llclntush"s maiden name was Belle H1milton, -t• he had been il: for some tithe and her death Was dor to•w POMMY, lie stroke.¶ Her hurhandelt nun of M. Win. McIntosh, of town, died last July. the fuaeial taking place iu Gotlerjc also. -7-- Reid. The death of Mrs. Janina Ileid• which took (dace on Friday last, was due to a second sttokc of iwt;•tlysir. The deceased lady was seventy•Mre years of age and for 'some time had bct'n afflicted with blindness, which because almost total. She wej a native of the county .Arm b..'Ire- land. and came to Chir countil"tl'hen. Unite young and settled in Goderich. e1 maiden name wan Mary Mc• nee -.11100.11 • THE• SIGNAL: GODER!CHr ONTARIO CHURCH NOTES. P RbONAL MENTION. At the 'meting of the quarterly Alex. Mstus4 . tett seaside; um. a bathers board of Victoria street A etlu^di II.cphteahnioonu u1(otChdsaywtAu rreud1uttiwrnIof • lIrlJlpialt101. IM hu1IujruYw ha a-F ee -tlwa +Ylranu RO• trove totiralletluel rtht olraa tiro. It. \\. Mlly►rrh duriug 111 rat Taar4e sd yeas' eat parsed unanimously ,Ani ,Ht tiny. ?t1/1tl1 twig t�tathell a potation in.a Pew - invitation was Zet.odtal to him to re- Woks nawupaper ala., main another year. J• l Jurdsn we. called to Tonna* today and len u tutu The pulpit of North street Mocha-" Aewroulflw d C0aau afternIto.... ret 1 ued (rout •Toronto dist* birch was oerupied last >tiabbedis ettd,ieraatu with lir. Mabee for the .w'.lner. evening by Rer•; C. 11. Durrant, of Ni.. Prenderga.t. u( Lu,can, wee a . i.itor Heutuifler, whogn ve a very interest• during the wytrk ..t the re.lduute et U. e enact. ing talk 01 IndexPerisncei Tb New- Hrny li.lwatd• and ht. on. M.wter Harry, fr*ndianel, where liewee lldathntuel xr dun �n 1'ustday at a saris to r.•L.I i. ut fu Lwt A minister Is•fiee conning to O4taeio. Mi., J. J. TTk►uow.,eii waw had Ia»u't.lt,nw The large con regiation war No an- rehrt ii•v. et 1Stitlda..iute Ja,.l -, arri..d In aniseedin Mr. I)url'ant'a gral.ln/r lie• ("n yeulerd,Y• Mrr eins that Iwywould Willingly Aotstired _meth longer A sok) y wdolltno .W"einV41uld s n!s et ie►uW -enlnmt rhy May-vuh ufff41410g A(ttttloll 14, %%'u. (apopbatll :Hewlett the l'oioervalics the musical service of the evening. - cal. nitUen for Routh Huron aj Henaall un -Yen. Archdeacon Hichatdron, of Kt. "1ut id ty. Letup the sura of Hum Y yank•. John'. church 144041on townshil't, ,tr- cooled -Ihe pulpit in Sl• tieorge's church hint Sunday •nhig and Hev. C. H. tiunnei•of St. Pa}tl'r church. C'Iintou, ig the 'vetting. This was the occasion of the apnual carupalgn in this diocese. The re•tor. Rev. M. Turnbull, took fli r work ht _Hidinestille, $eiuin othili. awl Middle- tuu:s. The %preachenr at :it. George's :1. 11. MtIA'ML We. tip bunt I.oitda1 during Ht. week and ouupiod hi. watt at the head of the table at the Meeting of till. whoul born' un Molotov. Mus I•.,.ie Smith nae rrteruld%sem Tamen". wiener shelve heen cotepletinc' tier stere. in mt. be I...en woos.. ut photo E.Jloring tinder 'f. Vette. i Mi.. I t,uat. waif ratted oi! t�,,au int Maw der owing ,W the itis hf.r ntlrll.• Mrs. Howdy. Her dativeyet s todre.k'. want The Bachelor's Soliloquy. To wed. or not to wed ; that b the Vu•edWs; Is to ny4.r11ti.ltnorbler Irtitt114. Dluwp�tado»ulf► ,The biliand bourn 41t ut w wedded lemon. Awl by d..nh,c eat her. Too Wed : to .masa. No wore : and,tlavla a wife at lour 10 mood -4 The hole iu -dR. sNA .hlee. And outlet wear and au forth. 'rt. a comma - ion lie.outly tWlw widud. ii -w -al fur life : To wed : perehnuw to NLL; fry., there. tore euk Fur in that married life what n*lai.. slay ewer. 11 hen se have honeytaieuroing cohort Most give u. pwaw :. there's the, ewytt t . rk.t mak... the 401, of dingle life. • i'ur who wand bear her oroUteid ettEEful L 1tone,l gnarl., for tea. Planting flit 11A1'14 an 4:h111-. frog, ""1 lduuplt•'• a hts who, h.by elle. Into of Itarking.hins'upon a,•luto- uud Clueing initiate that button down i he beak• %Vise'. he hlutecIf wigLi ■II thaw trouble,. 4del Walt a bare 04•111 401 who 50,1111 huddle bed,. Anis el out and -oral undera •hopp'.tiload Wise. would .ample: match buy rat. for hair. Cert ,•sere nod crackere.home W .erre at eigI t Yur lunch to teed your Mende : play oe,tro Atter act : -ilw ragnnae ws,gs. amudua 1'rlettdly llritthb,r.: buy garden liols .. To lend until thee/tine; day home et Marble In ttuukID rh1.•tug k .oto ate.011ve to.li.e-litchi andbill..tiu.•k t0 td At opl•e Thal duty dove reale avward. of u. all. And thae the native hue of matrimony. I..icklied dor with the pale cad of chorea And lhll.tb. Anita rt marriage fader away. Mullett... i4. attra•tiou, -kdgcr liue.t. 444, witted were taken by Mss Jean 'Yom Qeoeya furter reunited last Thureda wider _ . mei-Side.? rout firrwu' uunl insoatbcru Id.. Mr. -r nthuds.nc W LM Inede. of t he dnuataa . 1i1'r.ttford Menet.) : he many friend._ of M re, W. N_ Lau... -.,.4 L44,.riey,, will be pierced gave alt intrrestittg ,accuuut of the f to tin ol+ ",eh bet tied Carthenay. She war married when work the Alleaiollat'y Society orf the Shout twentyone years of -age and Church of England in (,'anitda 'lade - leaves three en s and three daughters, ing and of the requirements to mani- as follows : ,fames Reid. of Clete. tams the work. - - land : William, of Montreal : An. drew, of Brantford : Mrs. Mc4 of CURRENT LITERATUWE. Milwaukee ; Mrs. h. 1). Heed.and Mics • Rend, of town. She is aurvyvwel .tirs + �itTsHt-l=atlp:i�i�w�; 1 Hreman tKeifers leant pl iie cover gives touch disUnctio uan's the Mey AVlll'Itowe 1'uw�aan y a haft -brother living near Ottawa. Her husha,d predcceare•d her about two rears. The funeral took place on Sunda y afternoon to Maitland ee ter¶. lies. _. las . _ A_ Audarson, pastor of Knox church, conducting the se rv.ces, utd the pallbearers -being John . \ tt v A o)), John Shaw...lames Buchanan, 1K -Stoddart, Alex. Stir- ling and H. Hostile, of Hrantfonl. Stakes. AtIi mentioned ma'd inour Iasi issue Sand• foxes Stokes War u1 11 serious coedit: owing to an attack of paralysis and his illuees terminated fatally on Sunt- an afternoon last. The ftul•JI•al flak place on Tuesday afternoon to Malt- ' land cemetery, service twipg. field in Victoria ett'eet Methodist church. - -on. dttt:tfid by the .paatol llev,K 1.t. Mill -- yard. and the pastor of North street church, Rev. 6.N. Hazen. 1Tre pall- bearers were J. 11. Edward. Joseph \1'hitely, H. ii. Htslgeus. W it, Rub- Mc. Mee �ful to tilt• - Another notable art feature of this ttfuQ)►sini•.ig-11'fulFrs',age rr�rnodue[ion of WIiHatn 4litlfoor Ke•r'a painting, An raged Neat . War veteran is.•arryiug his rumiwny7s col- unit iu a 1.►ta•or*t,iuu 4lIay pared... his eves tlhn.s.I , InwrF in n rit"rtv. 8ellinal him en,wd the -vague. shadowy foi of -tate p a, 'al i t •111 1 " ,' I . aft s who i' dine the rrtlor..with bins nearly hal cen{clay ,ego. 1)l.. Ea'tvv,ittt Eve Hale 'ewes sl a good advice to • married 4k. Iu' Are 11C Rewdv Our Childrt•u r" , Trent Herrick *pptertwhet the pi abient the chid in the hal-oily' from an ,a uallj. new t of view mpg_ i Five r ars a 7)ay iss tTie titer t aeries of articles on the Ia•ste way( travel ,ela•oed. In ;addition to to articles and the usual departm this Mak Come has some goof tors including "Itog-in-th,--Manger:" • llrart Specialist." tP.noake_. Ne hors," and "Thr (lrvtle High 1 man. • 1M -Ay 141'clv(orr'e:, 1'nun.iug bite and the call of the 'nutdtan• '* Id Only t tr-. tev- tTfrhteSt' ,r tletiu, mew a e. the Interest.- much a'rtury, (ni instance. 1114 the complete not -el in the May Iippincnti s, "The I'ir:Ue of Alastair." Itup•rt Sargent ftulland. the author, will bee pleasant ly- Menem- weed e nem-. wenxj as the writerof that clever book. rhtj attaint 41 Jl.u•cArd." He has nvustrd his new• tale with a healthful outdoor atmosphere. Vito will feel that you tsar would like• to be on..that emote Lorner of the Maine . chart. taking part in each stirring- xe�Ru• tures as befell Felix Selden. Lip. emestn, T. C. NAftel-end %Vitt. Nevin, Mr. Stokes was the fifth -son of the late Dr. Stokes and was one of a family of seven .ons and Oilier dtlttgh• ters. The only sure It,ilg Irlgp!rets of the fl 'ly ate Jafob .qf tl*u„+a (hales. of Chicagt brothers ref' t deceased. Nr. Stt ail Wei -horn Pitt tinttw•ax-titn3 to 1tt;:-stxty---Neve `iear. He wee married in ititki Mary- L,awlence, who INlrvives wi her son and daughter, Fred awl M \1'w. NcNevie. .11r: Stokes g,.. f over tjT rri"yy- years * , rsident-d t town and ('red fut,a situ,• also in t country. To the wrnilu•rs ,ii the reeved (»roily' are exteudedl the nine MA sgmpatbla of the coin uuunity. • s Anestosno/'. As noted in our last fsaue, the .Zeal of our townsman Edward Aroret:et ocrurled in, Thursday woruing last. the aye of wilt)• -four years. Ile h heel' lis pour health all *inter and fact haul not been really well for much longer period. \\'hem his teen Rev. Egerton Arh,stronr.. VT Charin ("nag., was.1'. for heeler eke all jert of this notice was. in a iwrioi condition of health, thud N was :t '.any days ta•fore the younger M Armstrong wits totalled to his father dying bedside. Mr. Armstrong wens native of Dumfries township, in tis .count/ of :WAter',N,. He was morel Anil for sone time Ic;tidrti in the vi lag. of Sheffield!, neer' Gall. An moved to (ioderich ,about -thirty-fi years, ago. and dor'', [] most ut hi residence in town he /\VAN identified with t-�tthe pinup. an Ginning mi mennfacturillg hue:►\toss with h brothers. Two brothers( and :a slate are surviving io (.o1. brother. in ('hieago. They are N i Bans; 1'butnas and Mary. of town, an Chalet and David, in•Chieago. fits wife, who.. maiden nein.. was Margaret Davies, diets Nrnne stint• yelite ago and Rev. E. F'.• Armstrong iit.the only child. In religifin My._ Arno strong wax -is atannch Methtelisl. and id politics a Conservative. 'l'he fun- eral wad on Saturday afternoon to Maitland ceni.Nery, the services ,it the Route And the grave bring con-. (Meted by the pastor of Northstre•t MAtlr.kliet church and the,ilall-bearers being Jacob Stokes, E. Bosrniug,. \V. R. �Ahertrdm, Thos.,NcKeiszie, John Slate. William Holland.' Local Opt:on..law&.ia Fermi, Jewel option bylaws`fe n ,auto force in thirty-one municip*lilie*-in Ontario n May 1st. cutting oft ninetyfrwr hr. nes. Thr only municipality -in Uri &aunty- which is ailectert. hr t e-� e our red be in nor, - t. th rs. or he I Ise • ht. i ri•- toy N the vb r u lta411 ties .1/c i. n0.c 00 a fair any to ,•e ,utero from bee trverr iliner.a that urerLmk.- herwl her way to I'hiragu, sill, Mr. Latimer end ehiWrou. While here .he hat beed day tittetitter w Int. rat ei..r.-arra t hew err-%tatranler. r u41rsL•u•eul, bard....•r, formerre or -Ash titld and tlOd('rirh, lyft Hrnw-it ldi. wait. Irving wild Iii. i,,a.l l. -e iu that town In onh•r IU ante i„ r toyyaa.k, 111p pooh id,,,br, rMal vdm ret .ren►n Il ('. Thr mmuMn rel t h.• Htu.»41+ bowtii,g ",4t yre.rtatad Mr. Maavl ,p e ld wnnT part '.m ear. Ih the lha[r' of a Ilei• .034 headed oat'. lir. M.t, dw,.tld w:a lkc pr.•idrtat of tM elute. 3leiid the editor to the nl'w re • "You must JWten navel .to' s'Wta.e -thing-as * rikt lentil it' has been pentads feeL You are apt st et us into libel yylts. hit _nut stay,, •'The the. stole the finals' ::yty, The to tbier who iN Alleges have stolen the funds.' That's *N. Oh, gi�l uouie. thip>r shout that_ First Ward social tonight." - And this is the -report turned in by the young itan . who heeded the editor's warning : -••,ft. is-rtmrored_.tly[L. - n UNFIT s{nide sews given seat ev in Ln w Diumher of • ` Cupid's f}dvsngs.- - Khw Nle;,,te.l. ••t'a id. nit A.,r hi"e l - t nerusty tor fdtide! lerpiog, - N b t r cf fragment* ere nage 1 tit s.u.n• 1',l. ire, rho old r ,,�y1 U •till •M �... p 1 -weeping!' : I wa Hr u,ewend, with avrd lrntal intro, - And rte. Minedend rrareNat. tett. - .t -tore: ripe mutts n red with •tI to 1..1% Lim="1 o, ntle.l y no forgetful. -M t lrho w•ued el. awl .otos beats.- • I Ile di: bow and erten getting. -_tiWuk�+lelvgirLthat it i• you - y - T W Ile ies4r.ad the art tagettniar. ldrus `teUlna atiteam, - 1 _ nor here wy layer ,f ra Tae -took rungs MIR 11 her Tel lis And wa o cd t ansa pie,s4. • :^ms .'aa4th4" Houle all• -Get See -- iTl•1' - .A They weer returnin't-front the, speJT- itay< Ire•. ae� � �l Offer Shoe S WALK -OVER toll-ttEN, ru•1' • • titter a y;u.41 �p:giuuing 'IT a - titting 'eliltaaa to ; yrntr Nprift • 1 fat p•rt e, noi'''g1e''di'tigora ytiti 1 u i 1 111 firetsucteet. • •c • te0re'N I hr ttttusr' -"nark.* ,, t' towel. a pra.•llcal eltpt •srtun ,d oboe ed,t'tllrtttt. • 1•:vttY 1i no u lira „i beauty 1. every curve a wink of fere. <1 shoe In, t'hiek. . Lba.u1al.et, d.•Alr, null wr.11er call tale c,t,ual roti jIlolitlxblr aeries.. ' 1✓ •••N••• Sole Agents --tor- G dertiek. •N••••• Downing & MacVic g ars. North Sider of S uare iii uticrit:h ljetter leave your ehildrei a g ehariwter to'tiutliate and deft nal t3avernmfnt ttstids a i pw1Tg v, ,1 reputed ladies f the First Wahl. ^'- tirs. Smith. cos.' ta,:ay., was the --h ost- eve. and the f -dies un are ue teras - tt I to taro continued until 11:71 in the evening. The alleged. h'n.tewi in be- lieved to arc the wife tJ Junta ;i11rit11, the su-call*1 •higlr•priced gi °eel Where M .Pers • Dean, ••You iii m t, know .e great dell 'larut poi, remarked the -retool IlWAll. / "Tes.'rreplicd the gr.'at„ tectivr. • 1 know - what ;hey ought to and -.•Amity isms utif vvfiiwf -have do ••7 Y n hut t rot a e Mess tri •" a 1 1 u y [ 1 y alt lents they ere going to do Surae People cnn du nothing we wept cal and deep and find Gault. igjl. Mr. Spoonarnorc - she,.aid ••why - w. • 'y _did -`y44m mire thaut easy word ? ¶cru aAr ree��, spelled 'honor'with .a 'u.' "- spring is dere n1 '•1 know ►t,' hs answered. "The w ! • h- itt pineott s always excels i n b e A, matter of short stories, fuel this ia'• month, is n.. exception to the role... in Dorothea 1R•akin, cre'atot• of "lieor- a gin,' rontributes it ',tithes tale • called "The Serpent's Tooth. ---which feeling cant. over -me all at ranee that 1 'ort c . , -Wit)j , .0 .1 t� airy t ° Vt ith whicl2 old, old story „be won her. Iq contains a !velum for n certain 'Elmira Is Nmghen who would do well to take it 1t to heart.. Thomas a.. Masson's story. r. '•A Man's (iame; s_shnws the hum- .r ornus touch- And keen knowledge of human nature whirl have earned this author him tetaitat' ail one of our futetuost humorists. t'Helen'x First 1 141;ndayy� " byy Gerorge Herbert Clarke, fiat Twifity tittle tale apropos of [teem. ation, Day. "'Patience Fesaenden'r. ve Scandalous Story," by Janet/"Garth, and "The Bed of. I'rncrsistea,"' hey ,lane .1 Bellied. Ap alai - worthy CU special is mention. - • r 11 AY "BUSY M.A"',. MAle.t7..Ni:." Goderich and Iwo TheinettY tnl,_ilLjl hf Msy rinus,jaty'' I- and gladneti;, sunshine and flowers. d The issue of the Busy Mans Magazine for the current month :also brings pleasure and profit for its ever widen- ing circle of enthuxiastir, models. "t:wui- Iisns Who Are Doing nn�frotv,� and How," forms an ini1 g, ritato 4 highly edifying feature in f ii Miiy nlmnloer, which 's 'generously illus- trated llus trated and prelt rune. artiatie- nppearaurr. 'The look with the red rover," as iIu.y Man's is ire fluently and familiarly called, alio has numerous other admirable adjuncts which Grill prove iisirtiiularly wel- come, it not tnly gimes several of 1 the hest selections from the mega - tines of the world, but erniairw -tneb-f inst, wtivr, timely --snot - prrptthtrt articles An "The Prineipler of Profit Sharing in Httetness,"-'\tone•• DP.Tyc- tions on the Average Man,' low Tlfo.e Who Fall Are Given Another nee," ••('anadians ,Shoo1� indulge ira Boating." "A Greaser Besse of Oars Responsibilities," "1'hg 11'rn•hl'14-Greasiest flow a Menuftie- tnrer," "Youth Should las Taught the /titbit of Satin,." "The Adoptions"ire Aid biles in Business." "Canadian Banking System the Nest la the N'nrlat," roil 'Police Force thetlesa Credit to ('anode." lithe!' attractions of shit lisaiaggn;jlie might be dwelt upon, but in -.lax t alas o[,tau� 'euongh• it las Waal as a feast." SUMMER SPORTS. An interesting Intros fuottsall hottch I was played last Saturday) 'morning be. twea•jh teat N calling thewrely n•� Iw gars. The game t•esulted 3 to m in favor of the Pantiarr, The tram, were as follows:, 11. Kelly goal 1:. Pridham W. Blair- point J. Felker -i.$anderson - point, F. Robertson W..'ltraiton r. wing, l'. Mt'Arthur 1. Lavelle centre E. Janes 1t. elle r. h. back 1t, Halls %V. Mo I. h. hack it. ('lurk T. Slattery eft 'wing 1, (irimp J. Vwnytune half back ,'. C. Kidd half -hack '.B. Inose T. Kidd, maecnt for Petition.. .• TM Nswnpap.i. Won. A` ewe of 14441110 injpi'rut, especially `lir newspiip'rmen w.,, -tried in Divi- sion Court at Toronto .Iiutction ter' rrntly fir n ti ftdN llnt)2r_Judge Aller•' win. The publirrhrr of The 11irhitlow, 11111 Liberal suet) Vt". - llr lingo, "f 1Ve wlnn, for several Years.' .nbserijt. thin. 'rh.• plaintiff 11ainred that ,be ,1 had sent the paper in goal faith ,fled that hr hal never been notified to di.-' anoints'. it. rho pselliaster' ret Went. 1 00' wits summ I as it witnres In prove that some niembat• of the de- fendent's family hnd taken the, .purer• from the .fee regularly soft he hal never been unheated tt, return a rt,py' to the ppubliatt.r. Thr defendant Maimed that be had verbally told the publisher several yeare ago to 'Benin. dune the paper, that he himself had I not taken the feller trout the office, Jlwlgm,ent and costs for the plaintiff. twenties err rut off._ Th. ProvinCial'Campaign. Covering the •'present Provincial election campaign, The (Rohe, daily, Islay ate -tad at the retnai•k*hly low rate of 2 -'se. l':werywhere The Globe is recognized aisCan*da's tiatiomel news - taper. A1w•ays clean. fair and *noir: ate, The t4tobe-•is -Ttresentinentiy the lo� a CRO' AN a.lu+wa-gath- eret•andexponentis lrij40 inion Wig Globe stands lowly . �Ifir hest in- tereetk Of the people h Ieen iti guide for sixty-four years. grli -About --Imq►ifiFa The indivi.ivalatwho ate Ntwnding at the 'gretiun office in Toronto; talking abort employment on the farm, end how farm lnhorerat are paid, are, as a rile, what most chaps in: ()Id London call "knockers" -- mon who talk froth-- fume of habit, whose high - rat ambition is to put in the time without exertion, are • only a hind - ranee to the country and* -source of ,annoyance to the •lktminion (trfi-orn- men ofllcial..• A4. n iNuntratjtm ire the Progress skil?Xd farts laborers con ret*ke in this country, we route for example An initnigrent'hroilghtout h the Ripley agtht., This man has signed a' trunttact for one year, with Joliet Styles,' fiarmer, near Kintai., H.'ler ivel /attire year in emit, wages paid monthly in advance. A free;heatw with orchard cnulaining forty trees bemiring fruit, all the land he require* o• his own na• w i111 ti IuIv 1n w, irk name, 111. use of 11110 cow and feed for wane. 'Chis, with set ern' fele* items In the contract, gives the recent arrival iu the l'nlmtry a chane' to soon become wealthy man. Mr. Styles has atlas r•tla of Moil under cultivation and he partnitly knows how to apprey'(wte settlers of -a skilled farm laborer. inlay Express, If Mr. Styles' ra- ttle dere generally followed the fl.' help prtilrlenl would tet readily not be anticipated, \ sol When you hear a Man say that he M 10 tied bf the world it's`q safe in that 1 m world is Ur of val. r. oNey is-seiiiled the circulating .efllutp hennas it Is duskiest tn'rlrrtl- $be eel team. �� 114 L.-Wilhrrut kr The Baseball eller Season \- has commenced• and we heve,a complete line of . suppl les. League balls, league bats. catcher's gloves of '.lost :ap- proved styles. Also balls alid bat; of Irss expensive kinds. Come along, boys, and get you: e,ltfit. Wall Papers A large rad well -selected assortment of Wall Papers for the spring season. We bate been selling wall paper for -a good many years and know. what the people of Goderich and inlay want. 6EO. PORTER Colonial Bookstore Phone too i The-- King's Plate ��n1� es, s -ctivnlv,Aine Pontiac,u and TrafAl- We will not try to pick the winner, \butthe'PLATER,' r new hat, will Aute winner I tyles The O y Test If we were not giv- ing satisfactionour business would not be prosperous. In spite of hard times we are doing bet- ter than last year. The reason is ex- plained in two words, "New Cus- tomers." awewenweareeer We carry The CHOICEST SUiTINGS ill town. and thrifty- housewives ,will IN• looking; fin- 'onnething to taillike Use drlxlgery , of humaneatling ,.easier. - r� r11•ett••yyyyry x well•ateerrtetl line of SoapN`Wa,.h P11wden-, Hanlon. Alol Hnw)tiie, in fat 1" t'er�yttii ig needlsay..yt.t• spring cleatiie We hxvr`alwr a new sip -In -date st„ek of giccerit•s• cnnfe,tionery 1004LL aryl ii.._ ..• t'Ienty i1� fresh '114% and gc.0.1. butter alwjye MI laud lila Ala de ivensl pr Idly. • W®. L. Lindsay The People's Grocer 'Phone In., a Wonderland BETTER PICTURES BETT- MUSIC - s, The Finest Moving -Picture Machine ---tif-Western Ontario it's two to Goat pleased when yoi because you'll Hint youri.eif pplly new .11ic11111•-,. .111i, Mir pleased that refute- ; in a 1.,tsititai 1,, -give briber part with tither. and carry off .-riviti..-7N,;.--1....tter pictures like our friend here, We've lawn dity ohne. -building up it •.„,rejnitatiiiii' fur_ Candies with these' witining tvrius for years. That's why the nein, of Olympia is Sy 1/44111,11411•4/ Let 111 nerve your "ratite- loan Specials for this we k. All the nut taffies at Pie. ter lb. No change in price. CENTS. CliocoLatea nod Cretans,' moted o'clock, except SatuidaV at LUNCHES SERVED. at -41‘ HOURS. M SUGARS nighreeaf it Wt. • and will tie lin WONDERLAND HICIlympla Cafe eV MBAS, Proprietor s • Super' r Ha mess_ in Auburn.. -1 eelliog auls- stands all A look will satisfy 't he most pointed cis a chance to say 'Rauh' beam,* t hey hate got your Money. lint call end lertine intrdiduer to you my specialtiey. AUBURN I Sale of Oxfords 1 AN' LADY. '111 WEAlt. and wantsui pair of low shoes -w saye,,mortuy SATURDAY, 9th, or 1VIONDA ith. Over too pairs of lamb -grade Oiffigds to be sold a ess Akan the cost price..., These are handlers' samples Mid. strictly to -date shoes.. Halos the hat : lathes' fine Kid tor th. light, heevy and Met weight wiles. low and 11 reotristro 42, to It. hub.. ' tine Kid Oxfords, with! ht 'sod heavy ode.. Leonia 111.7:t, Ett 1 18 aide prici sfilt so/ In 'addition to,, Oxfords, WI y flexible Regular- mize \ only. to ekiir t G. M. ELLIOTT, The Square r Its. Yin -Kid y nerd - 2 to -Di it EC imiviie les Black Chiffon Taffeta Silk Just one end of it. 75 yards in the piece. A genuine Chiffon Taffeta Silk. Black ohlye Suitable for skirts, suits, coats, waists or linings. Good enough to sell at 75c. a yard. ON SALE SATURDAY MORNING".AT-soc PER YARD.. like them. Half - Price Saturday morning tee o ill offer 2.1 One* Art Embronlet•y work at half - price. Miss Curter. who ham hail charge of this depart nieet, hos hal to return home. and we are Ile/drone of clearing all pular-lip Ankh.. at once. 'nog 4. why you ; Exactly Half -Price rot. (IOW the y of W1/1 14. The best choosing, ill be done early, REG• BLACK THE PATTER See the new Shantung/ Silks / Itongh stirface Silks ere the most popobtr silk this 1104144014 It nleneat impoontilde to get enough of than). 'We hove holt tipened/up a small shipment direct from London En . Mutntiing weave, dyed in Frenee, the tomtit' re except ion ally gruel, color. svir., Cope') hagen blue, cream, olfl mem fi natural. I tress lengths only. Narrow and ide vvidth.. 75c. and $1. the yard