HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-2-7, Page 4 (2)•
T E HUROX'8I9U.L FRIDAY. FEB. 7, 1890.
_1J. •
S. E. WALKER. Meade. --
' * 1U-1 OA'r',m ettsni.s TaAIISAOTEDD FAtarMM' No p. D190ouirTe .
AMU et TM tBN ID STATS GMAT gears. FAWN. fin, Aa
Of/OS'11/ OP 0L00 MID t1PWAM111 1100S1Vt0 Asp OtIr11aNT IATtS oe ser rteeST
.LLOtNRDe 1111111•1111i AMMO TO Tag /MIMOrMt. AT T111 dam OF MAY AMO
4aelal A/MaNeo Oren to I. OeNsaN.m of Oomemserelal Paper.
aid PMtasele Ser.. Notes.
AWN,* or two ARAN New Psbllcat.ene
:het Mayo Oen* or Maud.
mcl1Nru'e MAOAZteg ►Ox 711111.:A*Y.
Oem of the most interesting features
el like latest number of S Vsigq.
fiat is the Brei of two articles on "Juba
Briomos. the Agister," eoataibeted b!
William C. Cb.rek, to whom, at the ia-
vMtee's own room*, a large number of
lettere cad dessemeats were turned over
So kelp kiss is preparing his biottesphy'
Sorbet Ward, isle an officer in the CCUs
go Free State, writes for this number an
artiele (with illustrations) entitled "Life
Among the Cos go Savegea" ' • Thro.ib
Three Civili..M..,s" is ea account by W.
H. Malloak of a visit to s number of an-
cient Haeprtaa castles. The number
elm °entail's "A Day is literary Ma-
drid, by William H. Bishop; "An
Arebaroloeia.l Discovery in Idaho, by
A. Fredenek Wright ; The Minnesota
Heir of a Serbian Rias," a Conular ex-
peri.oea, by Rages. Sebeyier ; "Through
the Oats of Dreams," by T. R Sullivan,
and 000tinsatjooe of two serials. Poet-
ry is contributed by Graham R. Towson,
C. P. Crunch. Archibald Lampman, Ed-
ward 8. Martha, Jtha Hay. "The Point
of View" comprises articles on Brown-
ing, Men'. Women, Fust Loves, College
Men In the World.
The numbers of The Lining Ave for the
weeks sodieg January 25th and February
let contain Robert Browning, Brazil,
Past and Future, sad A Lsmber-Ruom,
Contemporary • Pope, and Robert
Browning, National ; Cardinal Lavigerie
and the Slave -Trade, A Winter's Drive
from Sedan to Versaale, and round Paris
during the Singe, Browning and Tenny-
son, and In the Days of the Dandies,
Blackwood ; The Romance of History,
Jacqueline de Laguette, Tenipie Bar ;
Strangers Within our Cates, Gonad/ ;
The Father of Low -German Poetry,
Granville Sharp and the Slave -Trade,
tied A Ballad cf East and West, Mac-
Millan ; Children and the Posta, Leisure
Bowe ; The Cats of Ancient Root,
SugfisJ JUwtreh i Magazine ; House-
kespimg in Crete, AU the Year Remaid;
The Intellectual Effect of Old Age, Spec-
tator ; Browning's View of Life. Jt
James's ; with "The Orem Door,"
"Zoe" and poetry. For fifty-two num-
bers of sixty-four large pares each (or
more than 3,300 pager a year) the sub-
scription price (98) is low ; while for
$10.50 the publishers offer to send any
one of the American $4 00 movables or
weeklies with The Living Ayr for • year,
both pot -paid. Littrl. dr Cu., Boston.
are the publisher'.
THE COn1OPOUT*Ie FOR resaraie.
Two articles that will have intense in-
terest fora great many of the readers of
the February number of TAe Co niopdi-
ran are one by Grace Greenwood, "An
American Salon," giving the .otnor's
"recollections of a series of ante -Whim
Washington reunions." and a sketch by
Murat Halstead of the lite soli character
of Horace Greeley. Dom Pedro, the de-
throned emperor of Brazel, s the sub-
ject of a contribution from the pen of
Fronk Vincent. "The Romantic Story
of a Great Corporation" and "A Cruise
. round Antigua' are c oncluded this
month, Other articles are as follow.:
—"A fiends Maniac,.' a comedy, by
George E. Montgomery ; "Mr Joseph
Pate and His People," by Richard M.
Jobeston ; "Recent Developments on
Gan Making," by Capt Greer, of the U.
S. Army ; "The Development of Our
Modern Costume," by Edward 11 Ball ;
"Georgetown University," by John J.
a'Beeket ; "King Carnival in New Or-
iease,' by Metre Breland ; "The Vienna
Barg Theatre,' by William Vote 8aebs,
and poetry. The Comespoldaa Publish-
ing Company, New York, are the pub-
Opening Proceedings at the
January MeetiDg.
at•.t.• of Inv r.a.sry PersI.s et the
err ..k.* rreerrelage retorters or
5. s1a, t'emmttteee ad-
lasr.eea. tes J....
1tPoIT Or t enrserroR Tor.
To she Warden and Councillors of the
Comity of Huron —
tletimsrah,-- I have the honor W
present my animal repn•t on the schools
u nder nay inspection for the year 1889.
Daring the year i visited ail tee scho..k
swine, and found the majority of the
tsaebors doing exosllsot work. A few
schools dad almost nothing denim the
your. A statement showing dates of sy
visits is appended W this report. Whom
widtimg the schools I have •ndesvored
sot on to test the work done trate my
lost bat especially .hem the teacher
is bs,inning to help him in the deep
lies. management and insttrostiom of he
pupils. Several te.Vb.rs. ii el.di.g dome
expsrsneed tesober., do not sites sell -
Cent attentto. to government mad die
sighs*. Their pupils ars never 101.01
in habits of order, isdesIry .d self-
eeverol. i• a properly.end.sted pantie
school the add beeemsa s memensr of •
eossmnnity is which the will .sad eme-
vent•me of the ledivideal meet mot is -
tarter. with the good el the whole. He
most be *cb1•st to laws .red ender the
emmtred ef gw...mmmt whisk awash hie
be emirates self tented sed Irate him for
good oitisenebip In after life. A teacher
who cannot or doss out secure good die
elites should not be ouounued is
charge of • school.
is tbe majority ot our schools not suf-
ficient attention is gives W the health et
the pupils. The schools are badly ven-
tilated, poorly heated and tot kept dean.
The Provincial Board of Health In a re-
port to the Minister of Edoestion is
Jam.. 1889, says —"During the cold ma-
ma all schools in Ontua should be best-
ed with steam, bot water or air heated by
• furnace. A regulated system d i■tro
duping pure air lulu the school room mad
withdrawing foul sir, should in all aims
be secured. Tb. dunking water seed
by the school children should be analys-
ed from time to time, and if fused jr
pore it should be immediately di.00ntino-
d. We would especially erre scrubbing
of the school floors at beret once a week.
Sweeping should obrtys be done et nimbi.
the floors having been first sprinkled,
and the seats and desks should be dust-
ed with a damp cloth on the following
morning. The duets, .eats and walls
should be kept scrupulously clean, the
latter being brushed down with • damp
brush or cloth weekly. In addition :o
this ws reenmmeod that all the cracks la
the doors should be filled up with petty.
The doors ebou:d ales) be snaked with
boiling oil several titles, until they be-
come hardened. Hard wood doors are
preferable. All privy pits should be
cleaned out, disinfected and filled in
with dry, clean earth. Where water or
dry air systems are not used dry earth
closets shall be 000stroc!d The con-
struction of dry earth closets may be
varied to suit circumstances, but the box
or pail must be water tight for the ex-
creta, and dry earth, coal or wood babes
or saw dust scattered over the excreta
every day. Pure sand is valueless.
Dirty floors and badly ventilator school
roams oo:tribwre to the spread of con-
sumption. The bbcili of tuberculosis
rise with the dust, and enter the respir-
atory psssagss, to be introduced into the
circulation. Thus the dread disease
which heads the list in the rats of mor-
tality in Ontario, causing about 12 per
ant of our annual death rate, may be
propa,std in the air of tee school room.'
Trustees, tescben and parents should
consider all these startling facts and, es-
smine carefully the condition of their
school house end pelvis. Tesehen and
children are often surprised when I speak
plsinly to them of the danger to their
health on account of the filthy state of
the .cI-ool room and closets. Many
teachers and trustees never give any
attention to these matters, and do not
seem to care whether they are clean or
not it is part of the duty of the teacher
to look deer these things, and report to
the trim when they need attention.
Many trustee boards allow, yes compel,
delicate children to et for hears each
day in s room which was swept at noon
or before nine o'clock. During 1889 at
8.56 a -m. I found om sateen, two of
oar bust schools., wader teachers of sev-
eral yeara espsrieoee, shildren sweeping
in a cloud of dust which almost bid the
sweepers from view. rhe pupils were
called to their plums at 9 a.m., the
lower sash of the opposite windows rallied
as kith as possible and the heated child-
ren from the pl'.y ground compelled to
sit in dust and draught fur hours. In
many schools i find the same state of
affairs. Ho. Lang will children be fogad
to endure this?
ElellOOL Hocate AND ROUT( DM. —
During the year two excellent brink
houses were built in 8. 8. No. 10, Hey,
one of them ennt•ining two good class
rooms. In 8. 8. Nn. 4, Ashfield. • g rod
frame building •sneered with brick, has
been erected. Several school houses heel
new temple floor, improved desks, and
other improvements made, adding great-
ly to their eimGot and convenience.
Many of the schools ars poorly 'applied
with furniture and books of reference.
A few school. have no globe. Two of
the achorl 'rowed*, one K. Ex. No. 4.
Stonier, the other 8.8 No 14, Wert
W.wen.sh, ars not famed. in quite
nominee of the grounds in 1889, thistles,
onrdnek. etc., were •1L s -d to yo to
seed. This does n..t speak well for clayr
io charge ret the school. i hops the pro-
ceed test book on aerieoltur. will 00111-
demn thio pras►ies.
Resting snows. —In Joly end Deices
her exsminsti..ns were held et Ooderieh,
Exeter and D•ingsnnnn fair entr,nce to
11'rh Bodin. 1. and Collegiate institutes.
At 0...leech 69 candidates were 'emcee
fel, sr Exeter 42 and at Derrennon 28
In addition to dice, several from this
inapeetorato wrote at pia.'. '.ntsti* this
di•,.ion, so that during 1889 over 160
Tonne poop's Irnm the wipes,. of West
Horne passed • muck more thorough
ex.mineti»n than was ratnired of third
elms teachers by the scanty boards 8f -
'see y taro ago.
At the Model Rekord eaaminstions in
Deetenbr GI candidates were •...vied
third-class eertifiea•es by the county
hosed. The earlitiastes of 13 others who
had o`teised sssomd.elw non-prrfee-
"inwal certificate, Iters extended for two
Tomo in soseedance with the roonistica*
of the F.d.ssti M Illipartmemt
During 180 a definite emcee et stele
for each of the elegem is dm awhile
chicle of aeon was prows& sod •
sew swat to sash .shad. i lochs from
the teseeers of my inspr. nests that this
e.rriswi•m W hem' el groat henei► to
them, messiah, to tie yammer Mashers.
A ser of esaelsetifia ppsrs Int prong.
Yes was prepared *dame to sash Wool
to akehss. 11 Y gspeete* .hat b trimm
d dens used ants the **k le the
dieme-4 iamb will he node M aoasly
t1.1 1$. as pernibie. amd That the leashes
will be aided is the dealt week et Owe -
melba The .amninisg of the
AA lima= ata the timber. I .m
eosviseed that them ezesensetts ., N
prepely mewled oat, will be of mesh ad-
vswtynt b th. pp.oppdrM, d tM public @sheer
el Heim. I believer it will be well, •f
the Towhees' Aeeooaatios. d Karam deo
are it, to have a.ommitsse el three fees
emsh auaoehttoe to aid the ieepseteer Io
ereporiog papas, etaad
, far halm mem-
I am tarry .o envoy cf the t...here do
not comply with the school set ie the
ensue( of Feeble) esaminati,os (see Pub-
lic 8ehoul Ant, .as 154, 8). Tesehers
who hold liable essaliitatiooe aro amply
Dy the increased interest parents
• la the school work. Trustees should
see that these p.Mie ezamin•tlo.e are
held. sod it is the duty of parents to ow -
courage bete pepds sod tseehers by befog
presoak Is enteral @ekoele I watt the
only visitor daring the your.
Two suooemf.l rpemliafp of the Teach-
ers' Inst etas were bold dense the yeor,
one at Exeter and one at Godetick.
I cod herewith the usual statistics
from all the municipalities escept Col-
borne. The annual report from Na 8,
Colborne, was only partially tilled, and
had to be trot beck. It has not come
bock As ww.n se returned I shall give
the clerk the returns for Colborne.
• Z7'Je7;g ES 512 MI
fil2FletiZ5 111
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do `orritttoo
o a-♦8sood��ood°1
If you desire any further inforocatloc,
1 shall be clessed to furotab it on notice
from the clerk.
I base the honor to be, gentlemen,
Your obedient servant,
Jona Ewnl Tor.
GERTt.Rrxw,—Herewith 1 submit for
your consideration • report of the prison-
ers at present confined an the 000nty jail.
'these are 21—two females and 19 males.
Of the footsies one, Mary Brady, s s ve-
lment Isom die township of McKollop,
committed for six months for the seventh
time on Dec. 5th. She is 57 yeai, d age,
wesk•mtndd, and ss far as we kmow en-
tirely without friends. The other female
is awaiting trial for murder Of the 19
male', three are inane, and have been
'dammed, the neomsaty papers made out
and they are awaiting removal to the
asylum. Of the others. one is under win-
ches for larceny, tun tor'welt, one for
contempt of °wort, and one debtor. Tbe
remaining 11 are all vagrants. Three of
the male vagrants are old and fseble,tbeir
ages beteg 67, f18 and AO years. At pre-
ssed five ales and owe female an soder
ears of the jail surgeon. mil influents, but
only one severe.
W DN shoo,
RZPORT OF 3010 cxlifin 4310.4 A
Gentlemen: The followiort report em-
bruee all bslne.s fees Jose 50th to Dee.
21st, that was ander contra^t at your
June sesodoa, and the following essIMet.
let %lore:
Rd ward Sharman, vault ter runway
neat rte ofltee•, 91143.
F (:ntteridete, Seatorth, wing wall to
enndvine bridge, 91116 per eubk yard.
J. & C. Bear Dees, bridge over
bort, joistly wish meaty of Perth, 119 11Bybk
river ea boundary et .5., . •tad �lb-
per ineal font; and mares work for same,
to rats. abutment., 1e Joseph H.ebty,
Other eostraeta ler manse. jobs appear
I. the pay roll. All the eestrieet. have
Men esempleted In a eattatertere Beamer,
mad 10. emote Wedgies v appear la a
Ours Mr of repair mid Ilkd b aro
=press/ett1�rMgtwises, ualess
aathe eirdiaary
T�IsUewtsg tem the ardent I leave le-
rsteed alt. the Joao tempted:
eames eaMort Jamieseo, gest .red Wood eps7-
bndls, I Jets IfMettMr 4t&ls M lst-
IoM ..10, .1 +iw.bsrrslheard,
ag Waw iCUMliJNs
Foprsstee�r, furmlwhts acrd &Melee lb -erase at
Leiden, VW dohs r
vvale bridge.. dat7 of Teekeremith
smd Hay, CI % Thomas 8teweet, repaint
u Bteevele bridge, 9240; Chester Prouty.
repa8t-phes sod to Ray boon and bridle en*Al-
derson, teeee$�w h� erecting W t iashas
bride*, $12 ' Alex. Mustard, 1420 te
flooriart at la at
layered, 917.75; Jobs Glee,
es brige south of Durcaaaos.
8eorleu Johnatoo, gravelling ed
gala's bridge, Bay field river, 96 60; Jw
Forster, teghteoing Week's brides and
movlag pile driver. 915.70; Robt. Jamie-
son, Huron's half for encase Heatrym
bridge, x.190.60; Abry t Edwards, nowise
bridge north of Ktrkio., Huroa'a ball,
920.311 lobo Walker, SO yards gravel et
W highest) bridge, .80; village of Exeter,
gravelling bridge, 912; John Bre•nan,use
of land for road wblle erecting W Ingham
Midge, 95 ' Richard Bailey.� repairing
Rap's tad Hay field bridges, 11;33.31; James
Lockhart repairing approaches to
Grieves' irtdae, 90 ; J. 1x.. Cornell, sap-
preaehwi to Grand Bead bridge, Huron's
half, 96.75 • L Hardy, repalriog wise
bridge, 9137.50; ditto, redoortag Black
Creek bodge, 910; Robert Grieves, grav-
ellingLoode.boro bri
Taylor,u 24600 Leet flooring iMaitland
bridge, 90411.75; W. F. Kelly, rtag
stonework at moo. elk Wm. Arbuet1e,
rrascbee to Zeeland creek bridge, 915
Moor, m+king and footing devia-
tion road at Win/Otani bridge, 922; Wes.
Mitchell, repairs to bridge on Howick
and Turoberry boundary, $1.30; Richard
Ticbbourse, la tog floor at Maitland
bridge, 951.46; James Yates, spikes used
at same, 923 35 ; township of Stepbeo,
repairing .poreaches to Mud Creek
brides, Heron's half. 916; H. Juoor,
repartag stees work at Qintam
bridge, 9M.66; Robert Sharman, extras
at County registry office, 937; James
Moffat, repairing approaches t0 Morris -
bank bridge, 97; John A. Mitchell, feat -
Ing approaches to Warren's Creek bridge,
i0eke. Calder, l:ortes Blyth bridge,
John E. Sparrow, repairing ap-
proaches to Turner's bridge, " .10; Wm.
Ammo, approaches to Heufrvo bridge,
Huron's half, 9750, Wm. *Peep, repairs
to Rathwell's bridge, 96.78; Jos. Nem*
repairing stone work of Manchester
bridge. US; village of Brussels, repairing
bridge, $1161; Robt. Jamieson, repairing
Day's bridge, 10; Mark Cassels, tiling
+mahout oar ingbam prslrte, 913; Jas.
Duna, planking Bain's eldia, Ashfield,
91; Mania Whitt,. topiarian approstbes
at Kasten bridge, $5; Chse. O'Conner,
ditto at Port Albert bridge, 9e; William
Walter, repairing Buckley's bridge, Ash -
Geld, 916; Charles Barber, marveling aP
pro�h�s to bridges near vgtngbaso, 945;
D McOoaie, repairs to Clinton bridge,
t.60; m. Moore, gravelgoutinat brides oiagham gravel road, 91.12; John Mots,
cleaning drains, etc.. Manchester bridge,
t;oderleh township. on account of
brides at Holme: flats, 9100; Wm. Glen,
approaches and fence toSasble bridge,95;
Alex. Fuser, Huron's haft of approaches
to Heath's bridge, 828.50; Benj. Blair,
appmacbes to Kippen and M111 road
bridges, 94.69; James Pauli., flooring
Mitchell's bridge• and repair. to Wroxeter
bridge, 917.14; Tbow. Stewart, repairing
Bloeyale bridge, 92•05; Wm. Diann, re-
pairing Grey's bridge, Tuckeremhh, 90.60;
8. M. Robinson repairing ploughs broken
in County work 97; Wm. Wren. snow
fences at two bridges near Cbleslburst.
Huron's half, 918.60• Wes. Mitcbell, floor -
Ing bridge earth of Seafortb, 921.45; Jobe
Harker, grave►tog at Youngs and Alien's
bridges, 931.75; McLese It Son, rrflooeing
end repairing bridges south of WIngh•m,
921,734; James Young, renaming Mam-
cheeter bridge, 938.26; Jame,' Giltespk,
g ravel at Btytb bridge. 91106; Joseph
Allinson, approaches to Clinton bridge,96.
The total amount of orders issued from
Jan. 1st, 1888 to January 1180, is 94,978.911.
1 have received and paid to County Trea-
surer tor sales of old material, 941.
The following bridges should be rebuilt
early In summer of 1880: Grey's bridge,
east of Bromfield, and Beckley's bridge
on L. 8. mad in Ashfield, an they are old
and not quite safe for heavy teams. They
are mot more th... Y13 feet long each, and
should be built of cellar throughout. The
south span of Clinton bridge should be re-
built, and a stone wing wall added to the
n orth. I also recommend that Inside
shutters be put on the vault windows of
reglstry canoe, Waive greater security W
the record.
corlrrY Yezesuaat't RePOAT,
containing the various financial state-
ments, from which it appears that the
stnkieg fonds or* almost wholly invested,
then befog a Warms on hand of only
9562.36. Then was loaned not daring
the year 996,316, these =creasing bear
interest at them. of either 6 or 84 per
Dent., and tie total investments of the
sinking fond now $mount to 9125,914.
The estimated and actual receipt' and
expeoditores aexrespondd very 'timely,
the total unexpended balance Ming
.V. J. R. Hoarse,
The eou.0il resumed, pursuant to ad-
journment, the warden in the chair All
the councillors promo except Mees
Proodfoot and McMarehie. The min-
utes of previews day were read ani ap-
Moved by Mr Kelly, seconded by Mr
Bi.aett, that the warden nod clerk parti-
tion the Dotmision Oovernmeat to ap-
point a permsoe.t railway eommimioi,
and that the stark telegraph the reefer
ties eounty clerks west of Toronto the
Betioe this toenail hes takes. Referred
to al committee,
Moved by Mr Me K sortie, emended by
Mr Bissett, that the name of Meows
Manning, Kelly and Wilson be added
to the special committee --Carried.
Mowed by Mr Milne, saenndd by Mr
Oliver, that Christina Mellfartim, of
Or.y, en insase,indigeot person, became
a ward of this ...at,. Referred to
leans. ,aeittee.
Mowed by Nr blan.i,g, sosteded 1�
Dr Rakes, that a enemittee of swweJ,
Vis : Nature Cook. Telly, Rohr.., Li-
ber, Wilson, Rodes and the taster,
be the sppoiseed
to �eedmwto to
�b„wrrwrs�sow•l; with
the whew d• do �e ; �h
said estimates he b *Wm
the voles geysrritg the toasty em.sdb el
the comities and *cbmit a report at the
Jtee 101010111—Qvried.
A ..mbar of attests sed olden at
road enmeiesiomses were uwlsnsd M tltm
Mosso seeeiWeo.
Mewed by Mb Mot, eemglttod by lb
13.10, dm thm dusk be hi 1p.ebd to
=a ow of de Oasis Illatako
pose* pose* ear 1/p ml PPM sod
Sweeping Reductions
will be made in all lines o[
Staple and Fancy Dry -Goods,
Tweeds and Men's Furnishings.
Do not buy without seeing our prices. Inspection
Je iasti Week, Aederteh, Deo. Web, lin
deputy reeve is the oowntel, to become
the property of their respective nsei-
sip•litiea. Carried S
The amount ut C. Prouty was referred
to the finance ewoUUittse.
Moved by MI Wilson, ooessded by
Mr Kelly, that the rood and bridge com-
mittee be instructed to report es to the
0dvieability of retaining the wireless of a
°peaty engineer. Carried.
The council the. adjourned.
At four o'clock the cometh repaired,
the warden in the coheir.
The report ot the road and bridge sem-
mittes was reed and adopted,
resoatmendd (1) that the engineer are
with the engineer of Penh in having •
bridge over the Maitland un boaodary of
Ore, and Kline, 114th eon. (2l that the
Council good no deputation to Turoato
re widening sleighs, (3) that Croy bride•
sod Beckley's bridge os rebuilt as moons -
;winded, and the north span of Clinton
bridge rebuilt. (4) that the sogtaeee's
report be printed in toe erects. and the
repairs recommended carried out (5)
that the Coastal reale a twisty eegioser,
Tivrut 0110001Y,
The applio.tium of Mr Wilma fur the
me of the .pile driver we. read sad
The account of Andrew Sproul was re-
ferred to the finance eommiues.
A Precise and book on beancisl sal -
°elation. of Mr W.ia. Powis were refer;
red to the Doane oomeitta
A teiegrie fore the warden of Brace
rr two 7701110015 d eooncil per ammo011 was
Moved by Mr Wilma, ee000dd by Mr
Sanders, that in reply to the telegram
soot by the wards. r.1 Bruce asking
whether tbe adoption of only two sessions
per annual is working satisfactorily we
.tate that there is a division of opuioe
in this conned, but that the majority is
favorable to two seemons. Carried.
Moved oy Mr Dolmas, seconded by
Mr Graham, that the special committee
make • representation in reference to the
difficulty of obtai.ing a conviction under
the Hawkers' and Pedlars' By1aw in case
of an appeal from the local magistrates'
decision, assd that their finding be sub-
mitted to the Provincial Legislature,
praying for encoded legislation to seeks
the Act workable. Referred to the
special committee
Moved by Dr Rollins, sscoadd by Mr
Rats, teat the warden end clerk tmsm3-
rialine the Ontario Government, s king
that legislation be provided whereby tb.�
Dost of the Ontario school system may be
materially reduced, as this council a of
opioi•,o that our school .Tatem hue he-
mline burdensome from the multiplicity
rf calla on public fonds for its teaoten-
.nee, and that copies of this caution he
sent to each of the members of the
money of Hereon In the (Ottani As-
sembly. Carried.
Moved by Mr Kelly, wooded by
Mr McLsu, that in the Upsilon of this
soused the .mount realized by the
registrars in large comities in ()piano
is exeeeive, and that some Iegidati,,n
should be emoted whereby the fees for
registr.tine should he lessened or a
larger permute*. shoeld be paid into
the comity treasury ; that a copy of the
motion be Beet to the Attorney-Gemerai
of Ontario, W. R. Meredith, M. PP.,
and also to mob of the members repre-
senting this eussty in the load Amsm-
bly. Carried.
The report of the school and printing
committee was read sad adopted.
A1rORT 07 NOW NIL AND renemeo
recommended (1) that the t.•nd or of F.
0. Newlin for the or.nly posting be se-
eopted, the roll. to to of as .teal q.Mtlty
as those .1 1889, and all mark to os Mone
to the satisfaction of rhe •wary clerk.
(1) that the repot eel J. Z. Tom, Inspect
tor of .eh...•is In Wed Maned, h„, adopted
and printed in the minutes tad that 150
arprool of said repot on pamphlet forma In
printed et Me price as for mranta. 4
C•wne•l e.reain..e. 4a diatribe -ion by the
Inspector. (3) th.t she nasal advertise-
ments tour Ooianty C•.uneil meeting.,
tesehers' rxaela.al M.ns, et0.. lie tanned
1. all the l..ea) papers.
D D. W nn0N,
The report d the epeeist committee
me reed, when the eiosmssil mesa tat..
.rrmasivce of the whole, Mr Omiles in
the chair. The report was adapted sad
the minks reeemed the chair, whoa
the report was adialled by the .owed
RliTORT 07 e01101AL Oi4f1urrest.
Your Committee r.ementeed that the
Warden and Clot mei the piggies re-
solved from the Oounty Gooiest of ties
e5..ty d Besot in regard to the moo -
Yea of ~tom Meek from tsx'wb s, sad
forward ammo le Hoe, A. M. Mohr fee
Tb.l wo .clime be taken .pr•e the psi-
tltss rseleted front the ()trusty Nosed
ell tho sowseesimmea1 el ragweed of 1s.►d x.4 regard bo
That we r- r--*- 4 the of
/b w.alettos is hew d the appdst-
e** of a velem, Mmemlwais o, mewed
by Mor. 1444 sad sesseded by rr. H.. -
NIL And tet also paemmemd the
the memorial of the County Comma
of the eowaty of &swot upuu the SLUG
mattor be slg.e4 by the Warden tad
Clerk sad duly forwarded.
We reeoem..md that .o action be take
epos tae letter of Chas, Ch$UbarMjs
ulnae this Cusetail to luta 1a petition-
ing for as set Mount* • linense fm
uu owners of .aa standard stallions do-
ing public sorties„
That the potatoes resolved from Rea -
mor McCallum reL.tisg to amendments
to the Hal.., Act se as a soave rail-
way aeries pad of all ry�MsbGimecurect
ad repeated, repeated, and further to compel
said euepaaiee to eontribste toward.
such eosstr.ctioe and repairs, be signed
by cep Rowlett and Clerk sod duly for -
wanted fur presentation with teeaeenie-
meut noted.
That the memorial of Dr. crii sod
won in rimed to s home of indartry
stand over for oonsidersuor at the is..
.eosins, as legislation may take plenty
upon the object at the pressers esmitie
of theL.gi Isar..
to regard to tb. lotto of char Imspaetor
d Pri.os. and Public Charitte• referrtog
to use Thee M.Ph.d, we recommend that
the clerk he authorised to make *citable
srriumeme.ts tor bis keep ata rote sot
exelsed.og 911 per week, sod rant if this
eaanot be does he be allowed to rumens
.t the gad.
That im view of possible
epuu the matter of hawkers' a pm
dime' hose/tee no settee be taken epos
tete motion of Mr. Diihs, bit that in
say special ease MO Wim be spew.
seed to employ the County $hemmer to
a.sdsct promethium maim* parts vw-
Iatiag oar law.
That in the matter of the report of
the delegates to the coaveattes oe Tax
Reempttuns sad the uvesler of the Pro -
metal Secretary fa 1eserd to the same,
your ouowttteu have a.aserad sand gees
Idose and herewith sobm.t amid gammons
and mesons to the Cuu.aL
R.•pe:tlslly submitted,
A. H MasNIN,, Ch.trman.
On 'sordes 0t Dr Rtdhima, e.ew.•ded by
Mr Mmamaooney, thmamaMj• sr osd seta
10 o'clock a. m. the full..wa.g day.
Px1J1t71 Dai—pmIDAT.
The ooumal met perm/mat w adjoern -
moot, the wanton in the chair. A I the
esebere were poet except Messrs
Proadtout sod Mellen:Me. The min-
utes of the previous d.= a mama' wece
read and approved
Moved by Mr Kelly, seconded by Nr
Lcabart, that the treasurer to req ,.sad
to procure a duplicate rerum from the
registrar in ansurdaum with memos 107
of the R.p.uat ion Act, Lod t b•t the
clerk have the same printed to the ann-
um. •enoaily. Corned.
The spplteatios of the novo of Wing -
ham for the as. of the &pile drove wee
reed and grant. d
The moose' ..f F Jordan was referred
to the 6ttauce animate*.
The report of the goal and ao.rt botme
eomm:ttee was read and adopted
To the Wardss and Commit of the County
• of Her -,n !
Yost Jail sod Court Hoses Oeeeittee
bet to replan as follow. That they ham.
vaned t:.e j.1 and towed N«yIMIng
neat and clean •ud the prnosers wen,
est .6ed .nth the treatment they receive
Isom the uffieral•. W. hem. found the
jailers spat correct and rea.sm• red that
be printed. W. rsa. m end that the
billowing articles besupplied ler jell sero :
three dozen towels, owe dumas.httta,oe.-
balf doses threes., one domes sheets,
one doses pillow slop, saw -hall drum
bed tusk., ears dos. pillows (t.eehiag 1M),
three deems, three uudetekirm, sewing
fur the above, and fuer euros of dry wood.
We rea.Ueeod that • permit be beat
ander the eugsneefe seerrwees 004,7 the
do,, nI 1he dinette roam os bee south
aids of the jut, s• the mina amid rain
drift in so es to flood the Auer. Thus
*told M .Berated at • .mall neat and
...std be • great seprovem.ws.
We m.-tted the vomitory olio end eon.
alder the nog add.ai.. INN been eon -
pietas” in a ablielastary aN sebstsnti•1
manner. We remesmed that the old
melting 9 ft., tis. wide be placed along
the met side e 1 tbe new oddities and the
Mimeo of .pane on the MOO side be
fitted p with ne. sbdvisg. K'• would
reeovem.sd as • matter of safely that in -
ode eros sheetss foe fuer windows be
supplied as Coos as posible ander the
. sp riataedee.e of the engtooer.
1►u reewame .4 that Mode windows be
piao.d m the ..ties of the Deputy Clerk
of the Crows, as th• wisdom as they
sow are allow tbel" wind to play freely
through the roam.
With regard to the sheriffs eoetesnl-
eminm in 'Merton. to Mr. Joshes Rose's
deemed at lest mime for bedew lighting
the 0.s1,1 Bore.. Se this smatter Ilse beim
repeatedly referred to, we rssommend
that a eoeeittee eonipessd of Cooety
Cleric Aomori. dad Roos Prvmdfoet
sod R•eli.b=isted to hese the dorm
BItAmsl�pffsd with olseart
bilk*410. La.. be pesa.ed
.leaser with the treater pips too wash the
wisdom, oleo a wutar woo is 15.
Jokes peau.* roam wpilsae.
With mored to the beak. d rhe Avert E.,
Theoods are all
Choicest Shades. WE
Ho.m and saaftary improves
ooseeetioe with the water thio.'
rosie.d that Mr. Ad•meno an
Proedloot and Beck be antis(
have a a,mpeteat .agister ma
ad apeoi6oatione and aatieesta
the work. Also of the Inoue
registry office, and have it reed
before the Conned .t its June r
All of which is res,ecfully w
JA71106 Jones
A eapplementary report of di
sommittse was read and adoptee
REPORT 0r moist., commie
Your committee beg leave to
follows : — We recommend that
of 910 asked by the Prisoners'
aoei•ttom be pad. bet that the
take so melon in aidiog them to
Oover.mmt to appoint • comm
maim ieformatioo is oo
rel.rm.. That no De tali
the claim far 910 of Jas. 7. If
eaptsriag • horse thief, as the
ovoid* for soak sates. That ti
of Mr Deimos to raise the son
for bt.mmdary limos spprupn.
«diad oat. That the taosearer
he adopted sad printed in the
That so action be takes is
to the circular of the Outer
As.seiation seking a grant
In reference to the letter fee
Kate reg.emiat the ooaocil
C. Hama, of Hawick, aro moo
tete boy, a ward of this oouoty,
parried by two medical eerufs
recommend that the reeve of
procure • suitable phew test 1
teams. sod that the said
Buena' restive 99 per month
maiaterraem. Thai the maven
IL Tom sad D. Malbcb, ec
apestorv, of 924285 and $48
e motively, for bath mint *cu
aeinetioe, be paid. Teat tb
tiern passed by this waned p
examiners 94 per day be horebl
ed, and a hat to lieu thereof the e
be paid 75 .ants for•very Weil
in. himself for examination. per
8. O., 1887, eb•p. 498, ter
further the' the charge of
fee for estrange examitue
to 75 sate, sod
lat• tent the impostors be sumoli•
sleek with rtatiosery required f
iag rzeminsti ea. Tet the r
etiesio.er to titers add W the
he report tty whom these or
wedded. Ia regard to the so
from J Cowen, Daviaioe (bort
Wresetor, asking .hat peewit
dean meds to procure books for
Court clerks as per statutes of 1
rea.emend that the clerk ask
for melt books es are required I
sod hsll•fle, with power to •a
ouch tender se he soy doss edge
to supply the hooks W those
entitled to reem,e them litho
That the noel grant of 916 be
the East Hume Teachers
Notion. We rec.mrnend t
Powis, minified uo.oui.ts be
M P Wilkinson & Oo , goal
11.49 ; Jsa. Jemkins, gaol
9910; C N i1•.is, enol anppluu
as Be8.n,bu"ka,.1.,t.
8,,... 1125:7'1.4:340.; J,.hn Berle►, a
96.70: . wtime., adverts
T0 Ries, weenier nilinr.9b; He
atatioae.95 .no 99.70; 1
Porter, sute....ry. 98 80, foe
offias book.. 93450; J T (burr'..
aoheitor. 914; Z D •wni..t '
priuwers i. tra•l, 91 66; Hurt
printing, 914.17; John H.
care ref Mary Hay.. se memo.
person. 949.50 ; Morrie town.'
road fare of ColbertM end 1
Mi.kieminea to Grilles, 930
Brophy, Hide for .hent' a oN ••
Zetateof Oen. Oran,, noun M'
no Pad,
ot, .vrti1ng. 91;
O .
rn,.ON91..s114;.paiemoDalvrawid,pptR9x.wim.I6,. t;J7ee5li.lhma
atatieser918; John Hafer
yowler, adweetistng, $4 0; Jobi
treed esmmkdnner, seiegrsala
ep st; Samuel Dive., ler mai
of (Jltaa Lisgard, 918 76; I d
repairs W bounder, tended, f
Prouty, repairs to i aersaary
*nib; Prosser s P.rtse, e
Elil Ysobrth Rm. metonymy
Wallows, nominee .6
• aria. ragtime "Re
gaol .ad tort home
911; Ood.rielt Nor, mia.tyne
Wiettliein rims,
Heron Sigma. poi ,, 91
Jor.Iss, gaol smvplise. 90 40
Cask basing asked perms
with*** the sourest of Howie
whip foe demars' emtii.Nes er1
emoitete peroses, we near..
the woes be sere paid. With
Oa s...* of sdt...f1 Theta
kr the a.4N-.o.ri .f 0. Ht
noeM4.wd dirt the ter be