The Signal, 1908-4-30, Page 4ROANr ,VT TSUteDAT, April 30, 1906 CURRIE FOR NORTH HURON. ENTHUSIASTIC CONVENTION UF LIBERALS AT WINGHAM. l -- Ex -Warden John T. Currie, of East L_ Wawanosh, Receives the Unanim- ous Nomination- Riding Organiza- tion Effected, (. onst notion Adopted and Officers Elected. Tho Liberal couventiou tor the new riding of North liurou was held at Wingham on Fridwy bait. Delegates were present from almost all parts of the riding, which under the tVhitney gerrymander comprises the fringe of townships along the uorth boundary - o( the county --Ashfield, West Wawa - nosh, hast Wawanosh, Morrie, Turn - berry and Howick—as well as the town of Winghatu and the villages of Blyth and Wroxeter. Over 1511 representative Liberals were present, and the tone of the meeting was one of determination to make the corning fight a waren one. The first business of the meeting was to organize the North Huron Lib- eral Association. A constitution was adopted. the date of the aunuwl meet- ing being fixed as the third Tuesday in December.. Officer, were elected aa follows : Election of Ofibcers. President, Jas. Young Aubur: , first vice-president, Alex. McLaughlin. Fordwich ; second vice-president, Richard Clegg. Wingham ; third vice- president, John Styles, Kintail ; secre- tary, H. B. Elliott, Wingham ; treas- urer, J. A. Morton, Wingham. Chairmen of municipalities : -Ash- field, ('has. Stewart. Kintail: \Vest Wawanueb, John McNabb, Dungan - 1100 ; East WV awenoah. B. 11. Taylor, Belgrave ; Morris, Geo. Taylor. 1381 - grave ; Turnberry, Alex. Kelly, Wing - hem ; Howick, John Henneherg (ionic ; Wingham, R. Clegg : Blyth, Wm. Campbell ; Wroxeter, John Douglas. Chairmen of polling subdivisions :- - Ashfield -No. 1, H. M. Duff, Dun- gannon ; No. 2, Anson }inlay. Mate - king ; No. 3, Jai. Hackett, Belfast ; No. 4, Jas. Crawford, Port Albert ; No. 5, 'Phos. Sullivan. Kingsbridge ; No. 6, D. McLean. Lothian: No. 7, J. Jamieson, Iaurier. West Wawanosh— No. I, 13. J. Crawford, Duugacrcii ; No.:, 1). Mc- Kenzie. Auburn : No. 3, D. B. Murray, St. Helens ; No. 4, Alex. Stuart, tat. Helens: No. 5, John hiberriff, Luck - now. East Wawanoeb -- No. 1, Win. Roble. sr., Blyth : No. 2, Jas. Bone, Marnoch ; No. 3, John Well, Wing - ham No. 4, John Gillespie, White- church. Turnberry -No. 1, David Holmes. Wingham ; No. 2,I►*vid Moffat. Jamestown; No. , P. McDougall, Glenfarrow; No. 4, H. Muir, Glen - /moan. Morris- No. 1, A. Laidlaw, Blyth ; No. 2, R. Bewley, Brussels ; No. 3. H. Johnston, Sulgrave ; No. 1, Thos. Miller, Brussels ; . No. 5, W. Isbester, Wingham: No. 6. Jos. Sellars, jr., BluevaJe. Howick--Nu. 1, John Gowdy. Blue - vale ; No. 2, John 1)arroch. Iakelet ; No. 3, Jas. Mantle. Corrie; No. I...1ex. Gibson. Fordwich : No. 5. Jas. W. Edgar, Genie ; No. (i. W. Aldrich. Newbridge. John T. Carrie the.Candidate. The selection of a candidate for the approaching election to the legis• tore was then proceeded with, and a preliminary ballot showing John T. Currie, of hast Wawanceh, to be the favorite it was moves( by Win. Bailie, of SVest tVawanoeh, seconded by J. N. McKenzie, of Ashfield, aud enthus- iaetically carried, that Mr. Currie re- trive the unanimous nomination. Mr. Currie was heartily greeted as he appeared on the platforul. He ac- cepted the nomination with gratitude for the honor and distinction which it *inferred on him, and he *eked his fellow -Liberal. of the riding to go to work with earnestness• enthusiasm and determination to win the election. The Conservatives thought that in their arrangement of the riding they had erected a citadel that could not be taken, but he believed that with the right sort of work the Liberals could capture it. They had the very beet of reasons for putting forth their efforts to hold North Huron in the Liberal ranks. East Huron and West Huron, parts of which were taken to form OAorth Huron. hall never had anything but. a Liberal representative in the Legislature. and if the Liberals closed Up their ranks they should be able to keep the new riding. Mr. Currin said he would have opportunities of ad- dressing the people of the riding later on, and closed by again thanking the delegates for their unsolicited And unanimous eupp ort. Dr. Macdonald. Dr. Macdonald, of Wingbasn, ex -M. P. for East Huron, gave a capital ad. dress, touehing on many of the lames of Provincial politics. Ile said the, old Liberal Government of Ontario had a record of which Liberals [night lie prand. Mr. Whitney in opposition had opposed many of the measures of the then Liberal Government which on coming into power he had endorsed by following the seine line of policy. Measures had been brought in by the 1,iloerals and had been opposed by Mr. Whitney, but when the latter got into power he was forced by the pres- sure of public opinion to adopt the policies which he had formerly con- demned and which he now tried to nuke the people believe hal origin- ated with himself. The I)ce•tor urged thorough organization and hard work to help overthrow the (present Gov- ernment And re-ent*b(lnh Liberal rule in Ontario. An Honor to North Huron. (leo. I1. Mooney, of Itipley, ape dressed the gathering briefly. Ile said he had known Mr Currie for mane years and he would 1w an honor to the Liberals of North Huron and of the Province. North Huron wets an *gricultnral constituencythey had nominated a farmer, and she believed they would elect a farmer. The time for professional politician+.• was past; Mr. Currie was a man of the right stamp av a repreeentatiye of the people. A. Hislop'.• Address. Arch. Ilielop, M. P. I'. for East Huron. song rat 1doted t ire son vent leen on the choice it hal mate. Mr. Cur- rie would he a strong a*ndidate, and he believed h•• would lw elected and would be it ..reditable representative. Many Liberals at the hist election stayed at home or voted Tory, hot the bad since had meson to change their minds and woidd in the muting election support the Liberal candi- date. There never was a time when • there war more need of a united Lib- eral party in Ontario than et the present. After thirty years of Lib e"al rule the Uuuset•vativew had said. 1.1 us get into office and we will lift the veil and disclose the corruption and wrougduing of the Liberals. '19te Conservatives are in ()thee. they have tad the opportunity they asked for, and they have not been able to show a single instance of cornu option uu the tart of the !Abend Government. Since coming into office what laud the tknmervativee done ' They w e r e timing to take the administration of 11(100n licenser eat of 1olitice. This they had dune by di,uwuring the in- sppeectors and C0111 Initial. err 111111 rt.. placing them by Cunaerv41tive tnarti• sans, and the present officers were not administering the law any latter thaw their predecessors. The Provincial revenues lied increased, but nut through the acts of the present Uuv- ernumera. Thu H,trdy and hoes Ad- ministrations had opened up new avenues of revenue without inspiring direct taxation=the-taxation of rail• wmys, banks. insurance companies, brewers, etc. These measures were denounced by Mr. Whitney and his colleagues. when in opposition as un- fair and unnecuseat•y; and they claimed that the Government was ex- travagant ; -but since coming into power the present Government had not repealed these acts but on the other hand had vastly increased the expent+iture. 10 the last three years the expe..dituree bad increased more than in thirty-three years under Lib- eral rule. This was the way the Con- servative party usually futHllenl its promisee. No one could charge any Conservative Government with mak- ing a reputation for economy. The present Government had not ineug- nrateed any new tolic•y of benefit to the people. Ontario Ruled by the Cities. Mr. Hislop claimed that the Whitney THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO fo.• the I+ruellt of the rapt• eeelltative of Mouth Huron and of Mr. Musgrove. The business of the Liberals of the riding was to defeat the attempted steal by winning two or .all of the Huron Nate. J. G. tiff urdoch's Address. J. U. Murdoch, of Luckuow, male a bright screech in which he recalled the gerryIuauder of 1tit2. when the late M. C. Cameron wuu Wert Huron aid the Conservative plans were de- feated. This incident should lie re- membered at the present liver as an example of what could be dune by hoed work. He trusted Chit when election day 141111.• a1VUlll1 Mr. l;un'ic would tie elected and Me, blurge eve would 3* buried. Mr. Murdoch it tribute to the Liberal leader, on. A. ti. Ma•liay, and hoped the Liberals would rally to his support. He re- p nrted cheering prospects of Liberal wleceee in the +•aunty 1/1 Ht•uct•. The meeting chimed with cheers tor the Liberal candidate_ MUSGROVE NOMINATED. LA PATRIE'S NEW BUILDING. The Magnificent Home of an Enter - prisms French-Canadian Dant. The building of which we present a )ictu1e herewith is the new home of 1..a Pattie, the French-('alladi41n dally newspaper conducted at Muulreal by the Mebane. Tarte. slue of the late Hou. .1. 1. 'Parte. The building is a handsome one. fitted throughout in the t modern and commodious styli fur the pUrp Mw of a great daily newspaper business. Twelve yea, s ago Ira Pattie was anything but moo - percent, but toeing noseband in Ilan by }fon. Mr. Tarte, and placed in the energetic mamagemeut of his two sous. 11 her wade remarkable progress and is now out) of the leading papery of Canada. A remark made by Senator I)andur- and at the formal opening of the new •building is siguilic41nt. He said : •'Twenty vents ago theta- was 3F)rol)- ably nut more that 41 quarter of the French-Canadian families of ('anad14 Conservatives of North Huron Place Wiagbam Man in the Field. Wingham. April M. -A. H. Mur grove, of %Vinghatu, wea-611omen the Conservative candidate at the Hest convention of the new th riding of Huron, held here this afternoon. ' Every part of the riding was repre- sented, three delegates from each pol- ling sub -division being untilled't.0 be present and vote. Of the 117 dele- gates chosen 110 were present, not- withstanding that seeding is in Prog- ress. Resider the delegatee there was a large and enthusiastic gathering of those• nucleated in the election of the best possible candidate. The first busuu+es taken up was the election of officers, which resulted as follows: President, John Jaynt. o=o1= ==io= May Attractions and may Values �.,�:.ratan �. Mr,-•... ,-. Laces Vain., Tun:buns tied ('limey Lacer, the largest and beet stuck anywhere. ac and op. Embroideries A very attractive stock to choose. bow and import pricers. whk:h mu*Iw (•Xtra values. Ask for our 0 -yard ends. Collars ('urn-u1'(.r l;wbruidrry ('ol- lara sc and toe : Lace l'ul- lars,'J' )e, for Isc ; fancy Linen Pollan, turn -oyer, teal new, 3SC. tc a Gloves h03, Perrin'. nmeke, tan. white, grey mud bbick, 75c, $1.00 and $I.35. t'error's urn the beet. (iuuratiteed Lisle (:lives, lung, 35c, $0t. 7Sc, 95C and $1.00in tun. black .1 nal Iv bale, short lung 1.11N, 25C, 35C, 40c and sec. Hosiery Cotton,. in tam white and black. in chiWreu's, girls' and wl)uetes sizer. Ark fur our 2 for 25c line. No sucb"value to be found 4111 where. Cashmere home In plain and rib. A gulal Seater for -35c. Try as pair. Detains (hint widths. feet colors and' only tsc. Black mud white, 43041)44 grounds with black, blue and reel dols and sprig patterns. &Its Tan and black leather, sec ; Wash Belts, 25c. Dress Muslims at roc, )2+c, 15c, and up to 4oc. 11, delicate tinting*, 111 blue, pink, ruse, heliotrop{►et 14011 brow m. 'Thl is it the finest lot of Drees Muslin* „ we ever offered. 25c, To. Plowman lived on i rection ham Tai. mail order dove didn't work very bag. Ns for from a prosperous village 13411 no one is town could repair it; He worked late and early and calloused his palm. Ar Ind be was forced to admit he was wrong. Be dived by 1.d,utrwus tillage. Hie neighbors weren't 10w to declare it. .7'2/.1-1.. .s, He saved up scene money and stood very welt. His luck would bate lasted for all we car Iall If ha never owl heard of Chicago. • With no doses there was no one to fey or to sell. The drummers .topped totting. they closed the WO. Two, surprising how quickly the tows west tor• well A very long way has Chicago. Chat day a Lug catalogue cam • ugh the sail That told of a wonderful heater The figures were tempting.Torn +wallowed thetale- Sawhe. " Mr. bierdune, a cheater. The lawyer. the doctor. the editor. loo, They all is cold feet very quickly; The parson scop noticed the way the wield kine. He left, for in, children were sickly. who tank a daily toper. 1 nIII ase.urxl today that there is not it teeth part of the French-Canadian families of the Province of Quebec who do not re- ceive a daily paper now." Under these circumstances it is not surpris- ing to learn that Chu daily circulation of la I'atric is iu the. neighborhood of 50,1100. The. new structure is situated :it the corner of SL l'atheriie street and ('ity Ball avenue. and any visitors to Montreal front thee• parts who wish to see a modern daily newrpwpe•r plant will 11nd a visit to La Petrie interest- ing and dist l'uctive. Prints 1it pieces to choose from. to and laic. . Feet color* Mud every yard new this spring, choice sot patterns. lath light and dark color- ing*. Blues all indigo dye. • The Square Vestings A big lot of the ehuil•eet mercerized white Vestiugs to be found in the trade and prices as low AS Iaat year. You ihoukl we this 101 if you are interreted in Yeslings. Standard Patterns D. 8' A. Corsets at 35C,. Sae 75c. 79c, $1.00, $t 35' and $1.50, drub *4411 white. Always wear D. h A. and you have the beat and the most comfortable corset to be had. • • White Lawn Waists Just note our bargains : ter t o) for •415 .so ; 1.35 $la se for 3t.ts ; 11 ]! Or $1.00 • $too 7sc. Ao I+rrfewtly rustle for thin w•:yun'r wear. They are wanufacturir'e nv a t' i1 a k e aud sampler. e J ,4dI- ti Lawns 1,111(.11 Lawn.. Persian Vic- toria I.:twue. front tee to 40c. Nuiusouk, Ioug Cloth,. and 1 hubs Linens, 15c, 704), 050, Jot and 4oc. Lace Curtains 1 want to call special :ellen-• 11011 to (hie item of our busi- neat.. We wart theta' at sec for a 3 -yard -long Curtain. I Nottingham. mite and 1 know 1/111' pewee are low. toe and ,5c. The Standar) irathb test. Ifeeigner IUs. New )taid;ud Fashtuu Hook, 23c, with certificate for our Stuutlard pa tteru. .w 1t i e It •1 Makes. the b oak cost only 5e. ilks '11'1' have 4)0)110 choice value•) ill and coloreet sills; in taffetas, 1ae,1.aliu.'. tally de sole and:etinch black mantle silk. 0 J. H. Colborne Goderich 0 0 1=0 0 0 Quebec Tercentenary Celebration. "Whet is the meaning of false do•t- A line eorovenir album is to be trine. William naked the Sunday i4l•utl- for the Quebec tercentenary school teacher. "It's when a doctor celebration. It will 341• published 311 gives the wrong self to * sick tan, both languages. and will contain a life replied the little fellow. of Champlain, some historical papers relating to the foundation of the pioneer city of Canada, an article on the battle of theaPlains, eta It will be illustrated with rare portraits and prints and the cover will fie litho- graphed and printed in weevil colors. Should our reader wink to secure a copy of this publication copies can he had from the editor. 31r. Rawl Ren- ault, Quebec, Caluul.. .at Cal cents, poet paid. a14u prole road be near a hundred per tea.. 111 just call ho bluff and unless he'll ides 11 order a dove Isom Q.3..go.•• •� At last Tom decided to sell his old farm. Bin no one. Ire bound with the greased alum. Would buy one to far !Torn Chicago When blank desolation dared Too in the (au, le ht drone to the village and catered the nae With a aur that wu lofty aid knowing. .3.p he, " Mr. Merchant, please 'ell se once more j}K price of that dove you were .340wing." "'Thirty-five. tach or credit. the best one ui town. ' Tam tweed oe ha heel end west ou les 1. a how., And seat of a check to Chicago. c0urege grew weaker and weaker. )Till he made up his mind en get out al the placer 'And en os a taunt 05 home seeker. S0 be put on las overcoat. packed up h. gip. Say: he." I'll be giving my r.'ghbor. tM .hp. For 1 mud be oil to Chicago." [Mawr of Ser. dayfreld: umbago Owen Sound, April 21. ('ape. Alex- ander McNabb, of Owen S 1, has been appointed snares of the Govern- ment survey steamer Rayfield, the position ,nose vacant by the retrigma• tion of ('a(rt. Wm. %ealaucl, of Hamilton. i. Rheumatism of the back. Thecause is Uric Acid in the blood. If the kid- neys did their work there would be no Uric Acid and no Lumbago. Drake the k,dneys do their work. The sure, positive and only Captain McNabb hes lived most of his cure for Lumbago is life in Owen Berland, and has followed his calling ve the lakes for twenpent to di - �O� years, .melee of which he spent to dif- ferent capacities on the C. P. R. line. His but partition with the C. P. R. was its mate of the Manitoba. His appoint- ment is popular with marine wen, here Sign of Pretooity. Timet Magazine Editor: "I' believe env ynnngstet• it Pitt out for All.• e. Seco 111 s second Editor: "Why ie.'?" First Editor : "Everything he' gets his hands on he rens and throws into the wattle -basket +'-Lippincott's. 1 idney He bragged to hs neighbors and they is • Vice irkSeel sway ler whatever they seeded: oke* were deck. bet they its a bow price. car. el cowse,wu the me drag they heeded. When he got to dee .no.. to Tom's Brest Reprise The swelast sots haled sod ski oat kie mere, Asd the was do sees is lek os hie door: "Gees ea leek ler a jolt ia Chicago. - The trains Ilew br whizo.5, Tom wailed is Says 6 " Neither merchant nor doctor nor train Will stop any place but C6ca.o.*' 7111 A Seasonable Talk 11 v;. ss AS•It is now the season wheal. you will he Wilding. painting Ur making improvements to your buildings or redolence, we take p'easure 111 drawing your attention to Our large :incl well assorted stock of Builders' Hardware, Screen Doors and • Windows, Nails, Glass, Varnish Stains and Oils, also to the fact that we are sole agents for the Martin-Senour loo per cent. pure Paint and Whitelead,• every can stamped and guaranteed absolutely pure • it is the cheapest ,because it covers most. Head - (loaners for Roofing, Eavestroughing, ' Plumbing, Heating (hot air; hot water u,' steam), Meted Siding and Ceilings, Elec- tric Wiring and Fixtures. Examine our new •Building Papers. thick as a board and tough as leather. 4 'all anti` get samples. You aro invited to .•rill and examine our large stock of Seasonable Goods. which are sold at lowest prices. We will give you prices un any work yup: III;Iy require and guarantee. you Ow Hest ut• service. Worsells' Hardware -.. ... .... _ _. Government wa. not reprementative of the Province. Dr. Pyne, one ef the members for the city of Toronto, was; Minister of Edecation -and you might go out on the streets et random and pick up A better Minider cf Educe - tion. The present Speaker of the House, Thos. Crnwford, wee also from the city of Toronto. He WAS A man ot no ability. and wait ploced in offiee simply lea -tope he was a Toronto man. J. Foy, Attorney -General. and Mr. 31cNaught. high in the counsels of the party,. were both Toronto men. Mr. Hendrie. of HAmilton. and Mr. Beck, of London, were other methbere of the (toyer lllll ent. They were men of very orilinary ability and had no conception of what the great MARS of the people deeired. This had heen illustrated in their school eatery legislation, in regard to which they came to the conclusion that they had bungled ; and they had bungled in other matters RN well. Mr. Hislop cloned by predicting A majority for John T. Currie, the farmer', retire - W. H. Kerr Scores the Gerrymander. W. H. Kerr. id Itrunnelit, wan the next apeaker, and spoke of the can- didate es a man who had taken the *sirloins (items el the ladder AS town- ship councillor. count y c •illor and warden of the county. His FilieCesS ill the present contest would depend itp- on the work of hie imppirt ere t 11 rough - t the riding. Mr. Kerr , the (lover llllll for the gerry 1113e1 Huron. It was /1 penal offence to "switch" a ballot. Switching A whole conitituency, an the Whitney Gov- ernment. had attempted to do, was an offenee which should he punished by detest. The Tories heel gerry- mandered this county with the objezt of mutating an extra mat. and he had the authority of Coneeervatireet for stating that, the seheme was planned %Vest : first vice-president. John IVilferil, Myth second vice- retary, Dudley Holmes', NVinghean ; treasurer, Day id Bell. Winghatn. 'rho following eentlidates for the H. Musgrove, of Wingliam : Matthew Isickhert, V.11411 WAS1A001511 James Bowmen. Morris ; B. S. Cook, Ford- we,h Mcquillan, West Wawa - Ear; 14 t hese addressed the,,eleeturs briefly and all retired except Messrs. Musgrove. Bowman and Lockhart„ whose names went to the ballot. On the second ballot the vote stood Niue - grove eft Bowman 35 and Lockhart IS. Mr. Lockliert then tnoved, sec- onded by Mr. Bowman. that the nom- ination be made unanimous. Belies, addressed the. convention in a pleasing and effective imittech, review- ing the legbilation of the ontario Gee- The Only Place. An incorrigible ofTlce-..eeker died n few days ngo. end hie friends Asked a for his tottilsoonc. journalittl atiggested t following. whirl) WAN Here Lies In the Only Place fiir NVItiell He Never Applied. If a man is tho real thing tre doesn't have to proclaltn 15 ffrim thP honer - True frielida visit lee 10 petsperitt only when invited. Mit in adveraity they 11110 without invitation. VINOL ;,3 t lir ;11d-Le.l.inlierle'ie1 Liver 1101 perpetrations. It is a Illisret 'thriller. Flesh Creator and .-ssresigth OP' T011iC for thin -time Of the year. We 'return yoar ',limey if not ert.lislIcil. Sold BEDFORD / BLOCK ONTARIO raw q you would not care to pay less than we ask {or .a , Semi -ready Overcoat you need never pay more. , paying less you would surely get less ; and in paying more you not get more. q Our Spring Fashions are worth a personal review —and they will show you just how the latest style wa. ....A., suits your style. We have Overcoats at $15 and $18—of course no quite so pod a, those at $20 and $ra—hut all have the worthiness of real arleleola Semi -ready Talloring McLEAN BROS MISS CAM F.RON lia•preps--1 for the spring and summer season of 908 an glee:apt aasortment of all the newest and most tastefurefferte in Miamery and asks the 'edit.; to call and mope, t. The Palace Clothing .Store •t OODERICI-1, ONT. MISS CAMERON Hamilton St. naiad