The Signal, 1908-4-30, Page 3Mews of the Sistriet. A'smell of the Horne Bank will 1)1 sprues in I)rlgt•ave in m few weeks. a 44:4 111.- ;1 two.hsadwt rot( If )r Ili 1 al t C miLy .t Mr. r'aual's, on the 211d concur• .43331 (41 }iuwick. 1t. A. \Vorthinn, of Clinton, it riot sayer niedallet of L. Milne Medical College 1 111 ti year. wand Hager. s" of Rev. 11. liakl•I. of Hluuv*M, who has bees very i11 of Yenesetnne Mineral Water THE IiODKIIICII WA• Telt CO.. menet ct ore . 1d "Munroe tuns," OMprOpiU111 10 }tel,ver In any partof lhn tow M1 leMiuural1001 1eae,a(err l L•1iu threento eh,.fle e noel.. yone euro end ynwx..l, tit•IL..ur Wester nod I1oublo.014. Thaw :'rel. are (u.oh, from militant linin, nal, water. and 64111 \V then fore free, i, f,,„„ Hoer 'I'hoo• :•n. ',USW (JiA :41ilild.0 1 AM PRE - ',i1 land thea receive •1110 Mirrow,'n. for .",lo..l.r1 proof 4 4 .H.01 method 40: -eroWng a nalr' g.,nd (O'er lnforn.al l s' m.1y In 1)..d a Thus- e.u.fc .lore, O it,rals KMM.t A. ANUILBN'e•. toe ROY Al/ANIS 'rr4t;aaa in, PIANO 11411/1 h' Batik of Mo'.!rmel 1(1.sir . -- - jgedLcal - - - DRS. EMMERMON « TIJENHULL. Ire motw,1. M. D. I.T.s' a. Tt•a.mcl.I. N. It• 141540. ll.mllt•e Street. Thune 5444. 111. 1.11nu1nae'. na.ede144", NIMh r11wo1. npps..ate 1•I. 1:001 g,: •church. ';lame Ica VI. 1'omb1ll a nwylrnr. Mlntswlal Amer. '-OUIII ..1 01 I'.Ww Library. Timm Ira. 4)It. W. F. UALIA)\V, M. 11. um., 1 0146o1 -e el Mel. 11100 dual 144 ,inert ruga Bank. Telephoto,. - ,Im,-r. 41) Iauw. 114. _ _ ---- - 1III r .1. it. FOKI ST'KI* EWE. AIt Aura and Thi,.! .14.17. Stratford. nut. -urgk 1 mod rwl lu..,l 1111eOle 111olt 114-41.i. 1101..1 (r 1101. .t 4 11ilwnt Naar rid Throat Il ..petal, 1101.1re .`4.40.4111. 41141 Itoy.4 torula. np41 halm. .M.r.r'n.id Ksel Ilr►pltel, l4oe1.t'. l.ne. Mellor Alber,Imes. Mrahtd. oageu,lne WI.el-•.r 1,0. e1 11nun IS a.a. 34 wet. 74p.lo. Telma -Jul'. IAMERON k KI1.WKAN. HAR- E ItI$T V..Ite..ol rf Wr.. n4ence, ear. I Mire•, l o. M.U. CAMElt lni dem'. IL 4 . oar., . I.. KIL LAMAS. - YNOUDr'UlY1'. HAYS & HI.AIR bowmen., aflIk4 Ort, •aaarie• ruldle vs, -ben Im the Maritime I bort, etc. noire, Klemm. next door 1'. A. Yarm'. greeery. 1'11 W.1 Itnl:le fund. ) UUT. K. kvIt. 4 nt 11.\Y13.i1U. 1- ILAIIL I('KINI4ON a (.AILLU)W. BAH - L/ KItiTK1ta. Ruorner, IiriU4r . rete. L(.MM�HL1IKINSONA1LS'SUAILW0.1 n1 Inwood N L1 �10. JIIIINNTON, BAiIKIS'rEK, . .011.4tur, mu s4..Manet. 'enter, pubb•. officer Hamilton argot. ti-irreuh (1444. 1asassmea: Lakin. site. VOUN(i A ItODKRTMON. REAL. )m juan te d In.urs'ew A int.. Real _ 4>" wile fir lM�h► any putt olb* lawn 01deroway're and fc ,tonsure. nrtM1 ho lean err, I OHN W. •eItA11iIK, LINK, FIRE • nd mire/lent iu•uran'r. Agent for Medina mutual and lurk nrfn'anien. loraiw e..t rel weate in low• effected on bort plan. 1 all at 04e1r. •-toner Weal 14ttmet and Square ea dam. J. W. 1'RA101):. liude110h, MIL nal..hone J1 1K1l.Wi' MUTUAL FIRE IN - .11 14 U It A V.1' E 4 0. Farm and laolated I,an property moored. ()Moen J. ft. Mrl..on. tree, hlpt'en 14 n T. Freer Vi . Pre... IkuroM,ld 1'. Thoma. F. flay.. tier .Trr.a"., Hea(orth 1'. n .11.ma-tor. - Wm. 'homey. Se.(orth . John 1:. irlrvr, Winthrop . George hale. contort h. John ItetMw.M. Dublin Jame. 1:sao-. Insert% ..,nl I.an Wall. Garlock . Tho- trimer. Itneeneet . John H. Mr1.eann. Klpta•u . Jaa. •1 onnolly. 1'Irmo, J. W. Yen. Holn...vtile. agent for tweet Huse,. Policy hoiden,' exon pay *.'"nu.nt. 114 Int their cord. modeled at Tnavr & Hro,. .. ( Innen, or a1 It i1. l'ut'e grecery. K nouts' deem, GUlerwh. BEATING PARLOR &JHAViND AND IIAlK.DItEsSIN(f ( rA Ht.ORa, -- Tice le..l 1 111 Town. Prompt .erviee . everything ,lean .n1 ...int tars. Ho- and eold hath-. WM. h.tV IS. Hriu.h Ifcehmrlge Hotel Mock t.occeo,or 10 Jae Fritzleyt Yarrlage LISSOMes 1VALTILK 1. ItRKSLLY, WDT('R. ?;;IT. Watchmaker. Jeweller end 11;41c1.'on. I-.ncr of M.rri.sge Licence.. w LANE, iSSUEIt OF MAIt11.1- v1' . AORIM•enawt. Gndcrfch. tent. laetioaeerlfg rriIOMAM 017N1)KY, LiVE wr(H'K 1 wad General a'ei.Inneer. (MRce. On month Sl nee!, where he will 111/'wind at all tinier when nol -eying Mlle.. Te. rea.onable and e very .dlnrl. wed W 'Ivo, you a.d,facl.lon Phrmaki GEORGE BECKETT General Auctioneer. New System of Tickets and Catalogue. OFFiC0E, HAMILTON ST. P 0. Box ret. STOVES You will miss • t'e..I har- gains if you fail to seep w1)ut 1 can do for you in one of time.. (food Cheer ranges (food Cheer art heaters Penn Esther ranges Nothibg just as glad for the tnnney; every one guru mitred. 5 per cent. off for spot Cash Plumbing, Tinsmithing and Repairs Electric Wiring and Fixtures. GIVE US A CALL W. R. PINDER 'Phone 155. TH$ SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO TIWIMRDAT, Ala 30, totes i --44404 pneenuuula, is now hesitating to re- cover. Thet3t•uce Timer elation/it's ths4 the nuallpFox authentic In Walkerton will coat the lelwu *2,011). Wm. Brown, a'., ut Ilowick. aged ninety -live retie, died at the home of his sun, William, nm Tuesday, the 11th must, '1'. It. Bennett, of Forestville. last week planted 4,1110 young trees which he receive(' fl'Uu, the Department Of Agriculture, Thy 131urvale Ilex c patty i4 now extinct. lin adf.tirs were. wound up earl week ulld a dividend of lba tfll paid on each share. Word 1)011 beta. received of the death in Winnipeg ou Wednesday, the Inch incl., of .I4e. Low, .1 funnel- ! ser Irsbdrnl of Exeter. Mrs. 1). liradnuck, of Cowrie, p.1sr'•d away suddenly on Setur'1ay, the 'nth Met. She is survived by her huslsaud, three sons and one daughter. Mr. and May. -I( Ion Pugh and Mier Edna, esteemed , esidentt of lila.trrsls, last ween rewuvetl to Mitchell, where tatty purpler residing fur at time. Mr. and Mrs, Burma, of Clinton, were thrown out of their carriage and badly injured last week by bring run into by a frightened runaway horse. l'as.elr al• Kulwrtsuu's livery stable in Winghaen hat been purchased by J. ita41laa)' and Hubert Beattie, the owners of the other two liveries ite the town. 1I. J. Plulcherd, who has keen nu esteemed resident of Nemforth for the mat thirty year,, left bast week 'for Kincardine, where he will reside in blunt. Mr. and -fn4. Hobert Brown. of Harper'. Corner.+, formerly of Grey, were reeenty Iwreaved of their only daughter. Eva, n bright (:hire .,f three years. Mts. Howard, .1 Gerrie. announces the engagement of her daughter. Anodes', to Rev. J . Edgar Wilson. H. A., of In,, Park, the marriage to take place early 111 June. Miss E''aline Dawson. daughter of the 1 ate ,flex. Dawson, of %Viiigbaln, eat marred 111 late Angerlre, ('al.. ou sesturtlay, the Ilth into., to Palmer A. Johne on, of that city. The Brussels Poet aptwuled last week in a bund • new dress. The Post to a gats' newspaper and de. w•rvre the piosperity which le evi- dently ruining its way. - ('on, \Vendlaud, who has conduct ed the Metropolitan hotel, Exeter, fur the lama three year's, has leased at huG•I in Jarvis, whither he will wove with lits family .bury). Great exeit•nte•ut was causal in Sea - forth last week I.y the alleged errata In the town of Moir, the ono deter of Sergeant Lloyd, of London. Thr fel- low caught prided to he the wruug Mine labs Hoover, of Clinton, who ham been attending the Toronto Con- servatory of ahem; for the p4401 few the, hex been appointed teacher of piano at Herrera! Ladies' College, Toronto. • The municipal aaaes,flrent of Kincar- dine fur 11x,4 shows art. increase of 41 1.011 over last )term Ileum*. The tote' is 111/211,1110 The pupubttion is 2,721. an Ineremie of thirty-four oyer 'amt year. The marriage ..f William ('asemore, of Hawick, and Mites Margaret Wright, of '1'urnberry, was cons11111- meted .11 We -eerier Mamie nn Wed- nesday,the 13 t1) :tale, hy • Rev. I Perrin, H. A. l'he death of T. 13. Sandell., a former esteemed Mainers man of Wroxeter, oct:urrtd auddeoly at the hone. 111 his t .n in Wellesley on 'Tues- day, the 21st inst. Thr remains were token to Wroxeter for interment. A ton of Dr. Irwin, of Kincardine, narrowly escaped drowning last week. While netting at the harbor he feli in and would have sunk were it not for the prompt actinn of Thomas McGee. Jr., who jumped in and rescued him. ILd,,'rt Joseph Ezra Inrnport, of Stephen, and Mi.. Lizzie M^Lille \Witzel, daughter nt \Vi,. \\ itzel, of the Namo township, were rllatri- tw,nully united by flea.. E. A. hear, of. Exeter, on Wednesday. the 22nd inst. Mise Clara Clerk, daughter of Mrs and Mrs. Jae. Clark, nt \"ermilio11, Alta., formerly of Crediton, and sister of IF, W. Clark, of tint phace, was mar- ried on Wednesday, the nth inst., t•' Andrew Brett, a proetwrous farmer of Duberry, Atte At the h • of the 'bride's patent on Friday, the 170h in'L, Bev. Neil Shaw, of Egmmndvill,, tied the emptied knot between MIAS Ruby }faker, eldest daughter of 31 r. and Mrs. Thomas Baker, of Seelol•th, end leaks Crowell, of the settee town. On Thursday, the llith inst., the angel of deetth relieved from him enttering', Janne' It. Stewart, sun of Robert Stewart, of the 2nd concession of Tuckerewith, it t estimable young elan who hal lung lain languishing on at level of sickness. 1)n hridity, the 1711.. inst., the Mas. let's cell came to Henrietta Smith, daughter of Adam Smith. of Egmont]. vide, who had long nuni.Wi'ed lov- ingly to her invalid eider, disregard- ing the effects of the strain on her- self. Deceased was in her thirty- ,•ighth year. On '1'uewl•a)'. the 21st in.1., Mrs.. Hess, formerly of Chicago, who re- sided with her Uncle. \\'b1), Buchanan, .f Ilensall, becatu4 very suddenly ill and Ito (ore Med 11:41.1 and 41101 141, trach her *hetemps/el away at the Age of forty•Hve yearn. A little daughter in suddenly bereaved. George Walked', of llensall, and \Ilex Ella Orassick, eldest de,tght'r of Donald Ora/sick, of the .ante place. plighted their troth ad, the home of the bride's parents mi Mnndn)', the 211:.14 loot., The nuptial :err y woe performed by Rev. E. H. Sewers, of Hru.;efield, sambaed by Rev. E. IF. Mc - 1.. Smith, (if ileneall. After a lingering illness Mrs". iese Miller, of Dashwood, payseal peace- fully away nn Tuesday, the lith met. Deceased, whn was in her thirty- eighth year, weal n most estimable woman and was flinch beloved by a Targe -Ir'•I, of ergweintetere. She leaves" her hnnhend and two tons to mourn her early removal from the scene of life. Thr home of Robert 1'4•ersene .4 the :;rd ennceeeinn of they, was 11).• scene Of a happy gathering aoeernble,l G, witness the coneumwation of a Illatri- menial alliance between I'dnenenn Wanton N'bpnnd, of At errand. and Mist Slide ida I'earson. dsnghter of the beet.. The inter4eting And imprva.i1e ceremony, performed by iter. John S. Bond, of Atwood, was followed h r plearant festivity. Though the promi..0 of fntwr's use- fulness ;teemed very bright, the cur- tain of death has fallen .,n the life of Maud Briutuedl, beloved wife of V. Ilam Hua, jr., of 'rockeries/11th, who at the early age of lweisty•uu0 years" plowed from the scrum of Oils wurW'e as/Geoids on '1'burwlty. the 11'It hurt. !'rbor to their teue,vel to '1'n.kei. width eight ye.atw ago deceased re/ - aided in fiendall with her oatdnt.. A pretty April welding grittool ihr 1101,,.. of Mr. and Mr•u, James Walker, of %Vin haul, uu '4Vedne4dey, the 22nd Inst„ when their youngest daughter, Edith, one of %Vinerh.ru'e Moot poem - kr belles, beano. the bride of Char. one. Percival Carlisle. (I. 7. H. agent at llergreve, formerly of \Vingham, Rev. Ur. Bundy, of SI. Thomas. a for- mer '1avtor of \Viu,bam Methodist church, uflciated at the eerbu)ouv.. After t six months' Binary tease. queer 10 a;nand etic stroke Jas. Brock pt.s'•d itway at hlu home In Winghatn on Thursday. the ltllh bust. Deceased, wr+, we- in his flfty•rixth year, spent the years 4.4 bis yo Ing manhood in Wroz- eter. going 41 Winghaen alnut twenty years ago An hutiret, hard-working, kind-hearted teen, he , enjoyed the e'rleew of all hi. fellow-citizeua. HIS widow and adopted Son ore left to tuuuru his deltas% Doherty Organ Company Reorganised. The Clinton organ factory business has been reorganized as u joint. stock cpluparhy and will hereafter be carried on as the .\\'. Doherty Organ & i'iene l.iluited. The officers of the new cowpony •we : W. Doherty, president W. Jackson. vice-pr•t'sident; Fred J. Hill, talcteta►•ytl•eaatirer : directors. %V. Doherty. W' Jackson,and C. E. \ t t . 1 1 r �. Dowding. A manager. who will have entire 0liargt• of the laetury. is to 1.. welded. Oun.idt'l:ejjrleratuck Isar been mµ"lrijscrilpnt to lie largely increased.. led for by lanai men. mud the 011 mi ewiagham's 'tHely H•wiers." A peculiar religious sect Ileo been formed in '\\'inghani. Their u.eetiuge are held ies a hall over a b14acksurith chop in lower 'Vingbatn. Here vig- orous dlae•uut'se's are heid in an UD- knowu longue, which the menders ttamis•ltern ray they dlr not under - attend. They dill themselves the "Holy Howlers.' arid. number about twenty -Ht The leader • c a to to \\ ingham Mn Toronto a few years ago. Red/. Richard 'Hobbs, of Toionto, formerly. eitaliunsl in %%'bngham, {reached a sermon to his old congregation on a relent Sunday iu which he vigorously attacked the l,.•W I0Ma, ceiling them a deluded Net of f'taws and followers -of the devil. Dropped Dead. last Thursday uleerinns; Charles Troyer, ,uen•hent and 1H,rttmaater at Hills Oilmen, dropped,dyad while out Hehing. In coulp441)' with Charles Stelck and Will Jarrott, pt•ineilwt of Hrigden public school. he had gone early iu the morning to fir' at aerrrk northeast of little Green. and at about 7::311 o'clock ht. mea Stelndiog on the hank of the creek when he tell laack- sv:rds. By the time his rumpaoiunr reached hien he was dead. 1)s". Camp - hell, coroner, wise imw/edietcly sent for, awl after viewing the remain. he pre mouncial it a minae of heart failure. Sin inquri.t was held. Mr.'Troyer Iwd many friend% in Ihet)utbern isrrtion of the county. who sincerely regret the sudden death. First Wedding in Wingbam Baptist Church. For the first time eines" i1., ereeti1M \Vinghaw Hsrtist chiirrh was the tent. of x ww.tdiug nn Thursday. the lath inst., when He -rigout Lindsay Winfield. one of tft.• moot popular young wren of the town, led to the Altar ul Hyu.en the fair wdy ul ho. choice. Miss Ida May Ellintt, danith- ternf Me. and Mrs. Merry Elliott of Winghmfn. Vias Nellie M. Rade madecharming Kfnde11u.aid w i k lieorge It. Mutton ;tette, .a.: best 1n331. After Rev. H. Edgar Allen 4114 pnr- nenuwed'the myotic: words of transfor- mation in the moaner of it large (vts,- grrgatiun the bride waa prwee'htrd with a beautiful family 1111.11• m 4 (alt- mentor,tion of the end mate' nanlabel event solemnized wattle the sacred edifice. • Death of a Tuckersmlth Resident. On Friday. 11.0 17t11 1111.. the Angel- ic messenger, I )e.sth, panted over the township of 'l'noken.mith and atoned to her reward Mrs. \Villi*,,, Black, an old and (-shamed resident of the art'• cuueeseinn. I )weatsl- who was born in 5e•.'Usnd 1)' V('lI 114-4(4411 years 11go, came to ('ana/ia with her p urenls in I1.3-.1 and settled in Oxford county. Half a century ago she was wedded 4o her deceased partner and with him.settled an the farm on the ltomdary of McKillop whets eh,' re- sided until fourteen )'ears nip% when she went to her declinieg yea'. at the home of her .ons in 'Puekersnitha I teccascd'N d, -,4th was no doubt hastened by the tact that. while the wnm lying ill 04 poeun4.:440 her eon 1eorge wam)tned.rated by Ihe saute dreadful malady end peened away rater at week's illnose. Deceased wee a wnnaan of an exemplary Chrieti'ai walk and conversation and Ther life was as Benedict' to all. who knew her. She leaves. to tm)urn her lose two ens, .lames. of \Vinnbpeg, 111141 R'illiaul, on the home fat'ii,, mid three daughters, Mrs. McClure, of Alberta, and Agnes and Jean at hone. Sesforth Loses a Good Citizen. Soaforth in tn4mn•bin4 the loos of a noble citizen, in the person of the Tate Andrew Calder, who was summoned to the cit 1' celestial on (i.sxl Friday. A few (lays previowa deceased had undergone an operation tor the re- moval of one of his lege. Thh. WAS 'u('cettsfllly performed, but, his con- stitution had been so weakened by disease and anfferinit that he ware un- able to withstand the shock. Sixty- live ixtylive years ego deeteteed Ilret Saw the light of day in the township of Mc• Killop. When in ...tidy manhood his injured leg made him unable to cope with his agricultural duties. he left the paternal honhcstetad in order to learn photography. ile carried on an exewnaive imminent, in Sea fort h for over thirty years and until declining health forced hie retirement. De• (saved was an lacell1plishe•d violinist and in the Rotel old days there were few• moe•bal gatherings in the township of him birth which he did not enliven with his melodious aUsins. A man of remarkable intelligence, deep piety 4111(1 gnat affability, he won for him- self the live and esteem of all with whom he came in contact.. His widow and ^ family of mons and daughters survive% $100 Reward, $100. 5 )4e render. of the. paper will he 14e0-1111 tin Into that there I. sl hunt on. drend" I dine.,-, that .rlenee h.e hesn able In cure 1)1 all lb: stage... end 1111 1. Coln/ eh. 11411'. 1'414trh 'Illy t- live only width 4. rum flow known to the 1111-41 11441 fraternity. 1 nt,rrh. Ming a rous(Ilu- 1101wldkeae.require'a con..1.11 111 tone) treat- ment. BRAN, ('ssrrh 4'tire i. token Intenlnlly. meting 441eeity edam the b10011 nue 4041044' ,of the :Talent. (hemb) df,l my' ng the foundation of the Monne, and glsing he prailrnt .frength by btlehting up the (month. 44011 sod m.w4tlne nature in doing its work. Thr 10014410(00'ave «, notch faith in IIx ustire power. that they coffer fine faith_ Dollar, fur 4117r rine that It. fain to cone. Send for slat. 0f trsl.lnantnle. Addrema F 1_ ('HENRY & 4'o., Toledo. U. Mntd Ar all drugu4tt, 'rake HMI's Fernier 1'111. for embett atton: The elevator men doesn't Think it is wrong to run peopis dons. PERSONAL MENTION. • I\vurrrlc1 F,114. L. 4.O'r \t Ba1C's Siona •,) Masi..., .1. 1:1114t .pent K Nairn. Mo..] C.'.1UIwn was to Toronto fee 1laitler. xlnurhu Kiuly 1. up (:um1 I' nvnto I'm a Sew .1),,. .0,.r t:,uon, of l.ay.'..pout k;r.:or fa Tod Onto. , A rlhUr ltd.' wa. uo frons N'rat1ord stir 1.1.14.l'. 1Iv ala *414 *111"111 111.• 1:4.10,1111..s. cwurr.. r IWrt H. Met fei.th 0N, 1444 fret 'foredo hu Waster. t• uarlu.. *Va.LI.aioh war u; from Toronto thio 30.14. %Ilw. 51 4.el '11hurluw war we from Tomato for Kate, elf.- Mabel poly 1. beim from To'onta f a• Ihr ,:114011 u. . 41,a eye 11141/011 waa uIl trwu d:rat(Onl dur Ise the week. Mi., tlertrude Mu01itug; Wa.. YOGIS !loin Aye 1..r K'.tar. kilo M. H. Naltal k'f. tut Thunder on a viol! to Toronto. t 1).,, I.- Tureibell we•• bu tie foes Tome*, dating the Moa-.. P. 11: Ilex tut. of 'ife•.td. 'nn. :tinting the 7carlrr 01 .t. s"0 w W:.eTJtr Il0rotd 'raybr 'holm' fro,.. Toronto Cue ver.lt)' fur the r,'oaliou. Will l'rou,Itoul 4 boon: fmu, Trion y t.ulhtie for the game vaaa1Uon. Frank Att... of 'rule la. U11iu. ennui. 11.0 Eatat•' holiday. In town. W. S. (ane. of tit t'a11W,tha'r. ear up her .oma day. during the woe'. Mia.. Ywllth ItIcliou.yb• of Carlow. 4. t f.e411lg leer friend Mf.. May htuddart. llayden ss'flliaul o(1 h,• lis nk of 1'0114111erer. Torul,,n, 14,0.11010e fur 1..,..eer. Mr., Jeaflen and leh-. 1C11,,. -.1f M.MUad, 0'04a x:..,')', 1 ie.lu1'. ill (4.,11.11,11. Mr. ,nal Jlr-. John 1 u nuinghau,. of Ilr,la.el•, .n:wl.lWytnl. i 1. • v iu Wolof tel,. W 1 Mr•. Clea.. Mahto.l.. :1 Wind..,,', I. 11114 gond of her toU-iu, Mr-. JN.. A. Melulo.h, 11r. no 41.g 4' iu Toronto 1114. week. a11ending the nems":( of tee l'4u.'I Dotal A -.octal tuft. M. 1'. 5..alw. 01 Its. 'tank of t bumuvole, Twoll6u. 04414441444447 1.14., kNlrr Ilrallu"auurl'.. • M4s Struliyia 1,044.4 frons (hilt+bY and Mi. Our, attest tut 0,ougr rine for the 1aar.a- (1ag. twee New A. (',011,., of liuclpb. M'.s , ialugt los p,4aoute. Mr. and Jlr4. IL nwftear. dosing the week. - • Min. Terow ('4..l.say,u4-Arthur of A7y1,eernl Es..trr w.v.44 wilb their iiodenrh rvIstf.'a., Mn., Ales. McPhee -on, of la0.1111, 114. Iha 54145.1 of her ,fifer-io-lmo. 31,., Lt 411.. 01141 lei -t.-,'. H, Gr.uLL 10ul.ertan, of Toronto. 4 . 15nduq; the week at the hunk of hi., gr.u,dfatfuer, N. 11. Roben+olo. Iluv. A. ('ulleus. fens itwi:el coquty wort. .ecrrtaryy of the Y. M. 1'. A., Loki»,,, wa. in towuthM work. J. H. T'maaoknweer 4014.. iu Wen during tie week. befog ufle of (110 tc,tdeivr, fur the nudinlculehon twain, Cha.. Low!tl 00114 in town 1114• week for. Mw da• ,, altending I'leo%coiling o1 1144 friend. /Pew. rt Mur. -ay . Waiter M:e.•IomW. Leifer 1.1 the Grill:. Manch o/ the hununl.•u 1)411k, was at the farentai reefdenee for taste:. Het,: 1..1. It. N,at1el, of Elam. 40•4* in Wena lilt. wreak. being calleal hers by the ,ieatleol hi, grandmother. \11. 4',,,kerton. Arthur Luownl end da•tghtt:r. Itrruirr• were 1:a.lrr a i.itor-1 at the t.•.'uence of ?Ir. lemmas 444 nao1r771111. ,std der-. '1'h 44. Law -un, Nil... Prank 1Vrigbt and were in 11)0'0 flu. week, and SI:.. T'h,n'laa,.t or Beton'. L 4l4 sural: the halides vi.tlun. Itu'.O X Hazst 1. or 4•rat Muy the.. week attending the w•..luu. of Ihe . xaeiun54 Iaa)d 0f Ili,. London rtefnn tier, of M horli hr 1. a ulomlaor. • Mee. \t"dliann 1th'Nr1;n• *be \I'w•. (:Ld and Ito..., M..Ne,m 4101 \1. J.-, U..rdun t4• Navin. of K,-mrrN. A1• .14 rf„aen' 1•ihng 1I, lawn. Mr, ):rNi11n 1. .' SI. Mary. for a rn,r, Neo It. \ Merritt, .4 I'rte.`ntet. 4..loclfl 41147 1.01.). r to lost :•. Mr..uu,rm; 00• h4I' for 4 fro day.. and len .•u Tar -day In outlet Ile meet,1141 of Ile• 4)rtrrfu 'lda.w: wloM1 A..i1-ia Run at reroute. aameel emotive of N IreI.M. w.. 1n lawn on T'w000 Medoc over t1). 11.4 lay pentallY w whh war.expropriated In Ire• ' . 1' R. If o.nnc,ahs, with tie .rb,e,.,1H.n .*hook take Mace next anent A. wingless Advance : M. ami Mt.. Tre4yser. 5441 11.1. week for 11..41 7. ear 4., w herr i hey wi:1 lot le 1,11.1, 0115 .d I tri• e11114-, 111110 N. n hwi0e•.. Ther.. Th -r i.aar noes tyre hang trodrnl. '4 W L. 1,*., Inn 4e100e10041.0.47 ra11 to 'gain the re.tr01 th-. 1(1/•11.. Il 14. Orw.d i. is t.1we elm. w- •..'„ os".; heal. with 044 0.4%,4.. 31W n•,.a hut. from eke wieneg reerlt north • wb'r aa• tea. Baur ,4.tm• .rut'h '.1 ,nW- 4ancrg .`renes lie Amoral .wt'.I,,,It 1 wke•A rich ...d )11r..1:rant „arse r In :11:. ,r nw, of.1he,vwmuy Wrve.4 eaM•c. wealth go tenet .114n•r,. L .1 K Aon.. of r our... wasly • 'agar appdu' 4 .0 Ir etre d I1).• 1 4111.ar, ox bile' at tie ILytti. • N.41.04,1 I,'.$44,4 an :1 YAmlbargh the.' • ., 4411! ler .•••onolwred b) ..nae .4 040ra .,,rn n- 0 (010e.1 -,.,dent of O•flrrieh hlah•rMrd. All .tuna r 10•,Igru,td Me .0 agrk•uller.l ctpe•e t. .I h,- .gq+nnr Rosa her. been well earne,l. H. w 411 I- n. 110 IMd 1 "1Wn*p about Oa nw/rtte, Had 'em Again, 111'. S. Reit' U11e•hcll tells with keen enjnymenl e; Cie ex twli4'1Me of 11 un•dieal friend of his who rny454-41 n barer. reeentIy gradual,.1, for a 0.144s" of delirium tremens. 'Plus physician succeeded In quieting the patient and left wore tusli,ine, instructing the, nurse to administer it to hint Hy he "Megan to Net• -snakes. ^gene." At the netts. ra11 this physician, fennel the patient again raying. '1'o Itis puzzled. inquiry, the nurse replied that the man had Ileen goldg At that way for several hours and that she had not given hint piny medicine. "Rnl didn't 1 tell you to give it le hint if he twee(' (.0•440 en^ices ngain :•" delllancI,si the physician, "But he didn't are lluakes'thin tune," replied the nurse confidently. '•111• 54W reel, while and Mee turkey. with draw bets on."-Lippin•u1t'.,. A Ile ttrsrrl with sane rapidity in order to'pvnbd being molal, A Doctor's Statemeit Barn St. rain. r' ( Sous, Marek 27th, 1007. "Dr. T. A. Sloctim, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen: -- My many thank* for P.ychlne awl Oxommiston, i have used them with vrrp great, *ltisfaetion both in mo on'n Chao and in that "f my friends it a( fordo me mach pleasure to ro•enmm.nd a remedy which Is really gond in .a,'ra for which it is intended, i am, your,' very, truly,' DR. ERNEST A. A1.I.AR0. Matinee reengni..r that Psycklne is one of the very Meet reme.liet for all threat, long and etemaeh troubles and all 11a down renditions, from whatever rause. it is the prescription of one of the world's greatest apecialiets in die - vanes of the throat, lung.. and stomach. and all wasting diseases. Ask yore druggist fur it, at 150e and 1.00, or T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Falwell! A. \\'ileon'a Preparation of Hypophosphites and Blodgett' from the or igimxl fornluL, is the Sovereign Rem- edy for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, La Grippe, Coughs, (:olds, and e11 Throat and Lung Maladies. Thnntmldeit people sty they 1i*1' been relieved by it. Those who have used it w•illhay. nn other, and reeunnnnnd it to I heir fellow an ITerens. It hes mired many after they were given 111) swimmable by their phyaician.. The 'undersigned as a 1onanmptive ran teat.ify from his own experience as In Ito value. Write at once delays are dangerous and mayrove fetal.For full particulars, tentimoniala, et (., (e+dre,'a , THE :GROCERS. C. A. ABBOTT, Sole Agent,' 6o Ann Street, New Yetk tatty, N.Y. Thous ol. Promp t Delivery (ID. MILLAR CO. ■ This is Wah Goods Veek 1 The daintiest W4s11 Fa',rics are here for your selection. There Is a d1•z,ded lar ono C for colored Wash Fabrics rhes season. Our showing .s ma( it more complete than evil( before, Including all the newr..l wealies. (iINGt1AMS • are herr iu ,-,,,lies"+ va,iel y 111 atl'rolluiDja, i.1 elli)aea, r1)/e•ks, plaid, an4olain color.. A11 colors are guaranteed 1.401, per yd„ laic and 1St D. R J. ANDBRs0N'a CELEBRATED SCOTCH (GINGHAMS due the heat Ginghanhe made, melee Wide, special per yd. . .. za Our Showing of DRESS MUSLINS i, very largo. Every piece hits been ea•leetad with the utmost rare and all are tle'w thin 04'44001. They range in price from, per yard.... . . ,...., ,...qc to 40. See our NEW LINEN SUITINGS at 356 per yard in all the newest shades :mil all the appearanceof . sal BELTS BELTS BELTS Ag.1111 WO lead with the very berit21' \W44011 Belt in the trade in an ,issurt merit of neat eulbroi.11't'd effect. with large pearl bucklee, each. only .. ,...., .... 35C Itnlllell114 variety of Leather Belts, all colors:each, fr 35C OLOvES GLOVES GLOVES 4p.'cim li,.4 In -Lung Lisle lilnvrs, in tan, black and white, superior oaks". extralength,t1)e fadrurrs. per r pair , 755 Pewit's fauwne Gloves.. )Mr Ih)11er Gloves are splendid valor. Every pair gulal•anteed. Our Long Kid (:loves at $2.50 per parr, in tau, black :Ind while. are proving big 'tellers. PAI ;l `Kip ), . MAN B1v�t Mee 25 Ct:. Itr1:411 /111111.51S UNiMElrrCO -L14.ITILD-- ..a5141roGcMGMse5itt YARIMO til , ,S i'sr Millar's Scotch Store 're e 1 Probably Not Far Wrong. "you made n ilii like in your ) !rape"2' staid an indignant luau. enter- ing the editorial a*uetiten of as daily joinlhal. "1 w.w .if the compacti- ons at au athletic entettainnlet1 Nat night, 5rtd you refers -ed W we a•. 'the well-known light -weight chxwpioin,"" “Well„ .lye yon out: ' . i0yuurd the spoiling editor. "No, I'm nothing of- the kind." wale 11).• nugry .rv•leponee. "and it's" eon- fouMdedly.awl4irnl,l, Ie•eeuse l'ul a coal dealer."- Philadelultix Public Ledger. il0'` Use Shiloh's'C'ure Ir7for the worst cold, thcsharpest cough Cure -try it 1,r, a guar- antee of your motley back if it doesn't actually (,'URE'( ui4'kcr than anything you eVer tried. Safe to take, -nothing in it to hurt' even a baby. 34 years of aridness commend Shiloh's Cure - OI . 'ure- 141. Illi Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY' MADE FOR SERVICE IN THE ROUGHEST WEATHER AND GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY 4 1 WATERPROOF SCM'CI(,t w, { O o114nka ►� POMMEL losSLICKERS This trade mark \ and the word \ TOMER on the buttons dlstm- qutah the high slicker hen - as good- s r . •{•� brands Fruit f I Trees' 1 'nci•lke 'ileiNurseries an. noted for the-exexllenae send qupility of their fruit trees. Irsaaestal Trees. Shrub , sod Evergreens A good collection imitable tor planting in .parks and IAwlh+. Ines sad Climbers T The Ixxt varietie4, Plant in a goexl. rich clay soil and they will give the best, of Nati4fau- tiorr to the buyer. HANGING BASKETS RE- FILLED. Send sa ;e,et. card ^1101 they will 1N• called for at any t' . Adders. John Stewart Estate BENMiLLER, ONT. The Pantry, The Kitchen and The Diningroom are 1'(11111BI[('5 i'4 every well -ordered household ; ine\'CI'tlleless They would be useless :ul•juncts to the 11(0114' without being slll)1)lit•'l with Good Things that are fresh ;1.101 pure, from STURDY & CO. • LEARN DRE88-MAKING BY MAIL iil:aisomI We want our course to be in every I4 toms in Ontari., where there an Ladino. o, have rkcd•d ,". g4vr, direct to the 'public ur improved 01.7 ,Orae m dn.crrraking. m.iudiry[' e.ur l.aclia.' Tailor Sl .tam for whokoaIe prat $,.00 A. there ate a false number of people. r.pee- ially dre:,nlakera say you tann..t Warn by mail We will•nd system and lint lessen :which es, teachhow to snake a peAce4 Mw,n1r wu.q rrgoter d to any addle. tit Ontario. After )ou .n• .0.11.04d y0. salt barn 11,01 4.,.($4 and we Will ("railed tut) vuurme .l klw."1. Plea, ri. roe w•nd unless, voou wish to lean' Ir•..makmg: we are w' .env ■nl.one can leant that vie agar, ante.• to give 14)0 b, an,.ne ter cams.• orieh. Thew' le,w.... tea.h how 1,, cal, RI and pm tyrther. 411v garment learn 11••' la(.,.' '.100 •a. a a'it to the ne,.l rlabooratr 4'n > TT,i, r. 'flu 041 tonne in ('emir that the w)e•le• fount; -a..,kam 1.r o.e nemb'r tithing t or W. 'leer Ir,•n m )arrinrn tor ten )r4•., have teagl•t vase, 7.0111. beware .d nuaatamn. a, '4• hove Leen known 1.. rap)' our adv.. and even 1114.In,01 0 here the, were M,4 known W tis" inventor of the. con, . :411 adv. in genote wiehont ,,or S• XII.on Ru motet. Write for � parte titer, .were...-S4y1DRR!< DRsts-COTTING SCHOOL 31 Lea: Str.:et• Slratl*rd, Uutarw, Canada. THE OODERlCH . BICYCLE EMPORIUM Sole Agent for CLEVELAND, RAMBLER and PERFECT WHEELS -First shipment 7m40 been received. Complete line of sundries'. Repairs a rpwcipil1y; gnara•nta-'utl• and at rexeon- atlle prices. .', few M's" o*Id-hl,ml wheels at from $.:.IMI up. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED WM. YULE' Opera,House Sleek, Kingston Street. FiNE TAILORED Suits and Overcoats FOR SPRING l\I•ry 11115 pat.' erns i1,1lolhes. hest 111 trimmings and perfect. IitLing---style C furl and durnl,ilit.y are feature, with Its. Leave your order early. DUNLOP THE TAILOR \Vast Street, Gudleric h .-«WANTED... Wheat' from owner 104% 11111 A GOOD (FARM 1 form wale, Nol ,articular oboe' h.•ion, • Phony prior: mol drew/Iplion, and 41440440 fur 4;1111,41 Moto when la.... . .foe earl be haul. Will deal alt)) 03'04.1- 00 1. atti/V.1dn•. Isux WI. Rochester, N. Y m mil SIIMININIm MOD 1 Gray Buggies ies We have theism with it liber Tires and eve have them with Steel Tires: and we have them with Anti bile Seallj end in all the latevt I$T'LKs. If you want n Buggy. or ever 4'44 llect t„ wnuL-tme, en 11 at nor Wale - room and ter what the 111(4'.'. The firny Huggy 000,011 from the lerg.'sl Uarl•iage Factory in Canada. You can't make a mistake in buying a GRAY ROBERT WILSON Agent for McCORMICK MACHINERY, BRANTFORD WIND MILLS. FLEURY and PERRIN PLOWS LOUDEN HAY TOOLS. STANDARD WiRE FENCE. STONE We nlso have a large .tone quarry and are prepered to supply building stone nr filling in large nr small .Inentities, delivered 05' at the quarry, Wire -Room Hamilton St , ' GODERICH, ONT. xtmgD�a 1 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE IEMIIIE OF IIITATIONS t SOLD YN TIE MERITS OF MINARD'S LINIMENT SEE THE all New Buggies at K n Dx's 1 i\leet.4 by WLe .•..le .(t,.1 McLaughlin Company "Only One Grade. and That The Best.' 1 have ju..treceived a Ship- ment of thew: line Huggies and invite anyone interested to call 444111 'vC.thrm. PRICES RIGHT WM. KNOX (tor, Newgate and Hamilton streets GODERICH 1 G. JOHNSTON EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR VInIIIIAS41111111 1 n.li-rlakll'K Wrsl .440 1'p,aro. 'YIIU\K: Store MI. Uoxlerich Mitaoalla:.tt re.,,lr,f e. rnr. f'�unbri.t nmol .en I \'c Lon r! li•ei. J. BROPHEY & SON 1-Tfla LemmI*G.-- Funeral 'Directors and Embalmers Orden c.rlally atla,.aed to .1 all Moen, right or day 'HONE 15 OR 24 tv:uehnu.e I c,, 40., When you want ( and Yon'.) / MOM( 01'4 TIIKHKs't' , at Dock \tlguor. (I ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND , atrA11 I one wrlghrl 011 the market, oleates w hero y011 Kot. 2,'40 Ila,. fur A Lon. WM. LEE. °leer left nt. t'. 1', Lee -n Hardware) Mere Dat 0hle N4n4,e, ',roundly attended In. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. Any f0 ell 011111100,1 wet in, of 11onr4,dn0 Lures. in M:u'ilolw `4askaIrhewan and Alberta. excepting a and 111 t1, mm ol reserved. ay he honor.I ended 1144 any e44'.on who Is the one% heal of a felony, or any mal,- over Ix year, of age, to t 1)n extent of 14,141 quarter section of 11111 tele... .A Of lass. A pylhnlion (or entry nn1.l len nuadn in perm., 1)Y t he oppliennt at e I uninion 1..nds Agency or rub seem yy for the dlslrlrt In which the land 1+ alt nate. Miter by proxy may, how,ver. M, 1,e14,, at. an Agcney 011 certain rondtAm,. by 1 h hither, nether, sun, danakter, brother or trier of nn /Molding homn.t4arlrr. The ho,nr.lta 414 rngllImd 10 perform tion homestead (Intl millet one of the following Mans: (r) .1t least six months' m., -Oce ,loan a•nl cultivation of the laud in each year for (.Moe year.. 1:1 A hou,c.loxd,-r nnay. if he .o'lesirns, )t-r- fmrm the req tilted 41':drugs" aline. l.y Hving nn farming hand owned .olely by him, not late than eighty len sena it, extent, In the %nn ny of hit 1 •sled. Joint nwnet.hlp In land will not meet, t hi. rrgtilretn,nl. 1411 1f the father for mother. If the father 1, de ceased) of a horns" ie,der hee permanent mel (Irma, nn farming land owned solely by hen, nutles, than flighty teal acro. In 10.011, 411 the trinity of the han,rslotl, or upon a homrst rnr' eitiered for by him 4,, the vicinty, ouch home Ieada'r may perform hi. own nenden a dulls, by tieing with the father for mother). III 'rhe term "vicinity" In the t wog prreedin thanpoi iwi nOt mo. nine milts In • dlree' line, exrhi.4 re of the, width of mod .Borrowers .rated In the 151 A nwasnrem.ft, a r to prform hi. n.aiderwe done. In nr0erdan„,L wit1,M h, sbnva while living with perenb• or no forming land owned by himself mint notify the agent, for the dirtrlrt of •och 101en11011. He. month,' 1,01.1ee In writ Ing now to1( ,van t0 she Comml.ainner of rklmhtnn Londa .t muses of Iotmtton to apply for paten` 1 paty of the Mont. of the Inn wrier, N.H. rnatitheirtred pmhhestiou of thin ad, r orWnenteat will out be paid for.