The Signal, 1908-4-30, Page 1Get into the Game
with 'au advertisement in
Tbs Signal• Bright, at-
tractive adverusing is the
best Investment the ant -
chant can make. The
Signal has the circulation
that counts.
BIXTY•rtlWT YeAlt-No. 311/J
Don't Run Away
with the Idea that you can
Cet any better printing any-
where than you can get
right here at The Signal.
Leave your next order at
this office.
scuts a waving') aceount. little by little email sinus are de.
d in the Bank. and in au Incredibly ant►at time the
owner of the account finds that his money bas increased in
almost magical fashion repaying him any times over for
the small ''privations" tm
he may have undergone in order to
provide tor the proverbial "rainy -day."
FOUR per cent. interest paid un deposits and money can be
withdrawn at any lime.
t rL
Goderich Office, Corner North Street and Square.
Copy of change of runnin; advertise-
ments must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
Clothes Clenaned and Pressed
iireenee and repaired en .leers notice.
fuse. moderate. Give nae a call. Neat fluor
to Hut. home. bather Mont.. ,I duel.
(:FA,KUE WATSON. l'esetigaiTallon.
C>ivll E nitlneering
and llydreuhr Engineer. Ontario lard
star+ ryur
eters - McLean (nock. oaterivh, Turner
Muni real attest, Telcphutie I37.
MN dale
110Rt3Ef3 ,P0r11 SALE. -PAIR OF
a thixsn7(TUN ILIV EY�Miel kee . Ueda
PLETE ,et from is Imh to w Inch. An In
good condition. Will to wad reso..nablr and
on may term.. For further particular. apply
s 4A111.7EL kCHLIN, Ea.t .taut. Outten. h.
elm and maple lumber for min front .ark.
Wean be cul 10 order. For further part cular•
apply to ItolikRT ELLIOTT. Uaderieh, tf
executor. of IM ...(.111 1,1 the I..le
George Achmon have decided 1e oder the
whole ..d4e for war. The property efeie 1. of
nil relate. ure-. Fend. nisi .t.r.k.
Parties to rot e.t 111 any of Mr Orme
isepenue. rata get full particular. on Apple.*
tem to the eke. -mors.
Mew. 14:1. LA 1'. ACltar,x.
kat -clan'.
• WILLIAM AcH.,o 1 F:Ierllluf..
U derkh. Dee. bib 111x'.
'Mow pi
Public Notice
1. Sealed lender. tattles -emit to the under.t.(ncd
and oedema! "Tedetr Dredging. will lir
arched nnlal Friday. ay 1.tth. nate nt 11,
e. et.. for dredginagg refit nil ..t the following
place. in (hr Province o 001:1111 •
111 r
Burlington, Mind KI &avrrnw, Coiling
m.s res tat
,.-nod. Cnl.m rg. 6r.MHrh. Hwnniton. Kirecar
dine. 1.1(10 Current. Midland. Monfort. Owen
Sound. Nigger mud Pont
Farmed. Pni.enangul.hrn.. Pon Harwell. Port
F. I g l n. 1•,rtona. ltoredene. Summer -town.
River. aver. rl'oronto. Thornhury. Trenton
Herho,.i and hark 1 hanoel. hietiau.hrne.
N'Iartee mid wi,lartleld Rutin.
leech r. will not be von-btcral unln.. (,oast•
rot ' h.• form eupplkd. and amen with the
Act nal denature of tenderer..
f''litatnon ad form of tender
. en he obtained at the I).pwrtment of Pellet -
XS' ork.. Ottawa. Tender.. mud include (ht•
louin``of the plant .o and from the work.
'Poly dredge. can to employed which are mgt..
Pool in l'anada at the time (d the riling of
tender.. ('ont ro:eters must he rads' to beetn
work within I twenty day. after the date they
have hese notified of taw areepunre of their
An accepted cheque on a chartered bank.
peptide to the enter nt the Honawble the
Mlintmter of Public '.Turk., for ex Ihon..ind
lollan./ItOn,, meat he delimited a- .grainy
for the dredging which the tenderer offer. to
fern' in the Prot ewe of Ontario. The
. Aerate will he rettren l in CAM! of ISrtl-torepa
wnrc of tender.
Ity order,
1%TA:tmcol of Public \\nrke.
- Ottawa, April AM, 1114{•
Get your training In the .chool LW 1. 1
))) p qualified to git c you the test that tsars l
to had.
The linin -h Amerlran H10011rr
,'allege. Y. M. 1'. A. BulWlug, Toronto.
\5'rite for catalogue.
Tlluitena r, April ash.
Fell wheat. per hu..h. new t1 a, to $ it Ira
Spring whom. tier bu.11, tow..,It A, to o 42
!Lye, per bn.h 41 4.5 to a 1.5
Buckwhe-at, per bu.4 0 el to o N,
oat... Per 4u.4*., new 0 0, to art
Pea.. per bush a 7.5 to a 74
Morley. per bulli 0 I5 to n :n
Screening.. Ler ton le on to le n1
Flour, faintly. per cwt ' Y m5 to 2 45
Flour. patent. per cwt 3 2.5 to :I 2.5
Bran, per tun 25 U1 lis YS W
short.. per Ito.. 1I Ir, to :71 Irl
Hwy. new. per tell.. 13 O, to 13 In
Wood. tier .cord b On to a O,
Butter, per lb Ir _; to 5' 25
('hon.e. per lb a 11 10 0 IS
lies., treah. per des 0 II de 0 it
Potatoes, new .. 0 .i11 to 0 ..i
(,aU1r, on -they to ate. pin. cwt. 4 e, to :. W
Cauls export, per cwt b lei to 25
leu*ul lire weight, per .wt0 Ila to a le
.10 to AO,
Sharp. per cwt 3 111 to 4 1.1
Ilan.. per Ib 0 la to o la
Haan. per Ib 0 15 to e !t
lard. per Ib -13 to la
Tallow, per Ila M n u,5
Hide-., per cwt i hH to lis 3 su
Slew pp Skim 11 to e1
elite ane In to In
Turkey. tY 101 11
Ma1.Mre markets en setas .1.1
TAr Liberal.; d the town of Ualerich arc re
que.tud to meet on
FKIb.51' kl'KNING, \hAl'A1'H,
sl-» o'clock. w the rosin over the Standard
Loan l'o.'m oflir•, North .creet, for the purl...*
of np(•awing delegatd to the Cent: Hero.
l4N10 entane.
\V. Is HuftTlee. \5'. H. RGHF:d:TW1N.
4 ),alrnan. Beenelaty
Lost or Found
1 *renew. uoatewhere In town. pre ml.aery
netts payable to Edward Harney.- All tarsi~
ate warned ln.d negotiating lige r,pk.
TO Rant
110!'SE: TO ltd•:NT.--(100D, 0051.
11 F (ARTA 111.1c. house o1 Keay..treet, near
lieItanuta goad: mora... nine mumu. in es-
•e11..',t repair. hewn water in house : rsllar,
'tarok. rad ether ..mvene :neo., two lotr. alford-
tu.g o((ep{xnKtt unity for Goal garden. Convenient
W ('011e/6111111 loot it ate and h11dneo'.Melon of
fawn. Lent rua.owabk. For emelk•olan.
apply to J. 1V. SALRKLD, Hayfield road. or
'phooe 1411.
J Mein qr ten reono with eouvenienre.,
for July and Aeereet. *ill- sire reference.
Apply (e Bos No. 100. SIGNAL Unice.
.teal .state tor bale...
red brick house on Elgin avenue. [wilt
la.t ...w.01, by Mr. Carter Five ,Donis up
attar.. four room.., pantry and hall don indeirs.
Cenral rumor the whole buns. Modern cow
venienre,. Reason for .ening-owner want.
t,go went. For terms and particulara apply to
t I'Itr,l•KItTY IN 011 NV,Ait OOUEI{t('H-
The Holland faro, on the :trd concesrloh of
A•hfrld, co.thisoing Into acre-, nearly all In
gram., Gaol buildlugo. Fine orchard. which
will my Intere.1 on the whole Investment
Reason for wealn*g41:� too far away le *trend to It.
.\tippy to J. T. OOLU HORPIs. Salafurd. Ont
_ __ _01.14
l' of choice fruit, Garden or farm land ad.ioln-
Ing the town, belly( part of .(be old 'Inter
national' farm. Term. namable and will be
made to soft pptrttretinae,. Apply to H. DUNLOP.
Wart street. (lad(Noh,
(OOD }1011111' FOR SALE OR TO
T rent -1 omfort0Me hones to rent. Medium
rat., f 011 entent to Square fial.hrontn, ate.
Would .all to rr.potwlblo perty who could
make moderate teeth lwynuent with balance In
monthly Inntelment.. For particulars aliply at
Je Neck IF, lake need snot. Colborne town -
.hip, two mile. from eloderlr h. ISO seri., good
clay I(.011,. brick house, tam cies x,417, wllh
cement debling. artemian well, water in build
ing•�^ould .prll,g ,reek. t acro. 14111101111K limber
Dunlop • yo ung orchard. Apply to 1'. C. Mt NI lL.
Meats Agents., oodcrieh, Ont. -Farm and
town propertlea bought. sold and exchanged.
1101l SALE OK TO RENT. - A
11r* .5n -sero Mum In Wet Wawa -
tomb conion lot 27,with 175 nerd. Ma
good elate
te o( cultivation; well footed, well
watered, gond orchard, large bank horn, good
hose. Po-toalee, bl.rk..rnilh shop and MAIM
at corner of farm Convenient to .chool and
'thumb, 34 tulles teem ('. 1'. k. ',teem, at
Auburn. 'Perms sari. W. A. HAKRIUON,
cknew. Ont..
roomed frame dwelling, hay ng : good
, itu*tlon, on Keay, targe,. Stens foundation
end summer kitchen, .table. N'lll be mold
reasonably. For fur er perticnlam apply to
MILS. WM. Mc('A OHAN, 11 Uev.•w eve.,
Toronto. Yat f
1' tern for sale, ridepted for mixed forming
or. pa.t ure. 111 acres cleared. 101 errs: good orch-
ard, L. nese. gond thither. Holl a good black
cls loam. Good frame ho,,, frame tarn and
le.. good driving .hid. lob. II and 34,
o0n.oeesinn 1, Goderkh townmhlp. Apply to
Cinton. MAY
r lnnderl end We.ten, 1'nt.t..l'onulany,
Wmlted, the exernter of the ...tate of the ante
France. Sneath will receive tender. up to the
nab of May, A. Y. lure, for the purchawe of the
following tamable real entree :
lhareel No. 1. Lot sal o,. Neloon .I riot in the
town of (loderlrh. On this lot there 4. erected
a huge twl.dory frame hotter. Thi. h.,u.e Is
well heeded : has ell modern rnnvenlenle,,
and le In it amid state of repair, and io In every
rawtar't 4 demlreblp remittents,.
Parcel No. 2. int.. lo'( and (022 on Kart
heel. Theme iota are the only eta not
bnllt on or the north dile of FAA! treat he
tween the Ocean Prudery and Grand 1'rnnk
Railway. Them are a number of fruit tree.
oe them end Meth lot. ere well ad*pte.l for
hniMing purposes. Mrpporwle tender. will he
reenived tar each he or a purrha.or may ten
der for beth "eget her.
Term. of Sale . -Ten per cent down on the
dayof mak, and a .nm anMelent to make one
haf of the rumba.n money within thirty duty.
or the whole amount If de.ired. The per
ehnmer ran Lave on. -hal( of the pnrehamr
money on mortgage with Interred at fire per
MfDated at ()Meekh, this 2.4h day of Apr1I.
A. Il. MN.
Solicitor. for En.cutfe.
w a
flaw Orrlcx TusoirTo
A urnOa/L41D CA111141, • $14111000
To accommodate the Farmers
we have opened Ilt•nnches it: the
villages of
VARNA and •
We solicit the Patronage of the
npened by deposit of $1.00
interest at 3% compound=
ed quarterly.
A. 0. GAMBIR, yer.
Twelfth of July Celebration,
At the haat regular meeting pf L.
L. No. 18Y, held on Tuesday evening.
the following were appointed as a
ittee on Nuances in connection
with the proposed celebration on July
13th : Thos. Burrow*, David Wells,
Alex. McNeviu int! W. R. Pinder
(treasurer)- The committee will call
on our citizens shortly, soliciting their
aid in the matter, and it detailed
statement of receipts and expendi-
tures in connection with the celebra-
tion will be published later.
Charge Dismissed,
Wm. McLean, who was charged
with the theft from Martin Connell of
it elan of money, was before His
Honor Judge Doyle on Monday morn-
ing but was discharged, the admis-
siosie the prieuner made to Mr. Con-
nell not being admitted as evidence.
)lie lluuur took the opportunity to
give both the complainant and the
accused some advice on the subject
of hanging round hotel. and Isar-
( 05tue bate at night. This is the
case in which it was alleged that
McLean aaa(.tcd another man iu going
through 11r. Connell's pockets one
uii(:it et the British Exchange hotel.
Building Notes.
Judging by present appearanctro
building operations will be wou.ewhat
quiet its town the, season. In the
southeast portion of the town .7. T.
Goldthorpe is putting up two frame
houses, Robert Redfern is building a
tome house and Mrs E. Dean is
building a solid brick house. Prepar-
ations are being made for the erection
of a residence for Mrs. McColl at the
corner of South street and Britannia
roan and the foundation is in for the
house John Sellleld 1s electing on
Market street, C. Knight has the
foundation in and the brickwork
started fur a two-story solid hrick
residence on Britannia road. Rube.
Doak is building- hack ai his own
houwe. B. Graham's new house in St.
Andrew's ward ie ready for the roof.
E. Lynn is building on Bruce admit.
The Band in Good Shape.
Since Baodrriaster Schsde to,ik
charge of the :elect Regiment band at
the beginning of the year a especial
effort ha, Leen made to strengthen
the organization end bring it up to it
higher standard than it had yet
reached.Several new men have been
brought in from outside and with the
considerate co-operation of several of
our manufacturers these men have
been able to secure positions which it
is hoped will snake them permanent
residents. New music hits been pro-
cured and the band has been practis-
ing diligently, and when it appears in
public this mourner with ate full
utrength sof "lent twenty -live amen it
will ht able to give n tine program.
In the work of reorganizing and
strengthening the bend Bandmaster
Scheele baa haat the energetic assist-
ance of Manager George Ste4vart and
the cordial cooperation of the Musical
Society executive.
Lacrosse Grouping,
The district eonnniittet• of the C. L.
A. ,net at Toronto in. Friday last and
arranged, the grouping in the inter-
mediate series as follows :
No. 1.--Seaforth, liode'irli, Wing -
ham, Clinton, MitcIwlI.
No. 2. -SoothaIl plots
p Kincmnlinc,
fort Elgin.
No.:i.-Cbesley, ILanover, 11'alker•
ton, Wiarton.
No. 4.-I)urhan., Grand Valley,
Mount Forest, Arthur I.
No. 5. -Orangeville, Markdale, Shel-
burne, Dundalk, Flesherton,
No. O. -Brampton, Acton, Glen Wil-
liams, Guelph
No. 7. Galt, Fergus, Hespeler,
Elora, Preston.
No. R.-Koyal Canadia,. (Brant-
ferd), Mt. Thomas, 8t. Mary's. I'arie.
No. tl. --Maitland* (Toronto), Young
Toronto'', Mt, Simon'n (Toronto).
Hamilton 11.
No. es -Queen's (Mt. Catharines),
Port Dalhousie, Athletics (Ni res
Falls), 'Welland, Shamrocks 1St. Cath-
No. I1,-Otillia, Talagoon I. 'New-
market), Vest Toronto, Bradford,
No 12. - - Oshawa, Bowman ville,
Port. ilope, Trenton.
No. 13.--K4.avert.nn, l'anninggtun,
Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterta.ri, Mark -
No, 14.--Collingwood. Stayner, Mee -
ford, Clarkshnrg, Barrie.
No. 1I5.-Brecebridge, 14untaville,
No. 10. -Copper (Tiff, Sudbury,
Sturgeon Falls, North Bay, Powaesan.
Mims Chapman s Reading.
The entertainment its North street
Methodist cherch on 1'nenday even-
ing. for which Miss Alice ('hapman's
Bible readings formed the central
feature, was fairly well ,attended, and
Miss Chapman's renderin¢ of her
three iel'ections held the cl(a'est at-
tention of everyone. Nile wan attired
uno::tddtatiounly and her rentinge
were given in s manner to direct the
attention to the sohject matter of the
refuting rather than to the reader.
in the story of Esther and the story
of Mary Magdalene, as Mise Chapman
rives thein, one finds something more
in the character of these women of
the Bible than possibly ever before,
and the reader gives an admirable
int'rpretetioq of the etuotione of the
various persons in the Bible story
while the exalted strain of her selec-
tion ent.itlet "Man's Final Destiny."
arranged by herself from passages in
Isaiah and Revelation, makes one feel
Situations Vacant
Nelson Arent.
competent meld for genern1 housework
for Mir. M. Hnt*hiann. Apply immediately to
MRS. \t'. ('H0t'IWOw1T.
WANTED. --A (100D SMART Hol'
to hewn the baking 4*0.1..a.. 11.
4TG W F:, Kingston serest
►J "Anto-Spray." )10.1 hand .prayer made:
comels.wd-nlr, wtitontiele, i.Iberal terms.
C A V Kits MOW, flab.
AGENT'( WANTEiD! - 10x20
I1 rayon portrait.. AO cent.. fromem 10 nems
and .,p, sheer pletnee. one rent tech. 1'n,l can
make On per tent. erwet, nr 10111" week.
entelroegme and amplts free FRANK 1('.
WILLIAM* 1'OMI'ANY. Ilia N', Taylor St.,I
Chicago. ill.
what an amount of inspiration and
of this Imitate of awe M lust in the
average reading of these passa4ges.
Hiss ('hapinau's readings' were ihter-
epereed with a number of vocal ailed
instrumental selections. The open-
ing nulniter Was a selection on the
organ by Roy Adams, given in hip
usual finished style. Scott Hays gave
a vocal select' which' west a recall:
C. Pennington gine it well -rendered
cornet role, with organ accompani-
went, and the Mendel..wohu Quartette
gave aseluctiou its excellent style. A
hymn and prayer led ley Rev. R. W.
Millyutd wore iuc11ded xs pert of the
program and all enjoyable evening
was brought to a dose with the
National Anthem. The entertain-
ment mus under the auspices of the
Epworth Iee*gue•s of the two Metho-
dist churches of the tomo,
Miss Garrow Wedded.
The tteopple of (&ole'icb. among
whom thdlsride spent her girlhood,
are iulerested in the wedding which
took piece its ht. Andrew', church,
Turouto, on Tuesday afternoon last,.
when the marriage was solemnized of
Miss Eleanor Kay (.arrow, daughter
of Mr. Justice (lari'uw and Alm. Gar -
row, to Joseph G. Mtandart, of De-
troit. The ceremony was performed
at 2:311 o'clock by the pastor, the Rev.
T. Crawford Brown, in the presence of
a Targe and fashionable congregation.
"The Vcice That Breathed O'er Eden"
and the 145th Psalm' were sung dining
the marriage service. The decora-
tions of green psalms and Easter lilies
formed au effective background for
the bridal party. 1 he bride, who was
Riven' away by her father. was attired
in an exquisite wedding gown of
ditches+ satin in elastic lint's, with
duchews and houitou lace, the gift of
heCher, and deep tucked yoke of
chiffon and long train. Her veil,
which was of tulle, was crowned with
orange I.luesoms, and she carried a
gnawer of lilies of the valley, which,
with et pearl and diamond pendant in
the shape of a tleur-do-Ii,, with whole
pear! cents, were the gifts of the
bridegroom. The brideewaids, Hee in
number, were Miss Beatrice Garro*,
the bride'ssipter, and Mitts Helen.Atl-
rill, Miss Helen Horton and Miss Cnn,.
stance Holt, of Goderich. and Miss
Marion 'Thurber, of Detroit. They
were dressed alike in soft violet or-
gandie with trimmings of Dresden silk
and acaatterel violets, .rade with deep
yokes and ruffles of lace. On their
hair were tulle veils with wreaths of
pansies. and they carried old-fash-
ioned nosegays of pansies, and wore
the gifts of the bridegroom, gold
bracelets with monogram and date.
Henry Standar't, brother of the
bridegrtonn, was best man. and the
ushers were Edward Garrott, and Neil
Snow, ,'rank Brennan, William Cal-
lan end Geroge Barbour. app four of
Detroit. Mee. (:arrow afterwards
held a reception, an.l woe wear ing
grey milk mousseline and point lace,
and white hex hat with pink ro,,eo
and plumes. After the timed toaeti
and epeecher, Mr. and Mrs: Standen
left for their house in Detroit, the
bride going away in a French gown of
pale grey poplin with scull check end
stripe of pale blue, and blue toque
with hyacinths and grey leather ruff.
Those from Goderich who were pres-
ent weer Mr. and mr.. Charles Gar -
row; W. 1'roudfcot, K. C„ cud Mise
leohel Proudfont; Ain•. Dor, .\foss
Flora McLean, Miss Ausebrxok, Mins
Reynolds, Miss llurtou and Miss Holt.
Perham your ft and. are .fill lookhy[ for 1 ho:
photo -you were going In send them long age,
boat put It off any longer. See Sallow. the
Photographer and Ise will give. you .atl.far-
Mei, Ll alwny- end. the hou.ekeeper hu+,•
with the -tiring cleaning. To brighten tip t hu
house gut it new piece of furniture Ando few -
picture. at Wilmer Smith's. Magnin, every
day fu the week.
There will not be much ui id •tinging to thi.
election : -n you will be o idle wife In getting a
nice now still for this eiering without danger of
il. getting .011141 in the mix tip. 1'ridllaen Ike
Teller .nes I.rt h Grit end 'AMY.
A 'sign has been painted on the
Godet'ich 1'Jheel Rigs factory. ..
The Turret Cape and Turret. Crown
steawees left last Saturday worming,
light, for Fort William,
The :lard Regiment - Band ie in
requisition for a demonstration at
Listowel on 1-iltolia Day.
0. 1". Carey, and family this week
,n,,vld 10 their sir r•wideuce
north of eleimw Lung Talk.
Judge Ihilt will held. 1)ivinion
court a1 lion ie May :all, Brustede
May 0th, Wiugliaul May 7tth,
The following donations have leen
received for the hospital : ?bilk and
syrup from S. Bissett,and alio (min
S. Spackman, of leeeter•.
H..1. Mclaurin, of the Ontario Den-
tal 1. College. Toronto htaken the
B , hew
position of aesietant to Ur. W. Y.
Hayden fur the 'taverner.
The next holiday will 1.• Victoria
Day. AN the 21th of May comes on
Sunday, this holiday will be observed
on Monday, the 'Sith.
We regret to Rufen tltat4I)onald Mc -
Leen i0 bald uta with typhoid fever.
His duties at St. David'.^ward scb,ol
are being taken by Miss Ethel Farrow.
The :Maple Leaf football club ill mak-
ing atpplicaton for admission to the
Western Football Association. The
club will probably be included in the
intermethate series.
Don't forget the football match next
Thursday evening on the Agriculttient
Park between the Gtxlerich (collegiate
Inatitnd' team and the Clinton (lolleg-
iele Institute team. Game starts at
The annual meeting of the Goderich
branch of the \Voinen'm Institute will
be held at the home of Mrs. Thomas,
Elgin avenue, near Huron road, on
Thurwcdsy, May lith. A good atten-
dance in re(luented.
The schools were re -opened on Mon-
day after the Easter recess, 'The stu-
dents in the higher forms of the Col-
legiate Inwtithte are buckling down to
work on the la/4 stretch before the
midsummer examinations,
elle. J. ii. Erlwerd aid Sandford
Stakes are two of our citizens who
have been ser' sly attacked with
illn4en the part week. Our old friend
There. Hucketep also ie on the siek lint.
We hope they will all soon be on the
The i►oty Engine Works (Io. was
%warded the eon! roost for pipes and
valves in (sonnet -lion with the eerie
mentation basin rot the meeting of the
water And light commission on Mon-
day night and W. R. finder was
given the contract for supplying 1,018)
feet of 2 -inch pipe for waterworks ex•
1'. lloene'• left fur Montreal on Tue.-
day, but !r expected back in town its
the near future for n short time. Mr.
lieeney hiss been appointed to the
charge of as department Al tetlgary by
the C. 1'. 1t. and aiwunie4 the duties
June 1st.
Jos. Kidd, C. 1'. K. agent, hate re-
ceived word that the new Sudbury
branch from Toronto will be open on
June 13th and return tickets will he
routed 00 return trip via the short
line, saving eight hours time between
Winnipeg and Toronto. ,
The Ledieai Aid of North street
Methodist church have decided to
serve a hot dinner on the 13th of July
the occasion of the Orange demon -
Rev. J. E. Menaneon, of the Pointe-
aux-Trembles mission reboot. occupied
the pulpit of Knox church Sunday
morning and gave a very interesting
discourse upon the work of the school.
Next Sunday missionary sermons
will be preached at St. Gen'ge's church,
in the morning by Rev. Archdeacon
Richardson, .of - St, John's church,
Londuu township, end in the even-
ing by Rev. C. H, Guntse, of St.. I'ahl's
church, Clinton.
The twenty-fifth session of the Tow
don Conference of the Methodist
chtu'ch will Ito held in the ,lames
street cbur.,h. Exeter, commencing nn
Thurwlay, June 4th, 11NIK at 2 p. se,
Rev. O. N. Hazen, of Goderich. is to
give an .wider.00 et the 111110111011417 en-
niverbau'y between on the first evening
of the conference.
Next Sunday -morning the quar-
terly love feast will be held in the
school room_
uof North street Metho-
dist church. After the preaching ser-
vice at 11 o'clock, there will be it re-
ception service for new members. fol-
lowed by the observance of the Lord's
Supper. In the evening Rev. C.
R. Dau'rant will speak upon "Mi.-
siouary Experiences in Newfound-
At the Baptist church next Sunday
the pastor, Rev. C. H. Jones, will bike
WS has morning theme, "Remembering
Christ.'' This will be a meditation
leading up to the Lord's Supper held
atter the morning Nervier. The even-
ing .ubject,,"The (creat Search," 1N a
review and contrast of the material
and spiritual means of satisfying this
life. A cordial invitation to all the
services of the church and Bible
school ie extended to strangers and
The children of the primary class of
North street Methodist Sunday selneol,
assisted by the Mission Band of the
church gave an interesting entertain-
ment its the lecture room of the
church, on Friday evening. The pro -
green included solos, duet.., choruses
and recitations by the little folks, and a
drill by members of the Mission Band,
The performers, who had been trained
by Miss Harris, took their parts in a
very creditable wanner. Mrs. Moore
acted as accompanist and A. Roy
Adana contributed & piano solo.
The Centela Conference of the
Evangelical Association met last week
at St. Jacob's. The appointments for
the •north district are as follows : A.
Y. Heist, P. E. ; Waterloo, M.. 1.
Wing ; 8t. Jacob's, C. G. Kaalz :
Muerte 1, G. Burn : Listowel, .1. H.
lirenzebach ; Wallace, 11. 11. Iweilw.ld ;
Normanby, A. W. Sauer ; Mildmay,
L. 11'illich : Walkerton, G. F. Brown ;
Port Elgin. Ed. Becker; Hanover, W.
J. Zimmerman : Chailey, H. L.
Monier ; Elmwood, II. J. lloltzmann ;
Parry Sound, to be supplied ; Strat-
ford, S. M. Mauch : Zurich, A. F.
Gi.chler ; 1)asbwood, I. K. Eidt ;
Crediton, E. H. Bean ;'Maitland, E.
F. Heist. The conference will meet
at New Hamburg next year.
The annual district of the
Methodist church for lioderich dis-
trict will be held in North street
church, Goderich, on May loth and
211 t h. The ministerial session
will commence on Tuesday. May 19th,
At 2 p.m.. and •the general session on
Wednesday, May 'loth, at SI::Its e. in.
There will he a Sunday school and Ep-
worth League tally on Tuesday night.
when the following addr sees will le-.
given : "The Itelationehip of home
Religion t, thepworth league and
Sunday School," Rev. Wm. J. Jollitfe,
B. C. L. ; ieThe Relationship of Young
Men to the Sunday School and Ep-
worth League," Rev. W. A. Smith,
B. D. A cordial invitation in ex-
tended to all nreuulxne of Sunday
&chobin and Epworth Leagues of the
district to be pre+ent mI Tuesday
night. Rey. G. N. Hazen, of Gude-
rich, is chairman of this district and
Itev. 8. r A. Anderson, of Blyt0h, is
Hilton Lodge, No. 02, 1. 0. 0. F.,
celebrated the eighty-ninth anni-
vereary of their order by attending
divine eervIee in Viceoria street
Methodist church on Sunday morning
hast, 'fli ere were between ninety and
ane hundred members of the order in
the parade. The Pastor, Rev. R. W.
elillyard, took for the leesod the thir-
teenth chapter of 1. Corinthians, the
pawing', holding up love as the great-
est of Christian graces, and preached
from St: Luke.'s fuxount of the par-
arable of the Good Samaritan. H
touched on the principles of the order,
but pointed nut that doing good was
not all that there wan to learn fnnn the
parable. There war just we much in the
refraining from doing harm, and Hien
often did harts, thoughtlessly pet -
haps, at the polls, and in (his connec-
tion he referred especially to the
liquor evil and the licensing sy.ten,.
On their return to their lodge room
the order passel a resolution of
thanks, moved by Bro. Alex. Saunders
and agaroses by Bro. 1. E. Tom, to
the trustees of the rhurch, lei the
pastor and to the male choir which
provided the music for the nervus.
The annual Easter veatry meeting
of St. O(nrge'w church was held on
Easter Monday night and reports on the
whole were encouraging. The finan-
cial statement showed ineroaased con-
tributions and the rector reported that
the Easter offering &mounted to $'dr,
with further contributions to come
This amount, however, did not appear
In the statement for the year, which
glowed March 31st, and Allowed the fol-
lowing figure*: Receipts foe parochial
purposes, $3,1(17.11(; expenditure.
red or''s stipend, $1,310; salarie.,
IR:eeel e : chnreh dept, 0111.75 ; repairs
and llopruventents, $175.01; ordinary
Engineers at Work Thu Week on the
Electric Railway.
Work has been commenced this
week on the construction of the Ou-
terje West Shure Electric Railway be-
tween Goderich and Kincardine,
Vaughan M. Roberts, formerly divi-
sional engineer on the Guelph and
Goderich Hallway at liolerich, hu.
been appointed engineer of the On-
tario Wert Shore R2,ailway, I'reliwin-
ery surveys, plans and e•atimatel have
beet, 1111 le uud the contract let, and
Mr. Robeseg with a gang of engiueers
is new !eying out the work between
ti derich and Amberluy aterbetween
Ausberley and Kintarline for the
contractors. who are exla•ere'd..G the
ground shortly. Within a few weeks
construction will a in full bloat, it
is expected that it will take aear or
more to complete the. road bletween
here and Kincardine and have it in
full running order. •
In spite of the runny hindrances end
difleulties which have been encoun-
tered in the promotion of this road,
the completion of the first *action,
frons here to Kincardine, is now well
matured. Later it is the intention, we
understand, to branch out to Strat-
ton! and London, na well as to extend
north and south to Owen Round and
Sarnia, respectively. It is understood
Khoo that the development of power
on the Maitland river, which is allied
with the electric railway proje-t, iv to
be proceeded with this,
7 he news of the commencement of
construction work on the line between
Goderich and Kincardine will be re-
ceived with gratification by the people
of all the interested wunieipalittet, as
it marks a big ate;. forward in the
progress of this rection and means ins
creased prosperity and better tinsel
for the whole territory along the
route. '
annual expenditures, $51S,d8; other
expenses, $21$.6. The rector re-
ported having baptized seventrujn chil-
dren and two adult. during the year
and having conducted six ruarriuges
and twenty-seven burials. Veal had
been raised for the diewesan jubilee
fund.' The caretaker's salary was
raised from $1'23 to $1511, the increase
tit take effect front last October, and
the organist's salary was fixed at $1110,
an increase of Cu. Ilia Honor Judge
Holt was reappointed people's warden
and the rector named George Porter
as his warden. The following sides -
men were appointed: W. D. Tye. J.
11.'I'iger,. W. L. Eliot, J. S. Platt, D.
J. Neftel, Jas, Carrie, Jae. Holland
and E. L. Dickinson, W. L Eliot
and 1°. L Dickinson were reapiointel
auditor": and J. S. Platt war added to
the buainete committee in place of 1'.
Jordan, deceased. Several votes of
thanks were re-orded on the minutes,
including one to the choir for their
"loyalty under adverse cir'cutn-
stances," one to Warden Bolt and one
to Mrs, Hutt and Airs. Eliot, secretar-
ies of the envelope contribution fund.
The former lay delegates to Synod
were reappointed. Reference was
wale by the rector to the lose the con-
gregation had sustained by the hand
of death, more particularly in the
death of the forayer talented organist
of the church, and later in the meet-
ing the following resolution was
moved by Judge Holt and seconded
by Mr. Tye : "That owing to the death
having occurred ctr ai
roll rocsu
th last r ee in
u t g
of the vestry of Mr. W. -A. H. Cuff,
the faithful and efficient organist ,and
'choirmaster of St. George's church
for wane twelve yearn, the vestry on
hehalf of the whole congregation de -
litres to express its appreciation of the
services he rendered the church no
faithfully and well. The loss the con-
gregation has sustained is A very se-
vere one, but it is nothing to that sus-
talned by his widow and children and
to them we extend our attest heartfelt
At the close of the first session dur-
ing which tl*'y have been squarely
and continuously pitted against each
other this ie now the first opportunity
to make a eomparison between Mr.
Whitney as Premier and Mr. MacKay
as leader of the Opposition. The corfl-
parieon is inevitable, acid it is in4trne-
live. -Under -our Parliamentary sv.:
tern the leader in Parllanient is also
the [(eider in the Province as 4 whole,
end pletform style cents, though it e.
much more evanescent than Parlia-
uentary aptitude. 8e far as it goes,
however, Mr. MacKay has a decided
advantage in his public appearance.,
Hr hiw a better voice, *more rapidly
acting mind, and a more coherent
style of speech. He is arguwantxtive
rather than denunciatory, while Mr.
Whitney is just the reverse. He pre-
pares carefully and never talks at
random, while Mr. Whitney is no-
toriously reckless, often apparently
because he has nothing to say that
will fit the nct'a,.ion. In Pitch/meet
Mr. Whitney no often undignified in
his declaration, and lig never cogent.
He gives the impression that his hold
the public beelines which peewee
through the I.egi.IAtive Awe -tidily it,
an extremely slight one. Ile giver, no
doubt, ea gond deal of attention to
matters of a strictly party character,
but in these the general public take
comparatively little interest, whir•
they take it great deal in some of the
lager problems of the d*yy. It Is a
defect in Mr. Whitney, wl.ech may
easily become a fatality, that, he is an
intense partisan in most of the mat-
ters with which he hes officially to
Mr. MacKay, on the other hand,
is a persistent. rapid worker. Hie
ability is exceptional, 'him knowl-
edge of the law in woefully extensive
and his aptness in comprehending and
ntilizinpr snggestione from all glint -tete
101(4 11 1(11 phenomenal. The leader of
the Opposition in proudly a Liberal,
but he haw a decided adventage neer
the Pretnier in hie use of 1'arHarmer
tary rourtesy, and his practice of self-
control. The native ability of Mr.
Mackay is apparently easily firms in
the Legislative A*sen. sly. There is In
IC'nn better lawyer. and he has not Lie
P(uai in the r,-adirent which he die-
pleye in focusing his legal Learing
and aptitude on the point he 1•.npx•ne
to he dealing with. He is a rapid
draftsman when a resolution is tot.
framed. or n Metal:ry enactment to
ixe put into shape. Ills memory is ex-
reptionelly good, m(i that he i* able to
check other* for fnareurari(se, and to
strongly entrench himoelf in his own
p.slitiuns. By such personas gnalifica.
Maid Wonted Mr, Proudfo.n Pale
- 1
I Tender* for firedgd,g Freda Uullua. 1
Mensa Line to Aln.koka-Jo.. Kidd. 1`. 111.
Agent 1'. e
The king s Plu•r- Reg. Sleek 41
'onie lo std 14•C HU. .lulu, shoal .
IM,onit ElcUMun-White sitar 1 -line M
Protwwlolu►1 (,aid- Vru4tau M. Itobelb,.., 1
The N'ar• In Muskoka-('nuadinn 7s0S0 sett
Raelwny e
I. Wiwi' Goal. week Millar* 8oWe1
mere . g,
A $ea,uuabl. 'Talk - Woraell m Hardwae.. r 0'
Note Lunt -Fel want ilorney 1
Sr•u,1 ready 11,Ilurileee--McLean Bros. 1
11urni.hod Hou.e \\ anted -Bat No. 100. 01Ig-
nal OMoo 1
Servant Wanted Mr.. Unit 1
New Deed.- (4outroO & Moore f
May Attractbus and May Values, -J, H. Cel
Dome. .
%Valk -over Show-Lowuiug t He Vlwr.
Corn beell'm \'arnlah, Btalaa, l:tc,-Ilewsd a
Hard ware ('o
O'lothe. Cleaner) and Pre,...1 -Oso. %'meseF
Mutter, ('ream and Milk, way. Pure sad
rt.haw M
Ftt-Morrob: o n .1 ,,, S
carpets rreus-H nes
Notice of MetLiug-Goderit• Ll Aalsal-
ratite•.-ulympta Cafe
The dissolutduu of the Ontario Leg-
islature is announced, and the new
election will take place on Monday.
June 8th, Nowtuations will be held a
week earlier, Monday, June 1►t.
lion, he is acquiring a strong hold
on. both hi, associates in the House
and his party outside of it. -Guelph
Mercury. --- ._.
Knyvott Naftcl returned to Harris on Mon•
Walter Sound'', tow, up from Townie sur
4041 the week.
Mr.. J. H. Perihelia. of Detroit, is ft/Wile
relative. in Lowe.
Conrad Carey left on Saturday for %a'lnal
leg. to tau a po.ltiwe its it hank.
Jen.. 1'. Mekwan and Mi.w l'hrl.t yea Mt
Kwan were In li,nfliq for Easter week.
Delbert John.tun left on Monday for Repot
Harbor to 0011111/fiat' the oey,nnC, wwllttlk,
Jo.. Olen ha. returned from Mexico on Al
t i.11 to hie fallen.. Al.,.., ellen, of Sanford.
Fred. )Ihephanl left un Monday for Fort mil
Ilam to kkomin^nee the .uamou un the lakes.
511.. I. Ie Sharman attended the meeting of
the It:aerie Educatioo.J A,..xi:thou at roe
onto la.t week.
Rev. M. U. O'Neil, London, Hi.hop'. eecre•
tory, Iliad a .hurt vi -it lis h'' mother and
friend. Ione hurt week.
311.. K. Cameron, of Toronto. 'doter of Neil
Cameron, of the him of ('arneron t Moore, 1,
in town, vl.iting her brother.
('x.31 .yor Tho.. Tilt ham been up from Ile
Iron for -*vend .Lay. and expecte to remain its
town till the end of the week.
Frank Beattie. of Ingersoll..pint the Keeler
holidays at the Howe of hi. parent., Mr. and
Mrs John Beattie, Hayfield road.
Ur, and Mrs. K Ralph limiter, of Toronto,
formerly of Oodetieh, leave in a few days on a
trip to alighted and the 1 bnuheut.
\I la. 1'. A. Finn left for her .chool at Ceu•
trona after .pnrnding her Fainter holiday, at
the home of her parent.., !truce .trout.
Rot-. Wm. K,•ttlewell. who hi. recently been
4('pointed Meld aecrelary for thelliorntntpn Al-
liance, -pent a day ul town that week.
Mn. Alex. L Vitiate returned CO town on Tuna
da)', after .Fending the whiter with her sun.
Captain Alex. l'ralgie, d Cleveland. Ohio.
Uao. McIver left on Tuesday on hlo return
to Winnipeg after w two weeks.' to hla
relative.. here. Mir.. McIver will manila for
the month of May at her old home In Col-
Reg. Kinnon nrrtrat hone tad week from
Toronto, where he haw been attending the
School of Practice! Science, and leaves title
afternoon to take a 00-I11o11 011 1hn engineering
.t0(I of the Ht. Mary, K Kmhro hallway,
New Elevator at Fort William,
Montreal, April 24. - The Grand
Trunk Pacific has given the contract
for a 2,1811.000 bushel elevator to be
built at Fort William. It will cost
03.0011,000, and will be finished by 1909.
Always Pure and Fresh.
The fact that eggs, butter, cream
and milk can 1e depended un to be
(reel' and pure when metered from ue
in the reason why the demand for
these (lady household necessaries is
increasing. In fact, our teas, coffees,
sugars, canned goods and everything
else in our grocery will to found on a
par with our dairy products. Thirty-
four pints of milk for $1,44), 'Phone
101 when in need of the best that's to
be had in groceries and provisions.
MORKow & MOM /AN, Opera Honer
block, Kingston street.
Don't carry your express !micelle to
the. office. Phone ft, C. P. R. ofMoe,
We cell and deliver to all parte of the
"You )aril wasting your time paint-
ing pictures." "I3ut 1 cell my tele -
tures,' protested the artist. "And
that convinces Inc that you can sell
anything. Such being the case, why
not take ftp life insurance, or steel
bridges, or
something uthin
6 ri with big money
in it r -Home Herald.
Fat pv v. Ma 72. -Atte, fon elle of hotmehold
furniture end eft/Siete at rwldence, Newt:.
.trret. 1'. A. Pit Trite.%, proprietor, TWIN.
61. MDR". auctioneer.
Neil 1 'ILL A!.. In W'e.t Ira* ono- h, on Thnr •'
day. April 181h. to Mt. and Mr. Filo Mc
Quillen, a daughter.
311'KIWM'11. In Portland, Oregon, n1 April
lt,d, to Mr. and Mr-. 1' 11 M,.M.w•h it be
letter formerly 311.. lean Greene, of 1,07.1
a daeghter.
nil: ItN IX. -1)n Sunday. April 11kh, a1 Clare.
Mich., Janie. Ilnrnu., formerly 0f into
irk n non.
ICOWI In Snitfonl. m1 \Voireetai, Ariel
"and, SInss:rnt (to.-, dnugbter of the Ins
Iona- and Margaret Ito'.., aged :d1 year*.
:ft t 11 'H. In fort Lud. rtr.gon. on Aprid
221,1, Mary Margaret Mnrloet, intent
daughter of 31 r. mid Mn. P. II. Murdoch.
elm belnit 'nee 1n Goderich. on Friday.
April 2(th, Kllo, Sprighl, widow of the lata
Jo.w,ph Spreadbery. Aged 743 year. rind
JG(INITI)N.-In soon Ste. Marin, Oet., o
Saturday. April :.5h, Jane Ann thein. len
evil wife of David John.ton, Aged al
trot. and :( month.,
Yul'N... In r othorns. tnwn.hip, on Mender.
,11x11 17. h. lionlon lonl,g. aged 111 year.
and Y month..
811,1.4111 At hi. re-sign,'.•, VN Euclid Keener.
Tonto! 0, nn Mondnv, .1 nr11 571h. t\'Ileam
Rrthert won 711(1,'., formerly principal of
Grwuerirh toddle wheel. In him 11.2nd year.
111'NI1A It In A'hINd. on April
eith..los.rph Mintier, vied el year.
The ?neural will I oke place from hi. bar
reddeotr, lot 1. mem...ion 2. A.hf.ld, on Fn
day. MAY 1st. at : o clock p. m , to Ilnngwnnon
M.1NTOWH. At Tllmrmberg, am Tuearta1.
Aped 21uh, lulls iiamiltar,. widow of (1t.,
Isle Alexander Mclnto.h.
.\I; tt'•TP.ONO In finder:eh, of Thereto"
o"orning. April .'vel., Fewer.' Atm.trene.
aged n1 reals. 7 month. and 20 dams
The ?yneral will toke plane from hs 1w1,.
or+Mnnril Ile w'41 .t fret, no Sot meta,, May'heA,
41 :1 nbb. lk R m., In Mnittond renaelcry. Sot.
Vivi At the 110,1.. al 2:3/yelor•k,