HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-4-23, Page 8i3 Tsuaanar, April 23. I'.4tif1 `I( NAT1: ta)i)EItlf'ir ONTARIO, 11112tintin 4 Ir Sample Ends For Short' Curtains ,till some of those sample ends, of Swiss Curtains thatlntake such .good sash or panel curtain.. Nearly all have double bord- ers, which Makes then) macre suitable tar" panels. sashes. etc., than tha►sc with the or- dinary designs. Each cud t r; til t.trd'. lung; sh,wint,'•s,t.hc lower cull of the curtail. Qualities are w.o o to $ t trine fiches. prices pet- . er• end, 69c 1i $1.10 J SPR1 N G house-cleaning days are here. They nearly always mean something new for the house. New Curtains in this room, a Rug or Carpet in another, or perhaps Linoleum in the Dining -room or Kitchen. This Spring we are ready to serve you with a stock of house furnishings that has no equal it -1 these parts. Preparations have been made on a large scale. As- sortments -are better by far than you would expect to find. The variety is here, the qualities that wear are here, the new patterns are here and good values are here. If yo,u are going to do any carpeting or curtaining this season, come and let us figure on it. Every Carpet over 5oc is made and laid without any extra charge. We know how to do it and do it right, and will save you bother and perhaps money as well. Special innuceinents for April and May in the Curtain and Carpet departments. THE NEW LACE CURTAINS I11UN1)KEUS and .iltindreds of pull;. for )till to do your choosing front. Bought direct from the titan Will, nlatic than. That mne.ui. best pe-siblc %docs. The patterns are ncwliand the hearing tjualittcs the hest. Finished with buttonholed edges. 1VIiite, ccru and two-tone shades._ Don't dr,t Lace Curtain 1'ts ing until t ou sce this iuunensc stuck of new patterns.• s At 5oc the Pair 'Aye 1'urtaule smut* (rola extra .troog yualilY art. \icer Ia�.v. I..ign+, wsrlrnnt rage.. _1 to :r yard. long. Splendid ...n"twlna for11111• n•trnew. Twit.. ,.at- 50L terns, at per pair. . . Curtains at 75c ,buff 4.s, Ntt*tti,Igharn Iu•s aIrt.tia •. full Al qua' 1..' ,,. edges, tarn new det.tans. u.adi tram wry 7g(. •hong net. Special per pap / J Lace Curtains at $L.25 the pair Nottingham lace • ort sire, 1•aeept l Sly wt coag net. Neat patterns wuitabile for IaNI,wrn,a: •hnonw- room". Pte. u,)Podid curtailing at the twrpu- lar price, per trait Si •25 LaceCurtains at stzo the' pair Twu a&tI a good ,>.attern.f .tt thi. p, 1 1.1, .i.t iun- ally good value : $1.7.1 to f.. ,q11 1, wlu.t t 1., .0 .. .11‘ worth. They ale full :;, eau t4 Liu:'; Inwt. 1 edges; %unable for any 1; wu..re•cla1 I1'' $1 •Sly 1'+s, Lace Curtains at $ 1.75 ° • ,: r : [aloes qu4luty Notuug bear lace curlanv. r . w awl .•telupivc amanita, imitable (n,• any h1Ne. 1', . .(Tong net. wills guards leest 1•11.11.111111111111:1 1$1 Iger Very .I1• id. at iw•r pale. 51.75 Lace Curtains at $2.00 the pair \otlul;haw tare 1'1111rw•. a•&U•a g.N.d t uglily net, woven us new sort Pit lu,,t'e dr.iq"w, tull 'yards long. LNlluuh.•k•.1 r.1_e-, nlwcisl.value lure. . $2 •/11 t per pail 00 Lace Curtains at $27541`" l.awiuw N.dUu;haw tare lurlain•, tine and .Iron, net. M•autillrl new elPwigna. in all the late -4 eftr• 1.. Lultunhoie.I (Age.. full length. %-alien that 1[2 50 l Au well 1+..:.11ed extra elreeul. LPs• pan .... L Jul Lace Curtains, $4.25 and $4.5o • New late 1'u► tains. n,a.I• in Nuttiughnn,. 1'Isin net a% Ill, io..Prtinn -PL in down nue lode 41141 actives the t't,rte on. t•d;:••t t rinrnl•-t t he None way. liars t he appear - nee of tIt..e.. costing 1wire the money. Plain white or frn.ha'r, Nle• • two-Larne$425 $4 50 r}frci•, I'rire torr ran'...... . and Lace Curtains $5.00 1-,.e cuttailr• of teed, Sigh -class derignr. Not nrauy of any one pat Lt rn. Mead. us, very atr„ug art. Will wear well and wive cm:AIIPna crevice.., lana 14,••1 %,lite at this 1..1•11:41* prier. Per $5. 00 pair v1 goiter lace l.nt.,n►e m br.ide.1 'eRer•tsSaris, 11,sh faint. et.... Plc.. W10,4% eerie. or two -Lune effect,. 1pe. %..l.4"• at pee 11..E S7.50. $9.50. $10.00. $12.00 RUGS RUGS ate growing nolle optll.ar each season. Onr stock has blew. greatlyi increased to•tnect the demand for them. 11l' the most, all sixes are carried all the titlte,.ultl special •sixes can he hall on short noticc.11Vhether it is a cheap Union, .a Tap estry, a Brussels or a handsome .Asininster lir 1Vilton I:ug, we t In give you .'hat you wat it or get it tloryotLou shortest notice. Over to, rugs i11 stack to -day let make selection frog I. 1 hila. ail pltea. tel Mon., t.,I•. I•rnwl,., grw11• and r:uxlarra $5.00 001.4" $8.50 Popular wool ruga. tlllsta'Nrrl.•.,1 •Ir,• It "111 nil inn puritlea. is+• ••olor.. ar.i(w+ +un..bb. tot I.Pat••1111.. rid.. l r.wn., cies. in groten., $(]•(Nl In $16.50 rats brown.. C) fan t .ens ar�d blurs.... '1'arasstry „qr.. 1•n1111h1 •aireel 1••s,, ILe 11,410.1.11 in fhgrljlJ 1. enter ,+.wtl.i,lalf•r.• .uilahlr far •tI? n1Nu. Sizes 1114" stout Iroise sad :1 Tare'. P. 4 sod 4, !sots. Priam . nii,.cIa rage, tunny new rtetigu+ iot tre, ,ton. elr.•.•ts and fancy nlittural. Size., r :1 y'u des 10 :1; r 1 yards. Patna weed we:aria g .1'1 .1,t1..... Pall I ,I'. • that are mail bee/ forally $15.001x. $25 00 11111111, al . Aituim.ter and 1Vill04 r rag, of prat •.1 'liIIl ; quality. Ikrilltrai wail A'•I1 11•ter% the rich eat sort stand - leanest. carpet one capitol I n.e r, !'c twenti opal. 1 n•i.•nl AI (� mini u11•ttrlli•n/ pwtter•ru. R ....rola. t,s,tw•1•, redo and . ....- 56.50 1.523.00 Ittetfawia" rt, •}IenAiA $ a to, g•� We _ 44.5.00 v�J tyga and ke a Jowled fee le.e el wilier ►w► -..fn+ AtaiuYu Rare is eerier. 1'Y•se goods .Oe di(ereat from the a4er1 U teary beastetrt. Las be "ed r• ail etz.a surd eaten. ft lakes thea! t• eis t1t wefts to 1111 as Kdq• but pso wow somethl•e ea*. CONE tYery are wort' seaman fat. We are toad, to show thee sous*, an7 tame. •' Handsome Madras Muslins OIJITE the handsomest lot of Jladr.ls I11us- lins we h.tve ever shown is here to -day. 1)esignv and colors suitable for ata rural. Light' and dark colorings, • tasselled edges. Solite exception.tlly-,good pattern. for bed- rooms in light shades, and Iirr sitting •:utd dining. rooms in dark colotings, 31► inches to 4_ inches wide. The •add, 30c. 45c. 50c. 60c. 75c. 85c Linoleums z.. �..... '1'NE entire front half of our basement is given over to Linoleums and Floor Oil- cloths. 'I'Ite largest stock within your reach i hercltoday. .4•11 bought- direct from the makers in England and Scotland. New patterns suit- able for any purpose, right goy(' quality too. Every width front Stair Oilcloth Ito inches wide to heavy Scotch Linoleum 3 and 4 yards in Width. 14-in,•11 stair oilelntlr. t2;c and Igo• 1 1 wn,l : yards wide s,iieloth, tic and 60c. yard Seotelr Littole d► pal1,111 1 . ch,w,.e front 37'.c, 60c, and OOc,tho elrunodwlra. Nervy Inlaid hunk. • pattern woe. tigl.l through to the hark, half it dozen (1.•siRn1. per •„purr.. yard 90e boo oar spec's' linnleunl nue,. era four yweas wide at IIOe the equate yard. 0 Door and Arch Curtains 1)001: and arch hangings in great variety. A special purchase, and special prices tor this ea; lag Spring scllin},r. - Curtains of 'Tap- estry. j),uuask and Chenille in all much used colorings. New design,. etlectittr color combinations and durable qualities. •'1'a1•P.tly etrtains lire 1u,da, grPm., golden la -emu awl It1uP. Heavily 111tigttl lop told Iw,lluul. 11iI$tubonalionl nl green. brown. rrirpt.un. et,. A extra gond line at 1t medlnm, p11re earls per pair .50 Damask r.nlain.. very I,Pasr eblh and hill width. meee •ri,.cd finished, beaty knoll"! il4lge at, law top and bnew..tt,on. All the new rich coiorittgs. s1 per S650 pair Metter curtains al per $1 • t•• $12 Valour cltr•taiva. sioals or doubts. is all •Iyt maids to erhr se ab•AL enlace. '!tiers wakes very, tic blasgtsg far srchwsy*, BRUSSELS -AND TAPESTRY CARPETS (I1UICE nc'H designs in tate fest English 13nr.•.,.1, Carpets, high-grade qualities that will give e,iJki:s 'tt erre. 'There is nothing as good .Is Brussels Carpet for a i'ooni that gets a lot of wear. 'fr1'e c tO 1'1:commend the quality of e► cry piece in stock. New patterns ;ind colors kir roomrs of .•:11 'kinth. �'TW3rNTY• FIVE PATTERN IN BRUSSELS C ARPE1 S At SI.15 At ct:oo :'=qI t .•�.•, i unr tlh u, nets rra•x•1 :11. $1.1:1 ie Heavy 1 n,;h•b ifr11psel. • wt t s,1 eaerin.ltain' valor.. W e•uny at tare new ae.iRr►., fawns. a, -1y lary(P 411111 as thsa puce suet Plr„ trTPev.a'• 4"..n .h..w .1nu• "*coal nl. w4" e�rh•m1i.1 new de - yard •..P..... 1 re.011 1 -1gun 111 1111 the'(agoll.tl ,1111e. 4".1,1, inside :rn.1 int 11 lo•t 51.1 )wed At $1.25 Late, heavy English lll'uawln car• pals, r'mire new dcsigon sad , otos,. , tom. heavy pile. it t•alpet. that will weal• Int' yea'"•. Pel $125 yast FORT ''-FIV E PATTERNS IN TAPESTRY CARPETS English 'Tapes y t r.pvts iurported by •ourselves direct frotn the English maker. A splendid range of r .(let ns. Not .t poor one in the let. Will stand any amount of hard t lyhearey, arc' Shhital►Ie ,ay hxd- nsmt, dining -room. front room, etc. For tnediunt-priced carpets unlalu.all,t•d. At: 1�-t�. r" ' .4 Sa u �,.�� �" �� ���'.tf 6h►rw1 qualilyl t•:nglidt Tr 1.1 •Iry earr(prets. •Inns,• hark, .•her ovule. Pwnft pawetaler rwnele,t• , sasat 4"w ),Me, rt t 11.1 oc..,.• At 65c t•;ngbsh a.yln char NM., l,,,.hr w.Nrla, twiny me ernivenitrenal, 1'p yard try .•,rya+t., Ihic►. from good .plaloty .r de-iacn'. (114":11 nl. !rise at per 65c At 75c M.fl lull Tapestry carpet, esti% heavy, large 1u•sot•hnent. 14 new Iwtttern.,, soitalJp for any I.o1Nn. green, fawns Alta villa, floral and Oriental patterns, elope lofty pile, arterial nrr "Add 75c i.x ,a aFs4 liodgens E3ros. Direct importers, 6ODERiCtI . �..,, , Nets and Muslins 11 ANY new patterns in plain and frilled Nets and spot Muslin., ready for big Spring selling. Special prices on them all. Bought direct front the makers. Spot Muslins is, three qualities, three widths and many sized spots. Made by the best makers of 'spot :Muslin, in the world. Halt a dimes, yudiliea to frilled Iadtin.ttas.til, :Maud d. 'wile.. wide. Nicely trin,tnoel with inaertina, plain or agent, ,mist,• for *bort curtains. 20C• 25c w �/+,�• dour wi11duws, rte., a yard.. LJI. J�/ti, Colli spot luu.hn,. ..tpowts the .int of 're. 1s,; end : pieces. Nice true ynal(ty. there width.. :in. Li and zotWylie...rete yard 20c, 25c, 30c 35c L 10 • -•y. Wool Carpets '1'111' old reliable 1Vool Carpets arc being made in better patterns each season. Out., are made by thc hest still in Canada. I':l try lard is guaranteed fast colors, and color mill not run. Every particle of grease and im- purity is retained and tite Warns thoroughly scoured and deed in thc factory. You will ,get nothing but pure wool in every yard of Wool Carpet )os, buy here. UNION AND WOOL CARPETS At30c °'�. i' art rx e, ya'Gt flt��reaM n4";l:w.c: 1'.,,.r+ •A s I : ilea%y levet-011e ninon 14rrret. lull taril wide, ,o 111:14(4". 41f seal and green. stoma prrt(lerua. (sat reolurs. 30c per yard At 4oc timid quality e•ipe1. vt•trllille tti,llr►u.. 1'141,1• twill 11411 51111. ilea• ;MA 1.1.1 reels, germ's. etc. 40c ICztl'a value at per y.Iral At 5oc rt;•_ fa:,� l?sll:a quality he•try uoivu carpet, a .plrudnl rArpel for a r .Nu Ileal gels a Sul s,f •rear, uicr ,,.•w doe.iglla is, greens, wast sluwles. teat. Plc., fast 1'olur,.. preenc yard r,�J r•aF At 75c �,,a i �`,,,- .z 'i 0ktc.,tgr A, ads, Solid wool ratN•la. (Moll wei,jgbt, wove", firmly ,we", stew pat Lev ns and.Iolertng•, hull yawl wide, pot. yard 751' Esti, heavy Intra wool carps. m. sat. kilt this ►P,•c stock wad. dye absolutely fast. !Willy stew Nod up to date pauer•u.. in greens. netts. blues. fawns. rte. Soitsl.lr b.4" diniesgnann, lirirdug tuuIW ladv,x,na, splendid nil,.valets at (n•4" yaroomJMIY IL Four Lace Curtain Specials. FOUR good. big specials from the Lace Ctirtainslt►ck. All 'new and just in from one of England's best makers. Note the quality and size of these Curtains when you conte to see them. They, certainly are cheap, not '1 doubt of that. First Special, $1.430 per pair Three pattern. in Nott(nithaan two curtain*, full 84 yards long, buttonhole edges„ very strong net, suitable for ,any 1,0111. Splendid eurtalne at a popular price. Put. then. ramrod, any yowl Will get anywhere at $I.25 andlw�• think you will buy tail. special at per lair $1.00 Second Special, it. 1810, .D The.. 1'urlai,i :ace particularlyseal 6I.:01qualities. Made from tiro heat Xotttl1Rttsou la, • t. it 11 buttonhole edges. Lsnx memoir. very stoir1'1 18 priew per pair .17 Third Special, $1.38 Thr.r eurtnine at Ql.:lg ar,. w•nrth at lest it1.7,'.. \y.• eould ha VP non ked them AI'l.lrt and not. Ire vel ,• tat out 411 the way. New patterns. full size. Really a $1 38 Istr•gant at per pair Fourth Special, $1.90 ""'"'"'•"" 'I1ri• curtain in eseeptlunalty guild. g_..si 5. es...11v what it is worth. 'the psatttrn fa tote of the hest we Pr,•r had, and quality of net !a extra att•rtag. Het- $1 90 1.onholo edges, wpcial at per pair