The Signal, 1908-4-23, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODEI 1(;11, ONTARIO Tumoo* v, April '2J, 1JOS 7 3+44 silf4449.7Z`+Z`'i`'i`'i' 9*`i,'i'+ 4 t+ *4944 4.. 'i` +44+4440+34* ` .',14 , ,i,c , W, I The News of the District. .+++*4,A + +++++++++,*+++.*+4444++ +++++ +++ 6+4 ++.4 'DUN(iANtNON. I LASH FOR WOOS AND B(TI V R. - T. W. Lttaleaeld .tad, Dursauneli.. J. It M1eNA Iv ISAYFIELU. . WiDxIWDAY, Apr. 22. • Fishing has eolninenced• ALL-PAPEIt.-SEE THIS NEW T. Cameron was ip London un Wei - wall pagers at the 14.aa,al°. sloe.. A were Iasi week, grad sly -Wryer( Wanda! patterns ju.t plao,d in tuck. ('.Ji .ud get prise.. II din. 11• Little visited in Se*fu►th (1 A. NEWTON, DENTIST, LUCK- ertJ TaekerewiLh this weak. W Ur, NOW.-AthoreverrdayexosptUltra- J. W. Tippet, spent a few days last day.. New lasuaytor extracting toothininulw• week with hie sister, Mn. Milburn, of roma, better thus saa t'rown and bridge work We. Alu,ptsuw Mato- Inw1-bre.kabls Berlin. • N. It --1 ou can *leaps hat et our work much Nell Cameron left un Saturda fur better doe uw�euw uowes rota. Fart William; whew be has secured a hence ho111U.e for us LM wowo nt, more eom- rurtAWe for obs truest. position. NOTICE. -THE LOCALAGENCY 1t. Bailey, Rowell Browubes and G. In Dungannon for Th. tussal N at the Pmt b*nderson, of Goderich, were In town sailor fio,k and ntatku..ry Wore whore un Sunday, olden. will In reesll'ed for eutocriMion ad- vertising and job work, and motets will b. Mian E. Falcouet• and Wilfred Mc - Mesa tor a.reuta mild for tier oars. , Lean, of Goderich. went Sunday at Wensicauav, April =Ind. the former's have hew. Bert Stewart was home from Lurk- Mrs. Mr.) r.) IVoods. Lucy and Jean now for Sunday. 4 anent the holidays at the hove of Mrs. Mire Gibson spent Easter with her Woods' mother in Durham. brother in Seaforth. Oso. Howard, of the Dominion Es- Mirs Roberts and Mira (Jura *pent In'e.s (+o•, Toruuto. called on friends Easter with friends in Buffalo, N. Y. and relatives here last week. The Misses Cunningham, of Port Mn. Fisher, ..f ilerlin, spent a few Albert, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. does with her rioters, Mrs. N'. A. I)liver. Edwards and Mrs. H. Erwin. filial Etta Hondervon is but►rs frau H. Darrow had his leg broken ..n the Normal School. Toronto, .for the Monday. 11'hih+ helping C*pL J. Exeter vacation. Ferguson to mote the horse ran away. Mimes Minnie and Trask' Durnin ate Wm. Homan'. brakeman on the .nding tbe Faster vacation with the U. T. B. lietween Owen M.eir parents bets, Hnnd and Toronto, was in WWII over �l]ta1•'iU O. Crawford and Mie O'Neil. Sunday. 1 o '.nr,a'o, spent Kaeler at the resi- Jas. Cameron. Grant 3lcNeil and II gess of b. J. Crawford. Miss 3iamie 31c1►ougal ars borne for Nat. Whyard tarok 14 trip to 'tea holidays.. the former from Clinton fulih on Good Friday. We premium institute and the latter • it was a "Iwainass" trip.from !Iraforth l'ull.giatr luatitulr. We are pleased W hear that Mir'.A number forage fere attended theflans Ran is improving.CVs ho wedding of Mies 11. {I'hiddon and T. the u►prnveweut will continue. A. Mtinson en \Veduesday. Awing 'inn - Mr.. IViotemule, u[ Brill the r•umfler were 31r. and Mew `inn- .uid Mn. Young, of Ridgeway,�'m alt. sou. Mr- and 31re. Thos. Elliott, Me. and Mrs. John IVhiddon. a few days at theT. E. of Dr. T. E. l' gee. Mimi B. I)uruin, Jack Roberti, hos. well Rutherford and Ben and Nuwanl 4'iase, students of Goderich Collegiate lu►tilote, ate spending the vacation at their-huwes herr. • Mr: and Mrs. I1. It. Lung left on 'I'h.rwlay for their former- hums at Ilentuilles. After spending a few .I*ma there Mr. Long will be attend- ing the meeting of the Ontario Educa- tional Aaasoeiation at Toronto this week. 4'.1.ITII'.%I. T.%l.K. 'MP is,liticianh of this **clion will hare to lrayrl to %%.ugltani this week to get acgdainted with their new political bedfellows from Huwick and Turnl.erry *n.I the l et of that country over there that Mr. 1Vbituey ha. plat in the new rid- ing ..f North Huron. Dimwit used to be the convention center for the Liberal.' 1.1 %Yeo Huron, but the gerrymander roles our village of that advantage. *0 far as Provincial poli- tics are concerned. The Convervative ronvention will he held oa Thurwetay of this week. and the Liberal conyen- ur*1 mn Friday. Troth *t Wingiww. The Tories think they Imre a pretty sure thing in North Huron : bus. if the Brite get out ahs right candid*Le they will have a lighting chase': fur the seat. LAURIER. Tlit'KaDAI', April 08th. S, NIML Rgr oirr -The following ie the school report for S. S. No. 12, Aids - rah! : W. -Soplay Kempton, t'uorron Harries. Senor iV. -Russell Bissett. \Villin Thorl,urn, Jame* Welker - .'lark Walker, Dan McN*in, Stewart Wiley. Willie Juhneton, Isabelle Mc- Lennan, Ida Reid. Junior IV.- T*hitha Kempton, Wilfred Hradky, John Blue, Victor Thorhur11. l4enior 11 I. Robbie AV alker, Sadie Jahustun, Marguerite McLennan. Gordon Ju11ie- 'en1. Junior 111.- Maggie McNair'. Gracie McLennan. May Johnston. Annie Blue. Senior !L. -George Blue. `tam Bradley, A d a in McAda)n, Blanche Jamieson. Junior i1.-1.avie Johnstone. Thomas Thorh,n, Ilugh McDonald. Eloper Bradley. Hugh Mc- Nain. ''art I1. -Violet Mclennan, Willie I Kem on. P-Ide Jamie - p. Part!. d ,s i n. S. J. T.i:AN B .Trachera Mosu.ty, April 211th. Mist Annie McLennan spent afew .lays in lioelerich haat week. Mia. Reichel Boyd, of Ooderieh, is the giwet of Mrs. McRae at present. i);. A. A. .1. Simp.un called on friends at the lake on Friday evening. Mise Fanny McKenzie Spent last week with friends and relatives 4m Bipley, The beef ting will be carried nn this Nomiee as neon, having Mr. Resvie a Matcher.` Mite Annie McKeeisir, A. L. C. M.. in spending her Easter vacation un- der the parental roof. We *re sorry to state Mts. Jamie- son. sr., is not improving al .pee ily are her many friends wish. Rod. McLennan, ('has. MacGregor. Lorne Mclennan and Mites Jean ,Iohn.ton, of (iodurich, are holiday- ing at their homes. ST. HELENS. TUEADAY. April 214. John Durnin was at home for Exeter. All tour U. C. I. etu dents are holi- daying at home. A rifle club has (leen organized here with thirty members. Mita Elizabeth Salkeld, of 00410 - rich, is spending her Easter holidays in ML Helens. Boswell Rutherford, of Dungannon. visited friends here the latter pert of last week. 11i.ses Mary and Margaret Clark and Mima Rutherford *re spending their holidays at their respective horns., The {Yemen's Ihstitute will hold its April meeting at the home of Her. D. Todd on the MU". We shall be pleased 1io1Me all the ladies out. LOTHIAN. TnosnA3'. April 21.1 Mira Maggie Ibogen is staying sutni. lime with her brother,' her,' Father lame.' Hogan, in Merlin. .dim Ritchie. with hie traction en- gine. is engaged to supply Um Puller for T. Sandy's sawmill. 1)r. T. Oilmen returned to Chicago "n Wed,leaday after spending some time at his home here. SHEPPARDTON. Tr6$nA1, April 21st. .sl Gordon.V unit of f Ilrrliu, it the guest of his brother, Jnr. lio,dol. 1►. W. Green, of Tumults, .pent the E*atertide here with hir.parents. Mrs. A. Green. of Fort William, ware transient visitor hew last week. Mier Mary donjon visited :tclat4ver iu Goderich a few days the past week. Mrs. J. 13., (;rabani returned home Mond*y evening from Rbaforth, where rhe sprnl a few days with trho Live* and friend... We regret to learn that Bert Foster laid up with rheumatism sad that Nixon Dougherty is indisprwed with *11 attack of grip.. Now that the roads are getting in good condition, automobiles are *gain making their appearance. On Tues- day last Fred Doty *nd %Veale*y, Ijrsham wade tbe trip (turn (ioderich in Mr. Doty'e new touring ear. After the connrwht' services in Christ church net Wednesday Inst Frank Hayden and the Miters H. and E. Hayden entertained Biehop Wil - Iran's, of London : Raw. T. and Mrs. Hicks and Mr. lark. of Dungannon : Rev. C. W. Saunders. of Lucknow ; Rev. M. TurnlruH and Dr. Hayden, of liuderich. LEEMURN, • Tr tansy, April'21st. Seeding may be said W 1* on in earnest now and timet borers and weary driven will be the order fora good while. James Chiihulm began rowing some timteago, sowing flee acrel, of peas on for 1th of this tooth. When will the Dunlop farmers begin Itirbanl Fulton) ie ;reiving von- grstulations on having parsed his eightieth milestone. We are Bled to easy he is well and hearty and hope he may we many more birthday.. EANTe.K Hosts l'o.rlta. - Hasler has' brought home Hume very welcome visitors round the hearthstone. Mira Ruth Shaw and Mian Jessie Linklaler have come home for the holidays. Mies't;lutton, of Stretford. is here to see oto friends oto t nrighlrun and re- main for a time. LOYAL. . TI'It.euas. April 214. y H. J. Morris was in Strafford hie a couple of days !set week. Mime McIuL,rh, of Nile. tug the guest of Miss B. A. Sallow., ori Thurs- day last. Wm. Taykrt ba* returned to his home *tier spending the winter in Muskoka. Miss J. Vontmg and slater Loretta, of Toronto, are spending the Easter holi- days at home. Mrs. J. 11. Williams and children are visiting the bury's patent. in Bar- rie for a couple of weeks. Mn. Graham has returned to her boniest, Pine River otter a month's viral. with her parenle and friend,.. WESTFIELD. ' • WensxaDAY, April 11th. The following is a list of the pupils who were successful at the recent pro- motion eaaminetiona in R, 14. No. t, East Wawenoeh : Junior IV. W Sen- ior IV. (marks obtainable. 75)- - Maggie Farrow, ma; ; May Cook. alk; t Nelson Robison, 4141 ; Leslie Buchanan, 4M1► ; Jeanie Tonnes', 41M4, Junior I11. to Senior III. (marks obtainable. 74J)1 -- May Tunney, 424; Colin Campbell, 175. Junior 11. to innlor 41!. (marks ob- tainable, 1160) --Violet Buchanan, 442. M. 1. ()LARK. Teacher. 'remora Y. April 21st. Mir Helve Campbell, of the G. C. 1., le home for tbe hdiday-It Miss Mary Clark is spending the holidays at bet home in Rt. Helens. Rev. H. E. Currie. of Londesboro, and Rev. A. B. Jones 4.zchsage work next Sabbath. • ,lames llickingladtom was called In oiuremt, nn Saturday owing 10 the death of his sister.' Mrs. W. H. Campbell Is epeudin''p1 a few days with bee father, {{ . A. Her - Moon, and "deter Mrs. /Dr., Gordon, of Lucknow. The {I'. M. ft. of this appointment held a *octal In the harement of the church but Thursday evening. A col - Jam 81117, recently arrived from I leoUon amounting to a little over $0 Fon 1s easd with Rod Camp• was received. heli for t gageooming riser. Tent NNW MAIL Btsvtcs.-The new Mail service commenced ys.telday (Monday). The mall now cranes to Auburn hy the C. V. R. 12 o'clock train and reaches this office abortly after 1 o'clock. itis a greet improves Arent on the ors system, ea the e etgo- Ing mail now dose not have to lie over night in Auburn, es formerly, het two, din ibe 6 o'clock stein. Pled White, who had the mis- torton. of having hie foot badly cut with a hu*a..aw, is able to resume his duties in Tom Randy's .awraill. Anniversary services will he boid in Lochalsh ebarcb on May 3ttd. ft�eecc P,. Ballantyne, -o allantyu., of linos College IUwn occupy t. Pulpit morning and CARLOW. KIN{AIL, Mansoty, April2tah. N Y01; MAKE YOU1t SELECTION of wall layers hero wu will ogee thew all Lee of clarlye. w. T. 1(1 DD LL Aubuiu. One of the recent arrivals from Eng- land hs. been eugaged for tie .east na by It. M. Y g. Misr Dora Tyudall liar returned from *visit of several weeks to her sister at tendon. This is a bury week for the farmer., who are attending W the reeding. The land is in tlwt-class shape for tbe work. Jo.rpll .1, Quinn. 1.1 'I'IIr1111111, was thegucst of .Hire Kathryn I, %%hitt y for a couple of d.eys this wr.k. \V. A. %%'bitty, of EI u, spent 1{alurd.ty and Haat et S11uday with h,., yan•uts 01111 returned lu hi:; 4writiou an. bead bookkeeper for Ito l'phol.lrring 1'o , 1.111... um Muudny la..t with the hart wl.hes lit hie Many friends. Trr:soar, April 21.1. !Inulol N'Altra•ra.I..--Oil the even- ing of Tue day, the Dili h inst., friend. la. the number of about sixty a. - Miss Levy, nurse at Alexandra Hon- romble•d at. the home of Mr. nod Mrs. pital, Ouderich, iti at have hers at D. Knechtel to bid them farewell on !►resent. Sbe has- not been well, and the eve of their departure f • illim t. home W recuperate.w orm*iinity'. After Ihr• earlier part of Jas. Wines youngest daughter, ' the evening had 4.•....p'nt i11 genet -Al Edith, baa Leen critically ill; wjul an , en"'etsatiun Mr, unI 31".2'Kne'6L,4 attack of pneumonia. Ates. Herb, were called forward while Chas. Fisher has leen suffering with the :Stewart acted es ..aster of ..ve11.unies sante complaint. Both 'patients, are; an hrt drs. epnn5e 'improving. reasonndiu fosr t11rgoaisLhd1•rs•i(nig". 14. •.11lri.. Ad11s thrl John Tiffin altendul the convention I Be•ekett then read Ibe fullowiug 111- dress of tem rause wurkert at Clinton on I, unl "ti.Nuc.', , 1. Thursday. Froiu present appearances j . Ro" Tutt I1nr1..•J ui. .,•. it reenor likely that there will lie ase serge or your i„Ie.ntrl 'l.•Isariun• u.,w other local opt' cau,paigu in tail• 0., we.uurl out 104 you I..nr u;11to i11. borne next New Year'r. 141 ono..la..al way out goo. mentor Merged You rod rale.dlua to you our Ir,.t. w1•ht•. fol ,lar, Sirllri.te Ila. M.I.i III. 1,.•..vy 4r14r run •A. Yen bete toe., 'o,'.....d 4.111 *41115' tm N'. %%'*4n, of myth. ell inkIh). c..wm.usitY fcr ,ss„ ly I•wlf .1 r,•.1 ury and, Y g ..tit a n+.4 .. hate made .. g11J1 1r.u.y f,.icd , five and three-quarter rents for Ihrm. '•.are get chiral )111 11....• unttilc.l .Ind u,. Not a drop of Alcohol Doctors prescribe very little, if any, alcohol these days. They prefer strong tonics and altera- tives. This is all in keeping with modern medical science. It explains why Ayer's Sar- saparilla is now made entirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor. Follow his advice. A,:„....b,;.„..„. rSwmu1.s..i. doctor W. yublua our tbrmulu Unless there is dally action of the how - els, poisonous products arc absorbed, causing headache, bilieusness, nausea, dyspepsia. We wish you would ask your doctor about correcting your constipation by taking laxative doses of Aver'. Pills. -Yale by the J. C. Ayer Co.. Lewall, - ST. HELENS. M0/NI,' Y, April .'•till. ti. ti. No. I, N't-r 1V.% Nau,1. T').1, fi.11uw.ug iv lb.• r.qu.r•1..4 N:nae* exanli11,tliiinu fur ti. S. Ni. 1, West Wilwanosl:. only threw pupils who wrote ti,r pito lion Ire reported. 'b axe iu order of merit : alum. 'lillr ,. the higher Hgllr• 'a51 roe othersut '1' are rlpm-•,111.4, tiotogh tea .e Yuan in Ili. hr:dil . ger. McBride'* all filly, 1s chi. o'..k s,v. tit. kn,.,• that r I V. to senior , V. To1:11 7:.4 il:u'vey Y I,',w not may to bunk a.•ay' 4...11. (rir.41. .1n:1 11.. a Illi: J1,t111 \1'.' bit,, illi. \'.b .. • teat! le are good Ones. erne. Yuu have know. luny;, .till it i. to 111. to uuior I \ . '1'uWl 7:11 ,Lu I. r ahoy OW sympathy w'�h >Ar m Ir,uut c' 11 j 1,5,': l'liol' 1 nusrm l's. 'floe app•at'- .traharl to du ,.1 thus .4. her loco,, Iw.it:ht, 14.11'.•1 ,1411.-1', :•1i ; l. la 3111h,nnld, sure of call wheat 1c t4,» I14'4lity Ir Although wo *Sr warty 10 horn to ,�.•, rr ',..• 111 ,a 14.•4'1. 511tte1', :471): 31,1111 M.-Q,lil- proleibly up W Ills avenger. %Vhere it "flo'ur'y,... wpb )'.n.• s- w1 .Ilan 4,.. 0:)' 111.• lin, :ti:.. 14.• ....' 11. til j1111,. n' 111. Total Im►ade *good growth in the fall it it in trill Clara. Ntool. , Vet: Len. ,.t l;,aunt, 11.1: ,I,u'y Dor iiin, Ili ; 11:ii.e1 Anas;- son, 1'17: I :utuy A,, ler.on, :4111: Win - M.. 11'.,...Is, :;tit: Huy tleinsillin: :;IS: r. your famlllar la. cud 1 011ie,u • ,u glad lbw I n know Ibour k.. c. ,'•u.- 1:1:4,wand 1ru-1 your figure home. w beet' r It .,aa)• 1r,. will b.. baM•Y rod rv.nfun'Lablr osier Ihr lot 1144 ,-•.n• of your own Nunn- 1., 104rn of orr.fri.-o.1 rah.,- whip We r.you town5.t this n.r.e with on,tory bust widue. for )nor boot illi :rel bongo, -P:.0 I 11111.1 uu, J if. 13, tothe twingeing yea.. or) n Ile winch POI oat hr .,i red a. each .oleo, IO Your 1W111111).00l,'I 11. To1..4 • 10/ ,I gender 1.1LLchi- .uu, :l'/i ; '.5 .11rid 3h•ljuillin, :11 I • Nr - Kenzie 11 ebb. :;I I. .),n.iur 1.-.1-t 11. (u senior !to t II. lila.iy. 11yile, 1)elin 4'rnush41. .1111111 11.111111. I':Ihel Ander- tat lel,. udcr- 4.,,ivt,. •lelhnu1111, Ilerlu•, (lIdIliu. Senior 1, 1.. junior twit I I. lil:uly.%Vebh, 31:1) 3li(;ulllu., jesk:. Ii:unA, \\'ilbe Honore. bit:'. Ton 1: 1•:, .5". ll'1:•o,, '1'rsr.61.1-. good r litial, but where the fall growth was week it looks per. l'luver bar cure out (slily well, ex- cept that, Iart renown lwiug tattier dry, it did not "catch" in some places. 111N'r (141011HW.ATI11s s I. My.CTINt.. A meeting of the multi egatione 04 Auburn and Smith's Hill Presbyterian churches will he held in ,Mobil's Hill dowel: ou 3lunday, May Ith, at 2 o'clock. to consider the eat.ndu.o of a cal! to ,1 new minister. Itey..4. 1'. Falconer, of 'Toronto. preached here veeterday. and next Sablalh Rev. `..Ir. Mann, of Sturgeon N*IL. will Officiate. AUBURN. ' CHT RECEIVED. A l'ARIAIAI' 4)1° PP Nardloba food %twat. rot ...k• by 1)'. T. ICIDUf:LL. Auburn. %%'a:nlvlwn-1Y, .ipr. 'land. our village school i, closed for tile Emitter vaeat lull, Iles. 31 r. Falconer. of Toronto, e.1. End to year friend-. Maned on behalf of .nor nr0l) fri.•nd. u, A'.aekl. '11 \., !)'.'S%' 41:1, get.. )I. iithi.r., Al, mow. i, 51. .1111.1.5, U' boo, 11 411 N.,/n. 11,1.4) M. I*„ 110, Mott 11.1. 11.r Lu:. AIr. and MIS. Klu•.•Ia1,' were .•hurl presented with a substantial :;nuuut .1 money. .lalrs, ' %Vida .101ulaou :dud Slim Jennie 31c31u,,'hv lurking 11,.' ppre..•ntntiunr.' Mr. k1).w•114e1 replied briefly hal very .i4../) ly. wipe easoer, Ilia thank. to 111r, friendi. -and las egret. ,1t 1)1.14; 1 I'•Ilr.l to 4.',,., them. 11r. J. KoerhU•I ,.Iso-igs,L.' n fete words 11, behalf of lits './treellc, The renlwimder of the coming w:.. then ..pent in :► wain! way and beach, Which had been kindle pr. wi11el by LUCKNUW. rt ••:-1.,11, .lpnl l .c I.uck • ,. In hate :, hip; .le - allliou ou lhr '2;d11 0l :1:.y under the anspieuri of the loll' 61.1;;x011., 111. ,11.1 Alia. A14•x. Ions,..., 1VcQnr.- d.y bast eelehr:.te',I the fortie11. :thin ver-nry gel 1 heir wedding day , David It. 1-i••v'i. :1 native . t Luck - Mini arra the eldest .ou of Mrs, Jas. mimedLite Ihesh leriau, pulpit here the ladles, was setv.',1. Th.. ' pally IA'y:u), wa6 moiled recently to 311 . last Sabbath. dispensed al..,11t midnight after bid- 11 11,1111'.',1 In,.'kelI. of Vi,luria, til Its ban. bought 1br old eaw- !ling Mr. and 31r•. litteSIILrl good- Mr. 11eyd i, superuu.•ullent 01 the speed on their joern'1'. 'u,ltp0s11l14 ,mous ..f 'for V:11101411 1'r,vinlr. Lurkmon' Lard,;,, No. II_, 1, I4, H., will celebrator Ihr 11411144.414 . - tersaty of the I.u14r by altrndip;; dn•ine .chic.• iu Ihr 4,•sl.yla.1isan church on Si L.5 next. wheel the pastor, 11. T. IM.'lie,roll, wall au- ,Ire.y the brethren. trill property in the village f•um James Young. 31iss M.Doswell, of the township of Albion, visited her sister, Mrs. Me- th -meld, last week, Miss Annie Jackson, who is attend- ing the business college in Brantford, spent her Easter bolida) sat home. Elwin Munn' left ..n Monday morn- ing for the Northwest. Hr intends nlakiug that country his future bootie. Miss Efni- hems, who her been in London tor a couple of tb., spent her N..sbler holidays with her pu'enta its tht' vinage. Naw M.ut. Saes to r..- The C. 1'. It, carries the mail now. Strange it takes The Toronto (ilia* an extra day to,ilochItem. Whet is the matter> Robert .1. Asquith 1'411 iea the mail to AMBFSRLEY. Ma 4Y, Apul .11111. The farmers ar I here one all busy at their reeding hie week, Mies Lexie Mela•:m is hn.ne fr. mi Br*ntfo,l upending her E, -ter holi- day's. Service will he held in the Methodist church next timidity at the nmol Hugh Ferguson puaehased ,1 'ins driver frau Itulwrl MrT:irlab Let week. ,Cohn Bradley has engaged with N. 1►. Mclxnna,, the 1ir•ludsl, slur.. kr.wr•. We ace so ry to report that. 14.em, and troiu the *talion twice 1i day and Brown Imo been nn the sic;, Iirt for to and from tit. Augm.tiuo finer, tit,- ii:ud, week,- but hope. h.• 'nay speedily re'uv.r. • N'illixul \Vil.'' x1111 111141. PORT ALBERT. gravel Ir•: Last week Wilda grand row- AI.pNU.1r, API" lllh• ,'i'as. A1111111 . tiftt-live panels writ. { hauled1. rum the Mies Ellen Draper is railing .'n I lake in 111 • .61 y'. f•1e,1.; • in the Forest ('sty. John lichueuhal, want to Berlin last Thursday to visit 'datives. Albert Quaid. of Dunlop..vallel of friends in thin vicinity last Slinday. •\Itee Blanche Inver is spending a short timer with retainers in Stratford.. Asher (flay returned front Muskoka dada !rat "inlay looking hale and hearty. Mrs. Harry Hayden and 3Mster (A- way are visiting in Toronto M present. Mr Mustard left lass week to sppwend his vacation at his home neat' Bny- tield. Shen Liuuetta 4'on►inghatn, ,,f Hal - fart. is cailing under the larenWI rl.,f. Mrs. ,lase Scott isatDrown!, with her daughter. Mrs. Mi -Nally. of Ham- gannon. - Wn.. Sage rink in the eights at Brucetleld Inst week anll repa'ts a good time. Mins Lizzie Brown ie the guest of her sister. Mn. Liningtun, of Brunt - ford, just now. Ben Richardson, of Toronto, re- newed old acquaintances in this lo - 'Ably last wreck. - Roy tarok]. of Nile. was * mown, visitor at the 4omlc of Wm, Brindley, Wellington NIreel Mies Grace !Crawford and Cliet•les Crawford are home from Toronto fin their Easter vacation. W. R. Hawkin., from Iltnrm 40I - lege. London, spent the bitter part of last week with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Gray. • Mr, and Mira, George Ashton and children, of (behinds. spent Huntley with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jan, Stevenson. , least Sunday being a little chilly some of the young ladies didn't have an opportunity to wear .their new East•r;b.,nne•ts ; hart don'ttworry, girls, live in hopes of seeing warmer weather nest Sunday. ('osivraw%Ttore Muer wag.- Williams was at Christ churrh last Wednesday morning *nd Ndwlnis- tern' the rite of ennflrunatinn to sevru per.mr. 'i'1u ministers prevent were Rev. Mr. Hicks, Dungannon, Tastor 1.1 the chinch here ; Ho v. M. urnbull, (:,,lrlirh, and Bev. Mr. Maunders, Luekiow. CREWE. MONS.%V, April ...nett. John 4i*ul.y • ha,. rented the house formerly occupied by 4),vid 'I'hnllaw rims Thor.:r coheir and in s r la c week. .k. N'c ,• , exp n .a , ,. 1 hest t w I come to Mr. and Mrs. (a Ilev, Mr. and Mrs. Dare Thuriow, of tit, Helens, were renewing nrynsintanr.a here fin Saturday and lunch), Nth. Lizzie Gaull•y ref•n•nc11 du lioderich last week after spetoding a guru! time here amongst a Iargc circle of frlende. Alr. 4011 M, 1Yn.. Shackleton. of Prosperity. tele the guest. of 311. and Mrs. Nin. Nharkleti.*, of (aen-t. on Sunday. The 'Misses Barbet,' ('nil,.,? : 1 •1 (ls'rn11uline'rempleton. of 1'II we, .,11• 5isltur•. 111 Ihr helms• I.4 the Igen,,,.', sister, Mrs,''', S. Heed, of y3l:.t-Lin14. • Miss i.nl lir Pierre 1. 4;1•1,14 1(1 1;14lr- rich um 1V11111••,110v to ,'pi 1:d a few .IAys with (11,4.1. tinge, Will 4'iu,,Lice, of IIoline-villi•. r.,llrll' on friends hire yester11a), 4 'ieleb' Colbert. of :Rt, Ill lt'I1 •, 11f1. been '.Bend i 5514.1 few slit. with, tel.. Llys`. 1..'te, _ _ • ' BELFAST. Movu.t Y,' April _'114 h, .1. it. MrAlli.ter and family, who haat Spent, n fortnight with wends And relative. in 4,.slot•ich and 1;ayfl.Id, have returned. Jar and all's, Hoe and rhifd'ren, 01 Gerrie, are with Mrs. R.e•'. p;u•enh. 311ss A SIIVI.wn,sI of Luck now, vent, Ono(' Friday with her parents. (i. M.41i1christ. sof Toronto, visited friends here on 'l'ueaday. ' Aliso Lizzie Rutherford in home for the Easter retention. Aline 3furtiail is spending a few days with he's. We are glad to know Mrs, Hugh McCr stie 41 improving .515.,. n very severe attack of ht grippe. Mater iltlghie is home from Hensel! for n few day., Mina Jenne 5',unpbell 'Moil,., leaves of 1Vednend*y for Toronto to spend holidays with relatives there, Miss '1,: Uenm,gl,am is. 'wending vacation with 11e' rnlnlivetl AL I'ott AIM•rt. A New Orleans woman was thin. Because she did not extract sufficient nourishment from b r food. She took Scotts." Ernitttion. Result: She gained a po nd a day in weight. AU. DRUGGISTS I. AND SIAM 1•:N•t j.11TA1N,tIr:NT. A comr.•it wail Is• gid -en in flit: town hall, Litt -know. uu 3lnnday evening. May loll, at . 'o'clock. by the male .111,4 mixed quar- tettes of Ontario street chin -Ch. ('lige tun. The a •'I'I in brit VII IIIId141' the adepictw of the Limos -H. '..•Ague o! lot -know Met h.sliat chinch, uud ,1 novae's! lx.at la promised. Neil Mclnni..and Julw ,Icljli,tig i1 ;,;'.4 List. week from 11pn1.$•, reti- nanmer, when: 1111•y w t•ugsiir..l 111 ,getting out degwoo11 it, Ih'• iulerras '.f ,1, N111,1101, of Ihi. !own. '1'h.• tll.gwo..1 is exported to, Scotland tor mpnufu+turing purp.ee. John 11en- der.i,n 411 .Icahn 31nc,i,1s4,1i, who *ee.iinpsutiel tbrm'to the Smith. ,t1'1 ''xlwele.; h' • in :a fore 455''4.'. Ir:.t'ru .up slits. l3'.,;a:our KErni. t4ter.a Tong p'ri'xd of suffering Mrs. Ho;,;. hcith, of 5'ulroes township, .*.sed away un - Friday, Iuth inst. The dere,o.ed was tin• third d*Molt.; n(.51r, :and 31r.. •111111.1111 ,Irinlyre. gel' near Lncknow, anti had Is -,•s, .married '.11 t' . l'. ' w., • ti .• WAS I l It t \1':11'.. 1 w.l, \1• ' ) Vet highlyhigbly respected wtt *1111r11 `,1111'11W i• telt at. lyre untimely Ile.alh. The inter - rent 4. tic place at Teeswat.r, the fun enol being 1*.l''iv .1tetf11rd. EAST WAWANOSH. Mnvnty, April :Pub. The Ihnrtlylocook pulpit will 1..• ua•up11-d brat Sunday hy 4i.''.. 51r. (.'ul Ht., 'of I anelestee e, Henry Tis.Ltl, i. home burn jasle- 1 i.h for Jan Eater I..4i.Ctys. lieu, iI. Naylor h,... 1ak''11 Lin' rorl- tract of drawing the brick for Ile• new sehand in s111001 •.,'lion No. i. Edward ItoI'insenl i, lulus front Teeww,tei-, where he has been 4,.uils Mg Witte Ulniatnrts. for his Easter �I.olidnys. James 1Co6jnson i:u•I,I a very @itetrs.- foil sale torr Friday' ht,L, Everything .old pretty high, .11. hie \l:utiu' internis holding :i Pleating auction sale on April 27111, J'a'rt'yllang will Is• sold, as 114. Mot•ti., has_s.dd hie 1:1.111 In Joint 31:u•tin, of cobalt,. I A.ldtliunal district news on ragas 2.1 - ''Young atm," said the putnpotl- in- dividual, "I, did not nlw:ty'a. have thio cairt•i:g1, \Chen I first stalled in life I had t.. walk.- "You were 11(ekv,'' chuckled the youth. "When I first started in life I couldn't walk."- The Catholic News, • Psycbint Missionaries A friend of Pr. Slocum • Remedies writes: "fiend * bottle - of Pgcb(ne to Mrs. W... They have a daughter in decline, and T believe it would kelp her, 1 have mentioned roar remedies to tb. family, and else cited • peme of the mirarulnua came *scrim plished inside aha last Is years, of which f have knnwledgr." • - T. O. LRW1N, Little Britain, Ont: ' Ran down rnndltinnu from Inng slam- ' ..h or other ennstitutlnnxl trouble ear• ed by Peyehlae. At all drainy sls, {4'r aad .1,00, or Dr. T. A. Sl"rum, Ltd., Tnrcnto 11 1. ...For.... Spring Wearing New flats, New Gloves, New Ties, New Handkerchiefs, New Vests. II last tole have everything that in new in , ull-'u'' wearable,. 1'ou will enjoy the warm weather Hutch letter by aloulliug gear that is new and fresh, >±uch a:; l:;u) be found ill CIlOICe variety at The Palace Clothing Store We have everything for Men and Boys and all at moderate prices. McLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Clothiers:and Men's 10utfitters. ; THE PALACE CLOTHING STORE p6 pgiWANT ►STO H•s'srraqlor This is the nig, new can of stove polish that is delighting so many house- keepers, cooks and maids. It shines quick as a wink. And the spline stays, bright and black. Won't burn off, no matter how hot the fire gets. It is always ready for use., Just as good for Grates, Stove -pipes and Iron- work, as it is for Stoves. Not only the best stove polish, but the most of it for the money. Insist on having ;Black knight" At your deelcrs KELPION STAINLESS IODINE OINTMENT !tors n.a .,•Ior , r Hun, ruse. Rhrumal om, Spram.. Rrwr-. anJ large gland., appl.al by rubbu.g. al all Lrog Store,. 2ic. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Edward A. 11 ilsn11 s Preparation of Hypopbosphltes and Blbdgetti from thio "1lginal for ht it the Sovereign Rem- edy for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, La Grippe, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Maladies. Thousands of p.ople any they hove Lvn rr'Iicvel by il. 'l'1n„e• Willa have used it will Nave do Is her, ami tr'rennitlenit it to their fellow tulTerera. • It has cured ninny after they were given up: as incurable by theirphysirilans. 1'hc lurdereiguell its a cons ll ii dive ;111 testify ft mit his emit experience‘am to its value. 11.riie.a,. 'e Ilerlay' are llangert 111* and may prove fatal. b'on' full pnrtieulars, testimonu►1 1.1es 414111 rex:, C. A. ABBOTT, Sole Agent, 6o Ann Street, New York City, N.Y. The Baseball Season has commenced, and we have a complete line 'of suppI lee. League balls, league bats. catcher's gloves of most ap- proved styles. Also balls and bats of less expensive -kinds. Come along. boys. and get your outfit. Wall Papers A large and well -selected - assortment of Wall Papers flir the string season. We have been selling wall paper for a good nuny years and know what the people of Goderich and vicinity want. 6E0. PO6tE6 Colonial Bookstore 'Phone too 1 GRAND T UNKSY'S Em Home Seekers' EXCURSIONS To the NORTH-WEST Schild class return Lieketn AL in. there(' rates to principal points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and ABoetta, RATES: {Vinnipeg and return • Ii:C:IM1 Edmonton and return $42.311 Proportionate rated to other points. Excursion rates sill rail via North Hay April 14th, May 12th and 254b.. Jour nth and'Lirl, July 7th and 21st. Aug. Ith and loth. Sept. 1st, 1,4). and 2nth.' Exclusion dates via Rall and Boat 'l'icki•t. will be sold to permit cunt(n- nnna pea age for steamers sailing fpm, Sarnia. at :CIO p. an. on the, following dates, A pail :'loth, May bath and _1th, June loth .and '1(11). July' 6th and 22nd. Aug. :led loth -and :11st. All ticket.. meal returning within 8n days Hull information f'uni any '(irand Trunk ticket .►gent Secure ticket,' from H. F. LAWRENCE, 'fawn Agent ;tutu holies-- x 4.01. 10 tt.:stp,m. J. STRAITON, • 11.pol 'ftcket Agenf- J. D. AlelA4101, ulrtrtet Pas*. Agent. ' I;niun tit*lhal. Toronto. TO FARM ERS . Now is the time for FORMALDEHYDE -to treat your "als 41,1.1 whr:at before mowing, Water -Glass Egg Preserver in l:x. Tin with full directions. Poultry Powders , Pratt'+, Hess', Camerae and Colonial. English Sheep Dip, %enolculn, Hoof Ointments, Porter's Antiseptic fleeting Oil, etc., etc. ( S. E. HICK, GODitRtl_11, Central Drug Store ONTARIO. 1111=11111111111 • •1111111111111111111• • 11111101•1111111 OPPORTUNITIES si The Busy Store CAMERON & MOORE McKiM'S OLD STAND.