The Signal, 1908-4-23, Page 5OM AM A MOTHER How many Amertenn woollen in lonely homes to -day long for this blessing to come into their lively and to be able to utter these words, but because of sortie organic derange- ment this happiness is denied them. Every woman- interested in this sub' should know that prepars- tioti for healthy maternity is accomlIiahod by the use of LYDIA E.PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mol. Dlaggie Gilmer, of West Union, 8. (',writes to JI rm. I'inkham: ••1 wag greatly ren -down in health from a weakness peculiar to my sex, when Lydia F Ketcham' a Vegetable Componad wag recommended to me. It sot only restored me to perfect health. but tomi t 1 am amnt ¥r .Jadelight Hall,ot Bardstown, Ry., writes : I was a very great sufferer from female troubles, nod my physician tailed Whelp t•e. Lydia S P1uICham's Vege- table Componad not only restored nee to perfect health, but 1 am now a proud mother." FACTS FOR -SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Ptnk- ham's Vegetable Compound, made from mots and herbs, ball been the standard remedy for female it and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation. ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, perms mina. hacksaw., that hear- ing ling. flatulency, indiges- tton. dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pislbhasn Writers all aiek weasels to write bee for advice. Abe- has Add welded Ly n�nai a EASTER CANDIES S.•• our show 00i11,1.41A full oi•r111%••Ilie•n for F:a.t•r. Easter Eggs, Rabbits, etc. Wheel Rig, Again. TILE SIGNAL : CUDERUC1I. ONTARIO THE TOWN COUNCIL PUBLIC WORKS UOMMITTEE MAKES A LONG REPORT. The Wheel Rigs Debentures Closed Up and M. B. Lloyd's Otter to Buy Back the Mortgage Not En- tertained - Delay in Fire Hall Im- prowments, 1'be regular meeting of the town couucll was held last Friday night. the absentees being the Reeve and ConncilloruThonleuu and Huwtwr. A letter from the public school hoard, notifying the council that Ill, - heti would be required by the hoard by April 21st., to pay for lots Noe. 2.x1 and :.76 purchased Iruiii Robert Orr for school puriataes, and that an order for that awuuut would he Mewed on the teasulrr on the 21st. war referred to the finance committee. Condition of the Town Hall. A letter from \Viluile Knuth war to the effect that in :me event of any damage to hie property through any disaster• to the west wall of the town hall, which he. .laimed was in a dan- gerous cooditiou, he would hold the town resp onrible for all damages. Tnia was referred to the public work. committee with power to act. On wntion of t'ouneillor ('reigie, seconded by Deputy Reeve Elliott. it nab decided to notify the contra -quits for retrains to the lire hall to defer operations for two weeks. ♦ letter from the Hoanl of Trate urged the "Iulvieebility of first conrid• ering the tearing duwn of the entire buildlug now known as the town hall and erecting a new and properly fitted building. cspahle of not ouly giving lulle t ec om uodrtion for tire Put, pxales, but ot,givingg peeper arcowmu- slat' for the wettings of the council. the office, of the Iodine servants and the requirements p,-rnerally of a public bedding such rt. the town bats for year's and dots now badly need.- This eed. 'This letter wax laid on the table till the council ►huuld have some further r'•port or informal ion with reference to repairing the .14 lire hall and its w arty end also (ire light (11 the mat- ter, •.1 building a new town hall and 11... Ie.11. Remoial of Street Rubbish. A letter signed -Anti-dirt" asked what areinge•iemt there was for r.- neuvlug rul4hi,h or dirt •eollk.•tal into beams Icy `,citizens un the elreeta uppesite thrid eeap retiyc places of business lir residence.. It watt de• eided that', tlitc, practice of former years 1e• contiuta l in refereuce to re - mot reg bowl, nteterlal, but that ashes or any other materiel pig -on the streets fr yards. ate., will not be re- luoveel by the cut•porati u. A. E. Matheson *eked r the tine of pasture un the fair gni( dr on the w mM• terse, as last year: th is, that he should Leak after the groutl*le. keep is, the fence., keep the doors lo s(.,i etc. lois watt referred to the blic works committee with 1Mimer /t. A report froul the Provincial (1 v. ernment as to indigent pal nuns at th inane acyl whop'. (maintenance Is ehe,geai.l. to the town anal deducted (rune the turn'. props Share in tb. Malagasy taxation was referred to the rpewiel cumiuiltee. The question of freight shedb1 at the desk for handling the freight fruit' the Ninth's.' Transit Par.'s beats was left on the table for further consideration. .til malt In oar 011.1 kitchen. ,4 ny person's. lame pot tut throe d.'Iieiuun . onto. t s to ord. e. Easter Specials 1'h,a olalr- anil 1'1'.'nnue. latticed, 1:..• 111. gerYlbr.. bat 2.-s• 'Lillie.. all kiwi.. Isle a Il. lir :1 11'.• . it 11, 't-ol*trs. 211, per 11,. Meals, Lunches, Hot Drinks, Ice Creams, etc., at all hours. Olympia Cafe Phone 140. z11 Shoe Polish Don't be deceived by imita- tions. It means long life to your shoes to be sure of 2 in 1 Bleck gad all relook et Al deal ea. lee. sad 25e. 313 (G ►1= Tisk* 4111 A COMBINE `lime c,mliinta err all right. end romp are all wrong• Hen' in a cnnbinstinn that, *should oratory a grad) many People. The Signal and The Toronto Weekly Globe to Jan. 1st, l909, for 81.00 Bend your aeldrem( and SI.1M7 to VAIIATTE11 harm THE SIGNAL, Gederiela, The committee. romp used of Solici- tor 1►ickineon, Deputy lt..... Elliott and Mayor Macklin, reported that Mr. Elliott, acting for the Mayor. *rid the lt(a*urer signed the \Wheel Rigs de- bentures and coupons ; that. the dkbenttire+ were emit to the !tank of Slows -eel at Tlm tit•,. where the pur- cbeat• 1'y was eletnrrittel by Mac- kenzie k rm. t. the credit if the tuwu. litre f Sln,tsalwlas at •er places' to the credit of the VVherl Rigs Co. at ,bat hank. and enter then the remain- ing $111.151.1. lees $'2,1411.11. the of Ilan note against the marl ' cry. ,also Ila. $1,:0.61, part lit her on sale of debenture*. and A 111 nun ling to l .7i41...7dt, hail IMrm paid over to the VVherl High Co.. thus closing the 'nat- ter. A. -crises! Interc.t At .1 per relit. from 1'ebrteary 111111 to April 13th. .amounting to Sltri.l:o. loon leen pIae1M1 to the reedit of the town. Another Proposition. A letter foam M. 11. Lloyd wan an tnmows : (isrl.,MI.,..--,t. 11.. it ha, been No Misch -.lid about ihr ken of t.d, you Made the ti drrt.•h \'-Meet Riot ompaur. I hereby offer 10 d W+nunt each and r. ery laymen! from the ter• -I teethe twentieth inchoate AI ...Art percent. ,Aro ant threw -eighths net react compound Internet. ,ml w111 pee the ,.J1 num lately 1111.1111 receipt of 'ran -f,•, of same. .t+ Ian hank. are now getting 7 ter 11.1,1. compounded ?nor rime+ a year, And +u• y, nr dele .tgrr..cad At about 434 per cent.. 1 hope 114.1 you w111 realise that this 1, a fair preposition. 1f the. offer I- 1•o accepted by Saturday evening, April 16114. Ike sande 11 withdrwun. Most reepel•t fully your,. April I.Mb. Ila. M iM+AAI,i. B. !AO% 0. This was teferrwl to the finance r. 'milte° and the ,olie,tor, and the r, inittre met the following after- 11rMa1 and decided not to entertain the proposition. the town solicitor reporting adversely. The ac'ep- txix of Mr. Idoyd's pru11)mel, if it bad Bern pom.ible, world have meant the pa meat now of the pres- ent worth of the *ileums payable by the rumpany during the currency of the debenture% but would have 11A leased the mortgage and given the town 00 hold nn the ruulpauy. the As- Ai,tanre the town be giving the com- pany practically resolving itself in that 11011' (MI we dntletrtand it) into it 'straight dneunuitional rash bonus of the bitterest on the loan. Sig List of Public Works. Tho public works committee re- ported staving Stade an inspection of many of the streets and recommended ea follows : That the council take the iuitiati,e in putting in a sanitary sewer on KIixaheth street, commenc- ing near Huron road, to .tones street. along Jones street to neaten street to the catch-haain en I'itlmerston street tin committee of the whole this clause was referred Mack to the public works committee fm• farther consideration(; that tbe council take the initiative in rutting in a sewer on Q11ebee ett'ert *tweet' %Valorise' street And Wel- lington etrrel that A rutvnrt 1.e put. to on Maty street : that a culvert lw put In 4111 the ,tree' between Cham. 1% -ells' Awl Mr. rielkeld's property : that cal cinders he put on 1VJ1,on Ma set : that Warren street Ito graded that itegent street bre graded'to meet Pine etre' when winders of prop- erty to open the latter are coutpl led ; that the tiuron road from Walnut street east to corporation limits be gravelled ; 'bat tbe water and light eommlafon he notified to remove pole (til enrmer of Oxford and' itegent street ; that Elgin avenue opposite MCC•slthr a to meek -Mein be graded : that the town pay one-third cif the nnet of steps on town /Report y from the L. P. It. station and uaahtaio the same ; Nat wire tadoq be Goodwood (mow distillery road to \laitland 'ridge ; that bylaw No. le tot 1107 he enforeed (this is the bylaw that fixed 1a yearly rental to he Raid by persons c11nnectII4$ with sanitary sewers which were put in at the sole expense of the towel: that if ('harder Knight 1►g1eP to pay one third of the cost of .e'wer exteu.iouerked for it 1.. put. in IthisWAS referred hack to the c wipe,•, Coon• oilier Craigie raieing Ibe titivation of the need of drainage on Britannia road part Mr. litio'-1 house, to in- vestigate further' ; that the council take the iuiLiative its tapping the old rower at the miaow grounds and run over to Manhole alt William ,trust (this alar was refereed Yurek. as there was a doubt whether this was a IN/x of a tile drain) ; that aapwerextenwiun be put iu on Elisabeth street (SI. Andrew's ward) start ing let J. Marquis' and extending to Cayley'treet, on the local improvement plan ; that an ertiiate be got of the cost of a good Inap showing the location and size of all sewer*, in the town (thio wag amended in cuulwittee 10 read that the water and light euruddssiil be conferred with an to hawing .e wap pit' curd to show both water mains and` seaetsl : that the C. 1'. lt. be in- rtruc1d to open up Water Lulu at onee; that Ow (i, T. R. 1/e notilk el 341 repair planking a1 the duck. In eowutittee of the whole 1:. DI. Elliott. occupied the e11•iir, and ou the council r resuming the report, as amendeel, wait adopted_ THE MARKETS. Liverpool Exchange Closed—Chlcage Wheat Futures Close Higher—Live Stock—The Latest Quotations. • Monday Evening. April 20. Liverpool grain exchange was closed today. At Chicago May wheat ctn.ed 1%e high. or than Saturday; May euro itie (ower e ndaayunchangedonto Winnipeg Oimtlons. Following are the Mooing quotations on l'.I.nlpeg grain futures: Wheat --April $1.06',6 bid. May 31 O*% bid. July $1.011., bid. Oats -April 422%c hid. Nat• 43'4c bid. Toronto Grain Market. Wheat. spring, bush 4n en to $•••. Wheat, fall. bush Wheat, goose. bush 0 kx .... Wheat, red. bush 057 .... Rye. bushel ...... 0 he .... Peas. bushel 010 .... Buckwheat, bushel Parley. bushel 0 5/ .... Oats, bushel 0 51 .... Toronto Dairy Market. Mutter, separator, dales0 50 0 31 Rutter, store lots 0 21 Huller, creamery. Ib. rollsOS' - 4,33 _ Eggs. new•-Istd, dozen 017 036 ('hew, large, 1b .1... 0 71 .. .... (Tees,, twin, Ib 0141, . Hoary, extracted, lb.,c.,.,011 0 L', New York Dairy Market. NEW Y4R1t.,AprIl 220.-B'uttcr, firm; m- cetpta, 4115: creamery Ap, 1010. 91': ex - Irma, 7 1, ,- third to first, "Ir In 21'.•: held. e orennon to special. _Ic to nlC: *tate dairy, Common to choice. tae to 71.- pretreat.. . nmmnn to apertal,-13n to. S;3-; weelern factoryu, dtorat.26c. "Lc; imitation creamery, cheese -Weak; eak; remelpl a, ?37: 1g)l .ream. specials, 16%c; state, full .ream. small white fancy, 151'. de., large ,n.1 *man Iered fan.*, liter: do., fair to prime. nue to 1.7e, )n., ,•omrrton. le 10 ettc. 11n. winter made. 6e to 11154,•: skim. 1, to MVe• F.gga-Firm; reeeapts. _1.534; reale. . err -d. I M• fan, v 1'n Pennsylvania and near white, put,: 0004 to choice. Pc to We: brown and mixed. extra, 161': first to e- tra fin). 171' to 17t4e; %,.tern tlret, fresh g athered, 16•.50 l0 37c; seconds, 15!yc to CATTLE MARKETS. Cable Steady—American Markets Ste y at Recent Quotations. teamIMI. •. April 70 -Linden cables ,•• Meetly at ' • to 114,,c per pound. dressed weight: ref *,rams bee( In quoted at --14c d1 114¢.' r round. Toronto J ctien LivrStolek. TORONTO J (TION, April 2f - Rea elide of live a at the Juliet Market were 21 car de. composed i!1 Ma cattle, 29 sheep, cakes end 1:11 horses. Exporter,..• gsportateer. sol.' at N to K per cwt.; export bulls, at H to 86 per\w1'. • Butchers. Prime Licked Int. of butchers' came sold at s3.40 to SIM and an odd, one o two of extra cholre quality tit is:. load'. of enod a4 52.2. to $40; medium, to 31'2': common and mixed, $4.$A t.' .•.'1. good rows, 54 to 54:11: common cows, Pt (0 MN; reaper,, 11..'11 to 3".6e Feeders and Stockers. The only Male reported wan a ear load of Mart Ib. steers, 21 In number, bought In• lam. Vanetone of Ticketing. for 1)r. McGillivray at 34.75 per cwt. Milkers and Springers. A limited number of milkers and springers sold at tan to Ed each.• Veal Calves. The ,narket wan weak for the alder naps nf veal salve*, hut a etronrIy an ever for properly fed new mirk calves (',mmnn salvos, R7 in 3t each per Cwt.; good to ehnl.e calves. 76 to 87 per ewt. Sheep and Lamas. elerelpla Ilght, priors firm. Sheep. M to 33.60 per cwt.: yearling Iambs. $5 to 10.1414 per cwt.: spring lambs, N to 17.50 tech. • Hogs. (:inns, Umited, reported price, *nine M. last week. Selects, ted and watered et the market, 1..40, and *116 to drover,. f.o.14 , yarn, at rnuntry points.. Montreal Live Stook. tft1NTREAf.. April 34.,-(Sperial.1- At the Montreal Stock Yards West End SINI'+-t Met the sweetp 18 of live stock for the week ending Alert' 1* wore 5146 rattle, Ri ►heep and tomb,. 250' hogs and PIM salve,. while the supply for lora) consumption Oils morning rnnnletel of 10 rattle. I:ret hngn and 450 ea1Affir A. 1.. always tin cane, the run of rattles for the first mar- ket after F.aater wwen amall; hit ,t wa, ample to 011 alt rMolnement.. no hatcher,. In inn.' rase, 11114 sufficient herf on hand to carry theses over until next week; therefore the demand 1'i. s,orpewhat 11111 - nett and trade In thlp respect woo slow. There were no outride boyar, prehrnt. hilt Immo exporters, were on the Inarlerl, 01,0, however, *,did ..,t ohne/ a disposition to operate freely on ..count of the weak- er rase •dyh'en reerlved from Liverpool on Saturday, whirls noted a decline of 1te per Ib. In pecks for Amerlean and Canadian steers as compared w'itli a week ago. The nuality d rattle offered was Ar 410 meanie as good as lent weak, coli-- aequeetly prices rated Inw'y, hut thin enrol not lndteate 1h.t the market ie weaker, for if the seep clam of stork had come forward, ,'tet as high prices would have been paid to -lay. ('Iolcn beeves wild at 51%.. to fe; gond at 514r to 5'4r; fair at 434. go 5., and lower grades at Sc to 414c per pound. The market for wh►ep and Iambs was dull owing to the /act that thorn weer. no arrivals, but tin feeling remains firm, with a amod en- qulry, and the text Melee of Yearling,' were made at 7n to 7.4' Inc ehnIce Mock. while good sheep are quoted at 153.: per 1h.. . few spring lambs were offered. whl.h met with a reedy role et 14 to 57 each. The demand for gond to chokers .sives eenttnue, giwel of which A fair Muppy keep naming fnrwerd, and prices range trees N stn 17 each. but aNmmant end trWert r ones ars net wanted at any flgnr.. A wwakar feeling hen developed In the mark.► fee llv. Tela ,sin.. this elan week and prices show a decline nt Me 40 6A'. per 150 1ba. T,hla la doe to the Increased supply em ltagcoupled with the weaker ring, aAwle'ga on t"enaltan Morin and the fart that It Ie reported That one of the local leadlaa pracking concerns le shout to go out of the bushiness; come. empatte the demand Spas not been en leen of lets, gad the offerings were In exerts Of the r•Vutwnents, semut read lets Me - tag to be held over by psatere ter .101ght4a' Metes iast ?bat -May. tact Buffalo Cattle Market. EAST 111711110ALO, April 1111.•.C•1110•-ke. eeteta, 'JM heed; .softy and I' t•' lie Mgher;"prime atsee4, 1176 to t N; moo- E..nI oto bb75, bot cI.ere , N.. to 16; rkus1Nb, a 61 bt*11, dews 36. d rs a. OM to K: stook Matrkars gad feltbera, it i a toga- 1A1"11)1 , 1 -,.:at 1,1,11 (ay 1, W. tire. guod w1IK4,I. to t11t• higher• heavy .and ullstrl. W.9 1., 5., W, y„rk,•r., 0'11:, an p66; pia.. 3450 to 17..7; toughs, N 73 to SG Ni; pleas. to 1.. t1 50; dairies, 5e. 11' to 3430. Sheep and lambs- fte.•,ipte, 13 '_41 'sed a1Uve, sheep: alea4y. lamb•,. lambs. N to 11.25: ..rungg un4 wetl.ers, t: to $7.35: ewes, t✓ ; to PISO, Karen, 1.11*• ed. 13 to lila New York Live Stock. Ne:\V YORK, April :Y1--Bre.es -Ile.. crlple, 4044 Steers, lee to 11. hlahcr; fat bull,, firm; ether., At roily to it alu,de lower; cows, glut' In 1'1. lowed', 1.11.11., 34.75 to 87: fat n.1'(. M. bells, 53511 ,o 54.eb; cows. 32.76 to 54 la,. few extra fit at higher prices; tail rods, 4:. P:xpn'ts to morrow, 215 cattle, 4501 Sheep and 2100 quarters of '.est. ('aJves-Receipts, 7'0.; mark,', 20- in The off. Vests. 45 .n t:; few thole... at elm, cults, t4 to 14 30; bit etmltkl., 33.60 to ELM vel ,\.....‘ _(IF414II i- of Fine and Fancy Fooi%%ear LOCAL. OPTION CAMPAIGN. i. to 1.e 114:,1 herr in {;renter variety 1 1Min any•vI 'rt else, %Ve carry u complete ,as,r11 tnn•ut of Temperance Workers of Halon Hold County Convcnttou. l'linto11, April Ili. A bu'g, g,ttL- ering 111 LI•lupet.11111 11-111kels 1'1'11111 the nevrrul Iltnl1'1111. .1 Ninon anally lilt% in 11111:1311 sherd 11etb- ,Aliat -Lurch today and l,n ulr•11 all 14+1Ma'attl/ll (,1 l.• Leow'li -:1. th,. Huron Brunets of the 41111i(ti11 1'ro- Whitel•y .1 Malice. The lhin{ll. in the ridings 11eceanil,t1111 11118:11.1141.1e111 111 exInLi11g'ranches, :11i11 lht• r,n„taittr ou urgaistidtt 1c/forted nu laver of one set of nllieers fur the 1.1111111y, a 4111 %3lo-premideutn for three riding*,. 1►eteg:t1 • V.1 (, ples..ilt t1' all, parts of the , minty, 1(11,1 a 5;11(,1 dt•,.I of enthubi:Mml %vas dieplay.d. 14. M, l;lli ,tt, li,Mlcl a 11, uete.l us 111.41-- 11141111 11a3rluau 4113.31 the 11ectiuu .1f 1. u,•tv pt•esuL'11t, W. 1311,11. 11101,. of 1'. ii11i aloe. A c •1' \Y,... 0l.putll1('.I 111 1,1.- 113re a 1.1.011, 4111 1 M•a l 1111111.11, 0011,1, i t 4141 us 101101 •ts : •'\Ve ate 01 the 11(1inion I1 able to get an many uo111l.tpalirien au i'° 'ihle In en e1' ',u :t .nnl..1 1•3110- pawn, aisle1'ca11 I1.[ .I, , 1,.• takers by this orgamli, it i;nn lU ...rare converted lu•tinn to ,ldjuiuing munici- palities to have tat bylaw 1.,1.1' 1:11e,•% at the saint time.' 1'1e diacustsiou otln3cb Ldluwc.l sluwvll Mat I1a•al old ion 1'::t, upper 4.1o.L 111 the Mind, '01 tino„ 1111.04(11. and gratification 0,.• ,x11•''-. '1 :11 Ido progress ahwaly' 114.41It•. .Il Ili.*,.- 1 1 11(10' nine "dry” 11nun,IPa11ties 311 Ue• comity. .1.11411 1;(1011. 11 1;1141 14% JIigh:.111 line illteddy kill., 1, r.ttnpaigu. I lthe1' pl:0',s w111 10110w. a11,1 oho 0010011 WAS exilres• •d that 11 00,011,1 1,411 I., 11,115; 40-0,1,.. 1111E01,, wi111 perhaps, 11nly at few except i•111., w'lll ht• 1*,.;,tr11111 rho lice111-e41 harraN,enu. T110 fullutviug 1, 4101Am 00;1, JI,. 1,1 un;1113uo41sIy, will, inf.ltu,twh, 11.1,,. 4r:,,11 it to the l'r,niur,.tl F,•et01n, '.1'11-04. yrar a imunitt.e 111 Lot' I.:1 fo,r. oleo;, .111,1 iia; , •.10711,1 (1'r•at the 1.I;IT,u•ut •muniry•alti1• 111 liuruu county 1lg.(,i.d; tis.. .else,•. meat id lie 1411u11r 1,1,I arc,\11. ni,,.l too•0I111uun Iha, 11.••I.,'•ns, n, •1e1 1111 1111' 1111,111 11111(4 1..11 111,',J111•.,.•111 1111'1• 11lxkiug 1011 hone,( .•1f..11 to ,•Inns,, 1111• law as tar as in hi, 11'.4',•5. I:el4: i.1- ing the license 01.1 r1. t,5.f 1.\ Ens( Ilium]. repo. to. as to the en .1 re 1111.111. .o.' very nt1'wtsI.411nry, and w.• know that tar .Ill'. s•nt 111`1"'''" 1'ur t11e,4. tWo ridiu,,, fur 11.1 11rol„ sly' t(r,3ng 11(13 lata, .11111-1r4,ngly i.•eo..,- tn,•nd t h,•it• 1rn,nt.,1 1111111 1111111. \Ve ul,u ieslM•41Jully .ugge,t that 11/1. 11 - ofect1.lM be 111011 who lite in v011110l 1,01 111,11A 111 the ridint .... \1'•ved by Hey. T..1. huotc•l,•n, (*,.,led Icy Ilet..1. 1i1.en,•, .col ealrnll, ''sbat this I'''l.%vistn„1 places nu or.. 11s n1; ret 111..1 the I...ulic.,p of tie three lift'. ul,,j •lily I.v 1113„ 11 to 1d'u1;: 114.411 op1111d 11,1., .,pern11••1i 11 :.1• upon n and I. A11.•nuuo,l. urge, 1 he (4.,•.01011114•11( to d,. ::way will, Ibis gri.'v, 1, inrdrn, %%1111'11.111.:6111.1y 10 111114 IHC•k 1,11. disco 111100 till. great molal 1110% 1.010-111.' -. 11 was ur1,red by .1. 1:, .:.lvetilo, k, 044.0,41•10,1 by Bev. 11. 1'.. turtle, and t il,le,l :,"111:1. 1141115; 111.,1 to o•ii upu11 1.,1505.11 MAI ('.,n+.•-Vittnr c.0i- *11da1e,, .1111 .,.k Ih, it sut,poIt 111 e1M1I$11(n57 Ili*- hhrl•'•-,1111,. al,o in seems 4Iegi-lalion in the best illteii'sl'- 111 tenll•,•laulr. 111 e.1 411 c%Illlidate. pledg.• 1 hentw'10 e,, el.•etnr. Will In•:11 11b.11v 1.. y�'I.• r, r. lire e.111- didalr o11ll.ir choir, ,h11u111 only nue cat:MMO..4 • do Ho, t4' 111140 4,111- 51111111/1 au,l 1tt111a•u11 in hi. I'.w11e \al,41r11.1 11,1lblrr du .11, w,' GrtuG nu' (4: Ili,lidal,• uurstt4wr.= .�, •, `,�hr.11i 01»et,•,;trd w,n1' 1. frl'ot0, : l'rtlbld,•nt, h. liueh:uian, 1%'n,5:h:un ; .iee*realdrnl•, 14. M. Elliott, li,r.te- rich : Bev. \V. \Ln'Liu, M:xemu : Rev. II. E. Alb... \\'iu¢11an1 ; Clintuit : II 04,11109. .1. F{rn%4'n, t:,itl,•rirli ; c„n c. oars, Lode. rich. .1. IL1�llberlxon :.';31111111. B,'%. .1. (.11.•111' : '\ .Ighaub, \\'. 11. Green : Seafcml.h, .1. 1:.\liuveul,,, k : I:..ylleld, Rev. .1. \1.:X.•11 11, es,el., \4 , II. }Karr: I•:x,'1,•1', '1'. \101%81luu, ; I(en- NAII, .1. l'. SI dm•dtlnp Myth. A. CAMs : Hay. S. Ii,un,ie : NV. \V..t- tera : 'Ilo-!,c,• 1113tH, lt,-o. E. Salvers : ti11 •ilii y Y:1u-. '41.3'•3 posit. 1414. li:,iii.• : 1:n.i 1.'•,:u•.,.I,, \V. 1:, (''nits•; , Tui .Ie•,,v, (irey. 1'. Sts: ,hen : A,Illief •.1. 11. 11'•1'•. 11. \1a5:e0'. ..-: 3,1.1111 07 Shoes for Dress Occasions 11(1.11) slipper, and I pa for milady. .waggeir'lie1, etc., for Zhu sterner aux. 1'he new .,11riu;; styles iii ll•:..t t'im'e, of .hues are a distiurladvluo•e io 11(1111 design and at tract ivent.,,. Itett .4 have a look and a pair tic tau a., well 1.11 those times when you want 1.1look Firt.icularh• .w, U.. Wm. Sharman eISMINOM Sow har1ek for profit T,w lwu. r, Apia 23, Mb 8 II' Won't ray you tit (;rbW %%hot everybody i; rOw's,—get out of the rut this year and sow phots of barley. tier ,35 bushels an. acre from 0(41 1(14; y land, -- .48 pound hu.hcl,-- brought Soc. spot cash readily Last ;car,-- ought to 'ring more than that this year. Barley k a ready-moi.ey crop that too' few Cana t;ian tanners .p;row. 1 r 1? -- you'll he glad you ,lid. 1.1 i Permanent Results "1 had leen suffering for ntrr two months with an obstinate rough, nit had also my little girl. W,• tried pcvcrel remedies commo, to any drug More nithout obtaining any apparent relief, in fart wt• were growing worse. i got a ,bottle of Coltsfoote Expectorant from 1711' druggist aml amid•• of two days the r0Ugh was eeopp•d, and t11,• n0„0tt1 at1 permanent and rapid that wc decid,•.l to keep it in our Annie eon.inudly. l4l)ltE1{T 1'.\LEN. • h11111nn, uttawa. Coltsfoote Expectornntrecognised the n'orld ,.v.r as 311,• 1.''?,,ap• a. •,pe61n ever used by the medical proles ioc for Tough., ,"old., t'rnup, itic sad Tightness nf tar (:hr.t. I hildn••1 1161' it. '1'd introduce it int,. e0,-ry home we will pend a free sample 10 every person Minding their name And address to Pr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, Sold Ly all np tO date droggi.l. at Send for Pres Sample Today. 1111 y 41f 1''101 er..n.•,• and 1neral wa, present. a11.1'•on,btr:v.1 :111 1peu 1•0114.11.11000 in 1 he ,1 thl'iuoun :111,1 101 - die, -ed a mu, meeting ❑1 night. Those present a1 the Toulon tem- pt ranee gutbering flvnn U,derich '4010 ,L' 1'. Hsu.' n. 1:. 1'. 1'n n l i n. 11. 11111 k. 1;, Al. Elliott. Mr -..I. 1', 11,010 0, %he, J. 11. ledierlwm, \Ir.. %tort i, o'.I 11.., \Icl li:n•tnid Moak Agent •'I hove it lith• book here .n ,1'hung'. Yon ehy:111 111 Know. ” Snl1.nhi "'1'1i.1) y1111 ought lu knew that I don't 0%111,1 nor." urtsbin Fur 049 Ideal Fencing Most Durable - Strongest 400 aibita.Arifore opiabl,,il/Bsi mmomm 011101. .� ie - = Iilll�Isk=qtr/ t _•.1 Did You Notice These Prices ? I; \Wore, :311 inches %,3 11111'. i 14 ., 111 inches high. s Wires, 17 inches high. :• \\•I1'.•., 3t inehe, high. Cas•' :Ck: All No. q Hud Steel Wire 6 Months .11e :Ce: Ile 37c By purchasing a carload and paying cash we are enabled to quote unit sell the most. durable g feu w -on the hu Market at a remarkably e tb u,arka 1 y low figures above hooted. When you buy Ideal you gest no experiment. There i:': pipit testimony to the superiority! of Ideal Fencing 111.11111 tact Plat the g•eat railway clirporatiots buy it almost, e(Cltisivcly, 8U much so that there is more Ideal sold to them than all others com1Pime 1. They must have the best. We to which Ave will draw your attention when you Coille 111, Buy your Coiled Wire, Nails, Portland Cement, Glass, etc., from us, and see our $2.75 Horse Clippers, a snap at $3.75. Get our estimates of Plumbing, Heating, etc. have s.itilcthiug special in the galvanizing Howell Hardware Co., Limited Successors to L. P. Pauli i r- Housecleaning Helps -1 1 1 ti',i.l nn yon*, b+1. We ,1eliv,'r good'spromptly.F. J. BUTLAND GODERICH DRUGGIST mom I'h,.+ it tbu Mevu,ol, wheu'ud.erleeming t+ m (3111 swing. We 111Te4* 1 few aid. ill Makings the work lighter on the '.A(wa)it,. AMMONIA. ise bottle LYE, roc tin CHLOR'DE LIME. Ser and toe package ' CREOLINE, soc lb. BORAX, roc Ib. MOTH BALLS, aoc COPPERAS, roc Ib. FORMALDEHYDE, sec. Ib. CARBOLIC ACiD, roc oz. Ib. ®elle 1 1 VINOL 'Filo 1' .1 1, ver 1141 pn'pa *,atom 111.41 Ila, not Lit disagreeable taste of far obblaMluod'.ol 1'INI Liver Oil preparations. 1t i. a Blond Purifier. I'le,sh Ihvxtet• and best '1'oniv for thin time of the year. \1'e 11-111rn your minter if not satisfied. Sold by ELUI'ORD BLOCK 1•lUengUi j'rodneee, the copieGODERICH, ONTARIO .r r• 1 „The • eiltise•mow* e—eta•, Mart!n 5eiour Pala!'. A LEADER IN TNE. !I4 1. RACE Where Shaking is Respectable A Draft off forme• dome, lvit ,. nth.. assistance, Is perorNna in s ft - fact 01laence 1, 3',4107 tier. Only aerp/u. gest rises of iterlf above the frr, den:' bulk 1sto nsh-pit, and sinless legit. - mate wthrt t1' therein unrolled, dose tell (laps through ash -/nor slits end Into ,penins face. In "Sunshine" Furnace the legitimate dust l.utlet is pro- uided. It's a great big dust - pipe running straight from ash -pit to dome, thence to chimney. When big pipe damper is opened, all dust in ash -pit ascends to dome; then, when direct drafts are opened, all dust paces up chimney. Always the clean and quick dust route In "Sunshine" Furnace — cia grate, to pan, \to dust -pipe, to dome, to Imney, to open lair. MOWS MONTREAL NINNIKa Write to us for "Sunshine" testimonials received from yourown townspeople. McCIarys V. ANCOUVER STIIA N, N,B. NAMIlTOY 1 CALOAM 1 1 1 1 1 The only Absolutely Pure Paint. 11.11 111,. !tempest IN,•i,titse One gallon covers 4;,o citrase feet two coals. (let is color cant, an,i try this paint, and you will nee no other. Th.. hest peint.•re Nay Martin heno,r'e pure white lead le the hest. Everything for painting cheapest at Worsell's Hardware. •`•ttl1111111•1•—• 1 1 1 1 1 1 e.4