The Signal, 1908-4-23, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICII, ONTARIO 'I ntoureAY, April 23, 19045 3 Mews of the istrict. E. fiill has gold his 30 -acre farm iltuu• Brand Hend to John Holt, I1t that vicinity. for s .1(1). rdia. Jus. Tum. of Exeter. who wf- lend a paralytic 'stroke .1441011 this ago. i► rapidly regaining strength. Tbt• death of Mn.. Jas. Beckett. an r tetim •d mud well-known resident ,of Lower %% Ingham, °teemed in Lundun .,u Tuesday, the l fab iu*t. Deceased Monesetunlit Mineral Water 11111E (tyl)KRICH MINERAL. WA• 1i s to ('U.. manufacturer. of Mellow, lung.'an prepared to dottier to any fart of Ilea town halfwit (linger Ale in Mata .nal quart, also Mluerll `v'aia•r 1:1 throe mans illtt.., 1, and quartet, Meitner Wester and Iranme Isola. Thor) goa1a an made from Natural mineral water, alai are thereinto far•.- Iron, *II im1"uul ... 1'. 1.. \VAI -TUN slan eeer 1'Ixwu 2'll. ht Music .!SIC CLASSES. - I AM 1'ltE- 1'AItEI, mo revel' c pupil. fur I,asmus lu plait!) mud theory. W,0$ 110 Wtrvwuo 'uu*k,,I kinde,grrton uwlhod for Yining children. 101111,' .tad °Mur Infurmrttjjat nay Ite had at 7'hotsa,o,s music store, uoaurieh. F.Mlid A A. A. TROY ADAMS Teatime or .IAA° Studio iu Hank of Mounts! IHts k. Medical .Uta. EMMKR$ON k TURNBULL. 11 A T. Itawaw rev, M.G. V4 t K Towne:Lt. Al. H. alfa,•.+ Ham*lton etroce. Phone Ili. IM. Kmieter'aa. reuMeucr. North 'Ur et. ,)yyrrtlu ht. uegaw.chuach.'phone lei. 11r. Turnbull ■ rwddenee, Montreal alreel. booth a wt of Public 141 61st v. 1'boue, MI. I )lt. W. F. UALWVI'. M. B. 4 olive. Colborne street. 3430 dour to )3ovr,. rota hank Telopi.os.r --.kilo.,, 121: heru.1', Iltt 11K. F. J. K. FORSTER EYE. EAR Nose and Throe only. ser' tford. the. Howe -urgoon New los Ophthalmic 111111 (ural 1,44441010. IAaaet. t 1mksa1 a-.I.twd Fier. \,a.* stat Throat Hospital. Golden Sonar...0111i )loyal London Ophtlaalumic 1)1..,r:nrIA I ytl Ho.pita1. lo,ldun, Eng. .Mee .vllw'I trer1, s1' ration!. .agaolle \Vlnd,nr hotel. Iluun : 91S a.m. 2 1 r.1111. 7 a l..w. Trleta.ule l:7. Legal • ' 1AMBRON & KII.I.OKAN, BAR- ItINTk:IL' soliriter+, notaries., oar. (aloe. het. 1.I 0. CAMICIW\, K1. (. J. l.d YIL IUHAN. _ PROUDFOOT. HAYS 4 BLAIR barrLdert. s licitor.. notarise' :MU4. pre • t webs the Mantises' l vert. etc. tlmce, resat '440 Stuart.. next dn,r C. A. Nairn'. groenry. 1'11 'ate rul1e,d, to lend al k w tat rate. of intere.l. w'. PIt)UUFWT. K. 1'. IL I'. HAYS. U. F •t1.Allt. DR:1{hN14 N k (iA1t1tOW, BAIL. ItI4TFIt». attorney.. ,nitcltor, etc. liudrro-h. Matey U, lend ie lowe.t rate.. F: I_ pit KINSON.t'HAItI.E.s OARK'N'. I,L.1I O. i(IIINtil'ONHARItIMt'I:It• �'aohrnor. tvu.m(.-1'.m,.•.. notary pbl. 11gk.e• Utensil.° ...wt. UelrrIrti 11,1, Insurance, Loans. etc. VOUN(i k ItOBKItTSON, REAL 1 Notate *t..1 insurance Altet)lo. Heal e. tate for ole or to Irl 1'ropert.ea 11.1,1401 b. any part of Me town and .runty. Fin and 10 lnaurance. u,o*oy to loan etc. TORN W. I:KAI(ills, LIFE. FIRE .4 ted anident itsura,aoo. Agent for leveling mn11101 and Rock rout les. .ure1a'r 1110111 .1 tenet elected on beat it's n . a,d .0 lowe.t eve-. 1'x11 *t. Mllee. corner Wend Streat also ),posto or adder+. J..W. (14AlUIF:, uuderich, Out. 1 rte ,bone 21 �icKII.W1' Ml'TUA1. FIRE"IN - Ill 1' It A N4' F. t' U. -Farm sled I,ul*le••l t 1wn propene xnnucd. 1,)M, cn--J. IL McLean. I'm . Ftp 1,•v T. Fr..wr. Vier Pas., Ik neetiei1 I' 'Omuta. F. )fay-. 44 ,.......( 4-.. netball' 1 n INrvr'on•- Wi. t' uIIn..ey, Nealnll. .Polo: G. Ork•ar, %Vintbrop: George Isle. 'o.forth• John Honuew.f*, .tubba: James Kean.. Heel•. 1,001'1; John watt. Harin•k. Tho. 1,*-eI, nceneld . John P. )dclaau, KInnen . Jw.. a unnollh, Clinton. J. %V. Yeo, H(11n,e.ctlle. ngrot for want Huron. Polk,yhuldmw can }}cloy assessr11etes and set their c*rds reeei/1ten at Tot es. 1,C Ilru*n' Clinton, or at IC. 11. Cute • gives.' y. Klog.tou.lttvl, Uudcricb. SHAVING PARLOR `(HAVING AND HAIR-DRESSINIi raitholts. The hemi pinr:• in loan. l'ron,pl erl•ker; everything y Inns and 1..ry. Mu. as., ,wM WM. I4.4Vis. Ikai.h hxeh.i.g, Hotel Illock I.act•,.ur 10 J1,, Fritzlcyl. Marriage Licenses ALThI tU r llKRN'H KFLL\ ,V U U. T. Watchmaker, Jeweller o,4 4 t14 {clam loaner of Mannino License.. WLANE. ISSUER OM MARI/I- . MIN licensee, Uoderirl,. OuI.. Auctioneenng 'FIiOMAM (,11Nl)K1', 1,IVEliTIN'K 1.. and goners' ant•. lnnenr. 1 1I. t, on Soul It Street, ober, he will bo toned at 011 1'.111100 when not eryln*Islas. Tents res.nm*ble and every effort used to give you satisfaction l'Aono:u GEORGE BECKETT General Auctioneer. New System of Tickets and Catalogue. OFFICE,. HAMILTON ST. P. O. Box STOVES You will 'nisi some real bar- gains if you fail to see what i can do for you in one of those Good Cheer ranges Good Cheer art heaters Penn Esther ranges Nothing just as good for the money ; every one guaranteed. 5 per cent. off for spot Cash Plumbing, Tinsmithing and Repairs Electric Wiring and Fixtures. GIVE US 'A CALL W. R. PiNDER 'Phone ISb. i war fifty-eight yearn of sgr. She Ieaysa her hushnud and four daugh- ters to mourn her dewite. Mr. Palmer. the proprietor and former editor of The Wroxeter liter, bus again taken puswersiun of the .au/1e. Aluuut six week* ago Frank AlcUur- tuick, of Cake's.. broke 04443 of him arm*. A fortnight ago he tell and b •11 , ' k1' oar t 'a f b1 le go. Y. %Vie. J. McKay, son of Jae. McKay, of Grey, was reeutly married in Earl (trey, Kiosk.. to Mies Mabel Ceniplell, of that place. Andrew Calder, o r who Id 1 r Fk. / t of rlh has suffered hem a disease of the leg for many years., has hail the injured member awptitaletl shove the knee. J..t. Harris. of Brandon. Ala44., son of Mee. lieu. Harris, of Wroxeter. Was recently married iu Darlingford, Man., to Mists Luella lllarke, of limit LoW11. Miss Ea Matheson, who has severed her connection with the staff of %Viughau, public ach..ul, heves this week for I'oughkeepele, N. Y.. where she hatted* re.idiug. V. 11. Vannorulau has disputed of his 'bus and Iwgy;a a delivery business iu %Vinghum t.• Alex. Reid. of Lon- don. Mr. Vauuurruarl will remain in %%Inghaut for the present. Miss Nellie I)tuocsu, yetingest (1sughter of the late 1'huutaa ..mean, u[ Seatburlh, recently departed this life at the huute ua her mother in Guelph, after en illuesa of fire ytsrri duration. lienjktuin Emerson, a G. T. It. em- ployee who was accidentally killed neer Uobuurg x Went time ago, was a nephew of li. 1'. Eines-sm. of London. and a cousin ul Miss Reggio, of Mum- ulerhill. After a lingering illnrsb of Udsrcul- °eis Wnt. Uirxlwood, eldest eon of Jas. 11. and Maggie Culclough. of lot "l of the 174.6 cuncessiun of (hey, parsed away on Tuesday, the iftb inset., et the early age of twenty-four years. Rev. George and Mrs. Baser. of Illuevale, were ruiuumuned to Toronto rete tly by the serious illness of their tenet/fiend, whew they found in the general hospital suffering from double pneutisuuia and pt•ricanlitis. The young Ulan has a special physician and nurse, but he is still in a precari- ous condition. A new household has found its way amid the hewers of Blyth, that of Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent. Until Rev. S. A. Anderson pronounced th..ae old yet ever new words of mystery at the of her father, Joseph Taman, of Myth, on Thursday. the bell hut.. the fbride WAY known tn, her host. of friends Iia .'tloa A(1* Taman. \\-hili visaing at the home of his sten-in-law, George Brock. ,,f the Mill rvaul, l'uckeemith, NVen. Stevens. a former old and ...selected rewideut of Alma. died very suddenly 110 the result of a stroke Of paralysis. un Suu• day. the 12th inst. Mrs. Alex. Jamie - of the Huron road, l'uckerswitb, is a daughter of the deceaaeel. (In Monday, the I:Ith in.„. Miles Miller, an old and honored resident of the 3111 line of Morris, whose' veers were fourscore and six. joined the talent rnajrtrity. Ile leaves a wife. 1 Wu *Otte nod three daughters W muun, J ' . The children are Wil- liam, of 1anulun : Joarph and Meethunei Geo. Proctor. Richard Bell and Josu (bull#*, all ub Mortis. 1)11 Monday, the 1:1111 in.t., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Berrybill, of Winchelsea, received the sad intelligence of the death in jeondmu of their second daughter, Jennie It., wife of .lames Ogilvie, of that city. Deceased, who was in her twenty-liflli peer. leave's. beside. her huslmnd• eve little children to nmurn their irreparable iai'able haw. The Ivnlaine were taken to her former home fur iolerwent. Seaforth's Assessmeut. The areessn.erlt of ilii town of Sea- ford. fur the year I111M shows a total of $4'80,3144. This is about the seine figure as last year. 'rite population is 3,IS;, compered with 3.L�1; last year. New Anglican Recta. Re%. W. H. Lunlsu• has hen ftp• amutel rector of t lin.. changes at Middleton's. Holmes%i114 and Suui- userhi11. He is a young 1114411 just out f (Belfast and is already W11111ing the love and esteem 11f his people. JacksonCraigWedding. :1 large Ler of guest. assembled :at thn home of Itehert Craig. of the 1( %V g the o 'e on elne„olx 1'h line of , y. Mei inst,. to witness.. the marriage of his daughter. Margaret .Janet, to Al- beit Henry Jackson. sou of Jas. J*ck- s.an, of the 14414114. township. Rev. J. I, Small, Il. A., .if Myth, oRtciated at the sere y. Mr. and Mrs. Jaeklon will take up the :- ie*ult are un the 13th concession of Mullett. Fire at Seaforth. A Ila• 1avinvel let Sea(larlh O'1 Fri- dey night by which the etorehowse of John It. (iovenhx:k. runta iniugK some forty tons 01 hay, was totally de- stroyed. \ tar tilled with hay was standing cline by and it also was emu - 'steely destroyed. This hay was the property of Mr. (iovenlock also, and as there was no insurance it in an en- tire toss tv hint. Bieattie's grain ele- vator. near by, also took fire, but the flames were extinguished before much damage was done. Died in Chicago. A well-known r•e'ident of Wroxeter, in the person of Mrv. female, relict of the late I)r. H. 13. Smuts, pasted away in Chicago, on Monday. the 0th beat., at the age of sixty-five years. De- ceased )..ceased had been spending the winter with hes non, 1)r. W. M. R. Snide, of Chicago. A severe attack of pneu- monia following en operation reuse( her death. The teuainn were laid at rest In Wroxeter cemetery beside those of her husband, who prede- ceased her two years. A Tockerimlth Finesse. Another of the worthy pioneers who have laid the foundations of Huron's prosppeerity, in the person of John A. McLaren. of Tuckersmith, passed to his long home on Monday. the ilith inst. Ipceaseel, who was born in Scotland eighty-Hye years ago, came to Caned* with his brother, Robert. in 1)Ift. I'r.wceeding west- ward he settled nil the fano on which he reddest rnotinuou'ly until a few years ago. when advancing years made it expedient for him to make his home with his nephew, Robert Mc- Laren. on the adjoining to in re- ligion deceived waw A define Pte4shy- terien and in politic. a Ref enter. A men of remarkable late once, un- purchase's/4e hdnest andkindly dis- position, he enjoyed the esteem of sal who knew him. His mingle life was one of blessedness to ninny. Death of Lemma Maonisg4 CI4.ws. In the person Of Lawrence Monty who passed front the scene of this world's activities and nares on Thurs. day, the U b inst., at the age of lour. score sod two veal'.. death bas claimed one of Clinton's nowt r• - tweeted citieQs and ons of Colburae's former pioneer residents. Borth in i►evunshirv, Cog„ d.ceasea b came to Canada when u1' fifteen [t ra yearn 111 sge. Atter residing in D/u•liogton, Ont.. as few years he settled uu the farm in Colborne where he *lent the prior of his life stud where in IKu1 he Walt united 10 his worthy µµ°u•Luer, a sister of Jas. Stevens, of Clairton. A quer- ter of a century ago the4' moved to 14 farm in the viciuity of Suin,uerhill, where they remained miuntil their re- tuovel w Cliuton eight )nary 4444(4. Upright. kind-bexrted, progressive slid industr•ioue, deceased held a higtl place in the esteetu of his fellow-cltii''- zens land the footprints which he has left on the welds of memory will not won be wished at1-y. Besides hie widow ler leaves to 111013113 hie demise nue emu, Jenks, of Colborne, and el* daughters-- lleedalnee 1). Connell, of Seltford: I. Jordan, of Uoderich township: 1. Fidler, of Kingsville; 1'. Beacom. of Suwuterbill ; Bogie, of CoIborue, and C. Belau. of Merlin. SAVE THIS ANYWAY. Put It in Some Safe Place, for It May Cane in Handy Some Day. Here is a simple huwe-wade wix- ture as g.ven by an ewinent authority 011 kiduey disease, who teakee the statement in a New Turk daily paper L ya{,, it will relieve alutost any ease of kiudey trouble if taken before the stage of Bright'. digests.. lie states that euth symptoms as lame [tack, pain in lbs ride, 'frequent desire to urinate. especially at night ; 'sinful and discolored urination. are readily eveIeotur. Hese hi the recipe; try it : Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-ba11 ounce : Compound Kenton, one ounce ; Cuwpauod Syrup Sar•aaparilla, three 011ntx'.. Take a teaspoonful after each ureal and at beds' A well-kuown4dr.ig int here in town i► authorit, - that threw ingredients are all harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in a bottle. This mixture hes a peculiar healing and soothing effect upon the entire kidney and urinary structure. anti often overcomes the worst forme of rheunlaliaul in just a little 1vhile. This mixture is maid to remove all blood disorders and cure the rhenwa• liar by forcing the kidneys to filter tied strain from the blood and 'system all uric acrd and foul. decomp,atd waste matter, which cause there Afflic- tions. Try it if you aren't well. Save the prescription. EAT WHAT YOU WANT. But Find the Way to Digest What You Do Eat. The first thing to du in the cane ut indigestion or stomach weakness is to etrengthel the wuaeular walls of the stomach end intestines. so that they will cure for the food that is eaten. In no other way can this he dune as well as by taking a Mi-o-ua tablet be- fore each meal. Thi+ restores strength to the 'stomach lnuwaes and stimulates the pouring out of gastric juices. then the food digests readily and ynu begin to get the full benefit from what you rat. Use Mi-o-ut whenever you have sick head/ithe, he'trtbnru. bad taste in the ur11uth, coated tongue, spots before the eyes. sleeplessnees and the many other symptom.' that aro the direct result of indigesti,u. .las. W'ilwti gives with every tO•eent box 0f Mi•u•na w guaranteu to rebind the money unless the remedy cures. The Dairy and Cold Storage Commis- sioner's Retort. I'he ordinary government blue book is net expected to make very interest- ing tending, for it. usually contains only at Turned statement of the work of some department or branch there- of. Net so with the reports of the various branches of the Dominion De- partment 01 Agriculture. which are written and prepared with at view of giving advice and Instruction based un experiment or investigat' . Tlie report of the De ' ' dairy and cold 441(41age a &donee, J. A. Ruddick. recently issued is no excep- lion to this rule, and any person in- terested in dairying, fruit or cold star - lige should secure a copy.% This branch of the Department deals largely with the commercial side of the industries which it touches. Three we fled such questions a. "The Ship- ping of Green Cheese," "The Ce'd Cur- ing of Cheese," "Cow Testing Associa- tions,- "The Apple Industry of Can- asta" "The Administration of the Fruit Marls Act." "The Transportation of Perishable Products," etc., fully desalt with. Any person miry Femme it copy free of charge nn application to The Dairy and Cold Storage Cumwiu.ioner, Ot- tawa. A Shiniri Iright. An old Barky, anxious to be a Inilt- ister, went to bo °retained. 11e was questioned thus : • . "Can you write ' "No ash !" '.tend :" "No. ssb!" • "How do you know about the Bible ?" •'Ma niece reads it to me !" , . ' "Knlite abau1 the Ten Command- ments:'" No,-sah '" "The twenty-third l'stlru :'" "Neither heard of him. wall !" "Know the Beatitudes Y• "Nq, Fab!" "Well, what ,part, of the Bible do you like best l'" "Parables, soh!" -Can you give its one?" "'held, yea. salt •" "Let us have it. then." "Once e'en de Queen of 'Slletrt wale Rwine down to Jerusalem, she fell among thieves. Fleet, dey pasted her by on ale oddah side. den dey come oveh an' dey Ray unto her, 'Pro down Jezebel!' but she wouldn't fro her down ; and again dey s1, unto her, 'Fro down Jezebel!' hat she e wouldn't fro her down: and again dey say unto her for de Rrd and last time, for 1 ain't gwine to ax pia no nui, 'Fro down Jezebel!' and dey freta her down for seventy times and seven, till de reinitiate were 'leven baskets : and 1 say unto y", -whose wife was she at de resurrection?" 11100 Reward, 6100: The readers of thie (caper veil be ph a'ssel to learn that there Mat lee.' one dreaded Moose that aetenee has been able to cure In all It* Mages, and that 1- Catarrh. Rall'. t atanh • airs to the only positive euro now known to the trledlo.l fraternity. (.lnerh. being a .on.tltn• Wood disease. requires a Metall ntiunal troat• trent. Hans Calan. (airs ix token sternally, acting directly upon the blood end osseous enrf*ota of the ayM.ent, thereby dna raying the foandM Ion of 1M rheum *nil erivine the rU'snt strength by buildingno the oonatitu• on and wesoUt4M nature In doing Ile work. proprietors yr .4 laeeh rank In It* curative -power. 444.4 they After One Hundred Dollar, Mee ann two that It fans to care. Send Ihe UNtltyee t ��t,(�tlitSY & Co.. Tslabw O. hks Yslp': Ysi o gl for esionlesLM. HIS, FRIEND'S ADVICE. (1*uupb*Uton, N. 13.. .%p111 _14 h. .Special.)—Mir. %V. 11. Wallies.. 01 this place, is a builder and cun(rat3l0l 1,11,1 is very well kuown :1041 reapeete.i. The facts u( bis cant•. 101.11.11 w„ 111'11,1 11010W. .1111W 110w 1111.4311)17 11141,1'. Kid- ney fills tune kidney t11u11de. -Soule 114110 ago," Mr. \Valla., Writes, "( w010 engaged to 1111.441134 u very large family leridrlmY sit It 1'1 is., le 416411,111,• ,.f there u•ilrN, nearly two usi:('0 of *lash it heti t.. le ('1441% eyed by witty). 1 bad lu 1e there day end night and the ron0equrn,e wax that I caught a Very *weir 434141. Title Settled in my back- on my kid• try*—and 1 Iwe ' .0 laid l email basally uui1.'. A fl'soil 11f °title 1,141 trlr of U.a1d's. Kidoet• fills and gave mer half a l..x PG* t,• give tbrio a trial and sifter 1 had Ipken them 1 frit much letter. I then purchased an- teher lex of yhwldb Pid,ey PiII. and after taking them the pains had en lively left esu awl 1 1,+u • quite cues!,•' Mis Reward. • 1%0 1111111 10140.1 .tot v i. related here may already have left this. world.. That ho esti live another year, or even half that time, seems all but impos- sible: stud *hulled any uiuyf may 4itue'ae for hitt the daybreak of the life of which it is wiitte11 that tleu• shall he no more pain. Wlieu the terrible accident. was over, and they u44covelrrl the mangled. et in at hotly, ,u, little of life W sa left 1 it 1'h they it lila hint dead. And when the .urgeuns had finished their work there 1entain0d but tllythy$ical 101 e'6 of a man. Both legs were 6 • : the heft :urn w•de Miming, aid heti token with it the greater part of the coller•Ietne. 4)f the right hand only a linger remained. There was only enough left of On man that had leen to sinter and it - mein her. But he still puserired a Inilli:utt mind. etnrt'd with the rich fruitage of a college traiuing. and enriched Ly travel in every part 11f the world. And it was all wanted, w**ted ! 'Phare web nothing he (0141(1 do but to remain a helpless sufferer. So be thought x, he fat by the win- dow in the Howe fur Incurables. and looked out un 31' wutld of which he had erased In lee :t part. Before 1 lay hi. Hible. and he read the parable of the (Aleut., and ...fleeted bitterly that he bad now not one talent to bury: he himself was as goal lie .stelae and hie l silent', which had been many, were buried already. An ill lady wheeled tier chair be- side his and rrsd a Inter which had been bent her. It was from a stranger but it di.1 her gta.l. Ila was interested, end asked her about it, and learned that there wee .a kind 1.1 oryranizetion that furnished addresses .41 invalid* and shut-in folk to lwr.ons who were willing to write thew cheerful ktter'. She haul seta her °amu au one wh, would 1e glad of an occa1iuual letter, and, this un- known corrr1I4ll 4lent w'see h .e "- regularly, regularly, anti the late' s (1,111(111 U.1 her. A sudden thought rant( to Mtn. receive letters would be a little com- fort to hien, last why should he not write them') But to is : Could there be any persons w, shut in as he who could ie cheered! Ly his lettere Possibly the usrn in prison wear a trifle fns lar prtir01 ; vet even they had hope of rt lease.:n1d he had none. But it was worth Iryiug. 1331) he Wrote to 1114• ux•let:uy of the 0 ganization for for 11/411114 01 N e prisoners. Ile win: informed that Lis letter* could not Ise answered: the rad.•' of the prime' would not. permit. But he uudertn ok 1 he uuc-?ideticot 4,, p,lldei,ce•, Twice a week ht wrote and the lel • tern taxed his strength to its I. 'l. But into those letters he pot his whole soul, all his experience. all his faith, all his bright wit, all him Chi Ohm Optim-' 111111. It ie hard to continue antiug whets it coats labor and pain. 111111 especially hand when there is un reply, '.•here w•rle titles when he grew discoul;iged. and was tempted to give it up.. But it MIN his one roux' g talent. and he resuh•e,i 111 use it as 111114 a•. 11 lasted. At length he got *letter. ' It te:., very short, and written ,1t, ler 1:.- tiunery of the prison Is the Alper whose duty it Web to rend the tette-s of the convicts. All it said was this : -- "Please *'tile °11 as g111141 paper 11s you can afford, fol' your letters are l'mooed 1root c,1I to e•11 till they iterally drop to pieces." Scull jab American. 1f a brido ism t homesick for her lamily six week' after lu*rriage its at sign *hc wat'ried the right: maw -- Chicago News. _ SHILOH'S (uick rase' for the worst cough—quick relief to the heaviest cold—and SAFE to take, even for a child. es That is Shiloh's Cure. Ciurest S,kf under a guarantee Coughs to cure colds and coughs O. Colds quicker than any 'other inla medicine -or your money back 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cure. 25c., 60c., 31. 3111 QUICKLY! The Pantry, The Kitchen and The Diningroom aro requisites in ever' well -ordered household ; nevertheless They would be useless adjuncts to the home without being supplied with Good Things that are fresh and pure, from STURDY W'c CO., THE :GROCERS. Phos, et. Prompt Delivery 'Phone 56 D. Millar Co. I'Phone 56 Species; ' is in Children's Wear u, t'„ meet eoliths. 't• \1'' , 11 1 ' 1, • t w L the 1'•t n are a mote atlt u u then u rvcl u We I Y g I meta- a the "Latae i''ulk,." We have just put 111111 stuck Infants' Cashmere. Rotes Infanta' Cashmere Coats Infants' Bedford Cord Coats 114 ''o 1 .'et t,1 newt el .all iu all styles from the plata the uu a Children's Pique Coats Children s Pique Reefers Children's Pique Collars Children's Buster Brown Coats Children's Muslin Dresses at all pricer Children's Gingham Frocks and Dresses Children's licadwcar \%e Levo an assortment of Inlaid,' and l'hildun'e lleadwe.11" which would be a ...edit to any Oil) stoic. Infants' Bonnets, Hccd:,, Hats and Tams from 25c to $3.35 CHILDREN'S GLOVES AND HOSIERY INFANTS' BIBS' INFANTS' BOOTEES %\'ileo in need of lotythlu, iu Children s Ileadl..ear "DINNA FORGET TO CA"' AT Ptie Millar's Scotch S torerPve Cure for Weak Lungs "I have used your Psychine for about six months, and have found it an ex- cellent remedy for pneumonia and weak lungs." Ronald Jobason, Farewell, Ont., April 15. 1907. "Psyebine is one i;f the best medi- cines on the market. and for all throat ' e •;?% and lung troubles is unexcelled."—A word from a man who has tested it. Pneumonia, 1)rnnrhitis, Cough', (olds awl ell throat. lung nail stoma.-. troubles yield to Payebtne. At all drug- gists, 50e. and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum. Limited. Toronto. DOYOLJ KNOW THE WET WEATHER COMFORT AND PROTECTION afforded by a rannmsl y0 sem) SLICKER? Clean -Light • DuraaJlc ,j WGuaranteed ttepof Eveci irywhere Spring is dere :end 1.nlifly liou.eaaivl•:• tc111 Is• looking fur something to make the 4111idg.ry mf Iwuse,b•aning easier. , • . %('r;u'ry 1 well-.tNsort,•(1 line e( Soaps.. \%'a.II 1'otvder Brushes. Mops. lira)1n'. in 141 e,•elythiug nreet.astey for spring cleaning. \%'e Lane 111,(1 a ilea' 'q)U,•dalc'.1' ,k lir' ;;r„reties, c011fectionery, meats lout flour. Plenty of fresh egg` :111,1 proud batter always 1111 baud. Goods delivel...I promptly. Wm: L. Lindsay - THE GODERICH- 1BICYCLE EMPORIUM Solt Agent for CLEVELAND, RAMBLER and PERFECT WHEELS First shipment has been ',eei%e,1. Complete line of su,idrie'. Repair. 1 specialty: guarantied, and at 1•t'a+..u• ,(1)11. 4114,43,.. A lrw bee011d-hl,1111 w•11t4, at from $,.lr1 up. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED WM. YULE Opera liouse Block, Kingston Street. LEARN DRESS-MAKINGa BY MAIL Time st Home I l r r 1 r dare , , LVID, .. h.,r dc• u: •.• 46, dortt W (1, 14114., , 1r 111 fon.c.4 JI �, ,Inc m ,, ak.... ',hiding • •ur 'rd,• , 1 m Ior 1,.•A. pre. 34111) .•.41 lh, 43''4 ' a large. '..' L. r '4•q'If: r 4av ,II ' .4 .auk, r. n1, ''q 1 414.1.1 le"a , In n,✓,! 1,.a( ...IA • ..Lan1 e 40hr.,. I..v, 1 (.1,1, IFav 1 1,'. ., I. rlcct hrtn,1l v.61 1. td 1• H1 • : ,av 44,11,•. 111 (Mu,, :Vero :eiu.f4,1e •,11 . " Isar, ad a', Ir. And 1 . ':.iri t 1,.11 4' „ ry F1 1.-..m I'L a '.1. ,' �In.. . • •.n v.r11 1•6 Ira:,, Ire. '� 11 ,un ;ill !• 1::411 11`14111`14111•, (h 4 od 1 ..1.,'. 1 •seer 4'311;.',e,.n,. ,...a , ' •' 11, q,. ,,.1,.l, l.,•.c 1.,'„ 1,•1.1 lid atir, 111'1'. env" «:,res Pt 1,143 ,1.,,,,.1 , •"�,'r 1 .,'1 t•, 116 L •• u,•. , ,,hrual. ,Ire. •.!' n., lie 1"a,u.l.. Ih:e tie 01,•1•' I me ..,., , I' -n L- corm r. r tabu. r, 11 1'q• w'. 16.• ti, ... I. •: 1't, .r.,I h4,', tle e , 111144 "f 1 . .i1 to u„ ,q.e' ,lir a,lv *lid 1ea•I' • ., ..,' I.1. hr., ear rc n�,l. ln•,wn 1,,,4,' 1l,• 1'v,,,. : \.1.1r.' SANDERS' DRESS -CUTTING SCHOOL 41 L,,r b'.:.1!. btr*tivt4, 00(41143, katutla. Tbc People's liracre .i'hose 1(45 FINE TAILORED Suits and Overcoats I ' FOR SPRING Fruit Trees The Ilenutilltr Nurseries .111 noted for the excellence and eitality of their frnit Imes. Orsameatal Trees, Shrubs and Evergreens - A. good rolleelion Na1LaL11' tut planting in pau•k' ,and late es. Poses sand Climbers The last varieties. Ilett in a good, rich clay soil and they will give the (Nest of satisfac- tion to the louver. HANGING BASKETS RE- FILLED. Send a pest card and they will be. cellist for at any time. Address John Stewart. Estate BENMiLLER, ONT. I When You Travel HEiRE'S to the dress suit clew, .Rath serviceable and neat. Mere'* to the trunk that has travelled tinder the 'at, here's to the man who Wantm LO keep everything 'met ()elate. handy, and his head from worry. Don't trnv:l and wotry whether sent will lorehalf your things by having is pear trunk. To oh• tain a sllhstantial one, call on H. E. Knox AUBURN Aismomosommums +I New 1 14. pattern* in clothes. best of trimmings and pe•fe•L fitting style comfort and ;durability aro feature•' with its. 1.eave vette "rtlrr early. DUNLOP •THE TAILOR/ W'e+sl. Street. liudet•i,h f--W1A.NT,ED- ' IA GOOD IFARM 1 for w,le, \ut nowt is uh,r:.lana 4, ,,pan.' • 1'Ir,;tre gi, •• pn.•e ,uul d.•.crg,t tau. :Ind 1 re:uon 4., ..Iliug. N1i 111 When., r..,.e- ,.inn toleI1,• lend. \VIII deal W1111 Ohm,.“Il1)'. I . f� Ihu I,1 Ln r, Il, '04, II,N'lt•'.1,','. N. 1 MIND Gray. Buggies We have Ihenl with ltnblsel• Ti t Tires and we have them with Steel 'Tires : and we• 11,1 Ve t hent with Auto lllnbile tient. 111111 in all the Intent MTYI., ». if yon want a Boggy, or ever ,•x4,4•44 to w:1111 ', call at 11111' Willi, - n10111 111111 11e what we have. The BrayBuggoye f- the largv.t Carriage Factory in Commie. You can't make a mistake in buying a GRAY ROBERT WILSON Agent for McCORMiCK MACHINERY, SRANTFORD WIND MiLLS. FLFFURY and PERRiN PLOWS LOUDEN HAY TOOLS. STANDARD WIRE FENCE. STONE We also haven harp.' *tone quarry end are pretworl to • 'supply building atone or filling in Targe or small tpuntitie*, delivered or lit the quarry. Wan -Room Hamilton St., GODERICH, ONT. 1 leest i eK pAl. '4S N ✓ `j p��17/,yq ✓ � T hM1! &B Ifice c5, els. hlfilrt D'S uNiMEWI el - WAITED min ro 1: ,Tt�, ► r ncsseSi4 YARlNOI.S TOE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. BMW OF IIIITITiIINS SOLD ON TIE MERITS MINARD'S LINIMENT SEE 1THE New Buggies 1 at Knox's 1 ."lade by the e(lkin...tett McLaughlin Company "Only One Grade. and That The Best.” 1 1 have j.1.1 remit ed 4, ubip- umeld of these fine Buggies and inett.• anyone iiltelestrd to call 4(11(1 Nee I hem. PRICES RIGHT I WM. KNOX i GODERICH ('or. Newgate and Hamilton- streets GODERICH GOMM G. JOHNSTON EMBALMER ANO FUNERAL. DIRECTOR F uulrnmc 0111 t'udtrlakrng:we1rreou11_ \1''b( .Nle &plate. 'I'1111:NE: 3'tor lO, uuderlch 11114 tall.:.\' r".id,•naee•. exit 1'an,b,La I Ncl.on T1'rcl. J.BROP tiY E SON i- 1M11 LBADINII— Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orden awfully attained to et all hours, night or day 'PHONE 15 OR 24 , 1 '.411, ,, on %ant ( and Yards 4 rr. \rest *treed and \Vnr•chuuwi � THE 444>11 .Uo'ck liquors COAL ALL KJ,ND8 OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND 61A1l ('oat weighed on the market smiles *here you get 4100 Ib, for a ton. WM. LEE. 014e4+ 1. 41 at 1'. 4'. l,kF:'h hardware 131,44 e;ua aide. Square. promptly attended tee SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. Any )yen nlndw'nel section of tbminlon Lands in Manitoba. r4akatehewan and Alberta, rise l ing 8 and At, not l**Orvod. nosy be home- slcar[oe by any per.* on who h. the ■olhl head of 0 family, or any male over is yenta of age, to the extent of one-quarter 'section of lel sere., mora or loss. Application for entry nnlathe made In pitmen by the applicant at a Ihmdnion Lando Ammer or ,Sob -agency for the diatrlet to which thalami 1+ sltnate. Entry by proxy may, however, he white rel nn Agency on cortaln ret s by the father. mother. son, daughter, r ur ides of nn intending hmne•tesder. The 'smite -tea Is required to perform the h"11100(01 114,41 under One of the renewing pian:: ul At least Dix mentha''reklenee and r.nlllv4uoo of the land In each year flee tare. years. 121 A hnrheateadrr may. If he No desire., per. fora, the required rIl-idm,ce duties twitting on farming bad owned ewalely by him, not low Wm' righty PI1, a,.•,r, in extent, In the vicinity of 4b, homestead. Joint nwnemhlp In land wilt nW, meet this requirement. " 10 If the father for mother. If the father ludo c.•,...41110 et Ammons/der has permueent nest dents on foment land owned 001e1y by him not Ins, than eighty esti acnes in extent, In the (edema for by him In the vicinity, 4 vs•M4)7 of the omr.teed. or upon hornrrtewt home - 'tender r ``storm hi. own res detkrl by living web the Lather (or )mother,. HI The term "vicinity" in the two prseedln panyfraRhu Is dsenM mnmttyf 1101 11Ot Than ninP mllo, Ina direct line, eaelealve of the *kith of road allowances emmeid is the me1M11r:mMA. 134 A Mniouteader Intendlaa to perform hie reddens dntle. In *eeoroa140e• with the shove while living with parents or en land owned by himself mad. notify M. y.at7ar the districted ouch intentlen. Mx mento.' notice In writing ma4 bselven 10 the cent isesser se fr.w(p,lord Lamb as Ottaws K Int .U.s N •0517 ler peewit w. W. C(*Y, Depute se the 1lfinlaeerr et the interior. V.R. 1'n*nlhorlarl ptMMOfkw .t tin. ads vertiesetsat walnut Its psld be.