The Signal, 1908-4-23, Page 2114771's
$ Tacoma% April 23. 1101
ffih }gore
:,TWpbo a Can No. 33.
Terme of SubecelgUsn :
�t,as per annum io.mranc•'.
Iii .,.
'eked *tate. subscribers. eta, a )ear
ly in ad. norm
dhow w o fail le morel,• Tug Stasi,
y by 411111111 will mater a farm. by roc.
ng us of s fMet et as owearly • date
e cheese of arldrw I. desired. both 1 he
old Sad the new address nhould be et.a.
*Marianna PMI's:
Legal end other similar advent moments, 11.0
per Ilse for flew insertion end 4r per line for
each eubw.eseat Iaoretlo°. Measured by a
11 scale. twelve liner to an Inch.
I(asloir cards M sit Ilene and under. gi pet
n done Pini 811wtIt ont.F%Vented Homaned. nMr
or to Rent, getup for Sale or to Rent.
*Akin. for Sale. etc.. not •sae•dlag eight
lions. *,r each insertion :$1 for first month Inv
for each subsequent month. Larger edrerti.e-
moots In proport loo.
Aanoww..,ents in rad innrr reading type len
able per lime. No um ices It•.. than 21r.
Any aped..' notice theobje,1 of which 1. 11w
anyindividual aa.a•L
pecuniary benefit of d w
7an edverll.ement air
ail to D. oen.fdend d
w M s. for isideyacrordeafll!.
Rales for dle..la7 and rnnlrsrd Wrerti.-
rente will be given onapplication.
Addre.'..11 communication. 10
Tua Stamm.
t M.'erk•h.. hm.
SultkItIt'N. THUltslt.l V. AI'1t1I. 'M. Ed.
1'br cell has been INP1113I for n con
1 0
' 1 . f theLiberals f l'ral
n•ntw 1 lm.
Huron, the new riding created by Mr.
Whitney's gerrymander, The con-
vention will be.beld et Seafortb on
May 12th, when it in expected that an
organization for'the tiding will lw r5-
taLli.be4 and a ranJldate will Ice
placed in the Held for the approaching
election. h '
1Vbile the new riding shows a large
Liberal majority on the Iasis of pre-
view, elections. the Liberals t not
rest on their ears in the fortheowiug
contort, but must bestir theulneIves
le make sure lost a representative is
sent from this riding W support the
Liberal Itlllders of the Province in
their opposition to the discredited
Whitney Government. .Overconfi-
dence has lost many an election, and
thr Liberals 1,1 ('entre Huron should
not allow then relvea to 1m. caught
The cboo.iug of a candidate is c'an-
plicsted by the inclusion in this riding
of both the municipalities in which
Mr. Pro idfoot and Mr. Kerr, the 1:i10•
didates chosen in the old ridings of
West Huron and East Huron re-
spectively. reside. it may be that
others, in addition to these two men,
I!'II room before the convention for
codwlideration ; but it is taken for
gran that either one of these virile -
men m.1 Ice accepted as the nominee.
Mr. P oot and Mr. Kerr ere both
well konwvt and either would ie a
creditable r ntatiee of the ril-
ing ; the duly n the Liberals io con-
vention assewbl ' will be to decide
which of them, or f all the candi-
dates before the non% ntiun, will be
of the greatest *who CP 1 1 the
Opposition party in the gisl*Wre.
The nest election way con . ntly he
expected to reaellt in a runs'. •rabic
ioereaae in the fightiog atrenga• of
the Opposition, and it 'should be •e
aim of the Liberals -of Centre Huron,
as of Liberia, in ell parts of the Prov.
lore, to send their available plan
to help bring about the eventual
triumph of Liberalism in Ontario.
Toronto hada fo.rinch snowfall on
Baster Monday morning. Tho.. poor
Toronto people!
"The (Nest way to keep our jniln
empty is 10 keep our mined' frill."
This is the derlarnliou of Chief ,fustier
Kir 11'illiam Meredith, who Iwlirre.
that education la• 11,e hest preventive
of crime. Money spent nn our shouts
b atone • well
The Toronto News infunua its re*d•
en that Matthew len khart if/ "a well-
known Ashflpld farmer," The Sewn'
friend Whitney haw been making
some changes in the geography of
Huron, hut he ban not managed to
gerrymander ',lett. Inckhart int)
A citizen ask. Thr Signal to draw
attention to the need uf.a better pro-
vision for watering the attests during
the cowing euuuner than we have bad
In the pest. 1Ve pees the auggenlion
011 to the town snorted. '1'o make
Ooderich a duatlesi town is a teak
that the council will hardly undertake.
Whether it can afford to implore the
present street -watering system is
simply a question if finances.
The Signet has celled in question
the Appointment to office of menthe' N
of 11111 1h)rninion Parliament : and
when the I'rutinei,l 1.uvernment
shows a tendency in the mime direr -
tion it Owe. itself under the Matn.
critrism. The latest instance is the
apt•oinllnent of M. H. Morrison, ib.
Conservative member in the Legisla
tore forWert Hastings, as registrar of
hie comity.
A protectionist paper says : "The
Laurier tariff policy is not ranking the
*mechanic rich." The mechanic will
probably admit that he is better off
now than he was in the days of the
•'PT, P•," when there were three men
for weep Job ; but it isn't the Laurier
teem policy that has Improved his
eandltioe--It is the absence of lbs
Co_mervatlry teri;i polity. which tied
ase Industry and parented the na-
tural development of the country,
be MO - excepting the tsw favored
meg trio est MI tba loft side of a pH/ -
Waite 1.4011-•M "made Hai" by the
n y1
i.aurier tariff or any other tariff. I
is hard work that briuge wealth, no
the customs regulations. All tb
tariff doeb is to courert won of tb
wealth which the mecbauic creat
into the pockets of the protected o►aot
The Canadian Courier punishes
starry to the effect that The Teroot
News is to become an ••e'ant•and•ou
Conservative newafaper." The Mei
and Empire bee never been s*tidac
tory an the chief Coisery*thee Ogen
The World is W. 1•'. Maclean's per
roust organ, and The 'l'elegrau, bar a
streak of independence once iu a
while ; w hereafter The News is to be
the (o nret•va 1•
tl r party organ. "Mr.
J. M. 11'illison is to retain os editor
and there will Ise few if any changes
in the staff. Mr. Williston wee bred
and raised in Cunscrv*liv* pt incipient"
says The Courier. '•but by accident
became managing editor ut The Globe,
w po.itioo which he filled with dis-
tinction and ability. Now, Mr. 1Villi- goes back to the party of his early
manhood 1
and will hen(•efe
0thIng bt on
the Conservative Nide." About the
only comment '111e Courier'', an-
Ill•U 1Y
o mrht resew to call for in that
its never i, a little stale. The News
bac been nothing but sun "but -anti -out
('onsetretire nrwspalN•r" for these
many nl000i.
SI•RINu rur)Cuf7:K mol' ENULaN It.
My England. 1,1ptd England. muck Isulrre..1N1
league. away,
11 . 'em, dna 1 war Minh the,, when Ap.II
tens. to May.
Years -fire 1 sew the Iwi,nru.e. and 0.1. I.,I
1 M blown hlllafdr
I'ul on elute stows, of blossom and blush like
Aprils bride.'
re•T..i'ue 1 beard thy doled.. old caught
the 1brohin,g note
1a hich ell the .out of spring, ode .cad. through
the 1.klrkb(nl • t haunt .
u. England.I.1and F;'wI*nd. I(.0 111. been my
to li. long ...ars 111 x11.1, Lure 1. 011 Lawn w110
bar thee not.
1 do Mit love thee better a lo, Loon each wind
I IMI blow.,
The wind 1101, .bi). 11,. LI..vnu' the moll
that burl. the rime.
Tl.c whid dot .114►r. the t•gs'r 1114.1 and krrp-
the In...all furled.
Thr Mind that braces Mee Med arra 1.1 611110
w lib the ...Odd:
1 hoe thy ms.•des,, grn-., . 1110 ;.riot un'
1whu.,1 tray.. •
The cliff- that wall thy Marone.. the weal
. ..+wt. of 1 by
The dreamy neer rescht.. the qulef Kagli,h
The milky path of rosy,' duwu 01.111 the
.twilnntlds roar..
•M' lend so love through One :, 01 years. so
'soder and eanewed.
The laud tiled never e. conger ,. rw.isd nor fon dared to waste.
Mememlw'r (he time .p,edeet forth round all
the world to he •
Thy w l l nee. t., l be ..of im• , illy Marden on the
And krep for those who hair l In e and Ibnl no
1,0 ler plea. •
Th- olden .mlIs of to eleven. '. the unchanged
mother f•,.'
lS.r Newell I:uMI, O. 1 , .•, U K 1 . M. 1..
There 'mem. (roto S0111 Huron
that '1'. T.J. ('at'liug, el Exeter, will nmol
as an independent ('nndidalc in 1hal.
Mouth Hence Conservatives met at
For ea on Monday amt alteiu•
Mated iIr. I1. E. l-iapp, M. 1'. 1'., of
Mildni4•, as thea' randid*te for the
Legislaw r0,
lurch Huron 1.ilwt•aia will air
heir Iran at %Vinglanl tltutornrw
Fridays. .1.T. ('urn,., of East 1Vawa-
oeh : R. Yanst)ne, of Wlugbanl
\ , Nellie, of %Neat 11:awanonh: It.
U. 1115(011, of L11cknuw, AIN1 .1. G.
Mon h, *Imo( IAICknow, aM Hahne of
throe .14r' Inert' WI a, p eisildli-
1hn1ca11 N.a, Ai. 1'. A former
A.heeld boy has again been nomin-
ated for the new of (' by
the Liberals mot a roost it ',cure of
1-Aled'Arilso,, Brit h 1'ulumlris. Mr.
Hoes bas a big in r of country to
corer 111 Ilk,. 114 a4,, 11 rennet tllelu y
ti.%el'illg :111 .MMP* 11! ,11(11 PI)11*1s•
Sir Adolphe Caron, once * Hillier
fl Its
It. lbw 1N)I1LI1'a1 life ..f t e 1111.
ion, died PIILIVal nu Mo► ay.
f•i Adolph: was Minister of Mil `a
a, .1 afterwards I
o ,Ill
) Id 1'unsP c* '
r Its
l lint•
le received his knighthood in recog-
nition of his s•1•vieee in organizing the
xpNNlitinn of 1)04.1 egainst Riel.
Although the result of the election.
LI •oughout the Province is supposed
to h,e it foregone conclusion. Mr.
1,1 hitney is not going to have any
walkover. 1t is state' in l'orrnt) by
the ut•itenizen of loth the Liberal and
the Coneet•vative parties that there
will 11e afight in every constituency.
Not s seat will go by acclamation.
Thr CtmNrrvaLires of North Huron
Inert at. \Vingham Lesley (Thtlrrel*y)
to choose their candidate. A. • H.
Musgrove, of 11'ingham, Is supposed
to have the lead ; with James Bow-
man. o1, Mortis; Dudley Holmes. of
1Vinghein ; Matthew Lock heti. of
Auburn. and 11'n1. Metfuilfin, of West
Wawano,h, oles, in the limning.
Guelph Mercury : It was not worth
Mr. Whitney's while to play *trick so
larking in courage end manlinelb as
the plan ofibuti.n he has put
(',rough the Lcgisl*tivr 'ANwulbly.
He hood an overwhelmiHK majority of
the 111• n
t/ 1 111 1 f that 1
hN' ), t Il rl 1
IM .I IPI' -
ing� him, amt he could well I h,*w•
NtT.nded to give the morsel In play I
oldish Iv * oat refusal. rile readiness
:with winch he. yielded goes to 'him•
of what p,e,t' xl(Iff he is wade.
l'he preliminary arrangement, fur
this c. nvenlinn weir made at the
meeting held in Myth on 'Thursday
batt, and attended 1.y such members
of the executives mod abs old ':ail
Huron and %Vest 11uton*1
Associations as happen to reside in the
new l:entre riding. W.. M. Hinllait.
of Brussels, who was president of the
Fast Huron Association, and Charles
Darrow, of (inderlch, who was secre-
tary of the West Huron A.irs'iatlnn,
are acting respectively as president and
'secretary pro tempore, and it Is not
unlikely that the new naanciwdom will
confirm them In these offices.
f4tratford fieaeon : Hon. A. O. Mee-
Ray. the Opposition Macer. le being
Weaned for not opposing the vote of c
credit to the Mackenzie t Mann tell- I
way to the extent of f11,5.JO,0u0 made a
by the Whitley (iovernlueat in 1
closing boulr u( the suasion, 1t 1. n
Mr. McKay's duty to give a factio
oppuritiou. Ile did protest again
the late hour at which the weasel
was 'brought (low'', bus kuowiug lit
*lout the facts he IPsdd do no mor
The Government had its Lig majored
cel hauld 1.1 voty the measure lhloug
and &mythic) he might have sad
would ha
wouve 'wen of uo avail. Th
lespunolbility reels entirely on 1I
Whitney and Ws Government.
Simc,w Itrforsler: Hpeakiug iu
North York I..•t, week, Hun. Mr.
.%yleaworlh amid he had )camel the
Gower nHlent 1Ncau.e he trusted the
Liberal leader. *nal after three years.'
experieuee int Ottawa his confidence in
Sir \Vilfl id Leerier was clearer and
stronger than ever. "Mer hang as he is
the FirstMiirtrlo
( this country."
said the speaker. "I can say to you
with coolldenee that you need have uo
wiaapprehNlriou. . Nothing will go
wrong in the pulelie affairs wit t
that wrong toeing set right the •
ate it is found out." It is this sort
of wh(rle he*rtcd and unqualified .•on-
fideuce Ihot renders the l)ul
Premier such a watcble'ss ``ersouality
in the {Political *Mire of tlie country.
111e Liberal convention for the new
Provincial al e"su of Centre 111111.)11 w'
lw held uta Tuesday. May 121 IL at 1 I
(o'clock A. n1., in 1:adIM) s h,111, Mea -
forth. The riding as lam constituted
13)lnpl'1.eN the town. ,If 1italrrich,
Clinton end l$eaforth, the 1,.vusltip..
mot Colborne. liulletl, McKillop and
(.icy. and the village of Hemoselr. As
there is virtually no organiza'ion for
this new riding. the lint duty of the
r 111 ta'll LI will he to effect 101 urgani•
ra.1 adopt a cun,tilution, and elect
office,.. and then the w1e•tion of it
candidate for the *pero*a•hing election
will lw in onler. A11 Liberals of the
riding ala•ineilisl to :attend the 1',n -
vent Mil, lett for the porpoise of nunlin-
*ting a candidate delegates will 111101.
111 1w bent from the v*ri11ua suh.olivi-
Mona, a1111 ..act etlb-dlvih Ib a,keil
to send tour duly accredited Jr•la•g..1
Arch. Hislop, M. 1'. P. for
11uro11, attended the n1111,inating e31n
veul1un of the labeial. of Suns l
1Ventwotth 1111 \11un1ay and gars *
vigorous address ou P104111, i*I *ffairN.
I'aying hr respects, 1,1 the Whitney
Government, he said Ut*1, *Ithuuggh
•h had Iwo, beard *Ione what 11..
Governturut had a.cuugtlisheil, lir
.had Veen unable ti, sin. u'.,•r that they
heti dome anything last break Novi'
pre election pledge. and Hud jolt. fur
party heelers. They had comic uuteft
the Liberal Government as exlra4a-
gaut, Mut had in three years increased
the expenditure by :11 per cunt.
They had pi. nig d to take the •liquor
buriue,a out tf politic., but hail
plunged it • del•ply in. They in-
dulged in 0 three• yeer hhdT and
bloater alalnt the power policy. mod
had left 11tr Province where at was
below. It was hie belief that they
kept the question dangling lotto,' the
eyes of the people for election por-
ter:see. and that after the election they
would leave the people to .tow iu
their own juin•. - -
The Tut.,ntu 1Vorld imagines it 11*a
Boom: eperial influence with the
farmers and is slw*y, bending 11114
-ludo:pendent" advice to the agrirul-
LUtwl 1•t1P1'.- Some recent Ilttrriam:es
in this strain 'nought forth an uurx-
1wctett ...joinder in the folio owing
Editor \VtrIJ : hl Thuntiay'1 issue
of The Work' yu •,tale) that you are
independent of any Literal leader,
any 1'tnser.'ativ,' grader 111' any
lath)•' remota. It is for right
retber than party. Hating mud this
yon •*y : '\Ve wish to al.kep, A few
worths 4• the Liberals of thi. Puo'in(e
and especially tti threw of them who
err farmers. ',Vs wish Go tell thymi
Lil*TAM, these fartaiers. Diet they are
being Is•trayeil by this n1•ca111d Lite
er*I leader and 1/p(1wittoe in the 1)n -
tali', Legislature. as Mr. MacKay
failed lamentably to protest (against
the dying humlegislation of the
11'hitney Government."
Now. this is comical. 1t might be
described ea rich. Mr. MacKay has
protested against the ,hegieIatiull .d
the \Vhitney Government all through
the seweion. Hut whet could a small
Opposition do with I boll -healed Gov•
eminent ?
Mr. MaeKey to all right with
the farmers and will give 3dr.
Whitney the light of his life.. Th.'
Liberal feru,P,n dont, as a guide,
*cl opt the political virwn of Thr
The expendilur' of the %Vhit,.y
1.IVPl•IIIllmit in •••• gr•AI that it eansea
11111' Noss' G, boil. \\'11 have ' sen be-
, .trayel by A Tony Gl.'erfll,suit.
George lire)-.
Parliament Adjourned Over Easter Term
Immigration Policy Dlscuesed.
011awa, April 2Il, 1:uli4lnl•ut ,al
'only twn
ds 1 INN week, adjourning
1 u Easter tsers
nunal Tuesday nI
t i. week. Fur 1he r•nuaiudcr tit the
se..'on the Government will endeavor
10 a 1.14111• iausiness au that, 01115.,
the 1)f orition u,c.nben rev • their
ulrsUvc i Ilio* tactics or waste the time
of the Hsi w in t.nik, their may be en
P1111 of the 1410(1 in J1111(.
An import 11 meaenr• still to he
brought down '14 a hill to emend the
civil N0rr•irr ac It. 14 bo{xd that
this 1411 will re Indy the defects
pointed out in the t 411 r11port of the
clt•11 'service C '14011 -
Debate on Immigration.
A debate 00 the Mintier. INdiry
of rho 1iovernineta w•*e intt need ley
Mr. Monk, the Quebec ('on votive
leader, who Asked the House 1.. -
elute -it is t' , til cense p.ayli it
to y of Ne, lunch per head to age
for immigrants coining to Canada.
Jllr. Monk thought there was no im-
mediate ueres.ity for filling up the
country, end he contended DhaL the
imhligrsnt.'.rho weir r Ing to I'go.
oda weir nut of the most. J.•irable
Selected Immigration
1n arply, Hon, F'Ia111k 1)1ito,- Mho -
r. n e 1• •'
nem 1 the n o
t 11 1, tl n •o
1 IIh t' ole
fended tl 1'a .
t 1 111 101 '
a 'I'll«
1 3
flow of immigration into Cenadir un-
der the preset A'lininislnitnn hod
gone II*1111•It111N1111 with the wile's'
porom'I 11)', pl'.Ign•s' x1111 develop! :id
of Ihr military. The system of
Ise n•, at present illhllili115te1'WI was
distinctly N system of tal•I,,lel ' -
grelion. Illrniews were not paid on
all i igt•ante, but gouty nn `hose who
were fntlsfactorv. As *n llhl-lean,,.
the figure, fee lttun-117 showed an on.
mtgralioo of 121.1(17, And l.rnus,•s
were paid 0n !COOL tie ,U x1111111 ono•
iu nine : hl IMP; the 1 Mott' for
nine rtl,mthh wan'L13,Y2ri, null lonfAea
were paid on 211,4112, or on about one
In twelve, Mr. IMyer Also contacted
a IHisapprehrnrion starlit the payment
of bemuse, on Immigration from rnn-
tlnental Europe. From M*rrh, 1007.
to 1'rhrunry, Itfl'p(, Ione*** paid for
selected rnntinehlal Knmpewl ion -
migrants Aggregated LTk#'1 rind were
paid fur 1.211 men. :im women and iii,ir
hlidreo. wince IWI2 no homages hod
waw pith! on immigrants froio 114ly,
od very few helots that date.
\Vitt Dolan has arrived house
Hamilton, where he has been si
ing the winter,
Mrs. Na't'o has gone W )lion
to see her sinter, who is sink.
Misr Ida Foley arrived home
London after a two weeks' visit.
A number from here attended
ball in Kintail al Monday uight.
had 11 good time.
Mee. McIver, of Londou, spent
holidays with her roister, Mrs.
Miss Margaret O'Connor ie h
h1111 (ilslericb again.
Mr. and MIS. M. OV4411.61:1; ur en
taints' a tweedier of our young
ant r ,
r r u
n )
R this wreck. All had
t•xr11Ileut lime, they ray.
Among the holiday visitors are
Minnie Dolan. of Cheirtowe,
.Annie Milton, of Toronto, M
Hannah and Dora !talon). of Lood
and Miss Nellie Sullivan, of Strait
Tolls 11.001onor left yesterday
1'hivago, whew he intends to meet
boat 44041 Pei1 fur the MUulwer.
Tum sue•eela in getting there Joe
1,•ndl. to go. t,o. \1'e .1 ,.'t wish
any ill Iwck. Tole, but sou 1101x•
01111 your /
Ilother hat's W spend
• 1 in bur OW11 tnw•11.
11,'0T. llusw'v is speeding * 1
days with kin mother heir.
Miss /'assn' O'('onnot• spent a
days renewing old iu•Ilnalntalrr,
'om Sullivian laid * flying visit
St..tugustihr lent week.
v, April 21
11'1• are plraa.eit Ui be aide 10 Oa
that IL's. Chan. Middleton 1N 1103101
Mg very nicely froth, the effects of t
recent *arideut in l'liutuo.
Sr. and Moa, Wesley 31a it,hs has
Hwvwl t. tbu (Aro which they ha
rented 1111 (14. :rill rt11la'bIa11, of Hi
1.•11. They will be •1, mi.vol
this township,
11. J. Ihwiwr who L... been a r,•I•
dent of the MahtlaAl block its title
tow 'whip fur twenty )rias, i.1114/ting
14 ill, hin tamely to 1'linlun, whets: he
b*s bought a residence.
While driving ,s,t .f liodderirh
err g recrrd (dlr. lf'l-t Ilollows, of the
Hu1in1 I.NuI, had 1111 unpleasant ex-
1N•rienee. Alt•eti.g 4111 4111. !nubile,
,1.111011• because frighttne.I Mkt ,411
:away'. The bury, 11 new tine, was
511.a4he1, nod Mr. Mohnen Isaal 1111
w'rint sev.riel� sprained.
A U.IrnLtc Pltxslc3TATI(,N, • 'The
11511.1 prayer-meetinKof 1 Moe church
mor l'ilesaley evening of this week was
bald at the hou,eeof Wiliam F:. David -
noel, who, with his sister, is ing
to lbs 'West 111 //5111,11 time. After
the 1.1041U/ia1' y 1'.')•e1 -mem-Mg .'tet•
eines the meeting became * maria'
gathering and t lw depart n re of Mr. and
Miss Dat'idwll was l' i,,. ua1P•I Wl by
gifts b oma the W. 1'. 31. S. *nd the Sun.
day sch,Nd of w'rea'k and ladies conic
p*bion to Mi... Uwvid,ou and from
the liible close of +,'..ilea net 1n Mr.
Da.'id•..,. Thr p.rowistAIiur1 cm' he -
11911 of 111.• %V. F. M. S. w*s noble by
51r•. Nib. Moe Math, for the Habitual
shod Ir)• ?dine Mary 14.11, 11111 fur flip
Hilt* ''lays by 1*,..rge 11c11w•aiu.
11 r. 81111 Mise Ih►v.dwu blade
very titling r'sp,anO.',.. R,'frr,hnlruto
weer,' then n4•venl mod a t,•uainiae,'(t
•uldr•w'•n the ht,Wry of the Sabbath
school by the sup Tint etlent, 1(ulwrt
1),tvidso.., with the 11,,.o1.1K7 *mod
prayer by the {a*t,l', la -ought a vt ry
h'IPw"a111 rvel.isK lu a r1....•.
Advise to Mothers of Goderich, Ont.
,end- Perhaps the must important n•iu•
c11111 involved in the care of a child is
trill power nourishment.
How many delicate cbildien do we
from Moet on out' 5treeta with Isdurla•.s
cheeks nod thin little Irrx and anus.
1l ib very pltill to Ila xeen'haat
the growth taker rill their et•'11 th ,and
Ali their Itllle bodice are not receiving
sufllci11ut t11Nl1'i,Ulnlent to *mike thein
her well, eullng a,id rul,unt.
P..1. 1Ve want to say to IL11Ita'ruiH of all
tech children in lioderich• Ihlt., that
owe 0110 dulieiuus eat 1101.0 oil 111111 Iron
plcparotiun, %'iuol, will Intild up
delicate '1dtd1.11 1/11 0114 hu111ry
ei` cheeks and make thou raising. reboot
p �t1p lu and rosy. Pinot makes new 011:41140,
wound Herdt wed moo* t.►ur and
,bre rich nd Id,**1 fold children leve
Mies it. TIM' 'a
1 Immure Vinod I '
is u t 'ei-
Mi((s w,x touting roll liver preparation with •
Sam ant .111, mule by a sieetific, uxlrur-
ou, Ike *1141 runceltreting inssris 1hou1
one. flesh code' livers, thus comb' ' g with
for poptonete of iron ell the Medicinal.
hie healing, INafylatilding elrme111. of
1f cud levet' ell, but no oil.
in- As a Lolly builder an! sureggtth
you rre*to• for old pimple. delicate chit -
yon tin•
u 1v •
ask rim -down rl )
nd(wH .
NlITI Iib r
1 foci
the sickness, kuelw, and for chronic. coughs,
cold,, bronchitis anal all throat
esu s H d lung troubled., Vino' is
unexcelled. Try 1' i11111 un our offer t,
fres return money if it fails to give satis-
faction, 11. C. Dunlop, (ildeiich,
iu lint,
111 Clinton Throshsr Company in Court.
Toren t ), A peri l 17, It. Alt. Odder
\Veale was yesterday appointed per-
manent liquidator of Ihte ('lin4)0
.l. 1'htwher Company of Clinton, Ont.
tr Hr i, instructed t, go into the ebur
•1. pa07'• ari.itw with it view t/ sexing
he whether or not the directorate hiet
acted :
Ilexyy, wisely on the company's
.r behalf. '11).• liqubtail solder wow
er dated Manch la The carets amount
11. to *lout Ilekl,gpl and the lialailitir, to
in *0111,155). The sovereign Henk i, 1n-
tereourl in the r111npimy. -
Witham Dennis, Young McKdlop Town-
ship i'armer, Killed In Runaway.
Seeferth, April 1•'.. Iwst night
white do ising towards his 1111111P Iwo
Anda half utile, ea..t 111 1awdbHly,
%V,.,. (Mnoi' 10,44 thr.,wn off the
walqun and died shortly Afterward..
'1 he (('41)1 took fright a6 B.,w11Wing
e and, getting Lr1•uod control, Garbed
into the with the seeable that the
driver',, reek WA:. broken.
Air. 1)euni* altll a cuwpoI*1141117
riling 111411 nod very favorably
The Brucsfield Show,
The n0111141 lit.' -1, k and seed grain
ehow-'miler the auspice's of the South
Howie A ;. icultural sewit•ty was held
*t. Rr•uceneld off Flighty, 1111h inst.
1'h.• show .vow a mull one, bol. there
Was 11 (air,' 110151 alleodate, of spec•
Inters. The holm, west• judged ley
George Hpeiran, of st. 31.11) s, aid
Phobias 11 ,a,ks, of 11-4w•attenoi, Alani-
lob* : the hull, by A. W. Smith. of
Maple Lodge : while T. 11. Mahon, of
StaHo.11villr, •ace' in*peons for the
Ontario Guv.•r rot, judged the seed
grains. The following 1, A Ii'.I of the
prize -winners :
INanght ('las, .'.gad stallion. Arci1-
Obeid k Cud Le. Seafortt : :1 yen. -
old, John 31r1.,rvis., 31.-Kilhoti : 2-ye:u-
o1d, doeepll Blake, Clinton ; sweep-
s1Ake%fol• bet draught 114)1N,', John
5r(i411 ill.
'arriagge ,\gad'.1,d1' . 11'nl.1/co}",
Hu*d,l11 a Agog! nlalliuti. Ila.rph
l(rynolds. Clinton : ,loin McIntosh,
Ihur,Nrld ; T. 3lerde11•h, Il"t'sn11 : 2
year-olds. Gino. l,, 'Tripp.", Hills
6,1.1111 ; \1', W1In111. 111•11e,'IIr111 : Hac1•
nl;y stallion.
The.. Mhi ploy, 4'litrlon :
swe•p,lako-rf„1 1.4 sl light hot" 1•, 1V,11.
111 1.1:1.
M• .
Aged bulls.
%Vine. Clinton :.1 tn. Mrlulosh, Turk
erIulith : 2 -year-old, lau11e Me(juuen,
Hror,•ffrldl; year-old, 11. Smith. shay :
144. I:.,wan, S.',01/1t11 : Alex, Hincl*ir,
Hereford bull Alex. Monteith,
1 ticket -smith ; pulled Angus, 1.. H.
51cInumb, McKillop ; swe•epstekes,
1;. 11. %Vise•,
SpriuK wheal, .1. K. %Vim• ; white
eats, .1. K. %Viso, 1V, R. Smiths
black oats, .1. K. Wise ; six -rowed
Imo:ley, .1. K. \Vine ; two -towel
bailey -I. K. Wise, W. 1(. Mmillir :
field {w*s, J. K. %Vise, W. Taylor
Held beams J. K . Wise ; t' Of
see', J. K. Wise. \Yo. 1)hapinan : r141
clover, \\'m. Chapman : eerie lote-
t,*•s, .las. Patetismo : pldatore for gen-
eral trop, ,suers Rose, 11*. 1(. Hmi41i1•.
is What Hyomei Will Do m All
s of Catarrh and Trnubks of
be Breathing Organs.
1C1 un
ing ,11,5.1
react' to111•
its (',.1,1 1n the
1 hili., par
affection of the bt
Nihon ant's yen, Illi
money if i1 fail•.' Nn
lion for 11,,'meow puree'
fully do this, 1e•rinse•
a)s11•m of treatment is diffe
anything rise•,
You simply breathe and del
lnedto*tinn In dry or forte -*elite
5111171 the germ life 11 a' cal
nppreimed Inesialnna, rental rotor
throat it Mattoon sod Iting trouhhrl•.
11 1.,ings to these .offering careens the
Is.hem•Iadetl *i they would get in
the pine and eucalyptus forma.. The
air that stahtps u u t bronchial
1 a tinkles,
Thr prince of entertalos'. Marshal
P. Wilder mays: Hymned Is easy to
nae, and swift to cure. it 'metres
against coughs end °olds. 1t giveg
von purr air and kills the germ of 1
dimmer. It halos the vola*.
nmol compete outfit, 11.00.
P all that .0010 IoM can do to
from belog dome.
I oopentitin of Ily •1 h*v-
Ine• 1•Ige, hit will 1l
'11mobs. Widow l m roCAMP ? 1
hrN11, c*tan h, 1'rtli-
crimp sny
I ping moon.' Jae.
will ler 1 the
salol' pli•{ar*-
(All $II,,We•
1I yomei
•0l from
P Its
de -
1t 1
Preacher's Opinions
Cr• 1'.• h 'Ir1(ae, For►/ Raddeek,
r'. n: ••f *I•vav, ritual 11 a pleasure to
r''rnmrr •1•.1 111" Dr. Nloeum Remedies
to bit' p.a:l.hinners. 1 belie%.' there
is natl. irc"l.elter for "throat miff humg
trn•-l., ,.r suca'. nese or ren down sys-
tem. For weaker 'a asap throat 1 have
fo',nd r:ycbtne Vero beneficial."
C,•t. 1l'. 11. Stevens, Paisley, Ont .
'•FsycInns amrmed )last the stimulant my
'q,trm needed. 1 shall add my testimony
■ s 114 its Pglra,; at every opportunity."
Rev. R. M. Brawuw, .%mherat ilead,
r.K., ' 1 harp efte■ reenmmended
TgyCWs aiaeP taki.g it myself, for it
is a core for the troubles you specify."
Rev. ( has. Stirling, Rath, N.B.: "1
lave used Psychics in my family; the
retains were mart-elonll. 1 have visited
maple who state that they sever used
IIs equal. 1 strongly recommend it.
Rev. J. R. 1. Wilson, Markdale, (Int.:
"T have taken two bottle. of Payeaas
Sed tat piemeel to my that I am greatly
improved in health. 1 was trmib*Pd
with my threat, bet mew ( And it about
teetered to iia normal cnnditins. 1
Aad my work very mueh lees taxing.
t ►dime Tsrcbise is all claimed for it."
These are earnest preachers of the
gospel el Pentium Thry know where
of they speak. Psychics mares all
throat, lung asd gtema.11 troubles. It
1. a 'great voice strengthener, seting
diraetlyhe/1 (1e weal, r.apiratori and
digestive gross. thus specially adapted
to public imeake,.. At all dnlggi.t.,
50s aal !waste.
1.00, er Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd.,
PI ., ., nr..,.e .,rr ,..,,. h.. vt.
t',Memn.'i,., 1',,en••„ T-t.g,,1.h..
4.. I (..n, r" in ."t .uair. t. N•. ,..,,un.,.
tIodevkh nwNae.. 6e1Mgs
P•)io,g (rune 4:1, 10 .poi ler month by 1
net coding Ib( Pelona,'
lei /7
•rnzo:: ^'n. ONT.
Thi. ( Itool 1. noted for Nod near for 1 hr .vier'
ioe 111,, t10,. gin re to the students *ud for
the remarkable site's,. of 1t« ge(i*.l 1H1,•.
College open the entire year. !twill 11101.
(her 1 ranting will make you Indrtemlenl.
Write today for .wtalog,n•.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal,
rum V.migo an 1 Alca,ndcr Meet..
1. the leading bushes.. training schwl fu
11'rdorn tided°. .%c give a thorough,
11,11,1,1 training 0n(01umcola! 4nhjaa.,
Isaac Ullman'. Shorthand, Tench T.P..
wrlUug, mad In Cann -medal sod 14a11r.wd
hNara lao ach detainment r
11 I l
l the
hand of etperlenrni Iu4ntclnr.. 11,.
4.`1•1 .t oleo's li l',lt ion, (Mr graduate.
n I * n )..,N,red, for our (,tense. are *he le..t
Ilet mfr free cataloger and learn nlwc Mesh'
u.. 1'un may enter new.
Vtlne 11.41
t Aprimerino l 0111 mers into eve
Se er Term from Joy SM. Enter
now *nabs ,reedy fora good eltuatbn
le the oany .wteme. New catalogue
fres. Write for It.
Ca)(r'a,vh 1141111.11111111 1411,1441114,
YONOR and GERRARit eta.. Tomo).
W. H. SHAW. Princepal.
Ole •`_•OIRMIREINib •
New Spring Waists 1
Such a variety of beautiful Spring
Waists for Ladle' and Misses has never
been shown here . efore, Here are more
than a hun .r different styles.
Dressy Lingerie Waists .with all the new ideas.
Shalt Tailored Waists is Ane embroidered effects,
Exquisite Silk. Net and Lace Wets. -
11'e'v1. marked thenar New Spring %% wigs at Special
1 utr*Iuctory Pi i,es,
.s.00 Lace Waists for 43.7a. - =5 0o Net Waists for $3 75.
,:I.5o White Lawn Waists for ybc. Ratio Muahn Waists for $t 5o
The bulged'''. :on. tru1:
rk:ahl, fur the reason 111,11 at our
regular prier., 1 he.,
\\'iia, .re unusually good value.
Godcrich Ladies'
Wear West Street
, •
•-• OBIS ONO •_sae
A -_
nowadays and you should insist
011 full value for yourjIltoney. Absol-
utely the fullest value in good clothe; •
for men are the
. 20th Century Brand
garments. This ss not an Irresponsibie
advertising statement. We stand be -
'hind tt and arc prepared to prove it in
every particular.
Suits. $12 to $20
Overcoats, 115 to $20
King and Borsalino Hats
Walter C. Pridham u
W. Acheson & Son
carpets and Rugs
PETS AND CURTAINS have all arrival and
are on sale and now our showing is unequalled in the
county for variety of styles and beautiful designs and
Extra heavy pile. film. 37 inches wide,Meg Wessels Itrussels O'arle.t
score 1,1' exquisite p;111rrn. 111 all leading col11lingn, regular- $1.10
$,1lity, made MO at. lase yard .
1551 ynnl, English Brussels Cat pets, ,all new pattern,' Roil in co1ut.,
greens. browns, rerla, fawns, and blues, suitable for any room, hall or
stair, regular 061111• and psis.• per yard, *1,In, made up and Laid C,,
by us, special at. per yard C7
27 inches wide and of excellent even, fall pile, recommended for wear
mid of * splendid a:pear:owe. A bArgr choice id e.11.lbng1 land 55c
patterns. regular 1.1 bee, ti:.* and ick: ,i yd., .pe•ia1 "sale price per yd.
5,11.1 wide, rlev•'rvlbl••, pm f• \V11n1 114rp.++, fro tient English ,rid
Canadian ern t kan. 1.
maker'. I n co
o i
ndMeffects co
I Ir r
Ltrl♦n beet 7((1
rI x1111111•11,,.I. ,1 1myard, ',s
1'14011 111111, n•t,r'ibl,•. 110.11, pour a.N•k hl goo.1 colorings and
it.lial'al,t.,el lust, alt 1„'1' )'Jird, .'Ib•, .e. N•, :i:„', .uul . 45c
Wilton Rugs, Velvet hugs, Brussels Rugs. All Wool Ruga. and Union Rugs
111 all the* MEP., a\�:, 3x•1'., :4 .r 1. 'i. , 1 and :b x Ij yards. P1115'
range from $11,111 to IN.,.le. rash and ....try tag has heron very carefully
•'•l.0 mrd nil,' in marked nt 014101'1•1 Ily r1115P prior:,, -
:Al pairs of Nol!ingh*mot l'urtainr, tilt to .H inches wide in 4 dilfetent
new patterns, laid aside for li}►turifey and Monday selling, regular QR
$1.33 and 01.50 quality, on sale, at per pair �7
1((r only oak end cherry color poles with hrarket and ring„. all room-
plete, regular, c and :Ills line, on al..$
naturd.y And )Monday, et 17c
each Vic
The most 1111014111P Mavis* f uelain+, in .b .igns suitable for all $ per•
rooms regular 11•1M0 quality per pas.. for . a J