The Signal, 1908-4-16, Page 88 Tdueiuty, April 10, 1908
1Osebuwd nets page ht
ttemelf had been a member of the
rder for a good leogtb ut time, but
wben he joined faro. Johnston wait s.1•
ready an old member, and he Iced ad -
way* found him a faithful member of
the lodge. The presentation was u
complete surpriee to Bro. Johnston,
but he pulled himself together mind re-
plied suitably. This pleasant part of
the proceedings over, the flour was
cleated fur a deuce, which was kept
up uutilwbout 2:.10 to music providaxl
11v the Smith boner.: and George
\Vilwu. The annual church parade
of the lodge will be held on -the lath
of April.
Goderich Hyelnsss College.
A. A. Hibner, M. A., Ph. 1)., who is
it liter••u•y teecher of high standing
and one of the strongest comuter:ial
teachers in the profeanlioue hes hcen
engaged to take charge of the Guide-
richBushiest( College. Mr. Hibner has
not only held the chair of higher
mathematics and modern languages
in the ('anLun Business College, for
three years, the chair of ancient and
'teeter') languages in Austin College,
threyeats, but Ilan had many years'
experience in teaching end in nuating-
iog some of the largest commercial
e+Ileges in the country. Mr. Hibuer
is a specialist in the highest sense of
tke,i: teJni, a tiara of reeoure and
strength of character, adwaye inspir-
ing the pupils with his own enthusi-
astic wrthodsr--11s-is n thorough
otiw iplinauian and a willing teacher.
pleateaut and entertaining, and keenly
alive to the rapid progress and best in-
terests of those under his core. Dr.
Hibner has l:cn in charge of the cot -
me -relit! department of the Wiughat
Husineee College for the past year. dur-
ing which time he aasei.,teal Mr. Spotton
iu,completiug wail courses in tuatricu-
Intion, civil service, etc. The tioderich
Business College has, progressed most
favorably, and the management seems
determined to put it to the front of
commercial institutions. We under-
stand the Goderich Business College
re-upeus on April 21st, and will re-
train upeu throughout the year.
Goderich being au excellent sweater
resort, there should be a large attend-
ance at the summer school herr.
Herr your
N cturMc od newnewt chis
aaiCwry.' ewnbyouIw'We Na pia .wtniIts[l
be a joy to all your friend. that you may .end
a copy to,
It is to take • tem hour grind et Guelph next
Tuesday to decide whether Wiggins ;or l'oncry
i. the bat man. but 1'rtdbwn gets the honors
fur Ilse tailoring from hi. many cu -rumen..
unsought -but not unearned.
The come of the carpet beater i- a -ere sign
that this is the houeraloanfrrnmgg and renovating
time. Remember that Smith' furniture and
aft otore 1. the -place for picture.. pktwc
framing, upholstering. mattresses, window
shade.. etc, everything you went to renew de
the bowie.
The street watering cart made its
appearance on Tuesday.
The monthly meeting of the Daugh-
ters of the Empire has 'leen postponed
Lu Mouday, April 27th.
Cameron A Moore. of "the Busy
Store," have an attractive window dis-
play of millinery goods.
The hardwood floor is being relaid
in the West street rink for roller
skating now that the ice is gone.
John Salkeld, Bayfield road, is com-
mencing the erection of a dwelling
house on his property on Market
Miss Cameron has secured the ser-
vices of !Mus Wardell to conduct her
millinery- establishment (luting her
The G. C. I. football team and the
Maple Leafs had a game Inst evening,
of theschool fermi
resulting mi of 1 to 0 in rawer
A dozen or more creditors of the
Clinton Thresher Co., which la- in
,liquidation. were in town yesterday
proving their /claims before Judge
The Worsells have just flgished in-
stalling electric wiring an4 fixtures in
0.. C. Whitely's residence and also a
new roof on Mr. Horton's house at
The postottice will be open tomor-
row (Good Friday; from 11 a M.
and from :t to 4 p. w. On Easter
Monday the office will close at 5
o'clock p. In.
The Goderich lacrosse club has
• called a meeting for next Tuesday
night in the council chamber at $ ti
clock for the purpose of electing
officers for the season.
Mesets. Campbell & Athas are hav-
ing an elect•ie'rnotor installed at the
Olympia Cafe to run their ice cream
freezer. They evidently ht•Iieye in be-
ing up•lo-dabs and err getting ready
to handle a big business the cowing
warm rtemeoli.
A young Ind named Se el Geiser
was before (tae judge this morning
on a charge of breaking i n t
tsWresat Shipke and I)ashwaol, but
wee let go on suspended sentence, hie
mother and himself going security foie
his good behavior fur two years.
The Wiggiva goner • ten-hor
roller skating contest will utake piece
+at Guelph next 3'uralny, starting at
9::30 a. lit. The bills announce that
contingents will lir at Guelph from
Toronto. Parkdale, Stratford and
Uoderich, and a keen contest is looked
for. -
itailway (' 'ssioner McCaul, of
Ottawa, was in town on Tuesday in-
terviewing Engineer Farr with refer-
ence to his recent accident. Mrd
Farr, we ate glad to be able to elate.
was able to lir nut on Tuesday, Inst it
will las some time yet before he can
testi time work.
The Doty Engine Works f'n., LW..
has an order fur the machinery for
two sid •-wheel steamer* fur timed
Trunk •tciHc contractors for use ml
• Lake A ittibi. 'flee machinery will be
taken to Matheson seethe' end front
there porutged a distance of forty
miles. The contractors have 21,000
tons .,f freight to handle.
it, F:. Wigg•n- her returned to tarn
Robert Ronne-. of 1'baton. we in lawn om
Nal urdn t. e
Mita I rance.- %alight. la •neidltg the holi
day. in H.ylsell.
J. F.. \,spell and J. $haw safely nrrfcell at
Brandon on Th a twlay loot.
•Thos %'ratherald mrd Mrs. lir: were here
from 11 ondat.a"k phi- week.
Millon M,.F.waue, of Georgetown. was in
town over Sunday on a chill to his brothers.
Mot. R. Hayden and Mair (II way Hayden.
*Port Albert. left t hl- morning on n t
Mla. FInt.,e 'Immo h 1. f1 snrunla,. April
nth. rose Del n 11. whro• hr intrad- lee n•'idr for
the fuoen•.
F:..lonh ee will Io• 01. Kar -I nl hi, isl.•1.
ale.. A. G. Jordan. .1. London for Uooslerrldau
and Ranter eve.
huff l Holum left for .tarn eburol 1,i• acct
r, take hle fiea'v'.Itio(1purer est Ihr 1 1'. Is.
ate• A❑a•cle•
TMs,. Mcl.e . .,. me 11-Mniprg, sew the ane.,
ikki brother -In-law and slstor. Nr. mrd Mrs.
111. a larty. las' week,
free, 11 • Mel.wan rem lied In al. Andrew's
ell nrrk. lstylt• ^n SeMI 1 last. r wait the
crit rime be had premehed to hl- .1 ',merry.
Iron .haw redrnine the e• -past.
Mr. and Ree. Joha Irreeer lone returned to
Ira) Gold ager mending the winter on St.
Jlawuh. Lland. white \l,' Feuer sea. reit.•
re„4u11yy mug ed to uu.doe work in %m an,
lion wit1, the Pronbyterlan church
\ire (Mold durwerly Allen Mabel Uokt
t horpe' lett tot Monday aftenluuu on ber return
to H/uhilton before leaving for Vanoouvet to
loin he. hu.bend. Mr. and Mr*_ Wield will ,u•
future wake their home at the Coosa.
Judge Holt 11.1.1 retuned front Toronto Ne
communed by his s,u. Oeoflry, who ha. Just
been released from an eight week.' ewufiue
mem u1 the hospital. We are Wormed to know
that thaltrey n uonMdcrably iulproced in
Blyth Standard : Mr. Jame. Leith. who was
foreman of the-lee1•laybyl gang on the U. K l:.
line. left loot week with In. (aunty (or Smith
Fall., whore he will he etuilluyed as turemau
for the mum ruction of the douulu-Uteki
mumnif on
the 1'. 1', it, to Montreal.
Mr. and Mr.. U. Mclror awl .um, of N'iuui'
pony(, arrived on liatarday to pkeml about two
Heck- clotting their rehalhe. iu town and
r iclnit)' Mr. Meteor a. a,' •n1N1 travnt
krcover.auuxteemiue territory wed of Win-
nipeg; calling on the hanlwaro trade. aid his
work .•eels to agree with shim. He any. tbot,
though trade in the West hes tool been quite
en bri.k el.,,t,a.t winter a. in pn•Clo,. roars.
there 1. uo alerauhhg falling on. end the finan-
cial stringency has not been more marked than
he and. It ha- beeu In the Lam -
A cqp)' of •I'hr St. Loin. Ihatll I:Iobc ik•uuo
cast of April Ist 'untaiu..a lis0 of the incur
p{aoxse.1lo., of tbe fhb -ion 1 utuiture l'o.. with
Uak0 U. Oilmen holden at .hare. out of L.W.
all fully Wald. Mr, Ghat. w -a. a former rod
dont of *'.borne tow 11.1,11• Iwsheg re.idud on
the Theme. road. Some year. age hr car
ballad in busbies. In SL Louis. Mu.. where he
started in a .wall way. but tieing u o.aeasal of
itie right kind of burins.. pact sou INId the
foundation for a la•orperou- bovine., career.
with the above result. Another evidence of
the good rpm:lilie. ,uolucrl in Lhe load old
vomit y 01 Huron.--kxeter °eats. Mr. Gib-
ibs,u mentioned above 1.., .ou of Mra,'.ICaat•l
l;ib.wt, of Uodertoh.
► The Gerryhtander.
Hamilton Tine -
A. G. MacKay, M. 1'. 1'., dealt
trenchantly with \Whitusjr'a erryf-
mender. and his remarks wade its
purpose so clear that none who retdi
it can nee conviction that it is just
about is honest iu intent as is the
action of the man who robs a neigh.
tar's hen roost. or in the dead of night
sets fire tai his dwelling. 1l is not. of
emit se. to be expected that the demon-
strations of the villainous character of
the Premier's scheme will result in
preventing it. or seeming any reason-
able rutdiHcation thereof. The out-
rage it contemplates was studied : it
was not a work of impulse. The
party ingenuity was taxed to its ut-
most. and no respect for decency or
justice was allowegt to stand in the
way of attaining the end desired. As
Mr. MacKay very cogently argued. a
redistribution being necessary after
the decennial census. an act to distill',
the constituencies now had no excise,
NAVA) that of ipanufecturiug partisan
In his remarks, Mr. MacFay dealt
with the eases of Csardwell and Peel.
As these constituencies stood, Card-
well had a population of 17,173 and
Peel 18.102, a tolerably well -equalized
pair of constituencies. As Whitney
has gerrymandered them. equalisation
of population has not been considered.
The exigencieu of the party left (:atd-
welhwith I Linn, while I'ee•I was given
21,475, or about 50 per cent. more.
The object aimed at was to load the
dice against John Smith, M. P. P., in
Peel, and by takingtfromalie smaller
two municipalities, and adding them
to the larger, 1511 Tory vacs are given
to his opponent.
The plea that equalization of ppoopu•
lation is the principle on which Whit-
ney proceeds finds many strange
illustrations in the measure. In
North Heating, there is a population
of 21,088 : in West Hastings,- 17,772.
But this difference ot (1.2111 was not
sufficient to convince Whitney that
there ehould be some change made.
Ile could not see how a change could
be made to increase his party's ad-
vantage. l4itnilarly. the two %VeI-
lington.. withadiffetence of 3,1117 in the
population, were not touched for the
same reason. In Middlesex the three
ridings stood : East, 21,11•.i : West.
18,0411, and North, 14419. Whitney
(eaves the East riding alone. tinkers
the two smeller constituencies it little
in order to help the party, Mut shuts
bit eyes to the inequality of popula-
In East la,nhton the population is
31,808, in \rest Lawbtone 2'2,179: Mut
this difference of 42,:C18 failed to trove
Whitney to attempt to equalize theta.
He could not see how the p arty could
be benefited.
Between East and \Vest Kent there
is a difference of lu,•.alllf, but Whitney
thought the party chances cold not
be improved. so they remain as they
'There is neatly ``!MMI atiffetencc be-
tween Haat and \Vest Elgin. They
remain untouched, pest it worse thing
befall the party.
The difference between the two On-
taat•iom is 4,f"27 : between the Pt-rtlts
Montt. $,15111 amt uo change• are made
North Lanark has a population of
18,0sl, and Mouth Lanark 1 ,,L!ut, as
difference of _,5$11• A dep'ftati .1
Dr. I'i'estuu'n party workers la iisl to
induce IryMein 1 Treasurer Mathesem
to turmoil to give up to 1 stet of his
strength oar '!'ora Lows .hi'i : Inn
('ol. Mat -hewn only swikd dust said
smile of his, sli •Ii more touching
than tears, and decline) to increase
hie political risk liy any such treasure
of eiqualizat'
The case of ihnun county is el t
a typical one. The figures of the last
els•srtions in the three ridings show a
total of 7,11ri I.ileratls, ami (1,914
Tories, By Imeching the (irjt town-
ship.dn a long, narrow strip extend -
Ing about thirty miles, it has leen
found possible to carve out three rid-
ings, one with a large liberal major-
ity, and the other two fairly safe Tory
Brockville, as gerrymandered, re-
calls to Mr. MacKay's mind Sir Rich-
ard l'artwright's deisci•iption of the
Hurons as repeatedly gerrymandered
by Sir John A. Mectionnld-"Nothing
like then) in the f heavens' above, the
earth beneath, or the waters under
the earth." it is certainty a roost on•
shapoely sisett•itnen. Vet, before \Vhil-
tey's gerrymander, Hi•ockville had a
pupulatiun . t 1t,:fi.'l, and Leeds 19,251.
The alteral' of such boundaries in
such at manner finds no excuse save
that of party gain.
With all his boasted tnah►rity of
forty-four in the legislature, 1Vhit-
ney does not feel safe. His majority
in the House is altogether nut of pro-
portion to bis majority (of the elec-
torate. Taking the tete! vote caret in
the last election, his majority in the
House tint exceed len. Ile is
counting on legislating himself into it
strength which he does nut receive
front the *Ireton'. How long will he
is• a11ge to thus throttle t e free voice
of OrRario? Why should a Premier,
whom record will bear genutiny, and
whose policy in 'tower looks to the
goal of the Province, need to resort
to such nefarimis methods ? "(1on-
sr•iener makes cowards of us all...
The 'wesid,tit of lir 1'nivenity of
I'hirngo line made the statentent ttuat
people do not get old until their minds
stop growing. But. as we nudist stand
it, n -welled head is not a .sign /bat a
man's mind is still growing. Wesh-
ington Inst.
The tette 'ng on •the Otto gla.a
window of a note r eently acquired :1s.
the Rita for n new platoon read "Allen,
Manufarttirer." A painter was Rent
for le charm. it nl (1, reasonable a
price as pautil.le, when he informed
the successful license applicant that
the cbeapest and quickest method
would be to obliterate the fire two
Iettets. -'1'he ('etholic Aleutian
;Special ial Easter ser will In,
Sapreached at 'kith aerviees next
bINtth at the Baptist chinch.
The pulpit of North street Metlu)•
diet church will be occupied next Suu•
day morning by Iter.. B. Clement and
in the evening by. Bev. E. 1. Ante
strong, of Charing truss. The choir,
under the direction ot A. Roy Adams,
%will give it special Easter luusical set•-
Uu \Vednesalay evening between
thirty and forty of the incwfa•rs of the
congregation of the Baptist church
gathered at the pastor's house. South
street. The that hour was spent rase
the regular mid -week prayer uuesetiug,
which wee followed by a rect•pt' to
Rev, ('. Wend Ut,..iunes. The ladies
served oeinty uefreshuients during
the evening.
Victoria street Methudisk church
F:pworth League elected officer* on
Tuesday night as follows : Itrv, K. W.
Millyard, honorary president E. H.
Hale, president : Sid. Belcher, Hrst
vice-president : Harry Hillier, sword
vice-president,: Mies M. Blake, third
vi ;e -president ; Miss M. Vaustune,
fourth vice-president : Bert Duff, re-
cording secretary : Wm. 'l'owerasey,
cor espopding secretary ; Miss Edith
Millis to. treasurer: Misr Rey .Nichol-
sou, organist.
. An Ottawa despatch says: United
Caneda, the organ of the It•isbCath-
olics in Ceuada, which may he re-
garded as losing le close touch with
Mgr. Shanetti. the papal delegate to
Cooed*. says that should Archishop
O'Connor, of Turouto, retire shortly•
ea is rumored ants believed will be the
ease, his successor: will most likely be
either iliehop McEvoy, of London, or
Bishop Scolhud, of Sault Ste. Marie.
Both clerics are aatuoug the youngest
and ablest members Jf the . hierar•hy
in Ontario.
The meeting of the transfer put
tee of the Methodist church of Cana-
da, which wee held at Toronto re-
( -rutty. had especial interest ter the
Methodist people of Gnderieh. Male
much as tbe official ls.at1 ut North
street church had issued an invitation
to Rev. Hugh S. Dugaall, of Welker -
ton, in the Hatilton conference. and 1
his transfer to the London exnfereuce ,
was necessary before he could he sta. I
tioned here. The committee made
the desired transfer, and 11 is new
practically assured that Dr i)ugell',
will be sent to Goderich by the sta-
tioning connnitter• of the London con-
ference. Rev. M. J. Wilson. formerly
of the Ooderich district, now in I
charge of Teetotaler congregation. I
was transferred from the London to'
the Hamilton conference. and will
probably succeed Dr. lhrgall at Walk-
erton. Rev. I. H. 11 -nitwit). of Lon-
don. and Rev. Hugh W, Locke, of
Kincardine. were transferred to the
Toronto eonference. Mr. Wallwin
has been invited to Markham and Mr.
Locke to East Toronto.
The Excelsior Bible class in connec-
tion with Victoria street Methodist
church held -a very successful at home
in the basement of the church on
Thursday evening of last week, when
the members entertained the young
ladies of the church. The Sunday
school route was decorated with
Hewers, flags and bunting. For the
program Ker. It. W. Millyard, the
bnnoraryspresident of the class, (occu-
pied the chair. A mouth organ and
autoharp duet was given by Metiers.
Brownlee and Powrie. J. 11. Milian
gave as Hve•minute talk. Several
selections were given by the Excelsior
vale quartette, consisting of Metiers.
Powrie. Brownlee. Wells mid Hale.
An instrumental duct w..s given by
Gordon Rutledge and Harold New-
combe. After the program refresh-•
ments were served, about eighty per-
sons sitting down to supper. On be-
half et the guests of the evening Rev.
Mr. Millyarl moved at vote of thanks
to the members of the clans and the
gathering was -closed with th singing
of the national antheni: The Excel-
sior class is snaking good progtess.
Starting with a tuendership of nine-
teen it has now twenty-eight.
the "conundrum tui' givers by the
M:ac(.illivray Mission Hand last Mon-
day evening was as derided sneers•••,
both in point of attendance and inter-
est. The members of the Band were
anointed in the program by Misses
Laura Price and Hattie Belcher, and
Messrs. Thomason. McLean. Clerk and
31acl.ennan, and by the Collegiate In•
mit ode Glee Club. All of the Iq•rs
were very heartily received by the
audience and atter the cunclueion of
the program those present repaired to
the refreshment rooms. where lards
with the following neem were placed
before them :
What our grandmothers used to card,
Playful Taney graft.
Cereal conitauuhd with churned cream.
I'wo melte one.
NV1tat'Irabiee and brides receive.
Short -tart sweet.
Ivory manipulators.
Cheerful cup.
The well -spring of life.
The giving of the orders was attended
by Hoch suerriweut. Thu candy table
was well patronized and the procreate
of that together with the awuutit
taken lit the liner added a cunelderable
aunt to the treasury of the Band.
Bishop Williams at St. George's.
Itishop Williams of the dnterie of
Huron visited the parish of St.
George's, Goderich, last Tuesday even•
iag and ielulinMitered the rite of roe -
lineation. The claws numbered about
a score and consisted chiefly of young
people but included also three Adults..
There wee at Ruud congregation to
witness the impreesivu ceremony.
The service (opened with the hymu,
"Stand 1•p. Stand Up for Jesus," sung
to Oeibel's tune. and the militant
strain of the hytun, and the promise
in the line, "To bis tluat overcometh
a crown of life shall 1*,," accorded well
with the subject of Ills lordship's
outdrew, the text for which he took
from the alto enth verse of the twenty-
Hrst chapter of the Bunk of Itevela-
tion. "He that ower• •tit shall in
hetit all things." Thisthe Bishop
said. was the trey -mute of the Gospel
message. All seen, he raid, lelougesl
to one or ether of two classes. either
Vatdgllblla 'a nor Vat uishetl. either
victors or slaves, and this was true of
911 the circumstance., of life. A emu
muted either roaster his prsofess:u 1 or
be unmatched by it. He either ksuked
upon it we tlw Incites by which he
eervtsl do d and his brethren or merely
as a memos to make Iuttney. In the
one ease he remained a wan mud itt
the other he stooped to petty mean -
w A
•I -C
I' C
N 1
New Goods for Easter
Men's Smart Wear
Fine Tailoring
Reg. Black
oN 'r11K syUAiIle
The new man
is doing business
on the Square
and this week and until present stock
is cleared out will sell
Linoleum and Oilcloths
at 10 Per Cent. Off Regular Prices.
This week we offer big reductions in
Parlor Suites
One only Parlor Suite, rich
Mahogany finish, upholster
eel in extra quality car
plush, 5 pieces, regularly
a01(1 foe x11,111), for $18
quick sale..,.
One only Parlor Suit. e, Iswuti-
fel silk-upholetersl, Mahog-
any, :I piece., regularly *34
would be its reel value, but
to clear it will ge $45
al, for the net
Otte only feeler !(alta, Is -1e1,'
lift,, design in Mahogany,
npholsle,rsl ipu ex' ra'*ua11 v
striped silk, :t pi(c.•a, .old
regularly at If:ti, (n�n
clear at�.)ll
ermine bargain, ,aril in O.K.
Otte Holy 1'luiur Suite, Ma-
hogany. upholstered int lig-
tired milk. :t pieces, AO
teas 0,45.110, now. .jY•i►
Even- one of the above is n g
as regents style, finish and (nidi.)
Cell and see these suite., and
epeeist offers next week.
welch this space for
The only furniture Man on the Square,
that does business on the Square.
George Johnston
Walk -Over Shoes
for Easter
Laster is considered the beginning of Spring.
Sole Agent for '
Fetid, shipment has leen rcci•I, cJ.
l'ortplete liar of sundries. Repairs
a specialty: guaranteed, and Al reaw(otl
able pt•ices.
A few Second-hand wheels at from
Opera House Stock, Kingston Street.
Spring is Here
anti thrifty Iouew1'u. will lie
looking for suumething to make
the drudgery of housecleaning
We carry It well-a..eurta%I line -
.'f Soaps. Wash Powder
Brushes, Mops, Hroule. iu fact
everything neceneary for spriug
.craning. V. have also a new
u fr-ta-date stock of gr's eries,
confectionery. lusts and flour.
Plenty of firth eggs :and Howl
Itytter always uu hand.
Londe delivered pr,.nlptIr
Wm. L. Lindsay
The I'eeplt s bro..r 'Pkoae led
WAI.K•O\'lilt NlNing styles
cue uuw displayed in' our store
tat all the popular models, pact-
. Loua and loathers, are the t
attractive whutw we hate ever
leh Ile Ms 'Ms
1'he•y ,u r easy, especially
.poesy, surd lite item'ict• i. goat --
attired by the uaute %WAI•K
sa se.
Downing & MacVicar
North Side of Square 1 Goderich
news iu unlet tip gel genu and muter('
being a mail to lsrt0umc a grsocerytiuuh
II( 15halrver line of limitless or pro -
toadies he followed. do it was with
the joys And 1aa'r,wa and e11 the cis
, uuistanl:rs of life, either as watt roust
sire ruperiur to thew. turning them 1,,
his own development, or be crushed
by thrum, seeking them its ends in
thenurkee or shunning thein ass (WWII -
tial evils. At t he coucbt►ioi of the
laying WI of hands H1. lordship
handed each ut the candidate. .o
certiheate of confirmation and as they
came forward to ireel%e• it welcotol
them to full mee,,lweship in the choreal
with a warm clasp of lir Hand.
\use n the time tot
to treat your oats and wheat before .owing.
Water -Glass Egg Preserver
". Is. Tin alto full d.iretC
Poultry Powders
I'rall •. Ile•,, Cetiurfa,' .,u,i 1'ulnnial.
hngish Sheep Dap. Zenolewn, Hoo( Ointments. Porter's Auuaepuc
Healing Od, etc , etc.
Central Drug .Store
Book Store
We have a beautiful line of
gonads suitable for -
Prayer books,
Hymn Books,
Booklets, etc.
and the ,•h,icest line of
Easter Cards
that has ever horn sheen so
Geo. Porter
Colonial Bookstore 'Phone too.
We are ready .for Easter
EASTER BUYING. Stocks all over the store are ready for
you. Every department is showing bright new things for spring
wearing. Come here to do your Saturday shopping this week. We will
be ready to serve you quickly and well.
Easter Gloves,
many shades and kinds
'I'h.• best sto k. of Laster Gloves are here. Kkl, silk Or liaie
t head, lung nr .hurt. 111 '.u,.•s, Many qualities totals the* are
wit g,asl, for all itre backed Ly our unqualified gutirantel•. mks
csur 1•;s. iter glue, -buying he•le. Vim arc ware if you do end it
at 111 pay you.
Kid Gloves, $i.00
1'. 1 1:love. made (tido fine quality t,f nkitH, aloft and
pll:ulle,two dome fasteners. 'thicket, Whitt' and 111.1,, :dI
(.11./4, one e,f the t papular linen, spacial $1 00
at per pair �nJ
Kid Gloves, $1.35
I\Id W1-0 (011 made fen,, rival Frcn, h Kid skin., one of
the beet wearing Globes woo ever handl 1, Weeks and
all the leading shades. every pair gu:irnnte.•d. 4 .35
All sizes, special at per pair .................., .Y
Kid Gloves, $1.50
Ihie of the moat populer lines we handle, pique -carp
glace finish, made front selects' skies, blacks Si 50
and colors. per Bair
Long Kid Gloves, $2.75
(+,nal aaaw,rtuten1 of long Kid (tows, iu blacks. true
rout white. wade from gtasd'*Rality skins, elbow �� 75
length. real good value at per pair
Long Lisle Gloves, 75c
I•;lls,av length 'Thread (:loves, Swede finish,
fastensnt, the wrist. black, white, greys, grey anti 75c
fawn shadios, special at per pair .
Long Silk Gloves, 90c
Pure Silk Gloves, elbow iength, black, while 90
or cream, all sizes, gosh quality,40't pair
Long Silk Gloves, $I.25
Extra g.asl quality long Silk (.loves, fill elbow I•ngl b.
gesd weight, will weer well, black, white or �� 25
colors, special at per pair
New Belts are here
Thin is a Iiu1L seerun. Afore
dilfetrnt styles and - kinds
shown than for many and
many :1 flay. tuts of new
ones here just opened up the
pest few (lays. New and nub-
by styles in leather, Bilk, etc.
2sc to $2.50
1'h,n,.eyour I:rwle'r li.•It hem. I
New Fillet Nets,
Laces and Insertions
Fillet Nets and Insert' are
hasingabig run this /Trim:. They
are the new thing in Ince trim-
mings. It i, nal 1 inus,ssible 1"
satisfy the demand. This week
WI. np•111d np some very hand -
aortic neer, lacer and insertions,
which were bought direct from
the roan who made them in
Platten. Saxony. where the best
laces of thin kind arc made. They
e in vitriol's widths, white,
black, rrrn and Paris shndes.
Very handy. , very susylish, very
ctleclive tri nuutugs priced at
25C, 40c, 50c, 75c and jl.00
Nobby Coats for Easter
F.ehl,y Lawlor jackets nee now .11 tau' reeks. ' .lannl y at))•Ms in black hrua,lclnl 11, fawn blond
loth, plain and faney eevertw. .1 nal a little different from those )on will se.• in mea. pltae.,i.
•$5.00 to $12.50
handsome ince odd Silk ('oats for Indic.,
$15.00 to $33.00
Natty short ('..ststor entail Kirin, reel or navy morgea and hrltadrhstM
$3.5o to $io.00
mot ea.
M111111111 ONO
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