HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-4-16, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO 11IL1.aU.1t, .% pill 11:, 19U8 7 * +*iv 944 *44+ 94<<4Y4449** 4444 cilv sect+4 stitit,*44444 tiis4%lcs '$1 The News of the District. ti %.44++4544154444446444=445446+44144444*444446444448 NILE. Mox»A', April 13th. Leatit'K.---Nest Tueuday evening the League, will give a wiesiuuat•y lit- erary. Realties essays mud readings an addrem. will Le given by Mrs. Jobe [ill ow. on ...Impart." Considerable outside talent i» expected 4, be prey cut to assist ill the tuusical part of the progreul, both vocal and Ittrtruwental. An offering will 1e taken in aid of mhsitons. All are cordially invited to attend. PKE4KNTArIo . Prior to the de- parture of Mies Orem and Alfred Liu. field for Baseman, Montane, the exec - 'Rive euulmittee of the Epworth league gave thaw a hull• surprise. A very pleasant time was spent in statues, mimic and recitations. Rev. .1. C. Reid Made a few well-chos,u re- marks, e•xpreesi0g the regret of the executive committee et lo.mg Mies Linfield and her brother, also esterase- ing eowweudation for their efficient work in conneeti'u with all branches of church work. Mies 1•intield was then presented with re gold locket mud chain: 'suitably eugr•aved, as 4a alight token of Appreciation. All juin in wiehiug both yuwlg people rucceee ,mud prosperity 114 their new field of labor. 1',lls.Hee, April lith. Mrs. G. Sprung, of Auburn, is visit- ing at the hums of Mies Charles Girviu. Mr. and Mr. Dan Melvin, of \Viuni- 3eg, sue visiting the Iattel's paare11ts, II•. and Mrie Potter. Mr. and MI•s. Thos. Jolmntrnl eut•r- Lanett a 'slumber of their Nile trirnda and also some foot' Poplar Row on Sunday evening. Thu Hag -pilo fur the Nile *ghoul was drli*erel on the gII,UIsds some time .Igo. Sonic aur wiiiiviering if It will be up ler the'21th of May. Nie. (!race 1,infiria and her brother Alfred start tumors -ow fur Bo1A•Inare. Montana, where the latter has secured a Iucrative position ton the staff of the Montana .lgricultitral College. Spring work has etartml in this % i*iuity, these last few tbiys have dried up the *oil Merle. If the weather continues favorable for a few teeny day's, seeding will be well under wayy. ' Kiev, .1. C. herd. B• A.. B. 1)., had a arty eucceasful wood -bar et the Lush of Geo. Curry, stetting his year's mite ply of wood cut. We are glad to know that liar. Reid has about decldel stay with ns for his fourth year. Mee 11umtea lura, it Seaga. Nest Sabbath being Easter the ladies of the W. AI. S. take the entire char-ge 44f the morning service. Mrs. Charles liireet. the r• ,.ident. a( the Society, will occupy the chair. There will lie a program coneieting 114 nl.- stonary readings, Bible serves by the termite's+, immanent. d with singing by the choir Il the church. .A flee -wall offering will be taken for suasion,. We hopes to ter the thereto tilled, les three meeting, are invariably iutereeting. Iistteed of the Irgulat Sunday eve g .eryiee the choir is preparing special wu,.i', for the 4xra- s1011. - AMBERLEY. Moet. is, 1Inil13th. catching suckers is the rage thi- %seek. Hector SI,'Leau ferule n flying trip lu townt Ia. week. Sam Brown rental la! farm 411 Br 1 has Irl 1 I r Paisleyto\ Crystal 0' pasture. .11 ta ( i re ) 1>w• Nisi Annie Iluston, of Pine River. Is the guest of Mr.. Robert Shields. Ve all expect to seer the electri4 railway started inside of two weeks. Service in the Methodist church next Sunday afternoon at the usual hoar. .Jellies Shields ds 1 busy man hull.• OM a new fence around the Laurier schoolyanl. \Vilfre(1 Franey is itupeuving his farm by putting a new wire fence along the toed. lames McDonald merited home fl'.un the Soo Zest week and rep'otts that be haul a splendid time. Mr. and Mrs, John Ferguson have moved to their new home on the 2nd concession, on Wm. McTavish's farm. SAM McNain mays he is going to start et the horse -baying. Sam can judge a horse about as well as the next eine. Mrs. McLaughlin, who lam leen vis- iting Mrs. Robe. Headley for the past two years• hes left for her house in Toronto. Bryan Buckingham x1111 Richard Drown, of Hemlock City. have pur- chased a flue pair of cows from S. Brown. Anllwrley. The Atnberlev sports held their me nual meeting et, (lowish,. ish,. whether they would play baseball or footloose the 'netting season, and it wan arranged that they would pixy footled!. in the name Held as lent year. AUBURN. I CMI'RECEIVED, ACARD )AI) OF •1 Manitoba feed wheat. Vol •.,Ir by W 'I'. 1(1Ubi:LL. Auburn. .VEDNKN1oAs, .fpr. 15t0i. .Veeky \'redden and Thither Straughan etartetl sowing last Tues- day. JL is rumored that the new etoad le the station has been bought from Jir•. 3IeUuns Id, \Villian, Pattison is 011 the sick list. He im suffering from inflamma- tory rheumatism. least Monday .lance Young slatted sawing. He has quite a large number of lugs and heading to etit,•1his season. Innathan Willard, who had tern spending the winter with friend% in .Michigan and Parry bound, arrival home thin week. .Icpiepli \V,uhin ton had a raising Inst \. ednestay of the portion of his taarn damaged by the recent *torn(. 0. ('lark has the contract of the work. Matt. Cowrie w �r-re, John McKnight has ter:eiv, ' notice that. his contract for carrying the mails from 1ilyth to Mt. Augustine will terminate Slater - day ever -ng. Hols•rl.:\wluilh has re- sei41d n. Ice that his rm)trace for carrying the !nail, free' t he station to he pe ,.loftier. Mere, stud from here to Mt. Augustine, will start on Monday. LUOKNOW. Motne', April 13th. Mr. and Sirs. T. W. Little have moved to Lucknnw from ihinganncn. A1*. Little Intends taking a trip north. Dw\T11 ov M1%m Mr I.K t.. The soli and unexpected death took place on Thursday morning hamt of Miss ('Lara McLean, of the gravel road about one mit month of i,ucknnw. On the pre - clone TuaMay Ilr. Oro*es, of F'erglns. performed an operation for tumor of the towels. Afterwards violent vnn,- iting occurred, rupturing a blood veils eel and calming the death of the patient, The taln4tal frank place to patient, cemetery t(Nley. LOTHIAN. Trusties-, April 11th. Mies Lirrie Henderson, of Lueknow, ie the gut•et of her cousin, Mies Barn- by. Alien Dur uiu was for guest ut Mire Annie Mclennan, of Laurier, over Mummy. Robert Ritcbte has bought the farm owned by Win. Agar. We wish trim every Inlecelm in his undertaking. Mrs. Win. Hogan hose returned home after spending a few weeks with her deught•r, Sirs: B. Brody, near Stlxtbroy. [)i. '1'houllas 1 !twine has returned home alter spending a wart with his 'sister, 5Ire. O'Hara. near Chesley, in patty with ilia mother. LAURIER. MONDAY, April 13th. 1). N. Lila:Gregor• drove to Gtrderich on Monday. Miw Beth Sandy es a visitor in our neighborhood. ;Miss Bell MacKenzie, of Lucknnw•, epwllt Sunday at home. Mise' Stahel Ferries, of Lothian, .pent Sunday in Str,athtran. Donallyy Gordon was the gueet of Mal. McLennan Saturday evening. Kenneth MacKenzie and Alex. Mc- Lennan tm4ule a busiuese trip tie-Gude- rich o 611 de - rich on Saturday. - Mier Minnie Durnin, of Lothian, WAS the guest of Mies Annie ?IacLeu- tan for a few days this week. Mier Maggie McLean, of Kiutail, spent a couple of days the guest of her aunt, Mie. Kenneth F. Mclennan. \\'e ale sorry to stale that Mis. Johll JewirwnI. or., is erelong'? III at pres- eut, hut we hope for bee speedy recovery. r KINGSBRIDGE. Moyi.sy, April 13th. John Lannon, of Guttered), spent Sunday here. Mira Marie Mullivau is visiting friends in Kinkora. Leo Stock, of Ism -know, has been visiting 1rientls in this vicinity. • Mira Couloir O'Connor spent Sunday with her friend Miall Young, of Kin - tail. Mr. and Nine Tho eval and family have left our village end moved north- ward. Mime Alice O'lalary 1s gone to spend her holidays at her home et Port Iawbtou. Our holiday venture have nut arrived yet. but we will we 1h.•ui all by Su11/1Ay. W1111"'Nest Ie+waes •.n Tuesday for \11nui1s•K, as here he introits 4, spend the .uunu,-1. Im .'oung. 0f loyal. !pent l'w'.day of last week with h•o•nd. here. Was that good -ht•,', .Ilml "• St 'mull.. .1 our yen ug people al- tendel Ste 1 Martins learn -raising ou 7'hurvla All retest a motel t Although this i.. leap teal the girt .11, not 4411' ynI• k. 'rM• hoses leave their Exeter Irwnete first . pallet*. we should %my derbys. \Ve are glad to heat that the pstiru!. of Hersh sleet ale able 411 care for thenrsrlset. again and our young Allhome again. our •o r, Some of r un men have t K had the beet of hick to begin the spring. Time. Sullivan bat ,a COW. Andrew Martin a home, end \Vtlhaw Wall a number e( chick. r s- all valu- able articles. .IIs• ilurses', sale un Friday reit. %cry good eonsidering the state of the rolmts. Thele was a large crowd, but they were not active buyers. Sir. Hussey left on Monday for SeaLUe. His many friend, here send with 1 ' their best wishes for his welfare. eSAYFIELU. .VKI,NrsDAT, April 1st. Stmoot HKetinT. The following is the report of Boit-Held public school for the month of March. based on at- tendance, demeanor and general tone Hciency: Senior ronm. V.-- Ford King. Senior iV.-Baby Wood N, Maggie Parker, Winnie McNeil. Junior IV. -Evelyn Pollock, Wilbur Erwin, Cora Turner. Senior 111. - Andy Sturgeon, Maggie McLeod, Cecil Mcleod. Junior 111. --Lulu King, Lilian King, Anna Woods. T. H. Beowy,.i i, Principal. Junior room. Senior 11. -Anna McNeil. Dorothy Fowlie. .Villianl Sturgeon. Middle I1.- Ernest McBer, Bessie Elliott, Isabel Woods. Junior 11. --tallier' Ceiling. Irene Currie, F'ruik King. Senior Part 1i. --Alex- ander Brown, Wilmer Blair. Junior Pate 1 L --Ethel Fowlic, Muriel King, Russel Heard. Senior Part 1. --Mel- vin Turner, Cecil Attwood, Raby Elliott. Junior Part I. -Hales Dress- ler. Here Tippet. Number on roll. Ll ; average, 14. F. M. RT.t NHt•KY, l eeau'hel•. Trent' April 11th. Ales. Wit. Johnson is visiting in (,oderich. Gordon Johnson. of MeeforU,, is home for a few days. The report .f the promotion ream- inatione will be out, next week. James Dick, proprietor of the Dick House, Stenforth. wan in town on Tuesday . Trinity church will hold service in the morning hereafter, instead of in the evening. The population still t'ontinuen to grow. A young .on has arrival et Geo, Lindsay'm. The Trinity church Guild will hold an '•English social" in the town hall on 'Thursday, the J4trl (St. George's Day(. The at home given tinder the aus- pices of the Ledtev' Aid of the Prenby• terian church war not very largely attended. NIts Hawkins, :agent, for The Free Preee, was in to.en tide week. lie has a1n.111 flirty -the topic, tinning to Hayfield daily. T. A. MLi11Uo11 moved his Iwlougi11g* 1111 Tuetelny t. Clinton, where he in- tends taking up 'mow! again. ('on- gl•atelatiene, 1' . SKItlora All weer. We ere sorry t.o hear that Walter Welton, of the township, had three rills broken and hie *pine hurt by a building falling nn hint. Ile is in 41 very crit.iral condi- tion. - COLBORNE. NoN*.t Y. April 13th. .1. Errant Rnh.•.rMnn bee taken (har•ge of the 1(enniller school !M. S. No. _1 for the balance of the term, Ed. Stewart having resigned for the pur- 1 pewee of giving hie time to the boatmen,' of the Brntniller Numerics. LANES. h.crcno.ay, April 11111. Jerk Watson, of Lucknow, lately purchased the fine driver of Manuel Sherwood. Rev. F. A..\'rlalter occupied tit pulpit of Lauer Presbyterian cburc on Sabbath last. Nies. 1). 11, Hackett mud baby were the guest! of Mrs. A. M. 'Treleaven, of Ripley, last week. • UUNGANNON. . / IAtiH YOB WIGS AND Bt'T'1'EK.- . T. W. Mae. uld -land, l)uugawwu. J. • 'A[ 1 -PAPER. -SEE TI1K NEN); wall gala''. ai the 19wloalce dlmr .1 e sued satiety of titaeful µAltera.• iu.l placed b , •luck. tall alai gel latices. 1'Alil'8R CAItDY AT Till: P'OS'T 11.4 011''14.14 atom. New .,tuck 10.1 111. i'A. NEWTON, DENTIS'', 1.lUl'K- l7 NOW.- Alhwuee%ery day except Thus„ days.. V.w remedy fur extracting teeth lyel4oIul.0 ae forma, tet l,Ihail aa», a'rolat wn sbcMis• work .aj - etc. Alununum ylnte. moo breablo,. I N. H.-. You ran al way. have your work vouch latter dime le (le dental °Mee -wore Ifwu, better fa41111ite fur dome; the work: 01010 retie n fellable tor the lacet. Miss Lizzie Gauley, of 6oderieb, w the guest of MIs. John Johnstone dor ing the past week. Wesley Sherwood returned home on Saturday last from Durham. where he had been during the late fall and winter. W. P. (teed, of lanes, hose been appointed treasurer of Ashfield, *Se. wording W. J. Treleaven, who lately resigued. Samuel Sherwood, who has beau .eriously ill during the feat week. is improving favorably. We hope to hear of his restoration to his former health in the near future. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Tu1s,Ay, April 1111,. tebn A. Thowpao,i and Miss (:race E. Macdougall were quietly married et the ulam„e in Ida lield on Tuesday of last week by Rev. John McNeil. rhe following day they left for the Lloyd- nlinst,r district, alaskatcbewau. where Mr. 'Thompson has a horuee(eed. MAattlED IN BcrrALu.-[n Buffalo, on Much IStb, Miss Bertha Rathwell. a trained nurse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward ltathwell of tbie township, Iex:ane• the bride of Dr. A. 1'. Squire. of ltotterdein. N. V. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Coken, Methodist clergyman. The newly -wedded couple will reside at Rotterdam. where the Doctor has a large practice. A Seatfit-1 A( -(ii ;NT. -Mrs. Charles Middleton, of this township, met with it very eerioes accident in Clinton on Moseley afternoon of last week. She hail driven to town ie visit her mother, 31*... Coats. and on leaving the latt.rr's house the burse was frightened and became unmanageable and ran away. In its wild career it ran Lee buggy against :a tree and Mrs. Middleton was thrown out and struck her heal with terrible force on the cement walk. ,She was borne uneou• scions l., the hospital. where she re- mained for some time in a very criti- cal eunditein, it beteg toned that abe hal sutTer•d concussion of talc brain, halides sustaining severe external du• \VEUNeeu.ae, April lith. Miss Agues Forder left last week for Toronto. Mimi .Adelaide DA%WIstrn. ,11 Creigh- ton. ie home for the Easter vacation. Mfrs. Chau1. Johnston. of Asquith. Sank.. who bas been visiting relatives, in the township, returned borne last week. The auxiliary of V. 1'. M. S. of Trion 1'nrohyt.erian (buret' held its tuoutbly ,ulwtiug 1711- `IVldnewday e(ternan of 'last week at -the home of Mrs. Jas. lit.'s. EAST WAWANOSH Btu.HAys, April 7th. Ton veiny Coreetl_- The eouord met1 adjournment. coda remnant to r F re 's Nem sets all t. The en In r n g report on the proposed Ormsby drain was rend by the clerk to the several parties interested. There (wing no objections Li the report the clerk was instructed to prepare the necessary h taw in connection with the same. The, ngineer's report on the proposed Hallrhan drain (the estimated cost be- ing $2,3811 was read else, and an oppor- tunity given the several parties to add to or withdraw from the petition. The council. however, on the advice of its solicitor refused to ,adopt the report. it being contended that the petitioner had failed 4, secure a ma- jority of the owners in the area de- scrilred as presented in the petition. A debenture for 711 cents in favor of J. 1. Holmes. Whitechurch, for repairs to road grader in 1907. was ordered to tw paid. There being no further busi- ness the council then adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, May C'dith, at 111 o'clock a. in., as a court of revision and appeal and for the transaction of other township lousiness. Alex. PoKTEsieniste Clerk. MONeev, A ,til 13th. m*w 1ers have started their spring plowing. Geo. C. Naylor ',imposed of a sou le of heifers last week. .tastes Douely lee-, ing the purchaser. John Craig held A auccetnful raising on Thursday last. lie moved his baro from the other farm and set it on the foundation on which his driving shed was sitting before the fire. Dr.4TI1 ins Mits. Si ,w -Celt. -it is our sad duty to record the death o[ Mn, Geo. Howler, of Belgrave, which occur- red on Wednesday, )nth inst.. in the sixty-seventh year of her age. Mrs. Sowier wee a much respected resident of this neighborhood. The funeral took place on Friday last to Bethel cemetery. The surviving family have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community. PORT ALBERT. 1VeiNK.nav, April IJth, Hobert Scat called on relatives in Ripley lett week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hutcheson have• suffered in the 10*44 of a valuable dog. Mise Mary Cunningham is vi.iting nt Mrs. Oliver's in Dungnnnpn this week. Edward Brown is getting an arta". Mt' well sunk. Mr. Kuutz's machine Is doing the work. Some of the boys front this burg have been out selling post came They seen) to get good sale. Miss Uell Brindley entertainer) a barge number of young people to tatty pull on Friday evening of last week. If this weal her '111? 1111114* the farm- er, Will ease, to get bony, as the ground in getting in good shnpe for cultivation. Faking i4 the pastime of quite a number of people In and around this district. The boys think it fine sport the.w moonlight evenings. A number of relativee end friends from thin (orality attender) the funeral of Mian ('lire McIuean, of Lucknnw, last Monday. We extend the hand of sympathy to the sorrowing releti• •s in their berenvemont. Milanese iamt.ounderl) "Yon ran reed, Norah :' Good graciene ! How did you ever learn to rook so well P" N.•w ('ink •"Mhere, mum. le lay It t' not 'min' aIle t, rain*' th' emik•leoks.' ['own end Conntly. 10TICF:. - '1'HI: Id)t1A1. AGENCY in 1ruI1gannun for The Signal ie,u law 1'as.a- oMce 144lok and Stationery Store wham orderw will be neon -wt fur nlw:rlyllou.. ad- rertlaluat and Ju', work, and retelyle will be alvei lur amount.. orad for the saute. %VKmpal).tt', April IS la Jae, of Citation. visite,( be. (her Ileac tier week. \\' • H. ltolwttaon, 111 The Sigma. gave us *cell 011 Saturday last. J. 1). O'Cun • shipped a curium] of cattle Lo'1'ut.mtu uu Sal tardily dual. Mr. Augultiuesof (ioduriela, i. vigil- ing Welton. U. E. Augustine, at prim - rot. \fn. '1'. 8.-;Duwahl w•:L. called 4, fuUdon yestei.Iay 1•y 1he death of her airier. Max 1•'ielaet, of lie '(ler. ie viwl- in* her daughter. Mrs. 11. this week. Rich. Blake, formerly of this. pldee, called on friend» herr on \I lay. He i, at preaent,iu Berlin. Mr, Sellers. suu•io-law of S. E. Manderou, /moped Ilia week to Mite. vale, whets he. has rental a (arta. Talents having t•hildlrn to start In seho.l are requested to mond therm 1111 the reaopenitet '•f 114/101/1 after Easter holidays, Aprl'27Ui, • \Vw.-Sulith, of \Vr►L \V.awauesb, lab pllreh.raed the stalde in the vit. lege lielougging to J. le• irntior. He t• tearing it down mutt haying it ineved down w his farm. %Vw. Anderemo. who baa faro a resident of our village for a number of years, has bought a house in poste - rich and will move theme in a wee(: or two. He is a gaud citiarit and we '41'e sorry to loge hint. ` I)1'Noesteoe FAL,. FAIR. The directors of the Dungannon Agricul- tur•e1 Society 'lave deeidel 111 Chang.. the date» for the hokliug alt the la I fair of 191114. in 'order to avoid conflict- ing with the L11cknow show. 'rhe dates now derided upon sire \Vednes- day and Thursday. October 7tl1 Anel sth. The prise list ham heen revived, and with the experience of past yexrk to guide them the directors hope to have an even more sutrew(,,l fair tela year than the excellent exhibitions of the last.• KINTAIL. TI'Ye1is v. April 11U1. Thees llendersbn held a eurosseful weeel-pax last \Vrdn,•st1sy. Bain AIclernald has anise(' buuae from Stratford Bu.in.•a. College. \Ilam Minnie Mrl.l•nn hes returned from her visit with friends in (bde- • ti••1,. Airs. Benjamin and !OIL Willis., have returned t, the till4K, attar .Irendtng the e inter a Il a te xa hake. Nies, .las. Grif?lu a still on the Kirk list. He'. ,many friends here would he ply.sed to bear of her •partly recovery. Kenny Mc1,.wn and Tel. Griffin have returned to . their liontew after spending the winter in Sault tile. Marie. Aire. B4)iueon has 1 -eternal to her home t temple le li ve after stwniling the past winter with her Intether. Duncan S,Le.xl. The :theses ALary !le•ndersun, of Kin- Inta. anal ib•Ile llendersos, et H11ron, were the guests of Mi., .lane Mr•1)i,n- odd on %Velneawday, rAFEKING. \VKDNIg.mA*, Apr. 13th. SUNDAY S19N01. G1'FII'KKe.-At the ,u)nual meeting of Blake's Sunday school last Wednesday evening the following (Wirers were elected : Sutter- intendent, Norman Mharkleton : as• sisuset superintendent.. S. .1. Kil- patrick : treasurer, Stephen Straiten,: secrete' y, Everett Henry ; librarian. Ernest Blake : aesistent librarian, .1, C. Stothers : organist, Annie Fitz. geraald : (assistant, Pearl Saunders. et men. iteemo. Report of N, S. No. u, eshfield, for Easter, showing Marks obtained nt promotion and test eaaminat' : V. Total, 111) -- ear. a an !Anthers. lltl. Ent ranee ebay. Total, 710 - Wm. Altnn, ;CI ; Fanny F'itxgersld, :pa : Walter Alton, :IlN : Leila Blake, :117: Wallace Twaulley, 4Ki : Mm•v Saunder., lair. Inter. 1 V. --Entest Help. Ila. Junior 1.', - EtHe Johnston, 4.,3. 111. -Total, .110 -Jessie Seabees, We: Toni Glen, 311) : KIdit Twatuley, 2114 : Edith Johnston, ;112: Will lilezier, 232° II.- -Total, ;ibis -Will Fitzgerald, :1Mj ; [.illy Alton. Til : ids Glacier, 273. Junior II. Heti Twamley, Marie Baker, Peter Glazier, John filen, Elisabeth flowers. Part 11. Beryl Johnston. .1. C. Itlearr,(EKs, Teascher, WEST WAWANOSH. Fnitiav, Marsh 2711.. Tow N»H10 Owlet 11. -t'mmcil met :13 per adjournment. meridian; all pres- ent, Reeve Ilailie iu the elutes utes of last in ieting confirtned, un motion of Monne and 514 dd. 7'he treasurer's statement %hewed balance on hand of $(R111.77. Filed, nn motion of Murray and Th peon. .Ise. Lyons waited on' council re .lay. Mc. Pherson, who in sick at his place The rouncil agreed to pay Jas. Lyme 1j3 per week for care of patient until ter hi removal the p'n Ina Ital on motion nn i r of Medd and Thompson. The claim o[ H. Smith re drain wan left over until next meeting. Mengeyiewers. pound - keepers and ppaatbmaaters were ap- ment rl an `follows : F'ene•eviewere - John M1IL•, John titaffotII, A. Ihn•nin, J. Pulliam. W. E. Gordon. ti, liner. Free from Alcohol Since May, If)Oti, Ayer's Sar- saparilla has been entirely free from alcohol. If you arc in poor health, weak, pale, nerv- ous, ask you - doctor about tak- ing this non-alcoholic tonic and alterative. 1f he has a better medicine, take his. (,et the best always. This is our advice. w, yubuids our roraiu:ae W. buts* leoho' . nem our..ile,u.. ars arp7ee •o ror=rou r aaeaor A sluggish liver means a coated tongue, a bad breath, and constipated bowels. The question is, "What is the best thing to do under such circumstances? " Ask jour doctor if this Is not a good answer: Take laxative doses of Ayer's Pills." -maw se las J. C. Alsr 00, Low e, l l'uuudktepera .1. Iseaagan, 1'. - 1'. Brown. J. Taylor, J. Kenneled', %Vii. Ilunphrey, \\1a1. McQuillan.' Path- - talasters--J. W..hu•kman, S. Kerr, W' %vats°i .. i). t\'ilauu, S, l.uw1e r, M. Sproule. .1. Niven!. W. Young.- R. Bruce, F, Bruce, J. Logan, H. lereag an, Thur. Doyle. \V. Brother,•. 4.V. ('arts ,1. 1). Smylie, 1). rlenders,n, Jae, Finnigan. K. Tweurley. H. King, F. Sloes, \\'. J. \Vighluuul, Tees. Radcliffe. 11. Green, 11. Bell, A. Durnii, W. %%Te 11, l:. Buster, W. Ti plum, W. Andrews, \1. Mc- Allister,. G. Brophy, 1'. Kearney, J. Beadle, J. C1,a111t.ry. 1. Slewatt'l. M. \1 twill, J. Invrtin, J. 1'raustuu. J. F'or'han, A. Kenuehau, I. ('4111(1, 11', ►rmstroug, 1i. Meanly. \V. Subduer, 11, Rutherford, A. Ilarper..I, 1:. Ruth- erford. I), Mel envie'. M, H piney. .1'..1. Tail.!, ,Ies. Barber. John Herber, I. 3' elatrr, E. `.I. lieu les. 1'. • .riymn•, N. l',uuplwlh Jan. (:aunt. W. Caplets 1\ . ('eugdwlL J. Alchienuu, IL\uylor, 31, l',tvlir. 1(w. l.aidlaw, J. Martin, It. Webster. J. Lyons. Mixt Melllanxkl, J.:tle(luillin, \V. Mei/MI- lin. 11. I',/tte w,n, P'• Weld,, 1)• Ken- nedy, R. Th peon. .1. Ealgleetonc, 1', Clark, \Vtu. Sproule, Thu.. Pentland, Council a,hjuoene) to mat•rl 1111 Nay 2771h ns. n c4lht 111 lrvis 1111.1 for general lwsiewise. \V. S. eh Grip TIY., clerk. ST. HELENS. '1'rrem v, .t til 11th, IVill '1'ashi went 4, ('Argil' en Sat- urday. Miss Nora Lashio i. visiting friends iu Lue•knuw this week. Donald AI. Clark, of the lis C. 1., .pent Sunday at his honor. '• W. 1I. RolkyIwu, of The Signal. called cosi our sct•ilie uu 1•katurl•ly. Mr.. ,loylit and family have eel Ls, the homer lately saca4sl Ies A. F'itael 1. .1's. osre sorry to hear (hat IL .1rid.•t• stn is ill again. :We hula• to hair of hie .p.erly recovery. Stuart A. Millet wi■hes tr. Annon11re that he will be 4111 the road with hip wagon next week, wheel hr will be Weaned to .apply the wants of the harmers in the dryglnnk laud grocery line. :'lq, farmers,. Parr yell! eggs for 1*ur•1,e pay. lIle highest prise. Rev. A.\' 1 i 1 tr F . e serer (f . t. ' M :as w n1t lase t _ u ialCalvin church pul- pit - pit for two Seblettlul, bah accepted a ra11 to I'uIl,A:k, South Dakota. Rev. Mr. Mann, of Sturgeon F,►lly, will preach on Exeter. Rural School Grounds. Tle Presby lei bin. w• e L 1 rid not Inc tames to discover a mute Imre, cheerless, unattnietire, and even 'immodest scene than the avenge astral school building and grounds• The building is tow often entirely devoid of any aurltjtet'tunal aadornment, and ie set in is here piece u( ground in which the outbuildings stand out in all their unbs•autifltl nektdnevm, it dues not seem to have dawned 011 Many s•li.ol Imitate that the building end the ggnn)unds mny lie a means of literal education, and a source of training in that In,e of beauty which in near akin to '!orality, :here is notating in runny a rural schotd-and this is true of 11rxny n town school- to awaken the latent sense of hemuty that will tell power. fully upon the after life. The school ie regarded as preeminently a phew of tasks, with nothing ato.ut it to stir lip fond memories in after days. or to give u stimulus 111 the beautifying of the farm hums.. hay the planting and Otto nay of treat, cud 41p4�4. laying out of artistic Hower beds.the :haul grounds ami be traneforme(1 fr n eI,'erleem desert into a veritable beauty spot, and tastes will b , I a formed which t, h mil 1 not be satisfied with cheerims and hare home sun'oumdiogs whin the school days are past. One of the causes of the h l owplxina+d•of "Lie in Every Dose" 1,'I cannot speak too highly of Psy. ebbs., for it. is the greutrrt medicine I ever need. I was eon Muse' 'all in' when I begat the treatment. and in :( months I was as well as ever. 1t in a great,t.sic for weak and run dawn peen fire. Tbere is new life in every dose." ,IAS. STOI.TRKR. Ridgetewn, Out., Des. 19. 19044. 1t is a sin not to tell your sick friends abent this waedrrtui prescription. Throat, )ewg and etnmach troubles, and all eon down conditions quickly cured by. its use. 41 all druggists, .'ale and $1.00, or Dt. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto KELPION STAINLESS IODINE OINTMENT rem nil ala or burn rues.. Ithrunun.m. Splaim, erd%ee and targe (Mrd+, a weed 1,1 r-abbmp. 114 ill thug sties:. the The effect of Scott's Emulsion on thin, pale children is magical. it makes them plump, rosy, active, happy. it contains Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites and Glycerine, to make fat, blood and bone, and so put together that it is easily digested by little folk. At I" DRUGGISTS: tiOc. AND 1111.00. MERINO ...For.... Easter Wearing Ne ►v Fats, New (!loves, New Ties, New Handkerchiefs, New Vests. ll► tact we have everything that id new iu 111!11 s wearai,Ies. You will enjoy the Easter season touch 1.cttel' by donning gear that is new and !rush, 1 u. such CUD bo found ill choice variety at The Palace Clothing Store We have everything for 'Men and Boys and all at moderate prices. McLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Clothiers and Men's Outfitters. THE PALACE CLOTHING STORE I , tendency to leave the farm for the' city is the tale c1,eerlessneas of _ many a farm home which might easily be transformed into an earthly paradise. If parents and :school Ioauds .11314 be brought 4, realize the importance of the whew) building and gn,unds as a tactor in erlueation, many a here and clieerlrls quarter of an :acne would be made to blo,.mon, :as the ruse. Homeseekers' Excursions. Thr (:rand 'Trunk Railway Syeleul will issue ..evond'elnss return tickets at reduced nates to principal points in .elallitob.a, Saskatchewan and Alberta, tion d going April 1 Ith end Sestli, May 12th and :!lith, J'rne Dtha and 23rd. July -th and 21 et, August 4th and loth, Sepdeenher 1st, l:.th and _filth. Ticket.. good 'returning within sixty .lay.. A; 1nuriet sleeper will he attached 4/ care' train; P'or full information, rates, ete , apply to F. le. Lawrence, !town Town G. T. It. Ticket Agent. 10 CONSUMPTIVES. Edward A. Nilson Preparation of Hypophosphites and Blodgett' how tlo• '.aminal formula is the Sovereign Rem- edy for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis. Catarrh, La Grippe. Coughs. Colds, ,mud all Throat and Lung Maladies. Thousandspe)p1r• nay they hese leen relieved by it. Those who have used it will beer tin other, and r•rowweod it ti, t heir fellow sufferer.. 1t her cured many after they were given up asincurabk by their phyule ians. The under.igued an a consumptive can testify (rues his own experience ss 111 its value. Write at once delays are dauget•nus and may prose fatal. For full particular., testimonial., et e. address C. A. ABBOTT, Sole Agent, 6o Ann Street, New York City, N.Y. in THESE DAYS ARE ALL Bargain Days AT The BusyStore (McKim's Old Stand) 1 CAMERON & M00RE M 44th j 00 Clearing Sale of Wire Fencing IDEAL 1M) rads of :b wires, :04 inches, high, :lie a ru(1. ►t) rods of 7 wh'e* Jt1 inches high, Atte a rod. :31 won of 7'dire*, 111 inches high, a.; a rod. 5) roils of a wires, 17 inches high, IIIc a reel. 711 nods of Il wiles, 51 inches high, Ek: a nal. MI rods of 9 wins, :e) inches high, -1 k: a rod. 113) ruts of 1n Winn, 15 inches high, (44e a reel, AMERICAN All No. is Wire, Stays is inches apart. :I► nods .rf 9 wires, 111 inches high, :as. A nal. te) nods of 7 wires, 42 inches high, 35e a nil. 1.21 nods of K winr4, 12 inches high, lee a roil. uRtl reds of II wirer, le inches high, 12c a and. Stays ae inches apart. Mu rale of 11 wires, :01 inches high, 24c a rod. 1111 rolls err „ wi ee, 42 inches high, :1's: a nay. (M) I Ode of 1. wires, Ir inches high. Its: a'slat. CYCLONE wise t fence, :steps 111 inches apart. top wit'! No. 7 'larger than No. let rent all No. 9, at 33c. a reel -o'in• tense, stays ie inches apart, top wile No. 7 Marge' than No. ti., rept till No, 9, at 40c per toil, .A fill line of Flarb, 2'and 1 point„ roiled No. 9 Alla No. 12. Fed weaving No. 12 and N.. 1:1, alivey a in %leek. 54.4 ••nary n full line of SHERWIN-WILLIAMS READY -MIXED PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES NATIONAL CEMENT nlway+ r„tried do Meek. Beek tour 01-4(114 ahead Ins. NAtiena(1 l'i meet as a ,,onus's. 111 others are doing, 1 hen yin are mire of is when yon want i1. IN PLUMBING, HEATING, TINSMiTHING and ELECTRIC WiRING 011 ran give you prompt attention and all work aid material I illy )(lumen teed. Store 'Phone 22 itnuse'Phone Ili CHAS. -C. LEE I rJ, e