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she fumbled over the clasp. M Et-
ienne. with a "Permit me, madame,'
took it boldly from her hand and
hooked it himself about mademois-
elle's neck. He delayed longer than
he need over the fastening of it, look-
ing with burning intentness straight
ir.to her fans. She lifted her eyes tri
his with a quick frown of diepleasure,
drawing hermit back; then all at ouce
the color waved arroas her face like
the dawn flush over a gray sky. She
bluehed to her very hair. to her very
ruff Then the red vanished a, quick.
ly as it had roma; she clutched at
her bosom. on the verger a swoon.
He threw out his arms to eateh her.
lnetantly she stepped aside and. turn-
ing with • little unsteady laugh to
the lady at •whose elbow she found
herself. asked:
"Doer it become me. madame?"
The little name had passed eo
quickly that it seemed nooe bad near
ed it. Mademoiselle had stood a IR -
tie out the group. monsieur with hi.
bark to it, and the ladies were •busy
over the jewels. She whom rnatlemnie-
elle had addressed, a big -nosed. loud -
voiced July, older than any of the
ethers. answered her bluntly:
"You leek a shade too green -farad
to -day. mademoiselle, for anything to
become you."
"What eon you raper'. Mme. de
Bnee" Mlle. Blsnrhe promptly -de-
manded. "Mlle. de Montle,- is weary
and Worn from her vigils at your
son's bedside."
Mme. de Montpenaier had the otem-
erity to latish, but for the rat. a sort
of little groan ran through the corn -
pante Mme. de Mayenne bade sharp-
ly. "Peftee, Blanche!" Mme. de Arne.
red with anger, flanvd out on.hsr and
Mlle de Montluc equally:
"You Impudent min=es"'Tie en-
ough that one of you should bring
my sen to hie death, without -the
other making a mock of it."
"He'e not dying," began the trre-
presethle Blanche de Tavanne, her
eyes twinkling '`.with mischief. but
whatever naughty answer was on her
tongue qpr radenee telle's deeper
yoiee overbore her. -
"1 am guiltless of'tho charge. ma.
dame. It was through no wish of
mine that your son. with half •Hee
guard at his back. net on one wound-
ed man.':
"1'll warrant it was not," muttered
Mlle Blanche
•1(ar has toned traitor and de -
'terve. nothing t e well as to be epit-
fed in the dark," Mine. de Brie cried
Mademoiselle waited art instant,
with flashing eyes meeting madames.
She had spoken hotly before. but now.
in the face of the other's paggion, she
held herself steady.
"Your charge is se false. madame,
Y'your wish ie cruel. Ito you go *0
vespers, and come home to sae such
things? M. de Mar is no traitor; he
WY never pledged to ua. and may
go over to NaVaiae when be will."
It was quietly spoken, but the blue
lightning of her eyes was -too much
for Mme. de Brie. She opened her
mouth to retort, faltered. dropped.
her eyes and finally turned away. let
seething, to feign itdereet in the trink-
ets. it was a rout.
"Then you are the traitor. temente."
chimed the silvery tones of Mme. de
Montpeneier. "It es not denied that
M. ole Mar has gone over to the en-
ewy; therefore are you the traitor to
have intercourse with him."
She spoke without heat. without any
appearance of ill feeling. Hers was
merely the desire. for the fun of it,
to keep the flurry going. But made-
moiselle answered serionaly, with the
flectingest glen•' at M. 1e Comte,
where he, fnrpetting he knew no
French. feasted hie e%e» recklessly
on her. pity'inc, npplauding, adoring
her. f went softly around the group
to pull his sleeve; we were lost it any
turned to see him.
"Madame," mademoiselle addressed
Iter ('noise of kloutpensier, speaking
particularly clearly and dirtimctly, "I
mean ever to be !oy.l to my house.
I came here a pennitese orphan to
the caro of my kinsman Mayenne,
and be has always been to one gen-
erous and loving": ---
"If not madame," murmured 'Mlle.
Blanche to herself.
r' ---Y I in my turn have been
loving and obedient. It wee only twn
nights ago he told me M. de alar
meat be as dead to me. Since then
I have held no intercourse with him.
Least night he came under my nin-
dew; I was not in my chamber. as yon
know. I knew naught. of the affair
till M.'de Brie was brought in bleed-
ing. It was not by My will M. de
Mar came herr-it was a misery to
me. I sent him word by his boy that
other night to leave Periee 1 fin -
planed him to leave f'nrie..11 instead
he comes here he reeks my hoer'. 1t
is no joy to me, no triumph to me.
but a bitter dieter:e, that Any honest
gentleman should riek his bfe in a
rain and empty qua. t. M. de Mnr
must go his ways as i must gn tains.
Rhonld he ever make attempt to /marl,
inc again and could 1 !peek to hum 1
'should tell him jn,t what 1 hare said
now M yen."
1 pressed monsieur's bend in the
endeavor to bring him beck to erns';
he seemed Omits so try tint on her.
Ant madetno...elle's earnestness had.
'drawn all eyes.
"Pehaw, 'hanieh these Mem
My aim!" Mme de Mnntp'nsi.r re-
joined, her 'tightness little touched.
•A wounded bird fall, by the rippling
.wef.r, but the ripples tinkle on. "M.
rte Mer is not likely ever to venture
Here again; Ion had ten warm a web
Mime last night. My faith. he may he
deed by fhb% time -dead to all Y well
as to you. titer he vanished into
rennet, hour nu one sterna to know
What happened. . ji.. Charles told
you, my .Ishan•
"Fenn gu me hi 711 Up, of rum IC '
Mme• de Mayo •,,' aru.werc'I. "Mom
steer has .'.,..- *hat eeeins'd to hon
"You are da;kiy mystennus, sir
M: ma ds 1Df*yei.ne raised hem eye-
itrewt end ',relied se one solemnly
nm:wedged te say ne mere She r'u14 not
d sal more, knowing nutbinal
whatever emelt rd.. 1 h. 1 w:, 1..4101144lie
' I .poke i11 a low vote, luukorg draught
before her:
"11 heaven willed that he escaped
IAA night 1 pray be nu'. leave .tile
site. 1 pray be slay '!ever try to see
MO more. 1 pray he may depart in-
stantly ---rut once. ' -
"1 pray your pitmen, may ha an-
swered, su be it 10 liver re more of
hum," Mine. de Montle -ulster 'r ietortell.
tired 01 the subject she herself had
ednrted. "He wee neve, tediuua him-
sek. Me de Mar. brit a!1 this. solemn
Putting *leen 'dm i, dn'ler''than a
seriatim." She raised a dainty hand
helmet which to matte audibly. "Fume,
nie,wlimen, let •us got back to tem
purchases. Ma ioi Jt': porky three
jeo. il'-r folk lit 'w nu French,"
Iaienne Mee biro -elf reaiu, 0!1
oily$ and quick i.1,-a,lii rte.. 1 r{ip•
{Ind riff 10 nit• p0 1 1:1 th.' 1''r! mooed.
1• e• ' e ' u e
trying 1 gel out of 1h. yl f Mlle.
In 'ravnnua. who it'd 1.",, stnr,iur
rt in.. the last flu,. minim.s in a lir:.
that 1110111, tily g0'1A^flt•.11 r)F0, s., en..•
pieirr;e. so pr11hi,i ren. 1•. to '
r•••r •at r.h. did ionto „1 oris her cnr:r
frog' nl+. but unh t-, uatch M. I•+
1•.,177)4 is n /!.10.1,.11
wat"'7' . n tl•ir':et.
It was a mireeie that 1."u• la'i•fxrenr-
col nn born leolore. .,, •e%!e..; had lute
!eel' 1 p •rr.'ivod '7 1 -i' !7,euin; err-
rvnt� Uri Mlle. ,l.• Tsvannr hoof
^r,•,Ilr r„nwt1Din • f•irty
hn•tl•d t•.ith-u•In••nn,, wits keen!
rglt.•. 1 r. wile.) 0011, l.cnfht,' to,. -
it elft 10 rtlomemt for els )7o'nepmrut.
There ns nothing; 1•' Ir done; she.,
held i4 in the hollow of her hand.
Me could not flee. u -e could not nerd.
We could do nothing bit wait quietly
till she ,Poke, and then submit
ly to to arrest ; later, const like, to death.
Minute followed minute; and still
rhe did not speak. Hope flowed back
to nee again; perhaps. after *lir tela
iii:ht eremite. I wondered how high
were the windows fr rte ground.
to 1 stol.' serous the moon to see,
Mlle. de Tavanne detached herself
from the group and glided unnoticed
cut rif the door.
and butting as It 05 quo LI,' wool° i said" ---
night before huiy Our one chance
eat to bolt; to charge pant the sen-
try and Hee as from the devil. 1 put`e
ed monsieur's arta again and unutter-
ed hn hie ear:
"She knows um she's gone W tell.
We must run for it."
At thismoment there arose from
down the corridor piercing shriek on
shriek. the ho'la of a• young chill
frantic with rage and terror. At the,
same time sounded other different
crises, wild, outlandish chattering.
"Thi baby! It's Toto! dh, cul!"
Mone. de Mayen!). gasped. "Help.
mesdames!" She rushed from the
roost, Mos. de Montpeneier at her
heels, all the rest following after.
All, that is, but one. Mlle. do Mont-
luc started as the rest, but at the
threshold paused to let them parts.
She -flung the dour to behind them
and ranck to monsieur, her ,face
Jneti Witt terms. her hand out.
Monaieu mnniieut 1" she panted.
"Go! you in at go!"
He seized h r handdU n both of hie.
"O Lorence . lonsuff'e !"
She laid her left hand ou hue for
"Go! go: Acty u love me, go!"
For answer he on his knees be-
fore her, covering \them sweet hands
with ki,oee.
The door Was Rb open; Mlle. de
Tava11ne atom' on th threshold. They
started spurt, nonsie leaping to his
feot,.nademoirelle epri ging leek with
choking cry. But it wa too late; she
had seen us.
Ile awithg. N'A
l P
n 1t r i 1 N
ole tarn brir Ila
' mming over et h miscMe.
She flitted into the room, ruing:
"i knew it! 1 knew it w• M. dr
Mar' Thr gram •eves: M. 1e .Due hse
done with liim as he thoughproper,
fnnooth! Well, 1 have done -as 1
lhonght proper. 1 uwehained
de afontpmn.oer's monkey and threw
hint into the nursery. trliere he's 'mate
'ell the baby nearly into sperm.:. Tote
carried the cloth -of -gold coverlet up
on top of the feeler, when' he's pick-
ing it to 'deers, the darling! They
won't be back -moi re safe for a while,
rpy.children. i'll keel. watch for you.
Make goo) sac of your time. Kiss
her weii. mPus'eur."
"Ma,lenioi,elIe. you arc an susses"
"No. -.h1. is the Angel." Mli.•.
l'•Ian¢h' Inugbrd Lae!: at him. "ito
but your warder. 1Iev' 1111 leer; 1'11
keep good oaten. Heim, yon in the
pelt700.71-., th,t 11or.• a b.'%' the .,gear
night. go to th.• fiertter doer, M':o.
Ile NPmnur. tacit ;ler prop 111 thc'ee-
owl ro.+rn ) 0'.e14. Ye'u •.vat,•h tint
ddw•r; 1'11 w•a'ch the r,rridor.-
wrll, nem c01!.)rcn • 1'.' 7*' • think yon
lllare•h. d''I'n777) ". • i. sn badly off
leve; my level" He snatched
her into his arms.
It was thirty L•et to the Jeirre be-
1ow eetire dent!: thy, any, But -b•
bed given u. A t, Ivte: something
alight yet ire .Ione 1 seize) M. Et -
atm in A W91 1118% ,Moll l
11111/ low senium:: '.:. our rime. -be-
merdh•rine. for it 7',).'yel, my f(•r,'.;•'•
tongue. 1 Ir••pn•ke Mtn:
"larothor. it :encs fete, 1*'e most
go. It will 00011 1.» dark. R'.- meet
go now -i n•,r :"
fee turned on 111e with an impa-
tient frown, but hetero he could an-
swer Mme, de Mnrdpeneier cried with
a 'nigh.
"And do y'm fear the dark, wench?
Merry. yo, 4x'k as if you cuull tak^
rare of your. e11 "
"Noy, modems," I protr..t.•d, "bet
the box. ('nme, Giev;nni, 1f we lin-
ger 1V1. may be robbed in the rind:
"Why. sister, where ere your man-
ners?" he retorted, shriving to rheke
me off. "Thr 'attire have not yet du-
misaPd me."
"We shall les 'ebbed of the box," 1
£Pnistrd; "end the night air is had
for your health. my Nino. if yon
etay longer yen will have trouble in
the throat."
Hs Ionkrd al me feel. 1 tried to
make my eyes trail tem thnt mr fens
WAY no eerie one of the etreet.a, that
his throat was in peril Deere end now,
11e nedcroonel: be Pried with merry
laughter tr Mm", ole Mmttpensier:
"Pray remelt her leek of manners,
duelween. 1 kno, r.. hat motes thee
meirl. ( mo -t tell you Met in Pr
hurl.,' where we late., dwrlte *len a
beautiful young eaptein-heantifnl as
the. day. 11'e little of hie time he
spend* et home. but we have observed
511at 110 Planes every evening to army
1 ' ss it yrsi"111 ('•r sapper let genie
oar' s pain,-, **'r .-aunt "ur day• lust
•' wu catnu1 west hits by *evident
the omits."
They all laughed). I, with my cheeks 1
bn g like any silly' maid's, set t0
work to pout top our ee*tt'red ware'.
But despair weighed 'rte down; if we
had to Iememle•r ceremony we Wen,
hot. '1h. I*dreg w• protesting, dna
Haring they had me .made ihetr l,"r ,
gel he, and uol,rt.ur was almirktng I ••iipus tha wound before? 541.1.1. hie aide. atwl we 'meted Outltive" oyer
for lovers that ehr, need grudge you
„yours, Loranee?"
She danced out of the doer. while 1
ran across to my station, Mlle. die
bfontlue %tending bewildered), ardent,
grateful, half laughing, MI( in tenrs.
"(.mance. Lnranww!" W. Etienne
murmured tremnlonaly. "She ,aid i
shnuld kiss you"- ---
1 pet my fingers in my ears and
then took thern nut again, for if my
Pare Were pealed low ossa 1 to hear
Mme. de Nen,nnre approaching? But
1 adnut 1 should haemo kept my eyes
gleed to the creek of the door; that I
ever turned them is my 'theme. f
have no busineteretn know that mel.'
meiselle hewed her fare upon her lov-
er's 'holder, her liand etaeping hie
neck, rilent, motionlere. fie pressed
his cheek wino her hair. holding
her doer: neither had any sill to
move or 'peek. It seemed they were
well content to- ptand 'o the rept of
their lives
Madpmoieel(e wee th,' firei to Stir;
'he raised her heed and ,trove to
break Remy from )lie locked
"Monsieur! monsieur! This is'rend.
nem! You more go!"
"Are you every- i rime?" he de-
manded vibrantly. "Are yeti sorry,
His eee7 held hers; ria threw pre-
tense to the w'inrl7.
"No. monsieur: 1 pm glad. For if
we never sleet again we have lied
"Aye. 1f 1 the to -night i have bad
to -day."
Their velem eerie like the rune of
the heart of the forest, like the musie
of deep streame. I turned away my
head ashamed and 'trove to think of
nothing but the waking of Mine. de
"i tLwyhl tee deed." die noosed,
ben vote. muffled r,gmal.t hi. rhe,•k.
"Piot one would tell nie what llnpp.0.td
Mat night. 1 could not devise any
way of escape for yon"
" here is a tunnel 10077 Frrnm'e
house to the Rise de le Koierip Itis
mother - merciful angel - let nm
*)7d ;on •worn net hart 1"
"4M A 0Mstchma nos "
fir^•. ,r -F- ,
"i was put out of combat the night
T got it," he eapl*lned earueetly, trou-
bled even 110x' because, he had not
obeyed her summons. "1 Ss ag dizzy; i
could not walk."
"Rut now, monsieur? Does it heal'?"
"It is well--alnient. 'Twos but a
slash on the arm."
"Olt. Then have I no anxiety." site
rluurIwrod, with a smile that twinkled
actors her lips and was gone. "1 min-
ute perceive you to be disabled, mots
"31y arresting!" he laughed out, "If
.1 cannot hold • sword yet I eon No1d
my love."
)tut you must not, monsieur." she
cried, fear. that had slept • moment.
springing on her again. "You ntuet
gee, and *hie instant, while the other*
are yet away. I knew you, Blanche
know you; some other will. Oh, go,
go. 1 implore you."
'11 you will none with aIle '
She made nu unmoor save to look
at tum as at a madman.
"Nay. 1 mean not 1111x, prlat the sen-
try. l aro not so crazy a. that But
you 1(111 slip out, yon will find a
way, and come to me."'
Z1111.1111y, sadly a.he, shook her head
Hi, some loosened and she freed her-
mit from 1 . But instantly he wan
Glee un fler agent.
` "Rut y*'u must! You will. you
t ! * t,,:Lorance. my father is won
over. He bide me wain you. jje has
yworn to welcome you: when he ate.
ou lie will be your Orme."
Rut my cousin Mayenne is not
w'nit over."
"Devil fly away with your cousin
Mayenne!" M. Etienne retorted with
a vehemence that made me shudder,
le' t the walls hate Pars.
".*11. you are free to say that, men -
Heim. but 1 am not. T ant of his blood
and dwell -in his house and eat at hue
buanl "
He suns looking at her with a pas-
sionate ardor, grasping her actual
words Item than their import of re -
"Arc "nn afraid?" he cried. "Are
, t frightened, heart -met of.. mine?
You need not be. mignonne. You can
eontriv0 to slip "fano the house Mlle
del Tavo1111e trill (help you. Once in
the street 1 will meet you: 1 will tarry
you home to hold you against all the
"It ie not that,•" she Answered.
".*m 1 rem fear?" he reed quick-
ly. "Ah.'Lnrance, my Lessees, you
need) not: 1 love You as I love the
Queen of Heaven."
".*h, Melt!"
",*s i love the Queen of Heaven. 1
will as snot do 'aceileg.'.toward her
as i11 to yon."'
He .Dropped on )lie knees Iw•fore
her, kis-ing the hent of her gown. She
,tMNI looking down en him loosed
head with n tenderness that seemed
to infold him se with a mantle.
He raise! him eves to hers, still
kneeling at her feet.
"Enranee, will you come with me?"
Rte wan L.IIPItt a trsl•ttlellt, with heat-
ing breast and tarn a -quiver.
'Monsieur. 1 am sworn. That night
Shen Felix came, when f wee in
deadly terror for him end for you,
Eocene. 1 promfeeJ my lord. an he
would lift his hand IIrotn you. to obey
him in all things. 11e lade nue never
;gain to hold inters -mime w)th you--
nlack. I ant already for', ern! But I
cannot" --
He leafed to hie feet, crying out:
"Lorance, he w•ns the first forsworn!
For he did mous against me"- -
"He told you -the earninr . went
through Felix -that if you tied to
reach me he would crush • ) RA •
buzzing 11y. (Ih, monsieur. I ' •Ipl.ered
you to leave Paris! You ant *'7 s
to ate. 1. are cruel, when ' vena
ture h
"Yon are erne! to nm, 1..rens
Sighinfr, she tura d' fens him.
hiding her face in kr(' hands
`Mayenne ha. not kept faith with
moil'!" monsieur went on vehemently.
"He has broken -hie oath. I mean not
last night. I had my warning: the at-,
tack was provoked.- but yesterday in
afternoon.the affernon, before I made the at-
te4n(pt to ape you, he sent to arrest
me for the murder of the lackey Pon-
Paul's deed 'die cried in white
surprise, "He ',poke of it -we heard.
Felix and 1. What, monsieur! /tent to
arrest you? But you are here."
"They missed me. They t.tok by mis-
take Paul de Lorrain•.'
"Ile w'aa not here last night:" she
cofried.me..'Mayenne was demanding him
Then he slept pleseantly in the
Ramtille. Mny he. never book on the
outside of it' wall. again!"
"But he will, be dose. He mint be
free by thin time; they cannot keep
Mnyenne'e fiephew in the Bastille.
And oh, if he hated s- ii before, how
he will hate you now! Oh. rhenne.
if you love me go' Go to your own
side. at St. Denis. Then are )0)l aide.
Here in Paris 7071 may not draw a
trangpil breath."
"And stud' 1 Hee my dsnRere? Shall
I run, in the farm of my peril?"
"Ah, monsieur. perhaps your life is
nothing to you. But it is more to me
then tongue can tell."
"My love, my love!" He snatched
her into his ono,: halm held away from
him to look him bsneechingly in the
fae., her little clutching hands nn his
"0h; you will go! you will go!"
"Only if you come with me. Terr-
ance, it is suet' a little way! Only to
meet me in the next .quirre. We wifl
slip out of the gates together -leave
Paris and all its plot* and mnrdere.
and at St. Denis keep our honey-
- "Mnneienr." she said stools, "f am
told that my enusin Mayenne offered
a month ern to give me to von for
your name on the roateteof the Lea-
gue. Is that true,"
'1t ie true. lint you cannot think.
'1'.nranee, it ARA ier anv leek of love
for inn. 1 swear to mea" ----
"Ney. yrne need) ed 1 have it by
heart Chet you love me "
"Ant when you eneld net hike
with honor you enel(1 net take 1,
Your house Stand= Ammo u:: 7757)
would not thorn your house. Am 1
then to he f*lee 5,, mint -0"
"A woman hclnnge to her inlplwlnd'm
Aye, but rhe doe net wed the
enemy of her n77n. Monsieur, yon are
fell of loyalty, shell 1 hare none+ 1
was born, my father before me. in
the 'Marlow °faits honer of terreme:
the ',ermine princes our kinsmen.
our mestere, our f','nde. When 1 *as
orphaned young. rand pennileem be-
cause King Henry's Huguenots had
wrenched our land; sway, I rime
here to 1ny e(Nisin Ma1)-emnr to dwell
here in ki;nde
iesee n.l MVO AS a
daughter I1' the hour.. Ani 1 to turn
traitor now?"
"Lessees," he Wal Remedy begin-
ning, when Mlle. do Treenail bounded
"On guard !" she hissed at us.
"They come!" '
She looked behind Mt into the eor•
rider. Mademoiselle `ate her lige en
mnneienr in one lest kl" and slipped
like tester from ht. arm'. 1 was At
I the it:nkets. 1)e with shaking Angers,
I cheeks burning through the strain.
The ladies streamed into the room,
I the lovely aim de iMontpeisier alone
conspicuous by her absence. Mme, de
Mayenne'* face was hot slid angry
and bore marke of tears. Not in this
room only had a combat raged:
7 "Never shall he come into the.
house again." madame was crying
vigorously. "1 had had hint strangled.
the vile !wait, an she heel not seize•)
hint. i will now if she ever dares
bring him hither again."
"You eertaiIiy should, madame,"
replied the nearest of the ladies. "You
have been, in the g.wxlnese of your
heart. far to., forbearing. too patient
under many pre.unintr'.s. One weuld
euppose the mietreee here to be aline.
d1. ontpensier."
"I will show who is mistress here,"
the Duchess de Mavenue retorted.
Then ler eye fell on Mlle. de Mumtlue,
making her way Softly to the door,
• and the vials of her •t 7*tit ..Yerfloe-
ed upon her:
"What. Lorene*. you mold not be
-at the pains to follow me to the rescue
of my child! Your little remain. poor
innocent•. may be eaten by the beasts
for aught you care. while you prink
over trinkets."
Mademoiselle fated her blankly.
scarce understanding, midst the whirl
of her own thoughts, of what she was
accused. The little Tavanne came gal-
lantly to -the rescue:
"I did not follow you, either, ma-
dame. We thought it eotaroely este;
',trance eould not tear to leave this
'fellow alone."
Mme. de Mayenne glanced in-
stinctively at her dressing table's rich
arroutrements, touched in spite 0f
herself hy such care of her belongings.
"i had not auspected you maids of
such forethought." she said with re-
lenting. "I vow for once I am be-
holden to you. You did quite right.
mo as remene17Mr.t
Ar.,Episode in Court.
••Y.rn aro eluirgwl w'ilh snatching e
*50151x4'. Iwrtket-lex,k." ••1 know it.
judge. But I wouldn't do -such n
thing, hungry 74)7(1 broke its 1 sen."
"1'111) conscientious, 1 suppose." '•111.
1 don't petend ural. but why al ld
1 snatch a wn)7hxn'e pocket -book
What would 1 went 77111) x temple Of
ear liekets, x gw)Wder-rag, a piece of
'Mewing , end a drraernaker', ad -
111 Pe Y' Onow c n shera d criminal
evendnot hie mark. Ili" f•tmiliarily
with *Le contents convicted bins.
IVaehiugt.m Star.
Ile w:te never a Iril'nd 1%110 lists
(Waseca *o Ile ant', -Ft Pitch. '
-"lie net the 'mum mutt' that male
the troth. Shakespeare.
Not a Miracle
But Medical Science
Dr. T. A. stimuli', Limited,
Toronto, Oat.
, Some time ago I began to lute flesh
and failed every day until I had to
quit work. sty physicians asd all my
friends said i had contracted consump-
tion. I failed from 16.5 pounds down
to 119, 1 was advised to go to the
Rockies or to the coast. I west to both
'places under heavy expense. 1 eon
timed to fail, sad was advised by the
doctors to some home as nothing inure
could be dense for ace. Ilbpe seemed
to have left ate.
"1 tried PsyCBfns aid Ones starting
its nee 1 have gained from 119 to 141
patinas. 1 have used 1110.00 worth of
the medicine. I am a well maa and I
cannot say tun mush in praise of P[7-
eltns. The strongest recommendation
would he weak is view of the fact Prat
1 behewe it hassaved my life. It is
without doubt the best remedy for
ran -down conditions and weak iaegs.
" I sincerely hope arid trust that you
will continue your good 'fork of saving
rue down people and eonaumptiee from
the grave. Wishing you and Plinth's
eoainued niece's. I remain, ono of
Plyckine's best frier:+." •
ALEX, 11c AF..
Sault fife. Marie, Ont.
Alrnoat every mail brings 'us letters
like the above. Paycbtne will turni
this record is every ease. It is t'
greatest mediate knows. At all d:
gists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T. A.
esti, Limited, Torostu.
Between all Poet bone 1,1 Canada, sleet',
f)Prtmir and Port Huron, Michigan.
Buffalo, }leek Heck and See ension
Bridge, N. Y.
Tickets good going April 101 .1, to 21)th.
Returning on or before April 2lst, ltnss.
HHomescekers' Excursions
Unrnmeneing Apfil 11*h and eontinu-
Ing every me i Tuesday until Kept.
37th the Grand Trunk Railway System
will inane second -clays return ticket.,
gout for (pt days. from all static -me in
Ontarioto principal pointe in Manitoba,
elaeketchewen and Alberta.
Rates: Winnipeg and return gee 00
Edmonton and return 4a 5o
Proportionate entre In other point'.
Full inlorufation (noir any Grand
Trunk ticket agent.
Secure tickets Dom
Teten Agest
Mk, Wan- 8 a.m. 111' 3 -)pm.
Imnpnt Ticket Agent,
J. U. 81el*mnld, tIlstria I7..-. Agent.
Union Station. Toronto.
r0 THE
N[Y.r 8UMM177 1,m Ihr 1.4I.o
�hnre !n estrus u(Ike 1 anu.I
inn Northern Ontario knthrnr
tk gin r -.Ir, ,,,w,nenh NOW
!1y writing o, 1 Ihire (Leen, Pa"eenger Agent
C. N. 0,. Toronto,
will fins! the Inco: hnnlevt owls end lino tomato..
hand• lout' 11,o three thnnmml Inil,•, 01 inn
l'anedlae Novi i,, -r,, Iiallwey In Manit.nea, Ra.
k7tehnw-nu one Alberta. Thl' ,primg Ihr hon,"
-read. of the grant NI,.katehewon plaln will he
,note Ar.rs.,ltlle by Hare hoar iraneh from
Amok atoms
t•.. otrlo
about land The Innd Ilrpe rt and n(
(' N.11. Toronto.
I eon i err. nhml, freight and I weever r tralm
Will. t•t.lmllp-. I,Pll.,lnl l.,, tel It Ag.•nl, (.V.tl .
Tot -vote.
Leap Year -
A sure winner.
Bound to catch on
64 to the pound.
Your dealer will supply
you. If 1107i tA'IIle
direct to
D. S. Perrin r Co ,
Easter Excursions
Single Fare
APRIL 16,• 17, 18, 19, 20
IG4o,en /III ant non. In 1'I11;11.,, riot
I't.•Arthur, and to Ih• snit, alinh
Niagara Falls and ItulT410,
►rt, glut
/ill 1,0..110611.m test•,
J'.•. K1111' "',t.. a '. 14.4.1.,,,.e *71104,. U. ,••• M. I. a a., •_ 1•.a 1LnJatu
omeseekers' a
Rag/•Trip Excgrsiou>
April t(, a5 Juxc q, z3 Auz. 4• i8
May 13, sl July 7. ]n Sept. 39
Ti gets good to return wlthiq 6o days.
Vciy low Rates r u 1 -.but u,
•��+ /hn-iu.
aeuetee I Winnipeg 41141 Alan, sat11,
het seen I k.lmnnni714, sad ,.tun, e14. n
ticket* trued to all Nur:h• Wr.l point.
Tourist sleepers A limited nnnriwr u(
��. Tourist "groping 1 or
77111 br run un r,r11 ra ur.hg). felly a„gulp
lad arab twdd•,yt Mee !kWh. .Iwukl to
..rod *n4 lea fa 1 it/1,1W local nom!
.0 last d% lar. beton racist -own lease..
11.4 fu111nforuu,l.n, 1vx1t.'wd u
fro* ilesmoseulsom Wi.glf,'t..1.: locate
C. 1'. 11. navut su1 447ur ,1to
C a. 1Oto'r. C • A.,.vCPI. P. nx. Toe.1,,..to
The Signal's
tubbing List
for 1908.
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe $i 30
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe . . • 4 50
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and
Weekly Star 7 So
The Signal and Weekly Sun•(-i'oronto) . 1 70
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star . . 2 30
The Signal and Toronto Daily World . - 2 75
The Signal and.Toronto Daily News . . 2 35
The Signal and Toronto Weeky Mail and
Empire i 7o
Psalmists',rm ••
p ra (Solve ha, to ell yearly eubaaiMn to Weekly Mall and
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate . . . . 2 35
The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press i 60
The Signal and London Daily Advertiser,- • 2 3c
The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser . 1 6o
The Signal and London Daily Free Press
Morning Edition . . . 3 50
Evening Edition . . . 2 90
The Signal .and London Weekly Free Press 185
The Signal ;and Montreal Daily Witness • . 3 50
'l'hc Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness 185
7'hc Signal and World Wide 2 25
'1'hc Signal and Western Home Monthly
(Winnipeg) I 30
The Signal and Presbyterian . 2 25
The Signal and Westminster 2 25
The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3 25
'I'hc Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto) 2 35
The Signal and McClure's Magazine . e 2 40
The Signal and Lippincott's Magazine . 3 5o
keeled Ins deetage oa Merrimac. to Canadian address* 4The Signal and Home Journal ('Toronto) . . t 30
These prices are fo: addresses in Canada or Groat
The above publications may be obtained by Sig-
nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any
publication being the figure given above less $t,00 rep-
resenting the price of The Signal. For inst;int
(IneludIng po.tageon Mel lure. to 'anmdlen „ddr•osrl.
no Signal *tad The Weekly Globe . . ,
The Farmer's Advocate (Seem les;t.to)
• $1 3s
• 1 35
$2 fly
-slaking the price for the thrce paper' $2.65.
The Signal and The Weekly Sun . . . ,
The Toronto Daily Star I$z.3o Ic;a $t.00j ,
The Weekly Globe ($1.30 Ices $holo) • • •
. $r 70
• 1 3.1
$3 30
-the four papers for $3.30.
it t he publication yqu want is not in above list,
let us know. We can supply almost any well-known
Canadian publication.
Send subscriptions through local agent or by
postoftice or express order t0
Vanatter & Robertson,
The Signal, Goderich, Ont.