HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-4-16, Page 5rt When You Travel HERE'S to the deers suit case, loth serviceable and scat. here's to the trunk that has travelled under the seat, here's to the matt who wasta to keep everything -up-to-date, handy, mud his head from worry. Don't trav: l and weary whether you will New r hal( your things by 11aviug a poor total:. '1'o ob tare :1 sub.lautial one, call mi H. E. Knox AUBURN J♦ 1 1 Fruit Trees The Beouuller Nurseries at • eutstd for the excellence and .lu,sbtV of their fruit trees. Ora .ectal Trots, S1tri bs ud L ergroMs A good collection sufui,te for planting in jiark, and (awns. Rases ud Climbers 1'he• best varieties. Plant in ;1 14.asl, rich clay soil and they will give the last of •atirfar• tion h. the buyer. HANGING BASKETS RE- FILLED. E- FILLED. Send a post card anandthey will he called for at toy time. Address John Stewart Estate IBENMILLER, ON EASTER CANDIES �,. VII. -I00% Wluduw 11111 o."rllIra for Eaad.•r. Easter Eggs, Rabbits, etc. All made m, one ..tvu kit•hru. Any person's name* pot on 16. so dslicloua confections to or.ict • Easter Specials l'hocoistea and l'retleli.. mixed, lac alb,or_lh. fur'3w Taffies, all kinds, Ilk• a It, or :1 Ilia. tic, l'hca;olateii. 'die per Ib. Meals, Lunches, Hot Drinks, Ice Creams, etc , at all hours. Olympia Cafe Phone 119. 2�1 Shoe Polish A wise dealer will always show his honest desire to serve you by giving what you ask for. F4.rk .rl e1 rola.. .e J deakn. Ilk sad 2Se u`.. �A 1St rlgr ;FA r tie s. I 1)o you know that bright barley brought Soc. a bushel (48 pounds) last year?. --and the dr- mand was never quite filled. ' This year will be even better for barley - growers - this year for profit sow barley You can raise 35 bushels an acre on a•'erage land - get a spot -cash pric e - have the valuable straw as well - and the land will be the better for it. Try a crop of bar ley this year - you'll find it will pa}' will. " The Empire." THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO Prize Fssay in Daughters of the Empire Competition. N'rhteu by Yat.ur: ('maws, eared 11 year.. I ant proud to be a subject of King uthet. nation. It is said thateQurrn Edward VII. and a citizen of the Victoria read her Bible more than any British Empire. other hook. And Piet as !Ong as the The full title of King Edward VII. laws of the I.:as ore tw Imbed upon is : His Moot Excellent Majesty Ed- morality this 'hall surely be a great ward the Seventh. by the Grace of Empire. liol of the Uoitel Kingdom of (treat Hail to the day" ..Iwao ritur oye Bri(aiu and Ireland, and of all the( And planted their anderd.,ceras with sear, roam British Dominions beyond the seas, .d* wet. Kiug, Defender of the Faith, Em., Around and about u. Oleo .phots will hos or, pevor of India. %Vhen we ,peak of the British Em- pire we mean the aggregate of all the ltrltists posewwions. There it not a continent but sone 411 it belongs to the Empire. and the Colon Jack floats on ever continent on the surface ut the globe. The British Eoopire con - state of about ' , w•Afth of the land of the world. Its population it about one-quarter of the iuhabitants of the world. The British Empire is some- times called int ''Ocean Empire," be- cause the ocean moans a its shores on every continent. She holds . the fol- lowing large gulfs of the world : O 111 of Guinea, Oman, Baffin, 11udton and Bengal. She also baa commando( the Iced taw and the Mediterranean Sea. She has gained her possessions by r tue.d, by treaty, by purchase, by discovery and by occupying land held by savages. other nations have done as much, but they have allowed their p0.w rsion4 gradually to blip away. Britain has done mot's by sending out her sons as pioneers to aetllo these countries. They opened up trade, Christi::uity and education. Let us turn our attention to this great ('aneda of ours, which is the greatest of the British purarsions. Canada war ...sled to Britain in 1 iti4 by the Treaty of Paris. She has since turn made progress by leaps, and bund.. 11er es are rich in min- erals, her waters abound in fish, while she is called the ••Uranary of the World." The two new• i'rovirncer- Saekatchewau nod Alberta --recently adder( to the Dominion embrace not ouly r territory equal to New Eng- land Sonia, New 1 irk, Pennsylvania and all that area of country which ...trews u, to the Gulf. IoW with sufficient room lift to find a cotufort• able spot. for :dI final Britain and Ireland. Ab we look southward to the Australian colonies we air re- minded of a land which wa, at first a convict settle•urent and whose pr'grswa began after the discovery of gold. It now contains $.1I I, W civilised inhale daubs. So great has Bern its progress that on the first day of the twentieth century its colonies tinned into The Commonwealth of Australia," funs• inn a federal union similar to Canada. Fiji and New Guinea and other pos- sessions have been adde.I, a new em- pire undreamt of a century .ago. lodia is the third greatest of the possessions. lea population is 3I11,. IMs1,IMlt, 1L is governed by a yicer/y, who represents the king. lodia is will supplied with railways, while elsewhere in Asia little attend on is lurid to road -slaking. Education is fairly well provided fur owiog to English influence. How (heat Britain has extended her kingd in Africa during the Iasi fifty years ! North, south. east and west the Union Jack Aerate over 4a,01M),(Mn inhabitants. Although a vast part of Africa is tropical and in the torrid zone. the eons of Africa have occupied and utilized it. In addition to the poraessiona named Britain has innumerable islands end ports. She alas has British Guiana. 'binders,. Newfoundland and ' I.ale rador. larval Britain's principal reliance for defence in time of war is placed orlon her navy, which is esteemed the thirst and moot formidable in the world. it consists of about sixty armor -clad v.swele of great size and ar,n•-th. None brat the strongest and swif.est iron steamships are now built and nearly all clad in steel armor of great thickness. The Empire has -made great ,ul- % atteenl.nt the Iaat two -allied. of a rotor}'. Labor-aaringna hides have ',two invented. Ships now erose the ,,.•ran in less than six days and trains travel at wonderful rate of speed. We eau send messages across the ocean by means of the electric tele graph, while the telephone enables us to talk with friend, miles and miles OUR NATIONAL DANGER. away. The phonograph keeps the vuises o[ the living and the dead in Time to Cry el Halt Before Compete our minds. Trains are propelled by Wreck Results. ..lectricity and it is used to light our hornt•s, shops and streets. Science has made wonderful progre.e during the last fifty years. The name which particularly distinguishes this period In Chariest Darwin, who came from gond old Eoglieh Muck. Thinking of the literature of our Empire there comes to our minds the great writers such as Hymn. Scott, Campbell, Wor(1swot th. Burns, Dickens, Tennyson, Shakespeare, the '•Prince of Authors," Austin, poet - laureate, and many othcrsj Canada has produced some of the greatest stateantan of the world, such ,/a th.• late Hon. John A. McDonald and Sir %Vilfrid Laurier, the present Prints. Minister of our (lir Dominion. Canada, too, has produced some noble women like Laura Secord, whoao history we are familiar with. The Danght.ers of the Empire is a grew' organization, chiefly for the de- velopment id patriotism, a subject which •annot t•ectivc too much con- sideration. Because di the great Empire, but more by reason ut their intelligence and their tnoral and religious charac- ter, the British Empire must be con- si fere(' one of the most influential for "I took 4 or 5 bottle. of Psychic*, good in the world. Moreover, their and a cores 5 hal neatisitalty for nine language, es It is called, seems months disappeared. It is the best detained to becnnte mach more widely remedy for chroeie eoegbs Nat I ever spoken by civilized p.:uple than any end." other. 'Thousands of living witnesses pro - Thu ditties which we owe tt our *saner. Plyselarb -4b. g►eateet medieine king are : To honor and obey him, he- is the world. it 11 ant a patent meth - mune King Edward VII, represents tine, bet a prescription .f a great play - the majesty and honor of the Empire, traria.. Test it to the asst in *my and became) ,(9 a 0 institutional toe" ease of threat, lung or ates4$4h trouble ..reign ho has sworn to uphold the er and rna dews or weak condition. At laws and govern his wubiocta with all dreggiate, ane lad $100, er Dr. T. justice Anil equity. A, to citizen of A. Slocum, Cartel, Tercet*. the Empire sear ditties are ! To be loyal friend of all fellow -subjects of the King•Fmrseror : so to live as never to bring reproach by word or dews( on the Empire : to prepare ourselves, ay every means in our power to advance the welfare of our fellow -citizen*, whether in pearl. or war, whatever may be their elms, creed or color. We:also owe duties to the state, be- cause citizens of the British Empire RSuoteing to mark how we honor it yet. V..11 honor it yet, we'll honor It yet. The nay of old Enrland, well hoofer It ycl. THE GOOD TIMES BEFORE 11196. How Timber Berths Were Handled by the Conservative Government. Ottawa, Match :Olt. - Some retorts* tabled in the Commons today relative to the disposal of titular berths in the %Vela during the Conservative regime image.L what might be disclosed if Liberal members ot Parliament should carry the war into the euewy's lamp And take up the time of the House with the to quoque argument on the quertiou of alleged partisanship charged against the pterent Admfn- irdralion iu granting timber licenses in the West. On motion of Mr. Mc('raoey, cor- respondence relating to the granting of a cumber of timber berths during the years IMHldnet0 wax brought down today. on May 7, NUL Daniel Saun- ders, of Shoal Lake, Mau., wrote to the Depertmett of the Interior. stat- ing that an advertisement asking for tenders to cut timber on a certain berth had t•t•ached him too late to nuts mit his tender, and asking thud ten- drils Ire again callod for. The Depart- ment replied that no tendert; had been received, and he was asked to submit one. A little Tater Mr. N. Boyd. M. P., wrote to lion. T. M. Daly. Min - lister of the Integior. enclosing a letter from %V. 11. Whimrter, %Vinnipeg, stating that Saunders had tendered for the berth in question, and adding: "1 know Mr. Haumdu-s well ; he hu always been a strong supporter of the Conservative party, and can be relied on to stick to us still. I understand Cully, of Stratbclair, is abet applying for the tame piece of timber, and as he is an oppluent 1 would rather we Saunders get it. Kindly help Saun- ders in any way you can.:" Mr, lioyd's marginal note to Hon. Mr. Daly was : "Kindly isee that this matter is looked after. Mr. Saunders got the berth for On November ll, 1*4, Mr. Hobert Rogers, now Minister ot Public VVorkii in the Roblin Governo.ent. wrote to the Minister of the Interior : ••Neil Keith has applied to you int• a pa•rnlit to cut ties in township 11, ranges 16 anti 17 cwt. I would be glad if volt could grant hies hie permit also. Keith is as good fellow and a good friend of ours. He has been con• netted with Dan Mann fur years," etc. The Department forwarded to Mr Keith and to Mr. ltogert+ on Novem- ber ':I copies of ••an advertisement which will shortly appear in the newspapers inviting competition for a pennit to cut timber on berth (t7.." rhe advertiw'ment called for tenders receivable at the Department up to December 3, just ten days after the private notice bad been sent to Mr. Keith. He got the berth for S'L.i, be- ing the only tenderer A third case of ' 1441' departmental favoritism was in connection with the application of Norbert Brabant on February 6, MI6, for permission to tender on a berth in eastern Mani- toba. The Department applied to Crown Timber Agent E. F. Stephen- son for information about the berth, end he reported that the interests of settlement did not favor any more sawmills in the locality in question. there being already no fewer than three mills in that district. A. A. Laltiviere, M. 1'.. wrote to the Deputy Minister respecting Bra- bant•s application. stating that "if it is possihle 1 wish that he be favor- ably considered." Mr. Brabant was promptly furn• 1shed with ".a copy of an advertise- ment. which will shortly appear in the newspapers." etc. He submitted a tender for SMI) which was accepted. There are thousands. froth men and woolen, who do not take time to eat properly. They rush through life, and as a result we ha,e an ape of in- digestion,nervousness, irritability. eleeplese nights. and 1110e0ne dispoei- tion. Our national danger in stomach weakness, due to the strenuous life. Mio•na talrleta, strengthen the walls of the stomach and atimlllete secretion of the digestiveuices. They make the stomach comfortable and car indigestion. Sick headaches, palpitation. yellow skin and coated tongue are a few of the many distressing results of indi- gestion that Mi-o-ua never fails to cure. JAS. Wilson sells Mi-o-na in ,:in -cent. binges, and guarantees to refund the Mersey if it does trot give complete sati'fartiOtl. �A steak today is better titan n *movie tomorrow _so gays a poet. Chromic Coughs Cured Mrs. Joseph Seeks sof Delmore, says: MARKET REPORTS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Unchanged, Chicago Close Lower -Live Stock -The Latest Quotations. Monday Peening, April 13. Liverpool wheat future, closed to -lav unchanged to Sad inger than naturdsu'. end corn future. 444d hlther enjoy privileges and an amount of At Chicago, May wheat rtnee4 aka Incase personal liberty greater than those en- tNos Saturday, May corn mu -hanged. and jo e'd by any other state in the world. May nets coo Inwer- The people of (creat. Ilrilain have al- Winnipeg Options. ways been remarkable for their attach- Mowing are the closing ouotatlon. nn ,sent to religion ; and their integrity. wh.ntpe.lf grain futnr.! : jnatire and parity of life Is not sur- wheat -April *1 02 bla• M.v 11 0064 Md, parietal if Indeed it be equalled h an Jut: 1t twa4 ltd I I Y Y Oata-Spill Mo. May 4S . Toronto Uraln Market. wheat, boring. heal .... 3a lr1 10 1.... Wheat, fall, bush 444'heet. goose, bush 0 Sr Y: heat, red, bush 0 91 .... nye. bushel 0 64 ..., l'ea., bushel 0 9 ...: Bockwheat, bosh.' 0 70 .... ltarley, bushel 0 51 Oahe, bushel 067 r OM Toronto Dairy Market. Butter, eparator, dairy 010 011 Butter, stere Iota 011 0 27 Butter, creamery, Ib. rolls0 32 t 33 Eggs. new -laid, doses 0 17 0 U Cheese, large. Ib 0 11 .... .'h.e.e, twin. It 0 1114. Honey, extracted, Ib J 11 1..0.1214 Liverpool Grain and Produce. t.tv1SRPO01.. April 13 -Wheat-Spot dull, No. 2 red western winter. 7r. Fu- tures quiet: May 6. Ild. July 74 04id, Sept. M 1044. Porn -Spot, prima tolled. AmerIcen,uow, ■ready, 6. 6d; prime rttlxed, American, 01.1, non, 6. Id. Futures quiet; May 6s 03 d. Jule nominal. Pe .--('anadlan steed), Is Sd. Flour -Winter patents dull, :3s 341. Hops -In London (Pacific ('oast) steady (I los to (1 G.. Bacon-$lhoulders• square. 11 to 13 Ib.., steady, 1441. Now York Dairy Market. NEW YORK, April 13--Butler-*Ready; receipts. CO, creamey, specials. Pc; ex- tras. My,e; third to first. 441to Zie; held. common to epeeist, 21c to 11'; state da4ry, common to choice. 21c to Me; western fac- tory, first, ilc; Imitation creamery. first, M.: to Plc, process, common to spsclel, 710 to Mc. Chasse -Weak; receipts, 771: full cream, apodals, 16%c; state, full cream, small. white. fancy, 1354": d.. , large and small. colored, fancy, 15c; do., g.od 10 prone. 135.c to 1454e: do., winter made, 1011. to Msec; de., common to fair. S'sc to talk, skins.. 1c to 1044., , Eggs -Firmer; receipts, 20.462; •tate, Peen.ylvanla and nearby, fancy, tl.le.•ted, white, 1Se to 16%r good to choice, 17.' to 1754'; flat to extra tint, lac to 16$4.•; western. float, 1514•: to lir; sweetie. 1144 to tic. CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Unchanged -Hogs Are Easier at Chicago Market. 1.t)N1)ON, April 13. L wdu, rsblrn sir •toady at 12c to N. per pound, dressed weight; refrigerator 444.•1 1. gnnt,d at llc per pound. Toronto Junction Live Steck. TORONTO JUNI'TION. %prat -I3. - Receipts nt live "dock at lila Union Stuck Yards were 59 Carloads, com- posed of 1114 cattle, tie hogs, 49 sheep and 170 calves.. Reporters. 1 Export steers Fold at 15 to 16.73, the bulk rolling at about 83.30; eaMort bull• sold at N to 1.71 pili .wt. Butchers. Prlrne picked Int. sold at * M to t5-644. lead. of good al 16 to M.•-.; medium, 176 In M: common. 1 to 14.50, cow., 13.50 .o 140. ,Milkers and Springers. A few rnlIker. .cid springer., sold sir from 113 to 150 earl. Veal Calves. Prices for vial . ah pi, w Cr, canter at 13 to 14 per cal Sheep and Lambs. Sheep sold at $5 1. V..7.0per .441,; 7411r. ling' Iambs, 117 .113 to 10 per .-wt., swing lambs sold at 86 toss rash, Hogs. Guess, Limited, report 110(014c per cwt. lower, at M,M for selects. fed and water- ed, and 15.15. f.o.b, cars at country points. Montreal Live Steck. Ms)NTRE)U.. April 13--1Speclat.1-At 1 he ',footrest Stock Yards West End Mar- ket, the receipts of live stock for the week ending April 1t ware 3W0 cattle, 2N sheep and lambs, 47eD hogs and 1'16 calves. The offerings Inc the local trade tide mornln4 were 1300 cattle, Sao sheep sled Ian, hs. :.500 hop And 300 calves. Tisk being the Easter market, the alters - dance of buyers was unusually large, la- . furling some from Quebec and Ottawa. and there were elan present a few export- ers. The weather was favorable, and the condition of the market was all that could be desired by both buyers and seller,. and enperlall6• by the latter, In 0howing their .tock. ?he .upply of rattle was much smaller than wait generally expected, and, as the bulk of It was euperlur In quality to what generally Ir offeresd, a much Stronger feeling prevailed, and prices ad- '.n.•ed 9.c to 1c per lb. for top grade., while 1n a few odd Instance. e0nie fancy figures were paid. Sale. of email lots of choice yearling lambr wer0 made at 7e to 754•. and gm,d et 644•' to ia.r, while choice lots of sheep ' 11 of [5444• per pound- The .apply et spring Iambs wan also email. which met with a ready rale et 'siren reeging from F: to 3, each. There were a few extra hok•e, milk -fed calve* on the market, for which the d.mnnd war •.sod, and male. were fond. at .,• to 154.- p.r pelted; Mn mills holder. weir asking or Idgh as 7r to :'pr. Mr pound. (tonA .•alce! rnlA at s< en .,54c, nnA fair 111 k to 45.' t'cr pound. A weaker feeling devebnwl In the hog rituatlon. and prices slow a decline of 27. 10 Se • per 1110 monde sine., 11 1a day week. This war da. to Increase -xi °11p- pII,e and In sympathy wIth reaction In prfres of 3. to 644 per cwt. for Canadian baron In I.Rerpool lot week The de- mand from local dealers and parker. for hod; fhM morning was Rood end an no Ike trade wan done. Selected 1n1. sold at - 27 to 77.23 per 100 pounds, weighed off . ars. East Buffalo Cattle Market. EAST Rt'PFAIA), April 13.-('atUe- Re - .'.Opt., 7101 head; fairly active and Mealy: prime Meer., 11M to V; shipping. $5.70 to )6.60; butchers', M to 16,00; belfere, M.01 to 1111.15; cowls. 13.+ to M.50; hull., 13.50 to 10.20; stockers end feeder,, 11.60 0. 11.73; stock heifers, 11 to 17.75; fresh roma and •prtngere. gno.1, active and strong, com- mon dull, 720 to Ms. Veda-Reeelpl., 11440 head; ra•:titre anti steady. If In 1..34. tenga etweiets, 10.061 head; Mow and ete.Av; heavy and mixed, 65.10 to 10.40; y nrk.re, 10.31 to MU, rine. 11.51 to 2531;remota, M. to 15 00. .tags, N to 64.60; denies. 14.211 to P.0). Sheep and I.amhs-Reretpt., 14,100 head; loth•e; *beep steady; lamp. Me higher; Iamhr, $1 to 14410, a few- 114.,51. vearting., 177' to 17 re. wrehern, 17 to 177 ewes, In . 27, In 1 ill, sheep, rnlced, sl til' 1R 4,. Two Thousand Drown. Shanghai. April 14.- -Disastrous AOnde are repotted to hese occurred at Hankow, Ill the Province of Hu Peh and it is tasted that. 2.000 persona have been drowned. Seven hundred junks were wank or wrecked. The floods are due to an unexpected freshet• which caught the people nn• expectedly in the middle nT the night. A COMBINE Htme combines are all right. and eorlle are .11 wrong. !fere is ,a s bimation that ahmtld I.al i.fy a good many people. The Signal and The Toronto Weekly Globe to Jan. tit, 1909, for $1.00 fiend yoot:ol lr do awl 51.1441 VANATTI.R & ROBF.RISON 1411 ';iGNAI.. (, d.roll tut 1e04, April 16, l906 a 01 Ideal Fencing Most Dural; 2 ., ongest , Fine ar d Fancy Four%% ear is to he had here in greater variety than sunywhe re else. 'Vt., carry a .outpost" ;(44440) tnreut of Shoes for Dress Occasions Dainty 14111.014. an,l (111111144 for uiil:uly, swagger ties. etc., for the sterner sex. The new spring styles in these closet, of shoes are a distinct a1v111100 is. Roth ti gu and attractiveness. better have a look 10141 a pair or two as well for those times when you want to look particularly .well. Wm. Sharman DIA You Notice These Prizes '? C*ab .. us,. :PO ruches high, . JIA: 7 Wires, In inches high. , :Siic ' ti %Vires, 17 iucheo high...' 31k; it its ., :IA inches high. . 3x All No. 9lHard SteelWire , 6 Meatbsl ale :130 11c .rig oppraos "Black Knight" shines quickly -shines bright - shines by day and shines,. by night. No dust -no dirt - no hard rubbing - always ready for instant use. And it won't burn off, no matter how hot the fire. To'keep Stoves, Grates and Iron .work always clean and bright, with the least possible trouble, use "Black Knight" 1 Stove Polish 4 The Pantry, The Kittche-- and The Diningroorn are requisites is.' ever) well -ordered household : invert helcss They would be useless adjunct, to IIB' lln,lse' without. lolling ottt plied with Good Things that al's fresh and pure, from By purchasing a carload and paying cash we• ACC enabled to quote and ss11 the most durable fencing on the Market at the remarkably 1(tw figures above 11110ted. When you bur Weal you get nu experiment. Thera is good testj4uuuy to the superiority of Ideal Feticing in the fact that tho great railway corporations buy italmostexclusively, sal much so that there is more Ideal sold to them than all others combined. They must have the best... We have something special in the galvanizing to which we will draw your attention when you come is.. Buy your Coiled Wire, Nails, Portland Cement, Glass, etc., from us, and see our $2.75 Horse Clippers, a snap at $1.75 Get our estimates of Plumbing, Heating, etc. Howell Hardware Co., Limited successors to E. P. Paulin. Lastly. Stranger (who lou just wandered into e•hurcbt-How long has else min- ister been preaching 't QM Sexton -About thirty years. Stranger --That being the caw.. 1'11_ nay, so he unlit be nearly through. Gstt6ng Ready. aoglrr, will be out at: sin, 4 , t by the breypklel'1 -bore , \t ill 411, 11. and OA and thon toil home curl ho some more -Phi.talrlphlu Pries, Rather Absent -Minded. Browning -- '110 your engagement with the rich widow i. broken off, eh ? What was the trouble Y' Oreening-"Oh. one ,of my famous ball breaks, lln usual, 111 an un- guarded moment 1 asked her if 1 was the only wan be had ever loved." Green -"What's that maxim about taking care of the pennies?" Brown -"Take care of your pen- nies and let the get-rich•quick schemes take tare of themselves." STURDY & CO., THE GROCER,. Phone ot. Prompt Del. very. i I to be sold at from 20 to 5o per cent. off regular prices. This sale is genuine. The stock is far too large and must be at once reduced. You're not only safe but sure if you iiuy MARTIN SENOUR'S 100 per cent. Pure PAINT. It is the only paint marked and guarantied adutely pure. One gallon of Martin Sonne point cover. ISI) square feet, two costa. the cheapest because it looks heel, wean long...t and ttyei'4 11114. Senour's floor paint wears like iron '.Vu 111s/I have* complete stock of Ramsey's mixed paint., oil., w'hitelead, colors, in 'mhos, ear. niches and AI,1lmetine varnish stains. Come in and get `a Color Card. Darden tools, netting. dairy tinware and ready rooting. We do electric wiring, roof- ing., metal ceilings, plumbing, ea%estrougbing and repairing. See our goods. Get our low pries. W 0 R SELLS' Hardware and Stove Store -44- j ■ias • ®41/81111111/1. t1■I�` Great Clearing Sale $6,000 worth of Matches, Jewellery, Silverware, Cut Glass, Fancy Goods, Etc., • L HALSEY PARK, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN. GODERiCH, ONT.