HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-4-16, Page 44 Tuuiaiar, April 16, 19011 The Week with the Legislators. Ontario House Closed Nell) Election in Beane or September- Ottawa Members Having a Quiet Time -Something about the Thin Red Line. Ottawa, April 13. -The prorerdin of ;Parliament during the part week were of a rather uninteresting nature. Softie important matters were up fur discussi•m, however. One was an amendment to the immigration act. giving the Government more thor- ough control of immigration, and an- other was a bill to awe•nd the upland revenue act, with a view to the en- eouragement of the ('anadian tobacco industry. Railway. to Hudson Bay. The Western utembcru are pressing the question of the construction of a railway to Hudrons Hay, as an ad- ditional outlet fur Western grain to the ''markets of the 'world. The building of this road as a Government under- taking is urged. and the people of the three prairie Provinces art. Haid to lir looking to the Government for an early commencement of the enter - prix. Hon. Frank Olivet stated that the Government had had the twitter under consideration and slight be able to announce its policy before thi• end of the session. The Thor Red Line. lion. Mr. Ayleewoltla Minister of Justice, promised to introduce a hill amending the iNllllinion ele.•tiond act, and he has done so, and the hill has been read a Hrst time. Captious crit- ics already are finding fault with the terms of the bill and are saying that it ie simply perpetuating the "thin • red line outrage." Some people have heard of the "thin red line," but few know just what it means. Conxersa- tives say that by the use of the "thin ted line" thousands of voters were disfranchised. They say that the lista fur the 194 elections in Manitoba were printed at the Printing Bu.wu y at Ottawa. and after their arrival in Manitoba an agent of the Liberal party emasculated the lints by run- ning a thiu red line through aeverail thousand Conservative names. This seems like a somewhat harsh proceeding, but what are tee facts? The election law provides that. Pro- vincial lists must be used in contuse- tion onueation with Federal elections. But in the election of 1901 difficulty arose he - tame the electoral divisions for the Dominion did not coincide with those for the Province, and oessequen' ly an adjustment of the voterNets had to be 'mule. The linen of polling sub- divisions overlapped in several in- staocen. The following example will serve to illustrate the difficulty. Where the Trouble Is. gs Toronto. April l:(. -The legislature Mulled its work on tMturday•and the formal prorogation will take place to- morrow. This is the final seeeion of the present Parliament and it is ex- pected that the new election will be held early in June. Mr. V hither an- nounced on Saturday time if the voter► lista in the enorganiaed die - Wets can he prepared in time the election will take plate in the second week of June. but if they are not ready the elect o, iwlll be held over until the fall. There is one township, a part of which is in the division of Dauphin for electoral purposes, while the other portion is in the district of Portage la Prairie. On tbe Provincial lists there were forty-nine names of voters be- longing to Dauphin, the others being properly voters of Portage la Prairie. To get a true list for Portage 1a Prairie these names bad to be omitted. The returning officer took the list and tall a red line through the forty-nine names. This was the birth oft serhethn 1 line. Conservatives have been pleased to regard this as an outrage, and say that the men whose names were thus struck off were disfranchised. This is mot the case, but, even if it were, then Liberals and Conservatives were treated alike. The red line was not used to disfranchise any person, it was used to cross off the list lames that were improperly on it. Hail these names remained on, the voters alight have voted in two divisions. All Prosecutions n h is cOnnroppion edt may be said that the Provincial authorities who have charge of the administration of justice undertook to prosecute the re- turning officers and others who had charge of the elections for doing this work, but the chargee have all been dropped and the Attorney -General of Manitoba bas withdrawn all pnrsecn- tiome with regard to the affair. Thin Black Line. Let 1)e Inok at the other si of the question. If it was a wand and an outrage for the Liberals n ient to draw a thin ted line th ugh names iwpe ppaerly en the lis it most he equally scandalous am uutrageonn for the Conservatives draw a thin black line through splen improtc•rly un the list in 190' Vet this is what actually occur 'There wan a re- diatrlbittion i the Province. and to get it list fo' the new divisions the Provincial : tthorities, no doubt under the direct' n of the Attoruey-General (who s '.d a prosecution a ainet the Libeta . for what they had done in 11101. and afterwards dropped the did exactly what tlw Liberals tern prosecuted for ; that is, they k the lists which had been pre. red, and ran through a manlier of the nntMse, not x thin red line, but a thin black line. What the Tories Did. In one polling division they struck off lei mimes, and left on 45. In are other they struck off 57 names and left te,. In the itl•.t polling elivixion .`they riot only Ariel off 11:,, but they added ::ti names without any author- ity whatever. 'There is no doubt the re- turning eftleer met the same condi- tions as those experienced by the r•. t;il •trio t offleer in 11Xr t, and he applied the Rano, remedy, but of course it snakes in111P .difference whose 1)x is being gored. Tile Conservative re- turning officer, however; gnat• his work a distinguishing mark by luring it black one instead of a ed and he went one letter by adding 231 naives to the list without authority, a pru,reeliug too out•ageulis even for the -nen h.spon.ible for the thin rod line, To Remedy tbe Evil. The Minister of Ju,tit•r b.,1eks to tem - ed • this anomaly and render such things as are relined above impossible far the future, and it is well thst the public should understand a •thing of whet the ••11iin rd line- means, 1s•• Cavite the nWlller will. no doti1.t, 1.• mi.repr•eeented or the ies1ee els n,I...) in atone any or another by 1110 1'nn,1erv,i tiven. who would I,,1+1• ,10)11' pnpnlnt can)pllign Marvel*l if deprived of their "thin rod line." It might he well, also, not to forget toe,• Lou about the thin Mark line, it '•,,.t which there hew been very hole said Ib far. hien seldom fly f.,r their liy.s when Limy meet a wowan who is dressed to 111. A $ soo,000:Guarantee. In the closing hours of the session the Provincial Treasurer introduced u hill to guar•atltet• the bonds of the Ca- nadian Northern Railway for exten- *toes in the Sudbury and Georgian Ilay distrkto and for the 'Toronto connec- tion, the guarantee ammiuting to about $S,itXIWUU. This proposal is in direct contradiction of Mr. NVhitrey'a declared polioy in regard to railway and, and several of his supporters. notably Hugh Clark (Centre Bruce) and P. 11. Bowyer I Fast Kent,. ex- pressed their disapproval of the meas- ure. The hill was passed. Fighting the Gerrymander. The debate on the redistribution bill showed the Government in a west unfavorable light. The stutenlonts of opposition members, showing how in county after county the principles laid Clown for redistribution by the Premier 1 self had been grossly violated in order to gain a party Ad- vantage. were absolutely unanswer- able. and the Government stands con- victed of one of the meanest tricks of political brigandage. 'Tete is the case of Peel and Cardwell, of which feel had the larger population by 5.-A1: lett two municipalities are taken from ('aterwell and placed in feel, leaving Cardwell with a population of only l3,IRU, while Peel has :51,17.1. Brock- ville has been butchered, Middlesex has been disfigured, E.siex, Huron. Haitiugs and other comities have been re -carved in a manner that is beyond justification on airy ground of mental or public interest. In every utas the motive for the change. made is to be ween in some advantage to be gained by the party in power. Not content with doubling the repreeeutation of the city of Toronto, the , ,vernment bas contrived a new scheme of jug- glery whereby it is.planued to wake it inure certain than ever that every one of Ow eitiht mends -es from the city will be ix Conservative, An Unpopular Proposal. That the doubling of the representa- tion of the city of Toronto is not pop- ular with the Government's rural supporters was shown when the House was divided on the gne.tiol. Mr. Preston moved an amendment that Toront., have six representatives (instead 01 eight) and it dozen of the "unservative members stayed away ( the House when the vote wan taken. The Opposition sition put them- selves on record in regard to . ever feature of the Whitne y y Krt•rymxndrr•, but of coarse were voted down by strength of numbers. .- Government Backed Down. Another hot tight was in prospect over a proposal by the Government that the elections in New Ontario con- stituencies might he held on a date later than that on which the other elections in the Province would 11e held. In this care- the Government yielded to pressure from its own side of the Hoarse as well am from the Opposition, and the Premier gave to the leader of the Opponitioi a definite promise that *ll the elections should lie held on the dame day. Tbe Three-fifths Clause, Another motion by the Opposition for the tepeal of the three-fl(ths clause in the local option law was voted down by the Ministerial member.. University Expenditure. Mr. Mackay, the Oppoetiion leader, niggle it formal attack upon the method of financing the University of Toronto, demanding that the soma given by the Province to the support of the 1-niCa•iily should be voted by Parliament annually aaa is done with reference to votes, to all other public institutions. Ile claimed that if the people were inf1)rwed as 10 the mate ser in which the public ntonev voted to the University wen expended there would be a greater interest on the part of the public in the mist im- portant eedllc ttiollad institution in the rotince• The Guventtuent held• however, that it was impossible to prevent eeetinratee for the University expenditure. The Quebec Memorial, The sum of $109,1419 been voted ns the contribution at th 'Province of Ontario to. the Ouebet battlefields fund, and this Province is to be repre- sented un the Quebec commies- by lion. Cul. Ifertdrie, TELLS HOW TO MIX IT. Directions to Prepare Simple. Yet Re- markable Home Mixture. A well-known authority nn rheu- matism gives the traders o a large New York daily paper the following vaaluable, yet simple and harmless prescription, which anyone can easily pupae at home : Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half Mince : Comp( 1 Karsten. one ounce : Compound nil Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by Ahaking well in a bottle, and take a teaspaa,nful after each areal and at bedtime. Ile stoat., that the ingellient+, inn 1.• obtained from :any good praserip- tion pharmacy at small curt, and, IH•- Ing, of vegetable 1•strail ion, are harm. lee; to take. This plea.alrt tilixtnn', if Laken regularly for is few days, it is .gid to overcome almost any case of rheuma- tism. The pain and swelling, if any diminishes with .loch (loose, until per - "gement results cur 'attained, and without injuring Ihestomach. While there ate many so-called rhemm�tism ientedien, potent medicines, ere., .erne of which do give relief, few really do give permanent remelts, and the alote will, no doubt, be greatly appreelilosl by many .offerors here at thin time. Inquiry at the 'Drug store, of this neighborhood elirit.n the informatioh that theme drift. are har,nle., and can i le bought separately, or the druggists g here wilt mix she prescription for our renders If *eked to. �ye� pals tldtJ►i ri%TT: •v l;., t v!imi" "sir THE SIGNAL : (;ODERICH. ONTARIO THE TOWN -COUNCIL, NEWS OF THE LAKeS. Spacial Meeting Last Thursday to Close Up Wheel Rigs Loan. A special meeting of the town coun- cil was held hurt Thuredxyy evening to close up the Wheel Rigs Ioban end Inc general•--4oarintisti. Thu full council Was present. It being st*(ed that the $hOrt hr- epu•st by the late Charles !hake to the town would be immediately pwi(I over to the town if any el • for intruet were dropped, the player was author- ized to sign a receipt Inc the bequest oil those tomes. A letter from the town "elicitor en• cloned affidavits from 11. B. Lloyd, F. C. Brandt and C. R. Collyer, to the effect that the pekl•up capital stock of the Wheel Rigs Co. was es stated in tie town solicitor's letter published in last week's Miguel. that M. II. lduyd had subscribed Inc the $1311,t1110 of a,tuuton stick, that he had paaid for $13.1,t$M0 of this, that the couup111y bad purchased the machinery from hint for *Mete/ and paid for it. and that there wits no collusion or aegteemeut Between M. 11. Lloyd and the Gude- rich Wheel Riga Co., whereby the company was obliged to pawch*se the machinery from Ilius. A copy of a telegrxw and a letter from Ottawa were al.iteeelosed to the'rBect--that the Lloyd patent hied not been as- signed to anyone. This information wits got in order to prevent the possi- bility of an assiguua•nt 11) the town being invalid. This appeared satisfactory I1) the council with the exception of the price the • patty was paying Mr. Lloyd • for the machinery. Couucillorso Tnt'msun and Humber and the peeve claimed this was putting a value on what the council had been told before conk' not be valued. l'tounciUor Craigie expressed the view Grit this was a ttana:acti be. tweet: the ouo►panyy and Mr. Lloyd acid that the town had nothing tor• elo with it. The Heave said he was prepared. for Ili. part,to go i n and fight te matter in the court,. in preference to accept ing the allotment t, Mr. 1.1eiyd of $i t ,(sas of stook i1) payment fur machinery as paid-up tto•k to that yens. The Mayor said he was glad to see the straight issue being faced. It was useless. he said. to continue objections to the value of Mr. I.lovd's stock if the town was not prepaar+d to mete rt the alternative xod fight a case in the courts, and Councillor Thomson ad- mitted the only way of having it The Welland canal was I,peued foo the •croon on Tuewlay of this week. First Boat at Port Arthur. Port Arthur', April 13, -The steamer Moore, of the Booth line. arrived this afternuuu forum Duluth, opening navi- gation for the suasou. A chaunelin the ire of the bey is wide opull. Athabasca Saila April s3• l►wt•u sound, April 11J. --The Atha- bu*•a will be the first boat Woad on the 1'. 1'. it. lines thus Mason, leaving this port 011 April St. Thu company's 'went* have heen advised that freight will be Accepted for northern lake ports la•giuuiing April 13. Open at Owen Sound. I)weu hound, April 12. --Navigation opened last night. The Ice was ideated 011i, 4b1 the harbor at an early 1 fill Friday morning. The first *nivel was the strainer 'Gladstone, from Wiartwt, which reached this pent at S o'clock last night. The Blow at Uwen Sound. Owen sound, April IIS. - During a sixty -toile gale yesterday afternoon the Northern Navigation eteet freighter Doric pullet) out the snub- bing bast and swung *ernes tbe bier- bor. striking the new C. P. lt. litter. Assiniloia upptwite• the lifter gang- way. ''he steamier Stretbeoa, which bail mfiher Hues on the snubbing post at the Kern of the l)orlr, also swung sus I anti narrowly e,.r►ped crash- ing into the 1►. T. Company's *teenier M*uitou. F'ortunate•ly, steam wax up i1) thu Uig Minuiel!lark and she was able to get the heavy freighter tinder euu- ttul as ser +iters wiped the upper tail of the Mauituu. It was 1)u exciting period, and it was leuuu•kable that, beyond the slight d. qtr to the wale un the Aseiniboin, ne serious loss occurred. Tbe ate r Glenvllxls, which lay in all expire -el position akingeide the west parr nt the result of the het -lair, aka. 1/11110.l nut 1,:•e pile to which I t•t- forward litter were attached utd swung out acres the harbor, where die dropped an anchor and. held (cast. The gale WAS the worst experienced at this port ies twentt entre. Open Shop on Lake Vessels. Cleveland, April 9.- The open xln,p policy will be adhesed to by vessel owners i1) the operation of tarts upon the Beat Lakes thwseawrt►. A stand of this eh:tra l r in death)* with determined whether the iptice the, urgnntced latae• tvas inamwously company was praying Mr. .loy1I for wait by an appeal to a court of law. Ort motion, G. F. Hien. on behalf of the conlny, wax allowed to speak, and explained that even if the town could insist on proof that Mr. 1.1ovd had paid over $135.0110 in cash for the so- tk credited to him there wee nothing to prevent the cotnp:uly's im- mediately turning round and paying that money back to him. and that in any event the town was not getting a mortgage un the stock but on theplant. Finally it was moved by Councillor Thomson. m. Ncondell by Councillor Humber, that the state - ;speed to at the +Milled mLs:tiug of the mase invry was exorbitant er nil the Laku Currie".lwri'atint L• today. The rululeeuwill Ito• put lulutel operation at once. and will alfect up- war71i of 1'1,1001 torn. tVhetlier the plan adept -d by Lbw boat owners will be uppe.aeel by the various unions is unknown. None of their represents. tires were present nt the 'electing. While the carriers du not take the ptsiti of being antagouistic to or- ganized labor. tliey siev employees will be dealt with individually, irrespec- tive of 'heti• labor affiliations. roe vessel men also recto • ided the paying of the highest wage,, The dot .• along this tine was went of (paid-up stock, ore submitted taken yesterday, when the Plttaburg by the Wheel Rigg Co.; le net ltteantNhip company, operating the ac- cepted. Moved in amcndwent by Councillor boats of the 1'nitaal State* Steel Gen•- ta,rUion. wade contracts with their Callow, seconded by Deputy Reeve engine -ere. individually. No trouble p was experienced. The ('levelaud lu- Elliott, that these deelaralloos be ar• to malts tagtesil a few trerkshre, to cepted and that thio matter b• left in Ignore the unions and it wean through b the hands of Ur. Macklin. the chair - their elTurts that the ie....dation to - wan of the d e cthey tree :old the tea was induced to ado ,t the twine .olicitor, and when they are satisfied ,1)e day thus affecting all ports and the all the tutus air fulfilled that prnrtir•Ilh all of the tonnage on the the .lebenlnres be prepnt•Ld, signeelage and sealed on behalf of the town, and the money plaid over. - There voted for the ,uneudtneut . 1R Councillors MuuninR a Craigie. le Gallo" and Deputy Iteeye Elliott- four ; against, Reeve McLean and Council• Ions Thurn,.On and Humber. The vote ou the motion- was the lakes. The setion of the association is limes! upon their elec:tared desire 11) retain complete co tr v l of their x atn aid pba^•• the alis iplin^ of the ships within she power of tt et executive officers. same reversed, and the amendment The Mars "Bora" Beaten. was declared carried. Seafurth Expositor i.s..t. week we- made mention of the Hays boy," their . ages and achieve- ments., This week a correspondent has put its in p osserk.iou of sit lllll. facts relative to other old residents of this section 1)1 the eouutry that entirely puts the plays record out of business, and proves that while their t ecurl , ie unique there are ethers who can go them one better. Our rorlrapondent says : "You have only t, go three miles out of Seaforth to Hud a quar- tette of Ieothel•s who can place the record quoted last week fee in the shade. Those Mothers ate John. Phomas. Edward and Hobert Dever - aux Whlu.e reepeetite ages are eighty- five, eighty -thee, seventy-two and misty -eight years, 'flaking a grand total of :MIN years. They ate all active and energetic•tnrn. ,and we trust will (aditjigne e.t for tunny )tans to c The -eldest brother, ,pubo. rarely imbiber a day, siiuier or winter, that he d, sen not perform work that would Mayor Macklin pointed out that there seemed some uncertaipty whether he WAS or was Hot to be Mayor and he suggested the appointment of someone else to sign the debentures to avoid any complicating• and it was moved by Councillor Thum"w, sec- onded by Councillor Craigia, that Deputy Reeve Elliott be appointed to sign debentures. This waw carried on the following vote : For --Councillors Thomson. :Runnings, Craigie and (}ale low. Against -Reeve McLean, Dep- uty Reeve Elliott, and Councillor Humber. The public works eommittee• had made a' tour of the town daring the after- noon to see what work was needed to he done. The committee will stake a detailed report later, but one or two matters arising out of their ihspe-tion were dealt with last Thursday night. it was decided that the nsatter of sidewalks lead last year ',cleft with the street instor, he to notify the contractor .threcat when the work is keep, an .ndlnary man well empoyesi, properly completed he will receive•the In addition to this, Mereere. Devereux balanlx of the contrite', price. It waw I have :a sister in I!hioRo a, Mas. Ryan. Rhin derided that now. while teams'who is seventy-seven yearn of arc not buoy, thepublic works coon llils swell, the grand total to .1035 mitten will hale-thhillitt the end of I years." :The Messrs, hdvaurux are We -1t street gravelled. l g our ruest , •sterprising and prre Bylaw No. 1.i of 191114, to appoint G. ' gr seine faannerc, and the wish of their M. Elliott to sign the ‘Vheiel Rig* mealy friends ii that they may still he debentures, wan then read three times spared for rntwny year.. it is now up and passed. to NotreKton eato Heat this resod, ._ -_.--_-_-____ lint we think there, will he few to GET WHAT YOU WANT. attempt it. , The "Just u Good Kind" Never Pays. Judging by the Name. If there is one thing more than au- Mtranae commenta are frequently other that should aggravate a self• (ward at the 'beetle regarding the respecting petstm, it is to Ile told that •author nail his 'dramatic prafueticrrta. the article they disk for at their drug- Mr. Stephen Phillips.), the 1• n li,.h 1 u poet gist's is not to be had, hit that they and drarnatint. tells of a couvrrsation ,ran have se •tieing "just ens good Or he overheard one night just beton, the better." The principal swoon for curtain rev on the first .cone of hie pitch ntlrmptuat.tlstitution ix either play.-1'lylue,.. Two Wise; in the ilk• desire of the storekeeper 11) Nell mail. wore disco acing tic probable something on which he ran snake mature fid the play. L re money. or he hasn't the goods "Oh, I'm NMI' Ageing tv he asked Inc. and wants, to make a sale screamingly funny," e.aldope, of :somethingin Ira i ir hat on earth makes you think Every reader of this payer should No?" risked her rnolpomlon, tear in mind when asking for Vine!, "Why." exrlaimrd the first speaker, the modern cod liver oil ttrreparetion, "enylinity could tell that hewn its that it 1. for 'tele at loodetidr, Ont., name," at our More only. and t hat it roan al- wnyi be had when asked for. The Last Move, 1e raven] Viotti is 91, far nn(f1•tier Boldly is the son of n Met birdie( Min- . Ue old-fashioned 11*1 liner 011 Anel iota and hes had the experience of roientlfi.,' rxtraran and" con rntrib "droving' front times in the spare aing prowess f• fir+ h robs' livres, his eight year .d life. lie amngly liver 011, c bining with p'ptmale of boon lo n11 disapproves of the itinerant awst•m, the ,,ore li, anal, he:►ling Amt holly 1111 wines im 111.111110. 1,1 IM Mcthi,llalt big eleme'fts of rest Inst 110 S., p • lint• ago in elderly tniniatet• eat.ot ting Itehby'a As a body builder and strength father. and. directed his *ltentinn to creator forold people, delicate chill -the small toy ,eking him runny gree, (leen. weak, run-down ',Prune, after dons of n srmi-thrningieal natae, xi.•knee. snd for chenille (angle adds, ('ir,nlly the boot erall' Darned (o I t 1411 k No nm• wgntn an nhl-faRhionrl soap said the y,ntng•.1a r with n sigh of deep -,•t nil m• :untiun ire erne w•rsi'inewk "it tip, I l,1l pinre tow r,• mer trot ing &helm s Vinol. Try it. If it faih to benefit we will return Awful Fear. our honey, H. C. Dunlop, druggist, bronchltin and all throat and long t,,,hin, nn• . ,t was a. .r1 inn Il a hle,1 %'item is unexcelled sorbing the ole%I,.' t Ihr hl.st. "1'r•,1," lit p p Ision niter . IP OKfomot,•1. t' loderieb. Ont. "MRrin," eeiMe tj a:gi e , entering - " "'-�- lex home in some rv•ftenrrnt, •'1 went yogi to promise me not to 1..o\ at the paper, for the next three months ! " • \Vhnt fnr?" wonderingly norked Mete. ljniglry. • 1 have jest been axoutinnlal for A 6111111" Rome people cling to the olddash- nned idea that a toga must he a .oboe if he iron ahem* with ern - mill srl hair.-Uhkago fseunf-ile'1- Id • 1 public office." be faltered, "and 1 don't want you to find out what kind of a esu 1 really am.-' Chicago .luorual. His Preference. A Montreal visitor 11) 'Toronto was indulging h: such frank criticism of the capital of Ontario :s he tbought safe to make. Toronto doesn't need to throw stow•% at any other community." he aald firmly; "just look at the noser of unemployed nuin Toronto, ' "Suppose there are Iota of the un- employed here," retorted x Toronto iittze'n of Irish birth. "Faith an' I'd rather be doing nothing in Toronto than have a geed job anywhere, else." And the 'Toronto citizen is still wondering why his wife laughed_ - ('anaadien Courier. Like -Minded. Joe -••Wit are yer thinkin' of Bill?" Rill-"NuMnk, Joe." Joe -*glum-the sane idea &curled to ole:" Qoatlr Friendship. 4'1 bear yer fr'en Tanuson•a marrut again." "Aye : s1) he is. He's been a dear frieze' t.1)• me. He'. .•..,t nae three weddin' presents and twa wreaths," Before the Judge. b'rir,her I was quietly :attending to my work when this Juan arrested our." Judge "\Vhat is your business:" 1'risuner -- •'1 am a burglar.- --Philadelphia Telegraph_ A ietermary surgeon one da) pre- pared a powder for a sir•k horse and gave it to his young assistant to ad- minister. The assistant :asked how it was to be dune, and the doctor gave him a large glass tithe aid told hint to put it into the horse's mouth and blow the powder dowi his throat. A shorti , tin• afterward thatre new s great commotion, and the doctor rushed out to Hnd his assistant in trouble. "Where is that medicine'?" he shouted. ••What's the matter ?' Tbe assistant .xeigbed weveral time, severely ansi then sputtered : "The horse blew fleet !"-radices' Home Journal. One of the most danger- ous and repulsive forms of Kidney Disease is oPsy for which Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only certain cure. In Dropsy the Kid- neys are actually dammed rp, and the water, which should be expelled in the form of urine, flows bark and lodges in the cells of the flesh and puffs out the skin. Remove the filth which plugs up the drain. Restore the Kidneys to health. There is only one Kidney Medicine UODD's KIDNEY PILLS 1)111111111 jTiiis Year PLANT IPEASI 1 Fiold sea, have sold high for • 1 } ears, . h and b 7 :onto a /Audio' lair y7ear. 'IEM7ear . expnrt dor/land will IM koen,-protia there for shrewd farmers. PPP Two profits in n p••s ernp, _tb* peso and the •ane., rah env Mader, ,•slnabls gen manor*, high in mum gen. Npw that iilff pee +Mi i ham gent Monne in (land*, pros PAY sad Pay en:. PPP ' Keay eroptohandle, iniek grnwiog. rhea well even on 'tired' land, mad ai+liRE HARK KTatpmfltablawines for all ton can raise. Plant peas early, - April and early May is beat. sow some soon - t -1� Miserable All The Thee? hull scalar hes-tat k ache -low spirited -hats the sight of (oral -don't sleep well -all tired out in the morning-- no heart f •r work ? GIN PILLS will make you well Your 4 adnrvs are affected -either through Over work, exposure or disease. It is the Kidneys that are making :son feel in wretched. Gin Pills cure sick kidneva-make you sell and strong -give you all our old time energy and vitality. Cheer ap-and take Gin Pills. tot. a Is,x--A foe $i,50. sent on receipt of price if your dsuer does not handle them Gott OmUO CO. 'IQ, Masa, M Keep It In The House C•niLt.• 1),d tn;d* de•elr,p lake wild hie At alight Isere may Le a kncr.-4 1111011 tickling '1 the Want. ..,,e morning -• had rt id At the frac .lata, take Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam n rlfake ap rolls-,Inp• IAe teach- hale she threat and long• neer* bib to tyre roo•c bronctilit• 1-arge•t .. n•1 Met at ,int rough retard/ t• the world. Use 1 la Canada fit• *vet tae cru• Prep..•.; ,-t-n•n,aended and elaranteett te, -NATIONAL DRUG a CHEMICAL CO., Useless - LONDON, Owe For Easter Furnishings *ill'? 5 OF COURSE BEDFORD BLOCK. THE SQUARE. OPEN EVENINGS. r- Housecleaning Helps 1 1 'GODE)ICH This is the season when housecleaning is in full swing. We offer as few aids in itakine the work lighter on the hunl+twifl•. AMMONIA. i c bottle LYE, Inc tin CHLORIDE LIME. ' 5e and toe package CREOLINE, soc Ib. BORAX. roc Ib MOTH BALLS, sot Ib COPPERAS, roc Ib. FORMALDEHYDE. Sot. ib. CARBOLIC ACID, tot: oz. Solid in your 11.1. We deliver giewle promptly. F. J. BUTLAND DRUGGIST j s>• VINOL -, i'be Cozy 1. _,ver Oil pt .I.c! Atkin t had lois lint 1 h disagreeab le tete of the old-fashioned 1'&1 Inver Oil preparations. It is a yll.nsl Mariner, flesh Creator an,l Strength Producer, the 1 sst,Tunic for thin lime of the year. We return lour noon v if not -atisfhd. St Id by BEDFORD BLOCK GODERiCH, *jive ONTARIO Spring Millinery MISS CAMERON has prepared for the spring and summer season of root an elegant assortment of all the newest and most tasteful effects in Millinery and asks the ladies to call and invert. A large selection of Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats MISS CAMERON tiiiHamilton St. Goderich • •v as_ a�.ir.^'f=a:' •:..s•�•�.••h�t'�.. u _yi_it d:�t'�t�,�w.t Easter Offerings71 PRINTSPrints ort• t1!w.1)t +a Ie.ediug e!,eb% UI Koski., heleauee lath cloth and tidos'. err fur spring. \\ a always luau i1) print,., they aro rup)eseuted to hr• Hest slicks mud whites, the test wa.h; ..o,i spat uud small .-ptig patterns, black. colors and kok just llhv wool detainer. well made, 11 yards to a piece. 5<, ek, These ends are trey cheap. brown, grey and white. We carry above colors. They are the best. Ah reductions : *2.35 for 11.50 ; 11.73 and *1.a5 foe* and 1,.00 for 75e. by the liatker nut to etre Every silk, :iii inches wide and heavy. ever shown. both in cotton and cash- 3 pairs to or '.Stn•. U1041 Welters and always what P:116 wake, lath Tight and thwk colorings, Woes, indigo dyes, tart ',awl' 1it.0l0i. DELAINES A big stock of Ilckait0•e, wide widths, navy mud cream atwulute-ly fast ground., Will weir just as well. 15 cents a yard. EMBROIDERIES A j')►• Int of ,alt yams, 7c, Sc. roc. mane Ise a yard. KID GLOVESNew for Feaster troths black. tan, a full stock of Perrin'e in the gloves at ONA ltOLLAit AND MVKui OVAIIANTgltn, LAWN WAISTS :'U White Lawn NVaists at big $2.00 fee $,.a5 i 11•po for 415 ; TAFFETA SILKS IUae•k lattreta siaranteed yard ataitpesl. Black evating HOSIERYOur huaiery stuck is the best wu ha%e toere. We are yhvwiug 110W a good sta•kin;;, Oa C or. J. ColbO np The Square Goderich STANDARD r1ERNS DOC anddt ISI•�/ The !standard is the herd,. 1h•signer, leie. New Standard Fashion Book, 311c, with certificate for one Standard pattern, which makes the book coat ady ...•. public office." be faltered, "and 1 don't want you to find out what kind of a esu 1 really am.-' Chicago .luorual. His Preference. A Montreal visitor 11) 'Toronto was indulging h: such frank criticism of the capital of Ontario :s he tbought safe to make. Toronto doesn't need to throw stow•% at any other community." he aald firmly; "just look at the noser of unemployed nuin Toronto, ' "Suppose there are Iota of the un- employed here," retorted x Toronto iittze'n of Irish birth. "Faith an' I'd rather be doing nothing in Toronto than have a geed job anywhere, else." And the 'Toronto citizen is still wondering why his wife laughed_ - ('anaadien Courier. Like -Minded. Joe -••Wit are yer thinkin' of Bill?" Rill-"NuMnk, Joe." Joe -*glum-the sane idea &curled to ole:" Qoatlr Friendship. 4'1 bear yer fr'en Tanuson•a marrut again." "Aye : s1) he is. He's been a dear frieze' t.1)• me. He'. .•..,t nae three weddin' presents and twa wreaths," Before the Judge. b'rir,her I was quietly :attending to my work when this Juan arrested our." Judge "\Vhat is your business:" 1'risuner -- •'1 am a burglar.- --Philadelphia Telegraph_ A ietermary surgeon one da) pre- pared a powder for a sir•k horse and gave it to his young assistant to ad- minister. The assistant :asked how it was to be dune, and the doctor gave him a large glass tithe aid told hint to put it into the horse's mouth and blow the powder dowi his throat. A shorti , tin• afterward thatre new s great commotion, and the doctor rushed out to Hnd his assistant in trouble. "Where is that medicine'?" he shouted. ••What's the matter ?' Tbe assistant .xeigbed weveral time, severely ansi then sputtered : "The horse blew fleet !"-radices' Home Journal. One of the most danger- ous and repulsive forms of Kidney Disease is oPsy for which Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only certain cure. In Dropsy the Kid- neys are actually dammed rp, and the water, which should be expelled in the form of urine, flows bark and lodges in the cells of the flesh and puffs out the skin. Remove the filth which plugs up the drain. Restore the Kidneys to health. There is only one Kidney Medicine UODD's KIDNEY PILLS 1)111111111 jTiiis Year PLANT IPEASI 1 Fiold sea, have sold high for • 1 } ears, . h and b 7 :onto a /Audio' lair y7ear. 'IEM7ear . expnrt dor/land will IM koen,-protia there for shrewd farmers. PPP Two profits in n p••s ernp, _tb* peso and the •ane., rah env Mader, ,•slnabls gen manor*, high in mum gen. Npw that iilff pee +Mi i ham gent Monne in (land*, pros PAY sad Pay en:. PPP ' Keay eroptohandle, iniek grnwiog. rhea well even on 'tired' land, mad ai+liRE HARK KTatpmfltablawines for all ton can raise. Plant peas early, - April and early May is beat. sow some soon - t -1� Miserable All The Thee? hull scalar hes-tat k ache -low spirited -hats the sight of (oral -don't sleep well -all tired out in the morning-- no heart f •r work ? GIN PILLS will make you well Your 4 adnrvs are affected -either through Over work, exposure or disease. It is the Kidneys that are making :son feel in wretched. Gin Pills cure sick kidneva-make you sell and strong -give you all our old time energy and vitality. Cheer ap-and take Gin Pills. tot. a Is,x--A foe $i,50. sent on receipt of price if your dsuer does not handle them Gott OmUO CO. 'IQ, Masa, M Keep It In The House C•niLt.• 1),d tn;d* de•elr,p lake wild hie At alight Isere may Le a kncr.-4 1111011 tickling '1 the Want. ..,,e morning -• had rt id At the frac .lata, take Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam n rlfake ap rolls-,Inp• IAe teach- hale she threat and long• neer* bib to tyre roo•c bronctilit• 1-arge•t .. n•1 Met at ,int rough retard/ t• the world. Use 1 la Canada fit• *vet tae cru• Prep..•.; ,-t-n•n,aended and elaranteett te, -NATIONAL DRUG a CHEMICAL CO., Useless - LONDON, Owe For Easter Furnishings *ill'? 5 OF COURSE BEDFORD BLOCK. THE SQUARE. OPEN EVENINGS. r- Housecleaning Helps 1 1 'GODE)ICH This is the season when housecleaning is in full swing. We offer as few aids in itakine the work lighter on the hunl+twifl•. AMMONIA. i c bottle LYE, Inc tin CHLORIDE LIME. ' 5e and toe package CREOLINE, soc Ib. BORAX. roc Ib MOTH BALLS, sot Ib COPPERAS, roc Ib. FORMALDEHYDE. Sot. ib. CARBOLIC ACID, tot: oz. Solid in your 11.1. We deliver giewle promptly. F. J. BUTLAND DRUGGIST j s>• VINOL -, i'be Cozy 1. _,ver Oil pt .I.c! Atkin t had lois lint 1 h disagreeab le tete of the old-fashioned 1'&1 Inver Oil preparations. It is a yll.nsl Mariner, flesh Creator an,l Strength Producer, the 1 sst,Tunic for thin lime of the year. We return lour noon v if not -atisfhd. St Id by BEDFORD BLOCK GODERiCH, *jive ONTARIO Spring Millinery MISS CAMERON has prepared for the spring and summer season of root an elegant assortment of all the newest and most tasteful effects in Millinery and asks the ladies to call and invert. A large selection of Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats MISS CAMERON tiiiHamilton St. Goderich • •v as_ a�.ir.^'f=a:' •:..s•�•�.••h�t'�.. u _yi_it d:�t'�t�,�w.t