HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-4-16, Page 3T1114: ISIC:NALJ : (.()DERICI!, ONTARIO
,fews of the Sistriet.
Mr. and Mr...1Am. A. Ike!, of ileusdl,
terve been hereaved ot their bright
Bale daughter, Mary Habkirk.
V. K• Beldon. 1.4 Hawick, is u0 ex•
tensivr maker of maple myrtle.. lie
ee.i 4,11s1 trees Gapped this year.
John Pettis and Miss Ida 'futures', of
Myth. drove W WItighanl last week
and returned husbauuvl and wile. The
TdenesetunR Mineral Water
1_1111W411E111(1H MINI:HAL WA -
ewe ('u., manufacturer, of "duelers
tuns. •,t`•' propene' t1111[0111,r Io Oily part. of
the tow .I lol110.4 Miami t'%%'nl A11, lutltree
'.earl tut. uud quart.). Hult.or %valor sed
p1 !amble p
.,allInIl l Ita. ioral (water ai,i,'d0 are thetref,,re (rete
ami 1l liloygner. P. 1.. w''A1:1'UN ,\Tau.
I'AILid)to 1.44,140 {,up11 lir tn.voiln lu
1 ,rn,.nd theory. alto the Burrowu. mu..tewl
koatetgarteu unglue! toe young (chlWree.
Trout and other 4ufurnwa(I.m n1.Y he hail at
Thnen.nn'+,Iuadic atom,Uoderu•h. PCMMA A.
fucose or Pts
Studio In Bank of Madrral Illus
1'K`+ I:MMElt14ON tit TUHNBUI.L
t. T. ENNarwuv.
\1' E. Tesssuu. M. 11.
atio• Monition Street- Phone me
Ih. i:,l, tttersost t.
lnardle 441.13uoIYte s chr. ervil, 'phh ml one one IML
to. 11uu1011I'o tw,Mlerrue. Mewlt+ral ,(reel.
`youth wren of Public Ubnr v. 'Phone I'14.
1111. eV. F. CI ALLOW, M. H:
me. . 1 olbewe* street. nest door to 1 'rt
.4 i Ihu.L. TrMplwu eo --
11 fit. 1•'. J. It. FORSTER EYE,. EAR
seer :Led Throat only. Mtrwtfonl. the.
11.111+ .111j em, %r* York I 1phthalmic mud
lural In^nl ute• IN)4 u., I Boreal ...i.tant )ar.
\,r+• mud
Throat 110 -pit al, 11014104/ Square, and
(total 140111101 )phiM,,or. acid Ere.
Iloepital. Location Eng. 411/10e Albert salmi,
i. 41p(rr.lt•' l 4%alaor hotel. Hour..
i KISTICIte,nolriton,notertea,ale. /Mos.
Han.dlml PL, third door (rum seuare,U.der{4h,
out. M. G. CAMERON, K. t . J. 1.. KIL
herr4trr, +01l4Itor% not/trim fuddle on •
tomtit the Mwrlllme l oust. etc. Oalor, rw.l oleo
fir usre. next door r. A. bairn', grvwery. 1'r4
vete bud, to lewd et It w rl rale. of Interest.
W. l'ROUD41U14r. K. C. R. C. HAYS. U. F
f1.A11t. .
ItI11T1C1k1. attnre•ys, .nikltnr•, ell'.
Oodrlich. Money to Irnd at lowest rote.. Y,
u. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER,lU. +ollcIUw, eornmi..rnn-r. notary pub(c.
l ser HMntltnl arel•l, Uoderloh Unl.
tniurande. Loans. etc.
Fieste and Insanities Agent.. Real es.
tate fer tale or to let. Properties handled In
soy Tart of the town and annoy. Fire and
to Inanrance, lnoney to lean etc.
LP and accident Utterance. Agent for lending
ut nal and wtoek companion ln.1ntln-r in all
nes effected on boat plantand at lowem sato..
II at odtre, owner Wad Street and :S4isan
dreJ. W. CItAlUIE, tdodorrch, Out.
.hon. 'JI
!! 1 ' it A N (' E (' 0. -Fano and isolated
town p tufty insured.
IlMcn -J. B. Mclean. Pre... Ki u 1'. o,
T. F , Yloe-ere... BruesI%eld P. o,
Thumaa E- lays. doc. Trea... iesrorth P. 0,
Phaeton' %Yea. Chesney, Sonhwth : John
(4. Grit, cc, %% nthropp - Booms Dale, Heaforth.
John Hennewe Dublin: Jame. Evan., Herr),
wood : John % 'att. Harlot*: Ther. Fra -.•r.
14ruexneld ; Joh 11. McLean. Klpirn hu•.
Connolly. C Muton
J. W. Yoo. Ho ravine, agent for We,t
Huron. Pollcy-hol •rs ,1411 p07 w..ea.ment+
and get their •• roarlpted at. Toner ac
Brown'.. Clinton, or lt. I11. Cull . gro40ry.
Kingston street, (lode h.
SHAVIJO ' liti
' PARLORS. -- The best wee in town.
'menet servloe ; everythin,r r wn and .ani
tAry. Ho' and cold bath.. %% . IIAYI4,
Brlu.11 Exchange Hotel Block Is comsat' to
Jas. Fritzleyl.
Marriage L1cenes
W leettfCll. oNT. •
Watchmaker. Jeweller and indlolau.
Ironer of Marriage 1.I4en.a■+.
AUR liotwraes, Uudedcb, lhlt.
1. and general noel lneeer. 4 IMM'' 011 Heat h
Nara, a, where ho will be found at all times
when not ^rying wale., Tenn+ r•bawrnlhIe and
every effort toed to rive you liatlefaction
General Auctioneer.
New System of Tickets and Catalogue.
P.O. Box 184.
Yon will ruins 0111111' Ii•al
gains if you fail to see what 1
can do for you in one of those
Good Cheer ranges
(food Cheer art heaters
Penn Esther ranges
Nothing just as good for the
money ; every 0410 gu0ront4wnl.
5 per cent. off for spot
Tinsmithing and
Electric Wiring and
'Phone 155.
nuptial kuul. war Lied by Bev. D.
B. Witmer, of the lath conesission
of 11ullrlt, 44x0 sold his 11111.+acte farm
ou lot Yi ot the 0(44 eouuurriuu ut East
\Veweno.,Ii, to Hobert Johnston, of
This home of Mie. Agnew. of Uliu-
Luu, war broken 4111* and ransacked
lent week. itiingnlerly, the only
article, missed were a euuuuer coot
and vest.
The marriage of Mier Olive Mae
Vanaletis4e, formerly of Winghaw, to
Oswald Catsothet's, .on of Postmaster
Uw'n+theer, of l,mdun, tuck place In
the i' ur'e.1 L'fty un Monday, the 23rd
live. C. It. Miles, rector of i'b'
Church of the Meiwieh, Kinenidiue,
has resigned his charge and it is un-
derstood that. Ike --will go to Aylmer.
He Inas Weil twelve years in Kincar-
Mks Maggie Pepper 0(141 Frank
fioan, two popular trident of Lum-
ley. t'slh)rne tuwnrhip, were united in
wedlock's bonds ley Rev. E. F. MCL.
Smith, of t'0b)rue, on 1Vleduetelay,
the Nth inst.
The Zurich Herald says it is estim-
ated that a sum of neerly dye thou-
sand dollars will he needed to put the
roads. bridges and culverts of Hay
township into the cunditlon they were
bermes the recent flood.
A pretty wedding was mole uurized at
the home of Mr. an d Mrs". J. Ort, of
Zurich on 'Tuesday, 4th Dud... whet]
their daughter, Miss Lydia, was
united in matrimony ter Daniel Mc-
Isaac, of Dashwood. Rev. A. D.
Gischler officiating.
Mr. Robb, of Clinton. last week re-
eetettd mold of the death i11 I'ark
lever, Dakota, of his eldest eon, Freed.
Desvaseu, who war in his fifty -tint
year, is survived hy hie widow, form-
erly MiGs liroulfo0), of Tuekereroiu,.
Anil seven children.
').'lie death took place in McKillop 0u
FI'Id.y Tart o1 George Lrckhart. De-
ceased had reached the advauall age
of w'veuty-rix years and ten months.
His death removes nue of the cattiest
settlers in the t.owushlp, and one ut its
most respected residents.
One of Ilow•ick'r earliest and tuns
esteemed •meed residents. in the p ureou of
Mee. Hubert Linen, enteral foto her
rest on Saturday, the Iib inst. De -
yeast' had attained to the age of
righty -rix years. She leavell a family
of suns anti daughters to Inuurn her
The utarrl:age of Miss Margaret
HLtir to Reuben D.tvey, a popular
young fernier of the Goshen line,
Stepben, wan eonbuwiwted at the
home of the bride's Mother. Mrs. Jar.
Blair, of Centralia, int 1Veeduewday,
the Ntlr Mea The ceremony wee per-
formed by Rev. W. M. Mustin, of
Suddenly and with little warning
the Master's call came to Misr Hannah
McCutche'un, an esteemed resident of
the tib line of Mbrria. on 1Vednl.eday.
the 1st in.t. Deceased, who was the
eldest daughter sf the late John Mc-
Uutcbeon, was torn ill the township
in which she was ,o well and favor -
Ably known. Four mothers and four
misters are left 'ur mourn her demise.
One brother, Frank M,:Cutcheon, and
one sister, Mrs. '1'Ioip;ron, reside in
Kincardine Huview : What is said
to be nn excellent specimen of a Brit-
ish Columbia sal trout was
caught by \(c(iaw Bros. in their nets
ton Wed nestle v, 1t. was about
eighteen inches in length and weighed
nearly Nem pounds. Messrs. NC'(i.tw
soy that salmon smitten war placed in
the bike at YOULhentpeon *41)11101
ago and that a reward of $'JJ is offered
its tle (:ovr:'nmrnt 41.l.rry authorities
for a goal -sized specimen of this fi&h.
They will endeavor to secure this
Mrs. Henry 13.111, of 1Vinghanl,
died on Friday atter an extended
illness. in the 'seventy-second year of
her age. She was 0nteof the pioneers
of the district. For twenty-five years
she and her husband, wilt. died lest
October. were resident,' of Brussels.
and nine years ,ego they went to
Winghaw to reside. Four eons and
four daughters survive : Dr. 13411, of
Toronto ; .John and Lather, at holne ;
and* son in British Columbia ; Mrs.
Copp. of Vancouver, B. C.: Misses
Rosanna. Libby and Hannah, at
Wingkafa's Assessment.
The municipal aneessuwnt of Wing -
ham for IIIUH has been a pleted and
shows A total of 11779.513The hesi-
tre'es assessment is $87,795 ; lands,
I540i0 ; buildings, >/ IXOM) : ins• ,
'4.714), The total assessment shows
Or increase of $D4,52.5 over Istat year.
'1' plpudatiun returns are 2,310, tie-
ing 1 increase of Itt over last your.
ew Peetriliice in Hallett.
Tile Dotal Department hes cove
oersted establish m poet816co at
1Valken•bu n, on the 12th concession of
Hullett. ( jection was taken to the
name Walkerhurn owing te the pos-
nibility of confusion with Walkerton,
so it will take the name of the post-
master, 13. Witmer, who will also
carry the mail to Auburn and bru:k.
Exeter Bylaws Carried.
Exeter ratepayers carried two by-
laws on Friday by good majorities.
The Gibb bylaw Wan to grant a free
site to the (iitrh Evaporator Cu„ and
the Connor bylaw to grant a free site
and fix the taxation for ten years to
the Connor Machine Company. The
tote 'resulted : For the Gibb bylaw,
; against, :52. For the Connor
bylaw, :Ceti ; against, Ir.
To lie Married in Washington.
Mine Lily Miller, eldest daughter of
J*eoh Miller, of Clinton, ACeonlpenied
hy her slater, Myo Inez., left last week
for 1Vashingtou State on a pleasant
errand. At. the house of her uncle in
Seattle she will be united to her be-
trothed, .fames \Vsltero, of that
city, formerly of Clinton. it is ex-
pected teat her bridesmaid will 1*
Mies Flora Cunninghame, of Clinton,
who is at present 1n California.
The Cantin Cases at Toroato.
A grand tory at Toronto 'ran re -
1 tweed two true bill. against N*4eiau'
M. 4 ,in1i0, Lill. "101.41141 of St. Joseph."
One le ,1n :a charge of preeurinc by
fraud VOW, and 1_'i' shores of stork in
the Ht. Joseph ),'and lnlprevement &
Manufacturing Co. from %elm Galla-
gher. The other k on a charge of
perjury. it is claimed that, Mr ('an -
tin swore ',timely t/ .John Fergtason
that rertnin property was free from
A11 enrwnht•anaw. The rases have not
yet Iweem fixed for Link.
Rev. W. M. Martin to Resign.
Rev. \Vas M. Martin. il. I)., last
week cotnpleted hln twentl•flfth year
as p0At0r of Coven Presbyterian
rhumb, Exeter. At on at home held
in commemoration of the °erasion the
congregation preuentewl him with a
purse containing 41,-00' in geld, Aeenin•
ponied by at llatterit.g address. A
beautiful tn,uo. al of flowers was sent
to Mrs. Martin. who ie undergoIii
treatment in tbu Battle (:r'erk sxiti
tariuul. '1'o the regret of a11, Mr.
Martin ha. auuounced his intim-
of tender -hoe his resignation, to
Like effect 40 a few mouths.
Rural Telephones.
The ruuvew001 for telephone con-
nection in the rural districtssurrnund-
iug Seaton, is making proves. A
meeting of iuleresta'd la,rsunr w-lan
beld Last week at which the question
was, pretty well discussed and a 1-010/111-
1100 wan passed to forin a co upatuy W
1510 kuuwu Ira the McKillop Rural Tele-
phone tee The inteullon is to wake a
thorough canvases et mice for stock
and if sufficient call Ire gut to wee -rout
going on with the const•uetion of the
proposed !iue, that iv front Seitfulth
to Walton, with spur lines, a charter
will be applied for stud work begun at
uucc. The following were appointed
provisional directors : Hubert Scar-
lett, Jas. Kerr, 1. N. Fear, Chas.
Little, John Uuthill,Yitmplre Hera and
Robert S nit11. The rout. of 0011-
structiug the line and ivatalliag tele-
phoner slung this proposed 13311te it
ahaout,$1,tNfn, There is also 1. talk,
ut exleeiding the line to lk9,stance,
while a number .,f the farmer.
throughout Tut'kersn,ith have had
OM telephone question under con-
sideralinu arid ludic.. eons .ere that It
will liot ant long Ierfft'e a line is built
ill that direction tae.
Exeter Loses an Old Citizen.
Auulhrr' of the good citizens of
Exeter, in the person of ,John Down.
crossed lifei s inure portal 011 Muudar,
the 111h inn%. l)eOe4wetl, who was in
his erveu:y-ne%•euth year. tad suffered
from the infirmities of old age for
'some time Mu.* than 11.41 a century
ago be left his home in England to
fight the (rattles of life on the Sud
c1,Ileeeeiull of ['ebonite The giants of
the forest fell before his axe and in a
abort tirne he reared it 1 fortble
home fur himself end his worthy
partner, who was formerly alien Mary
Perkin.. of l'sb ime. Six years ago
Mr. and Mrs. Ih,wu moved 1(111* Ex-
eter to enj.y the fruit of their ,etlern.
A m1111 4,1 unswerving integrity and
kindly dispoaitiou, he hell a high
plies in the wlee4n of all who knew
him. His was au exemplary life end
his end wad peace. Four stars and
five daughters mourn his removal
from their midst" The sone are Rob-
ert and Frank, on the h stead '
Charles, a divinity student, and
Edgar. a student at Ann Arbor ; and
the daughter*. Alms. .Cba t. Hooper,
Exeter; Mix Jos. Hooper. fat. Slarve;
Mn, Wm. Wass,->Hlanchwnl: Mn.
Wm. Kernick, Thames laked, 1's -
borne : and Miss Eunice, at honer.
But Never b Med.ein- Se weld,
Snuffs, Sprays, or Douches.
Pette4h 1, not a 111(51x1 disease wild
that is why it cannot be cured by any
medicine taken Into the stomach.
Ceterrb is a germ trouble contracted
frons the germ -laden alrsyou breathe
inward. These germs fasten them -
'selves in the tMeuee and air erne of the
breathing organs, multiply by mil-
lions, cause sneezing. coughing, rais-
ing of Inucous, discharge fe.'u+ the
mare, difficulty in breathing. hoarse.
nese, dryness end stoppage of the
nese, tickling in the threat and other
synlpUme that can only be reached by
the dry air principal of Hyomei.
It medicates the air you breathe
with the curative properties of (Le
Australian EucalypW. Forests where
catarrh is unknown.
The reason you get relief in a min-
ute or two from Hyomei is Iw11'.ii)* it
deetrrys every catarrhal genu in the
nit you breathe, and its dry paenr'ret•
ing *roma will reach the inn.•.m"sr
recesses of the air pasruegew, killing
millions of tremor a minute. Their de-
struction means freedom for oppress.]
reepiettvey omens. .las. 1'ils,1tl sells
Hyomei under a guarantee of malefac-
tion or money hack. Price, SI.01.
And He Was Forg,ven.
in 40200 of the Scotch churches' it ie.
or was. the euohbish custom for the
minister to Trow after pronouncing
the blessing to the principal heritor or
hers tors.
On cne occ+wion the Rev. I)r.
1Vighttuan, of Kirkunatoe. being ,a
young bachelor. omitted to ealeane
the ladies in the Dalnwinton pew
rather through shyness than die-
eoarteny. A few days later he wits
taken to task for the moleskin by Miss
Millers the heritor's daughter, a
famous beauty, who afterward be-
came the Counteeas of Mar.
"Oh. Mr. 1Vightnan, I have a crow
to pluck with you," said she. "Why
did you omit to bow to us ladies last
Sunday ?"
"Surely, surely, Miss Miller. you
must know that the worship of
angels is forbidden in the church of
Port Felix, (:uyehoro' Co., N. 14.,
April 13th. -(Special.) -The following
letter is another Instance of the ex•
cellent work Dodd's Kidney Pills are
continually doing and how friend,,
relatives and neighbour reemumend
them to each other,
Mr. ,loeeph i)avit! writes : "About
four years ago 1 wan c pletely cored
of kidney trouble by Dodd's Kldnee
Pills. 1 serf for it supply of Dodd a
Kidney Pills ter a friend of mine who
was suffering from kiduey trouble nod
I aro 'desired to say they proved Met
en successful as in my own cane. My
wife heel been troubled with her kid-
neys for a long time and last fell went
into a hospital where she was treated
by the doctors for Nome time, but they
failed to do her any good. Sider rhe
returned home she has commenced
taking Dodd's Kidney Pills mod is de-
riving great benefit from them right
At the Zoo.
'l'he rector of a certain perish is in
the hmbit of taking his church choir
for nn molal outing. On the last
occasion it was to the Zoological Gar-
dens, London. The party, headed by
the rector, entered the lion house jnet
as a fine stwelmen of the feline tribe
reared himself on hie hind lege and
mune with hie forepaws with consid-
erable fnree against the WWI of the
vier, rimming them to rattlo with
some violence. 'Turning to a keeper
the rector asked. ")'ray, my roan,
what Idols would you take if one of
theme ferocious 'menials broke lessee?"
"Mighty long ones, roister'" was the
prompt reply.
"Well," said the young lawyer,
After he had hear) his new client's
story. "your ease appears to he gond,
i think we can secure it verltet with-
out touch trouble." "That's whet i
tlld my wife." said the man, "and yet
she insisted nt first that we nught to
engage A first-class lawyer."-Phila-
delphi* ''reas,
Monday School Teacher "And you
have no Mothers 011( siutern:
"Attie Fdna "No, ma'am. I'm all
the rhlhlrr1J, wn'%c gate' -Chiang..
Greenery Always Permissible For the ' i •
Dinner Centerpiece. i4
Lavery woutuu Is privately couvbced
of ber onn superior judgweut where
dower arranging is 4:weenieet, uud the
girl visitor, to whom her bootees In
dna gone by always wade a :saint of
etiquette of relegate': tblsduty. usual-
ly had no light task to perform under
the captious eyo of r11C11 a stern critic.
1t the drawlug rem vases glee
sufficient trouble, the dinner table,
however, is responsible for a greater
amount of skill, and the hostess of the
gay who has to grapple with the scut
S ty and cousequeut rust of winter flux
ors has her work cut out for her In the
matter of evolving tasteful decoratlous.
An abuudance of greenery is always
permissible fur winter tables. One of
tbo prettiest ornamentations lu this re
newt 1s that of a sliver roar bowl In
the center tilled with ivy, powdered
with artificial hoarfrost, and -front the
sides of which wide strands of 'fiver
ribbon extend oil all sides fur half :1
yard or more, depeudiug ou the size
and shape of tho table, where each ter-
minates In a huge bow: catching a
bunch of blossoms or pepper tree ber-
ri ea
Baskets have hardly e%er been wore
popular, and one of the daintiest
schemes IlIJhat fu wblch @wall fiat bas-
kets of plaited hemp, such as are sold
In large rises at seaside rearrta for
beach use, are pointed with silver or
gold and filled with flowers, 'these
are used to decorate the eoruers of tie)table, a large round basket occopyiug
the center- With silver ribbon violets,
Ihles and other dainty bloerotns look
well, while forced spring 1111.., feath-
ery apiraea, red anemones and mimosa
have an excellent effect combined with
gold, softened with plenty of foliage.
.t. particularly light appearance can
be given to a table if 'tense of aspara-
gus fern mounted on wire are used fu
the form of festoons across the table,
a wide basket suspended from the cen-
ter cbaudeU.r funning the starting
point of each rope. which is carried to
corner candlestick, er t'. tall eladelra
baskets with long handles filled, like
the center one, with foliage and flow -
ere. Leach ■trand could be hung with
tine or (re toy baskets tilled web
d owers.
Judith Originator of This 'Une-
\versaf Practice.
They say that Judith was the urlg-
inator of the fewh.h,e habit of bolding
up °tics skins. '1 truth lou has 1t that
Judith after having deeapltnttld Holo-
fernes was compelled to gather up her
skirts !n enter to nits the easier and
male g•w■1 her e.eip' f the aveng-
ene Judith mass therefor•. Ms male to
hate invented the habit et !to11ius up
the akin; but, oh, to what depths
Intl that Iuventl'u fallen' It 1s not
smell a bad habit, taken ell in all, for
1* It remembered that, while men are
generally engaged In putting their
hands Into some Italy else's msx11et',
the gentler sex lute by Judith's In-
t•entlou found ennething more grarr-
ful to keep their dainty- fingers I.u.y.
Eve. of course, had nothing to heedful',
so that first woman Is out of the Ills -
tory of the skirt carrying.
There are a million ways of bolding
up the skirt. 11 you wen folks do riot
believe 1), just stand around a Lase
shepiling turner for an hour or two
ant watch the passing show. There
are women who hold up their stares
carefully rind decorously. 'rberc arc
others who walk about in utter defi-
ance of everything. (fere nre a few•
contrasts, any anti all of w bleb any
one eau readily discover for himself or
herself by personal observation.
The thin woman pulls her drive
around her wore than a fat woman
The 'tingle Roman never 1101111 4110
dress like the woman who wears a
wedding ring.
The widow holds her skirts In both
ways nt the same time -that Is, iike
the single woman and the married one.
like the cross seas over a ehlp'n bows
doing an Atlantic /storm.
Every woman, 11 she be precise
about holdtng up her skirts, b.. 111e
same precision in rainy and dusty
To obviate indigestion drink yonr
coffee perfectly clear without milk or i
cream, and you will avoid any difti
culty In that direction.
Getting the nape flexible is the first
process in Improving their shape. and
this work le accomplished lnrg"ly 1.p
the uM of grease. For thla purpose
glycerin or sweet almond oil IA oxc.1-
1ent, for both are very penetrating.
For strained or inflamed eyes stake a
solution of boric acid and wsrm wa-
ter or of hydrogen peroxide and warm
water and bathe the eyes by the use of
en eyecup. A Medicine dropper Le good
for this purpose, though more tedious
to handle.
if your skin is Inclined to break Ont
or he red and mottled, forswear hot
cakes except on extra ocessions. Noel •
Ing is more retirees to the complexion
than onr American irreahSaet of hot
cakes loaded with butter and possibly
maple sirup eaten for 8175 days in the
This cough sirup is easily made and
very good: Take a small handful of
dried bops and a small handful of
dried horehound and put Into a cup
of cold water. Let this steep until
the strength of the berbe Is drawn one
then strain through a cloth. Add to
this one imptnl of honey And two car
fats of sugar. Let this mutter. belt
nntll thick. returnee a 'hide mouthed
brittle or small jar and It In ready for
use. One traspnotshul orrery half hour
until the cough 1r,raliersd.
$100 Reward, 16100.
The realm of :Ilk paper will Is" pleased to
learn t.hwt throe i, nt haat Dee dreaded disease
that. (rMnre hr,. hewn able to enre in all It.
•rare., and rh,.r I, Catarrh. Hn;l'. r'nt.,rrh
'ore Is the mdt tawitltr ran• now k.)',wn 101104
mel4,al (parrot!) ottareh, (wing a ,mrnAitte•
1.1(00.,1 ell.e•a+e. require w mnstitull.mal tren(
tnent. Holl'. Catarrh ('are M taken Internally,
acting dlmrtlr neon 41* hlewwl nml moron+
nnrf9ml of the •r•te,n thereto test of lug flu'fe,ndatlnn of the dl.nate, and giving the
patient-(e./g111 b•- building no the enrlat4s-
tlon and 0,'ls,ing allele fa anion It. work.
Thrr poprint m-. hnce m m ,eh faith in ftt
rnrntire power. tam they offer Cann Ilundr•nl
41111.,'. for any eo..•'hal It ,alb to ran'. Mend
for IL.t of tr,tinawlial•.
Adder... F. J. ('H I:NRY l . I n , Toledo. e►,
Sold hy all dr omeA.t., ; Y,
'Fake Itw'1. Pantile 1111. far entr.tipre to,.
M.tIweribe for l'he ,y ignal,
'Phone 56 I D. Millar Co.
'Phone 56
Specialists in
Children's Wear
11'0 are I)1141 Y atl.Olion than ever tut. wt•et 111,• acqutre•-
1( 010 1,1 the el ittle Folks." We have just put • stuck
- Infants' Cashmere Robes Infants' Caekntere Coats
Infants' Medford Cord Coats
n ,111 ,l y Its fr he phainest t° the Moot el+alwl,al0,
Cliddren's Pique Coats Children's Pique Reefers
Children's Pique Collar; Children's Buster Brown Coats
Children's Muslin Dresses at all prices
Ctaldreii s Gingham Frocks and' Dresses
Children's tleadwear
\1'e h:rve am ays(nluwut 1•f in(ent.' and 4 I,ildten's ll.adwr:o
0%1111 h would he afieelieesAn) cls?' 1.4,9••.
• I
Infants' Bonnets, Heeds. Iilts and Tams from 15c to $3 as
1110.1 In 1001 ..t anything In 1 hilJten .. II.v'I.'' nr
Pi56e pillar's Scotch Store 'ire
The skim Milk.
41 a little banquet in Rt. Thomas
quite recently. the chairman assured
the speaker of the evening that he
054 mtrroundetl by the "intellectual
cream" of the town.
This would certainly be good rend-
ing for the Skirl Milk when it saw
an account of the proceedings next
dee til the town papers'. •
Atilt. the eommor people need not
feel bark about it, for skim milk is
the corner -stone of this country.
It. tills 90 per tint. of its pap bot
ties• and the stuff that rears our Is -
.hies is not to be despised. Some of
the best calves and finest babies that
this country has ever seen got noth-
ing but skim milk.
What do you put in your tea? -
skim milk. You susrly don't think
it's cream, do you? And that's the
stuff you eat your porridge with. One
blessed thing about it is we keep our
skim milk in Canada while the most
of the cream and iia products find
their way to foreign oountgien.
The cream of Um family is sent to
the high school, and- the university,
where he is educated out of his boots.
He won't thin turnips. nor hoe corn
any more. He despises the erose -cut
saw. end never again will the plow
handles rasp his nbs. We send pau-
pers' children to a free school -we
e'.ntpel them to go; and after they've
got a first-class education at our ex-
pense they won't do a day's work on
the farts for love or money -they are
above it. Wo have to import laborers
from far-off lands --people we know
nothing about. degenerates many of
them, and when we have taught them
their business (when they come first
they are not worth their board) they
walk off and leave us.
'rhat serves us right. A people who
lar.' on culls and skim milk needn't
leek for anything better. We have fur-
nished the United States and Aus-
trab* and South Africa, and the is-
lands of the sea with intellelttlsl
cream for four generations. and kept
the skim milk. We have sent abroad
our hest e1w004•, beef, leek. putter,
and fruit, and we have kept the culls.
There is a world in spare whn•h ha-
been furnishing the neighboring plan-
et. with the heat it had for a trillion
years. They sent away their, intel-
lectual cream and kept the skim milk.
They exported their beet ewe lambs,
and kept the culls.
To -day the men of that world are
invertebrates. and the women wear
beards, and it takes ten of their sheep
to furnish enough wool to plug a pore
But 1 like the nerve .et a \iutural
Admiration Society of half a hundred
in a community of 'on ther anrt, gath-
ered at a twen,' eve -cent banquet.
trending each other in printer ale
buttermilk pop. and boasting that they
aro the Jntellechial cavern of the town.
After all, there is nothing like hav-
ing a gond opinion of 7n4111.1f. Doth
a man hid, hi. light. under a bushel)
To mix muteplrnrn, it is music to
hear a churn blowing it.e own horn. -
The Khan.
Valuable Samples Free
1 hen 1• r,1 el your 4'nit 'dont e lreltper-
terant end end it aatiefertnry in enact
of rrnI4. colds nr rnughr. I bee* used
1i ever side„ f gen * trial htettl., and
have r•enmmended it to everyone in
n erd of it. Yon may nee my name and
address for testimonials if you wish.
Hoping it wilt benefit others as it has
done my children, 1 remain,
' MRA. AONF;t( )'OMBER."
1189 reenter, fet., London, Ont.
' Coltsfnote Expectorant ie 'he gyeat-
e.tcough and thrn,t rare in the world.
1t in the prescription n
)tion of a reowned
spc1ialist. In order that. every family
may prove its unparalleled merits wv
w ill seed a sample bottle free to Pew
eon who gentle an their name and at
Orem' sad mentions this paper. can bo
had at all droggists at 25e. Mend your
name to -day to Dr. T. A. 13locum, Ltd.,
dead for Fres Sample To -day.
BY MAIL TIM. at fipo me
\:. a•,n•. onr 0011t 401.. it - in
1100 Ara wetter. titer, an lade „ ie..,' 4• .1
1 f. sv. oldest 4,11..- arab?. of rem, , d .11,
r.tr.e et (ln"o,lat„Itg. ,1w lt1rlaat 0,1r I4.01111'
'1'%dor Sr dem Jur wh,.4, ole pan,•. //.1.110
At there are • large ntnnlet ..f 3.14.10. Oslo,•
yt; drrtsmakrr' tae• T•o1 coned barn le: mail
'e will send sy4te14) and tint teat," (whish
re bet how to mak., a prefect fitting *weal)
,ye.°em1 t, any addre in (1,111(1,111•100.n,. After t...
are wti4i"4 par tan learn send ai(14 and w.
will fu,'ward fedi done o1 Mw,ns. Please de
not rend ,Ink -as vow wish to. learn Ireswl,ak ,'
air a v at mare 1nynw can barn That .t4 rust
ante to din PA00 1,1 anyone we cannot lracb
TM w rot leach how to ewL fit And Pr,
ron.•tter, lay 'gl1ament teem the )7lone
• ,5 %11i1 40 tit: Him elaborate drOs'. 7Tei • re.
tn. solus nlrw M CarMdw %hal the wh"M Omit.
. an Mm bo .me member takenqq i1 up 'w.•
hal* Irs•n ,o )ms)nryl for (00 3.er(. Issue taeeht
er 7.11110. Beira.. of imitation,. 1, now
have Ikon known 4•, err,. .alt see, end 04.1.0
Iame....two. they, *flat newt kronor"to be`th.•
hlvrnt•.r of rho teen.. No adv. ,is ereefw
wittrwt, 10124 3.1441(x) 1wlranter.
144.1* %Adnan!' nooses 1' TIAs K'Re0L
yl bre btrcyt, 50ativrd, ()atm Ill, 1Aaaela,
Didn't Come Forth. •
Stage Manager "Why didn't you
go ,91 wLen you get y • cur, *teem.
forth' c'
Super "(4i 5e'as wallies' for thas1
other three to go 011 first ; .e11r, An'
how 1,1(1111 1 e e lolatll if 1 wise
first i Tit Hits.
11. i, l.ea 11* ask the girl w hu Ila.
..►id "No' to ieLurn your lute letters'
1 here iney be goal material ill them
to (1x' again. r
and Colds
fmr 1110 worst eukt.
lesharpcst comet --try it on aguar-
antee of your
:nonce fart(: if it
doesn't actually
('C R'E quicker
than anything you
ever tried. Safe to
take, -nothing m
it to hurt even :a
baby. 34 years of
success commend
Shiloh's Core --
L'S.:.. 50t'.. Sl. 30
On stormy days
by wearing a
,(sores ,
'r -1
rgs la3
Clean - Light
• Low le Pncc
Suits and Overcoats
New 11as. patterns in clothe... Iw•st of
trimmings and perfect fitting -style
e fort and durability. dee feature
welt tai.
444.10,! run 4,41(4•1. 1•nl lt•.
Wee!. SIIY'el. I.nrie flab
t--1..0.• ft tttttntr kw
for sale. '•.0,or11ru1,.,' :.1,011 hs a111110
• 4 'leave lents prlt4 141111 Pte.014,1ton. awl
'L ernIrl „ for selling. Mate when pa.r.
tell caul he hod, WM deal with owner •
r>"rb•.hier. TMs MI. Ica hc.trr. N. Nami
Gray Buggies
\Ve have them with 1(ulrlee
Tines ami we have them with
Steel Tires ; and we have then'
with Antetnrtbilr' Seats and in
all the e:diet fill' 4.i:n. If )'oo
want a 'fuggy. or ever expre 1
t0 want one, call at • were -
room and err what we have.
The (iray Buggy c 'n from
the lemma ('arr,tge Ferree,)
11) Canada.
You can't make a mistake in
buying a GRAY
l Agent 1,1
We also haven lu•gc stone
ilutarry and aro prcpnrrrl t"
nupplq building Atone or filling
in hlrge nr Antall quantities,
delivered or at the 'pinery.
Ware -Room ' Hamilton bt.,
Ttluli+rl'.r ,‘1,1i1 16, IoW 3
£,MAN &Bos?.
Price 25 et5. Ifigrl
rine TO r r 51(34115114
Y • a ,t
1 New Buggies
at Knox's
Made Ly 1 he ct'Iebrateel
"Only One Grade.
arid That 'rhe Best.
1 bac, 4,111 Pet eat t'1 a ship-
we(1t of these fine Buggies and
invite anyone interested to call
and see them.
('or. Newgate
and Hamilton streets
I 'wafture and Undertaker's'wyrersohid,
Wee ride Square,
'PHONE !Moretti. llederich
Night calls: At reside,*,, cur. Cambria
road and Nelson street.
J. 8k0I
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders urfully etiolated to at all
hours. night or day
'PHONE 15 or, 24
When von view
F 141 •e'4'
(warehon+e 1 rr. Wt..?
and Yard.) ("1 re.•t and )
,.1 Muck/ '14quaru/
t-YA11 ( 0.,1. urliest nu m
Iho al k.lw,eale..,
x h4 to sou gel': 444 Ib.. fol ., ton.
(101111, 1rf1 at 1•, 4'. LF.P:n lfwrpwarn Nin.'
°satslde square. t'mnnaly alteudnl to.
Canadian . Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Any 'wen nnnitwred section of i ominlon
lands lu Maio' 01111%, vwnkwtrtlewwn and Alberta,
0lcoe)nsg m gtwl :ei. 001 reserved, may he hems
etesdea by any per.nn 104.015(4.04,'.
family, or any male over Ia years of age, to tha
extent of one-quarter rection of Ie0 acres, more
or loss.
Application for entry must bernwt1nhl (*neon
by the applicant st it Dominion Len& Agency
or Sub -agency for the district in which the land
is ,ituwle. Entry hy proxy mus•, howeter, hr,
made nl. an Agency 0r, rortwin condition. by
the father. ther, ton, daughter, brother or
sl.ter of on intruding hunle,lewdcr.
The bon,e'tea 4. required to perform tho
homestead dull under one of the following
11) At
en11100lllon M the land In ewch year torr'nthree
1:9 A hrnnealewder may, if he so desires, pet
form Tho required 1*'l4.1rnex• duli0(by living 04
lanning laearowned .dh•ly hyhltn, nal IdsUnwu
eighty IMn acre+ In extent., in the vlelnity of his
botnt•.Irs.h Joint. owner.•hlp In land will not
inertlhl. regnlremonl.
470 If th'• father for mot her. If the father Isle
reason of a hunletd.eeler hes permanent re-)
Ilene/PM (arming land owned rolnly by him
not les. thaneight,' I/•• Fiero, in ON4.•nt, In tho
vfrinity of the hnllle.+tend. or upon a hdlllratead
enlerrl for hy Mm in the vicinity. .neh hent.
lender nayw•rfnrn, hi. own residence dale.
by Ilcing with the fnthor lar Inutheru.
111 The tern "vicinity" In the -two Iwe.w,din
paragraphs •s netnerl ow meaning not. mot
an nine nineties a Mere, line, OxclntIve of the
*kith nl road • allowanroa crowed In 114"
Irl A bnmeetnnder Intending to perform his
mdrn4r duets. In weeordanrr with the whose
while Ile lug with parent. or on forming Ian.,
owned by him.rlf nowt notify the agent. for Ito"
diet Oct of .orb Intc11.10, ...
Mix month.' notice In writing 91a.t. Me g {{vem
tai the 1rnmn4.mlwn0,' of 1klnnninn land. at
QUA*. of intention to apply fut Retont-
lrnptlty of the 'AI lflitter of the tntett for,
Y,44. 1'r,:esthnri red pu1,11ew• 1•11I of ebb ad
yerueemset will nut be ped let.