HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-4-16, Page 1II .„ Get into the Game with an advertisement w The Signal. Bright, at- tractive advertising ,s the best investment the mer cbant cul nuke. The Signal has the circulation that count• •I\1 \' FII.$T YKAR-No. ern Financial ONE' DOLLAR starts a eevitg* account. little by little Pinball au111, are de- posited in the Bank, and In an incredibly cheat time the owner of the account Hods that his gooney has iiiie.owd i1) .d t magical faashioo repaying him many times over for t hr email '•pri\vitions" be may have undergone in timer to provide 1or the proverbial 'Tarn y day." POUR per cent. itit•rewt paid on depoositsi and wuuey can be • withdrawn at any time. THE STANDARD LOAN t'OMPAl\TY derich Office, Corner North Street and Square. W. L. IHORTON, MANAGER. lo Sale 1! utt'1HOKN HU' 11: FOR SALE. 1, ?w1) Tou'ur bulb, fru 1,1 lweive u.M1tI1. eeW. nue dark red and the her roan urate,. , iratu. Will be .old Ably. Apply to LAA(' SALtml . N alnut Fara, . *told road - in ▪ IfN� -sego-, LOUR SAI.(;.- UNI. CHOIC ' FRKNH J.' t uleb sew. Apply to H. H. UPL ►.TT. U 0101E8 FOR SALE.- - PAI OF rorty sutoor: mars. ear pal the HON TON UVI ltY. Kest Haver. G • e ton. SEE!)n' I'lATOIse. •.0 nl 1.oiy Idaho r•rVel Pul.dw•• hair nal Arne.rl for Lloyd • whulu-al.• foil home. 11cy 1* .. chin .• early No. I wad legato and emu 1w• ,buium.4 111.1Oroce dere in I.o.Ierh•h loe er 1\11-I.IA)1111M HK ANt 1x 11 ,�T(1Kle: 41 r.1 .,Peet. APLE FLOORING. 'l 1'1,3 catl.-noh 1,rxan l'o . Imitated. has c !• :e■o 1., .1 Ialordrr Maple Lwnhrr. nkrel) mono 1a.1nrwl. ahu'ie they ran male into flooring on Mon notice. Parson contemplating the oro, tier, of dwellbap.. .torwa or fnedeetlea w i11 du well 11) Woe orders early'. so w 1p 0*10 no dr. lay int a hn.y saswl. Write w tall a1 the r,. 10•11 r4,to fill LE Nit I'LDS EY)K MALE.-4OM- PLATE-et from »inch to 24 inch. An in good avndltion. Will hie .old rearn.ablr and .e nor term.. For further pane. teuisapply t u m i)(1' F;1. E(• II LI N, Leal .tree. Gldancb, NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. Auction Sales (L1 AKIN(' A(t7ION SALE uv Hut,.gru.11. F'1 11•10..10., t New n1 'foal,. Y Naw' U10.01t1. ('NO.,N nar•.tI*.%loft. tail Ge.,,. W01114 *401104.. I a, id M,Ileicn. oho in mo, ing to the 11'4,t, will sell by public auction at Ids re•denee. • .1 -()eel. Ue,leriele, un FIt11,AV. APRIL Sit h. (v/1). rowing. .l1 Ocloti harp• 1'arlor,dluing• room. room and kitchen (urnh ure. 1 .or revery, good. ...,..o table. 1 good kitchen table.:, ey table-, et tucking:chain, I genuine oak bed . , u ault•. 7 hednaen suit.-, :t bed: . 1 .01.. *I.1) h t .,.1•- , , w wt r { 05.1 3 a«1, n heat. 1 couch. Y w' hb,g warMwa 1 1'erfeemio heat. mg .cove. 1 w, , , 0001 .tore. 1 Happy Tho hi Hang•'. .' law , mower,, carpel.. e1) r, uilrlot h-. icon,,, lamp., cbann, creek• erg- rod gra--wan•. Urn' hancine.. good work Mone-. 1 Molest . 1. . _ nrw oxford Crean .eetwton. and riuu,. . un eller smolt.. �tuma. .111 nolo, !In a4.1 Under, oval; mer t lot amount 3 ,non n, credit will be gn. gr. m, furni-hung *ppm,. 0l note.. A 41.- eou1d al the rate of a cent. por annum Allowed for meta un ,-rndIl mount.. DAVID MII ttKIEN, Propnetw. TIC IAPI 01-NI/HY. Au. t boomer. 1rMBER FOR SALE. --HEMLOCK. To Kent clot and tu*pie lumber for ..rte frau ,gook. Rennbecut toorder. For further particular. 71 LET. FUR N 11 IN apply w ROBERT ELLIOTT. Uoderkh. If 1. home *ear the PItuarr. with all 1 o.711ataenes. 1'umi7 IadY p,elerrrl Notice to Creditors rt TItESIGNALeller. ys; • *'DYKE TO CREDITORS. rN T117. MATTER OF THF: K8TATE OF FItANCI$ NMV.ETH. LATS: OF THY. TUN'S (1)'Oc1DKKIC11.1N THKCr)1 %Ti' of I: 110N. GENTLEMAN. DECEASED. \.,u' x e hereby 711 co yyur•nant to the re. Ted .1.?tor- M UnI Arlo 1146, l hap. 17.., flint .11. odn0r+nod mere = tutvo.7 eituend .utaiu.1 tire tattle of the said Yne1M1a t w'rth. who Jut( en or alarut the 1th day of March. .1. U. Ian, arerequb,d w, el before 1 he 1.1 dn..l Ude,. A. It. 111m. to -.•n.1 by I*..t. Prenatal, 01 10 .1.41‘td 10 the Loudon k \\'.•ata•tie Trurl - 1om pony, I0.1.1wr. OMan,,. ILe r,0•utoe of the 1.4 well And t•' tauleut of for ..,d .1.•: en.erl. i a.er Thrid Ian nisi .11' riot,..--, 'uldrrw•. and dr.enp:.uo-. the /till fort *wino. ed thou • I.utn.. tlir -Ind rn.rnl of their sere, UM- and .i hr• .nature of the .arurn ie. Of buyM,kl by ihcn.. A.,. 11 'onkel T%xr. Niru -e that after .a5I .t ,urutWued dale. the mkt executor w111 prv- •t'eel ter Mot ramie the u•.et• of the deceased ..gonna 1 b partly. emitted 1her r0. having 1).4 aro wily le Oho claim. of whi. h they *hall then hare Holler. and Ihat the said executor w111 hot be liable for the nese!- or any peel . Morro( to any teevam or venom- of who.() IAI to. 1.01 oro .h.tl rid love been reoeh .d at the lune of ,enh dialrihutlun. 11,00 1 hr 311 da • of April. A.11 11101. I'RO1 p�YN/T. HAYrsk BEA11t. No111'aer.. for the Kxtxulor. tea:* Notice- VtlT1(11:. AS 1 HAVE D1N1'lMED • of my fornstur, bad u',drrtaking hu•ine.. in 511. 0es,ge Jobn.lwt. nhu hna hero w•ewi- .ted with ow during the pro( tau year., all • ol the fah led 1 am Ivy 0ohlerirho before 11. is "'pewee , that all rammint. must he 1oid al. time -perMed. otherwise 1 *fall bit ohlyrd lo fdN4.I KLT'r. I hem InT, of her hands foe rollrctkm. 11 la VOTICE TO INVESTORS. -TN E. executors of 1ha 3.11,1. 0l Ihr late e:rw7e Arbe.ule haat deeded to otter the , whole '-tele for sale. The 1M'opertY enq-Id• of r.w1 r.tarr, debenture.. Fold. and strwk, Pattie. w4ahIWt 10 invert In aneof the shove PleleMla. can Ili full particular. on %MI tis., to the c xe outer+.. Mian. EMMA 14. Arne. ',., a 'executrix. I. 1'. Munro 1 lexerutor.. WiI,u.I4w acut.*U 1 • (.on. orb. I ire. :ah 11711. • I lr START ANY TIME. l:••I your it:airline in the• w:hnol 1 het i. 't'u,t rel to give you the 1e.t that run 7'1,.. Hrltlmh f titan an 1111.4111'., I "Reg,. Y. M. ('. A. Brlldh,g, Toronto. wrtef . t 1 or aalaloguc {\.0 Gym ►....••__-•.••_,,,_...."--V.- T 11 E STERLING BAN K OF CANADA Haat Oyv.Cx TO1150NT" A I:Tttealxa1 CAPITA.• $1.01111.1.111 --- INCORPORATED ICY )1'F,(IAI, Al f OF I OMINiON 1'ARi,IAMENT TO RECEIVE DEPOSITS '1'1) accomnmdwte the Furme'4 tt have opened Branches in the lllagel of 1)UNGANN()N, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the FARMIOI. 14.41.11 NoTI,'N Iltn/'Ol'NTI4I). SA\'1NOM RANK ACCOUNT opened by dnportit of $1.(I( Interest at:r"/, compound• s,(1 quarterly. 4ll 1 E.Ki(7H BRANCH A. O. GAMBLE, ager. Seal Rstate tor bate. H ply U1 SE FOR SALE. -THAT FINE nod brick hone on Maggio .antic. built 1...1 a.0,, by Mr. Larger Fix .• r1,w1• u - • tarn. font rooms. team rr and hall don ,,.tart-. ('e14t under the whole home. Modem con- venience.. onvelnience . ICeagn for siting- 0.,,C1 want* t t be, s -,•-t. For fern and particular. apply (0 M. yb 11.AKTi. 71Jm LIOR SALE.-UllOtCE MCILDING 111' let ,an \e4or, street. with new bane ea it 22,71 Apply to H. H. H6(' : Err. L1,'t1K SALE: OK EXCHANGE FOR I' 11101 VW11" fN Olt N 1' Alt 00U4HI('H The Holland fano on the 3rd weoxes4oeh of A -heel&. containing net s, -ie., nearly all 1n gen•-. Uu,l banding.. Flew orchard. whlah will. nay Inteleal 011 111H .bold foredoom.. It rbom for selling: tester away to atteod to 1. AppIy *0 J. T. UOLITH01119.., Sanford. uu1. 141-11 UILUIN(i IA)PS FOR SALE. -- IP :.e nr 1•n foot frontage m- dwird. Thede 1,q. um aaH,ng the ,rry ene.t w the town of Goderi, h. r.nlrallyy• located .1).1 within a fr•w minims' walk of the wont flows. Sq'.sre nod pniwipal bumble.. pis. -e. of i he town• as well ns, twat . n11ru.rul to the l ullegtute Imlltul,•, l ubIle Lnhrary and 1'u.tonh c. People w bo de. .irea 11... reedenlirl pm erty will do oelh to new mita. J. H. WILLIAMS, Market .Ire..;t VUI( SALE:OK LEASE. ACRES F drhnier fruit. garden or tom Intel 'adjoin leg the town. bring port of 15.• old •'Inter .etlonal farm. Term. H•a.onal,ie and will be made 10 Anrl nlrchaw;r Apply •1to i1N1.01' I {i 1 H 1 Worn -Cruet. IJoAerbb. LqH SALE.- -NEW PRAIIIEHOI'BE I` on Wolfe .test. Parlor. dining room. kit. ellen. ;entry. ea.h-ro••o' :1),d f1on1 holt down. .Taira: three lwdrounl., two rlo,*t. end hall nptalr,. The Moos I. .11 new tapered. Slone fo,iodslion and guerl eellat. Apply to ALLAN NA(.IHJNALP, engiuea-r t o.t,-rkh Planing 71111- e'unneny. eft (( 404)1► HO1:SE 101( SALE ')R TO IT rent l'.mdortebtehou-: to rent. *1141,1,0 by. t ono enient to Squar•. 'bathroom. eta. wunld -111 to relpon.1610 ;arty who could make nndrrwle earth payment n ich balance to monthly instalment. For p.rt,rul.ni aptly at T1101 0FFK'K. L'ARM )"Olt BALE. --PART OF block h. lake r.ul enol. lultal-no loon. ahlp, two faille* from (oalcri.d.. Ito ,(-t,., Road cloy loan, brick honer. 1r4n :et x 87. with cement *tabling. orteat,,, w'e•II, wnr.•r In build Mgr and -prim11 creek, t nem, .Ian4Mug l ln,hrt and young orchard. Apply 1o1. 1. MNEIL. Dunlop 1..11. l f %JUUNG h ROILElt1'SON, Ki':A1. 1 ►:,tato Agents, 0oderirh. Ont. -Farm and 10.11 ptopertle- bought .. maid nod exchanged. 11410It SALE. -A LAtaile' COM - la FORT ABLE brick bourn overlooking the harlot-; all modern eon. e,denona. Including hot water healing. Apply to YOUNG k 1tUB• ►:ItTs0N, (oderlcb. LIOIt SALE. --d) A('REM EX('Kl- i' LENT land for market cordon, with gad bellding. and fence.; two toile« from I*lnle rteh ; nee acrm in orchard of apple., tear, plum.. chenic-. ten'he.., grape. nisi ramp - berths. Prlrn reel term. fa, or.ld,. Apply to VIA'Nti k ROBERTSON. (1oderi.5. L1OK SALE. - 1I STORY HOUSE l on Auglc-na dread, It ',tory Mune .on Napier ntadet. 11 dory haute 00 Elgin ore nue. 1 Hwy home on Victoria street. Two 'dory bHek hoose on Eames street neer the lake ; nine room.. all modem conveniences, sr. 1Mrldb street : ninee room., all modern eon- venlencen, Farms ter sale In sn d Huron county. YOUNG k 80*41.RT10N, Uoderlch. Ont AN'1' N EXCELLifFARM FOR !RALE.- 200 serail. west W•101111Ttwo mile. from Althorn • eon acloy leets,a tiN acre. umber cult/v'* 50o and 1n fo til spew timber. A well Find two ups of water, a new frame dwelling. a dable a'A drhfnp Md. Apply to OU40 R ROBERT - MON, Ualerlch. - - - - - - VOR SALE OR TORENT. - A r Brut close ./lean farm In w'rwt Waw*• noeh. run. nnlon A Io( 17, with 17A area In a Hole of 11iUtermed, ral.bon, well feed, well good r redpail orrhon *rl. large honk tern, go house. 1 r,lnnice, hlnr:k.milh -hop an.l store at earner of faro.. Convenient to .nh.o,l and chnreh• 31 miles from 4-. 1'. 1'. t Fitton toAuburn. Term. eaq. W. A. HARRISON, *dirk now. tmt. NO1'811! 121)bt SALE. - A NINE roomed frame dwelling, hex Mg a gad ,itnatinn, on K07, ,oreet. Stone foundation and .0n,,r . kitchen, 7001* *tattle. Will he -old n•nr,nahly. ►'or further partictdar* apply to MRA. WM. McCAIOHAN, 11 Davie.fve., Toronto. Stl- VA TIM FOIL SA 1.E. A e110CE: tarn. for .ale, adapted for mixed /arming or part nee, 111 arra« r1n4r.A, 1 .1 11' trona 'Sock rA rood tinder Barrs s R• frim. he,, barn and ammo 0..x1 lar, f ala) loam. ahnAlaa, Komi (hiving *bed. Low :s,3 and M, rnnrn.alnn 1, Iin.rrlch toen,hlp, Apy.l In l'ItOUI'►Yx 1T, H.4 YM k 81,AMK or to ('1✓jAS. J, WALLLIS Clinton. 71St( GODERICH, LOCAL TOPICS. ON•1'ARIO, CANADA : APRIL IG. 190S 01141 I Dowith the idea that you can n't Run Away get any better printing any where than you tan get right here at "I he Signal. Loa•ie your neat order at this ufnc. 1'ANA'(-t'I it k It'RkItISUN. PtsLiona al North Huron Liberal Convention. The Liberate of North Muton will hold it, couventiuu in the town hall. Whitebait). on Friday. April 210. at 1 o'clock p, in.. for the per1o.e of nom- inating a candidate for the Legida- h1re. Au executive meeting is lacing held nt Blyth today to decide upon the codl- ing of a Liberal convention for Centre Huron. New Harbor Master. Captain Donald McKay, of 1lrita,nis road, hate been recommended for the kaisition of hwt•lor• master tu,d lifeboat eepperr•, vacated by the death of Capt. l)t•aigie. There were a number -1)f appliceets for the position. all front good men, well qualified to discharge the duties,. but after careful considera- tion the choice fell on Capt. McKay, who all will admit is thoroughly competent. Six Months in Jail. Chitties Mahoney, the chap who got into trouble over the theft of Joseph JKidd's overtetiat, was l.efnre the •aofty judge on Saturday morning. He was charged alio with the theft of a hair of gloves from \lo. Kidd and with vagrancy. Thy gloves, it ap. pears. Mahoney sold for fifteen cents, heat they were finally returned to their owner. Mahoney was7entenced to six months' imprisonment in the county jail. 'Twould Be Heavy Reading Matter. Jeweller Kelly wishes to Beads the gentleman who took the u1nectelsar trouble to remove a large. big,' of his on the Hayfield road. No doubt the man took it home for his wife and family to real it and may briug it hack, if he does not forget. If Mr. Kelly's aonouncetnent had leu in The Signal instead of on the sign- board the earnest seeker after jeivel- lery store news would leave tad a much easier task. Goderich Next Year. In reference to the militia training camp. Mr. Holmes say. in The Clin- t,o New Kra : "The people of Gode- rich have been looking forward to having the annual catup for the west- ern district held there this year, and generously offered rattail' concessions for the purpose of securing the same. However, their disappointment will he lessened in knowing that the camp will likely be held there next year, a conditional protnire having been given Yr. H. Holmes to this effect." Property Transfers. Among recent property transfers in t, wn are the following : Mem. Goebel's pp arty on St. Patrick's street sold to Af i 11(Icnr : Mem. Thurlo'ws prop- erty .:Id to W 1)a. Anderson, of 1)un- Kamntil • .1. F. laawr's property sold.tu Jame, s unolly, of lloderieb town- etuent house belonging to the estate o the late F. Hewett' sold to W. J. R 1 ledge for wow): Ahv. Lynn's prope ou Auglesea street sold to Mrs. Da McLeod. ship ; the Interred In Colbo e Cemetery. The funeral of ' ir*beth flutter., widow of the late WI tarn Chime , of Dunlop. took place 1 Thursday afternoon. Mn. Clutt u died the previous Tuesday at Stra rd, where she had leen living for a moiler of GODERICH MARKET • TNt•aema 1 , Avid d1 1 11. Fall wheal, per 5005, new p, ..e lee e: tiering wheal. per bu.h. new .1 Afro - R;/c, 1..r bush •i Li to Buckwheat. per bosh 1110 10 (Mt., per bnh., new n M to Peas, per hush it 7.1 to Harlry..per hush it 1.: to Florentine. per ton 114 On to 1e (n Flour, fatlily, per eat • r al to 2 AS Flour. potent, per eWe .. 3 _. 1,0 2 1., /Iran. ler 101 ..- 21111 to •L.i 1111 Short«.t.er ton sat os, to :!d al Hey. new, per ton W to to 17 :e Wood, per cord 5 111 l0 N m Butler, per lb 1, -Li to n V. ('brew•. per Ib n 1.1 In n li I ieMfroth. 'n ser dos 11110 n 11 it 1 In n :p, Cattle,.ndin'y Io gad, tar emit. 3 n' to 4 (n ('little export. per cwt 4 ,1 to 4 75 Iambs! m 'little, weight, per owe• yr to to 2 tItO is P p, per cwt 1:n1.. 1 O Ram. per Ib to 17 to 018 per lb 0 15 to a In rl, per 1b Li to 15 Tallow, per ph to to n no HMeelaeerr•rwt 3 nn to 3 ,YH Iheoppwklner' i 1s, n1 Chkkena 11110 111 Turkeys 12 to 11 I(Alade Markets as Wee :.I as n 0 12 41 78 o -n Public Notice iLCOTCHMEN C 01111 N'G.-T H k tit,t large arrival of Scotch farm' laborer. dm smolt came to Pecs. IL Mooney, of Ripley, I* -t w,rk. The men are .killed ploughmen. mild a. -•roc as they get aeru.toued to the nay. of 1 Am,dia-,o. they will ho happy. Emmet, who want help at a n•mrmuMc wage rhouk writ,- Mr. Morton Dominion Government agent. at Ripley. The second rout lngenl from Scotland will .reit c shout April 113th, This I. .. splendid chan.c for the farmer* to arum a nu erior clas of workmen. (_11:OR(r F: WATSON, TAiIA)H, HAM VI pnrrhn.al the hnmincs heretofore con 'tided by rem. John.hen, and ...Welts order. for re.duR, r1eNI11,1g 11•/4 remit lug ladle.and gentlemen - clothe.. Work done prom Wly and at tca.wlattle rnler•. ('an lit. ,lore 0n 1 moots -en' .tnset, second door folio 1t. K. hallow.' photo .1nd1o. DOAK k(1 It SER V ICE:lIM- ll PRn1'Itt► Yurk.hirc hug (Imported). n nod -claw animal. Term. .Lon. For derrl,o -at IM 1s,• ,xaltylwion 1. Uoderich township. N. LAIaeMATH. Wil Lost or Found LOST.-, A SUM OP MUNE Y. Elnder Meow retsina ttoe TR[K SIONAL owner and he .nitably Iswsnkd. Situations Vacant 1INiNO ROOM 01KL WANTED, --- at once. Apply el the 11180N 11074.1. %ITAYTED.-A 0001) SMART 1301' I to learn the baking Itndnass• H. 1Tnw'F., Kingston Stied. JAI,EHM E:N WANTED E'OK 1.3 "Auto -Sooty." Best bondyer made; .g .ntarx..11-air, aman'al le. band* feral lmind. ( AVItitd HROrt, Galt. AGENT/4 WANT )' )) In x 2tl erafnn port rnih 41 (ent.. Irom,-. 10 ironsx and no. •'h.et Melon.. one pent enrh. Von eon make 40' per rent. profit or R►Lm• per week. (enthrone and -om ie. free. Fitt NK WILLIAMS(•I,MI'AS V. I2I1 w', Toylor vl., 1 1,1-040.. 111. I` - Wanted II` ANTEU. BY MAY 1MT, A C')M• 1 I'ET4\T got for manors' Maw week re w •n1mll4.1011). 111ts. J.1MNil CL.4ltK. year., and the bendy ww. brought to town on the 1:2J p. 111. train on Tbalre. day. Service was hell al the l4aplint chinch, of Winch 11,14 Clinton leanily are members. and the interment Whit Made in Colborne cemetery. Mea, Chilton ware a native til Irving, Scut' laud, and was eighty-four y rates of age. An Early Morning Wedding. A quiet wadding was celebrated this morning at the Nurti, street Mahe - dist parsonage, when Miss \Viuona R. Reid, daughteryrs. Janice' Reid, lire the bridor+1 1Villiant Hogan, patter kat• at the Ihey Engine Works. The ceremony was performed by Her. U. N. Reset, at 11 aS,. m. in the presence of es her of I -t1. tivss and the young e*iuple left 1)1. the 744) o'clock (l, T. 14. train for a trip to Iha,ttotd. 1'otonto and utbrr I•oinls. They will ',Peke tle:ir 1 e in Goelerielr, at- tended by the beet. wishes of many frirmds, Contract Renewed. Goo. lliraett, who lies lied the job of eialeeti.g the Mail fr the street Irl • ter loxes wince their e,l:ablisluueit, recently .lecllnetl G1 renew the eon- tract, as he couside r,l lite price. tea, Ingo. 'lenders were ate.:orlingly ralle•1 for the work, and the r0eiLl.0•*. Veils Last week awsrdoil In Mr. Musket again. It is verdant. that his work has givru satisfaction L1) the Department, and that the price he i. now receiving is only fair Cow W0*1thIon Iva the work. Mr. lti..et L ha.. held tide 'wei- r for right years and the utW con- tract is fur four year' from next July 1st. She Is a Fraud. A woman living til town has 4'ietint- 11(01 several people i1) the busi1Pssi co11ouunity by borrow) Mg y from them. pi. '.ing to pay it back in it few days. Her liv.u-ttr story seems to 14e that her mother is dying at 1V1,itechun'1, and that ,he meted. two or three dollars right away to go met see the dying woman. and that .Le will return the money as soon as alio (noire bock from the trip. She tell. the .Wry quietly and pleubibly - but she docent, come . 'peek with the looney. Thule who teed this -espec- ially hosier/4e and prol'e•sanual teem - shuuld lw do their guard against her. Mail Service on C. P. H. A wail service will la inaugurated on the C. P. I(. line tin AMnday next. There will tie one Mail daily raa•h w,/,y. arriving on the 12::71 omen), gain and going tint tin the t.✓1 .p. 1)1. train. Three will be open trails, and the clerks in .barge will e • through from Toronto. l'urtrometer Galt ann($Il1I is that articles to be eg• iatered mute be presented at the part. office at :1:1'4 p.na. in order to bemire their despatch on the afternoon out- going train. 1'he contractfor eaPry- img the mails between the puetoMee and 't1,. C. 1'. R. station has been awarded 1•. Mlsat-.. Walker t: Augdo• tine. Maple Leat Football Club. Friday night lost a her 1)1 the young men of the town hell a meet- ing at the Dlaple ieeaf grocery and organized 4a funtlall elide fo the . • Mg erasion. 'I'!ie following ,,Nicer« were elected : lion. president E. N. Lee re. a1. 1'.: bon. rice -president. Dr. Meek mavur of (imitatrh : pesi• dent. W. 1':. Kelly : secretary, It. Me - Ewen : treasurer, 1V. M(Ew•eu : 1111411. eget., 1.. C. Mehl : captain, 44'. .1. Brownlee . committee, K. Brownlee. Ald,wouth, Dean. Dawson noel Shear - down. Trect.l,•o oughts will be More day.. \Veluer.hlyn and Fridays. 'The management wish All wh., are inter - rated in fie ;awe. to r eel them - .eh es with the tram, You Want Help? - 'ustulaster liah has received a let • f1oo111 the see13•Lary of the emit - i • Toronto 1 rite in charge o f 11, u K (pulse "Sheektown" relief fund, ask- ing 1u-1, •rali»n i1) the placing of rr• s((x'e•table men with fanuilh•. in' .mit able posit* s 4hrough()n1 the country. On the corn iltee's list ole wf•11 wli.• are qualified 1 '•arp'ntPI'e, iiteckleyt•r«, 1athe11), paint( '•-, blacksmith.. lump stirs, bakers, rte 1111(1 1Wirt, stumble for farm work, nd 1be e. ernmlit ee reticle tint only t )ns who can I. tel:,muurnded p-. r •an, 1*'* H'etahle men and r1) wh will make 'peel citizen,* in any place '11 which t hey tufty be siWntell. Potreo, Inking for help ale n'yie.ted to 0 tunurnie.de with Edwin Dickie, all 'e•Ilingt(rm S1,11/1•1. I' ,L 1 tin it., A Coming Attraction. The Kimmel' IA'agd11•% of trill street and 4'it•toria .trrel Slcthl i•1 - churches have oectied (het survives f Mien t:hal to give Ri1.1e 1eeelin in the North meet' church 101 evening of April Leith. Mime (:luapin. be a dramatic Bible reader and (o es front Boston. and is said to 1st the • Ip person on the continent who io ( 1,4.• ing this line of work. 1'he multi' Fire Prem. rays of a recent a ening of n tidings to that ''ity ; "Jlis. '1,+h prolan feels that she is called to his lone 01 work, and if yestelaMay'1 rem Ig. are 14 wimple of the general effect atom her audience she will lu'e plish g1'e•et and unfold gaol, and it the pioneer i1) a line o1 w•olk ;,In'e'rt .14ilely flet- glectrel, 111• elre•.'tive 1411(1 Inttl(ig(snt public reading of (rind's Word." Bowling Club Annual. The annual meeting of the Gixlerich lawn bowling club 44,41 held on 1'ho1.d- day evening 11,1, when thte following ofllcers were elected : ,Honorary pre'.. ident, E. N. Lewis, M. P. ; president, W. A. McKim ; ylco-preeident,, John Balt ; secretary, Wm. Leine : treas- urer, .+ueeph'K4.1.1 ; executive c 't• tee Dt•. Hunter, 1 . it. Holmes and J. H. II'fg-rt : artditn•a, Andrew Porte-el- and orter and T letekie: canvassing cunntlit- tee for membree, H. Edwards, 'f. Leckie and A. Porter. Thr mem- bership fee Oras fixed et *:o, It war decided to retain the whole ground and have it fitted up for bawling and the committee was empowered to have lights put in for evening fowl- ing. 1t won derided also to hold 0 tournament during the coming Mamon. A Township of McKillop Casts. In the Divisional Court at Ontieowic Hall this week, in the *:ase of town - Alp of McKillop vs. Pigeon, 14'. l'rn.dfrot, K. 1'., for pleb:tiffs, appealed frons the judgment of \Inger, 1., dated 1 1th February, 11714. .1. (', Malcolm INlratfnnl4, f,•r t.1,,' defendant, eon trn. The plainti(To brought action to recover *1,1511 for ll.lnirlat•el damn mow at the rate of 111:i per day, snider a contract to complete certain dralmage work., for the plaintiffs by D rertrain Little :goal ts pay tire $.. per day for every day': delay alter 1st `uvell'x•r, 1011. '1'be defence t4,L, that there was mere drainage to Iib than WO-. (:013- ta•acted fur, ,Ind ruunterclalwexl fur theexecee. Judgment as givru Ilia• One/Ming the action with emote. and this appeal web from that judgment. Appeal dismissed with camas. W. C. T. U. Notes. The W. C. T. 1'% held it.. Iegabu• meeting on 31011day,' the prt•sideut in the chair and lw•eh a waw M•w present. The deittiumal half-hour w:111 talk.•*, by bilis, Ihavidron. Soule rurrespond- ence was read front ()thee t'dl.als, offering to bend help for comfort, hags now in preparation fete sailor., li"her• omen and lumbermen. Committees were aploiutl•d 14/ .1(•4.1.+ -3eaub and way. of raising money for the ,ultuumi .:14111-- tuaign. Following a motion that as 1,1any wrrulret. n' Iwsbible att1411 that: convention to lie Feld in 1'linbo Thursday. April 114, a gladly number yoltantw•tl*41 to go. paying their own expel,W0. :tire. Morrie Was appointed au px•t•intendent of Iuw IM•rutella Work, during the time of M114. McKenzie. illna•sb. .4 lengthy program abut "Tiding.' was Jaen Laken up. :after which the meeting closed Curling and Skating Association. The aneu:d inert ing of the 44ti0, t•ie'tl Curling and Skating Aopowialiun ars'. hell on Monday night last. The nal - era wets all n•-apreoiuted. 111. 11011nes president • W. 1. Horton, vice-11j•ledelenl ; 11'm. 1, .aulplall. ..re- very ; 11. ,11• Balk tre.as,,n•r. Mr. Hortom wit. appointed manage'. The old directors were re -appointed. with the ('801. ptie a ..I' npoinuttmt0 i1) place of two former .111e414es who ate coW drrealid. I'. Ihivi. a.. ap- p./111f ed p,•p./111fe•l in pinata• of 1111.- let.• 1 . .Ionun and Won. I.i,.• 411 pL1.,' of -the late 1'. A. Humber. (hal.. Steinbach wait given a tau-yen1 extension of his 1.•x81• from the 13th of .1 um., at MO.1 a ec U•, The fin•ilciel statement s1,-ooe••1 a pa,'• curet of Iji.ill 'n► the Inartga/ge un the h()ildiu t. l'h,• t1art' ion of reictir. nod llupn,va•uyrnl, w•.1+ left over for an lid- journe•.l meeting to be held mext Mon- day night. G. T. H. Of ials' Vu it, A party of Grand Trunk ollicialb arrived o1) Tuesday night in their private ear and left again un Weilnu.- dry morning, The Warty consisted of (i. T. Dell. general passr1)ger hold tieket agent, Montreal : J. D. Mel)-,m- ald. distri.•t. p awerenger eget)). '1'nr.meo; Travelling Pesse ger Agent Duper.) Sup erinlende.t. (10Man nerd Train - :neater Baker. On their return yes- terday - g they were arI:o(ulunl- itd as far at Stratton' by 12. le. Iraw'1- ence. The officiate were un a general tow' of inspection and it was under- stool their visit here was partly le connection with the nrw lunctal.lr which is expgeted 10 Igo issu.'d shortly and partly i1) eoonretiol with increatseil facilities for haudliug export grim' from (lo.Ierdrl,. \\'e uudt•rsLand the weet•k of laving heavy .leaf fi here to Stratford will he proceeded with early chie season and that. the (hand Trunk is n'wn talking of putting nu u boat service t1, thin 1/1 111. Goderich Elevator and Transit Co. The anuu.11 meeting of the Goole - rich Elevator and 'Transit Co.. Ltd - *as held herr vestenlay afteru.on, among the.Iuu•ehuld,rl in attendance being :Howse-. Goldie, of An. ; \Vu,. ('lark. ()1St. Marys; J. 1..4. Hunt., Iam• don, and S. 1(. Stewart, of Mitchell. 71). (411(1144 l',*,,,k Railway was ovine- sented by I riviaini 1'eveight Agent I'etlig1ew, The former directors were re-elected and Lhe tinker. 1:• - wain the surae 0 Iw•Iul•l2. The of- ficers 1)r• .loolm I. A. Hunt. president : N. 1(. Stewart. vier -president : W. L. 1I,,-tou. •tq'letare•trealsiirer ;in:l man- ager. The financial statement shows *1:f,31.i.It►c.u•rict1 to e"ntiug4PL fund after paying a ,even ler rent. div- idend. the report 111a11 speaks nt the 1/141114 121;.11 to dunblr 411P rano city of the elevator, 01111 ()111' 111 11e ilirrrr,n•., Mr. :Mc1 ,o'blan, is at present in Fang• Innd to alum' the capital insys- 81ay, 1t is not unlikely the additiony lite started this fell. Kickley Sharman. A quirt w•eelding 1:'uk p1:..-,' at bleb noon yestnnhty et the tesid'b,'.• of yr. and hit:-. William Sharman, when their only da-ught•t•. Miss Ethel ('., be - manic the bride. of Fred L. Kickley, of Guelph. The grip rte fe'rune ly en- gaged with 31r. Shar111011 here and for some time 1,„s been with Melhmald Bros. in Guelph. Rev. G. N. Hazen performed Ihr rerentemy The bride and Krc1ml Wen• unattended and 1t.od in front of a hank of flowers. The bride were a dress of while ballrio silk old her bouquet wive of white roses id maidenhair fen. Only iw- 11). late friends were present, mend- ing he groom', parents. Mr. and Mee. Thor Kickley, of Guelph. The hippy -Duple left on the 2::4l G. T. It. train fo ,e trip to Toronto, Buffalo and 1teM:. stet and ()n their return will meeke then honein Guelph, where their ninny riends wish thein all the happinsmr, the y he. For travel- ling the bride wore es-lae.•onling cos- tume of fancy (' nem strips•. Huron Old Boys ': Winnipeg. The Winnipeg Fre Peres of April Int says : •'A barge , (14reithusiasbic meeting of ex -residents if t1)• county of Hume was held last evening. Mr. A. Ilabkdrk www voted to the chair. while Mr. F. A. Wood acted as secre- tary. After listening( 14. happy speeches by Mowers. 1. I'. Nell, A. Jiuksoh, Harry 44071(ie, Dr. Ander- son, A. G. (letter, 1.. Elliott, K: A. Wood, and many others, it was de- cided to form nil' organization to Imp known ;t. tieg Huron *ltd Boys' Also- rbttilnl, S Batik irk wwut elet:ted ptovieionel president, and F. A. Wood provisional mecrebtry•tleasitter, and a large c 'tt('e wan sen ointetl to *moire a list of aH the old 11urenitet 11i the ail y." There ie is strong colony ./f old liunmit•s in Winnipeg. and tiwy omelet he able to form w strong wmo- riatinn. 14', hope that softer funning their aeon-istioll the next move will be a yieit to the old Huron home,, when we can assure them a right royal welcome and a plat -dols t' Separate School Examinations. The following are the results of the March exwminatiotle at. Flt. P,4,', 1 %chrol, Oo.lerdch' Senior 14'. Total merks, Wet. Bob Deem, ri12: Ellie Dodge. 1(:42; Mary Hurley, *21 : Mar- jorie Kelly. 1421: Nepolenn Oravell.'• 7141• Look Jewell... 777 : lartwld ICt•lel, I711). Junior IV. Total mark'., x10, /soupiest Lavelle, 1404 ; Agne.• 1 r.}•Ie, 771 ; Terence Kidd, 711; ; Charlie, Kidd, 7.57; Joseph Griffin. 7:41 ; Ida Death 74.; Nellie I'l,alen, 14.9: Melville Jef- tr ey, :4114. Third 11.1... Total smirks, Ont. Irene Martin. 37:4: Nora tlurley, tiro ; '1' Hawley. ;air ; liu.rnrll t.-... elle. 125; tactile Web).,.al"); SL" -y' Jardine, :PIl ; Francis Heckler, 1'C: John Slattery. 1711; I.I.00nanl 11••mler.)n. 101: Ja as lheam, 447 V..' 11.1 Ilargrtt, 1:18: Cyril Da1t,u, 1••i ; Basil Kelly, 37.4 ; Irene Farr, 318: (.4 idyl' Jeffery 2421 : ' Ethel 'eatery. `it.•uud Clear, in order of merit I1•.Iwrt Foley, F:Jwaril Latey, Jeteeeh Kelly, Mary heckler, Remelted lei...a. Mary liundcr'um, Beatrice Plnakitt. Margaret hiu-r. Joseph }Laze( Phelan, 1'eniebia Doyle. Fe all :IS HargiLt. Margaret Doyle. Fico 1 liargitL. Part II.. in order of n.• 0 \'rr,► I'agr, John Webb, Ger- ehl Car, May Foley, 1'rauk Fellow., .11)1.11 Farr, James, Henler+wn. An Attractive Program. FoHnwiu{; i. Elbe pr•'gr4nI fur the "F,'.ioval of else Ulna. ' to be piv- due..1 i1) Knox chur.'h un Monday evening next : - t. 4 Baru. 1410111 111111.4111allll. 11)0 "S01/11•01 Y',uu . Seller- l'hl(bru - Yr.1,. Al 1 1,0(0. :. Pian) 0net . Ruudo. weber Miss \lel+hall and Slr. i. F:. Jurdrn :e Solo'. -..,."The h:ndte-- Ih.y . Johnston Sibs. olive smith 1. Piano 14,4106 Dame lielwrwyak.' klbe Dyke •. C'hutu-."Ib.rr ('anode, to Thee'..Juhn4nn.• 1'hildrnn 0 I' .rival ( *horn. M.•.ter Cockburn Hnr.. solo: -1 0 lteadtug Selected M1.. Teller Murray :. 1'1.'.no Duel Iuvllal(M, 10 114. 14., '.- Weiser 3I i.. Nolen and M r..1. E. Joninh 4,11e -My Ain roll I.anra l;. Irwin MIO. Adelaide Nair. 11. 1' Aura..... '•V Cs node' Our Fal hoer. Land of 014. . . lilcluwt,on 1'hildren. Yestivvl threw, 1•'. l',n.H• Wolfs .1)ur.,ml Ab.- E.a 14 •rville. 11. ury.0, 1a. PI -barman'. Sconaefe•.. • fern Nwcd41. Wod•linw Marcll.Sullennan H. K. Junta.( 12. Should 1\'e Hare r )111.-11 In4ruclor all the (Urine h Public School. t 11, Orf addte.ne.. by proinineht cit Urn. 1't. Pier., l Pict .. . . March and ('hurt. "1'aunbau.er' . . Halm,. Wagner Maser.. 11. K: and J. K. Jordan 14. 1loru. eat -Thu Lilyy'. Jladwm 11.4 •'T1. , Violet'Weser'. . Ro..•h,• ,r, "('Arid, the Lori. i• Kia,,. To- day" .Morgan thldren'm Fes alai ('huru• Me.•er Ben (1i11. -0104., 1:w1 Saace !he Klug. .1d1111*sleu, 1,)e Souvenir admission badges on axle at Dunlop's drug stone. Program to a •nec 4L 8:14). Football Club "Sinefits." The ••benefit" given by Manager 71 (sem of 1Vnode,I urd on Friday night for. the 14. C. 1. forgiven club proved tr 1H• a very popular event, about 448) a►dnriwbua being paid. I1) addition to the moving pictured there was an illustrated 10 mg. -When They're Bringing in the Corn," which wee sung by the G. C. I. Glee Club. On Tuesday evening the Collegiate Institute Literary Society gaavee all entertainment in Victoria Opera House far the leoefit of the school football chub. Owing probably to other' events that nigfft, thane was only a m .111 house. The pr'owraw included a chorus by the. Glee ('Inb, a very pretty and elaborate wand drill by girls of the .•h(ol, it rsx•itatinn I.y Miss Hargitt. two tine -met plaaye. the reauling of the final number of The G. 1'. 1. Emitted for this term, ,and Mnlgs by a Male quartette. There WAS n1., Ia contest i1) oratory for a prize given by De. Str*4ng, the pupil• taking part Ia•i1g 11 1411144Stlw1111, K. (4.3144 -Leeman and Gutdun 4,VIghtman, :unl all at- p+titling theu,.e.14i . well. The pfvt• ' , %Water 1.on farunL/in pent watt n,vardcd 11).41 r. Wig1,turi. and 1)r. 8' ring .0*111, n. i,r*'.l ill:/'. im reefreilitim, or their 'Hui t , ,an.l :te a souvenir of Cie event lir would p*esun4 as book ti. 1• ich of the 'abet- e.'1to*til,L4 and also P. Mr. 1Vill Fingland, • who would have 1,:,.•11 tire' in the contest had he not hero a oiled atony from silent! a fro, before. feiv t A Runaway .1 lure !11..10.111711 to a buggy, the Confit belonging to Itrle•rt Seidl. ol'e Dort .111, 't. was Lied in front u( lir. Taay'lor. • tee -Menet. Monday night, wilco nitwit : o'clock 1t broke hose ,old 'Am ted\tor the Mqul4r al 11 rapid race. len mini! from the Still/art' 10 11/11101t., 011•.,•1: down New ate street NMI Mtnig tnt'anMad. When near the tarn at 11,•• bridge over the rail- way, the• animal lust 14 steam traction engine :Old 4outfit, but apparently ently pn id m' attention to it. tan down the hill without'. •.I:u•aening its pace and 1411111191 on 111'' Maitland bridge ,elttely. There was at 1 it on the bridge wt the little, but the 'metope realizing what •4.1e wrong, 4t Ilip wi up him born,• and succeeded i1) gutting clear trefoil. tlit rnnxwny 1,1,181• r.varhrd hint. At the ti.1tfurl corner a rtmnller of people who 1110 *4411.11 the animal coming down t1,. hill Hurd pip smote the t•exul in the hope of slopping the huge', but n" nttention wasp aid to then( either. and they made n wide bre*4e11 44)1. mately. 1'p 411r read and up 1)w.lop's hill went the animal, but its marl ren was Moo to end. Alf. Quaid War coming to mull and had just reached the hill when Scott's (tome appeared in front of him. He at once called u halt and promptly took the animal in hand, turned 1 ' around Nord towel I ' back to Lown, meeting the nwncr Between Ile f.w•1. 1n•idger. 'When the number of tutee el right angle. seven in all, and the eines, 11)• 1 the hill and the making the bridge safely in taken into cunsiderwtiou, it Certainly was is neat run, no apparent d(►u)age ineing sustained. At the Harbor. The 111'*4t boat W ort ive at the port of lilxl*rich this no,asoIi was the steamer City of Mount ('Iem.nm, which mime upfront An111er..tblu1•g, arriving here on Tue,elay night.' fin' captain, .1. S. Mcqueen, has come for the machinery of the wrecked Gov- 1 crnnient meanie(' 1.,irline, which Ire purchased lest .thein. -40(1 has rigged up a derrick at the side of his boat int• hoisting the engine and boiler. The skipper soya hp intende placing the boiler in the, City of Mount Clemens and that he may also use the engine ml him IM1nl. The.tinnier Ne'epawah is the fleet 1.f the three iron steamers which wintered here to leave port, clearing last night, found south, for the river for package freight. Captain Oliver 1'apinaude has for his fleet metel Frank 1 ruse. and for 'P.ond Jos- II eph Moret. (4. Fryer is chief engin• rer and It. Milligan second. The Tuts ret repo and Turret l'oort also *711 ready for doper tore and leave an './tool • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS --April 113th Page Ilium of 5Iun. y Iasi. -signet etife , 1 `,eonehnne'e 1 out -(4. H. Mooney, Ripley . 1 Uirl 1\:u,tal Huron Hold,. . . 1 Thr (*attar;,*, Hlryiir Emporium 11'w. Yule e Gift. fur 4.,.lcr Uw. Porter.. .............. TO F'arunant -Fl, ►, Lek .. x Walk-OverPlus-- Doweling k Slat:Vicar..,. x Itr.ul+•r ,Uul••ru-1, Ilu•Ineae l'ulhgc.... . , 1 (ebb for Etre, nil ILLLtcr--J. K. McNabb... ToCum lu tpd.cu-('..1. Abbott, New York . 7 F:.a-p•1 Y.xcnr.ha,.-- Ju, Kidd. 1'. 1:' K. Agent 4* I entnd Iln,tue.. ( college. Ntratfo d-aUha( k Mclacblau. Pr,,uv1 l+ , Y Whim You Trnrel H. E. Knox. Auberil.:... Special ()petting hale -John Stead. Y Ilomovwker.' Exeur,ion.-F. Y. Inwrer•ebw e leader -le. M', Lawrooce., ,- 7. House for :fab- - M. Mcl.'krny.. I holt Trees- Juhu Ste. art ►:,nate. BerunUb:r.3 $psololt.,lr h, /'bJldrun'. Wear D. Millar Co. 3 Shorthorn lion- for !oak Isaac Salkeld. , 1 Nene-1 I ire.. :noel 1.1. fur Spring -W-. Acle. oat LSeel .. _ New 31114 IWool 5Iur,ow r. Morgan.... ..., 1 )Ve Are Grady for Lamer- •Waxen. liras..-. F;.atter Furnishing.- F'. H. Martin. ..... 4 tial teamed -)Ir•. James ll.,rk. ...' 1 ▪ 11st•, Ko -Ice Clothing -Walter 1. halted -Hi ►:a+lur Utr'erir.g.- J. H. Colborne 1 En -Ler 4 ,ind(:'.-Olytnilir ( air . For gnaw w'rarine--Mcl.esu Bro.-7 spring 1. Item t4' L. I,le4d-..y .......... • Oat gain 1/„y. 1'.11umon k N10011:.. 7 A 11110Uflte eta -c au,emu k Moore .. .4ennuuarnIead -( .1 . lo.. ,., 1 Auction Pale- U. MtBrien ptulxably make hie first run for the •1/06..11 to Fort William for grain for the (initericn elevator, while it ix likely CaptaittMcitityre of the Turret Court will go eolith for coal on the that tt•ip. The fiahiug boats have mettle their first lift for the season, getting 3U1 111w. of herring, 11)) lbs. of trout and :A1 Ila. of perch. John Baker and Peter McDonald with their sail boats and Capt. Bruce with hie gasoline. hetet and the tog A. M. Petrie 1l'npt. McKay( miff fish from this port this season and probably also Capt. D. McKay. Dave Marwick left yesterday for South Rae to take charge of the Booth Co.'. 'bittern's for the season and the tug Evelyn .Captain Colin Murray and owners the Murray Benet will leave as soon ate the weather is suitable to fish from South Bay. - Alex. Johnston Presented. The members of Huron Lodge, No. 1 . I. O. U. 1•'., 1•elehrated the eighty- ninth anniversary of the Order Friday uight last by the holding of an at home at their hall. The fore part of the evening, up to 11 o'clock, was taken up with progressive euchre, a couple of dozen tables being arranged for. The pri-t1.l were won rut follows : bodies' prize, Mr., H. T. Edwards, a h e a u t if u 1 hand -painted platter ; gentlemen's prize, Fred. Platt, an Oddfell,wu' watch chart(): eonsola- tinn prize, Mrs. Will McLean. This foIrt of the program was held in the udge toot() llpataire and at rte con- do ' e11 adjournment weep 'mule to the slain hall dose lstain1, where re- flemhnaents were served. and at the conclusion of the upper Rau. Sheriff Reynuide took Lhc fllx,r 1 in a neat speech pet -vented BroAlex. .fohn.ton with an Oddfollowi jewel 1,M recognition of his lung utembership do the Order. Bro. Reynolds said he _- I('oneledr.d m' Iialre 1',l To Appear Shortly. An interesting series of advertise- ments will shortly appear in this paper 1,n behalf of the Eunahine fur - mace. manufactured by McCrary Mfg. Co.. London. Canada. Newspaper a(I- veMisiug is it part 14 the Millar). publicity ;unworn and works hand in hand witV ail cxteniive follow-up system(. 1'he aerie's of 11d%ertiw•lurnte wise prepared ell fly. A. A. Briggs, ad- vertising manager of the McCrary Compete), and phtetol by McContiell- leelguswun Advertising Agency, fun• don. , New Milk Derpot. Meese... Murluw h Alorgat. while ••ontinuing to Nell gn,ceries, crockery - ware, etc., at low ;litres, and paying the highest cash prices for butter and eggs, wilt commence on Monday. April 2741), to sell milk for George Hiarett. The supply will be freslk daily from his dairy on the Huron ✓ owel, just outside the town. All tinders left at the store will he doh.. need u) to 111 o'clock Saturday night. No milk will 111e delivered on Sunday. Everything fresh, pre ntel good at Morrow et Morgan's, Opera Houma Irhn k,. Kiugaton ptmet, ANNUUNCEMENTI4. 1 1/011'4 carry rout' 1'14 promo parcels to the office. Phone 11, C. P. R. office. We call and deliver to all part., of the 10W 11. The 0r -17r eTT'anadi'an Horne Circles meets in the Temperance Hall o1) Fri- day, April 17th. Members are ex- pected 14; Ie. pteeen1.- 14E1 . Tile evidence of i :+tater is at hand anti the new bonnets will be plenty. Cameron et Moore Nave 110el to in - remise their milliner y staff and work overtime to fill 'rdot•e. Ida.t 141m,mer we Itxaned several fence stretchers to purchasers of our fencing. You who still have then' will confer a great favor by returning there, ape there are eeveral others wait- ing for thele. (111114. (1. Ler:. AUCTION SALES. 1'Itmal. April :111,. lndion .min of holt..• Pohl burdture, theluding rat p•1-, • nt 10411.. !Mod, AWN.., rhino, crockery and glen-w:1m 1, 1.0 new Oxford e'rwt1 eepershlr. two new lowp b•Iglrie., lwn working hnrd•.. I'rolerl) of lb s-l•I M,•1 ric., Fe.l .t reel, (ioderi,:4 wee.. 1s leaving for the 1Ve.L T.01 emir,' sr,.. timer. *4011,1,17. April •Auction pale of As,. irolde 1:swwCol- borne, fano le the ton.hip of ol'- borne, at the Colborn» hotel, camgenr4ug at Welork sharp. JOI4 11. W i.taayM, propriet., Teen. 111 .NON?, Meet Menet, N tel Nu4v, April Y':. Ane, ion ode of Iris more, Moms% cream s. aaraler, Me., M Iron pomm 111 (I•t) '4vVIho: pennon, pnrp�et0r. T'1n. 0- A0.u\lute,Nrov, au.• (loner. ►'Non,;. M.y Y:. .1eie0o) dale of hon-ehnld furniture and effort, at rruMente. Nel-nn *(neer. P. A. l9Orit.NMtiq, proprietor. Toro. OrVhay. nnrtinnrrr. BORN. IIYITTE. In Nmnklve., N. 1'nn Preto,. April Pah, In Mr. and Mr. T1,o. E: nytnr. arm. DIEU. el)WLEIt. -A1icelgrw,e on 11'edmwlay. April a, the Sault ric OP im f) sen. (;14 1414111 i(. I 11th. War,h .4.-1y.uu„n.. golf. of 1:r.,. g.. 1)..yim1ea113 tit t.11e''''ret taps• will dee,.•1. .gad m year. 1'' F110111 I,- ,.nd is ern