The Signal, 1908-4-9, Page 88 TOuganav, April 9, 1901'
Chancellor Boyd Upholds His Honor
Judge Doyle's Decision.
the appeal (tont the decision of His
Honor Judge Hoyle unseating Robert
Thompson as Mayor ul liutferich was
decided by Chancellor Boyd on Mou-
Qay. the Chancell,1r411'boldiwolJ sae.
Dnylc'r decision,
the matter is nut settled yet, though,
so perhapa there will be wore heard of
it. He intimates that he is not hook -
ening after the position at all but he
.'slants what is r'll(ht.
•The following it the' report of the
Chancellor's finding The Ie'u•ued
Chancellor has carefully examined the
ballot papers imeacheed in this islet,
tiou and veritiNt the t t,I tosions of the
County ('out•L Judge a. to their having
leen 11npropet ly t: weal evith.
Held, that there it a method itt the
manipulation of these changed ballots
which indicates design and not user••
accident on the part of the voters'. In
polling division 1 the change made in
the two ballots indicates that before
the change the coon of the vote. wow
correctly given by the deputy return-
ing officer as 72 for Thompson, 11 fur
Clark, and 11 for Macklin. By telte-
ing one vote for ('lark and one for
Macklin and marking lath for
Thompson, Thompson was given ien
appareut vote of 71 on the recount.
The inference appears irresistible that
the change was tnade by improper
tampering with the ballot -boa and its
contents between the vetuau of the
officer and the subsequent t•ecuunt.
But upon the elaborate investigation
arising upon the quo warrant() and
with the evidence then given the
Baud WAS exposed by the judge. The
judgment contains x very full eisd
careful consideration of the whole dig•
put and the judge's conclusions are
well founded. There her been as !nest
unseeuliy dirtegard of the sUatutory
directions for the secrecy and security
of election by ballet. No .are was
exercised in the safeguarding of the
ballot -boxes. and, intentionally or
carelessly, every facility hernia to
have been given after the close of the
election to permit access to the con-
tenta of the ballot -toxo+. which has
resulted in Lhis perversion of the real
and true vote. The candidate de"
dared elected by a plurality of I d,, es
not desire to hold the oilier, and so
expressed himself, and indeed counsel
on both sides agreed that this is a ease
in which the mayoralty election
should be vacated at e1 and another
Lion held for that office- the Chan-
cellor regrets that the municipality
rhould be raddled with the expanse re-
sulting from an abortive election, hit
unless the salutary directions of the
statute are
not.l s'n that partisan feel-
t ri 1
ing is tempted to frhstrate tlw .dcv-
toral choice by illicit manipulation
and falsiHcatiuu. There was no undue
har chip in iulpoeing est 1 the
party who invoked the aid .d the
changed ballots on the recount.
Though the scheme may not have
been personally known to him, he is
affected by it, as it war the work of
his agents. who, sought At all risks t..
tura the scale in his favor, and •tweed -
n ig costs is one cleans of enforcing the
policy of honest election. A tpes1 dis-
missed with eoeto. E. L. Ihck still
((ioderiehl for defendant. G. 1". !heir
(Ooderichl for.telator.
V. Ml, Roberts made a lent to Tire. the.
street. Tire.
A. J. Kidd left 01, 1ne-day on a Trip to
Quebev for holidays.
Mn. John F !antes ha. let tonal lion,
to relaters at w alpole Ialrnl3.
Mfrs. w'illintn I'rondfan b•ft "„ "..unttay
afternoon .11 ■ 1 Pit 10 Turnip..
It. O. Dow. fate of t)te C. 1' IL engbrrtiug
!teff hole. has mos hal to Guelph.
Mrs. McKie, left yes'lerdar afternoon on .5
vel, 1.0 her Mother at :b. 1Laua.. 1
Mb. Agree.Hay. of Heatorlh. •pent .. few
day. will, frienda in town this weal,
Mfrs rho.. IMnglase was galled In wood
block ye-tertay by the death of a nitre,.
Melyllle Rhyne. leaves today for !'nail, Al-
berti. wbere a gnod tto.iUon await, hie,.
Wright,l f
Mr. ant Mr.'Gt•. fin ootrrare
al. a
visiting the former': father. Mr. J: J. Wright.
MIF -e. Helen, Attrill and !:Imre, t:xnr,w.
of Toronto, his c been visiting lei town daring
lbw week.
T.}teem Y1110. gene to win nliN
�w an
will he engaged trm unarll limner
h1s gene to indlh's Ftil..
Spencer Redford. of Hn,nda,. i, at pre -col.
111 10411 1111 .1 %W1. 11 i. forty 1111, years .tiler
Mr. Iledford belt l,alerteh.
G. F. !flair. Hydne) lle•lebrr +b, IW,well
Rutherford ars• at tending rhe 1'rus twist V, 31.
t'. A. eorn't•utlort at Stratford,
MisiMlc\last•sr, d Yfit.b.rg, 1's'., ref` thi-
ne -Poing fur her home. allrr „ t0113 willl her
not her, Mr.. Parker. N. regale aroet.
Mils. Motherland, formerly s e11011rephrr ut
the C. P. 11. engineering ufAce her.., has gate
Lo Milt Mon to till droller la►Itt u
Mr. and MIs'e. Robert R. Johnston retunied
On Tties4uy frau Harnla, where tiwy.-had boot,
attending the funeral of their ,
Mr, a. J. Johnsiont •
ler. w'. 1'. Clark was al Mlitehcll at Tucabayy
Act ing :.'oder of light horse- at the 411tehell
.pring fair. The ikittnr says the Mitchell
pe.. 4e had w gout .hew.
J. H. M1.,Iluugh left b..l if ek .n bi- rel 111 n
to tltc west. He au. a..,mupaiied by hi• stn.
Earle, and they took with them eight horse,
and a quantity of supplies,.
'attic Anderson rad terl,wl on bl iliay ftoul
turdpeg. neat pleee he ha, liven en
`Aged In erred- work lc a all probably rerun in
1n town for n cuneus peke.
4 peke,
A. 1'.13trhmidt. who hail Nab on the -Illy of
the oderich branch of Hen St erhnng (tank
.Inn, last fall. lel last week for l'ott 1W.twsll,
having been tranefetreit to that ',mint'.
Lucknow Sentinel: Mtr. And Het 1oreb•0,
of Holyrood. intend root Mg to Uoserlrh soon.
. They flare for twee!) yens• barn worthy re -i
dente. and hate taken /.cores tntery.e in church
leve are gtatl to 4clruru,- Mr. au.l MI r.. .td.•. -u
Snyder and their flintily. who hart roue frau
Henmiurr to Ile• 7n Uoderich. 31r. Snyder
hat puarhastrl a Ions on Hoare ,.Lord. and
they ale now U0*.11n fug it.
Ludt Saturday Rev. J. A. Anderwn ora•
railed to Tit soar un *01,00nl 01 the eriti.•nl
inflows of his father. Fier. Jatu, Aoder•.am, but
was enabled to retort] again un 'I ue,rlay vivo
Ing, hit father having rennet ., -what.
Mail and I:nq.,,' Ih'r marriage 1:1
Garr .4, daughter of 31r. Jo tie. and
Sow, l.t Joseph tient err rebudart, take. place lit
Hl. Andrew'. chyme in '_.:r. on •1'lle.taY after.
n oon. April 'fifth, with ;, Ileeeliell afterwarti.
At an HI. (large .tract. t
1)r. Strang ora. in Mitchell on 3lnnd.y'•1 en-
ing of last week *el ling A' Judge In a debatt
between retm••rnta,ire• front the Stratford
H.5'. A. and the Km.. 1 harcch Rending ('Int
of M(n•htll, rho vlsitur. '.on. Tt..•y .phew
the view that women -Imus be allowed the
,.. /3. Schorr, of salt And. rel noted lad 4te•k
strut. Retool!, where he bad tern attsndlnf, the
tuner -RI of hosMer, the late Sln. John
Chateau. who tiled on Starch haricot)
and aloe the
haricot)ra) of her daughter. the late `II-. Francs -
Chateau, wife dial the :"lti of Mnrh, egret
twenty tor,. cow. and -,r month-.
lki�ALI I'APElt.- Mh:E TH1•: NEW
wall paper- at the Porno/10e tome .1
geed r oriels of 3 ,.urns patterns 115•1 .t ,.ort i,r
.,fork, (All and get priers.
KAitTI:It l'Althsl AT THP I'iP'Tl1-114 1:
start', New •I'rk Jn.t In,
I itiiA'', April art.
K. J. Williams. whotnalr butter for
the Holme.ville factory hast year, hat.
been engaged to run rile foli,,y for
the (aiming w•:aaf t.
,rag. Mtfsldart, w ho has leen living
in Chicago, s, .1 whn Nome time ego
bolt<ht the Itaken h Pot.enrl on the
Maitland rnneessiou, has token psarses-
sion of the ammo.,
Joabna Sherman, ..f Clintnn, has
honght the Hearn fatal of fifty suers
on the lath toncessiuo of this town.
ship. paying for it in the ueighlor-
hotel of Sl.Trot. \Vs' uuderataud it is
Mr. Hearn's intention to remove to
the West.
t'.saulsn Mooing AwAi. — What
has leen known as' Rathwell's bridge,
on the Stanley-lioderich boundary,,
sailed down the Bayfield river on the
morning following the recent storm.
The bridge held for a time against the
umrutle ()1 the raging woe's, which
there had full asserts, but soon the
whole bridge, including the. entire
centre abutuent. shifted and Moved
wine di.wuro down the streaul. Then
ea • a break in the (Aut•c and the
bigger puetiou nailed ,along with the
torrent. and when the •'••ten• subedited
it was left high ,lino dry on Middle -
tun's Hats. The litid,re wit, built fif-
teen scutes ago and ee,nsisttal of tato
sixty•fout spans. It v its t f eoUl'be, a
ruunty bridge,— —
'I' m'U.l t', .\grit 1st.
lark Campbell load a very successful
ugh. on Friday.
Miss Anuie E. Sherwood, of Luck -
now, .,tent Sunday with her parents
31r, and Mrs. J. It. McAilirter and
son, of San Francisco, visited friends
here holt week.
Si Marl. I1xlr,H't. The following
are the marks obtained by the pupils
of S. S. No. 1:i, Ashflrkd, fur the
hs of February and March : V,—
Annie Itutherford, Ernest McAllister.
Levi Cranston, Charlie Alton, \Villie
Edwards. Senior I\'. Roy Irwin,
I1111 : Johnny Cook. 11(10: Alex. Ir-
a ie. h(t3 ; Hazel Henry, hut. Junior
IV, -.Georgina Campbell, IMO; Edith
Campbell, 1277 : Gordon $sueltzer,
1219: Neta Snieltter, 1'_17: Lily
Nixon, 955: Marie Sherwood, 1431 :
May Ward, 813): Olive Henry, 575 :
Samuel Cooke, 130; Stuart Ruther-
ford, 'C,U. III. --Vera Alton, 11111) ;
Irwin Henry. 1111: Isaac Nixon, 723:
.nue 'Ward. 713 ; Willie Cooke, 301 ;
Pearl Irvine, 5113 ; Palmer Irwin. 134 :
Eva Rutherford. 'SSi : ,lersie Camp-
bell. 211. Senior II. --Frank Hackett,
1:117 : Head Hackett. 1:4.17 ; Stitnue'
Allot,, 1315: Bordon Irwin, WS: Lila
Irwin, 1(37, Junior II.-- lanae Ruther-
ford. 533 ; Jame* Henry. 110: Myttle
Cooke, :t.'i. 1. class'--'Veslev Agar.
Ltecl:rr.t lCs-sx.%u11.V(, Teacher.
SATURDAY. Mat'eh :Nth.
Si Hoot. K
Iluwiu 1 the
snort of S. S. No. u. Ashfield, for the
mouth of 31arrh : V. clash- Jenny
fluff, :01: Minnie Shackleton, :101.
Senior I V. Lawrence linty. :c ;
Slay Shackleton. a:l: Donald Mc-
Kenzir,'227; \Vilhert Free,' 217. Jun-
un -
t i 1 V. Bert 1 • alar Senior
III. He•r•tha Petrie. :2111: \Villie
Maize. .1'. Junior iII. • Finlay Cook.
351: 'If race McKrttaie, 1:11. Senior
II. Harry Shackleton, '_'77: llat•a'ey
Maize. 271: 'Orville Fier. 11:. Junior
11. - W Ward Gray, :M:, : Chester Dur -
_1_s' : \Villie Petrie. 2111: Melville
Culbert. -i'7: *Olive Free. lett. Senior
1't. 1. Roy Petrie. Jima.' l'l. 1. -'
1(anldie 31cKeuzie, George ylcGlynu.
NI' a kILowru,d 1:, Teacher.
'Those. absent nee or re ea,uu1uaa-
t ions.
'I'Ir1, NM1111• Cot' N( 11.. 'I'lle Oren let's
Of the council were all present today.
3linutts of February 22 approved, on
lion of Stiles' add Kiekley. Stiles
and Kickley moved that (-leek forward
to E.. N. Lewis, 31. 1'.. a resolution
aaking-lhe 31iuistet of Public Works
that the entrance to Gteilerich heeled
he so prrte.-ted as to permit large
steamers to enter the harbor safely
this at the request of Gotlerich terve
council. Carried,' 'fhe undue of
Hunter and Kickley that Wu. 1'.
11aad1 b•• appointed ttr,surcr for the
laabnce of Iiea at the aumual salary got
$'13. (hie (o include everything com-
ner(el with the wit -k, was tarried.
Stiles 111111 Sch,tenhals, that a special
tweeting lo' held April lair :it 2 p. un.
to receive the treasurer's !goods and
have hill) finally Appointed and to 4,,
general Wiriness. l larrietl. Accnunt'
LO the aunuinr of 111133,33 were °idols'
paid. 11..1. A. Mel•:wail om Iwbalf ()f
the Ontario West Shore Etectri,• (tail.
way Compoany was present with an
() n ,d
and an
agrtr•nl;tnt 1 1 fel in f Ind
guxrxute•, aand ten mot' of Hunter
And Sttaliet l the council adjourned to
meet iu sdicitn', nfllee March :Melt at
i p• In. to cbhsidrr the same.
(ionl:a,n. Mar. :lth.
All the, c'until present at the special
meeting i 1 31r. Pruudf,art's office•.
After rolls tiering the agreement an.1
changing it so as 1.. permit the com-
pany to build iu the township roads
only where agreed to byvtthe council
at a, later date, Stiles and Schoenlials
move! that Reeve and clerk leanthur-
izel to sign the agreement as changed
and to affix the corporate seal thereto.
Carried. 1►n motion of , Schtenhals
and Hunter the draft guarantee bond
was approved and the clerk ordered to
sign the approval endorsed. -Conn 1
then ioljourned to meet April 11th AL
council Moths at,S p.411.
Asti Ftkt.U, April l h.
The whole council /present. Moved
by Kickley and Hunter and carried
that the road commissioners be al.
'hived for rd.m& ituptoa•ements dining
Hees amt including money spent for
gravel, plank .or tile) the following
sums of money and not any mono
without the consent of the wind'
council:adz., divirinna 1., 11. and 111.,
$227 i each, and divisions 1V. and V..
troll each. Moved' I,y Monter ane!
Kickley and tarried, that the bonds of
\Vlu, P. heed as treasurer be accepted
as good, Bylaw number V111, to
appoint Wtu. 1'. heed trearur'r, was
rend Hatt, second and third times and
passed on notion of Kickley and Hun-
ter. The following Hiders were drawn
on motion of Kickley and Hunter :
Taeasuter of West Wewan,ash, l', S.
M. No. 17, del,entutc 1(1117, $341.•tt : 11.
Treleaven, repairing culvbrt, S. R. it,
7, E. 'ronce.,ston 7, :7k. ; W. .1. Tre-
leaven, salary in full to April nth.
$15.35. Next meeting May :10th at In
a. ,i. for general business and court of
mention of aateNt.menl. roll. _'JTimm, (t,
ALLEN, Clerk.
More Steamship Appointments.
The following appointments for PAN
are annlunclrl :
Canada Atlantic 'r r a n a i t Co.,
Montreal- Mt'. flesrge N. Orr Cap-
tain, Herman Iarnke; engineer,
John Murnan. Sir. Artheir Orr
Captain, John Simons ; engineer,
George M. Larson. Ste. Kearaatrge-
('apfain, \Villintrl Baxter: engineer.
T1 w Kelley. Slr. Ottawa . Cap
tain, Alex. 111r•ni.: engineer, William
Farrar 'J'ranspoetal1011 Go„ Cul
lingwrawl--Sir. ('nllingwood- Captain,
P. A. Bassett : 1•ngine•er, B. Mcleod.
331x. Menton' Catttlxin, F. Scott : en-
gineer. Jame,' Smith.
.1. B. F'adr•grieve. llarniltnn—Str.
Araitiatt--(3 ptaaii,, flcor'ge A. Itrien:
engineer. \V Mien' 'Myler.
The Marine Department,
If is 0110 of the tittle ironies' 'of poli-
tica that such a repxort erionld he mule
against thin Department. Curioualy
enough, every ()[Beld of any standing
in the departnettl, with the exeepURn
of the head of ,ate brand] of if, It. a
('un'erviative appointee. One of then!,
whose ',sufficiency led tat vigorous
usenaura. spends+ part of hill,Uwe
carrying tales about others, perhaps
equally 'inefficient. to Conservative
mei bwtsi wad, an would bee ill, to mem-
here of this cunuuiwion. Had Liberal
Ministers turned out the tram the c •
mission's report 11.1c011es they would
have bawd denounced for introducing
the spoils eyeteeth
A Steamship Merger.
Front Hamilton emus. the notelet
that as Merger utrevered loo4 nav
tiuu istr•testw has leen effected, :and it
charter has Nam applied tor. The
new rumpauy will be called the Inland
Navigation Company and will be eap-
itxlizel xt $l; 331,,sx1, with All trine of
$300t4xxi in bund. The eharellolderr of
the companies; that hxve'uu•t•ged will
it given the option of exchanging
their old -stock share for shale for the
new stock, or of retaining their old
holdings. The various • panie«. in-
terested are : The Hamilton & Fort
\\'ilhallt Navigetlun Co., Ltd.. ,awe g
the Stt:•athcao and lounaacuiva, gaud
the Stadarona, now !wing built : New
Ontario Steele ithip 5'n„ Ltd., loaning
the Neepawab and \Vahcondah :
Trion Steaulslrip l'timtpxny,
owning t he (iienellah : SViuooa
Steamship l:oiupany, 'Ltd., ow,itag
the \Vinona: Dundee Steaaunhip Conn •
lacy, 1:d., II/Wiling the Dundee: Uue-
elnl, Ltd.. owning the L)i„ehil : Rose-
dale, Ltd., owning the Rosedale : R.
O. find A. 13. MacKay, owning the
Dundurn, wharf. shed,, cartage and
coal business itt tlaulilwit. elled and
wharf privileges at !Montero,' : New
Ontsriu Dock & Fuel Co.,, own-
ing a wharf, freight and coal husiuea.
at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.
Resumes His Seat.
Ottawa. April 11.— M. \'. McLean. U.
P. tSuuth Moroni. today u,Ade hie first
appearance in the House since his te.
cent illness. 31r. McLean hooks hilly
restored to health.
Huron lalood Again.
An Ontario boy who beanie :a citi-
zen of Manitolas has been ch()sro a,
the Rhode. ,,•hula, to represent that
Province At Oxford. Howard Henry
was born at Wroxeter, Ontario. At
the age of eight he went to Winni-
peg. He was for soma. years at clerk
in the Mulsous Rank and later fur
three suwulero rn the stall of the
\uue( K Industrie' Ezhlti
con. He
has been 11 sic student and .,.
been promiueut in +athletics. 11e 1s
now president of the rtudent laxly of
Manitoba College. -Canadian Courier.
Seaforth's Venerable Trio.
The Se xf nth 1• a t says
doubt if want' peoj le know hat tee
have in Seaforlh three brothers who -e
combined ages i•eacl the moonset tin e.!
of 231 years. The gentlemen one the
three Hays "boys" --John, James and
'1'homau. E. truly a venerable ti to.
They areal! old residents id 3h•.•
trieL and in their they have fillet eau,)
important municipal positions ; in fact ,
Th s E. the youngest of the (It,.
is at pI•asut mayor of Seaforth. ,John
ham attained the gtxal rage ()f eight y -
five yeaus. .lame- i,1 seventy-rxlren
years :anti 7'I as E. i. sixty- •
Considering their advanced yrar0 the
two former are particularly bright and
,s,Live, while the latter is as spry as
many a her. Few towns are think
ran la,astof such :w unnauaal OM, and
their enemy- friends will wish they
noes, all 1,e paled for many years yet.
Crop Competitions for 1908.
C. P. R. Engineering Staff Pay Tribute
of Esteem to Thar Honored Chief.
The t'. 1'. 11. engineering office
&losed last week and ou'l'hutslay even-
ing those ut the alai! who '.are .t ill iu
town called at the residence of Chief
Knghuv,r 1'. A. Pete,stl 10 present
bias, with an :whit -era expressing their
sentiments of s't'em :and gotxlwill
towaud« hila. After an epproprhate
introductory address is Air. Heeuuy
5I'•. Peterson was prewatial with a
haudsuuse gold -mounted ebony rune,
roughly amgrevtd, and the following
mistress was brad :
("maim 11, t)aatuiu. Y'cb 134114 l0 et.
P. Alio I•rwrwn, PC.q
I16. u. Slit : In order to g1, a 34140.11N. to a
.11sA frtIl,,j :ula,g the engineering state au
gagwt un !113.01 vet- and rlu.ttl..,1'0 0. 11w
Ouclph K U,slurlct, reggli,pp' cur tlw post 1.554 ,•
jra., we iia m.dmv,gut*1 11ieunben. of Your
4tH' ii -.,tis a 1iii present to you o, ,nue Imnatble
I forst um- testimony of sour integrity staid
I cereals te as•ute for the 1:.,n.µu.yw retlway
1 whiel,. in 01-110.1 of aoI'.orent't• and quality of
I sorlui u, -hip, i, swan! to 1.01,0 ill the 111nuiu-
nun, 0000»»».
Wawe 1.11117:1 ..7. t, .the• levitate/hie wet
-.01,1114 t.riuciytr. by wt,, b 11,e.a• retuhr war,
obtain/1(1..0.d w'earo grateful that in tbo) rts..
ceuhInu or our Erten. 4111 ie- 11uelor your dirt'•
(ton '.r tool I at. ree.yu1Uun (runt y44, Wing 04
u.,F4.11100 to hems about 1c -tilt. '.hid, reds t
elite/1.041a on All .0110010,41,
I 1. a 11.attel. of uun.idcr.,oI-a1.5.1at (tun to
els 1a lnuw ahwt euvetl'oft . i.e./At... lou In 11,,,
•llleori13 batt.. not twee' in 1 Ain. mid that we
!savehave het. idrutlauat with work which by lieu
top.[ ell 11o,crtt I,od to 11.4.'
.71411 .5114 Cuu.trnotim, 7ns 130051,51 en CV4Ty
retepe •t it- a '.!sandaled Mllw,,y of the 3011'
• Your t few, 111 regard 10 1 eler•itj grotto,
he., a I. s , taithtutty carried eel in arrorlante
with we11 drhas'u prattle,. 1,o ulding all out,
t whirl,,,,,, not ata Is -teed the et Xperlwrm
tat blare the. plada,g tbu problem of transpor-
tation on the Guelph at Oal,rich Railway un a
Iwr with the 1..34:-! nal merest -taodard. of
1M',• Are e-ugnlrrut of On- mans' difficulties
that'hul to be surmounted . eerie 1•hY•bafl slid
others tint• to a wi,eow•t u11u of buduo.s
Met hard.: ell of which jun liar a been able to
uplaw• by the aid of systematic r, -•ords. nude.,,
luu,uun•uumlxnn, lOwv tet urn.. And we anglY
helot,• th,11 your etUl tale le !hi,. wetter will
3,1.u:twbtteryefWi lsward - Ips 'ol.Unnof
IMdUllrullto. n*louiy,it at the clow of
5*urk- ut thi, w.egnuil4,,
1t'a•ale !neat of the 4.11,11-ilc And XAlitd
experience a 11'.11 has Marken Sour i4rer 4.
titer ,0gtneer ofthe own uuteri.. of the
latrge«I taaiW 5 •s',J.u,. n( lbs Ih 11,1. huh
in .,ddtuo0 :u the. w0 beg t.• cu1,gl..l ul..t. you
The crop c petition 11n -landing
fields of grain which was inaugurate!
in 191/7 in the Porcine(' of Uutariu by
the Depnrtwent of Agriculture has
preyed too beneficial to all concerned
that tin• Minister has Mia year se•-
cuted a largely increased appropria-
tion for this porpan•, The object.
aimed at are to encourage the grow-
ing of grain of the best quality, foe•,•
from other varieties of grain And
weeds ,url abet from disease', such :nt
rust, smut and insects: The ruwpeti-
tions excited much interest least year 111
the districts ''where they, were held,
gold the reetdt, were de•eidedly profit-
able Ir tn those 11, were prize winners. ,
inasmuch as without leaving house
they :mkt thrix grain ftoul the fields
which were in Ihe• c petition fm
leading seedenle'n at pricers from 23
per cent. to 51t per rent. above market
'imitations. This year, owing to the•
larger sunt available, entries will be
receive) front • hundred agricul-
tural societies, or ten tiniest aaa Many as' i
in 114117. . Societies •desirit.g to enter
thie eompetilion must notify the Pro-
vincial 411pc•ri11tendl•ut of xgriculturaal I
societies not later than May Est.
11 i
N !1 •
S n%
ew Goods for Easter
Men's Smart Wear
Fine Tailoring
Reg. Black
a. sea e la r.
uaro11 3110 cuunlrueUon u( All t Itletrol and led
itabb, awllwar link uniting the Louie 04 (lode
✓ ich harbor dad el/nutty .ellh the general eye
tout o1 the ('attadian Yoelac Rallway.
lit conelualoo we desire lu express out deep
'4111'. of the kindly manner b, wbloh we buts
been wet by you un our wimp. positions, to
which no doubt i, due oleo last that the uurk
h a- hero materruud duringa.� ea,0 4boa. et your
lu t c. uuu r.0 with ,o lu perfect ha, ,nous.
orb remelt,.
'. 111, Pill, respect.
Your. fait Unlit.
1t. CaiwN•saos,
'3q lly:asg,.
R. R. CAkn 11
5'. Mi. pommy.,
ll. U. til twit,
J. Ok.ast' MAC(11/ston/.
u. H. Mti)•w,
J. 1: na,,-ry,
W. tio. 1 WA Sl,,
11. !:. Het...
1. I. Ruw,
H. n.4I.0 ssae,.
Jots Hcrros,
A. J. K
I:. Ht,
!1. A. Hex:, .
The Affair was quite k surpriae to
Mr. Peterson, Inst he managed.' to ex•
press very nice! his apptrrietion of
this r•xpressiol from the staff and of
the good feeling that had always ex-
isted between blnnaelt and the sig-
natories, who would 'primps never'
inert again as a ryalf. The
evening was pleasantly spent in x
social way. Mr. t'eteru on, we under-
st:ld, is remaining in town for a few
weeks. --- -- _
Arrivals at Maple Creek.
etipecial to The Signal.)
.\,rivals at "Point Fano,” Maple
('reek, Sask.:—Mauch 911th - Thos.
Told), Auburn : !)avid Million,
Auburn. March ': t11 --\Von. 'faith,
Westfield. March :',lith—Mrs. Wm,
Taal, Master Win. Table, alias Ettie
laid), Westfield : Mrs. Thug. 1'abh,
Mia, Olive Tall, Auburn : Mr. and
Sirs, Fred Tab)), Miss Mabel V. Tabb,
(fexdericb, John Edwunson, Hullrtt,
Fin=land. wbo has been taking up ad
ratters' at tidies :l the e'olleglate InrUWte, *43
-pend the 1Omwer at Teben,orey in charge of
a Presbyterian nl.siou. He ha. left to ,:pond
a few day* at hi, hover in Hallett before talo
bar up his renew... aura. Mr. Vineland i. a
.Ie,1h,K Yount nun who will he cre411 t•, the
t'. 1. wheteter he goes.
' .There are several diffetent blends of
love, The love of a cannibal for hi..
f••ll,wulan is one kind.
We do not think there has
been a season within our recol-
lection when Wall Papers were
produced In artistic designs quite
equal to the ,new papers ofenng
this spring.
It has been our atm in past
seasons to stock papers that arc
really new, and at the same tune
,n keepmg with correct Ideas
we have learned well the needs
of our customers and this
season's selections have been no
exception to the rule.
Papers suitable for every pur
roost. from the drawingroom to
(the bathroom, and from 5c per
t roll up.
No trouble to show them.
Geo. Porter
Colonial Bookstore. Phone too.
Just a word to those who have been wearing homely, couunonelae
shoes for comfort, but with a regretful ugh for the more fashionable and
handsome styles.
Our new "Queen Quality" shoes will give you not only the comfort you
must have, but also the smart style and elegance you want and ought to ...ties.
And you get these shoes at no higher prices than you pay for Just ordinary
good shoes. But all this means nothing unless you test it. We invite you to
do so.
Downing & MacVicar
North Side of Square hollerich
The Gerrymander..
Brussels Port : The unfair and un'
usti(lable proposed gerrymander of
Huruu county, no outlined lost week,
has stirred tip a breeze. not r one-
sided one either. and by delegation.
communication, and newspaper criti-
cism Ho,,. Mi. Whitney line bad
rather n breezy time, so much s, that
a re-arrangelueet war promised, pos-
sibly no more favorable to the .i1,-
erals nor removing the appropriating
of two out of the three rents to the
Government -if the fair- ' led oleo --
tors will give their assent on election
dry. Judging the proposal geugrnpbi•
calls, upon the Iasis of W uletion, or
even ordinary fairness, it is light
weight and prove.•, uncontrovertibly
that Hon. Mr. Whitney has nut touch
faith in his pee enc majority. It also
shows that She oft'vaunted stoat -
went about the fairness of the rc-
diatribution was simply froth as far as
Hur•oo is concerned. The reason
given for disrupting Liar county is
that (i.oderich and Mullett townships.
were divided. but this sererante could
have been adjusted as
n gad the with the greater(
rase and it sounds very nonsensical
to have such a fairy tale told. Old
u, ,cialiooa of the part in lcipal,
county council and trade relations
have been thrown to the winds and
()nee object only aecut•rd, viz. to cap
bur• another conutituetlt' , '!'bels'
ought he an excuse Offered for bitch
outlandish gerrymanders if the ques
lieu were sprung on the committee,
but not s> ib this ease. :s The lust
was infurrued heat sunuuer of the pro-
t/oeal by a delegate to the Erat Huron
i onsera•xtive convention, held at
Brussels, and also by leading lights in
the party in both South anfl West
Huron. The loan who hit off mire
than lee could chew has leen hoar' of
before and utilises mane fairer division
it made there Is a chance that the iu-
juetice mf the gerrymander naay cause
et different '!stint on election -day than
is now explMctrtf. If Huron county
outline is ai'alnple of what 11,, Gov-
ernment r lb fair play dear pity the
country if hey leant as little lowaid
the one
e. The wirepullrts of
nun eh uld try their :hand tellet.
1 m un
more ; take a sheet of plank paper and
a lead pent I. then, after being blind-
folded, dr ft • u new layout of the
county, It 'ould out be ulurh More
iucr.nve,ient then the one published
e might 1s• 'ea
hast week and ul t t as fait.
K 1
When seine persons repent it 1110511, e
that they bare been found out.
Some men are leo little (lost they
cannot neve the greatness of (lines.
The Dyeing Season!
We do not refer to the winter Just passed away. but to the fag t
that the Season for Home and Domestic Dyeing of Articles of wear,
Carpet Rags. etc., is on. We have in Stock full supplies of Colors In
tea, per package
3 for rz,..
Will be pleased to show Sample Letter Books at any tans
Central Drug Store
•61111111111111/1•1111111110 061011110111111•411NNINEDGUNIIIIMIIIMUNIII
11 N 3'-
The new man
is doing business
on the Square
and this week and until present stock
is cleared out will sell
Linoleum and Oilcloths
at 10 Per Cent. Off Regular Prices.
This week we offer bog reductions in
Parlor Suites
111)e only Parlor Suite. rich
Mahogany finish, upl lster-
ed in extra quality ear
plash, :e pieces, ma1111ily
sold for $21.(lI, for Si 8
quackrale, .,,, .... ,
one only Parlor finite. Ma-
hogany, upholstered in fig -
mast silk, :f pieces,
wxa $3,5.t(1, now.
One only !'calor Smite, beauti-
ful silk-tq,hulstered. Mahog-
any. 3 pieces, regularly 15.71
world he its real value, but
to clear it will go $45
at, fur the ser
Ons' only Parlor Snit.. bean'
GNI theism in Mahogany.
is,,hol.l.ereil I It ex kra 1111ra3 i f y
striped milk. :t pieces. grid
regnlnrty at. $:s1, to t50
clear et , k��//
I':vera nor ()f 1he .love• 15 a genuine' haignin, and is O.K.
n.. regal -As style, t{oi,'h and quality.
Call and ser thew watts noel watch tine spat•.• for rnr
special offers next week.
The only Furniture Man on the Square,
that does business ell the Square.
George Johnston
This is the store for Easter Gloves, the store that sells
guaranteed qualities only, and sells them at popular prices. Big,
generous assortments now on our counters that are a surety of
plenty of choice in making selections. Silk, Lisle Thread, Kid.
Long or short. Every size.
Kid ('loves .made from line quality of
skins, soft and pliable, two dome fasteners,.
Weeks, white[ and colors, all sizes, one ..f
the mast popular lines, special At $1 Vll /0
per pair
hid Gloves Made from real French Kid
skins, one of the best wearing Gloves we
ever handled, blacks and all the lending
shades, every pair guaranteed. All e7?5
sizes, special at per pair.........., J
One of the Insist popular linos we handl•,
pit from pique sewn, glace finish, made frosedee-
ted akin*, blacks and colors,
pair per $1 . �• 50
Good assortment of lung Kid (i %1., in
Werke, tand white, m,,I,Yroi, sous!
quality liking', elbow length, oral $2.75
gnash rxluc at per pair
I•:Ils,ty length Lisle Thread ('loves, Swede
finish, fastens at the wrist, block. white.
greys, grey and fawn shades, special 75c
at per pair ,
Pore Silk ('loves, elbow length. Hai 1,
white or cream, all glace, good ,pial• O1%T,C
tty, per pair �) •
Extra quality long Milk Glover. full elbow
length, good weight., will wear well, Mark.
white or colors', special at per $1 I s' L 5
For a solution of what i5 u►ost suitable for your Spring Costume, visit. our
dress Goods counter. Many new tnaterials on it this week. Novelty stripes and
new shades in the popular plain weaves. Quite the bests collection and best.values
anywhere hereabouts.
Broadcloths and Venetians, :flee, HSc., $71st, $1011.3 and
Plain 1'anani a, :de., 7:e, and 1111c,
Taney Stripe Mnilingo, (Mir„ 7i4r„ 1111.00, $1.:ii and UAL
A species! lir • of extra, fine 1lnnlity Black tvolt... titBroadcloths, very highly tlniehed, wade fr.>en $2•('(`
haI. else!,'! wools. Extra, volt.l px•r feel. t00
Sorrier Hroa11•'•Atha for girls' coats twn qualities, $l.lsl and $2,531,
More new Coats for Easter just in. Real Stylish Garments.
Tailor-made. Moderately priced.
11111M 4/1111111111111 NEM 1111 11111111111111111111111111011