The Signal, 1908-4-9, Page 5•
Shoe Polish
Don't be deceived by imita-
tions. It means long life
to your shoes to be sure
of 2 in I
Slack tad all coins,
et all dealers.
10i. sad 25c.
New is the lila,• ul the year
lo. heater your Harmer re
veins' for tinting work.
.%Into 1 will ',rune over a
t,•n .d the Articles that we
have for the Spring trade.
I'I,1►1V ,11AINe,
Inert: LINE S,
• \\'.EAT PAIN
IIIt I':.11 Es.
H. E. Knox
Fruit Trees
Shrubs. Roses. Ornamental
Trees, Small Frui i s a n d
It is our aim to develop by cor-
rect cultural methods and sat-
isfactory dealings with cus-
tomers a first-class nursery
carrying a complete line of
stock best adapted to the
section of country.
Orders received by mail up to
April tflth will be delivered at
this Spring's delivery.
John Stewart Estate
made t •lietailitt,•e. - [!•ll• tier lie.
lifenc•tuitele Nut Tartlet., mien',
Itkv, per Ill.
Finest Selects in
or served in any
M1`le Y MICA 'r.:
Meals, Lunches, Hot Drinks, Ice
Creams, etc., at all hours.
Olympia Cafe
Phone top.
Meat Market
I have openers a new Meat Market in
the stand on
nett Sharman's Shoe Store and nearly
oppadte the Town Hall. ,
The store is fitted up in modern style
for the handling of meats in the moat
'tpptoeed,, wey, and 1 intend to. nerve
my customers with the best to be had
in my line.
Interesting Address Giver Under Aas-
pias of Goderick Hort Welters' Society.
The eddies*' given on Thursday
evening In that court bowie by Pro-
festir Hutt, of the Ouelph Agricul-
tural College, under the swippe:ea of
the liuderich Horticulture: Society,
ease fairly well attended, the audience
including a uumlwr of children.
James Mitchell occupied the chair cud
gave an introductory account of the
work and sins of the Society. He
apoke of the distribution of gladioli
bulls which was heiug ',rade to the
members of 111,7 and said another
diru•ibutfon was contemplated fur the
members of this year in the fall. The
members also received free of charge
The Canadian Horticulurriat. so t het
they gut the full value of their SI
membership tee, but the work of the
Society was of a missionary character
as well. They hoped to enlist the co-
operation of the town council and
reboot board in the idea of beautifying
the town, offering prisms for tbe'b eit-
kept lawns, distributing reeds, etc..
through the et•h,s,la and uttering
prizes, stopping the destruction ref
boulevards, etc.
I'iofesaor Butt spoke of the work
that had been done in Guelph by the
Horticultural Society. The work WAS
stetted by the distribution of ger-
anium plants to the childwn of the
schools and the uttering of prizes for
the last glance at the end of thee
meson. The flower %bow into which
thin developed had' become the hest
:ettrie•tiun of the Central Fair and in-
fsed new iutrrest into the fair on the
pert of the "grins In Guelph
prizes were uttered for the hest -kept
ea in the dittereut wards, separate
prizes being given for workingmen
and fur the more Ieirur•ed classes.
1'he eau comocil, bard of trade and
school boards had been luduced to e;0-
ele•rete. 'Ilse plainness of their stove
soetuMce and city hall had been re-
lieved by the placing of window -boxes
in every window and private indi-
vidual- were eneouneged to improve
the ■pFwarantc of their property.
G.slericln. tho profeerwr• cottsidered,
was a place offering perhaps a better
A. -Op . for work ul this sort than almost
any other place he knew. and he
ti ght • might be made of our
riv.•r hanks. River Isanks should be
wooded and property reserved fur
public recreation gi•.eunds.
The speaker then proceeded to show
number of magic lantern views. in
explanation of the best methods of
arranging trees, shrubs sod Hower' to
get the most passing effect. He com-
pared the house to the centre of the
picture. with the lawn as the canvas
,nod tenet and shrubs used to fill in.
Ther. should Always be a nice open
sttect•_ut lawn, r, front of the boom.
with the trees planted in dumps to
the eidr, and nature's plan of planting
should be followed, except in the rase
of planting trees a driveway,
where of cuursr they hal to he in
row-. Prohtser Hutt considered
what he called 41 perennial bonier as
latest, end by skilfully arrangin per-
ennial plants eterooling to the height
they would grow end to the time of
the year they would bloom a very
pleating effect eunld be got and
tbcee would be blown all the year
n.und. He offend to send to anyone
wishing it a list of the plants suitable
for this purpose.
Owing t., the (hammer of the light -
the lantern users was the one the Col-
legiate Inatitute 'mos and the light
oared w.s only an ordinary ineandes-
t ent bulb - the pictures were some -
whet indirtinct. Principal Field of
the Collegiate Institute assisted in
handling the lantern elides_
Every Mar. Woman and C,i►ld in Gode-
to call at our store for the greatest
strength creator and health restorer
which_we have ever sold -Vinol. It
is not * patent medicine. but the moat
valuable cal liver preparation made
by an extractive and concentrating
'troves'.) 1 fresh cods' livery with-
out it drop of oil to nauseate and up-
set the stomach sand retard its work,
and emir iron which is a needful con-
stituent for the blood :aided.
We do not believe there is a person
in this vicinity who cannot he hear•
fitted by Vinod et this season of the
year. Vino' is delicious to the taste,
and it is recognized as the greatest
strength creator for old people, weak,
sickly women end children. nursing.
mothers, and after .severe siekneas.
V'inel is unequaled for hacking
,ughs, chronic colds, bronchitis and
all throat and lung troubles. Creates
an appetite and makes threw who are
too th;n, fat, rosy and healthy.
We have had oto much experience
with Vino' pend seen so many wonder-
ful results (rein its use that we offer
to return money without question if
it dee,. not accomplish all we claim for
it; 11. C. Dunlop, druggist. Goderich,
Name Your Farm.
Th •re is more in having is name for
the farm than the tuerr sentiment of
the thing. What in shoe cumber-
some than to designate a farm as the
prat half of lot 11, third cumccssion.
etc. ? A Mame, ouch as "Maple Grove."
would be h room attractive and
intelligible. !lorries, fettle. sheep,
Otte, end even poultry, are frequently
given names. why not the fares or
which these ate rained ? The prod
',cut of a farm, with a distinctive
name, if of the right quality would
comtuand R cuwmercial premium
after a reputation had been estate
hotbed, and enehle the farmer to rase
that nacre its a trade mark.
In the Slate of Missouri, legislation
hse been teutettel to encourage the
miming of fertile. It provides that on
she phaymento'mintyCourt farmer
f a fir of $1 to the clerk
etc uM a iertifleate settingforthtrthe
name and 'oration of the farm, and
the name of the owner. and that
when such name improperly registered
it ciannot he used as Si designation for
any other farm in the memo county.
Similar legislation In Ontario or an
other Province would he beneficial.
At any rate, it could not do any
harm. -Canadian 1)alryrnon.
No Need to Quit.
Hroniptonville, Que., April Ilth
Spe'risl.l There is no need to quit
Quebec to hunt up evidence of what
Dodd's Kidney Pills are doing for
three who are afflicted with kidney
trotbles, because there is always lots
rat that. evidence here on band,
"Afloat throe years ago 1 was sud-
denly melted With an attack of lum-
bago from which 1 /mitered terrible
agony," writes Mr. J. A. Lapiert•e, of
Btonlptonville, Que. "For nearly
three months f woe laid up moot my
doctor mould do little or nothing for
Me. At last 1 was advised to try
Ihtdd's Kidney Pills, so i purchased a
box and began taking thein. Bythe
time 1 hal finished the box I fet my
strength returning end the pains dis-
appearingv i then decided to con-
tinue with Dodds Kidney Pills and
honk five more boowhich eons-
pletely cured me of Ifinili l(o."
Evidently a Proleseioral Job at Mc-
Morcbie's Bark,
Blytb, April :fed. - Saf.-blowerr
were at work here on %VedneatIR)
night. wbru the Safe in Jointer Mc-
Mlurcbie's private bank was blown to
pieces, and all the money in it take',
with this exception of at few coppers.
Altb ugh none of the villagers have
any definite knowledge of having
beard an exploebiut the work is Pup•
p.,ted to lusve leen dune about 2
o'clock Thursday morning. The burg-
lars first broke into Kelly's bla;kernith
stop, where they procured rune tools.
With these they forced au entrance
through the trout door. Nitro-glycer-
ine was used un the safe, which was
literally blown to pieces, while the
front window of the lank was blown
out. Just how much money was
taken it not known at the time of
writing. re Mr. McMur:hie refiners to
Iriake any statrnoent. The beryl/ire
made gold' their recaps.
As yet there is aro definite clue to
the perpetrators. huepiciou points to
two strangers who were ween in the
'neighborhood au Wedoetday. When
Robert Brown, of Mortis, on the \Vel-
ton red, went to his barn \Veduesday
morning two -mien were in his hay
mow. He went to the house for it
gun, but when he returned they were
gone. They are described as large
men. well dressed and wearing ten
shoes. A stranger answering this
description is mud to have leen seen
on the street in Blyth about 13 o'clock
Wednesday night. The incident has
caused intense excitement in the vil-
Time to Cry a Halt Before Complete
Wreck Results.
There are tboenands, both men and
women, who deo not take time to eat
properly. They rush through life,
and Ne a result we ha)e en age of in-
digestion. nervousness, irritability.
sleepless nights. and nnoro.e dirposi•
Hon. Our uatioual danger is stomach
weakness, due to the strenuous life.
Mi -o -n* tablets, strengthen the
wells of the stomach and stinnlete
secretion of the digestive juice. They
make the stomach comfortable and
cure indigestion.
Mick heed/aches, palpitatiuu. yellow
skin and coated tongue are a tow of
the many distressing result* of indi-
gestion that Mi -o -us never fails to
Ji*, Wilson wills Mieena in :/-cent
hoxee, and guarantees to refund the
money if it does not give a plete
ant intact ,
Reduced Rates for Easter.
On account of Easier the grand
Trunk Railway System will issue re-
turn tickets at single first -chars ,fare
between all etaatioos in Canada, Sato to
Detroit ,end fort Huron. Mich.,
ligty�ialu, Niagara Falb and Suspension
ttridge N. Y. Tick/int good going
April itrth, 17tb, Ibth, lttth and Jl)th.
Valid returning on or before April
"Ist, 1ts1M. Secure tickets from F. F.
Lawrence, town agent, Grand Trunk
Seed Tasted Free of Charge.
Ilse yyttention of farmers and seed
into chains is called to the fact that
all kinds of clover. grass, and seed
grain is tatted and reported upon am to
impurities, free of charge, at the On•
tarlo Agriculturist College. Correspon-
dents should be careful to prepay poet -
age and give their addressee. V% bete
information is wanted only on the
erred seeds, the clover. etc.. need not
be sent. Where information is wauted
on the relative prevalence of weed
seeds two ounces of the clover seed
should be sent. Germination teats
will be made it specially requested.
Address samples and communications
to She Botanical Department, 0, A. C..
i.ivsrpcel and Chicago Whsal.Futures
Close Lower -Live Stock -
Latest Quotations.
Monday Evening, April 1
Liverpool wheat futures closed to -day
Sid lower than Saturday, and corn fu-
tures ,...l•hanged
.%t Chicago May wheat rioted ago low-
er then Saturday; May corn sac lower
and May oats "se loser.
Winnipeg Options.
I ollowing are the closing quotations OM1
Winnipeg gran futures:
Wheat -April $1.0414 bid, May 11.0.14 bid,
July store asked.
i)sts-April 41c bld, May 12%e bid.
Toronto Grain Market.
Wheat. spring, bush 1010 to 1.---
1Vhest, fait, bush 0 M ....
Wheat, goose, bush 0 00 ....
Wheat, red, bush ole ..
Rye, bushel 0 M' ....
Pea., bushel 0 p ....
'Buckwheat, bust 070 ....
Barley, bushel
Oats, bushel ............... a 12 a N
Toronto Dairy Market.
Rutter, separator, dairy ...- 0 M 0 31
Butter, store lots .. 021 027
Rutter. creamery. Ib. rolla,. 0 M 0 1
E gs, new -laid, dozen 0 16 c 17
Cheese. large, Ill 0 131 ....
it hems. twin, Ib .... 014
Honey, extracted. Ib ....... 0 11 0 1314
New York Dairy Market.
NEW YORK. April i. -Butter. Irregu-
lar; receipts, 02770. Centenary, timbals.
fie; extras. 3Inic; third to MX. Mc to
fµsr: held, common to special. Ile to 111e;
. tate dairy, common to choice. Mc to 27e;
prncres, common to spatia, lie to
western faotnry. first, KW; 1
creamery. first. --e to
Cheese. steady: receipts. 201; full cream.
aperient lac; state, full eream, email,
w hitt. fancy, lige; do., small and large,
enlnred fancy. -lige; do., good to ylme,
1w• to 14140; 4n., wlntsr made, 1Ain to
12c: do., ow:unmet to fair, Io to 11e; me,
le to10IlfG
Eirga-irregular• remota Iter; meta,
1'enm,v1 ,.nla and newt,- fancy effected
white. 11e. good to choirs, 17e to I144e:
brown and mixed. extra. 17e; first to
extra first. 171,4o to 14%o wsokern and
enlithern, float. 1't.4e to 1.%c; eenonds.
14eic to 16e.
Cables Firm -Cattle Up at Chicago.
Lower at Buffalo.
'LONDON. Aprll II -London rableae sirs
steady at 12r to 1314r per panne, dressed
weight; rwfrlgerator beet 1s quoted at
1015c t.. 10yc per pound.
Toronto Junction Live (Hock.
Receipts of live stock at the Union
Stock Yard* were 54 carloads, com-
posed of 1108 tattle, 47 hogs, 100
sheep, 90 calves and 100 Karam.
Prices rartgatd tram fla to M tatrsta sIS.
and M to 9111 for balls, WMit as odd seat
or two of prime Quality, at MIS to 11 tsar
Butchers. •
Prone peeked lots M Footer cattle veld
at site to 1111, but It must be rimesin tsr-
ed that they were 'specially bought for
the Easter trade. roads at geed. M.1 to
M: mambos, 14.70 to 1; oereas+n, 94 to
le: Mies, $3.14 to 9423, canners, $1.1111ext
N ger eat.
Milkers and Springers.
Prices for rankers ale aprlrgonnear ed
from Iff to tat mesh.
Veal Cafvsa.
The marina ter veal selves
With potato ram ale bon farill
Shoop and Lanus.
Sheep mold at 14 to W10; Yearling lisle
at 17 to 17.60 per cwt
Prions tor bogs are higher. brngwt-
ed by dealers at 1113. 1 o.b., car.. at
refinery points, and ie25 for selects, ted
and watered.
Montreal Live Stock.
MONTREAL, April 6.-ttipec•lal.)-At the
Montreal Stock Yards West r:•.4 Market
the receipts of live •terk for the we, k
ending April 4 were a:a, cattle, a62 sheep
and lash., rift hop and N1 CAI VAS. While
the supply fur local consumption today
coneisod of 1100 rattle. 5 sheep and
latah.. 760 hop and 0 calves A feature
of the trade continues to be the strung
undertone to the market for rattle, and,
sltho supplies were over 100 head larger
than this day week. peke, allow a fur-
ther advancer of He to 1SC per 100 Ibs.
On the whole an active trade was dent'.
Choice heaves sold at 1 to to 94.71; good,
16.2 to 10.40; far at 61.7:, to M, and COM.
Map at N to 1160 per 100 lb*. Cable ad-
vice, from Liverpool Saturday everted
the trade In cattle firm at an advance to
prices of Ilse per 1b., as compared with a
week ago, but Mated that the demand
was Mow. with American steers gltoted
at 13 ge to 13e. and Canadian steers at
13etoinirDer lb*
Owing to the continued small supplies
of sheep and lambs coming forward, the,
section of tits market remaine stnmR,
but prima show no further change. The
demand for local consumption is good.
and sales of yearling Iambs were made at
7c to neo per Ib. for choice, and at Kegs
to /tic for good. The offerings or 'Bernie
lambs were also limited. and prices In
Fine and Fancy Footwear
it to be had heir in ;71111.•c tai'ely
than anywhere else. \Ve carry a
cnny,h•'-e nsvortnl,nt of
Shoes for Dress Occasions
(Rimy slil1'cts.. tl' url,s 1,1*
a iL'ul),
swaKger ties. etc., for the .it tiler sees
The new spring style, iu these .classes
of shoes are +a distill. advance in both
design and attrartireul•r,. rel: •rtel
eosaepwpa rule high, a from M to MIRYIN halo +111,1 • • p+tic ur 1 w its well
for these times when you 33Yult t., lent,
particularly awcll.
each, as to else and etu*lt). Sheep .on-
tktue scarce and firm, at litec per Ib. The
edsnartd for caves is good and all offer-
ings of good and choice stock met with
a speedy sae at prices ranging trait M
to M each.. Titre has been eoelderable
ezcitemeat in the local hog situation
since last Wednesday, and prlcea have
fairly boomed. as they show an advance
of 70c to 11 per 140 tbs. This Is something
remarkable, but when the general condi-
tion of the market le taken Into eonsider-
ellen 1t Is what might tr. expected. The
leading foreign markets for t'anadiau
bacon last week were evreedingly strong.
as cables from LiteelPonl on Saturday
noted an advance In prices of sir to 13..
and London prices were 4. to 4s higher.
This pews, coupled with the continued
small supplies of hogs coming forward.
for which the demand la kern. were 11 '
1,4011.4 furors of the situation, and saes
on Yridayand Saturday •1 &Heeled lots
were wade at 17.26 to 87.40, but the Inside
figure this morning war Y "n per IM Ibs .
weighed eft cars. and packers made eon-
traH• we drover. for further 'epithets
for dellve, : tide week et 07 in
Etat Buffalo Cattle Market.
FAST BCF) AIJ n, Apr II 6 Cattle-Ile-
celpta, Cul lead. 1.1ew' and 11.11' 40 1Ke low
er, primo steers, 54 •'!u 101•6147. aldppine.
}� i la N.40; butchers'. Ir to 542; heifer..
94.36 to 16: cows. 1127 to *7 to: hulls, 1140
to 14.21. .Seeker. and teras., :.'..NI to
14.6;.: stock heifers, 1_.7; to 33.7" fresh
cows and springers. steady to 1- lower,
„ to 664
\'wale -Receipts, 4200 heed; active and
roe lower. M to 118.
Hogs- dtereipts. 17,0* head, ftdrfv n•• -
live and steady: heavy and mixed. P
to 3(60: porkers. K 40 to f61-,. Mgr. H ;t
In 15.M: rough.., 91.10 to 1'.:u eta...
1. 14 5A. dairies. 16 2.5 to 1K +•
Steep linti rami e -Ric •fpts. 14.101thead
active and steady. lambs,l3 to 1t.7.0. ear
ling, 17:+' to 17.75; %where. 37 to 07:r:
ewes, 11.75 to 15.75; eh..p mix."l, 11 1"
74 .4.
Chicago Live Stock.
t'HICAOO. April 0,--tattle-Itrcelptw is-
tlmated at about 7.0,0*: market stetson .
steers, 11.30 to 67.40: cows. 1140 to L.&1.
heifers, 0.140 to M.23; bulls, r,..7/' to 13.1e
talon. 1: to 1,76, Mockers and feed,.,..
p.3 to N.M.
Hogs -Receipts t tin,rted •1 a11611 0..n•.
market le to Ile lower. rhnlre hea.y chip
ping. 1a 11 to 30.23; bnf, her.. A. In to Se -:
light mixed. M 1•. 16.40 ehotee Mals
to 16.3: packlty. C 71 to 16 M; lege 01 I.
to $6. balk of is te., is to 16.14.
Sheep and Lambs I:, ceIpr• �•0 *',,,t•.I
at about 11000. market nr„k ',. Ia• I•.a•-
sheep. 04.1N to *AM. Iamb N::., t,. 3
Yearlings. 16.2:. to 17 Jo
Like to Try Psychine
• • I'Icsec send me a bottle of
Poyeklao. 1 have a ehild afiliete.I with
tuberculosis. and have been advised
to try your medicine by our family
lector, as he says he cannot do env•
thing more for my child."
Arthur. Ort., July '14, 1907.
Paychino tires when dnetors fail.
Many are sorry they did not try
Puyckin* brat. Throat, lung fuel
stomach troubles yield to ite eurative
power. At all druggists.:e0e and 11.00, or
Dr. T. A. Sloeum. Limited, Toronto.
Field peas brought In
cente a bushel last year.
The average price was
75 cents. There's good
money in peas eve n
at 65c. And you have
the vines left for fodder
or to plow under bet-
ter than staple manure
or commercial fertil-
iser. It paid to grow
peas last year. This
year it will pay as well,
- demand keen, pea
bugs vanished, -plant
peas for profit. Get
them in EARLY.
totue combines ere all right'
end r are all wrong•
lien• ie n oonthinel' that
should ealisty n glee) hush)
The Signal
The Toronto
Weekly Globe
to Jan. tat, moo, for
?tend rote address and $1,1111
I0 e
Yeturrol a RsEltseM
THE SiGNAL.. Goderich.
W m. Sharman
-makes F:1 4) C e s
look fresh, clean
and beautifully
-makes stove'
cost less,
too, because
Black Knight
Stove Polish
lasts longer, is the largest box at
its price, and is the lest polish lou
Fitt bey at any prier. 6 1 wandering .bunt looking at Nil. •i
TmuasnAY, April J, 1908
II Ideal Fencing II
II most Durable Strongest II
am. Allisvi
faillgour 1 -
IIII. OW n ,.._ '
r �•.lr.lrra�lv
Did You Notice These Prices
6 \\'iu _, a:1 10411,4 logit. ,Lhk:
7 \\'Sees, 111 inches high. :1:A•
1 Wires, 17 inches high. :es
.1 .Vitus, ;is inches high. .
All No. g3Hard Steel Woe
6 Months
By purchasing a carload and paying cash we
are enabled to quote arid sell the most durable
fencing on the market at the remarkably low
figures above quoted.
When you buy Ideal you get no experiment.
'There is good testimony to the superiority of
Illl•a1 Fencing iu the tact that the great railway
corporations buy it almost exclusively, so mucid so
that there is mere Ideal sold too them than all
utl•crs combined. They lutist have the best.
We have something ,l,ccialeiu the galvanizing
to which WC Will draw your attention when you
come in.
Buy your Coiled Wire, Nails, Portland
Cement, Glass, etc., from us, and see our $2.75
Horse Clippers, a snap at $1.75.
Get our estimates of Plumbing, Heating,
Howell Hardware Co.,
Successors 10 E. P. Paulin.
Only the Runner-up.
l'hc Hest Man thought he'd take a
look mound sold ace that everything,
was running as a ►astieliuu.•, bride
would wish it, rind up in the 1466)111
Where ole presents were displayed,
attune and uuhappy-looking, he rams•
upon a youth, seemingly ready, like
the wedding guest of the English
poet, to "beat, his breast." He wire
J .111,1 tut -glass without seeing thea].
and the Best Mau hardly knew how wire.
The Pantry,
The Kitchen
The Diningroom
are requisites in • every
well -ordered household
They would be
adjuncts to the' home
without . being supplied
Good Things
that are fresh and pure,
Phone or. Prompt Delivery.
In apprioach him.
I"Er --have you kissed the bride?" ho
asked at last.
Anil the answer told far more than
its two meagre words alight have
1141 exlle.2tetl to. It weer : "Not
Lately 1", -A pril i.ippincott's.
Ilia you ever hear a man with au
obese bank s1crouut say that the love
of nlenley w.1* the root of all evil ?
Even a rich girl may mike a poor
You're not only safe but sure if
you buy
100 per cent. Pure
It is the only paint marked and
guaranteed absolutely pure. One
gallon of Martin devour paint,
covers 1:iltsquare feet. two coats.
It fs the cheapest because it
hooks beet, wears longest and
revers most.
Senour's floor paint
wears like iron
We No o have a complete stock
of Ratnsey's mixed paints, oils,
whiteleael, colors, brushes, earl-
arlniches and Alabastiue varnish
stains. -
Come in and get a Color Card.
Garden tools, netting, dairy
tinware and ready nailing.
We do electric wiring, roof-
ing, metal ceilings.- plumbing„
eavestruughing and repairing.
See our goods. Get our low prices.
Hardware and Stove
I to be sold at from 20 to 5o per cent. off regular prices.
This sale is genuine. The Stock is far too large and must be
at once reduced.
•11111111111111111• MIND
Great Clearing Sale
$6,000 worth of
Watches, Jeweliery,
Silverware, Cut Glass,
Fancy Goods, Etc.,