The Signal, 1908-4-9, Page 44 Tuusruae, Apiil tt, 1 1101 TII E SIGNAL : (;ODERICH. ONTARIO DOMESTIC SCIENCE. PUBLIC SCH(JOL BOAS() AD- ORE:SISEU tiY MRS. HOODLESS. Speaker Advocates That Girls Be Trained in Puulic Schools in the Work of Home -making • Trustee Saunders Has Some Ideas on the Subject. The custoruat v louone til' public school hazard uleeliugb was relieved um Monday evening last by an Addrese by Mrs. Adelaide Ilocelless, of Ibiurtl• tun. uu for subject of dumeetic wiener iu the tochools. Mrs. UoodIcsa had written to the boast at the last meeting asking for permission to come mud *Meerut the members on the eu h ject. She opened her to tiotrke by explain. Mg. the corm's:Lion INaw.eu herself and her work and the Education h. - pertinent. While her work wee Ap- proved and backed up by late Depart- ment, rbe prefernxl not to be. en employee of the Department in the ordinary sense. She arranged her own work entirely, both as to the time she de'vut4d to the work and as to the places she held meetings. Her undertaking of the work arose in the first place from her Grilse of the inade- quee•F of erdiwu•y school education to tit guts for the duties 41f life. She Went to Hun. U. W. hues twelve us' fifteen yeas, ago and he at first thought the plan w.as' ivapt•acticable• but, later sent.. for .het, and she was authorized to interest ..•heal jsxatdrin the work of domestic s•ieure and given a freehand as to Idethoxls. The work bad grown until now there were twenty-seven centre.' it& Ontario where dutlleetic e''ieuce wallitatight in the schools: in Mcl h,nald College• there wee as line a training erhexl for t could eSu•berr in this work as cr til 1 Lr found anywhere in the world, and domestic silence was mauls a pat of the training of girls et tau• Nerrwel schools. Mtn, Huuailrsa told of her work-in connection with the Y. %V. C. A. in her home city of Hamilton. She was for fourteen years president of the Y. V. C. A. and in conpect' with a claw in domestic science she had fumed a deplorable ignorance of the proper ways of doing things. Nineiy.per cent,. of the w •n of the cuunLry were engaged in the [tininess of home•waking lewd yet tht•t•t• was no provision made for teaching there the Imsinesa. The boy went through a long courser of training to nrepar'e hint Lo be a doctor or as lawyer, but the girl was eNpeeled to know how to cook and manage a home by intuition. and the renult WA. that many young wives foowl that all their love for their husbands failed to teach Zhou how to cook a meal and that many }Dung '4oaalnands had a quick dieif- lusiouwent during the ready venrs of their married life. Mrs. fioaxlleta contrttate'.1 the old days when the home was the rents• of industry arid - the girl. Lusk an interest in it to the pt'esent conditionof. things when everything watt done in factories and girls woald 'sooner he at almost any Otherwork than beuseht,id work. The remedy was to gite the girls greater interest in tri work of the hone. by snaking it a businnes and establishing a standard way of doing things -there was Only one hest wayy-instt:•til of having r ever woman du the eau* thin in a di creat way. Food y:dues needed to th studied -th forret that was good for the student was not the kind tor the workingman -and the same food might be made to give IUs per oent. of notirishrnent or only ten percent. by the way it was cooked. The introduction of domestic s.'ience, Mrs. Hoodle•es ', aatmel, did not ►neap adding a new subject to an alremly crowded curriculum. but ainiply a chabge in the methods of teaching. In measuring the quantities ..f the various ingredients the girls learned arithmetic with much its.,. effort than by figuring out how Hauch lumber there would be in a' pile of a given sire or how couch cement it would take to cement :a well -problems they would never meet in after life. She gave nine reasons why domestic aefenee should be taught in public schools : - 1. To five children an intelligent interest in and ea wholesome regard for the one potione in the home. 2. To ori school and h into ands. closer euro ra. . 11 t.4e.uds s.lciAl 3. To give the young pupil a knowl- edge of and a regard for elementary 'science by the ew•ientiflc study of theme common concerns of home life which may mean so little but should mean -an much. 1. To ►hake young persons more keenly conscious of the great atom - trance of phyyeical henith and vigor and consequently *rental health ley due re - Lard for diet, eenitaation and right livi- ng. To Hoak.. pupils -e• intelligent regarding th.• procuring, t.r•anslo,rting end preparation of food, clothing and shelter, o. To impress ralemu; end childrenof the school with the usefulness and the worth. even in a physical scuts•, of education. i. 1'11 afford relaxation frons mental trollies by engaging the hands os well ,w the twain* in the work of erlw:aten. thus attending Loth. motor as well ,w ' the mental interests of the child. e. F.nabliug ehil,re•n to lie reap social factors in the 1 • by compar- ing quality. cert and way. of i n iter- ing things in the home with tibiae" facts learned at scholia, thet'eby 4n111r- etleinfK( parent., to modify customary pr eedute towards s •thing better and re eoamornical, 11. To give the pupils it deeper 114•1'• sonal regard for cotwuwuily interests and occupations in genera,. :and 1'e p ereons whole• lives are Weld died with these. Mrs. HoudIes. said she haul travelled re a gat deal, "and knew whereof she !poke, and was prepared to prove that domestic *ciente ahead fot•in part of a aero school education. It Was not a fart : she Wan int' Lely ee.p'tinted with its. workings in fieru►ny, Prance. F:ngland, Scotland and the ('nite.l States. '11)e inttexluct4on of this am a ,uhjeet on the cnrr•leuhini re- quired a !semi fitted up lot' a clsss ..f say twenty-four- there were very sel- dom • girls than that in any one class. There wen. two Nets of .r4nip• went.. • n) .• exlw•nsice than the other, and sihet "ought it welnld be n good thing far .,,m.• .1 the I.,a,'I in go to (iltelpb awl roman.. the two et ( lwefknnalei I'able., perhaps palling at, some of the nearby toWrlx where dome.tie science had Iwai tnlrollnceel t•) gee its workougs. The iumey spent. in getting 40 .Broil rut 'should not. I. cousldenel an cxpcnditun' it ws. an inveweneut end Ow govern• ruenn paid o portion of the rest. She plalm.d that if wits only tustice that girla shoiilI he taught how to manage a home. She believed men Were 'lilies to Ise fear if they knew whet. women wanted. The einem that,. d immesh: mcienee had not 'tong ago tweet neatly a pall of a girl's telucalinu was that the school syetetin and the inanagemeut of schools were in the hands of teen. She did out blame the wen, but it, was impoaaible for men and woolen to Nee from the same point of view. At the eoncluaiun of Mrs. [foodless address ess Mr. Saunders. who was filling the pseeitien of chairman, in the absence of the regular chairman, es - pressed his a •1111eathy with what Mira. Huoxtless hall said. tl Kh he thought the proper their• to learn these Lhiugs wets the 1 •,and lir was Afraid thele might lit. • trouble in Burne haunt when a young daughter thought sit• knew better than tier another how cel trait things el Id be done. Mrs. Hot4lless could out see it in Iia( hVht at all. and Mr. Saundris promised to have the Ina nor dealt with by theboard at the. !teal meeting. Mra noodle.. expressed Tier wi1!tuguesa to come heel lend 14414114§441t. a public meeting if debited. The regular business of the hoard tranaat. eat before Mae.. Hoodle'es gave her address. The ste•retary's re- port showed Ixtvinellte for the month of Aau•eh of $:e:C4.l1S, previously paid. $1.0511.23, total to date. $1,5NI.31. The noticeable feature of the principal's re - p014 was that it showed a larger Iver of buys on the rolls than girls. This is the first time for year that there has not been a greater slumber of girls at the public ,*•tools of Oode• rich than 111 boys. The divisions in whir' the boys predominate are No. 'r' in St. Andrew's ward. No. 2 in St. David's ward and Nos. 5 and 11 in the Central sellout. Thu principal also re- 'orteel that Miss lean 'T bad sub- stituted Thure days for Miss LeToii,..I end Miss Farrow tht•e•e i0 t •s for Miss reportInglis. • The report was :opted and payment of the rubetitutes authorized. rhe fullewing accuutlts were ordered paid : George Porter, *3 : C. C. liar. : The Signal, *1. The question of completing the purchase of the Orr tote laud of plans for the plop osed new )a haul canoe up. Plans ,if a school led wen. 4111 ' tand were referred 1 41 management c - exel t lir schema ythe wit a andthe secretary and n li r chairman of the school management committee were authorized to deal with the purchase of the lots. The opinion of the foam seemed to be that the building of the new school would not be gone ahead with until next suus011. or perhaps the emanate aright be let :and the work started Thi. tall. The hankie/to coecluded with the distribution to. the members, of Lhe I41an1 by alt. Cult of souvenir Imalges presented by Mr. Jordan which ria• title the wearer 10 adnri,aion to his production Of "The Festival of tin production oar Easter Monday evening. A cute of thanks was [wooled h. Ah'. Jur- . BLYTH'S SHOW. Spring Fair Last Week Was a Sim- i eeasful Event. In spite of rain and had rinds the second •uluual epriug show of the Hayti) Agricultural &,.'at l v. held oil Tuesday of last were, 'was .a eucceas, Hie. entries Bering sixty-five, pared with forty -use bunt year. Hobert Alexander, of Fairest. Was the judge for horses and cattle. awhile T. 14. Me4.00, of Ottawa. set4I inspec- tor fur Western Ontario, judged the grain and seed. and *lee addressed those w•he gathered in Industry Hall, on'•I,radicationand Control of'Weedti and "How t.. Select 1:,xul Seed." Following are LI,.• prize -w. •1'.: Hors -s. l'Iyeles.lalc stallion -J. 1. aleIntosh. l.radleit : Wells & Murphy, Londe. - Immo. • Shire stallion - McCounell h lie•ll, Myth. 'er•s heion stallion - k'. Davis. (Utile - rich. Carriage stallion -.las. \l et: i 11, Blyyth : \Vellace Allen, Londerl.oro. , Roadster stall' 1. Miller, Car low : John Smith. (uderich. Sweegmtaken Heavy. J. F. Mrin- tomb : light, .1. Millet. Heavy draught team in harness J. F. Mclntosh : O. F. Dade, Constance. Road horse in learn.•sa -Jas. Hof - tam, Myth. Cattle. Shorthorn bull, Aged .loin Harr. Blyth. Shorthorn hull. under 2 years -.iohn Barr, A. W'. Shinn. Pollee! Anglia, 1.1111 \\'illianl ('pilin• a100, Adams Elliott. Polled Angus bull, ler 2 yearn A. W. Mel:wing. Harluck : It. (.. )lc(0,wan. • Seed Grain. etc., One B.asbel Each. Spring when!, any variety --John P:Ili.. Oats. white. any variety -A. W. Sloan. J. Dingwall. Oats. flack, any variety \VIII. Lo- gen. A. W. Sloan. Dart..v, 2 rowed Harrison Lyon. John Barr; Harley. 6 -rowed .Lao. Dingwall. A. \V. Nick:wing. Field peas Fred Hath. A. W. Sloan. T. thy seed -Fret Rath. Potatoes, any early variety K. liaggitt John Barr. Potatoes, gement Prep .4. %V. Me - Ewing, E. Hai/Kitt. MAGISTRATE PRAISES ZAM-BUK Magiatratee Has seen, of !s'2 Jtur- wean. Mt., Montreal, writes : "For many years 1 was troubled with at merinos erli pt ins of the skin. This eras not only unsightly, hut it WAS et tinges very painful. 1 Hem tried vnri- ou. he m:whold reuledies.'• ha thee•• preyed altogether use•Iemw. vl then took medical attain.. Not one, hot tweeted d.m'Lot% in 1111.11 were (unmated, but. I was tumble to get any perman- ent relief. Some time back 1 noticed A report. from a .4.l.tice of fence ( Maginti•aI(• Petry, .I. 1'. for R. who het toren eared of a ChM Mir skin descrier by %em-Huk, mid f determined to give tide halm a trial. Alan. n thoto,ghly (sir tent, 1 can nay delighted with it. I have the Iwo of reneonm for chi% eoncineion : Iwcauae while everything else 1 tried .abt•e., embrx•*tions,• w,whea, soaps mild III ctors'ppreperathien -failed id .ol- iLely to relieve mywain and rid Hui• of my trouble, Mere'l41xe. of %attelluk werkeel ,t plate cure. In my opinion this. beau should be even e widely known than it is, fold 1 hope my experience will lead other wnt- ferere Who are in despair to try this heeler. Zie n-Hmk." For 'tenting mice.., riinsit»K Sones, encs, hl crises, bill Um. 1,0014, eruptions, 44•1411, mon•$, 0111111es. splint( erupt' 'telt, chapped chapped hands, and disposes elf the akin %ram -link leo wit1.nos. equal. 1l1 druggitlt and Ames sell it. :+r. 1414 or postpaid fr Toronto. Oh Sausages t 44 V0,Nlle-"Yea, plow Fudo was caught. by the butcher." Pugdoudle-- "Now 1 suppose we may expect the worst," (g ptperm please copy`) Ever notice how' mooch troth their isn't in n rnmplinisut P THE TOWN COUNCIL. Regular and Special Meetings Held the Put Week. The n•gular meeting of the town e it avas held last Friday- night. All the a :illori were un baud, but. His Worship the Mayor tailed to mit ill 1411 appearam'e and the Nerve wits moved to Lir chair. A letter f ' the go derich %Vied Rigs Co., stating That the ten ww''iue. required to c pieta• the list agreed upon had Igen addeal, wits welt te the fimauce e ' ter. A letter from* Archie Nicholson ask- ing p eruliawiun to cut out route pop - on Cameron street wee referred to the public winks a •(Uv'' with power to act. A letter from 1'. P. It. Agent Robin- son with refer•uce to the building of atep'. up the hill h*ek of the "dation made the fobn neje* propene. tion : That the rails ty c pally build the stairs, charging the down two-thirds' of the cant. and Atte- their !wing built the ninepin,. 181"um11• re- "`xmsibility and mainlenanc.• for only that potshot on their own land. 'fie estimated cord of the stairs was 111:1e•er1 al 1112:111. This was sent to the public sur 1. cuuuuMeV. The fire cou,mittee r quint asking tenders for repair of lite idol engine or supply of a limo one.'tlie 41141 nue to be taken in part payment. The repast wits adopted with the addition of the following clause : •"That we instruct the cuutructurs whose• tender. were ao•et•ptcd to prx'e(41 as It!, w'uu k .111 Hle Iw11 at once. . The clerk reported with tefere,ce tar lir 4t. ue•at to the town by the late Chas. Blake that the executors said it would IIP paid shortly. 1)n tun ' i1 was derided to notify the ex.cutes's That unless the amount were lucid in ten days the matter would ie planal in the wlicilot•'e (land... It was deciderl to ad erect is.. for, tenders for the .supply of 2111points!yomn math. trees for the. Tuesday Night's Meeting. A spxra.al locating of the a 01 W.U. held uta 1'uewlaa- evening. The mem- bers, wenn all pr•a(•It :auel Mayer ''laekbn was iia the: chair• lite followiUg letter from the toss11 solicitor was ne•eived : '4. A. McKim. )..y.. 'fuss a cat rl. (:.,s. rich. Re %%herd Rig" Cu. DI: ase Sot, I L.et. received tame the railway *n,1 tut iii ici)xal b. ,u -d au.1 enclo.te• to you herewith duplicate of the under rontitauiug the bylaw No. It of 1f4e1 of this town :ulvatteing the rite of interest 'item bylaw No. 111 Of 1040$ to five per rent. The uaa-tg.age 10411 the Wheel hilts 1'11. to the tnwm and the Askettlulenl of the patent have I.,til sul 'deal lar nae for retie" and I have menet! and amended the s: • and , vturn.d Thema to the eolicatol. to 44' engin meal. 'rhe bylaw as : holed and the fot'nr of debenture. have, as 1 under- stand, Leen approved of by the solid - ter for the pulehasers'and the de - !widens have helm imitate! and are now iiW-IiliUg the filling in of the Ieeveral 'amounts, which I have not time 1.. d.. 11x114\'. 1 have examined the stock batik of the said Company and find the fullow- iug paid-up stock: F. C. Brandt, $1,541: W. Brandt. $;s'1: l', R. ('oll- yter. $1.s7:. ; J. T. goldlhnt' pr, ).1141 H. If. Ikcke•tl. *list ; E. P. Paulin. :.1. C. i.titlhw*il.e, P.1110; It. V. McKenzi.•, *reel ; W. A. Dietrie•h, wont nt ; .lamb Stotherr. $.iii : .lesoe Snyder, $1.1441: Chace A. \\'hitely. WWI : M. 8. Jordan, $Ii41 : lkwul.a jIF k Gies, * 0(4r ; Sophie. 1"rte!, f5561-1 1 Male..ln1 Keneeely, $Lim•' ("Taal 816,• K7.i. hi addition Mr. M. N. IJuyd ix a shareholder paid up to the extent of $1:15,0s7, snaking a total of t6151,875. Mr. Lloyd's Hawk, however'. apprwrx to lie paid 11) the furnishing of the machinery, which tinder thooa • cit- e lances the eumpany received from him U/ that extent free. i pur- pose getting. however, from the sec• eatery n statutory declaration verify ing the facts above act nut, but 1 wits unable to obtain it in time for your meeting tonight. In addition to the above there is un- paid stock .ulacriteel to the a p of $:..1.I1• The interim receipts for the insurance policies have haven placed in my hands. showing insur- ance effected to the extent of $.%).• 141), I also enclose you heUewith the went with Wood, Outlet), nl k ' ,agree y (n,, under which the town take. up tae lent of the series of the local iwpr,ve• went detwntures issued under bylaws 21 to 11. 1 -ours truly, E. 1.. DirkorSON. It was moved by Councillor Hum - her, seconded by Reeve McLean, "that we get. tae value of Mr. M. B. Lloyd's stock." Moved i,n amendment ley Councillor Tlrmnaon, .w eonded by Councillor Munningfw, that Mr. Dickinson be In. structed to have the assignment of patents registered and th at the NVheel Rigs Co.',, %ecret:u'y *take affidavit that the stork as represented is paid up, and atom to are that all liens n44.1111A1 the machinery ns' huildinos are released and that 011 ehinery it paid for, neat tele in to council at earthed 1 pxrsiblc date. l'he iimendue,t earned, Cnuncillur 11 bet and the Reeve voting nay. and the motion WAS had un (he same vote reversed. •The council then adjourned. CLINTON STOCK SHOW. Successful Exhibition Includes Many Fine Animals. Clinton, April 2. -The third hire► count)' .ton:k thew -held hate today wits a decided luecens amu' again proves 1he beet thnt nowhere in Arneriea can ►>.' found !letter stork of all kinds than is t, tie found in these western enmities. Splendid inducement.; in the way of prizes wear' offered for competition in 411 clan**, and th. owners of ato(k were on hand in large nuu,ixer., each class being well filled, 1'h.•r.• were over I511 entries, the crowd was good, and had It. not heel' for the chilly weather would have been 741 larger. There were two (invernment judges, D. 11. U. Reed. of Georgetown, who judged the light horses, and .las. !Lennie, of Toronto, the grain, Mr. Rennie also flan- an instructive ad - thews on seed growing. Alex. Mc- Tavish, of Stratford, )adore! the heavy honseee. end !'apt. Robson, of I lderton, the caul... The prizeis 54411, 1.el wet- : O'lyd..wh(l., stallion, aisle errors I, Jas. Leiper : 2, ('law. Me(trego( : :t, Fred I)nvI.. Shirrs, three years 0, .1..la..,0114 : It. Me('omIPll. Two yoars 1, .I, S. Clint.. 4'.•rchetsm, station 1. Fred Davis. Heavy draughttl, three yearn and over 1, A !nate ; 2, J. C. Dale : a, inc /(lake. Mate, tw., yeses and under -1, Jos Make. Gelding, three years and ove•r ' rind 2, T. M.•Milbah ::t, J. Foster. ti -Nino, rising - 1, 4 -ham. Lovett. Hee vy .})alight team I, 'Then. h1.- Al ill.' : 2, sea. Fader. Fetidly of cults --I). Reynolds. (ieueteI purpordteaul-1, .doe Rey •i• olds : '_', J. It Fear ::I, H. 11111. Agricudtual, (brood ware. three years and over - 1. A. Inn...: 2. J. 11. Fear: a, A. inner. Midstila. !tank cup sweepstakes. -A. lone.. • (leading, tiro* yentas and' liver- -1, T. K. Mair : 2, N. l'arte•r : 3, J. Darker. (leading. two years and over ---1'. K. Matt : 2, ger). Dale Agricultural team - I. Horton Dud. ; 2. J. Sµarrow ; 3, C. J. walais.. Hackney stallion- '1'. Shipley. • Roadster, stallion, 15'. hands and ever 1, It. King: 2, 11, If. (iuvenlock a, John hands. 51.44.. 1, under 15t betide 1, .1. W Smith ; 2, J. Miller ; a, 't'hue Hein' olds. Carriage horse in baruess - 1, 1). Damian : 2, J. Iletfruu ; W. liu- ch1uaa. Hoatloaer horse in has iie,•s-1, J. W. hllbutt ; 2, J. VeNaughtun ; 3. Jut' Reynolds. (atriage leave --1, (Case. \%alkcr 2, Uu,dry liras. Ito -ulster teal* --1, folio Ina ker tins. Lindsay. Saddle horse - 1, Jss. Nairn : 2..I. W. Elliott c 6undre liros. Cattle. ' Hertford da111, '2 ye:o's and over- I. S. Dalt.. Polled Asigrls bull J. ltati.furd. Polled Angie., 2 years Iover -J. McIntosh. Pollee! Angus row. -; ye•:un .end Orel' 1 and 2, .1. I(.ulsfold. Polled Anglin VOW, 1 year and over J. Ilansfuisl, Short ford bull, 3 years and Over 1. F:. '. int ; :. Joan Marr :::1. !'.'wan. Hull. 2 yeau4 awl (11111,•t 1 and 2. J. 1►nuulfeot. Ru11, 1 year and 1111.1. r L H. Smith: 2, 1. ('owau, : a, J. Snell. Heifer. 2 years 1, Il. Smith : 2. J. Sm•II ; a. J. cowls. Heifer. 1 al'al' el.1 ( .and 2. Il. Smith : a, .1, Cowan. Best wale. any age- - I•:. %Vis•. !fret female. any age 11. Smith. Ileal any a);.. H. Smith Fiat heifer. any age I, .1. sise•II ; 2, .I. Itarstord. Grains. I Fall wheat, -I, J. SOLI, :. :. J. Isl'sylor Michigan. Anther-- I, .4. 4lcuat : 2..1. i \1'1se•.' Haack Iris 1..1. 11. Feel 44'hite• oat. -1, J, Fled : 2, J. Rauls- fytd. Barley. 1wwavered I. J. \Vier: 2, J. Itau.fonl. Harley. six•rewed 1, .1. Wise: _. .I. 1'.. Taylor. Pent* 1 :411.1 2, .1. Wise. Timothy-- I, 10, Middietul : 2, .I. (''apneas. ('lover --I, L. 'Tyndall: '2. W: Fishes. Potatoes. late -1, .1. Miss ; 2,. W. 'l'aylof. - Pastern. ..ui)• \V. 11011. Mi. Rennie ,,aid it wit.Ille best eo1- lention of weds he bad seen thew year. Clinton Interested in Holtnesville . bridge. ('limon, .14 nil Irl. 'I'h,• liusime•es ?lens T1s-e.iiatiuu held :mutates. very successful rneetiug last night. when about forty gathered a Ikettlifrs res•. noirant. After ,a testy lun,•heon had been served, Erni Ja.k.ul, 'opened :t di., us.iun oar the evils c.f the credit system. and ell teed suggeat toes where- by these eo•dd be overcome. Mr. Jackson veil that an :u•.s.oul w:aa not satisfactory that esle•n0w1 lunger Goan three m.,nths, While a ovRe- tll :141-0111it was a loss 111 the re- tail :.,Tehama. .1 eunlrnatre wait ap- pointed to give the mallet further colsitieratitin anti report at :a Liter meeting. N. Baer. of C'oltot int ti.wu shale, gave it ..pIrndid address on the Matt lend bridge question. which ie now a live issue, es it 'is prop,red lar change the llueltium o1 the bridge con- necting Colborne and (k.derirl town- ships near Iiolulrsville. By the nee of A chart AI r. !leer showeed that the prnpaxteel route would mean n longer toad by :4,10;. feet. and I.:lit(, feet more hill. Ex -Reeve ('antelon ales spoke ,t, the q.,eetiou. ;and aolvistel the town to use eery P4i.'t t to keep the bridge at the pre-weit ls•:ttin1. ► c ' tee consisting of le. 1:ntelon. .I. Rem, ford and A.'1'. ('.aper was Appointed to consult with the county road and fridge committee, which Iowa he met - ter in hand - The average woiu:an would worry a lot more than she does if she listened to everything she says.. is Rheumatism of the face. Uric Acid left in the blood by disordered kidneys ledge. along the nerve which branches from the eye over t he forehead, and across the cheek to the side of the nose. The cause is the sauna as in all Rheumatism- disordered Kidn.'vs. The cure is like- wis- the same-- Dodd's Kidney Pills 1 A Prized Cough Cure • • 1 have no/ fern without a bottle of Coltsfoots Expectorant in the house for over nava• year*. .\t that time 1 prneor ed it. for a had cold 1 had. It worked iamb 'emitter. then that it has been 4 household reeled y eve, ,enc.`. unit we will lune en oilier for remain end anal. -it i. ,n nleaeant to take, and all of my children Zook for it a* soon 4n they get a cold at all. Nearly all of them base been 8111,• -rt to ernup, and that '8 when 1 end Ooltsfoote Expectorant rase fill. You are welcome to ince this testi• reward as you *nth." Mee Lewis NiCHE Free Sample of Coltsfoote Expectorant will Lr• n.•nt to :in) person n.'nding Iheir name send address noel n,uning thin paper. It has entab1i4hed a•'wnnderfnl record ■e k suceeesful rare for coughs, told,, *ore throat, rronp, whnreping eoegh, brosehiti4 sad all irritated eon diplons of the thront and rheal. It in the,irreseriptioh of 4 greet eiewinli4t in inalrrrne. 1,0. nil gond druggists, 25e. t)r. T t. elneum, Limited. Tnrnntu. Seed for Tres Saanls To -day. r Spring Store News OUR SPRING STOCK is now about full in aII depart- ments. Never were we in so good a position as now to meet all spring requirements. PRINTSPrints are aa:w•ay14 a Ieediu.'as1% g c" of guodr for spring. e aaq• lwe lead iia prints, Leeause loth clot, 111141 color. are always what they :11.1, represented to be. lk'st ElIglish make, both light and dark colorings, blues, indigo dyer, feet Macke and whites, the (Asst made stud ('1sT 4 Moog,DELA/NES ► bi •clock of Iwl.iur.. wide widths, rltial mud mall sprig ptltletu hI*ek, sty c •vt m u ) au� irtauh lit lad , ullwlulrly fart colors And hok just like• menial dclaiues. Fill wear jest es well. 15 cents a yard. EMBROIDERIESA Jul, lel of 430 yards. wull made, (I yards to it piece. 5e, bc, 7c, ec,. roc, tae and 15c a yard. These end. are very cheap. LACES From ac up to 15c in vats., tor,•huns, cluueys and other Makes. 11 !reds of patl••1 rut to clews* from. SILKSBlack peau-de•suie (tom be cents to $*.5o. Beet Enteral Makes, guaranteed out lar cal .,td good w•oa11.1•n. TAFFETA SILKS Black taffeta gum-enler.l by the masker not In cut. E.ety yard stamped. Flack coating bilk, :4i inches wide and heavy. DRESS ENDS Our hig bargain days rade lefLus with about 15 to :11) ends of dews );.Fula that We lure going to clear out at tanner price, be it ever re, small - HOSIERY last color. 'Phone Tex our 4IUeiery stock in the (lest we have ever shown, both in 44.11,1111 ,u•d cash• mlere. We are chewing mew a good stocking, 2 pans for :ire•, timid Wrlu•e'1 s and J. H. Colborne THE SQUAHt: (IODEHICH, ANOTHER Big Slaughter Sale ,.TYRE BUSY STORE ( McKIM'S OLD STAND, GODERICH ) WE opened this store only fifteen days ago and announced a S 1 a u g h to r Sale, cutting prices very low, with the result that we were almost forced to close our doors to give our salespeople a chance. The first crush being over, we got a chance to breathe and to sort up our shelves, but we find we have not yet room to display all the new goods we have purchased and have decided to again cut prices along many lines which were already cut. The following list will interest you : Grocery Department OM! of our tient visited the :;ity last week and was for- tunate to be there itt time to secure a large new stock of nice fresh Groceries, which we purchased at a very low price and have placed the same on our shelves with our already large L11w stock. We also ap- proached a wholesaler in canned goods and found that the stringency of the money market had. Riot in a corner. What was the consequence We had the cash. We gave it to hint and got the goods \Ye wanted at-canner's prices. What are we going to do with it all ? Siniply this : DIVIDE THE PROP ITS WITH YOU Bellow we will quote only a few of tit• prices its this dopa -talent. 1.241) eau. (pest brand Corn, 3 cans aur tic, !egulat':fi . 1,:/s( pans Peale, :t rain for 21c, reg. :le 1441 cans Tola,ioo.•s, a cans for tic, ns' 0s' a tau: :441 can,. lama/aid l'luru.,a cans for 2,e. regia lar 311c. I:, career ltabsie.. -4 Iles. 'tic. 5 cines Currants, a' 111s. for 25c. • Ilse package's Corn !Flakes, tk: a package a".0 packages Shredder! Wheat Blncu s, regular 15c. 2 for 25e. a7 packages Toasted Wheat Flakes, 1 packages for 20•, regular Me. :1st packages Ctrs Brand Heade, t-gellar a', for Ie. :r' cane. of Soap. Sunlight, Comfort and Sunrise, 11 bars I'm. 'as7lbs. Tobecco, Smokiog ananChew• ing,'3 plugs 25e. regular ala'. In dor 5•st-ring Itrsoma. velvet finish, '*1 2iiee each, regular :11c and :Rx:. Regular 51k: Ten (or 41x•. Regular 11r Ten for :inc. Regular :4k: Tea for '2:6•. Everything in this deparLuleut cul accordingly anti we have a full line. to • early while the opportunity ;Boot and Shoe Department! Dry Goods Department On the Second Floe., Gill later Met,'., tiled., including BROADCLO 1 fl I'lut• taulsueel ham l rut Iw►t41rr,, lo.4 titlf and vrloun - l.hltfou 1 i2 in. wn1.'. );..N1 vnlnr:it etre, all gar prices ,#P. vwri$1.114.i0-hi.41'0k•. \Vett►, regular prices IKi.:ra, $1.141, I • *loin and $:1.17.1. t)ur price while they Int F.*. a pair. 1111 pairs Men'. her►sy working Ikx,l.. .i; liar lent. le"s t hall regular price•... JJ) Ixaitr Elia-.: Ikeugc.la t4..l-. lewd oxfords, a mixed lot,regul:n' ail.:r,, $1.7:. and *214). to drat at 11Se, I 114t lairs lactate: Patent Iiluchel•s, reg. ulcer ttipt, $2.a1 and $3,147, on sale now .41$1.70. The above stock are mostly travellers' satrapies anti are strictly up to date for this sea- ' son's trade, together with the balance of a manufacturer's sale, which we purchased at a low figure. They are !aid out on tables and all you have to do is to pick your shoes and tender the salesmen the price. offers. A limited t Iy supply only veld to; each customer. We will not Nell in cause leets. 1 ia OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ON THI FIRST FLOOR ASALREADY ANNOUNCED, we were very fortunate in scauuig the services of a skilled artist for the head of I this department, together with an experienced staff of helpers. The head of this department has sea *red all the latest ideas and styles of London, New York and Paris and a visit to this department cannot fail to convince the keenest ,critic as to the superiority of the artist's work, in fashioning sit the different style% to make them appear beautiful and becoming to the wearer. I The pre -Faster rush we have had was much more than we expected. The reason for this a attributed to the high, class goods and the low pncea asked. Only a few more days left till Easter cosies an. THERE IS SURE TO BE A RUSH. We are prepared for at. We will show a largte number of Hats not yet nn display. where you will be sure to get your ideal shape, with prices to suit. We extend to all a welcome to visit this department whether you buy or not, 1 will be a pleasnrc to show you the goods Ready-made Clothing On the Second Floor. MENS OVERCOATS We have only gin. :CI of !hese for frill snd spring wear. They were regularly solo at $6,5e, *', gin ,and $I.2. and we have decided to clean the lot out at SLUR. They are genuine bar- gains. 22 only Boys' Overcoats, regular $1, $S, to tp(604), to clear now at $2.77. 10 only Men'ts heavy tw'4•iAcket Coats. regularly sold at $., to $0, while they rant. $2.115. • UNDERWEAR 44) suits fleece -lined Underwear, sizes trio J7 to J1, regular :etc to 11k' a gat - ruent, now rhe : sixes from u'e to :4), regular lar to Me A garment. now 2,k' ; sizes from :t'2 to :#i. regular 50e to 7.1.• a gar1ueut, naw :tic. M,,MN'S and BOYS' SUITS 0111 Men's Flnitan mode *11 and 7112. aur 1147.7...; 11.1(111111r *HI for $11.1111 : regulnt• $1s and IFt) /01'1 $:,.147: regular a67 for *4.9i. .r, Hovs' Suite, regular 45 and 166, for $::. i:.: regular *1 for $2.04'. Men's and [toys' ( lvonalls and Pants cut acennlingly. s. LADIES CLOTH If u•k, fine cirri Wei 'e Ladies' Clout lea u,. 851.1,, 1e•gul►rlik: •es' yard for Ile Navy and Breen, 144.114' quality .as above, 111 in. wide, 141:, for :#k'. 1 TWEEDS A splendid assortment of Tweets 111 mixed colors, over ealee•k find plaids. In ill. wide, Just the thing for wearing skit te. regular few, for LW,. CREPE -DE -CHINES A tine lot .d r e p l• - 11 r l%1 ' •s arrived thio week. IrgI1t shades. l,exutiful finish, toolbar e' for .12e anti Skil. fur 1181.•. DRESS MUSLINS A big lot of new Dress Mnslitn into pluck this week. The new- est spring 'haulers. N,•autilol gond.. bought at ,a bargain and will Iw mowed eti to you a1 the• sauce' great nrlurtion, Silk striped U' 'Lie•,., regular pk•, Gn' 27c. Marquise ai1'4 raw' Silk, reg.dar laic; to:14N•. for Cie, and all ethers at the same deep cul. NEW WAISTS in white Lawn. •411 Thi.) 1,141$411t"1 geoids, bought 1 Ia fata l.trie 1/f the lent manufar- tiller. in Canada at a resllietel pt'le.% 'These waists are beautifully tr vel with tine %nleneie•nnee lee and Inset -- tion, flue Embroider)' and Shadow Embroidery, regular $2.511 for $2.14) : $'L2i for 711,75; $I.:ki for $1.141; 75c for CORSETS We 11:14-e the lent liner, from t h r e e different makers., 13. A C.. C. R. & C. and N & f. It would take too long to ene,aerat,• the styles we have but will just quote a few pricer : Regular $1.51 for 1111.10: $1.2,, for talc: SEMI for 75c: 77c for :►x and 51te for :Ow. ,111 Cotton Hosiery selling at greatly. "ductal prices. Regular Vic fen. ITN: attic for I'c, etc. Gloves cut at the w rate. Coates' Thread and Belding s Silks :.11 at le per spool. 1.. 4.i This is an opportunity to purchase goods in the retail way at wholesale prices and you could afford to drive twenty miles to purchase at this sale. It would pay you. Butter and eggs taken as cash and we will allow the highest cash prices for all produce in exchange for goods in any department. We are here to stay. We want you to come and get acquainted with us. Our prices will be the consideration ; small profits, quick returns and no credit is our system. Honesty and square dealing is our motto. CAMERON & MOORE THE NEW PROPRIETORS.