The Signal, 1908-4-9, Page 3dews of the Sistriet.
The ,Lew Itett•uhuty House, Chu.
tun, was o1' qed to tlw public beet
Rola. Johnston. of 1Vingbaut, low
,oId his ,.hiN• burinesr in that town to
II. \\'illi,, of Seaford'.
Misr Helen Frost, formerly of elite
and niece of Bev. Jusiat Greene.
o1 that town, was recently married iu
Meuesetnag Mineral Water
rl1lll•. Glrl)EI(IUII MINERAL. WA -
'Telt t -U„ man 'tram ururs of "Munew-
IunK.•' an• 11,1141..d to 11014 er to any Ltrt of
the town PIMA, Onager Ale in pinto .40.1
ousts. oleo Mineral Water Ll throe nisw
ylfl., pima and quartet NeIL ni Writer and
Soda. a. 1'Moe goods 8415 made frau
natural mineral water, oral are Ihon•fere fere
frau 511 uapurltls. 1'. L. IA'ACI'iN Main
f'or'e ria.
•~ :...
;('LASSKN.- AM 1'ItF:-
1'AR►;U u, 1 -oche pupil. for lu-...w 1u
aludeand thounl..
etlad fur Yuuog e•hiklru
Terms and taker rnfurmathwl umy he had at
ANUv0°' i c stow. Usderech. !;MMA A.
Trachea car l'i480
Stub, in Houk of Mtao cal like k.
• Medical
1)Itti, KMME1()+llN & TUKNBULL.
1 A. T. I(MMata.os. M. U.
R. Tyrants*., M. It
Often HM111111011 Street. 'I1.oue lu;.
IrG Y',ar4ner•olu redden.. North .t reel,
Opposite at. lieu, g•• -church, phone lel.
lir. Tunlhult. 1e dcn•r. N10111, rat .t roil.
Southwest of Tole'.. l.abrar. Phone 114.
1'11. W. 1''. 1. A l IAJ 1V', M. H.
one -.. lull.a ire .l wart. dart door • Sour
seen !look. Telephuna• - iM ire. 1I - lou.+•.
1 H. F. J. 1t. FORS'I'KIt EYE. EAI(
Nose and Throat only, Stratford. Ont.
Home .urger'! New York 4)(Allhaln..• and
.4 mai Institute IUN•e.. 4 11111.11 ao-I1. t anl►i.r.
so.. and Thrust Ho.plt:,L Golden Square,
Morel London phtlwtoric IMooro k
lleapIU,l. London. Eng. °Moo .111,clt strwet.
or n.tfotd, ouyeo,•lte \ Ind«w Mxel. H.ouus:
012 4.111 :411..111. I e p.m. Telephone an.
Kerr Otte solicitors. notarise. etc, trios,
Hamilton St., thin) done front Square,
Ont. M. U. l'AMKIWN. K. 1'. J. 1. KIL
L IR.(N.
I. Monster., .ollcilere. notarise Iwhlle pre •
or , r, the Marllime l batt, etc. OIIIre.?set side root doe C. A. Naim'. grocery. Prl
to toed. to lend at kws.t este. of Interest.
W. PFtol'DFl1OT, K. C. N. c. HAY& G. F
h1STERa-•, 'worm.) . whetter.. etc.
Gudericb. Monet to lead st fewest rates. L
1►j. aeltdtar. oomm4 Io. wr. n xur psalms .
Ills. llsaaltton.lreet. Uuderich ant.
Insurance. Loans. etc.
Kenos nag i warance Agents Ketal e•-
esse foe role or to he Ihopert M. handled is
any part ref the town .11.1 corinty. Fire sod
la insurance, money to loon etc.
e and aeeld.nt nrursn.e. Agent. for leading
mutual and dock tom anke. 'romance ma
Ilnt. effected on be.t plane and at lowest rates.
Call et oleos, owner Wort Stood and Mquarr
or address J. W. CItAIUIK, Uoderich, Ont.
Tele .hone 21 ..
1e s C It A N t F; 1' i). --►Inn owl l.olatal
town property tnrured.
lancer. - J. R. McLelnr. 1•,t... hMoen 1',
T. Fear. Vk,e-Pre... tl ,, , d, f`1 1'. 11,
Thom. K. Hay.. l(er. -1 ro,•.. sr .furl, 1'. (1
I nmrton -w'wr. Chesney. :(.•otos car ' John
It. One%.•, Winthrop(, larorgo Irate.Sosfueta;
John HennewehN Duldln. Jame., Beech.
wort : John Katt. Hartwig . 'l b..- Fraser.
I;n.vneld John 11. '1. Irmo. 11ippen: Jae.
e onnolly, 1 lint on
J. W. You. agent for Neal
• Huron. Policy-holdere can pay earouotetita
anti eft their crania reoeipted at Tracer a
Brown'-. ([hater, or at It. 11. Ceti . greosry.
Kingston target. Uoderich.
Il raltta Hfl. The hest place in town.
1•r.nupt wrvlre; everything rtes. and.ani-
Iwry. 11o• nod oukl hath. WM. IIAVIM,
Brill.' Es -hong,, Hotel Klock I.sogweoe 10
J. Frit tlrye.
llama's Licenses
OODnitleH, ONT.
Watellietaker. Jeweler and 1)1Nki*t•.
lesser of Marebtgs IAc.n.ea.
. AOI boxcars tiodwkb, Usk
And warrant *net lenses. 1111oe. an Smith
tercel, where he .111 he feared at all (4..,r•
when net -ming sale. Tema nasonwhte and
roil' effort peed to give Iron ainufaetlon
General Aoctie wr.
Ncw Systems of Tickets and Catalogue.
P, 0. Box 18}
You will 'riles some mil 1011
gains If you fail to sec what. 1
cetn do for you in ane of tho,e
(food Cheer ranges
Good Cheer art heaters
Penn Esther ranges
Nothing just as good for the
money ; every nuc guaraote•d.
5 per cent'. off for spot
Cas h
Tinsmithing and
Electric Wiring and
'Phone i55.
Ila ff to C. It. Saoderwou, of Indinu
Ileal, Nark.
The Wroxeter Star baa ceased pub.
livatlon. N ruxeter it lou email a place
to supporta newspaper.
Postmaster Dickson lira week
entered upxm hie forty-third year as
po. UwIiter of Seaforth.
The death of •Wm. Wright, en old
resident of Turntterryr, occurred at his
home In that township on tlatuday,
the aMth alt.
1)r. W. J. R. Fowler. who is oat the
stat! of the Ontario Veterinary Col-
lege, Toronto, has resumed his prac-
tice in Clinton.
Mr. and Mts. Harvey Picketer.
the 14th eonceesioo of Grey, lea
shortly for latuiefail. Alta.. whe
they will reside.
Mr. Doubledee, .1r.. formerly of
Wingham, now of Louden. is in the
hospital in that oity afflicted with
creeping paralysis.
John Barber, of liowick, and Mrs.
li. McCurdy, of Fordwicb, signed a
matrimonial contract iu Guelph en
Wednesday, the 36th ult. -
DAvld ss
Elston, a former CenU•ali
buyy who taught for some time in
college at Seattle, is now cowwerci
specialist in an Edinontou college.
Hilton Hunter, wife and daughte
Rift Brume!" hitt week for Casey, IJI.
where the former has secured a goo
posit• of the stag e.1 a newspaper.
Itev. J. 1'. Cluulesworlh, of London,
11as Accepted the call to the pastorate
of the Clinton and Hallett Baptist
.•humber. and will enter upon his work
Al mace.
The 1110 -alae farm on lot 31 of the
11th concession of Grey, owned by B.
r. red N. F. Gerry, of Brussels, has been
purchased by .I,ta. C. Blair, of Grey,
for 82,t11M1.
The death of Henry Itut, a former
resident of the nth conceeriou of Grey,
and as brother of Itichand,Roe, of Brus-
sels, occurred at hie home in St. Paul,
Neb., recently.
A rather cur*•nw coincidence iv that
Clinton, \Vhigl SeafortIt and
Brlseels Irises of undertaking estate
liabments conducted by Irmo:is of the
name of N talker.
The recent violent store: Howled the
lower story of Fair's mill. Clinton.
damaging it carload of Hour. Mr.
Fair will probably demand reparation
fmin the town on the ground of de-
fective drainage.
The death ot Mrs. Jacob Schlutchet,
former strewed resident of Zurich,
look place at the home of her daugh-
ter, Mre. Henry Cook. of Hellman, on
Sunday, the :etth tilt, Deceit/tett was
eighty years of age.
Many of the old residents of Seaforth
are grading their congratulations to
Mr. and Mrs. 1Vm. Hill. of Griswold,
Man.. tosser esteemed residents of
Me,tfurth, who reeently celebrated
their diamond wedding.
Miss Mabel Adams, eldest daughter
.•f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams, of Fonl-
wich, formerly of Brussels. was re-
cently mai-tied in Tonhnto to Mr.
Ayleeworth, formerly of Hawick, but
uow on the per,. tomce staff in Toronto.
R. 11. McKay, of \V'inglu.nm, last
weer( received wor-J of the death of
hit mother, Mrs. Geo. McKay. of
Winnipeg,* former pioneer resident
of East 1Vawanosh and for many
yeah a1, l'steetnel citizen of Wing -
Mrs. %Vim, Ileziewoo d, au esteemed
resident of Exeter, joined the silent
majority on 'Thursday, the :)lth 'alt.
Deceased had muttered front Bright's
disease for several years. She is sur-
vivekl by het hualand end ten chin
At the ripe age of eighty-seven
years, Mrs. David Stelck pawed
peacefully away on Tuesday, the :Slat
ult. Iheceaeed was a woman of ex-
emplary character and during her
tong residence in Zurich she won for
herself a very host of friends.
Howard Henry, the brilliant student
of Manitoba College who bas won the
Rhodes ecbolanbip fur that Province.
and who, will represent Manitoba et
Oxford, is a former Wr••xet.r boy, be-
ing a son of W. Lawrence Henry, of
Winnipeg, furwerly of Wroxeter.
Ernest Dinniu. of ('hiselhutst. son
of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dinnin, ot
Cromarty, joined time ranks of the
beneliets last work. the lady of hie
choice being Miss Elizabeth Ada Bar-
ieer, daughter of Mr. and Mist. Jae.
Barbour, of staff*.
An interesting matrimonial recut
was coneuummated at the Senforth
manse 110 Saturday, the :lith ult.,
when Mists Iralellaa Neilans, youngest.
daughler o f Alex. Neilaus, o f
Harpurbey, and -Marshall Stewart, of
1'ryshol ('dry, Mani tor dw„ formerly of
Seaforth, were united in wedlock by
Hey. F. if. Larkin.
On: Tuesllsy, the 'list ult., Mrs.
John W. Peters, who for the pest
thirty-five years had I.e'n en esteemed
resident of Seaforth, WW1 suntrnoned
to her reward. Deceased, who was
seventy-four years of age, leaves to
mourn her demise a fancily of three :
Alfred, of Detroit; Edmond aux( Miss
Peters, of tieafnrth.
After it lingering inners of consump-
tion Annie Sawane Bell, beloved wife
of William Veal, ret Elimyille, psased
to her long horno on Wednesday, the
Int Inst. Deceased, sell(' was a daugh-
ter of the late Wm. Bell, 0 the 1Lh
concession of Ilaborne. was in her
forty-fourth year. Ifer husband,
t htee &nighter. 1 • arm npnirn
few low.
A highly respe:t'tl resident of
Londesloni, in the person of Mar-
garet first, relict of the late Thomas
Crfip, departed this life on Tuesday,
the slat ult., after a brief illness Ale
'erluent to a paralytic stroke. De-
ems/Red, who was in her sixty-seventh
year, in survived by one son. Wilfrid,
1011 one daughter. Mrs. Rohner, of
l endesbPro'.
After a lingering illness William
Faxt)n, an esteemed resident of the
let. concession of Culross, formerly of
\Vingham, pasted away on Saturday,
the'a$th 1111. 1)ereaseb, who cels ill his
fifty-seventh year, ismnrvivel by his
widow, a daughter of the late John
1V. Walker, a'latenloeery, eight sons
and four daughters, Two sons, John
and WWillian', are in Manitols; the
other members of the family reside on
the homeetesd.
The wife of a well-to-do farmer from
the vicinity of Blyth. representing
herself Ann committee of one to molten,
alms for a &steatite fannily in Harlem--
arperhey, eanvat*ned Clinton and Meaforth
1*... week. Her 'furies did not cnn-
(•onl very well and .hr was arrested
for fraud in Seniors It and force) to
disgorge about raven dollare. In enn-
sideretion of her sex folies Magistrate
H.l,nestad dietnirse d her, pending an
inquiry into her sir•cnniatwncea and
those of the parties for wham she was
soliciting Aid.
A Sad Bereavement.
W. H. Veale, editor of The Seaforth
News, and Mrs. Veale are mourning
the lues of their twig dau 'ter, Uatb•
seine, A bright child of thee, years.
The little one had suffered fur some
time fruul 041cu111a and although the
best pklysiciens to the Prue ince were
eunsulterl none was able to stay the
ruvegem of the disease. Shortly Ix
fore conning to Meeforth a year eon
Mr. end Mrs. \'salt, host their the
child, '!'heir only teumsining one i
now in very delicate health..
Afloat on an Ice -cake.
Two Usla)rue lade had au exciting
and dangerous experience last week
They were sitting nu the river tank
and seeing a huge hake of ice floating
down etreaum decided to mount it and
take a ride. The river wee quite high
and the cake swerved out into the
centre. The boys became badly
frightened. At list they ran into a
lung rail and one of the lads jumped
on it and goy *shore. The other, how
ever. missed his footing and fell into
the wale,. After some time he syn
aged to grasp the rail and cling to it
until his companion rescued hi w.
Death of a Hay Township Pioneer.
Another• of the worthy pioneers of
Hay, in the person of Mtu. l'et r Hen-
derson, answered the great roll call on
\Vedneisda ', the :nth ult. Born in
Scotland to 18:51, deceased can" to
Canada in her teens and waled in
Stanley, where iu IMM she waw remar-
ried til her late partner. in lea3 de-
ceased novel ft•ow Stanley to Hay
Ad during the succeeding fifty-five
years resillel 00 the one !arum. De-
ceased's exemplary Christian life and
affability won for her the ertes•ul and
love of all who knew her. Five sons
and four daughters mourn her loss.
A Wingham Wedding.
'The tusr•riago of Mian Jean Tre-
leaven to Sidney J. Dillon was quietly
solemnized in the presence mf ins
mediate relatives on Thursday, April
2nd, at the hose of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. 'Tre-
leaven, of W'ingp(haw. The bride and
grouts ente,11, unattended, to the
strains of Mendrlssuho's wedding
Pioneer Missionary Experiences In
Canada's Western Province.
Rev. Dr. Robson, the first Mettle-
) dist missionary 01 land on Vancouver
t Island, related his pioneer expert-
s eneee to a large audience in Vancole
march, which was rendered by Miss
Francis Treleaven, a 'cousin of the
I)r•ide, The !marriage ceremony was
pet•foruied by Iter. 1t. J. Treleaven. an
uncle cat the bride. Mr. Dillon it an
attorney and member of the law firm
of Simpson, Dillon A Johnson of
Des .Moines, Iowa. .lr. and Mrs.
D(1100 departed iu the afternoon for
Narrow Ere -ape from Drownin
Denomy, jr., of Zurich, had a
narrow escape front drowning in the
recent floral. He had been spending
the evening with a friend and about
11 o'clock started for hove carrying a
Lantern. Before long his light went
out and he coutinned his way in the
dark, with the water up to his shoe -
tops. On approtachin the bridge be
noticed that the bridge bad floated
away and that the water went
through the opening at a depth of
41an11 eight feel. In his effort to step
on the bridge he missed his footing
and was carried away by the swift
current. After several vain attempts
lie finally iuceeeded in grasping a
fence post atad extricating himself
from the icy water.
An Old Resident of Exeter Gone.
Exeter hast an old and esteemed
resident on Monday, the :pith ult.,
when Mre. With Balkwill ars sum -
ed to her reward. Deceased, who
was horn in Cornwall, Eng.. in Del,
came to Canada with her parents
when but eighteen years of age and
settled in Centralia. The following
year she was united to her decease
partner in London and ehorUy after
they le•carnc residents of Exeter.
!'here they erected the wel:-known
Balkwill home., which they conducted
until the death of Mr. Balkwill seven
yearn ago. Deceased was a woman of
sterling qualities, esteemed and be-
loved by all who knew her. She
leaves to mourn her demise: one mon
and one daughter, \1'illiaw S. and
Mies {afar!•, le,tbl of I•:xelti
Sudden Death of Wingham Schoolgirl.
A mill of deepest gloom was IAA,
over \1'inghaua high school on Wed-
nesday of last week by the sad and
start -bug death of one of its brightest
pupils, Miss Minnie 9herk. daughter
of l•riah Shenk, of that town. The
young lady was removing her rubbers
in the clunk room Met before Ih o'clock
when Abe suddenly fell over and ex -
pin el. She, had previously (leen talk-
ing gaily with the other pupils and
waw apparently in her neural health.
Medical ald Was Nuultuoned, but to nu
avail, for the silver cord had given
way. 1t is thought that death was
due to organic heart trouble, tie da-
mmed had frequently complained of a
pain in her side. Mime Mherk was a
clever girl of seventeen years, a fav-
orite with her fellow -pupils and the
community at large.
Death of Mrs. McLauchlin, Brussels.
It was with feelings ot deep regret
that on Wednesday. the 'Lith '111.. the
residents of Brlaseels learned that Mrs.
Duncan McLaueblin had departed
hence. 1)c••ee'ed. who WAS torn Lu
Glasgow, Scotland. threescore and
ten years age. came to Canada with
her parents in -her early girlhood and
Nettled in Perth county. In 141X) the
family !novel westward to Harpur-
hey and the following year Mrs. Me-
feAnchlin (then Miss Brown) secured
a mcaool In Grey, where she hematite
enamoured of and wedded her now
deceasedpartner. Since the latter's
death in WOO Mrs. McLeuchlin and
daughters resided in Brussels. Of a
bright, winsome disposition, deceased
endeared herself to all with whom she
came in contact. One Non and five
daughters mourn her lime. Mrs. Alex.
Mcl.anchlin, of Brussels, it a sister of
the deceased.
But Never by Medicine Swallowed,
Snuffs. Sprays, or Douches.
Catarrh is not a blood disease and
that is why it cannot be cured by any
medicine taken into the stomach,
Catarrh is A germ trouble eontsicted
from the germ -laden air you breathe
inwanl. Theme germpps fasten them-
selves in the tia flee atWI air cells of the
breathing organs, multiply by mil -
Hone, Mallet. sneering. roughing, rais-
ing of mucous, discharge from the
nose, difficulty in breathing, hoarse-
ness, dryness and ntoppage of the
none, tickling in the threat and other
symptoms that. can only be reached by
the dry air principal of Ilyorns•i.
It medicate* the air you breathe
with the curative properties o1 the
Australian Kucalyptue Drente where
catarrh is unknown.
The reason you get relief in a min-
ute or two from Hyomei is because it
destroys every catarrhal germ in the
'Mr you breathe, and its dry penetrat-
ing aroma will reach the inner-most.
twenties of the air passages, killing
n m r
millions f erm w mim e.
g m Their de-
nt ntrtion means freedom for oppressed
respiratory orgnne. Jae. \Viliuon *elle
Hynmei tinder a guarantee of aatiefac-
tion nr money hack. !'rice, $LLN1.
iota of men wonld he worms than
they are if they only knew bow to go
slues it,
err the other evening: a!d in Il,
esiurs° of hie address told many most
interesting stories of the early deY.
of the province id riitieh l;olumbiii
Forty-nine years it&u 1Q Robsuu stool
on the deck of the steamer Pacific
and heard tire/! the cannon that nut:
fied Venom that the ship Was off
I)eadmau's Point. A skiff pad off mei
rowed the party ashore. Dr. Robson
sprang out to help the others nut, and
e) wam the flret of the missionaries
to land. Said he, in his address: "We
landed close to Deadman's Point, and
ie has often struck nie that British
(Wlumhia ham too many of these gone.
some names. There was a Murderer's
Bar nn the Fraser River, and i can
sal what many of you cannot -I have
been nn both sides of Hell's Gate and
have come out
ute In
;overran. Douglas. a cemmandisng fig -
ire in the early history of British
ream -tibia. "The Hudmon Hay offleers
were all men of indomitable courage."
he saint, "and Douglas was even irlell
a man Of splendid physique and
with magnificent shoulders, he looked
a truly regal figure when dressed in
he uniform which nis pgeition as gov-
ernor of the two intonate of Yamme-
rer Island and British Columbia call -
rel for. He had lived almost all hie
ifc among the Indians and well knew
sow they were impressed with a little
how. I remember once whets he went
up the Fraser on the old Beaver to
bit an old Indian camp• he was tak•
a ashore in state in a small Meat end
'rtried to the scene of the conference
on the ahouldern of his men.
"Jane's Douglas did not wear any
ordinary id- need hat," went nn
1)actn R b with twinkle h
eye, "bad wore a tile hat nI peeulisr
e.,nstruetinn, and there is no doubt
the Indians thought that all the pgew•
r, wiadum and knowledge' of the Env.
error was in that hat. One tribe
managed to obtain a cast-off tile hat
and became PO proud that they almost
caused a war. He was a wise man
and i was a fool for T signed a peti-
r o son w1 i • wan a in is
Gott tt have hint removed on the.
. ground that he could not govern both
enlonies. Like ,many chechakos, I
thought I knew it all, but i live(' 0,
PM the day when i recngnized, t tt
Douglas knew the requirements ref -
c ountry better than any one else, at 1
his.policy showed remarkable wimd(n
and far-sightedness. He governed wr•l.
ably and successfully, and war a mat
' of fearless diapoeitinu. On one ..ccs•
,in he was in the iuteriv
Hudson Ray expedition end neard
that in an Indian camp close by war
a man wanted for murder. James
Douglas leaded hie old pistol and
accompanied by his French-Canadian
servant went over to the camp and
found the Indian. He walked right
into the tent. seized the man and
brought him r etside with the inten-
tion of executing him on the spot..
'The Indian showed fight. end they
both fell. Douglas underneath. His
servant rushed to his assistance, but
the governor told him to stand elear.
Dont let it be said that it takes two
white men to kill an Indian.' were
his words, and getting his right hand
fheareed." he shot his opponent through the
Old Founder Forts.
A writer in Forest and Stream
makes the interesting reference to
some of the old forte, now fallen into
decay. whir.' one,. marked the west-
ern -frontiers of the country:
in the north, in the territory (sem-
pied dor centuries by the Hudson Bay
Co., these forts still exist, but even
there the influx of population in les -
meninx their importance, and before
long in any region suited for the sup-
port of -a large white population will
clause them to be forgotten. Even
Fort Garry, once the moat important
of the old-time Hudson Bay forts, is
now little more than s memory.
Though built to withstand the ravages
of time -a massive edifice of stone -
of nil its substantial walls only the
back gateway is still standing. • Less
than forty years. ago it was as great
end as strong as . ever. but nothing
new remains ret it save that gateway
end a series of hollow's wbich show
where the callers • and foundation
walla used to stand.
-About Fort, Garry has grown up
the great -cit of Winnipeg, with more
than a hundred thousand population.
and nothing is known of the old fort
standing toward the outskirts of the
city to nest of its inhabitants. Situ-
ated on the Red River near the point
where the Asainiboine enters it. Fort
Garry occupied ground tbaii is his-
toric. Along the bank of Ute Red
River passed the trail north and eolith
traveled by the Chip wee and their
bitter entities, the Sioux. Not far
from utero, as far back *m 1718. Ver-
eadrye, Ann (f white men to travel
upon the g`reat, plains and to see the
Rocky Mountains. built, his Fort
Rouge. It wits ahun•intieri a few
years later, and as early a• 1760 wan
spoken of merely as an "old fort."
Neer the mite of Fort Garrey, too, was
Fort Gibraltar, built in left by John
McDonald of Garth. about which there
was fighting in the early days of the
Red River settlement. 1t was de-
streyeel by Governor Semple daring
the troubles about Lord Selkirk's Ki1-
donan settlement. in the year 1816.
Duty of Public Men.
"Canada's public meet toelay should/
enninder that they are working for el
long future, when the Dominion would
b' one of the great nations of the
world; and PO work that those to come
would look back to this day of com-
paratively small things with rower -
(moo and pride for those who bed
laid the foundation. of the mighty
strtretnre that would yet
"ft, is our tradition that, the iwwo
men should wish and strive to enter
publle life, should give the hest of
themselves to their eountry's servie',
and feel that in that serves., they
mnmt attain as'high, exaet and ecruppt-
ulmrs a sense of honor a* they wrinld
exercise in env part. of their private(
life."-Ambaasidor Bryce.
5100 Reward, 5100.
•Thr Mater, of flit. paper will I.t Mr nse.l to
learn 11n1 Ihrn• 14.481,1e8e1. 01 p dren.lwl di.«•n«e
that .clones h.. been aide to cure In all Its
atoms.. and that 1- Catarrh, HAW. Cawrrh
1)11g only pant Ise root now known to the
nrerlleal fretcrnit.y. 4ouorrh. being a .•11.111',.
t lnnal diw•sw,, rew ire . a oon.t.11 nt Mord treat
men. Italia (•atenh ('are Is taken Internally,
acting directly apa'non the Morel and mneona,
,40f*rw of the .yalem, thereby dirt roving the
fnnn,.tlrrn of the dlu•a-,,, and giving the
patient atrnneth hy building un the 'moat; tn•
({on end assisting moors In doing Its, work.
Tho proprietor. 1,;wr ,.n notch fMlh In Ifs
curative power. that they offer 0n' Ilnrldred
IPnllar, for any rear 11,.0 11 fails to gore. Plead
for net of teal (mantel..
Addres F. J. EN Ey a tn Tow., 0,
meld by all drugrrtsts, A.r.
Tnkc a'I'A PArnlly IMIM for voted Molten. a
Nnlaecribe fot• The 'tippet.
Easter Showings
Gloves for Easter
OUR ASSORTMENT of Easter Gloves u Most .ouaplete.
In Kid Gloves we stock only Perrin's make and every pair
is guaranteed- Our Dollar Kid Gloves are the best value
obtainable. Perrin a make and . every pair zuaran sed.
t'errin's Blake in long Kid Gloves, black, white, ( 11 at .I gree .
special $2.5o per pass
in Fabric (:Inver, loth in long and )(heel (surge. w.• hart • all the
desirable nears. including all the wanted Amebae. 101- -4 It yaks• u'
Tong Fabric (:love.. Tau i, the 4,-.el!ing glove color Gibe reason,
New Belts for Easter
Nuwe very sunset effects ill Leather Belts, car. -1 1111411.•
Koster wear.
Perbrpe you waut•m a of theese. (Irene), Uoats fur Kant,•r. \\ r has e
lust the kind -you will 1* !wilting for at the pt'ire you will be wanting
to pry for it.
:Children's Wear for Easter
'1'htu se1s11u 1%0 sure laying nose attention to the catering of tale
little folks. We uuw have seyorythiug t11-•t..ek for l'hildreu', Sweet
Pre Millar's Scotch Store "gle
Oh Solitude, When ars Thy Charms!
Heti is an extract from the'teepee-
tus cal a hotel in Swihterlaud
"1Veieebatch is the Gavotit.e plai•e cal'
resort for shone who are fond wf soli-
tude. Per.ons iu search o1 wtlitudr-
axe, in fact, resistantly flecking here
from the four quartet., of the globe."
Quick ease for the worst cough -quick
relief to the heaviest cold -and SAFE
to take, even fora 11 i1d.
That is Shiloh', Cure Cures
Sold under a guarand-r Coughs
to cure cold, and tough. ^-,J-
quicker than any other Valasas
medicine -or your money back.-- id yearn
of success commend Shiloh s (Aro.
60c., $I - sii
w,s•n all stat 111 1.'auada, 4141110
Detroit and fort Huron, Michigan.
Buttnlu, Niagarti Falls and Suelmnsion
Bridge, N. V.
Ti(kets good going April Leith, 17th,
15th. 111th and .11th. Valid svlurning
un or beime April 21st. dare:.
Secure tickets (rout
Tori Age ret
office hunt.- $ a.m. ln$..1) a
Depot 'Ticket. Agi-I l•
, 11. Melkasald, District 1'0--. Agent.
l'uiou Statlu s. Toronto.
f'bN aeseD
l his node mark
and the word
Toore no the
button, diat,n-
quote .his hph
ode slsker fmrn
he just as good.
Salvation Army Praise
"I feel it my duty to testify to the
benefit I have received from the use of
Psychine. While travelling in Net, On-
tario conducting epeeist meetings 1 con-
tracted a very bad cold, which gradual-
ly developed into Bronchitis of the
worst farm. I was advised to try
Psycbine, which I did, and after using
but a few bottles 1 was completely re -
/dared to health. 'I recommend this
woederfnl remedy to Anfleters from
Bronchitis and other troubles."
Later: "1 wish to add that my voice,
since using Psychlne, in stronger and
has mueh mere earrying power than it.
had b_before 1 had bronchitis, and the
vocal chords do not tire with speaking."
P. TILLER. ('apt. Hale 'n. Army.
Ann St., Toronto, Aug. 11, 1907.
Throat, lung and stomach trouble*
cured by Peyehine; oleo insipient cnn•
gumption. A11 dnggista, 50c and *Lon,
or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
BY MAIL 'Till me at SHome
We ceranpt „,r -nuts• I,• Ir r, r4crr horn
(h,tara, share there am ladies or hew rlecid,,1
to t., the public Ar improved it:.
comae t dressmaking, ma hiding our Ladies
Tailor 10 -item for who!, Mie 1,ries, a5tai
At there am a large members of people. eel.!
:ally dressmaker. say p,11 cannotof am by m'nl
we inn send system and firs kawm (*Mr b
tear11,, how 1, snake a perfect airing wen,.
w5is•erd tw any addres, in Ontario. After son
are satiaerl you ran learn tend $:100 reed •
writ Howard full course of Pawns. Pleas rk
rad w-nd „nk.w was wish r. learn deeswnakin,•.
51' are so sure anyone ran lean, that NT 1"•,,
enter• to tr.: IMO1' an v... we cannot t,Mch
These 11.4404 torr' Lwow v, cat. It and p•„
tneethrr, any comment from the p1a •,est tau,
w.,: t .nit t, the m.,o elaborate Arens. The ,
Ile only tures in Pana& that the ohmic leapt
can Pam by cur member taking It up. %%'
have ham .n Inle-inea for ten 40418, have tatteto
over 1.(541, of .)m,, as *m..
have been known to 1111.4. loll? advs. set( er-•.
rimmed where• they were not katea to ss 11
intene,r ,.f Me mors. No ads 111 gallum.
408.80 our 4.1110.( geerwetee.
Write fn.. p4414p44144141,
A41444-1AIeDnits'rnm4-CI)TTlge is sot
31 lists attest, btratlerd, Vutaru, Canada.
Rosud-Trip Excursions
SASkATc: 111:WAN
April lq, 28 June 9, 23 Aug. M t8
May 12. 26 July 7, 21 Sept. t, 15, aq
Tn kets good to return within 6odays.
Very low Rates from at/ point. in
1111.,., iu.
1:4141iug 1 Wiuuipei.04141 re1,,r,, e12.i. -
,,•l weer 1 Edmonton a red return *
1 h 8.1414411W to 411 Nut. leWest pollute
Tourist sleepers '. limited n bur of
Tour.! Sleeping Com
Ill ler run on 41114,11veaur+dun, fully annu-
I.vl 41116 bedri rg, r1.•. Hort to should lee
ov rated and paid fol through loco! aeon)
.'t Peat .ft day. before us(.m,1011 lass c-,
Rate. wad 1,10 information ront.lned in
free Iloneseekore pamphlet. Ark
1 P. 11. agent for a . opt . or write 10 .•
C B. Foster, C. P. A.. C. P. R„ Toronto.
EXT BUMMER by the Lake
Shoo. Es pres.e- of Win l .0841
ion V ort ben, (mtsrio Kallwa)
Ileglh your at rengdrucnt. NOW
a,) %.4111/111 101'. Primer Urc,a . I'ap1.-ruge•r Agcut
C. N.0.. Tomttu. '
o III find 1114. Inns' 1 r +tend• and p.r.'l 1.nhp
land. dons( the three lhon-.ud ludic- of I I„
1'aru.rl Mtn Northern Railway 111 Manitoba, )•a
katehcwsu and Alberto. This -pring 1 he hwnm
*tends of the great Sa.kad••ho44,11 1'108 will bo.
made n,eessible by (lame Lotko brawl; From
11,.i1ia1c- abut 1411 -Thr 1.01(11 Dula rtimn 1, Taranto.
Init uities:IM,u0 freight and t ,',-. ngcrtrains
win. PhIItI,.,lienerel K*.tcrut Agent, ('.N.K..
Suits And Overcoats
New DNS patterns in clothes, Lc,t '1
trimmings and perfect fitting style,
c fort and durability are features
with He.
Leaver your order early.
1WeetS1t'eet, li"el ti' Il
ar 0vm owner ho, ..
for rale. 'ot articular Ahn,il Meatier..
1'loarr give peke and deer:otten, and
room for toiling. Mote when poser.
.tote can,he had. Win d.•.•S with cornet.
1.. Darbyshire. Box Phi. Rochester. N. 1
Gray Buggies
We have Ihetn with !tubber
Tires anti we have them with
Steel Tires : and we have theta
with Automobile. beats 1 in
all the Lttev't NTviaes, If yon
want a Buggy. 1116 ever expect
1.) Wltnt tenMil at 01116 Watl'e-
remu1 rind see what we have.
'She Bray Buggy c •s from
the largest Carriage F:v•teo
in Canada.
Von can't make a mistake in
bltying.a GRAY
Agent for
We also have 3 large 'lone
I'I trey end are prepared to
supply building stone or filling
ua iargo 'ter *mall Triontlties,
.14.14 col or at the (pinery.
Ware -Room Hamilton St.,
1 .lyra! !:Le.
4411111theser to.
x -tsf:E CA7.
(Mme 25 cts Intim
• moos To C C a1GN405IG
MP^' w
NewBuggiesi -
at Knox's
Made by 11 • I
u .. e •
McLaughlin c aughlin
"Only Onc Grade.
and That The Best."
1 hays just received a ship-
ment of three fine Huggies and
invite anyone interested to call
,c0 I how.
l'or. Ncwgaat.•
atrld Hartel hull sl Leet.
t unlit etc :eel 1-ndcrttakia g;w arcroount,
Weft .Wt Square,
1'NONF.: Ftorow. Uoderich
Night calla: At re•id,nee.rur. tatrybrta
tn,4.old N, 10,, 'Irvel.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
()tilers verbally 01(1.41.1 to at all
boon. r,lght or day
'PHONE 15 OR 24
Wareham... 4 el. %Word
%%-hen > n1 want. (and Tanta) (street and
THE 14F:y'I at hock/ Square
Iter 111 1 tart weighed ens the market scale■,
w hm,• y'n, g'1 7,101 lb.. for ton.
feeler. loft at C. C. LK),Y ilardware Store
east Ade Bglase. promhUv attended W,
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
0 4' even nuotered wrl Ion of Dominion
Laud in Manitoba. Faxakatchcw•an and Alberta,
seen{{ding $ need 7751, not nw,rv-eti, m.y lam home
etn4ie4 ley any ta•r.:0 4 who Is the .ole 100,4 of n
/am , m nn y main m er Ir, f t hm
extent11pof one-gttwrtut.ectluu$yew of 154o1 acres*g,',,to 4001)
0r loss
Appik:wtion for entry mart he made in person.
by the applicant at a Dominlon lands Agency
or Rub -agency for Iho dietrlct in which Inc land
is 4111141P.F.nUY by proxy may, however, oar
made at rn A germy nu cert Mn roodItlmn. by
I ho father, mother, son, daughter. brother or
hider of no litcndlug hotnoalealor.
The hnluiniteo Is required to perform 1110
homestead dull under one of the following
111 At 1et.t .lar months' ssWencn egaon 41111
year.* imr of the IAnd in each ye'r for lhrTo
I!1 A ho0le.teader may, If he eodesire., a,•r•
farmingired ',Whim. nenoir dull. ot ler. ,livinhnn
eighty 0191 arms in extent, In the vicinity of ht.
home:demi. Joint owncr•Mp In land will not
meet ment.
lam 1114..
rrqulrrfather ear nrothnr, 11 Sho father lade
ronaertl of A h0tnesteador bar permanent rad
drnclr on farming land owned solely by him
not leas •an nlghty LANair, Int., in the
vletnll oftht ho 1,omn.tanrl, or upon
n aextehmmtete.A
entered for hy him in thn vtctntty, rush hornt-
leader yperform his own maidens, duties
by living with the father (or mother)_
141 The term -vicinity" in the awn prervalin
parAgrap.hs is ne*ned ws 111011111111g not mor
than nlnc miles 111 a direct Tiro, exclusive of the
width of reaallowances crowed In the
LN Au Intending In perform hl.
...Men. dude. In accordance with the ahs,.
while Hying with parent.. or nn forminglandowned by himself moot not ffy the agent or the
dl.trtet of 41111h intention. -
BMx months: notice In writing most hegiven
to the 1 'otlmlw)nner o1 Ipom)nlnn Lend, at
Uttaww of Intent.loh to apply for patent.
w, W, CORY.
flown, of th. Mlnl.ter nI the interior.
1'neethoriz.•.l estea.tlou of thin W
verNwmeot will not b paid for.