The Signal, 1908-4-9, Page 21
2 Tuuses•t, April 11, MI
the' 4iege. At last Wolfe, deceiving
the ever-watehful b410111). by a feiguel
attu•k on the Beauport Shoat*, anti
taking advantage of the expected ar-
rival of a touvoz of boats with pn,-
%isi))us for the 1• reach army, gut hie
wen. undercover of dal•kuess, o1) the
heights of Ahrtilestni and secured it
loeilaull whelks ke could, if nut dis-
IdgeL cut off all supplies from the
besieged city. Monte:dm was fulleed
to give battle, and the result+es
known. Roth e *11(101.0 (0aVell
fool wounds; 1)111' diel o1) the Held,
the other a few I 4s later i1) the
Lily, thinking to the last of the
people 111 his carr, 'I'1) Hrigwlier
Townshend, in t4f11p411'al'y command
of the British, Monte:dm sent'tIie fol-
lowing note : '-Monsieur, the huwan-
ity 1)4 the English nem wy wind at
Fer cuucerniug the fate of the
rench prioeue r mud the Canadians.
Feel towards them as they have
caused me to feel. le, net let thew
perceive that they have changed
mestere. Bee their plv,te'l01' ea 1 have
been their father."
How well the British fulfilled hie
expectations has I.r•n proved more
thou' (mete When, only fifteen years
later, the French-Cana/11au. were in-
vited to join the Atlantic Colonies in
had the already
Vee under British rola that they
not only refused to juin in the t'e-
ts•llio,, hut aided i1) driving the
Auiericen invadere from the country.
Today the British Nag her 01) more
loyal defenders then the descendants
of the men who fought agiinot it
under their beloved Montealm, and
('awed* stands ever as it monument to
British justice and (air -dealing. It
will be a sight of than cotuuuu
interest to MN* men of both ricer
uniting in rust pageants as will mark
the celebration at Quebec, and show-
ing to the world that, though not Of
nue blood, under a just and free gov-
ernment Canadians feel
'f'he touch of hue*,,, htutheI hood, Ata1 act
A- one Wesal nation, true .and strong a. .ted.
(.414(00141,1tIo H. oN rARW.
IVANA111 M k ItOlik:Irrlf)N
.Telophase t'a11 No. Si
Terms of subecrlatlen ;
111J104 tet Amino, to *foamy.
$io meaahs, ;as' ; Ihrae' month•.. 'Lie,
're United Stairs subscribers, $1,10 a year
l d
net ly in .1)1, 444440. .
Sulw'rtber• who fail to svelte Toa 1441.44 u.
regularly by mall will .outer a favor by ac-
quainting u. of the fart at as early a dale a.
N hen a Ohmage of address ottsirod. lath Ile
Wd II Ill the new oddly*. should be alien.
Adrseti.4n1 RM..
bog."' .1n41 other .dollar advert l *moult*. Ls•
per line for 111:•1 Ino tiler mot to err line fur
each .ub.eque nt inerrtlae. Mew.urwt )'y a
nrvgwreil sa•ah', twelve Ilam to an inch.
1113.1111110 card. of tux 1111m and under, :.i per
Sit ell ,.Jars(. of Im.4, Funnel. strayed. Si'.
1)a(1lwi. "101st. bt�uation.I.'d. Huu.wr.for
So it to Rout. i'anus for Sale 00 to Item,
Articles for r41o, 90.. not exreelinl eight
hnm,'Lt• rweh 14..•71 inn :$1 for first month. Stu
for each sul..ertuem month. lwlger advortb.e-
ua•nts In prnpoHwu.
Announcement.. i1) ordinary reading type len
era• per 1 a
4 1 Ir. a notice less { r than hi
Any 1)u
>. special the any
which 1- leo
per•uniary benefit or Ria>' indicid mal 1)r as.ari.
slier, w b- .onsidried an ad, rrt meat .:d
to he charted accordingly.
Rates for display and emily 3 nth i'9 lots•
assents will be given on applicati
Addre,o all communications to
44•.1\ArTEI1 k It(PHEICT7(N,
Tors \Moss\.
1i...erich. 1 hot.
UI110F:itI1 H. Til CRS! .1Y. AI' 1411k
Liberal Opposition in the 14•gis•
tato rt. deserves the thanks of all Mir -
minded po',.1111 for the vigorous pro-
test which it is e•uteriug ag:aiuol the
gerrymander. \Ir. \Vhitney with bis
big majority ulay b• 'ed by any-
thing the Liberia] menthe's may say,
but the country is listening and the
elect re who like a square deal are be-
ing appealed to i1) :a cause Iflat should
challenge their sympathy.
In liuron we have light at hand a
glaring instance of the gerrymander.
but the Liberal. i1) the Legiolature are
able 11) point to case• after Cane
thnugholt the Province in which the
Government has thrown aside every
cousiderat' of fairness of of public
interest in older to g.►in a Illirel•ahle•
party advantage in the rearrangement
of cunstitlencie.. Mr. NVhitne•y's
admirers hale been proud 11) point to
le a 111a11 "hold enough Lm lie hon-
est,- but the 1114411grul*twfl of 04,11+tit-
eneucies to which he has 'atoned is
bold only 111 it. di.ILone,1y.
An incident 444 the debate in the
House was the .land taken by Major
ltalhbun. of lies( Hastings. who was
elected as en independent and h.1): al-
ways voted with the Govern •1)t• but
who, staled in an emphatic Manner
that he Could tut support the I•eeiin-
tribut' bill.
Thel►ppoeiton will 1.8 justified i1)
keeping up the fight mail the Pn.v-
111ce is art/02M1i 11) a sense of the iu-
juatfcc'that i, being perpetrated.
The tereen Lentil y celebration to be
held at (luebee in .11111 will IN. Illliglle
hl many a esp4'c to. IL will 4 -
orate Cartier's discovery of the "frtrt-
resscliff,"and the bonding by 4'hem.
plain of the fort and city : and, most
interesting 111141 tumbled of all, de,
vendettas of the two) races who stet a,
foes 1)11 the Plains of Abraham will
join as friends to celebrate the famous
battle which "changed the destiny of
half a continent." and to honor with
filling ceremonies the memory of the
two gallant commanders who yielded
up their lives on that memorable day.
It WAS in the summer of IXI.' that
Jacques Cartier, the sea -captain of St.
Nalo, sailer up, the tln41ul river which
lie had mune( the St. Ietwn'nre, sand
beheld with wonder and delight the
splendid cliff which stood as guard-
ian over the IlilI'I-OW., of the river.
In lens K,unuel de C'haulplaiu planned
-- and, o:rectd the first trading -post
at the foot of the cliff, form•
ing the nucleus of the now f
city. Under the fostering care of
Champlain the little putt thrived
and grew. The English, under Sir
David Kirks, capter111 it in hot, het
in three year's r•e•Ntoled it to France.
Luring the administration of the
imperious 410(1 irascible Frontenec
it wax again attacked by the Eng-
lish, but was successfully defended
by the valiant Governor. :% few
yearn later it was .1'011 thiel eco long a
tierce struggle must take place for the
mastery of the eontittent, and the
Governor at that time, the clear-
headed and fan -seeing Tandoori1,
:strengthened Ilneli•e and other forts
in ineparati)0 for the ronll.a. By a
/strange irony of fate it was a4 son of
thin l andtx)lil who was forced, in 17111,
tosuer•mulch NIuntreal quid all Caned*
t) the vicLoriot1 Brit.m.
The half -century of+t rife culmin-
ated in the Seven Yearn' lI;m. Dur-
ing the lira years of the war the
British 411.1)10 we.rl ao few t ietlries, and
:suffered me tunny inglorious defeats,
that Britons mrd in shame, ••%Vt are
no longer a nation." Then arose the
fahious Tilt, who took the telex of
power and turned defeat le 0101.0ry .
Among the (officers chosen by him tot
conduct 41144147. in Anleriea were
Amherst, 1Vidte and Murray. .1 great
ca1upaitpn Wife. planned. The Hritieh
forces, 111 three diviminns. were to at-
tack the French in three different
parte of the r'r,untry, and grwpunlly.
drawing nearer together were to force
all the French towards (.(tole-, where
the British were to unite and, by
taking that 741 ghold, win all Can-
ada,. I'nder the new officers the pian
worked well. \Volts, to wl 11x,1
been given the meet difficult tolk,the
rapture of duels'(', did even
than oxo expected of hits. :trod stile
doted the city before the arrival of the
The mtury of the Lu,iths siege is tomo
The Toronto News credits H. Either.
M. P. I'., with * statement to the
effect that the new division of Huaou
is justifiable on the ground of facility
of railway communication. .He Bayo
that the south riding follows the line
of the London, Huron A Bruce Hail'
way, ('entre (inion the Goderich
Buffalo line, and Neill' Huron the
new l', P. Il. line.
As regards South Hewn this is true
.ince 1 uckersntith has been restored
to the mouth riding, and it is worth
toting that `if the three ridings this is
the one that present. the least change
from taw fold division,
The Goelericlt 1t BtiITol" lint runs
along the extreme south boundary
of ('entre Heron, :and between it and
the township of (trey the wjo1e
length of *mother township :McKillop,
intervenes. To say that \otth Hud -un
is mouldy reached (roil the new C. 1'.
1t. line is ser ridiculous a statetaeut
that we can hardly believe that Mr.
Eills•r tuaale it. Their might be some
semblance of color for the cl " that
the riding is accessible ft• the G. T.
It. ICineanline branch, but 10 fellow
out this arrangement the township of
(trey 1(111 the village of Brussel,.
mho eta be i1) North Huron i oote:t(1 of
in Cent!, Huron. -
11r. 1.ilh1144 claim is tho' only
attempt. we hat ,• .NY•11 t) justify the
new division, and it is pitifully lame.
There is absolutely no exc.lw• fur the
urw• arrangement except, party ex-
mm•e1h•ne y, and Mr. lather slight a..
well :ulma that it i. .1 straight caw' of
Comic., gentle spring:
Hello. 1)ung. ! 1.) it cold up
thele i1) North Huron .'
Ilarey Eillier preferred 'I'uckersmidi
and its aJ(Grit majority to the Tories
of Goderich.
Deti't worry *lout the weather.
Fit•st tiling we, know, we'll Is' liming
timbal b pie 011 till. hill-Of-f*,r.
What have the Tories of Goderich
done th*t they Nhould be so unmerci-
fully turned down by the bosses *t
Toronto :•
Let's tree. wh:at'm the Mayor's name
now Bob Macklin, or Dr. Thompson
These sudden changes are hand on the
Now watch the ►Vingham stet -
man try to sneak into the Legisl tire
Ithe representative of x gerry-nl* (I -
et et! constituency!
We are all ngreeol thatballot-
switching is disreputable, but Mr.
Whitney regards the theft of a seat as
a very ordinary matter.
The 11'inghanl Advance hastens to
diselaim responsibility for the Huron
gerrymander. The bode ich Star
c lemns it utterly. Where are its
The spectacle of The 'Toronto News
attempting to justify a division of
Huron that even the Tories of this
riding a lemn is one to mike a sick
men haw-haw. -
1 Ince before a Conservative Govern-
ment ti ght it haul made two s*fe
Conner.*tive seats in Huron and
found Lhat the scheme did not work.
1% ill history repeat itself ?
It is just possible that the Conserva-
tives of Ashfield and 1Vaw*nosh will
have sufficient independence to resent
the manner In which they have been
pitched around by the gerrymander.
Of 111 44*nI k + or r 'y anxlyrr'el by
the Inland Revenue Department only
two were found It be adislteratasl. It
i+ n'frenh1ng to fend that the printer+
well kn-'wtl to nee( n' -telling here.'1111 not tile only hunted trample in the
Nektons have two smrh commander. H111111)7'
11e4Dn p11-441 against each other-
%Volte, young. bravo, dauntless; Mont. ( IteOt. 1)1' Mc(lueen, 01 Edtnuttinb
palm, equally breve, alert, ehfv*Irons: suggesta that Twelfth of July celehree
the one tutees" ed 1)y continual i11- tions he nlwrlIshod and that the naemey
'stealth, tar ..her hindered amt her- he applies( to missies, work In 11 ester►
awned by the jrwlefl.v of the lb/V(11'1101%C ads There is a soh
Throw tenet menthe they tecta mets M pest for dltetue
other aoe:ng the mighty stream, and Mon In the Orange lodge.
.7 watched acrd fought amp rhPrkmntwl _
mai grew W admire and honor each ltitdyl/tl Kipling, disorntrsing on
other while awaiting the outcome of
-t r '44-
of eetanitle temp wettlr to express first.
clam fduas' lint wuuldu't it be oven
more drv,rdfll to use ttl'rt•clarr words
fur the exprorriou 1)f eecond•clare
ideas p
Al 18:1141 nue rtatewenl 11) the report
of the civil service cuwmiwiuu will
Riot be give, wide eilrulat' in the
(',neer ,114 k' ' proms. It is to 1110 effect
(hat the increased cost of living ix (11e
logical resin( of the meeting, iugoveI•
i•hing and d ':dicing synt.ui of
.014•, Whitney 411(1 the la'glalatau'u
that nut another riding w•112.1 re
remsuuably and Mara properly divided
i1) the rtlirt•ibution than WAN the
0001111 of Huron. %Veil, We know
what Ilnron is like ; but we did net
suppose the 0.1101,' Province, leu\ been
(1'eateat 11, the same dura.
Charles M. Hays, general manager
of the Grand 'Trunk Itgilvey, who ham
iust trtln•ue1 ft• a trip 11) 1111 (1
Britain, reports that" everything Cit
Mien is
ata premiumEngland. in kn r
The tariff preference granted by the
Ottawa Goa eminent 11) British pro-
ducts has undoubtedly Itad ch to du
with the favorable consideration
given to things C'*RilIdi:n in the 0141
Country.. - -
One of the 14uu111Ptsa Of, a (1epittltl'
nt the Lcgielatour tit me•rulr r
effective regulation of motor veltil•les
advanced the novel suggest' that
the high price of butter wee due to the
muter care, because termer" wives
were aft -aid to g1) on the roadI'ht•
&Interet't was receive[ with
laughter, but, Gus thoesp c tker 'arid, the
price of butter is 110 joke to those who
have W buy it.
The Provincial Gove nt of Al-
berta, which talruuly owned ,t fairly
extensive telephone 0)14lenl. has per-
rhared the 1ie11 telephone lines i1) Chet
Province. Manitols smote time ago
bought out the liell system in that
Province, and in S:Ibkatchew'xn there
is an /agitation for (lover nRilmit fown01-
shfp of telephones. %Viten will the
I?autern Provinces follow the example
of the p1'ogre14*ivr. %Vest
ltaLewent of the asaemdncnt
culnu)iNsiuuer of 'Permute that an :ul-
dition*I reseess)neet of elm can be
I node upon a house in which a pout
water furnace is iust111cd is Plat all -
other illnmlralion of the folly of our
taxation. methods. 'l'111' furrlaee
places no additional responsibility •t•
obligation upon the Rilinlfello di( y. and
yet the man who owns it is charged
with inert-asett Laze., 1. it not layout
time our It:gislmlurs gut to murk 11)
place the laxation sy.teul 4111 .411111'
realunable Iasis
S*ys a Whitney organ :
The fact that fifty-eight Consul'
uenciem have been left undirturlo+l i1)
the redistribution prox'ws .hones that
Mr. \Vhituey is not guilty of gerry-
mander tactics.
It would be nearer the mark to say
that Nit.. Whitney's failure 11) touch
these conntiLueucit•s is a tribute to the
fairnews of the old arrangement of
the constituencies. When. 118, 'Whit-
ney could see no advantage to his own
Party in making a change he at-
tempted none, but lis. has left the way
,poen for to more wholesale m.ulipuha-
4i0n in the future by pointing font that
another commis will Ire taken throe
years hence, wheel a redistribution
will again be in older. If the present
gerrymander is only a rumple. what
are wee to expect ft the next at-
tempt :•
The Sleepy Song.
.1- swill a. the atm burn, red 41,11 Io4•. '
And the hon...• upstairs is .1114,
She sings 1nc a nuee'r little sleepy song
Of sheen that go over the hill. '
The good little sheep nm quick and so(1.
Their colors are gray and white
And one 'no. u4er, as 1 one Come., 1,11.7,
For they must be home by right.
They follow their leader nose to tall.
Arid one r m. after behind:
The gray one s now at the while one'. tall
The top of the 1)111 they and.
And when they get to he top of Ito: hill
They quietly slip away.
Hut one rune over and one conies nexl1
Their colors arc while and grey.
And over they go and'uver they go,
And ovurth.'101401the hill
Tho gond Ilttle sheep run galek and +nit ,
.1od the house upstairs i. 141111.
A 101 ung slips os cr and ung None. next.
The gooey little, gray Ilttle shoat)!
1 watch how the fart• burns red and low.
.1 rad
.he say that I tell It.Ieup.
Ju+ephine thakam.
Smells as Bad Under Any Name•
Nome people Pixy call it gerry•
mand.r, but Premier 1Vhitney calls it
redistribution or re'tr'ibution, which-
ever the (left -0 please,
A Feastsor a Famine, 11141l•prodom.
Th*Cn t•he way with tht•l, there
banks. If you have mote money then
you know what to do with, they'll
want to lend you more. II you
haven't half enough money to pay
your way, they won't pend you it cent.
Fading Away.
Hamilton Times
Whitney, on merond thought., is Dort
going to abolish model ochools, but
merely to take the control of thein
out of the h*ads of the (oral authori-
1 icm. To whet Mnl*11 proportions has
this great, refnrnlxtlon of the educa-
tional eysLenn shrunk P
At the Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
Premier Whitney Say, Isilbt'r, .
they're making an awful fuse in emir
county. (curse you'll have to have
(iroleriel, (own in your riding, or else
take Tuckero,nel' lack.
11. Either, ILL 1'. 1'. 'Nell, let me
see. Tickprsmith has n Grit majority
of *lout le'itt), That's bud. (inderich
is *boat even : Int then there's Rev-
erend Klliott, and William Campbell,
and Rob Mclean, and all that gang.
111 take Turkerswitb.
‘-‘. woman's idea of s' bargain ba 1
something that I+twlntwl two iatEl., h
A man'. idea of a bargainfn 0 4
Ministers Taking Action to Reform
the Civil Service.
Clltaw4, April O. The debate 011 the
budget war concluded last week and
prugrt•rs is baring wade in the unpin.
taut routine work of the House, Fol-
lowing the report of the civil 14101cc
comitili*Niltl the thorn* lllllWit 11144
taken auu,lher iwporlatt step towatvlr
refur14 by the appeittue11t of Mr.
.11ts1fac• Cassels, of the Exchequer
C t, los a loyal cue ou isriuuer to con-
dor( *u in0(1741igat' into Marine De-
p:u'tui8ut affaires, Hun. 1.. 1'. tiro -
dent. Minister of Marine and Firh-
erie., has 1111' roue time beton making
iu0e.tig.ations with at view to reform-
ing lois Ilep erturnt, and already sev-
eral uflciel, have Is.011 made to walk
the plank. Sir 1►'iltrid Laurier has
intimated - that the (iuvernmeut in-
tends t, deal or speedily Ria tensible
with the other watie•1s referred to in
the report of the civil service ctt(umis-
Laurier for Clean Government.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier ier i, determined to
have Clean ulmitisU:rf4)u. and that
he wml I
Illtx+ , .
kthe emirs'. •t
n e• n f appoint-
a ult-
ing a .oval runnulmmion W iuyeatigstr.
'v, the result of the "pinion exploitive/
by the civil Nervice eta uu41fwiourrs
was to be rapeecl4oilIt will slake no
difference to 1 ' who the guilty
parties are. If any such are hound
they will inert with their dements
without :ley 114/3111 for polities.
When the l'riole :Minister knows 1.140
('11111-744. 114.1111 ell by 11111 y, 111:at course pie
will follow, w6clrver 11 Way brad, 1111(1
111 t111. 411• will he ally slggorteol by
Iollo ve•s in tb1• blouse. and le-
cuive the 1-tl1twPlr)LrfmO, er1cuueage-
meta and endorsement 4)( 1110 a la y
al Large. -
Ministers Too Lenient.
Thr lion. has 4:1111'- for vigorous
action. The ilirliaethave net 't1
111 the Guver •1)t employ men
whest. services oluould have leen Ilia-
1*'natal ailb \,•tore• 114)10•, but the fact
that they were l onset%alive% has
e.m1.0) some bsi11Lio11. because them.
would bait' lieu those who) would
question the lana tides ,,f such :11•ti0n,
.and it w4)u11 not have leen eey to
convince tilt• people that' it worm dune
in the public ulten•sl. 'l'he lion, how.
ever. 11.a:, arrive) whet) nu false deli-
e'se•y '1)r consideration for mein who
11:14.1' forfeited my right to it should
stand in tla' way of purging the
service of men who have abused their
trust, and been Ibe pt unary causer of
cesea y expenditure 4)1 elle pub1.e
The services 4)1' .411-11 u,e•u
eau n1) lunger ik' "'tailed for the
04.111111'y's interest.
Mr. Lewis Has Another Ball.
\B. Lewis Iles int•mhl4ed. a hill to
;lured 1118 rrituina 1:1m1)' ''1.11104714 re•-
.pe'tin.: injuries 10 eer'trs clue t4)
motor 416irbs. It proposes to utak.
owner. 4)r pm•r.rmm in charge of such
ve1)iCles r,••ponsibk• and liable to ftl-
le-imminent for Imodily int trite due to
11,1.1'•• being fright/geed ley them.
Speaking tell the teem ion, Mr. l,ew'i.
said Nets w:as a gum%iug feeling to
Ih)• rural districts bewail, of the in-
creased .11111111N•r of 1 r•111er1t• 4110 111
a llttnloldtes, and 141 • act' Isy the
(lver rat w•:s sora .airy. The. hill
was read a lirst tiule'. .
To Regulate Patent Medicines.
Hon. )1r. '1'cmplenl.(11 ham as hill 11)
provide tot• the in.pset ion and regula-
tion of the sole of proprietary and
patent 'mete -bee, 11t. '1'etupleulan
explained that the bill would define
what proprir'tu y meiieinee 2441', 19L-
Pnl 11ing h is ''I '' atiou 4111 potent
and pn,prielery n,.,I•'4ne• that, would
hair 111 -their Ia1Nd, the full furnrinl*
containeel i1)' the tie dientem, Ihereby
11.urimr publicity with regent to the
1•0neep. a 1)r ow -
.• cocaine would h• .absolutely pro-
hibited. :and 101 ,nal quantity 4,f
alcohol in auv melieiue would :also be
prohibited. The 11. • of Guy dclrter-
mus drug 4or p. tem, ,a lint of which
would he gi0en, oold haa%e to be
printed un the label.
Liberals Fighting the Get-aymender
A Minority Report.
Toronto, April u. The Liberal 1)p.
position in the L •glsletute is putting
up a vigorous light :against the gerry-
mander avhieh \I r. 1Vhitley with his
brute nmjowl ty is furring neem the
Province. '1'110 debate wan opened
thin afternoon, aim Hun. 4, G. Mac-
Kay, the Opinositio .n leader. led off
with a strong .pee.•h in which lite
dealt a succession of hard blows at the
iniquitous ntensue.
The Minority Report.
A toilworn) tome was breotght in
by the Liberal member', of the redis-
tribution committee in which the pro-
posed changes weriedealtwilh in de-
tail. The changes in Brant and York
were accepted, belt these were the
only alter:de/tin which found favor, in
the Li)er,41 deport. It wore 1.PeOtl-
mended that the ridings in Middlesex,
Toronto, Ewe. and Petertwtvi t'Pnrai11
,w they were. tither riding, in which
it was held there .h4)nld 1)e un ch*nge
weir: Brock ville• Leeds, Cardwell,
Peel, Ottawas, 4(11(1 Weet North bete
A e new division was proposed for
INN m rte follow.: -
NOa111 tiding Sl:urley, Tucker -
smith, 1'abo•n,', Hay and Stephen
townships, and Seaford, Exeter, Ilen-
sull and Iiayll Id.
Centre tiding ,l,hfield, Colborne.
!Gillette MnKill,p cul Goderich
tow "sniff p e, 4,lKlerk. and Clinton
North riding I:1st. and West. W*•
w4al1001. Morris, (i r1' y, 1Iowick. Turn -
berry too n'.hip.,'.Vinghaur, Ilen4eele
'Wroxeter *01! Myth.
The increased I'•pres('ntat • for
New (10110.10 was aecepfed,
Provincial' Rights Again.
The Hn418o 111111 a Provincial rights
day Incl. we'e'k. .118 Whitney brought
fn a et-mantfon trawling a hill intro-
duced in the Senate to inellirp4►rate the
Ontario & lilichig 1)l Power Company
And dealing wish certain venter .
powers in Thunder Illy district. 'rhe
I'r•nliet's resolution condemned this
hill as an inv,lrion of the rights of the
Province of Omelet, *n4 protested.
ag*inst its !l'41141 earl -led into law.
MacKay had it telegram
forint Sir 1Vilfrid Laurier staling dhat
he wit., not informed regarding the
hill, b411 that if it was all Invasion of
I'rovinci*I rights it would not he
allowed to pomp. The bill tuns peop-
artel by * p4.'ole member of the
Senate *1111 waw in no sense a Govern-
ment meatitire, And when it came be-
fore the Semite rnmmittee it was
thrown out. Mr. 'Whitney's r'esoln.
tion looked like firing off a cannon to
shoot,* (ly.
Civil Service Appointments.
A return laid open the table by the
Hun. W..I. Hanna shown that during
fie period the present (loves nment
*a Bern in mower shirt one manth*rs
of4he01vi1 service? Mew •l, dined/vied
end 111 h*ye 'resigned, while serenLy•
Canadian journalism, deplotts the use thing that costs tau mink
(here VACA1101016 have occurred Utl't.ugh
usher moors. During the wane period
tL'1 sppgintwehts have beeu wale,
MAW taw number of civil servant* hots
Werra/mil froont.,7111 in 1904 to 817 1)t
ptrrrut. In this connection' It should
Im• noted that the resiguetious wet'u in
many cares fort of by tae Govern -
went, and practically amounted to
Anti -Boni Bill Killed.
\Ir, Downey's hilt to prohibit the
Kruitihu of ' pal ismus's W
industrial concerns war thrown out
by the municipal committee.
Supplementary tedin)ottel tutdliug
getire:sht'1 were laid on the table of
the 110ure tachy, taking the total
proposed expenditure for the year.
ex(Iurive of expt'udlture under mead*(
w:u'l'ante, 117,10), )lt:4I,
Mix This Simple, Helpful Recipe at
Home and Try it, Anyway.
Ciel front any prescription pharwm-
ciat the following :
Fluid Extract 1)441(101' , nue-half
:Compound l wwu
nal K
1 un one mom;
Compound Syrup P Sarsaparilla. rlll► three
Shake well In It bottle and take a
teaspoonful dose after each weal and
At bedtime.
The above it considered by an em-
inent authority, who writes in a New
fork daily paper, as the Howl pre-
oCription ever written to relieve lack-
.u•he, kidney trouble, weak hlmdder
end all forms of urinary difilcultiee.
This Mixture mita promptly 011 the
elinliu+llive tiseure of the kidneys,
enabling thew to filter and strain the
uric acid and other waste twitter from
the blood which causes rheumatism,
44 pensions who :suffer with thWee
afflictions may not feel inclined to
place much confidence in this eiwpk
mixture, yet those who have Iriotl it
may the results, are simply ourprieing,
the relief being effected without the
slightest injury to the stomach for
other organs.'\
Mix some and give"( a trial. IL cer-
laiuly comes highly recommended.
It is the ptercript' 111 an ewiuett
authority, whose entire reputation. it
is said. was eetahliohed by it..
A druggist here at home when
asked stated that he could either
supply the iugt•rdiettr or mix lite
prescription for our remit le. alae
r,•cORimlend, it 4411 hlarndes,
We Have Come
to Stay
and are paywg highest prices for
and all other kinds of
Wm. L. Lindsay
Phone 16s.
Easter Term
slasolls' -
• an.ula's11.,c:,tesl1 Lain of High:Grade
ILlsineas College♦
101:4(1.444 04
P►) w4)a,KOttjn
1/4,/.04411 11
follow. LLe . 11.1ma of 11us11aews ('011(000,1.•
and take. no "menton.
sfenagraphers, nook keeper. and Telco
molter. are in great denunal III J0IT.
A um' .t. September and th•tober.
it's train mine )u'In4 people 111.111 any
*010,0 nuluagemenl In Ontario.
There 1n<1-1 1,c A re.a+on : write for il.
OFA). 111.07-11 IN. Principal.
Paring from 1:4 to 01114 per month by
al.tending the popular
Th1+.4)1,011. noted far and near for the muper4 ,
lot education given In the .Indent. and for
the remarkable .uame xof Ira j�ggrataduate..
('dlege open the entire year. Hegln now.
In1r training will make you Independent.
Write today for lstalogua.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal,
(turner Yonge and Alexander Street..- up the work lighter on the
Lace Curtains
Greater variety, bigger stock and better values than
ever before.
We have imported la beautiful lot of Nottingham Lace
Curtains, new patterns, rouging in prices to suit all, from :,Oe
up to $5.00 per pair. We invite you'. inspection.
Goderich Ladies' Wear
llats for
as dreamed up for Easter. It
1 ' makes a person feel good to get off the
winter overcoat and don a new suit Of
clothes and a new hat. if you come
1 `u u J _ BBAND _ , to this store you will get what you I
want, if quality and style are what you
want. We would like you' just to
drop in and see the beautiful range of
fancy worsteds and imported tweeds
we are showing this season, tailored
by !be aoth Century Brand Clothiers, '
of Toronto. Suits made to special order if you wish. Hundreds of samples ■
to choose from,
West Street
King and Borsalino hats are an great demand 1 over Canada. The
style and quality appeal to the good judgment of al good dresuers. For
your next hat try a '
Knew,, - llalLan
11111 111/1100
W. Acheson & Son
01411 attention to their spring importation of
Kid Gloves
EasterWitEaster only a short time this is 01
great interest.. /
Reynier Gloves anti Perrin's Cloves
Women's Elbow -length Dressed Kid Gloves
Mousopuetairesty 14•, Meek, whit•*nd tau 02.50
Women's Mousquetaire, &button length
I)riveted hid Gloves, black, while am] tan. $Y. ., lalue....
Women's 2 -dome Dogskin or Kangaroo Kid Gloves
Tans only, and re•unlnmudPd fur hail wear :and sc•r',4,, 1.50
Women's 2mdome French kid Gloves
In all the lost makes. fli black, Lan and white, at $1,'r;*ud 1.23
Men's 2 -dome Tan Kid Gloves
Perrin's brat Make. in *elect stn:mien, i'. le !r, at per pair......
Select Woollens
and Furnishings
raw Housecleaning Helps
'('his is the season when housecleaning
is in full swing. We offer a new aide
in waki
I AMMONIA. rota: bottle
LYE, toe tin
5c Rid roe package
IN/♦♦♦♦NN♦♦♦ �♦♦pb♦♦N♦
Spring Term Opens April 1st.
Thoroughness 1a the keynoteof
this in.testion, Our school .stand
for what is mouser and weer In
Walloon edsaatlon. Wo have three
department. -- (,'ommerelal, Short
Hurl and Telegraphic. our pnad-
I1*4P. wirer. Numeral. 1f Imere.ted
get MR free ralaleltm•.
from April 1111, mento. Into 0dr
Monomer Tera from July ea. Netter
now end be ready torn good of sat Inn
in the cooly imams. New catasogne
fru. Waite fork.
104410447. 110114410.1 104e00*,
YONOR and ORRRARf Me„ Totentt.
W. H. SHAW, Principal.
BORAX, roc Ib. '
Mend in your list. We deliver gouda promptly.
Spring Milliner
MISS CAMERON has prepared for the spring
and summer season of 49o/ an elleeggaannt aseertment
1'r 411 the newest and most tasteful sRsets in Millinery
and mks the Wits to tall and inspect.
Aje selection of Trimmed and Uatriattned Hats
Hamilton St. Godericli
.. iii.+.r'�r,.n .,"11.41.. ay,.•n.a ., e,,t'�:u.s._i