The Signal, 1908-4-9, Page 1Get into the Game
with an advertisement in
The Signal. Bright, at-
tractive advertising is the
bed investment the nier
hent tall intake. The
Signal has the circulation
that counts.
8IXTY•Y111riT YY,AIt-No. Ile
4 t'
* 'r
Don't Run Away
with the odela that you can
get any better printing any
where than you can get
right here at The Signal.
Leave your next order at
flus office.
blurt aw►vings account. Little by little Polhill soul, are de-
posited in the Bank, wind in an inct'tdfihly short time the
owner of the account finds" that hie money has inrreseed In
almost magical fashion, [epi yiug hint many times over for
the ental! "privatinus' he may have undergone in order to
provide lot the proverbial "rainy day."
FOUR per hunt. interest paid ou deposits :and motley can be
withdrawn at any time.
Goderich Office, Corner North Street and Square.
Notice to Creditors
1 rt' HU ICON. UENTLEMAN, DE( 1.: Asa).
\int 44 P. i* hers by few en Orient to the rv.
NI .4e 1use.. of 0*1*rbn 1t1Or 1.1'bap. 111. that
.dl. r,+llto's and others having e•lruu. . mins[
the estate of 111e said Francis ?kneel h. who
4041 uu us" about lee IUi day of Monh..1. 13
eye aye n,lutrwd on or before the 1st day of
M:o. A. h. IUM. to semi by pec. prelw& or to
dch% cr Or the London & N earl 0 Tr,1.l- 1. 'coo
gamy. London. Ontario. the executor of the
AQ will and teal v0ut of tlw said dr voi..ed
mot renew, sue un..aunw. +44111r0404,4Owl
d,..Crlpl.iw,,. the full partiut.r, of lhrtr
. tom.. the statement of their accounts un1
the nature of the anode ie. ,if any3 held by
1 xis F1 grata TAUS Sol es that after said
las, mentioned date the saki can -etas will pro -
Id to distribute the oaths of the deneteel
amen.; the parties entitled thereto. hos mg
reward only to 1 he dalur• of w Mrh they -ball
.hen ha%e notice. nal that the wort executor
wog not 1e h.ble for Ilse siert- tor any tart
thereof to any perrm o per -.os of whore
. aims eaten dull not Isere been revelled et
.he lune of such distribution.
Dated the 3rd day of Minh A . 10 1'1..
1'HOI'11F(KYr. HAl'e k HI.AIIt.
Solicitors fur (4* Executor.
tar Se
THE tO('NTY or Hl KON.
Ix 1414. eat rile er me torrent on I14%111
M. 1t.. AIM. 1.►Ta or vile Tow ♦Mine ur
Wrest WeweecaN. le TMA ,VI xT 4' or
Flutes. bee 11111AM, Dm reset..
\ulnw ',thereby elven persu*nt to 1: 11.
re., 'ha{pier IJII. Section 34. 11401 all purser.
Fare claim. eagata.l lb. „date of the
leo W'Ilw*lo. who died 00 or about the lith.
dn. of %I h, 1'JK are moored on or before
rhe Pah da f April. I1*04. to rend 4.y post
ernes,' or to her 10 hole•,[, of
the 1°44o -hip info t'oiI,orne. men, eau,..tad
(+drew Mellow.. 1 lh• toenail), ,f WestWawaeeo.b. burner.r`�e. Mors nt Ile 1.01 w'll
and testament of t lid w11 +l e, A.A. !hell
1111113.• addresses And 11, r•rndlol. 1111 .s full
-1414-11emi of jartreulan, oebrio • Isom- and
the nal ere .4 the security moo held by
tie IN. 41313.wrtlnbd : and that ter th.' sad the sad exe0'itOl. will proceevielet distill.
W. the assets of Ihr deceased mama( the
Isom, nes entitled thereto. 1 ving retard only to
1• claims of whir h 3 le-y!lieu ha. a lroli
11.1.4 this lath day Ct /lamb, IUM.
R4HF.KT M. ILWAIN 1 Cxa.:ntarw
o int r w 1 Inertness
uir end 1 rt k
of m
furnit I
to Mr. loam, Juhn•t u 0 b1. who tuben woad
t.tnl with toe dm1lmg the 1..1 ynnr.. all
erre s mora he eitl•+1 by era -h or note before
Inc Yeti lis -t. I ani Ira% tog Gulenrh and it 1.
'Intel -14114e 41143 ell Mx.mli. Intel 3.4.Id al
lime specified, uh.•rwlsr I shall he obliged to
tt*re (heat b1 other loud, for collection. R
N, 11)1'KKil.
Plea.. take notice Ilut the minim! general
unit lig of the-h*rehulders of the tinder -tell
11..bowtor and Tran cit I "money, [molted. .111
In• hrkl in the olSee of the town tmattrer.
Cud ea•Ich. on
(. l.wk p. m.. for the elneio t of directors
3..t th cn*wirer year mud Ow transaction of
••t Mr beaten.. that nus property be homage
before the meeting.
itNrneedl W. I. HORTON. Mai.*gcr.
e..dcrich. March Cilli. 1413.
seise i, hereby elven that aereirwtion will
is. erode to tete Legalist ere of the Province of
4 'tori, a1 114 present sitting for an Art to con
dint !slaws 0. and 21 of the low n of Gerderlrh
-(.trying up and selling certain trails of
. Mbi; Terrin.. Water Lane, near), street end
Herber lame. roads In the town of (Yodel Joh.
and us env '1, for opening up 11 renal in cxlen
,ion of Stater Ince, In the town of Uorlerfrl..
paea 1 Ly the eonneil of the town of Uoderich
in November, 1107, *.l4 the agreement em
(trot into inKaramle there'd,
A. (1nr
. MA(.'IN)NAL1),
Solicitor for the Ai..lie*ole
1 executors of the restate 11,0 the bale
11.01r101 Achemun hove lleeirle11 to otter the
whet, e4 Ie for ole. The property enl4ist, of
teal cerate, deb•ntores, bonds and .tock..
Portico wishing to Inns.[ t1 wry of the abort,
pmtlertie. own gee hill particulars on applies
lion to the ex,--nttirw.
Alt*. EMMA M. AiltMoia.
Kxec cul x.
.1. 1'. Meows 1 Executors.
Wii.,Atl ACII..UN f
Uesl,rich. 1)ee. 6th 11117.
T 11 E
llg1D Orncr TORONTO
A.;TAOarlaD CAPITAL. - 111. 000.°14
To accommodate the Fakeers
we have opened Branches in the
village's of
VARNA and-
We solicit the Patronage of the
opened hy deposit of $1,(f
Interest at 1% compound- -
od quarterly.
A. O. UAMHI.h:, *ger.
Copy of change 01 running advertise-
ments must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week-
Jeb Kent
1 hone Iter the tentage with all sondem
COO, eu4etwer, Young twat preformwf AVVI)
et THE SIGNAL ugh, . tit 21
Meal Mate tor bale.
r kens Nelson .Rrect, with new bare .a It
Mat Apply to H. H. MeekI'T`r.
T he Holland farm on the 4111 coM:u.auon of
AshOeld, containing PM acres, ueuly all in
ens--. Goal building.. Fine orchard. which
dl lacy Intelr.t on the whole investment.
Raison for rolling: duo far away to attend toil.
%pply (0 J. T. UOLDTHORPE. naltford.Out.
frame buu.e, hart and mutt water, sewage
.xxnmrt,one ; Nu.: Pine's street. lately or-
..ti-med by Mr. Tho-. weatherald. If not sold by
both of April. w411 then be offered for sale by
public. *action. Also then: sere* cart of the U.
T R. -fattest. known ..- the northerly 14 acre.
month of the U. 'I' I t.. I.ebg part of Block A. lis
Pm k and Marwud s survey, Uudetirh. Apply
THOS. %TF.ATHEIt,1LD, Jin Deistic street.
tt owlsoek, 141,1.
j41 .-41 or 1P1 foot (mintage at de.lnd. These
hes an• wrung(loser) lineal nl 1h.• town u/
1 ioderirh. centrally !mated sial wlthu, a few
tnlnutoe' walk of the court hoarse Square and
pn.1nprl business place. of the too it. .0 'sells,
mast e0rlrcomet lis the Collegiate Irate ute.
1'nldlc I.tlnrary eel I'o.t.ottler. Peeve) ohs do
site •One reoldential property *01 do well to
nee MRM. J. H. WILLIAM$. Market street.
Lot 1I, tonceselon 13. Hulled, brio know u
a• ire Joseph (lovler farm Om the imparts Is
a borne, Isom aril .table, len acres of bush. ung
acre of orchard. :sown" at for rnitivatioo. mull
clay loam wird watered by • god rn111t1O1
-pnoy. Tln- l,roperty is 111 • good lo0•111),
close to school. Thur, h aid It. IL w at
Term. of ret ell*/ And dlu are of the most
bclal character. For further ldoruuuiun
y to MKS:OW.1 l'IU)l UF(N)T, HAY" &
It. narrater, F:lo•.. l,odrrlrh.
23th day of Manch. A.11 1e1e. ee 21
r of choice L. garden or farm land admitt-
ing the town, ne esti of the old "Inter-
national' fano. ro.swablo and w111 be
suit u.DUNLOP.
made ut .A Amer4 H
rated pp w r
West street.(lodeMo4
Accident to Mrs. R. W. McKenzie.
A most unfortunate and distressing
accident occurred to Mrs. It. W. Mc-
Keneie ou Maturlay morning last.
She was staudiug on a chair 1n the
Louise when *be fell, breaking( a bone
in the right limb at the thigh. The
accident will render her inactive for a
long time. and her wavy friends rym-
pathtze with her very heartily in the
"Festival of the Lilies" Souvenir.
The badges for the "Festival of the
Lilies" are now on sale at Dunlop's
drug store. As there are only •
limited number, three intending to
hear this production should secure
theta at once. After the badge's are
sold tickets will Ile used, and as the
(Midge makes a nice souvenir many
will be anxious U. keep them. For
further particulars in regard to (his
production sec window cards. ,
C. P. R. Engineering Office Closed,
'Che C. 1'. It. engineering office was
closed last week and most of the stall
have left town for other positions.'
On Tuesday evening the office staff
called on Chief Engiueer P. A. Peter-
son at his residence and presented him
with :a hendsome gold -headed cane
and int adders'. The latter was read
by T. Heeney and brief speeches were
wade by 1t, G. Daw and A. J. Kidd,
A pleasant oo:ial evening was spent.
Tenders for Electric Railway.
At the meeting of the shareholders
of the Ontario \Vest Shore Electric
itailway Company held at Toronto on
Tuesday, tenders were received for
the consLru.•tion of the line from
li(alerich to Kincardine, and it it
expected that the contract will be
&wattled within the next two weeks
so as to allow of the coutmenceweot
of actual work before the end of the
month. H. J. A. McEwen, who is
secretary of the Company, went. down
to attend the meeting.
Applications for Liquor Licenses. ,
The license commissioners of West
lluron,a a to meet at Inspector As -
I uith'e,Mtce, Aulonr, nn Rednasday,
Aril 22od, at I o'clock. to consider
the applications. for licenses for the
yet% 191J841. [Slat year twenty-five
taMu and two shop licenses were
honed in West Huron. There are
applications this year for twenty-six
tnvsrn licenses and three shop
licenses. The new applicants are
Joseph Retumbur„ for a tavern
license in Clinton, and Michael Dalton.
fox a shop license in Ooder*ch.
Women's Institute.
last. Thursday afteruoun the mein -
bete of the Goderich branch of the
iVomen's Institute held their April
*meeting at the resident e of Mrs. Mt
I' on Wolfe street. Pr d1 mrroom. kil-
eheu. poultry.wweh -room II'.d f hell down -
.1.4,": throe• bedrooms. Rwu close and bell
upstairs. Thr house i. All mew -papa Slone
foundation end good roller. Apply to A LAN
MACDONALD. it. engineer Uo erirh Planing
Mill - Co pore). •:1ff_`�
I00D H(JI-ME FOlt KALE Olt Tl)
T rent. ,mforteble house to rent. Minimum
vat. I onn..ient 10 S.Inare. )Mthrunu. cls".
Would w.''epTt1'4 to responsible tarty who could
make inederate cash payment with balance in
monthly In.t*lmonto. For pertIculgr, Apply at
r block D lake road east. 1'olbonie town•
ship. two miler from Ooderich. (.Yp acne, good
clay loon.. brick house, barn 71 x 07. with
oen,ent stabling, a1tedan welt, water ill bnild
and stains creek, x erre, -tending timber
and young orchard. Apply to 1'. l'. M. NICI L,
Dunlop 1'. D. sat -(1
Estate Agents.. Unclench. Ont. -Vann and
town properties bought, sold and exch.need,
1,10It MALE. -A LA)tOE, (OM.
I' 14)IITAHI.F: brick honer overlooking the; all modern conveniences, including
hot water heating. Apply to YOUNG &
CRTSON, Roderick.
LCNT hued for market garden, with gaol
nlMings and tones :two mile. from Gods.
rich : eve acnes In orchard of apples, pear.,
plum., cherries, poaches, grapes and rasp
berries. Pries and terns fas'orablo. Apply to
ToeNu & ttl)Hh:HT)N/N, (loderlch.
1 of Angle.e street, l) story house on
Napier street, ul seory ho ese on Elgin ave-
nue, 1 •tory house on Victoria et rest,
Two.torybrick hour on I .w.ex street near the
lake : nine renew. ell modern eonvenlenoes,
Mt. David's street ; nine 1001111, all modern vote
reser.. Varna for wale In any part of
Huron county. 'YOUNG & ltOl(E11T111)111,
Goderich, Ont.
MA1.e.-2nscrewin Wet S%iiwaI,o»h. (430
ml from Auburn ; 0011 a ray loam. about 140
amen under cultivation and 73 t0 10 acres
Umber. A well and two 4(3040g% of weber, a
new frame dwelling. a amid barn, stable and
driving abed. Apply to YOUNG & ROBERT-
SON. Dolene'.
i' And nisi earl *are farm in West Wawa•
nosh. eMcnwlon 6 lot 47, with 175 woes In a
good w to of cultivation. well (ended. well
watered archery'. large lank barn, good
bonne. Prortolline. blacksmith shop and .tom
at corner of farm. ('on•ember[ to school and
ohureh. 3i miles frim C. P. IL statim at
Auburn. Terme easy. W. A. HARItIMON,
lalrknow, Ont.
et roimrd say. deeding.'.viler a gond
. (,o,tlnn, on Keay. 04r.'.'I. 4(01,0 foundat.lot
. rd .,nn,mer kitchen, rood stable. Will rte sold
rM,.olably. For further particulars apply to
MRP. WM. McCAU(IH,1\', 41 Davie..
Toronto. _
r farm for Fele, adapted for mixed fanning
or pasture, sn acme domed, 10 erre. rood oreh-
*rd, 13 *em0 gond IImMr. Soil . good Meek
claw) loom. (food traria honor. frame horn end
at*ble•, goal driving abed. Irate lel and SE
eoneeeedon 1, Ik*terleh townahlp, Apply to
IRnl'DFINIT HAYS& 111,Alitor to (HAM.
J. WALLIM ('linters.
Uel 0nr training In the sehral IMO Is
gnellfled ,ngloo yen the lest OW ran
11e hod.
The British Amorie.n B'.lnea`
('41).,Collate% M. C. A. Refitting. Toronto.
Write fm ral.ldgn4.
'FNCaaIlt. Apnllllh.
wltna3. ler bush. new.. i) 04 to • u 82
Snoring wheat, per bush, new..., d IM to 11 R'
Rye, per bash aesto 045
Hu,kwheat. per bush - 0 1M to 0 011
OM, ser bush., new a a1 to 0 12
Pear, per hush 0 .., to 0 78
Barley. ler Medi . 0 4.. to n .fl
Screening.. per Inn . M ON to 14 Irl
Flour, family. per cwt 133 to . *3
Flour. patent. per cwt ,. 3 YS to a 2.5
Bran, per ton . ' , 011 to S, 1x)
Short•, per ton .. .. , MI till to 91 pl
Hay. new. per ton f0 An to 17 50
Wood, per cord 6 00 to 6 Ott
Batter, per lb 11'_5 to o' G,
Cheese . per lb 0 13 to J 13
room. fresh. per dos 0 11 1a 0 N
Potatoes. nevi ..11 111 30 11 46
cattle, ordiny to good, tercel. 3 in to 4 141
(Ito le. export. per ow(. 4 514 to 4 76
Hog.. lire weigkt, per cwt3 a, to 6 n.
L.n,b. 31 10 '6 a)
Sheep. per owe 3 :e to 1 to
Ham. per Ib . 11 18 to m le
Bacon. per Ib 0 1.. to (1 9)
Land. per Ib 15 to IS
elloo. per Ih 14 to 005
m1, per cwt 3 en to 3 ,Se
Sheep Skim .ii to 111
firna-elapw animal. T
at rplles*• on 1.
R. at ATH.
13 purrh*+al the biotin.. heretoforen�orin.
ducted by Wm. Johnston. and solicit.. op11414
for le -noble. cleaning WWI remarlug ladle. and
gentlemen A glut les. Work dole promptly and
at reasonable retire fall at store on Montreal
street• second door hour It. It. Snllnw.. (photo
In 30 10
12 to 11
.1.1'41.01.1 ma page :x )
hire hog tluil.ortodn. A
7hnpts- *1.w. For service
orich township. S.
titrations Vacant
to learn the baking lousiness. H.
STI W l:, Klogat oe 1t rest.
KMilou, Trafa Wearstreet. Thin we
inpf was well Trailer
forty pore ns
Ieingree ie including fifteen visit-
ors, ofp whew leu became members
before the meeting closed. The May
utdrting will be held at the beide of
Nisi. .1, Thomas. Wlwn the annual
reports" of the °flt-eta will he given
and officers sleeted for the enshiog
year. Senbjeet for program. "Pros-
e t 11f Canada and Meuwries of�
P ri v ,
Our Queen."
Death of John McGarva, Clinton.
John McGarr*. une of the oldest
bushier.' wen of Clinton. died in that
town on M.tueday et the age uf rev-
edty-six, lie owned and operated a
auk block mine years ago and con-
ducted a grocery establishment for a
number of year's. Previous to the
appointment of a police magistrate
Ire was the le,uling jnntit•e of the peace
of the town. In politics he was :a Lib-
eral and in religion a Presbyterian.
He is survived by big wife. a daughter
of the late Alexander Wallace, of
U(xlerich : also by nue ion. Andrew.
of Mooaejaw, and one daughter, Mrs.
Re v. I I ►tehl, of Palrley.
Baseball Club Organized.
The • iuderich h•aseletil club was
organized for the season op Wednun'
tjsy light. the following office's. being
elected : Honorary president, E. N.
Lewis, M. 1'. {estrum, %V. l'roudfuol,
K. C., M. G. Cameron. K. C., M. 1'. 1'
and Fred Davis; president, Davol
Munroe : manager, John Tait : secre-
tary -treasurer, Preston Strang; euul-
u,ittee, Harry Edwards, (i0,. Mac.
Vicar, H'tny Rtstann, J. F. Rutland.
There is talk of forming it league to
include Wingbam, Luckuuw, Blyth
and Ooderi4, so that there should be
some good 1 seball here thio smuttier
I'testun Strang has resigned the posi-
tion of secretary -treasurer.
Don't Mus This.
The li. 1'. 1. Litet:aty S.cieLy
Domes.. a concert in t ictorba Opera
House for next Tuesday evening.
April 111.11. the proceeds of which ,are
to lie donated W the 6. C. 1. football
club. An interesting feature of the
progr•Iwt will be an oratorical elonte.t
Gil' which Ihr. Strang tillers a 44141x,
Besidew town talent. the program will
include also, route tiler Club tact,,
the reading of 111e G. l'. 1. Journal.
three shut t play., a wand drill ami
other hers. Reserved st•:14.s '2,c :
rush .'eats, l:N:. Their should be as
good hoose. es nut only will the pro-
gram be an intereetiug one but the
object i4 111N• that should twelve
heart suppi)rl.
Goderich Engine Works Sold.
(h, Mono('ley last .lames 1Vihemn,
liquidator of the liodcrich Engine &
Bicycle Co.. dlep ried of the plant,
which had been idle for tome t -
Toronto partite, in eunjuoct• with
the ih)ty Engine %Volk% Co., are the
purchaser's, and it ie 'indeed -owe! that
a profyusitiuu will Ie prnw•1ted to the
town council at.a11 [•.arty dale, with 'a
view of procuring assistance toward.
putting the -pliant in uperat• in the
near future. The plant is it valuable
one. and the people of Uuderich will
be ghul t, lee it ,again in working
01(ier. Mr ih)ty is putting a few men
to work et the East -d. factory right
away 4 new loofa will he pit ell the
loildisge and other iulploventenLvv
13 Anto-Spr*y.' Hest hand sppr*yer made;
.wmprereled-.Ir, •utotatic. Liberal terms.
( AVERS HRo et. °alt.
AGENTS NV ANTE I►! -- 111x20
crayon portralte 111 cent., frames 1(1 lents
and up, sheet pictures one cent etch. 1'.,, can
make lis. per 0000 profit or (7lln per week.
l'*telooppde and win ,les free. FRANK 11,
WILLIAMS COMPANY. 1210 W. rnylor 8t.,
Chltago, 111.
1 of Oodrrich will receive lenders for 210
hoot maple true, for street planting. with
mites. up to the loth Al'r1L 1101*,
. '. TBHSS'AIT4.
C'halnnat1 of I'uhlir Woks.
N. A, M. KIM. Town Clerk.
leer Sale
1 mlleh row. Apply to H. H. HECKKTT.
extra good generwl penmen mare.. Apply
at the HON TON 1.I VERY. Kant. street, COM:
rick.• _ _ '---'- --
A oar of Early Idaho reed Potatoes b*s a jJust
arrived for Lloyd's wholesale fruit house. They
area choice early No. 1 swat potato and ran he
obtained el (H.0) per bnabel at any gg10310s
store et Underleh or M. 01,0031)1) l*I1AN('Ii
STORK. \1-e.t 4(1003.
be Onderieh Organ Co.. Limited. have 30,0tn
feet of bony dry Maple lalmla'r. ninny norm
fart nrnL which They ran make Into flooring on
abort not lee. I'erunne nmtemppinling the eree
tion of dwellings. omen, or f*etnrles will An
well !0 plain orders early, 100 as to have no de
lay In the busy *e*aon. Write or call a1. the
Factory. 1p -/t
1'LET': set from it Inch to 21 Inch. All In
goal eand,l inn. win Ir ol( rew.00.141e and
on Mel terms. For further pert'ruler. apply
W SA UCL ECHLIN. First street, Oodmidll.
fen and maple Limber far sato from .terk.
Meet to order. For forth., pertlmnlara
811 WHEAT 19LLIUTT, uuderldlt. u
accommodation not only fur the fire
department hut for all public• require -
mentor of the town.
Charged with Theft.
Ou Tuesday 'Monition the prel'
wry hearing in it charge of theft
brought by Martin Connell ageinl.t
Wm. McLean and H. Carey Wad open-
ed before the Police Magistrate. The
evidence of Mr. I:ounell only was git•eu
and au ad,p•ourmlent wee then made
until the 13th inst. 111 order to seetire
,additional evidence. According to Mr.
Conuell's evidence he was sitting in a
room at the British Exchange hotel ou
the night of last Tluu•sday partielly
asleep, when the young wen wept
through his pockets and obtained $18,
the story being that Mclean put his
band over Connell's mouth to keep
him from calling out whiht Paley ob-
tained the money. Mr. Connell, it
appears, obtained a cunfewion from
McLean along the linea of the story as
given above and a (elector the amount
of the theft, but Carey disappeared
front town on Monday afternoon. 0.
F. Blair appeared for McLean.
Arm strong ---Buchanan.
The rluptlel. of Miss Olive May
lluchalian, 11. A., to Charier henry
Aruutrong, B. A., were quietly cele-
brated yesterday at high 11000 at the
residence of the bride'''. father, Church
street. The pastor of Knox church
tied the knot, assisted by Rev. It. 13.
Cochrane. 'Al. A„ of Woodstock, Mr.
Cochrane being a graduate of 'Toronto
University uf the 041114) year HA the
groom. The bride and g1001(1 were
unattended and stood in frotut of it
batik of palms mid ferns beneath the
overhanging leaves of as Targe palet.
The ht•ide'd coonlule was of crepe -de•
chine over taffeta. en (mine, and she
carried a large bouquet of Ids of the
['alley. She Was given away by her
father, Japers Buchnnau. sr9 The
wedding march was played by Mies
Fleming. A. T. C. M., formerly of
Brandon, and after the• ceremony she
slang "Where the Lindens Blount,"
very sweetly. The uut-uf-town guests
included the gt•oo•o's another end sis-
ter. Mo-.. end Misi.•ung. of
Campbellford ; Miss McKay, of Walk-
erton : Misr Fleming and Rev. Mr
C.s•lu•ane, already mentioned : Mrs.
Sharpe and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bu-
chanan, of Toronto. The groom is lett
actuary with the Inpet•iel Life Assur-
ance l.'o, in Toronto. and among the
preemie were gilts in gold from the
tine and front his utllee aso*'iates.
The bride's father and her brother
(ieorge, of hula. gave her cheques for
hand • e,l and the 141(10411'.
mother's prcsrnt Was it biker ten
set•viee. MT. and Mrs. Armstrong left
ell LISP 2:Zst p.111. Grand Trunk trent for
a visit to "halal.. I'Liladelplea. liiaiti-
nore, Washington. a Gentle ('sty end
N4W York and after is three week;
tour return h, Tnronlo, where they
will make their 1 at :Si ,duniral
load, ''he bride's travelling mutt Wats
of brown and green tweed with brvwu
tt•' logs end bat and gloves to
match. ,Lod the ermine fun she wore
weer the gift of the groom. The
bride Inas teeny waren hien& in Gude-
rich who wish bei it long life of un -
Alloyed happines.
Home Again.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 1« Htirlou re-
turned 1111 Tuesday from their trip
abreact. Mr. durum is again at tlo'
town Ireaellte't•N office and 1s the re•
cipient of many ware itt'awtings- ile
Weeks eutbusiaetically of -The trip,
during which they visited Italy autd
point, on the Mediterranean, peening
up through France to Great. Britain.
where they haw many 11f the import-
ant centres, 0Ir. Horton says the old
world ruuntr•iv" are ahead of us in
many respects, but he has route back
to Canada re contented than ever,
and he says that Goderich is still the
best town of thein all. Mr. and Mrs.
Horton brought with theism hem Eng-
land their netts.. Miss Mab Baker, who
will remain with her relative.; here
for a time.
Amateur Night.
Friday night last al the I/``era
House the Greets moving pie•tur' allow
announced an "amateur night," pmt,
judging by the tioantlty- of n certain
tropical fruit. which the adult ama-
teurs attracted to the stage from nil
parts of the peeked house. it would
more appropriately have herrn termed
'lemonade" night. - The regml•ir mov-
ing picture part of the entertainment
came first. Then Cleveland Richards
appeared in black face and real end
white eyeballs and trousers and did a
clog (lanes.. This is where the legions
started. Charles (folding danced :t
sailor'. hornpipe and Mr. Shtpwwan
gave it counde of vocal selections.
Hisses, applause and lemons were
given indiscriminately, but for the
child pwrfornteta thele was nothing
but. applause, fund and long. The
prizes went to the youthful perform.
ers, the audience tieing made the
judget. The little son and (laughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert King sang
"School Days" very charmingly, little
Tho'nton Daniels in highland
costume deuced his waif into the
hearts of everybody. and film (lreita
Jfartin gave it cocgl number very
Board of Trade Council
The monthly meeting of the council
of the Board of Trade was held on
Monday evening. A letter and snap,
were received from Superintendent
(Thorne, of the 4'. P. R.. showing what
would be an acceptable lo:eti0D for
the prrpn'ed freight 4hed4 at the har-
bor. It was decided to ger end lto
• e
the Wen council (bet the , m [then Ito
up in accordance with Mr.
Olsn'ne's letter and plan, and If the
coincil have the power and 4:n01 see
sufficient revenue the sheds be erected
as proposed. The council approved of
forms for uniform bills ad lading sub -
omitted by the Canadian MannLae.
tureen' Association. A letter fmnl .1.
D. Mellon/0d, Toronto, di.t.rict pus.
senger agent of the O. 7, 1(, acknowl-
edged the vote of thane. for the O.
T. R. train ne're•ire peened et the an-
nual meeting of the Booted. A dinette -
Mon took piece nn intuit/Imes matter.
and on the proposed of the town (ren•
ell to spend from g)OMI to $I,1814 on
changes In the firs hell. On motion
of R. S. Williams and 11. F.. !helmet,'
Wiggins Challenges Conary.
Dan. Wiggins. our local chain`lion
roller skater. hes challenged Will
C'onery, the Guelph roan who claims
to be the champion of the world. for a
ten-hour grind. The r11utest is to
take place on the Slat of April, but
where it will be fought out has out
-Met !leen decided. It way ire Guelph.
edio or London. The Guelph Mer-
cury of April :4d in ieeonling
Conery's eehievewent itgaainst W. K.
(latest,, the champion of Australia,
says : "To successfully defend his title
as the champion ten-hour roller skitter
of the world against W. K. (latest,,
the champion of Australia, and at
that time to and over thirteen miles
to that record. was the -feat performed
at the Victoria rink in the urn -hour
grind by a Guelph boy, Mr. Will Con-
ery. It was it great rnje indeed and
everyone who wia8eseed it Was satis-
fied that he had witnessed one
of the hardest -fought races ever
pulled off roil roller skater,
For lis solid lio Iris the two yonug wren
kept skating *Hanel and around the
small rink and never for one second
did they cease in their efforts, never
for one second did they stip for rest
or refreshment. 'It was a race fur
every minute of the 11111e and the leitet
delay would have been fatal eo the
prospect of either man. ,Conry id
naturally highly elated with hie em-
cees and he has good reason to 1e, for
Ise gadded over thirteen miles to his
previous record of 11111 miles. ('ooery
Agate(' 1,100 laps during the race or
practically 1111 miles."
thought -is the story of a young man
who giver his mane as" Charley Ma-
honey and hie age as twenty-foue.
He wits 'nought up this morning be-
fore the police "begirt' ate on a charge
of stealing an overeout.frtwu._Jose•Ph
Kidd lust Toeday afternoon. Mr.
Kidd gut the overcoat back all right.
but he i11 wondering what became of a
pair of gloves that he also wi.etd.
Mahoney, it appears, walked inty Mr.
Kidd', house and annexed the over-
coat. letter be walked into Mr.
Kidd's office and Mr. Kidd, thinking
he recognized the coat, telephoned the
house and verified his suspicions, but
in the meantime Mahoney war gone
again. Mr. Kidd's next .neve was to
look for a constable. but gentlemen of
thatersuaaion are not ulster) to be
found .just in a jiley and 11*'. Kidd
started off himself on the hunt for the
man and cause upou him un Quebec
street. The overcoat was returned
and later Provincial l'onstable Phalen
was given the necessary passer for the
lalen'e arrest and got hien about a wile
11114 side of Hayfield, lwtnrning with
hhn to town last night. The evidence
of the constable, of Mr. Kidd, :and of
Adolphus Naftel, who was with Mr.
Kidd and assisted in the teem ery of
the coat on Tuesday afternoon, wee
given and Mahoney was sent up for
.lnieue l I.r .yytint/thee joys retake the .guy of
having a good liken.. et 700110lf taken by It
1t. Mallow. the I'hotugrnphr'r end nuinh,d with
one of those ciegant mounts. 110 31 1(0* '
Appearcnot I- 4 for a good deal ill the.
bray world. where own Its ren l limo to 4(0
and -s.�ecc wino 1, under the surface.. '1'd tee well
dreored ia half the Mattie woo. and those who
get their clothe+ from Prldhwn the Tailor st.ut
the raec with a big advantage.
U1'-1ti.1.Ore WALL ,1',I'aI(.-We lis'..' MO
iput In stock a subset 1.nd acuate Hne of Eng
,.h and Amctisu wall paler' Idtablr for all
IUUIII Prime yelp' rea,41uaidc. It will jn-
lero*t you to call and examine our ehotee
eelec(4w, of design. before buying. Senn •
ANT drone.
Goal Friday next week, April 17th.
K. N. Lewis, M. 1'., addressed the
Canadian Club of 'Fortune) en Monday
011 the pulpwood question.
Neil Cameron. of the firm of Cam-
eron & Moore, is in Toronto this week
making further Purchaser of Ilea•
goody for their ',tote here.
C. 1'. it. Ticket Agent Kidd':, office I,
looking very pretty there days with .o
uumlee of beautiful potted plauta to
full bloom. The C. 1'. 11. believes in
The latest new% regarding the 0011-
templatod changes in the G. T. R.
irate service is that it iAirotahler nn
trains will be taken ori tout changes
will be suede hl the timetable.
w�rel"Vement in on foot among the
sic teechere of town to have J. D,
A!Tripp, the gree -t pianist of Toronto,
to give it piano recital in Goderich.
Further particulars next week.
The football club concert at Victoria
Opera House on Tuewlay evening
whould be a popular event. The G. 1'.
Literary Society is putting on it
good program fin- the 00Cation.
Engineer Farr, who was hurt in the
wreck near Clinton. is reported to be
getting along nicely. He is able now
to nit up and it is hoped be will
shortly be about again as usual.
Thi• marriage took place at
I'ipestone, Man.. o0 February 12th, of
Jean, the eldest daughter of Mr. end
Mrg, Donald Morrison, to Gordon
'landlord. Mr. Morrison is :1 brother
of Mee. Heale, of town.
The proceeds 114 tomorrow (Friday)
night's entertainment at NI( onderland
are being donated to the (I. C. I. foot-
ball elut,, Everyone should buy a
ticket ns" two and give the club finan-
cial aa.istaure it needs to lend the
Hough cup.
We see gbul to be able to report
that since The Signal is few weeks
ego called attention to the lateness of
arrival of the evening n g U . T. K. trains
there has been a great improvement
and the trains are now arriving fairly
well On [lint'. • .
Huron Lodge. No. 112, 1. 0. 0. F'„ is
celebrating the eighty-ninth anni.
versary of the Order byholding an at
home tomorrow ( Friay) evening. in
the lodge rooms. The committee
consists of H. T. lldwards, C. A. Reid,
H. Martin, Geo. MacVicar and F. J.
A special meeting of the water and
light commission was. held 011 Friday
evening last, when it Wee decided to
adyertieee for tenders for the conetrI,c-
tion of the 'sedimentation basin,
tenders to be received up to the :11th
of April. At the regular meeting on
Monday night a few applications for
services were dealt with.
The celehr.tted Passion Play was re
produced in moving pictures before a
large and appreciative audience itt the
town halt Tuesday evening. Mr.
Thompson, who has charge of Won-
derland in (ioderich, secured the bels
from New York, and with the assis-
tance of Mr. Munro and Miss Me-
Vittie, of Golerich. they gave a very
matisfaetory reproduction. - Clinton
New Era, Mr. Thompson ',bowed
the Passion flay pictures at Meafurth
on Wednesday evening.
Mrohanicill Foreman Brewer of the
Marine Department is here from Pres-
cott tearing down the old green light
et the inner end of the north pier.
The Iowan portion of the lighthouse
nifty be left tut a'etorehouse fur oil and
other lighthouse supplies. The green
light It being done away with. leaving
the two red lights, the one at the
outer end of the north pier and the
one a short distance north of the
inner end of the plea as the range
tights for entering the harbor. A
steel tower will prohahly be erected
hater for the inner red light in place of
the timber moat htretofore need.
Prolan. for 1'o,.iUoue .411110(4 l4 'ice,* 1pageot
lege, Toronto .
Easter Excursion.' - F. F. (.serene,,. . 3
Reader- F. F. Law',entc .. 3
Notice tol'reduote l'roudfuis. Hay'.& Bielr 1
raven Days Bale-Pan.ono' Fair s
Trues 'Wanted -J, 1'. Laithwaltc 1
Hoinweekers' Excursion Jus. Kidd 3
Fax wear -Won, Sharman . 3
Faster Greeting. -Reg. Black a
Easter Showings D. MillarCo
A Manitoba Wedding.
Many of our readers will be inter-
ested in the announeemeut of the wed-
ding of Mils. M,delene ferry. a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Perry.
former residents of Goderich now re-
siding et Deloraine, Man. The event
is thus happily recorded in The Deter -
eine Times of the 12th ult.: "Marriage
is .always an event of interest, espec-
ially to the parties concerned, but the
one which took place in the Presby-
terian church yesterday- afternoon
was one of the most pleasing events
that have taken pinee m 4)elornine for
years. The contracting patties, fam-
iliarly known as 'limited Boon and
Madelene Perry, were two of the most
popular young people in town, and
tittle wonder the church was crowded.
Less wonder that. the station pl*tfornl
could hold the friends who carne to
sen them.oRThe young couple well
deserved all the good wishes sof all
who were able to Iw present and of
hundreds re who were not AfTorded
that pM,asnre. The, sere y was
ppATfurtne,l by Rev..4. J. Pryde. Atter
the ceremony thte,yon,g couple pn)-
eeeded to the station to take the train
for Waakada. The crowd of friends
followed them and many others
gathered. The lintel wale there. The
rice waa there. The wheat. aa a West-
ern emblem for rine was there, And
Inst of ell the nnitniilou's good wis'e's
01 all friend. whether present or
etwent were there and bestowed on
the young rnuplr starting out on the
voyage of Ijfe And incjdentellyq to their
home in Wa.k,da. 1)elor,ine pert•
with its hest people with regret hut it
thin initanee congr*tteletes Waok,ida
on ire Acquisition."
er'r,nitltion waw pealed **king the town Too Much Canadian Whiskey.
ermined) to eon.ider the advi.*hitity of horn in England, ratite 1*, ('anal
tering down the emirs, town hell and from Indwell five months ergo. p1.ruek
1erecting A su,table and (i(Ndpri.'II, get drinking and fo11n.
building, which would give proper Canadian liquor stronger than 11,
Martini Sunout• 1'aanis Worrell s Hardware
4 1tot a Store 3
It Will I'sy W rive Harley ... • ... 7
Lace Curtain. --John Stead
Itoout to Let -The Signal Ualcu 1
Howe lensing Helps -F. J. HutJaod . , .. . 7f -
Boar forService -S. It. MacMatb • t
Apron rials-Ladic. of t'Ictori* Street IMsllt
wile' Church.
P.1Ater Glove.-Hodgeus Oro. • a
ThlMYear Plant Ihtas 3
l'onusiFtuul •Soolel- Mac011l(vrer Madan
Renders -Et, T. Riddell, Auburn 7
headers-How4! lierdwan Ce
Announcement -Permian' ian' Yak
Hoy Wasted -it 4)toee 1
Clothing and Hate fee"
Spring Store New. -J. H. Colborne
Walter PPM-
. 1
Special Maloof Parlor Suites, Ltnoleurru,ele.
deo. Johnston ... . . ..,,.,. B
Annou,cumon( -Cameron .x Moore .. '1
Caster Torus-Uoderich Humour.* Collared..- 1
uxfon1, G. M. Elliott ..
t -Jo.. Kidd ..... ..
A contlrntation service will be held
10 SL George'. church next TueaNlay
evening when Bishop Williams Of the
diocese of Intron will he here to
a(Intiai.ter the rite.
In the absence of the piaster. Item',
Jas. A. Anderson, the pulpit of Knox
church wee neinpi4d butt, Sabbath in
the morning by Rev. Dr. Mclean and
in the evening hy Rev. ,las. Hamilton.
The quarterly tea of the Woman'.
Missionary Society of North street
Metho est churoh was held in the ler•
attire room of the ehn re h (111
Monday evening. The program
a whi'-h wan given after ten wart (*p•ri-
*lly *ppropri.te to the Fewer...mouton
1 and we. ronrludell by the pefe.entn-
e tine to Mrs. .flex. Davidson of is cer-
The trade territory of a town
is nut all dependent upon the
dist afire hi neighboring trading
Points. The trade territory
depends upon the enterprise of
the merchants and residents of
the town. If .s town does not
reach after the trade it will
came only as fast a* it has to,
and itwill grow as it is forest'
to. But if the merchants gu
after the business in the sur-
rounding country, advertising in
V% ery puentble way, and making
good every word of their adver-
tising, triple will come from an
ever-increasing radius, the town
will gain a reputation for being
awake and it will forge to the
front. It in the ,nem in the town
and not altogether the wen liv-
ing within A certain number of
wiles horn it (hat make the
t town.
ifir,ttc of life -membership in the W.
11. S., ie. an acknowledgment by her
fellow -workers of her long and valued
140rvicea to the Society.
We have the newest and nicest HMS
styles from the best fecturics. Ladies'
Oxfords in chocolate, black, kid and
patent leathar: blucher, button and
lace. Gentlemen's high-class Oxford's
in tau and patent colt. All prices.
V..1. ELLIUTT The Square, (i
Sat rule of Ideal Fenciug just re-
ceived at the Howell Hardware Co.'s'
Don't carry your express parcels to
the oilier. Phone Ii, C. 1'. K. office.
We call and deliver to all parts of the
Fancy and ornamental iron fencing
suitable for town now, fare gates.
fancy gates, etc., at the Rowell
11e111w/t'e Co.'s store, (iutleriell.
Parsons' Fair io having another
seven dayi slue, commencing Satur-
day, 11th April. Mee audvertisentent.
containing price list of many lines on
page 11 of this week's Signal.
Another big slaughter sale at Cam-
eron & Moore's (McKim'.' old stand).
Every department from the basement
up is affected by this sale. Read our
advertisement on page 3 of The Signal
thin week.
An apron sale of 1014 aprons of all
kind's, also other useful articles and
home-made bread, buns, cake, etc.,
by the ladies of Victoria street church,
will be held in the Temperance Hall
on Thursday, Arlt 11kh, afternoon
and evening. Admission free, refresh-
A conundrum social will he held on
Monday evening, April 104th, in the
basement of Knox church under the
allspice's of the MacGillivray Mission
Band. A good program will be
rendered by members of the hand and
others. Admission, including refresh-
ments, 1:N:. Home-made candy on
A Pnexiltgs*.vx BI:MINEHS St 11001•.
- =I'he Easter tern) of one of Canada's
most modern and progreasive (IIINInpts
colleges opens April 'flet. As the
boderich Bttiineto r ('allege remains
open all year, now should he a good
time W enter. Those who Imola at-
tend may study at home throughmail
There isn't much hope for a deaf
elan who is unable to hear the noise
of a paper dollar.
u.cate11)00.-111 Seattle. W'4eh. inn Match
loth, to ('apt. l . 0. and Mow. Me(regor, a
F'.11(MKft.-On March 4.3rd, to Mr. and Mr..
.1. 11. Fernier, of the Inion Hank of fan.
oda. Irani:. Alberle. A deughlel.
IN)W'NIN11. At:H51'titehnrl avenue, W Inni-
Ieg, Merril lath. to Mr. and Mn. 11 Down.
ng. formerly of Ilr.1+.n.14. a daughter.
denenoftn*bride. father. (home street,
on Welnwd*y, April *1.h, by Hee Jae. A.
Anderson, It A.. *.stated by Her. Fl R.
4, ochran M.A , ('hurler henry Arm*trong.
H.A.. of Tonmto. to Dilor May Hnehanan,
1t A.
JEWELL MURRAY, On Marrh 3101. et the
Methmdlst paramaege, W)n hem, by Rev.
W', 0. Hnw*on, Thom*. JewAl of t'ol-
hnrn. township, to Miss Margaret Murray,
of Tefew,ter.
CLt"TTON - In Stretford, net Tneedwy. Aril
7311. tlboithtolh Chilton, Tton, widow of the late
P'llll*m I beton, of Denlnp. Ont., ward el
rear. and -2 dare.
WERE. - In ()Morin, California, oyn Kerrb Ma
John R. Weir. only eon oMr. and Mrs.
John %[biro of Ontario, Cal., and formerly.
of the f ah cont'* lm, nI 11041e, 1. t, leo 0+
'lilt+, aged 'CI flog And .1 mom h..