HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-4-2, Page 81 1 8 Tamara;, April 2. 1908' ii NEWS OF DISTRI (� Mudd, Judson Ilt•Ih Harold Mauuiug� c 1 e lw•w Elliott, 1''rauk Glenn. Edge: Can, Radverrt Augustine, Franklin Thompson. Inane Carr. Parr I Sandie Mountain. Florence Duruiu, Freida Sands, Bert Smith. Harry Stuart, Georgie Glenn, Wilbur Stew- art. \Varrrn (vers, Goethe, Glenn. Nuwlwr on roll .iS. _average at ten - AU -BURN! WEUNEsuty, April let. Dan Raelcliffe is visiting to the► neigbborbdod at preeeut. He and eiders, Mrs. Cultist and Miss Jean Rad- cliffe, were called here by the madden death of theft sister last week. DAM.tog mom THE STOitn. • lo.tplr Washington, of the third concession of Wert VVawauo.h, had the wise fortune to have hib burn badly wrecked during the thundrr,tan•nl on the27th of iltach. It is evident that the barn had been struck by lightning, and as the *tonin was accompanied by high wind the barn web-lladie dam - eget!. John Mills had part of the roof taken off his tarn the N M: eV g. DEATH in, Ma.. Astiwrr,i. -. Again we .ue reminded of the uncertainty of human life by the death ut itirw. George Abkwith, which sail event occurred at the home of her daughter. Mrs. C. Howson, in this village. on the Itlet nit. 1)ureaeed was it lifelong and donxistent menthe'. of the Baptist church. She leaves her husband and •t son. Robert. and a daughter, Mrs. Howson, to mourn her departure. The remains were interred in Ball's cemetery, base line, Hallett, • OODERICH TOWNSHIP, remeity, Match 31st. Herb. Orr anal Frank Chisholm left Last week for the West. Thus. Beatty, of the 1th concession, left on Tueealey for Alberta. Miss Ida Amy. of Hurried, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Colwell, for a mouth. The auxiliary of the W. F'. M. S. of mho ['Dion Presbyterian resbyrian church Meld its Monthly meeting at the bottle of Robert Johnston. A sot•ial under the auspices if tlir W. F. M. S. will lee held at the home of B. R. MscMath, 4th concessiou. in Friday evening, April 3rd. DUNGANNON. 1' A. NEWTON, DENTIST, LCl'K- el. NOW. At home everyday es.•ept Thu, - days. New remeiyfor extracting teeth nlonwo form), better than g .. l'rvwn and bridge wort Ole. Aluminum plata. icon.breakable4 N. 33.- YOU eau .sIway. have year WOW uui.'b batter does in the (lama! other -mora time, better facilities furdoitte the work. more cwu- fortsble fur the patient. 1IASH POR I11'TTEII AND E(il.s. `} J. 11. M. N.tHH announce. that he ail: conduct the ;nodule bu+inew, in the •10n• ac- rently vacated by T. W. Little. where he sill he ',repaired to pay each for butter and egg.. commencing Sat urday April 4th. TOTiCK-THE LOCAL AGENCY .L in Dunnon (or The Signal 'net the Ara • oftloe Book and Stationery titan•, where orders will be received fur subscription.. old yerW.ing and job wort. and receipt* will be given for amount+ mild for the same. \VKnNE.•an.ty, April 1st. Plies Smith. of Ripley. is at present tl.e guest of Miss M. Rose: Miss M. Rose has taken a position with Chas. Elliott as assistant tnilliner. Reeve Stotbers ad T. (i. Allen made* business trip to Goderich on Monday. J. Walkout will have his millinery opening Friday and Saturday. April 3rd and 4th. Howard Case returned to the G. C. I. on Monday after spending a week :at his home here. Chas. Elliott wnnottnces his millinery opening for Friday sand Saturday. April Srd and 4th. The R', M. S. of the Methodist church intend holdings bazaar in the near future. Full particular, will be given later. A number of • young people at- tended it concert- at (Mike's ehurch Friday evening last. They had by nu means it dry time. A couple of our boys attended Mt. Parker's wood -bee in ('olborne one day 'met week. ' All infoi:tuatiou can be had by applying to them. A. J. Blowes and wife, of Mitchell, returned to their home un Fril•y last. having been the guest• of Mr. rind Mrs. VValkow for a couple of weeks. J. -M.. Roberts has been somewhat indisposed for a few days, being con- fined to the house. lir is now making satisfactory prmgrese towards recti Very. Rev. W. A. Smith has had another severe attack of neuralgia. He was unable to take his work on Sunday last. The pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday evening was oc- cupied by Itev. 1'. hl. )rutherford. LEAVING Dt'vo.vNNon, _ 'j'. W. Little, hating disposed of his business here, leaves this week. Mr. Little has been in business here for maty years and his ►nary friends in Dungainnun and vicinity wish hie every success in whatever busitesa he linty undertake in the future. Risme Cbcit. dire scores wade by the Dungannon• Rifle Club un %Vett- n esday, March 25th, were am follows : 1. McGee If Jones 11. Bowel•. P. Manders ,, C. Elliott A. 1. Blowes T. G. Allen N. VVhyarl Dr. Rice '1'. Dentin J. &mine ' W. Reid D. Henderson John Johnetot Rob. Johnston John McLean H. Walters P. Finnegan T. McLean R. Cousin. Thos. ,Johnston W. Croriet Geo. Pentland 1. Cousins Geo. Join -adult B. Johnston W. Watson Jas. Johnston du yd.. :nlXds, Taal l 14 S 11 12i ri 11 17 11 16 _1 37 le :.1 21 ail 2 le 11 :t1 111 :7r :A, t ' 12 III 13. 7 :ill tii1 18 11 ILS 31 1I it 27 II 21 s :t 21 11. IP :11 III e1 :r2 Is :t 31 l:I 1 21 11 1 _►2 11 n le 1 1 • :III 11 1 :,'. Yt'Htx i. 1tKI OI1T, -Following is the sta■ding of the pupils of Dungannon publicachini for the ,notath .1 March Names are itt ardor of merit : Be division : Senior V. -Ethel (taste. Janie Stothers, ('has. Fowler. Junior V, ---Ethel Glenn, Pearl McKenzie, Irene ()liver, Vete Durnin, Edith Tre- leaven, 'toy Medd, Mal Wiggins, Pearl McNally. Leslie Pentland, IV. -Melvin Glenn, Cora Allen. (iel. Case, Clarence Smiley, Lorne Young, Mostyn Sands, 1atwr•uce Smiley, Martha Begley, Verna McNally, Fred Pentland. rip. Riley Hrdforl. Laura Snaith. Mary lilt -Court, 1, i'resl Savage, Myrtle Allen, (teeth. Begley. 81■phen Medd. Lotus Odeon. Num- ber on roll :el. Average attendance 27. H. It. ',ten, Principal. Junior room : Senior I1. Edith /Mothers. Rae Stothers, Arthur Beech, Ralph Risher, Howard Andsir- son, Marvin Durnin, Lilian Pentland, Clayton Sands, Lorne McKenzie, Unnfleld Anders.nt, ',nitre Fowler, Ethel Brown. flaw! Parr, Fred 1';erinRtrn. .Jan vis Anderson. Howard ivetoa, Pearl Ivey.. Junior II, Mere McNally, (' 11. Itobinson, Marlon Dishsr, NI), le Oliver. Alex. Ander- me. Olive UIenn, Hasid Auguat.ine, Iva (7arr, Ilamhl )livers, Victor Errington.Rrgtun, Harold Sproul, Fred Fu. ler, F,dith Ander,uon.!nth Powder, Faith Aands. Part 11. Albert. Drown. Omagh*Caldw'rn, Margaret WHO HAS IT ■ UMW • The common sense to deal at a store where goods are good awl prices right. A PYRAMID OF HATS kl ' See our window for the finest show of Spring Hats ever shown in God- erich. Men's Smart Wear and F ine Tailoring Reg. Black The Hatter, 3l.w•Aye UN rnr. .o;r ter: THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONTARIO Look Out For - B:1rgains Stewart's Best Carnations SATURDAY 11 111.1 ,I ,e The GREENHOUSE O. C. WHITELY S Wall Papers We do not think there has been a season within our recol- lection when Wall Papers were produced in artistic designs quite equal to the new papers offering this spring. It has been our aim in past seasons to stock papers that ere really new, and at the same time in keeping with correct ideas we have learned well the needs of our customers and this season's selections have been no exception to the rule. Papers suitable for every pur- 1 ;pose. from the drawingroom to the bathroom, and front $c per 11, roll up. No trouble to show them.' Geo. Porter Colonial Bookstore. Phone moo. �..ttttt�rtise„ T-� F ,OATS' .671-o,2 /fl , Just a word to those who have been wearing homely, commor.plau shoes for comfort, but with a regretful sigh for the more fashionable and handsome styles. Our, nets -Queen Quality" shoes will give you not only the comfort you must have, brit also the smart style and elegance you want and ought to have. And you get these shoes at no higher prices than you pay for Just ordinary good shoes But all this means nothing unless you test it. We invite yoi: to do so. SOLE AGENTS FOR GODERiCH. Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square Goderieh 1 1 A new man doing business on the Square Having purchased the Furniture and Under- taking business carried on by H. B. BECKETT for the past five years' and with which I have been connected for about two years, I am in a position to give the best of satisfaction in Furniture and Undertaking My Prices are Right, My Goods are Up-to-date. 1 have on hand a large stock of imported Scotch Oil C'lot'hs and, Linoleunls which 1 will sell at reduced prices to clear thein out quickly. 'Also a large stock of Window Shades at sur- prisingly low prices. Now is the time to get new window shades, r. My entire stock uf Furniture, b'urnishings, Mouldings. etc., will be found Most" complete and up to -date. tall and examine my goods. i feel sure I can please you. Watch 'I'he.Signal and my window displays for awl , Special Bargains Next Week. a.. The only Furniture Man on the Square, that does busIness on the Square. George Johnston FURNITURE AND UNDERTA NO._ 9 dance 31). (ini% H, ROUSI,Te, Axl■. taut, • ye=ti its MT. HELENS. Tt•E+osy, March Slat, D. N. Rutherford bad a wood -bete Tuesday aftenews'. Mir Margaret ItIll herford returned h• Ferguson 'Wednesday last.A meeting will be held un Friday e's g, April :itd, at ti o'clock for the purpose. of organizing a ride club, t11 interested are rgbesttd to be p l esen 1, !tee. Mr: liilchrist returnF.ed to Tor - .13,1 r, 11. A.: 11 will occas y the A. it of t'.ah i,. eburel►for the) next two pulpit Iaat he. Lover Tii in U'.y Mos. -The funeral of the late %Inlay & a art Anderson, /lolly site of A. Aiuleron. Look place m 'l'htuwlay afternoon Iasi to St, Helens cemetery and sous hugely at- tendees. The pall -la -suers Wier.. John and lk•it Miller, John and Harvey \Vehb,. Roy and Archie Aitch(s e, ♦:f • sobooltnates of the deceased. Stuart was a tine, bright Troy, a universal fav• utile, and the bereaved family heye the sincere .ywpathy of the eown.un- ity in their ted affliction. Tti■\Vosncs ltattt•1T(TK,-The Hrst meeting of the Wou.eu's Institute Fri - WAY held at Mrs. R. K. Miller's on Fri- Unaday 6 and war voted a success. by one and all. The officers for the year are : PI•eatdu' t, Mies Minnie Itaumaage; 1ec- rrtary-treaet,,er, Mrs. H. K. Midler; Hoot vice-pr'eeldent, Miss M. McDon- ald : sycoud vice -provident, Miss L , Rnthet'ford : r tlttou --Mrs. H. Woods, Jean Clark, 1. Rutherford, Mrs. E. McRoberts, E. Harhom.end M. Philips,Mlas Myrtle Philips read w verb nice pacer oil -The Life of Teunysun.' Jeau (,lark read • very iuteresting article os "Whist to Da and What Not to Do for a Guest," and Jean Webb gave* eery instructive array ms "The Duties of the Ideal Farmer's Wife." Miss Leslie eontrilxited two well -tendered solo*,and Misr L, Ruth- erford gave some instrumentals which (kept up the musical side of the pro- gram. The next meeting will be held at M,•.. . D. TtNld'it, Jr., on the last 1'hut•sday of April. A prise will be given for the best darnel sock. All the ladies are invited to attend. WESTFIELD. MONDAY, Match Jath. Miss Mary Dunbar ha. gone to Myth to learn millinery. Miss Mary Buchanan is spending it few weeks with friends in Blyth, Henry I►eustuote has rented him farm to 1V iu. McDowell fur a year. Finlay Welsh, who bas engaged to work for John H, McClinton for (hie searou, bas ved his family Into the house uu Jobe Mc(ainton's farm. JohnMcDowell, jr., and Alpert 111.i. Kellar. who have been in Michigan NI 1Ik{t atter flee their timber :arum for several the, returned borne last week for the summer. Edward McDowell and Mrs. Mc- Dowell returned to their Immo in 41•1111111NRIO frallS111111_-•MIND • c, o gens DlIttC PORTLRS res .0 OODINLICM. ISOME April Specials 4ir \Vc are all for readySpring � � � Business 1 1 at• tht� Ilig. bright store. Every depart- mc'nt is full to overflowing Nvith the sea- son's best merchandise. Better stocks- butte.- assortments - -better styles- -better values than we ever had for you before. Item. are s(►Itie rattling g(x)d values that are good enough to call special. \'ou can get them any (lay in April if the supply lasts that long. Of some we are almost t;urea it won't, so ,the best time to ,come is as early in the month as possible. 1 Tweed Dress Goods, 75c 2 ends only tweed suiting.. .le dshades in the popular .stripes, suitable for full tematrmes(temperate skirts, 1'. yeuda wide•, vet•v � special per yard. .......... ..... Tweed Suitings, hoc Tile rare fashiona11.1. st•fpN•s, 12 °! inches aide, epleudid wearing ma- terials in grays, blues, and fancy mixtures. Capital thing for et -p- alate skirt. Special at per 6„C yarn .... ................ ..... l±±Zill All -Wool Venetians, Sac All wool Venetian sloths importer) by ourselves direst. Wight finish in blues. ,browns, blacks -reds, an,. twatton's tashionable colorings, extra etc., at per yard JV Our Standard Cloth at $1 Pieery wanted shade in this bo.25 nd- seine suiting, nettle from pule tur- tnalian s'-lwle, London ehr•tuk, nu - spot table. 111 black and all t he good quality at Per $125 yet d p g. 11 pun, n Striped Suitings, $1.25 naud•otor stri ed suitin s a o • wind, in aViere r, gens, benwu. ate, F'i tl -,.•r• self c iltns or fancy mixtures, 4t., 1' yards wide, per $1.25 I y . L New Jackets, $5.00 1aaJi.. , u•kilts, made from tripod fawn cloth, et•atly tt•irmned. 8 !stylish. perfect tilting, correct in every detail that goer to mak.. a stylish gat'mrnt. Very special nt each Fancy Ribbons, 7:c lust about. '331 yards in this lot. fan•y .ilk rihbous, 41 to :i inehes wide. worth doehle the price we 71 eek. Special per yard. ..., 2C Ribbon Ends, ioc =a :331 seine, taffeta silk ribbon, 2 inches 'wide, all of 1 to 1 i yard lengths in blacks, pinks, blues, ,vhite, creat, tufd reds. Special at Iter end .... li UC .00 • (ioderich 'llmursday last after visiting their soil !terve y fur a short limp oa, their rrturu trout Michigan, whets they spent the winter month., A gloom was east ()ver this s-miuity (Inn Wednesday Last at the death .rl 'hiss Radcliffe. Muuh sympathy i, felt for the brothers and sister.; • t•tprcisllyy for her brother Tom, for whom the detteaut'l huJ kept house fatears. 'Phis is the first break in a► faintly of right children. TUrtein.ty, Alar. 31st, !9 Se utwt Rlttvue'r,--Time following re. I port, based on examinations during the month of March, *hoax the stand- ing of the pupils. of 8.14. No. 0, Eitet Wawantirh : V --Thos. Rtad!er, Rtts. rt.Il Woods. IV. --SUMO" Narrow May Cook, Leslie Buehauan, Nelson t 1Lddusou, Jennie Twsrry. 111. P Colin Campbell, May Tunney Odeem for one exam.). Lilly HIbbitt. ler. 11. - VipeIet Buchanan, Grrtie Hlbbitt, Jr. II.--WryF'arrsw, Charlotte Tenney. Willie Hibbitt. Average :a•' 't,dailce, :t 13. M. 1. CLAIM. Teat:bee. _¢ 20c Pearl Buttons, 121c j ata (111011 Ih•arl buttons, platin. two hole or four hole, all .then. put up in one -dozen ,..# 1Ve. caauwt break the earl., Reinder :$1.. spitei,d 1 diff' 1'at.l x2 Laces, 2 yards for 5c 11undre.l 1,1 }art. French caJrn ' ietrtn•s Ia.'t..1ud 111,1 t0,11'.. 11311y tTtn'ut patterns. t'gular :s pet v:ard. Saturday you ran but ' Aids fur... 5c Linen-, Towelling, ioc h;. era heavy pure linen crash towel- ling. 18inches wide, heavy in weight, very special per yard...I VC (fit ti quail! y. half bleach tattle darn- ' tisk, gtuwtnteed pure linen, our own itnportetums, will gland no end of i hard wear and bleach nicely. Wk Special per yard...... I,00tl quality, half•hieached table, damask, :iii to tilt inches wide, e�]] good designs. Special per yard L . Prints at ioc - Genuine English paints, imported by uureelves direct. 1)ark and light colorings, stetting qualities, fast IOc colors, per yard Prints, 12¢c ♦'pry tine quality English prints, s.ft finish, dark and light coloring., � l the navies are Indigo dye... i Very special at per yard 2c Ginghams, 15c (hex( quality imported gingIpham:, .. checks and plain colors, all colors in the lot guaranteed fast. Special 5e at per yard English Cotton, ioc (food quality white English cotton, full yard wide, fine finish,C SO special per yawl English Cotton, 12=c Extra quality white cotton. English Liv: snake, very tine, cambric finish, ell special per yin d .. 22C all f Oxford Shirting, 12:c English Oxfonl shit ling. sus foie rhtldr•n's dreucs, bkiuset•, etc., o - 5 ii:attern.. fast colors. Special 1 I pert' yaad .. 2:C Embroideries, 5c ilundards of yards Swiss cmlrraid. •ries and insertions, new patterns, regular Y to Inc, %feria! at per yard r�C New Embroideries, ioc Hundreds ofyards of these too, all new designs, regular 124c to 15e, 10c special per yard Indigo Blue Prints, 121c \ big shipment of genuine lodigo line prints imported direct from F:nglawl, tine Pert cloth. neat small deplete , la'ynnd doubt the best chilli you eau get for the money. If we aa Iwght it ht the ordinary way it would cost its what we;ask you. Spacial per yard 12' India Lawn, 19c V-et'y line gas:Jity lead Inrl•a Ion, n, extra sheer. suitable for wai•i - ehildr•n'e weer. .•t.•. Regular 2.i9c-.tuality selling at doer mil .7 India Lawn, 12k t of a big shipment 1.. night direct f • the Mali who matte it ha Eng- Lunl.. Very fine and sheer, 1'111 'i'Iendid values at pteryard..., 12•_'C Irish Dimity, 25c Neat designs in genuine Irish dimity, white ground with spot., •stripes or floral designs, splendid materiel to wash and wear, 25C very special at Iter yard .... ■ Mare this tarot yourself : Ask :.nv dealer to show yob a piece of Queen Quality `ruck taffeta. Have him lay any other make of black taffeta -even 41 a higher price -beside it, and compare them. "'• You'll I.ml the Owen Quality taffeta is black and IsihOas- and the other make in rant, in comparison. That is because Queen Vitality is pure silk to commence with•♦then it 1+ dyed ivith extreme care, the beet of dyes f Alen/ lasing used. , A black taffeta that is real black �yltcrn )notify Taff.•tn• are like the silks of our grand- ) madh.•r.. 'hey are unequalled in body, lustre and wearing qualities, Ask your dealer to show you Queen Quality Taffeta, and see the 'lame aro: pnarantre woven en the selvedge -not stamped or Informed by the dealer, but woven r there by the manufacturer alio g 1.a ranters it. Price, S, 's, a yard up, according to quality and weight. ` j CARE OF SILK -Never ham ' K A silk garment near the‘ / heat to dry. ,1lways remove all dual ixhNei matting it away. y. Nev. r 1p►ve • ilk garment Iolfed in a drawer- anvayt hang it up 2 WE SELL QUEEN QUALITY TAFFETA AT ;t.00 l;r 4 ire PER YARD. THE NEW COATS Have you seen the new Spring Coats , Far And away the best and biggest stock in town is here. AH new garments this season. Correct styles and ma- terials. Imported .direct from Germany or the famous North- way garments. 1 1 Lulies' Silk Coats, $15.420 to $33.5o Ladies' Black• ('loth Coats •� Ladies' Fawn Covert and Cloth Coats $5.00 to Sims* Children's Nath• Reefers, red or navy $4.00 to $7.50 LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS FOR APRiL _i]_•_ NOW iN STOCK.