The Signal, 1908-4-2, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICIL ONTARIO Taullrwrr April ., 1904 7 gct,+4civ,t9o,;ki*+4sct,ii,cik,9ici44i.iciosi..iv4*4i,4*9ticioi.t9kQiA,it-i,4„tct?icicst*ci.ficct**;t: The News of the District. 11/41++4044+.54545 45 14 4454454444 444* 446464t 44+*4*44'4445+ 4446454. .354645 It LEEIIURN. 1 LOTHIAN. I LANES. tHat:ketl's succeediug in reaching Che '1'VI L)AY, March 31rt. I Tri oAY, March :flat. Mos. iaY. Mauch Mali.'�''•hu in mon s.ue pastor e ( e the - 1 whriug errs. As some oC -their in- vile.d to take u.►rt in the prugruut hod con.v some little distance to eaeeuut- I lie slate 46. it was decided to give ell 1 the pnograur Imes*ilrte. J. C. Stouter.. WW1 appointed chairurau and :a short i but well appteciatd program wire givenconsisting of music by the 1Juti• gement orchestra and Blake': d buii•, Recitations by Hazel Hcury nod Irene TI sun. a drill try the buys, it iii,t- Iogeu: by tome little girls and an Ad- dles« by N. Sha.•kletoo. Hazel tv % ,• • •'e rwiWt ,I. v, roto• 11 111) Y) ell • plate, deedibing the 1.1r•iit Contest In verse and extending .1 welt ' to the visitors. The Duugamem er. cleat st gave home gid d scleetions 11.,d wet•.• heartily oucurwl. At the cosi- cluaiuw of the meeting a hearty vote of thanks wee teudeini t free at dietetic.. who unsirti:d in the program. per Irawrou has -bought a "mit from AttuTN1:K PtoNutut Go ig. - Last,l Nathaniel 1)earsley, of Torouto. Lr 'eaten %VIIIIaiuu. lie is g g Lu Thursday. Patrick Hogan. one of the artieting JuseithStueltzar, our rmithy, stake it driver out of it. early pioneers; of Ashfield, p,assd in the spring rush. LITKIt.IKV f4/t'IYTv. -Thu Literary away in the eixtysevauth year of his Sugar -making is the pastime of society hAAun,cAni ad with Henry ay. I)ecetased cave here, in company quite a number of people i1. and IlortulI as preeid,ut .(td Reggie Wil- with his pxlents, brother', and eistetw, around this district at lambent. haute as .ectttlarytieaeuter. A chair when he was tette.. seals of Age autl The teeny friends of Henry Mullin wan will be electett eat each meeting. hart resided here eversiuee• ile leave, are glad t, hear of his improvement. The next uioetiug will to o1. Friday to mourn him* widow, one e m and We supe to se+e him around again i1. nett, April Std, when therti will be a seven daughters. The (intern un his fernier stilts. debate on the aubjuct, "Resolved, that Monday to Kingsbridge cemetery, Ko Alton who bad been virion 'tile Indian has 'suffered mute at the, despitv the bad state of this roads, teas i f. he dr of the hvliit• Mina than the largely attended, !Mowing t b e lelativem at Heltmste iettartlwl stone o1. nog Irving limiter and Reggie high *rep ct in which the deceased 1'I'iday tart. HI. sore foot is Laptev Willi ' will take the itnliulxtive• and nae held i1. the district. lug ousels, having had 1.0 setback. r Hume uatm" and Henry Horton the ►'hi' Hifi.. Asetx irtiuu him hal! its ut•gative. The Society has adopted LAURIER. annual tueetiug and erianged businers this rule th t only tI uioe will la awl• for the coining et•aton's 6hootiug. As milted to lho. meting., who will agree Hr ur'r:u.tv', March 31st. .eon i it the weather and ground per- , to rase come { in the program.. ay, Bob. the lane is splendid now : ',tit the member. will meet for an but Lake a buggy next time. ..early shoot. 14x1. Macle•.uwuo, who is atWnding The toads at present ale almost he- r' t• the Gdderich Collegiate Institute, paaawbs: then 1s n Ithe wheeling sprat Sunday at hie houee here. nor sleighing. If the warut weather Mies Anuie MacLennan hada very continues the aDOW will won disay- succeteful regbec ou Tuesday of last pe • giving us the roust enjoyable week. This is leap yexr, you know. 11eaaon of itis year. Neil MacKenzie. wbu hoe spent the L:REWE winter months at Year Lake, returned lows Saturday. The girls are all ' Tummee. March 314. smiles now. MIs. Plunkett i9 couvaleecent at Mise'. Tena and Ethel MacKenzie, prevent. who spent the last two months with -auine' Sherwood had :t euceessful their uncle, U. McKenzie, returned to tvo,xller 1.0 I'hureday. Dakota on Sate:elev. 11..1. JohnstnL of Imes, *pent it Miss Minttit MacLmnuao has r•- trw +boys here with relatives. turned 10 her home inGxlertch ha v- Meuary end Miss Lily Como to •w g a Ipent a G wr ek« visiting friends )rft here 1.0 M00d4 % on a trip to ,aid retie tyre In this neighborhood. Hxwtltuc. \ heavy electric ..term, the fleet of Victor %tautly left here 011 Tuesday the waren, night over tai* ueighbur- for an extended visit to relatives at beret Friday night. It was aceompan- .�1e1ewbn. dam by very ilt,, I heavy talo and bell, iwt no Mr. and Mn. Robert Higgins; were damage Ivroultesl. , 1'run, i no,b.r uarws,«ndtnt.. the guests of Mr. and .fes. Geo. I, DAY, March .'7th. Durnin on Thursday. Among those who are on the sick Mr. and MIs. Stephen Deever, of list :err Airs. James Johnstone And Dungannon, were the guests of Mrs. Lary Munroe. Wm. Pierce 1.0 Thursday. \\'.• art sorry to see that Mrs. Me- .1. Blake. of Mafekiug, who has leen If.u• mid Mrs. .I,unie•au► are net Lm- at Fort Francis in the luwbxerwo du, proving very much. is home. He gave Crewe a call as %Vake up. Lochalsh ! it it pretty usual. near •priug : time you're waking. Mr. and Mn. John (iauley and We have not teen any news from dsughtet• were the guests of Mr. and your burg for it Icing time. Mrs. Samuel !Sherwood for it few days We are pleaa.ed to welcome Miss Ltd. work, Ituth McAdam hack to our midst Mn, Stuart Findlay'. of Mafeking, after a *toy of over a year with her returned home un Tuesday after sister, Mn. Owens, in It inlaid'. spending it few dart with her neither, Tut.. is Lett. YK.eR.-- \\ hat eau 'he Dfs. J. sVbitly. the platter with those girls anyway Mee. Gen. Nixon Is here At ',Lessor Here there are pretty nearly for e, waiting on her mother. Mee. Pat. months gone by of Mark and no pro- ,Pierce, who is ill. We wish the !meals heard of. Why. girls. wake Invalid A speedy recovery. up! do not waste precious time. This W. H. Maii.e has mold fifty acres of opportunity comes but every four land to Abram Culbert. it portion of years, you know. and for toys are what was formerly known +as the anxiously waiting for you. So get Taylor's mill property, un the Ith con- version. A ti.art'v Et ENT. ---On Thursday, Samuel Sherwood, of Benast, tit: - March the Iut1,, the home of Archie eupieut the pulpit in the Methodist McIntyre was the scene of a brilliant rhureh on Sunda • in the absence of wedding• the joining in holy wedlock the pastor, Rev. IV. A. Smith, who is of hie daughter Margaret to Donald indisposed at present. MacKenzie, of Alberta. son of Duncan MacKenzie, 12th concession. 1'11 the strains of the bagpipes. played by the well-known piper Duncan McKay. the bride entered the parlor leaning on her father's aunt. She was beautifully attired in point d'esprit over taffeta, with the usual veil and orange 'blos- soms• and carried cream roses. She was att•udal by her slater. Sarah, daintily gowned and carrying carna- tion... The groom w:as eestste.l by his C1/111611, Alex. MacDonald. The cere- mony wax performed by Rev. A. Mil- ler, pastor of Ashfield Presbyterian church. in his usual secure and im- pressive planner. after which all re- paired to the basement, where a most sumptuous repast was served. The tables and rooms were beautifully decorated with roses and carnations. The night was spent by the assembled Retests In the usual festivities to suit the butte of all. The presents were magnificent. showing the high esteem in which the popular bride and groom ate held. The but wishes of all fol- low then' to their home in sunny Al- berta. 1'n1: F.tItMgKw. '1.1•11. --At the meet• alt 1.f the r F arm er+' Ulu h 0n dh We.es- • day evening of teat w.wl: a number of interesting addressee were given. A. Regime. of Sarnia, talked 1.0 eMtxleru 'Miry Methods :' lieu. Laithwaitu, of i oderrh towuship, dealt with a num- ber of teaks of agricultural inlereet : Ed. 1.A ti spoke on "Pari.. and Fore,h" and J. I'. Linfield gave a paper• 11. Mortis, the chairuttut, alai Vis an :uldrree. Jar. l,iuklutv.r eou- tl'ibuttxl tome violin melect• , studgs were given by Mr. hugs.... and 11. Horton. and a vocal duet mite ren- dered by 'Oliver ('took xod N'«Iter kingswell, The next meeting will be Pah. instead 01 a • .\ Its ilea Held on Fry i y , til 1 p the Mb. A number of important eub- iel•ts will be put furwitrd ler consider d ion. KINC;SBRIDGE. 31OND.ee. March 30th. Mics Ila Foley i« visiting friends in l,uadon. Mrs. John O'Neil and baby have :t•- ri ..sl beim.. Mi.. Maty Doyle has been venting her p-uents here. Misr Minuie O'Connor i* 61111 visit lug friends on Brush street. Jus- and T. O'Connor are ',repel - ing till go sailing this examen. Slims Mary Stock, of Kinkw•a, was the guest of Miss Marie Hd11ivan last week. - Lany Wallace. of the 1'nion hotel, tiuderich, paid a visit to our t ow n un Sunday. Jun Young. of Loyal. paid it fur- . well visit to friends here la%t week, t;,wei•bye. Jim, Miss Margaret Buckleryr %pent it few week* with her sister, Mn. Foran, of 4t. Augustine. Andrew Martin has been .t. L for a few days. However. too Al I. glad l', We him out again. Well, we are rutty for our friend who sent in the budget of news last week. We :ere not ashamed of our dames. Misses Kate and Agnes l'ope have returned to their h in Parkhill. :Nis.. Alice. Dalton is teething Kings, - bridge school in Miss Agnes' place. The roads here are in a very hal ondit ion. There is neither wheeling, walking, nor sleighing. We hope. however. to see good roads for East*. John Kerte, of Duluth, is recover- ing from an attack of «nlallpux. His many friends herr are glad to know this, aa Mr. Keefe was Duce a Kings- bridge boy. )lis% Kate Sullivan visited our vile lege a short time sgu. When sbe re- turned to Gtderieb her sister. Miss .tnuic, went with her and ea yet we do not hear of Annie's return. . Edward Dalt nu utas returned from Asheville. North ('srnline. where he was emending the winter. We are all glad to see him back again and bope hr will have bettet• health bete now. Yes, Messrs. McCarthy and Austin have arrived on the scene at bast. Even though one of them did play out they managed to get to a place when they ...fluid get refreshment« again, "Hume sweet home." 11q11111 111nother'on,•-1«,ndri. Mo.u.tX. March :Moth. Chas. Dalton has arrived home from 1'nitalt. The many friends of Patrick Hogan, of Lanes, will he spiry to hear of hie drmisr, which weltered on the 27th of this month. The remains were in- terred at Kingsbridge eenu•lery 011 Monday lent. Mr. Mala, of Kingshridge, h:w rented the farm of Jame!' Young, jr., of hovel, for gram. Mr. Young has sucereefelly patted bio examinaLinn a« lint engineer and intends to sail on the lakes for the future. KINTAIL. TrrlleDA Y, Mar. Mot. Thos. O'Reilly, sr., is Laid sip Sikh 1a pkrippe. John K. McGregor arrived tonight went hie trip to Chicago. ' ('ham. Daltonof Cobalt, tetar;eel to ,tend the 1 f1.t 1 we 1 MIs. Diek McDonald is visiting her mntht•r, Ahs. Ferguson, of Aml►erley. Mrs. Jim. Griffin is indisposed at present; but we hope to hear of her speedy recoVtet•). Moe Hewed Owen has gone to Gude• rich to spend souse time with her *inter, Mn. It, Oke. Mr. and Mils. Wm. Fihtayaon. Irf Lorne. ne. !lent a few days lent week- at Ile hd.nse of her brother, Chas, Stew. •tet. Dan McMurrhyr, of Goderieh, is DLO' lug with John Douglas, who, We its Pleased to state, la recovering front his recent illness. ORet't'ARY.--On Tlwlacley, Mai -ch 10th. the angel of death again came to our midst and took an aged and re- verted Led c"teen in theperson of Mn. Noble Johnston. Her hunllatnl pre - demoted her four years. She was a native of Ireland an4 can,, with her Ietlnhand in pioneer (Trt's. She leaven to mourn IMAMS four sons and two daughters. The remain-. were in• terred in Kintail ce. tory Saturday afternoon, Rev. A. Miller conducting the nervier.. Ni'eTt. Is, On Wednesday even- ing, March 2.ith, n d uiet but pretty wedding (weltered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dixon, 1201 coneessinn of ,1slufle14, when their eldest daugh- ter, Mary J., became the bride of John Me('reight, of Huron township. Rev. A. Miller performed the eeremnny. Owing to her,avement in the bride's family only a few relativsi were in- vited. Mr. and Mere. McCrsight left for their home In Huron next after- noon, causing with them the Iwst willies of the bride's many friends here. Ambition goIs a.'on, faster when unhindered by a tender eenscience. PORT ALBERT. WNW:VsDAT. April 1st. (Idling wood is the order of the duty. Mrs. Saw (frown and sun arrived home from Mu.knke last Thursday. Jas. ,Scott sold his team of heavy horses to Nixon Dougherty last week. The jam of ice up Lhe river has got hoose and the river is once more dear. Miss Evelyn Hayden. of Gaderick. spent a few days last week under the parental roof. IVs are glad to itrotlt that Mr. and Mir. Thos. Dickeon's infant child, is better again after being seriously ill. Nelslnl Menton has recently pro- ctored it colt from Mantuel Lewis. Nets kuuws where to find good horses. Mise Minnie Cunningham and retry Hayden. of the G. C. 1.. spent Satur- day and Monday at their Ivsp•ctive homes. Hector itawkins and Frank 4 returned to Port Arthur yesterday ITuesdayt after spending the winter at their Balk`s here. A RECORD BREAKER. Last Year's Sales of Hyomei, the Guar- anteed Cure for Catarrh. Larger Than Ever. The Inerile of Hyomei (this Hetet ment that cures catarrh without stomach timing), an popularity and growth are unique in the annals of medicine. Mo pronounced is the re lief and cure tollowing the use of this treatment that it ban been publicly recommended by leading drugglsts and physicians in nearly every state awl town in the country, with the result that last year's s sales were larger than ever. The fart that If omei is s, simple and eomplotc, and that it cures by breathing medicated air and not tak- ing drlgn into the ttoitiM•h, no doubt hex helped to create thie widespread) ind rapidly increasing army of friends. The way in which it has been sold by .lane Wilson has undoubtedly aided greatly its introduction in ((oderleb. He is mach a firm believer in the power of Ifyomei to curs all catarrhs tremble, that hr 1.I•ges peeepte to use it with the understanding that the cast will be refunded to anvuune who is not benefitted by the treatment. Yon do not risk a cent in testing the healing • EAST WAWANOSH. Non-alcohofic Sarsaparilla If you think you need a tonic, ask your doctor. If you think you need r'ontething for you: blood, ask your doctor. If you think you would like to in, Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsapa- rilla, ask your doctor. Con- sult him often. Keep in close touch with him. A rt publish °ur r rr W. bare.► -.•h,.'. 7 rr...,,r..wd.cic. ers Ask your doctor to name some of the results of constipation. His long list will begin with sick -headache, biliousness, dyspepsia, thin blood, bad skin. Then ask him if he would recommend your ',sins Ayer's Pills. • mad. by u. J. C. Ares Or,, Low.::. I:r:r.•� \luvn.Va, March :Ali.---- • - - Bu►liug top is this sided of the day DOW. Spent Eighteen Dollars David Tiedrtle and family moved t . Ifrlgrave l.t.t week. u;ratirutrn:-i have pleasure i1. We are sorry to beer that Robert a utlhi; Hier l hove used $15.00 orthef Haines !s wore,• aawait,]lsythine, and es u result$ was worth of very serious throat and lung trouble. \ly rase was meiotic dittieult nue, sad the doctors Lad practically said that I could ant get well. I tried PsydUnsl Juhn Furan ronsiwrnred work all Ali.. •1'istl.de'e todac, Ile is rwgagrd fur eight he, it • Alberti. Stein left 110i'11111110.i111.: Cur and it did me so much good that I con - working hit Ildulretead. 11 I' ...SPRII�TG- I908... suiting Cloths iH the popular shades UI' brUWils, grey's, etc. • We design and ',lake u1) these exquisite goods' to your measure in latest style known to art tailurilig. 11 Stiff Hats itt all the newest I)Ioeks noel shades. NEW C t,nu•,I us ow, until 1 had takou 108.00 worth trios e t h r. result t that 1 •ismn ow Vi siliant %Vatten. of Italifraie. bas a new mon phy-sieaily. I have gained been ewes -dell the emittatt for et- thirtydive pound.. uaulrlling the alms,' 1.1 wita,l n.•etiun 1 r is with the greatest renfdenee No. 7. that 1 recommend Psychlne to all who A cyclone did considerable damage are afibeted with threat or lung trouble. down about free«{u•rity un Friday Yours truly. C. A. PINKHAM. night. It tore the rout alt Mr. W,uh• s. etAbet n. Que.. Sept., '07. I' Mgt 011'. p '. harand blab 1.1111 heal away. It ulxt took the runt elf M1. T!''i man apeaks from experience. Mill's learn, Psycbine runes all throat. ehest, lung and _roniari' troubles and rives ren••wod ► BN/i oaYK, ibe. '005 el retie' and litality to rundown JIt ludaty►t. C'urNd n.. -Thr cuuura ,lis. At all dtu tuts, ti0.• and •1.01. or ',met today pursuant to adjournt(i 1.t• 1)r. 'l+. A. Stereo'. Limited, Torectn, members all present. \Minutes of list meeting were ttdd std latbred. The following pxtlhtunett•i t. prundkecpere 7 --' - - -"--- -- and fencr'.icwere writ. appointed -for of M. M. No.:•, Colborne. for Fel.r.cu•y the current yexr: 1'.athunmllrrn--- and Metra: Aleck Wiesen. diorite (Avid lex:khart. John Pfeifer. .Ino. N'. Ho gi., Walter Thantp.su. 1,1"y.1 Me• Noinere,'1'heelar,ulnoek, Alex. Palter- 1. sun. Senior 1V. IYarrrll 31't'aun, rrin. Juhn Duerr. %% Ruddy. .lou. Hoare, %Vsn. 1Atbie', Wm. 'I'oll, Geo..•t. Henderson, It G. Metiowan. D. McGill, si., Jas E. Marshall, John J. Nimes, Jar. Tuu\\ ney, '1.i. J. 'timer, ,la+. Hickinglsittem, Ja.. R. liedmonil. Newton J. Campbell. Relit. T •y, Thou. M. Nobly, Fret] .1. Itatb. \1'm. Fotheigill, •1a•. E. Neter, A. 1'. Hard. 151: Allen \\'al..m, r .: Jol' y t'hih- holm, Ht.. Senior 111. -Harvey Me- Caun, 7t4; t'in,'.i Cool., 17. Junior 111. Reggie Met'.•s•iq,C • \linoet1.' Me - D0114151. i:r; T y /`hisbd..ro, ,1: ie+t•ne• Thin 1..w. t ! : !ani,• Thempstm, :,!). Settler !1.-.\ndn'w Mogi.•. •I,,1.•, :'.r It. !sl Et 'wet Brri,•. '1'etrnde Hunter. J' y Theeitt '.I. (le Delle isty, Thos. Black, Fred M. Cook. Mdd'ann. Seeder Pert 11. Beatrice ()Avid A. Dunbar. \Vn1. \%ightmati. 1'hisbolKti Senior Cad 1. `.lust•y Jno. S. Scott. C)•rue \V. Scott, Relit. Glidden. The tull.wing were Owed Owens. Dan. Geddes, .las. McCaI- lutu, sr...las. %V. Bone, • t' g. haus Nathaniel Bolt. lin t. Henry, ('hos. If. King. Patrick Gi ns, e11. Deepen. Jos. A. Brandon. ty Ii, Selendn•U, Win. J. Salter, John',Ce- ram., Gel,. E. Fitzpatrick. (;.•o. '1'. Robertson, {..b1. Reid, Jonathan 'Pe - Mr. and Mee. W. J. Treleaven. of Lison, Gen. 31. RoIs•rts,n. proles 11. \\'ingh,iw, were visiting friends here Scott. Andrew :Schimmel!, \Ven. Ar - the latter part of the week. We- were buckle, sr.. Wm. M. Anderson, '1'h••,.. _ pleased to meet them, ,as they were Finnan. Chas. J. Meteor Jules Nor - old neighbors and highly respected. roan. John Leggett, Fret' J. Davidrun, Mr. Treleaven' was treasurer of Ash- ihteitf Clow, Witt. Purdun, •1.n.. field township tor a number uf years. . HmelIzer, W m. BSecraft Jae. 1 actin :From another rori'e.ponnrnt., st•., aohu-GJbltons, John Je nie:um, S. Rivett bar rented two fields for Gro, l'. \xyLo'. John tM-ecroft, An• crop. 000 to (leo. heroin, the other to• Robert Finnigan. By the looks of thinge spring is herr. ' Wale up, farmers, and get ready for seeding. Miss Franc. Treleaven left today to spend a few days in \Vingham,and attend Miss Jean Treleaven'. weddi : g. The event takes place on April 2nd high noon. 1.ro KNou h'ARMIU S Bt e•rr.N.--About two years ,ago Lucknow farmers were bragging about two calves they lied. that weighed seventy-four and sev- enty-nine pound... if 1 mistake note Robert Treleaven has nate that weighs eighty-four pounds. Best that if you can. I,ucknow. J. G. McQuaid h,1.) gimes egg that weighed over a po iii the spelling match : its. Allan \Vermin: wilier 3111 1lartey Me('tnur iuni,eraid. 31innette McDonald. • tirry ''Ob, 1- wish 1 find your voice!' (hers, --'''No doubt von would enjoy wine it." 1 WnW1 thirskiug, if it were ' . 1 mid stop it when I liked." MAFEKINCi. Trrsn.tY, M drew Jaainirtuu, 'tV,u, James. Chsrnney, Gee. %Vallatec, F.•,niei. 1)eveven x. Poundkeep•1e -101hn Beare Alex. McGuwxn, Ben 11. Tay- lor, Isaiss Pe:ssen, Harry F. *Siete David 1.1on. Thos I;obinesm. Juhus Campbell, John Cochrane, Allier! t('. Hinton'. Frureviewrrs- David Me. Gill. er.. in place of J,as. T. 13.11. Joint McDowell. (Merge Fothergill. 3Veel•y Pail icon. Samuel McBurney and Gro. Roberton. A scale for the pet foie n?aace of tit/vete latter, Hoe. aver ad ted am follows: ASIlleSoed sip to g,lMi. une day's work : flow .$ 41 to $1.0Nietwo days work: from Itl,Ihln to 22.2101. tree days' work : trete $2.21't to ' four dat-.r' work : from 53 1'1,1 to it.liOil. ee day.. work. and fur every other $1,5$ ifassessulrntorany fee• tional part t' ref one additional Jay. The amount to he charged f.,t _ unperformed et ate latter was set a+. b 31st. 91 per day. All s etch lot within t municipality to he f1 as neer as pn:,.iblet in t c vari.tus n1 ti Th divisions in which an, 1 propel ty i. situated. 51.'vw1 by MI St•sut t, see ended by Mi. (iillevipit, tba the trees• and twee Ie• authorized to pay 1 surd+t•.•t • • ecbcriol heart. such s ns I •) sea>' Tile Linillgi'or i �oemptier for flit• pty"nK1.d of to diet,' salaries quarterly.- Carried. 'I'll tole The Muuicipill \Vnr).l, seeesstuenl rr are 1'0116i4t'i in every and other toipplirs, 1012.eti, : Glee Pilo.- , WeII-oni('tPtl itttiteheelll : pen. Winghtww. cementite (wee miller Lds:al Option Act. 52.311: IV. K. ieveitIiels't,ti \Vhadey, rent or hall fur' uoun.•11 meetings, tmet !l�s oemelt then adjourned too ulster again 0t. '1'ur, elay, A n would be April 7111. when the engineer's Ire j port upra the 4islty and Itnllaha,l useless drains will be rend and eonsider•d. Au v.x. POIITI•ael'1ta.n, ('lurk. • 1uI•june tothe. huuee COLBORNE., \1 xnev A ryh:M :eels )Bell Al.trrt,e�n ('unr•ssrto♦ N.rl•:•+. With The member,. of the Evangelical ct , wereente•rtaiowl at Uwe I • of their Good Thing e 1 11 leader, .\ L. Ohler, , on friday evening. Miss Mattel Snyder spent a few, days last week with friend: in town. tli.tt✓ttl'e fresh .111)1 1!1'1 , The reg11lar weekly tweeting will ' frhlll be held in 114•thel on fritts• e'..., , ;. EtTnrte are tieing made to mike the Bible headings of generalintcleel and we sir.. leaking for a good) attt•tldanrl•. STURDY & CO., lh(YaIN'r.tTldIY. As a lest' • of regard fur .Itis. Jent kin. wh fat i I1L (lRO(.ER,S. twenty retie lout been ser•►etu•y' end none ot. Prompt Delnery treaenrer of M. N. No. 2, the rate. payrn of the section recently pus -- _-- panted him with it 5251 gold piece'. The preeentat.i.•n was iw'clnnpnnial fey nn address thanking Mr. :lenkin for his servicee to the section. Mr. Jets - kin is eighty years of ago, but we hope he will null hr spiral for many, STAINLESS,IOOINE oIN"MENT yea lie 111 the' 917b1111.1 Ill(P11•!th ,If C"1- not ,.101 sir In.rn. carr, R6e,.n,a1. bd.l'm'.' 1 ' Rn.i•.r. And large emote,, .eelieJ 1., rnAMng�at ill 11ott- 1151: rPtt.m STAND. Report, IhseStmt.. lam. After Once Tasting -f"liel 0, I no one wants an old-fash- ioned cod liver oil prepara- tion or emulsion: bccaui5c Vinol is a much better body- builder and strength creator for old people,weak children, and for coughs, colds, bron- chitisetc. If it does no good we will return your money. Miss Mabel Alton, of nae, is a guest at the home of Th. Hall. my visited adpy. Ronald Campbell. o Lttcknow, spent Sunday with friend at Schaal*. pot Mr. and Mrs. Will 11 tebitit•ee in Oodet'ich on S J. Thomson and c ildren, of Ilawkesville, ere spendin a .:ouple of weeks with relatives here. Win. 'Livers and family ni vcd their household effects to their n home in West \Vawanosh un Tue- • v last. Carey Brim. are giving thei high- class show of moving ppictu : at i.ucknow, Hackett's and hinge! on this week. N. Saunders had n wood -bee last Tuesday afternoon and in the evening entertained some of the young people social evening. to a see . g John Blake, who stent the winter its it lumber caro', neat Fort Frances, in New Ontario, returned to his home here on Saturiny. A number are attending the funeral Jae. Brown,who died Mon- day the morning at the lionise of refuge, Clinton. The (,mesal takes place to- day (Tuesday) from Lticknow to Dun- gannon cemetery. W. pias. Treleaven. of Wiughasn, spent a few days here last week re- newing iee.plaintanees and winding up his connections aa treasurer of Ash- field township. Mr. Treleaven in- tends to 1110,0 old West with his fam- ily. • ' A r TI15 Semen,. - Report of H. S. No. 0, Ashfield. for March, showing percentages obtained by pupils at the r examinations : - - monthly Les ♦ . Carman Mothers, 71. IV. Sr. -- Leila Blake, 72 ; Fanny Fitzgerald, 114 ; WAlhan+Twandey, IMI; Walter Alton, i10: 'Willie Alton, 33 : 'Mary Stun• der,, 111. 1'.'. .Jr. - !•'••nest }fall, 70 ; 'George Saunders, till. 1 I I. Sr. - Effie Johnston, 75. IiI. Jr. EIdinf erect - ley, 111: Jessie Mtothers, Ri : *Tont Glen, •Edith .Johnston, •\%ill Glazier. iI,-Will Fitzgerald, 72 ; •Lilly Allen. •idaGlazier. i't. 11. Mr. - liefaTwam• Irv, Marie Raker, John Olen, Peter Glazier. Pt. II. Jr. Ik-ryl Johnslu). Those harked ' were absent for all 1.r part of examination. J. U. MrorruucRu, Teacher. "TIIRRK't MANI A SLIP." '- Ittake'n virtues of Hyoltoel, fat• .las. \V' Nen League had prepared an excellent pro takes all the rink of its leiving sntisfar•- grain for Friday evening in readiness tion and leaves yon to he the .judge. to entertain the Hackelt's i sign... Hut as the weft exprea'al it, "Ise hest mid plans of mice and men gene h a aft ' : so the arrangements were \%hon a foreign nobleman merrier, somewhat altered to suitthe dram] an American heirose 1s lie not eh.. k- «fences. Owing to the tnelemeniy of metal r I,lppinoott'm, weather only it few of the people from Omeees"y Speaking. Hite lilts Blue sir, Th It is 1.r Ilse e e Pantry, Kitchen lowing account. were ordered pa 1' KELPION 40406.0400040.10400.04) 410 That hacking cough continues Because your system its exhausted and your powers of resistance weakened. Take Scott'.* Emulsion. It builds up and strengthens your entire system. it contains Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites so prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest. All. DRt1LGISTa, co.-, AND 1100 A the TIES NEW COLLARS NEW GLOVES NEW UNDERWEAR NEW HANDKERCHIEFS Suits and Overcoats Ready to Wear or made to your measure. EL'crything for Men and Boys Right up to the Minute. Mc L EABROS. I'�T Art Tailors, Clothiers and Men's Outfitters. THE PALACE CLOTHING STORE I When CI•:eiidren Cough Give them Mat oil reliable remedy that t.cver fc: , !•, ewe BOLE'S PREPARATION OF Friar's Cough Balsam It step, toughs -bre,.- ;.p ,..:Js- ui.1 i , iu!!.•r:•na• tioa in throat sail bronchial tells. Ahsilutrly pure and safe for diddle 2-.t a bottle. At draggle .. er from NATIONAL UUS 1 CHEMICAL Cu. Llaiaid 101005, Oat. at VINOL The Cod Liver Oil preparation that utas nut the disagreeable of the old-faehiutseil Cod Liver Oil ',repo -idiot's. It is a Blood Purifier, Flesh Creator u 1 ntiengtii 1'roduc..t, the best Tonic fur this time of the year. We return )'+,111• y If not saUsflal. Sold by Lost(' BEDFORD BLOCK elost GODERICH, ONTARIO SEEDS FREE To introduce our New Swede Turnip, the " Canadian Gem," we w•i11 give to every inquirer for o(Ir New 1505 Catalerae a packege of tlirse sterns absolutely free. The great turnip growing district near Guelph shipped 400 car. of these turnip% to the United States 1::4 season. "Cana• diian Gem" never grows inng or narrow, is free from side .hunts, and it of un.nrpassed quality. if you prefer, we w•111 stud a package of our " Santa F:nV" puppy or •' Canada', Pride " lunar" in.teed of the ernip ser•►. 'Write tis. -lav and flame vtc,r'•11n5.. 1110116' of th;. N.,r awed. Dante & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont. Turnip r i Clearing Sale of Wire Fencing I DEAL 1111 rode of :r wires, :ts inchem high, Stu a reel. wr title of t' r tvs A 111 Ileah 1 :M5• a red. ! h . R :111 rem, of 7 wires, In inches high, 3i,• a cal. `Ill coals of N wiles, 17 inch,e high, itse a reel. 711 rt elm suf ft wires, :d inches high, -131• u rel. s1 rode of 11 wine, :)te inches high, 1:k: a rod. 1151 rod. of 111 wires, Its inds.w high. 1`te a rod. AMERICAN �y All No. q Wire, Stays Is inches apart. .•1 rials if 01 Wiles, :Mt invites high, :06• a real. NII rods of 7 Wilts, IS i11011es high, :3;«• ,a reel. 121 rode 1.t a wire.•., 12 iuehe, high, IOe it cud. :rtttlt4«I« of 10 wiles. 1'• inches high,' 42c a real. Stays 24 inches apart gist rets if 11 wires, :al inches high, 28s: a rile.. 1111 reels of s wires, 42 inches high, epic as cal. IN/ nal* -of I wit.., 18 inches high, (11 at rod. CYCLONE 7 -wire fl'* ce, 'flays 115 im9n 11 sort. I l.', wire' Nn, 7 aril -ger l hen �/.1 1 1, ►•Pmt all No. 9, at .*re a rod. fertile' team slave Iit inches apart., tip wily No. 7 llar•ge•r than No. In, rest all No. 1t, at 40c per rod, :1 full line o'f iiarh. 2 and 1 pain', coiled No. 11 and No. 12, and weaving No.. I. ml No, 13, always In stet'k. %''-• ,•trey 11 full lin,' of SHERWIN-WILLIAMS READY -MIXED PAINTS, OILS. VARNISHES NATIONAL CRMEN r nhvayt d nrrird in slack. lksok Mir 01111.1 :Medd tar National Ctwleut as a nimhrr M others are ening, then you are sere of it when you want it. IN 4'LUMBING, HEATING, TiNSMITHING and ELECTRIC WIPING we can give you prompt attention and all work and material fully guaranteted. Mere 'Mose as \to House 'Mons its CHAS. C. i.' . E 1