The Signal, 1908-4-2, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ON'I' kW()
THUltAWAY, April, ;, 18011
few3 6f the Si3trict.
B. S. Phillips and family have re•
u,oved from Menwall to hxetet.
Isar Jarrod, of Kipper'. hal four
11t his cattle killed by u freight. train
Mei week.
11.. Met hotted* of Gurri* cele-
brated the opening ot their handsome
ocw parsonage but week.
J'li11tun ci,uncil bits (heeded lei sink
,l Wet 111well ut of [he the lima
tv*la rwuthe
r•ks b
cart l )' K
poi ll.
11h'Iw1 Morton. til l.istuwel; form-
itcid w (
, met with very
phod. week Ile was
sinning mill hwoh tisi�ig le flash ha [was
Menesetunir Mineral Water
rIlllK (il)I)141t11'11 .I INiaRAl. WA-
TER 1'o.. IIIa1.ntiM' urer. of "Mew-..•.
1uuK."'u0 errswrw1 In deltvrr 141 nor l..r1 of
alto town 1101Cart liiorrr A I.• lu Vintn and
quart, 11111.0 51l
iteral 't%:114.1' i•, llama hire,.
yli1., pint. and qua t.1.,�+1•Itr.•r Witter nod
Double Soda. ala. 'I'herood} art,Made from
tmod utir,ural %Ater. and aro therefore free
Man ail huprltimi. 1'. 1.. %V A1.ToN Maur
adrr 1'11 no VI.
MI ('1.AstiMS I AM I'ItF:•
, eeIUVfI. (or II• m. in
111091 y. SIM, tie 11111'rowe• t"Wient
1. hwlrl ':aims lust hod for rialto/ 1411 .
Teruo- and other Information W*Y he had al
1'1 llllll aorInnate ,d4*e, Uodenek. }:\IMA A
ANl1I:st S,
'lamellae or eitsu
st adlu lu Honk of Moat rr:d 1110.4.
J)IL i. EM-\IEItSON & TL'KN111J1.1..
A.1'. i;'. wit, M. It.
W rt. 1'1•IIN01J1.1. M. K'1'boue H•r.
101111,0s.Ileruittuo terve'.
te.I:mua•r.nas ro.idrnee. North at roe!.
.).po.lte ell. Georg.•'chur•b.'phone Itrl
llr. Tours redden..., Mmt
Southwest of Public .tl•ewl-
IJbrarr. 'Phone lid.
1111. W. F. liA1.1rO\\', M. B.
,m1'.-. ( ulburse .1101•(. oral door, 1n •r
riga stank. Telephony. 'l..
Vitt F. J. It. 1''ORSTER -EYE. EAR
ll Nooe anti Throat only. )tllattred, Ont.
11,0.1 rrttel'n 1rw York 1)phtbolullr and
Aural 111.1 It rte. t1, N-nt. 1' ws.l.tant Ear.
None and Throat 1 oapilal, ()olden Squarer. mut
Koval London ,r�,hthrhnn• 1Mlnreticlt i:yvn
Haontal, London. Rue, ttmce Albert street.
Stratford. tenarait1 Wind.or hots). Horan:
1) II aro 'S 1 min. 7 % p.m. Tale*,! M6.
- -_ - Legal
1A MElt()."4 k KI1.L.OKAN, BAR-
NItI*Tl.lta..olirltors. notnrien..t.•. 'Mee.
Ranultnn *4t., l91ret door front equalise. Uadsrich,
tint. M. (), CAMERON. K. C. J. I. KIL
barrister, solicitors, notaries public p1 •
on of the Manllme l our'tt c10. deice. ,• •^t +IGS
Swuan•. next door t'. A. ♦alrn'li anwery. psi
w'ltl.11:1I Ot)T. K. * . it. 1 . H!. Y.1 . 0 Interest.
RI:TEns. attorney., solicitor.. ate.
(ioderirh. M00) Ostend At lowest rte.. E
tl •-nlirltor. cnuualr.Innnr, n•nary publi
neige. Ilnmlllon street, lioderirh
Insurance, Loans. etc.-
}:stets N.IA insurerwe Ascent. Itesl e*
tate fot .Ale or to let. l o ort le. han.11ed In
any part of Ihe town and ty lire and
fe news: we. 1110noy to_
and accident insurance. Agent for lending
mutual and stock m venin+. 'Insurance in nil
line..ffurtart on Test pimp, and at lowest *.ale..
1'101 Nt °Mee, turner West Street and nigra* L
or alder. J. W. UHAIUII., Uodcsich,
fele .hone 21
1.1 Patitl))It&. -- The best plan^ in town.
Prompt service; everything Cleo, ILIA mot-
` tory. !las ,.n4 oold bah.. WM. P.1i%1S,
British Exchange Hotel Bllwek I.eclleeear to
Jos. I'ritrleYo.
Marriage Licenses
r uoloteICH, ONT.
Watthmaker. J.weller u.d 1)telelan.
isomer of Marriage
. AOK (Menses, Oodertch, OnL
11 and general electioneer. l lm•wo. on *ormh
Street, where he will he [Mood at all Umm
when not arcing melte. Terns re.wtnable and
every effort used to Rive Yon ea lsfactlon.
Phonear -- _ _- --. - --
General Auctioneer,
New System of Tickets and Catalogue.
P. O. Box 181
Yen will miss sours teal bar-
gains if you fail to ere what I
can do fur you in one of those
Oood Cheer ranges
Good Gtheer art heaters
Penn Esther ranges
Nothing just Aa good for the
money ; every ono gu*t•anteed.
5 per cent. off for spot
Tinsmithing • and
Electric Wiring and
'Phone 155.
caught by the knives and the thumb
sal portion* of the lingers were torn
Michael Murrieou, of Hullett, has
purchased the i)omiuiek Reynolds
farm iu that township, paying for it
11.1." 625.
A Y. M. C. A. branch is being organ•
Med at \Viuglwu,. Provisional ufltcers
have I*en riveted, with 1)r. Price as
The lkxlrwuslb ILLI -acre farm, on the
(rote line of Mullett. hes beeu pur-
chastd by Thus. Malt, of that town-
ship, for *1,71*,.
Adauu Zurbrigg, of Howick, re-
coully took to h,wsilf a wife, In the
iwrw,n of Miss -Emma A. \Venxel, of
Wallace township.
Miss Minute Imam daughter of
floury Doan, of Zurich. was recently
married in Mitinrapali. to Henry C.
Martin, tit that city.
The Fair farm of 211 aures near Clin-
ton has been weld to Wm. Wheatley
for $111,125. It is considered a good
bargain at the price.
.John Mills, .r., bait sold his Leh
acre fatten on the 14th eonceesion of
Mullett to John A. Murray. of Tucker-
ewilh, for the run, of 1117.001) -
Charles Holt has wild half of his 11s'
acre farm on lot Hl of the Ulth coneee-
*iun of Stephen to Michael O'Rourke,
of the wane township, for $2,'lIo.
Th,e contract fur the new school
building to tat ..rcrllsl in S. S. No, 7,
Keret W*wauurb, has been awarded 1.
Wul. Watson, of Bclgreve. Id el, Nil
bliss Clara '1'h peon, third Baugh.
ter ..f the late Peter Thompson, of
Ilrussels, wee married in Toronto last
week to \Von. 'Taylor, of Owen Sound.
While unhitching his team last
week Will ('hri.topher, of Walton,
Mal bis Irl: J rte between the
sleigh and a woodpile and badly fraa!-
The town of Kincardine has won in
the action taken widow, the corpor-
ation by Mr. Watson for psvesriun of
certain lauds along thu lake front. 1n
that town.
O,ving to tine diners of a relative
Mies Matheson, who ham been'onic
teaching staff of AViugbau4 pubic
school. has tendered her resignation,
to take place *t Koster.
Jaul-re Sh*w, A former well-known
resident of the 2od line of Morris,
teamed away at his home in Listowel
uu Sundry, the thud ult., in the
eighty-fifth year of his age.
John .1. Gregg (tar di.pesed of his
Gwl-*cre farm on the 12th con,ceseiou
of Hawick to Louis I)euerling, of the
same township. tor a consideration of
)111,1»#. Mr. Gregg [tropism's going
West, this ',intoner.
Rev. T. S. ifoyle, B. A.. tenor at
\Vinghau,, has been asked Ly the con-
gregation of Christ chltrrh 1Anglican)
at Chat hem to Ilecome the successor
or the late ltev. Robert. McCush as
rertot of that congregation.
The death of James Cronan. it re-
spected resident of Harpley. Stephen.
occurred on Thursdey. the 19th tilt.,
after a brief illness. Deceased, who
WAN in hi. fifty-fourth year, is stir•
rived by hiswidowand several chil-
A pretty weddidg was conwim-
uI*ted at the homy of Mrs. ('inning. of
Clinton, 00 \\'rdnewlay, the 35th ult„
when her oldest daughter. M*ud, was
suited to Wilfrid J. Hudson, *Iso of
Clinton. Rev. W.' J. Jolliffe tied the
nuptial kuot.
One of the worthy pioneers of Turn -
berry, in the person of Mrs. James
Johnson. was sununtined to her re-
ward on Sunday. the :.2nd ult. I)e-
eeaeed, who was in her seventy-second
vent', is survived by three moos and
four daughters, Mesdames Archibald
end Walter Patterson, of %Vinghaul,
,are tw1. of her daughters i the other
children live in distant parts.
Welding belle rang merrily at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. ,lames McArter,
of lirurmels, on Wednesday, the 25th
tilt., when I'. Si, McArthur. a Prosper -
oils young agriculturist of the lith con-
cession of Grey, Ird to the altar of
Hymen their daughter. Margaret, one
of Brussellimost popular young
I*dioa. Rev.. \. C. Wishart, B. A.,
pronounced the mystic words of union
in the presence of 11 large number of
1.)n Mond*)-, the 'Bard ult., death
came as a happy release to Isaac Whit-
lock Johns. one of IJ.b)rne's most
esteemed residents, who for a long
time had been a victim of the dread
malady tuherculo*ls. Dece*sed. who
was in his fifty -hind year, was is son
of Richard Johns, sr., of 1 . orne. In
his inf*ucy hr was adopted by the
late lase Whitlock, After whom he
hal been named. lei* widow, who
was formerly Miss Sarah ElfnrJ, of
l'slorne, and two sons mourn his loss.
John, Setae, Harry and Joshua Johns,
of ['shortie, are brothers of the de -
emoted and Mrs. Thos. Cudmore, of
Exeter, la a Meter.
Northcutt, provident; John Emery, see-
t1yy • Paul Madge. Y'rsd ISUertaKton INDIANS IN MANITOBA
and \V, U. Randers, It was dw:ldrd
that the company would he Wale a
joint sock company on • co-operative
t)raia, and that shares would be sold
only to subscriber*, so that the tele- TRIBES WHO WERE LORDS
phones could be leased at actual art. THE GREAT WEST.
Another of the Pioneers Laid Away.
The call to which all 'inlet respond
cameo Mrs. Peter McIntosh, of lot 1;,,
6th concession of limy, on 'l uuwlay,
the 21t1, ult., and she pawed peace-
fully away In her revl•nty-third year,
Decei red, who was a native of I-erth.
shire, Southold, came to Canada with
her late pnitnrr over half a century
age After a brief residence in Har•
purney they moved to (hey. where
they lived in mutual felicity until
severed by desalt. A wumau of au
exeruphu•yUhrislian walk and couver-
**rion, deceased enjoyed the high
esteem end friendship of mauy. Tru
children mourn her removal f the
s•m,e of life. Maw. \Vru. Fuhuu, of
the lith cuncestiou of Grey, Is one of
her daughters.
A Huron Township Pioneer.
'I'howas \Vehah, one of the pioneer
of !Luton township, has passed awav
at the age of ninety-two year*. Ile
wits horn iu Scotl*ul but Warne to CAA -
min with his wife and family in IHSS
After a five week,. voyage the party
lauded at Quebec and made their way
by boat to liemilton and from there
travelled on to Ayr, where the family
remained the following May. Mr.
\\'elate and two mute that fall walked
up to the county of Bruce and took up
lend iu the township of Huron. and
the following spring the family moved
up to their new home, travelling l.y
way of Godericb and Insist Goderich to
l'iue River by (oat. The deceased
had remarkably good health in his old
*go and welt able to read without
glasses until a year or so ago. He is
survived by four sons : 1\'inion,
Thomas, John and Matthew, and two
daughters: MI,.. Yemen and Mrs. Blair,
of whorl all but John live within a
few miler of the old homestead.
Better Times at Wingham.
The Winghan, Advance of (ant week
said: After the somewhat stagnant
conditions of trade through the win- 1
ter, there are pespects of improve -
'went. At the Teton factory, cabinet-
makeho are working ten hunts s day,
and the other hands expect to do so
soon. At the.Weutern foundry, they
regent Ibtee hundred stover behind
orders. At the tannery Mr. Pringle
*sports "bury" and bas found it neces-
wary to put in a new engine capble of
greater speed. Mr. Gurney. glove
manufacturer, and hit Matt ere busy
stocking rap for the beeso i s trate.
The chair rectory. lifter Tieing closes)
down for three months, opened again
on Wednesday, un the ten-hour day.
Walker k Clegg, who enlarged their
premiere a short time ago. anticipate
increased demand for upholstered
goods. end are preparing te utilize all
their sp*cr, hoping ere long to employ
one hundred workmen. Thee are
all pleasing indications diet the de
pressi pt the part few months is
The Death Roll at Brussels.
The celestial messenger paused over
the village of b.ussely last week and
(lore away to the City Eternal the
spirits of two of its most eekrined
residents. On Sunday James leer-
gmson, one of the worthy pioneers of
Grey. fell peacefully asleep after a
week's illness sullstement to a paralytic
stroke. Deceased, who was Zorn in
Perthshire. Scotland, sevetuy•sevrn
year* ago. carne to Canada with hie
parents iu early childhood. 1lilt a
century ago he wended his wit)• west-
ward and tinnily settled on the farm iu
Grey upon which he continued to re
aide until a year ago, when he retired
from active life and removed to Ilrur-
eels. Descried was a men of sterling
integrity, unomtentatioua end kindly
towanle all, and be counted hie friends
by hundreds. Ile was wetly inter-
ested in agriculture and was (or mnuy
yaws president of the limit Hunan
Agricultural Society. His widow and
ten children mourn hie demise. Two
reins. John and Jernes, and one daugh-
ter, Mrs. (leo. Best. reside in Bruslxlr.
On Wednesday Mn.. David Hoar
succumbed to the ravages of diabetes.
Deceased, who was born in Erin's Isle
seveuty•seven years ago, Cattle to Can•
ads in lft57 and the following year wee
united to her now bereft plrtuer at
Harptirhey. Forty-two years ago they
because residents ot Brussels, where
they contineed to reside, loved end
esteemed by * large circle of friends.
Deceased leaves to mourn her demise
four suns, James T. end D. C.. of
Brussels, W. T., of Cbealey, and
Robert, .ttf Kincardine, and three
dau;hters, Mrs. A. M. McKay and the
Misses Aunie and Lizzie, all of Brus-
Died in New MORRO.
Mrs. John Glavin, of Centralia, bust
week received the sal news that her
youngest sun, 'Petrick, had peered
Away in New Mexico after being seri-
ously injured by n train. Deceased,
who was in his twenty-flrst year, was
a clever stenographer and a young
men of much promise. His lovable
disposition male him very popular in
his toyhood home. The renewer were
brought to Centralia for interment.
U. S. Army Veteran.
The death u( \\1u. f;Inlalldon. of
Sanilac ((entre, Mich„ formerly of
Orey township, occurred In Detroit
recently. Thirty )'ears ago deceaead,
who was a soldier in the United States
army, received A wound in one of his
limbs from which be suffered ever
since and which finally caused his
death. The remains were taken to
Brussels for interment. John and
George Srnalldou, of Grey, are broth -
era of the deceased.
Aga in the House of Refuge.
There ere at present in the county
house of refuge at Clinton eighty-four
inmates, and that good case is taken
of then( Is shown by the fact that
there has not been a death in the
house in four months. This is espec-
ially remarkable in view of the Ad-
vanced age of m*uy of the inm*tes,
forty-six of whom are over the age of
seventy years. Of these twelve are
between seventyand seventy-five
year. old ; fifteen a r e between
seventy-five and eighty ; nine are be-
tween eighty and eighty-five : four are
between eighty-five and, ninety ; five
are between ninety and ninety-five
and one G over the century mark.
Rural Telephones in Exeter District.
A large numher of threw, Interested
in the promotion of the eeeheme to
eat*hliah rural telephone orioles In
the unoccupied district surrounding I ped to represent.
Exeter met in the town hell * few Are you Appius Claudius r asked
days age and after a lengthy (Berme he."No,"teplhitl Jones, wiping Mon a committee was appointed toping hl11
solicit subscribers. The fdiowing pro-'
unl brow Iro di: I'm n m as
♦ v Wesal dinn utowere elected : R. *Fp7 PP 's•
Calixte Richard Finds a New Lease of
Life m Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Acadie `tiding, Kent Co., N. B.,
Mar. .nth,-ISpecirll.--C*lixte Rich-
ard, J. P., well known and highly- re-
spected here. has given to the public
his Emmons for his faith in Dodd's
Kidney Pilleas a' remedy for kidney
disease. Mr. Richert' rays :---
was troubled with kidney disease
for forty yeses and found myself a
worn-out man at seventy-two. But
after using two boxes of lkwld's Kid-
ney Pille 1 tend all my pains gine arid
I can ennploy all my days with the
hent results.'
Dodd's Kidney I'ills are the friend
of the old folk,*. They make them
feel young again.
A Neat. Compliment.
In it recent speech in the eastern
townships of Quebec, Hon. Rudolph°
Lemieux told a story which greatly
pleased his farming audience. He
was dealing with the development of
the Canadian butter and cheese in-
dustry and told of a visit paid by
Queen Alexandre to the Comedian
ppaavilion at Dublin. Among the ex.
hIbite was some butter labelled "the
best in the world."
Her Majesty, who despite her long
residence in ltnglend has *Iwsys kept
a warm spot in her heart for her girl•
hood home, noticed the sin and, turn-
ing to Commissioner Hiitchineon,
weld : "That must he e mistake. The
best Mutter comes from Denmark !"
Mr. Hutchinson replied with court-
esy : "Pardon raw, Your Majesty.
The heat queens mince from Denmark,
Mat the beet butter comes from Can-
ada!" Saturdev Night_ -
He Wasn't
Mr. Jones' costume al * masquerade
hall was that ot is Roman warrior,
with metal helmet, breastplate,
greaves, etc., which, as the evening
wore on, occasioned him great dis-
comfort. When the time mune for
immeshing Jones raised his visor, and
*friend inquired whom he was sup -
B ig Gathering at Lower Fort Garry
to Hear Massage From the "Gnat
Mother" - How the Bargain Was
Made For Sale of Lands -Chiefs
Sign Treaty et Transfer -Get an
Annuity From the Government.
When. iu the year 1tje, the Hudson
Bay Co. surrendered rho vast terri-
tory w they had held for two
centuries to the British Government
it was aamediateIy transferred to
Canada, bot the purchase was made
at an immense outlay. It would seem
at a casual glauos that all that was
necessary was to bring immigrants
to the country. but theta were other
claimants to the fertile lands, Heil
their claim. could not be overlooked.
It was the. Indian tribes wNo ler
eentuites had been lords of the west-
ern empire, where they chased the
bana:o over the plains and caught
fish from the lakes and streams that
ferried the great obstacle in the way
of peuplia:y the new porsessinn. Some-
thing necessarily must be done, and
thn claimants opened the woo 'by a.$.
ing the Uovert::nent to make treaty
with then. They leered they
tq he driven frou, the sand of their
fathers, and tory *•.anted mnletlutrg
u1 return.
The passage of the Manitoba Art
brougFht matters to a head. (fun. Jo,
eph Bowe. who was at that time ttec-
retary of State. appointed Wemyas M.
Ramos -in. Maoism comnlis..loner, to r'•
to Winnipeg and by treaty secure the
extmetinn of the Indian title tr. \tau-
t"ba and an fertile lands pooelbl,•.
The new commissioner secnred the
aMiatance of Hon. Jeno•. Mackay,
who was widely known anti re,p'rted
by all the Indian tribes of the west
(1n the advice of Governor Archibald
all the Indiana of the rhipt.efa and
Swampy Cree tent.+ were invited to
gather at lewe. Fort (tarry• twenty
miles from Winnipeg, and there they
would be met by a repre.ent.tive of
their great mother who %ould talk
to them.
The great meeting took place online.
27, 1871, and more than one thousand
Indiana, men women and children.
g athered outside the fort before the
day pet. When their tents were pitch•
ed along the banke of the Ked Heyer
it formed a most interacting eight
'To prevent the sale of liquor and
also to make au impression upon the
savages Major Irvine, in elasrg,• 'd
the troops at Winnipeg- (00 -
ernor of Manitoba Penitentiary). WR4
present with a body of soldiers. All
the provisions during the nine day:'
negotiations were furnished by th •
Government. and it Alis nn inconsid-
erable item.
Governor Archibald first * 1.1rcaw,1
the Indiana. He told then( that Ow,
were not to be driven out by the in-
lnming .ettlers, but that the most
fertile lands wool.' be riven to the
Indiana. Nothing wan 1.1 be left ut,-
donc to better the condition of ti,
red men. "Your great ',loftier."eael
Governor Archibald, 'malt,.. the g,srl
of all races under her sway. 511••
wiaheI her rest children to is. happy
anti sntented. She wishes then( to
live in comfort. She would like then)
U• adopt th. habite of the whites, t.1
till land end tai -e fond nn•I i.tnre it
up against n time of were She think-
t.hi, would 1.' the host thing for h. r
real rh,ldmir to ole, that it a -mold
n.nkn then) wafer from femme t.i,I dl.
Ire.., and ,rank'• their homes mole
1•nl,lfnr►ah11 .
\'n,Ir gTenl mother. therefore, cull
Iny *.side for you 'Int:' of hand. )••
he used Ty you soul your ehihlr.v
forever. 'Rhe will thou,H.,w the %Onto
man to h*tr,Mdn upon these bd., yaw.'
will tunkr rales to keep then) for your
wit that et long an Ute aur shall shine
there shell be no Indian who has let
a place that he ran enll his home,
where ho ran go and pitch 1.,. camte,
nr if he (+ew).es build his hone.) and
till hie land."
The arldsesa of (i.nrrtior Archibald,
whom the Indians recognized n+ a
friend. created a deep inlpre..ion 111,.
on the assembled reef men. They were
given until the next day to appoint
or eb•ct chiefs. who hurl the lolls -t
ennfidcnce of the people. to make the
treaty with the cntmnl,sinner.
On the srrrnd tiny what. the shier.
apprnaehed the white Ines the spoke -
man stopped proe'o'edme-. -by swine
that there. was "hi cloud, noika nil
dark : not talk to white elan b. -tai
Upon inquiring the menninr it a:1'.
foaled That herr of their 'itemiser 11 1,1
been imprisoned for hr. -eking n coo
tract with the Hudson Ray
men were: graciously released by the
governor and the nego01111, ms nrnin
went forward.
The indium at. first dematel",l r•
nerves amnnnting to Omni` two -third
of the province of Manitoba, ,and 1a
required a full 'lay for the . omm is.
pioner to make them understand thnt.
they could not have so much terri-
tory for the mere pleesmr.' of hunt..,
frig end fishing. All the different mat-
ters were disenesed (ally with the
ehtrfe, and they were given from sat-
urday afternoon until Monday morn-
ing to think over the proposals rat
the commissioner.
When the red and the white men
met again in council on the Monday
morning the former nhtpremerd their
willingness to accept the term. nffrr-
ed. it Wap duo veru greatly to the
szoilleut well of Mr. Mackay tarot
'1 he litnl III. .41 .1 1, 111. i 11110 Ino.( I,umllirr. 111 11.11'1' t o (It)
1111 it Spl *1,4 1 L•a11u1};. C.,11 au•I sen hut% Well Ile 141•• pre.
pale,( lu oarl l yens else) 1' ylli:eun tit.
(1,11' t..I,1.•n 11,1: ,•1':1,1,11
'1'41,4110 411• : 1.' l..lveel *.
. pet ti.
'I'oWCIs and Towelling
III .nu''loaeliwK Urp.uuo.•u: )on will Ilud ,,.01.•1lung t1
Meet your cyet y i.eeti rat ,x.1' lot nur.11y model .1e prices.
!u Itl.•.e lord :moi 1 nb;,,o hell
1 1,•1 ev : p•eial liar _ 111,, wide.
Curtains Curtain Muslins
TI • ;1..01 O1' IIS.•• -4.11 e 4,4'V .1111:1111%, 1 1111.1 i11, i41
,c,.,,knt,ir 1..w pair,•,. S„• • or $1.1111 l'uet:till,: they .m',
r•\tea good cede.•.
Ticking'.:+ilectinj;s, Counterpanes,
Oilcloths aid linoleum:
s hit range Ibis season i, uuu 1, hoc;:e1' (loan elel its Floral
nerd 'Tile 1,.: ;tae. til i11 ao.I !but lire 1e, il' all 1Ile
popular widths. See 1,111 `iN'' '' 1 y:lt.1* wide I.iu„letup at
.1011;, Ire, ::tl,1:n'c )d,
Carpets »- . Carpets
Lel I s,•p.:u•1 nn rat w1' 1l 11 a twiny aim• 1:11 11111.4
null not tl.v .,1' Ihr, nl-:, .,,'1 ,, ,•I Inherit.
Price 25 tits, Oa
155a. 10 C c RIfNOSid
0� ,Mt•S'
Phone'?honge �I
rho In•luin, caw, 1•• ,ur:l :• pe.aee-
able 1111.1 ►eano11u1.14' nrlthnl•'nt.
The term. .1 (1r.•t,, * pr aided
Mint este), Indian .'f both tribe., in-
cluding till these not present, slit ul.l
1-e4.411.11 d perpetual annuity .1 three
dollar.. 1 r•-rrv0 wit. tri 11', set apart
of sufficient orr,t to shitty 1,a.• htnmired
and sixty nr eo,
to every n fa
five, or i11 that proportion should the
family be -larger ..r smaller. A plow
end harrow was to he given to each
lndiam vho settled down and began
to till the ,o,1 Two of each ei the
smalls- feral animals ;UPI 011e eon'
wad to be allow( il to clot' chief. As a
mark of dist,uctiorr cacti' chief was to
receive a dress nppropriate to hlt
rank. flag and a Medal, and
iu addi-
tiota a buggy. A buggy and dread of
somewhat inferior quality, was to go
to two councillors and two b,evem of
each band. Finally as a reward of
gout[ behavior and in full payment
of all account* t., date each Delimit
received a gratnity of three dollars.
On behalf of the Indians, the treaty
was signed by Red Eagle. Bird For-
ever. Flying Down Bird. Centre .1
Bird'. Tail• Flying Round, \\'hip•
poor -\'ill and Yellow Quill. All
these chiefs affixed their signatures
by their own peculiar *narks.
ily this first treaty a portion of 11:.•
richest lands of the welt, nearly twice
the area of Manitoba. were opened
for immigration. The treaty paved the
way for further treaties until finally
all the tribes were bought off and re-
tired to their reserves in return for
certain annuities from the Canadian
A Pet Bear.
Rears unless hungy or abused are
good-natured animate and snake umttw-
ine pets. "When I was in the revenue
,.•rviee rat Alaska," ,aid a lienteuant.
"ave had a pet herr ell the boat. and
we called him \'ineska. lire used to
climb the erosatree., g$olrlg rap bond
over hand by the ratlines. Gni! don'
he ventured out on the yardarm, and
there he stayed. , We had to get n rnpw'
aril haul him drawn. Once he vaulted
over the head of our Chinese cook
end went 'into the locker.', where he
helped himaelf to auger and butter.
W. had a tackling made for hint.
much the same a11 n hernia:1A of it pet
pug, and we would drop nim over-
board, with a rope attached', ta, take
his bath. Once he landed in a we
ti�•r beeat, anti nearly friehtenrtl the
ovenpants out et their wits., Ile wort
as playful as a kitten, and. although
he sometimes disobeyed. he tr... nev-
er treacherous nr unkind. When he
scat lost ni hill himself, e, he often
did. we would look in the dark till
we saw ieo little bei'% of fire. Tlsc•.e
were his eves and pave hie) away
every time."
A Doctor's Statement
Rale rt. Prd. r•• (Jai*.
Mirth 27th, 1901.
"Dr, T. A. Slocum; Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
tie•ntlemep: -.
Me many Iblink. for Paychine and
Oxomnlston. I have need them with
veru great int idartion both iu Inv own
rase nod in that of tn' friends. it of
ford,' me mesh pleasure to rerommend
w temede which 14 really gond in ealee
fpr whish it. is intended. T um, yeurl
V,•rr truly,"
TOR -ERN ESI' .3. .11.1,.1 R I'.
!meters receptive 'bet Peychlne ie
MVO of the very brei. rem'••lirs for all
threat, being anti elnma•h trnnhbw and
all run down gnnelitinns. frena wbatever
ramie, it. is the prescription of one of
the world'.. greatest s1nrialists in dis-
tasrr of the throat, longs. and stomach,
and all warding diseases. Zak your
druggist for it. at. 5Uc and 1.00, or
T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
wotomoimstme rnwase n ors 2aOrsT =Vow nantaamIttsalta afC�
Suits and Overcoats
N,•w PAIS p.ltt• 1'n, in 1•lota'•,, I0•:+t tit
trimmings and ps,l'sL lit i n;: --style.
fort and durability are features
with us. ,
Leave your older eat lj'.
NVret Street. t*ier ich
I: ' -.,Ir. a ,Irn,l o Ce e
e I'..•.•1' rive le lee .• .0 lir -rr,pt,un. .n, 1
111.0 ...MUM. Stale who.. ,n.
n p.
D .01
•em 00.1,be had. 'A 111 deal with 9w out.'
l•:aib) 11''ni 11ra , r. E. Yawl
New Buggies
at K n ax's
Made Ly the celebrated
"Only One Grade.
and That The Best."
I Ii:,t..• just received 't ship -
.,,.on t.1 three fine Buggies and
0:1 it.. succus interested to call
:eel ...eV 1111.111.
Cur. Newgate
and Ill ltntl streets
11111/IINNWID 1111111111111
BY MAIL Time st Ho e
1.,•- ant. . t•,nr. 11. ' •
, ver. 1...1,•. -
(hoar,,wb,l'r',Iwr.- , Iw•b1 ..• hoe-•lerel,.1
t • wee -.hart wit the pull 1,111 144110044 51
:e - 1'l dr•'smak:ng, 11N:ud•(1r •.ur Laden.'
1:. 1'.: 5 -..amt tut wh•dr,ale to I•. 5:'.101
A. th. 1'r arra Ione. n.n0t.•r •,l ) „pk, 0,
• H'.,vnakers •a) ).,u 4a011* learn be to,'
,II -.•94 •)'stent and hr.t
t..•w 1,4 n,alr a paeans 0.41 •
•,,n• -.,I t. rev adder .• ,, Unn•rw1 Alt',.
.' hrtl 1. ne • a:, learn - ,:,1 F, 11', u•1 1.
v 11 1 • w:•rd 1•,51 "( 1}...•u. 1'1,N. d.
,, l u:,l•... •,'1 4„11 1,. 1..•n. 11', .nr.•L,. .
••;; l•te, th.:•,
.4114.• bitI• a' I A110,1 wi
r:. • 104,4: tem. n1.•.»1.,I'
,.1 N, : e•1 1,
1., :1'..1'. nrane
v nent I h•••I,larlr�•.111Ln'
1• ' ,• ., t 101'1.:0•
111. 11 •' r 1 ana•sa 11141 11,. .•
v .1.•.1.. Iw•.
I�;11I •re b ,n,1 m.1',., for t,ku,i: ' tr. 1'
.. 1.. n,,bae,'!..01
ee• - nat1 Ilrw,Ite I f
IL., . .•en km.len 11, I..1,• r ;1 Ndt .. mml
•Ii41,• 1 .vh, re the .err 011,1 kn•_trn
4,1C. 11. VAC Irl ,•u:.,•t' •,'•
1.11..1•101,t, : %.:'J, ll:.',,t.-.
[4lraY Buggies
\\'e lite,. thele with !tubber
Tire, awl we have them with
steel'111e.: and we o,ne them
with .\utonn,hile 315stt..mtl in
all the lit te..t STN 1.,.:•, 1t )on
want a 1tu:;g)-. u1' icer expect
to w1111 .,111•, Call a(. till(' ware -
room and ser what. we have.
7'11e 1.ra,y bigg)' routes iron,
I he largest, 1'at tinge Factory
in Canada. ,
You can't make,.nlistake m
buying a GRAY
Agent for
LOUDEN HAY 'roots.
'W• al .o have.. 11141• -lone
omitty and our prepared 1,.
supply building .June or I IMI:
large n1' ,Innll .IllIIl(il is s,
deliv.•ir, or at the quarry.
Ware -Room Hamilton St.,
a az-:a-
Doctor Withdrew his Remedies
in favor of Zam-Buk.
Mr. Ab. Wheeler. Marine and Stationary Engineer. N les Front St., Belle-
ville, Ont, says : "Two months ago, while employed in a steam laundry in this
citye my left hand became caught and was accidently drawn into a het mantle.'
As soon as passible the machinery waa stopped and my hand was extricated, but not before
the flesh a the palm et the band was literally cooked to the bone and t1e Angers flattened
tout of ibape. Ilnwever, quite soon alter the accident my hand and arm became frightfully swollen
to the elbow and the hand presents( a .is -kit. sight. No one ran imagine what 1 now' Acted
and endured. Not only was it hard to leer on account of the cruel pain., but it was a Bleat short
to my nervous system. It was some time after the injury before the rooked tle.h could be remove
freer the pals and [ben only • very little at a time. As soon pit all this had been well remove,',
healing halms were applied, het as the improvement mei so slew 1 obtained perml•sion from
the Doctor lot Zits -Bok to be used exclusively, as several of my men friends (having previously used
it ter 'mere injeries) spoke In the highest terms of its unosaal healing qualities and urged me In give t a
it a trial. Fran the commencement Zam Hak soothed and relieved the penis and *!ren out the aa a. wit, 01”. .sl r situ
sers,as.4 !now beteg toenjnyagond nighlsrestand deep. In shoat three weekstime the palm of my hand wasnieely healed or et thro.daily
application of'hit wnnderful remedy /sm./Silk, ani all inflammation and swelling wet thoroughly banished from both bead and sem.
watt 10101.1 rent awn 41.1n meat
sow as.' All yea have , o d. 9 tepee
'Patetismo whh at. wawa maw Zara •
DOS Cn , Tww./q who .i11 prnmenr
wad re. •'y uma.le Mr. ,x
Zara -leak ('Seco werema, had Sop, 1115',
•,•,Nana•Iwr., war rel p111p)ea, reiS nets, aeslpal.
r • a. tars ;tad 1.'oho.*
saltin'oho.*'.anA', 01.11, M11w•, born, rid* a1M sal,
,^,.,N, inflamed At inhaled cntidilh., at am din.
of 111 en`Iiw. awl own. or. his w postpaid from
• lam• dr 1 n., Tnnw'n. was rohM•d In it is gen*
' ,h•., .4114. ani nor,.
I al
[Mu, a Mull 1.' ndrr*ktna w.areroo(n
Weal side s1,pa*10.
PHONE : Store Kt . Uoderkh
V iota call.: AI r•.idenrn. err. 1'1‘mbri*
real and N1: 4011 Street.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orden carnally atteneed t. at NI
horn, night or day
'PHONE 15 oR 24
w'nre11oo«e (1 e1'. Neal
tl l,rn y m w+Sul 1 and Yards \ Heel Alar
Tffi:l4V.14* a (tock Square
tdrAll (Mil weighed on the In*rket I.oalee,
where you get 2, 4.11. Ifs:, for n ten.
Urger. 1,41 no 1'. 1'. LEE'S Hardware Store
,tit.' .lde M•irutre. urumnllr *IIondml Io.
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
.tray el rut nonds•r,nl ,,'I1on of l lonlbdon
1 :ural, in Matt ilnbn. sawk:ul h0w:uuurd Alberta,
r\l,l ,11111: timid 'Aa 111'1 rr•ervd, Inny Jm hmnr
1.y arty per A1101,1110 polo head of a
bonny, .r Any n"l*" over le year's of age, to the
^xt••m of oneq,artcr section of Ian acres, mor:,
or le,,.
tppllcot Ion for entry t be inane In petw0n
by 1 ho Npp9c*rat 't a Dominion Lands Agency
e1 °ub.agrney for the district in which theism,'
1s ',floats• }:nary by Proxy rimy, however, be
nowt. at .In Agency 011 ce8Mtl amdlUolte by
the Gillum. mot he.. .o,,, daughter, brother or
rimer of MI intending holn,rteader.
The hem mien i. required to pertain Um
1 tetrad .Inti under one of the following
11) .1t lesst six months' residence upon mrd
.,i)iivatlonof the land In each year for three
111 A honor $%soler 1119, if he w1' dewltetti per•
toren the regnlml tewld.nrn dn1en. by Brin 0n
Mrmin* land owned solely by hem, 1101 Iess duan
eighty Ole acre.. In extent. in the vicinity of his
hnmedend. Joint ownership in land will not
1,,,,•? Iht. •Il•lintNlt.
I:1i 11th. rlath,•,)Ifor mother. if the father le de
een.edo'd a 61411,,«t.•nder him lnrnt0nenl test -
demo on fanning lam? owned .lolly by hint
n1I 1r.r *1.,, • ighl) *Nn ,u•0•+ In r,,rhl, In Ibn
virnlrt) or the hon.«trod, rat Malo n bunne.h•ad
1'a cn•.31.4 by tum 1,1 Ian' %Minh), 'orb ber.N-
l.adrr nn•y rune hes oWn cedelenee duns
by living w119 the hither 1,w nottier).
1n The term -Os Inlay, In Use two preeedln
p*ragrwph. t• defined am meaning not nor1
Mao nine miles In a detect line, sacl,siveOf the
width M rowel allow*nnw owned is (tut
1•N A honaatea*. IntendI.. t0 a'.
IZia.lderare dntkw In ArnrM*ms• tt Ile -(.9. *4nv0
while living with parent. or da!sealing Howl
owned by himself most notify the agent for the
dl.trintof such Intontlon.
flit months' not*M Io wrltIne rgoat.bee eq
to the ('ommMlone.r of Dosasnbn Iwai• M
Ottawa of lnte.tsoe tit apply for resat
Berney et lbs Mlnla� el the in/.et.r
N.11.-Uiastherltsl graMlcp4*. of '111, N
V. rtiosswt will no to row Ibr. .