HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-4-2, Page 1Get into the Game
with an adivertimerae.t is
The Signal. Bright, at-
tractive advertising is tae
best investment the mu•
chant can make. The
Signal kart eke tay'culatien
that counts.
Don't Run Away
with the idea that yell can
get any better priatiag any-
where than you cart get
right here at The Signal.
Leave your next order et
II this office.
you will experilllee than happy feeling which come, to short•
who know that their pomeesiuua are bate. as a savings account
with this company is *et as wtvure ,es au investment in Govern-
ment Bunds and yields a higher rate of Income.
FOUR per tent. interest laid on deposits fwd money can be
withdrawn at aor time.
Goderich Office, Corner North Street and Square.
Notice to Creditors
THE t'JL'NTY Or n4i1OC:
Is 1111 Mrrt►u 0r '4IIk dal Ail. Or ON li
M. IL ,UN. r.AT* or T114. TOW/11011P Ur
lural Waw 4414a1/. IN T1114 Ism .lit 44,
Hi we,. ur:NTI.ZIIAN. 10.4 etekI.'
Noire i, ben•by rivet. pur.uant to 1t. S. 411.
toe. Chapter 1:'t.. Seethe, it. that all ppr•r.on.
Bur ing elapse agatest the e.tote of rho edit
lasaa Mcllwaiw. who died on 0r about the ell.
day of March. lees, are mi erred on re before
the loth day or April. Iteek to .end by lost
p.epard or to deliver to Robert Mrllwain. erf
the low "whip of l'olbonic. merchant, *,d
Andrea Mellwain. o1 the low n.hlp of Wiwi
W awano-b. fanner, exe..utore of the Ia.•t w'll
.ed I/1,lata11t '4 the wad deceased. their
tome'..u14ro .r. and dex,cript/an anti A full
....Lenient of IwrUbuL.r, of their .1111111- Aid
:1 ,010141 of the ere-tartlydf ants held by
Owns. duly certified :and that after Iter Ord
date the wad executor. will proceed to dt.trlb•
lite the area.. of the dowered airman [be
parte. entitled thereto, having regard only to
to rims of which tie y t hen have oeliee.
Dated Me IM1, day of ll.ttrh. tette
ItoB1:ItTMtIL1V.1IN "19c"`"4`•ANDREW M.'IL%1 AIN 131
• of my furniture and uadertaking busier .-
r, Mr. Gorge Johnston. wbo ha. been
weewith One duties Lbs past two year, all
.rc.uot• wast be vaned Ly ra.h or note before
the 11411 to -t. 1 ams leasing Uoderlch end it '-
imperative thin. ell amount. mut be 1.111( at
Ione .Ie.IRed. ° herwbe I shall be obp�pled to
IIcer them In other hand. for oollectlum. H
t. ll ll' K I7r1'.
l •harebolder- of the Uodereh Curling a
ousting A.*.c4aUa, .111 he, held 11' the court
Inn 4100 Mooday evening. the 131h of Apra
rest, at /loam*. for the election of officer. and
other general bo,lne.... WM. t AMI'HE1.L.
ro.._'1 (ludrrich. Marr, '!41.. IUs.
Please lake nutilx lust Ilrc oat goosed
tl. oting of the -harcholder' of the liodsrkh
6kealor and Tleu-n r'onq.any, Limited. will
4. held in the ,eak:e et the sown trowursr.
bedsrrrh. on
WEI,NF:SD.IY. APRIL 13T111. 1111.,
• clock p. u,.. for the elrc4lon of dlreeter.
ter the rooming year and the trensact4on of
other hudne.. that may properly be brought
kelpie the meeting.
i4urnedl W. 1. HORTON, Ma,WRr.
Goderich. March 23th. yew,
chat xgleetal emend meeting of the
-h.tchol4er. of the Ontario West Shore Elie
IoM' Itallwav Colnppteany will be held et it.e.ul
No..t. National Tru.t Blending. "t King 44.
fast. in the (' icy of Toronto, In the ('aunty of
York..a the revruth day of -\Let. 11141. at the
hour of two o'clock in the afternoon. for the ;
purpose of giving authority to the dewton of;
the conserver to 1-.11r I.rele debenture.
other 'ormolu, to the e%tent of 111.1.11., Per mile
of diet. hack of the lonrtrny's railway anal
extension. and 4)rA rellie-. and to ...wore the
w ane by mortgage dud. pu'wwwt to the .tet -
me in that behalf, and for 1 he peewee of got
Ills aulhor47 to the direct...-- to enter into a
ronlract or contract. with a oonllwrtot or 4011
tractors for the coed ruetenn and eryvlpmcnt of
'he r 1,1111.111).^ lire f r.ilaey from Uo,terich to
Kincardne to wei deuce with s.etioo 10 ne "
kdwanl VII.. chap. 70. and for the purpose of
trwu.a sting .uch other hwdnce. n. may pool*
crly 440 trwn.'acted at the said member.
Dated the. 'Lint day of Moth, lira,
Hy order of the director-.
if. J. A. M.'F,W.1N.
Nutter 1, hen:by given 11141 11111411 .16111111 will
be made to the Legi.lwtrm• of the Pmsmrr of
the*rlo at its present sitting for an Act to,•044
Orin bylaw. )4 and :1 of the town of Ureteric,'
for rennet's/ ep and wllenq rertai0 part. of
141.14, Terrace. water lane. Beach +Inez *nd
11*rbor lane. road. in the town of U.lerlch.
and bylaw'' l:. for opening up a road in eaten
.ion of %%'Ater lane. In the town of Uoderlch,
{ceased by the council of the town of Uoderlch
et November, lar, *rd the agreement err
lend Into In permame, thereof.
44011e11 Or for the M•plir*ul.
• ex*ollturs of the edato of the I4.to
I''00iel) Aehe.on hate decided to offer the
whole estate for sale. The property not dst% of
reel elate. Aeleentnn., lams and .(n k..
Parte. wiehlug to inset in any of the *hove
{mperties ton get fell pari 41,1,1*,,. on *ppllca
tlori to the exe •store.
)Alla ).MMA 44. Aerograim,
J. 1'. BROWN 4, Execnlors
Y1'11.1,IA'( a4TftlOM
(;olerich, !roc. '.th
Hou trireme To*o*r1'
a critostize i•carnal• • $1,000,810
To accommodate the Farmers
we have opened Branches In the
villages of
We solicit the Patronage of the
opened by deposit of $1.03
interest at 3% compound-
ed quarterly.
i llfllaltiOH BRANCH
A.0.OAMBLE., .r-
S U It A N (' E (; 0. -Farm and Isolated
town property Ileurvd.
(pawn J. B. Mclean, pros.. Nippon P. U.
T. newer. Vloe-pre-., Bruoeacld 1'. U
Thome.. K flay.. See. Tread.. Seaturth 1'. U'
Newton. -W,,,, ('hewsy, Sreforth : John
U. Grieve. Winthrop : flange Dale. 44eaturth;
John I(onneweyl, Dublin: Jame. Kvan., Hooch -
wood : John Watt, murlock : TMS. rower,
Ilruonteld ; John H. MIcLeau. Kippuo ' Jar.
Connolly. 4'11e4 on.
J. W. Yeo. Holrno.vl0e. agent for West
H ura1. Pullcey-bowrne oar pay awew.meata
ant. d get their rareeelpted at Tomer a
B rown's, 1 Muton. or at IL H Carta gruael7.
Kluapton street, nom. ich.
Beal Estate for bale.
In; as Nebo,. .tnet. with new barn on it
_.1.:1: .apply to I1. H. HEl'KF7 T.
1' I'Itul'ISItT1' IN 1/14, NEAKU4D1a;Il'H-
t he Holland four 11 the Std evue*-ion of
A.hfield, containing lee acres. nearly all to
grow. cued buildu'g•. Fuse orchard. which
will bey interest o1' the whole inre.Unent.
Reason he veneer 100 far away to attend to IL
.Apply to J. 1'. uuIUTlfultek.. nekton!. out.
frame hone. hard and .soft water, sewage
coma -e len* Nn. - Ihc,o...tree(. lately ware
lard by dr. Thu-. N'ralherald. If nut .old by
13th of Apel. will thee be offend for wale by
publo au.a,on. Ale., the M acre. oast of the b.
1'. Ft .-canes, known ad (4441 northerly at acres
teeth of the .. '1. It.. being part of Work A. le
4'..r4, .1.4 Marwuud's .urvey, troderich. .1414117
THu". N'EAAMER ALI). 2I0 1lelatre street.
Woodstock. tent.
La :it ne tau fuot irontoge ea desired. Thom
tot- an, eons,( the %cry Gest in the town of
l.oderwh.centrally located .,d within a sew
memo. walk of the court huW.e-ektuare old
p, mensal bushes. platy- of the Lustre, as well Ad
1110-t ,.nnen'ent to the ('ullegiew IneUtute.
Public library and I'u.toR,cu:. People we. de -
.are a me rtsldenlial property will do well to
see MRS. J. H. WII.LIAMY, Market .beet.
11. (000on ion 1:4. Hulett, better bonen
a. the ir..me Dover farm- lin the property U
a house, hem art +table. ten aeroo of hush. one
acre of °rearm' 7.'. acre. n1 for cultivation. rod
clay loam ad watered by a gad runtaug
cl'ring. Thi. property 4. 1n awed locality.
ow to school. church and K. It. 'date",
. Terni• of renting and „de are of the most
liberal character. For further hdoonatlrm
pills to MK$IH$. PNUt'UFUUT. HAYS &
It1.A IR. Barrister.,Etc.. Uerkh.
Dated 2.1lh day oclMarch, A. 11 4104, tett(.
I' of ehnirc fruit, garden or farm land admin.
tog the town, berg part of the old -Inter-
International - farm. Tema rr*wnlde and will De
i,.wlc to amt ppurcha-er. Apply to H. I/CNU)P.
We -t -incl. Gr'derlch.
• Wolfe deem. Patriot. dining room kit
(leu. pantry. wash -room and front hell doe...
-lwlr*. three bedroom., two rlwets And hall
no-tate*. The hou..t 1. *11 new papered. S400.•
(omeletton and good teller. Apply to ALLAN
M.11'IIONAI.D, engine," (44ddench Planing
)1il1. l'onip,,,y, IMi4
111 tent ('unrfortablrhone- orent . Madlum
Ore. !;ons cnlent to Square. Huthroum, me.
Would sell 10 nemodolble party who could
make moderate ea.h payment wl(14 balance In
monthly In.WmenU.. For partieul*n apply at
block D. lake rowl ewe. Colborne town
.hip, t w1' nils from (lodorlch, 1.94 acne. sued
clay loom. brick house, tarn W x S7. with
cement -tabling. erteelan well. water In huild
Ing. *td Awing creek.1 acres stwndinet' limber
And )011 orchard. Apply to n'. l'. rN NEIL,
Dunlop Ir 0. .Iltlf
relate Agoole.11oderirh. tint. -Fenn and
town proprtds boughtsold and exchanged.
[`' FO1tTABLE brick house overlooking the
harbor: ell modern reu%etre-ere., Inelndin�g
hot water heating. Apply to YOUNG a: ROB-
ERTSON. Oudcrlch.
11'' LENT land for market garden. with good
buildings and tenon.: two n,11en from ode.
rich : five scree In orchard of apples, pears,
plums, cherries, peaches. grapee, and ramp -
berets.. Price and torn,. f.rorable. Apply to
1 on Angleeow drool, 1I •tory houses on
Napier street, 11 story house on Elgin ave-
nue. f dory house on Victoria street,
Two-story brick hou.e on Fame street near the
lake : nine roq.n, all modern conveniences.
SL Itwvtdb t ' nitro loom.. all modern con-
venhenoee. w pp� Bhfor sale In env part of
Huron county. YOUNU A ItO:RTS)N,
Goderich, Urn.
SALE.-ituaateeln West %Vawattsh. two
mils from Auburn ; soil a .'lay lout. about 110
arses under coltn-aUon and 11 to 40 acres
Umber. A well and two - rings of water. a
few Mame dwelling, a tarn, .table and
driving shed. Applyw L'NU & ROBERT-
SON. Ooderlch.
11' 8ret-ekuw 9 at,p farm In West Wawa -
nosh. 000eeselon h, lot Yl, with 175 acres In a
good state of cu tivatloe, well fenced. well
watered, good orchard, Wee bank him. good
house. Pottefllce, black.mlth shop and store
at. .orner of farm. Convenient to 'ghoul and
ellen*, 1i mtlea from C. 1'. It 4,10
Auburn. Terms easy. W. A. �4.
I.ucknow. Mt.
roosted frame Aweling hewing a aced
situation. on Keay* diem. Stone ((pp*gndatlon
and summer kilobit', /nod *table. Will be mold
,wl.nnably. For terthst partlonNtw apply le
M14& WM. MCCAUGHAN, 44 Davies Roo.,
t farm fter *ale,atefor mixed tanning
or saw pasture. or sa, M webs gad or.\-
ard,klarres goad timbre. Coil A gad
ole leant. (lord Rome sense, from* bowel=
W elder, hoed drYr w& Lola X and I.
J. WA 1.1.118 Clinton.
t' ligr tamhelhlt In He heel• tsetn.el that le
,gait 7n
e d.i.‘
art Rlryes t\te 11w1 els
(.p�s ri t 'ler . C 1.' I lag. "�«.ga'taw
The Huron Gerrymander.
The latest news foto Toronto i11 re-
gard til the redistribution of the
Huron seats is that Tuckerswith it to
be placed in South Iluron instead of
in Centre Huron. Tho whole matter
will probably be fought out o11 the
floor of the Legislature.
C. P. R. Trains Restored.
The C. P. R. announces that the
former train service on the Guelph le
Goderich line is to be resumed next
Monday, eth inst. The train leaving
Toronto at H a. m. and arriving at
Goderich at 12:10. and the train leav-
ing Goderich at -1 U p. w. and arriving
at Toronto at 11:15 are to I restored.
This arrangement will he continued
uutil June 1st, *hen changes may be
made in the timetable..
Temperance Convention.
A call haw been issued fur a rally of
tewperauce workers from all the mun-
icipalities of Huron county to meet in
Clinton Thursday, April Itkh. Ben.
11. Spence. secretary of the Ontario
branch of the Dominion Alliance, will
be present, and important nutters are
w be dealt with. Churches,' W. C. T.
1'. and temperance societies are stetted
to send repreaeutativeee. There will
lie single (are on the railway.
Mayoralty Appeal Tomorrow.
The appeal from His Honor Judge
Doyle's judgment in the quo warranty
proceedings, unwitting Robert Thomp-
son, comes up tomorrow morning
in Toronto. W. Proudfoot, K. C.,
will appear for Dr. Macklin and E. L.
Dickinson, K. C., for Mr. Thompson.
When Judge Doyle gave his judg-
ment and Dr. Macklin waw served with
notice of appeal he offered to reoign and
allow the matter to be set Clad by a new
election. but this was not agreeable ty
Mr. Th peon, so the matter will have
to he disposed of by the court.
The D. & C. Boat.
A letter to the Sigurd from A. A.
Schantz, general nuanage r of the Detroit
& Cleveland Navigation Co., confirms
the report that the steamer State of
of New York is to call At Goderich
the coming season. making one trip*
week iu each direction. Mr. Schantz
writeee: ''1'be exact time has not beets
decided upon, but we will arrive there
on Saturday And return trip Monday
evening. '!'hit will give people at
Detroit an opportunity to spend
Sunday with friends in your cit)•, by
tieing our line during the coining
In Trouble at Buffalo.
A young bank clerk who left Gode•
rich tinder A shadow a few weeks ago
has got into serious trouble in Buffalo,
according to A repent from that city
Tavwueh. April
Vali wheat. per hu.h. new an rti to
Spring wheat. per bush. newa 8.1 to
IpL,pye per Meeh
rick wheat. per Mush
nkat.. per bush., now
Peas. per bush
Harley, per bush
screenings. per ton
Flour, family. per eat
Flour, patent, per cwt
Henn. per torr
Short... per ton
Hay-, new, per too
'Noor. per cord
Nutter. perils
('4400.e, per Ib
Egg., fresh, per dos
l'otat..en, new
Cattle, otdln'y to goad. per .wt
Tattle export, per cwt
Hogs, live weight, per cwt..,
Sheep. per cwt
Ham. per Ib
Bacon. per lb
Lard. per Ib
Tallow. per Ih
Hide. per cwt ......
Sheep !Skins
'443 to
0 7.1 to
18 On to
2 83 to
el on to
• IA 00 to
18 10 to
b no to
013 to
(415 to
41 11 to
4311 to,
WI to
50 ,0
3 :.1 to
018 to
o 15 to
13 to
W to
3 (01 to
36 to
144 to
((404.448 market. on sage
0 se
0 e
41 4S
0 78
10 00
:1 is
141 10
17 Su
o xi
0 IS
U 11
0 S1
1 73
5 (0
3 tin
1 0)
0 Irl
0 nS
• 10
l� p.,rrbas.l the hnsln° . herelofurc con-
ducted b w'tn, John*ton, and solicit. olden
for {messing. cleaning sod repairing ladies and
gentlemen . clothe.. Work done promptly and
at reasonable rale.. ('4411 at Blom on Montreal
street, second dour front K. 1l. Sallow: photo
Situations Vacant
LV with fifteen Miudred dollar.. for wmw.er
ntente at Goderich. large moneymaker. F,
%V A LI( EU. 11., Dundee street, London. Ont.
43 "Auto -Spray.' lln..t hand ,,trppt*Trr hand.•;
comtl�eeAellBalt,R(M.. aGtd1,tomt.wUo I.Itw cal teterms.CA11CH21
crayon portraits llleento frnmee In cent,.
and up, /hest picture. one cent each. 1'01, can
make 4e1 per Dent_ profit or DOW per week.
Catalogue and samples free. FRANK W.
WILLIAMS COMPANY, Drat W. Taylor lit..
Chicago, 111. -
for general housework.' Apply to HRS.
OAT WANTED. -A (1001)
• second-hand rowboat. about 11 or le feet
long. !Irate price wasted. APO'S to MX S.
• ten -roomed house. centrally located.
Apply toter 35. THE SIGNAL.
For Sale
1.' mlloh cow. Apply to A. H. HECK kTT.
extra toed generan pttrcese mare.. Apply
at. the BON -TON LIVERY. East street. Oahe
Iyesterday. it. is alleged t hat he
pw++rel a forged cheek for $75 on a
hank in that city, rend when ,at'rested
had thirty•uue checks on 1 ' , varying
in 111001114i frons $544 In $1114 and pre•
si111a1dy all forged. It is said that
after getting the cheek nor 1175 cached
the young mien event directly to the
Trop s hotel, w"hete he paid his hill
Of $d2.44 . He hall leen ,at the hotel
for alaut as week. He is being held
by the police on an open charge until
a further investigation is m:►de.
33rd Regiment to Quebec.
After a long period of Tit/dirty
Lt. -Col. Young has reyeivt•d word that
the aunuul military camps will not be
held in Ontario this year, but that in-
stead a portion of the militia will 111,
Laken to Quebec to take par4.in th,•
tercentenary celehrxt' of that city
in July. The .»n(ingrrlt for aluelw•c
p4. to include Ll • officers' and •eom'
11litaeio11,.1 officio* of the ::Irl 1 Doom
Regiment, and half the strength off the
companies. The reg' '1't i, to leave
here 4.0 as 1:0 arrive .11, tlurbec un Sal-
unl*)', .only 'Lith. and will leave
Quebec un Friday. July 444,t. This
will eyelid a twelve drays' tell) and a
very enjovalele opting for the officers
-444.4 Ilw•l.
Signs of Sprini�at the Harbor.
Sign; of sprit are in evidence
around the hlarb.41. The river is free
of ice out to the mouth and running
with a goal strong current. The har-
bor is partly clear and the ice it
rapidly rotting. Work is progressing
on the three iron veeseltain preps ra•
tion for the opening of navig,iI
Engine. cement mixer, etc.. have 4*.•n
mounted on the urge A ereore ready
for work on the outside• brr,tkwaate•r.
Scows are being c:ull1ed oti the harbor
island. A hoisting engine rend chow
for handling the shone ,ere being titled
Op 041 the south pier. The 4;as buoy
h.1', hada coat. of paint. The marine
leg of the Big Mill's elevator •is being
overhauled. A neve cram) is being
built for the dredge.
Changes in G. T. R. Service
The G. T. 1t. has been giving iiude-
rich an excellent train service for
slate time. and the 11,m,1 ''l' 'Trawl"•
Nark uce,ulion at its meeting hest week
N. pass a resolution of thanks for th(e
way in which the c p.any has leen
atteeuding to the passenger traffic to
and fr the town : but it s.ruys the
service is (00 gnarl to last. 1V,rd 11.1.
gone forth from U. T. It,', animal -ten,
that economy treed M• cxrrcisel, and
during the last few Clays the pa.srng, r
officials have leen figuring on how to
cut out one train a dray each way with
the taut possible damage to the ser-
vice. The tl o'clock outgoing train
may be taken off. but it ix 11ure diffi-
cult to pick on the incoming train
which (should be eut out. Nothing
definite. has leen a &ounces' sit L11'.
Festival of the Lilies.
On Easter Monday night the. -Fes-
livid of the Lilies- will be given in
Knox church by a children's chorus of
eightyfive voices under lite direct'
of .I. E. .nonan. (illicit who hate
heard the children rate say uhelr work
is excellent. and (here is *till over two
weeks of training before thew. The
asli,Ling atli.ts will lie H. K. Jordan.
of Itrantford, ate: will
Telfer MI1rr,ay,
elocutionie_, And de own:a'r of )1r. .1.
1" 4i.rditifs pupil41 also 444141 take pal's.
in place of tickets for this event
badges are (wing pr,vitlel which will
secure admit:Mon and also Ino)' be re-
tained as 04111 V1011111/. LSA Ii414ilVII
Irer of these badges have been printed,
and after they h eve teen sold tickets
will he used. There badges will be nn
sale at H. C. Uuulop'e drug Mule 1111
Monday, April Iitfl, at the price of Ad•
miss , 1:x.
A tear of 14*417 Idaho reed Potatoes have Just.
arrived for Gold's wbolowle trnit house. They
e re a choles early Na 1 aced potato and ran be
obtained at$1,11) per Mahe! aatt any
nOpfodenorat,LLOYD'$ RN
Watt '
Ooder iati OrIan
ca.Limped here miens
hh °.ra mete Lumber, Monty
abort hollow Pw,ote oaaemplating the Nor
den of 41,0111 s. stores, or lacunes 4118 elo
well to peeps orders early, art is ro have no dm
lay la the Mew season. Write or roll at ttha
Factory. Mi
Pi.RTE net from s Ideh In 21 Inch. All In
good ewn4ltlen. Will be seM reseenable and
on eM7 terns. /'0r farther pancake. apply
to MA 7.1 ECHLIN. East street, (ioderleh.
a• gush m and males (umber ter tsidse losers. week.
apply theslll 41f EI.WltelrTThrUdbirb baMrw
Menesetung Canoe Club.
During the winter the meroller- n4
the Menewt.ing ('ante Club have h. II
several specially inleresLiug o•caanns
in their handsome club yens•. OW'4,1
these was on Friday evening Iasi,
when a supper way given to mark the.
closing Alf a billiard loner • rt be-
tween the president and the vice pres-
ident.. The president's side were th••
losers, and President 'l'nrnh4111 .11,14 his
merry lien ANA penalty served up an
eze.11eiL menu which was heartily en-
joyed by all. A few brief poet -
prandial epecehes tonvl've.1 t h e
thanks of the winners to the presi-
dent and hie retainers for the slipper,
and the. OW11111r4 then i'ntele.l into a
lengthy discussion las to the Hsi ire -
tion of A chili boat -home tit t he river-
A'tenons- decision 11N I(4 the location
of the hoat-house was not reached.
but the Chili haft decided to 11avc
quarters of its own Itt the river this
eeas0n for the aeconrtmwiatim' of
Another blood Program.
In spite of the apparent hostility of
Nature there was it Large and app-rci•
ative Audience at the meeting of the
Collegiate Institute Literal y Society
on Friday evening taut. The program
opened with a well -renderer! intact -
mental duet by the Misses Beatrice
Pridhanl and (:race N'arno,'k. They
were No heartily applauded that I icy
were forced to give Another exhibi-
tion of their titmice' debilities. Miss
Aileen Margin recited "Curfew Shall
Not. Ring Tonight" with 11)1 expreMiiun
that thrilled every listener. ''1'11ke
Me Down to Wonder!*nd,- sing by
the Glee Club, aptly gave 'expression
to the beseeching glances of many of
the maidens preset*. The Jnurn*l, an
instructive and frill of wit Sum 1441,1,1,
reflected great credit on the efficient
retiring editors, Gordon Wight11lan
and Benson Long. Dr. Strang con-
ducted the gne.tiun drawer to the sat-
isfaction of All. Then followed the
most enjoyable feature of the pro-
gram, the magic Lantern view., Prin.
cfpe1 Field operated the machine,
while Ur. Strang made* few interest-
ing remark. on retch view. These
were of A'.'er)' pleasing TAj'i,'ty, eon•
Rioting of historic *cense, A few replete
of sacred paintings, a number of H. K.
Hallows' views of Goderich. Anel, butt
and loveliest of a11, the dear old
donrinie himself. Mise Agnes Hamil-
ton was the Aerompen(st of Use even•
Penne-Library Board.
The monthly meeting of the public
library hooted wax herd on Fititnrrlay
evening past, with the following mem-
ben present : J. H. Tigert lin the
chair), Meters. Tont. Kernighan,
Fowler, Strang and Kidd. Th., fol-
lowing moments were pealed : (len.
Stewart, wreath for Tate librarian's
funeral, *2.4.1; The Signal. printing,
$7.441; 0. F. Carey. imurwn(:e renewal,
$13; R. A. Kadcllfte, insurance re•
nee al, $7.30. The lihr:u'ian'a 1e.
part for Pelona! y showed Jeeeip($ Ilf'
$S.:in front lines and sale of otitis 4111,1
an 1,44411' 01 1,50:1 1110ke .41111 maga-
zines. Thu• proceeds of the s:ah• of
magazines o11 Nohoary 15th were
$15.115. 1xpeps's $1. leaving :a l,,114m•e
of $1 :tit; TI'he Mit avian having ,a -
',reseed a desire to (44.44 lbs upper
rooms of the library building res a
dwelling, a r 'tree was appoieted
to wake ,uian{44wrn(8 with 111111.
The hation of ages be
individtnutivals 41110 takue aicivaazitlnalagryof rho
privacy of the roam set apart for the
convenience of ladies and 1'I)ildien
was again brought before the late d.
A colored ft•ontspiece Was turn 4r111.. 4 l'
til• (art's Own 1' r for the current
til and two Ages from Cassell's
M111314ne. These are but 1 -ample.,. 411
whit has been going on at intervals
for ,a long t' '. The petty 11leie,ness
of such practices is alsnoet lwnrath
contempt. Such persons, it detected•
will forfeit the pnvilege.4 they have so
much abused.
Business Change.
.tIuuuncentent is made this Week of
a change ii the furniture and rootlet -
taking 4uoitiess in town, George .1uhn•
stun, who tor some time pest kw haul
with l[. 14. Beckett. hnvin'{'mue•1lasod
the business. -Thr chatter in litu-
Prt.•tneship I+L phare yesterday. Mr.
Beckett has pnech.a•o•tl an undertaking
business i11 Brant( rr•t nil leaves
in a fete weeks to ink.. charge. The
people of (r.wletael1 will be l0.t'I'Y to
lost Mr. Beckett and low family. Dur-
ing his reeided.ce of nearly lit u years
and o half in town. M1. Ile•rk.tl Irts
shown himself :a public-spirit.•'I ritiu•11
Ad well 1141 All excellent hu,illess sun
lord during his term) mit the ipal
council board be earned the reputa-
tion of stir king to the cu411Ise he be-
lieved curt•t•••t in spite of imposition.
1Y hen he voluntarily retired tr the
council at the (doer of telt year• it war
hoped that nus rttireiu•nL oleo only
temporary. and that hr might again
be prt•veilad 11(a11 to s.'rVe the te1W11
111 s / pob1lc elaplo•ity. and 4in re-
nloral fruit luau will accor.lingle 4..
felt las a "bet Met loss to the .' mi.
uunlit)'. Another sphere, 111 4.t hich he
will be missed i, that of church work.
As a Wet&ier and on►re•htt.are•1' rf
North etr.et Methodist ehurch 141 was
a *entree of strength to than. (:nngrega-•
tion. In hue4,110u he w'la* enterpl'is•ng
and progressive, and built •up the
trade 0f hit. estahlishwrnt in A .4e!".'
anccee4sf411 manner. It i. not :111 orig-
inal remark, but entirely appropriate,
that Galericb's loss Is Brantford.*
gain. -
A Musical Evening.
Ale .1. E. Jordan's efforts to provide
the people .d' 1:1iIrri.1!) with an op-
portunity tunity of hearing 60111e go1u1 41)(1.4.'
were rewarded on AI lay evening be
the Milli:tut success of hi,. recital. A
splendid audience gathered in Knox
church to hear it. and the program
was received with *ppre.riat4n from
the first nal' to the Inst Miss
Lillian Fowler, of London, gave three
solo numbers, and the selections were
No Yarlel as to de ti'atte a
great range of %orad .,bind y. The
first Was dim. delightful bit of 5cotti*h
sentiment,"My Ain Folk." which was
•mm41F with excellent effect. The
Al'altz Song front "Carmen- di•p1ayel
the rap.abihtiee of A finely .'rdtivaatew)
voice, and i1, "The Swallows," delight-
fully rendered. she won her audience
c(impletely. The lural talent also
showed w ,ulranlage. 1'hr Mc11de14-
sohn Quartette , Misses Brown ,wd
Clark and Messrs. Thomsen and Juts
daw'' scored is distinct 44uecess in their
rendering of "Atihdwell." and the
Knox church quartette 1 Mi,*ew Me-
Vittie and Clark and Ale's.r44. Thorn -
son and .lord;1'l) rendered that I.,.,uuti•
fol c limit ion, "Crossing 1114, Har,"
with equally good effect. Mie+ Lillian
Clark is a recent. debutante on tho
public pplatfrr,u in Goderich. :and with
het' plendid eohtraaltn voice she is a'
vatlt�ed aaiuiniti0I in musical circles.
Mr. Jordan's numbers on the organ
and piano were given with the
inlhiclatnly skill that alwatys marks
his performances. His addt'tr.s rn
"Vocal Faults and Advancement in
Music" -Wad sallltethil4g ' !tie in
rich and INAs decidedly' Interesting.
H.• spoke of 110111e'.1 the vital prints in
44)44e cultan•e, and w'
e'4. cielly urged
that careful attention *�onld he given
in the beginning to the reining of the
voice, tA) that 4Isleatl of the voice be-
ing rineat the st*tt reg.wnl4 .0 min
n(1i ion
mighthe laid for its fntul'e rultfv.lio11.
The (lofting 1,.•r (If the pnogl•am
Wad 'Tilt. Magic N1'rll,' sung by the
[.dies' Evening Chorus under Mr.
Jnnlan's direr41114. This is as pretty
piece of music and was effectively
rendered. Sohn parte were well sus.
tabled by Miss.S McViLt4.. Brown.
Fowler, Nairn and Clark, and a du.•t
by Misses I)Iil'e Subtly m111 %'attet•
WW1 plehxalttly rendert'tl. '1'110' chorda
parte were mune with Jrel'iMiln and in
good ane. and the performance &tidee!
to Mt'. .Jordan's already established
reputation as it traine',uld conductor.
Mr. A. I(oy Adams was the piano ac.
companist,of ,the evening, and his
playing wasxbararterized by the sync•
pathy and excellent tart• of the ad-
mirable artist that he is.
A Council Meeting Without a Mayor.
A aperial mteetng.rf the town woun-
d] WW1 held on Frida►r evening past to
adjust a mistake in the• issue of local
improvement debenluteq last year.
This ie the lame with reference to
which there weir trouble before and in
connection with which the then
Mayor and the then clerk paid a visit
to Toronto. Thr present trouble was
caused by the town's making the first
debenture, fall due in ID41(, while the
purchaser treated the bone am staking
the first payment fall due in Ito 7.
The proposal the purchaser tnade was
that the town *hould take lip the final
debenture and the price the pnrehaaser
was willing to dispose of WM was
about *1141) les* than the pnve..mt worth
of fie debenture compnteli at 74 per
cent. compound interest.. ea:online
to the Week's computation. A nation
WAIN plowed mithorixing the repurchase
of the debenture. if the town _had the
mn41 lett av*il.ltl
oA er w read from the town
solicitor with reference to his vi.it to
Toronto to oppose the Ontario West
Shore Electric Railway ('o.'* Applica-
tion for extcnRton of time for the et_
pendlture of 1b per cent. of the capital
And for the completion of the mad.
No action WAR taken alt tin latter•
however, aa the meeting of the (9)1(11•
ell tins a apeciA1 one, not celled for
general Ineilnexw. Th. letter from Mr.
ilickinson detail that the town of
Kincardine waw represented eseentetl by its
ALayor and solicitor, who ,abo had
4[14(10 (u Tut'outu 111 111/4/44.414 the exten-
stui before the committee of the
House. Mr. Dirkineu11 said he had
111111 ,t rla41re inserted in the amending
:\.L to the effect that the extension
granted was i11 110 way to iiteries,
with the bylaws 1e,pliring the work of
constluclion "to strut by the 1st of
Owing to the j,edges decision
meat Mg Mayor Thompson having
been Minded out in the morning there
w1'.• no claimant for the Mayor's seat
at this meeting. and !reeve McLean
w•lu, appointed chairman. After the
ruined meeting the tire c11il mitten
art aid decided to recommend the
tasking _fur Lenders for the repair of
the old engine or for the supply of a
new engine, the uld • to be takeu in
plot preyytient. The c tttt mates. also
di$teu1se•(1 the plane for remodelling
the the had!. The opinion WML, es-
lltw44M'd t hat the market t'torr
.!could take up the mauler of A new
11144ricel. I111d alt the 1114.111111•1 of the
council seemed of the saute own u unn
this question.
A speera1 meeting 'l' the town c.u-
nil war held on Tuesday night t
which it Was decided - to sign I
agreement allowing the Ontario Wes
shore Electric Railway Company to
ret on the streets of the town. The
selection of the el1't•cts required and
the consideration on which the use of
the streets can be hiul will be matters
for hater cn11eideraliuu.
Tilm beet a final 111111 :ou•h of ender to
oho y011 a few ri*,eedays 13 l,r.. ole. fur spring.
Lease )our order fur ., y.rin,c ,all 0r light
overcoat with Parttime the; Tailor.
:NOW that ApV111K 14 001111114 *metes' photo
,...either. x111 10411. to art bo.y ag •,n. .'
plebe out fits and supple.. of all kiu•t. h,•
obtained from R. It. Sallow.. Cite hue, a real!.
The;. -cont to he having 1'0 01111 of n 1111111
decide.. who Is w G• 11a)ur of Ucterir h, but
the townspeople lung ug•• "+nae to for 1'u*nl-
uruis dw•1s1w1 that Wilmer Smith., t:a.4
err,i. Use rlghl p,ux for picture moulding..
phol-t4r)• work. cu.,
'fie Sigry1J aid The Weekly Globe
to :1',y tuldr'etta in Canada to January
tat, 1:(81, fat' $1.1411, -
The donati to the hoepitwl of A.
dozen laws of fruit by Mrs. It W. Al. -
Kenzie he gratefully acknowledged.
A. I1. linker, the Lew science
IWaater at the Collegiate Institute. has
u'riard i44 town and hoe entered on
his duties.
Mr, and Sirs. McDowell have n•
Doled to L'tkeview after emending
the long winter months with their
many friende and will 4;• pleased to
neemtt tootnte any who are harking for
a private home.
Wool Nita received here this ru,n•n
ing that ,las. M,Mnr'hi."a private
Intuit at Blyth wale entered by bui'g-
laan last night and the safe blown
oprn and robbed. Detective I'n den
has gone to Hlyth to insestig'tte.
After ;running only ' • Iw4110 a
day all winter the G.rderieh Organ
Company tesnmed the ten-hour day
nn Monday morning h) order to keep
pace with the rush of orders new 41.•111
ing in. 1)4r'ing the time the factory
was not running full time no reductli.0
With made in the ray lira.
The pastor -elect of the Ilapti.t
church, Rev. C. K. Jones, will conduct
the serVicra next Sunday. The sub-
jects announced are : Morning- "The
Fr' ph and 111mpm•talfty of a
Name." Evening "How to Define a
l'hriatiau." The Lord's Supper will
be oleservetl at the clown of the morn-
ing service. A cordial greeting w
strangers and Visitor:.
A grand organ recital was given at
Ihesbyt.erian church, Brantford,
., Thursday evening, Alarrh filth, by
the muanlli dirt'rt0r of the church,
our talented former young townsman
hr leriek-T. Ege'nter, aasinted by Miss
Ester Dale. soprano, and Geo. White,
act' ponied. inr Good Friday ;•yeti'
ing the choir, tinder Alt•. Egener's
direction, will present Staainer's "Cru-
iter. H.• N'. Wright closed his min•
isty in connection with the tioderich
Baptist church on -Sunday last and
Telt. the following day for his new
lield of labor in 'Toronto, whither NICs.
Wright. had preceded him. Mr. and
N1rm. Wright's departure is such re-
gretted, as they had won a warm
place in the regard of our Wane.
people. Rev. 4.'. R. .Zones, the first
pastor of the (ioderich Baptist church,
has arrived in town to take charge of
the work he was instrumental in
starting ftt're some yearn ago. Hi.
congregative and -the people of the
town generally welcome I back.
A very inn greeting meeting was
held by the Epworth League of North
street Methodi t church Tuesday
evening last: GM being the regular
monthly Waimea and literary meet-
ing. There were eighteen received
into membership, with a goodly nenl-
ber yet to be received. This is A
441041tuutemo.. .1 the evangelistic ser-
vice.. After spending an hour with
the devotional exercises, bushiest neat•
cera and reception of members, about
.ninety le'aguet•s sat down to a sump-
tuous repast prepared and in charge of
the social co11lrnittee, of which Miss
Itnhy Mcie'anl iv chairman. The
balance of the evening was spent in
social intercourse.
The Clinton Oollegiatcinstitute
football team has organized for the
season and has entered a challenge
for the Hough cup.
A meeting frr the purp)s• of organ.
izing for baseball for this Kennon will
bee held in the town hall next Wedn.'s-
day eveuing at K o'clock. All inter-
ested in the game are askew! to be
present .
tl-ire Frnclne-Wor.aell- 1laolw are 'age -
1louw for 44111. --Thu•. %-cal ht•enkl .. ...
With the Advent of males 1'..4111ar 1'41_.. 3
/lust1k, You Feel ' F'- J. Milieu' . Y
-'lith 1. ensure Clothing - Wanci l'. Ih Whom-
hom!..Lae. ,' 11'hite Uoode, Silk. J. 11. l olborne... 1
Kid Glove.. -11'. Ache un da:. Sou . ............. Y
111uuee Repaired H. E. Knox, . 1
!loaf Wanted .-let u..lnburn.. .. . I
Splendid Spring Value. John Slaad.
e 1
4uen lJliality' Dawning St 3 4W \Tear • a
Fl uiI Tice. John Swear' E -tote, Be:nmllbr 2
Dy',ing Sermon -S. E. Hick. ... . ..... .. .
\01403-11. B. Beckett.... . 1
Merl Fencing-Howoll Hardware Co.. L't'd.. d
Paper. thp rare Porter .. ,. s
11'e 11arc'Tim a et, Stay--Ww. 1. Lindsay,.
luck Out for 11argaias-Ueorge Stewart, , 44
Hone- for Sale-- %%'ulker & Augu*Uue.. 1
('.,.1, fur Butter and Fgnta-J. H. McNabb.
l/uugauuon. - t
.% New Mall on 11,,, Square -Geo. JOhneteis
F -ars fur Sale ur Exchange -J. T. Goldthorpe 1
Coe cur Sade H. H. Beckett.. 1
Bedding lot for Male -11. B. Beckett.... 1
.lunouneeuent --Mi., l'ameron. .. . ... 1
11w• Harniltou ha. rear nod to lost..
H. W. Thomson is out of town on bushes.,
Alike Brownell ha. returned from a rail to
T• outu.
J. hn Mow.. of Blyth• was w visitor in luso e1'
Mo' ay.
4111. of Te,ter. 1. in town 'eatinghi., aid r, Mn. 0. W. Tholt.ua.
Tra ' Men:Agee Brownlee of the Grand
Trunk w , in town yesterday In hb private
car ".Ugo
%'. 1'. 1 , -borough. of Tucketemith, was in
:awn tot- w. •k ex the purpose of buying or
rui 114.r•a Ir., 1.01•. It beta[ his Intention (o
reteos•• to 6, mach with 61a faintly at an
early dale
141 . I:. I:. omit ' par moue to Detroit to sppeend
,a seeker two so her daughter, Mrs. 44114,
and oil' le 1,e May nd m, a tip to Europe es-
tenAing u. er -r. rr,d nonth.• Her ulna Ueda•
rah founds wise hplea
er , moat pleant trip.
A. U. McLean was p from landoe over
Sunday_ During (Iw op lg rlah be i. suabdtng
to the JleL..0 naa. Lon on buatema. and in
tit. at..eure the (oderieh Mess le in ebonite
of M. brother %VIII a*d h. right-hand man.
Howley Smith. A. B win.o eouna. he back
and forth it goal deal.
AIoNm.t , M • :1fkh,
Benton Long and Mire N. St • ushers,
of the 1:, ('. 1.. *pent Sunday s their
respective homes.
Sli-s MAhel Slraugbau is unde the
doctor'. can•. Her many friends
her a Rpeeily recovery.
lent Thursday evening the Epwor
League hada social evening. A good
prestrain was given, alter which lunch \
wa.• served.
Next 'Ihi Jay evening the topic
.at League 11 he taken by Edward
'(,ewalt. '1 nip peeing the consecration
service, there will be non call and
.I. Snyder and family !owe the farm
this week for their future home in
(h'lefich. 'They will be greatly missed
in thin community, a•speciall in the
church and Suhdl' te
ach iol. The least
144 isbe s of a halt of friends follow thins
to t h4-ir new home.
Sottn1 1,, 14114E THEM. -The people
of this :neighborhood feel a great loss
in the removal of Jesse Snyder and
his war thy family. As an evidence of
re•Npe•ct some seventy or eighty neigh -
tors and friends gathered at the house,
newt Wetliwoday, when Rev. C. R.
lhu•rant, paetot+• of the Methodist
church, on behalf of the church and
people made suitable presentations of
:a mortis chair to Mr. Snyder, a rocker -
to Alts. Snyder, a sic cabinet to
Mist It. Snyder and an umbrella stand
to Mims M. Snyder. 1Vithuut excep-
tion the coniuunily cherishes the .•
kindest feelings towards the Snyder
Creat snap in wire fencing to clear
at 1Vorselle
Here is a good offer -The Signal
and The Weekly Globe for the re-
mainder of 1908 for SIM.
Miss Cameron's millinery business
on Hamilton street., during her ipldls-
positioI, will be catTied on as usual
under competent management. All
old and new patron* and friends may
feel that they will get the newest
goods and courteous treatment.
A man's domestic relations are often
much disturbed by the relations of his
5100 Reward, 5100.
The reader.. of chi+ paper w111 be Pleated to
Irorn that three is ,.t tenet one dreaded dinette
that ...term Mw been able to cure In all Its
.leges, end that 0 Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
'are is the only ewe Ire rnro now known (tithe
nn:d 10.41 fraternity. l'atarrb. being a con.! Ito.
l tonal dimmer, requirep- a ,.institutional treat
'neva. Hell s aturpll Cure ie taken Intotnelly.
ad slug. d irtct y mein the blood and mucous
'1, Nee. of the oystem. thereby destroying the
foundation t,f the disease, and glring the
inti rel strength by building au the constlta-
tlou and asl.11n4 mature In doing 14 work.
The proprietor. have .o much faith In hs'
emotive taw.!, that they offer Ono Huedre.l
I holler. for any ewe that 1t falls to caro. Send
far Inst of te.timonlelHa,.
AdAI, 4.A Y. J. C'EN EY a Co., Toledo. 0.
elol4 hyy' ell drnggt.t,. .
Twkc N,.'1 s F'Anllly ('111.
dcfor constipation.
Fans.*. April 3rd-- Au,Wuu .ale of fan,,
telt and implements at lot R, Lake road N.. I
r'utlw.rne 11' 0111,'. north of 110040414, 0044401.44.
-Ing nit 1 orlock. %'114. J. COOK, proprhWt•
T0ose t,L"eukt, allot lonorr.
)t.i'u.ty, Aprli Mh. -('I ring suction rale of
farm 'doer and implements, pproper of a E.
I)..tldsvu, lot I.14, contwawlon Y, Ooderich town.
•bop. F:vctythingix to be add. Tnos, Gem.
DAV, auclinleer. ,Tit.
Tre-utY. April )(h. -('lowing Auction We
of farm deb, horse,s and cattle. Tams..
heron of hor..•. and 37 hued of cattle.
.•rt4 or LIT rill Unfits.. lot a, eancwwlon Prop.
ifallen. T. Urxnxc, auctioneer,
%"ku0*40*%, April 8th. Anctlon male of
tum -tock and imppt.'ment, belong n to the
estate of the late /CMFuah, air lot Huron
reel. 410dCMeh township. T. Ueehne. aor.
Wingham'I'irnere : John H 'laugh.
of WWII, is thought to )lave mealier
Ibrrkey Hal in his wtriflg tin. year,
and if R11 he an be counted on to win
his share of the money at the sleeting*
h,, visits. This one is exiled ilal Boy,
.and w 4 loot n
i A full t cher la Daark,e)' HAI,
2:07,, by Star Hal, and also owned by
John E. Swans, of town. 11(11 Roy Is
a stallion and regarded ns one of the
hest gt.'n pairing prostrate in Capsule.
Mr. Romhangh will rare 1)arke•yy 11111
In the free•fo0-dell reentry, ir. whi)jh 0he
was hand to beat last 4,4144444)1). Last
duly she not only won at Port Hnron.
but e1tahli44heed the State record of
2:044, for w:,irh Mr. Knill gave Mr.
Salute a handsome silver rim. Mr.
Rorhaugh will pit the horses In
training nn the Winghan) Intek al,
ass as the xea4krn opera.
Tit,ivnii. April tit h. • Auction ode of
.enlIle end hose., wt HIIMId.• stork Fwrtp Lon.
don mod, one tulle smith of (Tinton. Thin l e-
•l,ulw :91 heed of pnrebled shorthorns, H.
P..1 eeroe!, pnrprictor. T. Uco4hr, ast•-
t Im.rcr.
Funtev, April Pah. Aoetion wale of arm
-lock ,,n.l Implements. Periv ) L
11'nfrta.r. lot a, ronn+wbn 4, y (1, A bflp),p
T.UI .env, t3. oneer.
SAT1 anav, Ap41 Hth.--Anetlen 04804 eery
desirable two -star haute dwelling 0n at, Pat.
Melia onset. at 1.11 ()owl'. Max, M. Uoyu,*,.
nronrietre..., Time. aostleneer,
Trean*T. April lith. ('learnt, *settee tale
et t..rn, 'stork rind Implements. itempoa*rrt „e
Rawer He wow, emotional O. Mdate%
township. T. lie None. auctioneer.
1 l: FF la Oa 8444,on Tweedier, dere\ 31.f,
to Mr. and bars. Harry Cw1l►► s dauikeer.
OAN R.- Po
eery. Jens Tibol (1ta4Mnro.se er sewlk *fright*,
latJaren UaNpsr.
y ked f