HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-3-26, Page 7vl.•;tet::
Ttluwwr, Mans 2U. 111116 7
I++ '4,+4* 4,44 o4'4 a4is444474 4, ,' r 5 , ; ,, 44'4'''4 4'4* eie*94'
The News of the District.
*444 41i• .44 slis 4644546+444443+ +44=+46444444,44544+4 44144, 0)?
' 1, !v1Nf.- at howerveryday stoma Thune
1•,, .. Nen ttaanl y ter e f trnetlur Lomb l km,,,u-
femm/, better than gas. ( rows and bridles work
,.I,•. 11 00000 luun, plilles brunkablel.
's It. You eau ,J way. knit >'ourw oak uiu.li
1a•11Or done In the dental uM,m more time,
la itre hu 111U0• fur doing the work. tore cum -
Murdoch Me•Ke11Lie, ill Oregon.
MOTICE.--TIIIS IA)(AL A(.ENt)( Bert Stewart, H. Armitage-, Audt•ew
111 in
1tun nniou for The 81ru41 i. 41 the 1'o -i Stewart and O. A. Midden. Whalen' alen' lu
0114" Ilea, mut ritatiawry Si ere ehuro T. F. Henderson and his Nun, John,
updrr., will be received fur ibscripaiuu4, ad. the recent curling c petition, weer ;are going to run the sawmill eL lluly-
,.•rli,•im1: sad lob work, and leCiflWs win be resented. with gold cuff-liekN by the tool fur the searou. Cart. Berl Vatruij went to Clinton
etvtu for sweetie. aaM fur the same , I.uckuow curling club. Mu Thureda W attend the meeting of
Mire Maty Henderson and her silo
Y t
officers of the :Ord 1o tit.
\\'gu�gsutY, AI:arY;h :,;4th. � An -at,Iwmr" waw given in tilt, ter, 111rg ie, spent r few tisyr the K
Miss Maty hynl sport Sunday out Mot Ii xli,L church Inst evening. The guertr of Airs Mary Mclean. The farmers are preparing Iur
.t town. I program was provided bythe l:pwot- h •I'. A. McKeith has tiniehed his murk spring work, 'the spring birds are
t'has. Elliott made a larsiue.se trip ti 1 C.
41,11. •s were delivered and
as assessor 811(1 now he it ill Luck appeat•mg and tither indications o1
(:uderich on Monday, I 1). C. Tay ler.Ile. ti. A. Newton and tarring nn multiplying.
Mib►J•'aiulk Mcl.eau spent Naturtiity lite. t.. MailIdene. Mucic war fur- n'Aw al his father'esick bed. \Ye Iwlw E. fla urn is leavin • Carlow, kavas
to hear of kir hiMetly recovery. Ile is K ti K
under the parental rapt. ulbhid by the Sunday school umcheu ler- sold his bleeksteitII business to Win.
I'1 kis the clew .d a series of cuter- very ill will' pnsuuwnia. Thi/11111b011, Of to Nlelrirh. We Art!
Ilis.h. Cowden+
lrivnlls1*111 Trow day,
tai u11lcuts given by the 1:pworth Misses l►uriiu, Dan ;old 'Ian Ale- burry W.Darr Mr. segos-<, nN he t a
League in 811 til the wbMiumall ary fund. lateen atLendexl the wedding of Miw lagcitizen one +a ltd it Best -glass ulecl.Nllbe
Misr Edith Roberta' returned home whip; L.1'rl: Emw mu, 1•:.vets.. 'rh,. McIntyre at Laurier last week. They
yesterday, having apeut a few days in report a very p10iar:ul1 time. N u Rev. Ali.. McKinley, of 'Turoulu,
latah+rich. i v+alk of Edward Si Meals, which ttaal wi»h We young couple every .uecees. prerrhed herr yesterday (1101 will
recorded ill The Signal fart week• re uccespy the pulpit atVkiu tt-t 1 54411-
T, O. Allen arrived home of SsLur- nerved a highly respect ed eili.a•u. - _
loath. The following two Sabbaths
day after spending a tamPie of week" Mr. Fxl'lb, who war in his seventy- ST. HELENS. Rev. Mr. 51. , alto fr 'rut•onto,
iu7'eterborough. - (tenth year, cause to Lucktow with will pi each.
Mike Foley left fur the Wert 011 hie slat, W. J. Earls, tent years ago. T1 t u1Y,'lalrh Ith, I
Monday. alter spending a few menthe The remains were taken W Hanover MIew Margaret..'lark was home over N'r :tic plcaxd lu kill u that 'due.
with friends here.
for interment. ee%errl ulcsuletr of de Muudaiy, Junes. our plwUairUrrp, who west at.
Howard Dare and Hoar Itulherrn,p, ceasd's family being buried there. Sandy Campbell 11aa.1 .1 very aulaxrr- for e1•vsilrnl Itcnrkud e11aie1feur nsl aleUvt
of the G. C. 1 , spent Saturday ami Mts. PaulYuar Urs is is sister. of de- tel sale of Yatutday. that Nbe is expected to return tat l'.u••
+'riuted• Mr. Marls was ill religion a Misr Nora Lesley• of Ytxvd*Rte, is low this week.
Sunday rt their homes Fun.
Methtolist and at the• time of his visiting Mrs. D. Todd. el.
Thus, Iiegley uwved Irrl Week int" death war a member of Use official A. E. Duren' left fur Saekatattei o1 Ale :nal Mrs. Chas. Treble. 1'
Iha house t•t•eeMAY ve'atel by 1-.1"1". board of Luck,,w Methodist church. Thur. Tabs left 1'uc.Jay Earl by C. 1 .
Agar. We welcome I ' to our vii- Siatuuday. Ile experts to be hark in R. for M title Creek. K.ask., and Mrs,
about two months.
lag••. AU9URN. Tubb will leave in n few weeks. Kash
e ' 'u tat 02-
4.1-4,. 4WUberr arrived 011 Saturday Rev. Mr. liilchtirt, f l tvs txrl(a cur of live stork and settler's
led fr \ValkerWu and has take') \\'l•.mNr:su.vv, Alar, 3"ali. eupied Calvin church pulpit on Nun- Hints. Their old neighbors in ibis
p4.se""iuu of hie foto in \\'est \\'aw:a• The ice on the river bhuwe evidence day. • Ho will aloe for with tit next township wish them every xuicew..
11..41. 01 MIAMI pal.4ing away. ' Sundry, Itobt. Ntntugh81a, township euuu-
N in. Ryan ie this week uw'.•ing in• V. T. Riddell received a carload of A Ho %o 1. Ai -i t.11r,.n. It W our ciUor, has rented bit. Linn (40 a term
10 the house he recently purchased wheat from the Northwest on Mon- sed duty this week to chronicle the of years to hit eon -in-law. lleurge
front WM. Sproul. Ile will make a day.death of Stuart Anderson, only .nn of Henderson. ofNaltfut•d. Mr. SO tanghan
g,aal citizen. lieot•ge Itailhby moved hast week to Mt•. and Mn. A. Ander*.lnl. Stuart is retiring frau *live work rind
tamp, Hurn is this week •Lug t0 the farm which he lately purcbwwd attended echoed in hit usual health on way (love W (ioderbelt in the far,
kir (aryl in Ashfield. Till. house AI r. insult his brother Janice. Thursday last, and on Friday cow- He is a worthy citizen and iv well de•-
Ilorn is vacating will be •e•cupied by Jits. ISaiLhh has rented the Presby- to spina of earache, which later turned serving Of a rest_
G4. 1. Armstrun Y Y- to spinal diaxasr. Ur. Genu operated
K• tenon IIIAnri' for a (hurt time, until (,.dav and he lived only a fev 1 LOYAL.
% had of our young mends. went to his new house is completed. Much sympathy it extended to Mr.
derich Thug -wiry evening last. last Tneslay %%illirm Anderson and Mt.. Anderson and family in the • Moxu.tt, M.u. Std.
They report a pleasant time although left herr for his bowie in the North• bereavement. Saud. 'infield is visiting his dough -
they had an upset un their wey in. west. His flintily left ata.ut a th -- - ter, Nes. Hiatt, at Clinton.
11. H. Long was ir1 Gimlet kip on Yat ago. CREWE. Miss Orme. Linitrld is home from
in -
lushly attending it meeting of the exec: James Jackson left here last Tues- (lorderich will a revere attack of art•
'five of the West Huron Teacher,.' ,lay 11urrning for the Northwest- He Trtciiu.vv. March 21th. nammation of the ryes.
-\ssariatien, of which he is president. intends staking his future home in the Miss Irene Melee is visiting relit- Will Mallows it helping hie brother -
Nu rum.. • Rich. Parks war on neigblsmhood 1.1 5aaketoon, tives in Gode•ich. in-law, John Young, near Auburn, in
1erdtelshty last united in uwtriluuny After spending the winter hens at Miss Lizzie (Seeley and Roy Maize the sugar hush this week.
1„ Mins Margaret Reid. They lett on the home of his brother-in-law. O. E. called of friends at Lewes on Friday. 11..1.'Morris has sold a lite 1pxul of
a trip W Wir.Vham. We Loin with 1•:rratt..1. U. Murdoch lett on Tuesday Mr. end Mrs. Watson Scott, of Kin- matched horses boa fa11•nler at Berlin.
their many friends in wishing the on his return to his home at retake- lough. were visiting relatives here un realizing a hrude.ntc price for thew.
voting couple w happy and prosperous tom,. seek. Sunday. Mrs. Young, sr., met with a sever
(satire Deal ti's Il v,% Orr. \Mc ate again Making maple sugar is the oder of accident on Nwttt,ley, felling down
('.,N( ERT.- Carey Bass, are billed (u reminded of the uncertainty of life. the day at present. The run was the cellar stains. One of the bones of
give another of their famous concerts Outing the pane( week the fell de- good the hot few days, her arm was broken and her face WAR
in the Agricultural Hall on Thiinelay. strayer of our lave has been leaping There was an error in last week's 'sadly cut. Sits. Young is an old I:uly
%pril 'Ind. Those Who were prcsa•nt an abundant harvest. on Tuesday stews. It was stated that Geo. Dur-
and the result's of the au cbdent may be
last fall will remember well the eon- John Grevistt'iu, one of the old reel- sin had rented Mrs. J. Whitly's farm. ..tun serious than they would be (It t
vert given by there entertainers. dents. after a short illness. from gang -It rhuuld have Iead'I'huwes (:engram younger pnnb011.
They return with a oxrugdete chwuge erne gran• to the char of an eventful i11atrxd of Geo. Dumb'.H. J. Morris returned home on Sat -
of programs end entirely new views. life at the age of sixty-six years. On It war, reported that lar. Culbert, utility after spending a week in Tor -
of The Ripley Expires.. pires.. saysnt bailie Get,. entlies**me inh*I itauteClark,
village, jr.,agotvhis handg bed badly hurt
Friday. t John
but of the A. Ott attended
lhaud civ ar nd INdige
11,t• will move W w faro .Igor Uun• atter •lung illness fell erlerp at the according W rumor it l have been
elected an district deputy for Huron
A t cert r e( ei 6 •tau years. district, ti a r
van r r ad an a t v Lr etJit. I n1 ha been
'mtakingtad f
men and le 1 advantage K K Y
gnu all right on 5xulrixy at Lucknnw,
the Kant implements.
this week to move One by one the ancient . Thr lair of doing good work in this district. and
hi, farm implements. 'Ir. Farr WAS the past are disappearing, Thr friends Our young folks who left here on his berylers are •% Onto l!• appteti-a1cd.
a gourd citizen and the farmers aruuud of the departed have our synrpw(by in Thursday evening with daylight for
Ihingannuu war to Ire cungtatil.ttel the hoot• of their bereavement. James Snowden' device at Slafeking
on securing bleu ws a neighbor.- This morning our residents wets- ca111r home the next morning with
Itr't l Mmarr. -Tire scores wide aL surprised 0. hear of the death of Missdetyligbt. All bey they l 0.
out a 1{41
the rifle shoot un Wednesday, March Maggie Radcliffe. lkt•eareel haat been t •_ . __
Islh, were estGdbuws : enjoying good health wttd only but
Pe re. .ill ld-, 1.1+1. Yeturley Was attacked Ly tc,nellitis,
It. I'ttlrbins11 II II rtran•ery h• Which tvwr followed
It. Bowers Ia 1:1 Sts by an attack of pneumonia, which
II, Jun, -r IU P; :15 terntineted fatally. 1h -epeeist! wait
Dr. Mire 1.1 .23 :tit ale.ut forty years of age sand Loud re -
.1, McGee UI 111 :12 sided with her brother 1','.urps since
1. McLe*t 1: I:t ,.'.', the death of her The,. She was a
F. !Whiniest' :. i member of the Yresbyteriati church
\..1: I(lowe. li 1i 12 end we. highly respected by all who
T. Mclann 11 11 _1 were acquainted with her. We ex-
t' Elliott 1:. 1J All tend the sympathizing hand to the
M. Reid :t n :t bereaved friends in the I • of their
.1. Elliott 31 21 11
1'. Sanderson 01 11 :i,
\\'. odea flirt I 11 1
1;. J e. I:( 1:( 3;
W. Crozier 1:. 1:. :ai
I'. Finnigan 11 s 111
'(hos. Johnston to to Il'
'tarry Walters 1:: IS
4;4.,t..10111101A01 111 111 241
Il, .Iohuslotl I I 1:, :x4 Wesley Twenties,. of Prosperity.
.1, Cousins I 1 12 •Jt was around peddling poultry fool
Jim. Johnston 140 12 :el last week.
1 1p -41,.1Y, Mal•t'Ia411t.
David A11.111, 110111 Alusa, is the sue•
censor of Mr. Haw ,as G. 1'. It. :tgenL
Wut,l h.t. 1e•eu received by John
McKenzie of the death of his lit other.
T1'I9s1,9t, :\Inl,•Ii 2(111.
Murdoch Winnow intends leaving
for the West shortly.
Jilt Mcluner is hirer) with John
Piet er for the repasts.
Joiner tiihuore left fur Cblcafiu butt
week tel visit his wally friends in that
MI/\1e..11-, ?.hatch 31111.
\VP trgret W t•clx,rt t11:►t two Old
friend Gordon 't'uutg ii again trrY
Alex. Itulrtrtwln, of the Ruh euros•
Shell, Ir 11111T(I 1411' from :in :attack of
A her from hone alt•11ded the
public libraa y concert at. A10)11111 Last
`VedurstL•ty eight.
Tre-en.ts-, March 2111..
Mies K. Fisher spent Sunday at the
home of her sister, MIAs. Bert Reed.
:II Iticbarl Finlay went down to lam -
don on Monday W visit his mother.
Me ntl,'Ia,Y:b'-ctrl.
'1r,n M.•111tush is visiting her sister,
a sar � I IHetherington. a,
Sydney Maier. of Chicago i, visit-
ing mailer the peart•ntal roof and tr-
eiewitie old ant.inintwnces.
Two sleighl•Ntds of y K 'welsh! of
N' retr(uricht
a epend the
evening dl the home of Mr. and Mrs.
.taut. Mtn chem. A very enjoyable
,evening with pipette
At the Epworth !wager meeting on
'l'.1PedNy erening the suleje,•t will be
missionary work bn Japan. It. will be
.dealt with by Sir.,..folin I►uste,w. A
. olles lion will be taken in rid of the
forward •etnl•nt for missions.
i•:veiling pretties are still the rage
:around here. On Teeslay evening
Mr.. Dan McPhee entertained, on
Wednesday Mrs. .fames llirvin, and
m 1 ► k
Th trwdw • Mrs. 1 us ow. We thin
thin will alx.nt wind up these ,affairs
for 1hi•. ee'1441111.
Mose se, March Vali.
Alrhie MacDougall is conducting it
series of prayer-meeetines in the differ•
est houses of this neighborhood.
'1'1)1 !Ars: Y. 1t. %Vit.t-t.1ms. The
many friends here of the late Scarlet.
Williams, of Dunlop, extend to his 1* -
reeved relatives the exptessit,11 of
their sincere sorrow and sympathy.
During his teaneieut visits t, Porter's
11111, which extended over a period of
litany year, he had endetarYnl himself
In all who haul the pleasure of his
w,tuainttnce and his death heaven a
'Plank which will not be easily tilled.
It might he truly said of 1 ' , he W,144
Inc in whorl there was no guile.
Mort Mr. and 'Ire.
1. A. McDonald gave theft• annual
patty to the young people Iasi Ston•
day night. Mrs. McDonald, who Is
an excellent hostess, received the
Ruestm in her nasal kindly end eourte-
one manner, making all feel at hone.
\ire. William Stirling, of the
5111 eimeremion, had n very wieee•lttnl
wood bee on Fridtt,y afternoon, fol•
lowed by a dense in the evening. The
young, the middle-aged and the old
alike threw rare to the winds end
tripped the light fantastic toe nntll
the wee, erns' hours. when all went
home feeling that this was one of the
happiest evenings of their lives
Miss fear. Newton nntortnined a large
number o1 friends bust Friday evening.
The average man will stand with-
out hitching it g.aal deal bel ter than i
lied with an apron string.
Anson Finlay and Steve Mothers
visited friends in N higher') me Mature
arty and 51naday.
Frank McDonnell moved his buusae-
hold effects to his new house in Wing -
hem last Tuesday'.
A men and heir arrived at the home
of Yawn. K1Ipatick 011 Friday of last
week. l' uugrettuht(ions, Soni.
A M1(.101010 of young people from
here spent Fridxytv ing at the home
of Sana.. Pentland on the sixth.
Tum filen is engaged this we -k in
moving his Bu11s• from Rich.
Inr's barm hack to its old lotted' .
SViti. Welch, of Listowel, the dis-
trict agent of the Excelsior Life In-
Nnranre Co., was here un it business
trip last week.
Jas. 'Saunders had it wood bete on
Thursday afternoon and in the even-
ing entertained the wood -cutters end
their friends of the fair sex. A very
WAN in denying.
• spent r 'n si h• time wa
J Y 1
At.,l•.tt. MKRT,it.. At the anunal
meeting of the Iw111es Rifle Assecla-
tiun the following officers were
elected fur the etisuilg year: l'ap-
Win, (inot•ge lane: treasurer. Joseph
Smellier : secretary, Cameron Stoth-
els : committee, ('1ta3. McDonagh and
Emerson Agar.
Itiei.p: Mines. Although the at-
tendance at the ,lnnanl meeting was
email, what it lacked in nu111).ets ,vas
supplied by the enthusiasm shown h
those present. Kichanl Finlay, al-
though still giving his heartiest sup-
port, could ept be induced to act its
captain for another year mull George
Lane %vas elected to till the vacauury.
IL is loped that ('aptain Lame with
the aid of itis uflivers will 1e nide W
organize as etteng association fel the
season. With Lhr membership far
reduced to is quarter of a duller. all
interested in shooting should avail
themselves of a magnificent oppor-
tunity of obtaining excellent practice
with the (rest of rifles and amtnuni-
tion. .lust think of it the Ise of a
rine end 11)1 rounds of ammunition to
every member .1 the esmox•intiOn,
NeW .,embers mny he admitted any
time and regular practice will cont-
inence as eoon am weather permits,
Ever notice that almost everyone
yen talk with gives you some informa-
tion that inn t ,1f any earthly use to
The United States ham a larger
number of hags in pro xirtion t, ate
Ixrpnlsli"n than Anttrelia, New Zea-
land, Commie and Argentine. but the
number of beef cattle 0. the thousand
of population le amalleat in the United
Druggists Hear Much Praise foe i his
1'e rsU.ty, March 2111,.
%VIII. 1►ougherty's health is improv-
Last week Frank Ilayden :odded to
the convenience of his stable by put-
ting in water bowls x1111 a litter car.
Mia., Ale,•16:a Nevins returned on
Satutdey to her home in Blyth. after
spending wrote time with her sister,
Mrs. John Foster.
A Y.. 1.10. ExexINI:. Almost a score
of young leo44d0 were pleasantly en-
tertained on Thunxlay evening last at
the home of Mr. and Sirs. Ge.. 51111 -
sun. The t • was .spent in games,
sir and dancing. Miss Mary Bur-
rows gave a number of gramophone
selections, which were much enjoyed.
especially w • witty Irish piece's.
Mr. Simpson proved that, though in
his eightieth year, he can still play
the violin exerlediugly well.
Simple Home-made Mixture.
Y.. • lew.u'kahlr seeks are ',dug
told nitwit town and ,utoog the
toiletry iwople c ' g itt 4,f this
pimple 1 • utade mixture curing
Hie urnattiout • and k trouble.
Derr is the recipe and dilrcliuns Ls
taking: 31410 by shaking well in a
bottle ••half ounce 1 tiid Extract
Diuldeliun, one miner, Coons 1 Kai. -
got). three e11ncr"N l' is 1 Sytup
Sarsaparilla. 'Take lar is dose otue l,•a-
spo onful after meals and at bedtime..
No rh81lgi• need le made in y
usual diet, but drink plentyofgiant
This mixture, writes . milieu ily
in it hgtding l'hilaalrlllhia 11rwtpaya•r,
haws it Iar•ulinr tmic t•I1el•t teem the
kidneys: cleansing. the elug;tcel-u
pores of the e1' Live I isxue,, bar-
ing the kidneys I11 sift and strait) (teen,
the blesrd the uric acid and .1hel'!ixii-..
°nobs waste matter, uvrt•cumi tag Itrlr•
nudism, bladder soul Ininnry Irulllrles
in a short while.
A New Yolk dtupfgitt whn i tt. Ilad
1 decd of sells for thesebngeedirule
Trpsu.ts, Match 2416, since lin• Ihst n11ntestie tient in the
Mut it Alr11W 1,t•rv11. The town newsearet•4 hest tMoller staled punt
fathers last fill placed a handsome the people who once ryit "('.44.11 Ly
wire fence e11 the tenth side ,tf the it." especially 4hrtst•.who have tehu.lry
Ivwd front the G. T. It. railway bridge and kidney tremble and suffer wit1t
W the turn leading to the village and rhe tism
have lately been placing a cinder Ade- The druggists in (hie neighterlet est
walk which w1►1nU doubt receive It
say they Tut supply
in K
oxtetinR of gravel in dile time. Thiswhirl' are easily ,nixed n1, letnle,
iwprovrwenl ba 11111(111 appreciated by Then, is said to lee en lecher Id,a.I-
the unary pedestrians from the vie clesustig agent, or systetl look
&age, who will now be enabled to known and certainly noise moo, 6:uYo-
reach town in some comfort instead of less or sinepl.• 10 Ian,•.
having lb tramp through the and :as -- --
formerly after a shell of rainy weath- K IN1iSBRIDOE.
er. A further improvement would
Ie to carry the sidewalk its far as the
).ridge in place of the unsightly posits
now in evidence there.
at. lt.•: imams- Knee -rte. -Hutt. Sy-
monds, the man who IMwght the old
O is as wan
tel some time aagg
lambent hu
showing his go -
"headrI1tR1'41r1Ne and is h F
"heard ideas in at tangible way. The
old frame building is to Ire removed
some distance lurk on the lot, and
turntrl into" dwelling rouse with it It's Ill W DIe chap whn is tillable to
neat lawn in front. 110e long ball- see any gond in the world to consult
memo is to he pulled down and the an Ix•ulisL
small building on the side will else
disappear.' The ,.ge of improvements
has struck old "YlwbWwn" and it may
not be a lung time before some of yews
up -town merchants may make our vil-
lage their place of residence and go to
their several offices by electric railway
when the new line is in operation.
McEw"n Bros. are getting in a lot
of heading Ialta neer the cooper shop.
It, looks as if they were preparing for
next year's apple crop, am they turn
out a lot of barrels every fall.
The Maitland started to break tip 011
Montly, but the ice has not, gone 1xe-
yond-tile bridge. The flats aur cov-
ered with ice and drift wood. The
thew ham not been rapid 1611 •Ma0011
and there are nu fears of any damage
from the freshet.
11 1:icsesnte, '1NIY'h 'Sit10.
Austin McCarthy and Medved A118.
tin left last Saturday for Ili 'hon
with the intention of working there,
bast were dish gxlinitnl. They came
back to litalet iel, yeael,ity turd
stu•W11 nn :1 - six ger e
( 1811! v. inik tl
Kingrlt-ielg,•. One of then/ pI..)etl out
before resulting his destination, -Cosi.
The Maidens Prayer.
\Vnit+•r 1►amr.meh tells of n matron
in Chicago who• in rompeny with her
young nephew, ata attending a mite
ice] entertainment.
The eelectinns were apparently en-
tirely unfamiliar to the youth : hut,
when the "Wedding March" of Men
deletohn was 'ergots he Iaeg.n to evince
more interest.
"Thet mounds familiar," he maid.
"I'm not strung on these rlansleal
pieces. Mut that's a gond one. What
"That," gravely explained the
matron, "is the 'Maiden's Prayer.'"
Ask your doctor about these
throat coughs. He will tell
you how deceptive they are.
A tickling In the throat often
means serious trouble ahead.
Better explain your (Arse care-
fully to your doctor, and ask
him about -your taking Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral.
AAl ' Ws eee„r Iia ..o
owe cert mtd,e.o-s
wa urge atm to
aa. ens eon t
WO w u 1 rlour formulas
Who mal s the beet liver pills? The
J. C. Aycr Company, t f Lowell, MGs.
They have been making Ayer's ?'ills for
over sixty years. If you have the slight-
est doubt about using these pills, ask
your doctor. Do as he says,
-ass b7 taw I. C. Ayer Oe.. Lew: 'r ::-rarer
Wepee:se.4 ire, Mar. lith.
'Pine river is now almost clear til ice.
Miss Flossie AILw.,al web hu11te 011
ie•v. 1\'- II Male maze in 4(0111'1icb 1111
.1ulin Ve nnll, of liudcrieh, was in
town on Sunday.
'lies F. 'Linde has leen on the sick
list for it couple ot weeks.
l'haia. 'Tippett, our town iassessur, bs
busy uutkit.g his unit. calls. -
Rev. \t n1. Hindi. has 1tni•st•nWd the
girls of the pnblby selesol with at fixa-
ted' to be used ill playing basketball.
Miss Myrtle Stinson, who has been
et Greenway for the past year, hats
racer holidaying at b • for tn.
1V111. MtislarL is fixing tip the house
on the north side of the river lately
occupied by John McLeod. Ile hits
surlowed tweer
tty re, trine 3f r.
The bridge gang is gone: the bridge
tot• footp:atlt is nearly ' ' heel. The
next step will le to procure 140111s
means of signalling that someone is
crossing, 1!U that nee other 'sig will ap-
proach the bridge.
Don't think Ixrause it natl buy{ it
vol of poetry that he is going to
read it
"There's t wo Of them. fete has
blains but Jerk 111144 the coin." '•Rut
I suppose you'll take the one you like
beat 't "I've been thinking the mat-
ter over..end it seems to bur that 1
could take Iwttrr roma Jack's; ncmey
thin of I'ete's brains."
Psychine Missionaries
A friend of Dr. Irlocunl Remedies
writes: "Send a bottle of Peyeklae
to Mrs. W... They have a daughter
in deelinc, and I believe it would
kelp her. I have mentioned year
remedies to the family, and also cited
some of the miraculous 4.111044 ae0otn-
plished inside the last Is years, of
which I have knowledge."
T. C. TRWiN, Little Britain, Ont.
Iran down conditions from lung. Mom•
ark or other constitutional trouble •cur
ed by Pgcklse. At all druggists. SOe an.1
$1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto
The Pantry,
The Kitchen
The Diningroom
are' requisites 111 every
well -ordered household ;
They would be
adjuncts to the home
without being supplied
Good Things
that are fresh and pure,
Phase ot. Prompt Delivery.
IRs, not ..dor or M,rn, rune. Rlxu,nahsm. Sprains.
Rini.., and large glands• applied by tubbing. 410 all
.drug Stores. ass.
as 0000.+.
Grippe or Influenza, whichever you like
to call it, is one of the most weakenidg
diseases known.
Scoff's Emul.l ion, which is Cod
Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in easily di-
gested form, is the greatest strength -builder
known to medical science.
It is so easily digested that it sinks ante
the system, making new blood and new fat,
and strengthening nerves and muscles.
Use Scott'.( Ernal.sion after
Invaluable for Coughs ane ►Ida.
I ...SPRING- 1908...
Suiting Cloths
ill the popular shades of brow es, greys,
cti•. 'V' design and Blake up limbo
exquisite g(xxls to your measure ill the
latest style known to art tailoring.
Stiff Hats
111 all the newest blocks 1(11d shades.,
Suits and Overcoats Ready to Wear or made
to your measure.
Everything for Men and Boys
Right up to the Minute.
Art Tailors, Clothiers and Men's Outfitters.
Seeds of Ilia beautiful " Sesta Rota " Pcppv
are ghee ebaolutele free
'keds Free
.t large a, c.. r of poppies aays : " Yuur
• Renta Rosa' is an exceptionally Lae min -
Pure of Shirley Poppies, M far Ike beet ere
hove seen." We will give abaolutely free a
{ arkage of three needs mo every person wh"
will cernd for our sew kaadsoaely 1111netrat•d
I2OL Calalssw. If you prefer, y.•, may
have packageaf00rCanadian lot. ;or nip
..r Canada'/ hide Tomato seed in placed
the poppies.
Write 1o.,lav Anil name )over rhi•,ce.
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd.
London, Ont.
Don't 01111 any risks ill buying Mixed Faints. Find
uul what 114 in the can or 410,11 buy: It Il tight Ile benzine
whiting, Usti oil or soft soap. We tell exactly what
is bit :t can tit Martin-Senour zoo per cent. pure Paint: it is
rrld-bath ct1 wlitelead, hewed oil and eolul•ing matter.
and uuthiug else. See label loo per cent pure end guar-
antee on every carr. TWO gallons elf this paint will •-
cover aur much +tt three gallons of .ordinary mixed
paints. These aur facts : prove them yourself.
Hardware' Store.
II\s a. 81111'1 grows alt importance, its
advertising must grow. But the advertising
must grow - -in volume, in liberality, in quality
--faster than the store itself grows.
o This is true because the store must keep 0
IIpace with the advertising - or within hailing
distance of it. It never dues tluite "catchup,
any more than the cars of a train overtake the
engine. And exactly as the engine pulls
the train along," so the advortieiug " pulls the
store along."
o To pursue the comparison : It requires
it bigger engine topull a thirty -car train than
it does to p(1I: a ten -car train. And it takes
more advertising to "pull" a "hundred -clerk
store" than it (toes to pull a ten-elerk one.
o The train will not (cake Hutch progress II
un rho days that 111(1 rugine is not running ; 0
Ina it will slake just as good progress on those
slays as will a store on the days when the ad-
vertising is not running.
Your advertising is "adequate" when it is
strong enough to pull the store along after
it ; :1t1a1 when it is running ever,,' week that
you desire to seek business and to increase
Advertise in
o "The Signal" o
ocmo =0 0