The Signal, 1908-3-26, Page 44 Tuvaai *T, Marti' 26, . 1908
A Minority Opposed to the Handing,
Over of the Loan Opinions of
Goderich and Toronto Solicitors
Agree -Orangemen Get 875 Grant.
The town euuncil has Ik'ti, wrestling
during the week with the 1VheeI Rigs
plopaobitiun. Reeve 31414(411 tool
U nulcillur 11 ler have been fighting
to delay the handing oyer to the coil -
hall)' u( OH' SJ0.11m luau voted by the
'ratepayers in 11101% on the glot(ud that
the security urity for the loan is not aid-,
ficieut. Mayor Thompson is in sym-
pathy' with Meows. McLean and 11
b •r, but as he is in the chair he does
not have •h to say. Councillor
Leithwaile, being harvested in the
cowpony. does not vote, and the other
Hee Menthols. of the council, while not
called upon w ex )regia any opinion as
to the merits of the largain tottered
into by the town and the c parry in
RICO, hold the view that the e patty
has fulfilled its obligation :and that Wt•
town must uuw Ike up to its part of
i' b
the r .0 l handing uw . .
t wover the Cato
all 1 qQ
( 1 tl 1111•1' 1 el upon tae bus age o 1 Ip a with chs
1.0111111:1 11.e. Thr 4uuic(I 11:1 1 till. upin-
ion of'Tow11 Solicitor 1)i&kiiisoil in the
matter, and as 1111 aa1ldiliuM41 precuu-
1iou Deputy Reeve' Elliott was sent to
Toronto to secure the opinion of an
expert in municipal taw-. Mr. Elliott
saw ,lames S. Fullerton. K. l'.. torpois
ration c .el of the city of Toronto,
who game ,a Written t )illioll that prac-
tically coincides will that of Mt'.
I)ickiusun. When Mr. Fullerton gave
hill opinion Ile was not informed, so
Sir. Elliott afterwards explained, as
to Mr. I tickinsun'a views i11 the matter.
Roth solicitors give the opinion, snb-
st.oltially that the tow 1 1 1 1
n's wul I t1
accept a duplication of the eOwppany's
Minneapolis plata as the iasis ojf the
loan. and that whether the plant is
really ,vorUl fill:e'.1MI or not it not now
in question. Messrs. McLean and
Humber toe still not satisfied, how•
lever. that payment of the lotto should
IBI made. and are putting up u stub-
born light against the majority of the
ern •(.
Inc 1
As the t at'r is one ofc s'
u r conaider able
public interest. and as the rdtepayell
should he as fully informed AS poxssible
in the matter, the ntatewenfn of the
two sulicitu•'n art. given herewith.
What the Solicitors Say.
Town Solicitor Dickinson wrote as
follows :
t:ulerirh. uw., )larch
144.;1. MAite.
Town **tell( UoNtcrleh.
I{4* \Wheel Riga Co.
UK.tu Stn, - Iu response t.. the
resolution of the tattooed tasking fur
my opinion with regard to the valu-
ation of the \VI*ts l Rigs company, 1
may say in the Hest place that there is
nothing in the bylaw requiring the
council t., appoint valuators to place
a value upon the machinery. In fact
this would seem to he practically i11nd
possible. As 1 understand it. the
machine++ in question are Lunde under
patent), held by the Lloyds and made
either by themselves or under their
instrewtiuns, and have nt counterpart
or duplicate elsewhere except in their
American Insanes'. They can there-
fore have no market value nor round
the Mere east of rut facture be any
test of their valve. They 1 be
valuable or worthless according to
their productiveness and efficiency as
time -saving, Labor-saving and money-
making machines. The town will. of
course, have a mortgage upon the
patents and in case of necessity cart
sell the ltlarhifes as well as the
right lis use thein. Apart from the
patents v' '• r
L the are mete junk, as no one
could wake 1144* of them. With the
If they i
I fail t1. d11 what is
el d for them. they will also he
valueless. while, if they are the effete•
Live machines they are represented to
be, they will be invaluable. as no 1)111.
else can make or use then( during the
life of the patents. I du not see there-
fore how :Myons could step in and
place an intelligible valuation upon
them at all. Thr bylaw pit willed that
the Mau•hinery shall be an exact dupli-
cate of the plan, then in operation alt
the factory lis Mimletlptdis, 4,•c0111ilg
Lu a list on tile with the clerk, .end of
the value of at leant $1.Ol,lsrl. No
doubt the main part of this undertak-
ing is that the Machinery placed here
shall duplicate that list. The MAUI
intention that the tarter. should 1s'
similar as l0 its lmtuipnlenl ten that
which wits f o9te1 en In )I' 4{)44115,
and in that le.pect Ih14 bylaw (1ilfli's
from other Noma bylaws when. the
only cafe Inar11 wAN that the machin•
cry should In of :a rt dale value.
There is, of reurs4, c niphmt with the
undeIL61ki,Ig tlsat the '1inneapolls
plata shall lo dupli• :1d the ,,lpepre-
se•11l.ti,n that it is of the valine of
$1:',,II$(, and i1 is said that the plant
ii quealiut) wits inmlllr1eel un IN•half of
the 4,0111 aU11! approved. If this is so
it should lir a •11(),LPL's IIe1•a11N' there
is no obligal to p1Aee any tither ur
more machine,' here 111:111 were con-
tained in the \t' 'Apollo fan tot y.
1 think the proper/•unrne would hove
leen b. lav, been s1ti1H/d,lut to ,the
yadue of the Minneapolis plant if pos-
sible before snbinitti,g the bylaw, as
it in really A the
ela:Lur' that A plant which et of that
5.. • is to be duplicated, but
that it has leen duplicated. at con-
eideraMe a oteits, and the buildings
erected it seems a little late to ques-
tion the value of the things 1ur•gainc•d
for. Yours truly.
Signed' E. 1.. tete ',loess's,.
The Toronto Solicitor's Opinion.
Mr. F'ullerton's opinion, dated To-
ronto, March 17111, is as follows :
Statement of I iicte: On the Zeit day
of October, loon, the Lloyd Manufee-
Luringg (' pony applied to the Lown
of Gotleri,Ii for a Ilan of Iita►,ttun. on
the terns set out in the letter of ape
plication, in which letter they nate :
°Our company propose to install in
a Nnital)le leant y in (;.Nterich an ex.
act duplicate of 'brit plant now in
operation in Minneapolis for the busi-
ness before mentioned, a lint of whirl'
is attached hereto, veined at $11150,IMa),
erect a enitable factory of. sayy, two
storeys. (M)x:sr► fl., and install the mid
plant therein. and to employ wit hie A
=after the plant is in operation 11SI
e, lary(ely minks."
And a&melted to the lei of appli•
elation won a nell dole of the plant re-
ferred to.
The council of the town of (bidet-ich
sent an agent to inspect the dant in
' coherence In Minn,',; olio anti to re-
port to thee. .5hirh he did. In hitt
report, he doer not pretend to value
the plant, hut says .
one, Lloyd 'Dieted that hie plant is
worth $2110,001), and the plant he
would install here would Ire A dupli-
cate as Ass as machinery went, (Nti
Ithe factory would be arranged ou I nine*. that It be dismayed in council.' mem while of their special uuwbinees
Metter lines." 1 Reeve Mclean thought the council mud enable a rival company to get the
Bylaw No. 10 was submitted to the (could not discuss the wetter prolierly lenient. Ibi declared there was fifty
ratepayer* for the purpose of rattling without having first the report u the per omit. more plant here thins W;W
the 14001 of $ O,llw by tbo sale of de -committee. cullet tor. Wel if council Was not
'endure* for loon to Um said cuwpeu • +ul
The Deputy Reeve said that after satisfied that the Goderich plant was
on the terms therein set out, and getting Mr. t•'uller4,u'a opinion, And better than that al Meuuulinee he
aulougst other things, recite* ; � I lwlug Mr. Uickinum'a upiniuu to the would pay the fare of the whule come
"Awl whereas in cousideretlon of ; settle effect. there was no use in hold- cit to, Menominee so that the wegAbete
the said aid it has been agreed that ing out. The bargain had le
leer, wade, could see furtheweel•es. Pointing
the said c Iwny shall erect in the I and he would not oppose, for a . out Reeve McLean, Mr. 1.10??•d said his
said town, of 6uderich A suitable far- eat the handing over of the company had nut beet' fairly tl•eaterl
money. Alt l gh there was 'Hou by some members of the ctiuudi, acid
feeling of disappointment in regent to
the fat:Way, the lowu must carry um.
its part of the bargain.
Councillor Munising* spoke along
the home lines.
His Worship Disappointed.
Mayor 11101111aui said lie was very
Much disappointed. ' He halt out
understood that lkotuty Reeve 1•.11iutl
was to go 111tc1 the witll(wa-box and
give evidence (alluding to Mr. Elliott's
q•,e!stioniug by Mr. Fullerton iu Tu -
14)111,01, but that he would take Ow by-
law to the solicitor and see if every-
thiug wee all right. Ile had Hot
thought for a 100lrleut that Mr. Elliott
was going down to poet the solicitor.
Councillor lialluw raid Mr. Elliott
had dune all right. The ndieitur
would not give we, opinion without
knowing the facts, any •e than d
doctor would give a diagnosis'stingily
by looking nt a t
pN ent-, without aek-
iug 44044(4* qutbtioult. Ile was aaNsfitd
with the opinions of the solicitor.
The vote on the 'intendment Ito dis-
cuss Mr. l'ullerton's upiniuu iu come.
Oh sl
Iu wttlL 'ua c'
w Illuis Th ttttt sou,
Afuunlugs. entigie and 1;aallow and
Deputy Reeve Elliott in favor and
Reeve McLean ,:and Comicality 1111111•
ler opposed. When it conic to C
cillo• I.'.itbwai4• he said, '•I don't
vote. .
A vote os the mot' had the saint.
result, .. to 2,
The Deputy Reeve made some fur-
ther remarks in reply to the ins" a -
lion that he had said something to
Mr. Fullerton that he sl Id out have
said. Ile had taco Gail' and haul given
only such information its h' thought
he should in Ieply to Mr. Fu11erten's
questions. Ile hal not told Mr. Ful-
lerton about Mr, Dickinson's u dnitn,
t' to discolor the telivrr•
auce of the Toronto lawyer hitviug
been p u.*etl, 116 Worship invited the
council to proceed with the discussion, Another Round Fought Out.
but there Jit out neem to be •h
more to be said about it and after
some talk the council passed 011 to
other lonintm►s.
Reports of Committees.
tory, two btureys (u height., and of
dimensions of at least 1k1x.4M1 ft., and
shall install therein plant and ruyehin-
ery which shill be an exact duplicate.
us 11(►r,44 possible, of the plant now
in operation in the factory of the
Lloyd Manufacturing l'o►nptuly in the
city of Minneapolis, as shown in the
list attached to the proposition of the
said culupauly, dated, the I1.11 of
October, leve, and now uu file hi the
office of t11II clerk of the said town.
and of tb*, value of at (east $15O,(1%111,
and shall i11 the sielt,ud and -tech sub-
sequent year after," and s., forth.
The queetiui lapin which 0144 upiu-
too i, sought is whether. if the com-
pany build an exact duplicate. as neer
as possible, of the plant now in opera-
tion ii1 the factory of the Lloyd Man-
ufacturing Company in the city of
Mbuleapolis, as shown iu the list
attache(! to the pro{x.sitiuu of said
company dated the lith day of Oc-
tober, 115*!. and now of file in the
°Hire of the clerk of the said town,
they have discharged the obligation
they . have undertaken : or whether
that 11141111 trust be of at least $150,-
lir in value?
opinion : --Tlae plant which arts
duplicated was distinctly specified. It
woo open to Inspection, and was, in
fort, inspected. It is a plant cun-
sU octal, ter i Mal (nlurund, largely for
it Npecit*e purpura•, and not A pur-
chased plant. Its Market value is
difficult 1.o ascertain, became! the
machines and dies• etc.. of which it is
ruulpp Nsld, or partially composed, are
not sold in the uarket, but are manu-
factured by this company for their
specific Nominees only.
Cider these cin! Lances, the
value of the plant must be difficult to
ascertain : and 1 ant .,f pinion that
the pang will have discharged the
obligation they undertook if they
reasonably and sufficiently duplicate
the plant they promised to duplicate.
It may be that the council have
other grounds, technical or olherwn.e,
upon which they c0011 sueeelsfully
(efl144 to carry out One provisions of
the aforesaid bylaw : and at present.
on such information as I have, I auf
inclined to the view that they uray
be ah
► le to luso•
but I1•v
t have not been
instructeJ on this point, and my in -
fin 'nation is probably incomplete, and
1 merely mention it to gnarl against
any future misunderstanding in refer-
ence to the extent of the opinion here-
in contained. '1 awe
Very truly yours,
!Signed. Jam tot S. F'1•LLKKT1kV,-
Friday Night's Meeting.
At the regular meeting of the coun-
cil on Friday evening :alb the members
were in their mato.
The following letter from the Do.
rhinion Securities Corporation, Toron-
to, WAS read:
w'. A. McKim. %se..
Toon Clerk.
lloderlrh. Ontario.
1)4.11, 51k. w -e at knun ledge receipt At your
card of the Ilth instant Kl, ing t)ac list of tee•
den R.rlved for the recent image of town of 10t•ni4411 the names of the palit•nte in
Uoderlch debenture.. . -'l take thi-opportunity Provinc:Al asylums for whose luain-
uf esmgrssl slat ilpri,rl•rarr,slur j l{wlhj-m on teuance the town was charged X111;.
.cry na.rllenl
t(sr1-• The committee recommended a grant
Thanking you fur your eourboy in this gnat- of WI) for advertising purposes in
ler, lour- truly.
J. A. Fn.a(i-u connection with the b2th of July
Tormau. )Leah 1:911. I!ar., ?ycen•Iwry. CPIel,rat1U11.
‘‘,,,rod, Gundy k Co„ land Jneeykers, lteeve M('Iw:An moved 4o make the
grant emu. but had no seconder,
A. M. Todd was theu allowed( to
a eek in behalf of the Orangemen.
Ile thought the town ought to give
*hat, As they expected from ),;,Ills) to
211,11M1 people here for the celebration
And thew people would leave a lot of
money in town.
Cuuncalor Munnings said the e
cit represented 4411 the rttepayete. not
merely tti1
boldness' Y
men, and
were many whnlwuuld get nu benefit
at all from the demonstration.
Councillor 1.aithwaitc• carte sant
strongly in opp(N.ition to A large
grant. Ile reminded the council that
the Orange Order had got Olin from
the town two years ago. The Meth-
odist had met in O.4letich
last year And had gut no money fr
the town. There wits no guarantee
that there would In' fifteen or twenty
thuu.:tnd people in the Lown. Only a
few people would Ie Ienelittd, and
he thought CA' was plenty.
Councillor Elliott said he would not
oppow a grant of 9.A, evidently
Meaning that. he would oppose at
burger grant.
On a mot' to make the grant *75
the vote was:
Yea McLean, Thomson. Mannings,
Craigie. (:allow, Humber.
Nay - lesithwaite, Elliott.
Deputy Reeve Elliott replete:i G14,1
the Doty ' lend Matter hod been clotted
up and Mr. Duty had the looney from
the sale of the delrolttul•e$.
A bylaw emending the 1Vheel Rigs
byelaw as decided upon at to former
meeting tin respect la the sale of the
deleuturesI was given its three read.
logs, And the l)ylawn rep ealiltg the old
Rogers and National Cloak Co. by-
laws were ;liven the third reading,'
Wheel Rigs Again.
then for a few uritotter there war on
interehau►e of healed r•ewark44 be-
tween the %Vheel Rigs Mai and the
I{eeve. 15'hen thing. quieted down
Reeve Mclean wova41, reconded by
Councillor Humber, that the Wheel
Rigs committee rarer at 11(o'clock the
next uwrlIillg. Phis was agreed to,
and another motion was carried toad•
ing ('.10141711101',, (sallow Mid Thuu►ron
10 the eunIIUi(te1, .
The cuuneil theu adjourned.
What the Committee Did.
The committee in settle way failed
to get together on Saturday and
there were further complications ; but
uu Monday au early start was made
and the members went up to the fac-
tory accompanied by :dr. Moyer of
the Doty Engine Works l'+..b staff to
Cheek over the p11111. Phari tient
was appN,iuttd to report 011 the value•
of land and buildings. In the even-
ing the council wet and the following
report 0t the txa1Mittee was sub-
Ib.II. Moyer C wlwent through
the Wheel Riga Co.'s factory tlud Hod
all the machines in said (artery as per
lint. in clerk's office except ten spoke
machines for which there rue substi-
t111ed Uva I11provtYI 1113chint.44--three
1e, the G4ctury 1)11)1 tw'u to follow.
Mr. Hoyer said the live Machines
were worth as much a1s the other ten
would be, as they wuald do all the
work the ten would 'do. There are a
few small machines which have been
replace( by improved else Liner made
since said list in clerk's office was
made eels 'We also find :► number of
machines there which are not, on the
pint, As well AS all the power lnachi0-
ery and Beating apparatus and other
not on said het. Jnr. 1{eld'm re-
port on grounds and building is quite
saalistactory to your a 'tree."
Reports of the special ee'a
l aur ubIIe
works Clnllr '
mlteee wereu
Nd ptell with
little discussion. The special c 1 -
tee's report included a tee u(1A•
tion that the advertising proposition
of The Toronto News be tint enter-
tained, and another in regard to the
case of a destitute flintily to whom the
town is giving assistance. The publi••
work* report dealt with the steps that
are being taken respecting the open-
ing up of Itegent street in St. Weld's
ward. J. '1'. Goldthorpe has given
gratis a strip one rod wide along his
property to make the load sixty-six
feet. wide. Another piece of land woe
purchased from Mr. McDougall fur
The tato of July Grant.
the finance COlIltllittee IeeY)111-
tuended the payment of a suulber of
aecOunte and asked that the Measurer
of T"IYHl(n, wrte as (olhws :
••1Y.- are in rereiet of )0111' fates of the 1)th
'in.t, and e. rt1inl>; bat a no he..ltation in wy(ng
that your recent -ate of dcla•ut11„:44 we,,,. (rood
one. Uf can+.;, we are di.appointtd lis not get-
ting the hold. morsel%es. bill 5,, tendered
What we .•on,hlcre4 a good high prlec a• nu
Pared with what other debenture,.. are 51111444
at Orta think flue you Nuuld linty leen )cry
1a11i,M non to .ell when yon 151114* able to get it
ligan• men host blither than our bid. \\'e
Italie had nn dltnralty In getthlg alt)he led.
,v4' cont rr
d Ion al 11 ♦ . IMM( -
a sitar to that wheel
1rc tench red her your baud.. There ha. been a
fairly Naive market for drho tli nes 1111, Month
and Nt' 1111t1„ a tendency nuloa*t the lank, to -
warts .Ilghlly Mort• drtl.genl monetary coudi-
1101,, attain, and believe that munldt,,lis (c,
who lute taken 'el, of the favorable
ne.rket of the 1*.l few wreck. have done very
"'Mich goes ht, show that we did
the right thing.- remarked l ouneillur
,' letter f alae 1)uty Engine
Works t'o. (u reference to the Iwo -
tattoo' re (,lir of the 0141 fire engine eau
Yeti( to the 1111• CO 'iter.
Improvement of Goderich Harbor.
A rumu0uniration'frii,1 the clerk of
Hlylh stated that the council of that
Malay had passed by A untold -
mous cute a resolution urging the
improvement of Goderich harbor and
had forwarh4l the same to the Min-
ister of Tillie \% oak, and to Ur.
Chisholm, M. 1'.. asking the latter's
assistance in the matter. The clerk
had native received from the Alinister
1 f 1'uhlic 11'orks the following reply :
tit Pm, I nM to r,r1114 of resolution of
Yam newlimallty urging lhol the ent:oncc lis
11,e L•rt of llatnri,h tn. no protected that Large
.dwn+er may enter the port In rafety in all
kind. of weather. and in reply (seg to .*y thi4i
a ..,4•)14111 lar been made for rompll•111Ig the
breakwater now ler etnectrncllun for anti
fool, and the (natter of an exteudnn i. 11147,
tinder ,on.Merwt cal. 1 beg In nm),urc you that
1 un. fully (n,pl'0.•cd nit!, the la.porta,tm, of
doing whatcter 1. rcn..nnbly twee...try for the
...Oily of Ic,.rl.entering liudcrichharbor,
Your. An ernly,
Mlgned, Witt .1A51 1'1,4.1.145,
To .5. ►:filer, K.q.. -.
-- • 1 leek. lily ,11.
Councillor Gallow's Report.
A report by Councillor (fallow, who
wits the delegate of the esm►ncil 4, the
1•teent conference on tuberculuoi5 a1
Toronto, giving A review of the pro•
codings at the gathering and o state:
1111411 of the nitodulimns passed, Was
t• out by Mr. (billow, and on tine of
Councillors Elliott and Humber a
rennlution was 'hissed thanking hila
for the very able and full report.
Certain suggestions at 111e conclneiun
of the report were referred to the
ap scut cnnlulittee.
A draft agreement between the On-
tario West Shore Electric Railway
C pany And the municipality, r••
gerding the connlroction of .the com-
pany's linen within the town limits,
was sent to the public works con 1.-
1 ell•.
A canoat u '
I 'm
we ►(l 1
t loon Mtsrrs.
I'uoudfoot, Mayr & Maar, in reference
to the Wheel lints miner, was laid on
the table.
The Wheel Rigs Affair.
Then the •il got back to the
Wheel Itign Altair and spent the re-
mainder of a long evening uu the oar
jet -11
G. F. (flair, reprewenting the %V heel
Rigs ('oinpany, won heart regard-
ing some w:►ttels in rtinneetiun
with the nlurtgtage and other .ec rari-
ties 1.. be given by the company to the
iripality. and n l'l•wmintion wit
pawed that, the town solicitor take ,Ip
these nittteIa with the r(rnpar:v'Y
solicitor, including the mortgage. the
insurance policies and the assignment
of patents. The motion 4414), qot
passed, however, without a divisbnn,
Reeve McLean voting nay. When it
came to llounciller Humber'', turn a
majority had Already voted for the
Motion, and Mi. iDurnler reluctantly
said • 1 es," with 1he remark, ''There e
no IOW voting any other tray now."
Then m • of the councillors minted
to know when the committee was go.
Mg 1e, menet to take up the Matter 1)f
the 'Wheel Mite valuation and receiv-
ing no stli#Gletury reply Comicality
TJt son 'OIL to discharge the
committee. Thin wen seconded by
Deputy Reeve Elliott. 'There waw
some dimrunsion over this, and Mr.
Deputy Reeve Elliott tep0rted the M. 1{. Lloyd, who had leen pr•went
dnr(ng the Meeting. wan heard from.
Deputy Reeve Elliott while in Toronto
had lokeml up nn expert nlaehinimt
who would re, • it ehnrt entire :11)11
look over the faetrlry in order In help
in the vnlmntion. Mr. Lloyd amkrd for
the name 114 the expert, and when
result of. him Interview with City fSoli-
citnr Fullerton of Toronto. In order
to prevent any inieunderetnnding Mr.
Elliott hod nuked the ).lieits)r to pot
his opinion in writing. which he died
nn given above. Mr. Elliott said that
Mr. Fullerton had asked a Rat many
questions, and in 'catty he t Mr. Elliot; 'declared I 1 told he WAN a man who 11a11
had tried to give the frte as fairly tee been trying to get Information aboutpossible. the %V heel-itige l'o.'s'.heel*l machee.
t Reeve McLean nievie1, seeuntkd by Mr. Lloyd Talks Out.
Councillor !lumber. that Mr. Fuller- h
ton's opinion Mt stent to the e•ummittee I Mr. Lloyd emphatically declared
bating the Wheel 'lige matter In 1 thathe would not Allow any report to
hand. ettalhine the machinery end ere how It
In amendreent Councillor Thomson was ermetrtcted A Man might moll)
moved, seconded by Councillor Mun- slake mine change or bnpruvrtnvnl
A motion that the repot be re-
ceived WAY carried on the regular
vote of J to 3, Messrs. McLean ted
11 ter being the Minority.
It was then moved by Deputy Reeve
seconded by '
'Councillor UI e•.
r Gal•
, that when the two machines are
added the plant be accepted ,an A
duplicate as ueerly as ut•ecssitry o1 the
plant which Wile At M(Mn•.lpolis at the
time the proposal wan made and ac-
w':Jing to the pint now in the clerk s
Mealto.I. Ilunl►er anal McLean were
still not through, however, and they
moved in ;unendiuent that the report
lie on the table until A report should
be received loom the solicitor regard-
ing all ulat4•rs its connection with the
\1' h••el Rigs Co.
The amendment was vote 1 down, .i
to 2. and the motion wits ("Oiled on
the saute vote 1 eversed.
And so ended euother chapter in
the story.
Evidence at the Inquest Funeral Last
Thursday Afternoon.
111e funeral of the late lieorge 1)ur-
look place hast 'Thursday after-
noon to Maitland cemetery. Rev. R.
W. '1lillyau•,I, pastor of Victoria street
Methodist church, cen luctsd the ser-
vices, anti the pall-beart•rs were Dove
Welts, 1)a11 Mcl).msild, Malcolm Mc-
Donald, holt. Talon's., Uuuald Mr -
Nevin And 11. I)rirlkwatter• The de-
cnaeetl's brother (bailee dud him two
sisters were up (tutu 'Toronto for the
sad event told it number of friends
were present L • show their s)•mpalhy
with the narrowing ut,es.
The coronet's jury. on tVednentlaay
night of past week brought in it ver-
dict t to 11l. cellae
1 l that tenth was
sansei by the dose of Acid, taken with
suicidal Intent while temporarily in-
Salle.The '1 . ' o
Ir 1,1 n 1
nested f U. F'
Carey ey 'fu►eulau,l, .1. 11. Million, 1).
Marwick. Geo. Graham, 11. W. 1111,
D. McKay. W. costie, U. 'Wiggins, C.
Blackstone, Jas. 14aithwaite, Ueti.
.lane, and J. Grumulett. A is
of the evidence given at the inquest .
ams folluww :
Hebei 1 11'illiaul. saaid (ki0' c 1 11r -
11i11 meat, his 1411.114• and had leen liv-
ing with kiln for the poet five or six
weeks. 1)e, 'l'me.iLly evening he
talked with him and smoked with 1 '
in the lou -e. About twenty minutes
after le !the witness went to bed his
114)11 itulett came in and prene•nlly
cul/e and roused these tool *JAM
what With the matter with George
Durnin. Mrs. Williams got tip and
rause And called him and said George
had oaken blison. They sent for the
doctor and 1,1r. Ildgens aril they
*tried 10 put milk and nil down hew
throat. The witness did nut think
1rut nin knew him. !wenn] ball been
nut only A few minutes that eve ' g,
to lust 41 letter. 114 had St • drink
that dry belt was not lad. Ile had
boo) drinking mute or less the poet
two or three weeks. Ile had had no
quarrel so far as he knew and there
WAS e,0 reason s0 Gar An the witness
knew w• Ii _ le should summit mit suicide.
Mrs. '1% album r .rrulorated the evi-
dence of her husband. She and her
huslsuml and her daughter Nellie and
George Durnin hod leen sitting to-
gether during the evening talking nn
usual till about 111 ,; e•1oek, when they
went to bed, 1e•a%ing Oeorgt• iu the
remit alone. Ile had been talking
*bout going to the mill in the morn-
ing to look for it j Or. Two year' ago
the witnrns stud rho hear) 1
threaten In do away with himself
At that time he hada !nettle of car-
bolic acid with hint and said he wan
going to Iske•(it. Drink was the only
reason she could a),sip(a for his action
At that ((Inc. Mrs. Williams told of
her .rata's return, the night of the
tragedy, of lie calling her anal saying
s thing Was the matter with
(ieorge Durnin of her finding Mr.
Duman on the sofa breathing heavily,
of her calling her husband and seed-
ing her son to II. K. Ilodgene, 'who
lives nenrby, to telephone for the
dew She said she smelled the
inter 1,1 s9,t•lethe acid and f.arrlll au
empty 1441,14, which teas produced at
the inynent, labelled rnt•Iohcacid, near
the 1(111 and the nest ening n gleam
under the sofa The bottle was empty
and corked. No one Ihuthimeelf costed
have done the deed. Among hie rela-
tions were him mother and siwtrrs
And two brother. and Mr. Sproule.
Mho Nellie 11'i11i:into the daughter
of the' R1rnu'r witnemwes, acid that
Dentate had threatened once A year
ago to do nwny with himself. He had
carlolie tuba then but they look it.
away front '11im and no more wee
hewed about it. She found a (rani In
the room after the doctor hate left
after the accident. The curd was pro •
towed. it welt one of the eardm mood
by KvAntiellet Mcl •nmlw• and on the
hark of it were written these words :
" March lith, MS. Deer
Loads of New Spring Goods
HAVING attended a big drygoods sale last week, and having made
heavy purchases we are in a position to place before our customers
new Spring offerings at hard-timps prices. Just note a few of the many
lines we are showing at exceptionally low figures.
\We bought part of the last of a ltlauufacture's' Stock at our own prices, aid the following figures
show what we ale doing with thud : ;4.35 for 9t.5o ; 91,75 and 93.031M 91.35 ; 11.35 aad 91. fix etc,
another bunch for 75c. livery nue of thew waiete ens wade for (hie erasion r ,riling. All beau
tifully triwwe41 with lam and embroidery,
A tine lot, good value for lh to 911 cents, 10 to 1.5 hn`heo wide, Celine fur waue•uf thew At 1 ". to
1:1 recite.
A big eel WW1 let lough( at the stale. -1 rimier of 1h1 ).kis. flow nue lo five inches wide, cit
Our hosiery 'stuck it the bet we have tever shuwi, loth (u euUou 111:4 utshuse e. We will Is
table to show u good s04'king, 2 Iain for 2.-w. Good wcaret s and fast color.
2 - -Bargain Days - - 2
OUR first two bargain days for 190" will be Saturday, larcl► .'Ktb, and Mon-
day, March 3Ot1i. We intend to make these the greatest bargain days' alis
store has ever given. Nearly all of the biggest stock we ever carried will be at
bargain prices on these two days. Come in the forenoon if you can and avoid the
afternoon rush. Remember the days,
March 28th and 30th.
A rare chance to get new fresh
goods at bargain prices.
J. H. Colborne
this ghlas. 1 remain your brother,
Gtotge I)urniet." The writing un the
face of the
card Was more indistinct,
but was deciphered to read : ••Hoping
that Nellie and all 111e rest will 1a• all
right." 'rhe witness identified the
writing es that of Gorge Derain end
wail the card was not written when
she went to bed.
Robert Williauls, jr., said he bad
Iwen with George Durnin during
Tuesday Afternoon is good deal at the
house but they bad out spoken. They
had had a tiff on Monday &Bout r
game of _cards. 1)urni' was under
the influence of liquor at the time ail
threatened the'1r►tnew. On Tuesdeo
Morning Lhe witness) taw George at
lllabb'4* hotel and he was drinking.
The witnew returned to the house on
Tnelyday evening about twenty min-
utes to II. Ile found George on the
'sofa, and asked him if Will was in
yet and he laid, no. Theo he put off
his boots and asked George if he was
going tolbetl, but instead of answer-
ing the latter 'darted to groan '('hen
the witness uo1ictd the smell of car-
bolic mid. woke his primate. and
went lis Mr. Hollgenli and had him
telephone for *doctor. A week ego
last Tuesday the witness said Durnin
Mut it bottle of laudanum and maid be
woe going to take i1. Ialt next mo•n-
ing told 1 ' he had not taken it lot
thrown it out• Ile said he was taking
it to put Ilium to nlet•p, as he could out
bleep. George Durnin aumrl the wit-
ness slept together.
H• 1.. Dodgem; with next. called and
gave evidence or being called un by
young Ito( 1.(t \\'illinultt, of calling the
thwto a t'
rail going ,w tot
he hmr
vc and as-
sisting in adluiuieteriog oil and
I1. a 1'. Dunlop ,said he nold Deo. g1•
1►urniu an ounce and A h.'r of r 1rinlir
acid about 7 Or 14 o'clock on Monday
night in a twlruunce• bottle. Durran
said be wanted it for a wash and
seemed to he ,oiler. TIL, Iegistet• of
the sale was produced.
Use Dedd's Kidney Pills and BackacheCN
Never row ow into i
River 1: nue, Ijur., March 2:t.
(specials•—Kiduoy trouble it het -
lug the 'scourge of the age and Hright's
disease haus terrors for malty, bot
people here are learning to cure their H """de (hla:ulates, - "k• per 11,.
Pills Melee -made Nut Tallier, mixed,
backache with Ihwld's Kidney
and never give it a cbanec to grow in- l'k•, per Ib,
to anything worse. Experience slows
this 0) be elle rum safeguard egginst
Bright'sdiseauk•. Mrs. Jewess Murphy.
one of the cured, says : --
1 "1 buffered for three months with a
pain in ley hack. 1 used one box of
ihald's Kidney Pills and 1 have more
had the pain bine. A res •1)111-11
lhald's Kidney .('ills to other people
complaining as I dill and they A11 gut
1)r. (:allow, gave a report of hip post -
tem exa tion on Wednesday
Intoning. dt•ecribillg the interim of (1r -
ceased his th as burned and part of
(he stomach in the same condition, the
lathe smelling of e,►rlolic acid, and
gave n thorough description of the
condition of the various organs of the
body. Death was due, he considered,
tl, shock due to an overdose of car -
Iodic void. Seven or eight drops
would be a large dose end an mime
and a half would be positively fatal
tiniest. relieved immediately after tak-
ing it.
11 i11ialu bur ' said he ens with
his brother during the day (Tuesday).
He had hod a few (1tinke. He never
knew him to be despondent. A week
ago 'Tuesday he said hie brother thrott-
hrow1; rubbers away and maid that was
the Inst tittle be would wear theta.
The witness said he saw a bottle which
him brother had with hist( at that time
hot his brother said nothing as to
what. he was going to do with it. The
writing on the card referred to befors.
was his brother's beyond doubt,
They had been always good friends,
though sometimes having their life
Willie—"f say, father, whet in the between 'well' and 'gINN1' 1
Father - "1 hey.- noticed. my sou,
that about the lmly time when you Areg,NNI is when you are not well 1 --
11 I
It t1 -1k
MIA( is Mk.A11•l.1i
1'1 411%1'444.►
Finest Selects rn
or served ie aanyy
1 PlES
Mals, Lunches, Hot Drinks,lieCreams, etc , at all hours.
m iOly a Gafe
'Phone 149
Meat Market
r ,`t
"Black knight" shines
quirky'—shines bright—
shines by day and shines
by uight.
No dust—nil .dirt = nu
hard rubbing — always
ready for instant use.
And it won't burn off,
no matter how hot the fire.
To keep Stoles, Grates
and Iron work always
clean and bright, with the
least possible trouble, use
'Black iSnig ht'
Stove Polish
I Have openeu a new Meat Market in
the Stand on
next lihwr0a„'. `line Rowe we,.! 11•4117
oest a(te the Town Nall.
The slag, is 1114141 lye it) lm(nlrrn 5))'14*
for the handling of m(41(41 in the nee,
approved way, and 1 intend (n swerve
my cuntemier) with the lest to be had
in my line.
Great Clearing Sale
X6,000 worth of
Watches, Jewellery,
Si verware, Cut Glass,
Fancy Goods, Etc.,
to be sold at from 20 to 50 per cent. off regular prices.
This sale is genuine. The stock is far too large and must be
at once reduced,
lr►ther, Dunt 'lake• anything snit of (]_`-._. -GM
,z ., ,.'cataav