HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-3-26, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GOI)NK1CH. Oiv'14 bete)
llUrathir,_Merv!" 'S�i, 1.Ju'S 3
�`fews of the �ist�riet.
Jou. 3%rgueon, an old.$U41 tes/woted
1evident�of'ltruseele. eutl.rtd n stroke
of patalysis butt 4ceek,
1Vm, Stackhouse end (amity have
muted N here yt w II w'wide l n
I3Iy t lt,
It. J. aand Andrew Held, of Wing-
hnm, lett bast week for Iuoioniiu,
seat:., where they wll remain per-
I•t. leftal t weektfo, 1/AIl •rte,
w hell,
where he well rt Utae his work +)Doug
tier Wiliam,. •
Th. following were inducted into
the rWerehip of St. Andrew'. Irrvahy-
terian church. \Viughaue, last Sun-
QMenesetuna Mineral Water
TKN C1)„ ;manufacturers of "Mulaese
s ung•" aro pow ered W deliver t. any part of
flu town Hu Met Uinger Ale 1n plots u, 1
quarts, ..1.1e Mineral tt'u4+r I•, three slaw
plits, plugs and quart.l. Selts..•r water and
/N'ullo ekmt:t. Th,+.µ, 'moan are made trout
natural rel water. And aro' therefore free
f.grr alll% Im ur ties. I•. I. 11'.11: r11N Mau•
111 I O(� CLASSib:S.nw1s (Am ,..teRE..
knottergart.•I mei ud fnor NOH•4 �'ioik(r I..
Trnua and other inturin'liao"^ Say Is, 4414 A. •
]Lwm••0 s to wW store. tied' . IA
'TmACIIICH or' 1.11,11
stadia 11. I1.uk of M11tgrea1 Hl1w►.
A. T. Krxxne'N. N L.
%% 14. Tenetu'r.e. ti. It.
o•Rrr, )Iam11t04lMtn'rt. Pksa,s1f:.
lye. K.eutnr.ons re4 loon.•. North •,rest.
t',write Bt.I:ewowt• •chun'h.'phone 1St
()r. Tnrobun'a rsIdcp•m•, 3L1ntett street.
southwest of Public U4r.uv, •Phan 194.
��R. W. F. liAI,1.ON', M. H.
'.m. e. 1'.al••ree -tree:. welt door In Sover-
elan (yank. Tempie.ons - Alba, IJI . hawse,
1 ' R. F..3. it. FORSTElt--E:YE. RAIL
Nese ar.I Thant o,11r. wtralto .3. lyut,
lion.. surgeon New York 1I1'M13a1a. c and
itniarn.Ht ore, INM-til 111ni.'n1 assIst..nt F,,ar,
\,.+• and Throat H.wnital• lu.'M0n Moo wry. and
14,rm 3.0ldan 1rpMhdude ,M•s..efirkl i:y.l
Ho.. ,(tel. ludo' . Kau. 11131',• UIre4 ALtone,
anther', oul.alfe Windom, Meet ilouri
9It A.ua. Y"1 p.m. 7 0 p•m. Telephone y*7.
1C11TKtt`1. solicitors. nu• .rhe,. owe. 'awe,
hau„aoN1 .1.. thud d011r f tau 4kpeare. (i.1leM444.
not. sl. U. ('AMK1:0N. K. t . J. I. K3L
I.dIAN. -
u1{0UDI'�Ulyr. HAYM k H1..\IH
C W,rr014N. wileiaari notaries pubis) I•n •
•.ret 10 444e nmrt ums l nurt. ru: 1 tak o. r .4 sk:e
equate. next door t'. A. •afro:Kr'ocery. Pri
4.I H LO DtojouT, K.0 R.l HAYS. 0 i'
t1. 1114.
HisTEH8. atormers. .dkitors. e4•.
0oderlek1,,, Mesar �1oo Mewl at lowest r.'w+. 1:
t_ telt Klylet)N.I'B.t1t1.3(144Att(f6W, LLIB
`1 solicitor. eot,mt4lane1. nat'rr public.
'lt"e• Hamilnro shat, lin:ferlch oat.
- Insurance. Loans. eta
Ketan. 4sd ins.triIN•e Agent.. heat ea -
tate LN Salo or to MI . I'tgm•rtiu. l a'rlled to
any Isut d lbe town end county. 1 -Ire and
fe in.umncs, moxa, Lo Iron 4111.
i1 1IN W. CKAtt:11:. LIFE:• FIRE:
r/ "..1 srrident lnsuraner. ,lgnnt for lead tng
tun'.u1I A11d t.ak cr*e, mo'e.. In.uranec in all
lin,•• elft.•4 .( on best plans and at lowest rales.
1' an el ofce, earner west 1441041 a,wl Seamro
o. addro..1. W: ('IRAIOIF:, liudorich. IMt
Tele dans ti
, UAV1NG AND i1A111•Dltl at`41NG
(l rARu.oR.s. -. Tho •rest ptacs 1n town.
Prompt serel.1' ; everything ole*., and sant
Lary. lite Std e..ld Ilwlat WM. I)%V114.
34444.44 Etchings Iio4d Block Issoonwit to
J:. FHttlryl.
marriage Ltoenses
N r Jewelkr and Optician.
tc ke
• knot 1
Issuer of�1laM,agn Lfcen«+'. _�
.1GM lteenaon. (lederieh, Ont.
T and gtnuunrml Sort hoot cr. ofi1 »s on smith
Buret, where he will he found al all tlmon
when not ••vying t1�{ra, Tame• reaennettle and
rvrry effort tunes to fere sera saustseti00
'I'h 'tie➢1
General Auctioneer.
New System of Tickets and Catalogue.
I'. 0. Box x41'1,
You will Illlns x.,1111: r1ea1 bar-
gainn if you fail too 44(4 what I
eiln d11 for yeti in one of (hlr4'
Good Cheer ranges
Good Cheer art heaters
Penn Esther ranges
N1.thing just Ar good for th••
money ; every one guaranteed.
5 per cent. off for spot
Tinsmithing an(I
Electric Wiring and
'Phone 155.
Clay : -Dr. A. J. Irwin, Robert Max-
well, A. 1.. Hamilton. Robert Currie,
Jr., Alex. Cautptwll, R. A. tlutchiu-
Wllliatu Ittelk4rles0n, elf Urey. was
married on 1'uesday,•the IIN11 Met., to
Miss Ellen »truther*. of the 1'Lt1, eon.
cession of E:I ,
A project for the erection of a new
lowudlip hell in Huron township, at a
rust of 123,3131, is being cuusidered by
the ratepayers of that township.
M. Y. McLean, M. 1'. fur Smith
Huron, ham et, far letwver'lrl fr tit his
recent indisposition as to be able to
resmne hie I'.rliaule.tary duties. •
Mira Eleanor hose Mlnrton, teru-
erlyy of Hruuke•Is. WAs r'cently frlarriell
at her hom a in $rattle, Worhingtote.
t., C. t3. Uindereleeve, of tlett city.
%Von. Harding, of Elmore, is uuder.
stinal t. ike through Wa wife one of
the helve to an «stat&' ('alued at several
Udllioui at Merlle Arch, Middlesex,
Mia. Lena Brenneultw, of Blake.
and Daniel (ieseho, of 1110 BrolaN4il
liar, Hay. recently plighted their
troth al the letthor.o1 p.trsuu.t;.e,
Herbert B•'au, ton of the late John
Beau, of Clinton. who has lately been
wech.tnicel auperineendent of The St.
Thouras Tiu/es, has bought out The
Ito i evy Meieury.
\Vurd bks 114x•11 received iu Loudea-
ho,u of the death at her bonne 011
i loydmiuNter, Saskk., of Mise hlva
Wallace, daughter of Richard %Aal-
lace, formerly of I,ulde4lori .
Henry I'attnkyn, of \Vhiteehurch,
who broke • of his legs a few
months ego, (est week ba'! the mis-
fortune leo hay.• the other tone frac.
[tired by beim( kicked by a steer.
. Bev. E. G. Powell, of liruu.cIs, tied
the nuptial knot between George E'.
(:rooks. of Atw'od, entl Miss Ida hill.
ing, daughter of John Dilling. of
l�raubrxok, uu Wednesday. the let11
After a lingering illness ('alheeiue
+, ,
Mlavia 'c+
b, wrf H 1Vn1. J. Mil.chell,
mf Howlck, and d urafhter of Mr. end
Mr.. J H. Mc ravish. of Chet town-
ship, departed thie life 414 !sundry, the
lith inst., at the age of fifty years.
Un Wednwdry, the lith init., e
Hotter of ex.aI,mn nl. war er9nued et
the hunts of Mr. end )Irs. .Cohn
HArehler, of the B►bylon line. Stan-
ley.bythe menetire of their second
LLeughtrr'. Sl11111. to Henry Smith. one
of 45lskete•Itew.ta'e pr.y.11erous young
A quiet. Iuatrimonial event took
piece at the• ho'l'e of Mr. and Mem.
rho,. ihee•k. of Erecter, on Wednes-
d•ty. the 1St11 in -t., when their rl(1e41
daugghter, Maty A.. was united in
wedloclt t.. Herbert C. Clark. of Cres1-
itor,. The eere y way perforuled
ley Ifev. A. H. Going.
Sllaulrvck and °range blew res
were intertwined in the house of Ben-
jemio Riley, of ('instance. 1111 St. I'.at-
rick's t)ay ; for then his daughter.
Eliza. gave her heart end hand to
Itolwrt Uolcough, son of Hriu'y (bb
cough. of Contemner. Rev. Mr. Curry
tied the nuptial knot.
G ..,. Hahkirk. of the north gravel
maul, McKillo ., is m rival of Robert
I'hartere, of wbomt mention 4vas'lnede
last week, fur Che• distinct' sofa lung
eootinuo(144 residence on one farm.
'('he latter is still living on the h
stead nu which he nettled with his
tither seventy-three year's ot.gu.
1.o't week Mee. Neil Ascl.nnchliu. of
Brussels, tecei'ell the s.u) news that
her eldest eon, Thom/1as, had INUele 1
away in Vorkton, '1'rxes, after a brief
illness of nlrasles follownl by kidney
trouble. Deceaxch who waw in Iris
twentyy ninth ear, 11.ad many friend,
in his boyhood h . Interment w'as
made in Texas.
len Monday, the 11th inst.. 3Irs.
Wm. Johnston, one of the pioneer1 of
1 he tit h line of Morris. passed away tit
the hone of her ltti ughter, Mrs.
.l.wwph Nicholwm, of the 19th 'Oney*-
mem of McK(Ilo(,. Deceased. w•h, uta,
in her tighty-thud year, was a woman
of sterling qualities. held in high re-
gnrd by all who knew her.
A matrimonial alliance was consum-
mqeterl at the home of Wm. Horten,
.'f Ilurondate, 1'slorne, on Tuesday.
the 10th inst., when Miss Mary Jane.
the firstborn of the honor elf Horton,
signed a life euntrncl with John Hor-
ney. a proeperuua agriculturist of the
satue town'hip. Rev. 14. 1.. Toll, of
Ifensall, oflciate.l at the ceremony.
or ' had
1hr l'lintoo kmttm TeU
g )
n clime 4411 on Saturday last. The
Hinging machine in the leteement took
1{r• and the tire alar114 was sounded,
but owing to the gruel 4vork of the faac-
Lury brigade and out ample supply of
w.t1•r tram it Large tank ,ibove the
building the Him ares put out before
much damage was dune. The tosetory
i. running as 114411111.
The citizens of Wingham hest week
received the sad intelligence of the
death in Toronto of Mrs. 11. Heesinn,
a Corner well-known Ieesident. De-
ceased, who was in ,her twenty-sixth
5`'ar, was a daughter of Mr. end Mrs.
`V,u. Button, formerly of Winghant,
Death 4vAN due to pneumonia. De-
ceased's htieband and iu(aft son sur•
The death 0t Mrs. %Vim. Blue, of the
Ashfield and Hutson INnlndary, occur-
owl on the 10th inst. The deccatsed
wnn formerly Margaret Wilkie, a
daughter of Jaumes 44Vilkie•, and w*.
only thirty years or age. She was
highly esteemed in the cannu nity,
at:d her htiebend hole the sympathy of
a large circle of friends. thceased
was a member of Pine River Presley
terrine church.
Mrs. Pascoe Kestle, who far over
half * century had been nn esteemed
nwident of Stephen, entel'ed into her
Hurt on Tneaday, the 17th in;t., in the
righty-4jxth year or her age. She
leaves to mourn her demise five sons:
George, 'Thomas and Jonah. on the
hnmrmteaul, Josiah and 1Villiam. of
L'.hhnrn, SAME., and two dao hters :
Mr'..lohn Brown, of ('enlrel)n, and
Miss.lennie, tit hone.
On \Vednewley, the Ili inst., one of
bite ohen'm motet rerpnler young lediee,
in the person of Miam Eva Lillian 3 (ur-
ner• daughter of Mr. and Atte. J*peth
Torner, of that township, entered the
hymeneal %tate.' the happ1ry lrid,••
gloom being 1Vi11iem Herbaert Sher-
ritt. of Cnrlwtt. The ceremonyy
which was perforated by Rev. .1. F.
Sutcliffe in the presence of e 1
windier of gguest44, utas foll oweddddddd y
pleasant festivities et 111' holm of the•
t bouthatapton strlce 111613. 11* we► MAD[ BOWS OF R148 AND HORN
* wdlor by vocation, and was active
almost until the date of his death, ^- -'-
(°our sisters and nue hreeltut• su vive North American Indians Used Queer
Itim: Mee. E. 11. Powell, Alts, 13, Materiel For Their Weapons.
Jeckeso1. Moo. A. M1a311, 14.mil4ua!l- ry ho ►x wr ul 1116 \osih .\nlclicau In•
leu: Mos. 1\'nu. lieudrr•sy, (i'wlrtirh' dlane were mettle „1 wood, luau or
and ltobt. l uulwn, Nehrit•h, Mich. horn. Sometimes 11111 bow war made
Their Golden Wedding. •t n tingle ptree of wool, aumetimea
Mr. and Mee. John Shelton. of of suvcre4 Pict+'%; p, 'hsps it was of
Ripley, etdebrlattd the fiftieth anuivcr• wool alone, ur it might be backed by
n ary of their wedding on thealth hist. eheel' er by the skin of some animal,
Thr happy couple were the recipient% eceordilll, to Furca amt Stream. 1'he
of luany beualemn0 pree.•nts, inelsdiag material for the wei&Pom was gathered
11 purse of gold Is'ou1 their .hIldre•n, tnc�uevcr it 44aeoso'siblc, and u plyn
gra0dchilelneo and greal-gr:ualch il• might isa4•e 311, Isis 11N1ge a IIWnh,.'1•
drep. One of the unique t'at.U•w01 the of sticks each til which he iuten•l' •1
occaeluu wax Ole phloem, o1 rho ulliutately to fashion into a bole, or
In•idesu4tid and grlonwlu,)1 of fifty if he did nut dice lung eunuch 1'.1
j•vars ago. who afterwerdx marrie'l this the bo'..' would descend to ht.
t1u.3 are 11'14' Ala•. :and Mrs. J -t'.. heire. Ax the lutist important implc-
Arulitage, of Lu,•know'• Auluug mnnt of hunter or'warrinr the bow' w'a,
throe present at the celebn1Lion were . highly valued,
A1r. and MIS. ti. Graham. of Ucxlerich. Bows of Lune eer, road•• 4Oatetiwo•.
A StarU4ng Death. of 14eetlo414 of the rib of largo animals.
spliced and rinrd together. end were'
A wad and startling event geek usually backed by sinew. Those of
pleee in Kincardine 011 \1'e.lnrsday, th' antler of the elk were somctilne,
the 11ib lost. Joseph (Toler. Itrsta. iu a eiugle piece and at other times
tent manager of the Massey Hartis in Koctiuns, bevelled at the ends an'I
works, Brantfo d, who lied Ie•en at- tleatly glued and spliced. Baum of
tCndiug Lhe fuurral oC hi' shot'', the horn .vivre often matte of several pier'.
fete Mee. I4ellery, Was sitting aL the similarly glue.l and epltced, but the
(41,1., quietly comy.'ring with hi. bores ut rho mwuntaiu sheep wear
IM'.11her-iJ1.14W worn h•' WA.) Wi•Led w,111etimes cut into 3. alld slender
with violent pains in the hoe 1, H•• roils which were laid together, glued
arose and wontin c into another 1.410(11 and hacked by sinew.
he attempted to ascend the stairs but 1no11Mt tyle: tit sh'ep burn 11'a4
rank unconme'ioum on the H,xlr. All uta* iu a single 44ne1', the horn Witte
attempts at restoration proved' futile elft 30 x spiral f Vu1 base ul horn to
and an hour later hir sp.eit winged its ► tl ' I f ' t J
.,til 1144 1p11'a 1.11141 • cam.• 111'
1i1e.1 *ud thele straightcu,ol and
The Late Mrs. A. H. Manoiag. ' caused to dry straight. )Suer sueh 11.
Un Tuerlay, the 17th hurt„ rho Boot: were unusual. blit they ,were 111-
tiond Phyeieu.0 a u., in the ltkeheey s, very powerful Slid never worn nuc
of Death to Mrs. A. ll. Al.Oniug, one Ito Ila• other ha0.1, it i. said that Ise .
of the most eesteetlted residents of Clio- Isla 1e o1 bone er "1 al"lcr • ler., 111 11
t n, who had leen (Anguishing from , 1"r show' thall 111r use. They ser'•
y;ouwuuption for many Months. 11e- Pled to look at nod for a tune were
ceased, w•h' wan in her forty-ninth effective. but after a few years betene t
yyear, we• the eldest daughter of the dry atyd brittle.
1. to %Villiam Coats, dry'gotode .met•- ( Next to the Mew, and. in last, so
client, of Clinton, Her IIII'INl1111 pre- nmeh a part of it that it catenut to
deceased her tourtrru yearn. A separated fro+n 11. i. the arrow, n
women of an exemplary Christian life complex implement. tlw development
and .;r Ito uneelllsh, winsome diryxwi- •d which We slay' imagine to 11n al ((cern
Lions, she eudeeredherself t.1 all with- w•ry slow nn11 1iuelt m4 doubt uta.
in tete circle of her aogeteintenet•. well advanced toward it. present form
Two children, Edna and Wilielu, Iw'fere the ixow was. thought. o1. 11'e
mourn her remnoval (rout their amidst. pray fancy the .,'roar t'1 be th.e ont-
lsHeaChristian Scientist: i clt'w'th Id a simple stabbing ivatru•
melt. which developed into a dart to
Rev. Ernest W. hunt. pastor of the' be thrown. similar t•o 4•ertaiu toy;
Wulln,lon, \lane., Unitarian church, Neill in�UM: a►uo.hg the children of
a further rector of the Exeter Bptec0- our, plains Indian-.
pal church. haw leen accused of leing The arrow consisted of three tow'n-
e secret follower of M44'y 11. F.ddy, tial parte, the head. the ,.hitt and the
the propagator of the Christian fathers. Sometine•s tie• .haft wean
iS Bence ttuvelllellt, and )448 beet' carr. eompou(el, notteo.ti)i4 of Moro thrall
one nice' 01 w'ew,l. The l'r'''"'l c 110111
wear very various•. • The Pett/ rine. 1.
r••ulparntively n m,.I'rn invention. -e
slouch su that 1. -.fay ttailitioni cote,
s " 4'' its d.•vel0pom'tlt 1111.1 tole 4'arintl-
OaI/0 toward the improve.' fea thxering
..t rn•deru ►int....use given.
Even within the' 1:,-t 40 or ill ycan
tux. children anomi our wilder trill•.
beve.'mpley'd 4• rr prinlltja. forms
tot 144401'14, Ur4ua 111 4Io it hunting of
13431'. bird% arrow, withon(.. heads an'I
having merely a rilar(N•u.•.I. fire Med-
ened 1N•in3; /strews wtllout feather:
and again itre'wr feathered after On
,earlier method. of whirl'. as praetieed
by .4(101 ', we know only by trediti'm.
Tho bow.•tring w:as u..ualh 'nude of
3'iste.l sinew, sometime•', put on the
Mow grerl end allowed 1'1 (Ire there.
111 the suuthwcst, however, the string
was xmmetimee 1114411" tit ve41rta{de fi-
bre. Ili other sections it 111jglt' INe
made et stripe of raw hide nr intes-
tines of animate.
Fruit Farm Sold. 1
Ool. hears has sold his eeaenteele
acre fartn on the gravel road, near
Clinton, to ROAAA ischereneed, whirl -
dem, for ♦14 The prof" yr
1a one of the finest In the eottnty, hlam
on It 1,i'etfl choice trait trees.
Old Resideet of Southampton lead.
,alrift. from hir weah.hy parish. !h'.
Hunt, who haul a brilli.ult . 'ersity
coarse at Huron College. London, wee
at 113.4 on•n request a few yrats atm de-
pnted (mo, the olinist'y of the Chtrlh
uf' E,tgl•tnd in order (het he alight
.11rlx•iete himes.lf with the Unitarian
church. 11is few faithful friend'.,
who consider, hitt ,a matey' t0 the
...ante of tenth. have engataged it hall
where he will sect: ' hie dawn un
religion end health.
Huton Township Wedding.
Kimetcline itel,orter : 01, the 11111
of this muntll a very pretty wedding
tx'k place at the residence of Mr. and
Mr•s. Juhn l'ornish, on the twit of
Huron. '.Iron their daughter, :Nary
F , war united in the holy bunds of
matrimony to \Via. A. Motritem.
The cerrmnnyy was i'erformed by the
Ilev. Mr. Fy.Iell in the prenence of a►
large numlw•r mf reln,t i.m. '1'tle nut -or -
town gne.34 present, were Mr. .lohns
and deughter Beatrice, A1r, ,and Mrs.
Allah, Mr. and Mea. Johns. jr.. of
Goderieh, Mi.. l',eusiu (?,rnlsh, of De-
troit, M . and Mev. U. IL Thackeray, of
fort Huron. The wedding presents
were numerous and costly'. .►fuer n
41,1,13. 1isit with friends and rcl,Li►es
Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer will return to
their 1 • in Ih•Iermine, Menit11wa,
Where .t (urnimited home *waits the
A Stephen Township Plooeer.
(In Saturday. the lath inst., Georgge
Mawhinney, one of the tennis- pion-
errr tit Stephen,. having fought the
g0iel light, laid +,side his armor. De-
ce• m'el, who was herrn in Ireland MeV-
enty-eight years ego. c41ue to ('anada
in him early inenhlxd. Forty-four
rearm ag"' he settled on the farm on
which he linseed the remainder of his
(114711. A Ulan of unswerving integrity
and deep piety, he W3(4 well known
and widely respected. Decreased was
twice marred. Beside* hie widow.
who WAS formerly Mrs. \Villis, of
Lucnn, live *,11)11 and Itvc daughters
survive him. The sone are --George,
David. Hubert, Thomas and \Villiam,
e11 of Stephen, and the daughters-
\ \ •m. Alantin
'e I .In. �
\\,Inst nr
here. y
4 Ste hen
u n . cht•Aedrr of
c rN..1 h
nn1M P
Mem. Itoobert Key., of Iowa, and Mrs.
Jas. L*wson, of Crediton.
Jas. Wilson Sure Mi-o-na Will Cue
The incalculable amount of good
that Mierna stomach tablets are do-
ing in lioderich in making sick end
even despairing people well should
compel the attention of every Judici•
tuts person whtf le not of health with
stomach troubles.
The underlying cnuwt of nervous de-
bility, he:4daches, .leeplesrnees and
melancholy is faulty nutrition, the re-
sult of a we,tkened atorn.►ch end in-
active bowels..
Liu long ham the stomach is weak•the
tissues cannot assimilate proper nour-
ishment, no matter howv 111001 food
(a 'eaten. Mkeit't incleatwe the
strength and activity of th' nluycal44
walls of the ,tnmsch, regulate; the
3,owels and makes the blood capable
of conveying nutriment to all the
vital organs.
The ode of Miso•ne. stomach tahleta
tluakee all the difference between a
tiled, nervous, sluggish condition, a
weakened stomach end a healthy, en•
ergetic bodily condition.
In nu other way can you 10 quickly.
so readily, end so positively sttneuime
the stomach to good health as h�
using Mi -o nn. The feel• that this
remedy is sold by •Ia.. \Nilson under
'4 guarantee to t'efund the money un-
less it cures shown conclusively ire
mnleriority over Ordinary 01)1 -rash•
ironed digesliVes•
Looked L.kely.
An old country gentlemen, re•tnee-
ing home rather late, discov,•red a
yokel with a lantern under his kitchen
window, who, when a4ked him hominess
there, stated . he hmd only come a•
emitting. "Come a what 7" maid lbe
irate gentleman. "A conn ing, de :
1'w' emitting Mit...'." "It's i4 lie:
\\'hitt do yon want a lantern fur Y
1 never um.rl tine when I wen n y11ung
nlen." "No, mor," w•A' the yokel's
reply: "1 didn't. think %"r'Ad. judg.
ing by the mi44*i4." The Argonaut.
"The w•i"mt of alt a*vinee.- maid
eom'0ne in t he herring of I chert',.
lane, Kenny. nn old 1a.ndon journotl-
iot, "is the eld,'at (creek maxim
(hoe of the allele resident' of South- 'Know 4hy..4I."' '•1'p ," *aid Kenny,
wmpton hn1 pawed *wey in the pelrson '•there's n flea! of *bittnm in it..
qj John 1'11111.111, Thr d'c'.snl uta* •Know thyself,' but tenet int'odIle" a
In hie right y-thh-d year *nd haul lived ft'iemi."
In Whisky Smuggling Days.
In the gn.el o.ld pr.,l,ilati.n drays
in the 44Vest. when 'whisky s11111gglers
were caught "with the 44.8.3." the li-
quor 111s, if practicable. brou¢ht into
the police post, where it figured prom-
inently ns '•e•xhibit A" n111inrt the
Prisoner, lfter being Meet a' 'sir
deuce, the' kegs were knocked In an.1
the contents plumed out on the ground
11»41.4 direction of an ofice•r-a curtly
"libation b' Bacchus." It frequently
happetid, however, that after• suelt au
event the men seemed exceedingly jr'-
viul without apparent renown; in fact,
their ccntdition, lead they been in- a
e.luntry where intoxicaute were pro-
curable, might have bee, ascrib d to
At one /m'et the officer commanding
decideNd to personally supaerintend the
de uMion of a large seizure of smog-
s, d whisky'. He would satisfy Nino
reel that orders were obeyed to the
letter, and Ile had the kegs stored
in aft old root l,otlan pending demob -
tion, and raw the job finisher! to hies
liking. Yet wbtlt the bugler sounded
"stables" that ' eight, the mergeant-
s woe
•t ran 1a
tl .
•' 44une41 4e e
r a a,
n a or, r
only man to appear, and when ho re-
ported that the 'nen were all ieid out
the feelings 'ol the commanding °file
eer tllay lye imagined.
He went to the spot where• the li-
quor'harl Ieeyl poured on the earth,
and under him stick the ground rung
bellow. He get a clue to the mystery.
Through a thin covering the liquor
had filtered into r'eeptaclem which
the nten had plantedl at Ate pleee.
Sunday Law In 4he West.
Rev. T. A. Moore, eeeretnry of the
Lord's Day Alliance, left Toronto r'-
cently en. tour the west iu company
with Rrv. W. Rochester, western
Tile agitation in Winnipeg arising
from the activity during the pumt few
weeks of the folie° rnuit do 10..1(1, SC-
Cnrding to Mr. Moore, tend when tl,e
Imw is really understood by the peo-
ple, he says, many of those who now
fancy 1t unreasonable and a hardship
*ill know that it i3s etow legislation
Chet must result in great goo*I to the
ei3iretl.• 01111 to the nation. ,1 law'
that line relieved upward+ of 7),000
men of seven days in the week toil.
that 1184 given 7,0) druggists end
their clerks a weekly rest day, that
ham kept out of ('attails. 1011,000 c0pice
each week of Sunday pap'' of the
(Suited Statee, and that line gi4•en
the joys nI home life 10 Ruch mnfi-
tudee of citizens, esti only ''melt in
t e end in great• good to all cnn'ern.
ed. ix the opinion of the general ace•
Not Reassuring.
"Tin'e l3w*; perhaps I've rnade my
rat l
"?no long," asid he. Pakl Rhe:
"011, no, it wasn't. long et all.
it only seethed to re."
Sore disappointment. of to:lay ellen
prove the grant b!easinga of to
plant Dd Millar Con 'PgBDti:
WLv.0 this wr„k (1 I' l' 1 int , s:ick sur \,. a• low i, • i •., nu.1
Vv1lois; "•,.,,4..11, ' b,uk ,, nowter and leek.•' ih.,', .',. , 'rh,'
stn tot -Left t'u.tie In tib.:),r .,n,l K,•,tli•fl1lie' a ...to.'. 1., t,:• the
3..dillg male•; we !1 eve lbom 1n , 11: c.at•irll' le• 1 1 1'.Iwn or
331.'k froee. .Is00.
c `9 141' 111,.+ 111 1 1 • . 1 . ,. .1 1.1 . ..1. , r, 11111• i) . • .. I ,,,,,d tiecli11l',
in'•lod1111,?.1 1,1.,.1.1. ,... ,n single 111:1 I.•ngrha. \'rn-
eti.tlt t -tut), • .o.• '111•• 11l 1•. nr ,s1, feyorc.I cl .lbs fur smart
gip' inv41,4.s, Ila,• 1.31 .1 V.ole(;.t•I 1'lolh in nil '.11,11, et $I.00 yd.
i, without a 1(4',11 at 110 pet. e,
\ oil s(n,• 01m11 1;4.04.: . 1, .nn•h 1 IC.11..rl fur liplin4 110,1 Nuilltuei•
"eel': we h 1'.',':(i th1•:'el: �.; hn11•.' in .1,:•1.: 11 p..''!.11'4a ire:.
P:quth)'JTriu1 sting, 31,'1 1 1 1. 1.,1141.• 1.
�' I I,.'.1+ 1,1 '.-t 1.,1113.1.'(1•.'
N'ver :.- . •',' Ir., • eec - , ..1 a sat.':1 :ul r•xten•it•r 1 (1 Ir • .f Ir41ies'
\\'bit.• Leen \Valet. ; wr 1+tee them to suit •. veto Ile st
fa...idiom,. Pric,••i front Siert to 8',,(41, i 31.44. in sleek. from 11_1„
t IS' 1
: r a�.awrr-ss= s.aav�.. mpkire iv
'%)11` STORE Ph�oae
56 �7
What He Thought Was Anglo-Saxon.
•"I'jlr ignnr:uo•.' n( many pet•an11" I1
1.•'11(111124) tear •µ00d .11.1 nellteSexon'
speech 1e hl:.o• s'1 tiiu''l, ''' in 1b•'
most •:'1 1 1..•14.0.,,,• re " 1 .
''141,1111 l'oiir,t.• Prot.•. -..r. "IN 111.1,1
1111I11.in11,t 111111•. .1111 'toil:q' of 1:.;'.
'.II 1.1 •':111,L1e•:PII W,.1, ..r-1 I: n m 4 '4
11, uk tido fol' Ili•• vi�t',e •.t bis.:1,1.
I:r-..'.1oj"t :r,tIre: fins hi 1• ori':,, 4
wa4 11111 lollyf a}; ''••uenn n: i1t� . 11 1 .4'
pr4w'e'e•.lieue n1' ILe Vlfeet' p:oty toa l
suit lel' tri..l.
1 de a.ot 3.,:•,'' 01 ,1 , ,.ai 1
1.'.'0,4 I.,tn.',If'.•t.1 n.,,r`,•:'t r1•'n
t1.:.. '1. 11".r, 1..11 1 14011. 11..1 ,, i1... , ae
w.n')-. 1 1101,m.'o 1bi• thi..,f in
pt:lis), 1141410141:1 .\ng!•. ti , .n I:: ;•-
1134 11. 14 nef.41 011.1. .:,1..1 4.:1•,.,,.1,•ruu.
11:)1, 1441111 of the 111-,-t ur,i ;'cced.:.t,.3'
'file h.•.: w:ay to till yam' cop of toy
s by uutking inhere happy.
Cure for Weak Lungs
''I has.' 1140.1 .,.'.r Psychlne tot about
six months, and hma' found it an ex-
'rlent relents; for pnrinnonia anti weak
bet's. '' R.onal.l .lohns00, Farewell,
hat . April 1•i. )p..7.
, �'syehin" i'. nn" of the lest .mwli
fn's on the nl:urket, 1119.1 for all thrnat
and !,, troubl'm i; of mix..I1.,I. . A
word fre•m a man %.bo has tca.••1 it.
1'ntluntonia. Itr••nrhit1., I;Iu4ha, Colds
rind :.Il threat. I,teg :anal stomach
Irellhirs yield to PRychlne. .1t all drug;
gist,, 44"e. and ±'Let!, ..r Dr. T. A.
Noruu1. Limited. 'Toronto;
Limited Mirth. i
"That arL or yuan . 1v 1. punk,'
blwlt4vl 1114! 31;1114 men, t, v'. „leafy ,
'1114' 114.111 in the hour 11pld.i,,Jc11."
,•\h." slti•1 the couled03' !woeful', i
••that sh..w.. tli:tt ho 31:401 at Ileo aIm e-
ciatiult of I V
"lt doesn't sh o4v .(ly'(liu;( of 1111• ,
kind. H.• •.at I..•liked :a post ttud ,.
c•raitln't aro• any of the w t .tt •.11.''
She Had the Symptoms.
B Y MAIL Titr,i at Hot e
. . .i,,. _- ... h:, , al ,.n,.9
. '�' .'.. 1'fpr 4 .' -i
. s se '' 't {..qd 4 1r.
...Ht �.. 11 end n, a le' .e M t..,1
,y. I„ m'1.• , ,. 1..r Ia one a...
1.. an`, addrn., n•, (Altar..• A11cr •
r4 rut ran I r •.end ,s. 31., and
ro ! .-1,1 fun 44.11• f Ir -tea. Ib,
i'. J•,. 1'..n r b 1.. Ivan' 4?.,.r, I.
nr 11n,•m-•.ern a:'re, 111:11 '.,' ,••'••'
.1'a• S'4NI e. r ••,.e „ ann.•t mono
...ns e•,.' 11 't...h 444'..1 hl and I'
4 any gwrap',' f'• n, tfw ))tauw.l .11.,
..W u, 11a• ,n,. ' .I0l..ry,•. .1r, ••• Th1"
y r. 'rsr 111 l'iu,.,•t. 111,,1 ,lin „11,.1• 141,9
,.r, l.. "n,• m.e 1 to' r ' 1.1 tl''
.. n 111 lr .onra. 1 tel r- lav ,:.11211•
7 n'A - Ik uta••,. ..l nm4�,••n a. ,
1 nen kre•wn 4 cops out ad.-,. and t ..
.1 v hen- the 1 'eon• 1, t tn. wn t . lr the
..( h •..nr-1 44.. adv: is g.nuua
'9.7.1)11 a.
',. 'i"r , f,..gai nr
t ,1NDges• CRIISS•eeTT(KG SennOL
. , .. .. . ,. i, . 1., ... . I,a.,, da.
N•1t l..elg ego .4 ti , 3l'1) Indy went 111
vi-,' ., friend o 11••, . who i..en erb•nt
«1e%'.,l•e of ('�le'tr.t tilt her i,•1tV'. The
latter w'as 4(1ITIritg from n heravy ('11111,
oust s/k•nt t 1.f the tithe sneezing
lily: hut, n,•vrstheta..N. in rept)' ►11
her 4i: ilor's-.yn,p.,th.•tie in.4uiries,
she• lonely m unt.lillcd Shot stir foul
newt• 1Neen in hc1ter healtlh iu bete life,
the protest being pnm.1'1A d will,
sniffs.ux1 s11ee2e..
'•Verres %let : admitted h') 4i -.31'o'.
"Itf couleee. if yew say that 3114'4.1' 11113
gut n cold: 1 ant l,outtd lo,ln•licve run :
I.nt in t1tat r;4se yen will :allow' m,• to
renriitk 1 hat peeve formed solute
verr:a r'e'al sic !Iahitte :"
at jj I
1.ast 'Years Saks of Hyomei, the Guar-
anteed Cure for Catarrh, Larg1er
rose Ever.
Tru• merits of 1lyolnei 'the lr)at• j
meal that rut4's cnrw111 w'itliout,
duuutch 41.wing1, its popuhtrity sued
trlw•1)1 are unique in the annals of a
medicine. tie pros ,tiii it is the rl'
list' lend cure following *I he 411e .4 Isi.:
•reatment Thal. it bio teen publicl•'
recmmnlende.4 Ly lending druggists
.enol physicians in tie„f 3y every. *111441
and town in the euumtry, with Ili ' i
,•still Moet 1 tsw y. ,sr'e s Iles were .
larger they 444''1 I
The f:e:L that 11v11r.n•i i. 131 siar,11.•
.rod cunlpl'te. :11111 that 'it cure, La
lo •• elle a •et .t
cdlhin o 1 11 reed I t
1 tit t I nil ., , ( t
1118 drug. int'' the sto le leb. lin doi114
he+ heIteel to t'reate 1 hi, tei.l••line•ul
wu.) rapidly incrl•nslog orteiy 11f
The w•.att its w•hi, 11 1 h:t • loin so1'1
by obs. 1Vf1.1111 hae 4n 111111dedly 1i11, 1
erectly its 1111(0lueli'..: i,t lit+11eri• h. '
II,,• is such a iir•m 1,•li.•acr i'1 111.•'
141Wer of Ily,1m'i to ('rlr. .111 catt.:u'rh'sl
.roubles 1h't' h • ur;'. 1)'''!e to mew it
with the mold .mottling that the '•oat
will i,e refunded 101)nyone who is ern
IencfUted by the I r. 4I,it•ut. Yon do l
nut risk n cent in testing the healing
1irhu'r o1 nynim'i, ('4r .I•,•. 1Vilmnt,
take•+ all tin' tisk of its, •. ivleg '43.i.(.te-
lion tool leiter, run to Ire the ,fudge.
Gray Buggies
%V.. hive 4hrm with (tele we
'fires i)1d we hltvae them) with
Steel 'ires : 03,/(41 we lua'r thele
witty AuGnunl'ile Seats 111)41 in
all the 1)4tea MT'.i,i» If )1111
wv104 ra Buggy. of ever exleet,
to worn.% one. call at our w•are-
1,u1111 and see what Ove have'.
1'I,e (:r.rs Buggy coml'n felon
the I n ;•,•,t Carriage Faetthy
in (' or til.•.
You can't make a mistake in
buying a GRAY
Agent for
1V' also have a la)'ge orlon'
quarts, and nee prepared to
supply building stone or tilling
in liege ur small etunnli3.iem,
delivered or at the quarry.
Ware -Room Hamilton St ,
A Ne�vs�aper Bargain
p�ayy uu`1��• d�ate' r,,j r
&ice 25 ets,11,66
.;3,1 H ,.5.
New Buggies
at Knox's
1,Je 1.. eLe.,.'Lc•4!o11
"Only Our Glade
and I hat The Best.'
1 llnve just 1,'cci41•11 a ship.
me11t' of (hear Hmr leggin( and
ine1514' anyutet' int'teM.s1 lu call
nod ser th,gu.
{'ut'. Nvw'tt 11e
:11111 II: Item sine•IN
1, ul Hiram. and 1 nd.•+lakiug M.i erea,ul -.
N'cd side Kwan s%
'1'III,Nixi:•` u.,o*,. Uoderia•la
Ho,asr; I:m
1;1111. call.: At n•.nl.te.e, e.,r, 4'ambri:I
nand and Nelson Street.
11111 LHA01NO-
Funeral Directors
rend Embalmers
Orden urf,lly .tlel.ocd l0 .1.11
hours, . tuht or day
w'µivhou,n /4 Cc. avert
11 hnu you wail t end l'a'ds l 1 street and.
Tllk HF: 'I' at Lock// `l3quare/
ttAll 1 -at weighed on the market Salo+,
where you get x•11) In•. fm• a ton.
1(1,111,'.. h'ft ., 1', 1:. I.4'.y:o Ilan)wnro itt,ro
oa,A sleto Square. pruulptly attendeed to.
Canadian Northwest
THE SIGNAL homestead Regulations.
it Herald and Weekl Star , 1.511
The Fam y
\ny el nn nnml,•rnl sectio', of Ilotnbdon
Lends b, Manitotn►, Saskatchewan end Alberta
)1' M1r1tteAI.
Th • Signal is ill furnish yo'1 with everything of interest in 1hie ioocal lett!
Mary'. i:vety hume 3 11)3'. (3isti•iet should receive flu• bleol paper.
The Family II.1'., 13 amt 11'eS•kly titer of Afoul teal is 3.hr a.'knuwlusgrd best
f 'ly 1.11(1 f:armpaver int'a)oat a. Its magnifl0enl. newes'rvire: its umuermie
.Ie•cieldepartll'ul.: itsiut'rr,ling nlagoliiew features; ilm 4111.41 s'ri111; and
3Nlplllnr sllm't •tell.'., Il lak,' it, 1111• gl('.111•ml dollar'. 4vorth to Ie II: il.
1'h' combina(1on of rhe Signal nnd'('h1' Family Ih'rald enol 1Veekl' star
provid'm the greatest 111111111113. o1 wholcetrmr faamily reading and reliable news
front ail parts of the vim Isl.
flied your subset ipl.ion to
Mow's This ?
1,44 er one hnn4rel 11811411', 11(44' 1 tot any
oa,.e et stent that (*neat eye cored ny Italt
('nterrh ('nM,
4'. J. (' 313N e V Jt 1 •n.. Tnl.rl'. I t
H',. Ion under-tanlrt have known Y. J.
*'beteg for the tn.1 1.414a1w, tont believe hkn
perfectly honorable In atl,Mrsltese urn It-netInes.
mod finnn.lnigi able In carry met any „pilon•
t he,.1 to .d.. by 1ds orm'
l4 o ,., s'., 131'.' 4'. k AI %mate,
44 hnlere ., I lrttgKI.t.. Toledo:").,
N 11 1 'tie ar rh t'4,e 1-1•.ken 1hl � enn.% .. ,
k'gdln•etly tu4m the Maud and mm"o. n•
fn.••- of lin .$.1,m. Tr.tlntnnl.l. •n4i,.
1'H.•e :5 rel", lerr 1rll) 8.44 try all dross 1.-.'
Take Uw11's 1'wm)ly ('IIM (sir eon-tMatlwe,
ex44{nin4„nmt en. tool reserved. near he h me-
Ir,rori by any ,.','•on who I. the lose heed of a
family, or any male over IN years of age to t.hn
extent of one-gtaarter section of 101 aerial, ears
Iw lens.
Applienl ion for entry must be made h, ;weaon
by IM• applicant tit a Iromtnton Lands Agency
or.Knb'lemony' for the district In which the late!
1. situate. Ilt Iry by Proxy may. 441.44'4 er, b,
rood' M. .n' Agency '.1 .'410111 coed i1lone by
the lather. ntothSI, non,, daughter, brother or
-4.4.-r of nn In1(114187I,anc,tcedcr.
The trimester H mgoiled to leeforn, 1Mr
1 ..Irnd dt11i under etre of the following
THE SIGNAL Goderich Ont. '''""
t t til At Ica -t .ix nronlh.s' ro4ldetlee upon and
rulrirati014 of 111e Mnd In each year for Lbree
Is Farming Your Business ?
If so, THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business
Paper, will each week be of Special Interest to you.
�" Subscribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUN
to 11st Jan., 1909,
Only $I.70.
121 A h 'slender may, if he so de•lrr., per.
/o1n, t M• tenoned . Iden.." dol ins by Orin( nn
M ruling 1'.fst owned-r'Iely by him, nM 1..... than
cfKhly Pe4 ern•• h, rtdrnl, 1n the '.felony of ht.
hnrnc.tend. Joint owlwer+hip In land will not
mit this n•gmitcmenl.
t4 I f t he fat her for mot her. I f t he fin her ' . de
c Swede of a hots...standee Ma permanent res
den.+' 011 farming Innd ow newt solely by hen.
111111114. then eighty 'Nn AD• V. in extent, In the
•4 44,01 i ..f t he h tined en• . nr 'gam a hoen.'4fra4d
entered for l0' hitt tit 11ne ririnily, sneh honte-
lendermay melt... hl• ono re'hl.•nre ,(mite..
ba (Istn,l ait4 tin (a1 her (o, tootM•rl
th The tern '•r trinity" In floe Iwo 11rr.rdll.
IsitAgoph. I. defined am meaningyt not met
than nine miles In a d4nect Itne, exdosive of 1 he
width of mad allowanar. crowed In the
CA Ahomesteader Intending t0 perform M.
n• ddence ditties lnMe,ordanee with the 4lore
while living with permit,. or on forming land
owned hy' him.rlf moat notify the agent for 1he
distrl'l of Aen•11 Intention.
44*. lluml3a' notice in writing mint 1'a iron
10 ,hm 1 'otnmhwhkw'r of IN"uurion 4vends a
(1:4awaofIntention toapply for 1.410113..
1V 44•. 1 (1RY.
111. pal "of the Mn1I-err of the tnterlor,
N.{L••3.'navl hodizr,l pnbh...44044 0( tl b tN
vedlesale.t will net Iry pled fat•