HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-3-26, Page 21
' , 1 aleAv'S
2 ?NUMMI, March 26.- 1908
tittbrarn 11. uNTARIO.
IVANATTLK & ItunffltrooN
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V .4N A ITER k 1tolikl1.TS0 IN,
T1111 1.11ftNAI.
1111 11,14.4V, %I 411 '(I
The get rymander tit Huron , 1)
,reported from Toronto this week is
melting slue tot an outrage upion the
itetiple tit this county. A deliberate
attetupt 10 11C1ng 11114.111. by 1110 1:4111.
servative party to frustrate the will of
the electont of Hansa by sio dividing
the come y 144 secure a majority of
smite from a ininoi ity of votes, and to,
tarry our this design the principles
that should govern in the making of
eonstitieeticies have been o iuhaterl in
the most barefaced (wiener.
Under the present division of the
county for Provincial electthere
are three compact ridings, and a refer-
ence to the map will show that in this
important respect the preaeut arrange-
ment could not be improved upon.
The only objection that could be
urged against it is that two town-
ships, Goderich and Hullett, are
divided, and, although this division of
the townships tends Le compactness; in
the ridings, there could be no reason-
able objection to a rearrangement
which Would lIniteth: rPparriterl por-
tions of township... Neither wield
there be any general emnplaint from
the public if in playing the party
game the Conservatives should make
other changes in order to arrange the
ridings a little re to their liking:
but in the wholesale carving which
they have done they have absolutely
disregarded the piddle interest and
have indeed thrown aside every eoli•
sideration but that of party advant-
One of the fundamental pt Mendes
that should be older% rd 111 the coretti-
tut; of a riding ro( 'ty of
interest, and this principle has leen
att•ociourly violated in the new ar-
rangement. Though geographically
separated.by the townshipm of Gude-
rich and Stanley, the town of Godes
r-ich atid the township if Teeter -
;smith now find themselves in the same
riding. Colhorote, on the extreme
west, and Grey, on the extreme enst,
of this big county are in the same rid-
ing, Colborne being them dissociated
(nun the townships of Ashfield and
IVawanosh, with whose. people the
residents of Colborne hiive •h in
commuu. Perhaps the greatest ("ga-
rage of all is in the constitution of the
northern riding. Ashlield and %Wawa -
meals ono the one side. and Turnberry
end 11. ow ick, on the other, are torn
/may from their militia1 associations
and tits1 together in as narrow fringe
forty miles from'end to end. It is
about the s • •Iistance from the
northern boundary of Goderich Lowe -
ship to the far-off cimfittes of Usliorne.
In fact, anyone knowing the comity.
or anyone who takes as hook at the
county tamp. will ,,alizi• that the
whole arra togement would be matter
for ridicule if it were riot. tintrageoits.
And What is it :all ler ? To give Lite
slick '41 1', Either 41 sure seat in the
eouth, and to provide a safe place 111
the north for at highs,inled &trim, in
the town of Winghatit who desires to
serve his country- without the rink of
a defeat at the polls : and, further. 1,0
"hive the Grits" and get two Con-
servative seat. 111 4111P 1.41/01111 out 11 a
county that has an ;iggiregale Lile.ral
niajnrity of !WI 01 411 lortiti reds.
Ao. we have ahead v suggested, the
public will stand a little jockeying by
the pettiest and the Liberals of Huron
were probably prepared to take their
medicine. in the rearrangement of the
ridings : boot when the public interest
and the will of the people are
wantmoly 4 iodated the restemmille
party emu's danger, and the "I •st"
Government AVIIi1 11 1104 deliberately
Net about steelitog sem ma) livil that
it has tome a hill,. I.14, r.,.
EL/11 ORIAL NOTES. MPG` 1114(4',' Merry Eines' running In
'shelter under the roVer of it gerry-
- -
And we were told there would be no
gerrymander tinder the Whitney (inv.
'eminent .
Nerer. net er, never_ shall n con•
mot to being separated politically from
las Ashiletri boys.
What do the Ciiti....rvativer. (M(1.
retch think . I he gerrymander which
locates thew in a Grit hive
Wbat a ohm to the Conservatives
of Ooderich and Clinton the 1Vhitto y
tiovernment ha. handed out In the
gerrymander 1 Some prospeetiiir Tot y
• ,
cauditlate* 111 there towuto will tune sell
out cheap.
The Grits of Huron have seined the
%Vhitssey Government out of its Peck-
s.nifilan pretences; of "fairness."
. .
'Ile Weinrich Vonaervistives should
give up tryiug to cerve. They have
managed only ter cot their own fingers.
Perkasie Goderich Liberate should
trot object to twin,/ given such a soft
thing ; but they like it: tight as well AI
anybody else.
History will record that one ofjthe
hittetvst struggles of the ceilLUry WAS
that between the Wheel Itiggerto and
the Anti -Wheel Riggers,
The Pnoviticial expentlitunie have
increased from 11.1,'..hi7.153 in 11.01 to
*7,71 1,21.1 in 11107. This is oui increase
of nearly Zoe per cent. iot three years.
.1 bargain's a bargain, say the maj-
otity of the council : but Reeve
Mclean and (Id '11101 11 her ore
going to exatuine the Mania teeth
before they hand over the cash.
Protectionist logic has it good •-x•
iontolt. in the belief that the decrease in
imports of the last few mouths -a
direct moult of the to trial deities-
siou -is au evidence of good tient
Fin' the mood or oily month.. end•
111(1 Marell :11st, 1111117. tIi, Postoffiee
1 repart mesa had a surplus of $1,#P.
1;1. There win exelde in this for
the increase in newspeiper postage
ratt•s which cause into effet•t in May,
By special delivery to Hou. .1. P.
Vbititcy, Parliament Buildings, Tor-
-Please giye um 8 chance."
Dr..1. H. A% hitely.
lames 'Mitchell.
The shape of the new North 'futon
reidinds one of those. I/at:NM 1 dugs
" half e dug high and a dog aud
a half loitg." South Hutson re -
smeller 44 kelp boot ; while Centre
Huron doesn't look like anything else
on earth.
In thirty-three years of Liberal ride
the Provincial expenditure was in-
creased by keit about one dialler a
head of populotion. In three years
the Whitney Government has made
a similar increase of one dollar a Isead.
%%Isere ere the Conservative econom-
ists S
Hunter, editor of The Kincar-
dine Reporter, has n nominated
for the Legislature by the Liberals of
Centre Brute. He opposes another
newspaper man: Hugh Cletrk. the
present member. Mr. Hunter will
make a strong campaign and. honing
a gerrymender. Col.Clark blas his work
cut out for 1 ' to hold the seat.
The robin is not 4 particularly sentis
;metal sort of bird : but his return at
as season is prolialoly as h as
Zry thing else the occasion and inside
notion of the inevitable outburst of
spit iug poetry. %Vt. should like to
give 111111 a lyrical welcome in these
col s, but the afflatus thws not
Mow this way, 1 the lesitive ran
do for Iteloin Redbreast. is to tender
the wish that the worms this year
risey be many and fat.
lo e Dspart ment o f Education
should be careful tO avoid
Mtn in carrying out its design of giv-.
ing a patriotic tiavor to the new
.school readers. Outario school chil-
dren should have the beet of all aster
and of all countrien. %Ve do not want
to bring up a generation of patriotic
prigs knowing nothing about any
other land than their own. In this
respeet the 4 'idled titatee has given us
44 good example to he avoided.
The Opposition 111 the Legislature
has leen trying tio get front the Goos•
er ttttt ent some definite statement as to
what is to to dime with the model
schools, lout No tar members of the
Guverninent have refused to commit
themselves.. halter the Government
does not know its mind in the ;matter
or it is afraid of declaring itself.
Doubtless it has become aware of tlit•
fact that its 1111111/11/441 ((4 16.141)11:411 the
l'il,IlIt 4' iwsiel schools is decidedly un-
town of having
thimble with the Canada Ettrniture
Manufacturers 1'0., which, it is
claimed by the town, is not living up
to its agreement to keep at certain
n Ilse of men e•mployed. According
to The %Viiitton Echo the cowpony
received $1:00011 1.', on the town mitler
certain e littorals but hits tet•vt•r ltd
filled its part of the agreement. The
Samuel1 is now plowing the matter in
the hands of 11 solicitor. Probably a
good many other towns in Ontario
have, similar difficulties on their
hands, and in these circumstances
additional discredit is being thiown
upon the teems system. It Inoka
111111 111011."4141 if industrial propo-
sition,. in Ontario will have to 'stand
loseefter levee then 111641 merits,
will 1 spts•ial et teouragsatitent frinn
ittlibitiotts mmtivipnlit 1144.
S11.4.1' 1 01111 "10100 141 lite toy life
A MI no to keep All catty heath
wont., men may and drink apart
I hear a banner In the-tarife.
tionie caulk/Me quiet thought to wiht.
I am all day .41. 11.4,041' and earl*,
fader 1 Am -worn to tire mr Iffe
And IPA 10 1€04•14 an ea•,y heart.
1 follow gaily 10 (1,4' Ilfe,
I.enre Arlelemi bowed above a chart,
And Irrodenee brawling In the inert.
And dare All.fort rine 40 (1(1' knife,
gime 1 am .worn to lire 1.17 life.
1101/101 1/01/1.$1.21011-014
-mma ,tttut tea -meat tem. art 1.1 "e t-m.4.,..4rszFr 1644 vseeersts-4
Comfortable Surplus of Receipts over
Expenditures Opposition Criti-
cizes Growing Expenditure Mr.
Downey's Bill to Stop Municipal
dont/sing Present Government
Fond of Commissions.
Tomato, Murch Zink Hoe, Col.
Matheram, Provincial Treastarer, emelt.
his budget speech in the Legislature
on Thureiley. Ile 04( 1)11.41011 the Pio.
0101141 receipts fur this year at st0.2.21,-
ON. and the expenditures. 1141t includ-
ing the supplementary estimates 4(111
to come dower to, $7,30011.119". Ku' the
year 110; the receipts were *$,f11. 110
and the expenditure. Apart from the
itdratices to the Telitiskatoing
Northein Oldittio Railway, w 11 16
*7,71 1,211, leaving t surplus of 4141,
Opposition speakt•rs et iticizetl the
growing expenditures. Mr. Hislop
pointing out that whereas the litte
Gover lllll ent had in thirty-three years
increased the expenditure by only 41
per bead of poptilatiou 1110 present
Lovernmeut had made ;111 11111 PILSO of
$1 per head in the short space of three
years. Mr. Penst showed' that tlit.
1111.1124.11.! 111 reventie, Upon which the
Provincial Treasurer prided loindelf.
Wan largely histught thr1nes/1i 001111:10
established by the former tItivt•rin
ment. Such were the succes
duties act, the supplementary revenue
net, the opening up of Northern On-
tario and other 14.4 of revenue
01/C110d 1111 by the late Lateral Lititat•lati-
To Prolubit Municipal Bonusing.
M,'.IlkiWiley'ri bill for the ',revel)
lion tri till lll lllllll lamming created 40
discussion in the legislator's.
last week. lis moving the second
reeding of his bill Mi. bottles. ti deed
the history of Nanning in (heath) ami
stated that the pi•actice nsiso miming
riot in this Province. He thought the
wiping mit of the practice. would make
the financial positron of the in • ;nett -
dies foul .41 the Province much
stronger. Ile belies ed 1114(1. 1.111')'
should sweep trout the ntunicipal act
every (louse permitting enything 111
the shape of 44 bonus.
Premier %Vhitney bluntly declared
that he "dad not losolieve in a single
clause of the bill." He didn't believe
that one llllll ticipality should tell
another municipality what to do with
its money. Ile had *Beep. believed in
a reasonable application of the le
system, though there had been wide-
apread folly in this regard. He admit•
tel that the feeding in the Province
was rather against his og • • , but
he spoke as an individual and nut as
a member of the Government.
Hon. W. .1, Hanna, Provincial Sec
retary. supported the bill. while Mr.
McCoig, an tiopatAition UititiltA., sup-
ported the exprssed by the
The bill WA., read a second time.
Hon. Adam Beck's Horses.
There was as little incident 111the
House over n statement made at 1 lam-
iltant by %Ir. C. N. SIllith ;Sault Ste.
Marie, regarding the payment of
money out of the Provincial funds for
the transpoi 1.811010 1 Hon, Adam Beck's
horses to the in tetanal' aril hot se show
at. London, England. The Proyincial
accounts show payments 0 Ling
to *1,71) ito this connect' .
Beck denied that be had personally
received any money for this put•pose.
but MI. Smith pointed out. the items
111 tht• public aceounts, and stated that
the only horses front Ontario at the
London shuw were live deviled by
Hon. Mr. lks:k and four belonging to
Ales. Beck. the Minister's wife. It is
not understood that there wits any-
thing improper about the payment,
although members of the Government
seemed to be very *exited to shelve
the dieetission of the matter.
Government by Commission.
The Opposition has succealtsl iii
getting as return showing the ler
and cost of the various cummissions
issued by the present Government.
Sieve the advent o( the present I:ov-
erreact-it three yeais are there have
been no fewer than fourteen (0) 1111410'
0i0118, the cost of.which bits tggregatisi
$11:111,14.173. Fit e of these were c
mission,. appointed to investigate
alleged iniadoings of Liberal ollice•
holders. !hiring the last three years
of the Liberal regime six 11/1 lllll 1491 llll s
were domed, costing 015.1,w1.71;, of
which the Gooney investigation W444
reaponsible for $1 1,620.20.
An Old Friend.
Nir..I.ohti Smith t has again itt-
trotheed him bill to extend the rime
chiee to women. This bill 104 41 regular
annual visitor at the 1 egialatoire, lad
is invariably eiectell with e 101404
C011 rt esy.
too the effect that 11 Galt 1411)' has in
her lot aseasion a jar of ;canned fruit
(0es1 raspberries) which wits picked
twenty-one years ago next .1 uly in the
county of Halton, neat' Milton. They
have been .441 several times, but
the longest journey was to Brandon
and return. They still have it good
Mr. Lewis' Proposal.
131111/11! 11.1.1110.1.
111P proposal of 'Mr. lewis that not
(haft four members .4f the
Doiniiiitin board of iilamy 's
shiners sl 1.1 be 111/114/111t111 11 t.111.
1011114' 111/11ti(011 patty would lie a tee -
°Keaton of party polities in 1.1101, 11
Imated wholly foreign to British
notions of judicial rolleerits. The
suggestion of pijitien in the railway
c llllllll isotion would be most harmful.
He Has Changed His Colors.
1414.411mA Heaton.
Priv intim' Tt ensurer Matheson.
when in opposition. could /WV rolling
but ruin abeitil 4,1 IIe Province or On-
tario when 14 few thonmstill
extra P%111.111111.1111. Wits ',minded.
NOW 110 eau wend two lllll re
• a par than any id his proslecesseorm
and bid dellanee to the fates. There's
w lerful difterenee 111 the oittlook
of the man whit d41es4t1•1 handle the
Money and him who does. Mathesonh
the ramping critic has become Mullis
son the ependthrift.
Haggett Had Experience.
04,. .1,1,, Sal,,r.
the ror.i.terstion or Honor-
able Mr. ()r'4h*Iflq hill for the resSon.
struction of the railway cummiesion,
several Opposition menders took wee -
Mon to deliver some excellent h iliem
upon the evil of partisan appoint-
ments, towing the Government to
appoint Conservatives es well aa Ills
rods to this Important public body.
Thetis tpon Mr. f*ggsrt cruelly
pricked the Nibble of their self.rtglot-
ermines,* loy bluntly declaring that his
alleys/um Were'. talking nonsense and
hat they knew il. It was a very
any and pleanant thing, he eingl, to
- -
wain About tbe Snell
Onelph Meteor)
A note lint toren left at The Nerrory e
A :,....aerr.lre,eiltnt."1:21::,„,„„:,.1, FAWN
had 11
to meet OVell the ordinary expendi-
tures. and wbeu they suede capital
expemoney. rioter the 1.1berel Govern- BLACK
ndituin4 they had to burrow the
latent taut only were the ortlinary
pendituree being islet by ordinary,
t•venue, but great public wurks
sitated by the advancement and de-
velopinetit of the:country were being
pied for beaides. 141141 all this without
iulding it (toiletto tonalities tout, as a
inatter of fact et as reduced rate of
ta sat hon, etatipai ed with he Tory
days. In 1800 the average rate of
la xittion of each 4100 of imports wow
11118.:n4, and in IMO 11113.73, 16 reduction
of 11 per mut. florins the last eleven
yeses of the Conservative teginie *So,.
muse° luid been expeudetl on capital
iteeottut, of which $62,0eisos414 was bor-
towed. Ceder Lilloural rule $1 27.111111.•
dm hail been expended capital 141"-
C01111t. Id which only $4,taaS0til was
44 urrenserd money.
Mr. Cucksluitt fullowtel %Ir. Pater
(41)11 411(1 talked about lito adverse bal-
ance of trade, automating tu $1 31.1.1o0. -
IMO. J1 denied that the country web
prosperous and declared Lima the
peolde were staggering under the 11)511
of expenditure. He urged the need of
gi tat retrenchment And of 14 11!1641j111/1
went of the tariff to suit Use needs of
industrieto that were humuishing outl
Mr. Sictoo Speaks.
Urges Caution but Dom Not Look for
Hard TIM'S Budding of National
Transcontinental Railway Will Ne-
cessitate Additions to the Public
Uebt Important Speech by Hon.
Clifford Salon,
Ottawa, March The pressraa-
trf the budget by Hon. W. S.
'inister 11 Einariee, and the
debate. following it took moat of the
attention of the House of Commons
last week. The debatt. tins marked
by tale of (idiot (1 Sifton's infrequent
addresses, and 1111 authoritatively did,
he speak that there is as 'mei val
speculation as 1(1) 1118 return to the
Cabinet. Mr. Sifton 40 1011144011y
one tot Caeoulit's €41€1(.61. 1111.0. 111141 W11(111
he speaks the House is never dis-
appiiiitted in its expeet at of hem,
ing 11 stiong and statesmanlike de-
ME. Fit/111410 61111get stets+ was
teceitssi with gratification, al least by
the Ministerial 211111114•rter,.: of course
the opposition found in it material
for criticism. In bpitt. ol the huencial
depressil 4n. which is loelit•ved to be
may temporary. the. Minister '
Entities; woo splendidly 'optimistic 111
Iiis outlook, ouldi presented strong
evasions for 1111111116.1111. 111 the 0011.
1' 41 prosperity mod progress of
A Big Surplus.
As stated in the colonises of '1 he Sig-
nal I.Int Week, ,'4l 1', Fielding 0 1111011444,'011
44 s111-1/1110 Of 11:4111110 411 1.1 ordinary ('4'
of Olti.e.r.1417 for the Meal
period ending March 31st, 111117,
44pitill art- L there was expended
during this pet hod $1I,1(,11.1,and the
Midi, debt was decreased by $3,371,-
1 I 7.
For the present ear, 40111011 will
end 011 the :41st of this
expenditures will be lairi,gie.t es
preially 111 conneetiwith the row
'.Lt,,'( ,:lit of the National Transom-
tiotental Railway% and tho•re will tin-
doillotedly 1/4." /4 large tat the.
publie debt. estimated 1,y Mr. Field -
nig 141. $12,41111,111X1. Ily the end of the
present fiscal year 110 It -ed it sum than
0134.141p1.111111 will have been Apeld 1)11
the great national railway undertak-
ing. mi that the Guyer lllll ent doing
well in keeping Ito' debt increase
within t he Inuits mentioned.
Cautioo and Cottage.
The Minister of Einem t. referrel to
tits period of anemial stringency
through which the co try has been
paesing, but said he did not look ha- at
ta(111111111ed period 4)4depression. "On
the part of the Governtneut.-
Fielding went on. "it is a time for
cautions and yet 44 time for courage.
Large Hew enterprises,Ithich would
call for great. outlays. may well he
lmid.uOile for it little whiles lout works
w hich we already have In hand, and
rethap. other winks tea calling for
evy outlay. t not I, neglected.
Particularly 11111444 we 1411 to push
forward the meat enterprde of the
Transcontinental Railway. We have
reached a stage in that enterprise
which calls for heavy expenditure.
Yet we feel it 0111' .hit' o loge upon
tt 1111:: 4iii'-ork, so that the new road nsay
ss 1.184,' prtmecti Lion of
he esitupletell at the earliest possible
Mr. Foster Concise,,
Mr. Fielding was followed by Hon.
Geo E. Fii-ter as a•Hef Opposit
ic 11 the budget. Mr. Eoster 111/0141
the initial claim that the tourielation of
the present prosperity of the country
Wil4 laid thorium the Conservative
n•orione, and that Ili.- present Govern-
ment was entitled 0, credit for the
better • -s that have preVailed !Alive
IASI. Ile eh:4114rd the Government
with extravagance. and went over the
list of 'attired "dealt.- with which (lit'
opposition has charged the tiove.rn
meta f time to tune.
The Minister of Customs.
lion, Clifford Siflou'e speech dealt
in a compreheusive w ty with a num-
ber of tile national problems. tipenk•
ing 1111 One With authority. lie took an
op • .ittie view of the Iluancial uut-
look, and then ht. hekl thin close atten-
tion of the Home with a powerful
plea fur the establishment of a, cote
stilar system of trade with foreign
countries, conducted by specially
opstlifiell agents. Next cattle it strong
declaration in favor of civil service re -
burin. particularly in the declaration
of timer tt) 'ti between the
universities and the public service,
This was followed loy a suggest.
that niue-tentilS of the railway grout
lauds i.: the ‘1'0s1t, should be thrown
(emu to homestead entry. the reinain•
Mg tenth, extending to three million
acres, to be held in reserve for ten or
twelve years. Then they could be
sold and a fund would thus lie pro-
vided, amounting to thirty millious or
thereabouts, which would enable the
Government to proceed with the con.
struction of the Hodson's Bay Rail.
way, which he warmly advocated.
Finally he made an ill Lie pro-
nouncement upon the "all -red route"
scheme, for which he made out 16
strong case.
Can Renew Their Strength.
While it is impossible for the aged
to renew their youth we want to say
to all elderly peoplc in Goderich they
04411 renew t eir strength by taking
our deliciotss cod liver preparation
inol. toeing rich in the element./ of
life, is an ideal strengthener and body
builder for the old folks.
Mr. A. .1. Barker. of Evansville.
Ind., says : ••There is no other medi.
eine in the world equiil LH %I'm' for
elderly people. I would not take a
thousand dollars for the good it has
done 111P."
Vino! is not a patent itsetitcine, but
(04(1111 cod liver preparation made by a
scientific, extractive end comentrat-
ing process front fresh rods' livers com-
bining with peptonate-of.irtm all the
medicinal, healing, beely•Imilding
clement 3 of vial liver oil. but 110 CAI.
V. 1 tones up the digestive organs,
makes rich red blued, and mound,
steady nerves. In this way it repairs
wont tissues. ehecks the teetered de -
line of the aged. Wilds up the run-
down, tired And debilitates -1, and re -
pieces weakness with strength. We
*sir every aged or weak person in
Cioderiell to try V' I on (offer to
return 7 ifs it fails (0 (110.' sat is -
faction. 111.'. Dunlop, druggist.
Correct Styles for Spring Wear.
Nobby, Serviceable Coats at popular prices.
Every day something new, Rioting of feeble fie Inuits of
liming, nary be seen 111 lllll • store, inakieg it a tartly inter -
resting "shopping swot."
Goderich Ladies' Wear
West Street
Changed System of
Keeping Clothing
I have discarded my fortiter Method of keepipg Clothing
Mal have put in THE WEIR NVARDR011Es.
This spare, enables us to show the full nonce elotliiitg
At once, keeps clothing from gettiug creased. and is absolute-
ly dust -proof.
11101414. these 1Vardrobto* is kept a large 161111 limg1
seek of up -to -dale clothing, the product of the hest tailor
.hops in Canade.
You will moon he wanting a Spring Suit don't fail tei,yee
route tof the nicest clothing 04 04' 141)010,1 1,, 11/4411.
Prices range from $8.00 to $20.0() -
Our motto is a equate deal to every money back if ittoods
turn out unsatisfactory.
The Right Place for Men's Clothing and Furnishings.
C. P. R. to Sarnia.
Lucao, March la. --Eight of the C.
P. It, surveyors reached heir on Tile*.
. day night on their way from St.
Mary it and (Ironton to Ailsa Cniig,
Parkhill, .trkona and Sarnia. This
is the second survey that has been
made for the extension of the C. P. It.
brunch from St. Mary's to Petrel...
The previous, ours ey went by trey of
Kirkton and F:xeter through Corbett'.
Corners and on to Arkona ond Sarnia. 1
The latter town is the objective point,
and the route via Gowan and Park- 1
11111 1. the 116011t dlivet, and appearsto
be the favored one.
A Sign.
You can always tell n matt who has
y Ile I net votes he 1!, I,r firer
you will want, to lo rrow mnish of it. -
New 1 ark Press.
%Via. Paterson, who is not -
often betted in the !lade, wive a ••••••••••••••seaseisH1410•0411
11)110111(1 141),'.,), in reply to Mr. Foster.
Spring Term Opens April 1st.
He pointed 'out OM in the old days
give utter:thee 1,, 511c11 platitudes
when in opposition. but when 1111.)
got. into power they would speedily
Mut themselves confronted with the
4.1111/iir11001ing fact 11111 L there were not
enough Olives at t he Government's
disposal to go 00111111 g their
friends. It was ridiculous, loo• said, to
expect this Or .1114' Other Governmeta
14, 11.1001 (1V01. 1111/11119 111 t1Iil•
111114'041S of torn( ical appointments.
Learn to Lose Well.
rr .r. illfal 140,"w.
LeArliing to lo.e 114 11 virtue the full
appreciation of which is nut yet di( -
fused throughout 'itouttla. lour
statesmen, local politiciaiis and 40411
the youngsters hate learnt to prefer
a 14)043 to quest itintrble gain we shall
have advanced a long way toward.,
that higher tone we should all like to
see distinguish "or public life. For the
uplmilding of a new country it strong,
nand!, population is required not
merely physically robust, but in /rally
mtroug. The Lifter can never tie the
distinguishing characteriatie of men
who make. yl••tory, however won, the
end all of then aims. Hoys who 101(1 11
to lose will glow tip to be strong 11101)
and men who 1:111 .4114, 1/11141`1" 111 lime to
being mixed up in a questionable yi.••
tory are the 1111•11 10 build up a new
country. If by (-ducat' 1 tor any
method,. this one 41144 nuateriaLir
be siderul abroad and become a strong
feature or 4. 'ana.114411 tire then indeed
might. 111,' 1111111'1' of dip Dominion
left 1011 11 full trust and kreurity in the
hands of those who lind learnt how to
Politely Declined.
€I7 1111., kit,
Thi Vieek's Milli ;Odd OOP 11101.1• It
0111' 11111111 i llll of 11411.111N nlYetvil for pool.
hear The 1 attribution of "Maim
ily" is in Mei. "(at,/,IM hews
emelt, short metre, and all right as
to rhyme. Rut 11,4.11' are three fatal
defects itt "soled•s- priellietion de-
fects. which, 41 mot opinion, na•tke
publication iltailt The
tion given iti he poem of a religious
gathering might Is. taken by members
of the sect relerred to es untom-
plimentery. "Simmily- ohm neglects
to Nem! in his owe Millie Willi the enit•
[H1111(100, nti ottligniOn often made
when there is (tenger of trouble. The
third end most grievolie defect on
"Mitendy're" poem is the effort made to
write it in the Scotch dlolect. The
effort was tinsuccesstid. In fact it
would hurt the feelings 01 41 /Scotch -
man to rend it, and ther ere o nurn•
her of them on our ontheeriplion 11444,
We hope that we do not give
'1444Imily' needless pain in declining
bis remit lleition. but It Is necessary
In the good temper 0( 41411' renders that
we tiliould refusp. to pololish much cif
that teirt of mat ter.
Theroosseis•-• 1. Ilse key stria of
thio .1.11001
ftn what be radiant- and more In
ertiowlent. IVe bete three
• department. - tonimendel. Short
hand tool Telegraphic. tnir mei
alwayt .ticreed. (4 1111.00044(01
get out free rAdidgue.
Spring Term
1111.11111. ab•
amide'. tireatod • hair of High tirade
Itudinew Loilefem, located at
ONAVO116 11 1.6.
follow. the custom of Imsinee. concern.
end take. no vacation.
mterragraPhers. llook.keeptr. and Teter
metiers are In greet demand In July.
ticptember end October.
%%'e train more young People than soy
other nuttragement In Oatarlu,
llume madt be reettort . rile for It.
(4 p;o. Ital. -
from April rah merge. Into our
Rammer Tenn from July nth. Enter
1)010 41111 be ready for *good situation
In the early inantiin. New ontakigne
free. Welt* foe
Cr !AYR.% Iles14112111 001.1.1111101.,
VoNtIE im4 GERRARD eta. Tomato.
W. H. SHAW, Principal.
SPRING TERM from April :it.
linter tiow stud be ready to *104411 ,
4110.1 110/111100 li, the 'mounter or fall
t 40 4 414 04 1111.11 1:1 0..
Thi. college tie. nal -rye totirm
111.1.111111 tewhert,
411 16:11 1•1111114-• for raring,
sludest• in jorisitiors. (h... the s‘crAm,
tru•eorm. collt•ge ()een entire year. All
graddit,.. gra it ( .
adirld rive. J. KI.11.10TT
1. l'Obel. 441.11 AICX1111di r `rt r..
Friar's Cough Balsam
Oise of the good. okl.fashioned (tongs that has
never been improved upon.
Infallible for Cunha, colds. bronchial and lung
t roubles.
11 14 the largest and best s.S.- remedy for cough.
and colds. Prepared, recommended and guaranteed
by the largest wholesale drug horde in the world.
11 your druggist does nut handle It, let u, know.
NATIONAL DEMI 4 COTS. CO., Lirelled • 30 Losses, Oat
Select Woollens
and Furnishings
MISS CAMERON has prepared for the spring
and summer season of 1908 an elegant assortment
of all the nevrest and most tasteful effects in Millinery
and asks the ladies to call and inspect.
A large selection of Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats
Hamilton St. Goderich
When down Town
call in at Butland's Drug Store and
have your Grippe checked. Our
tablets do the work quickly and effec-
tually no bad after-effects. Put, up
in 23c. boxes at
The Stowe UM Pleases. GODBR(CH
ILO assorage linsimmor. fesemumn•