HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-3-12, Page 8TatunsuaT, March V.% 1908 siezt.,,,,,,iivsesszssiesegifies ssy,ssseessiststssses„, THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO TIE QUEBEC BATTLEFIELDS iceueluded Irma mite :!•1 tbe river outward with oue baud, while, with the other, it wade (be beelogers an amphibious furee. Waifs. worn out, half despairing. twice repuleed, at last eaw his eliapee. Planning and acting entirely on his town initiative. be crowned three days of flatly eunibined wautieuvres. on land and water, over a front of thirty miles, by the consummate etroitauciii which placed the tired of all two -deep t hitt red liner acmes the Plaine of Alornimui (quietly at the favorable moment. And who that k battle and battlefield know, of an- other scene and setting like this one on that l'ith morning of September. "All nature contains 110 seelle inure lit for mighty deeds than the stu- pendous isinphitheatre in the midst ul which Wolfe wtst4 waiting to plAy the hero's part. leir the top )1 the protti• ontory illade it giant maws wittier hie army now resod between the /doing. hold of New France and the whole dinni ll i t m of the West. Immediately ls.fore hint lay his chosen battlefield beyond that, Quebec. To his left lay the northet 11 theatre, gradually rising and widening, throughout all Ile tuag• otificeut expanse. Until. the far-ranging Latirentians closed in the view with their rempart-like 111110 math -circle of eighty miles. his right, the south- ern theatre irlit•re league upon league of undulating upland rolled initwatid to a still fistithetsoff horizon, whime Wider semi-eirele, curving in to overlap its leathern counterpart. wedv the ea.st mountain -ring roue plete. While, east AIM west, aerose the arena Where Itv Was alsi it 145 e1.410 tend for the prize of half a cuntineut, the majeldic riverfullsiliarged with the right-hand force (11' Itritaiti, and flowed, through gates of empire, on ite uniting course between eat th'e greatest lakes and greatest oceait. And here, too, at these Narrowe Quebec. lay the tit meeting place' of the old world with the 1.10W. For the westwaed river gate led on to the labyrinthine waterways of all America, while the eastwaial :mood re open still- flung wide to all the 54 44045 Meanwhile, Mentealm had done all lie could against false friends and open (emetic), lie had repulsed ‘Volfe's assatilt nt Montitiorency and checkmated every wove he could divine th-ough the nearly impene- trable screen of the British fleet. A week before the battle he had sent a regiment to guard the Heights of Abraham ; and, on the very eve of it, luid ordered back the same regiment to watch the„ path up which 1Volfe came the next morniug. But the Governor again eounter-ordered. "There they are where they have no right to be !"--aud Montealau spurred on to reconnoitre the red wall that had te. suddenly sprung ttp across the Plaint+. Ile had no choice but instant action, " he rode down the front. of him line of battle, stopping to may a few stirring words to eech,regi- men t Ls he pawed. liThenever be *eked the mini if they wine tired, they eaid they were never tired be- fore a battle; and all ranks showed as much esigeruess to come to dome (martens as the Britieli del them- selves Muntealtn towered aloft and alone --the hist great Frenchman of the Weetern world lie never elated higher in ell tnanly minds than on that fatal day. And. as he rode before his men there, his presence seemed to call them on like a drapeast vivant of France het -self." Ile fought like e general and died like a hero. Never were stancher chaumimis than those two leader, and their six brigadiers. "bet 1114 remember how, on the victorious side, the young com- mander was killed in the forefront of the tight; how his succestior was wounded at the head of his brigade; mid how the command -in -chief passed fmin hand hand, with hewildering rapidity, till each of the four British Generals bad held it in turn during the space of one short half-hour ; then, how the devotion of the four Cerulean on the other side was even more con- spicuous. since evt•ry single one of these brave men laid dovni his life to save the day for France ; and above all, let us remember how lasting the twin reteswe of Wolfe and Montealm themselves should lw ; when the one Was so consummate in his victory. and the other so truly ;donut!s in his defeat." The next year saw the eecond battle tsf the Plains, when 144114 marched down frona Montreal, over the einem impassable spring roads, and beat 1 back Marray within the walls, after a very desperate and bloody fight. At the propitionm moment I.Wvis rale along but line, with him hat on the point of his sword, am the sign'sh for a general charge, in which the French- Canadians greatly distinguished thein. *elves. He quiekly invested the town and drove the siege teem. to the utmost. "At e o'clock cut the night, of the 1t) uf May three meniof-wat came in together. The officer com• mending at Reimport i ttttt iediately sent Iwvis it 'dispatch to say the French shipm bad iiist arrived. leit 1 the messenger was :dropped by Mur - ray's outposts. leivis I4iInwlf svas meanwhile preparing to advance on Quebec in feria.: when a prisoner, s who hail just heel% taken, told him i thew vett:WIN Were the vanguard of the British fleet ! " Of course, he t raised the siege at mice. But hoi re- tired 1101,0114111ered : and Valiquelie (livered his line of 1(1 .444. by water as I gallantly ae he hail made his own ail. vance hy land. TI len f tip said took bir ForISt• Louis in the Inoue of Chariest I.. who granted the and County of Caneda" to his unconsidered trifle of "The Lordatts friend. Sir William Alexander ! But. in IW') the summons of Mir NVilliatti Philos§ was victoriously answered by Fronteutic-"from the mouth of uiy cannon." In 1750 Montcaliu won his bout th victory tw repulsing Wolfe et Montmorency ; then both died on the where bi. autl Murray fought again next yew.. Finally, on !he host day of 1775, French aud lira stood together as the British defence of Canada, under Carleton. astaitirt 51ontgoinery and Arnold. This 1* our true wonder -tide of war: and we luive nothing to feat front the truth. Is it to be thought of that we should fail to dedicate whet Wu' forefathers have tie conreerated as the one Hold of glory cumulus' to um all ? Remember, there is no question of barring mod- ern progresses -the energy for which we inherit from these very tincesturs. No town should ever be unule a mere -mbow place," devoted to the pettier kinds of touritary end dilettante anti- quarian delight. But Quebec has room to set aside the newt typical spots for comusemoration, and this on the sound business principle of put- ting every bite to its most efficient 11140. SO there remains nothing be- yond the time and trouble and ex - poise of making what will bec in fact anti name, Hat tletield Park. This will include the It of what must always be known as the Plains of Abraham, and the best of every other centre of action that ean be pre- ttei ved in whole, or part. or only in oiotiveuir by means ot . a tablet. Apprumbite places within these liutite could be seamen to commemorate the !mines of eleven historic characters : Champlain, who ((minted Canada ; Muntealw. Wolfe. Levis. Alueray. smuttier, isnd Vatiquelinwho fought. for her : Cook and Bougaiuville. the circumnavigators. who did bet yeo- man bervior ; and Fro:items,: and Carleton, who saved her in different ways, but to the same end. High above all, un the (Alai central summit, the Angel of Peace, fuldiug het wings to rest, will stand in bene- dictiou of the scene. In her bleat presence the heirs of is fatue told IO I the world in French anti Eng- lish speech can dwell upon a bount. eon, view that has long forgotten the 'strange grits' face of war. And yet the istatue rests on A tield of battle, end their own peace on alp cleans! prowess. The very ground reminds them of attpretne ordeals. And though. in mere size. it is no more, to the whole vast bulk of Can- ed:is than the flag 1* to a man-of-war. yet. like the flag. it is the sign and syndic(' of a people's soul. - - -• - TO VO rE OR NOT TO VOTE. A Question That Gave the Town Coun- cil Pause on Tuesday Evening. A disputa. a., to whether Couucillor Laithweite hail a right to este on the question of. disposing of the deben- tures fur the Wheel Rigs loati re- sulted in a deadlock at a special meet ing of the town council on Tuesday evening. Tenders for $4,1,1111 of de- bentures itslistiull for the Wheel Riga loan and 5)1,41410 for toted improve. inmate were opened and read, aud the question Anew whether the eouncil should accept an offer at 5 per cent. or ask fer new temierit at At 5 per rent. the debentures would net a.-m,:ati, leaving a balence of $1,701 to be met out of the ordinary funds. The majority of the council thought it would be better to fare this balance this year than to call for tenders at the higher rate, which would tend to injure the credit of the town and would also delay the payment of the loan to the Wheel Mips people, who are Asking for the money. The coun- cil voted 5 to :i to accept the tender of W. A. Mockenzie Ss Co., of l'oron- to. at $50,:ell. whereupon Councillor Humber rose and ishjei•ted to coun- cillor Laithwaite's voting on a motion affecting the 'Wheel Rigs, it) which he is a shareholder. Mr. Laithwaite withdrew from the table and went to the back of the 11)0111, 11111, evidently receiVed neW light 011 the Matter and came back, claiming that the question on which they were votiug -whether Ow debentures should be wild at. 5 per cent. or 51 per cent. was of no 0011 - cern to the Wheel Rigs' people and that he had perfect right LO vote. Councillor 11 her WAS not satis- fied, however. "I wish it to lie distinctly under- stood." he stiid, "that I press niy oh- jeet ion to Councillor Laithwaite's vot- ng on this question." And I rule that C'ouncillor Leith- waite has no right to vote." declared the Mayor. With Councillor Laithwaite'l vote limited mit. and the Mayor's vete against the motion, there was a tie, and proceetlintes carne to $i standotill. Cietneillor Laithwaite priotested right to vote, Councillor It her re newed his objection, and His Worlship stuck to his ruling : until finally it wits agreed to iuljourn to Iteal the text morning. In the morning the Mayor withdrew ii, ruling against Councillor Leith- waite•tt vote, but still the way wan not elear fin. the alderman .f ri int Se Andrew'. ward. Councillor Thomson aid he leul authority for peeling thou Mr. Laithwaite voted a question winild be raimtel as to. the legality of he poweeding And wider such eir- ctimstamies it W1,1114 re- impossible 10 get leile fee the debentures. CO11/161- or Elliott had slept on the matter wet. night 1(1111 WAN prepared to vote or the sale at 5 per cent., against which he hAd voted on the previnue 'vetting. A majority for the motion wing thun immured. Councillor Leith - wake withdrew his vote "Jib a mat- ter of courtesy." he said- -not because le find not a right to vote. Reeve McLean end Councillor 440IA41 contra, their proposal being to ask for tenders at 51 per cent. In actiordence with a reitutwt fr the (litelpli & 6 oderich Hallway the commit passed 11. remota' eonfi g the agreeme9ezi4.h the railwny com- pany regarding the closing up of cer- tain streetsi at the harbor, end the Mayor and clerk were authorized to protein the Legiodsatire, in conjune- pins elth OP C. P. H., to confirm the byliew id butt yourespecting t hie matter. 'rhe Mayer. Reeve, Deputy Reeve sod comicillere alimeinge 1 Hum- ber were emeitittit(el taki• an inso 'goey or ih.. wheelitl4)ig.) plant, with power tit engage one or more expert' if neeetteary. The council Adjourned to meet in the ‘Vheel Rigs Office at 2 p.m. on Mote day next. THE MAYORALTY VOTE. Proceedings Before Judge Doyle in Effort to Unseat Robert Tliempeon. The quo warrant.° proceedings in the Ooderich moyoralty election came up on Tuesday last before Hie Honor Judge Doyle. E. ('. Belcher and Jac iireckenridge gave evidence an h) the tnanner in which the vote woe counted at No. 1 Quebec with all tlit• s of war. 111 There's the call ef the blood of the heist of tam puleing, itenekenieg blood today -a call to every French and English ear - frinn this (Inc gratind alone : - and therefore an hire. sistible appeal from n11 the !Attie - fields together. The causes of .strife RIM hong 1111tWOril And etUtt aside : only it.s chivalry reniains. The mean- er passions, jealousies Anil mcliones arose And ilourismel most in courto, and parliaments, and mobs, of differ. ent comitriee, far asunder. Mit the steer tylpttlii.t. of the bitheriands was the viten who *chiefly met it) arm,. And here, now And foresee, nre the field, the mentery and the inmpiratian of ail teat was !Host Ilt.tith` i n the tending races, From Champlain to Cath•tini, 111 many 1 ionlitete t' 44 tiering es; yeArs, Quebec wits theorem. id (turret action lot lismiltois and II tiron ; foe Preach of every quarter, from Nor- uspondy and Refuel' y ft, Langtiedoe and Itonsmilion for Pretich-Catuulians of the wholelong waterway from the hates And Mississippi to • the St. Utterance and Atlisgtie for Ameri- cens from Limit thirteen colonies; tor aft the kindred of the British biles English. 1.-1,11, Scotch and Welsh. Channel Is...rodent and ()reediting and for Newfoundlanders, the first. Anglo - Canadians, And the forerunners of the United Empire Loyalists. Uhamplain. in RIM, fleet built 1111 Abitaclon veinal the menace of the tenderness. In IRA tbe Kirke, sailed REV. C. JEFF. 51cCOMBE, of Toronto, Who assisted his brother last week -end and will again be here on Sunday A rousing revival. North street 3letlitelist church i the place and the yid (impel is th magnet that draws; mo many of tht men anti women of all creeds am elaeses together day airier day it Huderich. Three meetings have lieel increiwing in popularity and in vows. as the thsys go by. Evaingeliest Mc Combe may well be encourageff, 1101 0111)44 becattee of the crowd,. why et tend his meetings but becistiee of the conlidence lie enjoys of the people o s 1 CHURCH NOTES. 1 Knox eliiiteli anneal ,erviee for sailoah and fishermen will he held beet satiliath es eithig. El Rev. 3Villiaiti lit iggs, 1s. 1).. id 1 Teton! 0, 11111 preaeli anniversary 1 services iti North st Methuslist " SIIMIAV, Itlai eh 2.-'11(1. i Statid 'amain Has , Stratford. tetelerich. Last Sunday will be greet in the minds of many ter tome years to COMe. It WaS the 01110,11AI birth tlay of not a fe,v. (In Monday night it WAS an inspiring sight to See 31r. It. .1. Meliaw And hie :eitiployece in it 1 , Vi ill ;nye a Very ieterest lug lectittv ill the Silk:dim. Army Hail on Friday . evening. 31arelt 1:kb. Subject : "War i with the British Columbia Indians." .S11 are is eleones I . , Ilw similay school in I edition . I 44 41(4 the liaptiet clench less for the ' lutist three weeks been holding a "red and bilk," eont.est for the wimainv of new 10011111411 II, the SU1118/1. In the 1 fotir Sundays thirtysieven new mew - 1 bete. were enrolls•d. Last Sunday !ling tht• pastor of the church aal- dreseed the -.deed on Um "lied tied Mile 1 'esateet " drawing some leessais !from the work jtlSt e ttttt Plettld. body (occupying the cent, t• ta th. church. The presence of live. C. .1. MeC be lent freshness and addi- tional strength to the work. C ttttt un Saturday Joel returning to Toron- to Monday morning, he delis ered in- side that C • f addressee, any of which Was a Waster itself, liim return this week -cud %Sill he hailed with delight and ihitibtlees the church will be taxed to its ut- most capacity at all the eervicee of the Sabbath and rigbt through the remaining days of the campaign. On Friday the subject will he "An Awful Shipwreck." The hotly of the ebtirelt will be reserved foi the lieher- men awl sitiloni, stud large eine tingents front the (acuities. NIusie led by male choir. Sunday, lo o'clock, Sunehine lister evety• body ; II o'rlock, mubisiet. "Past. Pretent and -Future" : 4 15, mass meet • ing for men only, inutile led by male choir. subje-t. •st Young 31.ties Safety"; 7 o'clock. subject. "tiod's Blockade of the Wits. to Hell.- Rev. C. 1. aid:010w will lie po-sent and *sena his brother in all the eurvitee01 die Sal/lIntil. The temperance meet-' ing lois been cancelled in order that every mall may attend OW 11111V.A meet- ing. The campaign will W. V.) 11.11 - Orme each eve g next week up to Friday. 31r. Belcher explaining that the envelopes+ for the ballots were not large enough and in putting the [Knots iuNitle the envelopes were tt No return ea* filled iti of the 'ejected and sed ballots. Joseph Brophey, Robert Tait, .1. W. C'raigic and h. E. Hingham 34t4s evi- dence Le to No. 7 suledivision. Three Wit nemesis *II agreed there wen seVen huuallots rejected. Theme. 31i.Tait said, were left aside and the deputy returning officer, Mr. Brophey, said he would ask the name • g officer whethet to t these which were clearly marked for mayor but spoiled for reeve or deputy reeve, but lie did not know whether this wam (lone or not. 31r. Brophey said those were put. in the same bundle with the other used ballots and tied with a setring. and in answer tit Mr. Blair he bald if only three liallots were limed At the recount and these not tied %vitt' a string it limiked as if there hod lwen some taindweing. There were more than three when they left his hands. 6. F. Blair went inte the wititees box in the attertemm. 114 said in No. I divisimi the aecount ef the deputy reterning oftleer shiewed 72 4404.4'. for TI 'isms and at the recount they found 71 ftilicalg the ewe! balletic The O. It. 4). gave Dr. Macklin it votes and the rectotint 411. IIi that divi • (bele Were siX ballots not marked for 1111170r At all and one watt MAI ked for two mayoralty iiandidattee 11) Nos. 2 Ind 3 divisions there wile no change at the recount. In the former there were eeven bailee.) not marked for mayer and in the latter four anil one marked for t wit mayoralty emen- dates hi nearly all *he diVislons the Otall 11111111Wr 01 persons ShOWn as having receive -a bellots wits larger than the total of the ballots lewd. In Nis 1 the• 11)13'change was that the nein ning officer', e(111111 slum/tat two e for Or. Clark than the recount. There were seven blank, 101' iliayur and 4.440 ballots mit:keit for two candi- dates. In No. 5 division there Wel, five fewer billets cast than the poll book !showed am given init. There were three blanks for mayor and one marked for two candidates. The hal- tote in No. 41 division wens particidarly Nulty put up‚1'Iii' icemant reduced the vote for testis M. Tt pson and Hr. Macklin 1.y live and 1)1.. Choi' Was increased 1.y one. There We're seven. teen fewer ballots returned than *hewn it.. issued in the mill beek. 1 ti No. 7 division five 1111)14e Isill0ts Were 10111141 among the 'Died 11111101X than were J-Laitiled hy the deputy returning °Meer mod title vi • on the recount gave Mr, 'rhomportin gin nI vele.. In thi* division there were 00 blanks fin. maym found sit the rec het live OP Nix 1111111k fOr l'ef'V't. ilemity reeve, :mil One ,wits, 4 lir divisinti where there were no blAtilse fin mares Te Mr. leek hewn 31r. Blair moil in No. 7 At the reemint they found three bellots 1,1 an envelope hy thenilielVes bid not tied witi a string, and en ether ballot's they 11) ght they taw signs of remote. erased. At the conelusion of Mr. Illeir'e evi- dence an adjournment *as made and when the matter is resumed the bal- lots will be scrutinized. Mr. !Heir is acting for Dr. Macklin nnd E. L. Dickinson for Mayor Thompson. The regolar meeting of j the Daughter's of the Empire will be helii itt the event helms. on Mielsille 1$4.•4 1 al A large at I rattle tele i requesterl• NEWS OF DISTRICT. LREWE. Mr. and 31rs. P. had a 31arch wood bee and 114410C 011 Tutisday. 3Vhilty ie %Silting her daugh- ter. Mre. Stuiut Finlay, of Misfeking. Vie. Whitty sold one of hiS heaVy- draught horses last week 1,0 It. Hig- gins. Mr. and Mrs. 'I'. S. Reed and min Beneon, called On friends at Crewe on Satin day. NI Shackleton entertained a 11 ttttt tier ef the yotaug bake at is etvg lee. and party oti Friday. our genial postmaster, S. Sherwood, and family were the gueete tie Mr. and Mrs. Time. tidiest( on litintlay. Misis Ism Cartwright. or Londe... ependiidt A few weeke with her colisie, 31 rit. Iti,bett Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Itoleal Higgins spent Sointley with the latter's mother. Mrs. Henry Ceissar, near Dungannon. Abe. Culbert disposed of. one of his working horses to Jas. Perguson. of West eViswisnosh, bust NVednenday. Chat 'we BrAnsgrove ism' Miss N'an- stone, tioderich. wol.. visiting the latter'e aunt, Mrs. Thos. Congrano, 011 St lay. There was a big tur tttttt t to Prank McConnell's. sale, emisidering the state of the roadie and good prices general- ly were realized. l'he Misses' Ciwenthiline Templetio. and Barbara Culbert spent few days with the latter'e sister, Mem. T. S. Reed, ef 'Marking. 31r. and Mrs. Thos. .Sliackleton and their daughter. Aliss May, have been spending the Iota few days with Mr. and Mist. NVin. NIallough, of Belmons That Zain•Buk Greys Nrw MIAMI Skin. The unique power belonging to Um - kink for growing new healthy skin wbeu it bas been destroyed ly injury. disease or °potation 1. illustrated by the recent experieoce of Mr. J. Schu- held, of On Hamilton Road, London, Gni. He says : "A friend of mine 151r. William Hall. of Luudinil was severely suid terribly burned through *44 explialini of kerosene oil. lie was boleti tii the boapital. where lie suf- fered int. it -o pail. The wounds re- fusal to heal, arid the doctors decided to retort to skin matting, and I con- sented to hove sumo 'Akin triairManted from tuy legs to his body. Although this was done on several meow the 'skin refused to take until Mr Bail heard of 7./sou•kluk. From the time he Implied Zani-Itiuk, new healthy skin began to grow. 1 then used Zein-fitik for the places on my leg flow which the akin weir removed. Mid 1 tun glad to report the' new skin has grown. and I therefore consider Zaueliuk the bemt. akin heel I have known." '/.titielitik builds tip new Game in a way that 1. not possible with ordinary iitesparations. For healing eczema. ruituing tioras cuhe htuistem, burns, boils, eruptions, nealp aures, itch, chapped bands and ditiesies ot the skin it is without equal. All drug - ghee and stores bell it. 511e. a box or port -paid frow the Zion-Buk Co., To- ronto. Measured Love. Isda-- And do you really love me Special Note Paper and Envelopes liox Eaton -I lurlbut Note Paper and En- velopes, containing 1 Quire and 1 Package Envelopes, !...!5e., also a similar line, better quality, at 3.5c. per I3ox. See Show Win- dow. sc. Patrick's Day Postal Cards for March 17th, Shamrock and Harp of Erin desigus. typicul what is best and dearest to laud. Winter Footwearl at Bargain Prices 1 1Ve are prepared to give yois.the greats vet bargain* ever offered in tiuderich of Men**, VVonietee Children's Felt and Felt -lined Boots Shoes and Slippers Come and let llti show you Footwear id prices that talk plainer than argtimente. Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square Goderieli better than life ? Jack- Heller than single life ye.. Stewart's Trees Superior Harness Have a 45 -year record built up en the strong foundatiou of Quality sad Right Prices. We have for this Spring a good supply of Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry, and all other fruit and ornamental trees. Send order through our agents or direct to us. A ji.00 order will be given as much care as a jas.00 one. Ad dress: John Stewart Estate Benmiller, Ont. AhlitteNEaSS foryourherr for11 your body. If you are fastsdious I can suit you ; if you feel that ecouoiny must be practised, I am just as willing to help you. No matter what your demands are. 1 can satisfy you. Substantial harness is the cheapest in the end. Quality, workmanship and low prices make me a friend winner. Make a judicious com- parison and you will decide in my favour. H. E. Knox AUBURN Geo. Porter 'Phone too The Square 145 FINE TAILORED Suits and Overcoats FOR SPRING • New rise patler111. in clothee, beet of ti Winnings end perfect fitting --style. e fort and durability me feature, with us. Leave 301), Order ('111 1)'. DUNLOP Cod Liver Oil Preparations! We have the best standard brands of' l'OD LIVER OIL EM VISION Ito ItAlt pint 1,41 141111 tvultio, al $1,0". It is nourishing to the systeni, easily digested. palatable, and' valuable in all wasting disea.ses. Wampole's well-known Cod Liver Oil prepara- tion in 81.00 Bottles, also for sale in bulk, THE TAIL.OR West Street, 3. erieli. S. E. HICK, GODERICH, Central Drug Store ONTARIO. COURT HOUSE SQUARE THE ave Money by buying here. Try our Hats; you will be satisfied. ......., Our goods are the latest. Ameler Remember we are the only flatters In town. ......... Every Hat Guar- anteed. New Goods Arriving Almost Daily Spring Stocks are quickly rounding out. Almost daily ar- rivals of the season's newest and best merchandise are filling up the empty places on our shelves and counters. This week we -have, passed through the customs a large shipment of English sheeting, cottons, laces, lace curtains, linens, wool and cotton dress goods and silks. They are well worth your seeing before your spring buying is done. Styles are correct and values right. 5 Big Specials in Laces and Embroideries For Saturday and next week. Big specials in Laces and Embroideries only possible because we bought the goods direct from English and Swiss makers. Values are exceptional. Laces, 2 yards for Sc Nearly 1,n0o yard.. English torclion butts soul insert; 'tritons widthe and pat- 5c terns, regular 5c, special Saturday 2 yards for tices, .1 yards 10c Hundreds and hundredn of yards at this price too. English cotton toreh lace and Insertions suitable for trimining underwear, children's dresses, ete. Vsrious witIthm 10C In domes of petterum. Regular tic, ee, 7c, special tit 3 yards fqr Laces and Embroideries; Sc Hundred'. of yisrdm Swiss etnitruidery and innertionit and Englinh cotton foreleint limes, special per yard s.J1IL Embroidery, 10c IMENIIMMIMME Men's Smart Wear and Fine Tailoring tre) yards Swiss embroidery and insertion, nice qualifier!. tieW patterns, aesortc.1 10Cwidths, extra special values now et per yard . Lobs of better embrgideries and laces lwatvlit direct from the men who made them. Beautiful designs. The 'best we have ever shown. Reg. Black The Hatter. _ 14111 11$41:41n1 - Indigo Prints, l2 cents A big shipment of kInglish prints just in, Guaranteed real Indigo dye. Colors aleolutelY fest. Strong, soft cloth. Pull width, stripes, dots and small patterns. I:s:tra value at per yard 12i OENT8 Ladies' Hose Joursid Patterns, the best ht the world. 101111111111111111.111•1111111MIMM101111i • . LF AIMS