HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-3-12, Page 7telif THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO r<< ., ;'t +,' " 1j #''3'atrrA•r:S i' J,8`t,>Xs°'t" I,,,.“irk)C° "•s.ti '.k1,77!4 Ito G' '* 4`494' 5 'i` t*** 'i`'i 'il *4'4944silei`'i`+'i`+4'SA`G') 4,7+iiniti il,sii944Yic int** I --- News ofThe Fwn,/ythe District. � The 2666' *°I +445454 BAYFIELO. r,�_, W i•NKWAY. Musette tlar.^-1 11. 1). Turner lett on Muudey for the (lest. Mire Ida Browi►Iw,, of Lullduu, war iu town un Sunday. Mrlatau and J. %Vorwll, of tiudt•rich, were in town itt tiunday. 1., D. IMarch 2i.t irltweet IOU l tuitd u( April j, Pollock is building a skin with which he intends to fish this reuniter. 11'ul. Slustatd is putting a planer its 1 Lo k will I all lees o his sawmill and f job work. Owing to the etdt weather the ',ridge gang bad t, wok on Sunday eud alt• now busy rivetting. )b,bt. McMurray alit! D. 1', Gal ie.ilh are in Meme Forret tilt week attending the Provincial (fraud Lodgge u1 the Orange new viatiuu. Ilio former represents L. O. L. Nu. 21, the ' latter the Stanley district Scarlet Chapter. _ - ._ - -. KIPPEN. Trustees, March l•eh. Is ga'i fir is all the rage. Mr. Johnston auttk family have novel net, their new home od the old How tarot now owned by Welter Mc- Hugh Mcl'unuell, who lust the Ilt•sl kilo, of attest( his fingers in the grain ember, resulting iu * Nut cure of bet td. i ironing, is, we are happy to ,ay, ingaorinit.. We trust he way ,awtt he iuLat his work mice more. David Cameron, who muted his farts to Inc cousin, Peter, for three years., held a successful MIA 1.1 snack and implements 'Tuesday, the 11►th ins,.. and expects to start for the Wesel about the 17th. All juin iu wishing bun : uccna in hill new hone. MA vl.. John SicMurtrie and Mies Kate Mc}ieath, who were *pity merrier! the:llith ult., are this week moving into the house on their splendid farm on the d cunt-erbiut, Stanley. The young couple are &nertelly popular and all joie in wishing thew inn voyage tier the matrimonial Welt. The following in the 'Fritillary tuunthly ,report of S. S. No. 14. Stan- ley. nailer% iu order of Merit : V.- _ -G. E. Stephenson, M. M. Fisher, N. H. lents. Senior IV. --.l. H. Jones. Janet I.,gan, .1. W. Kehl. Juniur I\'. Saral, Itathwell, Harnett Dins - dale. III. If. C. Kehl. H. A. Jones, 11. A. Fisher. Senior, ll. Ida Hate. well, Anne Hood, W. O. alcliewth. Junior I1. 1. N. Hood, 1. K. Wam- pum, A. McMurtrie. fart II. -A. 1.. Fehr'. feet 1. -W. C. Johnston. The beet spellers in the monthly spell- ing matches were : V. - George srphenson. 1 V. Herbert .1 u nes, 111.-Ilerlert Kehl. Senior I1. Anna Hotel. Juuior 11. -- 1., %Vas - man. EAST WAWANOISH. Munu.ty. Mar. rad. Miss Sylvia Seel. of Marnoch, visited A low davo last week with friends in this neighborhood. John Foran, who had heels visiting round Kincardine last week, n•- tnrne.l hour Salmday night. %Vatter Tisdele hail a slight accident when returning from church uu Suu• slay by the upsetting of the cutter. The draw -lar was broken out of it. A Itt'N.vw.ty. -John Dow !nut the tuisfortune to have a runaway on Sat- urday. 11e wan on his way to Wing haw and when he was going through Ise of the momentum pitch -holes ok the liravel the harness broke avid the horse gut away from his. The hone. ran for a short diNtauc e, but was sueut -.topped anti Mr. Dew n•enntel his journey to %1'it►gl►aui. MiND.\Y, March 11. Walter' Tisdale hen engaged John Form for the smuttier. We are sorry to hear that Robert Haims, is not i,upprovitgt au. 1' i►.n could be expected. navid 1'iwlale, who wain inti-uding to return to Mattitula on the 111th of tbie month, has changed his 1 and is going to move tit Wivightuu ,tuns. The Donnybrook League is expect- ing the Westfield League over Grtner- rew evening and if the weather is favorable there is every pronpeet of an enjoyable evening. LANES.' Mo.u.1t', Minh Otis Joseph Sim:User and Hugh .1. John- stone were in (iullerich nn Tite.d.ty of last weak. AIn.. Jas. Lass u, visiting her dangle ter, Mrs % 1I 'Treleaven, of Ripley, at ',recut. Mia, May Reed is itt present, the guest of her sister, Aire, 'Phomas Inx- nn, of I'ot•t Albert. Aliso Dunbar, of %Vestfield, has been the guest, of her aunt, Mem. 1V111. Bald- win, and her uncle. Silbert Vint, the past week. Henry Mullin and Joseph Speen have each taken a turn for the better : we hop{pe to sec them again in our midst shortly. Hoy Alton met with nn accident week before hast in getting his foot 1t'verrly rut with en axe while split• ting wood. The foot is improving nicely and we hope sown to see him around again en hale and hearty es ever. ANN' .tr, Mt:KTINo.- -Thu Lanes Rifle Association will hold its annual meet- ing on Tuesday evening, March 17th. in the Foresters Hall at Lanes. All members +anti (hose inter•eotctl are kneed to attend. Meeting lit 7::111 dclA:k. The content between Ilat•kelt'N and I(Ixke's dengues ender) the week be- fore hast. resulting in a v ictory for 1l4,•kett;s League by quite it margin. Patience in a vIrtite. We are waiting patiently, for it good thing in not arranged by a hurried prepnrxtion. The moonlight will 1p• excellent next week. SI 1111111. Teter. --Tho following is the repetrt of M. R. No, 19, Ashfield, for the month of February, based upon weekly test examination,' and the names in order of tnerit : V. William lust. Sr. IV.---Kwart Jamieson, Nora Weit.rope. Jr. IV. -Rae Jamie - 'no, Irene Smeltrer, Wilfrid Parrish, Vine Sherwood, Eddie Dwyer. Mr. 111. -- Allan Nelson, Herhct Alton, Johnnie Meott, Chariit• Rneltzer. Jr. 111.--Charlli. Sherwood, i.eslie Alton. Wilfrid Drannen. Mr. 11. - Neil Mc- Adam, Jr. IL- Tommy Little, Lizzie manses. Pert. ii.-Staleph Howler. Pali 1. • ,fean ticotL W. B. Seamus lots, Teacher. The worst of the man with strong IliiRkes is that be bas oleo strong dim - 46636 6 4b46644+ 45 45+ 4,4' 46 4' 45' 45'• 4s45 WESTFIELD. 'fu, ouAv, Match Pett. Mire Ada McCllntdlt is in lioti.ericb visiting her auut, Mrs. Henry Morrish. Misr I.urenia Campbell is home after spending tiro past two weeks visiting friends iu Lucktww•. The wetnhero of %Vestfield League expect to spend it pleasxut evemug with the Donnybrook League this t'veniug, as they are being entertained by the Dounybtrn,k (t•ietidr. Miss Mary Cheinncy is. we are pleased to know. so far recovered le to 1e able to he around tie house. iter uurre, Miss \Vigbtwan, returned to her home its Clinton teat week. Muvtso Tel MYTH.- -Wm. Stack house and family purpose moving to Blyth on \Vsdocaday of this week. They will be very much missed loth in the ueighlorhood and in the rhumb. at they have taken quite au interest and also been able supporters in the church. (GONE Tu ALIItRTA,-With Mclarty and family left today for Alberta, where they purpose uwking their hose in future, Mr. Mclarty having bought a farm neat itlrenrol. Alberta, LUL fall when in Chet tart of the e t')'. The members of the \Vtst- Ileld Methodist congregation wetat their home last T1tat•sdmy evening and presented Mr. find Mrs. Mclarty with au address, a fancy chair and silver- ware. Much regret was expressed at their departure from our midst Charlie Blackman and family alto left for Alberts today. We are very worry to lure them tram our midst. Al- though they have been here only about two ylant, having come here from England. land. they have wade many waris friends and will long 1e• Irup-uh• beret,. LOTHIAN. Tt-t:sitar, Mir. Pah. Mira Effie McDonald is the guest of MIs. Jamtes McDonald. Miss lassie McIntosh visited her many friends here last week. Misr Sadie VIcLea a• has returned hove to Lucknow after spending A week with Miss Mary McLean. James Oilman• visited his sister, Mrs. O'Hara, near TAt•a, and also vis- ited at Walkerton, where he has rela- tives. Mier Nora Hogan has been called home to her father's rick -1. We are pleased to know Lha is im- proving and will be glade pee him :around again. TOE Se HOLARA' STANDINt. - The following is the standing of S. M. No. 7, Ashfield, for the month of Febru- ary : Senior V. -Everett Henderson, Alex. Barnby. Junior V. - bila Agar, Bridget Hogan. Senior IV. - Lona Henderson, Hannah Hogan. KINTAIL. Junior IV. ---Gordon Ritchie, Violet Tuts -tits. Alar. 19(1. Baker. Murdena McKenzie, Don. The Misses hose and Jelin O'fteill Ada Hagan. Krpnie Campbell. III'. arrived home from Cobalt last week Campbell, John McKeith. Rumen Ritchie, Janet Ritchie, Ethel McKeitb, Robert McKeith, Mabel McKeitb. Kennett' Henderson. 11. F:Ito Agar. Sadie Cooke, Kehl() McNay. t'irt Il. Finlay Agar, Themes Cooke, Olive McKeith. I. May Stein. Graham Messy, Jennie J oimeton. A4 A. NEWTON, DENTIST, I.h'ItK-I Itrteking I.,,141n, 751 : Edwlud H+ut lit NOW. Athone.%eryday eswag Thur. mon, tr.peiring teed., IIii.G, : Angu ears New remedy for ratn,cUngtee•Ih Iliurmo- 1 Mel.eutl, shovelling Attuw•, $1.2.i : A forru,hutler than res (ruwu and bridge work \'iutsWue, bre•xking i -u .ids, $'S , A. , ret Alodututu elateslnombnrtkablm• (ittldlhet• p•, breatk►ti • 2.. N. It- -You eau always hate your work mud,' 1 1• roads, bettor dune 111 the deutr' nines -were tau.-. Johll '1'11•1.le, breaking roads, I112. ial bettor faellIUe. fur doing the work, more coon I' -ii - l, Segnes, hn•nkiug shuts, $1.110 tunable for the urUeul' Edward Shaw-, breaking a o;telt, t i N°TICK. -THE IA)CAL AGENCY. The • SI will meet again April '2Is he Dungannon fur The 1.31411111bel the Post- ., InnenHook and Si atlunerY A(ore Alien 11L again is,. 1'', 1V. All 111\.\till onlery 0111 be leee1V011 for uts.eriplion., ad vie. k• vertlrlun and job work. and moist., will Ito given fes auieuut. 'sod for the come, NILE. \VKIINKst,.\Y, March Ilett. 'I'1'IS,i,,.',y. Mewls Pelt. Mies Ella Ityan tete taken a position Ali. and ?firs, David Mclirattan are en, clerk with J. 11. Walkout, lug to the %Vast, where lite' heti Mies Ise Nevins, of (iuderieh, visited decided to wake their future 1 • friends here on Suuday 1art. We with them every prtwps•rity. Mise abet.* Treleaven, of Ripley, is at present visitiug friends here. A load of our young people went to Lucknow Inst nighL They report a pleasant time. J. E. Tow, I. 1'. S., paid his 'mini - runnel visit to our spool on %Vednes- duy of Iart week. Mt•. Sellers and wife, of Toronto, Ate at present on ae visit to the Ixtter'r former home here. Mn R. P. Maned* left ou'1'hursday last for London, where elle/ has gone ou aceouu[ of her !sept), We• Rupp• the change will benefit her. T. G. Allen left on Monday fur Peterborough, when he has. a large timber limit. He wifl be *Mount about A week. During Ilia ableuce Nat Whyarl will have charge of the gas works. CHL *eclat was given in the Presbyterian ebreh on Friday even- ing last. A/program _was tendered and a good Mute generally was spent. quarterly services were con- ducted in the Methodist church on Sunday best. The quarterly board meets on Wednesday of this week. AN h:zrn.%No.t,. -Jas. Bailie, tel the Sed voncession of West %Wawanoelt, has trulepd his fifty -acre farm for the bakery business of Gen. Stothers, of Walkerton. 1 he transfer will be wale shortly. Mr. Soothers was formerly a resident of thin place and his many' friends here will welcome him back to our miflst. • DSti.'Tg.--un Wednesday evening of last week the League service took the form of a dehate. The subject was, "Resolved, that the pulpit exerts a greater influence for good than the press," The affirmative was upheld by .lops. A. Killough and Joseph Mal - lough, while H. R. Long and It. E. Manning spoke in favor of the puss. This judges, were Itev. W. A. Smith and J. E. Torn, I. P. S.. who gave their decision in favor of the negative by a nerntw margin. Ph sician The best medicines in the a world cannot take the place of • the family physician. Consult him early when taken ill. If a the trouble is with your throat, bronchial rubes, or lunge, ask him about taking . Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Then take It or sot, as he says. w• publish, .lir ,brine:.. MAFEKINO. Trlu,i.ly, March Pith. Mt.. J. 1Velster. of lockaow, visited her daughter, Mn. Thos. Blake, lest week. Miss Lulu Phillips, of Goderich, is the guest of her cousin. Mins Laura Phillips. Mr. land Mee. Richard Johnston end Mies Lizzie Hoke spent a couple of days in lioderich last, week. A sleigh -fond of young people f here spent a very enjoyable evening at the home of lieu. Irwin last Friday night. ()n February 2(k.h a bouncing baby boy came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Finlay. Congratula- tions! Earl Slalluugh, if L.oelericb, xud Ilarry Alton, of Lucknow, are guests at this I • of their aunt. Mrs. W m. Blake. Frank McConnell disposed of his farm stock and implements at an auction sale on Monday. Mr. Mc- Connell has rented hie farm and in- tends to retire from farthing. Owing to the snow blockade nm Om railways, the meil carrier had very little mail to deliver until Thum - day of last week, but the weather the rust few days has been much milder and it looks as if we would soon have spring in. PORT ALBERT. Trt ok.ty, Mar. loth. • loin Bennett took a (lying trip to ('Bette yesterday (Monday). C. Stewart, of Colborne, renewed old acquainGthces here on Sunday. Charlie Alton, of Belfast called un him aunt, Mrs. Dickson, last Sunday. Miss May Reid, of Lanes, spent Sun- day with relatives in thin community. Miss loti Cunningham was home from her Arhoul at Belfast laid Satur- day. Aire. McNnlIy, of Dungannon, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Ins, Scott., recently. Mr. and Mrs. 13. J. Crawford, of Dungannon, visited lit the forwer's enures, Jen. Crawfotd's, last Sundry. A number of young people from around here enjoyed A pleasant even- ing at the home of Mr. ,1111 Mn. Nel- son Graham last Wednesday. The evening was spent tit in games and vocal and instrumental music, ending with it dainty lunch. BENMILLER. 1: Kmk.'t, Mar. bath. Misr it. Snyder was the guest of Mies 14.11. Heddle last Sunday. .1. T. Newell end family, of (lode - rich. spent. Sunda at "Pleasant View." the home of Mrs. Mohring. A number of the young people from thin vicinity attended the revival services held in North street Metho- dist church, Goderich. net Sunday evening. Epworth League topic fleet Thurs- day evening will he "The %Vine I'ne of Money," 1. Tien. fi : 17-10, taken by A. Ileddle, the meeting to be lest by Mrs. 'Rev.) (terrine The Leegne nervier last. Thurld*y evening wA...1 well Attended, ifbeing the Lhly eonserntion nets -ire. A her of the v g tweiple were taken into the Imwgue Am members and it. ie hope) there will he A goodly number more in the near future. A horse is still a horse, even When turned ihto a pastime. to see their mother, who continuer in pour health. Mr. find Mrs. Geo. Collinson and child and Miss Belle Mc Whimsey epeut the past week in Blyth at the hone of the fornter'e latents. Will long. of Atpen, Colorado. arrived at lhtt, old hose last week. Hie Many friend,' here are glad to wel- come bite heck. Him wife and family bate spent the winter utonthe here. Miss Anna McGregor arrived home last Thursday. She spent i)ecember and January with her pareub.. wile now reside in Duluth, and the month of February- with her aunt, Mrs. Itoea, in Sault Ste Marie. Mrs. With Taylor hue returned to her hone in Sault Ste. Marie :cod Mrs. Herrick has returned to Lorain, Ohiu, being called thither by the illness of their mother, Mts. Kue:htel. who, we glad to report. is much improved In health this week. Aso -mem PIoNKKu (iuNK. - lit NVednesday morning. March Itis, the spirit of Mrs. Donald Meteor winged its flight to its eternal rest. ' Mn. Mclvur had been a sufferer from rheu- matism fit it number of years, but Lore her sufferings without murmur or e•mtplaitit. She was burn in Scot- land seventy-three years ago and emi- grated to Canada with her now-Is•rett pat•tner W the early sixties. After a few years' residence in Huron town- ship, the family moved to the farm in Ashfield where the son Kenneth now resides. 'Though quiet and unostenta- tious, the deceased won many friend', by whom she was h,•Id in high estrrm. She leaves G, mourn her departure her aged Inpatient', three eons Ken- neth. on the homestead. George. of Lauriunt, Mich., and John A., of Ann Arbor University, whose. fellow-rted- ente sent A sheaf of white ruses to piece on her casket - and two daugh- ters -Mrs. Roht. Drennan and ?Iris. Jas. West, loth of Ashfield. The fun- eral service on Saturday morning at the 11011lie watt largely attended. Iter-. A. Miller conducting the services. The remains were interred in Kincar- dine cemetery. The sympathy of the community in extends to the Ic- teotett family. t3ARLOW. Texans v, March ant. 'I'ow•Nsntt Corset.. Colborne council met in the township hall at alovc date, all the nteuthers present. Minutes of lust tweeting tread and son- tlrmcd . Moved by Mr. Dtstow, sec- onded by Mr. Young, that the audi• tors' report be received, and each auditor receive 5(1 for him services. (tarried. A letter from 1.. E. Dtncey was read, claiming damages for the boss of a horse, on the L. S. IL, owned by Mrs. Carney. The matter wee left in the hands of Councillor Young to investigate, and report at next meet- ing. Applications for the position of treasurer were received from R. M. Young and T. M. llamilt,n. Moved by Mr. Kernighan, secotded by Mr. Young, that R. M. Young be ap- pointed. Carried. More! by AI, Kernighen, ,tecondel by Mr. Young, that the prerient treasurer, Mr. Gold- thorpe, produce ell I,ok., statements and pipers, cash, el:;., at tltis,ueet- ing. The motion wen declared lost.. Moved by Mr. 1lustow, urondel by Mr. letraughen, that the Meeting stand adjourned until Thursday et 10 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of re - ere i'ingthe above•nented patten, etc. Carried. Move) hp Mr. Kernighan. seconded by Mr. I)ustow, (hat Herbert Morris be ,permitted to Inek the gate et the gravel pit pnrchssed form John Rands. (earned. The following ar- entmts .were ordered paid : Mlmiripnl World, 1l i. all ; E. 1'. I aul ,. 1;q r 1. wire at PI rents, $.,.:5) : Riker, Bogie. twenty-one loads insert, a'L. to : Charles McPhee, repairing swamp mad, g'L : Lou Mention. repairing two culverts, *i.i,•) : George Mri NSI. breaking sones, 141:.Pc..eph (:atter, breaking nettle yf : Jenkins Brea., Cit cm Ntere& - 1'11e• \Voufesee Mis- sionary Society. net tel the house of Mrs. Ryan last week. There sate a good attendance. The hulies are mak- ing a number of yuihs ,1101 •irticlea of clothing to send to the Indieels. Next meeting will be held at Mies Currie'., Sunda ' last Ruing missionary, day, Rev. J. C. Iteid preached two very excellent sermons, in the morn - lug 011 China. and u► the evening on the verse, "The Lunt hath need of thee," Mau. 21 : a. The offering was much larger than formerly.... .At Epworth League next Tuestbly even= ing the topic will be taken by Miss Myrtle Ryan. The sultjer't is, e•At, Easy Life vs. a Hard one,'• SIXTY YK.Vts \ Rk..IrENT l( \1'A- w.1Nu14I1. -One of the shoot t'ste'emel and venerated residents of 11,. towuehip u 1 %Vas[ \%':►wxnush parAl ANA y u i Fridity last ,1n the death of !)avid Mcllwam, sr. 'alit• deceased was a native 11f Ireland, 1,.'- ing born at the town land d of T gb m:,re, parish of liandlhe•Id, comity Down. on .tune IOtb, l'422. Ile ciente to Canada lit the year 1.10. leavinp}i horse on the Rh. of April and arriving in Goderich Julie loth. Ile was ut,►t- rie/d February ant, 1x17, to Jane Johnstone, and x ahem tinge Tater settled in the township of Wawauosh, Mrs. Mellwain died s • sixteen years ago. but x family of ten children are left, as follows : Robert, merchant, at Nile; %Valliant, on the holue.te,td, and Andrew. on the adjoining farm : David, at Nile : John, in Mont est : Alexander, in North Dakota ; ?ars. %Vilson and Miss Martha, at boor, and Mrs. Tiffin and Mrs. McPhee. im the township of Colborne. The -de- ceased is survived also 1.y two brothers, • 'twct Pelf-siste,•e quad six half- brothers. Rio brothers are John, in Wingtant, and Andrew, in i)etroit, and his half-brothers George, Janes, Johnstone, Robert, Saltitle! and Ilugh, all in (ioderict' township. Mrs. SIc- Allistet'and Mts. (iridin. abet in Godes rich township, are half-sisters. '1'h•• funeral took place on Monday to Moit• land ceumetery, Rev. ('. Rutberforl, of Dungannon, conducting the,obse• quies. The pall -beaters were f sons and two tions-in•Iow, It. Alcjl- wain, Andrew Mcllwxi,, David Mell• wain. W'nt. Mcllwnin, John McPhee and John Tiffin. The very large n her of rigs which followed the remains all the way to Maitland cemetery showed in what esteem the deceased was held in the community iu w•laieh he had sit lung resided. AUBURN. Wt:o.Ksuvy, ALu.•h Iltl.. .1. 1'..lackson has rented the 1'utli, loom' ty. beside the mill, for 0 1, 11..1 if ttve yeti's. Thomas Anderson in very low at present. Hut slight hopes are entre•• talked for his recovery. Frank Dobie, wl,, hats spent. the past Ihtee• yuan: on the 1ar.ifr 1'0151. re here at presort visiting his mother. Jamey llowete, rm., of CoIls,rnr. La. sold his farm to Mr. Builder., of the aau►e luwuthi 1. The price et -slime! is said to I to $ (,:2111, N. Johns, :tsaesotr fur l:edlorne, made his animal rounds to the west of the village Lust week. The ,tsse•.e• Iter in • of the indications of spring. and also gives certainty that. the rel lector will follow in due time. Mts. \V. T. Riddell t•,r:cive•d a Irk -- grant litot %I lay interning info' •• her that her sieter. Alt•u, had died the day before in Lloyvhuinster. Deceased hail been complaining during the forst year. bat the end was not esp. eted Ni soon. Janie!" iluwell, or., w trying to v - mere a Poon in the village to relit: Therein be shows his e• 11•m.'. 'e have n,• press to blow our U nur let. but wee ran a'bird aquiet; lilthy, progressive aetrent rid' it let ire.' fernier. 1.11,1t.11nv t':NTt:tiT.1,NMKNT. :11. me tertainviment ander the anis tires of the Auburn public library will be heed en the evening of \Ve ne.th,y, Mer, I1 111th, when the ((disposing will take part : (bnd,'t•ich 'wart elle 'Misses Brown and (lark and Messrs. Suntan and'Thoninotlt..A. Key Adams, t,ctI,- rich : Mien Mabel Young, loyal ; Miss Florence Young, tastes : Rev. .1. L. Small, Blyth : \('ill Finglautl, (bode - rich 1'. I. ; and .1. A. Sntheeliukl, Auburn. Admission '2s-,. eltildn•ii 111,-. 1)out•t time at 7::1111 1, n1., run• eet•t at N. This remises to be the most cnjovable ('vent of the sea see in this nrighlorhtsxl, and ass the object is A %o thy line there ,hwdd b• a bumper house. Hlrt.v. Ammo( 1.'ruoN Mt'ret:1: .'.i CoN,'Itter,--Loot \Vedneed.y evening, A•P M.�bs■ra Mte...n nt Ue�sw. 11110 you' .t. ewn.0 ,..0r Meta Bilious attacks, sick -headaches, indiges- tion, constipation, dizzy spells- these are some of the results of an inactive liver. Ask your doctor if he endorses Ayer's Pills in these cases. The dose is small, one pill at bedtime. =seems es ab• J. 0. yes a.. Lown. 'Jew.•-- Lhe Ili Inst., the• Rifle .‘,..Ariel' gate its um111AI oyster supper mut • in - cert. Them teas it splemdul 11,1101.1 and the t', -t,iu was ,►fl ex.•.Aleut • iu eve•ry respect. wheel , 1 uselo deet. An admirable supper it ..•t-tetl iu the Oriattg.• Hall from 1; Ie s .i aha k slid all were delighted tt 11 1t the rN *silent Carr limaidel. .111.•1 .uppA•I all Atli lied 1.• the '1'rwlr r:uive 11.111. where tleretiurere wit. held, alit all re psent tare agreed that the prow wua 1b1e 11. 14 till• Asa,l•latlnli hail tel IIrrut idol at this annual event. %V1,,. pallier. Reeve if %Ve•st \1':tw:enush. occupied the chair and after a Cott appnq,riae wunls .ear' .ti lists. .1 due•( 0•:11 u•udete.l by Mr:>rs..1. Shake, :cod MAW Ile, e1 Iilytt11. And tiu•.e gentlemen also resit dere,l seises during Ihe• etc . '111. 4111ter s. 11oi,ts were 111rsnr-. Downs, e1 L'lintot, ole, :n. A sieges of enols mingi t inlmiGahlr, ieliee and Suth- rebind! of Atlhllt•lt. Headings were Oven i\ Messrs. 't' u., %Vatseu and - ,lnhus, tel' %ulut•i,, and variety was given to the evening's enjoyment by. two dialogues first, "The 1'01t And Ibe 1.ishulxn,•' by Ernest liots•rtsel. and John U ,Iwo-tsou, who were excel- lent in their rest sective parte and whose jukes kept the audience in a dcintinual roar of Iatighti'a. 111'11, ser. Ile ••1Vautted. A .1'ymfdrntinl eutuely !till ori tuney shut ti and I sus '-.atV rsation• - Dr. %Voir w•a, -.Ion (than •Dubh.," who 6„s as girut t rhos-iret.a cia'.L front four itt•Irlir:mtty, which 11:111,4 wwr Mean by Ale•vv. (0-.tt•g.• Stento. Sutherland, ICrr.x Au1( 11.•Is. L .. Hfs 11st servant ,i. used di laughter. by his strop hugtor bud this part wits Well acted by George Lsulpulsn. "reel Save the Kit.;,•' I.ruught thi. uwst ,tors ressful e•aenit„ fait ,-lone, '11it• n'cnue- luanists Wen. Alt•.. Stalker. elf nlvth, and .1. Arthur Sutherluud, of Aubimu. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. , Alar. loth. alis. Adelaide Itit idsem lett last week -to take charge of ,t school. at Crediton. Mrs. Healy, of luau, stn's, it few days last week at the hettte of Jae. Mcl'lu.key. • ?lits ML•uuie Yuitl t•ulutainrd it her of her friends nn I'hnrstlav evening of 1.1 41 week. Ge.. .\Iontg sty: who has heirs laid up several weeks with ,i broken leg, is able to be nut. again. ST. HELENS. 'I't-t.;n.t v. ?I:►r. lith. Will '1'i"Id n•tnrned to Cargill am Wednesday. Mel 1 , 'n• e John . \ Ion»Id anal a lit l tel 0,•r in %V imgh:un on 'Tuesday. Gregor btustt, of Mulsotls Ikutk, Ltickuow, :pent Sunday at house. , l'has,'l',w,ke has left again for the woods after spending it low weeks with friends hem. 'Ve are Meshed to see Thin. T'wld art 1 again its usual lifter his recent attack of grippe'. itiiss Shiest Itllthel'finl, teacher at 1tolyrxsi, nie•tlt tit(uit-diy sell Sen- ility at her I • hen•: \V, S. Mcl'rontie aural hi.'4.ster B. Me( I,satie heft un 'I'hul•stlnv .,ti all extended visit. 10 friend, at IAretlen. .A n,nnle t of tsimee ln'nple trent here had a carry rnjuyable• .14..1iii part ylit W. 4-. %Veblis nn 'rue.d:.v night. !.utbe., dnh'1 'firgel the inslitole meeting on the 21111 a1 ►1r 11. K. \1111e's. A treat fn f•vu rh.nly so h e attends. Will Taylor, of Knox College. will, is well and fitvul•ably 1. •rt an,uud here, occupied I111• polpil here lama Sabbath, %VI• mete pleased lit tee 1 t..'l'aaylot down for the village on Tnreday and we hips. sant Ln see him elnnpletely recovered. KELPION STAINLESS IODINE OINTMENT Dorn not ,olot or burn, time. Rheum.b,m• Sprains, !Muir., and large glands, applied b1 rubbing. at :.4 kelt Store., 21.. 44444444440 Rapid changes of temperature are hard on the toughest constitution. The conductor passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform -the canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind - know the difficulty of avoiding cold. Scott's Ern:lb-ion strengthens the body so that it can better withstand the danger of cold from changes of temperature. It will help you to avoid taking cold. 0 000044Q4400404+44404� ALL fRUr:CISTS: rot. ANE) Ft.00. The windy month Of March is here eons warm things left That are not dear, W'-3ile Winter lingers in tlie lap 1,1 Sluing. (vl'•al'tf still selling the heavier "(iud1•', Thr 1111,' prices of -many lines give you this opportunity of it practical investment. New Goods i for the New Season I 1 i are 10IIiillg' itt last. 11-u do tut think nicer cloths fur Men's suits atilt inediuui-weight overcoats were ever 1Iiodueo(1 dull those imported, by us for the euluiug season's wearing. We take these lieu fabrics, selected in I;ritish Mills, imported in delusive patterns, and impart to each garment that quiet and artistic simplicity which meets good taste. (aur garments appeal to gentlemen. NVe are excIIl'dte tailors and men's furnishers, devoting our whole time to the study of what is newest au': most popular in art -tailored cluthiug. yet moder- ately pric1•ll. 4 \Ye shall be pleased to have you call. Everything for Men and Boys. McLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Clothiers and Men's Outfitters. THE PALACE CLOTHING STORE. =-j -11111 111110 11110 OW SO Its I 4111100.011111111 or -Ar Pr THE FENCE TO BUY IS THE FENCE THAT WiLL TURN ANY KIND OF STOCK and last longest. When we say that fence is the PEERLESS we have plenty of good reasons for saying so. 1t is HORSE -HIGH, ,_ ,BULL -STRONG and PIG -TIGHT Made of all No. q wire. Will stand double the strain ever required of itIt's all in the lock the harder you pull the bghter it holds. Cannot slip up, down or sideways - n That's s THE PEERLESS All kinds of Fence Wire cheap at L'4) Worsells' Hardware and Stove Store l�Q AItEQUATE VERTISING • As • a store grows 11 importance, it-. advertising must ;row. .I it the advertising . must grow -in volume, in li erality, in quality - faster than the store itself\grows. Q This is true because tho Store must keep pace with the advertising or within hailing distance of it. 1t never does quite "catch up,' any more than the cars of a trail) overtake the engine. And exactly as the engine pulls the train along," s(i the advertising "pulls the store along." - Q To pursue the conyarison : 'It requires a bigger engine to pull a thirty -car train than it does to pull a ten -car train. And it takes more advertising to "pull" 11 "hundred -clerk store' than it does to pull it ten -clerk one. The train will not -make much progress on the (lays that the engine is not running ; but it will slake just as !live progress on talose they, as will a store on the days when the ad- vertising is not running. Your advertising is "adequate'-' when it is strong enough to pull the store along after 0 ,it: ,slid when it i•i running every week that you (tesire to seek business and to increase trade. 0 0 0 0 0 Advertise in The Signal" Q o o=o ti bi r