HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-3-12, Page 41
THURSDAY, Maitli 12, :908
How Is the Valuation to be Made ?
--New Snowplow Purchased Fire
Hall Improvements Again on the
Carpet -The Late Charles Blake's
The regular ineetiug of the towu
council on Friday night lora wits a
short one. All the members of the
council were lu their places with the
exception tot Councillors Gallow and
.1. Towersey, market clerk,
wrote- asking for a reduction in the
price he had offered for the collection
id market fees, on the ground that
commodities were being weighed ou
other scales, resulting in financial loss
to himself. l'his was referred to the
market tanlitnittee.
A request from D. Phelan, ;if the
town employ, for a new pair of rub-
ber boots wits toferred to the poislit
Wants committee with power to buy.
Chairman Laithwaite of the public
vsorks committee, Street Inspector
Sands and It. Phelan repotted haying
tried a new snowplow pun:hayed
from it maker in Barrie and recom-
mended its purchase. It wait decided
Lo pay the price, $35. lees the coot of
small repairs which hail to be made.
The elerk reported receipt of demi
for lot PI concessi llll A, fruits .1.
T. Goldthorpe. This is, one of the lots
which the town is purchasing for the
purpowof opening lip it all vet in the
southeaat end of the town.
A communication fruit' Hugh Cam-
eron tic Cu. was with reference IA) the
repairing of the town tire engine.
They suggested that the engine be
sent to tfrautfold and :t thorough
examination made of what was re-
quired. when cost of repairing could
he given. A rough estimate of cost
was ptkeed at between MO and
*LOUR Councillor Munnings Wits 111
favor of improvenienta to the town's
facilities. for fire protection, and men-
tioned the ease of Paris. where he had
been recently, and said they had just
apent $1.4Mt there for the fixing up of
a, tire engine. They had four of the
voluuteer firemen bleeping upetairu in
their firehall and had a. hetter equip-
ment all round than tioderich had.
He anove.l. seconded by the Deputy
Iteeve, that the matter of repairs to
the firs engine and the revision of the
plans previously agreed upon for im-
provements in the fires hall he referred
to the tire committee. This was
carried. .
A canuownication from a party in
London aeked for information with
reference to tho engine works plant
volbich was for sale in Goderielt, the
writer wanting to arrange for a plant
in which to ilitumfacture it new agri•
cultural implement. l'he clerk said
he had given the information asked
A letter from Hickson A. Outbet,
at Montreal, spoke of the writer's
qualifications for the poeition of land.
cape gardener. Ile had evidently
heard that the Horticultural Society
were talking about plans for beautify-
ing the town. His letter was Sent to
the parks committee.
A letter from John E. Hetanish, for
The Toronto News, quoted prices for
advertising space in a summer report
edition The News is publishing in the
epring at *100 tar a full page, and
solicited the town's Diking space.
Mr. Reemish was in town last week
in connection with the edition. iiih
letter was sent to the special com-
The finance committee ariorted as
follows : That chenue of Hr.:, taxes
of Kensington Furnitilre for
DUI, be accepted. That the balance
of taxes of 1000, $192, will be accepted
without interest if paid forthwith. Mr.
Bunhall addressed your committee
and said the Kensington Furniture
tio. would pay the past due repay-
ment of 1908 to the town as soon as
possible with interest, also the inter-
est on bit of January. 19117. repayment,
which was not paid till January, 190e.
That wht•n we get a statenient front
the assessor and collector of the
amount of arrears of taxes on the
Mrs. Wright estate and other ex
penses. the balance front the sale of
the estate be handed over to,. Miss
Wright. That the request of 31r.
Todd and others for grant for adver-
tising purpoaes for Twelfth of July
celebration be left over till we have a
toll meeting of the continitter. That
the letter of Wm. Campbell re the
Provincial tax on railways waa con-
sidered, and the clerk instructesi to
correspond with the 1Mpartineut tv
the two patients in the issyluni at
London. The following accounts
were examined and watered paid:
Drs. Emmerson and Turnbull, vaccin-
ation, 111117.02; Dr. Hunter, vaccin-
nation, le811.75 ; Alex. Johnston. fumi-
gating, $62: J. I'. Elliott, fumigating.
$31 ; Fred Davis. damage to carpet to
fumigatinff, *12: Fred Holmes, wool,
charity, /10.1G; W. E. McLean. meat.
effarity, *2 : Municipal 1Vorld, .511:
tioderich Planing Mills Co.. 1/50.35:
Stephen &others. $2.75; Hell Tele-
phone Co., 31/c. 1Ve have ex ed
the auditoree repoit for l94t7
recotninend that, it be published in
pamphlet form. That the midlitina
rearionge some of the items is, that
they be under their simper headings,
That they show the net cost. of (1.
& G. Railway celebration. TA,..they
*how what arrears there are on p*r.
menti OIt loans on mortgages of sink-
ing funds, on principal or interest, if
any : what armara there me on
inunicipal loans, if any. and exa
imourauce lien they give
more detailed statement of cemetery
receipt's re the an ll ll receiVed from
oak of lots. the auiloutil. received front
digging graves, etc. To mention the
eource from which all interests are
received and when placed to our
The report was adopted.
The cemetery and parks t• 'tteu
reported as folliove : That the per -
chew of 'vire and (other matel•ial for
fence and 111ilrling same 50141 repairing
tat left with gime e ttttt With
power to art. That no iiiiC be
taken in mgard to putting shutters mi
sexism's Mame. That scatim's tomb -
ration for illirrease of /salary be tint
granted. l'hat A. Soarers appliea-
tion for oat. privilege. in list bor park
to eater to visitors be lilts'.
'rhe report Was 4111111A4•41.
The public tvorkm committee re•
ported as follows : Thnt the revolt).
mendation of the brood of health re
phanloing bylow and Ranitary nrriansti•-
1131Ptitc he adopted. 'rho t th-y further
minter with tht• 111141k:11 Iwnlils offie
re mid byln hefs goes to the
printer with referent.. to any further
esairmiintents that may be necesss.ry or
dean ahfc
The report wan adopted.
On the Fteeye's motion, it was de-
cided to hAve the Maitland bridge
misread wit!' snow, and a births.'
esesohition wits that the town team be
employed after the( With &MC in
drawing cinders to the hill this si
uf the bridge.
councillor Laith wake brought
the matter of it bequest which w
molt. in the will of the late Cheri
Blake. of *LOW to the towu Co be i
vested aud the interest used for ch
liable or public works purposts. 0
.his mot' seconded by Mr. Mu
Manta it was decided to write to t
careens's mounting the paying ov
of the mouey•
The repair of the chairs in 1.1
council chamber and the purchatie t
a desk for the clerk Was loft with lb
publiaavorks committee, the matte
being letaight up by Mr. laithwait
Seconded by Councillor !Bombe
the Deputy Reeve iutroduced
'notion to the effect that the clerk as
the town solicitor for it writteu opin
ion of the 11'beel Rigs Co. bylaw,
to whether the tOWn was to appoin
valuators or whether the plant wa
,alreatly valued whet] it was show
(hit machines were installed In th
factory according to the list
neschines in the 3Jinntspolis factor
filed with the clerk. Mr. Lloyd wns
preaent and Wait .Kiveu an upportunit
of speaking. Mr. Lloyd said h
"would like to say a little sometbin
&bout this bylaw," and asked whs.
the litit of machinery was filed wit
the clerk for and why it was provided
that t be machinery should be
duplicate of that its die Minneapolis
factory if it was going to he valued by
the town. "For a man to go iu there
and table our phant in the ordinary
ht! Said, "we wou't stand for IC'
They valued their inachines not at
what it cost to nuale them but at
what the machinea would produce.
He was quite willing to have tenders
stoked for a plant that would product.
the goods they made at the cost they
supplied them and take the price that
might be quoted as the valuation. but
claimed that that was the only way
the plant could he valued, end pointed
out that before t be bylaw was pausal
they bad made it quite clear that a
valuration in the ordinary way would
not do. "The bylaw is all we want,"
be concluded. and roar to add that
they would not start manufacturing
until the matter had been iullusted.
l'he mowing of bylaws to repeal the
tylows grouting exemption to the
Komi Manufacturing Cu. and to the
Natiottal Cloak Co. was tile laibt
order of bueiuctai. The hylaws were
read twice, the third reacting being
left over for the next meeting.
The council asdjourned at 0:311,
Honorable Mr. Justice Mabee Concludes
Sithngs on Friday.
The Iiiirou spring aabires Wita the
first sitting of the High Court of Jit..
(id' ill tiOderieh to be presided over
by Mr. Justice Mabee, and this
karma! jurist /succeeded iui,iliu eminent
degree, by his courteous manner, judi-
cial dignity and nuteterly grasp of
every rue, in evoking from the legal
profussion, jurors and the public their
highest eulogies. Mis Justice Mabee
le in the prime of manhooda striking
personality, and well fitted to Main-
tain the distinguiabed traditions of
the Canadian bench. He is the great-
grandson of .me of the earliest pion-
eers of this Province who did to witch
to emitribeite to Ontario's present
The Mlles not reported last week
were its f011OWs
Yeti vs. Yeo. An action to set
aside a conveyance its fraudulent,
brought by the daughters of Win.
Yeo, Sr.. its they considered the convey.
/ince to his SOO William ofie certain
farm as steured by Undue influence.
Trial adjourned to the Stratford
atibizes oli Wednesday. March Iltb.
Medd vs. Mills et al. -Action on it
bank chmiue for $1.11011.13 and iu the
alternative for remuneration for nurs•
inst. board and attend/ince. F.. 1.
Dickinson, K. C.. counsel for plaintiff.
Vin. Proudfoot, K. C.. and D.
Holmes, K. C. counsel for defendanta.
His Lordship :limited that judgment
be entered in favor of the plaintiff for
the sum of $1,01e1.13, together with in-
terest thereon at 3 per cent from Dec.
Dith, with costs of action. The plain-
tiff was Hanna 31edd, the wife of
John W. Medd, of Dungannon, and the
defendants John Mills nod Thorns's
Allen, executors of the bud will and
testament of Win. Hill. dee/tamed.
Mr. Hill was a bachelor and suffered
from cancer and Was taken care of by
his niece, the plaintiff.
Ryan vs. Malone. --Action for dec.-
lartition to rank on the estateof Jas.
V. Hyatt. W. Proudfoot, K. C., coon.
sel for plaintiff. J. M. Hest counsel
for defendant. .ludgtuent reserved.
The plaintiff in this ca.w wait Thnotby
Hynn, a farmer of McKillop, aud the
defendant. John Malone, Also of Mc-
Killop, is assignee of Jas. V. Ryan.
On Nov. I Ith, I1101, the plaintiff con-
veyed to his son Jas. V. Ryan lot 9,
conceseion 7. McKillop, the son agree-
ing to furnish his father with fire-
wood all long as there was timber on
the farm and to give him right of way
to the bush, or iudhe event ofselling or
bequeathing the pe..perty to pay the
sum of atrar. The property was sold
by the roxistnee to the plitintift.
Judgment has mince been given, dis-
missing the action with cost&
Judgment hart since been given ;gist/
in Willson v. Pittsburg A: Ohio Min-
ing Co., which Sian tried herr lam
week. This is an intertgeader Issue
between the pleintiff itt. 1174Jdator of
the Uoderich Engine & Bicycle Co..
and the defendants and six other
finite and corporations, execution
creditors of die Rogers Manufacturing
Co. Judgment for the plaintiff *to to
the bolt machine, nwitch-board and
Jointer in question in the issue, and
for the defendants as to the
rest of the goods. The judge who
made the intetpleadet order to dimpure
of the coda of the iluille. E. Is I lick -
Mem for plaintiff. W. Prionolfoitt, K.
C., fur defendants,.
McCtrtio's tiro M.%;trii.- Ellen
Terry's eontribution to the Mord'
ler of Mclutes Alaganitie ie a
eliapter ealled ••Me ttttt ries of 'berth
awl Sarah Bernhardt." in whit+
num y other fa si figure In,
sides; the great American Actor and
tlie ethereal "Mitts :Sarah." lietieral
Pickett's widow. in a chartoingy intim-
ate artiele. "My Soldier," recalls the
petit plsyeil by the gallant Ciniftalcr-
ati• general in the Civil \Var. (4e0r•
go,fl Chapter NI. of Alia.
Eddy'Life, tulle of tht• filianding
the ther eltioreh and the adoption
of a eon. -The Cost of Living,' 17
George Kennoui, is the hilitory of HI
inst itut ion which +teems to hove solved
one of the moat importont problems
which confront the average man. Be-
sides Ainry 51 ,'wail Cutting's •14.1'ill
there in Hui Willal variety ist fiet ion.
belittling another of the "Ezekiel •
If you mom draw the eolor
draw it at feeling blue.
Mother "Johnny, stop ming seek
dreadful lonsonsge. runtime;
Shakespeare it Rea it" Mother --
'Then don't play with him : lie's not
it flt oompatilini for you. •
Appointments for 1908.
The following appointments have
been allUOUneed :
Midland Navigatioo Go. Midland
Prince, captaiu; DI. W. Pearson ; en-
gineer. Ed. Abbey. Midlaiiii King,
captain, Jamey Tiudall ; engineer,
'IL Smith. Midland QUeell, Captain,
Wm. Cunningham ; eugin set, F.
Goodwin. Emperor of Midland, cap-
tain, haat; Wuulner etigiueer, A.
Midland 'Fowling & Wrecking Co. -
Tug Traveller, captAin, Roy Burke ;
engineer, J ttttt es Alctiregor. 'rug
Maguolia, captain, S. Cuff ; engineer,
Kenny. -Tug Reliance, captain, B.
Darling; engiueer,
The Canada Lake & tacean Naviga-
tion Co. hits made the undermen-
tioned ampointmetios of inataera and
ehief engineers for Like *sawn of 10118:-
StrittUler J. 11. Plummer - Captain,
MeLe.an : chief engineer, Robert
Steamer A. E. A- Captain, A.
McIntyre: chief engineer. 8.
Steamer 11. M. Pellatt -Captain W'.
11. ; chief engineer, W. 11.
Steamer ticottish Hero -explain, P.
McIntyre : chief engineer, 11. it.
Steamer Turret Cape--Captaiii, It.
Siutpuon ; chief engioeer, 1'. &ni-
b t
Steamer Turret Chief -Contain. 11.
lioult ; chief engineer, A. E. Ken-
Steamer 'I'urret Cued - Captain, It.
McIntyre ; chief engineer, E. Mc %lib
The Algoma Steionahip line bee
made the following appointiuentai :-
Steamer Again** - W. U. Jordan.
tweeter : J. L. Smith, chief engineer.
Steamer Leatield T. Davis, inaseter ;
Janina Caluenin, chief engineer.
Steamer Pitliki R. 11. li o y I e,
'water; W. Herman, rhief engineer.
Steamer King Edwina W. Mem-
row. mousier ; Sylveetei. chief
Though do. entire lin of officers is
not yet, completed. Lincoln Smith,
superintendent of C. P. R. lake steani-
ship liner, announces the followint
appointments for the five liners an Gar
net they have been deHnitely made
Atainibuia, captain. E. II. Anderson ;
chief engineer, Angus Cements' ;
punier, John MeEdwiuda ; steward,
Archer. Keewatin, captain,
Louis Pyette; chief engineer, William'
Lewis : purser. W. at.t.bune ; sten •
&rd. 0. A. raven. Athabasca. cap-
tain. Alex. Brown : side' engineer.
W. Lockerbie • purism. not appoirded ;
steward, tieorge W. Day. Alberta,
captain, John McIntyre : chief en-
ineer, Itaries liutterwoith turser. On Saturday lain Him 11 Judge
Hilton Holmes ; steward, 1 . C. Holt dt•livereti judgment in a 'umbel
Scot t. Manitoba. Maleultu ' of the cases brought 17 the Natiousil
McPhee ; chief engairer. .1.ea. Gregg ; Corupeity. id Montreal, end the
punier. not appointed : steward. Liberty Drug, Oil and Chemical Co..
Isaac Arnold. of New York. against Varions IrUni•
Hess persons and compi • iii town
for Lite price of oil or other goodsie-
boned to them laat •Ir Tile
orders for the goods were secured by
Jaines Powers', who according to the
statements of the defendants retort -
wilted that he was only sending 14
sample of the good-, tour weeks'
trial torty days allowed for notice
if goods were nut satisfactory. and
according to one of the defendants the
sample wits to he free. When the
goods arrived, however, k was found'
that there was a rupply large enough
fur several years' ore. The defendant,
had signed orders fur the goods as
matter of form, the orders ..alling for
quantities ranging front balk:sum to
half•barrels, and it develops that the
c.ethinevetiffdioirst.m. liatulotin rhttidswinenirt;•
sample tans the purchasers thought
were referred to, and the oils were
charged at $3 per gallon and other
linen osi mai ly high. Most of t he
cases were heard at the March sit-
tings of the Division Court land Ad-
journed until Saturday last for argu-
ment. while one case, that against
Janne Wilson. was hettrd on Statin•
day. The defendants were the (lode-
ricli Organ Company, the Goderirli
Knitting Composite, Jameo %Vilaon,
Halsey Park, J. Ilrophey & Sinn, It.
N. Harrison. Wm. Symonde and Col.
Young. In one of them. eases, that
against Wm. Symonds, judgment
was given tor the defendant, as it was
shown that he hi given the notice
within the tinier . In the ease of J.
lirophey & Son, judgment Was given
also for the defendents, on the
grounds that the goods delivered -were
not the goods Labeled, the differenci•
being_ between ••barrel" And "can.-
'1'lle ease against It. N. litai•ritton was
adjourned. In the ether cases His
Honor gave judgment for the plain-
tiffs, holding that the written order
was landing, no matter how the pur-
chasers understood the matter or
what representations may have been
made by the traveller. AI. 0 .Iolin•
ston acted Va. Mr. Symontla and 0.
le. Blair for the other defendants,
whiht Mr. Short. acted for the prow
eution. Mr. Shore isnot a member of
the legal profession bin cited from
the big books geutlemen of that per-
suasion are sit fond of with all the
confidence of it regular practitioner.
Mr. Blair 'segued (hot, the whole
tninsaction on the part of the plain-
tiffs was conceived and carried out in
fraud and that these Wile no *ale of
goods made, but His Honor held
otherwise. There nre said to be a
large number of others in the mune
position An the defendants to these
snits who may be proceeded agaihst
similar' series of ealtes wits
la -might in the Division 1'111141 ill 141/41•
don, and the trutemite is thus repia•ted
in Al lay evening's ham .11'11,4. Ion.
don Advet•tiser ; "11e• National Oil
Compony, Conlon', ur the Liberty
Drug, Oil and the t Company. tif
New York City, Motitatml, I'. Q., aa
the' case might lie, received a seesaw
body blew Ihh. lllll ening ot a 'pedal
sitting of the Division Court, before
Judge Elliott. who held that, while
the business of the company or com-
panies 'night Is legitlusate, the
method pursued iu. getting order,
was relent/Or! to II/alive the pur-
chasers. All the sworn were
- -
To die Vanua of Tliv digest'. '
BIM, -In at late tame of your paper
the editorial 011 the good roads bylaw
was very uuuelu to the point. but I do
wit thiuk you went far enough.
NVinni you *tate Ohba "the members
of the count), council should couaider
thennselvea as legislatista for the in•
teresta ,if (he couuty, and ma for thai
apeehal and individual i wet -eats ol the
particular municipality fruits which
they collie.- you are expecting it :sill-
dition of affaina that Is not likely -to
oueur under the presieut apnea' of
electiug county ammeillurs. I do mat
wish to enter itito tine euest.itni of the
good ',wade bylaw ; but I consider the
question wio. as you pointed out
viewed entirely by the c ty council
frotu it township standpoint and
afford* A good example of the legisla-
tion wt. ore likely to reoeive under the
present oyetein of electing reeves of
the diffetent municipalities to sit in
county eoutscil. Not only this quote
tion but tithe's were tbtmaidered in the
sante manner, and it is not the coml.
cillore who are to blame but the eylo
tent tinder which they are elected.
The old systetu of electing commie -
Moneta was a atep in the right diree-
ti llll itud should linve been improved
by reducing the number one-half its-
steatl of guiug back to the origival
county council of reeves and deputy
reeves, l'he reeves are elected to rep-
resent both township and county and
arts apt to Nene and indeet1 are ex-
fasetel to favor their awn particular
municipality in county Inisilleatl, twee
at the expenue of their bettt•t• judg-
ment : while a commissioner is elected
for a district to represent in county
affairs only„and is judged by the ben-
efit he is bit.' county.
The protonic that there would be a
better chum of representatives is not
likely to be fulfill's:1, as the personnel
of tht• counci1. will cluange inure fre-
quently and a couaiderable port.
each year will he inexpetienceel men ;
while the fact that there i• now more
money in being reevi• will Callbe
yearly elections and probably )'ealirly
changer; 4A teeVe.
• 'nen there is the disadvantage of ai
greater expense not only in yetai•ly
elections but in great. r coat of a
larger council Dimling oftener. Iliad
it been the okl county cousicil conaid-
ering the bylaw 1 doubt very much if
there would !MVO been any need of a
Seaforth ineetitig. Those &re some of
tbs.' reasons that, induce icie to consider
the old et -stein much preferable to the
new. and art time goes on I think the
rt.44,14.01ts Will h.e 11101e apparent to all.
.1. N. Kr:natio' vs.
Wins Suits in Gotland' Non suited
in Loadkm.
- - -
Storm Signals,
Tlie I tepartment of Maurine and
Fisheries hen issued a list of the storm
signals maintained by the Govern-
ment of Canada on the Great Lakes
and connertiug wateri corrected to
date. Those on Late Huron and con-
necting waters are as follows :
Anaheratburg, River Detroit Sig-
nal mast on wharf near waterworks.
Sarni*. River tit. Clair --Signal meat
tni the town wharf adjoining water-
works property. Electric light..
Mayfield -Signal 'neat overlooking
h arbor.
Kincardine Signal mast on wmit
side of the harbor. Electric lights.
Gotlerich - illaist on IdlifT near
Southtimplon --Signal mast at cor-
ner of High and Lake streets, to Out
north mutt of barber of refuge. Elec-
tric lights.
l'ober y- Signal mast on the
point between the two harbors.
Wiarton -Signal mast on break•
Presqu'isle '('hp storm nignal here
haft been discontinued.
Owen Sound Signal meet on the
west side of the harbor, opposite C. P.
It. station.
CullingwSignal tintat on the
'approach to the mein steamboat
-- Signal inatit on Wulf
above Station. Electric lights.
Itemd Harbor -On rocky point, :1
little east of elevators.
Parry St I Signal IOWA 1/11
high ridge IA landatverlooking btu' or.
Ripen ic lights.
New Detroit Myer Channel.
Daaruit. March 701. -In addition to
the+ Livingstone channel from Lake
Erie through the lower Detroit River
to the weetworel of Hois Blanc, which
will lie cOmplettal hi 1911, pm tttt inent
Canadian veered owners and others
will ask thi Ihttnininn Government to
open n timelinel on the mist side of
Fighting Island, to be used eittiiely
by Nam I a tamely. This channel
would be wholly within CAnadian
waters, There is plenty of water
most of Die wily, anti itt the t•hatinel
is Absolutely free from rock,, edgiug
to it good depth nould be an easy
thing. If the wheelie in carried out all
opbound vessels will tile Cann -
titan channel and 111/WIIIK)Ionil the
American. The latter Is now used
entirely for traffic itt both diroctione.
Thirty New boats for Neat Season.
Cleveland, Mario 5111Thirty New
tl'hselh. With it tarrying capacity of
....1)1.7101) tons it single liip, will be
lautrbed by the Great lakes transom
Mt' coommisi before 1111. i IpPll ing
nat igal inn. The fowl 1.11.1, is
as $10,Was44e4. In 'addition
to this the petatleitger stealitrr City of
it. being 'Aunt at a cost
ut, telssestalit In the new fleet will be
twenty six hulk ft eightera, two
package frt•igliters and two passenger
bons. The largest of the freighters
iiy 141,6151 tons capacity.
Both are being built At Duluth. They
will he .V17 6set long. 32 feet bean) and
31 feet deep Since 11512 the hike
47 944 jirfu hat'i• tin!
foregoing, 015 vessels, of which 219 are
lame bulk freighters. The Ifeet pro -
viand bit the Iast Neve', years will carry
Iti,teskier Imola the 73,tiottint III, the
(feral Lake's. This ).m.'s. output will
add In the Intel earrying ropecity of
the lake firet for their eight Menthol'
season 4.01•4,On tons, averaging twenty
trips for Pooh ship.
(..aught on the Rebound.
'trs. %Ves1,1,1 ly yoo j,. id.
yourself on being a man of piest,. don't
you l'
Wedderly Vou bet 1 do.
Mr•• edderly 111 put the
billiy in his gmcwrt tool you can jamb
it eromoll the block a few times.
Th.. world hole, * peneimist ats
tniselt as lot bigot
-. -
Presbytery Meeting.
The Presbytery ot Damon held ils
regular Nlasch meeting im Tuesday.
March iird, at Willis eloirch, Clinton.
Sederunt oe
I. A. Anderson, nl-
erator ; Dr. A. MeLean, clerk : Dr.
Stewart : Meese.. Small, Urquhart,
slots ey., thni t h. Mart in, Pletcher,
Itioalton.Me N.It fait f'aia
welt ; 11,4VOIS011 and
MeKay. TM. greater pat t of
the time of the Presbytery woos
copied in dealing with the various
ennuel reports. Mr. stawerit, of
Itrticeflehl, prepentml that of the
mittee on clinreh and work : Mr.
Ilrivihnrt, of Klppen, that nf the emit
tiiittee on young people'a eocieties
NIL Smith, of Ilensoill, that of tb.
ttttt Salhath schools, stet
More New Spring Goods
New goods for the Spring and Summer selliug coming forward
every few (lays. Our stock now ill many lino; ahnost complete.
WAISTS embroidered frollta. '1' cbuicest lot we ever 'Meted for the prie"eslitawlititelell. letee
A new huge shipment of Lawn Waists, beautifully tr' A1141
- -
Sprices taunt 'SO rents to cents awl 17 to le inches wide. Tie
insertions, headings, itlboverio. %Valet widths all
Ingest image we. eve" altered. A initial lot of ends. Ito 10 yards, your choice fur 5 cents.
L - 't..
1., wIrteri won'ruut t( rwoewhei tonogroluarortetto elstrzhtees as we age Joel, note. .A huge stuck
PR INTS madelik)u. col forygtet litatIti.i is tote
"4117 141: gibliet1 lett eltnto *11110
. _
DE LAI NES pidtw,,...e.!'ef.."Icht.:!.)::..hill bwOiLtrl tlineililyttetellurial3aceruntiLltelaities, Motet.
J. H. Colborne
',1)10.1114 II
committee on etatistics. The follow•
Mr, t'artiwell, of McKillop, that of thi•
isig c 'asioners were /appointed to
the meeting of the tieneral Assembly
to be held In %Vicinities; in June :
Messrs. Carswell, Davidtam tind
Hamilton, ministers, and 1Iestaa.
Lindsey, BAB and I tavielson. elders.
Itr. Duval, • IA Winnipeg, Was
the tttttt tines of the Preabyterv for the
moderaturahip of the Aastatibly. Mr.
l'iuswell was Appointee, the
Assembly's tttttt Miley on and
overttilles aliti Messrs. Smith and Mc-
Kay on the Synead'e ettliindttee 011
busineer. Mr. Fletcher reported that
the congregations/ of Grand Bend
sod Corbett had agreed to a reduction
of Wel per muttons in thesmin from
the augmentation fund. The special
ttttt mittee appointed to consider the
statiaticitl schedillts recomutended
sousr. changes which wt•re approved.
It was rec did that the mime
of %Vets. Finglanel be forwarded LO the
LIOLIW mesa committee es A student
lilirodusiary. Mr. Fletcher reported
on a remit by an Aesenably's commit-
tee in regard to the etauding t.toen-
us t t tam of the Aiweinlay. The
changes, which would give better
reprettentation, were approved. The
remainder a the tittle wits taken tip
iii a di•ctiosion rhurch union. The
next meeting will be held in Willis
church. Chabot, on the second loch
day of May.
ticong to Markham.
The lamslon Fits. Press says of Bev.
1. 11, Wallwin, B. .1.. who is severing
bit Connection With the Empress
avenue Methodist church of Chat city
at the close of tile present conference
year. and Who luta received a call
from 51arklinto ••Mr. Wallwin is
Completing hi* hill tern' st Empress
aveime church, and the four years
havt• been years of great progress.
During this • the church boilding
hah been enlarged and 44 fine pipe
organ installed. Many, during the
term, have united with the church,
over fifty doing IMO within the teat
six month.. The closing year of the
is a simptous of Kidney
Disease. A well-known
doctor has said, " I never
t et madea post-mortem ex-
amination in a easie of death
from Heart Diseaee with-
out finding the kidneys
'serest fault." The Kidney
medicine which was first on
the market, most euccess-
ful for Heart Divease and
all Kidney Troubles, and
most widely imitated is
5o to Cure Your Cough
Bole's Preparatio
comes In such a big bottle
from which it is made is such au
-that one bottle cures most coughs.
Bole's Preparation of
of Friar's Cough Balsam
and the prescription
excellent one
rriar's Cough Balsam
costa only 23e el bottle. Your stealer has it or sail easily get it for yon.
See that he does. It is BOLE'S PREPARATION you want -the cough
cure that cures coughs.
paudidate is proving the best, which
breaks much for both pastor and
people. As a invischer Mr. Wallwin
is looked upon as tine of the hest in
the city, antt luta power to inepire
lead his people into the greater And
higher things of life. Other place%
where he haws set.% ed terms are Strat •
ford, lateknow, It,, gton, and he
now goes' 140 31arkliant, a thriving
plaice in the 1'0'711110 43114ferelier,
nitwit twenty miler heist the Quern
City. 1VItilst plesuied 1•• retain to the
conference ill Which he WAb bora, end
where he preached at it probotioner,
he expertise's deept in severing
his connect* witlITienpross avenue
church, where he has a loyal Find
active people, and an official hoard of
strong. intelligent Men, Whore actiVe
to-operitt iota in the work of the
church made the progrems of the four
years postile."
said the mother of a little
mist who was eineKaining a couple
of small playmates. "Why don't you
play something instead of sitting still
and heating miserable?", Ruth ,
••We're playing wo ate grown -tip
w ttttt making a .411." - Chicago
1)41/ilY NYWI14
AdVellitting in The Siguallipay-.
11 'ltIO4i1,4lte Chtruolates, pet 11i.
thane -wade Nut Taffies, mixed.
1111, per llo.
Finest :selects in
or served .n any
A Pets
Miser. M r pi Es
Meals, Lunches, Hot Drinks, Ice
Creams, etc., at all hours.
Salvation Army Praise
"I feel it my duty to testift to the
benefit 1 have received from the use af
While travelling in New On
tare." conducting 'special meeting* 1 con
trarted a tery bad rota. whieh gradual
1.• develeped into Bronchitis of the
at ore form. I was ada teed to try
Psychints, whieh I did, and after using
hut a few bottles I was eompletely
*tared ,111 health. I recommead thin
wonderftil reined, to mutterers front
Bronchitis, arid ot lel. troubles.'" •
later: I wish to add that my voice.
sinee•using Pentane, is etroager and
111141 much mare carrying power than it
bad before 1 bad bronehitis, and the
voeal chords do not tire with a/seeking."
1'. TILLER, Capt. Stalv'n. Army.
Ann St.. Tsrouto, Aug. 13, 407. -••
Thom . mast and stomach troubles
eltred by Pentane; aloe incipient eon..
gumption. 1;1 druggists, 50e aid IMAM.
or Dr. T. A. .Slocuin, Limited, Toreate•
Meat Market
I have openen A IIPW Meat Minket in
the stand on
:text ',harms,. • :•Ivun. :•1,..1.• .1101 MAO)*
he ToNti 31.11
The store is fittrl up in louder) style
fer the handling 1,1 meads in the mot t
:ipproved way, and I intend to serve
my costume:is with tht• best to be had
111 nly
Olympia Cafe w.
Phone to
I Your Printing I
This is the big, new can
of stove polish that is
delighting so many house-
keepers, cooks and maids.
It shines quick as a wink.
And the shine stays,
bright and black. Won't
bunt off, no matter how
hot the fire gets.
It is always ready for use.
Just as good for Grates,
Stove -pipes and Iron-
wofk, as it is for Stoves.
Not only the best stove
polish, but the most of it
for the money. Insist on
"Black finight"
At your dealer.' el
pOOR Office Stationery indicates sloven-
liness. Tasty, well printed Stationery
bespeaks system and carefulness
The Signal
Job Printing
Supplies only the better kind won't pay us
to turn out any other. Skilled workmen
only are employed because they should do
and do better work than inexperienced
We will convince you of this if you
will trust us with your next order.